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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.2 Trailer | In the Turquoise Moonglow

>Resonator Showcase | Zhezhi — A PROFESSIONAL

>Resonator Midnight Podcast


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Zhezhi [Aug 15 - Sep 07]
Weapon Banner: Rime-Draped Sprouts (Rectifier) [Aug 15 - Sep 07]
By Moon's Grace [Aug 15 - Sep 28]

>Timeline and Rewards

To redeem codes, finish the tutorial (beat Crownless) then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

Previous: >>492706941
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Rover! Give me your seed!
You are right, Xiangli. I am you. I wanted to reject you. Convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now. I'm gonna kill you. Even if you come back as another resonator, I will kill you. Change your name. Change your form. I will kill you again. I don't need to find meaning or a reason. Maybe a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent. In the grand scheme of things, I'm probably nothing more than a cog. But I will keep killing you for as long as I can. That is my role in all this.
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>outsmarted by a fucking teen
Rover is Sukuna-tier. I kneel
gambling saved another life. Gambling haters in shambles
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>robbed of his fight
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He's busy knocking up all of the women in Jinzhou right now, come back later
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literally the release trailer
that was me, I dodged a huge bullet today. big W
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more memes please I find this too funny for some reason. Maybe because of my expectations of the guy then the jail scene happened
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Resonator showcase ranking
You're 15, he'll be put in jail for that
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I'll get Shorekeeper early in his honor
Just write "Wuwa 1566" in youtube and join the gang.
Why aren't the gensharts invading the thread and pagpagposting about revenue or sales like they always do at this time of the month? What happened to their game?
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You don't hate this game enough.
Their banners didn't sell well either
Even though ZZZ dropped some revenue, we need to remember that most of its player base is on console/PC and not on mobile like HSR
>even Camellya is rumored to be in 1.4
Bros, does this mean that there is actually a decent chance for suicide general some time soon after?
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Bro why didn't you get at least an atk%? It's literally free
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>absolute min rolls into hp
would've just stopped there. at least dreamless is easy to farm
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I will be so fucking hard for a whole week if I win Shorekeeper 50/50, my fifth consecutive win in a row.
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It's always possible, but probably not too soon considering that Geshu Lin has an NPC model while Camellya already has a playable model.
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That's how I'm getting Scar out
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shut up he hasn't even used his true true form yet
Everyone using this stupid image shall be spooked by Calcharo on roll 80 or Lingyang if you like Calcharo
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What if i like and use both. What if i post a even worse img
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Fine, I'll use this instead.
jesus my sides
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I will have enough roll to get Shorekeeper even if I fail the 50/50 and I take Calchud as well, for the simple reason I don't have him yet. Everyone is mine, everyone is for me.
both of these are improvements. My anger is sated. I'll let Fate carry on unobstructed.
What happens to Camellya then? Don't push your luck Junior
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I never realized The Shorekeeper is in the trailer so much, she's scoping out all of the competition.
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I've been posting these since day 1 and I've also never lost a 50/50, just like that anon
It's all of you who are doing things wrong
>they really use that cope was prohibited for us from using by them
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why no tower reset already
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I don't actually think I'm going to make it bros
I don't even have enough for a guarantee on Shorekeeper's banner, what if they put out even better waifus after her?

I'm scared...
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Bro, I literally have 30 pulls and a dream right now. I'm cooked.
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You aren't even prepared for the villainkino waifus
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I skip Jiyan again in favor of my girls. So half of 1.3 will be saved for 1.4 and if I still can't get her even using corals (don't care about dupes)... I just come in to do a day overtime, laze around doing nothing and watching anime for 8 hours and purchase the 100USD double topup I didn't used yet. Nothing will stop the emperor to get his concubines.
More for (You) waifu than her? IMPOSSIBLE
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this bitch is actually real btw
the crow the you saw in Zezi quest was actually belong to her
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>what if they put out even better waifus after her
did you forget?
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nuh uh
I want a bat girl not another bird squawker
You guys saw this?
Apparently kurogames is not even making the money back with wuwa and their investors have to pay off the losses putting them even more in debt
It might unironically be over
I saw it in a dream that she will be introduced during Scar's prison break.
>what if they put out even better waifus after her?
Your camellya? your 2.0 banners?
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I've been spooked by Calchud by a 10 pull after getting Zhezhi, my Sexkeeper is guaranteed
Suck it, losers
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Crownless Banner would be the only male banner I'd roll on.
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Exacto. She was in an earlier version of the game.
>All CN posts are totally true and the Chinese cannot lie or spread misinformation
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now that's comfy
It has already been debunked tiebaschizo
wuwa wasn't even out when the report was made
>genshin tieba
Do you want to call yourself a stupid bitch, or do I have to btfo you?
Only the white race rules with tricks and lies.
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I want to poke Jinhsi's overfull "energy gauge" until she sprays her "spectro" all over the place.
I am referring to her bladder and piss.
I want to watch her piss herself.
You guys saw this?
Apparently kurogames is not even making the money back with wuwa and their investors have to pay off the losses putting them even more in debt
It might unironically be over
>SEApag doesn't understand how corporate reporting dates and periodic financials work but will doompost it anyway
And all's right with the world.
The green text means that im mocking the guy
thank you for your service
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Not like these spooks matter for those who know how it is anyway.
>150-200M budget
>Games usually preplanned half anyear in advance at least.
>Thr game made 100M on mobile under 2,5 months
Just use [-] and leave the doomposters to seethe against a wall.
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PGRbwos, do they ever release young/loli versions of characters? Not even Anko made my dick as hard as loli Changli and she's unironically my most wanted character in the Wuwa right now...
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Thanks all of you for sticking with us so far
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is it bad that i like both loli and hag changli? my bird wife is very cute in both forms
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Sorry but Zhezhi's story sucks so bad I got PTSD from all the time I had to mash through Genshin's shit story quests:
>solving an literally who NPC's problem (like in Genshin)
>overly smug, cartoonishly evil literally who NPC villain (like in Genshin)
>try to force some nothing burger into a serious drama (like in Genshin). Bro, it's just a company being scummy. It's not that deep.
>three different themes going all over the place, you have 1) Evil corporation exploiting artists; 2) Envious rival self-destructing in order to beat her naturally gifted rival; 3) Zhezhi's conflict with her Forte infused arts being used for evil. Pick a lane and stay there.
>Played-out tropes. Oh, your character is a shy artist? Let's have her fight an evil organisation that only cares about profit instead of SOVLS, also let her overcome her shyness because that's the only character development a shy character can get.
>Cringe soapfest where the naturally gifted character told the painfully inferior rival that her shit is "good".
>(You) pandering but because of Frover, the word "friend" keeps being thrown around. Could be lolcowlizers shitting the bed, tho.
How do we come from the absolute KINO quest that is Changli's to this Genshin tier shit?
But we do slightly aging up a little bit though
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I've been LingYang free since launch and will continue to be so.
It's Kuro trying to send a message to Freelance/Commission artists that they have nothing to complain about and are jut a bunch of dorks.
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>Imagine not liking Roverlock and Zhettson solving a case
I never knew someone could have inverted dicks from being such a pussy.
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No but we do get to see them in their backstories, its pretty nice.
I was hoping for some actual ace attorney style gameplay complete with big fat index finger pointing and 'objection'
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idk but I found it actually pretty cute
It's like an otome game where Zhezhi is the protagonist and Rover is the ikemen here
>filler patch
B-but you got finger pointing...
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Lord Arbi- *ahem*, Lord Emperor Arbiter. You have gone around and saved the entirety of Huanglong, and were promptly crowned emperor, Prevented Rhinastica from sinking into the sea, thwarted the Fractsidus' attempt to overthrow the New Federation's government, and led the black shores to defeat the Threnodians once and for all. This one would like to draw your attention to something. Do you remember Jinhsi? You met her a few years ago after you woke up in Jinzhou. This one would also like to add that she is at maximum fertility.
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use THAT
Yeah, but I didn't get to present any evidence myself or press them with my shiny attorney badge.
nyo way fyaggot!
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Not now, I'm busy cultivating. Come back in a few hundred years.
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I have a bad memory. All I remember is that I didn't get to build a case or cross examine the witness myself and it was all cutscene. A good cutscene with a nice moment of character growth for Zhezhi, but still a cutscene.
no way fag, Jinhsi is old and busted
Phrololo on the other hand...
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So long as she is willing to retain her water for as long as I desire. Her 'breaks' are for me to decide no matter how badly she needs to go.
am i really an ancient cultivator?
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Well (You) were floating in space doing nothing, so either (You) had airpods in and were listening to podcasts, or (You) were cultivating.
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Sentinel Jue!
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I fucking love Jueposting
no fucking way
Congrats on your sephiroth
these are the people shitting up this thread btw, look at this "person"s channel holy shit
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Genshin is not dead retarf.
>look at this "person"s channel holy shit
No, I don't think I'll give those nobodies any views or clicks.
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jesus christ
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fucking kek
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Good night /wuwa/
May your harem of Chinese warrior women grow ever larger
They need to give more animations for Snorekeeper.
shenhe copy when
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Just saw this
is this guy trusted? Im new to wuwa leaks.
that guy is trustable so far
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thanks wuxia bro
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Are there any changes to the Tower? Or can I just slap my previous setup to clear it?
they'll be cooking some real edge kino
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Is he reliable? Absolutely not. He just showed up and started making a bunch of claims, none of them have come true yet.
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fuck I started in Changli banner and feel spent already and skipping Zhenzhi because of that. How did people survive the three waifubanners?
I want Shopkeeper badly but Camellya is a must-have for me, "dropping the game if I don't get her level of must-have" or using THAT
Can I main Yapyap? Or is her damage abysmal?
Interesting, I thought he had more merit since he's been leaking a lot of 1.3 stuff before anyone else
>he's been leaking a lot of 1.3 stuff before anyone else
If you're talking about the twitter dude he just posts other people's leaks
he even credited the guy at the bottom of his post
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Stepleaker has a bunch of 1.3 datamined content, so either he has access to the beta or he knows someone who got access, but nothing suggesting that they have contacts who could leak unreleased 1.4 content.
It might all be true, but you can never trust these people. Stepleaker is just a dataminer so that means someone else must be feeding him this info, and that info might all be wrong.
Imagine if Rover was under this thing haha...
That would be SO funny
Changli's like 25-30 years old, you normal fucks.
I like cute girls of all ages.
You can try but she needs to be S6
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Dusty hag
damage stinks but shes a pretty good support at S6
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How old is shorekeeper?
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Where is the entrance?
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>this is the best Jinzhou can offer
We're so fucked...
Does anyone know the origin of this webm?
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Her dmg is aright but you gotta play kinda good if you wanna use her in a duo DPS setting

