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this is my favourite fighting game character [larkin love] from _______
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Name: anyone is welcome!
Region: any
Rank any
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All the right moves.
Why are you shilling your Steam account everywhere?
>play the game with a 1 button universal neutral skip
do people realize they can just not play games they dont like????
it's so hard to beat people that corner themselves :(
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why don't mind if I do
Is that a scar under her right breast?
Isn't this guy a furfag?
too white
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Finna put in a big tiddy blonde superheroine into a ripoff fg
would she lactate
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Daily reminder to this here ITT thread:
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im cuming
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This you?
Not him, just a guy with similar nick. It was already debunked. Apparently it's some character from a TV show, or something. Not very uncommon thing to use for a nickname.
oh nah
>peg pete
>it was already debunked
where? why is this faggot spamming himself? nigga said "it was already debunked" while larping as some guy who just came across himself. hate obese retards so much
Shadow nubi is a criminal
shadow cheez is racist
shadow Kawayol is a furry
Yeah sure, furfag
You really are desperate, aren't you?
He's been shilling his own Steam comments for at least a week
Shark Tank episode where PsychoJosh, Baron, and Cris all compete for Kawayol's millions of Russian mafia dollars by pitching their fighting game ideas.
Literally wrong on each field, but you stay the butthurt paranoic dumbass that you are. You clearly got butthurt by things he was saying about capcom, so now you're seeing him in every post of every anon, because you're that much of a buttblasted loser.
you remind me of the claytonbot. nigga that you? is your loyalty to clayton faltering?
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This is you he's talking about in this screencap:
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Pretty sure baron would win that one by default for... obvious reasons...
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Also you:
If it's not him, why has that guy commented on several lammy pictures? Kawayol said he was a top player in that game.
Really makes u think....
oh nah
>PsychoJosh, Baron, and Cris
can these niggas take their worthless e-celeb gossip somewhere else?!?!
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Everyone loves UJL, it's not uncommon to have similar tastes or preferences in games, or just characters from said games. UJL is way more popular and wider spread than Parappa. It's a case of where the technical spinoff outgrew the original in popularity, becoming the main thing in the process, just like Xena totally BTFO'd Hercules TV show.

yeah, that nigga definitely posts here
PsychoJosh is a guy making a fighting game called Giga Maidens. It's a 3d fighter with environmental destruction where giant monster women are trying to beat each other up.

Baron is a guy making a fighting game called Blades and Beasts. It's a 2d anime fighter with a setplay where busty furry women are trying to cut each other up.

Cris is a guy making a fighting game called Suburban Champions. It's a turn based pastiche of KOF where Kensou is trying to brutally rape Athena.
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Kawayol is a legit pro tourney player of many decades, tho. Unlike majority of these literalwho "faitan streamer" nobodies that are trying to grift on unbeknowst zoomers with ephemeral clout chasing. Like maxdood and those fakeass SBF scubs like woolie or pat. Funnily enough, Kawayol is not even his main nickname, it seems. He registers at tourneys under different names, according to those two 2004 vids posted in previous thread.
Careful, anon. He'll spam you with comments and memes from his Steam page that "totally aren't aren't him but are like super based"
I'm pretty sure Parappa is still more popular and culturally relevant, which is why it got a PS4 port....
So based and so pro that literally no records of his career exist outside of tournaments he made up himself where everyone else is a fake contestant
Dude, Parappa is unplayable due to a desyncing bug they never fixed. It's sequel is playable, however.
Holy fuck you're salt. Did you lose to him at some tourney, or something? Did he teabag you in Halo? Also, that tourney happened, because you can't fake tourney info on challonge and there are also videos of that event available on youtube.
Do you know why we stopped the car?
Of course you niggas are experts on furry rhythm games LMFAOOOOOO
it's all in the mind
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I bet you're this guy he raped and bodied sometime ago:
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Why did he let the Project Rap Rabbit Kickstarter fail if he's a millionaire?
clayton, but he's a furry russian poltard

is this seriously the new fgg original character?

y'all are getting lazy with these new tumblr designs
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And this is what his own profile page (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2584053016) says about that:
why are there so many unhinged guilty gear boomers and why did it take until a bunch of zoomer trannies started playing GG for all these brutal rapes to occur?
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Crazy how the best 3S player of all time was a pedonigga. Although it doesn't surprise me, 3S players love hitting their 'UOH' in matches ToT....
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No wonder you're so salty about him being a genuine pro of many years, anon. He completely unironically destroyed your ass. Raped you. Without any lube applied prior whatsoever.

Just like he did to this (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2607477557) poor son of a bitchguy:
why are there so many furries here?
he wasn't the best player at any point
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Now let's see what he has to say about that encounter, shall we:
coding a better input buffer than
eating my lunch.
no one said that, he was just never the best 3s player
so this guy spammed kawayol and is now exposing himself as kawayol spamming himself?
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thanks for the gaems marvel anon
And this https://steamcommunity.com/app/1384160/discussions/0/3041606534853661957 entire thread is about his experience of using Leo, even though he never mained him previously before. He got from total 0 to Celestial with confirmed badge in just a month. Surely only a total noob can achieve that, right? However, there's also a sad part about this whole thing, as, according to some of the comments I saw, apparently his dad died right the day before he got his own VIP badge here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2613180229, after which he completely dropped Strive and never came back to playing it ever since still. His dad died on 29th, but he only found out about it on 31st, a day after he got Celestial VIP status as Leo in Strive. Can you even blame him for stopping playing that shit and not participating in Strive tourneys or events after that? He didn't even buy or download any DLCs for it which came out after that, as he pretty much just completely stopped caring.
No one has heard of you until you started shilling your Steam account here months ago
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How so? iirc Kuroda won an SBO and also OCV'd 3 teams with Q during team format tournament, dude also reaches a mastery level of use for every single character of the 3S roster. I don't think any amount of untouched grass that nigga had would compare to anyone else that's played.
His Steam profile is open and anyone can find his posts, his screenshot and art uploads, his videos there, you retards. It's literally right there, anyone can see it.
Doesn't mean we've heard of you before, retard
Is the you in the same room with you right now, retard?
The hero we need
Based pelvis informer
It's more like the guy has been shilling and gassing himself up for months and spamming random trivia bits about himself in the 3rd person
What? This that Ellie/Metajini/Sonic mullti post jewish nigga bot bullshit?
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>this is what his info box says on his Steam profile page

I sincerely cannot fathom how utterly retarded of a anon or a faggot you can be to sincerely in absolute seriousness try to proclaim he's not a tourney fighter after you read what this pic says. You need to be literally braindamaged and in delusional denial of reality, to imply that he's not an oldschool fighter with fuckton of knowledge and experience.
Metajini is British, Ellie is a leaf who happens to type like Metajini and share his hatred of Virtua Fighter
Cute, but words aren't enough
>bodies him three times in a row, with a character that's not even his main

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>claims the dude did not win any tourneys
>claims there's no footage of any tourneys
>literally got proven false and that he's lying about Kawayol more than a dozen times

>still reposts that retarded self-owning shitposts over and over again, continuing to self-own himself further and further as it goes on

should I play gbf versus or strive
GBVS is a vastly better game than Cuckve.
Cool. Ive been making a lot of money lately glad to hear you are doing well too.
granblue and sf6 are the only games with some semblance of footsies left
Nice photoshop, "totally not Kawayol"
If a woman doesnt look at least 95% similar to this whats the point of them even existing.
Holy shit this is sad
Who the fuck knows
And why is he spamming his garbage here? Did /v/ finally have enough of him?
You can't fake standings on challonge, retard. If a tourney started and ended, the recording is permanent and proven it took place.
And there's vids of that GBX event on youtube, you dumb fuck.

Isn't that purely an online tourney event where they register via Discord channels? Even if he participated and lost in that, at some point, there might've been a lot of factors that played in that (like bad connection for one). Was that tourney streamed or recorded at all? Are there any video examples of him participating in that?
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meds, the lot of you
This Kawayol guy seems like a classic 2004-era internet sperg. I picture someone who collects katanas and has a rat tail.

