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Issue #229 - Symbiote Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial & Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens.
>How do I recognize a bot?

Official /snap/ Alliances: [VGS] /snap/, [VGS] /snap/'s Revenge, [VGS] /snap/'s Step Sister
Only requirement? Be active.
>Comic Recs

Previous: >>492354448
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I was a few seconds away from this OP
You win this time Spidey-fans
i read a comic a few days ago where Paul got TG'd and then Peter fucked her
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>Play Ongoing deck
>Opponent has Super Skrull
Its actually unwinnable. What the fuck is this card.
Disgusting. Where would even find something like that? LIke where, specifically, did you find that.
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Cool and good
Silver Samurai is a Spider-Man villain?
Has anyone tried Attuma in phoenix force?
the most random cosmo i've ever seen in my life what the fuck
Seems bad? Wouldn't he continue to blow up your MM clones? That forces you into the HT + Tribunal game plan but one Killmonger ends that every time
forgot pic
I think they just included him because that variant has the same artist and he is a villain.
great web is such an awful location

I was 1 game away. Been stuck in Gold hell ever since...
Looks like he has run into him a few times but is more of a Daredevil villain the times he’s operated in NYC.
Are we gonna make it /sisters/?
I usually get my 4k on the final day but I dunno about the rest of us
/snap/ might not make it, but we're closer than last week im pretty sure.
We'd need multiple players to make a big push
I can’t be assed to grind bounties. I do hit 4k from just playing usually but I can’t blame people who don’t
>I do hit 4k from just playing
That's all we really need, just more people to hit their minimum
>last week
i mean who expects people to grind for black borders
jesus christ it really us nothing but destroy every game
that attuma change was so fucking stupid, they really gave destroy a 4/10 that passively destroys cards for them
>win by 1
i got pissed when i saw that hobgoblin by it worked out
Sisters got it no problem.
sisters had it 3 days before last week but is still doubtful if they get they premium mystery variant this week
cause the borders are something everyone but you wants cause youre a contrarian faggot with bad taste
i think /snap/ will get it tomorrow. it looks like more people are grinding since we're only 20k away
why are people just throwing goblins into random decks right now?
Remember when Deathwave/Surfer Girls was the top deck? I miss those days

I just got added to the alliance less than 12hrs ago and I'm closing in at 2k. I'm trying bros... ;_;
deathbird is the new slam down big women deck
never heard of it
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But she's not in the game yet.
idk who this is but i WILL buy coomer variants for her
glen's even referred to it by name in the QnA's. the monkingbiurd death decks. they might have to use the worse mockingdeath name if they make deathbird a real card at some point.

but surfer girls was named before silver surfer was in the game
Bruh lmfao
Not caring about a black border is not being contrarian
People want glowing borders or metallic borders. Not matte borders. Red ones are nice but we got them at Diner. I have black too so got it free somewhere else too.
im sure thats why were struggling for the epic PREMIUM variant but had the border on lock
youre fucking contrarian, you bitch about these borders everyone else actually wants every time they show up
It was a reward for Diner
So far matte black has only appeared in paid bundles and in Diner, it looks good and it's probably going to be the most exclusive border, so yeah it's a valuable reward
This? I've never seen it before.
too bad im missing sasquatch and skaar
>orders are something everyone but you wants
i prefer the variants
Every /vg/ alliance is barely going to make it though, the missions are incredibly taxing. Its still only like the top 10 people pulling their weight with 4k+ and some people hit it overtime.
but we had the border well within time
I guarantee its circumstance and people get more and more burnt out on 10 point bounties each week
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When Carol finally gets her season inshallah
it reached it's peak with lady deathstrike during the the last sentry anni meta as one of like the top 3 decks. people are bringing back a varriation for the reworked attuma.
yes im sure we got burnt out four weeks in but were grinding like a streamer 3 weeks in
Based on a screenshot you guys also have like 3 autists way above the rest maybe just those 3 cared about the borders doesnt mean everyone does
Also you are using like 5 weeks of alliances to try and make stats. Its circumstance.
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When is black bolt's time in the sun going to be over again?
I said AND circumstance bro kek
And yes it is very plausible that after 4 weeks of bs that people get bored
that same autist is already at 10k currently
there is nothing different about this week BUT the reward and the effort
I would also be well past 4k if it was a border but because its a variant I'm taking it slower
I just know they're going to nerf Darkhawk again
its objectively true they're making it harder and harder to get to 120 each week. the point values are way down from when they launched the feature.
Also our Leader was gone all week and is already at 5k, dude puts up more 8 cube wins every time I log on. Theres really some slackers at the bottom of the list.
this deck seems legit busted
Its weird early in the week I was picking up epic missions left and right, but after 1-2 days, its all 10 point missions.
idk why but right now there's a ton of epic and legendaries showing up in /snap/
im not trying to hog all of them though because i can tell there are others grinding
I see 1 epic and 0 legendaries in /snap/
i just got a legendary to play 3 costs, and i saw someone else get one to play 2 costs and then there was one to move cards. I also have an epic right now to destroy cards and i saw some like 10 minutes ago to discard cards

People are grinding right now, i see them and if i dont grab them someone else does.
forgot pic, there's one right now to play jubilee and thor
>sisters had it 3 days before last week but is still doubtful if they get they premium mystery variant this week
There's always 1 fag who comes around and acts like Sisters have not gotten every top-tier reward since Alliances came out.
>Sisters are 19k short of premium variant
We have 1.5 days left. We're good.
>finding the black border unmotivating is being a contrarian
you guys are too far gone
show me a split that looks cool with black matte
also lmao at attributing value on rarity entirely manufactured by sd, you're really the best goys this company could hope for, you guys would sweat for a limited edition pixel variant
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I gotchu
literally any variant looks good with it, dude is just being contrarian like I was saying
I wanna grind out 12 free ones for a full deck, kinda sad they did a premium mystery variant this time and that leagues are so dogshit
this literally looks like the border's been removed
don't you get how fucked it is to make people grind for that
Maybe you're just blind and retarded
>loki players loses BECAUSE he played loki on 6 which buffed my Cass by shit ton
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Agreed, black border kind of fades into the background
Its just boring desu, its not dissimilar from the Common border, your monkey brain just goes IT RARE, IT LOOK GOOD
>Arishem is just running Gambit for some fucking reason
>gets Super Skrull and Enchantress from Arishem
Wow okay
Maybe you're just retarded and blind
Nah borders are gay. But I prefer all my cards have the same border (epic) than matching muh borders with muh cards.
Just want to say that the new recruits are putting in work and the guy I kicked and rejoined. Looks like you’re a weekend player.
we're like 30k away, we're going to make it but it it'll be tight
mockingbird is still dumb as all fuck
don't talk about hawkeye's wife like that
if i was hawkeye i'd groom kate bishop
Hawkeyes stable is underrated.
Bitches love bow and arrows.
Look at Green Arrow pulling Black Canary
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Madame Masque
Jessica Drew Spider-Woman

Probably forgetting some
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>Symb on 4
>Black panther with no buffs on 5 (5/8)
>Spidey eats him (14 > doubles up > taskmaster)

bro... WTF?
Fucked up the game won’t give me cute gambit
Taskmaster would be at 0 then unless they really fucked up the coding of Activate.
It's unclear for now, they did change how "last card played" works for stuff like Dark Dimension last month, it might have been in preparation for activate
You wouldn’t be Hawkeye the.
How do you fix arishem?
Either just let him be bad or try adding way more cards to see if that bumps the variance up enough to make him unappealing at higher ranks and not just a meme casino deck.
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i'd be cawkguy OMEGALUL
You're hawkgay
All the cards he adds have no text.
Just remember that Loki essentially nullifies any bullshit you do to your deck.

How about this.

Arishem. +5 Energy at the start of the game
All your locations have 50% power.
hazmat / gambit
though something like this would be better. Maybe add the 15 cards, +2 energy, 50% power.
Sounds shitty but interesting. I’d be curious to see it play tested in an experimental mode
Will we make it?
Doesn’t work. What if a location has 9 power? What, it’s going to end up at 4.5 power? There’s no decimals in this game.
tribunal already exists for decimals, it rounds up

arishem is shit now, loki is dumpster tier, if you're losing to it, skill issue.
and the upcoming cards are all shit for arishem until pretty much fenris in 2 months, just play move lol
half of the guild is under 3k
lazy motherfuckers, it doesnt take that long with epics and a few legendaries
+1 Energy
Add 15 Cards to your Deck
The first card you play every turn loses -2 power.

