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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous Thread: >>492750859

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Tomoe (Qipao) (3*)
Marina (Qipao) (3*)

Moonlight Dream - 8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)

Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 8/28 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>8/20 (Tue) After Maint - 9/3 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Aru (Dress) (3*)
Kayoko (Dress) (3*)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
From Opera 0068 with Love! - 8/20 (Tue) After Maint - 9/3 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Chesed (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Red Dmg) - 8/27 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/2 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 8/26 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/2 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/30 (Fri) 19:00 - 9/1 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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>steals Sensei
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please keep the doomposting to a minimum in this thread
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Ok ya'll it's 2024, can we NOT doompost? DO *clap* BETTER *clap*
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Poster above me got licked.
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Hello sirs.
Give me one more jiggy
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Sensei (me), is quite the lucky man.
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doomposting is bad for your mental health
It's 5am in the Philippines, we'll be fine.
midori love doko???
I was the one at 41 last check.
kokona is so beautiful and erotic
sorry I've just never seen a pregnant woman naked. I didn't know their buttons inflated like that.
That one dude replacing Miyako's halo with Noa's got me paranoid ever since, but I wonder how long would it take for anyone noticing Midori and Nonomi's halos being swapped.
I forgive you
BA may not be dying, but this general sure is if we're going to start parroting fucking /gig/ now.
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My precious desert rose.

The September affection check is still currently open. Still working on that first draft, it'll either be dropped this thread or the next one so look forward to that. Remember I want her base. Including her alt is optional and a nice flex but her base is what I'm looking for.
>Can I post her if she isn't maxed?
Of course. Works in progress are always a joy to. Remember the climb to the peak isn't a race.
>Can I post if I only play on JP
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I also forgive you
id fuck this
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>I've just never seen a pregnant woman naked
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Kokuriko should have bigger breasts
good thing fan artists fix her
Heh I was just about to do that. Wouldn't want to miss it.
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>some homosexual is making ProjeetKV generals
We already had enough shitposting with /fgo/
>T8 pins
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I despise Arona for making me go to pity and forcing me to choose (went with Kayoko).
still waiting for proof that doremi left
been focused on farming events and comms > gear
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>didn't make it to 50 after reset
I'll wait for next month, my shame is too great.
>t8, t8, t8, t8
So I don't miss it >>492765868
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Ni ha ha ha.
yeah I'm forgiving Kokuriko and Shuro
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hard choice but good choice
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Wait, who left?
Posted the catbox at the end of last thread, but fuck it I'll post here again to be safe.
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I agree completely
There was literally a week of no event and triple normals
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
Kim Yongha
Me, but I'm back
i went for some taco bell
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What are you playing this weekend? I've been trying and failing to clear pantheon 4 since friday
Blue Archive
me I was feeding my cat sorry
Yeah, I was focusing commissions then too, trying to get my last few students leveled
Is Mari useful?
I am still too lazy to do torment knowing I can plat with insane...
Mika should die
>I can plat with insane...
You were doing 1x comms during 3x normals? Holy fucking brick.
>missing out on the extra raid coins that can buy used to buy more crafting fodder for gifts
Your wife would not approve
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I left to tap Aru.
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uninstalling rn
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>Hina olev is gone
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I'm sorry I just don't enjoy this game anymore bros....
I have more than enough fodder without 2% more coins
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Hina love is eternal
>Just finished UE50ing all students in the raid shop except Hanako
When does Set drop?
We are SO back
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Everyone, it's over...
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I'm going to Aru.
>globalcucks won't be able to read KV on release
It's over...
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shut up you stupid fucking bitch.
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Me, I'm leaving.
Good bye Seia bros, the daily doomposting has become too taxing for my taste and I've lost all reason to keep going at this point: I thought I hated the lack of Seia because I didn't have
enough sexy characters but now that I do I've realized it's quite simply unenjoyable without her. The writing and story are fun but since most of the time Seia isn't there I can't be arsed to actually read them, so they're pretty much a non-factor; and finally, the students look great but that alone is not enough to keep me interested when the Doomfox is still missing.
I wish you the best for the future and I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you till eos.
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>has become too taxing for my taste
hey I've seen this one!
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>globalcucks won't be able to read KV on release
Thank god.
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damn SEAniggy you really got butthurt about getting called out huh
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Don't worry, summaryniggers will still shit up the thread endlessly
I doubt it’s gonna get a global release at all unless some oil baron invest in their brand new company and tells them to create a global version, one of the reasons BA got a global release was the fact that Nexon is huge
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Я, я yхoжy.
Пpoщaй, Ceйя, бpaтцы, eжeднeвныe дyмпocты cтaли cлишкoм yтoмитeльными для мeня, и я пoтepял вcякyю пpичинy пpoдoлжaть: я дyмaл, чтo нeнaвижy oтcyтcтвиe Ceйи, пoтoмy чтo y мeня нeдocтaтoчнo ceкcyaльных пepcoнaжeй.
ceкcyaльных пepcoнaжeй, нo тeпepь, кoгдa oни ecть, я пoнял, чтo бeз нee мнe пpocтo нeинтepecнo. Пиcaть и paccкaзывaть интepecнo, нo пocкoлькy бoльшyю чacть вpeмeни Ceйи тaм нeт, я нe мoгy зacтaвить ceбя читaть их, тaк чтo oни пpaктичecки нe игpaют poли; и, нaкoнeц, yчeники выглядят зaмeчaтeльнo, нo oднoгo этoгo нeдocтaтoчнo, чтoбы зaинтepecoвaть мeня, кoгдa Дyмфoкc вce eщe oтcyтcтвyeт.
Я жeлaю вaм вceгo нaилyчшeгo в бyдyщeм и coжaлeю, чтo нe cмoг ocтaтьcя c вaми дo eos.
Does Aru know how to masturbate?
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Yostar isn't doing the localization so it's also unreadable to the nips lmao
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Thank you.
She's arguably the best character in Blue Archive.
dumb bitch you'll eat the paint
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this hole was made for me
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>DoReMi gets back to porn
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its always fucking funny when you have like 3 """JP""" fags in the thread trying to machine tranlsate their way through the story.
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Best at sex
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>Iroha sees you having a date with pic related
lmao look at the ears
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it's funny how getting banned due to racism is such an on and off thing.
like, sometimes you can scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER no one cares, and others you can say you don't like gangsta rap and get a three day vacation.
funny how jannies work

