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>Touch Bloodstain:
sex with nanaya
Lorelet here. So what would hypothetically happen if the Tarnished took the Elden Throne successfully while Miquella successfully completed his ascension at the same time?
"Turtle meat is said to boost virility, but none in the Lands Between seem to have much appetite for it these days. In Lands Between, the urge to reproduce has waned long ago."
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We'd just end up fighting still. One of us has to go.
Probably you'd just fight him anyway
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>tumblr filename
>like like like like like
it's literally just another avatarfag
I don't get the popularity of the Fire Knight set. It's OK looking at best imo.
4chan filenamefag get out
Lowercase fag get out

You see how this is schizophrenic, right?
Miquella rejects the Golden Order and violates the sanctity of proper Death with his heathen rituals.
Leave the rotten whore Leda to me.
Does anyone actually use any of the dlc summons beyond ike themed builds? The base game ones kind of have every niche filled
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So is this that high brow lore discussion I keep hearing about?
The Shattering was a long time ago. Normal people include random, starving wanderers and other suffering people.
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Bring it on, Momma's boy
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It's not schizophrenic when I am right.
For one, writing in lowercase or using random filenames is common enough that more than one person can do it easily. However, doing mistakes as in wrtingh like this isn't. It's not someone being an ESL, it's on purpose. At the same time, it's similar if someone makes all of their posts replying


Like this.

/dsg/ does this shit all the time. It's how people used to identify gr*** when he used to post here. Not like you would know.
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byebye momma's boy
Aldo have you considered playing the game for once or talking about the game instead of whining on here about nothing?
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>you can store already crafted pots into the storage and they will be automatically replenished, can craft 600 pots this way and auto replenish them from storage when you sit at bonfire
well this would be useful to know a mere 1k hours ago
Does he even care about Marika? Unlike Messmer he seems more loyal to erdtree aka the system itself or its people.
Sad projection since I am playing the game right now. Wouldn't be posting on /erg/ otherwise.
Isn't Marika made out of Erdtrees?
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No, you aren't
They need to obliterate mimic tear with nerfs already so that the other summons actually become worth using in comparison
I've been finding Alecto more useful than Mimic tear lately
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I am. Now, what about you?
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I was enjoying the game, but now I just want to be done with it.
>kills Tarnished
>he comes back due to the Guidance of Grace

Messmer is a retard
You aren't, and you aren't talking about the game like I also said
I'm not at home so I can't play right now
You made a typo
She made the Erdtree.
>I'm not at home so I can't play right now
I knew you were projecting. Sad.
Messmer typed this.
The fact that Messmer uses Furnace Golems that seem to be powered by the Flame of Ruin and Furnace pots require a bit of Messmer's fire + a visage of the Fell God leads me to believe that his fire is simply the Flame of Ruin corrupted by sneks. His dad was probably a Fire Giant and his and Melina's flames are actually just genetics and they aren't double cursed with fire and snek/death.
No? That's not what pronecting means
Sorry (not sorry) that I called you out like this. Hopefully you kill yourself like all avatarfags eventually do.
That's not what avatarfagging means you're literally whining because you dislike the way someone types
Try actually talking about the game
Its so weird, because like it seems almost like Messmer has two curses, the Abyssal serpent and the Flame, ehich notb seem unrelated but he has both
I knew this 2 years ago and then forgot
Thank you for reminding me
So wait, when you store a pot, you get back the empty one?
I’ve been thinking this since the dlc dropped, that their father may have been a fire giant or even the fell god itself.
Yes. And it's fucking retarded.
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Why would they not just like make it so you can craft as many pots ad you want but only HOLD however many empty ones you had at like one time like talisman pouches? If they added s function specifically to give you back the empty onesbif you stored it I feel like that that means they must have specifically put that in rather than it being like an oversight
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what is the lore on dragons?
we know that godwyn befriended them and that they can take human form
but could they procreate with humans?
could godwyn realistically have half-dragon offspring?
how would it work? would a child like that inherit some dragon traits?
do we have any evidence it happened?
or is this just memeing to make fun of dragonfucking mermaid godwyn?
I lost interest by the end of the post
>make 50/50 STR/FTH Destined Death guy
>suffer to unlock Maliketh's Black Blade to complete the theme
>end up using the, still fitting, dryleaf arts and throwing Gurrang's giant fucking rock more than the sword
defind def
>but could they procreate with humans?
vyke was lansseax's favorite, so i imagine they at the very least fucked people
there's also the draconian race in the character creation so they probably had children too
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This rock is Destined to smash your skull in
there's a crack theory that fia is fortissax and lichdragon fortissax is just her/his discarded mindless dragon body
>50 str
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Sensei > Tranni
She pilots it like the Aliens power loader
Dragons are wise, so they wont fall to the temptations normally. However when they get too close and fall to the temptations of humans, they become corrupted. Hence the corrupted traitors within the dragon society
Huh? The traitors are Bayle and his ilk, the rest of the Ancient Dragons post Gransax love humans
The moment you defeat them in battle they get horny. If anything, they are masochists.
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What compelled fromsoft to make the quests in this game so bad
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>What's that, you killed...my Lord?
>Guess I'll have to serve you now, hahaha! I guess I have no choice other than obey your wishes!
Press coverage and free attention from youtube videos and articles about like how to beat the quests
if you beat a guy in front of his girlfriend, there's an over 70% she finds you more attractive than him going forward
>enemies are coded to always dodge your spells/projectiles
>this is to force players to hit between attacks instead of from far away
>just ends up making it no different than using a sword (but way more miserable)
dogshit game
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Dead general. Dead DLC. Dead franchise. Lowest rated Fromsoft product on Steam. It's honestly depressing how badly they fucked this up.
>10 times more players than the previous game
Honestly. I'm glad I never wasted my time and never played it.
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>Godwyn, Godrick, and Godefroy the golden
>Brother Mohg
>The twin prodigies, Miquella and Malenia
>General Radahn
>Praetor Ryland
>Lunar Princess Ranni
>The kindlings, Messmer and Melina
this spell isn't fun, casting in general isn't fun at all, sword is always better
100 hour long game, 50 hour long dlc
ergeneral and multiplayer are dead (except seamless) barely 3 months in
Yet, it's the lowest rated project Miyazaki has worked on in decades and it has been stated that there will be no more work done on the Elden Ring franchise.

All that money you gave them and all you're gonna get is a JRPG in a few years lol. With Elden Ring being forever unfinished and fucked up from this DLC.
legitimate skill issue
yeah it's pathetic. look at how active threads are three months after. The fact that this game was so huge and it's already dead says a ton. At least someone gets it - retards keep defending shit even though they've SEEN threads for games active six months later.
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And I know that you think it's just a fantasy
But since your dad walked out
Your mom could use a guy like me
Ranni's mom has got it goin' on
She's all I want
And I've waited for so long
Ranni, can't you see?
You're just not the girl for me
I know it might be wrong but
I'm in love with Ranni's mom
Love is a strong word. Respect is more natural. And particularly only for those who show their resolute. Even though the Erdtree and those who maintain Erdtree are enemies of the Dragons, few still found mutual respect in combat. Even empathizing in each others own struggles to maintain a semblance of balance just as the Dragons once did.
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the gacha game will revive this general
Nothing in the DLC should be taken or used to figure out the lore of the game Pre-DLC. They are different games, with radically different stories.

Also it's at a 70% on Steam LMAO. It just keeps getting lower. Once the people who paid money on this stopped lying to themselves I guess they got around to reviewing it proper.
No it won’t
oh god it's real. no wonder the DLC sucked. the japs sold it to the chinese and bombed their own product. Why are chinks and gooks the way they are? Why? Whhhhhy?
>Even though the Erdtree and those who maintain Erdtree are enemies of the Dragons
No? The Dragon cult is an accepted form of worship which means a lot considering the GOs previous track record towards non-human, antagonistic races. This is because the Erdtree and the Ancient Dragons originate from the same power source of gold. Even Leyndell soldiers use dragon cult incantations
>This is because the Erdtree and the Ancient Dragons originate from the same power source of gold.
[human body part] [weapon]
killing placentasnacks has nothing to do with her serving you
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She didn't know the lemon wedge was to squeeze over the prawn
I miss noxy....
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Help me steal this guys' velstadt look what armor is this???
leyndell knight helmet
what about the rest (the circle is from the video I screenshotted this from)
The spikes are just the weapon behind the bit in the back
tree sentinel armour
cleanrot gauntlets
cleanrot greaves
kino thx
Elden Ring should have a morale system where your character runs away if their morale gets too worn down
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Death Knight Helmet/Tree Sentinel Helmet
Old Radahn Armor
Old Radahn Gauntlets
Malformed Dragon Legs
Beastclaw Hammer
You fuckers have no idea how much I want Malenia to beat me up and then aggressively suck me off as she claims me as hers
Dragon cult and friendliness was after the war with the Dragons and there was some truce.
kinda fruity bro ngl
Arcane builds are so fucking boring. Hmm yes I love being restricted to only Occult infusing bleed weapons, and having all my "good" incantations drain my whole FP bar while being so slow I'm guaranteed to get hit using them. Bloody Helice is the only saving grace of this build.
this but with miquella
>Go to the third tower that isn't Ranni's or selvius's
I did, it just teleported me to a place I already explored.
honestly yeah, I hated my dragon communion build, it was the most boring one thus far. "Just spam dragonmaw cause the only other thing you can do is bleed which kills literally everything faster than light"
It's just got no middle ground fun stuff. Just spam the same shit for the entire run.
Why was the DLC focused on Miquella and Radahn instead of Messmer? Messmer was way more fun and interesting than whatever the fuck was going on between Miquella and Radahn, I mean Messmer is on the dlc picture, what were they thinking?
You grab the doll and talk to it on the sites of grace in ainsel river.
Once you kill Astel, follow the path and you'll find Ranni at a cave in a church.
Artorias was on the DLC picture as well but I agree
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It's retarded but nearby where you come out the teleport, there should be an item nearby in a coffin, you can pick it up and then spam dialogue at the nearby grace and then you'll continue down this path
I haven't been up to date on the dlc or the main game, what's the status on everything?
If they made Messmer the main focus of the DLC, they would've made his story boring and bad too and you'd just like be saying the reverse of like "Why didn't they make Miwuella the focus?"
Dlc is kind of mixed, leaning towards positive, but it's like more extreme positives and more extreme negatives
status: its over
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I want to replay the DLC but I lost my save data and I don't want to have to make a new character and take all the time to get it to the point where it's ready to do it, would it be possible to download someone else's save data and just play from there? Would I still be able to play online with that character?
yes yes
It just feels like if in ds3 they made midir the final boss instead of slave knight gael
Make that 95%
I know is very specific but does anyone know where I can find a save file that's around RL 100 and still hasn't defeated Malenia or Mohg?
Not offhand, but Nexus has save files on there, maybe see if you can find one
just recreate it with cheat engine lol
Never used it before and I don't want to do something that might cause me to not be able to play online.
do the dreaded int/arc build.
I'm making it to use bloody helice with offhand wing of astel + carian and finger spells
those are arcane *and* int, not int/arc
go get the table from nexus and read the faq, as long as you're not retarded you will not get dinged
But anon... I am retarded...
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just search for "tga cheat engine table" dummy
Do I have to disable EAC for every save file or is it only certain ones that require that?
From really put their heads together to make the DLC map fragment locations and world design complete shit didn't they