This gets around deck modification but not around losing power.
C lister season when?
they put a D-lister like copycat in a deadpool season. the way they decide characters makes it inevitable lots of nobodies get in.
Is anyone else's booster shop broken? Mine only shows thor, uatu, black panther, spiderham,and warpath
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Well Copycat is at least important to Deadpool I guess. But yeah there's at least 50 mutants alone they could add before hitting actual Z-list one off Spider-Man 70's villains
copycat has legitimately not had anything that amounts to more than a cameo in the past 20 years. She's a rob liefeld deadpool character from before anyone liked the character and guys like joe kelly never really wanted to use her.
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>All these Attuma Destroy-er
Nope sir still not wasting any keys
>98 and 6/7
>lose an 8 cuber to a bot
I am a loser, I don't deserve to hit Infinite.
Dont worry senpai, bots play backwards. Its hard to predict taht theyll just have Dr Doom in their Surfer deck or w/e.
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>Mine only shows thor, uatu, black panther, spiderham,and warpath
Those are most likely the cards you're missing boosters on, if you get enough boosters until they're upgradable, they disappear from there (thus making you target cards easier)

Check the cards, im sure thor and whoever is missing however much boosters you need

the highest rarity of my cards have enough boosters for them to be upgraded, only cards that are missing show up on mine now (thus targeted)
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>pick up 3 fill 4 lane bounties
>remember killmonger exists
Your Caiera?
I've been pingponging between 97 and 99 all night, making terrible reads that just lose me cubes. I don't even know if hitting Infinite is worth it cause if I can't even beat bots getting there I'm just gonna lose to real players when I do.
Doesn't exist
wow good job you just made Shuri-Red Skull

Don't look now but you've been able to do that for nearly 2 years now
Better start saving your tokens then.
The deck so fucking busted, it shits on everything so far. Even in destroy mirrors, if they're not playing that specific version of the deck then they get shit on.
don't stress out about it, sometimes you just get unlucky, seasons over and it's <only> a card back
Stack a lane then play Ultron
It's very good, a direct counter to all the clog shit, beats arishem pretty easily even if he goes into loki, power spread is pretty tall and wide too
It's not even a good card back, too.
It avoids Shang too since all the Nimrods are under 10 power. And they buff Knull by 6 every time they get destroyed while giving you a 0 cost death.
It all synergizes so well together.
is it possible to cheat on this game? I'm playing against people who seem to know exactly what I'm doing similar to a daredevil seeing ability
Not to my knowledge. There are bots that outright cheat though
Arishem is still a high B tier deck
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>Loki is dumpster tier
In any deck besides Arishem.
at this point I doubt you'd even wanna run him in arishem
Not really, unless you draw him on turn 1 or 2, after that he's a dead card and you don't want to waste your energy playing a 2/2
No, you still want him in Arishem because he still mitigates Arishems biggest weaknesses by turning your random cards into better cards, with -1 cost. And lowering your deck density. He's just not a snap condition anymore.
Loki is only a dead card on turn 6. But he does get significantly worse as the game progresses.
yeah, nah, the way he is now I'm pretty sure the random card is gonna be on average of a higher quality than whatever the fuck loki's gonna give you, plus you don't have to include a dogass 2/2
Even at a base Loki cards are going to be better than pure RNG cards because they'll be cheaper and will have synergy with each other, usually.
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>opponent doing everything possible to prevent me from destroying

please...I just want to complete the bounties..
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Completely doable...

>inb4 Hipp variant
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hey, as long as it's an album Hipp...
Whoever is in charge of /snap/ revenge, let me in (Lochelaand). I might be only CL 624, but I sacrifice my rank to grind bounties. Last week I got to 5k+ in 5 days, switched Alliances because there was only 4 people trying, then this new alliance I tried was even worse.
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This shit is so hard.
I know that deck. I don't have Jean Grey.
Revenge doesn't aim to get the rewards, you're better off waiting for someone to get kicked out of the OGs or stepsister, that or join some streamer/redditors alliance if you only care about the stuff
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Thanos gonna snap some ass if your not getting your bounties done!
Literally 1984
If this is /snap/, while I have like 3K I actually made 5K points this month and hit my personal, it shows lower because I left until the leader changed owners to someone who actually cares then I rejoined
It's not /snap/
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it's not /snap/ but regardless i have no intention of turning this into a job, sometimes i'll hit big, sometimes i'll play less. i understand kicking inactive players but randomly kicking people because they didn't meet their "quota" is something i've seen only autistic alliances with discord do.
>dont play the game
>wtf why would you kick me
fuck off
you're not going to hit a team full of 4k with that attitude, what i am trying to say is that everyone, eventually, will fail to hit quota
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>there are anons in /snap/ unironically playing destroy
there's a bunch playing arishem too
i've learned to not hold it against them
I can get behind this
someone in /snap/ gotta do those bounties
hey man, someone has to clear those bounties
>playing the most obvious bounty deck ever
>people spamming emotes at the end of the match
Literally why, I'm giving you a free win
i'm so fucking bored of the exact same curve tribunal and destroy decks every fucking game, how is this shit so stale
loki stats are still good in and out of arishem and at least one arishem deck is always one of the top performers. Arishem is popular and there's a lot of variation in composition and cards like that always have middling winrates overall and that seems to be something glenn strunggles with understanding.

Remember when he kept going on about sauron being the best card in the game because he was only played in 1 deck which was shuri?
Remember people here saying Darkhawk was dead after his nerf kek
just make an arishem deck with them in
he was considered dead when he's not going up against arishem. arishem is a lot less part of the very top meta these days so very high infinite players think darkhwak sucks. And cassandra ended up being considered more generically good than darkhawk.
If you're up against 2 decks that are weak to Sera Surfer/Control over and over and are refusing to run the deck that beats them so you can instead bitch in here, YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED
Copycat I put in my deck to do bounties copied Agatha generated from opponent's Arishem who proceeded to play herself at Cloning Vat...
Silver sable has to go down to stealing 1 power. Triggering it twice with Falcon and Beast will be absurd, 3 times once Toxin drops?

And that's not counting things like Abs-Man Grandmaster, Wong, and Odin triggering it multiple times in other shells?

And Symbiote-Spiderman is gonna merge with her and give her actual strength and trigger her again. No way that card gets out of the month stealing 2 power, and we'll see if it even makes it the whole week
still won through a randomly generated Emp.Hulkling copying Galactus' effect.
Twas fun NGL but a lil worried the game is starting to become more like hearthstone.
Darkhawk is just okay against non-arishem decks. I used to play a lot of the old Darkhawk with the broken Zabu and Ms. Marvel. That deck was nuts. Current deck is Arishem gatekeeper.
People are sleeping on this card. -2 power is a lot more impactful than you might think.
My only worry is wasting keys trying to get her.

It's the only week this month where I have one of the cards (Mockingbird) so I'm damn near guaranteed to hit the fucking Mockingbird
>People are sleeping on this card. -2 power is a lot more impactful than you might think.
No one is sleeping on this, everyone knows it will be busted
same, I might be finally going to make use of all the keys I have been hoarding this month. I guess SD finally learned how to make every new card as busted as possible
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i got 10 keys and without some luck it's going to be impossible to keep up with all the good cards coming in the next two months, to make things worse i already own most of the cards in the upcoming spotlights
At a certain point you just need to focus on cards that fit in decks you want to play instead of trying to get all the cards
Our usual mvp was unavailable for most of the week, it’s only reason lmao
They so obviously want the game to favor braindead autopilot lists that I dont understand why the time gauge hasn't been cut in half already
>/sister/ already got it despite everyone claiming they got burnt out
Yup. THIS is alliance
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Girls get it done
are there actually women in that guild? or just trannies
I like winning and it's easy to win with. Simple as
I think it was just intended to be a stepsister joke. Don't think about it too hard, weirdo
They should halve turn one. You either have a card or you don't, wtf are you waiting for?
i don't know, these posts >>492866067
have tranny energy.
>Troon detected
>/snap/per missing yet another variant energy
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there's a gazillion of potential qol changes but they're too busy counting the absurd amount of money they make each month, this game has so much potential...
Why would I be jealous of mental illness? Why would I want to cry every single time I look into a mirror or see a photo of myself?
I was talking about the premium variant. Are you alright?
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Whats a “stepsister joke”? I never heard of that classification of jokes before.