He is the last of a dying breed.
that's how you look...
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I don't collect swords, I collect [[Pussy]]
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all hell is cumming

you better know

cuz aint running
He's a sad specimen, isn't he? And I thought the bikinifag and Ellie were bad
Is that Piko? I forgot FNF brought him back.
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I refuse to hate on a fellow Spectrum Gamer, he is a very passionate autismal champ.
I'd only hate on him if he got into an argument with me about the kind of girls I have in GigaMaidens.
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I don't know who this kawa guy is, but he seems extremely based.
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>classic 2004-era internet sperg
Funny you'd say that, because:

>Oh fuck oh shit anons. I have found one of his oldest competing vids where he plays on a broken pad and he also forgot to set up his controls before the match, he's playing against a literal European champion of SC II at the time, at a major event (basically CIS countries' EVO equivalent of sorts), and still manages to win in the end, after being raped badly for two rounds in a row. There's also a vid of him overcoming same shit when competing in 3S at the same event, playing against a then-champ of theirs
>His main in SCII is not Astaroth but Berserker, but on their tourneys Berserker was banned apparently, so he had to compromise. He also doesn't play Ibuki at all and picked her randomly because he knew his pad was fucked to all shit and he had zero to no chances of winning. He won both times, despite super massive handicapping and crippling circumstances. That SC II vid is exceptional showing of insane comeback.

>not a single Guard Impact in Soul Calibur
>not a single Parry in 3rd Strike

>loses at the start badly 'cause no control setup and fucked up pad
>literal footsie game in SoVLCalibur
>literal keep-away and punish game in SF
>wins against two champs

>that whole entire third round in SCII vid
>that ending of the second round in SF3S vid
>According to some of the commentaries I could find in their local FGC forums, the pad he used at that event wasn't his, as his device literally broke during the tourney, so he had no time to repair it and was force to go and beg other players to let him borrow any controller at all, so that he could compete. Apparently, that pad he managed to obtain, had sawed off analog sticks and was dirty, grimy and sticky to all fucks, probably never cleaned even once since the day it was bought.

>And it was a PS1 DualAnalog pad to the boot, not even DualShock 2, so quality of plastic and buttons was way worse. The dude literally managed to persevere against every and all odds imaginable, as he played with a shitty pad and didn't even use his main characters, fighting against actual champs at the time, and managed to beat both of them while also having a handicap of not setting up controls for himself and pulling through with whatever was set up before he sat at that console.

>This was also, apparently, the very first time ever when they've brought Third Strike to a tourney event, as it barely just came out and they only played the Dreamcast vanilla release up to that point, so they were playing PS 2's version of Third Strike at that championship literally for the first time ever, not just as a tourney, but in overall, because players didn't have this version of the game on their hands at their homes prior to that, so they all didn't have time to lab or thoroughly study the differences between Dreamcast's vanilla and PS 2's release. Hence why that video looks like they're absolute newbs randomly mashing buttons (while in reality they are both pros).

>In my personal opinion, hosts/orgs of that event shouldn't have brought such completely-fresh-at-the-time game to the tourney and they definitely shouldn't have made it a discipline right away. That was fucking retarded as fuck.
No one knows who you are and no one gives a shit. Go back to fapping to Lammy
pedoniggas smdh
quintessential /fgg/ post
You do realize that those comments make him even more based than you'll ever be able to dream of about yourself? The dude is unironically cool and good, since he managed to beat two champs regardless of insanely bad luck. By being so butthurt that you're going left and right trying to search up references made by others on him, you're only doing him even better free pr than he could've ever asked for. You're literally giving him free advertisement and painting him in better way, by trying to gotcha him somehow somewhere. You're only ousting yourself as a total loser, in the end.
I have never seen you people go nuts over lammy before, is this a meme? did some namefag talk about it?
If you insist you're not Kawayol but just a big fan of "this le based champ killer since 1994 who plays under different names", why do you always link to this random fanfic you made about Preecha and Bridget
Get off the internet and do something else.
did we really need another clayton??!?
Tell that to "our based champ-killer" Kawayol
>champ killer since 1994
Are you fucking retarded? His own profile clearly says he only started tourneying since 1998. He didn't take fighting games seriously until 1996.
Love how this guy who totally isn't Kawayol can never seem to refute any arguments and just spams ad-hominem and his Steam comments. And his fanfiction, too >>492757312
Does he have an AO3 we don't know about? Since he supposedly also plays under different aliases and all
walking backwards and waiting for me to press a button and then hitting me during the recovery isn't a whiff punish and you're not playing real neutral
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>butthurt tranny got assblasted that someone finally spoke truth about what Preecha actually is and what Bridget never was
>tries to smear and slander some pro fighter's name out of spite and sheer anger
>fails miserably at doing it every time
>still continues to shitpost it anyway

Very typical leftardoid brainrot behavior, ladies and gents. Are you Ricky Ortiz?
Curious. You claimed to be a player since 1994. Now you're claiming to be a player since 1996. Are you... trying to be humble while still bragging?
I really hate spergs who post about themselves. clayton, ss, this guy, they're just annoying asl
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Yep, this thread is going into the cringe collection.
im not seeing anything this timmy's yapping about lmao
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I don't get what's happening but I'm finna sniffmolest Preecha
death to kiwifarmers
Literally nowhere in Preecha's profile does it mention anything about a disagreement or implants. Joe is a transphobe, so he wouldn't allow a supposed tranny to train under him
Bridget has been confirmed multiple times to be a tranny
People make vast claims like that all the time. Yet there's no proof of his tournament career in the 90s
reminds me of cheez saying he's played darkstalkers since night warriors came out in 1995 even though according to his supposed age that would make him 2 years old
It's a man, ma'an.
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You know it's Kawayol shilling himself, right?
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COTW waiting room.
>don't play game because character's gender identity triggers me
conservatards just can't stop owning themselves and the ones here are so socially retarded they have no idea just how much they embarrass themselves. Starting to fully understand why people want woke shit out of pure spite, you people behave like you have head trauma you never recovered from.
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It's literally on the model, retard. Obviously no one's going to write that down in plain text.

>Bridget has been confirmed multiple times to be a tranny
Get fucked:
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Dimepiece Thai shemales > linebacker Timanthas
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Post a fighting game clip or main or SOMETHING to prove you aren't some lolcow hunting fucking retard or triggered /pol/tard on a bitching spree who doesn't belong here, right now.
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>i-it's on the model, retard! n-n-no i won't show you proof
I really need to know your Wattpad account
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ah i see, the bridgettroon found some random guys steam profile and is using him as a sockpuppet to win arguments against
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we love thai trannies, vappa
So is mine but you don’t see me posting it here
>there's no proof of his tournament career in the 90s
There were two massive Killer Instinct tournaments sponsored by big gaming magazines and a company that introduced Famicom to Russia in early 90's via a Chinese knockoff copycat called "Dendy", which became super-popular. Company's name was Stapler, if I recall correctly. First Russian KI championship was held in 1996 right in the middle of Moscow city, at the TSUM trading center, which is literally next to the red square. The event went for roughly 4 days and over 600 players participated, coming all over from Russia, other neighboring CIS countries, and even some foreigners out of Europe came apparently.

The reason why I know all that about it, is not because of that Kawayol anon, but because the event was so huge that even local mainstream news were covering it and there was footage of it as it was ongoing, right on state TV channels. If you search up Russian gaming magazines such as Great Dragon, Igromania, and Gameland/Strana Igr, they were covering that shit back in the days.

And second big KI championship was held in 1998, at the same place in Moscow's TSUM, with about 1400 participants registered that time around, it was going for about a week, almost like Olympics.

There was never anything such grand as these two gaming events, in the history of Russian and CIS gaming community, ever since. MFA (the CIS territory's "EVO") pales in comparison, with it's usual registration numbers being in low 400's.

I dunno who this Kawayol guy is or how well he played during the second championship, but it's a documented fact that those two Killer Instinct championships actually happened, as there are extensive proofs of it in mainstream media coverage, in profile magazines and outlets, and etc.


