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Start fighting, or I'll find someone who can edition

Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site

>Official combat notes playlist

>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass


>Game Updates

>Testing the new update

>Graphical improvements


>Silver economy has been reworked, the grind has lessened.

>Upgrade system is now only three stars, and a lot cheaper

>Steam Re-Launch

>Sectioned Out: >>491796020
Dead Game?
Even though I had nothing but full matches
It's fucking over.
praying for news today
>Entire squad dies to AT gun in grey zone
>Entire squad dies to bombs
>Entire squad dies to grey zone tank
>Entire squad dies to AT gun in grey zone (a different one)
But, anon. Your xp bonus for not deserting?
I doubt they'll release any word at this hour
>spend almost the entire round living in the attic of Château du Bosq disintegrating enemy infantry with anti tank rifles
>Sherman rolls by
>discover the engine can be taken out from above by shooting the engine grille on the back

fun times
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The agony of this game is just being put into shitty matches where you really cannot do anything. It's easy to say, with a wry smile and a smug aura of confidence, that you can just... "le counter them"! However, things are rarely that easy, as time you spend slavishly dedicated to trying to flank and kill the enemy tank is time not spent clearing the point, and time not spent clearing the point is time not spent shooting down the enemy planes, and time spent shooting down enemy planes is time spent not killing enemy AT guns, and time spent killing enemy AT guns is time spent not slavishly flanking to kill the enemy tank, and...

You get the picture. Enlisted is one of those games where you can feel, with passion and pain, how much difference a SLIGHT skill difference in teammates makes. Yeah, the enemy team's average player might only have 30 kills, but when your average player only has 20, all the pressure is put on you and you get zero relief. Just constant new problems that you can't solve on your own because every problem you try to solve is another problem going unsolved, which your teammates simply cannot deal with because even the top rank xXBANGARANGXx MLG players of this game are fucking awful, to the point where they openly worship cheaters and, due to their own lack of skill, are unable to identify the difference between being good and blatantly using third party software. It's just exhausting and unfun, so the only reasonable course of action is quitting. The lack of quit penalty is Enlisted's saving grace because, in many of these matches, winning is a failure state. Your teammates often don't deserve the win, and will show anger and bitterness towards you for even trying to win. Were it possible, a feature where you can nominate friendlies to NOT receive rewards would be incredible. It would give me bitter satisfaction, at least.

Thanks for reading my treatise.
Well its Sunday, so...
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>However, things are rarely that easy, as time you spend slavishly dedicated to trying to flank and kill the enemy tank is time not spent clearing the point

I feel you.
Often times when we get battered by HVARS, I try and build AAs, while I sit in them and wait for the planes to make another pass, I hear


and I squirm to decide if I should go, and back up the others, or stay and hope the plane tard makes a pass before the point gets busted.

Only for 2 enemy tanks rolling up to the objective unopossed

You really feel it if your team can't put up the resistance

My suggestion, make an MP squad.
All with large grenade pouches, filled with molotovs. Use a flametrooper squad, as you get an ampulomet as well for a peak morale booster
This game is a lot more fun the worse you are at it
You don't need to worry about what your team is doing if you yourself don't even know what you're doing
I dunno about that. A lot of low level/retarded/console players seem frustrated and confused. I was in a match where three players on my team were all at the bottom of the scoreboard, all console players, and they all had negative K/D ratios like 3-12. How can that be fun?
I'm referring mostly to the bad at Enlisted, not bad at video games group of players
Most people bad at enlisted but competent at video games will hover around the middle of scoreboard. Clearly putting in work but not close to the 1000 hour sweatlord Marshal-1-hour-after-new-BP players
The retards and first time console owners will naturally drop to bottom 3
They seem really frustrated too. Most people playing seem frustrated besides people in stacks and cheaters. Stacks because they are guaranteed to have people covering other important jobs/roles, and cheaters because they have such a leg-up that they don't even really "need" a team so to speak. There's a lot of overlap between the two groups, of course.

I have to assume Enlisted is pretty fun on console with crossplay turned off as well because everyone is equally fucking useless and terrible. All the "best" players tend to just be cheesing with AT guns or tanks while everyone else runs around like retards. Watching all-console matches is bizarre because the game is totally different. You have guys crawling up embankments to slowly ambush enemy squads and tanks and even weapons like flamethrowers are super viable because of how slow reaction times are, it's a totally different experience to watch. Nobody is running around bunnyhopping and wiping entire squads with half a mag from an SMG.
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You're forgetting the team players who try to build shit and attack/defend points will also sink to the bottom 3 when the rest of the team are point and click niggers.
Does anyone else give their engineers a tool kit?
It's not very common but it makes me feel good when I can help a tanker repair their damage, even if it make go unnoticed or unappreciated
I used to but seemed to alway get killed/run over when trying to repair. Rather have another medkit and last a bit longer.
how can an IS-2s barrel take a 75mm shell and still be functional
fucking stalinium
Different barrel types have different amounts of HP. Panther barrels can eat two 75mm shells from a Sherman sometimes.
It's definitely a night and day difference when I play with friends vs queuing up alone and it's taught me a valuable lesson: just stop caring.
While I used to QRF and be proactive I've come to the conclusion that I'm only one man and I can't do everything. I'm not here to handhold mouthbreathers and be their vehicle that gives them their free win. If they can't pick up even the slightest amount of slack then the team just doesn't deserve to win simple as. Either way, win or lose, I'm sitting comfy with lodes o' EXP from being top 3 while they're bottom feeding and eating shit.

The only time I put in the effort and go full sweat is if I know there's more than one human on my team.
build an HMG and bully gray zone AT guns
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I still think it's silly that 20 rounds and a slightly slower reload is all that separates a BR 1 and 4 weapon
I run large backpacks on my engineers, 2 medpacks, 2 toolboxes.
You can make plenty of xp that way, great for leveling new squads. Just make some tool golems for some easy levels
>player calls himself jasmine
>snipes the entire game
who said sterotypes weren't real?
I don't get it
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The worst part about trying while understanding the game is that everybody on the enemy team will be shooting at you.
You will be the first one over the hill. So every human will see you first and shoot at you first.
And since you will be the one closest to the cap, all the bots will shoot at you as well.
Nothing feels more frustrating than going over the top and getting squad wiped in 10 seconds because 10 people are shooting at you.
I guess I should pack smoke, but then I will simply get grenaded instead of getting shot
Me, Huxbox, about to enter three years of maintaining my virgin meter.