Agreed lol
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such incredibly hard workers in the /snap/ guild! great job you workhorses.
Fuck, I can maybe out up another 1.5k today
Wong Gambit
then Symbiote Spiderman Gambit
then Odin Gambit

wallah cystal is a good card now
Which characters have stats/abilities in Snap that don't really match what you'd expect them to do?
now blob
Sera's is weird and only sort of makes sense because she had twins once (not her only children btw)
Adam Warlock doesn't make sense and is also a bad ability
adam was going to have agatha's ability but brode is obsessed with memes
Pretty much anything else would make more sense for Adam considering he can do almost anything. If they don't want to change his cost again they could make him a stronger Nico.
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I'm at 4700. And I have 3x Move 7 bounties that will net me 500 points. I think if just a few people have that same mindset we'll get it.

Hell, as I type this we're at 115,622/120,000 with exactly 24hrs left
It's 100% girls. That's why we will never let you in.
Adam Warlock has so many abilities. They could literally do anything they wanted with him.

Superhuman physiology derived from his artificially created body grants
Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability
Cosmic senses
Energy manipulation
Regeneration via regenerative cocoon
Quantum magic
Soul manipulation
Spell casting
Energy construct generation
Skilled martial artist
Expert in philosophy, extraterrestrial history, and occultism
how do I get a snap gf?
also whats the cutest deck archetype that girls play?
Ah ok
You want in /snap/ Sister? Send an application.
>also whats the cutest deck archetype that girls play?
I would guess atuma nimrod knull destroy since it's braindead autopilot
Iron Fist
America Chavez
Galactus does the inverse of what you'd expect him to do.
Lady Sif kinda doesn't make sense considering what the other Thor characters do.
>Galactus does the inverse of what you'd expect him to do.
I kind of get it. Like when he shows up to your planet he already ate the other ones.
High Evo cause it requires one pool 5 card to complete
or Hela cause you get to play a ton of waifus
Nova is one of my favorite characters and they did him kinda dirty with his ability.
It doesn't really make sense either unless you really bend the lore. All Nova's use the same power source so when there are less of them there's more energy available for the others.
That's why our Nova got so powerful when Nova Corps got wiped out.
But that should only buff other Novas, not other characters in general.
card games are male dominated
Damn. Women don't think Manosphere is an interesting hobby? It's the only thing that calms me down before bed.
Just applied to /stepsister/, hopefully I can get in, getting bounties is fun sometimes.
this chart was made up by that poster trying to make fun of gaming as a hobby
stop falling for retarded bullshit
The chart says it's the least attractive
The chart says it's the least least attractive. That means they like it the most.
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>about to join just as we cross the finish line
I brought active Revenge players in last week. The two dropped players had 0 bounties completed, and under 150 cubes. Comparable to their (in)activity last week.

I mean, someone able to get over that last 3k-ish would be great. I'm feeling burnt out already..
We're a little top-heavy this week.
Some of the 1k's were pretty active the first 3 weeks, suggesting it's burnout or a busy week.
I think /snap/s new leader made the right choice over the weekend.
shes here
LITERALLY unplayable outside of hela
I have to get it, right?
Hipp variant is better
>t. hipp
How i wish you were a better card
Thanks for letting me in at the last minute, I'll play as much as I can.
This is a cute Rogue. I wouldn't buy it, but i also wouldn't mind if i got it out of a mystery variant.
Glad we're getting more 700 variants that aren't just Dan Hipp
can't believe they animated her tits
Don't sweat it. In the last 10 mins, you've already done more than the 2 who were lowest, across 6 days.
I think that might just be the lighting moving around
>your opponent snapped
>your opponent retreated
cant you literally not retreat after snapping
You can the next turn so it's 2 cubes lost
Lol just took a destroy chud for 8 cubes thanks to super skrull. He bought gold borders for all his cards too.
as i remember it the option to retreat comes back if your opponent snaps back. which was why i wouldn't snap back when i suspected bluff snaps or to not givbe the opponent the idea i know what they are doing.
If the opponent immediately snaps back you can, although the cubes still double once
retreat later never works.
This playerbase is too stupid. They always stay no matter what
Killmonger should be a 6 cost desu
/snap/ fucking did it. We got the variant.
you're welcome
I did 6k. Now I am burnt out.
Is this what a job feels like? doing your best while the average drags you down?

im neet btw dunno if that matters
I did 6k too but i did it over the week not all in one day
Bro fly, I just let you in and you're at 6k. Get a life loser. lol Nah good looks.
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I only did 5200...

I mean... I was playing Snap while I was at work. But there wasnt a whole lot going on these past couple days.
Absolutely, we never would have gotten the variant if based leader didnt drop the dead weight

Lmaoing at that one faggot “laughing” about the snap alliance “eating itself alive”… aka dropping dead weight to become better and win the rewards. Such a faggot lol
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Not usually a fan of Panda Art variants but this one is pretty good
I had it work the other day for me, for the first time since I started playing
It was a conquest game and the next game I was like "wait why didn't I lose any cubes?" and then I realized
Are we going for the max reward every week or just for premium variants and other good stuff like tokens?
I did my 4k but move meta looks annoying so I might play less next month
Is there any reason not to do it in conquest unless you’re already obviously checkmated? I have it go off occasionally but on ladder I usually just regular retreat because I’d rather get into the next game faster than possibly save 1 cube
I prefer when onslaught looks more like a nefarious gundam than a buff dude in spandex
Surely they will reduce the required points for the final reward.
I'm not in charge or anything but if the reward is a premium variant then I expect the Alliance to be going for it.

Outside of that I'd say try to hit at least 1.5k-2k so that the people who want to go after the max reward can still have a shot at it. I know a player can get to 1k in a day with about an hour to an hour and a half of gameplay so 2k a week shouldn't be hard if you don't want to push yourself.
How many of you guys collect the daily 25 credits 3 times? i get them all every day

The third one I collect at 5 am btw
I missed it once so far because I was sleeping
Don't really like that they changed because this can happen
they're at convenient times for me, so i get all three.
i think ive missed 2 or 3 since they changed it
I hate that Onslaught isn't cooler. He's fucking lame, how the hell did they waste a concept that dumb. He should be the peak of "only in comics" villains l, but instead he's just around and never really does anything interesting
just by getting the free credits twice you are already getting the same value as before so it's not that bad, but it still kinda annoys me that they are pushiing for people to open the game 3 times a day
Sera knocked somebody up?
I meant Thena.
i assume angela was always to busy to get impregnated by sera
it's just that thena dual wields her light weapons
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The Helicarrier. It's fine in gameplay and it's meant to fit in with the other SHIELD cards, but lorewise why would discarding it give you random cards and not like jets or SHIELD agents or something. The things they are meant to transfer.
I just assumed it was dumping off whoever was in the Helicarrier at the time.
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The X-Mansion spitting out random cards instead of random mutants
I love mentioning it but sorta how Death dies when played into death's domain.
You can't play Wong or Strange into the Sanctum
She looks like she kisses girls.
You know, it's funny. This game has that free 25 credits 3 times a day and the daily missions as a way to force more players to "engage" with the game every day. But it's too stringent for not enough. A very common theme I've started to notice about this game. They make you grind as much as they can for as little as they can. Just look at alliances. The missions are all terrible and you get what from it? Boosters, literally worthless btw, and 100 credits. Maybe if your lucky you'll have a nolife in your alliance and get more worthless boosters an extra 100 credits. And a cosmetic, which is nice admittedly. But taken all together it just isn't worth the time spent on it.

I don't bother anymore. I only collect the 25 credits if I'm already playing the game. And the same goes for alliance missions. I'm not going out of my way to move 7 cards in a game or discard cards or whatever other ass mission that requires you to jump through hoops to complete.

I wish the game did more to make me want to do these things but Snap feels like it doesn't want it's players actively enjoying the game. What can you do.
I finish dailies and get 2-3k alliance points a week just playing normally an hour a day. The only real grind is conquest and bounties
If they reduce the bounty pt-rewards again, I'm going to hang it up.
I feel like they've actually been the same valuing from SD's end, the issue is that we don't value boosters because of how min maxing those things kinda works.

