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The Wheel has turned once again.
Around Zotz, Worry Lots Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator: >>492538770
first for
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What if instead of squabbling, we built towers?
pankoman's weakest ideas guy
Sloop's is the best dom5/6 mod
probably ever
Iwalked in this general and I said "Wow. This is such a great general, mostly because of their house mod. But wow, what a great general. I love this general. It's a good general"

Sloop's makes dom great again
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>local deranged poster refuses to stop, leaving a trail of mind bogglingly stupid posts in his wake

in the general?

>Resources and recruitment points were also scaled.
Caps generally aren't gold bottlenecked for more than a couple turns in either game. It is typical to recruit troops from additional forts early in the game. For some nations, caps will never be gold bottlenecked at all outside a total economic failure. The claim that bigger indies means everyone needs precisely 40% more gold to expand is also highly dubious, considering dominions' highly asymmetrical warfare.
>You have more money to spend on forts because your forts are pushed back multiple turns. This is not a value add.
It's a value surplus, which isn't a value add, but can cause additional forts to be built while you wait for your current forts to finish nonetheless.
>The gold availability was also increased to 140.
Do you know how inflation works? The gold value of a gem increases due to gold supply increasing and gold's usefulness decreasing. Trading 10 gems for 100 gold when both strictly equate 14RP can be argued fair, trading 10 gems for 100 gold when it takes 140 gold to buy 14RP can not. Gold's availability increasing means gold-based research can be sustained in a similar scale, but it doesn't change the fact that gold is worth less research.
>You have a ragie calling people fucking idiots
Big difference between calling out a shitposter and punctuating every sentence with insults, even if you currently want to convince yourself otherwise.
MEME mod looking for a few more

Kinda disillusioned after finding out SCBM is just the golden calf of a steam circlejerk ngl
you were never gonna make the morale check in the first place, it's shadow cabals and trooncord groups all the way down

its our mod! (its actually slopcord's circlejerk mod)
I honestly haven't noticed the steamgroup in the OP ever
what the fuck are we losing our minds over this time
sloop haters get the bullet first
I am soooo hyped for natgen
Magic duel bait if I'm being honest
same we are so fucking back, it seems much more coherent than it has ever been
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Gonna be a fun time. Lemme also make one last shill post: the first dom 6 NATION GEN game is recruiting! For the unfamiliar, the game is otherwise completely vanilla but the nations have been entirely replaced with procedurally generated ones. There's always a few lame nations with boring humans, but in general the selection is far more exotic and wild than vanilla nations. And it usually leads to fun and unique games. Join up! We'll be starting tomorrow.


Also, I'm considering generating like a dozen extra nations and adding them to the mod for more variety. We're already at 13 players and I haven't even picked mine yet, so it's really 14. I feel like a lot of the coolest ones have been picked already which might discourage late joiners. Let me know if you'd enjoy a small infusion of more nations.
I'm all for generating extra nations, maybe even more than 12 if you feel like it
honestly looking through what's left, they are kinda shit, definitely should make a few new ones for any late comers
i do wonder if another pack would start from the same id and cause a conflict
Is there any sci fi themed equivalent of dominions? I heard the guys behind this were taking notes from MOO, but I kinda fail to see that many similarities.
A space exploration/colonization game based on DOminions might be really kino. Maybe even some kind of Alpha Centauri thing
If you generate a pack but include the existing seeds you can extend it.
I was excited for Glyunak.
Sacred anyfort fire resistant invulnerable mind blaster Illithids wielding a magic meteorite glaive, formation fighter so 2 in a square even when enlarged to size 7, and the mages looked awesome with F/D crosspaths, S/B randoms and recruitable D2, with slow to recruit caponly D3F1+randoms Illithid light SCs.
Unfortunately their had paper protection and invulnerability didn't cut it either. I tested both something like larger/berserker/prot+5 and larger/undying 5/regeneration and the sacreds just died to chaff after they were done blasting.
It's still pretty cool just by being a skellyspam + mindblaster nation but eh.
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Sounds good to me. There's no need to worry about conflicts: when the program is given a seed, it always generates the same nations in the same order. I just put the original seed in and told it to make 65 instead of 50.

Anyway, the EXPANSION PACK is now live on the server page! 15 new nations for the perusal! For the people who already uploaded a pretender - don't worry, everything is exactly the same for you. It's the exact same mod but with 15 more nations on the bottom of the list. I only looked at a couple but they already seem super cool, either natgen got way improved or we stumbled onto a god tier seed. Enjoy!
slops this slops that, i just want to do my turns
>shark time
>doesnt have any fucking sharks
They're really good at bar games
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Very cool
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new candidate for coolest sprite? Graphics aside, these guys seem amazing since A4 is at the sweet spot where you can naturally boost to A6. Insane levels of air access.
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actually this whole nation seems amazing. Cool sprites, good mages, solid but not too overpowered sacreds, universal but low impact national trait (poison skin)...legitimately could be some new vanilla nation of poison muuches.
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Seasa is uh a little overtuned haha
We get bullets? Like for free?
still weaker than samsa's
yeah dust walkers are cool but do suffer from pretty premium prices. 57 rec points is obscene, that's even more than anakites
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wait those are human stats
if only we had real giant elephant knights
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These guys can shapeshift into frost fiends. That's fucking awesome.
And their other big mage start battles with an air elemental
And their sacreds turn into earth eles when they die
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more for the comedy series
thats actually pretty kino, keeping the elemental theme throughout
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This description is actually fucking funny. natgen learned how to write jokes...
Well, he is a dual-wielder.
Ok, I got them to work.
I'm in
Hell yeah. I like their completely mindless slave chaff too, that's kind of neat. Seem funky but overall flexible.
he's not, hence the attack penalty to both his fists
>It is typical to recruit troops from additional forts early in the game.
Last time I mentioned you're supposed to get first fort up by turn 12 or so people considered that a trolling and eventually went to ask most recent winner to confirm.
I myself find 1000g forts being much harder to queue while the extra turns hurt and other infrastructure is pricy too. Unless you're on monster you will have to compromise to save up.
Yes, income is higher too, but on cap+some it's less noticable and your earlygame budget is absolutely worse than in 5.
Troops weren't directly buffed (while indies were), so in a way they are also subject to gold inflation: 1000g of troops in 6 is less than 1000g of troops in 5. Ratio is not as radical as with mage costs, but still you're supposed to spend more on them.
Wow Natgen generated the historically accurate Jewish knights. Kino
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>siatssith, spire of iron
>their guys are heavy armor lizards

is that you blitzmin
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vgh even their sacreds are awesome...a little fire res and they're immune to basically every element...
>str 10
It's okay hammers have +7 damage and can do piercing
>flail armoured slave
>Dimhisene: 40 gold B1s, the cheapest mage I've seen in all this and one of the best cheap X1s out there. Plus, they're element-resistant humans. These guys might be something.
>Cihuattlan: Anyfort muuch-shambler sacreds, I guess. Healer priests, temple trainers, shamans with sacred ancestral spirit bodyguards.
>Seasa: Dustwalker sacreds, net-wielding spammable troops, reanimator priests, all mages are useful. If the gold cost weren't so high, the regenerating human chaff could be something.
>Kopippu: I'm a fan of the random X2 mages. I'm also a big fan of the stealthy heavy armor greatsword lizards. Both big X3s being anyfort is also nice. There's something to this nation. Easily missable: Temples make gems.
>Platnae: named shark time, no icthyids, 0/10. Actually, no, I'm a big fan of this one all around, between the anyfort sacred minotaurs, dual wielder colossi, and seducer priestesses.
>Omarhamn: Oh, this is sick. Anyfort X3s in multiple paths, drain immunity, super cool wyvern knight sacreds. The asmeg are relatively cheap for being baby jotuns.
>Zerani: A4 base big mage, worse daeva sacred from the other mages, theses guys are just okay.

yeah there's a lotta kino in this expansion
gotta say though, way too many random B1 sacred commanders and too many drain-immune nations
What are thug nations supposed to do when thugging is so bad now?
Platnae is awesome because their mages+seducers are great but all their non-hoburg casters still have berserk. Your giant cap only caster becomes a raging beatstick if he takes one stray arrow.
Thug in defiance of the gods.
Don't play thug nations. Good job, now you're a step ahead of all of us suckers who are still thugging.
Seraphine winglocking
thuggers be like "nooo i cant kill 1000 units with ironskin and a gss thugging sucks now"
Anyone else want to come natgen? 15 might be good to start with
it looks gay and retardedly balanced
#never join natgen
#always join slops
I joined both. I join everything. I will play sub-optimally since I'll forget what's happening in any given game and never leave until I'm fully dead.
What's natgen? I could join, but not sure what that does.
The two handed flails will more than make up for it I promise hahaha
It's mod which generates sick random nations for you to play. Unpredictable metas and interactions, more of improvisation over preparation, silly balance.
based funhaver king
Wait what
I thought dual-wield penalty was relative to weapon length. Did illwinter change that in dom6?
Muspelheim's thugs did pretty well during the blitz.
Though they were probably closer to impoverished SCs.
maybe there is a minimum? or maybe the fists have a -1/-2 attack stat
It also generates random national spells for you which also throw another monkey wrench in, its great fun as long as you understand there is no "balance" to speak of or worry about
a 700 gold slow to recruit cap only is way beyond a thug
>Attackers with multiple weapons have their attack skill
reduced by the sum of their weapon lengths.
From page 63. There's gotta be something else causing the penalty, though -2 att on fist seems weird.
think that's magicgen, natgen mostly just gives one line (onis, ocelots, tengus, shard wights etc) from your primary race's
Magicgen was awesome
>Batsummon like 7 giant banes
I'm burned outta domingos
Yeah, you are right. Magicgen was fun
surely magicgen will update soon too, right?
>never leave until I'm fully dead
I was with you until this part. I leave after I lose my first battle.
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>not wasting time when you already solved match
Most wise.
I don't know if I like the description of inflation here, though one could describe it as inflation, because while a lot with gold was scaled, not everything was scaled, and a number of other non-gold things as you mention were changed, such as indie strength and fort building times. And gold-related events, both gold income increase/decrease events and one-time gold giving/costing events, were not changed, while I don't know whether the frequency of events was also changed to try to counteract the gold amounts of events not being changed.