It's incredibly frustrating to be the primary target of everybody.
I like the stug but I wish it had just a modicum of depression
your problem is that you go over the hill while me, a god gaymer, goes around the hill and gets many kills while securing the objective
a guy wiped my squad while jumping and spinning around between every bolt action shot
why don't these guys just download cod
>your problem is that you go over the hill while me, a gay, goes the hill and gets killed sucking the object
What are the odds we get the news post today?
about tree fiddy
you sure it wasn't a bot and not the player controlling it?
I don't think bots ever jump
Not randomly but they jump quite a bit
I dunno man
I just zerg rush until things happen
I like being the guy that blitzkriegs the enemy's rallies and point and saves the day
>I like being the guy giving free score to the opposing team
they do when they're trying to navigate around trenches, certain obstacles, i think sandbags and generally when they follow a player moving at fast speeds

if they jump, 180, and snapshot shoot at you from a distance it's highly likely it's a bot. or an obvious cheater of course

just check the replay
i love it when people insist on calling their useless bombing raid that takes forever to get there instead of artillery when we really need it, like on a bridge defense. while the enemy bombards us away from the point and takes it
Bombers only ever work when youre either way ahead or you have a plan to bait and bully enemy aircraft. Even then if the enemy is smart enough to build AA its all for nothing. The same people who mindlessly call bomber raids are the same people who go afk in tanks shelling nothing, or spam NEED ENEMY COORDINATES in a plane.
idk it just feels natural to do that with bolties
I gotta do something while waiting for the chambering animation and just staring at the enemy is kinda awkward
>be me
>tier 1 pleb with peashooter
>run into a room at the same time as an enemy
>we both miss
>awkwardly dance around like a teen at prom
>finally reload
>miss again
>fuck this, time for melee
>can't get a hit on each other like a virgin on a blind date
>someone throws a molotov inside
say what you will, but I like this game
This is legit my favourite part of the game, just the strange pause that follows both of you missing and the random explosions that seem to occur
>if they jump, 180, and snapshot shoot at you from a distance it's highly likely it's a bot.
How do I get my bots to do that? Typically I'll crouch behind a rock or something to shoot and my bots will leap around trying to catch bullets for me. The best use I've found is to stash them at the point until I need the spares, because it's ironically the safest area since both teams avoid those fucking things in pursuit of sniping positions. A command like "hey shitheads, stand HERE and watch for someone coming from THERE" would be ace.
Bots will point where you place marks at
It doesn't make them any more likely to do anything but at least they'll be looking where you want them
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>Ears ringing and screen shaking from a bomb being dropped right on top of the house
>Look and see exactly one other person, both squads dead
>Mfw I hear both enemy tanks rolling down the street outside
Machine gunner
>vj day
>no event
I feel like the lack of complex squad control is the biggest missed opportunity this game has
If there were a proper AI command menu Enlisted would be so much better
Player base is too stupid for this which is why we get a single context command button
Supposedly the next update will have a big AI upgrade, no more advanced controls though.
is the AI smarter yet
I spent the last two matches barbing rally points, I did it just to be cheeky before, but I've been wondering if this might be more effective than mining them.

The only drawback, is the building limit. And I can't imagine it being all that effective when you are the one attacking
How much will the spoil us in the very near future?
what is the context?
If you don't put spicy tuna on the wire then all it takes is one enemy engineer with double digits IQ.
Very rare but still.
If you want to score max tho, then it's always the best strategy.

The usual tards thinking that there only exists one person at the company, working on one issue at a time.
gamers truly are scum
People might have wised up to this, you can work around it if the rally is in a cluttered environment, and you have props to obscure the spicy tuna.

I've been thinking of doing a double whammy, put the tuna in open view, while having an AP mine nearby, and hopefully have a bot trigger a daisy chain.

I am not sure if AT mines can get triggered by that though
To add to this, blocking a doorway with a wire. And hiding the at mine to the side can also be pretty effective depending on how the explosion decides to scatter
>People might have wised up to this
That's the beautiful part of it, there is no counterplay. You leave the wire and screw the team, you destroy it and kill yourself, the rally, and the next squad that just spawned on it.
You can move the rally, but that's only if it was your rally. You could move and clear the area out to rebuild, but in a fast paced match people are going to keep spawning on it while you try and reset the scene.
How would you do it on an open field, as the ones I face where all fairly open, and easy go get out of after getting rid of a few wires.

It would be fun if we could stack buildings, enclosing a rally with a sandbag and covering those with some barbed wire would make the points gained shoot up.

Upgrade tree for engineer structures when?
Higher limit of buildable structures
Higher structure health
More damage from walking through a barbed wire etc.

It was doable in the past
>How would you do it on an open field
You do the same thing but less effectively, trying to quickly surround the rally with 6 wire forming a triangle with two on each side of the triangle. Generally you're better off just AP mining them if they're in the open though.
And don't forget to daisy chain and AP and AT mine together for APCs, but you need to be quick as APC spawn isn't blocked by enemy proximity.
game runs flawlessly on GNU+Linux
nobody asked
you didnt even know it was possible
windows sheep
Event? When?
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Jesus fuck me blind I am getting the WORST fucking teams, no matter who/what I play. They just watch the point from a distance with gentle smiles, reminiscing about the time they stood on it for half a second.
labor day is a sacred holiday in Latvia, please stop being antisemitic
Why so dead?
Long weekend in the US. People are visiting their families. Enlisted General is full of Chads and Dads.
Why is BRV more comfy than BRII lately?
People swarming low tier to get "easy" wins for the BP.
Nah. I only see an enemy sweat every 5 matches and a friendly sweat every 3.
Playing low is just scrub city. I can't even be mad at my team cause they don't have engineers or at so I have to do everything.
4 hours and 22 min until event
No events ever again, game is on maintenance mode. It's over.
BP increased concurrent players by 1000 on steam
It turns out if you don't charge people for a free to play game then they might actually play it.
New player experience is now a pretty mild introduction.
>No weapon gatcha
>No dead campaigns with teams full of bots
>Affordable utility equipment
>Affordable soldiers
>Very quick progression

It must be a pretty comfy experience for most
Someone needs to edit the WT shitpost of "Adjusting the difficulty curve for new players" but it's a soviet PPS squad with full body armor.
Honestly low tier Soviets constantly get railed now. Body armour can't save them from being terrible.
A low BR team, assuming no stacking is dependent on the power of their starting gun.
Slavs have the worst gun.
Japs have the best gun.
Japs will always win, Slavs will always lose, Mutts should beat Germs but the 33/40 is still better than the mosin.
The 33/40 is actually nearly identical in a practical sense to the Arisaka, but has better sights. The Springfield has more damage but terrible sights and a slightly worse ROF, and the damage only matters against Vit users. I'd argue the 33/40 is better, broadly speaking, and is the best starter rifle because of its sights. However it's much of a muchness and the US, Germany and Japan have similarly power starters, it's just the Mosin that is uniquely, incredibly terrible, and the Soviets don't really hit a power peak until the PPS-43. Hell, their bolt actions besides the Winchester remain largely worse than or equal to other nations' starter guns. The Mosin 44 and 38 carbines are massively underrated but I get why people don't use them.
How are the non-1907 Mosin carbines "massively underrated"?
I hate the G33 sights absolute ass. I like the Springfield sights and I don't mind the jap ones.
>loved tunisia because I finally get to play as spaghets
kept going back and forth between players on both teams and an entirely bot axis team

