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Fashion Frame edition

Previous thread >>492588139

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.4
CURRENT EVENT: Dog Days: https://www.warframe.com/news/dog-days-2024
Total Grineer VIctory
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miss me yet?
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Pablo, buff Valkyr.
nerf screenwipers
nerf incarnons
nerf energy economy
nerf mobility
save warframe
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I fucking LOVE Voruna.
stat squish?
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no, I'm spooked. This is already, like, my 4th chat ban over nothing. I got a 10 day chat ban for discussing my Nezha build before. I think I'll just disable region chat and let myself be 1984'd.
no wonder half of all players never talk, with how anything and everything can get you suspended
>Warframe and Destiny have melee weapons
>TFD does not
your dumbass may want to read over the terms of service. just saying.
>hehehe muh 5000p rivens
melee gameplay = goyslop
why do you have region chat enabled in the first place retard
>having region chat on at any point in the last ten years
well there's your fucking problem right there, stop dipping your toes into the retard containment chat
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A week ago one of my clanmates accidentally typed drycock instead of drydock. They got hard banned. The one thing that scares me in Warframe is getting all my time deleted because of a typo.
The warframe chat mods are actual psychopaths who have the power to perma ban you without a warning or explanation
where in TOS does it say I can't talk about my Nezha build?
What did you actually say?
warframe = woke gay granpas
simple as
dog days is fun aim + parkour practice for pvp
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I'm nooticing something...
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though now that I think about it, isn't wearing grineer skins essentially warframes version of cosplaying the SS?
Yeah, but my aim's getting better
So I'm a "new player" (returning but with a new account and my previous was e even on mr3, and now I'm on mr6) and I was really enjoying the game, playing missions, farming frames and weapons.

But I was losing interest, after mars you don't have that many journeys to do and I was basically rushing my way through the star chart to unlock some quests

Yesterday I decided "that's it" and made a fairly "strong" build for my Wukong and Soma and rushed from Ceres to Neptune, and played the Natah and Second Dream journeys

Let me tell you I WASNT EXPECTING THAT. The Natah quest was a bit "meh" because it was very easy to figure who was Natah, but the Second Dream? OMG that was definitely my favorite of all time in this game and definitely reignited my love for this game

Now I'm thinking if I rush to Sedna to unlock the War Within or if I complete the planets I have unlocked already. What's your thoughts on that?

OBS: Sorry for any typos or mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker (or writer lol)
What are you nooticing, nooticer?
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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Which heavy blade skin do you think is cooler?
For me it was unlocking the star chart (not 100% planets) to be able to do all the quests. Then doing all the quests. They really give a good way, in my opinion, to understand Warframe at a good basic level. Then I went back and completed the star chart so I could unlock Steel Path. After that it was working on faction ranks cause they open up a whole nother level of game loops and play styles. Also, I admit that I wasn't worried about beefing up a load out until a quest that comes after New War. Once I did that, everything became way easier than I was making it out to be. And a lot more fun.

TLDR: Play however you think feels organic. For me unlocking the star chart and completing all the quests was a great foundation.
Damn, it's like Grineer but real.
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That the lowest-effort bumps are coming from the person complaining about low-effort bumps more than anyone else. A classic pattern.
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Left. The right one is weeaboo shit.
>why do you even go into a chat made by DE, to discuss content made by DE without expecting to get banned by DE
you serious?
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Can someone tl;dr why we have a schizo dedicated to talk about russians and quote random posts rambling about waking up? Tripfaging hasn't been a thing in years.
I've been a back and forth /wfg/got since garuda came out i can't recall this retard being so proeminent.
idk but maybe if you keep bringing it up and derailing the thread to talk about it, it'll stop
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that's him you fucking retard
why is this shit spammed so much?
are you new? this shit is commonly known.
the first thing every player should do is disable region chat to avoid blue haired powertripping mods
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I'm addicted to rolling rivens
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>rts update
lolno, they wouldn't copy a dead genre. you get pablo's moba instead
Howdy! It's me, the resident Mesa main.

Just wanted to pop in and remind you that I am NOT transgender. Just because I jack off to the fantasy of me being a cowgirl robot getting dominated and knotted by large muscular male Kubrows out there in the wilds, does NOT mean that I ain't a straight man in reality, alright then?
take your pills, hon
Megan is only 29 though
old and busted
Are you? You know damn well it's moderated by retarded chuds and even said you've caught multiple bans already for nothing AND STILL REJOIN IT. You're a fucking retard and you deserve a permamute just for being unironically naive enough to greentext that tripe.
>still no revenant buffs
Life ends once you hit 40 so she still has some time left
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mental sickness
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>does NOT mean that I ain't a straight man in reality
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Left definitely has more of a heavy blade feel but in terms of which is weeaboo shit idk since it was designed by a fucking italian who goes by hitsu-san
delusional retard
She can be 29, 40, 19 or 7. She'll always be a hag in my heart.
It's disabled by default in Warframe.
he's really underpowered
here are my proposed Revenant buffs:
-mesmer skin now restores 100 energy each time a stack is depleted
-mesmer skin automatically recasts if you have enough energy when it runs out
-bosses can now be thralled
-reave now 1shot kills bosses
-danse macabre now does 20% maxhp damage per second in a 1000 meter range

I think these would be fitting changes to finally bring this underused and underpowered warframe in line with others.
when does nightwaves end? tomorrow or tuesday?
still wouldn't play rev cause >male
jannies kill this nigga
Now make one about wisp pasta, "delete alchemy" and others
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>do eda + netras
>log off
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still too weak for the current meta
I would rather the ritualposters just have a big meetup and jonestown themselves
Kek'd and saved, I'll find a use for this someday.
How is this mental disorder called?
Is there any reason to keep a normal ignis after mastering it if ive got a wraith cooking?
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That's basically expected behavior here.
Ive got e-rich, I think I will buy a wife
almost at day 300 milestone!
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>day 130
>MR 28
>completely burned out
Vulpa Prime skin when? Make it look like a Warframe. I need style on my stat battery.
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it's over bros
based as fuck lich
Just kill him
wtf i love liches now
that would require effort and I'm lazy
pay the tax cuh
chat, is this real?