Blue Archive
>offtopic post not deleted
>momoiposting deleted
fuck you jannigga.
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Hina my love
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Last month was my first affection check.
Sorry bros, but I'm out of ligmas...
/bag/ SEA discord reported it en mass
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I'm back.
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when will the good times come back... im tired...
kim yongha, say fucking something
Lmao look at this moron.
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shut up
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I'm front.
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It's because reporting it works, sometimes when I'm losing an argument I say I'm from some random non white ethnicity to bait a slur, report them so they get deleted and win the argument by default
when fuuka banner
dont give me a genuine answer just give me that aru holding up fingers picture
get a better phone
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Me, I haven't played the game in months.
>inb4 why are you here
I hate the game, not the girls.
>admit to being brown to win the argument
Maybe flips really are the strongest race
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why are you here
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I don't feel like reading...
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Students taking off their socks
Me drinking tea filtered through them.
Uma delicia
This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
He's the lead art director / chara designer for the new thing. That's about as good as confirmation as you're gonna get.
Not a role you take lightly if it was just a side thing.
I bet 50 bucks you're from Indonesia.
Just take note of who you have yet to meet, skip all of them and then watch the meeting on youtube
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Foom is not for lewd. Lewd Red Foom instead. She is way more erotic.
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This many hours
So you're here for those reasons? I don't compute.
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Junko love!
Still hoarding...
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Can someone give me a QRD unironically on KV project?
>and then watch the meeting on youtube
this part will never happen if I do that
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This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
I feel the same way, I just wanna make a loving family with Midori.
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File deleted.
Ibuki is 11 years old
ask in /kvg/
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This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
The 12'800.000 credits...
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Me neither. It's late. I failed at reading comprehension. I'm here to see and save cute pics of my students. Sometimes post them as I have like 10k BA-related pics saved.
I'm a slav.
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This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
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you can't post that
Despising the game doesn’t make me love Seia any less.
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JTF mob sex.
out of 10
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This game is Seia. Gameplay is seialess. Story is seia. Events are seialess.
Bing. Seymour Bing.
child pussy
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This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
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I wish this game was Seialess so I don't have to hear all this ironic doomposting which is still doomposting.
>I'm a slav.
Don't you have a war to die in?
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Cant even gold with extreme anymore
Comfy autoge no more
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Halo Festival archival soon.
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Canon proof that Junko and Fuuka are actually good friends.
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This game is BING. Gameplay is bingless. Story is bing. Events are bang.
Man I love Seiaposters shitposting retards with terrible opinions into oblivion
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Or nexon could release seia any minute now and her meme status is destroyed and forgotten but no
why this gives me ako vibes (Little Witch Academia)
Gehennoid Lives Don't Matter!
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I'm from central europe, not east.
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ironic seialess posting is still seialess posting
If it's just a VN then I don't see a problem in mixing both roles
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>still waiting for proof that doremi left
I wish it was just rumors but the PV they released confirms he's gone. Gonna miss that fucker
>Even steals character intro graphs from BA
KV isn't using it's best
>doujin circle
not proof
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are you the depressed Misaki guy from back then?
i'm still waiting big dawg
Canon proof that Seia's been replaced and it's NOT going to be released.
God damn you people are so fucking retarded it's unreal
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This game is SHIT. Gameplay is worthless. Story is mid. Events are trash.
There is zero chance this is just a VN. All signs are pointing to a multimedia project like BA, with the VN being the starting point to attract attention / investors.
flat colors and boring design
Who's the canon NIGGER of Blue Archive?
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stop dooming seia
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dont care didnt ask
MX2J, Doremi, Isakusan
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Ta gra to GÓWNO. Gameplay jest bezwartościowy. Historia jest przeciętna. Eventy są śmieciami.
Kill yourself
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Did you feed your homeress wife durint her lowest point of life, anon?
Thats not the doujin circle announcement.
His fucking name is on there with his role listed as アートディレクション, what more do you want?
>BA given names are all in katakana
>KV given names are all in hiragana
What does it mean patternbros?
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O kurwa, ktoś gada w moim języku!
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Jungs, mal ganz ernsthaft? Was haltet ihr von Kotama?
Ich liebe Kotama, ihre Haut ist so zart wenn ich sie streichel, ihre Lippen so sanft wenn ich sie küsse, ihr Haar riecht nach Tropical Shampoo wenn wir im Bett kuscheln.
Ich liebe Kotama!
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Next time I quit my job I'll make sure to first tease a small VN to potentially attract investors to my project (with no guarantee of anyone coming in)
Enough about JFT-chans, I want to hug those thug-chans
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So how long is that KV pooject going to be playable? 2030?
BA students are American because only Americans can own guns
KV students are Japanese because only a true Japanese can master the blade
du bist braun
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Wow, I didn't think it could get worse.
My condolences.
Katakana is traditionally used for writing foreign words which means that BA is set in Kivotos which is not japan in any way.
KV uses hiragana which is used for domestic words which means it's undeniably set in japan.
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This may come as a surprise but.
Ironic doomposting stops being ironic when people take it seriously
I'm not the problem, (you) are.
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I'm bolish and can spreche doitsch.
You can get b& for not speaking English.
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Good evening. I love Karin. Thank you.
There is no such things as guarantees in business. If it fails then so be it, but that's the risk everyone has to take. It's not as baffling as you make it sound.
nom nom
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Ironic seiaposting is still seiaposting.
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Can't I even pretend gooku speaku anymore anonu?
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Bin ziemlich weiß, Brudi.
2027(+6 years for the machine translation to come out)
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Nagisa and Mika have started kidnapping random blonde students to have a tea party with them...
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As you should.
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Ironic? More like iconic Seiaposting
How is what was posted wrong? Koreans also conclude that mx2j and DoReMi left for the new company. They're essentially project leads over there, it's not like it's some small one-off thing.
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Nope, I ain't him. Yuuka is my student.
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Good hour(s).
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it doesn't matter if it's ironic or not, there is nothing inherently wrong with doomposting
If you get influenced by it, that's just your fault for being a faggot
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Retard, kill yourself
>even the mosquitoes want his Aryan blood
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Why can't she look like this?
o kurwa
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Ich hasse neger und Frauen
What mental illness do Karin have?
Where are those from? An upcoming BA gacha clone? Been living under a rock for a while
I wish children were real.
Tell me how I'm wrong that mx2j and doremi left and I will at least consider your suggestion. Otherwise no, I'm good.
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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Guh... phew.... That was a good valentine
pikachuman is not a responsible adult.
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Omnipandering shit
>An upcoming BA gacha clone?
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head too big for the body
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too late
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>effected by doompost doomposting
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Seiafags don't exist huh.
When do we get that one real estate girl as a proper NPC?
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Sorry for mistaking you then.
Had a very deep discussion on Biedronka vs Lidl with a misakifag few months ago.
shut up seia
Gn. Also get rid of that mustache please, thanks.
melanin, also does
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i learned this word from porn
sexy seia...
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Dlaczego umiesz szprechać po niemiecku? Moja nauczycielka niemieckiego była pokręcona i nie uczyła nas dobrze. Przez to w liceum ledwo zdałem niemiecki a teraz prawie nic z niego nie pamietam. Wakamo ist übrigens ein sehr süßes Mädchen.
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I'm allergic to those motherfuckers...
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Quica quica gostoso, rebolando desse jeito, vai me fazer delirarrrrr
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Ibuki who taug-
enough about genshin
i win
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SEXy Plana
Kotori, Kotama, I'm the guy with the gun.
>Where are those from? An upcoming BA gacha clone?
If you remember isakusan (lead writer of BA) leaving months ago, he formed a new company with a bunch of other BA staff who left to join him. Including illustrators like hwansang (designed characters like Yuuka, Hifumi, shiroko, etc.), mx2j (Karin, Asuna, Kasumi, Kazusa, Iori, etc.), and DoReMi (Hina, Alice, Ako, Aru, Mutsuki, etc.)
They just released a visual PV for their new game today, hence why /bag/ is freaking out
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Globalbros, I haven't touched the 0068 event stages. Are they hard?
Ex blue archive devs make it
Literally blue archive but red and swords
Koreans are fucking pissed since its Koreans making a jap focused game for japs alongside rumors of project kv poaching blue archive devs and sabotaging BA from the inside
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eine Nachtfotos im Profil
I think he needs to break his hands again, Thank fuck my student wife isn't made by him
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/bag/ is freaking out that it's so over bros...
I cried.
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That doesn't sound like Australian to me, cunt.
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Attention all agents. Set your student reps to Makoto and execute order bravo.
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Um, VN bros?
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>There are unironic retards who think artists are tied to a company and leave forever when they do art for another game
This general is unsalvageably retarded
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Wasn't aware at all, I barely hops around here and I am not that deep into BA related news. What's the name of the game? Also, the last JP stuff released was also written by Ika or it was someone elsem
Let me hope for mx2j's departure.
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Why were you having a biedronka vs lidl discussion? Also lidl is better. My nearest biedronka is notoriously ugly and littered with pallets. The product presentation is ugly and the only reason I go there is because they're open at 5am when I'm commuting to work so I can stop there and buy some food for the day.
the opposite, ezest ones thus far
>check rank
>hasn't gone down
the sleeper agents can't surpass 27.6m confirmed
I am safe
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>OP has mustache = edit has mustache
that simple