Am I just stupid
It'd be really easy to, all you'd have to do is download cheat engine, download the table, download the toggle anticheat mod, put the toggle into the folder with the .exe, launch it to turn anticheat off, launch the game (and make sure you get the offline mode popup), launch a save file you want to get up to level 100, tab out, launch che cheat table through cheat engine, press the kinda glowy button and elect eldenring.exe, select keep address, go down to "enable", go to the topish one that says itemgib or something, do the individual one, go to magic/goods or whatever its called, search "rune" and give yourself enough of the like hero's runes or something and use them to level yourself up to 100
You can then throw away the excess if you gave yourself too many but it won't really matter.
Then you can close cheat engine, close thw game, toggle anticheat back on (and so turning back online mode) then you can launch and play the game like normal
>Dude what if Dancing Lion, but like, what if he summoned infinite deathblight lizards???
I am no longer having fun with the videogame.
Only certain ones, most likely the ones that tell you to do that have items cheated in that you can't get normally, like Millicent's outfit.
Also keep in mind that likely the way most people set it up, it would overwrite and delete your other saves if you do this btw
Can you use the same tool to place your character at a certain location in the game or to mark questlines as complete or is it only for adding items to your inventory?
>expectations for the boss: subverted
>miss one spot
>can't access 40% of the map
How would've you done the story and final boss for the dlc?
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Technically yes but I am only marginally less retarded so I don't know how to do that
that adds nothing to this except bubbles and you lose access to bayles spells or the dragon spells.
Btw I'm curious, why are wanting it so specifically as to like that way?
I really like the endgame bosses of Elden Ring but I hate the process of actually getting to that point.
I found it, that wasn't there the first time I explored.
This is one of my complaints about this game; the world is vast and I don't want to have to run through it a second time to find, say, Hyetta, but the alternative is to ask here or look up a guide.
Yee the quest design is baaaad esspecially with the having to spam the same dialogue option witb no change three times
The game died so hard that I do not even wish to start a new character or do anything really.
The dlc is only active above level 100 or 150.
The base game is played to death.

I can't stop theory crafting and making builds but I don't want to make a single build because larval tears are limited and I don't want to delete characters.
Just cheat yourself like 50 larval tears and respec whenever you want to
I'm having more fun just using CE to revive the bosses on my completed files than actually playing through the DLC again.
I have one single RL150 wretch no keepsake character and I just go into ng+ whenever I want to play the game again. I have never understood why anyone makes multiple characters in a game where you can respec whenever you want.
Because respecs are kind of limited
because larval tears are limited.

All my characters are wretches
>Trap boss in an AI loop so it only does one move forever
>Complain about how boring the boss is
Why are no hit runners like this? Your God Run 3 attempts would be virtually impossible if you couldn't exploit this, fuck off.
Is golden parry worse than carian retaliation now?
yes, by a couple frames
Then I just go into NG+ and get more. How often do you need to respec per NG cycle?
But doesn't the increased range make up for that?
Why couldn't they just make miquella a good person? The "subversion" that he's evil is just kind of lame
because of griffith
Miquella being good would be the subversion. People have been calling him Griffith since launch because of his Eclipse plans
A lot
I'm indecisive ;(
nigga miquella being good would've been the subversion
This was supposed to be a normal frowning face, not a winking one, I'm sorry
>You have to kill yourself four times in front of St. Trina before she says a single thing
>If you give Moore any answer other than "I don't know" then you're locked out of any remaining forager brood cookbooks
>If you give Ansbach the secret rite scroll before you find Freyja then you won't be able to fight her at Enir-Ilim
What goes through Miyazaki's head when he makes shit like this?
You really should be, I had people who died in that shit.
>people will look at it and go "thank you dark souls"
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How good is this for the end game?
I didn't even know you could find Freyja in Enir-Ilim what the fuck
Cold infuse it and it deletes everything because you can just poise break + bleed + frostbite any enemy
It's kind of fucked up how ER quests are even more autistic than DS3. I thought that would be impossible
>how good is one of the best weapons in the game
She's in the library looking for information, and says "Hmm... if only I could get Ansbach's opinion on this."
But if you give him the scroll that you find before getting to her to him before that, you can't tell him and ask for his advice for her
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I was doing Varre's quest and I got my first successful host kill. It was exciting.
Wait what? I already knew about that, but that's not Enir-Ilim, that's in the Shadow Keep.
Nta but doesn't cold unfusion like make it scale with intelligence? So wouldn't you be not buffing any of the bleed buildup because not investing in arc?
They really need to improve quests, this shit is literally impossible without a guide
>go to new area
>locked out of 15 different questlines
How the fuck was I supposed to know that?
You're...not? There's things in the game designed for you to miss.
you lose 5 bleed by cold inufsion, so its maybe 1 extra hit to bleed an enemy.
Oh I can't read, I'm assuming they're talking about the Leda gang fight then, she's in that fight if you help her
Why did they go so far out of their way to make the bosses obnoxious as fuck in SOTE? I had fun this year playing Jedi Survivor, Lies of P, Wukong, and replaying DS3, and SOTE was the only one among all these Soulslikes where I really didn't have a good time.
Quit while you're ahead, the invasion rabbit hole is not worth falling down.
I know but I meant you won't be leveling arc to make it even shorter than that, but I guess like the bleed is a bonus not the main focus
>levelling arc for bleed buildup
>as if that matters at all
They really REALLY wanted you to fight the 5v1 gank before Radahn so they went out of their way to make it as autistically difficult as possible to even the odds.
Only PCR is obnoxious, Dancing Lion, Midra and Messmer are some of the best bosses they've ever made.
I’ll do a couple more down the line then quit and focus more on tackling the dlc. Otherwise it was fun.
Does it not?
Radahn and to a much smaller extent Rellana are obnoxious but the rest of bosses are good. Messmer specifically being a top tier boss.
You can ignore intelligence entirely and Cold would still be a good infusion just because frostbite is so strong.
I'll give the DLC a 8.8/10, the final boss and ending tarnished it a bit but still good overall
Even the good bosses have at least one bullshit gimmick that spoils the experience. Like, I was having a ton of fun fighting the sunflower until he unzipped his no-telegraph laser explosion in phase 3 which killed me because I tried spacing it (the lasers have infinite range lmao), then I was just pissed. Everyone likes Midra but he also has a 9999 damage frenzy Comet Azur that also has only like 4 frames of windup and exists solely to force you back to the Grace on your first attempt. Or the Deathblight Lion in Rauh Ruins. They just can't help themselves anymore, there's always gotta be something gay to ruin the experience and sour your memories.
>Tarnished it a bit
What laser? The one where it raises its head head up, shines and then spawns a rain of projectiles? You just spam roll to the side and dodge it. Why would you try to space it anyway?
The demigods are bad. Marika is bad.
What more proof do you still need?
You can counter-gimmick Deathblight Lion by using the beast repellent torch
>there are """people""" who put the torrent whistle on their quick item bar
No, the explosion the sunflower does when it enters phase 3, https://youtu.be/hDUKXMRb53o?si=0ezbf7uaibTFbXx5&t=158 which is a "normal" body explosion but which also spawns homing lasers with infinite range to nail you and force an iframe dodge because the explosion has de facto infinite radius, if you think "he's exploding I'll run away" you will die because you're supposed to rollslop and be happy
Did the deathblight swamp make it to the dlc?
No. We got a boring area instead.
best I can do is a deathblight catacombs
Holy shit I just realised Messmer is left handed. Very fitting.
Really nigga? That's the move you have trouble with? The move with a literal 4 second windup and visual+audio clue on when to dodge?
for rain of arrows with 54 strength is igon's greatbow better to use over the default greatbow? the scalings have always been wonky/nonexistent on bows and ranged weapons, but it looks like it has a better strength scaling vs the greatbow
Dang, that would've been interesting, you can't tank deathblight so it would've been interesting to see how they handled it
There's an incantation and boluses, but yeah, it's less forgiving than frenzy
It killed me only once because the infinite range lasers are completely untelegraphed and cheapshotted my character who was 40m away at the time, dumb fuck, that's what I'm complaining about. The fact that I killed him 2 tries later is totally irrelevant because the problem is them adding "woowwwww how was I supposed to know" moves totally unironically into half the DLC bosses. It makes a mockery of the "hard but fair" philosophy this franchise was built around.
There are no interesting infusion combos
Does that stun the lion itself or merely push away the lizards, because if the latter it doesn't solve the problem of the lion himself spitting out gigantic deathblight clouds which cover the whole arena and force you to sit around and wait until he changes phases.
Push away the lizards, besides you're supposed to get on Torrent which lets you sit higher than the clouds and avoid them while you hit the lion.
What about a frostbite and fire/flame art infused weapon power stancing?
Not trying to use this as a gotcha just curious.
I asked about that but apparently the flame clears thw debuff so you don't get one of the main features of frostbite, the debuffing damage it gives
Fuck me I don't like fighting on Torrent, big weapons feel like shit on horseback
That's my game right now; how could I send it to you? (PS4 version)
Guess I gotta explore this area all over again.
What did I do wrong now?
On the plus side, deathblight catacombs produce way more entertaining invasions than a deathblight swamp would
>hosts summoning for the death catacombs even though there's no actual enemy in there that's hard enough to warrant a summon and the phantoms can't hurt the basilisk statues in the first place
lol lmao
If you hold heavy attack, you keep the weapon down and then swing it after a long while (compared to the shorter window with small weapons) which lets you pull some nice moves on the boss
How do you guys think Fromsoft will powercreep the bosses in their next soulslike? I'm thinking they'll add attacks that cannot be blocked/dodged without using a very specific rare consumable. Or maybe they'll crank up boss damage resistances even further, once again without telling you what those resistances are. What if there were more bosses that could cancel their openings into an attack if they input read that you're trying to punish them? Just think of all the possibilities!
I thought that was the idea.
Fire damage doesn't undo the build up but it resets the effect on it procing allowing you to immediately begin building up the status again.
But yeah the damage vulnerability bonus of frostbite is super nice, it'd have been cool if it didn't instantly undo frostbite but had like a temperature shock thing where after like two or three hits it'd give a second "mini-bleed" like effect, weaker than frostbite's is, and undo the effect that way.
I know you can do that, I'm still not a fan because I find being locked into running in circles until the boss gives you time to do a drive by shooting then run away to be a very tedious and passive way to fight
Bleed + poison to trigger both exultations and get big damage
My theory is that the next game, Elden Ring 2 is going to be a pure stealth puzzle game
But then frostbite becomes a bad bleed.

The best use of frostbite is on a burst damage type of build imho
ergbros, it's time to pull out your gameplay webms
Frost is a bad bleed if you don't count how there's tons of enemies who are resistant to bleed but not to frost, and how this means you can proc two %-based statuses simultaneously to remove 20+% of the boss's life bar every ~5 swings of your weapon (2 swings if it's Great Stars or the chicken leg)
>But then frostbite becomes a bad bleed.
It already is when paired with fire damage. I'm just giving a possible way they could've made it better.
But I will agree I personally just enjoy straight up frostbite better.
I only like phrased the like "There are no good infusion combos" to get people to say good ones
I would literally pay premium price for a From stealth/puzzle game. No more combat, no more rolling, just giant immense dungeons that take hours to explore and need me to draw the layout with pen and paper to figure out where to go next. Please.
The meme about Radahn flashbanging you will become real when ER2's Margit actually does literally flashbang you and you'll be blinded for about 10 seconds while he continues to attack
Technically the greatshield and archer lil' niggas fit a Heeple Steeple or Ghostflame Torch user more, but I can't summon anything else + they cool + they still kinda related to death
I don't think they're going to make things harder
At least not linearly
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current erg doesn't play the game so you won't see any
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Claymore offhand + dagger mainhand
Claymore always used for 2h
dagger is there for a quick critical strike
Claymore has War Cry and Dagger has Knight's Resolve
Assuming the former is active, pop the latter pre critical attack and end a fool rightly.
I'm trying to figure it out.