Bottom line of it: he didn't lie about it even one slightest bit. Everything he said actually happened.
>transmemeflag colors
>fake boobjob
41% yourself, faggot. YWNBAW and Bridget will never be a faggot or a tranny.
Nah. Bridgetfag wouldn't call him "based" at all
>this Russian nigga talmbout Russian KI tourneys
Oh shit new pasta? LUHMEOW
ctrl+f literal
SS is an annoying autist but what type of person remembers the anniversary of a corny tweet he made?
imagine being so obsessed with trannies that they're all you see
>20 / He/him / A black geek
I can tell what DBFZ team that is at least
Clayon only posted a few times back in 2020 and doesn't post about himself on here as much as you want to believe it, it's just his fans that do. But he does in fact have informants lurking on discords to share any shit talk people want to say about him or his tech
Thought you left because of lolicons and the bikinifag
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the other two are meant to be akatsuki and makoto but I just realised ryu has a headband so its not immediately obvious
I forgot the dude from Blitzkampf was in Uni, he was actually what my mind went to first. I thought the headband was a Jesus fish....
Shes getting NTR'd by me
you're making her watch you fuck her boyfriend?
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Russia was actually playing fighting games at least since 1992, even before USSR dissolved, though back then it were mostly just Chinese bootleg knockoffs of SF II and also MK on Genesis/MegaDrive, but that wasn't anything serious and it just were junior schoolboys mashing randomly for fun after school classes and on holidays, usually going back and forth to each-others houses to share new games and whatnot.

Dedicated local FGC scene began forming slowly starting from 1994, when in Saint Petersburg a big arcade opened in the center of city, which had grey imported Neo Geo MVS cabinets of first SamSho and Fatal Fury, as well as MK II and a couple other fighters. Russian tourney scene doesn't differ much from America or Japan in this lieu, as it was building up via hanging around arcade joints and trying to beat as many kids and scrubs as possible on just one credit. Since then and throughout subsequent years, many other fighting games were brought to Russia's arcades, most of them being SNK fighters. SF was popular, but it never got so much traction as SNK's games and MVS cabinets did.

Russia is a very strong SNK fanland, even more so than Pakistan, Mexico and Brazil are, combined altogether. Saint Petersburg is being officially touted as a "capital of SNK fanboyism" in the local FGC, many KoF and SamSho tourney champs originate from "SPB". Moscow, on the other hand, is a "capital of MK, KI and Tekken", and Yekaterinburg is very famous "Dead or Alive den". Guilty Gear was considered to be Nizhny Novgorod's ("NiNo") specialty for a while, but they flushed down the drain all the opportunity for growth that was given out to them, in the late 2000's. As for SoulCalibur, it was played literally by everyone everywhere, especially so during early-to-mid 2000's, as SC II was super popular and literally every-first-and-a-half normie and their dog had it at home, either PS 2, or GC, less so X-Box. It was also very popular in late 90's, as Dreamcast's port of SC.
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Oh no, they are pearl clutching World of Warcraft Kaldorei, the horror!
The fake mask just turns me down.
Chéez x Shun'ei NTR Isla, I can legitimately see that.
how do i become the next clayton
Kill the old Clayton and assume the mantle
find yourself a loyal informant, make youtube videos, have your informant terrorise /fgg/. also you need to develop a schizo grudge against some people
what if i cant snap like he can
i might be able to get 2 off but idk if i can manage 3 in a row like he does
he MIGHT be a professional
>Clayton, Russian Cheez, Sonic poster, Bridget, SS
What the FUCK lil niggas?
just get a soundboard and mime the snaps
what should my little pikachu thing be
i cant use pikachu because he already took that
Finna have those DSLs wrapped around my BCC

That wasn't me
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Notice how the buttblasted tranny faggot that tried to shittalk and slander Kawayol, has shut up immediately and completely, once he was BTFO'd by solid proofs from >>492761376 anon that Kawayol never lied about anything that was written in his info box, that all of it is complete truth.
squirtle is the real nigga pokemon, but you could always subvert expectations and go with bulbasaur
but gen 1 is cringe..

gen1 is the only one that matters
spoken like a true 09er
niggas will tell you gen 1 is cringe then their favorite pokemon is some corny shit like snivy
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I'm the realcheez and isla is my chilean bitch
imagine becoming so old and bitter and jaded with the world that you grow to hate smugleaf
you have become what you once hated
luvcheez has stolen your innocence
oshuGAWD mogs that zesty ass pokemon
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>The event went for roughly 4 days and over 600 players participated
2208, to be precise. And event continued for a whole month, from March to April. A month-long tourney, with attendance of all ages ranging from 6 to 54. Guess your memory about is not as thorough and detailed as it was in your youth, eh?

Second tourney of 1998 had much lesser attendance, but, yeah, it was around 1500 registered players still. Main reason for decrease in attendees is that second event had age restriction this time around, where only people of ages 14 and older could participate. It was fucking funny as fuck seeing sub-age of consent toddlers participating in this shit during first time around, though. Imagine a 8yo picking Orchid or Spinal, lmfao.
>snivy hype
>oshawott love
faithful tepig bros...i dont feel so good.....
why do you keep posting about yourself
Ah the butthurt faggot already forgot how you were BTFO'd just a couple minutes ago, huh? You're back to shitposting lying slanderous bullshit about Kawayol again, with all the proofs already posted that he never lied about anything? What a cocksucking rooster bitch you are.
It's obviously kawayol detractors falseflagging as kawayol. Also, crazy how kawayol suddenly became an overnight sensation in here.
Because he craves attention but he got banned from /v/ so he's posting here where they will ban you for reporting him
>overnight sensation
with how slow /fgg/ is right now anyone can just force a person here. if someone started spamming margot she'd be "/fgg/ culture" by tomorrow
QRD on Margot?
im so glad i didnt grow up in the twitter era
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pokemon got baddies galore and yall arguing over which fat otter is your favorite
Insanely sexy PAWG actor that is currently pregnant
Who the FUCK is that? Lil timtims keep making up personas
The only pokegirl that matters is Sabrina
If M Bison and Heihachi fought who would win?
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He wasn't banned on /v/, because kawayolposter tries to constantly make new threads with his based quotes, but butthurt local trannyjannies delete them. They delete them without banning him, though, because it appears back again almost right away. That kawayolposter never got banned for it yet.
Heihachi because he died twice and got back up twice
Bison had his soul evaporated and came back
>i wasn't banned
>but also i was banned by jealous unbased jannies who hate my fanfiction
finna become the majintenshinhan poster
Heihachi doesn't get controlled by Pandora. He's the only one not to
>inb4 noncanon
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We're probably just a few years away from entire fighting game rosters being designed by AI
Finna steal the AI redesigns for my fighting game project
Watching schizosol struggling against 1600 MR players is so fucking funny. You can clearly see how lost he is as soon as he can't gimmick people out with spin knuckle and hooligan
>made Wokenificent bitch into a dude
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He was banned for less than 10 hours on Steam for calling out an obvious cuck by calling him a cuckold in front of everyone. But then he contacted Steam support and they eventually got on his side, deleting that cuckold's post instead and unbanning Kawayol.
2 minutes ago nigga got notifs on
>2 minutes ago
It's a screencap from several days back, retarded niggermonke.
you ever think about how majintenshinhan is the inferior majin of the fgc
what the fuck is going on
eeee eeee eee ee e
you took the screenshot 2 minutes after the post dropped lil retarded ruskie
Some fake gamer got banned from /v/ so he came here
Evens Isla
Odds Mai
Some people just F5'ing his thread as to catch new basedposts immediately as the go online, is all. Nothing new, you fucking retard. I wasn't the one who took that screencap, I just shaved it.
I don't play Strive because it's shit.

Whether Bridget is a boy or girl doesn't matter to me, I have never liked that disgusting character, femboy or not. In both scenarios Bridget is a character designed by a gay hentai addict.
>Some fake gamer
But enough about you.
nigga has a crazy case of dunning-krugar
>mash buttons like a retard in neutral
>opponent just walks back and whiff punishes them
not even notifs nigga is manually refreshing LMFAO
pj can you add a tranny girl to your game but make her cute too
please we need more representation
>n-n-no u
>Lina inverse
Jesus christ this guy is oldschool. He reminds of the smelly autistic spergs I talked to on IRC back in the day.