have this as a bonus since I made a qipao edit for that seia qipao OP
>have these dreams sort of dreams
>but with my sister
>don't even like my sister that much or find her erotic at all
Why is my mind like that I don't even think incest is hot.
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>tired as sin
>too early to sleep
>too late to nap
Is there a worse hell?
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fuck, I meant challenge stages
People coping that it's just a VN are delusional. Which is a nicer way of saying these people are fucking retarded.
You don't get a bunch of ex-devs just to make some piddling doujin VN. They're in this for the long haul. Both KR and JP understands this, why /bag/ doesn't I will never know.
Blue Archive?
>make an 11 years old student
>draw her with a body of 7yo
What did the artist mean by this?
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I'm already in gold, I don't care anymore
In comparison to the recently released events that switched to the 3 stage + EX format, this is definitely one of the easier ones
The brain doesn't really care, it will pull random people to fill in whatever role the dream needs
Ex BA dev got butt angry and poached all of the staff from BA gutting it from the inside, leaving no one make BA anymore. Made his own company and game called KV, and there's no way it could have been this complete already if they weren't working on it for the last year while "working" on BA. Which is likely why the BA release schedule went to shit over the last year and there was a clear lack of direction. The seiacord is undefeated.
>1800 torment clears on Asia
That's more than I expected...
Do you think Momoi and Midori wanna fuck each other?
How about Shun and Kokona?
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BA was getting old anyway.
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Gold is trash. Nin nin~
They aren't just doing art for another game, numbnuts. It's not like whoisshe popping in every now and then to do an alt, they're the fucking lead designers for the entire joint. That entails serious time commitments that would make them working on BA at the same time completely untenable.
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Dreams have meaning, anon. And your dream means something.
That's right, it means that you should fuck your mother.
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You have been lied to.
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Ma died in 2016.
who is your studentwife
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They wanted Hifumi to be the protagonist but John Nexon told them no. So they left and is now a creating a new game with notHifumi as the protagonist. Hifumi killed Blue Archive.
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We don't know the name yet, it's just going by an alias for now similar to how BA used to be called Project MX.
Last JP stuff was released by isakusan, supposedly it was written a real long time ago and the schedule only finally got around to it this year in JP.
Doremi definitely was under contract with nexon since atleast 2018
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You can only work for one game. And make sure that game isn't BA, that one is scheduled for EOS soon
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KV looks like nipwank
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What's the issue? Seems faithful to the base art.
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Torment Hiero had 4,299 clears for Asia. I'm more surprised it's that low for Chesed. I expected at least ~3,000
Well, what do you suggest?
Cyberbullying Doremi and Hwansang into coming back and making us 3 more Hina alts and 7 more Hifumi alts?
How do we save /bag/?
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I wouldn't mind seeing that main KV girl get nakadashi'd 5 times in a row and seeing her vagina overflow with semen but then again when I look at Hifumi she scratches that same kind of itch without any compromises
Don't worry anon, I know you were just trying to make a joke.
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The best thing about Pr*jectKV is that I'm not playing it
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Ex BA dev got butt angry and poached all of the staff from BA gutting it from the inside, leaving no one make BA anymore. Made his own company and game called KV, and there's no way it could have been this complete already if they weren't working on it for the last year while "working" on BA. Which is likely why the BA release schedule went to shit over the last year and there was a clear lack of direction. The seiacord is undefeated.
Imagine how happy she'd be to look down and see her children raising a happy family together bro...
I don't suggest not prescribe anything on what people ought to do, I'm only describing what's happening.
KV doesn't have the power of Nexon paid fanart so they already lost
Make me a mod
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>Game will EOS before Seia comes out
Karma is a bitch.
can you elaborate on the book you're reading seia
But it has BA's online clout
Ban all brown people, including slavs.
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>1425 chesed torment clears on NA
>hiero had 3617
dying game hello?
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By posting more students
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>If you fail, it's a rebellion. If you succeed, it's a revolution.
That's going to be the tag line of Project KV going forward. If it works out, everyone who was screaming is going to look like retards. If it doesn't, they'll all be vindicated.
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How well do you know your students /bag/?
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
ten more minutes
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Urodzony u szwabów, dojrzewający w Polsce i z powrotem. W szkołach to mnie z języka Niemieckiego musieli wyciągać poprzez niekończące sie poprawianie nauczycieli. Und dass Wakamo süß ist weiß jeder Sensei weltweit.