I loved campaigns in concept because you could make specific equipment appear in specific places, but they just weren't sustainable
not a fan of VG2s and VG1-5s being in tunisia but hey
can't win em all I guess
5 minutes until news
24h and 5 minutes
Give 'em an hour. The community staff are lazy niggers
I swear that pony guy james will say " that's it for today folks" . God damn shitty engineer squad sale
I mean both squads are neat and the Jap/Mutt squads are good.
But it's the 3rd of September and these niggers have done nothing for the start or end of WW2.
It's official. That was the news for today. Everyone is waiting for the update and they can't even add shitty short events
>Could have just made a V-day shitty event to get the Silver and Gold BHP for the Soviets and US
Why did they give us that even for Manchuria and nothing for 1st or 2nd of September?
>kablespoon engi squad never got the reload update everything else did
>fire 1 round
>you put 2 5 rounds clips into the gun

finally, my fetish, bullet inflation
>G98 warmod has functional stripper clip loading
>Type Ko has functional stripper clip loading
>Turner rifle had functional stripper clip loading before everything else
>The old as balls Trench guns with less owners than the IRL guns have functional reload
It's impressive how swiss cheesy their implementation of things is. Game is the ship of Theseus FPS.
Old engineer squads for sale
I have never heard anyone talk about that wz.38M rifle
Costs of the premuims
>Type 38 costs 3750 gold
>Kbsp costs 3550
>The US/Japan engineers cost 2415 gold with the discount
>3750 for a 4 man squad at BR2
It was a polish gun that didn't manage to be fully rolled into usage because of the war. The only documented usage of it was when during the evacuaton its creator himself shot a plane that tried to do a strafing run on evacuating engineers.
This might be a foolish question, but is there a /enlg/ 'clan'/group, or time where everyone tries to get online at the same time?
half the time we see each other ingame we just call each other slurs and intentionally throw the game
i want to see some videos of the browning auto 5 in action
Sometimes an anon hosts a custom game or posts their name for an impromptu party
Otherwise not really
Ah, makes sense, in that case I'll keep an eye out
leveling my flamers up in br1-3 queue using only bolt actions to avoid the br 4 queue is incredibly painful. literally went on a 40 kill streak with my winchester and only got half a level
Honestly if youre landing those kills and your exp bonuses are maxed, you must be one their final level. That's not terrible all things considered. Also get point kills, theyre just worth more.
Because they are just super nifty with great sights.
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the exp required is nuts for some reason. this is level 6
i've been here for a year and i have never seen that
Leveling up squads with insane XP requirements basically requires using boosters and is painful/pointless without them, at least while you get the first 10-15 levels. XP requirements on the flametroopers are particularly bad because they have no weapon upgrades, and XP per level is/was partially based on how many levels a squad needs to max out. More levels = each level costs less XP.
>Enemy team has a guy I recognise as a good/obnoxious player
>They rapidly take the first point
>Bust out my 9 man nade launcher squad on the next point
>Spam mines
>Spam nades
>Hunt down rallies and mine them
>Eventually frustrate the enemy team's Good Player into giving up and jerking off in a plane
>Match is, from that point on, an easy win I can carry my team through
Tbqh it normally takes too much energy to do this, or if there's multiple Good Players on the enemy team and it's not really worth it to carry a bunch of useless deadweights unless you wanna get the most out of your 100% or better booster.
For me? It’s knowing that their best player is screwing around in a plane and that they’ll lose without him in the ground, then shooting him down to force him into a confrontation
>Tasks: Get artillery kills and SMG kills
>Map: Gavutu Destruction
>Entire American team spends 25 minutes camping in the hills, making them impossible to kill with arty and SMGs
But why
Why would you do that
Can't break an omelette without making a few eggs, Jack.
I don't really focus on good players
just players that kill me a lot
which means they must clearly be skilled and I must machine gun them to death
>Match starts
>If attackers, spawn nade launcher squad
>Run at the enemy point
>Launch nades
>Get like 30+ kills in one squad life and probably clear/cap the point

>Match starts
>If defenders, spawn APC
>Call artillery or start shelling if I am in my Chode Puma
>Rush straight into the enemy spawn
My routine.
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>If attacker
>I must build

>If Defender
>I must build

Sponsored by shovel gang
>Match starts
>Spawn 9 man bolt action rifle squad
>Engage the enemy in honorable combat
>match starts
>get in APC
>I drive
t. real human bean gang
>match starts
>point is already lost by the time my truck gets there
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>BR2-3 Germany
>Spawn engineering squad, casually build a beacon 65m from OBJ.
>Use MAS36 to smoke a ton of Soviets
>Notice team is making zero progress capturing objectives
>Spawn tank, shell OBJ with HE rounds, team eventually caps.
>Start driving to next objective, get tracked by T60
Slowly turn turret to T60, blast with AP round
>It explodes
>start loading HEAT round hear engines - 2 more tanks (T60 and T70)
>One-shot both
>4 more tanks attempt the same push, all get destroyed
>rotate turret to next OBJ, shell with HE while team caps
>repeat entire round, drop 233 kill
>Cap final point with 20 reinforcements left by clearing out 3 squads with MP38
There are a couple servers we’re on, unfortunately all 3 are predominantly euros so no one is ever there when I check.
One of them is some ruskie server with barely anyone in it, one belongs to our resident streamer and is also usually empty though anyone can join it, and the third is some wannabe esports fags that recruited the best players here but then sperged out over us outing one of there members for cheating and kicked half of us out
Fuck off discord user
I hate discord, but we aren’t on team speak or mumble
I think one of you guys (his name started with "st" and sounded german I think) said I should join you and sent me an invite. I refused it and mean no disrespect, but I never accept friend requests from people I haven't met IRL.
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>Pz.IV H is after Pz.IV J in the tech tree
trigger my autism way too much
>you're defending lol
I fucking hate this game
You’re free to do whatever you want, I actively avoid ever playing with people I know irl so my friends list is almost exclusively video game acquaintances
What about the early war beretta being at the end
Tried the game on my PS5 and I dont get how console players play this. Theres no aim assist if the enemies are far away and its very difficult to see enemies far away when you're sitting on your couch
But the only people you know IRL are family so that's understandable.
Cross progression when so I can be free of this hell hole.
The reality of this game is that 1 man cannot win the game for his team no matter what faggots in this general say. Especially when you don't have the absolute top notch gear.

And yes back when the berlin campaign was still around I once said it was awful for noobs because the power disparity between someone starting the campaign and the endgame was awful compared to say moscow then some faggot called it a skill issue for not being able to carry their team using only bolt action rifles and the starter tank like the AVT and FG42 can't rape an entire squad solo and the Tiger II and IS2 aren't completely immune to the T-34/85 and Panzer IV frontally in the narrow ass street maps of berlin.