Anime's always been shit and I've always been hating on it, fuck Slayers.
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>In both scenarios Bridget is a character designed by a-ACK
slayers is calm nigga quit hating naga had my jr jr bricked tf up
So this guy can shill his Steam account while pretending to be someone else, but if you repot him you get banned??
And I thought mods babying that tranny leaf Metajini was sad
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"Cute tranny" is an oxymoron, buddy.
>Anime's always been shit and I've always been hating on it, fuck Slayers.
>his """"game""" has anime characters
Ok tubbs LUHWOOF
... a haircut?
That's nice, Kawayol. I bet your mom was proud of that and these other memes you totally don't spam
youre so mean pj
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Oh word? What anime are they from, you fucking retard?
>nubi is anti kawayol
/fgg/ might be saved
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>According to posts he's been making on Steam, he's a fuckhueg Slayers mark since 1989's first novel and specifically a total Lina Inverse fanboi. He owns full set of official Slayers d20 pen & paper RPG and full set of all cards from the super-rare "Slayers FIGHT!!" competitive collector card game, which are extremely rare (way more so than any shiny Pokemon cards). Fuck, he even uses pixel art of Lina Inverse from 1994's Super Famicom release of Slayers game for his avatar on Steam

You have anime-like fats you retarded fat fuck. Thanks for the (You). Fat worthless nigga. No self awareness
notice the ring
Kawayol is the hero we need to finally rid us of timantha
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Oh okay, so they're not from any anime, which means they're not anime characters. "Anime like" does not mean anime. You dipshit. You absolute buffoon. You ignoramanus
Dude his profile is open and you can openly go to his gallery and save those screenshots or read his commentary on it. Anyone can do it, ffs. You're fucking retarded if you actually think he's posting here. Nobody gives a fuck about /vg/ outside of /emugen/ board.
anyone wanna play uni2
Stop with the fucking retarded lolcow and eceleb shit, please, I am begging you fucking virgins.
Work on your anime styled game you fat fuck and stop hating on shit you steal from. Like that other dumbass Canadian that ripped off Mario and made a white blob wearing a fez. LUHMEOW
And yet you still spam your "art" here. Were you not getting enough asspats on Steam or /v/?
kawayol will make fgg straight again
yбить вceх тpaнcceкcyaлoв
you all loved phil fish, trappa
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A-anons...what do we have to say to this?
Judging by what he said there, the game is either uberbased or totally cringe. So what the fuck is it?
Kawayol faps to furshit and canon trannies like Bridget
вce кoнчeнo.
The furry Kawa is a different dude, anon. Stop projecting. That furry's account also hasn't been active for decades.
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Kawayol I'm making a fighting game about giant women who destroy cities what do you think?
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He types in Russian just like you do. He faps to Lammy like you do. You have no proof that they aren't the same guy
imploring mods to do something about these off-topic spammers
Imagine larping all your life as heavy metal enjoyer and rebel to fucking ending as a NPC who follows the thing of the day.
Doesn't seem like he's into kaijuu shit, though I remember him coomerposting about Alcina Dimitrescu on /v/ in the past.
most metalheads are bitchmade under the hood
Never saw any of our Kawayol's posts on Steam being in Russian. You're projecting, tranny. The butthurt is truly strong in you.
>larping all your life as heavy metal enjoyer
Ishiwatari was literally born in Africa and had his own African metal band for a while, before getting into games and going to uni to study programming and starting developing GG in 1995. He ain't larping, he was it.
Went to NEXUS to see if there's anything new for Marisa and unsurprisingly, there's nothing good
we need a tournament with all of the fgg namefags
what game and who would win and why
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I'd like her so much more if it wasn't for her stupid hair and gorilla body.
There are proper ways to design buff females that are feminine and sexy, and these hack designers ignored them.
They let Ellie shit on threads. What makes you think they'll get rid of Kawayol and his fanboys?
vf5 racist showdown
baron wins through esper powers
Kawayol would've definitely btfod many asses in GG and KoF, since he deems those his main franchises.
Notice the win ratio.
Probably Sonicsol because he labs and the rest of us don't lab shit.
look you might hate me and my people for existing
but one thing im not going to let you do is hype up ss
what do you mean you people?
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nigga got slimed out by ss and thinks hes a fighting game guru now
Clayton's thoughts on the red squirrel vs grey squirrel race war?
Sounds like Kawayol
You have KDS.
Sol is nice at fighting games, that's all I'm saying.
Trannies are not people, you are dudes with a fetish, get over yourselves.
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Baron doesn't even know how to play Virtua Fighter, he just mashes epic gimmicks with vanessa
any halfway decent player would rape his ass so hard that he would stop pretending to like it if he left his safe bubble with his safe ebw
Very cute
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>Jesus Christ this guy is oldschool
Well, given the fact that he posted his Anidb profile page on Steam a couple days back...
Headie One - Martin's Sofa
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Damn. He's kinda cool, makes me think of IRC spergs hanging out in #fandub on webnet. I miss that breed of autist.
god clayton was awful enough
now we have two schizophrenic autists in here samefagging up their own lore
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based or cringe, y'all decide
you've been moving zesty asl this whole thread slurping up SS and this new nigga
Go away you born after 2000 retard
you're lucky you're too much of a fatass to get drafted in ukraine lil ruskie
>a wild /pol/k/tard suddenly appears

Back to your cesspool, tard.
how much calories you on today lil ruskie? we're body positive here we wont laugh
He plays better than Ellie does
The fact you still shill this shit is cringe
how can you even be fat and retarded in russia
dont they kill you
do they even have socialized programs to help them in adulthood
he sure does love them gingers and redheads, eh

>Lammy is also a redhead
>Peg Pete is a redhead
>Lina Inverse is redhead
>Makoto Kino is a bit reddish
>Reiko Mikami is a redhead

Is this a preference pattern? She needs to be natural ginger or redhead? I wonder if he's maining Marisa in SF VI.
someone's son drew this
PsychoJosh mains Marisa because he likes men in wigs
She will taste the Cheezcock.
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He doesn't play Street Fighter all that much, he basically stopped after V because they greatly disappointed him by not including Sodom, lel:
Bridget would be perfect if not for the retcon
cheez did you not notice the dick bulge
Is he one himself? Shouldn't he be using Buffalo Bill name, then?
Do you think cheez cares? He acts tough, but we all know he is a true patrician at the end of the day.
He just doesnt like ugly trannies.
Cute ones like Bridget and Poison have always been a staple food for BCC.
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That's a puffy vulva, mantha
I main Marisa because I main big bodies and I don't wanna play Zangief, got tired of his corny ass in 4. And Abigail/Hugo are unavailable.
Bridget is a man and was never a tranny. Poison is a woman and was never a tranny. I will Sid you in the dark alley, faggot.
Cheez, seriously look at it. No vulva is that puffy.
>Bridget is a man pretending to be a girl
is this not the definition of a tranny
A vulva that's resting on his thighs?
That wasn't me.
There is a plot behind him dressing and acting the way he does. TL;DR is it wasn't his choice, and if he'd didn't do it, his parents (or their entire village) would've murdered him, because he's a first-born in the family and it's a "curse" and "bad omen" to have males being first-born in families in the village.
To be quite honest, I too love trans women. They're so cute and innocent and I just want to protect them with my big strong manly boomer body. I am an LGBT ALLY!
There's a difference between the anime art style and anime writing/tropes