Is the confessor EVER the optimal starting class for a build?
Most of the time it's obviously vagabond, sometimes I even get prisoner, but I'm trying to think of a build where confessor comes out ahead. So far he's only tied for a sword of night and flame build but the vagabond's stats are in str and dex while confessor's extra stats are in mind.
Fuck no.
Vagabond is the best option 99.9% of the time
>Vagabond is the best option 99.9% of the time
Yes but this is because it has the coolest armor, not because of stats
vey rarely, for example 12/12 dex/str int+fth build (min phys reqs sonaf build) can use confessor as optimal
Wait a fuckin second... I just realized that Miquella chose Mohg and used his body to reincarnate Radahn because Mohg has spiral horns which were the holiest of all Crucible signs in Hornsent society, so it indicates that Mohg is the demigod most heavily blessed by the Crucible... one of his eyes is also taken out by the horns much like the Lamenter which is the epitome of crucinle holiness, so much so that even the hornsent couldn't accept it...
should've married mohg then dumb bitch
No, keep Mohg away from Miquella's clutches, he deserves his dignity.
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I told a coworker that it was hatsune miku's birthday yesterday and she looked at me with sad eyes and a smile like I was a special needs kid who was happily talking about their parent's divorce because they dont understand fully what that means
you should be reported to HR and left to starve after being fired
When will you retards learn this is no such thing as "holiness" it's only what one certain society percieves as being good. All these fuckers are playing with eldritch wankery they don't understand and trying to interpret meaning from it based on mindless speculation. Almost a reflection of the actual lore community, now that I think of it.
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dropping 3 faith (down from 20 for sword of damnation), but im debating dropping faith to 11 (+1 to hit 12 from miquela crown for the fire knight weapons, smithscript weapons, and basic incants) which would free up 5 pts for smth else. idk what i'd put the 5 into though, right now i hit 17 to use the black steel great-hammer for aesthetics. i heard you don't generally? want to increase strength over 54 since it caps the two-handed softcap but at the same token i'm unsure what else to put in for this build except more endurance i guess.
>80 vigor
>35 mind
40 mind is the bare minimum for casters but I agree 80 vig is retarded.
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Imagine how many complaints would be assauged if we only got to interact with Miquella before the boss fight. That's why we bought this fucking expansion after all.
yeah he's casting a lot with 20 int and 17 fai
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idk i like having the health, its saved me a lot from some true combos, but idk what the ideal vig level is for strength builds. the 35 is just to get more value from fp restores per flask.
You don't know.
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>Listening to Jeeslop DS3 videos in the background
Man, realistically when can we expect and Elden Shit SOTFS version with actual multiplayer and NG+ cycles
if miyazaki's serious on his "no more elden ring" (because he's retarded) then never
There's basically no reason to ever go above 60 vig. If you feel you're not tanky enough with 60 vig you need damage resist not more health.
I wanted you to be able to talk with Marika and/or Radagon like how you can speak to Nashandra before fighting her in DS2.
not even my dragon communion build needs 40 mind, anything after like 25 feels superfluous
You need at least 38 to get the full effectiveness of a cerulean flask so anything less is inefficient
It's over....
that doesn't matter at all
>if miyazaki's serious on his "no more elden ring" (because he's retarded)
Sequels are kikery and if you want a sequel you're a kike.
Leda fucks Hornsent men
It matters to my autism so what now smart guy?
>he says, on the dark souls 4 general
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It's insane how dumb it is.
>Make one of the best selling From titles ever
>Get GRR to help write the lore for it
>Basically have spawned a new cash cow on the same tier as the Dark Souls series
>"Yeah let's make a single DLC and never use any of this lore or world again despite how much is unexplained"
Even just one more DLC, just a SINGLE sequel.
There is so much more this property could be used for.
Actual retards.
Interestingly, Astel has 6, 4 and 3 fingers on its hands, never 5. 5 fingers are associated with human-like intelligence in the Cinquedea description
show proof that you're diagnosed
People are upset because the story is set up like it's supposed to be more character-driven but it's delivered in the same way as Dark Souls. Bringing back a character from the dead for dramatic effect is not something you do for a character who we barely know anything about.
Not a sequel, cope.
If Lord Miquella wills it
you're the one coping though
Didn't they directly mention something along the lines of wanting Elden Ring to have more personal involvement similar to Sekiro?
Then the game and DLC is out and we get fucking none of that?
No, cope.
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hmm, i do wear pretty tanky armor. idk the extra 115 base hp from 60-80 feels like it scales nicely with etf+2 and crimson+3 (i usually take it off if i get a chance after taking damage), but maybe im just overestimating its value. i can try 60 or 70, something in between, but i still wouldn't know where to dump the surplus stats into at rl200. i could dip into int? to get a bit more mileage out of cold infusions maybe, but idk if that'd be worth it (i'd hit 50 int with the extra 30 points freed up which i'm unsure if its a good level to be at).

this was my justification for it, since it felt wrong to just lose 50-70 fp i could use for regens, aows, whatever while i was mucking about tongued. at 35, i felt like losing 20 fp from overfilling was fine.
That is interesting, thank you for sharing
This brings up a interesting point: if Miquella commanded Leda to vacuum blowjob every Omen in the shunning grounds she absolutely would do it without hesitation. Miquella wouldn't even have to give a reason. He could just give the command and she would literally take a several week journey across the harsh snowfields, fight her way through Leyndell, and trudge through shit filled sewers just to drop her knees for stinky unbathed Omen men.
but do they have horns on their dicks?
That's a stupid question that you just wanted to ask for an excuse to post a political image, just look up how medieval or people did hygeine
How do you guys deal with red wolf? He moves very quick.
Or roman*
but slave knight gael is meant to be a surprise final boss
This is the terrifying power Miquella wields that Ansbach was talking about
You must have skipped the entire Old Testament
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Medieval people did not have estus flasks and ashes of war you foreskin hungry heeb

be quicker

>Why do I hate Israel so fucking much?
because you are a good person.
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It's quite hilarious how they fell back on old tricks. You can see halfway through the DLC where they gave up on actually letting the player be involved in the story.
What's your point? That the OT says jews deserve to have that specific scrap of land?
Yes they did, Elden Ring is based on real events, it actually happened
What ending did we get?
Also actual answer wince I was curious, they likely did it closer to the Romans than they did the middle ages, where like there were public toilets in the city, and like there were cloth amonges on sticks that they washed. I assume this based on the fact that Lleyndl has aqueducts which seems like they build rather than maintaining them very roughly like in the middle ages
The Age of Usury
Why does the great katana have a scabbard on the back? This alone makes me not want to use it. It clips into the ground just from standing still. What the fuck were they thinking?
This is the month of my lawsuit against Bandai Namco Games and "Elden Ring". It will change games forever.

Sadly, no new updates yet. I'm currently preparing a powerpoint presentation that shows the "cut content" for the judge to consider...
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good point, but we never see a toilet in the city of any kind

Then where THE FUCK are the poop towers? did they just use one soap to wipe? where did they get the melted mushies?

30 FTH is the best return of investment, being able to cast Golden Vow and Black Flame Protection (And all other body buffs) is such a ridiculous boom.
Negations are more important than any amount of raw HP.
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This made me laugh
I was thinking about it today, I'm excited but worried at the same time
The 25th, right?
Whats the original song
>cloth sponges on sticks that they washed
The Romans didn't do that and it was made up by a jewish "historian" to slander romans
They were toiled brushes much like our brushes today. Imagine we buttfuck a nation so hard in war that in 2000 years they'll say "western people washed their asses with toilet brushes - and there was only one for each household!" and all the normies will go "ahhhh ohhhh that's so gross those western people were fiiiiilthy duuuuuuude"
Skibidi rape Sellen plap
I didn't actually think it qas gross though, it seems fairly hygienic, why would it be slander? How did they actually do it then, I thought that was just how they did it
>The 25th, right?

Yes. September 25th.

I'm currently studying shingeki no kyojin's music..."make way for the fallen corpses" indeed...

In any case, i'm not allowed to stream the hearing, but i'll be there. Wednesday the 25th, mark it on your calendars!
The skibidi is the gyatt of the rizzlertree
>elden ring general
>look inside
Miquella rizzington chungus skeet brapper pipe gyatt backshots in Ohio
Sheeeeesh, epic cruise passioncore vibes, thousand years strong hawk tuah, love leads
I'm playing with recording AV1 vids can someone tell me if this is working? The audio seems screwed up on my end.

O gyatt-decked beast from Ohio’s corn deliver'd. Goon inside the tower's sculpted keepers, and edged within, we beg of thee rizz. Floss and griddy, yeet all that thou wilt. Cringe, bad auras, and cucks who plap the tower. Yeet the thot’s simp betas.
Gooning to Meli-Meli while she watches, disgusted.
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Ok so what is Moore actually? It was mentioned that the rot niggas were "of his kind" so that means he looks like them underneath that armor? Or is he a tarnished like Milicent that is related to rot? But then he would be somehow related to Malenia, wouldn't he?
he's a kindred of rot, they just gave him a player model
He's another gowry
I assumed that he's whatever Gowry is, like a kindred of rot like more shoved into more human shape
You know, time is quite convoluted...
stacy's mom
the world is too good for FS, we need a good book or a show
Sequeltards will never cease to piss me off. You want a sequel so bad until you get one then all you'll say is it's "derivative" or you'll whine about "reused assets" or maybe you'll complain that it's "Dark Souls 5"