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Nevermind it was a related to a quest I was saving for latter...
They shoulda kept abyss pre-nerf to filter all these disgusting 4*s.
it's a kino quest that changes the overworld tree
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too old
solon is not your friend, he doesnt care about any of you
He added the fun pew pew gadjet that I can use to oneshot rocks from 50 meters away. Solon is my blood brother.
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Solon is a Watcher
stfu anko and go back to the bench
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going back to the bed you mean
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I would do a sabbath with Solon if he asks me after making a fun endgame (Illusive Realm) giving the players what they asked for (Lock-on options, Hovergun and Stamina Cap) and giving the players the funny loli and sexy woman they want and doesn't bending the knee to homos, but even the ones he has to make are actual manly man that I wouldn't mind having, except Ying, but even God made mistakes. What more do you want from a CEO? He is literally my sworn brother at that point.
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I'm leaning towards him being reliable, at least when he speaks about Dengdeng. For example we know they have access to Dengdengs ini file because another leaker posted it, so lets take Camellya's file as an example.
I can tell you that she has references to Petals, Stamen and Buds. A lot of her attacks contain the word "Grab" which makes me think she'll have a stun or some other kind of grab attack, she also has some kind of marking mechanic. If I was a leaker trying to farm attention I would be slowly releasing info from these tags every few days to maximise my clout.
If we were to use Changli as an example, I would know that she has a removable blindfold and a bunch of other similar things.
The annoying part is that if he knows as much as he claims, he probably knows a lot more which he's holding back.
I'm not the only autist who saves upgrading characters and rolling echos for the weekly reset right?
>our villains are hebes
holy fuck solon!
>similarities between Griseo and Shorekeeper
Uhh... As someone who actually played hi3, that sounds as dumb as it could be. Having blue color in their design is as far as the similarities go. If anything, you'd probably think Elysia because both have those floaty attack animations.
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What happens if we lose against the villain hebes? Do we get raped?
>she can le control a bird
whoa bravo
real life threatening skills
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More hot 15 year old villains for me to defea and seed?
Am i in the best timeline or something?
You obviously haven't been around geese.
Guy at the golf club almost lost two (2) fingers trying to find a ball by a nest.
Assassin's creed looking ass
Unlikely, Cradle just murdered Shikikan a bunch of times. Those two are probably less deranged though.
Fortunetly for us shikikan is wuxiaDEITY now. Could bend the likes of cradle like a pretzel.
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to run up walls
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to get a bike
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to get a grapple

Holy shit
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to run up walls in natlan
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to get a bike in natlan
>Genshin makes you waste rolls to get a grapple in natlan

I fixed it for you
if wuwa did that you wouldn't be complaining about it
redpill me on her. i was going to roll for shorekeeper cause she seems hot and meta, but what does Camellya have?
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True, if wuwa locked a qol that is is additionally region locked behind a paid gacha character, I wouldn't be complaining because I wouldn't even be playing. And that is why I'm not even playing kekshin.
>Genshin makes you play as a character who will ascend to the throne of god
>Wuwa makes you play as a character that is already a god
I do have gripes with Wuwa but Genshin just has many more issues, mostly because the game is old now and has stagnated since release, it's basically impossible to not lose hope
hopefully Wuwa won't make the same mistakes over time
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>struts up to you
more like we get to make fun of these things since we've had them since 1.0 and that game is 4 years old
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>but what does Camellya have?
Your seed. Or, well, will have. Not that you have any choice in that matter.
All these gacha CC's pivoting off this game to sucking off Love and Deep Space cause it apparently outgrossed Genshin on mobile for the second month is pathetically predictable if not hilarious and completely giving up the hustle after only 3 months. Like so many talking head accounts on social media talking only about WuWa for most of the summer all of a sudden claiming to be fascinated by Love and Deep Space as of today. It's probably actually just about fucking over for this game now if they all just move on to adopting that as their new "Genshin Killer" rallying point. Like nobody ever really gave THAT much of a fuck about this game did they? It was just the odds on bet as the "Genshin Killer" on mobile revenue charts before it just wasn't.
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Is she even more sluttier than Changli?
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People go into a place that looks like that hoping to have a peaceful life
That's how you know the only ones trustworthy are ones that played the sister game or came from a different dying game, not for any of "this muh hoyo haet!"
Rexlent played PGR before and maygi came from the dying corpse that was ToF. Meanwhile every grifter under the sun came from a hoyo game of some form and almost none have stayed the course.
you are replaying to a copy paste anko bro
he's replying to himself chixiabro
umm is she going to rape me?
Talking to a copypaste is an act of kindness, it's like intentionally replying to bait.
You better not trust the tranny fairy too much bwo. She was caught intentionally releasing misinformation to promote specific characters back in tof.
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>the fucking CC reddit spammer is here as usual
You can't make this shit up.
>She was caught intentionally releasing misinformation to promote specific characters back in tof.
Caught by who?
will he cry again on the next stream ?
Unironically yes. Cumellya is the sluttiest of them all thus far.
Caught by no one because it didn't happen
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After 5.1 goes back down to 4.8 numbers when 5.0 couldn't even hit the peaks of 4.7 and also fallen off faster? Absolutely.
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so thats where she is, shame no dialog or H-scene
It will be fully consensual. It's just that you won't really get a chance to refuse.
>Heart eyes
Wuwa is LOSING to Genshin in discussion.
Wuwa is LOSING to Genshin in viewership.
Wuwa is LOSING to Genshin in monthly revenue.
Wuwa is LOSING to Genshin in platform exposure.
When will Wuwa stop LOSING to Genshin Impact?