Most shit players are shit not because of their K/D but their absolute allergy to the point or because they refuse to support the point or fight tanks when using a tank.
Nah the worst part is that the entirety of every nations infantry tech tree is entirely experimental weapons that were made in like 1940-41 and never adopted because they sucked. The STG44 is like the 1 exception to this.
Even then, there's two STG44 prototypes in the tech tree
Even though I hate vehicles, I find myself having to tank whore to grind back all the ranks I lost with the new BP. It's not a skill issue... well it is, just not my skill that's in question, but the rest of the fucking team.
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Our hero GunWriter decided to censor his name for some reason. Why the need for anonymity ? Next time don't be lazy when censoring stuff if you want to keep it
I dont enable join any army... having to manage squads and research across 4 nations is tedious
Well if i was an old fag player full of Italian units certainly i would care.
I have no idea what i'm looking at, explain plz.
My Gewehr 41 is not prototype! (i just don't want to be BR IV with the Ge43)
>I have no idea what i'm looking at, explain plz.
event squads come fully upgraded. these squads have an upgrade point you cant spend
Ever since they added the join any army bonus I've been swimming in silver. About 200k in 1 week
i'd cover my name if my high score came from hiding in vehicles all match too
You know, I did check to see if this vehicle spamming was a regular occurence or not. In 5 random replays he did it twice. On the other hand, he is a non premium user, his infantry is not well equipped. Maybe he will improve
I'm not talking about GunWriter now, but I hate the people who play low BR exclusively just to spam HE . Must be one of the lowest life forms. Only below the guys playing br 3 only when they are downtiered and leave the game when thet get uptiered ofcourse
Oh yeah i see now, strange.
That's not the case, I just don't play games so casually that random friends can keep up
>The reality of this game is that 1 man cannot win the game for his team no matter what faggots in this general say
But I've done it multiple times. It's not easy, to be sure, and in some matches the overmatch isn't possible to overcome.
Premium squads have them as well
how much money have you spent on the game? I spent 15 dollars for a month of premium
is your autism medicated?
good goy. darkflow couldn't afford their bagels without you.
Money well spent
Your parents money well spent, you mean.
I have a job
No. Even worse is players bearing the virgin swords aimbotting under BR3.
I'd hardly call selling your body in gas stations a job, it's more of a lifestyle.
I hate when people use video games as a random social hangout without any investment in the game. They want to play three difficulties below what I play on and can’t even handle that. That’s not autism. That’s knowing that just because someone is your friend doesn’t mean they’re a good fit for your other hobbies to which they may not be suited.
>I'd rather sweat than play with friends
Yeah, playing with friends in anything other than cod zombies just makes you hate your friends.
Only if you have crippling autism.
Where are you finding irl friends that play anything other than triple A slop and the designated fotm title?
If you get mad at friends playing video games you have some severe social issues going on. My friends have been playing games for a long time and don't indulge in flavor of the month shit.
Grouping with dead weight isn't fun, it just makes you hate your friends.
And yet homos ITT will tell you that plasma weapons need to be added immediately
Plasma is too big to be mounted on anything other than the Maus and Die Glocke
This is so true.. I used to play csgo with 4 friends, they were severely underperforming to the point I had to get like 40 kills Out of the total 55 to win. Nobody was having fun, I was like a poweer keg, just angry at the smallest things. Glad I stopped
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>Imagine samefagging to try and win a point on 4channel
He's not me and I don't use winrate as a measure of skill unless I'm trolling. Cross referencing kills with matches played is much better imo.
Stressing about playing to win with casual friends in a casual bot shooter is pretty pathetic ngl
I just got home from work and wanna weigh in by saying that it's never fun when you are the only person on your team doing anything. If everyone else on your team sucks then you'll be the only one present at high contact points, which means you'll get shredded by the entire enemy team every time you show your face.
I'm not stressing, I haven't shared a vidya interest with irl friends since MW2019 came out and was the first cod in decade worth playing. Playing cod zombies or the like with friends is fun. Most other games aren't.
He's talking about hating his friends for not being up to his level of FPS gameplay, not solo queuing with the idiots that play this game
Why are we still talking about this? Someone said they don't add people on their friends list that they don't know in real life, I said that's weird, which is an objective fact because most people aren't playing with irl friends and thus most friends lists are composed of people you only know through games.
I have enough trouble with dedicated communities for this game being filled with shitters looking for a carry, I don't need to go to real life friends that aren't nerdy enough to enjoy this game to begin with dragging my team down as well.
your all just antisocial losers
why are you so offended by someone that doesn't want to play with bad players? are you one of them?
Winning isn't that important
>Task to get 7 kills with mines
>Get attackers
>Enemy team doesn't build a single rally and they barely even get on the point
>They mostly just snipe from the buildings in Tunisia and let us steamroll them
Suicide TNT charges.
Oh I thought you meant your soldiers not the squad. Nevermind lol, yea it does take a while. I usually toss a radio op in my leveling squads to drop a red circle down and lock some easy exp every time they spawn.
My old strategy was to put grenade launcher riflemen in them, which is still viable.
I'd guess £100 maximum for premium, extra squad slots, BP and some squads on the sale.

My playtime is around 500 hours so it works out to around 20p and hour which is of course completely insignificant
I think I've probably spent $350 across 1700 hours
0 playing for 2 years.
Maybe I'll by some premium squad come Winter sale, that is if they don't somehow start fucking us over with the next updates
120 Euros.
Buying a few years of premium and some BP and some squads.
Panzer iv J is a late war downgrade to Panzer 4 iv H who is peak Panzer 4.
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No hope
Major said yesterday that they were finishing up fixing bugs..it could be even later than this week
2 Weeks
there's no reason conquest maps should be as imbalanced as they are
What do you mean by imbalanced?
for example that german/soviet map with the mansion. one side is able to park and build rallies on their side of the point behind a bunch of cover while the other can't because there's an enemy spawn right there
Moscow maps are really old. Since most balance changes revolve around BR 5 , I'm sure they would have changed it like they changed most berlin maps
>Munda Trail Bibilo hill
Japanese team (me) lose the 1st camp (the one with small tents and concrete block on little hill with radar) in 30s then US can't even reach the second one (saloon)
Why is it always like this ?

When will they add dynamic ost ? Sure the battlefield is loud but for god sake add some score to it, Gajin has a decent orchestra at their disposal why not do it ?
Man I had forgotten how good the Japanese ost sounded in RS, getting slowly pushed back in campaign as everything started to look hopeless, It’s a feeling modern ww2 shooter cannot imitate, every player still trying their best to win despite the obvious incoming loss.
The reload on the Kbsp wz.38M is utterly broken
File a report
Does appearance apparel stay on a soldier, even when the squad is not in your line up?
Japs gotta have some of the most fun utility equipment around
Judging by some of the comments in the forum, this was known since pre-merge
Enlisted is competing for war thunders player and people are already committed to WT because it came out first
Would they really overlap, makes more sense if they are competing CoDs shlock
Too slow paced for cod fans it’s competing for the historical autists and the people who got filtered from hell let loose and post scriptum
It might, as long as he remains in the squad. Disarming the reserve button should unequip that stuff
>Slow Paced
We playing the same game, homie?
I think a dynamic campaign mod would be a godsend, but would it be popular ?
Have you played the newest cod?
good luck getting people to stick around for a campaign. rising storm audience is different. i would love it personally, if they could make it work well
Give modders the mod tools and run a special even like Gun Game and Zombies.
Maybe you won't be able to justify it for regular progression and balancing but maybe enough people want to try it a few times to warrant mods.
Yeah that has been mentioned here basically every time it's been brought up
anyone have any cool pastas to spam against russians?
getting real tired of seeing their runespeak when playing soviet on random armies.
This game is way too loud for music, I can’t even hear people trying to talk to me
Nobody ever talks in my games
for me its "cyka blyat"
timeless, elegant and iconic
>See RuZZian Zigger in my game

>See Hohol Porker in my game
>Say "Z" and "ZOV"
Devious. You can tell them apart because gopniks always have Cyrillic names while Hohols always have names like "HITLER_RAPIST_SS_UA".
delightfully devilish
Keep on being epic!
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These stupid, worthless things should be usable to skip squad levels, or they should add a consumable that does that. Being able to pump out the first 5 levels on a squad to get +XP and an Engineer slot would make all the difference.
How many of you have pre-merge squads, does every squad have the same outfit options

I have very few of these, they are quite stingy at hand them out
>How many of you have pre-merge squads, does every squad have the same outfit options
I am fairly sure some pre-merge squads have a couple of different options or default outfits for campaigns.