yes he is kindred of rot, you see that when you tell him to be sad forever
Can't wait for this retarded schizo to humiliate himself and go bankrupt
He's not retarded or schizo and he won't humiliate himself and he probably won't go bankrupt because he's representing himself
I'm not a fucking dumbass like that.
I do know what I want.
I want a fucking sequel or expansion on the currently existing game.
I enjoyed the game.
I would like more of it.
It's not that hard to understand.
Same. Maybe then he will stop coming here for attention.
He is, and so are you.
Elden Ring but they finally bring back bonfire aescetics so you can re-fight bosses without having to play through the entirety of this 100 fucking hour campaign again holy SHIT
>bonfire aescetics
>not just using the sekiro refight system instead
are you the stupid?
What level should I start Caelid? I’m level 63 about to take on Rennala.
You should be fine, idk the exactly level but 63-80 is fine for south carlid. North caelid is a lot harder
He isnt and neither am I
I know exactly who I am talking to and I hope this person dies.
>Godfrey manages to clip my roll
Back to light rolling for me
Why are you so against there being more to explore in your favorite game?
I think it was meta at one time to run a frost infused spiked palisade shield with shield crash along with Mohg's spear so you could repeatedly proc frostbite then reset it while also continuously proccing bleed, but I think it must have been nerfed at some point because nobody talks about it anymore
He's the protagonist, he has the right to
Has enough time passed for us to admit that the skibidi fragment system is actually really clunky and unnecessary?
>enough time
People said this at the first week
Why can't you be normal?
i want dark souls 5 with reused assets though
I am normal, what did you even mean by this or the original post I replied to there?
If you got more of it you'd hate it. Why buy/play a game that nigh identical to one you've bought/played before?
This was the first negative comment that I saw about the DLC on its release date
You're not and I am sad for you.
I can only run Elden Ring on low graphics.
Either a shrimp in human form like Gowry or a small shrimp with his tail tucked in the armor lol
>If you got more of it you'd hate it.
>Why buy/play a game that nigh identical to one you've bought/played before?
Because I enjoy the game I've played before and would like to play through a new experience similar to it.
Again, what is so hard to understand here.
I want more Elden Ring.
>"Oh so just play Elden Ring again."
>>"Oh so just play Elden Ring again."
Then you don't need a sequel.
post a screenshot
I don't need anything, that's different than wanting something.
I don't need another Elden Ring game, just like I don't need to live in a palace.
But having both would be pretty fucking nice.
Or also just a human who was raised by shrimps which is why he struggles to talk
Why? You want proof my PC is that shit?
>If you
you don't KNOW me
>Why buy/play a game that nigh identical to one you've bought/played before?
because the core gameplay is fine, i just want more things to fight and more places to explore with that gameplay.
I am and there's no reason to be, my life is good
Alright buddy enough, we get it, you want things.
Messmer is cool, I can see why fujos like him
I liked the world of ER a lot but I don't think Zaki's storytelling did it justice.
Now I want a spellmachinist game. Could be written by Sanderson, why not, he's an actual souls fan, maybe story writer being more involved would be good for storytelling
It genuinely feels like this game is intended to be played with quickstep. I don't know how to explain it but the bosses feel cinematic as fuck when you quickstep instead of roll.
Far from it.
not working
ONCE AGAIN, Fujoshi means shipping TWO MEN together, it means yaoi, it means BL
a SINGULAR MAN, or shipping him with yourself, or shipping him with someone else in a STRAIGHT relationship has NOTHING to do with the word fujoshi or anything related to that.
How is my life bad then? You sont know anything about it.
looks better and it feels responsive cause roll works on button release
One of the Overhaul mods replaces the light roll woth a Quickstep and its cool
I can tell from your posts.
The thing is, gameplay wise it's worse because the direction you quickstep in is dependant on the way your character is facing and the way the boss is facing. With a roll if you input diagonal left and down you will roll diagonally left and away from a a boss, always no matter what. However with quickstepping which way you quickstep in is almost completely dependant on which direction you're facing now and where the boss is, it's a lot less consistent. Gameplay-wise quickstep is dogshit because it's so unpredictable but visually it makes the game so much better than rolling. I honestly struggle a lot with whether using quickstep is worth it and I wish it was just the default roll animation.
Holy shit I just noticed that.
No you cant
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Am I weird for thinking that roll on button release is better b/c of how delayed some attacks are? I've noticed avoiding mistimed rolls from not releasing
No, I prefer it too
No it isn't, git gud
>one of the new imps has a sunflower head
>the other, peashooter
Someone at From loves Plants vs Zombies
>playing DS1 for the first time in almost a decade
>the runbacks
What the fuck is wrong with the people who complain about the sites of grace being next to the boss arena
>Tarnished is a resurrected corpse
>one of the dlc bosses is a giant sunflower
I like the runbacks
What is this supposed to mean?
Really liked the Scadutree avatar fight. Relatively easy, chill moveset, with a double guardian ape moment. He's a nice break from the Rellana-Messmer-Radahn ballbusting.
The cut plotline of Godfrey leading the Tarnished to the Lands Between had zero reason to be cut. He needed the extra dialogue imo.

The Long March of the Tarnished descriptions are neat though. The Tarnished's origins are otherwise unaccounted for. May as well keep the whole thing. It also gives us a timeline for when the Long March began, seeing as this led the Tarnished to the Mountaintops of the Giants. Marika commanded Godfrey and the Tarnished to march atop the snowy mount, and slay the Giants. The ranks were: Godfrey > Crucible Knights > Tree Surcoat Soldiers > Highwaymen. Canonically the first instance of Marika employing the Tarnished. When it happens in the game it's basically her second time doing this.
It kinda gave me Hollow Knight vibes (the boss, not the game), where each time it revived it seemed almost more exhausted and desperate.
This. The game actually needs it significantly more than Dark Souls 2 and they said no fuck that game. Wonder what made them pick powerstancing up.
It's a power limiter on how retarded the devs can make the bosses because it limits the amount of attempts you can reasonably expect players to sit through
>Yo what if we made pretty much every boss bleedable and rottable and frostable
>Yo what if we spawned you right next to the fog no matter what
>Yo what if we gave everyone NPC summons that don't inflate boss HP at any time
And then you get consort radahn. Do you get it? After a certain point, all these QOL "boosts" do is enable unfun boss powercreep.
you are a psycho there is literally nothing fun about running the same gauntlet over and over again
What is rrtrying a bossfight if not running the gauntlet of their moves?
Never noticed this either but does it really matter? Who holds the roll button?
This, they're mostly Yumejoshi instead.
Seriously. I'm tired of having to go offline and use cheat engine just to revive bosses. Sekiro had it and you can blast through the game literally in an afternoon, why doesn't this 100 hour long journey have it too?
What? What do you mean who
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Ranni... Just because I made you put on a skimpy white bikini... Please don't look at me with such hateful eyes... I'll feel bad...
I have 66 hours in Sekiro and never manged to beat it
There are several hundred weapons, spells and consumables in the game. There is plenty of fun to be had by just changing your build and fighting bosses.
In Elden Ring I agree but in the earlier games it was different. Bosses were less about mechanical skill and quick reactions and more about strategy and game knowledge. Being able to quickly and efficiently dispatch all the enemies in a level with minimal estus use on a runback was part of the challenge of defeating a boss. Not saying one system is better than the other, just that the differences justify different outlooks.
I know that, I'm asking what are you asking? I don't understand what you're trying to get
Because it's not a boss rush game.
because you gave her the ICK you fucking freak
I hate it when you disgusting 3/10 males think it's okay for you to be alive and enjoy stuff
Turns out curseblades are super weak to sleep
I literally said using quickstep is less intuitive and on the whole more difficult than using rolls. In fact, quickstep is factually worse than medium rolls considering they have the same amount of iframes but quickstep requires fp and if you run out it's considerably worse than rolling.
Everything in Elden Ring sucks except the bosses (and most of them suck too), so what's your point
What? No
Neither is Sekiro. Or Dark Souls 2.
I did two 100% runs of Sekiro (one with charm, the other charmless) 3 years apart and both took me around 60 hours. Then I also did a couple more runs to get the endings, they took me just 1 afternoon each, like 3-4 hours each.
her ghost face says otherwise
Is level 80 enough for mountaintops of the giants?
Yes, it's in the correct range. You should be 80 at mountaintops, 90 at the next zone, and finally 100 at the end.
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so what's the lore explanation for Radagon and Marika being the same person?

does it have any relevance to St. Trina and Miquella being the same person or was that not actually true to begin with?

does having an opposite sex alter-ego have something to do with godhood?

nah unless almost all of that is in VIG you're going to get one shot by the average enemy walking around
it's where the game starts to break down balance wise and it just devolves into reused enemies with a million health that deal 5000000 gorrilion damage
only weapon level matters
headcanon it
Most enemies in the mountaintops are environmental decorations that are meant to be skipped
How about Miquella’s Haligtree? Level 90? Is 100 enough to start the dlc or do I have to be level 150?
I know this is true because I actually laughed out loud when I read it
We don't know
We don't know
We don't know
The game offers no info about it, any answer you get beyond that is headcanon. I have my own headcanons about it but pure lorewise, we don't know
Not at all.
Level 100. Maybe even 110 if you want to push your build. DLC is for level 70-100 although the Scadutree Fragments determine most of the scaling there. The DLC should then let you reach 125 which is the competitive PVP zone you should aim at.
Fromsoft themselves basically said you're intended to finish the game at 150 based on the demo characters they gave to ecelebs near the DLC release, so Mountains tops is probably intended to be at least 100 and Haligtree at least 125.
isn't a ton of the shit in the game loosely based on old concepts from Alchemy?
there's a concept in Alchemy of the Rebis, the magnum opus of all alchemy where the opposite qualities of man and woman are joined together in a single divinely perfect being
maybe that fat faggot GRRM was like
>oh yeah a true God must have another aspect of themselves which is the opposite sex
that's probably as deep as it goes

is anyone still using that coop mod
It's dead, everyone has moved on to Black Myth Wukong
I see the people using it for invasions get back-to-back invasions
seems very active
>isn't a ton of the shit in the game loosely based on old concepts from Alchemy?
I'm tired...
we're so close to figuring out the real ANSWERS to the lore questions in this game that's never getting a sequel
Low level invasions is pretty exciting
No trust me bro it's all alchemy dude like the rebis you know like radagon is the red king and marika is the white queen (who has a black dress a blonde hair btw)
That's what I mean, you can imagine or come up with cool explanations from rxtrapolating and making your own answers, but there's no answers in the lore.
Like, in my headcanon the split thing is purely a Marika-only thing and St. Trina and Miquella are two entirely seperate people, it's just that after she vanished her aspects of worship slowly got folded over into Miquella and she was semi-forgotten about through the game of telephone so the misconception/new myth was that they were the same person
But like that's just like in my brain
yes they are
I will always hold nostalgia for level 30-40 invasions of Castle Morne and Stormveil from when this game first released
so much God damn fun
I'm tired of there being 10,000 theories about the game
I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna finally finally connect them all and create the REAL unified story and Elden Ring will finally be explained*