4chan stats


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>trendposting faggot is back
always about trends, never concerned about actual game quality.
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/wuwa/ bros plz convince me to not roll Zhezhi weapon for my Manko
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your mom is LOSING to this dick every day
Wuwa better. Simple as.
wait for stringmaster, don't be a retard anko
your stringmaster?
Stringmaster is better for all resonators and coming back soon just hang on anko bwo
its over. even tectone said we are dead
Wait for the stringmaster's rerun. If Jiyan's rerunning in 1.3 then yinlin's not that far away
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It's worse than Stringmaster
If you roll for Zhezhi's weapon and I see it on your Anko, I will laugh at you
People will point at you and say, haha, that's the anon who didn't listen! He's using a bad weapon! Laugh at him!
Is stringmaker good for Zhezhi though???????
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>I need zhezhi's weapon
>No I need stringmaster
oh yeah? Can your dps do this?
Yeah it's only slightly worse than her weapon.
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>Finished ToA with only 3* weapons
okay so is this gonna be the new flex for gooks and gigaskilled players?
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Zhezhi can use Stringmaster just as well as Yinlin can
I just realized how exploration quests changes the overworld but I never get to fully appreciate those changes
We should have really been updating this image man. Someone sent a watermarkless version of the Keeper image before and Genshin missing the Sasuke twink shipbaiting lines.
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I almost rolled. Glad I asked
That or -2 or -3 echo clears.
I'm just waiting for the og anon who made it to update it.
>Someone sent a watermarkless version of the Keeper image before and Genshin missing the Sasuke twink shipbaiting lines.
I'm sure if someone reposts this he'll add it to the collage.
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Another ankobwo saved. A good day.
I'm not going to comment on the themes and tropes because I'm not expecting the peak of originality out of WuWa's characters. But I can agree completely with the first 3 points, it was such an absurd letdown. Particularly because it started with the creepykino intro and I thought it was going to be a spooky story about stuff crawling out of paintings, I was getting so hyped. Then you get to follow hobos selling cheap paint to find out some corpo guy is exploiting artists. I don't understand at all, it had so much potential, how do you get asked to write a story for a character that can create magical paintings and your best pitch is uhh xingxong the mean art dealer is abusing chongchong the artist.
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Got you.
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guys whats the name of the site wher you can check the characters and stuff? like the items they need and shit, i seriously dont remember
Bro... they made a whole fucking pv for her time with (You)...
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Yangyang ingame looks beautiful but I don't like her character splash art, it's usually the other way around
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can i use genshin as a way to get a real life gf, or will it just be a tranny or a fat and ugly girl
There are other sites, but hakushin works
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what's up with retards and Encore?
If you noticed, that starts to be a tendency. Changli shittalked about looking generic orange woman until high quality ingame stuff got to us, then everyone started shitting themselves how good it looks. Zhezhi was told to lool like a kpop boy, harry potter, a tranny, everything. After she came out, people loosened up around her because she looks so much nicer to look at ingame.
How much power is attributed to echos, skill lvls and wep + char lvls?
I'd personally say its
>40% echo
>30% skill lvl
>30% wep and character lvl (difference between 80 and 90, not absurd shit like 1 and 90)
oh yeah its literally the same festival, weird cuz of the time gap between releases
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You can try
>same festival
wtf! I didn't realize that until you pointed it out, lol
Why are these screaming chibis so fucking funny?
>can i use genshin as a way to get a real life gf
unironically yes, Genshin is mainly played by females
predators use the ships as a way to get close. You see someone using Jean? use diluc, Fischl? Bennett, Furina use Neuv etc
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i find them kinda cute and funny
how do I build Zhezhi so she acts as a support for Changli?
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All of them are.
The same way for Jinhsi.
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account saved
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it's honestly pretty refreshing to see. Usually in other games, they lure you in with beautiful illustrations only to find yourself rolling for essentially a png/LD2 or PS2 graphics clay model, very nice change of pace. I admit I felt pretty indifferent about Changli in 1.0, but she looks stunning ingame, I really like her eyes
moonlit with some glacio damage 3 cost
going from 80 to 90 + 8 to 10 skills made my lasers do 150-200k to 250-300k
my weapon is still 80, not ascended
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I confess I pilled two multi at the weapon banner before I asked but needed a push to roll more
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wukeks are not beating the ESL allegations
>they lure you in with beautiful illustrations only to find yourself rolling for essentially a png/LD2 or PS2 graphics clay model
All of the in game models look better than the drip marketing, i didn't give a fuck about Jinhsi or Changli until i saw their kits and now I have both
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I've gone back and watched anko's pv as well. The way that it pans out the camera at the end with anko alone in a large room at Black Shores, paired with the piano bgm... It feels sad and lonely bwo..
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Should have whaled Jiyan's banner homos
Now the lolis will ascend
Best place to farm echoes for Verina?
Yeah anko's pv had some depression kino going on at the end. I'm thinking we're gonna get more of that in her companion quest.
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agreed, cant wait to see black shores ingame, the blue hues in the water will be awesome
aw man, i only rolled for my wife shenhe and then ayaka to help her and build a ice team. no males to ship with...
uhh do they really?
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Is there a reason prydwen never did calcs on Zhezhi's weapon for Encore? Did they all quit?
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It's quite dishonest, ZZZ looks better than that. Wuwa and ZZZ both have the highest quality models on the market
stonewall bracers are always worth it since they drop healing and moonlits
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Show their face then. Side by side with the birb wife. Easy to prove me wrong you know.
They don't keep their shit up to date
They rely on whatever is the new shiny fotm to get site traffic
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>no one convened for her
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>>threadspeed when everyone knows /gig/ is the toilet of vg
>using embarrassing twitch numbers that are never good even after hoyo pays streamers literally every patch to play their game
>c2 bait character, top off reset, new region, imaginary 1.75 multiplier that was added only to make hoyo look better
>all of the above and pay millions in advertising/sponsoring/botting per quarter just to barely do 2x zhezhi
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SOLON are you kidding me
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homo game btw
I hope the baseless theory of BS being the hub base and chibi dorms is true, it would be the best reason to visit an important place this early
Prydwen keks are hacks, simple as. They've already been made fun of plenty in other gachas like limbus and even zoo for inaccuracies or dogshit tierlist criterias.
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I'm only taking screenshots of wipeouts but Wuwa's face will be more defined because the black outlines are thickers in general which goes hand in hand with the game's slightly dark and wuxia aesthetic
ZZZ leans more into the Dreamcast style
They're gonna kill someone next patch so they can release a character song screencap this
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>shenhe and then ayaka
>no ships
both have a popular ship. Ayaka is mainly shipped with Kazuha and Shenhe with Chongyun
Don't say you ship the latter unless the female player is a freak just say you like them together
Prydwen's been a meme even back when they only did counterside content
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Hope calchud goes first.
meant for>>492780150
>Aalto for some reason has a pv of his own
>The forboding ending at the end of anko's pv
I'm noticing...
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Manko's secret haven...
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Everyone got mogged hard by an otome game and a literal who arena.
>wuwa lost over half of its mobile revenue
>zzz lost over 2/3 of its mobile revenue
>genshin and hsr are pretty much the same as july
>honkai 3rd an pgr are at the same level of dead
>even meme games like nikke and snowbreak that are shilled everywhere had loses
This was a horrible month for everyone but women.
Its a metaphor for not taking (You)r meds
Ship faggotry is dogshit and i’m glad Solon isn’t a faggot like Da Wei
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>This was a horrible month for everyone but women.
>"china removed"
>china was not removed
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The protagonist cannot die off this early in the game anon.
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i blame shit on fat kim and a dog shit eva collab, no one cares about eva and that whore asuka anymorehn04r
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>playable villainess
who the fuck wants that?
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Nope, I made sure to deselect them.
Damn I should play Reverse 1999
yeah, and it solely removed the china only games, aka why there's literally no difference in any of the combined revenues
>Nope, I made sure to deselect them.
except you didn't
That's a game for women (otome).
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That's the normal ebb and flow of gacha games for the most part. Even for WW because you have to remember we had jinshi followed by changli, spending always goes for the downturn, it never remains high for long. I'd point to AK who always seems like its on the cusp of EoSing global before it comes back perfectly fine. Zhezhi did compartively well by that comparison.