Boosters matters way more for casuals right, and its a much bigger hindrance to them.
My first real season here since I started late last month, but I didnt realize how much of a chore conquest would be. I still have another Infinite Ticket and like 6-7 gold tickets left and not enough time to grind them, I have to just pump the cubes and hope that I still win I guess. I spent too long hitting Infinite that I didn't save any time to finish this other stuff out AND do bounties for the alliance.
She looks like a boy here. Just like her actor.
I think conquest would be improved a lot just by making it forced BO3
I mean that bounties are yielding 10pts instead of 25/50 average. Am I the only one who noticed they covertly added to the grind?
For me it's my bounty board being 60% cards I don't have
i feel for you sis. i try to pick those up when i can
I stayed rank 90 this whole month until the last week, and I noticed conquest being a lot more difficult after hitting infinite. I don't know if this is true or im being biased here but the bots felt like a lot easier pre-infinite.
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>one of the very few variants I wanted to buy
>no gold
Now I'll never see it in the store again.
Don't worry, that's an album variant so it's in the shop all the time
Good to know!
They seem to be always the ones on sale in the store, funny about that.
Not for me.
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So close but mostly very far.
It’s the same pose as her regular variant. Lee basically painted over it.
How many characters do you not have Custom Cards for /snap/?

I’m working my way down from 70.
I've only gotten about 20 to infinite
One has legs and ass and one doesn’t, autismo. Also one of them isn’t colored by Ryan Kinniard.
ssm will be nerfed to 4/5 by the middle of the season
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we need aunt may's card too
Can Cannonball be a good generic into my arishem deck? It's awfulling missing a good 5 cost

Shadowking stock keeps going up
Shadowking is my Series 3 pickup next month.
That’s a bad picture.

He’d be fine and he’s not in typical Arishem builds so he could be a nasty surprise. It’s just that Blink, Vision, or Legion might be a bit more optimal since Cannonball is best in Control and Clog decks right now. There’s also the argument to be made that you don’t need a 5 drop when you could slot in some extra tech or curve cards.
But it’s the end of a season, so if there’s a good time to experiment with brews, it’s now.
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Forgot pic.
This is my opponent in Infinity Conquest round 3, my CL is 1.1k. Its an Arishem Loki player thats just owning me; what the fuck do I do about this? My first infinity conquest and this is what I get.
Unfortunately, given the smaller pool of people playing in that bracket, there’s less close MMR matching in Infinite Conquest. As an early CL player, it’s unlikely that you’ll have any decent Arishem counters or even a deck optimized to go taller than one that’s cursed with just random draws.
I’d recommend you buy an Arishem of your own with Tokens since it’ll probably be until next year when he returns to Spotlights or Cassandra/Darkhawk for that matter.
Other decks you could invest in include Surfer, Mister Negative, and budget Sera control.
go-to 5costs are legion, sersi, klaw
lds and hobgoblin should be ok too
I run Sersi in my Arishem deck. You can very easily get away with running basically whatever you want in Arishem so long as it's not abjectly shit.
Why'd they make MCU Cass so cute though? I want to cuddle with her and kiss her bald head.
Yeah that's strange, I just hit Infinite for the first time this month as well so I was wondering if my MMR is just skewed now. Thanks for the recommendations, my current Series 5 cards are Speed, Copycat, Iron Lad, Jeff, Cass Nova, and Hawkeye. I was looking into a Darkhawk build or something like Ajax but the pieces just seem so far away to acquire. That Moon Knight discard deck with Proxima seems cool, but I don't know whats going to happen to the meta next month; nor do I know if Arishem is like as nuts as it seems, I almost beat the guy cause he had some dead draws, i've just been climbing with an Ongoing deck with Speed playing on curve for the most part.
is this game easy to get into? last card game i put any real amount of time into was runeterra
>is this game easy to get into?
Very easy to learn. You'll pick it up in like 5 minutes. Matches are pretty short too, they're 6 turns so it's easy to play a lot of games in a short amount of time. It's great for if you like cards games but don't want to dedicate 15+ minutes to a match.
She looks great bald + that accent makes me feel funny

Easy to learn, easy to play, gets annoying once you finish the tutorials though
>takes off coat near end of movie
>never get a good shot of her armpits
Was kinda mad about that ngl
pools 1-2 are easy and fun
deeper you get into pool 3 it turns into slog
yet you can speed it up by buying 100$ bundle
also BP is mandatory
getting collection complete is extremely painful atm so you either whale like hell or lose to more optimal decks time to time

the game is really good, but progression and high collection meta is dogshit
Pixie might be lowkey OP in Arishem lads
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Anyone had this glitch w/ the text under the variant reward? I wonder if it means it's a predetermined Sentry variant or if it's just some code bug
This Wong/Odin shit is so stupid. I'm wrecking this retard for 3 games in a row and then we get Kamar-Taj twice. Fucking unbelievable.
Umm your cosmo, bro??/
Who would win in a fight between snap and step sisters?
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Y'all picking up the cool bucky variants?

Sisters, easily
Got a list? I’m struggling to brew something with Pixie since I got her with Wiccan.
>Absolutely, we never would have gotten the variant if based leader didnt drop the dead weight
>Lmaoing at that one faggot “laughing” about the snap alliance “eating itself alive”… aka dropping dead weight to become better and win the rewards. Such a faggot lol

Lmao says the retard who doesn't even recognize the names of the "dead weight" were actually allowed back in and ended up pulling their weight and being in the middle of the board despite. You're the retard who doesn't even realize that the "dead weight" actually contributed about several k in the last few days. Maybe you should pay attention faggot
you got owned bro!
Any femboys in /snap/?

>Lee basically painted over it

You know that image of White Queen is over 30yrs old right?

Yea, I try to keep at least 1200 gold for Jim Lee variants. Album rewards arent that good, but this is basically my childhood in regards to comic artists..
I actually allowed 1 back in.
I got kicked out of /sisters/ for being inactive for a couple of days, can someone invite me back?
Lmao? you trying to get a free variant?
I got kicked when I was on a vacation
I want to have sex with Venom
So what is the point of Leech now? Just play it as a 4/4 and hope you hit a six drop and that they don't just draw into it afterwards?

there's no point really, shit card
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>opponent plays x23
>put down armor
>next turn put down mystique in another spot
>opponent retreats


Its so lame, but funny as fuck
Do unfinished bounties carry over after the week ends or do they reset?
Were you pulling at least 4000 points a week?
they reset
Yes. Gimme my free stuff
Perhaps you should have let the team chat know ahead of time.
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So you aint in sisters? Too bad sucker.
Lmfao, as leader said he allowed ONE person back in.
Fucking FOURTEEN had like 200 points. So yeah, we would not have gotten the variant if he didnt kick them.
Fucking retards both of you lmao. Im still laughing heartily that you thought we were “eating our own” when in reality we got the reward for the first time in weeks.

Stupid fucking faggots, holy shit lol

Fucking hell, I left an alliance after leading the entire group with only 3500. Join /snap/ and cleared damn near 6000 in just 2 days
Based /snap/per

I hope they make some interesting cards eventually, most of the decks are braindead and play themselves and snapping/knowing opponents output range is all that matters.
What do you have in mind as a card/deck that doesnt “play itself”…?

I just wonder what you even mean. Like how would you change Destroy to not “play itself”? Like Deadpool would reset if 5 or more cards are destroyed? Venom only destroys even cost cards under 5 points?
I mean, the issue with destroy right now is that 95% of the work is done by 1,2,3 cost cards, which is fucking absurd.

and then they added Attuma and Nimrod to it, but its so strong that even though these are expensive cards the deck just gets better.

Destroy plays its self because you literally can't fuck up the early game. Like take offensive move for example. You literally cannot play this gimmick without hitting Kingpin, and soon to be Scream. This is what he means by "not playing itself"

Death has the most (by a long way) tech cards that do exactly what they need. Its not like move where you are hindered by moving the highest power card, or having to play cloak into a lane. You just blow shit up, and then win with the most free turn 6 of your life.