*editor's note: there are now 10,001 theories
this may be the single gayest post in /erg/ history desu
Were the OG Dark Souls games better about this, as in, more of the lore was in the games themselves?
Is it really so hard for people to accept that you're not intended to know all the answers to all the mysteries and that the writers WANT you to make headcanon?
despite what retard youtubers might lead you to believe, no, souls games story telling and lore has been complete nonsensical ass with maybe one or two persistent threads throughout the lore and the rest is all just shit they slap together 1 day before launch
I think I'm just sick of the Miyazaki way of storytelling now
he's taught everyone a good lesson about how you can build intrigue by not saying as much explicitly and leaving less stuff out in the open
but holy shit this motherfucker doesn't even give us hidden answers to anything
it's just endless little hints
>bro you gotta read between the lines man!
this game doesn't have a story
you murderhobo around, marry Ranni, and then kill God
theres no choices to make
theres no satisfaction to be had from understanding more about the world because theres not one fucking decision to make using that understanding until the very end of the game

it was actually WORSE in the Dark Souls games
in Elden Ring they at least come out and verify certain things (though in the end none of it ever matters)
in Dark Souls time is an illusion, nothing matters, and you're a fucking little cocksucker if you ask any questions
Kind of? It's hard to think about in reteospect, because Dark Souls has the advantage of there being sequels, so blanks from one game were filled in later on in one of the next games sometimes. Like for example, the fire and dark loop wasnt even a thing in 1, that was added in 2 but bow its considered a staple
8mo though it was better at, if something was a blank, just not addressing it and not giving you enough rope to hang yourself with trying to figure it out. If it was an unknown they weren't gonna answer, they just didnt write enough about it or focus on it enough for it to be something people speculated on.
Meanwhile, like in Elden ring, the Marika/Radagon thing is like front and center and doesn't have an answer
But this could also be nostalgia
it was funny
dont be rude
What the FUCK is the Blood of the Dark Soul
DS games were way better about not accidentally breaking their own lore because muh gameplay
>Ranni just forgets to tell Adula about you so you two fight for no reason whatsoever
>You deactivate your respawning powers when you unleash Destined Death so if you don't do the Gideon/Godfrey/Radabeast rush in one try your playthrough is noncanon
>Similarly, if you ever die to Rykard your playthrough is noncanon
>Miquella present at the battle of caelid but neither aids Malenia nor kills Radahn
>DLC saying Deathbirds were necessary for the Hornsent to prevent TWLID even though DD wasn't sealed at the time
This is exceptionally sloppy even by Soulslike story standards. The closest equivalent to the "what the fuck is happening with this Marika and Radagon bullshit" was the game never letting you meet Velka but Velka also wasn't the main antagonist of the story.
I prefer it. Nothing some random writer can come up with will ever satisfy me more than my own imagination.
Gael picking up the bloodstain of the dudes he killed literally in the exact same way (you) the player do to absorb back your souls whenever you die. Slurp slurp slurp, you're literally drinking blood and you've been doing it since DeS.
I like how the DLC plot is so shit that no one even thinks twice about Miquella just off-screen teleporting Mohg's body to the Gates of Divinity.
uuuuuuh so like in the caveman times everything was either trees or dragons made of rocks
and then a fire came out of nowhere and the cavemen picked up souls from the fire
and one of them was a manlet and he got the DARK SOUL and then he just kind of lived in secrecy forever
and then the manlet started having children
and eventually there was a whole civilization of manlets
and the lords of the manlets had parts of the original DARK SOULS in their blood
and then a slave got uppity and wanted to have some black pigment for his daughterfu's painting hobby
so he went and killed every manlet lord and ate their DARK SOULS blood, giving him DARK SOULS blood
and then you kill that slave and give the DARK SOULS blood to her and she paints a new painted world where blah blah blah blah blah

Uh yeah that is the plot of the game, what's your point? Why are zoomers so terrified of caring about the story in role playing games?
dark souls was an clear town surrounded by heavy mist, elden ring is a city with a constant (but light) fog polluting its streets. choose whatever you think is better, none of it really matters anymore.
A youtuber I watch made me laugh, he said "Hey, I'm gonna do an impression of a bloodborne npc, watch this:
'Ah good hunter! Blood nightmare blood blood bloody nightmare of blood!'
You get who that us? Yeah, all of them"
>le happy merchant meme
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You could understand the narrative and it didn't try to pretend it was anything more
>Go kill these dudes in these wacky areas to become the new king but there's a twist
Meanwhile in ER
>Go become the Elden Lordâ„¢
>By the way go to the roundtable hold I'm not gonna explain what is it, fuck you
>Ok you explored this empty sack of shit open world and killed 2 bosses with cutscenes the fingers say they expect a lot from you after getting these runes, go to Leyndell nigga
>Oops you can't become Elden Lord because the fingers are broken or something, also here's the level up girl showing up again after 50 hours telling you to go to these mountains
>Erm I'm gonna set myself on fire chuddie okay, don't try to stop me my body my choice
>Uhhh you're in these ruins go kill the boss for destined death, why? Because fuck you that's why
>Ok the capital is on fire, the npc that you might have not even spoken to is here too as a lame "boss" fight
>Also here's another guy from the intro you might have forgotten about, we also had lines for him but cut them because our production cycle is a fucking mess
>Ok you ready, final boss, RADAGON IS MARIKA, the fuck do you mean you don't know who Radagon is, just fucking fight
>Space jelly lol
>Also you're the king now
Newfags really don't understand nor respect that these games are meant to be RPGs, you're supposed to get immersed in the world and play a role. All those old memes about Ostrava, Solaire, etc were unironic, people really did enjoy being part of the setting. It's what powered the franchise as a cultural phenomenon. If you're skipping all the NPC quests, ignoring the item descriptions, and speedrunning through the world to treat the game as a simple boss rush, you are literally and unironically playing the game wrong.
... yeah? The people who complain about the lore are people who do like doing that. Playing rpg archeologist is fun, it's just frustrating that like there is some things that are just completely open blanks
I didn't need to read 200 item descriptions and do detective work in an open world (Check a wiki) to find and like most of the Dark Souls NPCS
I'm talking about guys like this >>492794454 >>492795478
it's a farce and half of what I wrote is only understood after studying the game like the Bible
The second one you replied to is also me, I just thought that it was funny
>>Erm I'm gonna set myself on fire chuddie okay, don't try to stop me my body my choice
>>Uhhh you're in these ruins go kill the boss for destined death, why? Because fuck you that's why
Is there a shitload of cut content surrounding Maliketh and Farum Azula? I actually beat the Haligtree before progressing through dragontown because I thought it was a side area and the game never says that it's required to destroy the Erdtree.
Lorechad or lorechud? Discuss.
There's plenty of changes in Farum Azula on 1.00
Explain to me right fucking now why burning Melina teleports you to Farum Azula or I'm going to actually do it this time
I'm going to actually kill myself if you don't explain the cause and effect
This is real
There literally is no explanation, there's only most logical headcanons like saying Melina herself teleports you somehow (which isn't said by the game)
But then why would it happen in Frenzied Flame path
I'm going to do it
>But then why would it happen in Frenzied Flame path
I dunno lol
I just assume she teleports you there. What really doesn't make sense is how we end up back in the Capital after releasing the rune of death.
I didn't need a wiki to find and like Milicent.
Fresh OC
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>*records tons of dialogue, wasting 90% of the budget on voice actors*
>*removes it anyway and uses janky gameplay mechanics to advance the game's attempt at a plot*
lol cope, come up with your own explanation or something
>Bernahl's maiden
>Vyke's 2 great runes
>Wilhelm (made contact with the primeval current)
>Iji's (black flame) death
>Storm Lord
99% of the "lore" is worthless
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Nice parries. Rellana status: disrespected.
Funny how her character arc doesn't even make a lick of sense anymore and it was ultimately extremely worthless
Who said Vyke had 2 great runes, and where would have gotten them from?
Hehehe, good job
Once you get two great runes there's a line about "Ahh... I've only ever seen that many great runesbtogether once before..." and its either Berrnhal or Vyke since they're the only Tarnisheds that made it that far, except maybe theeeeeee one you get the cover armor from, I forget his name
Don't forget that gloam eyed queen, that lore do be FIRE frfr
The cover is Vyke
I will always say that the GEQ was Melina and no amount of "no the Sans Undertale eye doesn't count" cope matters
It is? I thought it was the wolf armor everyone draws
he had access to leyndell, so he had two great runes
>where did he got it
lol, lmao
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The cover art is Vyke, the raging wolf armor is what they used in all the promotional materials
Wow! I never realized
I meant the wolf set though, yeah, from Vargram
This made me realized that because I have a pc now like I just barely ever have any idea what the cover for games are for nowadays, I never look that close or look it up
Made sense to me.
Thanks, I was actually about to say "it's yumes, not fujos". You could have done that too without sperging out though.
So this is what watching a tranny takeover psyop succeed in real time looks like.
Its not sperging I'm just mad and spending because I've had to say it a bunch and it's not that hard to remember the difference, it should be like pretty self evident
You could even argue that if there's not any context around like thr reason that just him was posted and nothing else besides him that it's not even thay either
blame the neets
Americans' obsession with inventing trannies has been something I hated learning about because now I notice it everywhere
what do you do when you need to fight a boss that can't be parried
It was more straightforward than ER, so the Fromsoft storytelling fits.
With ER, you have George characterization except you don't get the full context.
Imagine character like Cersei being shown through a Fromsoft story telling perspective. It would be utterly schizophrenic like ER lore.
I should skip Tsukihime and read Mahoyo at this point.
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>It's not sperging I'm just mad and sperging
I think you need a nap.
Equip blasphemous blade and thicc armor, and summon mimic tear.
Maybe Vyke pilfered his Great Runes off of corpses
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I thought this was Rykard for a solid 30 seconds
I mean, they're related, so
Friendly reminder that Frenzied flame is the only correct path/ending
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>Going through my INT/FTH run
>Get summoned in Stormveil
>Oh neat, some early game coop!
>Host is running from an invader
>invader is just spamming running attacks with powerstance blood bandit curved swords
>Host is just spamming heavy attacks with his frost perfume bottle, whenever he does attack
>barely bother attacking aside from throwing the occassional discus at the invader
>One of these kills the invader
>Host immediately sends me back
I feel dirty actually, his boyfriend got shanked before didn't he
Golden Epitaph AoW + Sacred Blade from D's sword = dragon dead in 10 seconds even on NG+7
Wrong. "Sometimes people are sad so we should kill them all" is boring. I'm bored of it.
Uhh...it's because Farum Azula is like, beyond time, and like, .... look man I don't know
>beyond the time
tarnished is just having a newtype moment clearly, case closed
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Messmer felt so familiar and I couldn't pinpoint who he looked like and then realized that he's Vampire Hunter D's clone
Someone at From likes him considering they also named the twinned armor guy D Hunter of the Dead
lemme guess, fingerprint shield?
What's D-like about him? The aesthetics, styles and characters all seem pretty different to me.
Messmer with a beard is absolutely ruinous
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Someone filled in the marika and radagon models, adding their flesh and coloration to what we know from paintings.