Genshin/ZZZ, however. Losing 70-80% of your revenue in the month after launch is like cash-grab tier. It's actually an insane drop. Genshin had the biggest patch they'll have in months so being unable to go to the usual #s is telling of the game's state. These two are actual outliers, even if we're using shittertower as our yardstick.
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anniversary is in a couple weeks bro :)
Shut up
Nobody wants to pull on Florida's banner
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If evil, why hot...
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Bring those fucking fake chart to >>>>>/vmg/ will you? We only discussing wuwa and Kuro related games like PGR here

Please be nice to her...
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I think the facial geometry is simpler than wuwas but its aight. right is modded to expose her cleavage, left is also a censored design and will get fixed by modders no doubt.
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so, we gonna use his tech or maybe BSs tech to see which continent is in danger and travel around the world collecting women?
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You now remember Jinny
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Ok, I set the "China multiplier" to 0 (IDK what else I need to change). The revenue is obviously smaller, but the order is pretty much the same.
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me 3 btw orkobro
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what the fuck is this
Genshin numbers is a disappointment and everyone know that, topup reset + new region buff and it 2%+ from previous month
ZZZ nose dive like Solo Lvling (anyone stil remember that? lel). Next month is also their “hype” character so if they still perform bad then it’s over
Hoyo is panicking, that’s why they increase the predatory and put 3 banners rerun into HSR
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my glorious magistrate
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original vs censored
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I think they looks fine tbqh, but Wideyabi face is really something else
I might try the game again if they fix that
The eyes on ZZZ models look too indented into the skull for my tastes. Though it really only shows when you're close up, like in the twintailed blonde girl webm that gets posted.
Fololololo looks like THAT??
Where is Waterkuma? These shitty designs can't be by him
Can also set the android multiplier to 0 too for more real numbers
>Never stained my account with ugly Chinks

Can't wait to finally start rolling for beautiful western characters like Camellya, Shorekeeper, and more.

You didn't brick your account with slant eyed gooks like Changli and Jinshi right?
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That look like shit compare to Shorekeeper
Simple is an understatement
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Jinhsi's is gorgeous though, but I have to admit the first moment I saw her in game I fell in love.
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Your mom is loosing to my cock.
>we're gonna make a sexy game!!!
>censor every character and pull back on every design
lul. Is this just to avoid the CCP's sauron eye.
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Meant for
game is so dead I actually forgot to bully you guys for wuwa's abysmal revenue. eos soon
fugg, is there a full video?
Got Zhezi. Moonlit or Glacio set?
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yeah her drip art look so boring
Her cinematic trailer make me do a 180
Shit look so fucking good
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fact check: true
My journey with this game has been strange. I had no idea the game would be for (You) before i started, i was going to pull yinlin but didn't even get her once i saw Jinhsi in game and her combat. Same story with Changli, same story with Zhezhi.
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Not to see if I'm banned but to see if this image is corrupted
I dunno, I still like wuwa's better. I feel like none of these designs appeal to me at all because their faces are too plain and generic but maybe that's just me.
At least zzzoo characters don't suffer from genkek's bobblehead syndrome.
probably some internal war with the feminist devs they keep hiring
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43311 stats?
I love this serene apocalypse setting wuwa has. I wish there was more death stranding asthetic music wise when in the overworld
Something is wrong with the image, I can't see fuluoluo's beautiful eye!
fgo... on top again
how has this not been linked before, godlike
look at her go!
i don't ship at all, shnehe and chongyun are family, so i don't even know why shipping them is a thing
I have Calchud and Verina who should be the 3rd if I don't have Yinlin? Mortefi?
Yangyang with moonlit to charge him up and group
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I have confession to make.
I was the one who make fun of WuWa for being a Genshin clone with gray color scheme and slightly flashier combat during the CBT even though I already familiar with PGR
I never thought that I would enjoying wuwuwawa this much so I'm planning to stick around to atoned for my sin.
So is the shopkeeper the only new 5* in 1.3?
I don't forgive you bro.
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Well in that case you can find plenty of new images showing her eye in the mega, considering there are now 50 new pics in set 1.
Wow, look, I can even post this one with a chat bubble so it looks like she's the one writing out this message.
>EVERYONE was championing Wuthering Waves as the game that will dethrone Genshin, is better than it in every way, the ultimate gacha game
>Those sales

You guys are awfully quiet down there today.
So I just finished playing the festival event, and was pleasantly surprised that Rover actually talks and is an active character that takes the initiative
Camellya now feels boring after all the Shorekeeper animations and effects thats been leaked
You will regret those words once she actually leaks, you'll see
>Wuthering Waves will be on the Tokyo Game Show
>September 26-29
>1.2 ends on the 29th
Since Kuro went out of its way to schedule the end of the patch alongside the showcase, are they going to make an announcement besides show off the Black Shores?
WW the only game where the marketing does the 3d models a disservice.
No problem ankobwo. I didn't needed Changli's weapon either but I got trigger happy...
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he mustve made this one, didnt seem to have sold well tho
PS5 announcement maybe
Probably some PS5 related stuff
Anon just tagged their account as for brainlets and are now cursed with a demerit to 5* drop chances.
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>is really better than it in every way
>except in the guesstimated revenue charts
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maybe a quick looks into notItalia would be nice. It would be so fucking funny if they just show off Black Shore again in TGS(highly possible)
>Announces 1.3
>Teases how it will tie into 1.4
>PS5 stuff
>Ray tracing update
There's a couple things they could announce
I like everything about Camellya except those dumb leggings she wears
Either wear solid leggings or vine patterned not one on each side
uohhhhhh robo sex T o T
lolis never sell well. Always the big tit hags that top the charts
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is it just the user's shitty pc or does their models feel like putty? or maybe it's shitty lighting?
I dont see how thats relevant since hes a hebe
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I don't play hoyo games, but I will never forgive Mihoyo for butchering that good Waterkuma design to pieces. I actually got angry over how fucking dogshit the redesign is.
it's mostly the models, wuwa has by far the best 3D models in the market
Interesting how none of those points make the game any better.
stop posting your zenless zone slop. -70% lmao you are the very cash grab you claimed solo sloppery to be.
aesthetically something's seriously holding their models back but I can't say what exactly.
is it over for us
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What if you guys just fucking stopped responding to bait for once?
what does Camellya want
>meanwhile shopkeeper is literally wearing a lingerie in game
I kneel Solon
my seed
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bros why are they like this https://www.reddit.com/user/fantafanta_/
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she's havoc sword main dps
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i'm on a 4090 with the settings cranked lol, thats just how it is
B-bros... she wants to suck my astrite dry, should I allow her to do that?
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>fuck me fuck me can can fuck me fuck me
Never post this again
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Kek. Every excuse under the sun when it's their turn to have a massive dip in revenue. Suddenly the excuses come out
>umm they place on pc more there's not many mobile players
>it's just a dead month brooooo
And for some reason it's now valid? If no one else could use that excuse, zzz the sleeping game can't either.
75 astrites are not worth malding over bro, let it go
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>on a 4090 with the settings cranked
sorry bwo didn't mean to doubt your rig desu. There's just something with zzzoo models that riggers my uncanny valley instincts for some reason.
I miss Dendy bros
Is the main story gonna continue in 1.3? I hope we get a kino trailer for it like the one we got for 1.1
50 GB game btw
It's the textures and shaders really. The polygon count is normal or even high but the shading and textures can make it look like clay
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>dendy doxxed his mother and himself to defend a game that went on a freefall after 1 patch
This nigga is a walmart/ grocery store delivery driver
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Yes 1.3 the story continues
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Yes the Wuthering Waves are sending us to the black shores. According to leaks there is a new trailer like the 1.1 one
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Orie-chan, if only you knew how important you are to me
Exactly, the lighting there can sometimes make it look like when you mod an anime model into a game that wasn't designed for anime. Just seems weird.
Meanwhile wuwa lighting has managed to take some fairly unremarkable models, because wuwa models really aren't anything special, and make them look amazing.
Bros I have a vision. If 1.4 turns out to be another story update with a whole prison break arc for Scar, it would make perfect sense. This would segway straight into 2.0, with us chasing after the Fractsidus who have bigger, more nefarious plans to carry out in Rinascita.
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bro I'm so impressed!!! it's so good!! 1/5 of the revenue in the 2nd month is amazing!!
Why are you linking reddit?
Lil bro where do you think all the revenueposting and shitposting ammo comes from. Every mihoyo general uses it to raid /wuwa/.
This story, followed by a scan/frololo banner in 2.0 would be so fucking hype
reddit is based
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Calchud is S-tier (as a floors 2-3 janitor)
Is top Scar?
That bitch has high spectro resistance bro.
At least for wuwa it make sense.
Goat Scar resists Spectro, sis
I read reddit as often as 4chan honestly. Reddit is a better source of information.
>more aalto and anko duo kino
let's fucking go
why hire a janitor when you can do it yourself with your danjin wife
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Redditor Indonesian who would spend all day shitting on wuwa got doxxed by /wuwa/ anons who accused of being a thread shitposter. He instantly privated all his social media accounts, which basically confirmed he was posting in the threads here.
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>This https://www.reddit.com/user/Kitysune particular nigger made it his life mission to shill hoyogames and slander wuwa 16 hours a day (check timestamps of all his posts) across all social media platforms
>constantly promoted gachawars and constantly shat on wuwa
>one anon has had enough of his nigger attitude, went full on "YOU'RE COURTING DEATH DENDY" and digs up his profile, crosschecks "kitysune" with all other social media sites
>finds out his real identity as Dendy from banjarsamin indonesia typical indog behavior
>doxxes all of his accounts including a picture, oh what it was a woman. So this kitysune's a woman huh?
>WHOOPS! turns out that person wearing a hijab was his mother
>doxxes his real face
>dendy goes to overdrive
>sends his minions here to "SHAME" KEK 4chins that doxxing's bad
>privates all his socials in twitter, facebook, youtube, and twitch
>stopped using his reddit account ever since
>still lurks here occasionally, he reports posts that show his face everytime
and that is the tale of dendy, hoyo's strongest whiteknight...