Most anime is all flash and no substance

Need a good western writer to hold them down and make them make something good, like Elden Ring basically did with George RR Martin
Dude even Ranma is not a tranny. Because when she's in her female form, it's completely a woman by every physical aspect, with only mind and behavior staying male.
okay but he's still a man pretending as a girl
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Is the PS5 a floppa? Capcom is putting the collection on PS4 still, lol
what in the world is a safe ebw
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many people haven't moved on from the ps4, mostly due to shortages during kung flu and pc gaming getting more popular. there's zero reason to buy one if you don'r care about playing...spiderman or horizon
nigga gotta make sure he maintains his weight or they'll ship his lard ass to the ukraine frontlines oh lawd
He's completely straight physically and mentally otherwise, as he openly doesn't consider himself as a female. He's a dude that's forced to wear a drag to hide and stay alive. He's "Gourry in a dress" moment from Slayers, if you will. Nothing more than just that.
okay but he's still a man pretending to be a girl
It's an MT Framework problem, it hasn't been updated for Xbox One and no development for PS5/XSX was ever done on it
>a tranny is a man pretending to be a woman!
>ah so bridget is a tranny
>n-no, bridget doesn't count because, and you see, so therefore
she literally says "im a girl" in strive, which is canon
I hate how 3d fighters need to add supers and all this stupid shit. its like adding items to forza
Gourry started calling himself a girl?
He could say "I'm an australian cane toad" that wouldn't make him one.
pj can you stop im a real girl stop being mean
the argument isn't whether Bridget is actually a girl, just whether Bridget is a tranny
If you're a real girl you should despise trannies more than anyone else.
damn this one troon being baiting negative replies all thread. reminds me of vicki being a "painslut pup" who gets off on being insulted and dehumanised
*nose grows an inch*
Would you rather play something bland like Virtua Fighter?
What did he mean by this?
These aren't me
cheez why are you responding a post addressing virgins
are you admitting to being one
Wait one of those posts is denying that you're the other posts, so if that one isn't true, does that mean you are the other posts? I'm lost.
*pops v-trigger*
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Ah... so it WAS Cheez then
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>planning on building $750-$900 PC while I live with my parents and don't have to worry about most of the bills eating my paycheck
>some of the games i want will be stuck on piss5 for a year minimum
>Clayton in SF6
WTF Capcoons??? Someone explain
No. Which is why his statement had me wondering what he meant.

It just means none of those were me.
the only good thing about strive is that it impossible for jappa devs (that aren't harada) to ignore rollback
If you're not a virgin, why do you care what was meant by a post addressing virgins? Unless...
>haven't played a fighting game in 4 years
>fall asleep watching tournaments
>no desire for a ps5
its over?
I still tune in to big tournaments. But actually grinding and getting better? What's the point

Also as shallow as it is to say it, I'm genuinely not big on SF6's character designs and the decision to be cross-gen was a huge mistake. I might give Kekken a chance if they add Kuni II
>character design uglier than Kimberly
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... BAZZ?!?!?!
Only bad part of this design is the hair and the knee pads.
I was pretty disappoited to find out Bass was only 6'4 or something in DOA
Obviously tall but not the hulking monster he appeared to be the first time I picked up DOA3

There is a good reason for it
they really put tricky in a hero shooter
6'4 is monsterous to the japanese
Tricky has better fashion sense than that clown. And he dresses like a dumpy old finster
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hey now
none of you coons can design characters either
you'd make some fat raccoon bitch sniper
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I'd make a fox bitch sniper, lil looney troon
I'd make a blonde demon girl PAWG and her cute petite sister
Tkd cant come soon enough.
>cute petite sister
what was up with all those homos calling this kid a "femboy"
what's tkd?
jesus fucking christ how the fuck did this terminal levels of cringe make it into a finished fucking product, why did no one stop it at any point in development
The publisher probably forced them to put half of that slop in there
Jesus christ I'm glad this shit failed. Burn in hell Concord.
fgg FPS:

fat racoon sniper bitch
Goblin invisible stealth bitch with a big ass
pawg ninja that runs very quickly but only has a machine pistol
EBW healer that with big titties
loli with a rocket launcher
how would you improve it?
character design: emezie, baron, viddy, psychojosh, wolfgang, shuckle, ellie
programmer: mike z, james chen
battle planner: clayton, max, core a gaming
marketing: jiyuna, broski, fear, majinobama
community manager: sonicsol, technicals
Uhh make all the girls sexy biofem giantesses, and no male or trans characters.
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Why don't you guys just apply to be Idea Guys on Concord to fix it for season 2?
You'll know, its only a matter of time.
Holy fucking kino
>Season 2
My dude this game will be lucky if it makes it to Halloween
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Better or Worse?
You guys talk about shooters more than fighting games at this point.
Y'all didn't even give this much attention to Drag Her, wtf
20 years from now, do you think anyone will be saying this is their favorite character
what's the lore on fgg having a bunch of furries now and they all hate each other as well?
>Goblin invisible stealth bitch with a big ass
1st day preorder, NIGGAAAAAAA
For some reason the last few weeks has attracted a bunch of namefags who all want to be the next big star of /fgg/, like I can understand people like Cheez and Baron who were already here wanting to be king of shit mountain but who comes here specifically to do that, what is there to gain by being the biggest schizo in the schizo thread
Timmy faps to THAT?
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Imagine this, but with furries.
Then you will have your answer.
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>Drag Her
I pissed off one of the stupid faggots who made that game because he's been following my twitter to leave snark on random bits of art I post while having me blocked. Goes by ianipoos and has this shit as his avatar (but says my character designs suck). lol
lil butterface but nothing a paper bag can't fix
Concord will be lost media within a few weeks, so I highly doubt it.
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Why do the tumblr people draw "like that"?
They have a lot of weird and unappealing design trends they tend to copy from each other. It's like the American version of the "dogshit generic anime" style.
>Drag Her
Drag Who??? Luhwoof

Give her huge sprinter ass. Them Jamaican sprint bitches have that
When you're a bunch of trust fund californians doing cocaine in an echo chamber, that's the kind of shit you end up with.
she's beautiful, you're trippin'
I don't get why ppl are so obsessed with the whole notion that is some made anthro character they're suddenly furry gooners. So what? Is Takaya Imamura, the dude who made character designs for all the Star Fox games, a furry because of that?
Is Naochika Morishita, the dude who made Bloody Roar's character designs, a furry as well?
Where do you even stand on two legs if you can't even admit bending the curve on a character even slightly gets you aroused?

Face it, you're terminally online rotted brains can only deduce seeing anything with a curve as being catered to "the gooner audience" when even character designers like doing exaggerated proportions to differentiate from a cast of diverse characters. You don't see large groups of fans crying that their fav piece of media needs to have every character look like plane Juila from accounting, so why should Neymar the brazilian aspiring indie game design artist feel ashamed for making Aranilla the arachnid, the shy high pitched soft voiced 8-legged pudgy n squishy thighed + wide hip'd + flat chested glasses wearing monster spider girl?
Clayton is the most important galaxy brain the scene has ever had. People could post him ever other post and it would be better than any of these other schizos that get posted here.
beautiful is crazy lmfao
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Even without furries, that already basically happens on here. Look at how much the black people on here all hate each other and call other black people race traitors and coons and uncle tom to prove they're the blackest black guy in the thread so they can become "the official black guy".
Who cares if some games have furries in them? Some of the most popular games in existence have furries.
Sonic games are good shit I don't care if they get yiffy. Don't act like you would turn down a paizuri job from Rouge.
How do I cheat engine my way to get Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue and Majin 21? CreamAPI doesn't work on EasyAntiCheat.
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Ono will save fighting games
nights was better, THOUGH
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To be fair, Imamura actually is a bisexual furry, he likes fox x wolf pics on twitter.
One of the Japanese Sonic artists likes gay furry porn of Tails on Twitter, too, but I forgot his name.

