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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>492543550

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)

>Previous NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
all oji-sans belong to minheights!
i want to fap with a minheight...
Post your character and your most used Mag Form!
Post your character and Twitter name!
I did this...
Why does the Free SG scratch, daily tasks, and Treasure shops all reset at different hours of the day? This shit is gayer than six T1s sucking off five T1s
Keep you logging in.
wish I was the one sucking off five T1s...
reminder that arisu/arisha is a groomer and a creepy clout chaser
Never had an issue with dailies and SG scratch reset time. I don't pay attention to treasure shop so can't say anything about that one.
That wasn't me! Besides do we even have 5 T1s that are, uh..good?
It doesn't work, since I just wait until the Treasure shop resets, log in once and do all my shit, then log out and play real games like the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online, with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion and Stormblood expansion up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
>It doesn't work
>He still logs in
No Luigi. It's supposed to keep you logging in multiple times throughout the day. If you were only supposed to log in once they would have them all reset at the same time.
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I just use the one that has a giant burst. I don't remember the name of it.
You can just tell she fucks human men.
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Melon S, forever and always.
How do I take screenshots like this?
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Surfer Nyau
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I had to load it to even check what it is since it's just an artist follow account...
Use the photo mode and rotate the camera
Which pso2gs would tell me about it after they... You know...
Why would you WANT to know?
Can you stop trying to fit in it's really creepy.
Y-You know... To do THAT while you tell me...
Sparrow. Now go get em Mito.
Not pso2g
I'll never understand why people want to actually know. Unless I'm actually interested in the person, I don't want or care to know. Keep that shit to yourself.
Mito has an NTR fetish
Whats the toble consensus on revy sisters?
But I'm busy playing Hunt..
You aren't pso2g either.
>NTR fetish
What the fuck does NTR have to do with not caring or wanting to know about people you aren't sexually interested in rubbing one off to your images? The issue isn't them doing it. The issue is them telling you like you actually care or want to know.
Not getting in
Can I watch you hunt for cock...
You don't belong here then. Simple as.
I don't know who you are..
You've completely misunderstood what anons were talking about lol
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Hunt the Freeman?
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Re-Rati whenever the mag is visible.
I'm >>492741131, anonymous user number 492741131...
Yes, you nailed it.
Is this true...
that guy legit was only online to nut or groom another victim, nothing else. good riddance
plays other games
plays other games
plays other games
had a meltdown after alice cheated on him with pelle, left tendies and uninstalled
cooms somewhere else
plays other games
still idles in normie block
playing ngs every day on his 5th account like gacha addicted tranny he is
Yes! I promise...
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Patty and Tia.
I guess it checks out, you get a pass for now...
Thank you! I'll patiently wait for THAT...
Use your words.
cool orc
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Sabakuro or Owl machina
>Uggo can't take proper photos for shit
>Eyes too far apart
>Ugly nose
Why do you guys shitpost the goth chink so much?
tranny meltdown
I love Galama though.
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Lynx but I have never kept the mag on since NGS.
I like Galama, who tf are you talking about?
Ugly as fuck, fix your sliders.
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Jealous and obsessed pariahs / tobles that have nothing else to do with themselves.
You are retarded my eyes and head have the same distance as every other face.
This has got to be my most favorite piece of pso2g lore aside from benched Nogxy.
lol bro no just fix it, you look ridiculous
Even the average twitter tranny mogs you with that face.
>shitflinging at your own alliance
yeah that'll go well
Kisa please get your bitch under control before you have to go scorched earth to defend him
>gets 1 % of what maru has to deal with for years
>instantly breaksdown
>Kisa nigger thinks we just gonna let people forget his Samurai Jack melty days
Today I shall remind everyone
This is a toblerone thread. Everyone else that isn't in the alliance is fair game for shitposting.
Did kisa tell you that's how it works? Blink twice if he's got you monitored bro
Wrong. I've yet to see anything of worth from that lot.
If you act like a faggot I will call you out, and if you have a problem with that bring it to me in game.
why are you accusing your own alliance of shitposting
>Nym isn't even better than Aiatar or Mitsumi
>The average twitter whore mogs him so hard its not even funny
>Acts like he's the second coming of Maru or Neto
Delusional nigger
You're not calling anyone out, though, you're making vague accusations because you're crashing out like your boyfriend does. Nothing about what you're doing has any logic to it, so don't try bro
I'm in toble and we have a secret clique that's been targeting shitposts to different pso2gs even when we were still in Stardust Drive. Don't like it? Leave. Simple as.
Anon you should know pariahs will believe those posts
>If you act like a faggot I will call you out, and if you have a problem with that bring it to me in game
I haven't said a single word about you but you just started trashing at your own alliance for no reason
that's not calling anyone out, that's just making enemies while trying to fight shadows
Looking forward to Kritten believe this.
>Ah yes I had a feeling they were doing just that when I got no replies to my hilarious jokes in area chat.
>He doesn't know
NGSbabs really are funny
You sound like one of fags that cried about your cat leader abandoning you for Toblerone, so I don't really care what your schizo conspiracy is
We coordinated the operation bench nogxy and had one of us take the photo that became the iconic pso2g lorepiece that you know now. If you wanna know who took that photo, the name starts with letter N and is a known shitposter.
why does this read like shitrope typed it
Nia took that photo?
í'll always make fun of oya rejects it's morally right. you will never be toblerone
What the fuck was that buzzword vomit bro
what the fuck is any of this shit
Cool birdie!
>it was Nia who took the benched photo
Suddenly it all makes sense.
Why would you need a plan to make everyone hate a guy who's prone to meltdowns? At least try to sound less retarded next time man
The only thing that mattered is that everyone participated in making Benchy the sole pioneer of sitting alone. The rest is history.
>pariahs immediately scramble for a new name to shitpost
You niggas make up the schizo theories you believe in, what the fuck kind of self fulfilling prophecy is this???
ngl I want nia to post his butt again
Don't like it, leave. Simple as.
same desu
Nah you're trying to hard to absolve a shithead of his deserved and self inflicted isolation
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It's clearly one assmad anon lmao. Try harder next time ~
>caused SDD to implode
>turned Kisa into the thread's biggest lolcow when he was new
>made sure Boxy got benched when he was new
>leaked logs from toble from time to time
>shat on WD, Kritt, Moira, and the rest of the Pariahs
>even fellow tobles are sometimes fair game
And we still haven't been caught to this day.
No one who matters votes in these polls
how much money do you make yearly?
>t.ranny seethe
You're still a weirdo for insinuating it's your alliance members, but won't leave or bring it up directly.
>>caused SDD to implode
Are you okay?
The secret toblerone ghost cabal... Scary...
I'm sorry little bro but if you played the game you would know no one cares about it.
post endless score
It has always existed. The oldfags call it the shadow council of pso2g. Check the archives.
This is probably the stupidest cope yet
fall won
nobody cares shitrope. fix your shit leaking anal cavity instead.
endless score
You all don't matter but make up issues that matter even less as important.
You're so mad I'm not even nym, just wanted to point out it's always one anon real mad at her.
>Fall won because Toble flexed a bit of power in the thread
>he still thinks toblerone doesn't run this thread
Oh you sweet summer NGSbabs
>toblerone: we don't care about the thread!
>also toblerone: hmmm, no! no one important voted!
stay in discord newbabs
I just don't see the point in trying to make Toblerone the big bad when every member is a lazy fuck that just wants to jerk off or sweatshop grind for a couple million a day
>SDD implodes
>Chu gets caught doing the alright tyty
>Oya also implodes
Toblerone sends its regards.
No one said that.
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is the same thing you said when threads were getting made by another anon? muh alliances
I can do both!
>months later
>this nigga posts his satania reactions
peak mental illness. jesas
And Toble is still the biggest pso2g alliance ITT. You're welcome.
Boxy who? Botted thread who?
Pointless versus the secret Toblerone council.
Fat tubs of lard and jp fags who've lost all their friends, still posting here in hopes of regaining what was lost desu
Don't forget the toblerone council also managed to get Yomiki to ban himself from toblerone just to join Oya only for it to implode so now he has no where to go. Truly 5d chess.
Nameless City anyone?
NGSbabs refuse to believe it but Toble has been pulling the strings since day 1.
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>go to archive
>pick random satania image
>post it
>instant seethe from tobledrones
just that easy
ngl I like this bee
1v1 the darkness when?
Amazing body but really weird smile. The eyes should be slightly closed as the saying goes "You smile with your eyes"
It's because she's a white lively I'm sure
Are we doing Namless City again?
If you were offended and did nothing, I apologize, but this was not directed personally at you.
Well yes white skin is beautiful. There is a reason white people own the model world.
Fix your face
well I like a lot of his characters, not sure why he gets so much hate
im black and prefer other black characters
It all comes back to jealousy
Good for you anon. More black people for you because black people are ugly as fuck to the rest.
It's true, people see others get positive attention and can't handle it
Don't respond to me ugly and jealous wh*te boy.
Look up the lore between him and blintrovert including that one time after a christmas meet up.
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I don't play the combat game, I'm not going to 1v1 a boss at any time.