>Bro your mobius. Yeah like its going to matter into a 30 power venom and a 60 power knull.
womp womp
You sure because i recognize 3 names that were booted and came back
This game is silly... guy played antman left and patriot mid, and rolled ultron off it...
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Yes. This pic is from >>>492471540 and I kicked everyone below 500 have everyone else under 1k the benefit of the doubt because if other priorities and referenced it on new applicants. I let 1 back in because he reapplied 2 or 3 times.
Kek how much of an autist can you possibly fucking be?
Whatever the leader did, if it was kicking out low pointers and then the actually active players requested to rejoin while the people who probably joined Day 1 but stopped caring fast didn’t bother to request, it worked. So what are you pissing and moaning about now?
That's odd because there was names in the chat of people who got booted but are back and not in that picture
I wish they'd just get rid of fucking locations
Actually, YOU played Antman left. He played Dazzler left. Easy mistake to make
Fucking christ get a grip anon, who gives a shit
Idk if the previous leader kicked anyone before he gave it to me but those are the only ones I booted.
Do I fap before or after the inf conquest?
When is Arishem going to be available again?
Hopefully never
That might explain it. I distinctly remember certain people being booted and then back the next day.
At least we now know /snap/ has the autists
Going to make a brew, anyone want one?
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Can you top my deck of sexy sluts?
If you are talking about me, Crono, I left on my own accord to look for a better alliance, and then once I heard there was a new leader I rejoined. Thats probably what is confusing you
Case closed
If the final reward this week is shit I won't do more than the bare minimum (4k) this time.
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a while ago i met a gigachad in ranked who was a running a full waifu artgerm deck, he had no synergy whatsoever but i bet he was having fun
Ahhhh okay that is it then.
Fug I love this variant
Cool fren have a good day :)

This is the last one I need to complete the album and it refuses to ever show up
i love it too but the card is terrible, i tried running her in arishem since you can play her a turn earlier but it's still shit, there's a bundle coming soon, maybe they will buff her or at least i hope so, they even said the card was supposed to be renamed to emma frost but apparently that would mess things up their code or something
Don't listen to this anon. Black Panther is only good with Arnim Zola and he falls off quickly.
Try this
They really need to establish a sort of baseline efficency energy/power costs for characters with things gaining plus and minus power based on their abilities. Like for example 1 costers should be at least 2 power minimum if vanilla or average, lowered to 1 or 0 if quite exceptionally strong(Sunspot, Spider-Ham) or increased power if there's a cost or drawback to them(Ebony Maw, Martyr, Blade).

Should be like:
3/4 or 3/5
4/6 or 4/7
5/7 or 5/8
6/10 or 6/12
Lmao he meant BP as in battle pass
I think i'm only winning with my Kazoo deck because i'm running both Armor and Caiera in it.
zoo is one of the best decks in the game atm anon
Yeah IF you're running Mockingbird and Gilgamesh of which I don't have. It just attempts to curve out into Ultron to while being buffed with Kazaar and BM while also filling in lanes to buff Dazzler.
lol Howard the Duck seems to crash the game if generated from Shanna
How many points should a leader of an Alliance be expected to acquire?
There is nothing more satisfying than ending a match with a surprise shang-chi finish. You niggas and your 10+ cards should fear me
I don't have Gilgamesh and I'm still winning with it. I'd focus on getting mockingbird first.
i have mockingbird but i found ultron to be a little bit more consistent since many people are still running sandman, if you have ultron in hand it's an easy snap
/Snap/ scholars reclaimed the rightful throne of apex predator
Mockingbird is a 3 cost and can be played together with Ultron.
it's a flexible spot, it depends what you cut, i run caiera for example
So far every time I spend keys I've hit the mystery card and got one of the cards in the next cache. At least Silk and Alioth are decent
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My finish the play 1cost daily deck I threw together is actually one of my highest winrate decks.
nice, I use a similar one and I find that it's very easy to get a win from it as I use Gilgamesh. Only downside is that a lot of destroy decks out now use Killmonger and it can ruin this deck by round 3.
i'll get silver sable for my ethical clogffliction brew(no debrii no anulus no ajax) deck but it's gonna be unplayable with the state of destroy
Yeah it'd be better if I had some bigger synergy cards like Gilgamesh, Cull, Marvelboy or even a Crossbones which I'll get eventually I guess but for something I just pull out for like 5 games a week it's surprisingly not a throw deck.
Put Armor and Cosmo for America and either Zero or Bast
Idk if I care about silver sable but i havent tried to pull for a new card in like a month and im bored and want something new to play with, plus I want Mockingbird (who should be nerfed to an 8 cost by the way)
SS is a "boring" card that people are ironically undervaluing because it just does it's thing and is good like Speed.

I think generally people undervalue obvious value cards and overrate cards they can theorycraft a lot with.
I have pinned Arishem, i think by the time i actually get enough tokens for him he'll be nerfed into oblivion
I think SS appeals to a lot more people then Speed because there is more that can be done with it (bounce, synergizing with toxic etc) where Speed is just… points, and not even an extreme amount at that (Gladiator beats it) plus just a 1 cost
he's already dogshit
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I'd love to roll this week but I'm only gonna have 2 keys, i don't think its worth the risk.
What are you saving for? This week is pretty much the safest roll of the year. I know not everyone would want US Agent but he's still pretty good and I think going to get better over time.
350 credits and a mystery variant (probably purple not premium) twitch drops starting later today.
Thanks for the reminder
Damn, they are losing a ton of players, huh.
They should be doing at least that much at the start of each season anyway
Nothing in particular, just good cards cause I'm a newer player with not a lot of Series 5 cards. Mockingbird would be great but I'm very nervous I'll just end up with USAgent + Some series 4 card for my trouble and not have any keys. Thena would be interesting down the line as I like the whole Hope Summers + Kitty package and maybe Darkhawk, White Widow seems good; thats about it, I'm curious to see if any of this month's new Activate or Move cards really shake things up as well.
Fair enough, US Agent I think is good but definitely needs other cards and not a solo powerhouse like Mockingbird.
They do twitch drops every month
I applied to one of the VGS alliances last week bros, do I have to do anything to prompt them to check it / accept it??
If it's snaps revenge you applied to it may take a few weeks to get accepted
I hope it was /snap/ or stepsisters because revenge is very mismanaged.
behold my mighty hand
I don't think he's a good card but I love Hydra Bob
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>last round of gold
>guy at 2
>suddenly there's a connection error and apparently "escape"
lol okay
nuh yeh

>pinned ravonna
>should have just enough gold when it comes out to get the kitty bundle next week
oh yeah it's all coming together
Feels like i should do the same with a series 4 card, I have High Evolutionary pinned but 6k is so much. I would much rather get someone in series 4.
Yeah for series 5 I'll just wait for a spotlight or season pass and try to grab it then.
unironically happened to my opp in infinity 5 battle
escaped 1cuber and lost 2cuber and just dc'd
I got a alliance poll yesterday in game. They are buffing the rewards today, I can feel it.
I wouldnt mind if they nerfed it to 100k and then kept the same reward schedule. Means I could kick back and only do like 2-3k points on the lame weeks and then really push it for the times its a variant or something; doing this every week is a chore.
2.5k being the minimum would help a lot I think.
>20+ season caches all booster's no variant at all
>Alliance rewards is just a bunch of booster's
Broode you greedy fuck what I'm supposed to do with all this crap I can't afford
Prediction: Activate breaks the game.

Not in a "it's OP way", but in a "release Kitty Pryde" way
Thank you for being patient.
Ravonna is in my shop right now bros, and I have enough.

I was saving for Ajax because he's going to be GREAT with some of these new cards but...?
spideybros… lets gooo
Alliance Reward. One of the better hipps tbg
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/snap/ post your reward for working so hard
I will spend ONE key this week. Hope to get Sable but ill take US Agent.
And I got neither
I got mockingbird. Fml
Hey i would have been happy with that Mockingbird variant. Literally anything but a dupe i would have been okay with.
I one tapped Sable.

I already own Mockingbird...should I go for USAgent or hoard my remaining 4 keys
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At least it goes in the Wolverine album..
>Dr. Doom 4me bundle with 1.5k credits for $20
>Ghost Spider bundle directly beneath it with more than twice the credits and a series 4 card

Shameless jewing
Damn that conquest Doc Oc looks fucking clean
Agent is an excellent niche card but he requires the right meta to be a must have.
Very nice
Flaviano Iron Lad worth picking up? Great looking Variant but I'm not sure about his others.
very true, but that meta is coming with all of the negative power cards being given in spotlights right?

I want to...but my Ajax deck dreams are so strong anon
Remember when they would release some new cards into series 4 so that you could buy them with tokens.
lmao that was so long ago that i'm series 4 complete now.
How does Symbiote Spider-Man work with Nico?
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Pretty good
Oh boy I can't wait to see what stupid shit people gonna do with the symbiote
Reminder to do the galactus draw thing
You'll just get credits because it's rigged but it's free so whatever
Guess im putting Cosmo back in my deck.
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Aite just gon stop here
Web shop reward
this is so ugly lmao

>Toronto skyline loading screen
I don't get it
Maybe, but he also cares that the cards in the opponent’s deck are expensive.