Hope I enlightened you partner.
Let that cautionary tale serves as a warning to other hoyofag scoundrels lurking here in this thread.
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only a matter of time
seaniggers not beating the allegations of being literal monkeys who do it for free. and for a game that's in literal free fall after 1 month.
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Janitor? I am a musician!
What the fuck is a Dendro
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oh my god I forgot the anon doxxed his whole family
Thanks for linking the arca pardner, got me a good laugh.
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How do I unsubscribe from leddit posts I don’t care about any of this shit
Well you don't have a choice. They post here directly and stir shit constantly. You'll learn live with it newkek.
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Maybe it's the fourth brother? Dendy, Doddy, Dzarky and Dendro?
that img reminds me, were getting real waves in 1.3, based
You guys shit on Reddit but at least they discuss the game and post fan created content on r/WutheringWaves. I scanned this thread and there was hardly any new fan art posted
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Honestly I think GFL2 has the best 3D models, but its also a turn based game so it needs to be better since they can completely focus on it, to me WuWa is very close to it which is extremely impressive since they have more stuff to worry about due to being an open world game.
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bait used to be believable
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damn brat
Thanks shrif

I kinda thought SEA was a meme but we really are infested with the worst of humanity.
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ehh nah. something's off about it
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we post korean gifs on occasion
holy fuark water doesn't look completely shit anymore
imagine the noose Dendy must have put around his neck after all hoyo games freefalling
he doxxed his mom for nothing lol
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waves: WUTHERED?
>he doxxed his mom for nothing
his whole family anon...
Dawei gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...
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kek probably on a new account on that very same subreddit and using the "not all on mobile" and "dead month" excuses.
Unofficial model tier list
GFL2 > Endfield > WuWa > Promilia > ZZZ > HSR >> Genshin
Huh with that close up it does look less detailed, the curves in the lines aren't as smooth, maybe its just the artstyle and colors that do it for me.
tbf there were some SEAbros here saying how these niggers make the sane ones look bad
though every hoyodrone is a shit stirring monkey, so they will get treated as such
sowwy I meant >>492789803 for >>492789621
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Man, I'm rewatching Jiyan's trailer, and his fight with geshu lin was pretty fucking good.
I didn't really pay attention to it back then cause I was busy rerolling...
>Camellya twerking to brazilian funk
my god that's sexual
why are her tits shrink wrapped
Meh i rate GFL2 behind Wuwa
Endfield is nice but something about the design is weird, the red hair girl look so overdesigned
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there's some SEAbros here that S6'ed Jinhsi and Changli the moment they dropped, so not everyone's dendylevels of bad. They can only blame their spawn rng tho that they get lumped with the likes of dendy.
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I think it's pretty clear what needs to be done to save wuwa
>swaps to yoohoo
>she immediately headbutts you
what the FUCK is her problem?
Promilia looks just like Genshin to me. It has the same big head anime style.
huebro here, the lyrics are wrong, it's saying
>you can
but the actual meaning by the hearing is
>fuck me, in a very sexual and provocative way
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I do feel bad for kitty
Imagine being born as a poor asian third worlder
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The only thing really letting wuwa down is when they sometimes do shitty texture work, like Jinhsi's 144p panties, or the poorly drawn straps on her hand.
They've been improving with newer models though so hopefully it stops soon, if they fix that I'll have no complaints left.
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what if Geshu Lin wasn't some massive asshole and him being like that was all Jiyan's headcanon to psyche himself that he's a hero?
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strange style huh, transparent top
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So when is Solon going to add kiss/sex scenes with my husbando?
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finally got 21 stars...
not pulling the standard weapon banner earlier and slacking off on leveling is biting me in the ass
is there a way to track ToA clears?
The thing that redeems geshu lin imo is that he wasn't just sacrificing his guys, but he was on the front lines with them and he gave his life in battle.

He was a psycho, but he put his money where his mouth is
U mad?
afk journey is a scam chinabros don't fall for it...
Who is your husbando
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>very strong in lore and the top tier in meta
>beautiful magistrate
>she'd rather die than let Jinzhou fall
The game peaked way too early with Jinhsi. No one other girl will come close to her.
GFL2 > Snowbreak > Endfield >> wuwa > ZZZ > Promilia > HSR >> PGR > Genshin.

Gooner games got insanely good with the model quality and rigging
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SEAbro we need to beat this allegation about being a gacha chimpanzee somehow...
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wuwajeets...today I remind you
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When you keep demanding dorms for chibi intimacy in the surveys
Bruh Snowbreak models really low quality. You're just being blinded by F cups.
Never thought i'd be into anything with br shit on it but here we are
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>he wasn't just sacrificing his guys, but he was on the front lines with them and he gave his life in battle.
which makes it even more viable that they're just making him the scapegoat over all battles against the threnodian where there was massive loss of life.
I mean it's very easy to assign blame when you're seating in a committee back at home after the battle's won but it's an undeniable fact that GeshuCHAD was there at the front lines fighting with his men. It's not his fault his men has skill issues.
we will bounce back with 1.3
1.2 was doomed from the start
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fact check: True
come on. it's coomer but the models are pretty shit
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>So when is Solon going to add kiss/sex scenes with my husbando?
why would he do that? women don't spend on gacha
here is the real number btw
Theres no clear tracker afaik. Can you show your Jinhsi i think you should be 3 star clearing any stage with her
Nah those latest models are insanely well made not just the honkers
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I hate children irl
I hate lolis
I hate smug bitches
I hate the color blue

But there's something about this fucking character that just does it for me. I really like her, and I'm gonna pull for her even though I don't want shopkeeper.