I see what you're saying, gonna check if I can improve that expression later, have this one instead.
When are you taking on multiple anons at once?
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Big improvement already
Sorry Cringvy but you will never be pso2g.
No one takes this one seriously.
bro this is the meme/ugly list...
QRD on what caused this?
Weirdos from japan have no drama to talk about on their own server so they come here to talk about global but it's actually alive here.
Never played PvP, probably wouldn't play it after it was added to NGS.
Taking shots with one other person is already quite the pain and doesn't look the best, but I'd be willing to try with more anyway.

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none, cause i keep em disabled



Do you guys visit other players' creative space just to masterbate to their toons?
Leader was MIA. Only one person was really organizing runs for the alliance. Person left. The active people left. Allianced died.
Old toble leader(?) spying on erpers in their own room back on base. Lulz were had. Leader stepped down over it. He would've gotten away with it too if not for an autistic anon playing detective.
The rance(?) one? Something about the game sucking too much so he left and handed off leadership. Restructuring happened, gpof got kicked (lulz), and other things. Overall, not surprised since ngs is dogshit.
no one takes the other one seriously either lol
No one but the Pariah's take the poll serious. In game it hasn't been mentioned once.
They do, otherwise it wouldn't make people upset. The other one is clearly a joke poll and anons clearly put less value on it
Thanks homie. What block will you be in?
You forgot the alliance who was dumb enough to invite gwiz into their discord and gwiz banned all officers that were shit talking him
>Posts this photo on twitter
>Only 30 likes for the past 12h
who is upset?
The anon who made the polls because no one is falling for his bait despite how much he samefags it.
Can you post such evidence of people ingame being upset over the polls?
The ones at the time of creation and >>492757330
There's no concert...
I was tricked. Deceived, and quite possibly, bamboozled.
Toblerone will never invite your allianceless ass, Revy
Oya has two rapists that goes around and take pictures of their toons fucking afkers
Revy you will never be considered pso2g simply because you're too close to EMV. You never knew this place existed until EMV told you like the giant newfag he is and because of that you will never be welcomed.
You guys are ugly on the outside and inside.
That was Daicon, YOU FUCKER
Ik. It happens when I'm knee-deep in shit while having to deal with other people's shit.
Oya once called Toblerone reddit tourists so Toble stole all of Oya's members.

