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Gun Girls Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your steam profile or friend code. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

you can only choose one
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can this game be played casually without becoming a sweatlord and learning every combination of heros and shit
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Sex with Abrams
Mole and shiv play the exact same way
Imagine the timestop sex
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Invite Anchor
nice ult bro get satchel'd
every time you win, your opponents get stronger
so it's up to you

Someone edit this pic so i can see paradox cameltoe
that's great sweetie
I would play Haze if she looked like this
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If your mental is strong enough but understand these kinds of games are geared towards competition
Shiv is 10,000× cooler and more fun than ren and stunpy
with paradox
sex with paradox

that's it. that's the game. sex with paradox
it's matchmaking based on skill, you don't have to learn shit. but you'll be playing with and against other players that don't want to learn shit, so everyone will be shit.
I would like Haze to kill me
daaaaaamn, that's crazyyy
k keep me posted
Rough Sex with Haze, Lovey Dovey sex with Paradox
this and then with vindicta with paradox grabbing her butt
I just want a straight sane white male to play...
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Are you Team Sapphire Flame or Team Amber Hand?
>no cute and comfy heroes
You're Warden?
kelvin is that but he's a ginger so unfortunately, no soul. closest thing we've got, take it or leave it
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>seven telling lash he's gonna pop his eyes like grapes
I love this rude dude
shiv is sane
That's why his death scream is the funniest, there's so much buildup with his edgy as fuck cringekino voicelines
shiv isn't white he's some kind of feral monkeyman
yes but he also is half chimpanzee or something, look at his weird ass face, fuck that.
the voice lines in this game are soulful
>seven pings abrams at low hp
>"Ahh.. so the detective wants to be a hero..."
>distant gunshots
>seven death scream
>radio static abrams voice
>"No one's takin' me down."
delete this
this whole time I thought he was just wearing some chinese straw hat and was like a mortal kombat character

that's a way cooler design
that's just how people looked back in elvis' days
>she slows down time during your orgasm
>I thought he was just wearing some chinese straw ha
He's an undead psychic skellyman fused with the electric chair used in his execution btw
the man knows how to deal with assholes
lmao he's just red.
>haze before engaging a vindicta
>"let's see which one of us is the better shot..."
>low health haze running away from vindicta
>"I guess vindicta is the better shot..."
Two heroes... mystics... Deadlockers will protect you.
The rest will try to kill you.
Your picks?
>she slows down time RIGHT BEFORE your orgasm, then doesn't let you release
in character and canon, confirmed by the devs on discord btw
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he looks exactly like a shaved japanese macaque wearing a pompadour wig
Explain how I go 5/0 solo lane 4k advantage in the first 10 minutes, and then we end up losing because the opponent's duo lane got a 12k advantage and went 12/0 and they just shove lanes until we lose. I've played 25 matches so far, and I've only drawn a lane twice, and lost a lane once(duo'd with a retarded mcginnis that would only push lanes, die, repeat, and went 0/13/0 by the end of a 20 minute game. The skill disparity in my matches is clearly massive. There definitely is sbmm, but the bracket is much wider than in other games (for now).
Also, anyone else getting a very high number of solo lanes? I've had duo lanes like all of 5 times in 25 matches. That can't be right normally, since the math doesn't add up. Not that it matters too much, but it is easier to snowball if you dominate a duo lane.
i look like this
nah he monke
Who do I play if I want to solo carry?
does the game track matches were you leave?
it's literally a 2v5, and I don't really want to sweat this much
Yes, you will learn over time even if you play casually. It's not nearly as difficult or strenuous as people seem to think, I have the mechanical skill of a toddler and I can win by just remembering "I should buy this thing instead".
if someone left already then it's safe to leave
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this motherfucker is half monkey macaque chimp gorilla and you cannot convince me otherwise
i've alt f4'd out of a few games now and the shitty track lock says im high mmr lol
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I love how there's zero hints at this in lore but so many people independently assume Shiv is some monkey hybrid
Valve gets kino character interactions
>hangs upsidedown from feet on zipline
he monkey
Another game against a 20+ kill haze
Deadlock Tracker marks leaver games, so I'm willing to bet the game auto-detects them and doesn't factor them into MMR.
sapphire flame because she's female and i'm a simp
Shiv and Seven
He's just a character from Hey Good Lookin
Kelvin is such a broken fucking character
his face is the hint
Amber Hand because
no bans. no roles. no bullshit. just select 3 characters and play. i fucking love it.
Fact: winning your lane as shiv, infernus, or bebop takes 0 skill. They shit out damage like it's nothing and have get out jail free cards built into their kits.

We need to be able to ban God toons.
He'd be the last hero I'd want to be near lmao
>If it goes late game he's useless
late game abrams can solo your entire team, he's practically unkillable outside of wraith picking him up
infernus yes, shiv no

i have triple the games on shiv at a 50% winrate, but a 75%+ winrate on infernus
You should keep posting this while adding one more character every time.
MMR right now is invisible. By it's nature it is a competitive game and people WANT to try to win so they naturally get better. But the MMR is there to match you against people close to your skill level which means it'll always even out to a skill level that matches your own.
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Reminder if you're shit and haven't into ASSFAGGOTS before follow this flowchart

>Ignore mid-game teamfights
>Walk into empty lane instead
>Shove it

Hit candles, get souls, buy items, have more stats, become unstoppable
>Two heroes will protect you.
>The rest will try to kill you.
There's an objective answer to this question and it's Paradox and Haze.
Haze has the OSS and the entire American glownigger network to help (and would easily track you down if she was chasing you,) while Paradox can hide you in other planes.
Also threesome sex
kill jungle camps too
it's like, we're actually getting good video games
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the ban was for scripting but its your call
I'll invite you, just promise not to be cringey. We need more nonawful nonslav EU players
How many more characters are in development?
All these invites but no hours being posted or gameplay very organic bros.
Kill yourself
This is why I cheat in the game now cause it's marketer slop
paradox is also part of paradox which is like an evil underworld info gathering relic stealing organization so pretty sure she would find you and kill you as well
NTA, jungling is annoying as fuck in this game because of the garbage map and lack of overhead view. It's the kind of thing that just isn't a problem in dotard 2.
post tracklock pussy
Nice kill but don't reply, just report and ignore. He's schizophrenic and there's no point in trying to talk to him.