If absolutely everything related to gold had scaled the same, and everything non-gold had stayed the same (latter making things easier to analyze), it might be possible to still describe it as inflation, but it would be a cosmetic change. By scaling everything gold-related, I mean all prices, all incomes, all upkeeps, all events, all starting gold amounts, all gem-gold conversion rituals, all sites, everything.

Curious, looks like many throne sites had much larger than 40% changes for gold.
I don't know if I like the definition or usage of "inflation" in real life economics, since to me (I admit that it's been years since I learned about it), "inflation" is often used to describe several different phenomenons that have deeply or superficially related systems, causes, behavior or effects, but often are fundamentally different.
One example of inflation is a government printing money, and then either spending it or giving it out to other groups. Basically increasing the cash reserves of one part of the economy's actors. This in turn makes them less willing to work for low pay, meaning employers have to increase wages, meaning prices rise to pay for the higher wages, meaning most things rise in the economy. What doesn't rise is the cash reserves of everyone else. Assume that the government prints an extreme amount of money equal to 1000×current cash in circulation. The cash savings of everyone is then completely hollowed out, both individuals and companies, in some ways effectively having the government tax to oblivion the cash reserves of everyone not given the printed money. Apart from making some people and organizations impoverished, this in turn makes people not want to save up cash (no trust or faith in the specific government and state and society), instead trying to have whatever property put into other assets than cash, forcing a greater degree of bartering/trade-through-non-cash instead of much easier and faster trade-through-cash, and people can also try to get foreign cash as much as possible instead. Which in turn can have severe effects on the functioning of the economy, apart from people being affected by the fact that much or most of their property was taken or stolen from them by the government in an extreme and crude act of taxation through printing money.
chatGPT looking ahh
shut up commie you won't convince me printing money is good
not him but that's what the federal reserve already does, all the money you have in your hands is just debt produced from thin air
bat nigga aboutta stale in oasis sars
He almost staled last time too, but made turn in time. Busy with bat business!
I didn't argue for printing money, I argued against printing massive amounts of money relative to the amount of existing cash.
Federal Reserve of the USA is a different and political topic.
Which camp do you belong to:
1: I want my sacreds so good they don't need a bless, but it's nice I can give them one if I want to.
2. I want my sacreds to good but overpriced if I don't take a bless.
3. I want my sacreds to suck without the right bless, but be good with it. Filter retards from picking my nation.
4. I want my sacreds to suck even with a bless.
5. Ulm.
Personally, I go for the first option. I'm exploring scales TNN right now.
I want my sacreds to be female and hot
that's my only requirement
I want my sacreds so good they don't need a bless but I will give them the biggest I can to truly make them unstoppable
3. Kind of sucky but cheap sacreds make the most interesting platform to build a bless on.
t. flaming arrows
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Why can't we just be friends...
Oasismin he's going to staaaaaaaaaaaaaale
xibalbros not like this...
oasismin he's doing it sideways
Probably, yeah. I hope silly xibrat just felt asleep and will come back tomorrow. If he will stale again some harsh measures may be required, Xibalbas are on the rise and while EA is weakest of them he's quite relevant to the match. Did you even see their graphs? Wild stuff.
Xib Family, you got his pass in case he xibdied?
>hosting takes a minute instead of half an hour
what happened
we paid our blitz tax to blitzmin and he fixed multiple bugs
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oh shit you're right the OOOOOOOOOO is gone
Joined as Tamarvi. I think it would be fun if we played a few games with the same set of nations.
Stop posting
If we blitzed right now I could fix another bug.
Actually I need to fix a bug due to the second real blitz last night, anything particularly annoying I should fix?
I've never blitzed before. How long does it take?
2-3 hours
Depends. Two hours to six depending on players. Last night was a five player blitz that went for about five hours which was unusually long for the player count.
Its kind of a given that players will go AI as real life steps in
Here's server.
Its sloop, with score graphs on and research set to easy.
If any of that is contentious tell me. Its just how I like to do blitzes.
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I cannot join this time
>about five hours
You mean the one before you fixed host time issue? Hosting basically doubled the time, we could do in 3h for certain.
I even managed to shop for groceries once between turns.
That blitz last night was after the host time got fixed, though the timer went up to 15 minutes for the latter part of the game so it was definitely much longer than typical.
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Two so far
>that elf name
clever >girl
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Access to graphs is a gem gen. You should be shrewd, maybe even exclude yourself from the graphs so people don't know what you know.

Knowledge is power.
its 7am and i have been up for 24 hours chief, im seeing spiders
And the spiders will see you soon if you don't join.
I've got nothing left for the name for my prophet. Hopefully I think of something before we start.
I'm taking my nappy time blitzmin. If an hour or 2 later game doesn't start i'll join
I always see spiders when I take benadryl
I see benadryl when I take spiders
>Warhammer fag here