this is real, I can tell, even Biden was doing this
OMG Im getting showered in plat its not even fun
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>coolest lich in a while with a decent name
>26% weapon bonus
Valence-fodder then.
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2k+ plat in 4 days not counting rivens
I am addicted to rolling Liches.
what have you been selling?
Save him in case they let you use your converts for making infested liches
Why would that be the case?
how do we fix woke propaganda in warframe?
i farded
we move over to dest*ny or t*d. i'll follow your lead
Go make a post about it on Asmongold subreddit.
why did gauss prime lie about warframe gameplay? is that legal?
high hopes and autistic theories
>Making infested liches will just be sending liches back in time to get pozzed
>assume a lazy system that just makes normal liches then hits them with infested parts, meaning we'll probably be forced to farm liches to send back
Just depends on how lazy they are. We could just get the infested version of lich/sister farming but with lich parts reused and some infested parts added, or have to summon a converted lich to shove into Audry II to send to the dark years.
how do i mag with conclave in plastids?
I was really butthurt about that because it portrays this cool hypothetical in existing environment with interactions that doesn't reflect anything like actual gameplay opportunities
Redpill me on Sevagoth Prime while I wait for him to finish building.
sefagoth lmao fuck liger
how about i fuck you instead?
thoroughly ZOGGED and SLOPPED for the mindless mapwipe chinese hordes after his last augment
1v1 me in frame fighter
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>learn that region chat is a thing
>enable it
>[DE]KickBot is busy wrangling the tards
>the chatter is garbage anyways
>disable region chat
It was as bad as anons say.
post ign
Can you or someone else type that again but without being retarded
ask "Nezha is a trap?" in region chat
They're implying that Sevagoth is a Jew crafted cheese machine aimed at Chinese players who mapwipe constantly.
Sounds like someone is butthurt about getting cucked out of weapon affinity.
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bitches don't know I have the world record score on Happy Zephyr
>cucked out of weapon affinity
you literally get more spread across all 3 weapons if you let someone else do the killing...
on what?
Zeppy Bird
As a common /wfg/er, I have some advice for people here who are also into upgrading their gaming equipment. I bought glass skates to replace my stock skates on my razer viper v2 pro...what a fucking mistake holy shit. The mouse is now almost unusable, its hard to open images on here now because it tries to drag everything. The mouse is way too sensitive now. Don't be like me, don't buy glass skates. Now i gotta spend another $10 to replace these pieces of shit.
That's a cool lich. I would keep it, it will still kill shit
Reduce DPI in settings, what is your problem beside being ultra gay?
why not buy an xbox controller
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Why would you ever think glass is a good material for skates?
>Steeped in solitude, I found I could no longer endure my own company.

>Disgust did the work of courage. I tore through the mundane membrane, slid weak and mucosal into Loid's embrace.

>I wanted nothing but the ease of oblivion, at first. I floated, ignorant in baths of nepenthe, a second gestation. Unseeing, unspeaking. Only rarely did my brain flicker errant light across the cave-paintings still smeared on the interior of my skull.

>At sensation's edge I knew a vague silhouette of Loid crooning motherly across the watery distances, the poetry my tongue was too blackened to recite.

who wrote this cringey ass script
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not so fast
Why do JRPG cutscenes lie about JRPG gameplay? Is that legal?
arsenal > pvp loadout > equip mag > play pvp until plastids reward drops.
it was kind of a mistake

if you've used glass skates, you'd know that the dynamic friction is very similar between glass and PFTE. But what's different is the static friction. glass has way more static friction which means its a lot easier to move at rest, but once they're moving its similar. I'd rather not fuck with my DPI that I've been using for 10 years.
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Warframe has been blacklisted by the Woke Content Curators. If you buy plat, you are literally enabling the destruction of white civilization.
lol snowflake
>all that text in the list of sins when they could have just written "Canadian"
Work smarter not harder, white man.
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now it's personal
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>hate cascade
>aeolak barrel is 5p
>love flood
>stock and receiver are 30p each
What are those items? I haven't seen them. Is this something you need to seek out yourself in the game? As long as they don't shove it in your face and do something to seduce little kids into it I don't care. I'm a trad christian but I'm not against lgbt rights because I believe that there is a place under the sun for everyone. God loves everyone even if they don't love him back.
>blacklist game
>still has no problem sucking tranny cock
every year they have faggot flag gylphs and other cosmetics ingame
Doesn't count
>m a trad christian but I'm not against lgbt rights because I believe that there is a place under the sun for everyone.
>God loves everyone even if they don't love him back
These statements are incompatible. Conclusion: tradcath larper
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I remember a while ago some guy here said he made hundreds of plat doing commissioned ERP in some guy's dojo.
Is that still a thing?
The only LGBT thing I have an actual problem with so far is Varzia, because she's a creep who makes unsolicited sexual remarks about others.
Maybe she and Maroo are supposed to be an actual couple, but Teshin? It shouldn't be okay because it's a woman doing it to a man.
The abrahamic god is the biggest cuck in fiction. Zeus is badass, if you don't worship him he just fucks your shit up.
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whos asking
You're wrong. But whatever.
New sleek just dropped https://files.catbox.moe/yax7z9.mp4
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Anon, stop. This was gay yesterday and is somehow even gayer today.
The blackrock stuff in this game is weird. I can't tell if it's the usual lack of self-awareness from leftists, where in their virtue-signalling arms race effort they inevitably end up producing the most hilarious caricatures possible. On the other hand, it's also possible the designers deliberately made them caricatures in order to make fun of them.

For example, the nigwave visual focuses on the biggest, fattest niglips possible. The only way they could exceed the sassy black women caricature is to have her holo spinning a basketball while eating watermelon.

Ticker has the most effeminate pose possible, while his head model uses the most masculine bone structure possible (don't forget that schnoz).