But regardless, I get your point.
Strive is not canon to Guilty Gear lore. It’s a spinoff so you can take it as its own thing.
source: my ass
Ellie left the internet, remember?
It’s a wallbreak fighter and most of the characters are au versions of themselves. See Testament.
You niggas would put catnip on your dick if you had Felica from Darkstalkers in your house DO NOT LIE
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They should make a 2d fighting game with sexy furry girls.
And timmy says I'm the one obsessed wifh concord.
cheez is it true that one night in bangkok makes the tough guys tumble
my jr would have this bitch barking
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hey now
you're a rockstar
get your game on
go play
>calls trannies men with a fetish
>literally everyone except them in this thread is a man, displaying his fetish
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>flattened tranny dragon with a gay lisp in boyshorts and a sports bra
I get that cucks with publishers have to put in whatever ESG slop they're paid to, but
Do indie devs really look at something like this and go "Yeah, this is a cool character that people will all love and want to play"?
I wonder what the design process was behind that.
There's a big difference between hypocrisy and taking one to know one
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I love Kimberly, she's so beautiful.
its a mental illness
urge to say it rising
Crazy how you can't have an ass that "phat" without being fat.
realistically, Luke, Jamie, and Kimberly will not be in the next Street Fighter right?
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Why didn't Kimberly look like this?
Luke is a likely one. He’s one of the more successful “replacement Ryus”. Kimberly definitely not. Jamie 50/50.
Even if the creators themselves aren't furries, the audience those characters generally attract ARE furries, and that's the issue.
>turn on stream
>hit with some Rog’s face
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She doesn't have a snout, so it does not count s furry.
I don't make these rules, bro, but that's just how it is.
If someone enjoy's Star Fox because of the cool space battle opera concept and gameplay they're also prone to being butt pirate orgy having furries as well? Causation does not equal correlation. Like, no duh furries want to play games with fuzzy friends. Doesn't mean everyone by association is likely one. Is Fauna the vegan botanist with an ASMR as a side hustle white girl playing Animal Crossing because she want's to RP herself getting pipped by Raymond's spikey cat dingaling? No, she just likes cute chill townsville sim games just like the majority of the AC audience and not like a RedRocketKisser389 the degenerate furry gooner with e926 as their home start page for their internet browser
>Is Fauna the vegan botanist with an ASMR as a side hustle white girl playing Animal Crossing because she want's to RP herself getting pipped by Raymond's spikey cat dingaling?
As I've learned from Archive of Our Own? Possibly....
How much CAT is Felicia anyway? does she have a barbed tongue? Could cleaning her litterbox still give me Toxoplasmosis?
does felicia have a BBC (big barbed cock)?
>type "Cat Penis Rule 34"
>get put on a list
the time has come
the bell has rung
Why do so many indie games have the problem where they never shut the fuck up? The announcer talks louder and more than the CVS2 announcer in this game, Skullgirls has the characters spouting out memes every time they do an attack or get knocked down, TFH characters toss out a one liner every time they do literally anything, etc

Who does this appeal to?
yoko taro started out making a shitty dynasty warriors clone with schizo music and lore and became an industry legend, what's your excuse?
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>muscular cat girl getting fed
What’s wrong with that?
I don't have Taro's industry connections
I've spent the last 13 years making a giantess game with tranny designs that nobody is interested in
Drakengard was a dynasty warriors clone?
Or did you mean something else?
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No you didn't.
kaine pinning me down and sliding her futa cock in my bussy
>CaC mode that no one really cares about is the main focus instead of Costume Alts.
It's been the case for a year and a half brother. It sucks but that's how it is.
Capcom is allergic to success.
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Having trouble finding this Clayton video. Did he delete it?
*snap snap*
niggas discussing oneshota on youtube
Catgirls are not furry, Anon
that's a man with bolt-on tits
baron reviewed a furry oneshota doujin series on youtube and you all love him
I have a discord with hundreds of people in it based on just the concept alone. Get real anon.
My characters are all sexy biofems and fit women exist too, maybe when it comes out you'll finally make the choice to become straight.
how does one become straight? do you take a pill for that or what?
so are you
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your tranny game is never coming out lol
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Make the choice to become straight Anon. Stop seeing men where there are natural born women. You can do it Anon. I believe in you.
And I'm planning on implementing one very attractive and feminine transgender fem that you have to select at the top, hidden from the other characters like Akuma in X-Men V.S. Street Fighter.
If you have a discord filled with hundreds of fans what are you doing here in a general populated by maybe 30 shitposting morons?
Any lolis?
If I make a vaporware fg I can get a group of buttbuddy yesmen?
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A dude is all you are and all you will ever be.
My new fighting game Lolis vs Ojisans will have 10000 followers on discord
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Can you guys just act normal for 5 minutes?
PJ having an identity crisis right now
where's the blades and beasts discord?
It's more fun fighting with a bunch of random spicniggas than hanging around your orbiters all day

t. Dustloop moderator
>says while posting safe furry batgirl
What's safe about Rouge?
I don't understand why you consider cheez and baron to be any different. Just because they've been here longer?
theyre just as ass
but theyre fgg culture
It's easy to get attention on here because you retards don't know how to ignore bait. Just have to make some kind of inflammatory statement and attach yourself to some e-celeb somehow and then you're just immediately incorporated into the /fgg/ lore.
Cheez and Baron have been here for years and were around when the general was active. It's a complete shell of its former self and over the last few years has devolved entirely into being a shitpost general with only a handful of people. I could see Cheez considering this his home because of the history he has here and feeling this is his personal fiefdom, but PsychoJosh is a newcomer who arrived at the general's lowest point so far. Why he'd be interested in coming here let alone trying to impress everyone and become the next /fgg/ celeb is a mystery.
I'm more confused by the mass reply sonicfag than PsychoJosh. Half of that one's posts aren't even about fighting games and are just about tranny twitter drama in broken English. PJ at least pretends to play Abigail.
that one's clearly just a schizo, pj is weirder because h seems perfectly sane just for whatever reason thinks we care about his game
this guy is the knower
I miss the Luke poster unironically
I miss the Bullet poster.
It was nice seeing Lobbyshark a few days ago
her skin color
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psp port looking amazing
Closed the lobby early.
Thanks to all who came.
>safe ebw - Vanessa
>safe furry - Rouge the Bat
>safe rog - Mike Ross
>safe eceleb - Max / Sajam
What's the next safe "x" consumption idea that /fgg/ will come up with next?
lord knight is safer than mike ross
we were arguing about safe evil akuma the other day
safe futa
>2 guests DLC
>WT/BH garbage
>safe futa
I-I don't think those two can correlate...
Unless you want to put Poison under that term...
Oh wow, is this who Cheez fucks when he NTR's Mai?
safe: baron
unsafe: sonicsol
I liked the kind of weird /fgg/ was the last two nights, tonight is too bog-standard weird.
No. I fuck her girlfriend yuri.
Why not fuck Mai instead?
These aren't me.
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Yuri is for anal. Mai is for paizuri.
This isn't me
how is some psycho that posts cream getting brutally raped in between ranting about how the anime discord illuminati pissed him off safe?
No vaginal? I didn't know you were gay, Cheez
Yuri is for cuddling after im done piledriving the rest of the female kof cast
None of that shit matters. He basically never mentions and presents a palatable version of black people for the white audience.
Why do you think he's so popular here compared to SS who is treated like a lolcow?
damn the ramfurry still dickriding baron, someone drop his details
I thought they only called it dickriding if you said something good about the person.
>the freak furry who loves lil anime girls is..... palatable and presentable
nigga is calling him a model citizen
Jamie is played more than Luke now and both rake in major fujobucks, they're guaranteed to come back
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*basically never mentions race

Whoopsies, that was a typo.
Jamie will be returned and fixed
>zestiness removed
>in a non-ugly game
Luke is coming back as is
Kimberly is gonna be put down
Athena is for vaginal. Kula is for anal and vaginal.
that's just ellie
The model minority, Shuhei Matsumoto
that nigga matz pulled out his rare SF2 movie art book at the fg roundtable and had the chun bath page bookmarked. nothing model about that jigger
remember when matz showed of the kimberly figure's ass on an official stream?
SS said that being palatable for white demons is not a good thing
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SS randomly going nuts over Brian F is when I stoppped posting about him no joke. nigga was actually ABSORBING our shitposts I couldnt contribute to that
Come to think of it, I actually haven't seen a baron post in well over a week.
Safe loli
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I need to become an fgg e celeb fast, what should my strat be?
defeat all of the others and consume their soul essence
what fly under that?
Guilty Gear May?
Safe domme - Ivy
become a gamedev
This. Be a wacky gamedev/ideanigga. Finna change the fg industry.... just uhhh gotta skim the Youtube 1st for 3d modeling
Anyone who calling a loli gets people to brintg up their age like it matters, so yeah May
Made for rape.
but putting a down payment on a jappa bitch car is fine???
The yakuza gunmen forced her to do that
jappas are goddesses, vappa
I thought Vanessa Lewis was an example of an unsafe ebw and a safe ebw was a character like Yoruichi or Nagataro
I'll just hire an Injun to do the models for me like Matz did
hey jivetards, one of yours got loose, please wrangle him back
you could just be the "how do I become an /fgg/ e-celeb" guy. post it every thread, find some gimmick to avatarfag with. entertain orbiters with a lobby once in a while. bonus is behaving effeminately for the homos
They lightened her skin in VF5
that just makes her a pseudo-ebw
You'll quickly find that safe just means "thing I don't like" at this point and it doesn't even fit the original intended meaning anymore.
It's just another buzzword you use to complain about people you dislike.