I think he’s a great card to have, just not meta defining

Also buy your BP there and you 150 gold, 100 credits and a mystery variant
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Seems John's avoiding everyone in this thread but oh well, better save for Ben and those broken symbiotes
Mockingbird's spotlight variant animation is nice.
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At least it's not a Hipp unlike last time fucking game
auto symbiote spidey gives the exact same deck
It’s almost like there’s no data to auto create a deck yet.
Drops live
350 Credits
65 Symbiote Boosters
Mystery Variant
I got him and Darkcawk.
what if I don't have symbiote?
Nico had the text of whatever spell she was played with so copying with Symbiote should just retrigger her effect next time you play a card.
Dera is using a gaylactus deck with Symbiote Spider-Man.
How long are drops on for?
Damn, so Activate can be done after playing a card on the same turn. So you can do on-reveals twice immediately after playing it. Symbiote Spider-Man seems like a must own now
I 1 tapped SS, should I keep going for Mockingbird? 7 keys left and next several weeks look good.
Just played this against someone and they rage quit kek
That’s a no brainer, yes
someone did this to me, but i just hit them with a galatus so it didn't matter
>no more gold in the Conquest shop
Every week they take something away from f2p, whats next?
I didn’t consider that Sable can just be played in on reveal to go tall in the Wong lane for cheap. She’s gonna be a drain 1 real soon
Last week I 2 tapped Cannonball and Hulkling
this week got the same for Sable and USAgent
feels sick to finally get new cards
so an ezcombo is just panther, activate spidey, zola turn 6 right?
Creating a third tier of mystery variant for pixels and hipps and ramming them down your throat
yeah you can also throw in Nakia for some extra power and just other good on reveal cards. Galactus too if you see an opening to do that combo
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is she in here?
will she be mine?
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the artist formerly known as M.O.D.U.M.P.

and no
I feel like sym spider-man gets nerfed to be 5 cost in the future
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got this, which i've never seen before. pretty cool
thats a man
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I only play Arishem. is Silver Sable good enough or do i just hoard until next year?
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I got unlucky.
>no more gold
>"Opponent of the month" title is again at the shop
wtf are those retards at SD doing
She is good but just a value card she's not going to open up new decks for you or anything
If you don't play bounce its a skip.
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Some guy named Moist Taint just instant retreated me when I played Stegron
But Attuma is really good right now. And that's a good variant.
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>last 150 CL has been the worst Series 3 cards I can think of
>Martyr, Yellowjacket, Maximus
>Finally get a good set of drops in Shadow King and Viper
Man that feels like a breath of fresh air, like it was actually worth my time. I'm super interested in this board control style of play as well, are there any decks I should look into that use one or both of these cards?
It's lucky and unlucky at the same time. I wanted any variant from the albums. In 2 or 3 I am missing one for a reward.
I hope TVA is the next location that they rework. Such a shitty unfun location that just comes down to whether the opponent has squirrel girl and mocking bird
I Shang chi him constantly. He’s not safe around me
Shadow King is a tech card. you can throw him into most decks.
Viper goes in junk, which you'll need Annihilus for but once you get him it's a new archetype for you.
Viper is also just good in anything that used the Hood
Symbiote Spider-Man is such a cumbersome name to type out. How can we shorten it?
Sym Spider-Man?
Sym Spidey?
SSM seems fine.
I just call him symbiote
Pulled myself a good variant for a good boy.
They should at least make it, so the last turn doesn't double cube cost.
I was looking into something like a Darkhawk, Ajax, or Sage deck; they all seem like interesting ways to play the game with a little bit of mischief on the enemy 's board space. The Annihilus spotlight week looks pretty strong as well, not so sure about the Sage week though. Any other cards I should look out for in my token shop or free Series 3 card?
I just keep wondering how expensive the SHOOOCKKEEERRRRRR variant will be
Post your collection
If you like Darkhawk Rockslide and Mystique are must haves. If junk is your bag get Green Goblin
>isn't part of the luca claretti album
Why the fuck?
If you don't have him already, you should get high evo. It's the best card to have on series 3. He gives you a full new set of cards.
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Looks pretty sick, like a Hunter from Resident Evil
Ranked variant
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I'll look out for him, I have seen some people run High Evo with Hazmat just for Abomination I think. I'm at 5k tokens right now, but planning to spend a bit on the Kitty Pride bundle that comes with ~3k.
I think I'm looking for something with a bit of engagement is all, I've been playing Ongoing on-curve stuff forever and its starting to get dull; I want to learn more how interactions work in this game I guess
Why’d they buff destroyer before this fucking loser
he's still played in Hela sometimes as a budget replacement for Red Hulk
there are like 25 luca claretti variants
I got a hipp, fucking mantis at that
not gonna bother posting it
on the fence about quitting alliances, bounties are shit
Can't be giving away that 2k credits to just anyone
You have mystique, ultron and dazzler and kate bishop.

Get Patriot with your claim and consider pulling this week for Mockingbird and you have a meta deck right there.

Also Symbiote Spider-Man with on reveals like Black Panther and Zola is kinda good right now
Oh also Speed would fit into that deck just fine since it usually plays on curve.

If you're tired of that type of deck then yeah consider Annihilus since you have stuff like Viper and the Hood already and you can throw in cards like Copycat and Cass into it. You would need to claim Sentry though.
Conquest variant. At least im slowly clearing the pixel variants out of the pool.
I'm a bit wary about rolling this week, should have a second key tomorrow but idk it seems risky. I'm pretty skeptical on most of the spotlight cache weeks that are coming up in these few months, there doesn't seem like a clear winner of "Get this week and you wont be sorry" except for this current week, I'm just not prepared for it.
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>SD nerfs previous meta cards before new patch
>New cards come, they are overtuned and too strong
>People rush to get them
>1 week later people are complaining the cards are indeed too strong
>SD says they are MONITORING the situation
>They put the cards back into their original meant to be stat lines and effects 2 weeks later now that everyone spent money
>Right in time before the new season beings
>Cycle repeats
Then don't. It sounds like you're tired of ongoing decks anyways so just save for something else that you might be interested in. Or just grab HE and have a new archetype available for yourself. HE isn't a top tier deck anymore, but it's not a bad deck by any means.
every time i get a gold ticket from caches it feels like a rape
Yeah I learned my lesson a couple weeks ago, I went into that Speed week with only 2 keys and ended up spending/forcing my way to get the other keys to secure Jeff and Iron Lad since they were the last two to come home. I definitely FOMO'd myself into doing it, so I think it'd be a mistake to do that again this week. Patriot deck is definitely a close goal right now, I think I can make it work without Mockingbird; wont be the best version but that's fine for my CL. I feel the need to "rush" to new cards but this game doesn't really let you do that, gotta slow down and bide my time a bit better moving forward.
FUCK YES! I rolled Silver Sable and Mockingbird in 2 Keys

Or as others post here, “this game is so easy!!!!”
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It’s the guy from Meet the Spartans!
Wakanda Forever sucked!
moom they're trying to sell me a pool 3 card for $50 again
silver sable seems nice so far
Love that the new meta's about to be big numbers instead of Arishem, destroy and whatever Ultron was
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Opponent kept cloning Sable and shooting up my deck. Played a Flacon, scooped them back up and proceeded to shoot me in the face some more...
But there's only like 3 in the game and one of them is paywalled.
I mean anywhere from a quarter to a third of my bounties are usually “win with [card you don’t have and also isn’t in the shop]”
Ok I'm already bored of Symbiote Spider-man into Nimrod/BP. What else do we got?
I don't own him and I'm not evil
Why the fuck did my MAX rank obtained not count this season. Fuck thats lame and gay. now I dont want to do alliance quests.
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At least one of those knocked on Sisters' door after you booted, thank you for the heads up!


Doesnt it always drop down every season? This isn't new.
>Silver Sable shoots your own deck to affect the top card of your opponent’s
They still haven’t fixed this?
/snap/ is getting a ton of rare bounties today feelsgoodman
4-Turn Match
>Opponent is zoo
>Only way to win is if jubilee pulls Shanna on turn 4
>She does
>Still not enough to win
>Opponent's Martyr throws the match
Feels great.
Martyr is just a bad m’baku if you think about it
the panther ssm zola deck is not fun to play against >:(
Did they turn up the bot rate? Every other game is a bot...
Shut up and enjoy the climb?
I’m a big Zola hater in general
Sadly it puts up like 70+ in two lanes so it's here to stay unless you dedicate turn 6 to SK + shang.
the zola lane is just zola who is 0 power. you only need shang. have you guys never seen wong panther zola before?
Unless they taskmaster instead
so what else is there for symbiote spiderman? I saw someone try to use Namora with him
What if I told you I used him for gambit
It’s very screwy that even with Madame Web and Araña soon to be in the game, that the Alloance Move mission for 7 in one game is still all but impossible without Heimdall or some godly draws/locations.
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Brode…Brode…there’s only one Activate card in the game so far, Brode.
Hellcow is activate now isn't she?
No Im saying, I reached level 95 and then tanked it for Alliance quests, but my new rank was 40 when returning instead of 60, which it normally is.
I think they also expect you to be moving your opponents cards as well
not yet i think, i played black swan earlier and she was on reveal
They're getting changed in the next patch
If you don't purchase the battle pass to maximise your bounty clearing potential with the activate card, I will kick you out of the alliance.
Ok Bronat
so thats why they gave back rando variants for alliance's cap
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Should I?
>The best two pixels in the game
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>forgot pic
i mean i can't stop you but i would never buy those
That's the best Killmonger variant.
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Which series 5 should I get next? I have Cassandra pinned right now
Madame Web and Arana. Trust the plan.
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and here goes ranked variant
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>That's the best Killmonger variant
That would actually be this one
Superlog knull
That one's only good if you're a gay coomer.
Locations that do something but you have literally 0 info on it like adding a card to hand should be removed along with any other pure RNG location like x-mansion.
First game was exactly this against my opponent
Too bad, shadow king ruined his day
>he can't look at a man without thinking its gay
you have issues
Considering artgem only does pin up models it's kind of gay
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imagine a day /snap/ will have a taste
It's not a bad variant. Hipp Killmonger is just objectively better.