I'm pretty sure whoever designed Loid (Faggot) used that image of a liberal man(?) holding up a cake as reference - you know the one if you've been on 4chin for a while - where the head is several sizes too big for the body and the masculine features like the beard and sideburns contrasts sharply with the effeminate pose and Auschwitz-tier body.
holy kino
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>whoever designed Loid
Loid was designed by Liger. Make of that what you will.
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These are weird things to obsess over, anon. You should find some help. It's also okay to come out of the closet.
How does every one of those concept art faces exude homosexuality?
Faggots are so mentally ill they prefer to fuck a bald fat midget rather than rebb
because they're gay, anon.
That character dresses and makes poses like a faggot. Stop being disingenuous
Must I progress the story more to unlock more Railjack Missions? I did 3 on Venus Proxima and I can't do anything else despite having 7 intrinsics in Command and minimum 3 in the others.
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Fashionbabs, i need your advice. How do i make my Red Veil Mag more Red Veil-sh? I have no idea which syandana would fit the theme and if there's a better color combo for Mag herself. Thanks in advance
She already looks fine, but id personally change the chest, shoulder armor, and maybe change/move the sigil
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post something new for once
Why not use the actual Red Veil armor and syandana?
>even doe /tak/ is peak representation of heterosexuality
How do you do the trick to always get the good map in the index again?
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Because they look like ass
start from dojo
Start it form the navigation room in any of the relays
grineer buildings are getting blown up at record pace please forgive
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>talk about badminton
>plat stolen
Post the trannies seething over Jade.
>Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash
>Not recommended
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Did they remove color palettes or something in the last few years? Apparently this metal tone I have on most of my frames no longer exists so if I change it I lose it
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>Me when i press the nightwave button to make NPC's shut the fuck up
You look like Volition
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try this maybe
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>go to the sanctum
>load in to the site of Wisp's big fat ass
>I remain: the great and terrible Hunhow
Something about him sending you an email with a recorded video message, like any other character, is so fucking funny for some reason
me when i see dani's fat milkies
Hunhow is probably the most unintentionally funny character in the game from his intro in Second Dream to being Stalker's roommate for years after.
>many frames with a fat ass
>no frames with fat titties
She's my number 1 frame
Mag has a nice pair of titties. Mesa too
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>no frames with fat titties
There's like two. Hoping Nyx Heriloom has big titties.
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>tfw only one or two levels ar most of easy shit to grind
>CC all
>"I remain: the great and terrible Hunhow"
>Sincerely, Hunhow
Give me a Mesa build and I too will main Mesa
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Apparently i'm retarded, I already had that enabled and the color I was looking for was on the non-legacy version of classic saturated. Thanks
>sent from my iPhone
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Kys zoophile imposter
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Nyx heirloom will have some thich thighs and she'll be in a leotard and thigh-highs complete with thigh chub.
nyx pasithea is good enough and has a nice boob window too
I feel bad for Hunhow.
> +58.8 Zoom on Sybaris Riven

I don't know if this is good or not.
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>positive zoom
I think it a good time to stop. Even got 18 nitain saved.
yeah you're right. it's bad.
Time to keep rolling
So what are the chances lich Pathocyst completely BTFOs Glaive Prime after they finally unvaulted it?
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>kill grineer janitor
>shards stolen
>another boonk gang victim
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Give me a quick rundown on lich trading. Do people buy the ones with funny names?
we can discuss this in my orbiter
My warframe looks so slippery.
you ever think about how nonsensical it is to do void fissures in the void where the corrupted get double corrupted
Steve will personally enter the Warframe offices and make sure that doesn't happen. He let the dmg rework and companion rework slip by, but no more!
The same reason Arthur is wearing some kind of BDSM harness disguised as a practical military thing, ligger
I don't remember this operator voiceline.
>He is thinking
Necraloid is probably how Albrecht wishes Loid acted.
Do you think Necraloid has a necralussy? If Otak doesn't want it is it rape?
Ticker isn't even some genderfag thing, or wasn't originally
It's a frankenstein posthuman robot thing with identity death
The necraloid existing while Loid is still alive is hilarious especially with one being a curt servant and the other being a snooty faggot, I've always liked that explanation because it makes Albrecht even more of an ass to everyone
Rhino Heirloom looks like shit.
It'd look fairly average if they didn't go for banana yellow. I'm not sure what the difference is between heirloom and deluxe skins though. Like if there's an expectation for higher quality or something since quality is already extremely variable among deluxes.
heirlooms have semi-transparent glittery bits
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She's finally baked, anons.
can't decide between tharros strike and ophanim eyes for a defense strip
>looks cool
>doesn't play a styanax grunt on female frames
I believe the material painter is called "onahole jello"
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I'm slightly colorblind. Is this blue or purple?
that would need a lot more noticeable red to be considered in "purple" territory imo
Approaching violet
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Ok thanks it seemed close to what I think is purple on the palette so I couldn't be sure.
'member Voidshell skins? I 'member.
onahole jello mat for voidshell skins when?
>make material channels alterable on the base frame body
>don't give the skins to old frames with static channels like Ivara
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After three painful days I've finally got my prime Wisp. Within 20 minutes of having her some pub told me he wants it. Feels good.
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>over 2mil Kuva wasted
>ideal stats with no negative