>Doing bretonnia right now

>I am thinking the dukes should have a shattered soul
Please no
that's exactly right
In as Niefelheim
God I wish the giants had more pretenders
I've spent like an hour staring at the pretender screeen trying to think of a new pretender to try and ctis already has a fairly healthy selection.
I feel like if you actually categorize pretenders certain categories are huge, like "awake expanding monster" with a billion entries and even with sparks you can't really get away from that core identity.
one of the players would take 3x as long as everyone else to do a turn
Can we have a sloopless blitz?
Looming hell actually did something that turn. A single raid for 150 blood slaves wooooooow
If its what I have to do to make you join
I genuinely despise monster pretenders, they have no place in the game except as conj 8 summons or something
There's like three or four exceptions and the pig takes up two slots by itself for being based and epic
Different anon here. I'll only blitz if we do run sloops...
based pig appreciator
TNN here. I don't care either way.
Just kidding on that second post, I'm aboutta head to bed and felt like stirring the pot lol
>i hate monsters!
>but most popular and easy monster is fine
In as Yomi.
The pig is actually flavorful as fuck and fits thematically. I hate monsters because half of them exist only to excuse nations that can't function without them.
Alright I took sloop off. You'll need to remake your tendies if you already joined.
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Mega based. I'll be home in less than 30
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>black cow
>white cow
>5 different lion-bodied tendies, plus an actual lion, plus a cow with a dude's head stapled on
>5 different dragons, plus a dead dragon
>brown bird
>black bird
Scorpion King is the only soulful monster here
>30 minutes
Fug dis I'm putting it back on if I don't have five players by the time you get home then I'll do it.
Dios mio. You're very impatient.
Birds are tendie raiding kino and very hard to pilot well.
I don't care, they lack soul. Difficulty of piloting is irrelevant.
Its called BLITZserver OK praise Niklatu
Extreme basedness can sometimes be indistinguishable from autism.
>they lack soul
Unlike furniture gods, bunch of identical wizards and ton of samey big guys in different ethnic outfits?
Black bird was okay in D5. It's retardedly bad now. 177 Max HP that you have to work for, it should be 40 points cheaper.
For me, it is the humble Gorgon.
Yes, unironically.
once you go black bull you never go back bull....
Mages are gods, monsters are wizard pets
There is a hierarchy here
Ermor taking Dracolich
Ermor taking Ferryman or Master Lich
>unbelievably ZASED
Ermor taking the Hecate trinity
The Shedu is pure Mesopotamian kino and if you disagree then your taste is shit.
Alright I'm home. If you turn off goysloop then I'm in but otherwise do your thing.
it's already off
Nyeehhhhhhh but I like sloop
Okay fine but you owe me ghouls with two attacks.
I actually waited despite having five players because I didn't want to start without you
That's awfully sweet of you. I'm in!
Join pEAce_on_EArth, bros. Only three so far.
Alright. Starting. Bumped up from biddyn to snerdyn since 5 player biddyn was already a bit of a knife fight in an alleyway.
Might have to restart if three are cheater warnings; not sure if everyone changed their pretenders.
Niefel can you resubmit your pretender without sloops?
Sorry for the trouble.
I hate EA more than that guy hates slops
Yeah I didn't finish remaking it
restart and I'll submit
Because not enough shekels?
Did you enable the Warhammer mod?
I just think the nations are too weird and gimmicky for me
nevermind, it was worthy heroes
was the anti-sloopfag Atlantis
No, he's Ur.
lamentation ragha... the turns...
You'll never know.
I'm attacking antisloopfag.
i knew it
When you lose, be sure to blame it on the lack of balance that would have been fixed by sloops.
I want to sniffleheim muspelheim's cute tummyheim
I was in the game before the retarde started talking so no
If Sloop were based he'd delete all UW and cave nations entirely
Why don't you like cave nations?
>when you lose
Not going to happen - I'm not in the blitz today
because of the existence of the cave plane
I'd be fine with them if there was no ug plane in the game desu
Well I probably won't win, either, if that makes you feel better.
I like donut world on top of donut cave plane, because it makes me think of donuts.
t. American
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how long do you niggers need on your turn on turn 14
Ctis has at least 3 forts, and I don't think he's been last to submit yet.
Years of blitzes perfected his micro skills. People there are lucky he finds normal games boring.
I wonder if I still have ai_speedrun_any%.webm laying around here somewhere
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sup nigger
you planning something?
t. C'tis bragging about himself
what is THE naba build
Not particularly. Just ran out of indies to kill.
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I have been playing ctis exclusively for like six years and I still do not know ho to research.
Am I missing something really basic? 9rp/fort turn for shamans and reborns or 15rp/fort turn for sauros and I'm consistently bottom of the research graph. Is this really such exceptionally bad lab rat lineup?
Taking magic doesn't even seem like a good idea, its expensive as hell with a pretty mediocre scaling.
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I'm about to claim the final points I need to win. Throw everything you have at each other, this is the last turn.
>Thought it was blitz
>Checked throne out of panic
>The thrones are T3 instead of T2
Uhoh. Three thrones to win. Guard your spring hawks anons
Ur here. I'd like to thank Jomon for being even slower than me. Really takes the heat off.
They're almost dead, I think
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>Vulture bump
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Holy shet look what neklatu found
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uhhhh TNN this isn't some advanced ploy by me just so you know
one of my old ladies went to Hell but came back
is it possible to extradite her
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Sorry yomi. I just wanted to test it.
You may carry on with your war.
Shamans are one of the better labrats in the game though (maybe not in blitz enviroment).
Try putting your tendie on research sometimes, magic is literally +10% RP or so per scale.
>200 ghouls
what the fuck?
Arouse hunger spam
Like five casts of it.
>magic is literally +10% RP or so per scale.
Its +1 innit
9 RP base makes it +11%
I've played all Doms PPP through 5, but I haven't revisited them much in the past years. Is 6 worth it? What's it bring to the table?
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>is 6 worth it
All MP scene is always on latest one.
>What's it bring to the table
Relatively minor one, just some new nations and sizeble rebalance. There is theoretically cool multimap support, but as far it's very halfbaked feature which will need year or so of polish and then quite an effort from modders.
>and then quite an effort from modders
Its been like two months and we're still playing on biddyn anon.
So who is the threat
Dominions 6 been released close to year ago at this point. And yes, we still play biddyn.
I was wondering why you attacked me in such a random place.
joo biddyn
Yeah this was a hag that got lost on turn like 6 from an event
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T-thanks for coming
>attack Yomi
>atlantis attacks me
>beat back atlantis
>attack Yomi
>Ctis attacks me with ghoul the same turn
What the fuck am I looking at dude
you just know
Sorry anon, I'm just poking everyone with ghouls to see who bites back
Who's winning
do you have like 30 death income or something? You've cast arouse hunger like a dozen times
Its 8 gems.
This thing is surprisingly cheap.
>Don't attack anyone
>Nobody attacks me
>Not really sure what to do
People help you know what to do when they attack you.
yeah but that's still like 100 death gems for ghouls
I just want to unga it out with a fellow giant SC nation man people are constantly starting shit with my giants
116 actually
Im going to go home now, be careful what you do with those giants
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I just know what?
That niklatu will avenge these poor souls!
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Please.. Illwinter-sama.. I'm running out of death gems.. I need those to fight off niefel giants..
niefelheim is getting serious this turn
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Well I'm fucked.
hmmm... no
Fug too many lammashtas
Sorry bro but hitting there looked like it was clearly what I'd want to do in your position. Too clearly.
Thot destroying the fat ugly bastard
>there are no nations who get +1 luck and have a +luck tendie
They don't stack anyway.
So how do I get to 5+ luck? Celestial Rainbow?
wake up
Frightening, aren't they?
events and sites
Events and sites too.
Trone of Luck helps too.
I gotta leave in like maybe 40 minutes
t. Niefelheim
Okay, let's just say whoever claims the first throne wins.
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Oh god
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disaster for the lizards
It's cold 5 bro wtf you thinking
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lmao this naked serpent dancer is falling asleep on the spot
so why does Ur even have male commanders at all
seems kind of pointless
what does "spell: control the undead" mean? It already has a cast at start of battle so that cant be it. Just allows the wearer to cast it?
Yeah. Just gives the commander access to the spell. Costs 5 fatigue to cast item spells as well if they hasn't changed in dom6.
Oh why did I leave my sauromancers at the front of the square scripted to advance and cast spells.
it wouldn't have mattered unless you were banking on a fear rout
you got like 6 turns before every one of your dudes fell asleep
That's because all the sauromancers were casting ghost grip instead of horde of skeletons rofl
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based lmao
but that's ok because starting from this turn you no longer have skeletons
To sex Inanna obviously. But memes aside why do you say that?
Oh don't you worry anon skeletons was last turn's strategy.
I'm gonna have to extend next turn to eat dinner, sorry
idk they just give off an extremely strong girl power vibe in general and the game is sorely lacking in girl power rep
Sauromatia and Feminine are the only others but Sauromatia's workhorse mages are m*le and Feminine is an Ind descendant and also all their mages are old and non-sacred
sorry anon but girls arent powerful, even swedes are willing to acknowledge this
TNN here. I might or might not fall asleep at my keyboard any time now. Apologies in advance if I do.
That's because Swedes are cucked as fuck
real men like powerful women with the ability to explode heads from miles away
>Goddess has a dreama about you cheating on her
>Explodes your head when she wakes up
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I accept my fate because she is my goddess and she knows best.
I gotta go blitzmin
setting my dudes to storm but I'm going AI
thanks for the game
all lizards shall be refrigerated
Thanks for playing.
>they just give off an extremely strong girl power vibe in general
I think the enkidus and their other units are pretty strongly masculine. Is there a reason other than Inanna why you say this?
I really want to play them with the Shedu tendie but he's completely inferior to Nanners
>they just give off an extremely strong girl power vibe i
Ur always struck me as a race of very hairy demi-giant.
Mostly because of Uruk I guess where their giga communions are just a bunch of girls chanting
Who sent Ur a diplomatic request? I missed that and had to end turn because I was out of time.
Not me. I didn't even know you could do that.
What the mother fuck Jomon? How did you manage that?
Badmin I need more time this turn pls
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Forget complex tactics and scripting just let oni unga bunga in turmiol 5.
amawojakus xddd
I kneel, senpai. Thought I had you on the ropes and here you are.
yomi SEEMS cool but i dont like how if you lose a fight your game is basically over since you cant recruit more dai oni
Yomi is cool as shit but it is extremely finnicky nation because income penalty in EA and unrest spreading demon is a recipe for perpetual poverty. In addition your research is garbo because primitive forts in Ea. At least, choas power was effectively buffed because it goes to +5 now.
yeah I guess you need to convert gems for money
I hate elfniggers like you wouldn't believe
I NEED to have my cock ripped off by Nanners bros
I'm going to guess that you're Atlantis.
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Ur is mostly men in power
Uruk is equal in power
For every commander there's a Naditu
For every pointbuffed ensi leading a charge into battle there's a ereshdingir leading a communion in the same battle
Uruk is true equality where everyone has a purpose and power
quit thinking in girl power or boy power
start thinking in putting aside your differences to help anna become the one true god
Okay bro wtf are you doing? I don't understand how you just started gaping my ass out of nowhere.
>For every pointbuffed ensi leading a charge into battle there's a ereshdingir leading a communion in the same battle
There honestly isn't, Ensis are pretty good leaders and have some decent utility but they're hardly heavy thug material
Lore wise anon
Gameplay wise Uruk is hyper feminine
Is it even true lorewise though? The Temple of the Moon has utterly subsumed every other aspect of Enkidu society to the point that Ensis are basically just petty mayors, I wouldn't be surprised if Ensis had to KNEEL to the local Ereshdingirs and Naditus
I haven't eaten all day and it's dinner time
The average oni might be a naked retard but they have high stats when in turmoil and hit like trucks with a second ethereal form making them surprisingly nasty. Ur's troop are also not great.
The ensi are priest governers and have powerful positions in society
They're not the priest kings of old powerful, but they still have a lot of authority to swing with
So much so that they're swinging their authority at each other before the pretender popped up and united them all
Okay, last turn for TNN. Enjoy the AI doing whatever AI does.
I was just shitposting m80
Same for Ur, I think. It's been fun. I'll have to do another of these sometime.
Arghhhhhhhhh AI nieflehiem
My brain ran out of brainpower 20 turns ago.
Did my AI kill you or something??
Jomon, cheers you japnigger
I threw sauroamncers at the AI stacks without looking for seven turns and when I looked back the stacks were still there. So I think so.
Cheers, it was fun fighting you dude.
get iced
Your plagues were funny btw but when I AI'd (so after 6 plagues) not a single one of my niefel giants was diseased, only rimvaetti
Atlantis consider yourself the winner since I am going AI as well.
don't think i will
Yeah after you went AI I started giving them mr pen gear. Got a bunch more of the giants but it was more a parting shot since it would have taken like 20 turns for the diseases to kill anything.