He won't do that because he's admitted dozens of times to using wallhacks and doesn't want to lose his steam library.
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Just report all of the schizo's posts when he appears and jannies will do the needful.
Not just ignore, report, because they're lazy
already on it
>Enemy retard hitting me for 10 damage across the lane constantly
>Barely farms
>Buy restorative shot and just ignore him
where do these morons even come from
they come from shooting games that don't require CSing
it's overwatch time. it's valorant overwatch counter strike time baby. shoot the enemy, kill the enemy.
>monday off
>can't wake up to play
i don't know how to deal with this when it's grey talon or vindicta doing it feels like they're always peeking me
if i get shot for 1 damage before i'm even off the zipline, because the enemy pressed zipline boost game start it awakens a primal rage in me and i proceed to rape them the entirety of the game
When are they nerfing grey talon? It is not fair he can do a full damage 400 damage nuke + stune from an entire different lane.
this post is so real
>lane partner thinks he's a support
just kill me now
never, it's balanced because it's in dota
Accept you aren't winning the lane if the Talon is good, and just take what you can get.
what if they bag you after killing you?
They already nerfed him, retards haven't realized you're meant to build his owl now, he's at a good spot.
Question is when are they buffing (or reworking) Vindicta, she's just a worse Talon
Someone give me a good lady christ build
Good spot? Raping adjacent lanes with an owl every time it is off cooldown is not a good spot. He doesn't even have to leave tower.
real fun/broken build is the glass cannon one where you ignore green items to abuse your movement and firing speed scaling with spirit + weapon
[Fact] Lady Geist seduces young virgin boys of New York, teaching them the art of lovemaking and cursing them with a reduced lifespan and a permanent hag fetish.
Confirmed and verified canon by Yoshi.
Should you build spirit or gun as Lash?
Haha imagine if Geist used her life drain on you and you were left half catatonic and unable to resist as you collapse on her arms haha wouldn't that be funny
Am I literally the only new player in the entire game? I'm divine in dota but here I'm getting rekt by literally everyone. Everyone knows every single spell, timings, rotations, objectives. It feels like there are more clueless noobs at 5k mmr in dota than here at 5 hour playtime bracket.
I didn't even know neutrals exist here at first and I was kinda expecting to play against similar noobs, but everyone is like a fucking pro player here.
Just laned vs this acid guy and he was instantly shooting every single sphere like a fucking s1mple. What the fuck is this even.
I just started playing.
The biggest gripe with the game I have is how fucking slow reloads are. What am I supposed to do if I run out of ammo mid fight? Just jump around like a retard?
Also, why the fuck is Pocket a "they". Did the faggots get to valve too?
>Am I literally the only new player in the entire game?
no you're just really fucking bad lmao
i'm trash at both shooters and mobas and doing pretty consistently alright
Anon, what you see is not even close to good enough.
I still rarely see parries and slides on towers to conserve ammo, nobody flight dash cancels with Vindicta, or cancel Abrams melee with 2 to bait a parry, or walljump.
But even the promoted games are all full of obvious gaffes and failures, the skill level on this game hasn't reached very high so far
go back
it'll even out after a game or two
i think my first two went very bad
Paradox spirit build is more fun than gun build.
Nothing will change this fact.
Being able to deal 2k damage in a few seconds with a 1234 combo will never not be fun.
Sorry goyim, I will NOT be playing your shitty ass chip damage sniper builds.
>What am I supposed to do if I run out of ammo mid fight?
Punch and reload.
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He looks nothing like a monkey.
sometimes i win on yamato because people play like im some giga threat when u can just stun me before i ult lol, i think u should be able to ult thru stun ala ursa
also give yamato fury swipes on melee attacks thanks icefrog
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How do I not get raped by Kelvin's freezing beam, without losing a lane?
>how do I not get hit
use your movement options
When are they nerfing niggers like abrams, grey talon, or kelvin?
shoot him and out farm him, just don't get caught out on his side of the lane after about 4 minutes.
beam doesn't slow dashing/dash jumping, stamina management is important against kelvin just like warden
post the build
Give yamato a tiny little leap that slows enemies in an area. Since they're going to change her model, why not make her a bear? The name Yamato wouldn't fit, so they could change it to something like Ursa.
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So how was he able to buy two of the same item?
he knows the secret
one for each fist
replay / UI bug pretty sure, when you upgrade an item it swaps positions to the right flex side, and i assume something went wrong
She'd need an attack speed steroid too. she already has hook which is basically earthshock without the aoe effect for tradeoff of bringing u to them. i dont see anything wrong with either what i said to he serious though half the shit in this games from dota.
Has anyone else had the bug where they can't dodge roll for exactly 1 game?
>lane partner uses speed boost at the start of the match
just kill me now
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I'll lane boost whenever i want bitch
In bed rn but the core components are pristine, glass cannon, spirit weakening, spirit shot, with everything else balls deep into cool down focused on the KC.
With this, even an immediately fired KC will straight up do 700dmg provided you hit them one (1) time with your spirit shot to trigger the weakness. Then you just wall swap them for another 1400-1600dmg (not including any grenade you throw in their escape path) and hope that either kills them or your teammates are good enough to finish the job.
How do I play Paradox? What to fucking build on her?
Too bad her ingame model is ugly as sin
my legolas did this last game and we dominated the lane, he also split pushed all game and somehow actually made it work

based retard
>With this, even an immediately fired KC will straight up do 700dmg provided you hit them one (1) time with your spirit shot to trigger the weakness.
What the fuck
yeah but KC with pretty much nothing but improved burst does like 500-600 already, add a few usual items on top and it's around that range anyway
where does your 1600 damage come from? swap+wall is what, 600 damage?
apparently you can get banned for pause abusing be careful lads