Just start calling Morrigan a Safe Demon or some shit to piss off that one guy here in love with her.
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Safe fetish (FEET)
safe grappler - Shermie, Mika, Lisa, Vanessa, Cerebella, Darli Dagger, etc

None of these characters have the downsides of a real grappler, so they're made for people that wouldn't normally play grapplers
thats actually true. feet are mainstream now
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The zestiness will be increased, he's a hit among fujos and Capcom knows it
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they should make a phrase about games not living up to expectations, especially if the previous game is considered better than the newest version. I call it the Street Fighter V Effect.
Apparently the mass replier is some old Asian hoe who posts her tits on/soc/?
no one gives a fuck about fujos lol
gotta love how trannies hide behind fujos as some mystical force lol you're a nigga in a dress off yourself
remember when linebacker troons tried to say fujos owned comiket then the evil lolicon pedoniggas took it from them
I remember they did that with Granblue, too. They added the speedo costume and their cope was it was for all 4 fujos playing granpooper instead of the 40 trannies still playing granpooper
I thought mecha niggas ran that shit
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cheez is it true that one night in bangkok and the world's your oyster?
Oh my god nigga shut the fuck up, you aren't funny or entertaining in the slightest.
Choke on yo mama's dick already.
Some ugly little goblin ass faggot tranny is gonna walk up to Daisuke at some con and be like "You should add a gay buttsex scene between Ky and Sol.... for the fujoshi audience, of course!" and then he would consider doing it.
Daisuke gonna look him dead in the eyes and hit him with
>Fink-sama already recommended that
with the sketches on his desk
but is it true cheez
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they should add being a good game to guilty gear before they add that
That isn't me. But I am playing sf duel and the new luke banner dropped and I got pretty lucky.
ew you play that
wait they finally started adding modern characters to it
how much of sf6 is in
timmy happy because he rolled kimberly
how would you guys have improved kimberly's design?
I've been playing it since it launched. Play it almost daily. Also in the top 2 guild in my server. They just got the license for SF6. So right now it's just luke. They haven't said who else will be in. But the safe bets are the shotos, chun, cammy and juri. The SF6 characters are time limited though. Luke will be replaced by probably a new SF6 character.
well at least it isnt 3s and 4 forever
this licensing thing is so bizarre to me considering how hard they were shilling ads for it during official capcom events for years before western launch
how do you go that hard on marketing and partnering but then refuse to give them licensing to your characters in certain games
old ones i guess i can understand but sf5? sf6?
how much of your mommy's money have you wasted on this
0. But I spent thousands of your mom's money.
why do you have my mom's money
cheez are committing fraud
Cheez is the only person I've ever seen who actually brags about spending thousands on pay to win gacha shit as if that's an accomplishment
You've literally never visited any gacha thread then.
You're right because I don't play gacha shit, go play a real game
i like gacha
but i prefer ones that give f2p a fighting chance if they research and plan well
i dont like ones that seem overtly predatory and favorable towards a whale meta because i dont like being reminded that i am poor
Already played DOA today
why is cheez spending his son's inheritance on MTX?
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Make her look like an attractive black woman
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chimperly made me racist
MANon made me transphobic
the coonberly tap-dancers would call her a safe ebw
and Lily?
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Make her look exactly like the bitch from El Dorado.
Got lucky and managed to get luke to SSS rank with only 120 summons.
how many copies is that
did you know gambling has the highest suicide rate out of all the addictions
14 copies of the same unit for a master or infernal type character. If you want to take them to SSS+5 rank it's another 5 pairs, so 10 more copies.
wtf thats nuts lmfao
that has to be insanely far out of reach for f2p
no winner is committing suicide because he keeps getting free money
Yeah. Game is extremely resource heavy when it comes to summoning using divination or special summon tickets. Which is the premium summon currency and you can only buy 3 a day using the free in game currency. So it takes a very long time to stockpile enough to make any meaningful attempt at a banner. And they have a high price tag on these special summon tickets if you buy them out right with cash. 50 of them is $100. You can easily spend $1000 to $2000 if you just buy the tickets to SSS rank a character.

The thing is they give you two copies that you can earn by playing luke's event and after summoning enough times they'll give you a free copy. So I was able to earn like 4 copies and I had saved up these things which basically let you substitue them for any unit. So like a generic copy of whatever unit you want. They're very rare. You only get like one a month or you can buy one of them for $100.

So thanks to all that, I only really had to pull luke like 6 times. But that's still extremely good for only about 140 summons. Usually you get maybe 1 copy in 50 summons.
Fixed that for you
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Kimberley design is too busy; I would simplify the visual elements and fix the face.
taming a fujo bitch with my micro
Vaginal with Athena and Anal with Kula
Fuck Marry Kill
with a bit of refining kofxv could've looked very good
Marry yuri
Fuck athena
Kill mai
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Short-hair Athena?
Goddess athena is the best athena
gayest thing i've read all thread
I don't make the rules of FMK. Ideally it would be fuck all 3 starting wifh mai and ending with yuri. But rules are rules.
trannies are mostly "transbians" doe
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what did this kookily nigga do now?
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>Crying because a vtumour banned you for backseating
Backseated a vtuber and got banned from their chat
yakubians' fault
faggotsol crying, lol
based on what i saw on sonic stream. she asked a question he answer she didn't like it and banned him.
ayo sonicsimp crying over a vtoober
this isn't even the 5th time this dumb fuck backseated someone who was tilted and got banned this nigga really never learns man
ss has banned countless niggas for backseating and he still does it in other streams
is this vtuber the sf6 community cumtoilet kokujin was in there too
tidus ass laugh
sonicsol is going cuckoo
did he ask for help?
please tell me someone have a recording of that little meltdown
sonicsol has a backseating allowed tag and cries about his chat not helping him, then someone will give him advice and he will get mad and ban them
half the time yes, the central fiction stream was literally him begging for help and then seething at people giving it when he was too dogshit to implement it properly
i've only recently started watching sonic sol so i ain't any of that yet.
Is there a reason most streamers seem a bit retarded? Aris did that, too.
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it's a byproduct of streaming for a while and becoming sensitive to potential retards saying retarded shit so when anyone says something that mildly rubs them the wrong way they overreact. This results in situations where streamers will have audio/cam issues and their chat will be too scared of saying anything because no one wants to get hit with "dickrider1800 said the audio's fine, get out of my chat idiot"
>I was harassed online
You got instigated into running a set with some random puerto rican manon in snake eyez's chat and had a melty when you got washed and found out snake eyez streamed the entire thing and laughed at you.
sonicsol asking chatgpt how to not be a sperg
what vtuber banned him? i wanna see the vod
I remember he was trying to find dirt on snake eyez just because he streamed the set.
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timestamp? the vod is 11 hours long...
around 09:35:00
>diaphone and i are even
But he doesn't even have a regular command throw, just the super one and a normal throw with followups
Hmmm that was probably your point, thoughever
You act like it isn't in the nature of gambling to take a drastic swing either way. Pretty dumb post desu
>person says street fighter players doubting xiaohai is their fault for not knowing him
idom would win more if he wasn't playing the worst character in the game
You people's obsession with this guy is weird...
>guy does some dumb shit
>hey you see that guy do some dumb shit? pretty funny
You actually ARE obsessed, just scroll the thread. Posts for days about this nigga. irdgaf and don't see why any of you people do other than being terminal losers who need lolcows to not want to kill yourselves.
you imagining shit nigga you're the obsessed weirdo
timmy had flashbacks to highschool seeing people laugh at SS
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fgg be like
Triggered little Tyrone
>you're not my coach sonic sol, i dont even know who you are. who even are you?
>alright, im banning sonic sol

So yall forming a pack round this dude or what
>i dont even know who you are. who even are you?
can see why he cried now
it's crazy this guy's almost 30 and has the self awareness of a child; it's like watching a character in a tv show
Is the cinematic super closeup the jappa version of "moon gravity tod slop"?
is the new wave of indie fighters just trying to emulate arcsys?
the swooping zoom-in strive supers look so bad
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biggest attack hitboxes you've ever seen in fighting games?
Yes, remember the dark edgy red riding hood eddie game that got posted the other day?