I'm the one to blame
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what'd I just say
so its aquilcier?
We deserve better schizos, and final nightwave week started, you guys have less than 2 days to cash out
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You're a weird schizo, you know that?
>-112% weapon recoil
>+67% zoom
I found it. The most worthless riven I've ever rolled.
It's cool when he does it tho
relatable, I don't need perfect rolls on the numbers but I need at least the range of a negative and haven't gotten what I wanted quite yet
wants what???
I'm at 230 rolls. I'll have to try again when I get more Kuva. It's not a bad riven, but a negative would've been nice. It's a good thing I don't plan on selling it anyway
you're less likely to get stats you already have, so it's actually best to keep complete garbage on it until you get that groll
>you're less likely to get stats you already have
>you guys have less than 2 days to cash out
>kill or capture an eidolon hydrolist
how do I go about leeching this when I dont know what the fuck i'm doing
What do I bring? I got every frame that came out before hildryn
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I just didn't do last week's, not gonna do this week either probably
ok this might be a dumb question but are the weekly missions that we just got for nora's mix vol 6 or vol 7?
because these weekly missions end in 7 days but the mix vol 6 ends in 2 days
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>glyph inflation
canadians amirite?
if you join a pub they'll probably finish all 3 before you get to the spawn
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okay im here now what
start blasting
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Those things that make your frame look excellent if you have enough taste to use them? Yeah, I do.
the weekly challenges stay when the season changes. you'll get vol 6 creds for any you finish in the next 2 days but they'll stay locked when 7 starts
Let's group for EDA. Get it done and over with.
IGN: Higgus
how do you people do so much damage?
Shame about the wolf heads
void strike
you're joking right?
well i can one tap their shield but not their limbs
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>I spent plat on skins that don't even render for other players so now I have to pretend they look good
Camera reasons
DE was just afraid to admit it until they added Wisp who's just a Live2D gacha bitch waving her ass in the player's face
Other than that there's what, Saryn, Voruna despite the art difference, maybe Dagath unless the material is tricking the eye
bumping this
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>don't even render for other players
I see them all the time.
I don' trust people that didn't choose Lotus
I don't trust people that didn't choose Natah.
anon are you retarded
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*gets ZOGGED by pablo and augments into mapwipeslop right before his prime*
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i chose tits and will always choose tits
>been here for several months and been wondering why someone kept misusing the word sleek
>Russchizo suddenly reveals it's been him the whole time
Guess that explains it. Wonder what word or saying he's mistranslating to keep coming up with that phrasing.
I use Dante so I don't care every EDA is ez regardless of debuffs.
Call me misinformed but shape>size. And Mesa Prime's boobs have a nice shape to them
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good b7
the textures only render on other players if you zoom in and they're completely still
high %, good weapon and ephemera
lol wtf is this!!!! oh my science!!!!
So, all fishing spears and mining tools are the same, right? RIGHT?
only if you use the tak sleek
fat Nidus?
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Play Mag. Join New Loka.
Nothing I shot did any damage and everybody was running around doing something and it eventually died, got the rewards, and nigwave bitch didn't count it
did they get to hydrolyst or did they do all that for teralyst only
So tell them to stop moving.

No, there's a slight difference in the mining ones between the solaris and cetus versions
and the shock spear for tuna is different from the goop spear for deimos and the spears for different fish hides on earth
we did all three, I even got two riven transmuters which i will happily take
hmm do archon defense or kill myself which one
Do a 2 for 1 and kamikaze your orbiter into Mars
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They are fine.
delete alchemy
does anyone know how to defeat duviri jumpers?
you can remove the shoulder ones
you jump with them
marge what does this mean
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I did every railjack node in 1 day and now there's nothing left except grinding void storms
fun once you get going but it's over so quickly I'd rather it not exist than the cucked state we got it in
reminder that nova is fat
>fun once you get going but it's over so quickly I'd rather it not exist than the cucked state we got it in

Yeah I can't really argue this and I love RJ. It's a good time waster though, I really wish it was better intergrated into the game. I blame Steve for wanted to have content islands.
You dd veil proxima orphix?
yeah but I had to open it to pubs. easy with 2 people
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>Keep getting Kuva Bramma rivens even when I dissolve them, trade them or sell them off
>Just got another one, now I have two

Didn't they nerf this weapon to hell? Alright REBB. I get it.
They only nerfed the ammo, it's still godlike but you can't spam it.
is bramma better than zarr for crewmate?
>Alad V during The Second Dream: "Stalker. I wonder what's under that scary smoky exterior? A heart of gold, perhaps?"
And then they make him a dad with a dead wife.
Not him but they can’t equip bows = Bramma is a bow, duh
>it's still godlike but you can't spam it.
Ah, so that would explain why I don't see it anymore. I'll give it a try then, maybe I will stop getting rivens for it.
>top 10 anime mom deaths survivor
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>todays episode, waiting for my friend to make and test a build for over half an hour
>gear embargo
>transference distorttion
>abbreviated abilities
>no energy exhaustion
Bitch hag pussied out at the last one

I'm literally on vacation right now.
tell him that the simulacrum isn't accurate performance and he should just test stuff in gameplay
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Mag thread
I keep getting new frames and not using them after 30 because my main is too comfortable.
How the fuck do I find thumpers. I've flown across the whole plains twice (restarting the instance) and found none. I just wanna do my Nightwave..
Start trying to mine and one will come to ruin your day
Start the 40-60, teleport to The Seethe, enjoy the thumper
how do i find bumpers oh nvm i found one >>492800274
They have higher chance to spawn during bounties. Also they have 3 level brackets.
fly out, turn right
if it doesn't spawn on the near side of the water, go across
if it doesn't spawn across the water fly all the way back past the door
if it doesn't spawn on the dirt path, fly out a bit more toward the water again and go back toward the first spot
I've killed like a hundred tusk thumper domas and can get it to spawn in 30 seconds max every time
hope you know they don't spawn during night
I meant narmer thumper domas I forgor
Steel Path E Prime has been a decent build test for me. You can even test it on an acolyte.
Kullervo's always visible combo meter should also be enabled while using the Rauta on other frames. It's annoying to switch to melee to check my combo for statstick frames.
If you really wanna min-max player suffering, the least pleasant option I can think of would be
>Gear Embargo
>Transference Distortion
>Energy Exhaustion
>Ammo Deficit
With mission modifiers Myopic Munitions and whatever else punishes players for being too close to enemies
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Every time I do railjack, my tenno crosshair tries to escape the screen
Retard question but should i do nigwave weekles 1 day before retset? Will there be new weekles when the new season realeses?
it goes back to normal if you jump in the forward artillery for a sec
Yeah that was reported, "fixed" and is still a fucking bug

Yes because thats another NW with different challenges duh
fuck -75% duration is kinda brutal.
Is Narrow Minded really the only mod to reduce range?
Nah ammo deficit has never been an issue, forced neg duration shuts down all your buffs, no invis tank etc.
isn't it 50% now?
which is the more useful ability between mirage's 2 and 4?
Being a huge weeb is a core Tenno principle - imagine, you're a 13 year old on a spaceship to a new system, then suddenly you're the ultimate chuuni, able to possess the perfectly tuned bodies of the ultimate weapon... and what did they do? They LARPed the entirety of Tenno culture and made all their samurai martial comic books reality.

In reality both are weeb shit, the left one even more so because fuck huge thick Western sword is also a Japanese cultural invention.
um how to afk please
>remove hands from mouse and keyboard
you are now afk
throw away your keyboard, you're now away from keyboard
>amputate your own limbs
you are now away from keyboard
>Dex Sybaris, Veldt, Latron Wraith, Latron Prime
I'm just missing the Prisma Grinlok and Chakhurr for comfy semiautos. Can never decide if I want a long range primary or secondary
Speaking of railjack and bugs. Did they ever fix the misaligned target indicators?
Did you just not watch any of the stuff from Tennocon? We know what the infested liches are already.