Toblerone sends its regards.
First day on 4chan?
Don't let all this distract you from the fact that Nym is a thin-skinned paranoid weirdo who lashes out at his own alliance members
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Thread got boring, byebai
I'm pretty sure it's just Yomiki being jealous.
This is what happens when you give a tranny a modicum of power. Thank goodness he'll never be a woman.
Doesn't matter
Gonna plap
Why would you deal with other people's issues?
None of my 4chud friends are like this. They are all super nice.
Why doesn't he just lose weight???
make sure to kys faggot spic. stream it too so i can watch
Boxy why do you always make it about friends? You're so freaking weird dude.
Shut up and answer the question you mongoloid.
Why would I answer a question addressed to someone else?
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>They've probably gotten me but haven't posted them
worst part is nobody ever posts their creepshots of me
people tell me they take them, but why won't they post them? what's the fun in that?!
>randomly brings up friends
>weird fixation with minorities
We're not oblivious.
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Nothing about minorities was brought up. Try again shitposter.
I wanna see my butt in third person!
I guess you're right. Guess I'll summon him.
But the game is in third person already
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you DO have your friend list color coded??
I creepshot minheights that stick their asses out in public, but I don't post anything desu.
No of course not that's weird
I only use this for my wife
I've done this to a lot of /pso2g/, i'd post but they'd get mad
you're the worst!!
what happened to daicon?
stays in daicon
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Fairy Xiera if I ever have it visible.
xevel invited normalfags to the alliance so we don't consider them one of us anymore

Getting turned down by nym really hurt you that bad t1s?
but Azrice scored
How many anons cubes have you taken?
Your /aco/ posts were lovely. I'm edging to them.
Post the one's that are totally okay with it
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You know who to blame.