>I have very few of these, they are quite stingy at hand them out
They are basically worthless and I RARELY use them. Maybe two or three over years.
I've only ever used them to level assaulters, swap the early engineer for an AT gunner
They do not have the same options, I made posts detailing all the differences, let me dig them up on the archive when I get in my pc.
A few of them are significant, there is an assaulter squad that gets Volkssturm uniforms, and one of the flamethrower squads gets the rider coats in Tunisia and Volkssturm uniforms in Berlin
I think the only time I used these was when I removed MGers from my BR 1 lineup
A secondary use would be great
There's Germany. I can't find the US ones on the archive for some reason, though I'm sure I briefly went over them. It was basically just figuring out who gets marine cammies in the Pacific and who gets the paratrooper gloves in Normandy.
thats some intense dolly dress up autism anon
More archivist autism, but there is some crossover. I really like the Volkssturm so finding the one assaulter squad that got their uniforms (that is ironically not the Volkssturm assaulter squad) was pretty cool.
>no news
>no event
They probably thought they had some breathing room with the BP drop. Hopefully the update is a good one.
Putler just declared total mobilisation for all Latvians. He us gonna use a volkssturm to rush Kyiviviv and take it within 3 attoseconds. It's over.
fun fact. latvians were the backbone of the russian revolution
[Citation Needed]
>Capture 1 Strategic Point
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>Clicks LMB once
>MASSIVELY outskills you
why are you still using windows? Game runs perfectly on GNU/Linux
I'm racist.
Windows is easier to set up and use and has better compatibility with applications. I use my PC for other purposes than playing Enlisted
and yet more of them joined the SS than any other allied country, truly a people of extremes
Nazi paratrooper bullpup assault rifle event squad when?
I thought linux is filled with trannies or something now
>Complete a low tier Germany match using only Premium squads
>Get about 4k silver
Nice. About what I expected. Kinda crazy how 4k silver was basically nothing back before the economy changes, but now it's enough to fully upgrade a BR V gun.
>but now it's enough to fully upgrade a BR V gun.
I misread the costs, it's actually enough to fully upgrade two BR III guns, which is still fine compared to before.
When are we going to get US attacker 3s with Tiny Tim’s coordinated with our special Komet dogfighting event?
Finally got to play Rzhev Invasion, it's a really cool map and the grey zone is far less restrictive. It just seems like that style of game isn't balanced well with the ticket system and everything that we currently have, because the enemy really had trouble not getting pushed all the way back to spawn by me repeatedly.
I am so sick of being placed on shitter teams
The trick is to play BR III so you always get down-tiered with superior gear that lets you brute-force wins! At least as the Germans.
Germany seems a bit underplayed atm, my BR3 games have all been uptiers.
80 percent of my br3 games are uptiers, doesnt matter what faction
me either
I just started playing again after like a 2 year break, (I'm GunWriter) what is vehicle spam? Like camping off with a tank? I normally wait to shell points until my team stalls on a push.

I'm currently sticking to lower BR until I unlock the Panzerfaust for Germany. I want a reliable handheld AT weapon
Generally its pretty rare that vehiclespamming actually helps the team, it's usually just a selfish shitter crutch.
But there are a few objectives and locations where a well positioned tank will totally dominate a point or totally stop the attackers if the vehicle isn't countered.
That being said I won't fault anyone that is just trying to level their vehicle squad/crew/do tasks or just wants to get to enjoy their tank squad.
that's my boy
numbers johnson
American voice lines are so cringe
Gotcha. I really like alternating between AT infantry and MP40 assault troops a d rushing points after arty striking.

I guess the only real spam I'm guilty of m, is in defense I build AT guns and run HE shells to bombard the OBJ when enemies try and cap
DIE you RAT!
No one can beat my Clarence Thomas until we get a max rolled Adolf Dirlewanger
>john west
does he live in texas oblast?
clarence thomas is good but I've got a mike jones, jeremiah johnson, johnny johnson, richard johnson, and my personal favorite

walther gamer
I don't believe you, let me see that Gamer
he's in the same squad as his good buddy, goatse
I had a lieutenant with that name, it's pronounced "gets"
that's what he wants you to think
then he'll goetz ya
I lost a lot of my good names when I sold and replaced troops with max rolled guys last update
There must be an Adolf Adolph out there somewhere
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>stomping on the furmacht as per usual
>got 130 effortless kills only playing infantry
>match is winding down
>i'll do some relaxing sniping on the edge of the map
>some nigger from their team top fragging with 60 kills hunts me down
can you imagine how mad this guy was
Adolf wojak and George floyd are both possible
No news today... and they never release stuff on fridays. Can't believe they delayed for another week
What the fuck is there even to fix on the update
no cute little girls
they're fixing that
I've been trying out the German tanks after the economy update dropped. I usually just used the Stummel, since it just can't be beat in it universal use.

Played a few matches in the Tiger 2, it felt pretty beefy.
Changed to BR II, and tried the Pz III N out, and it felt incredibly fun to use.
Most voicelines are basically the same, just in a different language.
At least for German, and English
a man can dream...
Female assault engineers for all nations.
McDonald told it to me
This Friday will be the first Friday news to happen.
Corporal Subway told me so.
Heavy engineer update incoming.
Japan will get body armour based on Jin Roh

Sponsored by shovel gang
>my USSR / Germany BR III teams
Can fight against BR II to IV
>my US / Japan BR III teams
Can fight against BR II to V
W-why ? I hate facing BR V ... Why can't it just be BR II to IV like the Soviet and nazi ?
whenever I play against Japan as BR3 mutts its ALWAYS an uptier against sweatlord stacks
hate it!
It's a damn shame that most US and German games are against Japan and Soviets
They're by far the most fun match up in my onion
For me its
1. Soviets v Germans
2. USA v Germans


9001. USA v Soviets (closing your eyes and imagining it)


900000000000001. USA v Japan
I bloody love Japanese equipment
What about soviets v japan
if there's one thing that should be implemented, it is this. the problem with japan is that it is imbalanced relative to the other factions
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>Searching for game session

>Took 2 minutes to find a game

Ahistorical queue of Japan v Germany and US v Soviets (separate from main squads mode but with progression enabled)
How badly would this fuck up the game
us vs ussr in Berlin but where would jap vs ger fight?
Sralingrad or Moscow, probably
been on both sides of this equation
pretty sure you can get 4 P3Ns in a line up with legacy squads
Japan invading Normandy
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Tunisia, obviously
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EU problems
Just do BR3 queue any
>chose any army
>spawn as germany 4 times in a row
i thought they would be the most popular

Cant agree they typically end in a slaughter in Germanys favor. I noticed that Soviet/Germany high BR tends to be a grudge match of historical proportions
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>bonus xp to play the faction I was going to play anyway
That's because Germans fight in every campaign except 1. USSR has 3 campaigns. USA has 3 campaigns and the Japs have 1 campaign. Adding a USSR vs Japan campaign would help even out the player load for each faction.