I think there was phase where people were memeing both of them having a turf war in bolan.
Very rarely back home so just asking what the deal with that was.
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Good night /bag/. Have fun festering in your own shit.
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i cant read!
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people are finally starting to shit on Seia. The golden age has come.
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KV will have shorter load times and therefore will succeed.
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>/bag/ 2 months ago
Doremi will never betray us. He's a true bro and those are just baseless rumors
>/bag/ now

What happened, /bag/?
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>48 valenmomos left
we get an extra week or two to do them right?
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Ching chang chong.
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They call me 007
0 Gold Statues
0 Silver Statues
7 Bronze Statues
t. 50231
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people have always shit on Ako. The golden age still reigns
KV will flop
doremi betrayal
never saw it coming
well done george lucas
how does this even work
I picked my studentwife and it filled out automatically
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sticking my stick into Shuro's sticky vag
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Ibuki is 9yo-coded.
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Hoshino can be sexy too
Someone post gookAko plax so I can shitpost with it once I get plat by doing very hard on the first day of raids
/bag/ is having an unhealthy reaction to everything involving the red game. It's the fear of loss of investment, mostly. That all of the people who made Blue Archive have left Nexon and are moving onto another game has left the past 3 years meaningless. Therefore everyone is very butthurt
We can't, we didn't gatekeep the tourists from other generals hard enough
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Suzumi alt when
Project KV will force BA to shit out more content and that would improve things. Imagine BA without waiting 6 months for a full story.
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These aren't freelance artists we're talking about. The artists who left BA were pretty goddamn high up there in the chain of command in directorial roles. Generally when you're in a director role like that you don't work for multiple companies in multiple director roles at once. time just doesn't allow for it.
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Shut up stinky
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it's like wordle
it's by student name, weapon, class, school, attack type, and release date. red means wrong (release date will tell you if it's after that date or before), green means it's correct. here, i tried attacker with different weapon types but couldn't get it in 5 tries
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You fucking serious do not know about Mx2j art decline? and look how much better quality KV has their characters
Brain is a weird structure when you think about it. The encoding of the memories happens in the form of engrams, cells creating the memory aren't used by only one single memory. There can be an overlap between the cells forming 2 different memories and there can be a hidden association between 2 vastly different memories. You might just see your sister as an important part of a family but since you don't have a mate (assuming that you don't) your brain is looking for the first next person to make family with and it suggests your sister. You might have linked your sister with sexuality based on the fact that you were growing up together and this can be a link too. I'm just shooting in the dark with these explanations and you would need deep introspection to actually learn why the link persists throughout multiple dreams.

As a sidenote, remember that a dream is a side product of your brain sorting the memories it made. Restructuring them and vacuuming up the trash so to speak. You don't find your sister sexually arousing but the usual stopping mechanisms that persist in sober wakefulness are turned off mostly while you're dreaming which is why the dreams can get quite crazy.