Fighting giants is a lot of fun, its a shame I forgot about the whole "niefel is a cold 5 nation" thing.
Its funny because I've been super paranoid about fire damage after every time I've gotten my ass handed to me by fire evos and fire elementals, I took 10 rFire and figured "that's yomi's stupid rocket launcher demons sorted- we're good!" and stop to think about sources of cold damage.
I keep saying Jomon but yeah Yomi wtfever. Let me know later what happens with the rest of you.
everyone went AI so I'm just going to deathball a few turns and look at battles
u ok
would be nice if blitzmin removed the time limit for the last remaining player so he can take his time to try things out etc.
i was the last remaining player in the blitz yesterday and felt like trying out stuff but it was annoying to race against the time so i didnt bother.
If he's still lurking maybe he would do that?
Still killing Ur? I will root for you now that I'm no longer behind the wheel.
I quit as well, don't particularly care for AI games.
I still don't really understand how you turned the tables on me so quickly and completely.
is it just me or are lightning evocations the kinoest?
Still only got three niggas in here.
Maybe if it was better age more people would join?
You should've seen Ma Man during dom 5
The thunder strike chorus communions was something straight out of a movie
There have been quite a few EA games lately, I am already swamped myself
Well...that is dildos.
Tbh I don't even have a preference for EA specifically but I got raped the last time I tried to play EA Pyrène and I wanted to give them another go. I feel like they might suck but I want them to not suck. Anyway I apparently just missed the boat on an EA game before I posted mine.
LA Pythium has been my favorite nation so far. Their gameplay clicks for me and their whole theme and aesthetic is top shelf kino.
today i learned that theres two different arena deathmatches, one where magic is allowed and one where it isnt.
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Fix yo tendies
isn't that a Cannibal Corpse song?
Sloop saved /domg/
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you love t see it
Might just win me a game, will break my mult year losing streak haha
if it werent asspoodle that'd be a pretty devastating fight but he's got like 2 more stacks of the same shit on the way. hold fast my nubian kang!
magicgen is confirmed dead pretty sure
The guy who made it doesn;t even really play dom anymore and he said he had to decompile the executable to figure out a lot of it
Thoughts on Gathering Sturm? Specifically new nats'n'gameplay changes?
Yeah man, because he's sporting berserk on these minotaurs and centaurs he still managed to kill my pretty much everything even after HP rout, so Pankoman is gonna cut me down real soon.
Game sucks ass, Apshodel is bit op even in vanilla, my other two neighbours are AI.
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>Apshodel is bit op
Wow, dey really wus kangs n shit.
>has Sloop's
>7 tendies
>3 tendies
natgenmin, i'm going into withdrawal, i need my fix
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Well you're in luck, I just finalized the map. Here it is. Game will start in ONE HOUR. I noticed two players have the same key which hopefully won't cause any real issues.
might be one guy changing his mind on nations and not being able to delete the previous tendie?
If 7 out of 10 people sucked dick, would you do it too?
I thought that too, but normally people who do that mention it in the thread. Anyway if it turns out to screw things up I can quickly unstart and restart at a worst case scenario.
lucky that we have a hour, i forgot to put in a password and it doesnt let me switch out the tendie, care to bump the current one off?
>If 7 out of 10 people sucked dick
it would be gay not to.
Sure, there you go. This better not be some bizarre 4D trolling...
back in, thanks
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well this is the only thing i can think of to prove i'm the original
Yeah no prob, if you're back in it's all good.
Maybe both pirated it from the same place and didn't change the key? It shouldn't be a problem as long as they do before putting in the first turn
>>has Sloop's
>>7 tendies
yeah also eatyourheartout is a failed blitz lobby whose admin appears to be so inactive in /domg/ and blitzserver that he cant even be bothered to close his shitty failed blitz lobby
sloptards are so retarded
shut up nigger
That's only if the dick is feminine.
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And...NAT6EN has started! Go go go! Good luck, everyone!
>has slops
>7 sloptards rotting away in the abandoned blitz lobby
>doesnt have slops
>7 non-slop chads playing the game
Congratulations to Bats on winning the game, it was fun although i lacked opponents due to being locked in one continent and ghosts being annoying, game needed less UW players and more land players.
Other than that huge GG
Rus blood vengeance + regen is a fun bless combo that allows you to clog the lines with beefy free upkeep summoned bears and i was very happy with it this match. Ive also gotten insanely lucky with death sites, they allowed me to first recruit death 2 mages and then with sitesearch i found a site that allowed me to recruit death 3 mages +2 random, that was my ticket for magic diversity and later on lichcraft. Not to mention that ive gotten +40 death gems per turn from sites alone.
Seems very interesting, id love to play it
>i lacked opponents
Blame Niefel for dying in front of his pc without going ai first.
>gathering slop
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I've had more than enough of this retard, bye
4chanx sisters.........
Content mod from the same guy who made the big sprite overhaul mod, and incorporates same visual style. Some rebalance shit, few overhauls for nations like Berytos and LA Pythium with new units, smaller changes to other nations, small roster of recruitable units from each nation's capital if you conquer it, plus few nations for each era. There's some funky shit like EA Macedonian elves with side of thracians, MA Carthage, LA nation of fossilized rephalim, or LA Ry'leth-style lovecraftian/Robert W Chambers/cultistsim land nation for MA, and some more meh shit like big german line of nations nation that is like a baby of Marignon, Ulm and hoburgs, MA human weebs that are more proper predecessors to Jomon or YET ANOTHER Ermor splinter nation.
I've never played with it, I don't super fancy the sprite overhaul in general. Could host if there's an interest. Not sure which era tho.
I think LA has the most content/new nations
If you hosted i'd join it for sure
8 people in the meme mod game, let's see if we can get to 10

Actually nevermind, MA seems most fun
Thank you for that. The best decision that I made in this game was not fighting with you and instead asking for a non-aggression deal. That, and agreeing to Kailasa's peace treaty, let me focus on attacking Caelum. After that long, cold brutal war, I was in a good spot to vie for the mastery. I got messages from you and Kailasa concerning the future, and I agreed to both, and took a few turns to boost up my research and look for a reason to attack one or the other, but the answer was already right in front of me the whole time - Kailasa had at least 3 thrones under their control, and they were much closer to me than any of your Thrones were. That, and them sending me a threatening message, decided my course, and the offensive against Kailasa was on. But they seemed to crumble, less from the actual strength of their armies and mages but from their master deciding it was Over from the start. I have a longer writeup but just want to say now, you and Caelum were most righteous and I hope in the future we team up again, or have a good war.
I will join, downloading mod now
>LA Ry'leth-style lovecraftian/Robert W Chambers/cultistsim land nation for MA
It's part original Chambers part Cultist Simulator
>But they seemed to crumble, less from the actual strength of their armies and mages but from their master deciding it was Over from the start
Half of my army was diseased from the start you retard nigger, i would have crushed you to cinders with my full strength army. Enjoy being hard carried by Rus. From now, i'm killing every bat, elf and russian on sight, subhumans don't deserve peace.
>Congratulations to Bats on winning the game
You should celebrate too, you did the most effort to give bats the victory after all.
Thank you, likewise
Lmao i just realized you had a covenant site in your domain, maybe if you werent such a retard you would be able to heal your diseased commanders lmao
>Lmao i just realized you had a covenant site in your domain, maybe if you werent such a retard you would be able to heal your diseased commanders lmao
Yeah, a because a healing site would have expelled all those harvesters of sorrow Rus had camping all my citadels, you annoying drooling retard. You won the game, lets leave it as that, but to tell me i would have done anything to prevent losing is you just being annoying. There's nothing i would have done to contest your full scale army, since all my production, income was done for, and most of my mages diseased or dead.
I decided to be merciful to you when I agreed to your stupid, weak offer of an alliance. I knew that I could give you -1 dominion, and chew your nation all up, but since I was warring with Kailasas and other monkey nations in other games and doing well I decided to give you mercy. I wonder if you ever had a chance against me in that game, I don't really think so though
>I wonder if you ever had a chance against me in that game, I don't really think so though
At the point you decided to attack me full force i was already lacking gem income due to Rus stealing my oak, i was lacking income due to all my citadel provinces being destroyed by those invisible AIDS fuckers. All i needed to kill all your army was some chaff and one of the fire guys casting fire storm and fire guard. I decided it was over because at that point i didn't even had money to recruit chaff, and the fact i had to deal with 1 faggot doing all in his power to fuck me up from the other side of the map alongside your full scale army. The last "alliance proposal" message i sent you before you decided to kill me, was a desperate attempt to buy some time to finish off helheim and dealing with the AIDS pandemic by casting "Gift of healing", but since you already had plans, i didn't had a chance. Congratulations, you won the game, 2 v 1, but still a victory.
Also, the map fucking sucked cock, this has to be the worst map i have ever played.
Oh thats my aborted blitz from like a month ago.
I should probably archive that.
I could have attacked you at any point, including when you were fighting Helheim, and won. Better luck next time Kailasailure
Yeah that map was... scuffed.
I'm a new player and this is the first game I entered with a bit of a plan. I was honestly lying my ass off to everyone in messages about who was working with me and who wasn't, just to spread disinformation. Managed to get Pelagia and Kailasa to help me bully the squids out of existance ASAP. After that I wanted to turn on Kailasa quickly as I saw the bats wage a war with Caelum, and the map was so awful there were only two entrances into the cave and Kailasa wasn't attacking them.
Unfortunately while I elf'd them, I should have just kept elfing them instead of trying to be honest and fighting - I figured I'd do well into the soul-slay engine spam that Kailasa had, but what I didn't realize is that all Air magic is ass except for spamming air elementals. I should have just kept spamming them instead of trying to t-strike...
To be frank, I just wasn't sure what I was doing by midgame, but I did learn a lot this game, so thanks Kailasa! (Even if you are a bit of a rudiepoo).

Congrats to the bats!
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All my neighbours are going ai except the one I want to (asspoodle), is anyone dealing with this pizza shit or do I have to? I know machaka was fighting him but he seems to be overrun
Everyone fighting Asphodel has fallen.
No one besides Machaka tried very hard.
>it makes sense for me to win a 4v1 because most of them weren't trying very hard

Three players fought him. One he's lost three stacks to trying to get into the cap (Machaka)
One lost a single fight to him and went AI (Shinuyama)
One got killed by another player entirely (TC)
The rest of his neighbours made no attempt.
I told you guys so many Moons ago that Asphodel was OP
>Ind decided to attack me with his OP priests instead of asphodel
only the smartest of players join domg games
You did really, really well for your first multiplayer game. Just take notes and apply them to your next game, Helheimanon
I'll deal with the plants (if I ever get a border to them)
bro all the AIs are attacking me and I have lost thousands of freespawn on machaka's cap

Things are not going well in the black dryad harem let me tell you

this was not me

Shinuyama attacked me for a single turn, lost, and went AI. His Ai is attacking me still Tien Chi attacked a single province then got assraped by Nid. I attacked a couple of Naba's provinces with a token force. Ind and i had an agreement then he went AI and now his AI is attacking me.