What the fuck has kuro done to me?
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LaDS? Rafayel. Wuwa? Jiyan.
But I don’t want chibis. I want the 3d models in for the intimacy dorm system
hoyojeets... -70%
>I hate the color blue
What's wrong with blue?
Damn, that pic is really nice. Starting to like this crazy general
lmao so that .gif I saw was based on something from the game?
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so youve skiped Yinlin for Jinhsi, Jinhsi for Changli, Changli for Zhezhi and now Zhezhi for Shorekeeper???
she is allowing the foda kkk
seeing blue makes me feel blue
Nice natlan launch kekpow. negative -400m revenue from spending 500m marketing natlan/ZZZ for months.
It's like one of my Japanese anime
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I feel like they got the Frover and Rover scenes mixed up...
Rolling for the general's blade in 1.3

I want that fucking sword
Who knew a husbando game was going to be the one toping the hoyo monopoly
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>beginner convene 5*
Oh. Oh wow. This stings.
it's actually insane that they spend so much on marketing. like 1.2b/year 300m/quarter. they don't even make it back anymore. really should've spent that money on improving their current games.
actually cursed. bro... reroll
I'm not a loli man but I like her alot too bwo.
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I think that should be everything?
What am I doing wrong?
I think my charged up skills hit like 200k
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It's honestly surprising how badly WuWa is doing.
Even ToF did better.
Even NIkke did better.
Fucking Solo Leveling did better.
AFK Journey did better.

This is really turning out to be ToF 2.0
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It's over... reroll time...
Doesn't actually matter, you don't have to reroll if you don't want to since you've got a mail selector and a banner selector, but it still sucks.
>frover is being a fat fuck while rover is just chilling with the bro
Seems about right.
I got him on my beginner pity as well. It'll happen to everyone eventually, so might as well just get it over with at the start of the journey lol
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Yes join the right side of history anon...
>pull immediately for Jiyan during the first ever banner
gay. homo. yawn.
>wait in eternal vigil until Gasoline drops
You can now roll Zhezhi to make him good :^)
Oh is a rough Jinhsi yeah 21 stars is fine then chill and finish building her she gonna be a cheat code when she is done
what should I focus on building first? I feel like she is almost there but no?
>Even ToF did better
Are genkeks so mind broken by Natlan that they are calling their own game that now? Holy kek DAWEEEIII THEY NEED YOUR DOGEZA NOW!!
Nigger what the fuck are you doing, get the atk% and crit% nodes asap. Assuming you're running 1 atk and 1 spectro 3cost, the stats are good, finish the nodes and levels and you're good to go.
>posting dumb 3dpd
cant wait to dance on your grave when 1.3 dabs on your furryfag game with pure sex
I would be mindbroken too bro...
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>solan does nothing during a filler patch besides workshopping his ideal harem
>g-shit does months of marketing, convention advertising/stalls, paid fanart contests, paid streamers, paid youtubers, banners in time square, da wei cries like a bitch, "we'll do better", qol updates after 4 years, dedicated bot shill campaigns, #sponsored #ad #sponsored #ad #sponsored, all of this times 3 for every of their three garbage games
>bonus round: top off reset, c2 bait
>19M (+1)
surely that's roblox? or minecraft?? wtf
>August=8 mill (you are here)
>September=7 mill
>October=6 mill
>November=5 mill
>December=4 mill (emergency full coomer mode, free Changli bikini skin)
>3 mill
>2 mill
>1 mill
>EoS announcement
not looking good for /wuwa/. At least we have some to look forward to. See you guys in December for the exclusive Changli sex.
give me youhou now
oh yeah... those nodes seem pretty good when I look at them collectively now.
which levels should I focus on?
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>Are genkeks
I said nothing about Genshin.
>calling their own game that now
I said that Tower of Fantasy did better than WuWa and it did. It had more players and bigger revenue.

>>posting dumb 3dpd
Where did I mention ZZZ? Are you fags so mindbroken by Hoyo that you think everyone who tells you the truth plays Hoyo games? Lmao.
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Stop replying to bait on revenooooo day
Disgusting, [-]
This dragon (ajaw) is the coolest thing about natlan imo. Bro is voiced by naruto's jp va, and tells the enemies to go bungee jumping without a rope.
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>july = 96m
>august = 30m (you are here)
>september = -36m
Uhhh not looking good for ZZZ??? EoS next month???
Actually it's loss day
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Seriously though, why is the revenue so low? Why aren't people spending on this Hoyo Killer game?
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Just reroll bwo we will wait for you
zzzfags are the most mentally ill ones, so it's safe to assume you are one of them coming here for pvp
Bro Zhezhi won't wait for him
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Seriously though,
>t. Zapp Brannigan
Lv 90 > Lv 10 forte Res. Lib > Res.Skill > Forte Stats (crit first) > Get her crit dmg to around 250%

Since you are running the standard 5* you should try to get double Ele% 3 cost
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friendly reminder to my dear townsfolks that:
>engaging in any semblance of argument with a hoyodrone is an exercise in futility.
>they will not take any valid argument and will fervently preach their sensortowerslop as gospel and the final say in the official revenoooo numbers.
>their only argument is revenoooo they will never engage in gameplay arguments because they know their game is total cowdung
>everytime you give them their (you)s it only encourages them to shitpost more
don't give them their (you)s folks, just [-] and move on.
summer skin for changli will save this game
>Changli's bikini
I'm going f2p #boycott kuro I urge everyone to not spend a dime, we need to reach 4 millions revenue no matter what.
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>why arent people spending on an ugly abomination in a waifu game
I wonder
Are we being raided?
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Gotcha sheriff!
I'm guessing no, just the same old trolls and shills that hang around wuwa at around this time.
fuck you solon, give me more fat tits sluts
It's amazing how buckbroken and fragile wuwajeets are. It's actually amazing.
Solon? Are you listening? enemy juggling event please. Stylelets will be punished
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>Shorekeeper is a robot/AI
>Black Shores has the funny red tower
are we fucked? is this festival the happy moments before the despair?
Nobody claimed this is a hoyokiller. You guys made that up because y'all threatened by our mere existence.
Just the SEA hour experience, pagpags are looking to vent their frustrations after a whole night of humiliation yesterday.
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He unironically did nothing wrong anyway, even if the info we have about him was all correct. It was an important battle against a civilisation ending foe, not some unimportant border skirmish, so of course the death count was high.
>inb4 most of the people in the photo will suffer and/or die
If this ends up being true then I'm glad Jinhsi wasn't there
I made it. The scene has no sound though.
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In a sense.
The whole /vg/ especially /hsrg/ shitting on them last night was funny heh
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It's amazing how wawa and wuwu wuwa. It's actually amazing.
lol they are not beating the allegations. is there so little to do in pajeetland?
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>make 2 posts in good faith about the sad state of WuWa
fucking lmao, this community and game both are beyond saving
Just the usual.
W-Why am i being calling out :(
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>Oh yeah lemme just wake Rover up and yeet them away without saying anything
What the fuck was her problem?
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>[-] the "sheriff"
>cocksuckers disappear
Comfy thread
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Has it ever been viets? Not really right. Dunno sorry bro.
Lucia isn't good at that brain using stuff who the fuck knows.
She impregnated us with abby before sparta-kicking us down, so it's all good.
Solon... I crave strength...
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You'll be fine, most people like you and say nice things about Vietnam whenever asked about it
I only make mmd poses like this one >>492789585
Which would be better on kakarot, jiyan's sig or jinhsi's?
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Here you go lassie. Don't eat too much now lil jinhsi!
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you are probably taking too much time on your other characters
also get your crit nodes, they are the most important thing you wanna get right now
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Well there’s ALOT of aggressive hoyoshills here in Vietnam because Hoyo games have vietnamese language.
So i won’t say there isn’t one shitting up /wuwa/ but letting you know there will always be 1 viet wuwuwawa
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I just got a day ban from r/WutheringWaves for accidentally talking about leaks. It's always better here anyway.
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>these stats
>80k crits
Do I seriously need 10/10 on all her skills to unbrick this bitch
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Nice Cock
You already have a lot more value than 95% posters here then
Yeap you need to max out everything to start getting not so bad numbers out of her
just max her nerd its so easy to max characters at UL60+
I would expect jinhsi's. Heavy attack is pretty useless on calchud while his skills do at least get some use when weaving attacks.
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I don't like chocolate milk, but I'll drink whatever yangyang gives me to not make her feel bad.
>Just whale and refresh stamina for every character bwo
80k doesn't even sound bad but you should be maxing forte and lib for dps anyway.
you cant refresh weekly mats. blud is just lying for fun
what do I need to edit in the files to remove the blurring when you come close to the character again? I had to reinstall wuwa because of a reformat.
Haven't refreshed once, will have my 3rd maxed tomorrow and already have the 4th prefarmed
I'm pretty sure that was always a mod and not an .ini edit, but I'm not 100% sure.
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>SEA was a meme
yeah, this region is a nightmare. Almost all the stupid shit you see circulating online mostly come from SEA
t. SEA
I remember people getting banned for this in genshin because it messes with the game's files
Sorry bro, just pointing out the time zone and you came up first.
thanks anon... you just reminded me that I have to reinstall my mods over wuwa and all my other games...
Lil bro must be in interstellar the way he's getting stamina faster than everyone else
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What was Lord Arbiter thinking making a robot so damn thicc? Robots can't get pregnant
nta, you can always use your waveplates.
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Is it over.... what's our next excuse going to be next month...
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I don't understand what your angle is here. Getting chars to max their skills or at least the important ones isn't hard if you commit waveplates to them. The weekly mat price doesn't increase, it's always 1 per lvl past 7.
kinda feels like brutal mogging when you look at it side by side like that. zzzoo is on par when it comes to clothing detail but the face and facial variety gives them huge demerits.
Yeah they feel like dolls when standing normally with very plastered expressions. The facial animation department, yahoo alone sweeps easily.
where u getting that idea from
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She looks so good, as expected from my magistrate
check her voicelines, she's a gundam
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>says maxed
>not a single 10/10
Now that's more reasonable, I'm still going to beat you with a hammer for being stupid
you can also see her glitching in and out in her animations
Willl she be our potential first Clank Goddess?
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>We actually survive until next year
It'd been hotter if she had no expression.
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Sorry, wrong image.
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Chibidorm anon, just a reminder. Putting chibis inside the game normally would have been weird and wouldn't have worked... BUT. Did you realize? Black Shores will have a digital world, if they put the chibi dorm there into a simulation it actually works and wouldn't contradict why everyone is there. Just imagine...
Skin leaks doko
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just a few more weeks until the survey
this whole conversation would be funny af if you autistically maxed them just to prove the momoiposter wrong. kek
I thought so too but then I figured they would also put that in the dev notes since they already showed us things like the next boss