Hope that clears things up a little and gives you a food for thought.
Here's a rather long video about the engrams and their structure if you're curious.
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oh no no no no
>Project KV will force BA to shit out more content and that would improve things
But can the new team output at a faster pace and actually deliver?
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You're an absolute retarded moron if you think anything can render past 3 years I have spent with this game meaningless
Even if it EOS'd tomorrow I'd still cherish the memories I have made with my students, forever
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Yes I spent my AP
I don't care about KV, I believe the RABBIT writer and GULIM will bring upon a Blue Archive renaissance.
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I see more doremi in this than mx2j desu
looks like a mihomo character
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Where draft
>Can't trust nips
>Can't trust gooks
>Can't trust chinks
SEAGODS should make otaku content
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Mx2j drew this, though, and it's honestly better than anything he's done for Blue Archive in a long, long time.
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Can we stop shitting and pump a good one on the gooncord once again? For the old time sake..
hagbros... we are safe...
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This post needs 40% more seia, 27% more irony and 8% uppercase word frequency.
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Heh, nice try ꡠꡀꡠ ꡡꡀꡏꡡꡘ
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I have never played wordle in my entire life
I just pressed the yellow button and it gave me "correct" for stuff I didn't even input
That's DoReMi plus it just looks like a shittier version of Toki
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Its coming boss. I have to sort through the mansluts and put them to the side while organizing everything. Gonna be glad year 2s run cuts this workload.
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This was a SEA produced gacha game
Shit up any general with offtopic shilling posting and you will receive reactions like this. It's not that deep and hard to comprehend.
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>only 3 parfaits
Have you been using them occasionally or does the game hate you too?
>White -> gray
>Holy shit its fucking van gooh
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Blue Archive has been stagnating hard since Volume F. I'm kind of glad it's getting a kick in the nuts like this. If Nexon doesn't get their shit together and actually make this game good again, I'll just move onto Red Archive. If Nexon does get their shit together I'll stay here. It's only a win for me.
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Once KV gets a Chise
They really have become Takeuchi
... We got one?
>atalhos do teclado
How are things in Brazil since your judges banned Twitter?
it's testing you for your knowledge. you only input the character names
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>Chesed clear was a few seconds faster
>climbed up a thousand ranks
I’m back at plat AND safe, bitches!
Mald with your Torment while my Insane is enough again, suckers!
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The answer is simple. Kill the manwhores.
So is it over?
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Mostly anger stage of grief at this point.
I skipped anger and I think I'm at depression. He's gone, I know, but I'm still having trouble fully accepting it. Dude was by far my favorite artist / chara designer for BA so him being gone is a gut punch. Hope the best for him but BA without him just ain't the same.
>It's only a win for me.
It's a lose for you when Red Archive is shit and Blue Archive continues to stagnate.
>I will abandon my students
Riofags everyone
>bought the starter 10 rolls last week with actual cash
>doomposting is starting
Stop doing that please. I did not waste my money.
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I'm not concerned.
yo this event was boring as heck
It said red dmg was wrong on your try 2 but you kept choosing chars with red damage. You also chose AR twice and Trinity twice and Attacker thrice even though it said that's wrong.
pat pat pat
After the Binah grand raid
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But Hoshino does use a shotgun, is a Tank in her base, is from Abydos, is Piercing Type and was released on launch
Why is it listing everything as wrong
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But 3T Torment is easier than a malding Insane...
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maybe, have you checked under the fridge?
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>Rio and Seiabros will immediately leave when their copies are day 1 characters in KV
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Sweetest fox on earth.
Isakusan made Vol F for the 2nd anni then didn't do anything for a year until V1C3 started post 3rd anni. What the fuck is this game supposed to do when the leads' minds are already thinking about doing something else?
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my femezen acts like this
You didn't quote desert rose anon
Finally, a reasonable opinion.
First gacha general?
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The crafting chamber REALLY hates me. I haven't gifted a single one since NY Akari's announcement iirc.
You did waste your money but doomposting has nothind to do with it
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Rio my dear
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>any country that speaks portuguese is Brazil
American hours everyone
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everything is gonna be a-okay!
>the creators (writer AND artist) of all your favorite characters have left
>"No, everything is fine! Just trust Nexon-sama! Corporations know what's best!"
Pretty sad ngl.
what does KV stand for
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We do, are you not into it, nonny? Course it's all skeletons now..no more collective milkings..
Forgive me the halo was too covered, I see it's Tsurugi now. Point still stands that it's a fag abandoning his students
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You can only fuck one
Realistically should I be scared or will the Koreans make sure BA is alive for atleast 5 more years, I really love saori and hope to have her dress alt before eos
In fairness an argument could be made that BA was stagnating BECAUSE its most key and senior staff were working on a competitor on the side rather than BA, then left all at the same time when the time was right.
No solid proof for any of the above, but it still makes you wonder.
Klim Voroshilov
Isakusan will definitely make KV tea party and Arius...
no worries bub nk will invade sk within the next 2 years
how do you do the chesed aoe skip during phase 2 i keep screwing it up
>Darling is Angolan?
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Wait nevermind, I get it now
It's basically a guessing game
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That's nothing
I blew $500 on FGO for a Summer event a few years ago and I'm still at NP1 city for her
Don't drink and gacha is my best advice
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Keez Vuts
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They were jacking themselves off and bounced as soon as the bonus checks came in.
Cute student you got there anon, can I impregnate her?
Korruption & Vore
yep, you eliminate choices and guess better by the hints you get from your previous guesses
They look like clowns in cute swimsuits
I wouldn't go that far. There's 3 faces in that gif.
Meanwhile, Takeuchi has Saberface and Masculine Saberface.
Is this AI?
Hanako hands down
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Holy shit an Angolan brotha!
Momoi get him!
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Red Archive has been stagnating hard since Volume L. I'm kind of glad it's getting a kick in the nuts like this. If DynamisOne doesn't get their shit together and actually make this game good again, I'll just move onto Blue Archive. If DynamisOne does get their shit together I'll stay here. It's only a win for me.
>Still up
Even if the doom narrative was true. For gacha it takes a while before EoS
The real problem would be slower and more low quality content
Kivotos Valhalla
Because the point of the game is to put BA in the grave
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>every type of schizo is present
>doomposters and cross posters rampant
I think I will go emulate something instead of browsing /bag/. What game do I pick, /bag/?
Next thread will be better...
3T is the catch. My tablet is crashing too much for that. JP version doesn’t have that issue so the localizers screwed up the code. Again.
is wordle like scrabble
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i masturbated to this whore a lot
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>no parfaits for 6 months
It was similar for me when I was raising base Junko. The game just straight up refused to give me any for the majority of that climb. The desire sensor is real and it hates us when it comes to purple gifts.
I have 4 now but that's still less than majority of my other purples.
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Stupid sexy Mari-nyan...
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Okay I get it now
Blue archive on android
Jex 3d for the ps1
I'm not worried about BA dying as in the plug getting pulled on it. I'd be more worried about it being alive but in a zombified state at this point.
I do like the new artists they've hired, like the niyaniya guy or getting paruru to do character art now (she did mostly 3d environmental art before if I remember right), and we still got 9ml so it's not all bad. But not gonna lie I'm with most in saying this is a pretty big shock having all those other artists leave on top of the main writer. doremi is the one I'm saddened about the most
Nope. I'm normally into one on ones. It's been ages since I did something in a group.. I'm just surprised it existed to begin with!
Project KV will already suck because our niggerfaggot from Singapore will also play it, find a new Mika, and keep posting scat in future /kvg/ threads,
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wat the hakka doin
>Hifumi (Hope) left
>Seia (Doom) stays
I'm nooticing...
>got into ba right as it's about to implode
fuck my stupid nigger life
Not anymore, the schizo was summoned
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>This game might die
It will be the biggest hit to the MMD porn industry. Genshin shit can match a good BA MMD, what will be of us, anon?
Go play something from /haniho/ we chill, I swear
28 students left without a valentine this year, hopefully i wont get too many new ones till next so its clearable
so true sis!
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Ace Combat Zero
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ScatGOD is our most loyal /bag/got
Respect xer
Who's the unlucky 28?
>/bag/ can't identify ai anymore
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I've seen this reaction countless times on this general. Niggers are so attached they can't take anything well
>this doom news is not real, fuck off tourists
>uhhhh if it's real then actually that's a good thing
River City Rampage Advanced
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It did, A Kayokofag created, it started with us just sharing pics and being horny, and then an AGP anon joined in