Here's a good potential of what a pre shattered marika and radagon looked like
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I actually think this elevator is a bug.
I think the intended path you're supposed to take is go up the stairs through the giant crows and the troll that leads to right in front of Goddrick, and from there you're supposed to circle back and lead back here when you open the path down to the deathmark face.
people have been saying this during the first week of the game
Good ruinous or bad ruinous?
well I'm glad we agree
I'm here on dick island right now, and it's a goddamn drag. Why the fuck would Miyazaki use up all this landmass and just fill it up with hands and worms. Do I really have to comb all of this for loot or can I just head straight to the center
Go for the center. There's nothing else there unless you want to farm materials and get sniped by worms
There literally is zero loot
Stupid chuds, there's a gesture AND a spirit ash in there, very valueble loot!
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How much stamina should I go for on a sorcerer build? Aiming for 70 INT, 36 FTH and was curious what opinions are for enough bar for repeat casting/spell combos.
If there going to make a freaking map like the dlc again at least make it so there's multiple ways in and out of the place. This whole
>You missed this one spot/cave so you will NOT have access to that area until you find the ONE way in!
Is really...annoying.
>36 FTH
but why?
what incants are you trying to gain access to specifically?
Multilayered? Knight's Lightning?
I can kind of understand going to 25 for Golden Vow, but beyond I'm not sure what a 70 INT build would be getting
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also why they'd still give Marika the coomer dress. she doesn't dress like that.
Probably the death/putrescent sorceries
I never felt the need to go beyond 25 stamina whenever I go for a sorcery build
Because we like the coomer dress
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>Saint riot isn't playing ER
>Peeve isn't playing ER
>Oroboro isn't playing ER
Lmfao at Marika’s face. Looks like he has seen some shit
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A long time ago some guy was playing Warhammer 2 on the lowest settings and it looked like a PS1 game and I thought it was neat as hell.
>Can't watch ER content because I haven't played the DLC yet.
>Can't watch Saint.
I hate it.
>watching Elden Ring bingo races
>Almost all of the time it boils down to "who has an Elden Ring TM" moment where the game randomly fucks them first
Its hilarious how consistent this is, players are always neck and neck until someone gets cucked over by the game being a bitch. This seems like a super unsatisfying and demoralizing stream gimmick if you do it long enough. Like, in one of these runs Aggy loses a run because the NPC summons randomly shoved him into one of Radahn's attacks which oneshot him. Dunno how long you could keep up a streaming career putting up with bullshit like that.
Bad ruinous, the whole appeal is he's young enough(visually at least) to have retained at least some level of juvenile vulnerability and immature anger. Turning him into an older daddy archetype who looks identical to Rykard but with snakes is a horrible idea
all this cool imagery of Death being closely associated with the ocean, maritime travel, and marine life
>Tibia Mariners
>the coffin ships
>crabs with Godwyn's face on them
>Godwyn turning into a merman
>Godfrey crossing the ocean on foot (in the box art) to return to the Lands Between from the lands of the living
>jellyfish spirits watching over graves and/or places where people died
>the glowing spirit eels in the Shadow Lands
and its nothing but set dressing
where is the pay off???
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Multilayered primarily, used it on my faith build during the DLC and it was like a fucking destructo disc. Knight's would be nice too, unfortunately didn't find it on that run.
I am curious about them, but not the primary reason. I'm at 18 now, so I'll keep that in mind.
>Summoned in Stormveil
>Dude walks us towards the tree spirit, we kill it
>Then we walk him over Goddrick's gate
>Instantly kicks
why are people like this
I understand what you mean and mostly agree but I like seeing it like as just like a "What if", like the "What if Miquella grew himself the adult body" picture from like a few weeks ago, plus Rellana is helping him shave it off anyway
>cooping with randoms
you should be murdering hosts, not helping them
NTA, but I would say that Messmer is very much like Vampire Hunter D in that both are very Gothic and ethereally beautiful emotional reserved men with dangerous and supremely strong abilities
pvp is gay sissy shit and I like helping retards
Do you plan on using Staff of the Great Beyond for the build? Because if that's so I don't think you'll need more than 60 INT, putting those 10 points into more FTH could be better
Why haven't you played the dlc yet? It's been out for 3 months
>three months
N- no there's no way, it's only been two weeks
Oh god....
Don't worry anon I'm in the same boat.
The same people who think Mohg is now an innocent victim also think Miq raped Radahn.
reddit is a blood cult full of niggers trying to rape maidens
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I hadn't given it much thought, I've been putting stones into CRS in preparation for having the INT req, wanted at least the 68 for Dark Moon. Was planning on Order seal for incantations, but having the single catalyst for both might be a good deal.
Yeah there's a dark prince kinda thing going on, just seemed too broad to be what he meant specifically.
No one said "good morning erg" with a rya picture today
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Because we know that the cessblood and murder cult aspect of the Pureblood Knights likely started when Miquella brain fucked Mohg. And the only servant of Mohg that we know for certain isn't brainwashed, Ansbach, is a good and honorable man. It's not hard.
Mohg is a pedo. He still kidnapped Miquella of his own volition, as Ansbach said he wanted to be a Lord and the DLC reinforces that a Lord needs a God (and vice versa). Miquella charming him only happened afterwards, when he slid into the cocoon, as Miquella can only charm by touch.

The #1 problem with every fan theory in Elden Ring is randomly assigning characters powers that they don't have, in this case giving Miquella the ability to remote-control people (which he can't do, he can selectively edit memories and make people love him) and making his charm work on broadband signals for a guy he doesn't know about under 100 meters of bedrock (even when he's a literal fucking god, he has to touch you to charm you).
people are starting to use the pool for the leda fight in enir ilim to get summons for radahn instead. ive already had 3 guys try to do it to me, severed just as i entered the fog wall
Ansbach is a feared and monstrous figure, he admits it himself and Leda describes him as such. Okina also took interest in Mohg's cult specifically because Mohg promised to let him live the life of a blood-soaked demon.
Thus far my INT/FTH build has evolved into me casting Discus of Light until things die (they usually die very fast) and Carian Slicer whenever they get close.
I have not used any other spells. Considering using Catch Flame occassionally
every major faction in the game is a cult full of niggers
Mohg won
It might have been a bad morning. I invaded a guy in Haligtree today that dropped almost 300k losing to a random mook while I just sat at the other end of the room and watched. I'd be pretty steamed if I fucked up that bad while in the late 400s. He was right next to a grace as well when I spawned in.
Does Golden Vow affect spell damage or is it only physical damage?
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/erg/ i've been away for a bit. have there been any new lore revelations since a couple weeks after the dlc dropped? i beat the dlc and i think have the basics down, but was pretty disappointed with the story and sequence of events. was anything new found out?

There's a coffin there for duplicating rememberances. The area sucks over all though
Provide a single source which supports your headcanon instead of writing it off as an elementary deduction.
Ansbach being "le good and honorable" is up for debate but even if its true, You'd be retarded to extrapolate his idiosyncrasies to everyone under Mohg.
Not much, but it's hard to know exactly what you mean
>it's hard to know exactly what you mean
i mean just in general. there were so many questions from the base game and the dlc, i was just wondering if someone has found some bit of lore in the last few weeks and the community thinks its significant and 'probably correct'
Yeah but I mean like idk what you like already knew
There's been nothing hugely mind boggling that I can think of that wasn't known pretty soon from soon after the beginning though
>no new eternal cities in DLC
What the fuck were they thinking?
>Fufufufu the foorish gaijin wirr eat this up!
Something like that
Wonder why everyone keeps making Marika's eyebrows so flat when they're clearly angled
Marika was so fucking ugly why did everybody love her so much
ever since I added /erg/'s password to my multiplayer stuff, every single cotton in the world is surrounded by "praise the south" messages
Who do you think Miquella gets his charm from? People act like Miquella is the only manipulator while completely ignoring the largest psyop in Lands Between, Marika and her Guidance of Grace. You are literally Marika's Puppet who was meant to die at Godfrey's hands.
Marika has idolised herself in this world where no would would dare question her, and whoever does, she "guides" the tarnished to clean up for her.
femboy sex
Kill yourself and burn all your mangas.
She's somewhere around 9-9'3 and that's really really hot.
Oh also this I guess, I thought he just meant real people though.
long arms means she could give very nice hugs
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Malenia remains the prettiest member of the extended family along with Radagon.
of course a homosexual likes men
How does the spear talisman work with thrusting weapons? Does the effect activates when I trade blows with enemies?
piercing damage does extra damage when it hits while the enemy is attacking. This doesn't necessarily mean its hitting you, just that its an attack animation.
Why is piercing damage the only one that has this extra benefit?
Because Miyazaki is a fucking retard who doesn't care about balance
So when my opponent swings his weapons and I attack and my hit lands on him, the piercing damage gets buffed?
Did they really make it so that nights cavalry in the dragonbarrow survives jumping off the bridge if you drink a flask infront of him because of that one webm?
I have 1k hours played and I'm only just now finding out that revenants are resistant to Holy damage
>He still kidnapped Miquella of his own volition
>Ansbach said he wanted to be a Lord and the DLC reinforces that a Lord needs a God (and vice versa)
Which like four out of the six endings of the game, the god could have just been Marika's corpse fulfilling the role of housing the Ring.
>Ansbach is a feared and monstrous figure
Leda describes him as a feared commander, never monstrous. Aside from that, that description doesn't preclude him from being of sound morals, just that people fear him on the battlefield.
>Okina also took interest in Mohg's cult
When? Before or after he was brainwashed?
>Provide a single source
That Ansbach interacts with everyone, even his enemies, in a forthright and honorable manner. And without any definite examples of people acting like lunatics before Mohg's brainwashing, and a more certain example of the leader of his Knights being an honorable man before the brainwashing, I find it more likely that the madness was caused by Miquella. In the words of the Black Prince: "Your men love you. If I knew nothing else, that would be enough."
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>prettiest member of the extended family
miquella probably will get offended
but yes, rot waifu is the best waifu
only low t betas don't love a giant redhead goddess of war
then why does healing kill them?
Just take one second to comprehend how fucking retarded it would be if Miquella was capable of mind controlling Mohg remotely, or how even more convoluted his plans would need to be for this to be the case. I'm not going to try and argue this because the story is so bad it doesn't even deserve to be defended even for parts that people get wrong, but the flaws should be immediately obvious
You do know that while Miquella can compel affection, His manipulation is more akin of redirection rather than rewrite.
Ansbach even under the control of Miquella is not like Varre or other bloody fingers. If you were an honorable knight before the mindjack, That part won't change. Only your loyalties will. Same can be said for Madmen. If you were a blood cult nigger before, Chances are you'd still be a blood cult nigger after the supposed "miquellajack".
By no means is it required that Miquella mind blasted Mohg from across the continent. Nothing would have been able to stop him from walking into Mohg's palace like Paul Atreides, tapping him on the nose to charm him in preparation to use him later, and then put himself into the cocoon. It's not like Mohg was a complete unknown, Ansbach seems to address Radahn as though they were familiar with each other in the past. Even then, we have no idea the limits of Miquella's powers when he bore his Great Rune. Everyone we see charmed by him is still plenty charmed up until it's broken.
Why would he need to cocoon and have Mohg arbitrarily rip him from the cocoon instead of just going to Mohg directly? When the fuck would this even take place? Why would he tell nobody about this plan, despite the fact that he is dependent on Mohg dying? There's too many holes to resolve with having Miquella plan his own kidnapping, the story is bad but this part of it can at least be squared away by having it still remain unexpected. Even meta wise, why would you want Mohg to be reduced to a non-character we know nothing about?
She has a butter face
Malenia looks sexier in the trailer art and cutscenes than in game content.
good morning erg!!
The dress is great. The problem is that she looks like a mutt instawhore
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>You do know that while Miquella can compel affection, His manipulation is more akin of redirection rather than rewrite.
I don't know that, and neither do you. I certainly wouldn't call being able to brainwash someone who had just cut you open with a knife to be your loyal servant for lord knows how long something as simple as "redirection." Or making the hornsent completely forget his desire to kill Messmer.
>Why would he need to cocoon and have Mohg arbitrarily rip him from the cocoon instead of just going to Mohg directly?
Perhaps he needed to be a cocoon to be able to be properly transported to the Lands of Shadow. Something he could only do at the Haligtree.
>When the fuck would this even take place?

Pic related.
>Why would he tell nobody about this plan, despite the fact that he is dependent on Mohg dying?
I suspect that it was in fact Malenia's job to kill Radahn and Mohg both, since Mohg's palace is directly under Caelid. Only she got stonewalled by Radahn, failing to kill him and nearly dying herself, and thus had to retreat.

>verification not required
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This INT/FTH run will drive me nuts cause holy fuck rotating through spells is painful
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why do the game files contain non-rotten textures for Malenia complete with eyeballs?
>I dont know that
It is written on the wall, It's not hard.
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her face is very pretty
Probably for a scrapped young Malenia model
Her prosthetic textures are missing or mostly greyed out
damn, you can tell from is working with old tech cause they still have her whole model using one texture.
I wish more games did this desu so many games are wasting texture size and space on multi textural shit for maginal improvements...
I miss the 2000s...
1. His Remembrance explicitly says his plan to ascend and marry Miquella was his own wish.
2. Miquella can't mind control people from across the continent. He has to touch you. He could only touch Mohg after being kidnapped. 3. Gideon also says Mohg grabbed him before he could finish what he was doing, something reiterated by the omniscient narrator in the Elden Ring Future Press guide vol 1, which doesn't make any sense if he he was puppetting Mohg.