So much time and effort was spent into developing the Japan faction. Not adding Manchuria would be a missed opportunity to use the Japan faction content that was made and get the most out of it.
what makes a squad high BR is it the weapons they use or the amount of perks they can get
Guys, what can the new soldier class realistically be ? Most of us are hoping for better engineers but we can't have nice things. So what will they add? The most important classes are already in the game
solely down to weapons
Weapons, mostly. Hence autorifle spam. As long as you have vit and some vertical reduction on a soldier with an autorifle you are set.
whats the point of changing squads then i have like 20 to choose from but I can only bring 4 into battle
If you equip weapons of a lower BR then you will be queued into games of that lower BR.
Having additional squads makes it easier and faster for you to swap between BRs
why would you want to to play at a low br
Because it's not the tryhard hellscape that is BR5
so you just want to bully new players to stroke your ego...
Slower gameplay pace. Top tier is a fucking nightmare as far as pace and TTK go. In low tier I like using suboptimal and even bad weapons and squads because it's lower pressure and I don't wanna totally bully new players.
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Ahh, finally, every research complete.
Every single one of them.
Yep, nothing left.
The close range fights with bolt actions are infuriating to me
Child soldiers with smaller hitboxes
Rework the recon class. Let us fly a recon plane that gives you points for spotting enemies
Some say some sort of Officer that buffs the AI.
I personally advocate for an "Elite" trooper (Ranger, Jager, Guard, whatever) which retroactively becomes the home for automatic rifles and gets removed from basic riflemen, which reduces autorifle spam in BR5 and prevents 9 man automatic riflemen cycling.
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I need to make a BR3 soviet lineup now this is gonna bug me
They're funny because they are goofy. Weak SMGs are also a lot of fun.
2x PPSh (Box), Paras, DPM squad, AT Mosin squad, T-34 STZ. Super fun lineup.
Bro where is your PPD (1944)?
queue any is just cock and ball torture and now I get FOMO playing without it
why cant this game just have decent players
thread should die because this game sucks so much, amazing they have to run events or else the average player has an IQ on par with slime mold and the above average players just spam cheese and nothing else
Update Canceled.
PFC KFC just said so.
>Been getting my daily log ins for 3 years
>This year have gotten nothing but boosters and silver
>Gamba again
>It's a gold order
>A fucking vehicle order
I am nearly at 3 straight years, the ultimate virgin swords...
I've seen that image countlese of times over the years, does anyone know the source?
Chi-He or Chi-Ha to replace the Ka-Chi?
It has to be premium cause it needs to use the 11th slot
Treating auto rifles akin to MGs would be a nice balance change.
The best change of course would be to have auto rifles availble for Medics only
>Check community resource just to see removed premiums
>See that some event squads have an old and a new perk point cost in spite of them only being available once
I see they are already re balancing the event squads for the loot boxes.
Nice catch.
click the triangle
>Some say some sort of Officer that buffs the AI
Would be cool. A Field Marshal for the Germans to give passive/active bonuses to an area around him or objective-based boosts so people attack or defend the objective knowing they'll get rewarded for it; maybe an increase in points whenever it's active. And for the Russians they could get a commissar that lets him activate a skill so that anyone not in a certain radius of the objective (within reason) gets something similar to a greyzone warning before they get executed. For the Americans/Britbongs they could get some gay nigger that can call in combined bombardments (naval, air, ground) and everyone gets temporary access to paratroopers(burgers) and paraglider commandoes(britbongs). Japs can get an officer that boosts movement speed for the entire team only if they are banzai charging.

Of course instead of using them right away in battle there has to be conditions met like #1 spot on team or get voted in etc with a hardcap on the limit per team.
What loot boxes
It's been hinted since the failed first steam launch that we will get lootboxes containing old event stuff.
Probably also linked with market integration.
People back then were really mad so they hated the idea so everytime they get repeated they have made them sound less cancerous.

Could also just be a Rerun of the Jap flag Arisaka and Austen squads for new frens. With oldfags getting Lanchester 50s or something.

I need this
It's pretty surprising how fast progression works now
Maybe if you’re a paypig with premium
I am not, I managed to fill the starter research in the TT pretty quickly, and am now at tier 3 for 3 of the nations that I never touched before
why not let oldfags get a second copy of the squad
The fuck am I gonna do with two of the worst Event SMG squads?
I don't use the Austen, never used the Austen and I will not use 2 Austens
Presumably there will be others, they just tried to make the Austen squad a little less shitty.
I want those Charlton Rifles.
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N-news ?...
It's Friday.
General Tso doesn't work Fridays.
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Not really news, but some cheaters got banned at least.
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Update on monday confirmed
They are edging us

post a cool screenshot showing how long you've been wasting time on this game
do you also get to a point eventually where you ragequit after a few deaths and can't finish any games anymore? just bought another month premium but that might have been a waste
no, I play to have fun
if I'm not having fun I just don't play
simple as
Those words can mean absolutely anything. Damn him. Would it kill him to say Next week unless they REALLY can't fix the stuff and then is the next next week. Everyone would be ok with that
I do not know the term ''ragequit''. I will do my best to either solo carry or prevent the defeat for as long as possible
I bet they can't make the AI tank to work properly. There can't be any other issues since the rest are just config parameters and map design
>Soviets gets 100 Tommy
>Germans gets the protype MG42 with 1300 rof
Noice, finally some white coats
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>50 rounds 1040 rof MG
>If you own the MG-45 and MG-42 early you can power cycle 5 man MG squads
My German BR4 line up is about to be peak stupid.
>These guys had to inspire fear and respect with their appearance, especially in the eyes of those who broke the law. The famous black leather coat, of course, is included.
Or maybe they terrorized just about everyone, you scum sucking sons of latvian whores.
how much do event levels cost? I'm going on vacation for half the event lol
lmgs are the noobiest guns in the game and there should be a massive penalty to shooting while not prone or have it resting on something
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Reichstag map when ?
man, every day I wake up and wish the aiming system was like in Arma with exhaustion, equipment, wounds and movement affecting aim, and not this csgo tier garbage for troglodytes. 90% of the pleb playerbase would get filtered immediately, it's worth it just for that
milsims are for nerds. ww2 arcade shooters will always be my jam
>Put squad in "Aggresive"
>For some reason they choose to get stuck 200 meters behind me in pointless shootouts and die
>Put squad in "Passive"
>Pretend to follow (still 20 meters behind) then don't shoot at all and die at the1st enemy met
They should really add a 3rd stance for your AI squad members in addition to tthe other.
A "Follow at all cost" thing, they just rush with you when you move (without worrying about losses) but when you stop they shoot.
Sorry Chernov diary don't talk about that battle.
I wonder where does Ro2 stand in the genre ?
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Funny you mention Arma since my enlisted friends invited me to play antistasi on the WW2 dlc map last weekend. Had such a blast that I didn't bother to get the Enlisted daily login bonus on the first day and haven't played since. Even the best, most memorable match I've had on this game doesn't compare to being part of a large assault force as a combined arms Stug squad taking a Wehrmacht airfield near Saint-Lo. At the very least a return to red orchestra pace would be great.
>i dindu nuffin
arcade shooter
apparently the NKVD knife will let you run as fast as the sabre/hatchet
damn, now if only I had firends...
They never drop on Mondays and it's basically industry standard practice to never drop updates right before the weekend so this isnt exactly a revelation
>5 man MG squads worse than TT squads in every way
>event squads don't even grant premium bonuses
Cry about it dweeb
Both of those have very different run speeds
>Every way
>5 machine guns vs 3 Machine guns
War crimes event let's goooooo
600 Gold per level if memory serves, but the amount goes down if you score some points.
Do you have any videos showing what you mean by "Red Orchestra pace"?
Does anyone know the name of the brown "gilets" (with 4 pockets in front and 2 little bags in the back) some US troop wear in Normandy theater ? Is that a real gilet ?
>no AT
>no radio
>no rifles for long engagements
>limited perk points usually in some BS trade off way
>non optimal troop tier (matters a lot at BR4+)
>less soldiers
>those 2 gunners will be dead before you have a chance to use them anyway
ranger assault vest?
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The art looks like 50, but the in-game model appears to be 100.
Am I blind or something? I only see the center track and the soviet rewards, how do you all see the bottom track
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how does the huge pancake drum in the art look like 50, besides, they are clearly stated to be 100s
ah nvm I am retarded and cant read you are talking about the MG, that would be an actual novelty for an event reward instead of a 3rd copy paste MG42
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The drums in the art are smaller than the models in-game, which look like 100 rounders. I realized the news post was actually up though so picking apart the art isn't necessary
>NKVD reward for the Oct 7th anniversary event.
What did they mean by this?
>The drums in the art are smaller than the models in-game
They aren't though?>>493423081
Running 3 MG34 PT squads would be much more competitive than spamming trophy squads.
>ranger assault vest?
Yesh! Was curious if it was some kind of lifeboat thing but it seem not.
Thank you.
Patronentranny is BR5, you've got to compare them to BR IV MG-42 squads.
Check again my friend
>Soviets get to revel in their war crimes units while Axis has to cope & seethe eternally
Lol sucks to lose doesn't it. I hope the next class added is an Officer class so I can play as a Commissar during Order No. 227 and shoot the cowards on my own team.
>zoomie haircut
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>roll up behind all the sniper retards in the spawn buildings in stalingrad and execute them all
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Saboteurs ?
Do they always announce the big events with a delay?
>read it up
>it's just stalin being a retard
I'd like a "don't be a spastic" mode
I imagine Nazi and Soviet can easily have a politcal officer class.
But it there an US and Japan equivalent ?
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US could get MPs and nips have the kempeitai
mps weren't political officers lel
Yeah but this NKVD event does make me wonder if the new class won’t be like Medics II, a small not-assaulter class that buffs ai.
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>he doesn't know
know what, fake ass bullshit to make neetsocs look even dumber than they already are?
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imagine believing a force tasked with imposing order isnt political