I did this earlier in the playtest occasionally when beating gay players, but didnt talk trash so it was ambiguous to what i was doing so I narrowly avoided a ban
they made that abundantly clear retard.
I love McWinner
Her gun is the best
Ricochet bullets lmao
>go back
nta but you go back faggot redditor
no they didnt retard
seethe /v/nigger you're too low iq for games that have actual mechanics
kill yourself
how do i make my own item builds and stuff
I like Infernus but he has 0 farming ability. Do you just have to rush ricochet on him?
press the create button on the shop
>xhe has a lane partner
MMR/ELO/SBMM/skill issue
I never said it was better than gun builds, just more fun.
You are sacrificing a gain chunk of dps by not going all in on gun but I find it more enjoyable regardless.
When I'm actually at my pc I'll give the actual numbers with the full build since I've been in bed for a couple hours and may be tripping and misremembering. They shouldn't be that much off though.
>Farm a 6300 soul item
>So you can farm easier
Now THAT is a Paradox
>0 farming ability
jesus christ u are a fucking RETARDDDD
i mean going pristine+glass cannon is pretty much the gun build already
What farming ability does he have? His escape tool on a 30 second cd?
what does this even mean? you can play casually for "fun" and lose against every other player that is actually trying, no one's stopping you. you have permission to be useless, it's okay.
>escape tool
You havin' a giggle?
>fighting against a whole another board, that was never even mentioned
>pulling arguments out of his undoubtedly unwiped ass
keep punching air faggot
Infernus players are either the unkillable and most farmed fuckers of the server or completely useless retards lagging several thousand souls behind others
Alright fine I'll start maxing 2 first and farming with it, you better not be foolin me.
Huffing smoke from Haze's pussy.
New players think they should build him as a squishy dps I think, when he's supposed to be a lifesteal tank god.
Her in-game model isn't ugly though, neither is her depiction in the VN. Her in-game portrait on the other hand is fuck ugly for some reason but it doesn't look anything like her model or her VN portrait.
just took almost 1 minute to find a match
game's DOA
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matchmaking is kinda fucked right now, possibly due to all the influx of new players and I did read they are working on improving it, so right now its a toss up between stomping the enemy team or you being the only competent player with 5 other players who just installed and skipped the tutorial vs an entire coordinated party , or getting another leaver on your team
Is a punch build krill as viable as punch abrams? I feel like the reduced health regen would just kill me
the influx of new players being let in was specifically so they could fix their matchmaking/anticheat before the game is presented to the mainstream
Get those blue cheeks back here
krill is not a tank like abrams, he's an assassin, you dont want to be standing still punch. in and out and weaving around in fights is how you play him
You really pounded her cheeks
I mean, you really knocked her up
I mean, you really got her pregnant
I mean
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>looking up when you punch so you dont send them away
>slides on towers to conserve ammo

is anyone else as tanky?
PULL bebops laser and shotgun heroes are brutal for prefiring zipline escapes, i always catch them
warden can be quite tanky
infernus can lifesteal and be even tankier if he plays well
kelvin can be unkillable with his ult and fire rate slow beam

i'd say kelvin is probably the next best tank if you just want to run in
When will AOE abilities be line of sight? What the fuck is the point of using cover if Lady Geist can bomb me behind send cover? Nigger tier game.
Its a massive problem with this game
There are stairs in front of guardians
You have infinite ammo when sliding
Quickly slide down and walk back up the stairs over and over to double your mag size
this shitty matchmaking will kill the game
>have to pick 3 heroes
>in solo you have no idea who you will be playing with let alone the enemy, this heavily limits what can you even pick
>half the team will be retarded anyway or worse russians or chinks
>every match you are forced to hard carry, so anything not carry focused is out, anything single target is out
>can't even pick lane so you might get a retard feeding the enemy or you are solo against a counter
who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
every hero can carry right now
You can even stack with friends playing each others counter heroes to prevent the enemy from grabbing them. I'm guessing they'll add the dota 2 style matchmaking eventually, when the game isn't a secret closed beta anymore.
You're just bad bruv.
>solo against a counter
lmao is that you cope
Why is raping a vindicta so relaxing?
Bebop's laser is probably among the worst for escaping players since it's the only weapon with a range that just cuts off. The range buff it got last patch has kinda fixed this though
europoor problems
holy skill issue
>want to play mcginnis
>have played 8 matches with only 3 heroes, one is mcginnis
>no mcginnis

i understand it's for data but i just wanna play mcginnis
after i learned moles lifesteal goes through cover i became 2x better at him it's actually op as fuck
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>go dynamo (support)
>carrys are fucking retarded
did you mark her as purple priority
what eyes?
Personally I'm furious about having to press two separate buttons to cast some spells/items, it's fucking ridiculous that you don't have a cast slot 1 and self cast slot 1 on separate binds, or that you select the spell on first press and need to press it again or the mouse button to actually cast it, not only is it confusing as fuck, it also varies by hero. This thing has been solved almost a decade ago in other mobas toos.
my entire wraith kit + vampiric burst is still not enough to outleech seven's stupid ult
fuck i hate seven so much
coolest character with the most cancerous kit in existence
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I hate that creature with a passion, I play yamato and he is the only one that is a guaranteed lane stomp for me, I just have no idea how to counter it.
slacks is that you? stop picking dynamo if you seethe whenever they dont follow up perfectly (you randomly ulted)
just buy a couple of damage items and keep supporting
with purple priority you should get her often, i barely see her in my games
she's no feetslut or seven, it's impossible to get them