瑪托伊 Kick Matoi 2020微軟市集抗議 The Windows Store Protests of 2020 固態硬盤大屠殺 The Solid-state Drive Massacre 免費玩家鬥爭 The F2P Struggle 重組廢裝備 Affix Your Shit 機器人大革命 The Great CAST Revolution 新人類人權 Dewman Rights 網路糞貼 Shitposting 新刮卡 New Scratch 泳衣 Swimsuits 更多機器人部件 More CAST Parts 終止角色扮演網交鬧劇 End ERP Drama 清潔工 Jannies 拉比 Rappies 我的兒子 MY SON 洗淨你的屁股 Wash Your Ass 咖啡店44 Cafe 44 社團鬧劇 Alliance Drama /廢墟板/論貼 /trash/ General Xbox黑手黨 Xbox Mafia 那尖下頦 That Chin 發布您無盡的分數 Post your Endless Score GC變性Purge The GC Tranny Purge 你像旁遮普語鍵入 You type like punjabi 三大聯盟的浪漫 Romance of three alliances 赞助流大屠杀 The Sponsored Stream Massacre 2美元的点 The 2$ dot 大浪淘沙 The Great Banwave
I ain't sorting all 150 of them
post the catbox
>Leader was MIA.
And the faggots were defending the sign painter even after the second exodus.
He wasn't missing in action, he was playing ranked overwatch
Wanna spin the wheel?
Thank you for your service!
Just..check aco..
I think it has to do with the fact she only enjoyed lewds with 4 anons
Still not a excuse.
it's more fun when it's posted here...
Nym is kinda weird. It's like she is always compensating for something. Like that weird one recently where she said she makes so much money she would need to do something in game that would need to make equally as much money? Just really weird shit like that.
That's even worse. Being mad at someone for your lack of rizz is retarded
Sorry but I don't wanna post it more than I have..
It's how it is and it's funny as fuck
Who knows but nym really did win.
If he did he wouldn't have left lmao
Is it that hard to whisper people and speaking to them on their terms, instead of forcing a public conversation?
Funniest one imo was that FFXIV collage he posted where he had a screenshot of some random calling him cool 10 years ago
Apparently so
Why do you think Nym is talking shit about Toble all of a sudden? It's cause they made Az leave
Hiding a tongue piercing behind that mask....?
Why are you bullying azrice like this?
Something like that..
damn this general is slow as fuck. it takes 24-48 hours to hit bump limit. ffxiv thread hits bump limit in just 3 hours.
But the quality is just as bad filled with drama.
For a fucking birdface, Nym is too chicken to make a twitter so we can all see if his character is really as good as he claims in his daily meltdowns ITT.
>Got into a clique dropped his spaghetti and left
Can we stop letting t1s join?
>emv on
>all these post are up
Makes you think
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Could you please post on aco or catbox a lewd?
let azzrice plap so he can rejoin toble
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Stealthed. I'm soulless.
Due to safety hazards and a numerous amount of responsibilities my line of work requires a ridiculous amount of time. I'm weird, but I also value the little time that I've got for myself. I only log into NGS simply to build because I genuinely enjoy it, as the rest of the game depresses me due to how poorly managed it is. I believe you misread my post, what I meant was that I don't have time for twitter crap, and I joked that if someone really wants me in there, they will have to pay me.
Yeah, I admit this was retarded but I love that little fella. There's some deep lore behind that silly midget.
She proved herself
Why did you call out your entire alliance instead of the troublemakers?
You guys are boring.
>pariah clinging to something to try to shitpost them
Hot. Wish I could feel it against my cube haha.
It was a statement, not a response to anyone. Retard.
I still don't get what the roadmap is supposed to accomplish.
Just came to Sparrow
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Still the weirdest shit Boxy did. Why didn't he ever explain why?
ugly as always
just a quick fap with his crush, nothing weird about it
Just came in Sparrow
Like in Creative Space? Can I come see?
why didn't you let azrice plap?
I'm going to moan so hard to Sparrow...
Don't back down for these retards, they didn't earn your time.
Yeah, sure! send me a kudos.
Behave yourselves...
I'm not a charity or some kind of free use slut, anon.
Did you ever fap with someone while on vc...
Proven L rizzrice...
That's hot...
this just proves t3s are way better when t1s are rizzless fags
t3s can be hit or miss too since some are cringe and try too hard but they are always better than t1s
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Guys, please stop bullying me...
You guys are boring.
aiatar isn't free use?
Sorry Azrice you just went out in the most pathetic way possible. Next time don't treat 4chan like you're confessing your feelings to a woman.
I don't have you on friends list, and I'm not in your Alliance. And there's like a million Nyms in the ARKS search.
Of course everyone would be boring when you aren't allowed anywhere lol
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mini kanui
find it yourself
who is free use?
no, they play hard to get a bit too much imo which just isn't as fun as I thought it would b
they have to have the right balance of flirty, hard to get and give to be desirable to me
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I see, so I should just talk about sex like everyone else? If so, then suck my dick.
I see everyone is still a unhinged cunt in here, tone it down.
I'm only a dick to pariahs desu
>gets cummed on
>asks for tributes
>gets pumped and dumped by neto
>not free use
Try -nym I'll get back to you by tonight.
Everyone goes through a slut phase when they're new to mmos with crazy customization
If you're popular enough to pick and choose who you want to cum to you can be picky.
free use flirts who still make you chase a little make my dick solid desu
I don't think you know what free use means.
>went from free use slut to housewife
I love my wife!
I'll be at work by then. Maybe tomorrow. I'll still send a Kudos though.
neither do you because he was accepting tributes from randoms and literal whos for years
>less rizz than neto
They don't make anons like they used to....
Now I'm imagining you moaning on vc...
that's me!
Nobody talked about sex with you not sure where you are getting that idea from besides your pariah friends
You should record a vocaroo sometime...
Accepting tributes is vastly different from letting any random person plap you. That's what free use means.
I've only done a few of those, I dunno if I'm a fan though.
I really can't tell if you're trolling or not about this retarded shit, but why the fuck should any nigga feel obligated to help some faggot out if they don't like them, don't find their character attractive and don't ever talk to them?
You know whats funny? If you go to cracky's stream and his first saved stream has him chimping out over some dumb shit and banning a bunch of people in discord in the first minute lmao
What if you do both?
You won NGS
A vocaroo of you moaning would be hot for the next time you post on /aco/
My friends don't talk about sex as much as you do though, probably because you don't get sex at all. Shameful.
That won't happen, dummy.
Thank you though.
i just block t1s on sight
Why not...
cool, i won then
do you take tributes...
That's a bit too much.
DMs? Sure.
Out in public? No, I have more sense than that.
As long as you let me frame it with the others, yeah.
Cowface lmao
So was this whore (attention and literal) always like that? What was cuckaranthine thinking trying to wife that lmao
I think she's cute
classic story of innocent gone slut because of what happened but that's okay cuz we love n accept her
Of course they do just not with you. T1s with no rizz are eternally friend zoned
Sparrow helped me cum so I love her.
Stop baiting tributes we're already past that arc
he ain't beggin for attention, he just gets it since people are drawn to him
S getting thirsty anons attention isn't begging for it. A making a big deal of leaving an alliance that didn't even notice his absence is begging for attention
Don't call Azrice out like that.
Oh, I get it now. You're just jealous of T1s huh? I have no rizz but I still get laid. You? just with your hands lmfao.
how will no rizz t1s ever recover
and I won the competition...
>replies to every comment mentioning him
>not an attention whore
you mean having conversations? yeah that's usually how it works champ so cope more
Why do you people keep name dropping me I’m not even in your alliances lmao
Well for starters ignoring anyone using brainrot tiktok language.
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I don't use mags.
post that gay rice image
*uses u* nice butt
post butt
You guys are boring.
You've said that like 10 times in the last 3hrs bro
Pulling this tail !!!!
>sluts are getting jealous of Sparrow
Kek, next time actually put out
This desu
Facts & Logic
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Pulling tails is dangerous!
*cums on u*
Thanks size queen.
How many did you get...
They've posted T3 sex on aco multiple times
It's even funnier because they are just an alt acc.
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10/10 body
1/10 face
damn nigga how are you still this ugly
it's been months since you started playing
Cute, keep up the good work!
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I already answered this yesterday.
nigga you don't even know who that is, why are you shitposting strangers lil nigga
when are you posting on aco with blender
andesi fucks her on the daily bwo
dropped i didn't need to know that
lmao A firing shots
Yeah I’d probably use Sparrow as a bouncy lap ornament and then cum inside
Gwiz didn't ban anyone. She literally joined the server and left after a few words. No one believes your goofy story.
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Mags in ngs don't deserve to be visible.
joke characters
He got kicked by based zekken after being humiliated, that's where the grudge started
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Do you girls like T1s as much as they say dogs do?
Chudrice you're fucking pathetic.
Shut the fuck up crackhead that wasn't even me.
You're not Azrice wtf
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A little one hovering over my shoulder as a Mag.
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Want to do some Nameless City bucko?
Me on the right
What do you have against tomo that you excluded him benchy?
Saw some cowpokes in Nameless City.
He would get dommed in a realistic scenario
They're both hooked on black shotas
Are we doing Nameless city now?
Why would I run anything with the benched guy???
Nameless city anyone?
I'll go with you again. Give me a few minutes to log in. Same place as last time?
I'm blue named in Nameless City!
Am I Delicious in Nameless City?
Or as some call it, Nameless City Meshi?
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Hoes and sluts, is there anyone pure here?
You are literally gay, the biggest type of slut
Me and who?
I'm not a slut I haven't done anything :)
Me on the right!
We are doing Nameless CIty right now.
Are you retarded?
What's the point of Nameless City right now outside of dailies?
f..fuck you!!
there's a new weapon, not sure if it's worth anything
Free +60 11*s is what I'm using it for.
Fixa 2 weapon was only worth 1m, its already nosediving
Newfags don't know yomiki was the original boxy, has a garfield trip, joins alliances to gather info, got his ancient jp account banned and came back like a cuck, catfished holden, shitposts all of you, avatarfags as satania, and has joined your alliances anddiscord servers using several alts, and will keep coming here for another 8 years
There isn't a point. Maybe getting a high fixa drop of one of the popular weapon type would be worth something after the headline, but that's a very hard maybe.
who asked?
good face. i can tell a biofem made this.
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I asked
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Kek. That faggot is always here posting garbage. Guess it's to be expected of walking garbage.
Crack V moment
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My trusty Hresvelgr!
Post the sex already
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Polar because he reminds me of tiny chum.