NABA is obviously threat mongering. He is huge and winning all his wars
>I could have attacked you at any point, including when you were fighting Helheim, and won
You're literally boasting about winning a 2v1 war, and i'm the failure? You are like a DEI hiring that it's convinced that it's place is deserved. I wouldn't hate you if you just won without trying to lecture me about "shit i would have done", you have no idea how HARD the game was for me, all while you have basically a free game down there (underground).
>One lost a single fight to him and went AI (Shinuyama)
>entrances into the cave and Kailasa wasn't attacking them.
You probably would have loved that, so you could have attacked me while i was at war with them, right, faggot? I'm not a new player dude, i'm already past that stage, and as one of the mediocre level players, i know that in this game people tends to rush 2 kinds of nations; the weakling, for free real state, such as Kailasa; and "the menace", strong races with hellbless pretenders or races that gets extremely annoying for everyone in the game if left alone (R'lyeh).
>defeat TC
>get your god back (yes, I lost him to fucking indie attack)
>he returns with -1N so no Oak plan anymore even if you could live with delay
>current threats are Na'Ba and Asphodel
Uh, I don't like fighting either...
I'm sure you will still have fun since it's my first naba game anyway
>i know that in this game people tends to rush 2 kinds of nations
Those are correct considerations, but better reason is to fight someone you would hate fight later (that's FFA, you will). Big blessess with strong scaling (summons etc) are good target.
Uh honestly I probably would have attacked Caelum because you worked with me and were neutral with me, dunno. I didn't know shit about Kailasa until after we started our war. I just knew I didn't want to get mind-hunted by R'lyeh.
you are the first person to say lightning bolt is bad
nah it has a pretty tepid reputation in general
there are definitely other people who think it is bad
Lightning bolt is good, t-strike is ass.
>Uh honestly I probably would have attacked Caelum because you worked with me and were neutral with me, dunno.
Nah, you probably would have attacked me, since you attacked me without provocation, you even took some turns to setup your stealthy army in 4 or 5 of my provinces (half of my shit). If i was a shitty player, you probably would have won that by a landslide since you had the initiative.
That, and lightning bolt is a really good spell, it shines against giants, but you need to send a good amount of casters, not 1 or 3, you moron.
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I'm sorry bros, I can't go on.
Looks like blood trash is taking itself out.
Blood is unironically too much work. Illwinter should buff it.
The hell is that fire damage message
Ordeal by Fire, it dings your mage for 2 DRNs of fire damage every time they spend gems in the lab, and sets them on fire if they spend gems in combat. Basically does nothing but annoy the fuck out of everyone in the game.
Oh, blood mages exempt, of course.
>Those are correct considerations, but better reason is to fight someone you would hate fight later
Yah, and for some reason in the same game, i was ganked early and almost lost to elves (i would have lost that war if i didn't unlock vine ogres in time to serve as front liners), then some faggot that got a free game half map away decided to fuck me up with 100+ gems worth of harvesters of sorrows (just to piss me off because i killed his arena contestant and casted mother oak before him [to survive]), then the same elves refused to go AI and dilated the lost game more than 15 turns, just to hide his pretender and go AI, finally the bats that got a free game underground decided to finish me off (for some reason the underworld on that map was half as huge as the land part of the overworld).
> that's FFA, you will
I have played FFA games, and let me tell you, this was the most bullshit FFA game i ever played.
>for some reason the underworld on that map was half as huge as the land part of the overworld
That's default cavegen for you, it's nuts. I'm not sure if Xib is big winner of cave plane changes, but when it generates huge it's definitely an issue.
Lanka is basically unplayable in big games. The only time Lucid has ever subbed out mid series was in a winning game with 40~50 provinces, and even his sub complained about how long Lanka turns take.
wow if lucid can't do it noone else can!!
The guy makes money playing dominions, him getting fed up is a pretty good indicator.
>The guy makes money playing dominions
Youtube channel and patreon
So he makes money by being a niche eceleb, he doesn't make money playing dominions (being good at the game).
desu he's the only one with a pbem lanka win on youtube so there isn't any other point of comparison
No one makes money by being good at Dominions, so your point is moot.
>No one makes money by being good at Dominions
Exactly, that's why i asked "how". When someone tells me X makes money by playing Y, i assume he's a very good player and earns money by playing at a pro level.
>i assume he's a very good player and earns money by playing at a pro level
That's a weird assumption for a game without any proscene. Looks like you try to downplay referencing streamer (which is closest we get to pro) as "not pro enough".
>Looks like you try to downplay referencing streamer
Not at all, i don't know him, and i bet he's pretty good, but he doesn't make his money playing dominions, that's a misleading statement.
Not him but you can't seriously fucking think the youtuber who quite literally gets shit for free from discord buttbuddies and spends more time talking to other players outside of the game than actually scripting or sending messages in-game is the epitome of dominions skill
>40~50 provinces
These are baby numbers. As of last turn I reached 75 provinces, 22 forts, and more troops than every remaining player in the game combined. I'm a few turns away from a 5th cap, a 1000/turn blood economy (I am still in the process of setting up more fucking blood hunters while fighting 4 wars at once) and 100/turn raven feast engine. I could realistically get a lot of thrones by eating mictlan, sauro, and AI agartha, but by then I'd have well over 100 provinces to apply a blood economy to and that's simply too much autism. I just wanted to spam ethereal werewolves and dakinis at people in this game.
His core content has been dominions for years. It's probably not that inaccurate to say that Lucid single-handedly represents most of the dominions multiplayer content on youtube. Illwinter had him make the trailer for dominions 6.
the trailer sucked though
It didn't just suck, it was cringe. The fact that it happened is cool though, because Lucid's probably one of the most devoted dominions fans out there. I doubt he makes any real money.
I find more likely that person with established record of playing to win and verifiable success is good player, than just taking someone's word for granted. Playing a lot already corellates with skill, probably.
>sending messages
Diplo is bullshit and heavily depends on other players even in less set up scenarios. At times your first target sends you all the gems he didn't spend to repel you, at times he tries to annoy you as much is humanly possible. We're not free from diplo and that brand of human factor even there.
Unless you got strong point (like if it's common practice for Lucid to get free shit in degree notably different from baseline), which I bet you don't (judging by your assumption that playing with friends is some sort of cheat code).
The most questionable thing I see Lucid do is under-scout because he's too used to/too easily gets information through other players, but he meets of the criteria of a veteran player in terms of well designed pretenders, good expansion planning, good mage scripting, and so on. It can still be argued he has a streamer/discord admin halo that prevents people from being as aggressive or underhanded against him though.
By the end of D5 he was getting dogpiled in every game.
>streamer/discord admin halo that prevents people from being as aggressive or underhanded against him though
I just run tiny channel to and my experience with our games is reversal of that: people know all my moves (because I show them off, duh), they assume me to be the threat from get go, they conspire to attack me and then I try to give them advice how to do it better.
While in the end it's probably easier than /domg/ because low average player level; setup itself is pretty disadvanageous.
Not sure about discord admin halo, maybe that's more of factor for discord sisterhood, but I suspect it to be a stereotype. Only time I played on discord we had much faster and precise diplomacy, but it's just medium without fundamental difference.
1. fuck off ESL
2. it's a FFA, so people randomly sending you huge loads of shit is, in fact, cheating
3. communicating outside of the game is cheating as well
4. go back to discord
What are you doing in domg, community full of ESL, irrational moves and in-thread comms? Fucking newfags.
>it's a FFA, so people randomly sending you huge loads of shit is, in fact, cheating
>communicating outside of the game is cheating as well
What /domg/ games is this anon playing? Clearly not the ones I'm in.
>it's a FFA, so people randomly sending you huge loads of shit is, in fact, cheating
Game allows it. Not cheating.
Maybe because we're infected by discordniggers yeah

>community full of ESL
not before dom6, Indian
>in-thread comms
Public communication is fine since it's basically just shouting into the void

t. asks buttbuddies on discord to send him free shit
fuck off nigger
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It only becomes cheating once it moves to steamchat.
discord PMs are literally the same thing as steam chat just on a different platform
You sound like a jeet. You don't need to make up excuses just because you lose every single game. The reason is simple: you're a low skill monkey with a tiny brain. If people aren't sending you 100s of gems a game, then you're not playing it right.
>a jeet
>says the dude who forgets to add articles to his sentences
literally the #1 indicator of being some shitskin ESL is to not know when to use definite and indefinite articles

>If people aren't sending you 100s of gems a game, then you're not playing it right.
I won't join your server, faggot.
Deathbasketing AIs is ethical, but deathbasketing players is indeed a blatant opportunity for people to cheat. However the /domg/ game format doesn't work to begin with once you start expecting other people to cheat, unless you just don't mind if they do.
>TRIPLE AI in EAting
>ubar and muspel staling

It's legitimately literally over. Seriously. Genuinely.
Not playing to win the game is cheating. Cheating yourself, if you are about to die sell your gems sell your research boosters! you shouldn't die with a basket to give.
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>Lanka, Mictlan, and R'lyeh were the same person all along
He played us for fools.
>play three nations
>complain about micro
Absolute state of multiboxers.
If I've decided the game is in an unwinnable state for me, then there's no reason to continue playing endless futile turns.
On the other hand, if I can get a bit of utility out of kingmaking, then that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to maximize my personal utility when spending time on my hobby.
Sorry, I just am.
If I did otherwise, I'd be cheating myself.
R'lyeh knew my 6 fire/turn protection payment was going to end and his extortion-based economy would fall apart. Sorry R'lyeh.
The game was rigged from the start...
>not before dom6, Indian
I still have people added there decade ago on my steam friend list, you silly 6 tourist.
I kinda wanna blitz
>is that all Air magic is ass
I never thought I'd see those words in that order with the only exception being air elementals.
Isn't winds of death still air? I know wailing winds got moved to glamor for... some reason... illwinter couldn't be assed making spells for their new school so they just cannibalized the existing paths, fine.
Tstrike's still pretty good innit? And wrathful skies? Mass faggotry? Fag warriors? Or did the mistform changes neuter it? I thought that was just about preventing prot buffs.
>100/turn raven feast engine
How the fuck
I've tried raven feast a few times but the scaling on it sucks so bad
>I know wailing winds got moved to glamor for... some reason...
Wailing Winds isn't just normal wind it's supernatural screaming on the wind, if they have to have Glamour then it's 100% Glamour
>but the scaling on it sucks so bad
t. plays with pussies who never get a real meat grinder going
dom6's bigger armies mean it's easier than ever to get good RFs
But magic IS supernatural.
You need to expand and fort quicker, and site search fir indies that dont take as much infrastructure, and yes take magic.
I start my first fort on like turn 3 usually.
>and casted mother oak before him
I cast the mother oak first and you've stolen it from me
>I cast the mother oak first and you've stolen it from me
proof? i used the bare minimum amount of gems for my oak ritual, and i'm quite sure that i was the one that casted the first global spell. Anyways, that doesn't justify you going full autistic against me. You didn't play to win, you played to make me fail, you're nuts.
Yes and no
But I meant that the screaming seems to be literally directly affecting the minds and morale of the enemy troops while not affecting your own at all so it honestly feels more like an auditory illusion than anything else
>you played to make me fail
this is based
>using FFA strategy game as toy
this is lame
if you don't play with goal to win (efficiently or in suboptimal manner) it's basically SP
That is internally consistent.
The real problem with glamor to me is that you have these themes for crosspaths already, like death + air meaning miasma, water + nature meaning swamp magic, stuff like that.
Air + nature represented that fairy stuff, and they basically ripped out air+nature crosspath and made it into glamor, but of course there's not enough air+nature to make up its own path, so then they ALSO just went down the list and picked out even more spells one by one that were fine where they were and made those glamor as well, just to fill out a roster that was only made out of poached spells in the first place. Luck's another good example of that. Whats that got to do with glamor? Well I suppose if you stretch it enough you can say luck is influencing fate which is a human concept which means there's an interaction between that and senses which means...
>Tstrike's still pretty good innit?
it has 50 fatigue and gifts of heaven tier accuracy now, its way worse than other equivalent evos
Nah this is unironically part of strategy
Spite is a powerful force
Glamour is the generic "lol fairies" path
the real problem is that half the spells in the game are that already
Glamour is clearly a research school and not a magic path of its own
Glamor being a school called illusion would have made way more sense, yeah.
Still not really necessary.
>Glamour is the generic "lol fairies" path
Which was fine as A+N.
I mean no one is arguing in favor of glamor here right? I guess I'm just swaying wailing winds "for some reason" is really "the reason is self inflicted, and thats frustrating"
It's still global range strong single target + aoe frag/stun.
>strong single target
but it wont hit that single target, and any given mage can only cast it thrice at most
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Each blood hunting province generates 300-600 corpses per turn. A 250 or so corpse province produces 8 death gems. A 500 corpse province produces 12 or so death gems. Lanka can make raven feast casters for 25 air gems by giving a winged helmet to either an A3 raksharaja or a dakini. I already had 6 raven feast casters farming an average of 10 to 11 gems a turn from a blood hunting province each. If you have a bad air income or less hunters you can get a bit more value by having each raven feast caster alternate between two provinces, so they can pile up a second turn's worth of corpses between harvests (more than that and you'd be fighting against the speed of corpse decay). With 75 provinces I had a lot of air gems, I could cast a lot of raven feast, and spark maharishi lanka gives you as much chaff as you can stomach scripting, so setting up blood hunters to farm corpses from is no issue either. I actually AIed in the middle of a phase of rapid blood economy scaling, I was going to be setting up another 10+ hunter province per turn for the next few turns, and those could have corresponding raven feast casters. This is the kind of shit that drove me to AI by the way.