Does anyone know how invites work? Seems really weird for a game with 100k+ people playtesting they're even still doing invites, like it's a weird formality. Or is that just how they plan on filtering cheaters?
>he doesn't know about priority
I beat a lot of good players with it, he's very tricky because he has lifesteal, blind, and a way to mitigate damage with his spin. I think you just gotta farm and ignore him lol especially as yamato who is full on committed whenever she goes in. He's deceptively good at 1v1

I would try restorative shot and stamina next time for you
>I would try restorative shot and stamina next time for you
might as well go full humiliation ritual and get mystic rite while you're at it
>the game is perfectly balanced, there are no differences between roles, every hero can do the same task just as well
>these are the people calling others bad
Maybe I'm retarded but I always forget to upgrade my abilities and end up with like 4-5 unused points at a time. I need some giant flashing symbol or something.
Cuddling with Haze
Snuggling with Haze
Handholding with Haze
Smooches with Haze
French kissing with Haze
Nursing handjobs with Haze
Sex with Haze
I will never buy that item it's shit. restorative and stamina are good on yamato in general
ya but it combines into the best item in the game
Is his shotty hitscan? I tend to melee minions to prevent denies and pick melee lifesteal for survival, but doing that is suicide with that thing nearby and then he will just steal all my souls if I keep my distance. Going early damage is no use because he can just burrow away.

I'll try restorative, I think I used it once but didn't find it that good. Stamina is a must of course, but that fucker will use burrow to close the gap.
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it's pretty fast but not hitscan, the real problem is prefiring is viable to cuck people of souls lol
this is me after a long game of playing shiv
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>feel like I'm doing decent at farming and denying
>look up
>lane oppo is 2k up
delete this, it's my secret sauce
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thanks man, I'll get you a starbucks, what do you want?
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Extra onions sauce
it's me falling alseep waiting for a playtest invite
oh ok
i know how to ping missing but how do i ping their location
How should I practice to get better at Vindicta. I want to improve but don't want to throw so many games for my team.
go into a bot or practice mode and practice 180 degree sniper flicks while you are flying in the air, it's the most important part of your kit to land the last hit with your ult for the soul scaling
Haze, Pocket, and Infernus are so strong
Is yamato actually dog shit or not really?

This game works on Linux right?
she's dogshit in the way people want to play her but if you play her autistically and minmax for tankiness and just being an annoying fucker she is passable

i think she needs a rework. Invulnerability isnt fun and she's too squishy without it she just feels fucking shit
not really
why does every game feel like there's no fucking teamplay whatsoever in my teams
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Paradox is my wife
What are the odds that IAD, Bhopping and Zip Dashes are intended and will stay in the game?
>beat infernus in lane AGAIN
>he flashfarms 15k soul lead in 5 minutes

when are they gonna balance infernus?
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join up, im trash
>>the game is perfectly balanced
I never said that, I just said you're too bad to be so angry. The problems you are complaining about are fixed by being not bad.
how tf do you win as this character? I feel like I land everything, get the enemy down to 1hp and then they just escape every time and then outscale me
lady geist and vindicta, because im a coomer.
Any kind anons who can help a brother out?
Just spent a whole game with Abrams bashing the fuck out of people with heavy melee. Dreading when people learn to parry but fun for now blasting them with Q as they sprint away and watching them fly 20 feet
just ward his jungle
youre a support hero, plan accordingly
I took one of the sidelane t3 camps in anticipation of the flash farm. he still ended the game at 52k souls ahead of both teams.
>AoE abilities (Warden, Lady Giest, Kelvin, Paradox, etc. bombs) line of sight
>Buff Tower HP
>Reduce damage Heroes and Creeps do to towers.
we gonna do inhouses like /d2g/ did back in the day fellas? they were actually enjoyable when teams were relatively balanced.
Even with the buffs Miku is still almost non existent in high mmr games outside of literal 1 trick players with 65% + win rates.

It's like old pre buff Faceless Void where he sat at like 48 - 50% win rate on years but you had like... 3 or 4 people in the world that would just gape the absolute dog shit out of games with him.
can you remove hero limit in custom modes? 6v6 all moles
she's fucking broken, stop downplaying. anyone who knows how to wall auto wins half the time
who the fuck is miku
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Is enduring spirit ever worth it? I always opt for spirit lifesteal instead
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I got time for one or two
>1 month ago
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>1 month ago
>false equivalence between being played and being balanced

fuck off
only person i see play her in high mmr is one person who literally ints down lanes to kill your buildings, and Naked
Infernus is infintely prefable to have on my team, as is several other characters, bad players and bad takes in this thread.
an overpowered character would not have the lowest pick rate
>he thinks MOBAs can be fun