democracy is just as much as an ideology as fascism of communism and this is a boring conversation
sometimes but it sucks to have a 4 day delay
mps were not being used as barrier troops like the nkvd was
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ok and that wasnt the criteria, even still MPs were on the landing craft to shoot anyone who refused to get off

what would be a better approximation for the western allies, the press corps? lol
>even still MPs were on the landing craft to shoot anyone who refused to get off
no they fucking weren't you stupid nigger. i just told you they weren't used as barrier troops. why the fuck would the mp who allegedly has teh job to shoot people who refuse to get off that close to the front? you are a fucking subhuman. go back to /pol/. half that shit you believe is made up to make you look like an idiot
oh sure the military police werent there to enforce martial discipline during quasi-suicidal invasion orders given to a bunch of 18 year olds they were there to shine shoes and take in the scenery. you are a retard who doesnt know anything about anything apparently
feel free to provide the evidence you dumb faggot, maybe go ask the gimps at /pol/ for more bullshit infographics so i can laugh at how much of a nigger brain shit eater you are
you are such a know-nothing you are asking for a source that MPs exist to maintain order in the ranks, lmao

you are the one typing like a poltard anyway, they seem to have ravaged your faggot ass the way you are whining about infographics no one has posted
it's simple, provide proof of your claims that mps were used as barrier troops. it's very simple. admit you can't find any evidence of your claims and so then you must admit you're full of shit
>he doesn't know Dimitri wrote the the end himself
you are one autistic son of a bitch, I never claimed they were used as barrier troops, they exist as a role to enforce discipline which of course means threatening force to get off the landing craft. morale never deteriorated to the point where force was required as far as we know but that doesnt mean it wasnt in the job description of an MP

feel free to post evidence they were there to sight see instead
What's your favourite Enlisted-related kino?

Just watched Stalingrad (1993) and it was very good.
Even had the Soviet healslut we've come to love.
no evidence then, thanks for conceding defeat

another internet argument against a retard won~~~
>whatever I say makes it true
sure thing retard
>whatever I say makes it true
This but unironically
On the one hand, American MPs were obviously not an equivalent to the NKVD. On the other, they probably did "encourage" soldiers to do their jobs.
> the end
Well probably not the end of Arctic mission then.
Were the MP in or near the battlefield ?
Same question for German feldgendarmerie.
its not about an equivalent though, its about being vaguely close in organization and hierarchy. the NKVD was more like the OSS in a lot of ways too but they had enough of a field presence at the brigade and batallion level where that comparison isnt totally appropriate. its something peculiar to the soviet state. afaik kempeitai werent frontline forces either but no one crawled up my ass about that
the nkvd was created by stalin to root out anyone with sympathies towards trotsky. they acted as barrier troops against officers and soldiers still loyal to trotsky. the creation of the nkvd was purely political, it was nothing like the oss
the nkvd handled clandestine and counter espionage operations for the soviet union during ww2. fuck off already with your well akschually reddit bullshit
Shut up and kiss already you two
yes, usually in the rear lines although there were exceptions to this as with the photo above in the normandy landings and the germans used them to suppress partisans generally which resulted in direct combat in operations hannover I & II. MPs were handled by all sides to enforce discipline amongst the enlisted and process POWs