The only way your bias could prevent you from seeing that is if you were a gay coomer. It doesn't mean you have to be a gay coomer to appreciate the other Killmonger variant but if you like it more than Hippmonger than you're a gay coomer.
Just cause he's shirtless doesn't make it gay.
Sisters just kicked out half their alliance for that same reason.
I mean, it is gay though.
This variant is also shirtless but nobody calls it gay. It's just a classic superhero comics pose.

The gay coomer variant is drawn as though he's a fashion model. That's very gay.
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Is Super Retard avatar worth buying???
>epic that pays out more than legendary
something's not right here
The epic is more specific than the legendary.
Reminder SMM + Galactus is a braindead combo and you opponent's cards being destroyed too counts towards those destroy bounties.
Bro cucked himself with that move
(I lost cuz of his extended match to get his 50+ knull and 12 death, fuck destroy frfr)
man i hate district x
everyones doing BP + SSM
i feel it
arishem is pretty shit
loki is pretty shit

im still maining it, but damn it feels like dogshit now
snap is saved
control comeback?
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‘Twas kismet. This was my Conquest purple variant for this season that I unlocked shortly after reading this.
because it's a really easy combo
Does it matter which variant you upgrade anymore aslong as you complete the line?
Just play Kate Bishop or white widow and the combo is instantly ruined
Bought Arishem just to find out he's aight now
At least he is fun and draft mode type card that we all initially thought of
Not for aesthetic reasons no
not really
unless you're really autismo about splits, then you can get dupe splits on base and a variant
There's no way Alioth doesn't get nerfed at the end of this month. He's one of the most popular 6 cost cards, showing up in multiple decks with a high cube rate, and is the biggest card still propping up Arishem. They'll drop him to 6/8 after letting everyone have him as is for a week, maybe two, then he's nerfed.

With that in mind, should I save keys for him?
I wish I could strangle people that sweat proving grounds like it's some kind of major tournament
10 power is a tad too strong yeah

>With that in mind, should I save keys for him?
I think so, still pretty much a game sealer in most situations
should i roll for sable? is she a must have?
>is she a must have?
She's good but not THAT good. If you really like bounce then yes.
depends on what you're playing
generally good are copycat ajax ham
for swarm decks caiera and gilgameh are essential
meta dependant but ok - cass cull thena sage redG
sersi and hulkling are very good in arishem
move sometimes need herc
everything else is pretty much non-factor rn
bounce main = yes
otherwise nah, unless you want mockingbirb or usagent

she's a 1 cost and there's plenty of those
She's a good flexible 1 drop even without bounce but I don't think she's necessary in any deck.
solid 1 drop exactly as advertised
wtf my opponent snapped, i hit end turn but then decided against it so i undid turn and retreated. but the turn still played out and it took away 2 turns before my cards even reveled.

buggy ass game
*took away 2 cubes
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*discarded 2 cubes
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Drops variant
Genuinely really like this one
Coccia is pretty comfy lads
hes just a sook. Thats my only gripe.
Everyone has bad games but Cozy takes it on the chin more.
>enemy sable guns down your deck
>YOUR sable guns down your deck
Wonderful programming.
>Playing Marvel Snap
>Sisters having so much fun together
>free variants every week
>Why cant I have free variants and fun

Its not fair chuds...
Its not fair..
Post Symbiote decks
Im just running tradtional move with Symbiote instead of beast since beast is really hard to use now.
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I got the Chibi Dracula in my shop which is based but I think I'll wait for the Alex Horley one to show up
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personally, as a sister, I am not having fun doing these dumbass bounties
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I'm running this, it's fun as fuck and has 3 different win cons, I brick around 20% of the time, which is a lot less than my old Panther-Zola deck
Weird how nobody runs Storm, she works great with all the 5 costs and offers some control
take a shower
Reminds me of 80s movie posters where they replaced the swords to guns in fantasy movies just to sell better, even though there were never any guns in it.
yeah this feels replaced for sure. Maybe she was just holding a huge silver dildo before, its hard to say.
Fuck im jealous, that variant is so good
Imagine being an Artgerm enjoyer.
Fuck those idiots are so retarded. They just never saw good art before.
She probably shoots a silver dildo at the enemy card.

I'm just previewing the variant, didn't get it. It has flaws.
I prefer the 700g granny variant.
>SSM is just Shuri on Steroids
>SOMEHOW we're back to Shuri meta near launch
>with shuri into galactus included, but SSM into Galactus
time is a circle
SSM is nothing like pre-nerf Shuri. No card will ever approach Shuri's level of boring monotonous play pattern.
Man I remember I had pulled Shuri back then. And I didn't even like playing her the deck was so boring.
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Tracy scops.
This like, Cass > Iron Lad > Symbiote > Absorbing Man > Odin > Grandmaster

seems a little like nonsensical fun, dunno if good though.
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>Get curious to see if Paul is still around since I dropped that shit ass comic forever ago
>this is from the latest issue
Man this is some advanced level cuckolding wtf.
How does Spider-Man even still have fans?
So... say I'm missing USAgent as well.
11 keys.
Do I just go for it? Sable is nice, even if you don't go down the full bounce faggot route, it's still a 1/3 without downside AND disruption for your opponent.
My only concern is balance and SD's ability do actually make something of her.
>Make her only steal 1 power
Great, you got Quicksilver (Sable).
>Make her only steal 1 power but have her base power be 1/2
Sure, hurts bounce fags a little, but still the best, generic, non-scaling 1 drop, no other setup needed.
And so on. I feel like there's no middle ground, just bustedness or uselessness.
Symbiote in pf is sick. Makes the 2x Nico wincon stronger and less vulnerable to km. Also makes Nimrod easier no more 50/50 with Shuri
She's a 1 cost, she won't get touched relax
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>Thought activate always happened at the start of a turn
>Can activate after playing a single card then play more after it activates on the same turn
That's what I thought too, so you had to set up a card before you activate it

But that would be too fair for SD, so here we are!
Does this make Fenris fucking retarded?

>Play Fenris on 2
>Shang then activate Fenris

Instead of
>Shang then waiting for next turn to activate Fenris
jesus christ
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If you spam emote me I'm waiting until the last second to end my turn, simple as
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Took the gamba and it paid off with hitting his phoenix force into the insta retreat
Black Panther is like 100x better now because:
You don't need to hit WONG first with Arnim Zola
Symbiote gives +6 and then does the on reveal, so instead of 16 power you get 28 power and then Zola gives you 56 power, which is MUCH harder to beat than the easily achievable 32 power if you don't hit Wong first.

Also you can have Wong in the deck as well.
lol sisters is already maxxed 120k.
How THE FUCK did they do it...?
*shangs you*
It’s also kind of piss against Destroy since Knull benefits from the cloned panther.
To everyone who finds Alliance Bounty farmers who do their missions and bail when you wanted to test decks out on PG, just remember that it could be worse.

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I mean, yeah you get shanged. But like- Its WAY more consistent than before.