But to be fair, indies have been copying things from GG for a long time (Skullgirls), but now they're copying from the worse guilty aspects of the newer games.
>30 second start up cinematic
>actual super is basic as fuck
Post your game, tho?
>shows vod where he was giving unprompted advice the moment he entered the chat before that
Uni characters
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Yeah, he's autistic. He genuinely doesn't get that the vtumor was asking a rhetorical question when she went "What should I have done then?"
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y'all are shitposting, but it still looks better than anything American indies have ever produced for a fighting game
i miss when supers weren't sakuga clips. it's even worse now since supers have an extra build up animation for the main animation.
Bro even calls it an HS attack just like Guilty Gear. Can you indie NPCs do anything but copy from other already existing games?
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>i gave a smiley face
>chat tells him diaphone told her not to worry about turning green in a beginner tourney
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can you people do something productive for once?
this is like when shortbus made a beginner guide for sf6 and had a melty when people told him beginners aren't going to get better just knowing safejumps and OSes
he's going to do this self pity shit until someone donates now
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Yesterday I worked on my game and solved a problem with my state machine, worked out, had a nice dinner with my family, and played some games. You?
she was already doing a very basic dr combo and she asked what she should do after 5hk he simply answered
I been ranking up in my mahjong game let me relax for a bit.
>short for Doutei
Does Ogawa really?
His mistake was killing the chat trying to debate everyone on it and backseating (someone who already has a coach) to begin with. She's a casual who couldn't immediately tell if the autist was giving her useful advice, so she went off vibes and dunked him.
he's a idol/pornstar simp and basically never saw a prostitute I guess
>yugioh analogy
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Are y'all really entertained watching a nigga in his 30s go "The internet made me a monster!" for 12 hours a day?
did gaijins make him take this photo...
it's super hard to not be a sperg in other streamer's chats...
If your nerves are raw and your brains are fried, just grab a friend and take a ride
together, upon the open road!
crazy to see someone be disliked everywhere they go and laugh at the idea that the problem is them
You poltards say the same thing about jews
he's really banning one of his loyal dickriders for not giving in to the pity party
this would be like the 20th time he's done this
what is it with niggas and the goofy movie
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Did that faggot Vicky Viper get banned yet? or is he just going to get away with death threats?
the latter
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My BCC would tear her cheeks the fuck up
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imagine how much more productivity you people would have if you stopped gooning your 2 inch nub to all that hentai all day
why are you dick size shaming
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>i'm just like her fr
you can tell when timmy feels guilty over something he did and comes into the thread to project
Mai was a pretty terrible person and always manipulating and lying to other players,so yeah, that comparison is pretty apt, lol
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is this like how a bunch of the new cartoonists are severely mentally ill and horrible people which is why none of their characters are likeable?
Why is she listening to her coach but not a rando like me???
how this nigga dragging this shit out for 3 hours
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You guys got nothing better to do than virtually stalk black men online?
how often does that happen on here?
the funniest part is that he realized he sounded like a moron saying top players losing to each other at a tourney of entirely comprised of them and had to switch to "uh...NUCKLEDU'S CHAIR LOST TO A RANDOM HONDA WHILE READING DONOS"
>tfw 40 and played fighting games my entire life and bad at them
>no matter how many hours I spend "labbing" and playing with better players I exist in the mediocrity of Silver
Who here /fraud/
Am I only allowed to stalk white people? that's kinda... racist?
ss turning to alcohol...
I used to have that problem, but then I picked a busted easy top tier and got all the way to platinum
Also, do you have bad reactions? I have bad reactions.
He was already an alcoholic.
My reactions are okay but I'm fucking retarded and drop combos. I have a feeling I could do better if I took the grappler pill and fish for command grabs.
Is that vtuber even a real woman?
Yes,that's exactly what I did
he won samsho and dnf duel once put some respect on his name
200th pace in evo online is still more noble than winning first in some dead party masher tournament with 5 guys, Vicki
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sonic, you lose nearly every set you play against that timmy
No wonder people think education is a scam if dumb retards like sonicsol can get a bachelor's degree
Who do you think is more likely to get sponsored
25th place evo SF player
1st place Fate Unlimited Codes player?
it's the world's fault i have to play a game i don't like for 12 hours a day
But Ellie said she was smart because she went to college
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While passing college doesn't mean you're necessarily smart, it' a good rule of thumb that if you didn't to college or failed out of college, you are probably a retard.
>tekken is not casual friendly
>describes why it's casual friendly
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Being disingenuous on purpose? Broski was referring to Cujoh Kate in that picture. She has very few accolades and wanted a sponsor. Broski had already placed highly in multiple tournaments by that point. I get that you think the epic and funny heckin numberino was the same, but the comparison is completley false. Broski had better placements than the woman in question at that time he posted that on twitter and that's an objective fact. Cope.
placing high in the weakest region isn't impressive, broski, especially when you still can't win shit despite the bar being lower
broski would win more if he stopped playing gimmicky low tiers like aki
aki is top 10 this season
Japan style beats USA style
USA style beat EU style
EU style beats Japan style
>Broski had already placed highly in multiple tournaments by that point
this isn't even remotely true LUHMOW
Why do people like SonicSol and Broski larp as top level Capcom players when they never won anything?
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HE GOT 2ND AT CPT...online EU west
because it's cope that despite all the time they invested they have nothing worth showing for it. SS especially has to constantly remind people he got 20th place for evo online strive and won some side tourney for dnf to cope with just being above average.
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>3-0'd by luffy twice
why did Broski struggle so much vs grapplers?
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it wouldn't bother me if they weren't so cocky and talking badly about other games, but it strikes me as actually delusional. Like just look at how they talk about how they won't can't play SNK games because they're dead and irrelevant with no real competition. I get why they would say that (and they're not even really wrong) but hearing it coming from the mouths of painfully average players that never even win in the relevant games just comes off as hilarious. It's like they're those pseud video essayists that review movies all day and do these big rants about how every director is a retard, then they make their own movie and it's just completely unwatchable.
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they both said every other FG is shit and not worth playing and went all in on SF and have nothing to show for it
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Remember that time SonicSol tried to grift in Chaos Code, the community told him they didn't need another psycho black guy ruining their community's reputation, then he went nuts?
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Sonicsol can barely make it to 1700mr despite mr inflation. When the game was new he at least could make the bottom tier of legend. The players at his level got better while he stagnated and it eats at him.
They're two sides of the same coin, though I think broski is fully drinking the SF koolaid or should I say slime, while sonic openly hates it.
at least broski got invited to the red bull kumite that one time and almost beat menard
SS would have gotten invited to the Kumite if he stopped going insane every week on stream
SF6 asks for mental stability from the players because of all the reads you have to make. Thats why empty headed morons like noah win.
I thought you guys said that SF6 was made for high IQ asian people, now it's for low IQ American people?!?!?
sf6 is a godlike game when players i like when and random kuso when players i don't like when
tron had a lil nigga going insane
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who said that?????
SS posting here because we called out how timanthas get away with shit others get banned for and then storming out when he realized we wouldn't suck his dick was a funny arc.
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that nigga matz got a fade just so he could fit in with low IQ americans
If the players I don't like are winning enough for it to be a trend I notice, that probably means the game has too much variance unironically
he always says he hates posting here then comes around every month or so
she doesnt even look like this in game
do timmies defend drive rush pausing the game or are we supposed to pretend it doesnt happen?
Roman Cancel does that and everyone loves it
nobody likes that
sorry, I didnt know that was a touchy subject
Don't you remember Metajini?

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