Forgot this faggot general has the shittiest taste. "Disgust did the work of courage" is raw as hell.

You culture war fags make me laugh because for all your incessant bitching about blacks and gays you can't recognise a cultural reference, because you don't actually engage with or even like art. Nora from Nigwave is a reference to The Warriors, classic based macho cinema.
I'm gay btw
Ah, it's EU hours, innit?
I just got on and absolutely must reply one by one to 8 hour old posts as if I'm opening my work email after the weekend because my opinion is very important.
Oi I'm just getting started you can't be posting at the bottom or I won't get to ya before a new thread starts
>you HAVE TO recognize movies from 40 years ago
okay grampa it's time for bed
fucking faggot
Ticker is based though, love that theatre fag vibe its just so amusing.
In eight hours I'll have such a scathing reply to this just you wait.
I accept your concession
I am filtering the term kubrow
mesa is for drahks
putting the wild in the wild west
fucking retard jannies
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Is wfm being buggy as shit for anyone else? opened a bunch of relics and wanted to check how much the extra shit i got was going for and i just see this on the main page and a blank screen if i look for specific items.
I wanted sell my garbage and maybe gather enough scraps to get a hydroid prime set, i really like how he feels and i dont want to use a reactor on a non prime frame.
mesa is for my dick, actually.
Working for me.
I have a problem please help
right I mean how fucking dare someone communicate an opinion
you have chosen correctly
I hit the fucking character limit with that it's so tempting to confirm
the capitalization got butchered and now it's funnier
>Account suspended until Jan 01, 2035 due to End User License Agreement Violation
I'll violate your end, bucko
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I know what I've done wrong and I'm not sorry
farming dog days for no reason actually
buy syandana, buy rifle skin. All you need.
>Sevagoth Prime still does not have any forma in the aura.
He should have came with an aura forma pre-installed given how much he needs already.
Nekros did it better
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>Atleast 34m so it becomes night at Cetus so I can do the fucking Tridolon
>Archon Hunt / Netracells / EDA and the rest of the NW already done
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>double burning mass in cred offerings
Orokin reactor and exilus on Duviri vendor.
I've managed to get every female warframe with a prime other than Equinox, Mag, Khora, Gara, and Trinity. How would you order those according to how fun/good they are?
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I am simple man, I use Equinox Maim and run through E Prime and get funny brain chemicals.
what is the point of lotus eaters?
i don't get it
>tfw garbage incarnon week
Is the intro to 1999

Isn’t current week Furis and Latron?
>1 out 5 incarons is good
To further convolute the plot and showcase that DE has factually gone senile, trying to make the Lotus relevant again even after they turned her into a customizable fashion doll subservient to player will.
This, rebb has is a hack.
I don't even think DE realizes how bad that decision at the end of TNW was. But holy shit, it was bad. As a portion of the plot it was bad. With regard to the removal of agency from a character that had her agency stripped away to begin with, it's absolutely atrocious.
>Furis, Latron, Strun
What did he mean by this?
me too, my only good kitgun name was "big zam" the rest are just names of bad dragons :(
and one prostate "massager"
should i feel bad about this?
at the risk of throwing stones, my kitgun name is irony poisoned brainrot while your names require knowledge of designer gooner products so I'd say your names are several steps below mine
First EDA in a while where I feel like skipping it and just doing netracells solo. I look at the list and it doesn't seem too bad, but so much could go wrong as well. I already know it'd be me using Wisp with 3 shit weapons and turning off the duration penalty, so being a useless buff bot at the mercy of pubs is not appealing.
turn off Gear Embargo and dump a bunch of specters everywhere
>he woke up
>doing tridolon with randoms.
>one person simply does not put their shard in the thing.
Why do I do this to myself, and how do people still not know about it
>1 good weapon
>2 vaulted gweapons
the first kitgun I ever named I tried to call "gun"
quotes are not an accepted character so I had to call it the 'alleged gun'
>designer gooner products
thats probably the best description of villainous wyverns ive ever heard
also i kinda agree that they are below yours all things considered
but if i name normal guns i try to be a little less faggy
like i named my epitaph "king crimson" just because i like that song alot
>Pubbed it
>It died because someone with 2 of the 3 drones moved away for whatever autism reason
What is the lore reason behind bosses being immune to Warframe abilities
anabolic steroids
skill issue
What decision
Should I take the bo or the furax as the second incarnon, I already have the strun and the latron, and I am selecting the furis first.
The "I don't know who I am, lol, you choose" decision. They took a character who had been raped and subjugated and immediately threw her back to her knees.
Mommy knows her place.
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i want someone to play with fassiuurrnkk
Damn this is kinda fun.
Any other frames that just have a death aura around them? I used to use Ember for that but they apparently ruined her since I last played.
where the hags at
>trilodon nightwave again
hug tagfer
fug hagfer
Why is tigris prime worse than sancti this this rips
>name my kubrow george floyd
>get banned
play requiem fissures you faggots
>join netracell
>1 console player 3 PC
>console host
>join netracell
>1 console player 3 PC.
>console host
>abort again
>join netracell
>1 console player 3 PC
>PC host
>holding area just bugs out
why are consoles like this?
only extermination
Gyre with Cathode Current is probably the closest thing to old Ember.
Xaku can be played as an AFK automatic turret too. And Protea to a lesser extent.
>Pay homage to St Floyd
>Get banned
i named my helminth george soros and i haven't been banned yet
sounds like a skill issue on your end
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>Doing pub tridolon for nigwave
>Got all lures myself and doing 95% damage
>During 2nd one ask people to get more lures becuase all 4 are mine and already fully charged so we could use more
>They don't respond, nobody goes grab more lures, instead they just shoot the Eidolon with their piss poor damage, even when it has its shields on
I don't mind carrying but my fucking god at least try to fucking help.
Equinox is female??????
If I don't see at least 2 volts and one trinity/dante all armed with Rubico prime with 25 puzzle pieces applied and Mr 20+ I'm leaving the eidolon lobby
Simple as
Why people still need volt? After Mirage rework just roll with her, 600% damage boost is enough to OHK everything.
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Will you accept a duration harrow instead
his shield also buffs amps and can zoom around super fast to charge lures
You can take the spot of one of the 2 volts
>25 puzzle pieces applied
What does that even mean?
Forma look like puzzle pieces and you should apply one to your rubico for each successful 12x3 culling
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what do I subsume on mirage
is there any easy to use ability that allows her to hp tank while using the damage buff
Eclipse got 90%, and Nourish will stun anyone that hits you and apply Viral on them. Don’t remember the cooldown on how many seconds must pass for it to happen again
fucking hell. this guy is using frost as an endgame nuker. how the fuck do you guys progress so fast? I've been playing for 12 hours today and went from MR 12 to 13. i just can't keep up.
if you look at other players you are trying to catch up to a decade of playing
mr just tells how many shitty guns and frames you have maxed, getting a build that will demolish everything in the game is 1000x easier than getting to mr30
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"soon"... I can continue the game
I've been hoping for a long time that DE would update Eclipse's animations like they did for mirrors.
>nightwave thumper mission
>suddenly all thumpers on earth dematerialize
Pablo, buff Revenant.
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bros....i don't feel so good
>76,4% players - gooks
Whew, dodged a bullet there
being limited to 1 deep archimedea play per week is so lame
the one mission that could be challenging and would incentivize to get some new guns to run the mission with is done in 30 minutes
wokeframe lost
it's rebbover...
>Poland 2nd, Sweden 3rd
It all make sense now.
We can't compete
change gooks for brazilians and you get Tibia population
change gooks for pajeets and poles with chinks and you get the warframe population
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Didn't they change this shit to 50% or was that just something they "planned to do eventually"
Sevagoth is more popular now but it's still the usual suspects that rock the usage chart.
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>nova, dread, despair and livia
>all mods
good thing i pimped stalkers toys on saturday
same. my main roadblock is getting the motivation to farm 20 heciphron
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mfw people are selling me arcanes for 30 and I easily resell them for 80
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>mfw people are bumping 12 hour old posts
How do we respond to that without sounding mad?
Any tips for Granum Void grind for Protea?
maxxed out mesa
let's discuss that on discord first
Use mesa.
open relics
wiki page have follow
>(Note: After Jade's Shadow the Peacemaker is unable to target specters)
This sound like Mesa is useless now.
Also, what about Xoris, does it need to have specific build or you just throw it to free captives?
lmao, why the fuck would they change that after 4 fucking years
Nah, it doesn't matter, Xoris should be able to kill shit pretty much without mods. It's still a pretty neat weapon to build up at some point, it nukes rooms like crazy.
no, you can use elemental ward, but you would still need to put bunch of shards/mods on her if you want to healthtank, which is pointless on Mirage
try Harrow condemn for instant shields+CC
>kill 3 fighters while piloting a hijacked crewship
>npc-gunners evaporate whatever's on screen in milliseconds
>He thinks an aesthetic decision is actually a canon choice happening in-game