we have gendarmerie gorgets as customization options for the germans in game already
I am fairly sure that photo is from North Africa, no Normandy.
yeah I see attributions to both overlord and torch, regardless it seems to have been protocol to put MPs on LCs
Are large backpacks with medkits the /meta/ for snipers?
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post em
If you are using a bolt action, yeah. There's no such thing as a "meta" for snipers besides, I dunno, using the German Sniper IIIs as shittier Assaulters and maybe the AVS?
for my BR3 mutts with Lee Enfields
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Large backpack it is, then. If you are using enough ammo to need ammo bags then you are either a really bad sniper or being absurdly aggressive.
>"meta" for snipers
ADS/run speed/vitality/bolt speed/reload
oh, and hold breath time, obvi
He's not using the removed prem sniper squads. Progression snipers cannot get Vit.
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you were supposed to say they cant get that and then I was supposed to own you :-(
why did i lose all my progress in the japan tree. i grinded it alot last year before the changes
I know everything. Your next move is to say "okay cuxbox".
o-okay sux cox...
Fuck Latvia
If snipers weren't a mechanically useless tard trap I'd agree. With that being the case, the best sniper squad is a radio or mortar squad.
Do you put "winter" camo on you Stalingrad Germans or not ?
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>merc66 not on the list
usually when I end up playing the one sniper in my lineup ive gotten into a good position with no chance of resupply, no reason not to take ammo in that instance
As long as you have one other soldier in your squad alive, you have infinite ammo.
doing that every 5 rounds is not worth the effort and if im sniping from a window somewhere the NPC will inevitably catch incoming
I wish I had this squad so bad
Well as long as you are not on my team I am happy.
ah, thats the motive. I never use snipers in games that are competitive anyway but its worth keeping one on at least 1 squad in a line up for the odd situation where a scope might be useful, especially for things like the sniper AVS. bringing an actual squad is a waste of a slot
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shouldnt there be thousands of names on this list from what this general has led me to believe about the prevalence of hacking
It is from only the last 2 weeks, but i'm not one of the people complaining about cheaters in every match so it looks about right to me
I remember thinking that fag Camp Liberator was cheating
Just started playing.
LMGs are bullshit. Don't like them.
Reminds me of earlier today as I was rushing up to the point I ran into a guy trying to rush off the point with his shiny stinger. I took it off him and then hosed down 20 of his team on the point with it
Early LMGs are mostly garbage or unimpressive and fall off massively against Vitality.
What are you on about. They have no recoil and kill in 2 shots.
The Madsen is a turd, the Breda is middling, the Brens have abysmal sights, the Type 11 and Type 97 are fine I guess. The best tier II MG is the MG 13. Most people would rightfully rather use SMG options. Being able to go fast is more important than damage that falls off against Vit users anyway.
the mount rework made early LMGs a lot more viable
Feels good to have the MG30, Lahti, RPK, Besal, Hotchkiss, Chatelleraut all in my rotation
They are better but the mobility penalties for only above average firepower will always prevent them from being truly worthwhile. If you have to stop moving to kill people, you are sabotaging yourself.
>Not using the VB
they are definitely overpowered. i don't care about some guy who has his gun deployed mowing people down. the ability to hip fire clear out a room is horse shit. i know it's horse shit because bad players can kill me that way
>team loses point before i can even get my truck there
and that's an instant quit, good luck, shit eaters
You can take ammo from one of you squad mate ?
Just get your engineer to build an ammo box
Are we gonna see any familiar names?
my engineer is dead before I run out of ammo 9 times out of 10
any reason i can't use goyld to buy more yazikov smgs?
You can't but the current BP season items with gold, only gold orders.
>his whole squad isn't engineers
>no AT gunner
>no radioman
I hate it I hate it I hate it
Funny that there's no Chairdolf_Sitler or SS_Pablo_Escobar_SS. I wonder if that is a larger ideological reflection.
Not having immediate AT sucks, but I don’t run radio squads or soldiers anywhere in high BR.
How ?
I know about the engineer ammo box, but i only have one (1) in my sniper squad and he often die.
Honestly, if your sniper running out of ammo is frequenrly a problem, you're probably playing too passively
Radio squads are mid, sure but I can't see a single reason why you wouldn't have at the very least 1 or 2 radiomen somewhere in your active army.
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another shit match of confrontation where i absolutely stomp on shitters (like always) but lose because this game mode is a piece of shit where your incompetent retard teammates will lose it for you because they can't stop dying
>NKVD officers with leather coats, officer caps and tommy guns
Holy SOVL. We are so back bros
I see a couple of names there that I reported
you deserve it. I purposefully do everything in my power to lose the match when playing those snow niggers
USSR is retarded power fantasy for 13 year old edgelords, actual soviet battles would be with poorly dressed squads three times the size but only half of the soldiers have shitty malfunctioning guns and they're all on the verge of starvation.
Remember, it's always the right choice to troll your soviet teammates.
These should be played with larg grenade pouches, filled with molotovs. For peak larping as motivation troops
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One soldier has the gun other soldier has the ammo
My single favorite piece of propaganda
most of the enlisted playerbase needs to get gassed in extermination camps
Target Washington!
these nip retards probably thought washington state and not dc
>Enlisted is one of those games where you can feel, with passion and pain, how much difference a SLIGHT skill difference in teammates makes
It's called realism hahaha
>Were it possible, a feature where you can nominate friendlies to NOT receive rewards would be incredible. It would give me bitter satisfaction, at least.
We all know that they would vote for you simply for having more points then them.
Your fellow man is a nigger
nah, that was beginning of the war when the soviets didn't believe in having a real army yet and even then were able to repel the furmacht out of stalingrad. once stalingrad was won and the soviets were able to field a genuine and well equipped army the germans got their shit pushed in a by a far more masterful soviet blitzkrieg
>well equipped
the soviets were almost fully mechanized whereas furmacht was 90% powered by horses
It's trash idc how bugged it is
Pathetic crybaby bullshit
REALLY NEED The option to block others from using your truck. never at any point is anyone else a better option than me to spawn on MY truck
An option to have people spawn on the trucks, but have them dumped outside, so that they can't block it from being spawned on would be nice
They were motorized, not mechanized. And that was owed to a certain western program.
and give me priority to spawn over the queue. i just saw some nigger sniper squad of four people spawn on my truck 51 meters from the point then immediately retreat 100 meters in the opposite direction to get high ground to snipe from. i want to strangle that retard
split italian and bong tech tree when?
Holy fuck join any army is fucking unplayable, the last 5 games I have been matched with sub 40 IQ retards where no one builds rallies or has trucks and the match is decided in the first minute. Really in these 5 games not one rally was built except those by me. This is br3 btw, it seems like these people don't want to think one bit and just run at the enemy and shoot and they're happy, like complete NPC's. I think they are the people who can't imagine a 3d apple and have no inner voice
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I feel you
It's worse with the premium apcs/stummel because it's common for mouth breathers to sit in the turret doing nothing because oh look shiny turret and fucking up the whole teams ability to play the point
Walk up to them and press f
we all know that feel bro
No they weren't you stupid fucking subhuman retard. If you are on a landing craft you have 2 choices.

1. Stay on the boat made of wood and sheet metal which is being fired upon by machineguns and artillery

2. Move up the beach to cover and fight the guys shooting at you.

Jee I wonder what you would do in such a situation.

Oh and only omaha was that much of a fuckup and even then thats because the air attacks missed their targets, almost every tank sunk, and the landing craft were blown heavily off course and the water was insanely rough and deeper than expected. The other beaches had actual armor and proper support so they were taken with much more ease.

This is a photo of the operation torch landings in north africa not D-Day faggot.
I have 30 dollars from selling some old counter strike crates. what should i buy? thinking premium
Only buy a couple months of premium because it will be half price at Christmas, then you'll be able to get a year for 20 bucks.
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Nice to see this lukamuds fag was rightfulle filtered.
Also, wasn't camp liberator a relatively well-known player who played with major in streams often?
how stupid do you have to be to think that troops would never mutiny after being ordered to leave a relatively safe LC directly into MG fire. go be butthurt somewhere else instead of samefag replying a day later because you are seething so hard about being obviously wrong. the major purpose of MPs is enforcing discipline and you must have brain damage to be so upset by this obvious fact
already acknowledged this you demented inbred. feel free to post a source MPs werent on the the LCs during overlord.
Nothing a couple of molotov's can't solve.
Yeah nothing fuels my contempt for humanity like BR3 queue all.
Plant those APCs facing a wall to discourage that
I have a suspicion that when you queue join any you're playing with majority bots. As in you get placed on a faction that no one is queuing on. Cheater bans did more damage than it seems too and a lot of them are playing scared.
i doubt the majority of players are cheaters
Camp-liberator played with major on stream 2 weeks ago. He was one of the more blatant cheaters putting no effort into hiding his cheats.
make sure to renew your subscription so devs continue making updates
i was worried it wouldn't go on sale again so i bought two years
the bazooka is overpowered
You misspelled panzerfaust
Okay SS_Adolf_Diaperfur.
I am schizophrenic and autistic enough to notice that suspect players chinks and gooks are not performing as well as they used to. No more pre-firing around the corner or up the stairs and they are no longer top 3 with massive kill leads.
It's quite wacky that so many prominent players play with cheaters regularly! Makes me think. Even the community manager, no less.
Are you implying that there is some sort of cheating conspiracy underpinning enlisted?
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>cheating conspiracy underpinning enlisted
Think grander. It encompasses the entire gaming industry. There are financial incentives to propagate cheats so as to normalize and proliferate its usage.
What cheaters ultimately crave is domination over others and they are willing to use whatever means available to them. You think someone going as far as to denigrate themselves and become beholden to paid cheat services wouldn't also fall victim to skinnerboxes and moneytraps/gacha?

Have a thought experiment.
>guy get wafflestomped constantly in game
>frustrated, guy turns to cheating
>starts winning
>winning feels good
>guy becomes deluded and thinks he's better than others because he is a winner
>game has monetization options
>guy, emboldened by his victories, rides the high and spends money on game
>guy eventually gets banned
>guy can't live without game and can't live without cheats
>guy then makes a new account, and continues to spend more money on game to replace his "losses" from his previously banned account
>the cycle continues until the game dies or he runs out of cash

That's just one facet of it as I haven't even gone into streamers, professional competitors, and the actual cheat developers. Just remember that Enlisted is a free to play game with aggressive monetization.

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