My goal was to put up a ridiculously overcasted Foul Air in Ur's Mother Oak slot after capping them, using Ubar's Ordeal by Fire to rape the mage core of everyone in the game, but then I realized that even if everyone is diseased I still needed to get 10 more thrones, and that I couldn't bear to do another turn of economic micro, so I went AI.
When I tried it I think I was doing black death and expecting a bajillion gems but didn't get very many at all. I guess it works better for blood hunting due to the log scaling instead of massacring the whole province in one turn.
Did you consider not making more econ micro if you already got that badly ahead? Just stop. Don't even pick up your virgins. Just go and win.
The choice was between playing in a way that felt incredibly suboptimal and playing in a way that was incredibly time consuming, and both were highly unpleasant.
reminder to do your turns
Oh, and even if I chose to be suboptimal, I still had to move 6 gorillion undead, high holy raktapatas, and so on, which would be both suboptimal AND time consuming. I really just dug myself a whole I couldn't get out of by picking the wrong type of nation, and the wrong type of pretender for that nation, in what was obviously going to be a big, long game. It was a genuine misplay on my part.
>No one makes money by being good at Dominions, so your point is moot.
No one makes money by being good at Dominions, so you just agreed with his point, bro.
Is it just me or are these things always EA?
Its just you anon, we play MA bitzes all the time, please pay no attention to the lizard behind the curtain
Is MA the usual favorite here? It seems like a good balance but so far I've found both EA and LA have more kino nations for my taste.
I'm not sure. I suppose its really different strokes for different folks. I personally only play EA since I don't like MA C'tis very much, but MA has a lot of cool unique nations like MA Ermor that makes it a draw.
That's like saying that someone is bad dominions player because he "didn't place well in Dreamhack 2018". It absolutely worthless statement, unless you believe lack of tourney with career players means all dominions players are identical in skill.
Are we talking about skill or money?
You only play EA and you only play C'tis?
Might need an extension on Overload. I got very drunk last night and struggling right now
yes let me get out of bed and grab coffee and food and ill be there in 20 minutes tops
Typically yeah. I did play MA Ermor in dom4.
Based. I miss getting drunk. I'm an oldfag and my body can't handle it anymore, so I just don't make friends anymore since I lost my social crutch.
same, MA just seems dull compared to EA and LA
how much?
We started at claim Lucid isn't good player because he doesn't actively earns money by playing, so skill I guess.
It's fine to say someone is streamer and not real talent, but this implies better avenues to show off skill and we got none.
A big plus of blood hunting is you're not expending resources just to kill pop, you're doing something that's already worth killing pop, and just generating extra value on top of that. You can also easily manipulate the amount of corpses you want per province through how many hunters you put there. I think the 400-500 area is the sweet spot, after that the amount of deaths per gem gets questionable, less than that and the amount of air gems per death gem gets questionable.
Who are your favorites in EA and LA, anon?
Ubar and Lanka for EA
Patala, Ragha and Andramania for LA
They have a lot going on and can do a lot at all stages of the game, with strong units and interesting themes
dudes be like "my micro got too complex"

my brother in christ, you picked the nation
blitzzzzzzzzzzzz anons
Well yeah, it was a misplay. Like I said in >>492957529. I basically cornered myself into a situation where I couldn't finish the game, by generating way too many manual tasks to deal with. It's probably no different than just lacking the APM to win in starcraft or something.

In hindsight, I had given up on winning back when I asked for a sub. I've just wanted to keep the engine running as long as possible, but it had long reached the point where keeping the nation running was too taxing for me to actually do necessary expansion warfare to win. In my defense though, the mod also changed the way the nation works in a way I wasn't prepared for.
MA and EA >>>>>>>>>>> dogshit > LA
The best era is the one in which R'lyeh isn't cancer.
I want to try Ragha. Any tard pointers for build?
Why do you hate LA so much? Just curious.
I wish magic reanimation bonus wasn't so crap.
Is there such an era? I'm not a big fan of seeing them in any game desu.
it's just boring
all the cool shit is gone and the only things left is bloodniggers
the number of cool and based nations in LA can be counted on one hand
>the number of cool and based nations in LA can be counted on one hand
The number of nations at all can be counted on one hand
>the number of cool and based nations in LA can be counted on one hand
List them for me. Again, just curious.
LA Pythium is my favorite in any era so far and I also enjoy Gath, although I think I am doinitrong.
I'd also like to note, I don't think I would be able to beat the stronger players in the game without putting in a lot of effort. I think the stronger players in the game are prepared to deal with big blobs of badly scripted undead chaff and holy/blood mages, and I don't have the energy to add the necessary scripting to those blobs to fight them. The AI might genuinely do a better job than me.
join it bros...
honestly i mostly played them in singleplayer
>get a bless for the zhayedans, cant go wrong with regen+extras
>make sure you can still recruit them with your scales, get heat, try a few times and see what you are bottlenecked by once you have your cap circle, resources or rec points
>the commander version is your single cap only, all your big mages can be recruited from anywhere and can do communions, blood or astral
>you can cast wolven winter with a tendie to get the caelians
>with your summons (https://illwiki.com/dom5/caelum-line-summons) you have access to every single path
beyond that, just go wild with buffs,evos, heavy cav, gryphons, blood, elephants, demons etc
>you can cast wolven winter with a tendie to get the caelians
What do you mean? How does the heat/cold duality even work exactly?
Luckmaxxing feels really dicey.
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>tfw luck 3 irl
Impressive. Very nice.
Very dicey like you said. Should have gone production instead of slothmaxxing.
im not asking anymore.
join. the. blitz. now.
Wanna 1v1 while we wait for lazy anons to notice that they need to join the blitz?
Haven't tried this map but it looks pretty
Wait fuck where are the province links
i think this map is intended to be used with an arena deathmatch mod and instead of playing normally you send fighters to the arena
I can join blitz hour or so later when I finished with the stuff.
Just say you're cranking off dude
Oh yeah. Gonna restart.
I restarted, you'll need to rejoin
LAmentations bros, I don't know if I can continue on this gay ugly map. Why do badmins do this?
Fuck outta here buddy
Fuck IN here buddy
just came to say hi
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There's going to be Gathering Sturm+ Sprite overhaul game, as soon as I can be fucked to host it and get some map. Will also throw in MA Fomoria and LA Eriu if we play either age, cause they look high effort enough, though I'm not sure about balance.
What era do anons want?
Heat give you excellent (and expensive) sacred and good troops but mediocre mages.
Cold give you good mages but mediocre troops.
You can technically switch from one to the other by casting rituals but it's not really convenient.

Troops and mages becomes (un)available depending on the climate.
What does the decay effect on the bane blade do? I can't see any explanation in game. Is this thing cool?
It rapidly ages victim and inflicts damage when over old age. It's meh (MR saves conditional DoT).
Thanks anon, looking to kit out an assassin so I want immediate results.
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Shortest horror story ever.

Note that baneblades themselves are decent early gear. It's magic weapon with okay stats. They make much more sense in sloops, but if D gems/crafters are your only options you don't get to pick. If you mark is super fat but low MR they may have a niche.
Most assassins get some better starting gear than low-end craftibles though.
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blitzmin youre making your turns so quick.... i cant keep up and i feel bad but the ghostly micro management is intense....
Its okay, take your time. Let me savor your ethereal tears.
Yeah I've got a few elements including fire, which I think has better early melee. I'm playing EA Ermor, so nothing cool like the serpent kryss but not bad. A pair of burning blades is probably better if I've got some fire gems though (and I do)
Burning blade is much better. Even single one makes more damage than 2h baneblade.
Once our duel is over
>common practice for Lucid to get free shit in degree notably different from baseline
what did he mean by this
Death basketing is sort of balanced for the times when someone backstabs you and gets a big advantage breaking a nap or betraying you unexpectedly. Or does some really gay frustrating strategy. Then you can even that out by sending someone else gems.

BUT if people are just doing it for no reason, then I think it is kind of lame. Like giving your friend in the game 100 gems is pretty unfair to someone just playing normally. Diplomacy is a big part of dominions and it can happen normally too. It's just kind of lame when there are coordinated out of game reasons to death basket someone, I dont like that and try to avoid it when playing with my friend for fairness.
Therodos just how much micro do you have..?
Video games aren't a hobby.
They are.
he aint cut out for the blitzlife he is 2slow
its my 3rd blitz game ever
i dont have years of blitz experience sorry bro
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are you a hotkey user? clicking everything is really going to slow you down even in normal games
Friendly reminder to JOIN BLITZ
that was not intended at all. this force was meant to link up with the other force and break your siege together but you abandoned your siege and moved into this province where this force was coming from, oh well.
I was actually expecting you to merge the armies and push me back. I thought I'd probably end up fighting the whole damn stack on that fort. I got lucky with the black magic that is army passing mechanics.
Hard pass.
Actually though, I'm busy anyway, so you slop consoomers have fun.
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Play on release day: Divine Emperor is bugged.
Play 9 months later: Divine Emperor is bugged.