Before we knew it, we were gangbanging a Kayoko anon, twas short lived and the fapcord is now ded, a shame really
Rare footage of Sensei being drained by Ibuki
The metrics for the health of the game are
>revenue over time
>number of circles pumping out doujin work
>number of people participating in raid over time
>twitter impressions
>company has new project that is getting marketing and funding instead
What signs are we getting right now at the moment?
Tsurugibros right as usual
Maybe India should take the mantle and make otaku content
We can trust these dorks
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Gook studios have melty fallouts all the time, just look at last origin, idk why its such a big deal
Most the "core staffs" left after the first year
Sell your Blue Archive stocks NOW
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Fun fact. If you move K and V just two letters down the alphabet, you get M and X.
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Final Fantasy V
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>2 eggs today
at least they're purple
Can you fucking faggots fuck off to /trash/ already
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Seia is for ironic doom and unironic hope
dual wield
You just know they'll westernize it somehow.
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is this why anytime I post Kayoko on this site I get (You)'s trying to ERP or hinting at it?
what the fuck
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If you move your fingers one key left from KV, you get JC
>They wouldn't have academies rright?
>it's totally different game
>It's just a VN
>you can't prove the artists are leaving
you're here
Stagnant revenue compared to last year.
Circles are still good, winter comiket yet to be seen, but probably will be alright
Raids have decreased substantially.
twitter impressions are functionally meaningless because its new owner is even more retarded than the previous ones and let bots run rampant
Not aware of the last point, if you mean something by nexon.

Overall kinda meh
It's usually ironic. Today is just a special kind of shit
Based /our/ most loyal poster
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Yeah, but the project lead remained. Besides LO is a coom game, just bring more coom art guys and you are set.

Tf is gonna happen with BA plotlines now?
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´nailed it
Tourists think Seia is used for unironic doomposts and so you get threads like these recent ones.
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correct, are you new here?
would tell if i had a way to check
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So they're making a cheap knockoff of BA, wow what a great idea and totally won't backfire
Judging by the Winterjink event, our steaks will get spicier.
Didn't Last Origin EOS
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AP refresh and get one more invite to check :)
Which student canonically took sensei's virginity?
Post a jungyflation inducing image
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The time is ticking, Gookako posters. Your empire will fall at the hands of yours truly.
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If you're so worried about BA. Go and save it yourselves.
>There's another izumi bro here
>He's higher in affection than I am