Whew lad it's not that deep, just say you regret choosing Margulis
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>Solaris Worker S4It-N1g6e4 paying off his debt at Nef's Pleasure Barge by doing the dishes
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Why are you here?
Rev 4 is the easiest and quickest
unless DE just nerfed that too
To bjmp.
to see you posting reddit frogs
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frog website
lurk more
yeah reddit is frog website
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>putting the easter bunny ears on your poster girl in marketing
That's a cringe and ooferino.
Just to suffer
So, I got a chance to try out Dante in the circuit lately, and holy shit man he's sick. I like that he's a full-on "i put on my robe and wizard hat" sorcerer, amd the fact he has his own exalted grimoire as an exalted was nice. I think I'll make him my next frame just because of his wizard aesthetic.
Saved. Could you do one with Mesa, though?
>start EDA
>All 3 shitters in my team die to the same liminus 10 seconds into the mission
And the cycle continues I guess
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It's Maggin' time
How did 1(ONE) allegedly Russian LR4 Mag main buckbroke+mindbroke a whole general?
No, but clem is reddit.
>muh quirky friendly grineer
>Not doing it solo
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>wolf beacon costs 50 nigwave creds
>picrel are droprates
>full set is 60 plat on market
what am I missing?
I ain't doing it solo with mirror defense, disruption w/ unified purpose, with Inaros/Yareli/Garuda and no operator, gear or ability duration, fuck this.
Wolf has a 100% chance to drop a part now, they just haven't updated the drop rates.
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Let's hope there are some Aeolakfags out there
>no armor drop
Why bother?
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it's night in korea
I want to pronebone Mag so bad bros...
he didn't buckbreak me
>try to name item-fetching kubrow "Arséne" for the classic thief Arséne Lupin
>'é' is unknown character
>"Arsene" is not allowed because of profanity
What arse.
Megan's Boyfriend
she's a BKC girl, retard
I wanted to name one of my dogs... something I don't remember but I just couldn't figure out what the fuck was triggering the profanity filter. It just didn't click that having "ass" somewhere as a part of the name would trigger the profanity filter in a M rated game.
At least it's not fucking Monster Hunter where I can't even name my switch axe loadouts "<element> SA" because SA is a no-no abbreviation that either has to do with MUH NAZIS or as some fags will argue, rape. And it's not like anyone else can even see those loadouts.
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Wrong thread?
>decide to leave my 200 players clan for a 900 clan to have more people to talk to
>its somehow more dead than the last
how is this even possible
I can't get fucking thumper to spawn
kill yourself
>decided to bump
Thread is still dead
I wish I could post an image, but can't
...are bronys and redditors...
Big clans generally are just collections of people wanting to have the utilities.
Convert to ASCII
Are you then upset about people talking about Kubrow naming conventions?
what are megan and the kubrow doing?
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More like dumping
And kubrow's doing the dumping
Dumping the load to be exact
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What's a subtle dog penis joke that is also a cool name?
Red Rocketeer
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Hey kiddo
use Russian language - "Хyй" is very subtle penis joke
how do we fix duviri?
they must allow us to bump with our gear
Double or triple clamps rewards
It's not bad on its own but you have to play so fucking much of it that it becomes torture
In lone story mode, the two undercroft missions should be back-to-back uninterrupted like in Circuit.
So much time is wasted entering and leaving the undercroft.
I would already be happy if you would get 20 per run but those fucking canucks really have to employ this gachashit technique of not rewarding you exactly as many resources as you need, just slightly less
cocktavia my beloved
What's with this general and dog fucking? It's really weird.
Anyways, "Scarlet Spacer", a member of the Red Rocket's crew.
Scarlet Spear
Crimson Lipstick
Megan banter, local spergs giving easy (you)'s and tbf, kubrow are sexy beasts.
remove durivi
what incarnons are best to choose this week? I’m only mr10 so idk if that effects anything
Strun is alright.
Furis = Latron > Furax = Strun > Bo
How do I do the railjack hijack crewship and kill 3 fighters mission? My crew just oneshots the entire map instantly. I've tried assigning their role to defender or engineering but they still shoot stuff. I also tried taking them off but the game automatically assigns one crew.
1. your crew does not instakill entire map
2. use a more difficult mission
3. downgrade your railjack guns
>I've tried assigning their role to defender or engineering but they still shoot stuff.
liar, liar, pants on fire
Just... don't assign them as gunners or pilots
99% of the time I don't even have one single gunner in my seats since they spam turrets like crazy and it kills my visibility
I posted this to spark a discussion
>revenant and phenmor on archimedea rotation
More like bumpmore
Ok I figured out what happened, when I failed the mission I started another one and apparently all crew role settings reset when you start a new mission so they went back to gunner. I have no idea why the crew role settings aren't saved.
This was another Revenant week for me anyway, any time those vampiric ghost dogs are present you basically need to pick either Dante or Revenant or your team will be constantly fucking dying
i fucking love shield gating
i fucking hate shield gating
i fuck shield gating
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returning player here how do we revive /wfg/
What's your opinion on shield gating?
by bjmping
i fucking LOVE shield gating!
Archon shards stolen by a lich
The expectation is that the preferred crew assignments you do at the dry dock are the ones you want to use by default so it'll ignore any incidental mid-mission changes. Like sometimes I'll swap a gunner to pilot because I imagine a world where they can shoot radiators but I definitely don't want them to pilot from the start as default.
They are saved when configuring railjack outside of missions in dry dock.
The whole idea is that changes done mid-mission are basically a temporary thing because sometimes it's useful to change someone's role but that doesn't mean you want that crew member to be that specific role all the time.
So what you set up in dry dock are going to be the default roles of your crew mates while any role changes mid mission are temporary.
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>haven't played mirage in a while, she's in my circuit so i'll fiddle with her mods
>easily able to obtain 600+% weapon damage
wow, i'm gonna play her more often
did you just have chatgpt restate the previous post but longer wtf was the point of that
bumping was the point
No, previous was my post too and i did it manually.
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>zephyr in eda
fine I'll forma the shitty bird. I just want strength and duration with negative range, right?
You know you can just kys and it will be like killing wfg but just for you exclusively, sort of irl filter.
/wfg/ has the most retarded schizos
are you planning to divebomb every enemy to death
See >>492859817
other generals have schizos that spam porn or namedrop other players to cause drama