you're irrelevant, do not enter these discussions
i'm having fun with deadlock (i don't have fun in other mobas)
>i'm having fun
for now.
meepo being overpowered has never skyrocketed his pick (or even overall win) rate
i just had a game where we lost because my team had worse map awareness than me (my map awareness sucks) and ignored multiple opportunities to take mid (we finally took it too late) and also our shiv player had no idea how to farm
i still had fun
don't play selfish and use her as a support dps
sorry i meant to say an overpowered character THAT IS TRIVIAL TO PLAY (what anon was claiming) would not have the lowest pick rate
t. cant build correctly
paradox is somewhere between an assassin and a support
if you are really good at farming and outpace everyone you can melt lone targets with your wombo combo but mostly you just want swap people into your team and slow anyone who tries to run away
also her grenade sucks for everything except objectives don't be mad if it does nothing
mcginnis requires two things:

game awareness, so she knows when she's about to be ganked

geometric awareness, so she knows when she can wall for a free kill or trap people or win a teamfight. it's the same reason why kelvin's ult is the best in the game in good players and is a worthless moron who griefs in normal players hands
kevin ult: I go after their squishiest person and put them in the bubble with me and kill them
>top 10 highest elo has two paradox spammers
>people still pretend she's bad and needs buffs

I'm so glad these russian schizos exist, they will prevent paradox from getting buffs
her grenade needs buffs so badly
the grenade is good damage if you throw it before hitting a kb shot
i don't think i am skilled enough to do this honestly my aim still needs work
convinced lady geist is almost on the same tier as infernus but she actually requires you to use parts of your brain compared to him and Moleman, so she's in this unfortunate position of being really good but absolutely unable to be used by a majority of players.
i think the way they did rejuvenator fall slowly from the sky to force a possible steal, is just soulless.
it is clearly the delvelopers saying "brawl brawl! yes fight iditots!".
in dota, aegis is an item due to wc3, and the concept of stealing the aegis was born naturally through gameplay.
the rejuvenator delay is just forced from the top down. if they want to go that way, i think it would be more interesting to at least delay it by like 2 minutes: mid-boss gives its killers with buncha souls, ap and maybe the creep buffs, and then some minutes later the rejuvenator appears and both teams have to brawl for it.
>i think it would be more interesting to at least delay it by like 2 minutes

that is retarded
how to correctly use abrams ult? solo lane i use it then hit my aoe thing and ram into wall and shoot or do I big melee shoot, and can i kill with no wall? assuming theyre 70%
>delay it by like 2 minutes
i am so glad you have no influence over the development of this game
>t. killed mid boss but the other team stole the rejuv
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Can you and the rest of the Russians or whatever former soviet bloc posters we have in here just keep from posting absolute garbage ideas in here, appreciate it.
i ain't building im attacking
i'm going to click on you instead of creeps and there's nothing you can do about it
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After trying a bunch of characters I've basically settled on Shiv and Seven
I think Shiv's mid-late game is stronger and more fun than Seven's but holy shit laning as Shiv is so awful that it makes picking up early momentum difficult. Seven is infinitely better for the first segment of the game and gets the ball rolling much faster.
What do you guys prefer?
why? it is just another objective on the map to be contested, like urn. if you just killed midboos your team should still have the advange to get it, but the other team has some other options, like contest, or push lanes, flank, etc, to try and out maneuver.
nah i just think it is boring waiting for the thing to drop for no reason other than muh epic esports moments generation
watch it be implemented in the future. i know how that fucker frog thinks
use the Deathy's Weapon Shiv build
a lot of the top shiv builds neglect any sort of lane sustain, but if you just pick up restorative shot first you'll be comfy
I promise to not be the worst player on the team.
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another game where i carry by feeding
because her wall is broken bullshit so they cannot buff her to make her accessible to non mains because the mains absolutely fucking ruin games with her
i mean it's valve so it does work on Linux
t. xubuntu user
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awesome design, love dying instantly in 2 seconds from a fuckin meteor landing directly on me
Valve should hire you (only to instantly fire you and blacklist you from any job)
that's the one I've been using, and it's pretty nice. It still feels like ass against characters like Talon or Infernus, but overall it feels much better than a spirit build since he got nerfed
Without rage relying on his abilities just feels anemic
The enemy team gets a false sense of forward momentum because they keep managing to kill me, causing them to miscalculate their subsequent actions.
What games translate best to Deadlock? Honestly I think Apex transfers really well
Tbh bebop is not healthy for the game. A singular hook late game can decide the winner.
Dota 2
they send 3-4 people to kill me over and over on their side of the map and my team is farming and getting urn so they just lose, we had 30k souls lead despite me being 4-15 or something like that. I am just so aggressive on shiv they have to respond and overcommit heroes and slowly lose
i see
and i kneel
You just described every ult
I would agree if you added "(2016 or before)".
sir your ethereal shift into return fire???
Shiv solo lane against anyone with half a brain is truly miserable.
league of legends if you can adapt to having active items come mid-game
Has anyone tried post-nerf Viscous yet?

Thanks anon
apex for movement and any moba for gamesense
Can a config god please tell me how to double bind? I want crouch on two different keys
aghs update when?
fuck off aghs is shit
post 2016 dota is 'nudota'
>magic carpet warden
this is some deep tech
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I'm so sorry I'll never doubt you again.
You can theoretically do it right now
It requires some console know how and actual server setup

And yes more than 6v6 can join, but idk if the heroes need to be unique

I bet we get private lobbies sometime soon if they want to do ~any~ esporting
>deep tech
it's an easy choice
warden scales well off of spirit, it gives duration, and you can pop it for a quick shield even if you don't need to use the mobility
I think miccuginnis
Its how yamato says her name
it's been anounced. seven gets to fly around on his own while he ults, warden can press 4 again to kneel on the neck of a single target and vindicta gets cs 1.6 wallbang on her gun
>JP players flaming the absolute dog shit out of Yamato's VA
idk why you play into her being JP with her bio and all then just.... not hiring someone who speaks it native.
It's to complete her weeb aesthetic.
thats cheating lilbro
alpha no complaining
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>set Shiv to only high priority selection
>turn on my Tom Waits and Nick Cave playlist
It's stomping time
yeah ive seen some people in the high mmr circlejerk talk about it.
its what they did with the tournament
how is it cheating? its just a double bind, I just don't know the console command. I did it in cs for years with jump on mwheel down and space
Does having 1 purple 2 white instead of 1 of each increase your chance to get your purple or is it placebo?
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>Oh no the 3 slant eyes who play our game have a problem
GabeN will let you know when he gives a fuck