[Cute]x3 + [Cool]x3 + [Cute]x4

Hello I'm pure.
let azrice plap
Imagine the rolling thunder
Literally Rent-Free.
i hope the police arrest you again
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When did they announce this
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I thought they got rid of "male/female" because it was transphobic?
Your mom is transphobic
You think they are going to update 400+ outfits?
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Post butts in this thread.
>gay autotune ghetto rat mumble music
why do you people do this?
They didn't. Glad it exists though, some old goodies from old SG scratches are back.
Literally, different file names
No. They were kissing ass for that money. The money wasn't enough to go back and update the old shit so they never bothered.
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What the hell?
I thought I told you to stay away from the voodoo. It wasn't a joke, yet you clearly didn't listen.
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V Hunter or hidden
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>it even has a hidden 'lewd' version
spheres were a mistake
global was a mistake
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subway was my favorite
Of course the tapeworm posts
>I exist
i came to sp*rrow...
Yeah, I'd build autistic megaprojects with the bird.
I came to b*ssu
Ruining aco not enough for you?
Going to start my goon ritual for Spawwow soon
How do i search that creative space??
it's in featured
the lewd version is accessed via a secret basement in the gym
Just picked this up, is there any good youtube introductions on classes?
Thinking about cunny...
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Try me
whose cunny...
Why is Blint so repulsive?
She's an expert at hide the cube... Do you know her?
that a statue of gpof?
this is easy work for minheights
Top of the hour...
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Fairy Xiera
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That bed, when are we having sex in it...
I can think of someone..
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Good night pso2g
good night my beautiful wife!!!
Sweet dreams AGP SLUT
my agp slut wife!
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Goodnight my cute cute cute and cool and lovely and friendly and wonderful and awesome wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet who I love love love love love love love and adore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
confess before she disappears again bro
I wasn't online today
my super laser piss
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brony trannies? Greaaaatt
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Just filled my unaware and future wife as she slept!
That's not impressive.
A lot of posters ITT can't do better than the average twitter slut in their clique lol, stop coping.
What the fuck?! Where did you find my dick pic?
I don't give a fuck about posters ITT I'm talking in terms of PSO2 twitter standards. Homika's SS isn't impressive. It's basic. As average as the other Global twitter sluts that post.
Yeah it's just mere coincidence that he ctrl F'd his own name and quote replied to people calling him a tranny a full year before. It's also a mere coincidence that only the officers who called him a tranny got banned ingame while the others didn't.
Just got done plapping my wife for 3 hours. How are you today PSO2g?
was it me?
it’s not a secret. i don’t talk to that fag he’s a loser and a creep so he belongs in toble just like you crackaragi choukai pariah thread addict
No but it probably can be if you aren't annoying.
No, but it's about to be.
https://strawpoll.com/XOgOVVNNan3/results reminder
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None of this happened
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Just finished up leg day. Huh? What's that? You want to run Nameless City with little ol' me? Sounds like a darn tootin' good time!
will there be another throne and liberty open beta?
I missed it back in july
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Miz had it coming to be fair
I think I don't like my character anymore. It's all over.
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>Made new cast
>Nobody called it cool
It's over for me...
Is it even cool
I'd say it is.
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lmao gottem
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Check out my new character.

Thanks babe, a [Cute]x3 + [Cool]x3 + [Cute]x4 to you too! Call me?
Nameless city partner? You'd make a mighty fine cowpoke if I do say so myself.
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Post it, NOW!
You wanna do what with me?! Sorry bub but I don't swing that way.
Post more slut.
Nameless City anyone?
Take a break. You'll like it again when you come back, but don't come back until you're really in the mood again.
Nigga really handed in his man card after having a woman moment in the thread.
In the Nameless City, where the shadows loom,
We ride through the night, 'neath the neon moon.
With a lasso in hand and our guns held tight,
We’re chasing down danger, ready to fight.