Maybe it'll be added to the black shores digital world in a later update
1.4 sis
We won’t get any leaks until Shorekeeper banner
why do you want chibi dorm so much, chibis are cringe when we have proper models
Eh, Changli and Shorekeeper will be the only ones I get to 10 across the board. Rest stay 10s and 6s.
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There has never been a good dorm system with 3d characters.
You either get creepy mannequins standing around doing nothing, or soulless mannequins doing a few crappy scripted animations. I'd rather have no dorm than get either a Genshin or Snowbreak dorm.
I think I'll max shorekeeper's intro to 10 but leave everything else at 6 or 7
They recovered surprisingly fast. Right after getting assraped by the revenue numbers they came over crying to make a Wuwa-Genshin-ZZZ alliance against FGO for some reason and when everyone told them off they disappeared for hours to cry. Never forget, the Alliance is eternal and these beastfuckers and cuck willywranglers would just fuck up everything just like how they shit in their own house like the putrid dog they are.
This. It's a dead end system to have an arbitrary housing area that no one in their right mind will go to under normal circumstances.

Cute chibi dorms would be enough with cute interactions between the chibi characters. Throw in some easy backdrops to get. Low cost, high soul, without needing to allocate resources to upkeep shit like furniture, crafting items, visitation, special shops, etc. patch after patch.
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I'm all in on the chibi dorm hypetrain. Watching my little niggas running around event fields or at the outpost in nikke can be quite entertaining sometimes. I've also seen pgr's dorms and I think it looks SOVLFVL.
Fuck youuuu
I want to bang Verina but not Anko
why is the thread slow, did the wuwas get banned from shitposting?
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I think we should settle this for once and for all