/wfg/ has schizos that get upset that the general is active
Just had 3 solid Steel Path Circuit runs ruined by console niggers. Hate this game so fucking much.
1st time had 2 out of the squad spend the entire first round of a survival avoiding enemies instead of killing, so we nearly lost from lack of LS.
2nd was because of console players disconnecting mid way through.
3rd was because console players disconnected at the end of the match, and I lost my rewards as my game froze on the extraction menu.
"So you think you're big boss now?"
thanks for bumping
Im planning to bump this thread until backup arrives
Yeah see? This is probably the most retarded schizo I've seen on /vg/ >>492860337
Report and ignore it
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Remember, DE: Zephyr is apparently shit so don't nerf her. Don't "buff" or "rework" her either. In fact just forget she exists.
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Returning player here, is the guy spamming to keep this place alive still here?
I want to say thank you bro.
You sacrificed everything in your life so we can shitpost!
Big Chungus Bless!
Is this really the bumpschizo? How do we get DE to ban him?
good post, bro!
Cringe thread, and I am not even talking about the Kubrow-fucking.
EU hours will be bearable again after Ostrons win.
Last night I
watermelondogg sonic fan bumped
your sister?
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can someone explain why it makes him so angry for people to post in the thread?
>its 2024 and he still has shit to farm
Queens implementing Great Grineer Firewall very soon.
TFD player asked me why Warframe and TFD keep alternating in the player count rankings throughout the day. I told him, "Fluctuations". He replied, "Well fluc you Americans too!"
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>explain why a schizo is a schizo
>worst content drought in years
reb is not doing any better than steve ngl
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Returning player here, bumps are content too.
Building mag rn what should I expect?
I am content with these bumps, so long as they make a certain someone angery
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He's completely harmless compared to other retards that will either just flood the thread with scat or furshit. Or the ones that are legit schizo and will just upload photos of them cutting themselves over things in the OP and such.
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Why does he love Rebb so much?
Redirection + aegis, or catalysing shields for sevagoth?
I love Rebb so much bros
Who are you talking about, faggots?
>catalysing shields
The most unfun mod you could use. You will feel compelled to keep spamming abilities even when nothing is on screen.
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I want to fuck Reb
I don't want to fuck Steve
Reb wins
steve is cuter
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mostly Rebecca Ford, the Creative Director for Warframe at Digital Extremes
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Just got my Nezha
anything I need to know about him?
he's a femboi
>first thing he does it put bunny ears on
I think you know enough
he's a trap
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they are just waiting there
Catalyzing Shields
I have Primed Redirection and Aegis on... two builds and whenever I fight something higher level than base SP my shields are basically broken all the time
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nick gurr
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Finally, some good fucking posts
at least two
Bumping discord's insight?
Kaithe cock posting works too, so we can change it up if you want.
Don't forget about me
megan bump kaithe
Will the nightwave missions reset tommorow or stay the same?
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Any tips for EDA? Last week I complained about Myopic on Mirror Defense but now I don’t even have a Frost to cover those few meters with crowd control. My best frame is Kullervo with melee and the bugged Abbreviated Abilities of 75% hampers me up.
I feel like I’d need two players with Transference Distortion off to do it with Necramechs: one to protect the Objective while another to kill the Necramech to speed it up.
I’m incapable of CC’ing them for long or killing them faster than they hurt the objective and collecting Glyphs is unreliable to a bandaid measure with the cost doubled like that.
Kubrow tips xD
didn't read
take my (You) for the effort
Stop soloing EDA
Does killing the Knave Specter and alt f4 to keep the apothic if he doesn't drop growing power work?
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which helmet do I buy? I have only credits for 2 and I'm 100% buying wisp one
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Dagath looks pretty cool while still retaining the whole hole thing
Dante is OK
Mirage balls on the face one because thats literally how you look
Or just take a revenant and chillout while mobs fight each other instead of the defense target
>Reb's face when she sees my 3-incher
Loid is powerbottom
>thermia fractures again
no bro, wokeframe isn't woke
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>dat wisp animation
they knew what they were doing
also any recommendation for other animation sets that are worth getting?
Khora Urushu or something like that
I grew fond of the zesty statues ngl
define woke
gay granpas in space
Anything I don't like
whatever ticker is
Imagine lipstick marks
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>free roam sortie
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>he's doing sorties in 2019+5
jannies delete this post
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>skipping out on free catalysts for a 10-minute job
whatever makes c*nservatives uncomfortable
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>free roam sortie
>tusk thumpers spwans on first objective
The mod the specters drop is an unidentified item until you extract, anon.