I hope one day you will man up and play mod with scary spooky items. I'll shove some 2 gem baneblade into ya.
There been like four different Divine Emperor fixes in patches. Palanquin chads stay winning (but unable to cast some spells).
What spells can't he cast? I'm using him in two games and didn't know that.
yes i use hotkeys
perhaps not 100% optimally
Previously he been immobile (because his unmounted form is immobile, so no Gateway/Trapeeze/what else) and even true immobile (so not even Teleport) at some point, but all that should be fixed by now.
I'm either too autistic or not autistic enough for efficient hotkey use. Probably the latter.
Oh that's retarded. I've just been using him for some nice level 4 rainbow site searching and periodic Fires From Afar and shit like that. No issues.
>black magic that is army passing mechanics
its not exactly black magic, that was the expected outcome. i just forgot to consider it when i made the turn.
AFK 25 minutes.
You were sending shit from the fort I moved onto, onto the fort I moved off of right?
yes and they were meant to link up with the army from the other province but since you moved into them they never linked up, makes sense, and i know it works like this, i just didnt think of it at the time
If a large army moves passed a smaller army moving in the other direction, the larger army will TYPICALLY push the smaller army back, resulting in a fight in the smaller army's original province.
It looked like you had enough to push me back, but there's a DRN involved that can in some cases result in passing, though it seemed like the combined armies should have been enough for that not to happen.
The melias are cool but maybe you should consider putting them at the front. It seems like the ghosts are causing them to HP route before they even get into the fight.
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[screams internally]
yes i noticed that too
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I am sure to win for my spell is superior
lol youre trapped on that plane
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Oh am I?
You under estimate my power.
accidentally hit E
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The only serpent dancer to survive to the end of the hellish march east.
He left his home with 50 of his brethren and when he arrived he only had the wights for companionship.
Highly experienced, the elite of the elite, but with 1hp and wracked with disease, he lived just long enough to see his pretender capture the throne so many lives were laid down for.
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Anon I...
I'll roll back the turn so we can have one last biff.
Alright using my newly acquired bell-chair provided omnipotence I have turned back the clock by a month, unclaimed the throne, and then turned the clock forward again. You may have to disconnect and reconnect, the game isn't designed for this.
oh damn i got gapped.
ok gg then, no point in reverting turns.
ok one last turn but it wont alter the outcome at all
To be honest you got shafted pretty hard, between the magic weapons on serpent dancers, recruitable H3s, and everything having rPoison nullifying the foul vapors gimmick on the pretender, that's about worst match up you could possibly get.
The wights didn't help, and the throne gen was a bit wonky and stuck more of thrones on my side than yours.

Actually killing you was turning out to be an absolute pain, that map is usually a slog fest in the northern corridor until someone just runs out of shit, it was actually more fun with the funky water spawn.
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Well that worked.
with more preparation and levitation rings on melias i suppose i could beat your armies like this.
but not used to the blitz micro yet
anyway, good game.
also i didnt expect your army on the other plane to be strong enough to work your way through the indies and claim the throne
afk for a little while, ill resubmit my pretender when im back and the lobby is still up
dont mind if you start without me, itll be around 20 minutes
By this point I was running on fumes and really couldn't afford to lose sauromancers- especially since I trashed like 20 of them running facefirst into this brick wall >>492974918
If you started pulling that trick a few turns ago I probably would have been sweating bullets.
To be honest I've played that map before so I sort of knew what I was getting into when I strolled in there; I presume you ran face first into the le tricky fase ambush and stack wiped? I went around that, though the fight at the end >>492975202 was definitely a gamble. I didn't actually think I had a very good shot at winning that but the indies couldn't hit shit during darkness.
We've only got three right now, and I like to start with at least five. So I'll wait.
Sorry, I'll go then. Already too tired.
To be honest I can only stick around for like three hours so it'll probably be a quick one.
I'm at the gym and i need my dinner so if you can wait 45m i'll play blitzmin
I'll try. I don't think there are many people on right now anyway so I'll probably end up waiting.
It's noon in Evropa so all the high paying doctors, CEOs and engineers (99% of this general) are hard at work
im back
Anymore takers?
Xibalba are you still around?
For now, have to go in 3h though.
personally, i can get used to these frequent blitz games.
maybe if other anons see we play blitz they will join more readily and prepare builds for blitz and such.
Alright, I can't stay for too long either, we'll do a (probably shitty) three player game. If >>492977342 rocks up soon I'll restart for him.
That'd be nice. I remember the days of regular 10 player blitzes in /v/alheim; I think we even got a 24 player blitz going once on parganos, it was awesome.
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looked away for one second
no more passwords on every turn, very nice
uhhh my bad for not expecting xibalba in my cap ring on turn 5 i guess
What the fug
>yet another game taken over by xibalbros
Makes you wonder...
ah i share my cap ring with both ctis and xibalba, okey dokey
As long as there's no goysloop, I'm in.
truth be told i dislike sloops too but join anyway because i want to play blitz...
long story short i would also prefer playing without sloops
UW nations can be a bit like that. You've got the whole pond to yourself and you can pick and choose where you wanna pop up on the land.
That wasn't a long story at all. It was one sentence.
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i love melias btw
they have recuperation
this one lost an arm and it just grew back
XibalbGODS stay winning
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Holy fuck committing sudoku
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Aha! He's learning
don't know what is it exactly that i learned...
the remote and inaccessible lord
>turn 60
>half the thrones unclaimed
classic /domg/ game
if there are heat scales in the province, you get abysian mages and sacreds there (generally better)
if there are cold scales, you get caelians
wolven winter can cool down a province temporarily, but if you go heat for the zhayedans you will need a tendie to cast it
do these 10 hours earlier and i'd come
Just conquer a cold neighbor and get your fill of bird mages before your dominion sets in there
how? i still have to type in my password every turn
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>Nah this is unironically part of strategy
Well, then were playing different games, he didn't thought his strategy to increase his odds of winning, but to make someone lose; in fact, he lost the game because of it, and he had all the odds to win (top research, top economy for the whole game because he had a free game). I wasn't even one of the favorites to win, he didn't have any reason to do that, he just did it and lost all his chances to win.
Yah, and let this be the last post about this shitshow, but that's not based, dedicating a whole month to make sure someone lose his time spent in the game is Jewish (sociopathic) af, since we are not talking about a 30 minutes MOBA game, this was a 3 months long campaign.
no idea, it's only on 1st turn after connecting for me
i thought blitzmin changed something
I'm not sure how the protocol determines whether you need to put your password in, and the motd showing always turn 1 is just because I only send the motd on the initial connection.
LA has sassanids, samurai, hobbits, ptolemaic mermaids, mongols, inuit and goblins, which are all pretty cool
it was a long story, but Anon shortened it to one sentence
Based, i vote on MA
I think I might be fucked
Yeah this is why I like it, and you didn't even mention it has the coolest version of Romans in Pythium.
Do you two need an extension?
no i had to afk for a bit which is why this turn took a while
I'm probably going to have to bounce soon
dont have much dominions left in me either, after 6 hours straight
leaving in 20min too
>LA has sassanids
Ragha is a shitter
Shinuyama does it better
kill all first nations and kill ALL frogs
i resign bros
sorry to leave abruptly but my fatigue has reached 100
Thanks for playing therobro
Bring that wight stack over here xibalba and we'll have one last biff.
going to your cap then
Oh I thought glimmering fields would be closer. I'll walk back then.
didn't have enough damage-dealing (to non-undead) magic on my side... not enough mages either
gg and thanks for hosting
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gee gee
Interesting game, you out maneuvered me pretty hard the whole way through, in hindsight trying to play checkers with xibalba was a bad idea, probably should have consolidated and made a push instead of trying to fight your bast raiding squads piecemeal. Your bat raiding parties were very effective
>Maybe because we're infected by discordniggers yeah
no it's the discord niggers that hate deathbasketing
this is /domg/ which runs on pure spite

obviously you are a newfag and that was unbeknownst to you
deathbasketing is inherently an act of revenge
someone kills you so you make their enemy stronger. It allows a dying player to have an impact on the game. Why should I not be allowed to use my resources in anyway I see fit to influence the outcome of the game?

the discordniggers whine "it's dishonorable" "it's not fair" etc..

to which the only reply is "SEETHE MORE FAGGOT"
Needed to plan my research better as well but I wanted to try xib/flying nation. Was fun so it's all good in the end. Pretty sure I would've done better against Therodos than you since I had a bunch of mages who can cast wither bones, and you stopped making undeads.
WarhammerTime has had 24 hours added for Black Crag
I mean there isn't exactly white peace or war exhaustion in Dominions so the time old narrative device of a loser cursing the winner by offering what little he has left to another isn't out of the question.
its even the logical thing to do from a roleplay viewpoint because the pretender that defeated you is inclined to hate you because you fought each other. even if that pretender is some merciful paragon of virtue or some shit and doesnt hate you after you fought each other - in any case the pretender that you help ascend (the guy you send all your gems to) is more likely to like you and treat you well after his ascension.
because if you look at a pretender's description you will see none of them are mortal, it always says in their description they were exiled or imprisoned or whatever. therefore after this ascension war is over your pretender will continue to exist and wants to be treated well by the future god instead of being exiled or imprisoned or tortured.
Do you guys ever wake up on turn 30 and go "Okay, it's time to get my cap circle" ?
Don't the Chinese community have a weird thing where they NAP until year 3?
that explains the present state of geopolitics
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>24 hours added
I don't play memehammer but I'd be pretty mad if I was in this game
Why is Foul Vapors such shit? It used to be amazing.
i thought about that recently. maybe the chinks are onto something.
a big part of the game is planning. so if you think your gameplan is well optimised then the gap between you and a less skilled/knowledgeable player will automatically widen over time because you make better use of your resources. but not only that; as time goes on there will be more room for the less skilled player to make mistakes and self-destruct.
so on turn 1 everything is equal, on turn 15 the better player will have an advantage, on turn 30 the better player will have a great advantage.
yes, its advantageous to win early wars to accumulate more resources. but initiating one, you cant count on the opposing player being much worse than you, much less can you expect to defeat him with no cost.
so even if you intiate an early war lets say at turn 15 and annex the opposing player almost completely, you will have invested a lot right? that took a while, and then it will take another while to recover the cost invested, which will be quick because you have a lot more resources now, but its not instant.
so lets say its now turn 30, you have lots of provinces, two caps, maybe youre already fighting and winning the next war, and you have economically recovered from the war. but a third player who silently scaled during all this time is probably not much weaker than you are right now because he hasnt invested anything in any wars + he didnt take any risks, so what if the first war didnt work out for you and you found yourself losing? this player didnt. and maybe this player is now in a position to fight a much easier early war against a weaker player.
>you have lots of provinces, two caps, maybe youre already fighting and winning the next war, and you have economically recovered from the war. but a third player who silently scaled during all this time is probably not much weaker than you are right now because he hasnt invested anything in any wars