>Which like four out of the six endings of the game, the god could have just been Marika's corpse fulfilling the role of housing the Ring.
Mohg had no way into the Erdtrree or even the capital as he had no kindling maiden, and had no fucking idea where Marika was (we only know she's in the tree because Enia tells us), nor was he making any attempt whatsoever to collect Great Runes. He wasn't going after Marika. That leaves Ranni, who's dead, Malenia, who'd beat his ass, and Miquella, who he coincidentally kidnapped.
tholler is such a qt shame he dont
A part I forgot to respond to.
>Even meta wise, why would you want Mohg to be reduced to a non-character we know nothing about?
My interpretation is not that of a blank slate we know nothing about that happened to be brainwashed, but rather a man who lived in contrast to his brother. A man who, despite being thrown away at birth and locked away in a sewer, rose out of the filth he was born to and was stronger for it. A man who despite his monstrous form, sought to honor his fellows and inspired honorable men to serve him. Unlike Morgott, who lived every day in piteous self-loathing, serving his mother's every whim in the vain hope she would love him, Mohg required no such recognition. He would be a king of his own order. A Lord of his own making.

All hail Mohgwyn, the rightful Elden Lord.
Built for punishment snuffplap
Whatever happens to her down in the sewers is too light a punishment compared to the suffering she brought the whole world
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People act like Radahn is the worst boss ever, yet I'm fighting Valiant Gargoyles on another playthrough and they're 10x more frustrating than he ever was, as always.
Every boss is the worst boss ever when you get stuck on them and then skill issue becomes "Radahn is an objectively bad boss because"
>It is written on the wall
It's patently untrue.
>His Remembrance explicitly says
Nothing, just that he wished to make him a god. Which could have been from any point, including when he was brainwashed.
>Miquella can't mind control people from across the continent.
We don't know that, but that's beside the point.
>He could only touch Mohg after being kidnapped.
As I said previously, Miquella could have walked into Mohg's palace any time he wanted. No one could have stopped him.
>Gideon also says
A lot of stuff that's wrong. You don't think that perhaps Miquella would have set up the event to look like he was kidnapped?
>reiterated by the omniscient narrator in the Elden Ring Future Press guide vol 1

You know, it's awful convenient in your reading of these events that Mohg just so happened to perform a complex series of actions that only he could do, that just so happened to line up with everything Miquella needed him to do, without the two of them having ever interacted whatsoever.

>Mohg had no way into the Erdtrree or even the capital as he had no kindling maiden
Why would he, he's got his own fire. Other divine flames can substitute for a kindling maiden, see Frenzy.
>had no fucking idea where Marika was
Well, there's only so many places she could be. And he'd have to fight his brother at some point, who would likely have spilled the beans.
You are fucking retarded
>uh uh akthaully I use fp
Nothing changes that quicksteps allow to instantly run attack out of dodge, which is the single greatest asset.
You are not meant to dodge this efficiently or much
>Nothing, just that he wished to make him a god. Which could have been from any point, including when he was brainwashed.
>ackshully when the game said he wished this to happen what it actually means is that he didn't wish this to happen and was only forced to do it
I accept your concession, now kill yourself.
>My interpretation is not that of a blank slate we know nothing about that happened to be brainwashed, but rather a man who lived in contrast to his brother. A man who, despite being thrown away at birth and locked away in a sewer, rose out of the filth he was born to and was stronger for it. A man who despite his monstrous form, sought to honor his fellows and inspired honorable men to serve him
All of Mohg's followers are serial killer coomers recruited specifically for their depravity and he lives in a literal river of blood full of corpse mountains, flies, mutant crows, and literal human shit.

>b-but Ansbach was nice to me...
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>Only she got stonewalled by Radahn, failing to kill him and nearly dying herself, and thus had to retreat.
Malenia is combat-capable and cognizant by the time we find her, she awakens at a literal moment's notice, and still has her entire army. She alone, in the state we find her, is more than strong enough to solo everything in Mohgwyn Palace even if he didn't have that army, which she does. Yet none of them are doing anything. None of them know where Miquella is. None of them know that they should be going to kill Mohg. They're explicitly guideless and all just waiting for him to come back, to the point that some blow themselves up to provide light for his return - i.e., they assume he's currently trying to come back but just can't find the way.

The only Miquella follower who witnessed the kidnapping says pic related about it, and he seems to have died before he could tell anyone else. There's not even the slightest implication that any of his followers know about the kidnapping and the only example we have is one of them regarding it as an offensive violation.
>She alone, in the state we find her, is more than strong enough to solo everything in Mohgwyn Palace
Malenia would get absolutely fucking dumpstered by that mob of albinaurics next to Mohg.
She could kill 50 Albinaurics per second while doing her Waterfowl Dance.

there's a video on this, someone dumped her at the beginning of the area and she was able to solo everything up to and including Mohg himself without even going to phase 2.
>finally doing an int build
>grab wing of astel
>get jumpscared by the sound effect when it shoots out a beam
why is it so fucking LOUD?
Anon, did you forget the part where she heals after every single attack
shut the fuck up walkers
I am so fucking bad at this game and it is very hard. Yes I know get good I'm working on it. I think going int was a mistake, I'm not good enough at this game to be a caster.
first from game? should have gone melee first time round to learn the game easier
Elden Ring new effects like parrying and elemental damage look so much better it's insane, the sparks flying after you parry with a dagger make all the diffrrence compared to the trilogy games
Do you think Rykard and Messmer would've liked each other?
>Resting at site of grace
Ugh, what the fuck is that smell?
>Melina steps out from behind a tree looking embarrassed
I wish I had that excuse. I've beaten DS1 and 2.
I hear people talking so much shit about ER like it doesn't hold its own against Dark Souls. It's so superior visually and mechanically that it's not even fair.

Okay sure, Dark Souls bosses were better and less retarded, and Covenants were cool, but everything else? ER clears
why not 3?
Never got around to it.
>Medium weight, 1h sword + 1h medium shield
Does anyone have a list of all the smithing stone bell bearing locations? or all the shit for quickly making a new pvp character
I had it in a notepad but dont know where it went
Cheat engine
Nope. Other than superficial similarities they're completely different. Rykard is pure "fuck the Golden Order all my homies hate the Golden Order" while Messmer is at best a reluctant yet enthusiastic participant. It takes us literally killing him(with his mom's magic blessing on us) to get him to curse her name after hundreds if not thousands of years(or whatever bullshit timeline) of him purging H*rnsent in a pocket dimension in her stead.
i can't be crazy for thinking some of the dragon spells are REALLY fucking loud
like I actually have to use the volume slider on my headset before I cast placidusax's ruin since initial casting sound is just so loud
i suddenly want to exterminate hornsent
This. Mesmer has no vision of his own
Snek brotherhood transcends ideological differences.
you're acquiring skill. Have fun. SotGB is fun, btw
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What do you think would have happened had Messmer survived his fight with the Tarnished? Would he have rallied his troops and attempted a doomed invasion against Marika and the Golden Order?
He would have died in the next quest step and dropped all his items because he accidentally tripped on the way to Romina
Red Pubes
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How is the stat-spread on this dex/faith build?
looks good anon
Get 4 more levels into mind for rl200
I'm giving spirit ashes a fair try after several playthroughs without them and they're pretty fun. Been using Stormhawk Deenh and Redmane Ogha mostly and I love having a support or ranged damage dealer.
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Tarnished named Finger:
Why doesn't Howl of Shabriri have any clue regarding the incantations true effect?
Steam depot shamans, when is the next patch?
Queen Titfuck, empyrean of the Middle Finger.
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Miquella wanted Mohg's cock. This is the truth.
Paired bosses are among the worst in the franchise normally. But I beat that on my first few tries with much less effort than Malenia. Just learn to space and fight one at a time. Separate them until one's just a random stage hazard doing long range moves.
>Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg wished to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share, he received no response from the young Empyrean.
does he even know about the shattering and all that?
Who are you quoting?
Delicate and soft hearted behind a "scary" gothic persona
Similar faces
Cursed at birth
Wise friend embedded in their bodies (winged serpent / D's left hand)
Vampire theme (Messmer being an impaler like Vlad Dracul, plus Shadow Keep has bats everywhere and also bat statues in the ramparts)
Delicate face but strong frame/huge shoulders at the same time
How many attempts did it take you to beat Radahn+femboy
Around 15 which is a lot considering that the other bosses took me 1-3 tries
at least 7 hours...
Headcanon I like: Based, true, actual canon, white
Headcanon I dislike: Cringe, Korean headcanon, schizoprrn, untrue, brown/jewish

Anyone else like this or just me? I wanna know if I'm alone
People don't understand that even the worst factions can have chill guys in it. That's what make them believable as a faction. The mansons had chill people, the soviets did(before they were disappeared), hell there's even at least one jew that even hitler was like "this is the only good one" the guy that worked on his mom. Every group no matter how hated, evil, insane, or creepy, have at least one or a small handful of likable people in it
3 hours trying and then i just gave up and used greatshield antspur
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no one answered...but fear not. i am here...!
not really, other than messmer related lore the dlc is pretty lacking
lmao homo
And likewise, the golden pristine of the so called "good guys" are lies beneath endless pool of the blood of the innocents. But everyone justifies their actions in their own accords. The rot worshippers wants to bring the order of rot to the world and see the "light" in the rot. So too the dung eater. Even the so called "worse" can justify their own actions through a metaphysical view that gives them truth/beauty/justice. And the closest to the status quo can also justifies their status quo. Along with the other radicals as well
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Ansbach is one of the top dogs of a cult, of course he's nice
speaking of Ansbach, not being able to use bloodflame blade inc on obsidian lamina is a crime and Miyazaki WILL answer for this transgression to me personally (in minecraft)
i just remembered that one piece of erg story where /ourguy/ adolf of austria got summoned as a blue and ended up in a youtube video
Yeah. I think that's why the age of fracture and perfected order endings are the most justifiable
Age of fracture there's no actual major changes, things are still fucked you just have a third elden lord for marika. Same old same old.