Summon echo >>>>>>>> transformative echo
*drop mic*
That wasn't the big one, that was only the preview. It's always like this:
>Preview Dev Log
>Geographical and character/weapon stuff
>Version Overview
>Patch Notes.
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Main stats for Taoqi's Echos (ER set)?
SEA hours are slow around here and /wuwa/ by some miracle avoided the brunt of sales shitposting.
Maybe but leakers would also say something if it was coming soon
Changli is fucking garbage. I have basically the same stats and can only break 100k with Yinlin's outro. With Changli you need to swap cancel like a god only to still clear far slower than Jinhsi+Zhezhi.
Her damage and shield and stuff scale off DEF, go for ER on your 3 cost if you can, 1 cost DEF, 4 cost crit rate/DMG
Umm wait for a dedicated Chang'er support!
Don't really have an option if it's the 4 cost. Hopefully fusion gets a summon echo like jue vs mourning aix. Then I can stop using Inferno brick
Chang'er support? She IS the support. New fusion dps waiting room
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YOU’RE cringe
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Let a man dream of dumb chibis running around like Jenny.
I roll ER on sub stats and Havoc damage for 3 echos because more damage more fun. It's not a big difference ER on 3 star echos really
>why is the thread slow
can't multitask and post. I'm using my only remaining braincell whether to finally build Taoqi or not
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So How much ER and Def should I be aiming at here? Mostly to work along side HRover.
>2 mucho sexo hags in a row
More skin. NOW.
After rewatching this several times, it's clear that shorekeeper is the most important character in the game seeing as the butterfly is in almost every scene watching over every resonator. What are we in for bros?
Wtf they used different songs for the release trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaB7ay0epZ0
That's how I clocked it when I played it. Tragickino incoming.
I play in JP but i think the EN trailer sounds the best
Moar characters like these two
I think they are both bad.
yeah song's kinda shit in japanese
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I can't even imagine not having Jinhsi as my wife
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Wuwa for this feel?
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Holy shit, you have no taste.
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wuwa team needs to learn this
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Someone finally did it. It was so obvious, so why did it take so long?
When is Jinny skin coming out
Because Kiara is a boring bitch
They can't implement a simple frame limiter yet alone fix the performance
Echomancy is truly astrology for men huh
go back it's too ugly
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What can we learn from Changli's story?
dick her down from an early age and she'll forever love you
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One day bwo
Solon doesn't want to fuck you in the middle of the waifu storm that's happening right now
Around 50%? Try to not fucking up the parries so you can charge your shit faster and If I remember correctly taoqui's skill can also activate the parry if you time it right.
Groom children
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>when there's a lot of designs that easily mogs her
hmmm nyo
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Good thing I never pulled for this EVIL BITCH.
Isn't Nanite an UE5 tech though?
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She just wants your children and is too shy to ask anon, that's not evil at all
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Zhezhi looks like THAT!?! Shabba dabba doo!!
She's not a bitch
Boring yeah but not a bitch
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loli changli deserves a lot of love and cuddling to fix her
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Also hope everyone listened to the japanese Version 1.1 EP. Just got my Nothing Ear(a) and doing testings, the intrumental pops so hard it's unreal.
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uhh....I am now interested in zhezhi
demon... witch... get away...!!
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I can get 24* by use a better main dps splitb but goddamn am I lazy. This was done 2 weeks ago.
EN version fucks for me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVJGlfPyo_k Chinese version.
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template btw, go wild my wuwabwos!
That's a man btw
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Those tits are fake
Good job bwe :D
take a shower
bwo? you forgot to hide your UID
What're you gonna do? Friend me and go on adventures hunting echoes until we get close emotionally and make love?
Give you lunite and then refund it so you're in the negatives and acc gets banned.
This isn't possible in Wuwa btw.
So are we fucking or what
where is this possible btw?
Fucking your account over till its banned? Yeah.
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>hit 1.6k
>eh either I get the wep or I stack pity (me, retard, yes)
always gamble bros!! fuck but I'm on a moonlit set.
Wait you guys do that? Fuck I should have put my UID in my screenshots too.
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record it and send it here
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>Ingame models better than fanart
This is one of the main reasons why this game is underrated and I pray to god it stays this way. shitty mobile optimization and lack of proper marketing prevented the mainstream audience from seeing how insanely beautiful this game is, hopefully people don't figure this out and wuwa remains a somewhat niche game. Im glad homoverse is here to cater to normies tho, no better company to host all the schizos, trannies, and SEAmonkeys. (no offence to the smarter SEA wuggers here)
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what's happening here
Yapyap's the real G. what a sugar mommy.
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Bwo why don't you have Zhezhi?
genshin. you can gift people premium currency with just knowing their uid then refund it and its taken from their acc.
If they spent it, they're in the negatives, if they didn't, nothing happens.
Most retards see free money and spend it thinking it's not their problem.
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Eh good for now.
What other gacha made the MC an actual force of nature?
We are getting Raytracing for one, more than nothing already despite how good the game looks anyway. I tip my hat to whoever made that festival Xiangli domain because they knew how to make use of the Unreal power.
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This is as far as I got on a brand new account speeding through all the main quests and most of the world quests, still haven't done Zhezhi's companion quest, but doubt it'd get me that far. 3 sets of daily quests, couldn't even get to UL35 for the rest of the green orbs
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Which region would you like to see in wuwa? China is guaranteed to appear every year so i did not have that one.
>no latin america
How do I get a Yapyapgfwife bwos...Seriously I think I'm probably destined to be alone
Lore or ingame?
Ingame, I guess hsr mc but thats a team game whereas Rover can solo toa floors if he needed to with enough gear and skills lv
no1 wants that
>MC an actual force of nature
azur lane, unironically.
>be skk
>enemy lifts a finger against on you
>botes from the entire world, multiverse etc comes to your aid
mezo america is all you get. Modern latin american culture is just gangs and drugs
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MY ZHEZHI!!!!!!!!
holy fuck are you delusional? Who tf wants turkish region with 1000 mosques
Who in hololive is a jade beauty like Jinhsi
>Kuro makes notIndia region
>Suddenly lots of amirs, pajeets, and rajesh flock to wuwa
No thanks
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no homos needed for 30/30, waifu is all you need bwos
Ingame there's GBF. Danchou can do every role and with some weapons deal the most damage.
In lore not so much.
Traveller from the hit game, Genshin Impact
/nikg/ here
sorry this dogshit artist has also shit up your game too
None of them, because all of their personalities are unironically horrible
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>he doesn't want to parkour in a favela
how short-sighted
if they also let us shoot the civvies in the favelas, maybe...
She killed her parents, but to be fair they deserved it
Is Zhezhi's worth getting. I already have Stringmaster.
Ebin Sebin's Ras is also an observer from space
act 1 of the story is him telling his patron goddess to go join her brother in the god war out in space, and leave humanity to its own devices so he stops sending demons to destroy the human world over and over and it only escalates from there
Maybe Rover wants a hair transplant and some veneers?
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>ppl voting for japan which is just rehashed china region
talk about souless
Granted, but they'll be technically TDs and they'll retain most of their human forms
I've grown to hate tower, bros. It's basically just a crit fishing simulator at this point. It has no semblance of fun at this point.
Yes, she can main dps when paired with Sanhua or just make your Jinny team even stronger.
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Didn't vote for jaban coz we already have the Mt. Firmament area.
Give us something nordic or russian please.
Sorry. I meant her weapon. Is it worth getting her weapon if I already have Stringmaster.
I can confirm that Zhezhi + S6 sanhua is just concerto noises and big damage
This but echos
oh no its barely better save the rolls
No, just use Stringmaster.
Thoughts on /wuwa/ statistics on anons other thread choices?
nice checkmarks nigger
That's good to hear then. Cute Manko spooked my 50/50. >>492809090
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math fairy numbers
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what the fuck? That's my girl Zhezhi
It's just been a weekly chore for me for the "free" rolls. I guess there's only so much you can do to keep people playing action gacha games. HI3 and PGR had a similar problem with their basically weekly endgame modes
you better hope you're on your guarantee for shorekeeper bud
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Wuwa for this feel?
Yes i enjoy wuwa, hsr and zzz. Problem?
>But the traibalism, your loyalty?
What are we, shareholders? Who cares
Why HSR? It's practically an autobattler...
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fuck hoyofags.
>but muh traibadism
changes nothing, fuck off homo
nta but simply hot girls. Not wuwa or pgr hot but still hot.
That and I don't have to commit. It's in the back and that's it.
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I'm on guarantee but I'll use it on the nerd
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account: SAVED
ok pag, i enjoy games for what it is, not loyalty to a brand
Japan is obvious, but I want brit, with a gothic london setting. It doesn't have to be giga dark, something like AC Syndicate is enough.
>japan, korea at the top
nigs you can't be serious..... at least not right now
>forgery challenge double drop 3x
>zero gold drops
>spend the rest of my stam on more forgery challenge
>each one had a gold drop
Shit's fucking rigged yo
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Who the fuck is voting Egypt? Boring as shit pyramids
I think tribadism is a different thing wuwanon
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ok who tf is voting korea. It's history is just kowtowing to china and japan.
>But the k drama dn kpop
no one wants modern korea bullshit. What tf do you want? A kpop group character?
But I want my Yamato Nadeshiko katana maiden...
Verina and Yoohoo armpit
yes, what about it?
Definitely not me unless it's NK.
t. gook
no one wants beta korean cucks that kowtow to neighboring powers. That is by korean loves to draw ntr blacked hentai
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new loading screen?
why are seanigers like this...
uh anon?
That's why I vote Korea and SEAgods. Different flavors of Asian this time. You can modify Rover's face in notKorea and eat from the trash in notPhillipines.
He right tho, zzzdogs try to pander to us after they got massacred this month. Unless you have a fish brain you don't accept their lousy excuses.
sorry for playing a real game
Anime British theme > Anime Japan theme
Not your personal army you autistic fuck
Us, we, the anons in /wuwa/ you dumb dog. Anyways lurk more and read threads.
WTF robot arm man just asked me to go on a date with him during next year's festival. Did male rovers get this too?
>0 turkish region votes
but the ottomans...
I skipped his end of festival thing, I'm not gay
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do we even have anything special?
post the convene joke one
Winter wonderland without the slav autism?
Maybe you could come up with something
>Winter wonderland without the slav autism?
that's just a normal winter
>Maybe you could come up with something
m-maple syrup?
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My Canadian brother!
>Natural Beauty: Canada is known for its stunning landscapes, including the Rocky Mountains, Niagara Falls, and vast forests. It’s a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
>Multicultural Society: Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world, with a national policy of multiculturalism. People from all over the globe call Canada home, contributing to its rich cultural diversity.
>Maple Syrup: Canada produces about 75% of the world’s maple syrup, mostly from Quebec. This sweet treat is a staple in Canadian cuisine.
>Poutine: This iconic Canadian dish consists of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. It’s a must-try if you visit1.
Friendly People: Canadians are known for their politeness and friendliness. It’s often said that Canadians apologize a lot, even when it’s not their fault.
>Wildlife: Canada is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including moose, beavers, and polar bears. The beaver is even featured on the Canadian five-cent coin.
Of course uhhhh. Gay's rights? uhhhh, Immigration? uhhh British cock? uhhhhhh......
lots of immigration, too much immigration, much like a lot of europe? and I guess foreign buyers completely ruining the housing market? is that cool for wuwa?

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