>tusk thumper spawns on first objective
>realize I have bonewidow equipped instead of voidrig
>instant alt+f4
Hate how you can knock down tuskthumpers but they get up again.
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plague star....
por favor........
It's actually pretty okay as long as it doesn't have the area control mission.
Holy shit, I hate that mission so fucking much.
>there was a single grinniga hidden inside a cave so the control meter went from 100 to 0 in a half a second
>cause fuck you
Bet you thought this was going to be a toadline meme video.
I assume this is just a long chain of disingenuous responses, but I'll answer seriously anyway. Before the Fox News crowd discovered the phrase and completely diluted the meaning of it, "woke" referred to twitter and tumblr (plus whatever other annoying websites I guess) progressives who would unironically tell each other shit like "stay woke" with the condescending implication that everyone around them that wasn't paying attention to the social issues they cared about was asleep sheeple. Then of course Fox News discovered it and their viewership just uses it to refer to anything vaguely progressive that they don't like. Sort of like how "social justice warrior" used to specifically refer to aggressive social justice shills but Fox News types just use it to generally refer to any progressive.
>plague star
that would be nice now that there is nothing to do
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I can't find Razorback Armada fight anywhere despite he sit at 100% already, where it is?
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buy plat
I can't get the fucking thumper to spawn
I give up
Goodbye 15 creds
Give me a 75% discount and I'll buy it you fucking hag whore
It's been sitting on 100% for a few weeks now and will continue to be there until DE manually triggers the event.
Those invasion finale things have to be manually started by some fag at DE and they really, really hate having two events running at the same time. So expect it to start at some point after Dog Days is over.
fat and flat :(
>Can't order and eat tower meat at Cetus
>thumper didn't spawn even during the escort the drone bounty
it's utterly over
Try not playing for 3 days
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>Metaslave in lobby
>Day ruined
I just wanted to pop some bubbles man
First reply decides which one i uninstall to make space for WF
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we are so back
preferably all of them
I'm not the first, but you'll uninstall Genshin because I said so and I'm just that much charismatic.
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Damn bro, let me grab that catalyst right now
>Ayatan treasure
>4k endo
>Ayatan treasure
>Ayatan treasure
>Ayatan treasure
>6k Kuva
>Ayatan treasure
>4k endo
>Ayatan treasure
>Ayatan treasure
>Ayatan treasure
>Ayatan treasure
>Mod drop chance booster
skill issue
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I can take her from you if you'd like
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I think that's one of the most dogshit rivens I've ever seen
Farm the level 30-50 fortuna bounty stage 1 to get mutagen mass when its in rotation while also doing invasions and crafting it. I got about 70 mutagen in 2 weeks like this.
Aren't you having fun with Natlan? I like exploring there way more than Fontaine
you literally have blueprint in dojo, you dumb fuck.
next year chud
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good enough for now
I'm not even planning on using that bow lmao
>24 hours per mass
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Lol, streamer got his first riven and its for fucking torid
>need 35 formas to build mr fodder in my foundry
I'm honestly thinking about dropiing the game for a while and just logging once per day to cook forma
I wish this guy went back to destiny
you can use the companion app for it
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>he doesn't know how to reroll his account seed
>disruption fissure
skill issue.
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sevagoth prime looks like some yaoi fantasy straight out of jojo
You can thank ligger for that.
always was, he even has a stand
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it's over
prestige level 40
can anyone here beat that?
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>just sold pic related for 13 pl
It's cause of slamkong, isn't it?
the flaccid dick coming out the back of his head is something that should've never left the concept art stage
check archon mods that give +% slam damage
if they are above average price of other archon mods - then yes, it's all slamkongs
>not enough weapon slots
leave ign sweatie
idk but it's possible I have more to recover too
sneed but replace s with g and and ra after d
i feel you
>and ra after d
and put ra after d*. I'm retarded
Well, Nira's Anguish is going for 10 pl while the other archons are 4. So I guess we have our answer.
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We beggarmaxxing with this one babs
check inbox
Kek anon, also got a Nagantaka riven yesterday. Keep on rolling
post about kaithe pussy and you'd get more (You)s
fuck off bronnyniggerfaggot
I tried thanking you in dms but you're offline
np senpai
have fun
No hags please
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Me when i samefag
Why's there a pipebomb inside???
who's more annoying, cat or reb posters?
no clue
your mom
The Zariman Project and its consequences have been a disaster for Orokin kind
catchads welcomed
there is no such thing as the Zariman
dont think so cause Mesa doesn't get on all fours
>flaccid dick
That's a powdered wig you uncultured reprobate. Washington would've shot you dead where you stand.
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Citrine's noble and Gyre noble are the best for ass enjoyers. Next level on Ember Heirloom
make me faggot

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