Swing your partner round and round,
Kick up dust on this ghostly ground.
In the Nameless City, we stand our ground,
With a wild, wild yell, we’re glory-bound.
Follow me, set me free.
Trust me and we will escape from the Nameless City!
I'll make it through. Follow me!
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all hail the king in the nameless city north
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Today is Maint
for some reason your post reminded me of...
its bar lodos day today
its my day today!
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This one?
y’all are so odd lol
Shut the fuck up Cracky and go get a job, nigger.
We were made for each other!
imagine working in 2024
This desu. Just go be a Tik Tok janitor or any other bullshit 2 hour a day job if you need money.
haha so true king only Peasants like Crackaragi have to work. i’m just waiting on the old bat to die so i can inherit that sweet generational wealth. lol
alliance only for T1 and CAST(T1) kings when
It's over Azrice. Give up.
Don’t forget about Gayrice
Gay nigga lol
wat r u farming for labor day, retardz
silence thots
azrice is a bro
Labour day occurs on 1 May in the civilized world.
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Not even the /m/eets were all T1. It would never happen.
>it's just tripfaggot's discord community
>that getter
>He's too new to remember /m/ pso2 threads
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I wish things weren't so dead, having big meetups was so cool.
Don't bother replying to obvious bait.
NGS cast parts suck, they should just remake all the PSO2 ones and put them in an SG scratch or as MP rewards.
Nah you just suck at making casts
Are there any anons around that would let me watch while they do THAT?
>NGS cast parts suck
To still be saying this now just means you suck at making casts.
me and my wife!
I'm a wallflower

T2 x T2?
Could say the same shit about most of the outfits in the game too. Almost everything people really like is just a remake of base game items.
What are you talking about? My man card is still intact.
There's lots of wallflowers!
I'm going to correct a minheight today...!
I hope it's me!
Is it me...
how the fuck do I get build parts to snap to each other
I swear it was easier to do six months ago when I last played
NTA but hey...
Try all you want, you'll never correct me
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I would like to add to the dwindling playerbase the dwindling financials.

People can find the financial report for Q1 on the link below.


Don't look at the results presentation, look at the Data Appendix where the figures are stated.

Side note: For anyone looking at Sega's financial documents for the first time, the Fiscal Years on the document stands for "Year Ended" which simply means figures for 2024 is listed on FY2025 labeled items.

On Data Appendix Page 2, NGS is under F2P and it's sales figures is listed in "Titles released in FY2022/3" Columns to the left of the space is breakdown per quarter, right of the space is accumulative sum.

If one would take a look at the figures, you would find that NGS's financials have been steadily going down ever since FY2023 Q1. It's now at its lowest point in two years(2.2B for FY2025 Q1)

Next point to show is that reviewing previous financial reports for entire fiscal years would show that NGS has never actually exceeded sales predictions.

In FY2023(Real:2022) they predicted it would make 12.9B, it only made 12.2B(-0.7B). In FY2024(Real:2023) they predicted it would make 12.8B, it only made 10.2B(-2.6B) And now for FY2025(This year) they have predicted it to only make 9.1B which is 10% lower in sales than the previous Fiscal year. This also means that the actual sales would be way less than 9.1B Yen. Sega is aware that it ain't doing good. And they ain't really improving it in any significant way. Not even MARS helped bring back steamcharts counts.

TLDR: It definitely ain't doing well in both the player count and the financials side of things.
Don't care. I'll play until EOS as long as my best friends stick around too.
I look like this but flatter!
It's been pretty obvious since Stia that NGS has been written off as a game that Sega thinks can ever be successful again. The only two possibilities with it are that they're either going to keep it on life support until they have a PSO3 or PSU2 or some other new mainline PS game, or they're going to keep it on life support with no plan for a follow-up title and the franchise is just being retired for now.
>the game's on life-support

No shit. Sega has fucked up at every step with NGS. The only thing they have been doing all these years is playing catch up for the amount of times they've fucked up with the game. Even if the game has gotten better and is in a better state now, it doesn't make up for the fact that they are perpetually playing "catch up" because of how bad it was at launch. The player base will remain in denial about it because this game is crack for them and they are they crack whores and Sega is the drug dealer.
>develop no new content = 0 cost
>develop more gacha
>get rich with zero effort
must be hard being a globalfag
daicon can't do golden magatsu
Why do faggots in the thread pretend that anyone thinks the game is good?
Even gameplay normies know the game is shit.
Everyone only stays because of sunk cost and nostalgia.

Did you see one post saying the combat was okay compared to tab target slop and extrapolate that into a glowing review of the game in its entirety?
It is what it is
Even if the dev team wanted to do something about it, they clearly dont have resources as even class balance updates that are marketed as ''reworks'' that in reality are just minor number tweaks takes at least half a year to shit out, when it should take a month at most
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gacha is a hellhole landscape. you can go from success to broke fast if left unchecked. many gachas are eosing because the market is so saturated now.
Seia wife..
I stay because it's fun to hang out with my friends in the game.
Because there is no alternate when it offers character customization, robots, easy daily, Creative Space Tier housing, and another game on top of that in one package.
Wait, ngs is making 10 BILLION a year? …where does all the money go?
I like this game.
I like my friends.
I love my wife.
I have fun.