It literally says it's a priority choice system.
Obviously purple is your #1 choice. I'm asking if going 1 purple 2 white makes it more likely to get your purple rather than 1 purple 1 yellow 1 white.
No. You will last hit and deny every creep, you will follow meta item builds, you will buy items to counter your opponent, you will farm empty lanes, and you will be happy.
I can't figure out which 4 heroes to main.

I seem to only really do decently with McGinnis, but then I dunno what to really build mid to late game. Some of my best games tho have been with Ivy and Wraith, but both really seem to demand mobility and I can't figure out good, comfortable keybinds to make sliding and boosting effective

Any suggestions?
she has a weak early/mid game and an annoyingly deadly late game
You are competing with 11 other people's priority list
Yeah but I REALLY want my purple, that's why I have 1purp2white. Therefore I should beat 1purp1yellow1white peasants.
>but then I dunno what to really build mid to late game.
more gun
if gun don't work

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why can't i spectate my friends
Too low MMR
my stats haven't updated since yesterday evening
what is the ideal yamato build? Do you just go spirit and try and power slash kids over and over again? Crimson slash seems so ass by comparison.
queue times finally taking time
whats the original of this
>guy just runs at me with melee
>he punches THROUGH a parry
nice game yoshi
the default build in the shop is actually bretty good
are you trying to make a big deal out of like 3 nobodies making passive comments about it or something?
valve's in seattle that has a fairly large japanese population, they probably hired a japanese american.
who the fuck cares that she doesn't sound like an overpaid uguu anime voice actor?
This but unironically. They're literally reworking the whole character, she's a placeholder right now.
can you share that playlist? I am also a shiv enjoyer
have fun LMAOO
that is the original
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>another 40k nw 10k hero damage retard
yea lotta gpm to never play the FUCKING game
Come to think of it, will the jungle creeps be getting a visual overhaul? They're pretty alien like but I've never given the look of creeps in mobas much thought because they're just there to die
I'm willing to bet we will get more unique looking jungle creeps, but they will look pretty similar since they are all just different sizes of Shuma Gorath.
Holiday's 1 (barrel ability) feels like such ass. Prefer they just go full cowgirl with her instead of some trick shotting hero. Is that a bad take? That feels like a bad take, but I just don't think most people are going to be able to play someone who has to set up 1 - 2 - 3 combos that aren't like W key monkeys like Moleman or Abrams.
I think it's alright to have a niche character every now and then. Most of the characters in the game as it stands are both straightforward and accessible, so a gimmick character is welcome as long as it's cool
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i'm so fucking bad
how are you playin new champ

how is wrecker
i dont know whats happened recently, but matchmaking is absolutely fucked.
you can play in local bot matches but those are even worse than server bot matches, the bots can't even find their lane most of the time
>All of them are BRs and Vatniks
Here's your Valve F2P experience
Some characters should be easy and some should be hard.
I hate them, I hate them so much. They literally behave like fucking monkeys. At most they're like Koko the gorilla, were they can learn and repeat things somewhat efficiently yet they still behave animalistically, or they just never learn and chimp out 24/7.
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Fuck this character.
that's just the matchmaking experience
It's time to address Bebop's sticky bomb /vg/
buy debuff remover or reactive barrier
Ivy airlines is fun. Throw your tank in so they stop being a pussy.

Also so proud of my friend who is new to PC games and this entire genre for ratting and ending the game during a losing team fight. Didn't have any idea what he was doing, just walked down the lane and shot the patron.
>5-4 winrate
Did you lose against a known premade of special needs kids? What are you upset about?
Best items for Abrams?
vamp burst instead of the meme melee build
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I made a meme.
i was thinking now, while they were going to our base, would have it been a good idea to just backdoor their patron?
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>real hesitant to do an unsolicited ivy ult on a teammate for a while
>see haze getting absolute gangfucked, no shot in hell she survives, <10% health absolutely surrounded by the entire enemy team
>fuck it .0000000000000000000001% is better than 0%
>hit 4 and sign her up for the ride
>we're basically dead in the water in an open field
>she gets crucified 100 feet up in the air in front of absolutely everyone
missed one, but funny
Excellent work anon. You will receive a promotion for this work.
You do it nigger. Record so I can watch the autism ensue.
What does ratting mean?
Behaving as would a rat. Rat-type behavior. Rat-esque.
Ratting is when you avoid interacting with enemy heroes and just push lanes, take towers and hit the patron.
Humiration Rituar
Avoid fights, push lanes, run away when anyone shows up, repeat
I thought that was called split pushing.
>for ratting and ending the game during a losing team figh
Your friend might be the next spectate king.
i lold
Its fucking crazy to me how bad some people are at this game. i am fucking shit at this game but people going 0-15 is a common occurrence?? I guess my MMR sucks but jesus
They're not exactly mutually exclusive. And rat is a derogatory term that's sometimes overused by white people, and often overused by niggers (which in this context may include some Caucasians).
Ratting is a concerted effort to avoid any and all fighting, sneak in do damage to buildings and get out. Focus on towers and dip the second another enemy shows up, move to another lane and repeat. Avoiding fighting is the priority.
Split pushing is a vague term used to push another lane than the main one being pushed by the team. If your team is dealthballing a lane and you push another one, you're split pushing. If nobody is pushing and you're pushing two lanes, you're split pushing.
best I can do on some matches is 4 kills and 4 or 5 deaths due to all the enemy team just suddenly appearing and ganging up on one lane
Yeah well sometimes I try a build and it doesn't work out, what are you going to do about it?
I'm convinced that ratting is the best way to play this game since you can get a massive soul gain by hyperfarming and objectives are incredibly easy to kill solo. Even just shoving a lane and dipping can cause the creeps to kill a tower by themselves fairly quickly
Lanes need pushed like all mobas yeah. I had an absolute feeding fucking idiot mad because I pushed a lane and took a walker (it was at our base) while he kept forcing the team into bad team fights, fed 12 deaths, and ended the game with less hero damage than me somehow. Flex/ability points are pretty damn important.
They have the hero shooter mentality where death doesn't matter
Walkers could use some extra health and the guys at the end of the lane need pretty big buffs imo as they seem kind of useless right now.
those guys are literally free souls
I don't think they're any stronger than the front guardian
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Just as a rat would say.