That's really not how that works, you can't 'silently scale' into much of anything in dominions. The guy with 2 caps and lots of provs is always gonna be stronger than the guy with one cap and a modest amount of provs.
Only true if the player that won the first war is heavily reliant on cap-only sacred, which in 99% of the case will just go AI if their sacred stack get wiped.
Also more province = more gems and production, gold is less and less of an issue the longer a game last unless you're Yomi or Nazca.
Why is everyone attacking me? t. Nurgle
i cant anymore
didnt know chinese play this game

MEME lovers is currently on 9, if no one else is interested I will start making a map today or tomorrow, for a start thursday or friday
>, if no one else is interested I will start making a map today or tomorrow
wait didnt you imply we will play on the world map in your original post? it would fit a meme game...
I don't recall saying anything of the sort but you know what I like that idea, let it be so
Just waiting a bit to see if more people show up then I'll make the final announcement and from that people will have 24h to fix their stuff (like those damn OOOOO)
Belay that it's a 340 provinces map, way too many for 9 players (or 10)
I'll find something equally memetastic then
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What the hell is this thing
satanic geometry
kabbalah map when
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Orix must have ran afoul of the anti piracy protection so we're restarting without them. Sorry for any hassle.
I will let the people decide

EITHER THIS GEOMETRICAL MAP (225 provinces = 22.5/player)


FLOATING ARCHIPELAGOS (wraparound) (190 provinces = 19/player)

The logical thing from an RP point of view is that you're machiavelli in an existential war for survival and having anything leftover whatsoever to give away is totally irrational. All it takes is a medium sized player to send their stack of RP boosters away for free in the midgame for the entire thing to go to shit. There's no enemy of my enemy in dominions, every other player is someone that wants a turn to fuck your wife.
its gotta be the satanic geometry
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first time i get a nap proposal from the ai
>king of the wind and of the hoe
>every other player is someone that wants a turn to fuck your wife
Sometimes you want to see your wife fucked tho
I often get them when they don't have a border with me at all.
>ruler of farts and bitches
How does generating map via bltizserver work? I can't see any presets being available the way you can set in sp dom.
based, i like this capcircle much better
according to blitzmin it works the same way as hosting an illwinter lobby. illwinter lobbies dont have the presets from sp either.
i vaguely remember a post from a while ago saying blitzserver gen is different from illwinter gen so im not sure. maybe im just imagining things.
it doesnt
it uses the default options so you're guaranteed a garbage map
your mom is a garbage map
fact: if your pretender build cant win sp against impossible ai with 60% thrones required it is NOT ready for domg mp games
but domg lobbies after a year or two are full of normal ais, not impossible ones
I went from a 5 prov cap to a 4 prov...
I have 3 less resources in this cap circle. I expect a full cash refund.
the ai can be beat by just increasing pd and summoning air/fire elementals retard
The AI shows up in your cap circle with 4 trillion heavy infantry. What's your next move?
wow, just summon more eles since it doesn't understand the concept of counters
4 trillion heavy infantry would need thousands of gems of elementals. Wanna try again?
You can't have that many units before the game starts auto deleting them, rtfm.
It's a thought exercise.
Nurgle is generally believed to be quite strong as the game gets later and later, and you also spread plagues to your neighbors. For my part I have nowhere to expand but into a player, and another player asked me if I wanted to attack you, I said yes so here we are.

t. Bone Nose tribe git
In my thoughts, I let the game delete their shitfantry before I have to deal with it. Next!
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Buffed these guys in battle
considering making them foreignrec only (with a temple)
and possibly making them cheaper

It doesn't need to know concept of counters if player already countered them via, say, FR on bless.
AI don't season dey sacreds
How about making it auto cast bless at level 2 every turn?
Looking over the settings when you ask dom6 to generate a map during a game start (when running via the CLI) and I don't think you can even ask it which mode to use. That's a strange gap, its not like these templates were only added in dom6.
Might as well have it autocast divine blessing
but then I am definitely going to make it foreignrec (with temple) only
It doesnt build stacks to bless efficiently like players do, but for nations with common H3s or just numerous priests most sacreds end up blessed.
Could you give him some kind of funky reanimation mechanic so when grail knights in the battle die they pop up as more reliques?
>bankrupted after one battle
That's why they're looked on with "disgust bordering on horror".
I think that would be gimmicky and wouldn't really add much in terms of actual gameplay or decision making.
I mean its no less effective right? Its just obscenely hard to cast now.
born to game
forced to goon
Just never play in such a way that happens? Before you’re just a cap liguidate and pump pd to the moon and hire every merc, play to not be in that position, it will be far better revenge hell alchemize spam summons spam magic weapons for scouts, every gem is 1/4 of your best gem not a useless thing to send out before your stormed, ok sometimes its natural or you cant really sell stuff which if no one will give you even an ok price then ruining the game for them by deathbasketing is what they are asking for,but when they come to kill you, 10 gems on your shitty mages can mean you win that fight and really ruin their game, and if you just dont want to check turns anymore send everyone out ti die fighting
>deathbasketing people when you're not even under attack
>conveniently always "deathbasket" the e-celeb
we're not talking about the same thing
>There's no enemy of my enemy in dominions, every other player is someone that wants a turn to fuck your wife.
Virtue unironically seems like a girl who would only imprison your tendie if your tendie has got titles like Enemy of Youth or Father of Horrors or some shit
you just know
>ruining the game for them by deathbasketing
wtf are you talking about?
deathbasketing ruins the game? what fucking faggotry is this? DISCORD TRANNY OUT OF MY GENERAL
As /domg/ wisdom goes, if you die with gems you played badly. Sending gems away instead of using them is weak.
You would know that if you weren't newfag.
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>Sending gems away instead of using them is weak
been playing since dom4
this has always been a discord tranny opinion
Using gems is discord tranny option? What's next, deploying mages is discord tranny and people there go "your mages (are not in the lab), bro"?
now you are just being obtuse
like a discord tranny
bet you hate sloop's too
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>not deleting your own fort and lab and plundering the fuck out of your cap before going AI
Of course I'm enjoying Sloop's™ as real /domg/ veteran; this most blessed mod buffs weaker avenues to spend gems for better no-deathbasket experience.
>anti-sloopsfaggot also a mad discordnigger who thinks deathbaskets are le bad
Why would I delete my forts? That just makes it EASIER for other players to conquer me.
This. So much this. Sorry discordniggertrannies, but from now on I only scoop to the Sloop.
>still falseflagging
I do delete labs sometimes but only rarely
the problem with deleting labs is you can't do it while under siege which seems a bit counterintuitive, surely the lab is inside the castle
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welp rolled my hero already
Looks like a goblin in Samurai armor
Is there a way to mod heroes so they show up turn 1 (except the restricted ones which show up whenever)?
heroes show up with events
you can make a custom event that creates the hero turn 1
maybe it's too dangerous to blow up all the magical equipment while it's inside the fort /cope
make it constantly spawn those pilgrims like lifelong protection does imps
doesn't make thematic sense
where are they coming from?
I could bump the number it spawns at the start I guess. They are decent raiders, been testing them a little
the huge horde of pilgrims holding the thing on the pic
>NÃ¥got gick fel!
>bc: Mount Camel (unr 9643, hp 20, lnr 188)'s master (Nabaean Camel Rider (unr 9641, hp 0, lnr 0)) is not -2 [bataftermath]
Na'Ba broke the game and looks like we not gonna host before Blitzmin wakes up.
Oh, it hosted successfully after three attempts. I still blame Na'Ba.
it already spawns a bunch of pilgrims at battle start. And those are denoted in the recruitment screen. The actual sprite is like 7 guys holding it up. The horde is the actual horde it spawns
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wtf is illwinter smoking?
glamour was a mistake
That's supposed to be Living Glamour, but instead of wholesale deal like with eles you get single improved summon at lowish path.
Not even improved - beast is probably stronger. That would make sense if there are multiple knights (Living X eles are also smaller than conj5 singleton summons), but there is single knight.
It should be ok: permanent elf knights are 5/pop, getting temporary one for single gem is decent.
But yeah, it's iffy: for most elespamming scenarious it's easier to drop Twilight and just summon Beasts instead.
seems good then, just make them sacred and divine blessing them then
way ahead of you nigga

I did a much better version of this at conj5 for Bretonnia. Noticed it and was beside myself
For slaanesh I am thinking the troop ability set is going to be
>def skill
>glamour (rare)
>awe (rare)

For the seduction I am thinking that the human seducers do actual seduce
the herald and daemon prince use dream seduction
and the keeper of secrets uses corruption
Mostly for thematics

going to do make some charm variants (for example a spell that charms, but defense negates and then it makes a sleep cloud.)

Keeper of secrets is going to cast a mini (like aoe 10 or something) master enslave on battle start

any other ideas anons?
There is some spell that will make a unit sometimes attack randomly around it, and will even attack allies. That might tie in better than a straight up "your unit is mine now" charm in some situations.
IDK if that fits Slaanesh so much as Tzeentch though
I will consider it. But the individual chaos god nations should have very defined themes. With little overlap IMO
It is impossible to specifically damage the groins of units so I dunno
>looming hell is level 9 in non sloop
man, you cant do anything fun in discord lobbies, they also make it individual research
Many rituals become so much more viable if they're not gated by extra 8-12k RP.
*Acquire Mount*

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