Life's good.
Propping up their failures and other dumb decisions
Dress up is robust and generous at times if you like the freebies they give out. Any other chinkshit would be asking for $20 just for the initial color of a set of clothes (Ba, In, and Ou). NGS is ultimately japshit, but still more tolerable than Mihoyoshit and the like.
10 billion yen = 68 million usd
thats before all the cuts to everything like consoles/steam 30% cut, taxes, operating costs, etc.
The game is fun. Character customization is still among the best on the market and Sega knows that. But they continues to show terrible management with the way content in the game is handled. Has been this way for years now.
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Did someone say money?
Basically NGS makes as much money as Snowbreak, a Unreal Engine 4 waifu shooter.
says who
I wouldn't be surprised if PSO3 is already in development and being built on top of NGS, making NGS essentially a side-game to PSO2. It makes sense with how they've thrown PSO2's story into the plot and how they're pacing the game in general.
from the start NGS should have been a side game spinoff to PSO2 instead of replacing it. if PSO3 is real then it at least better be Stop Killing Games act compliant.
NGS is the end game to pso2 to eventually introduce pso3
any nice old oji-sans?
>pso3 is the super game
Their attempt at marketing the games as "supah gemu" doesn't mean much when it's shit
You now remember HYENAS
says them scaling back maintenance. dying games do this.
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How big is too big?
Idk but while you're here can you tell me why the new BB is called BB Dubai
What happenes in Dubai stays in Dubai
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>Limited Gameplay Event
>Limited Scratch Event
>Limited Gameplay Event
>Limited Scratch Event
>Limited Gameplay Event
>Limited Scratch Event
There's more limited shit than permanent shit
stuff like that looks great in art but if you make a character with booba like that it just looks like a joke character
Sounds like a skill issue. Aiatar looks like that and is crazy hot.
The League of Legends Champion?
no he doesn't and yes he does border on goofy
About the size of my fox wife
No the Finnish mythology character.
She humiliates herself at increasing degrees for rich Indian men
Based and Hirume-pilled anon.
Holy shit
lmao that's actually nice
Indians in Dubai are just slave labor
They were fucking retarded for trying to throw the foundation away instead of playing up the interconnectivity thing. Way too late to fix that shit now unfortunately.
LOL you actually think the influencers that moved there for tax evasion are in charge? I said rich Indians.
>hags spirits
Where are the cool minheight spirits that are this evil?
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please do the needful saar
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this character got 400 likes.
say something pso2g about her
There are 400 pedophiles in our community that need to be exterminated.
Why can't we have this Moira
Face could be improved, but still [Cute]
>the reason we have half assed new player models with broken rigging is because theyre an early acces version to pso3
>the reason everything gameplay related we get is a one off test thing is because ngs is only a testing ground for pso3
>the reason we get shitloads of gacha week after week after week is to fund pso3 but this time nothing will carry over
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well there's this
>one of the worst looking accessory ears
>tiny mouth with ugly biters poking out
>body tattoos
nothing should carry over this time we can leave the spaghetti code at home hopefully
>He thinks they aren't just going to reuse NGS to make pso3
lmao very cute anon
i love my friends
I'll only give a shit to a new phantasy star game if its a mostly single player game with drop in drop out coop tbdesu
Nah if there's no salon or some form of multi-player then I won't give a shit at all desu
thank miss skeletal
You're retarded if you think players will spend money again in a different version of the game and you're also the problem why pso2 is fucking garbage
I'm mentally ill,I will spend money for a good time with my wife and to take cute screenshots and goon together.
Post body sliders
PSO1: 6 years of support
PSU: 6 years of support
PSO2: Unusually successful and got extended to 9 years of support
NGS: Will probably get dragged through the mud for another 3 years and go back to a "normal", for the franchise, 6 years, or even cut short by a year or two due to flopping

You: Spent 24 years and counting on this franchise and will probably be there in 2027 for PSO3.
Actual IRL wife or in-game only?
I never played PSU. What was it like?
Do you really need to ask??
in game only of course
Already told you i was mentally ill
Objectively shit game but people will tell you it was great cause they were 12 when they played it
Last good phantasy star game
The entire world disagrees
Thats perfection
What is the point of that?
You guys are boring.
It's an interesting mid point between PSO1 and PSO2. The style of gameplay feels much closer to PSO1 in terms of being a stat-based RPG moreso than an action game, but the controls are much more modern with actual camera control, Photon Arts for your weapons more formal support for weapon types that were non-standard in PSO1 like Claws and Double Sabers. One character can level up every class and swap between them like in PSO2, but stat differences between races are much more pronounced and there are combinations that are just bad with no real upside.

Story and aesthetic-wise it's much closer to PSO2 where it has the tone of trashy children's anime compared to the more subdued and low-key sci-fi setting from PSO1.

Some things about it are unique and cool, like that it takes direct inspiration from the original Phantasy Star games and takes place in a single solar system with three planets, and every planet gets its own city hub to serve as a launching point for missions. That's extended out into a system with secondary (non-city, but still 'lobby') hub zones, where missions usually leave you at a different hub from the one you started at, and there are multiple options available from each hub that do a pretty good job of creating the impression that you're adventuring around on the planet.

I wouldn't bother playing the offline/story mode version of the game but I'd recommend trying it out on Clementine to level up and play with the missions and weapons.
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PSO1 gameplay, PAs could double as movement tech and ghetto dodges. Moderate character creator (1/10th PSO2's), banger music, and Korea MMO-tier upgrading that would blow up your 300 run recipe 40% of the time despite requiring a custom fed/built mag
why can one retard give me 24 views but only 1 like daily? no wonder my ratio is below 50%
>my ratio is below 50%
Answered it yourself
because niggers are viewspamming me
Having a low ratio just means people goon to your lookbook often
It is courtesy to leave 3 likes whenever you finish gooning to a LB. Don't lie to him.
Likes only count once per day
shut the fuck up.
I've gooned to anons lots and never once have I sent them 3 cutes
PSU is everything early to mid 00s. If you have nostalgia for that era, the PS2, GameCube, and Xbox then PSU is easily a 10/10 game. It was before dudebros and trannies too since everyone had mics and real girls played PSU. Everyone playing PSU was very teens goth edgy 00s and we used sing songs from Celldweller, Evanescene, Killswitch Engage, Deftones, etc and talk about new memes and anime in the lobby like every single day. Everyone was chill as fuck too. Since the game has that arcade 00s jank there were a lot of cool exploits like Clothing glitches that let you wear outfits you don't have, emote glitches, weapons glitches, etc.