Play at your own risk but I think its fine, based on shang usage rn.
its also just really consistent because Symbiote is versatile in the sense that hes not just a "wong combo" you can do other shit.
So all you do is add BP and Zola to any deck with Symbiote
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That game looked like shit, BUT that one Asian woman looked insanely hot. Shame this design is stuck in that dead game.
I picked her up 3 days before the nerf hit.
Sure, it's "effective", because it's crystal clear for both parties involved when you or your opponent should btfo.
I hit my first ever infinite with C2 a few months back, that deck is a fun and exciting and interactive adventure compared to Shuri.
to be fair that is because they're shutting the game down in 2 days and people need to hit level 100 for the plat trophy
My 1 tap luck has run out! At least I didn't have Agent and got a card I didn't already have for the mystery slot.
How can move be saved this season when only two cards in it do move things.
Those 2 cards are really good.
Thats InHyuk Lee, not Artgerm. You okay?
Or you knew that and just brought up Artgerm for no reason? Rent free?
moves already borderline retarded that's how
returning player looking for alliance here.
applied to /snap/'s revenge. whoever's the guy in charge please accept: nemean
Fuck yes! Conquest variant gave me a Nikola Silver Samurai, which is going to be in an upcoming album with the best emote in the game. I already have 6/12 now, only 6 700’s left!
anyone else really hate annihilus
it's such a dumb "i win" card
It's crazy how Doom is still the only 6 drop with an on reveal worth a damn
Bro... you got decks built around Zola, a 0 power card
Magneto and Odin are also good
2024... Blob Winter is forgotten...
Alioth? Ultron? Odin? Spectrum? Zola? Blob? Hela? Glactus?
Super retard
>babbies first shitpost
>miss the point of the post
>rattle off a bunch of unrelated cards so you can feel smart
Omega level retard
Lol wtf are you talking about? Of course you can only spout epitaphs instead of making actual arguments
By the way I typically only see Doom effective in games when he’s cheated out early. 5 power a lane probably won’t make or break a game on turn 6 alone.

Ultron does the same thing but could output even more power especially with ongoings on the board.

>inb4 super duper retard
They aren’t unrelated, they are 6 cost cards. You must be 13 years old.
>still missing the point
Elder god level retard
Leader's on reveal is really good if it actually works lol
>babbies 2nd shitpost
Ya think symbiote Spidey is good for a hammer deck? I'm determined to make this shit work
Seems like it would be inconsistent
What would he do? Copy a hammer? Cuz he can't copy Thor or Bill
Wong and Lockjaw seem more consistent
Maybe it isn't the meta and I just don't enjoy the game anymore
>make slightly different braindead autopilot curve list
>release epic 5 cost big hitter that benefits off said curve in the most basic ape like way
>nooo why won't you let me do my linear spiderman-black panther-zola combo why are you interacting with me AIEEEEEEEEEE
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got 2 variants i wanted today
twitch drops, and ranked mystery variant respectively
Your viper?
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Plays around clog and cosmo fine enough
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woohoo i don't have annihilus so i just lose to every version of affliction deck mirror that has him
what a fun and nuanced card huh
How can a skeleton have breasts?
She's not an actual skeleton
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Hey /snap/ check this out
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typically she's a woman with a skull for a face, not a skeleton with tits.
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very first time death was depicted as a woman in a marvel comic btw
Luke Cage's base art is his best one
I really thought there'd be cooler combos with SSM than just Panther Zola or Galactus.
I like that one where he's getting shot and the bullet just bounced off his skin.
he's functionally alternative wong or alt shuri. the most viable deck with him so far is just putting him in the existing namora deck.
There's multipleman ghost spider, shuri double double into nimrod destroy or just doubling up a 6 on reveal which is the most value be it doom/destroyer/spectrum. I don't think there's anything too fancy since he works like a pre-casted odin most of the time, which is honestly pretty broken aleady.
He goes with US Agent and Man Thing
that's meant for the ssm post obviously
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Pretty nice shop today
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I guess I'll uh... spend gold by the end of the week huh
What deck did you use?
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The Silver Sable one is really good but it's too bad it's not in an album for 1200. I had a little extra gold so I bought this instead
Shame about missing Mockingbird but those aren't terrible pulls.
>forced to run Cosmo and Shang Chi because of this retard bald fuck
I hate this so much and its only day 2 of the month.
>thought Alex Horley album was today but it's actually tomorrow
Damn, I just want that shop takeover so i can grab the Shanna
there's like 12 cards in the game that counter wong
Oh yeah? Name 37
Spider-Ham, Spider-Ham, does whatever a spider-ham, can he ham, from a ham, spins a web from his ham.
Name them please, I'm fairly new
meant for>>493153137
Echo, Cosmo,Rogue, Enchantress,Juggernaut,Alioth,Red Guardian,Storming the Wong path, Any card that can move Wong lane to lane, LDS, Clogging Wongs lane, Moon Knight,Prof x
magneto, juggernaut, aero, stegron, cosmo, enchantress, red guardian, white widow, green goblin, hobgoblin, echo, rogue
Cosmo, Enchantress, Rogue, Red Guardian, Juggernaut outright counter him.
Then there's stuff like Prof X, Magneto counter him althought less directly
Cosmo, anything that clogs the lane either by moving things into it like Polaris or Stegron or spawning clutter like Debrii. If he tries to set up wong early it also helps to steal priority with something like Lizard
Twitch drop variant
Man, Symbiote should gain the name of whatever it combines with. Yes, specifically for Thor/Beta Cuck Bill shinanigans.
It definetly won't be tomorrow. Tomorrow the Alex Horley album releases so the shop will be full of her variants.
I saw a streamer playing this deck. This shit is stupid lmao. You can play SSM then Namora him and either go into Panther Zola or hit them with a 16 power Galactus
Nice pixels
I forgot about twitch drops
Forgot pic. I can't wait for that Namora spotlight variant, btw I'm saving 4 keys just for that.
I'm so butthurt I skipped Namora, I know she's coming at the end of the month but I want to play this NOW
Thank you, I really appreciate it. These decks have been driving me nuts even before adding BP
New SSM Panther and Zoo
She's so much fun even without this deck. Namora on Colossus and Cosmo was so fun to pull off, but the panther zola stuff right now outpowers it by a lot so she's just stuck here for now.

Remember to save 8 keys for this variant
I don't get galactus in this
Symbiote Spider-man > Namora > Galactus on the SSM lane
16 power Galactus
SSM can be used on Galactus. You play Galactus, he doesn't go off because of SSM being there, then SSM activates and absorbs him and goes off.

You either use Forge or Namora to buff SSM to make the Galactus even bigger
Thanks anon

Regardless its hard buying variants not in any album. Because besides the white queen i want to save my golds for the Nikola album coming next week.

>been filling all location all morning with my wiccan bounce deck
>pick up fill all locations bounty
>stop being able to fill all locations
Thanks game
The average card will be a 2/20 by this time next year
Predicting Thena buffs I see...
Loki still feels like shit to play against
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>SSM can be used on Galactus
the concept just made depressed
loki arishem players will complain it feels like shit to use, other players will complain it feels like shit to play against, no one will be happy and nothing gets done.
Sorry /snap/ I haven't been pulling my weight so far, work had been kicking my ass and my free time has been used replaying MGSV since it's been 9 years.
This weekend I should jump a considerable amount.
>loki arishem players will complain it feels like shit to use,
Just dont play it?!
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When do we get paul and jackpot as characters
No excuses.
How do people still read this shit
Hickmans atleast being allowed to do good shit with Ultimates in terms of allowing pete and mj to have a fucking family together.
they'll say that but it still wins so they'll just complain their way to top ranks every season
Those are the worst kind of people in any game. They're also exactly the person who cheats.
/snap/ is 1/3rd the way there just 1 day into the week. Based leader.

Still chuckling at that edgelord faggot “b-but you’re eating yourselves alive by dropping dead weight l-lmao!”
Kek. Fucking retard.
Do you ever know what edgelord means??

I'm one of the Top 3. Looks like we're carrying the rest of you fuckers. But I'm ok with that, but come crunch time I expect everyone to chip in a bit.
Yea, he (you) was being an edgy fag trying to take pleasure in other peoples failures, meanwhile they weren’t failures after all, they were successes.
>inb4 you post something retarded “a-akchually webster defines edgelord as…”
Point is they were being an absolute faggot
bro it's not that serious
False flag post, tons of players at around 2k or 1.5k which is absolutely plenty for ONE day into the week.
Never spotted an easier false flag (or you’re just a serious homo and need to chill the fuck out lol its been 24 hours)
Pool 3 gamers what did you grab for your welfare card? I passed up on Doom to get Beast since I saved enough gold for the Kitty bundle coming and I pulled Silver Sable I’ll have a half decent bounce package to play with
I think I'm under 1000 right now, but I end up top 5 every week, I always grind more on the weekends.
New thread since I guess no one else is making it
Ultron Patriot

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