No...this can't be
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No, I don't think I will~
Yeah..sorry about it on advance, but guess a reputation grew around him and they might think you are HIM for posting Kayoko, that anon was really sweet and made my fellas happy, sadly some of the folks got too attached and it may have ended you with being harrased by them
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Have you stopped to think, for once in your life, that maybe it's not mx2j art quality that is in a decline, and more that the art direction of BA changed and now they want a different art style from him?
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One of these students.
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Guys I think BA is STAGNANT, nexon needs to hear about the complaints of GLOBAL players like me!
>No furry and robot people in KV
Much better
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It was just a sleepover.
Nothing happened.
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3 years is not bad run
I liked that anon headcannon of Makoto aging her up so she can be in the same school as her
>rumors of staff leaving are real
Oh nyo...
Fuck off and die, troons.
Chise giving sensei a nursing handjob.......
>It will have other adults (male)
>Cuck stocks will skyrocket, dethroning FGO
Do you rike it?
Jumber would never...
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>DoReMi left before we got an Iroha alt by him
Man this sucks.
man this is a long gif.
>bneru can take 57 of them
holy shit
How come Hanako isn't here. Her water balloon is one of these haniwas
It was Chinatsu. She saw your cock twice.
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Faggots like you need to literally blow your brains out, you are a negative to everyone alive
I live there though, was just curious
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Are you retards doing ok? Like does it really matter what happens? What did you guys actually care about aside for uooohhhing and jacking off, not like the porn or anything is going to suddenly stop
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>using fox squad for their recruiting poster
>when none of them are playable
These retards can't be serious
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Wakamo doesn't eat crayons that's slander.
I remember seeing this image on /a/ years ago. It is one of the most profound things I've read
>Sensei trained Neru pussy with one of those so she could honeypot robot thugs during the bunnygirl event
What does Neru need all of those for?
Maribros care to explain
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That's always been their default recruitment image for years.
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how come fat swimsuit hiroy needs fewer of these
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Maybe you retards should report and ignore?
it's over
Agreed brother, we must protect our sisters.
>, not like the porn or anything is going to suddenly stop
It will tho, slowly
No gacha is immune to fanartists leaving for new trends
This CG was shown before the game even released
what the FUCK is that swordfish gonna do!?
She's a slut! A slut!
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I activate my trap card.
I win.
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>Thinking reporting works
Stop pretending to be retarded
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Its only 4 of them. I'll still slot them in last like usual but good news, I've caught up to this thread. Once I add these in the 1st draft will be complete.
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Nice one, Chise.
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Brigandine PS1. Make sure to pick the Russian/Northern country
I kek'ed, god bless Sigmund.
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>Scatnigger is so fucking useless and worthless as a shitposter that people get far more angry and annoyed at the ERPtroons than any of his posts
Fucking subhuman failure, literally has no uses
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Holy homo
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bros I dropped one of my cookies on the floor and it broke into pieces how do you think this will impact BA? is it really over?
FGO barely has porn nowadays. All the big names left too, so all we have is ankomeme shitty copypaste porn
>Someone with experience in game live work
>Someone with extensive experience in girl collection games ( Girls' Frontline, Azur Lane, Princess Connect, etc.)
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Are there any russian students?
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Animals and robot people have been a mistake. They might go with all-girls school setting
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You got it boss.
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Mari would never say that
momoi if she real
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Seiabros, now that BA is dead, I'd say it's time to set our targets on Project KV
Project KV EOS soon
go back to /v/
Robot Alchemic Drive.
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I predicted the Mahjong collab and I will also predict that Project KV will be a yuri game.

It's gonna be aaaaaaaalllllright /bag/, I gotchu guys covered.
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Same here. I started playing BA at the beginning of the year, and now they come with this news.
Finally a day without a student birthday when I can enjoy the new Comic LO.
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Sometimes it works!
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>"Labor" Day
>don't need to do any labor
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That's just how the cookie crumbles
Dropkick Makoto in the head
Smack Chiaki with her camera
Choke Satsuki with her hypno-trinket
Throw Ibuki in the trash
Set Iroha's hair on fire
Right, I forgot mutts have a national holiday tomorrow, that would explain things
Time to throw in all my high affection students just to make you do more work.
Nyoo gomen!
I just like getting sticky with cute anons..
The good blue board anons are asleep now, only the deranged remain. Besides it's sunday, hard to prowl on days like this
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momoi if she real
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I'm used to it at this point. Done this already with other series where I join just as the party stops. I'm just cursed to have horrendous timing.
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Do not work if you're not required to do so.
Never work for free in a capitalist regimen.
PETA will not like this
a janny did do drive-by deletes for KV related stuff two threads ago maybe they'll come back haha...
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1 Student wife
The collapse of eociety
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NMGK in labor
I'm convinced the majority of these posts are from GBFags who had to cope with their recent controversy
erika soon
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frankly I think you're underselling yourself seiabro, we should aim higher
Project IT total EoS
i hope a gang of rabid niggers tortures your faggot ass, KILL YOURSELF
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In case you get accepted what would you immediately do?
Recruitment in artistic stuff is whatever, but recruiting system planner and game balancer is extremely worrying
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kill yourself
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Guys, /wuwa/ is in trouble.
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Write an event when I have sex with Hina
Nothing else happens in it, just Hinasex
It's ok, I already know she's not getting released
grim. so a lot of people left
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the shit I have to put up with.
Iroha event.
that ain't wakamo, bro
it's a grub character
What happened this time?
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I want to get Rio pregnant
water is wet
the funnier news is that the homos over in /nikg/ kept shilling the lame ass EVA collab and it flopped
So how was the event?
The gacha market deserves to die
Why would that be worrying? BA's game balance has been nonexistent for years at this point. Genie's already out of the bottle on that one.
what the actual fuck
So Megu gives me this as a present for Valentine's Day. What she mean by that?
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What type of name is Tsukatsuki
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Game balancer must be a pretty comfy position you just do nothing but fuck up the meta for 3 years and then quit.
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Nah the meta was in a good place until dHina came
you have to eat them all, sensei
They are desperate, huh...
don't post Grub Wakamo in /bag/ then.
I won't tolerate seeing slander of Wakamo like that on /bag/.
Wakamo is a good girl.
They're eggs you cook in the onsen
They're chocolate because Megu is retarded
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>still no sMisaki
>still no T4 bond gear for Misaki making her meta
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The release of the first draft has been canceled due to increased workload.
I simply marry haruna and get both
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Fill her eggs in the hot springs
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You cant have babies with other races or something like that
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Hey me too
she's telling you to grow a pair and impregnate her already
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Tsu - sound of smooching
Kat - cat because that's what Rio is
Suki - love
>Scenario writers
Urobuchi, Nomura, Kojima, Yoko Taro, R07 and Nasu should save BA!
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How is a company hiring more people considered a bad thing? i thought your new narrative was stagnation?
What? Why do you celebrate Labour Day in September instead of May like normal countries?
Is it pure spite or incompetence?
So they can't impregnate their potatoes then?
It's labor day as in giving labor. Get your studentwives pregnant
listen I know BA's writing is really shallow and even downright boring sometimes but I don't want it turning into a pretentious mess pretending to be complex either.
BA really is FGO but accelerated...
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She tells you that these are outlawed in the US of A because American kids chokes on them.
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How do they have the money to hire all this? I thought BA made no money and was using hundreds of millions to pay thousands of fanartists?
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Context matters
The context is that game is dying, therefore the only reason why they could be hiring is because all the stuff left and EOS any time now
>every story is just finding new places to have sex
>quest stages are all just different sex positions
>challenge stages lean into more degenerate fetishes
>currency dump is just trading positive pregnancy tests for elephs
top of revenue charts all months
Gourmets rescuing Fuuka. Surefire way to secure the position.
I want Kei to abuse me
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predict the gameplay.
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I don't want trannies being written into BA, thoughever.
Why are people so scared of EoS? I thought you people wanted Seia eros?
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Funny how the scenario job is practically a newbie hire opening.