But yeah it's pretty effective at low MMRs, overall the game is more rat-unfriendly than dota so your rat-capacity will carry you to heights where it's hard countered and you will be surrounded by people who know how to both fight and kill ratting fuckers
People who've never played a MOBA before don't know what they're doing.
People who have played a MOBA before but aren't good at it don't realize that simply not dying is more important than getting kills.
death doesnt matter in this game either if they're good deaths
Games are already 30 minutes on average, which is what they balance it around. You'd have to either make laning shorter/more impactful or make it easier to end after the last towers.
That would explain a lot
I think the most frustrating thing about Seven's ult is that it lasts for like 50 seconds.
Walkers seem like the most WIP element in the game right now. I'm expecting something to change because them and their place in the map don't fit each other, and they've fudged their values to make them not just a healthpoint totem.
It lasts for 2s if you buy Knockdown.
Where is Knockdown in the item shop?
>viscous vs talon solo lane
Wish me luck bros lmao
Can he cancel it at will or is he stuck there while I shoot at him?
I think he can cancel it but he also gets tanky as fuck while doing it
3k spirit
see you all on tuesday
Are the servers not up tomorrow?
they should put the walkers in between where the guardians are right now so they're more defendable, but removing the base guardians so the games go faster

would be way better than whwat we have now
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dotard term.
they think it's dishonest when lol BVLLS know the best way to play a moba is to avoid interacting with any other faggot on your team
My friend who's so good at League that he exclusively plays Iron games that he deliberately tries to drag out as long as possible says split pushing is bad in that game except in certain patches where it's just okay.
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down until tuesday at 3pm
The grenade is great for farming camps
That's not what the Monday hours say.
looks like they'll be adding those 3 new heroes at once. I want to try wrecker. I'm praying for some sort of portal/wall destruction shenanigans to really disrupt teamfights
They aren't skipping a day, they extended the weekend schedule into Monday.
oh goddammit i wanted a big patch, kind of tired of the game's balance right now it's shit
American holiday on monday
Patch is next week bro
>that ugly nigger with the 10 foot long sloped gorilla yakub was real
I thought I was being trolled, wtf valve.
>switched to NA servers
>everybody communicates
>team tries their hardest
>at the end of the match both teams go 'GG'
the only price is having a laggy game, but I don't play aim heroes anyways so who cares
is every match like this? if so you guys truly are civilized
>it's 40 mins in and the retarded seven decides to farm in the enemy jungle with they are all missing
>retreat retreat retreat get back get back
>lose midboss because we don't have seven ult
>this time is farming again
>retreat retreat get back
>dies again

if I could strangle people through the screen
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Noticing a steady increase in sweaty nerds getting upset people are learning a new game :)
One guy raged at me for feeding in my second ever match (he had almost as many deaths as me btw) but I haven't run into anyone like that since then. It helps that we don't have orcs here.
People are pretty quiet, though.
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this you?
gunslinger is already there as the double pistol trickshot archetype
Why is it always Dynamo
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You are buying Titanic Magazine, right?
We need 10 more black characters because they are SOVLFUL
>zoomer brain so rotted by culture war nonsense that he doesn't recognize a pretty well known South Park reference
you hate to see it
his name is kevin
4 assists is actually the worst part of this.
Everybody knows that old reference, doesn't make it funny.
Modern south park is pretty brain rot, I wouldn't hold it against the youngfags to not know a joke from it form like 10 years ago.
>10 years ago
Anon it's more like 20.
Sir this is 2024, Valve is chasing the modern audience.
>People are pretty quiet, though.
better than hearing savages speak with each other
That's the thing that sets Valve multiplayer games so far apart from the competition. Ever since TF2 they've known the importance of having each character dripping with personality. TF2 should be a dead game, it would be a dead game if it weren't for the personalities. In my first Deadlock match I could tell I was playing a Valve game.
My matches have been pretty quiet if not one or two guys communicating politely. Not everyone responds so it goes quiet. ggs are exchanged though. Europe is too sweaty with video games. People in NA have jobs and don't take it too seriously.
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What to do against Haze if she bought Silencer?
one of the active items like bullet steel form, ethereal shift, return fire, etc
The same thing you do against a normal Haze
Makes literally no difference to me I am 800 years old.
>debuff remover