The con: no gay shit. no trannies. I know this is a deal breaker for you.
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>all t2 anons have a 70-80% view/like ratio
>you don't reach this so it must be a conspiracy
I'm horny...
I have a perfect ratio. 100% cum rate.
>crimson-1 has a 89% like ratio
>with one of the ugliest face sliders and makeup use on all of ship 2
like for like and like trading with friends
it sounds more like the complete opposite or like hes never updated his look book even once
lookbook botters like snaze will give you negative ratio every hour that youre in one of the ten recently updated pages
He sends daily likes to his friendlist and they do it in return too. That's all.
Is that why ai has 60% and not 90%?
>one of them opens your lookbook more than once that day
>negative ratio
yeah it actually makes sense
Hi Horny, I'm dad.
even when he hasn't updated his lookbook in a month?
yes if one person looks at your lookbook without giving a like more than once an hour, your ratio goes down
kek >>492909918
>be actually, objectively better looking than nym, shine, doppel, aiatar, even fall
>only 74% like ratio
No you're not
>even fall
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>melissa, one of the objectively ugliest characters on global
>hasnt updated lookbook for a year
>only attention he gets is pity likes returned from friends
it makes perfect sense
How can one man care this much about lookbook likes
doppel updates her look 20 times a dsy and sits at 79% whats your excuse
jealous she's the cutest pso2g lookbookGAWD
Jealousy, it's that simple.
Not to mention nigga has negative rizz and doesn't even play the game.
>Maku 72%
>Andesi 75%
>Tsuna 64%
>Gyro! 80%
>Caelestis 75%
The lower your ratio is, the better you look.
ok tsuna
This but unironically
High ratio means you do l4l
Low ratio means people jerk off to you
if high like ratio means ugly who has the highest like ratio in pso2g
I do!
I had a better ratio on ship 1!
More people should play men. Futas feel creepy.
Melissa apparently
only the ogres such as Melissa and Crimson.
I can handle any others but those types make me vomit
Go away homosexual. We heterosexuals want futa on girl, the most heterosexual pairing imaginable.
>this nigga out here stalking peoples ratios
genuinely weird behavior sis
No, anon, you can’t give up on futa! If you do, then I’ll have to start taking them on two or three at a time…
ewwwww stinky
The monkey's paw curls and you get Gpof, wish fulfilled.
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Only if i can have a minheight wife
What does 50% ratio mean?
Are the Popona Concerts ever coming back? I just noticed I never attended one and the title reading 0/1 is mocking me.
No ones pandering to fujos fuck off
I tried to make a cute minheight boy
Show results?
Based and truthpilled
Based, we need a lot more femboys
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keyword being "tried"
something feels off about his face proportions and I cannot put my finger on it
How do I get a t2 to work my dick like a f-14 flight stick bros?
He doesnt look tired at all
How do you manage to get turned down by those 2 anon...
Some people have no rizz but will blame everyone else.
I was saying they feel creepy
i have been rejected by everyone going by this logic
crimson should shoot his head off with a shotgun
Nobody is going to play T1 in this game when they look like this >>>/aco/8478922 the body is beyond fucked this looks like he's growing a cock out of his ass
Jack will become a better photographer some day.
the body is bad but that's just awful photography
That's just skill issue. With a shit enough angle anything can look horrible, even your wife
>dress masculine
>don't need to worry about T1 fashion
>can still act masculine
I beat the system
>good at anything
emv tortures hamsters
QRD on these?
go to bed cracky
Cracky is so creepy. He's been hanging around A4 thinking he's one of us again when really he's just a weirdo.
I hate poorfags in this game so much
And what are you gonna do about it?
So why do people shit on these two so much? Seems weird.
They play as T3s in a game full of T2s
Bro 95% of namedrops outside of the usual suspects is some lone weird obsessed thread autist
They're into futanari? That's not even that weird for /pso2g/ standards lol
It's one guy probably the cracked one that's mad they shit talked him in public
I only use seasonal weapons
and here he is kek
Was gonna login and do some nameless city.
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The real answer is they're not what some guy likes so he bitches about them existing 24/7
Way more anons do, it's just those 2 made brady mad
>Be Sega
>Release PSO2 in 2012
>Wait several years to bring the game to the U.S. in 2020
>New western players just get buried by the confusing Ui and overwhelming amount of content from over the years
>Roughly 9 months later PSO2 New Genesis drops in June of 2021
>""Micro"" transactions are horrendous
>It sucks and YouTubers make videos about how bad it is, including SyberBolt
>SyberBolt after making 3 videos about PSO2 New Genesis, ACTUALLY GET'S TARGETED BY A SEGA EMPLOYEE, who works as a community manager for PSO2 NGS, and also happens to be a VERY far-left 4-Chan user. (No, I am not kidding.)
>SEGA falsely bans SyberBolts PSO2 NGS account
>SyberBolt gets loads of false community guideline strikes hurled at his YouTube channel by the said community manager and the degenerate side of the PSO2 NGS playerbase
>He literally gets bullied into taking down all of his videos to save his YouTube channel from getting terminated
>Some people try to let bigger commentary channel's like Mutahar and Cr1tikal know about the situation
>Nobody helps him, nobody saves him.

so uh... is sega ever gonna address this?
Crimson is an annoying nigger and Melissa is the otter with the watermelon, complains about everything yet still participates.
Nobody cares
Gwiz won
didnt he get laid off
She still works for Sega.

I play a T1 but I don't do lewd things. I just play the game and try to make meseta so I can gear up.
If all F2Ps quit tomorrow, there'd probably be 4-500 whales left along with the daily spawned chinkbots. That would probably snowball into all of them quitting with no one to show off fashion to.
Sega did address it. He didn’t take his videos down by choice. They legally copyright struck him and his story quickly fell apart.
Laugh at how rich I am compared to them.
the only way they can try and force you to log on and stick around is FOMO
reeks of extreme desperation and looming failure

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