The recruitment announcements are also spread out over months. There's also the possibility of just internal movement as well given how large Nexon is.

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This dude wrote one of the worst things I've read in my life.
Rescuing Fuuka from a better life where she leaves Gehenna for a better school and dragging her back to Gehenna.
How heavy is Hinata?
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You got it
A cross between Nikke and that rhythm tengoku minigames where you slice shit up.
Or just literally BA/priconne
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You can't even have kids with one of the girls that got married with (You) in a different timeline that has powers she passes down her bloodline.
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I'm getting snipped and you can't stop me.
Come on, Umineko wasn't that bad.
You weren't supposed to post a picture of me and my wife
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It don't matter. None of this matters.
>Canonically Megu's eggs
Yuuka should just work at Club Smoochie, would save me a bunch of hassle
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If you love BA you would buy pakejis to show nexon your support in these troubled times RIGHT NOW
It will matter once you bear Sensei's children, Fuuka.
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Wrong girl
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Gonna work on it
They didn't hire the UI artist from last comiket?
Show me your panties first
Umineko sucked and the whole WITHOUT LOVE IT CANNOT BE SEEN shut was frankly childish from a meta sense, yes, but it wasn't the worst thing ever
That was Sotsugou
i spent all day eating instead of working and now i feel tired
say it in red
Officially it was Midori
Don't tell anyone though
momoi if she real
I meant Lucia's route in Rewrite. What a pile of dumb garbage that was.
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They already have the Ui artist.
Suck my dick first, Arona. Then I'll consider it.
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Kliment Voroshilov
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banitas bananitatum
Indeed I posted a picture of me and my wife
You are me
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this.
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chiset a card facedown.
Doremi quitting before making my 2rd Aris alt, what a nigger
Sweaty Muchuki
You know what I meant :/
His book of UI/UX suggestions was pretty cool. I thought he got the business card and everything so I thought he was getting hired or something.
I'm glad I was too lazy at the time to watch sotsugou when it was airing. I had like the first 2 or 3 eps downloaded but just didn't get around to watching and sorta forgot about it. From what people talk about it, it sounds like a complete disaster
based midori
Rio will never be playable at this rate...
AK clohe.
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Cute tree
Love this tree
What book
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True, carry on
>rio and seia will never be playable
... and that's a good thing!
Seia however...
I saw an excuse to make a dumb joke and I went with it.
Maybe they haven't sorted out a job yet or the terms weren't favorable and he declined. Or maybe he just did it as a hobby and getting the card was just a funny bonus.
Doesn't he have a twitter?
The Haymaker bombing incident in the 1800s pissed off the President during those times enough to pick an alternate day for a worker holiday, and that day ended up being September instead. Otherwise we'd still have it in May
I miss the kot...
Can't wait for Blue Archive to die. Been meaning to try out BA for a while
Shiroko terror was the first of several "release in case of emergency students" they have saved up for a rainy day

You know to worry when they start releasing Seia, Rio, Kisaki, and the other big names in short order to bring back players
what killed the skype?
He left before making Iroha's first alt as well. I'm pretty bummed out, he was central to BA's art.

internal discord
No... Not Megumboflation...
ᓀ‸ᓂ the ᓀ‸ᓂ
>spread out over months
business as usual.
Being absolutely garbage thanks to all the indians workin on it
Every update just made it more bloaty and trash, it's amazing really. I swapped to teamspeak first for voice chatting then everybody moved to disc, took me a while to adapt
I don't want to trash a man working on labor day, but the janny needs to do a better job
The next ᓀ‸ᓂ poster will be shot
go to bed grandpa
ᓀ‸ᓂ do it pussy
jannies are volunteers since they don't get paid
teamspeak is not that old, two decades is not that long bwo trust me
>don't release character
>release character
there's no winning.
>severs go down constantly
>exploits that crash people's client go unfixed for weeks
>basic features that MSN / Windows Live had still missing
For one, it hasn't been that long since C104. And two, he's also Japanese that would trying to get hired at a Korean company. He would have to do the job remotely and somehow bridge the language gap.
Some of the hardcore MMO raiding communities and esportsfags still rely on TeamSpeak / Mumble because they can't trust Discord servers to be up and stable during a world's first race or a tournament
I will forever curse microsoft for killing MSN for this garbage, MSN was fucking great, I saw much teenage pussy back then when women were still as retarded as today
28 is still young shut up
msn was peak soul, the new message ding still epops in my head from time to time
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My first and last image of the weekend.
the tsurugiscript...
The biological script of checking just before clocking out for the day in and seeing one last unused image.
tsurugianon's a cyborg... with a tsurugiscript...
God I wish I could rid myself of the weakness of the flesh so I could catch dead thread images 24/7 but alas, I require sleep.
See ya around folks.
gnite tsurugianon
for the machine is immortal

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