Perfected order is a continued golden order dominance but one without the need for a fickle god like marika.
An improved version of what was there before.
So now that it's basically confirmed trina, malenia, marika, and ranni are all futas. What was thiollier's deal? Did he just want loli cock?
I want to fuck Thiollier more than I want to fuck Sellen
that's gay man
Could this be invaderspaytheprice? A lot of normies treat this guy seriously
He belongs to sleepchads. Sorry.
I know
I am a sleepchad. Been sleepin runebears and lobsters with Trina's Sword before normies even knew what sleep was
very good content
"Godrick is a magic guardian?" + "ignore my death at the end" is pretty funny
Take your fetish and stick it up your ass please
That's one of the many reasons why From games are so small in size compared to other games. Sekiro is like 20 GB, Elden Ring is gigantic but like 60 GB with the DLC. Only Armored Core is much bigger, at 65 GB, I assume because of the mission briefings being videos taking up a lot of space?
He knows what tarnished are and knows that you are trying to become Elden Lord so he surely knows
I mean the general consensus is that Messmer was hated enough to be exiled out of Lyndell after taking the fall for all the stuff that happened in scadu altus. So probably all the demi gods aside from Marika think he was just some guy who lost his marbles that just loves impaling people
Same. I use Stormhawk Deenh or Warhawk because being a falconer is cool as fuck. They are a pretty fun change of pace since I'm used to playing solo. Still, I can't help but be disappointed in the whole spirit ash mechanic, I wish they were like Call of Tibia where you used the item and summoned the spirit who did his signature attack and then disappeared. Would be an alternative to spells.
Nta but can I stick a part of you up mine?
the conflicts described in black knight ashes and fire knight helm descriptions should have been elaborated upon
>retards on /v/ defend this area
>/v/ is filled with contrarians
Are the base-game horned lions the divine beasts that inspired the Hornsent lion dance?
Stop being gay.
probably around 15-30 not sure
3 because radahn decided to kill himself for some reasons
He felt embarassed for existing and spared you the trouble of facing him
this could have been miquella if he'd just shut the fuck up

>game gives you weapon literally named fora specific thing before boss
>boss doesnt attack until you get close
>host for some fucking reason
>hmm yes I think I will run into the lava and try to whack it with my sword
Korean headcanon is good thoufh
Something I hope Miyazaki realizes with the DLC is that people only show love for the NPCs when they fucking know they exist. Igon's and Ansbach's quests are very straightforward, so most players actually see the ending, and that's a huge part of why people love them, because they actually had a chance to see the ending. Enough with these retarded guidebait questlines like Sellen or Nepheli.
I like Tragoth, like Solaire, Valtr, Tarkus, etc, I just like good guy's
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Is there any way to keep the unsheathe art on my uchigatana while switching the affinity to flame art?
red hot whetblade from redmane castle
Thanks. Where in the castle? It’s empty. Do I need to wait until after Radahn?
yes, then go past iron virgin into a small tower. Short path from the grace
People liked Ranni the moment she appeared even if they didn't follow her questline.
>58% of players fought illusory Loretta (i.e. started Ranni's quest)
>45% of players killed Astel (i.e. finished Ranni's quest)
Practically everyone who started Ranni's quest at all finished it, though, that's the point
36 posts in 3 hours
the only posts are about how multiplayer is dead and reason #382 why the DLC's writing is bad.
steady pace, it was 12 posts per hour when I counted a few days ago, too
I think the main reason she isn't ranni level of popular is that Jerren(omg radhan bro so cool) expicitly tells you to dislike her.
>Fucking great katana has a feint attack when charging up a heavy like the rapiers do
Fuck you FROM, I'll use your fucking weeb weapon..for now.
The ai doesn't react to the feint
maybe if her quest wasn't unnecessarily complicated and her ending being dogshit
>sellen isn’t popular
Then why do I see so much r34 of her?
Well shit. Am I wrong for Eygon and Vilhelm from ds3? Now that I think about it Bernhal is just a friendlier Eygon but no great shield.
I know and it's a sweeping attack. It's too fucking good.
Cause feet fags.
>your build in-game
>your build IRL
For me it's
>sellen isn’t popular
I didn't say that, I just said I think if it was seluvus opposing her instead of Jerren, she would be at least as popular than Ranni.
But overall I don't think the quests matter that much due to wiki/YouTube guide saturation. I think it's mainly a question of Sellen balling unceremoniously at the end of her quest compared to Ranni being marriable, Igon and Ansbach getting their perfect warrior death.
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Lil edgy but why not
>ingame: dex(not a lot)/faith
>irl: int(not a lot)/faith
Switching away from bloodflane build made me realize a VERY small problem, in that like when going for something specifically theme related, it makes me engage a little bit more with things that I find and groups in the setting because it makes me if I find a new spell that could fit the theme kind of sit down and go "Okay, how would I/me character incorporate this?" and like kind of like more likely to read spell descriptions of things relates to Mohg or blood or I'm general
While after switching away and just doing a martial build I tend to be thinking a bit more like "Oh okay yeah time to level up Strength again" and its not like there's any meaty lore associated with likebjust hitting someone with a hunk of metal
Just a tiny thought I had
Str Dex
Vig Mnd End Str Dex Fai Int Arc, all 99
Is Metyr just meant to be fought ranged? I died to her more than every other boss combined but first tried her the moment I switched from melee to incantations
reminder that literally everyone Miquella charmed becomes chiller and less violent.
What about mogh?
Tell that to my Tarnished that just died to Radahn. Again
As with all bosses, their combat style shows their weakness. Metyr fights ranged with occasional heavy melee attacks. And yes, her weakness are ranged attacks.
All of his violent actions come before the charm, as far as we know post-charm Mohg just sleeps all day.
That gay rapist literally chose Radahn to have "endless war to reinvigorate the soul" and you dare telling me this
Miquella is a demon who must be torn limb from limb and killed like Chadsbach did
int/fth (favorite, now also working on int and int/arc)
Ansbach is the front-facing recruiter of a cult.

When did Miquella's charm ever make anyone more as opposed to less violent? Never, that's when. When the charm is broken Freyja remembers she's a psychotic battle junky, Hornsent starts becoming a cackling psychopath, Thiollier psychotically tries to murder you out of jealousy, and Leda gets ultra paranoid and tries to kill her comrades out of said paranoia.
Killed all the other needle knights though (dogshit writing)
Are the groups still disabled for the DLC?
Is the scaling for melee weapons in this game godawful? It seems like you can do amazing damage even at RL1 so long as your weapon is +25, like even at softcapped scaling it only adds like 30% damage
Yes Metyr is genuinely a fucking awful boss if played melee but a fun gimmicky boss like Scadutree avatar if fought ranged
that's probably why she was charmed, he didn't want to risk her doing that again.

A consistent trait of DLC Miquella is that he's undermined by his sense of mercy. He tries to help the Hornsent but they're still psychopaths, which we see personally with the Hornsent NPC. He spares Ansbach even after Ansbach cuts him open and this directly results in Ansbach being a knife in his back the whole DLC, while also being useless to the party's progression (should've just killed him). He tries to redirect the ontologically evil Kindred from spreading rot and harassing his sister by making them forget, but when they remember they're back on the rot god train. His charm makes Thiollier chill and his other half gives him the sleep he wants, but this directly leads to his obsessive personality becoming worse and when the charm is broken he's a jealous murderer. He tries to dull Leda's paranoia with a charm instead of putting her down like a mad dog and we see what happens.

Basically everyone in his party is someone he should've let die but took pity on, even an enemy soldier his sister just cut across the face (though weirdly Freyja ends up being the only one without any big issues on the mission, besides Dane).
Endgame PvE and PvP balancing would be mostly fixed by changing 60 VIG from 1900 HP to 3200 HP and 99 VIG to 4000 HP, and increasing all armor and defense talisman absorption values by 8.
Are axes at least ok now since they got a speed buff? Axes have been shit for a decade in fromsoft games
You're good though.
How about that? Huh????
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Miquella is basically another Kiara
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>even steelovsky is having a mental breakdown over the state of ER pvp
Endgame pvp would be balanced if password phantoms didn't exist.
I'm not really though, I die a lot
I saw someone with "Knight" in their name without it looking messed up, how?
I tried using lookalike symbols for i and n but the game doesn't recognize those.
>A divinity who wants to take all the pain and suffering away from everyone
>A savior born in a cult
>driven by compassion
>corrupts others by charming them
>wants to eat other souls to surpass godhood
pvp in these games have been a shitfest for years now
surprised people still try to take it seriously
He had a two hour long invasion against pathetic taunter niggers who basically refused to engage and go out of their comfort zone and swarmed him with endless blues
It was pitiful to watch. ER's multiplayer is only good on seamless or if you disable the entire overworld invasion spawn points with CE
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The PVP of these games is only fun at launch, once they nerf everything to appease redditroons it always only becomes even more dull and cancerous and the people begging for nerfs will also still be unhappy anyway.
ER is the only game where the pvp is indefensibly bad. DS3's pvp is still fucking alive even after all these years and with ER existing as a competitor. DS1 and DS2 only died because they killed the servers for like a year over a RCE exploit. Stop with this cope.
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Invasions are usually fun. Dueling is what universally sucks.
>DS1 and DS2 only died because they killed the servers for like a year over a RCE exploit.
This happened to 3 as well though, it's nice to now have definitive proof that DS3 has the best PVP, unlike what 2copers want you to think.
DS1 and 2 are far from dead. I was invading in 1 for the entire evening yesterday. Pvp overhaul finds invasions within 10-30 seconds. Even found a gravelording host.
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ER giving people 3000+ damage combos with practically every other weaopn/spell in the game is what killed it. >duude but like why can't I oneshot everyone with every weapon, piss off kid this is why the hype is already dead
It doesn't help that people like Steelovsky and Jeenine play on ballbusting-mode with pure melee builds at a dueling level, while constantly complaining about the absurd damage and resists of level 400+ phantoms that are as common there as in any other level.

For me the reason ER invading sucks is the matchmaking above all.
Trying Seamless made me realize that base ER's fogwall + taunter's spam is 100% From's fault and has nothing to do with the playerbase.
No that was fun and based, removing everything that could actually kill people in favor of turning every invasion against people with half a brain into a slow battle of attrition is what's killing the game.
>Trying Seamless made me realize that base ER's fogwall + taunter's spam is 100% From's fault and has nothing to do with the playerbase.
This 100%. It's all because of the dogshit ruleset. Change the ruleset and it becomes more fun for all parties.
I made a fucking Soldier of Godrick cosplay for seamless and had so much fun with him, i would never even remotely compare it to vanilla where i either sweat or get deleted within 20 seconds.
desu the only thing that matters for ER invasions is your ability to OHKO a host with 50+ vigor. If you can't do this, you're going to be gangraped by password phantoms spamming skull incants and dragon breath who will OHKO you. It's either OHKO the host or gravity kill the host.
>Thought to have been cut from an ancestor of the Fingercreeper.
>Some life yet remains in this legacy of an ancient act of blasphemy, as evidenced by the barely perceptible warmth it still exudes.
So, it was cut from Metyr, which is why it was a blasphemy, right?
If you can't unzip oneshot combos in the current patch it's a skill issue, and the only reason you're whining about battles of attrition is because if you can't oneshot the host while you still have spawn immunity you've gotta play around phantoms who can oneshot you right back. The oneshotting is the problem, you're playing against 1v2 or 1v3 odds almost all the time so powercreep is always against your favor not in it.
Yes. You basically commit one hell of a blasphemy by even fighting her because she was a direct conduit to the Greater Will before it grew tired and fucked off.
Of course you'll get matches if you're the invader (the only one doing so), try co-oping or being the host
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I typically hate the dueling range but DLC gave such a fun build that feels mostly complete at 125 i still love invading with it.
Rakshasa is just stupidly fun.
Can use any other oneshot worthy dex weapon in right hand like hand of malenia and sword of night too
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The DLC added so much op shit that we DESERVE to have the real hoarfrost stomp back. There's no longer an excuse.
Actual new
Yes this is early but I want to avoid confusion now
Has anybody tried the Grand Merchant mod to get golden seeds, and Scadutree fragments and NOT gotten banned? I wouldn't mind replaying the dlc but holy shit do I fucking hate the scavenger hunt for those pieces of shit (the seeds aren't as bad since you don't need as many, but fuuuck the scadutree fragment system)

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