Hard counters half of the roster btw
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>tracklock says I have a 1300 ELO
>it also says I have a minimum 1600, maximum 2100 ELO on my top 10 characters
>regularly outplay the entirety of both teams
Huh, I guess the matchmaking really is fucking me over...
always losing is bad, and i dont want to have to become a dota or lol gaylord
I never knew rage gave shiv extra damage, how should I stack rage? it seems like a waste to use daggers to do it since the dps is super big upon being fully charged
>nerf one of the heroes that I've never ever had to itemize against
>or notice any impact from as a teammate

Viscous is just Pango at this point, sometimes see him in pubs, but reportedly good in tourneys so let's just prevent everyone from having any fun.
yeah i have no clue why debuff remover actually removes the bomb instead of like a slow from it
why did they give lady geist ult microdick range? i cant fucking stay alive when everyone and their mother has a gun in their hand
Pls and ty
if you have to ask the question then you wouldnt understand the (very simple) answer
>only won one (1) game today
>it's the game where the other team left
I have yet to meet a rager in voice chat, although I have had various people flame me for no reason through text.
>get ganked by 3 players I've never even seen prior to this
>2 of them flame me for no reason

>tell team to retreat from yet ANOTHER pointless, losing team fight outside of enemy base
>weakest players on the team accuse me of throwing while they're gunned down like retards after not listening
>randomly mention it on discord to some random tranny
>abundantly clear
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The reason I quit Dota 2 is because there was no way to block 3rd world BRICS players from russia, china and brazil. Will this game be region locked like human games or will there be monkeys who don't speak english running amok?
>queuing as Abrams because I haven't touched him since my first few games
>queue into a solo lane against Ivy
>they switch Ivy with Vindicta
>literally impossible lane
>feed so hard that Vindicta has 10k souls by the end of laning phase
>20 minutes in I'm 0-9-1 and mostly playing catch-up by clearing lanes and farming
>buy heroic aura
>start joining teamfights just to activate heroic aura
>instant momentum shift
>finally my life has meaning again
>accept my role as a support stun bot
>end the match 5-11-6, feeling like I actually contributed
It's really hard to adjust your mental based purely on CS. The next game I ended up so fed from roaming and clearing waves that I was pulling off multiple 1v3s. I don't have an intuitive feeling of when I am and am not strong.
game has more stringent requirements so they're largely absent, but eventually the requirements will be easy enough for the peru shitters to ruin the game again
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come kill
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Actual rat hero when?
>don't priority 7,haze or abrams
>enemy team gets them
this patch is fucking shit
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Get fucked, lashtard
>bully ivy player
>discord Seven player runs across the map to defend his kitten
almost impressive
any gamer born after 1993 cant buy cc... all they know is lifesteal, gun item, 4v6 push and die
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mo and krill and shiv can kill those
It has its drawbacks but upsides too. Becoming good at jungling means you have free reign over the rooftops and most people never look up until Lash's balls are slamming their head.
ill start in 5 min
Ivy porn.
wrong. run at empty lane and fight anyone that shows up and bitch at your team for not helping when you die
Working on it
work on vindicta's ass instead please
fine ill play some mo and kino or shiv
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here, my favorite so far
3/6 starting now!
Depending on the degree of your schizophrenia it's because Pocket has a living coat + bag and a bunch of spirits/demons inside it; or it's because trannies have infiltrated Valve and billions must die
Is there a setting where i can change the skillshots like in LoL?

As in i do not have to aim but instead the projectile just instantly goes where my crosshair is?
quick cast? no, not in and random if the ability uses it or not, which sucks ass
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>both stats websites put me in the top 2% of players
>i've never been past bronze in any moba previously
>i've never been past diamond in any game in general
i was born for this game. it was made for ME.
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Can I get some more cool seven fanart please
Why does Ivy's voice give me an erection?
I came.
His 2 Is great to push a lane quick and thanks to Burn he has obscene single target damage. Generally you want to shove the lane/kill Guardian ASAP and then farm until Richochet and then farm even more. You'll out scale everything that's not post buffs Haze with Titanic Magazine.
The point is to make it so Spirit builds aren't pure garbage compared to Gun.
this peruvian fed 4 times in the lane gg guys
I wish Paradox had a mouth so she could kiss my ass(hole)
she does, you two can kiss south-mouth to south-mouth
not the 11k souls 0 items bought part?
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Kitsune hero when? It is ILLEGAL to release a moba without at least one qt kitsune.
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Sex Ritual
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youre kidding right
I'm not kitting.
Very cute
the numbers, what do they mean
Source on that?
Her current voice and model are from Neon Prime days when she was an ayylmao weeb and it fits perfectly. Plus her callouts are amazing, MIKU GINNIS does not get old.
never bro we're conspired against
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>losing game
>start calling enemy team niggers
>they lose focus and get angry
>make retarded plays to try to spite me
>we end up winning
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I just woke up.
My right sock came off my foot in the middle of the night and now I can't find it.

Vindicta base bullet resistance reduced from -10% to -20%.
why is a ghost weak to bullets? why is a warlock weak to spirit damage?
Some heroes will naturally come in front of you. Abrams, Warden, etc.
I need a screenshot of her from behind. Don't feel like logging back in. Just need dress details
Correct but if you master movement, it's quite difficult to pin down your ratlock playing ass down. Especially since running from enemy base gives you stairs you can slide down for a massive momentum boost.
>had to go to r*ddit for an invite
i feel gross
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Good morning Mr. Icefrog
Yes. This is enabled by dozens of built in hero builds.

It's possible to start by not learning anything beyond your build, then slowly branch out into learning what all heroes do as you face them and then branch out into reading items used against you.

Then finally, you might get the feeling you understand the game enough to start modifying the build.
due to damage falloff most heroes fight at close to mid range
geists 3 has a slow, you can use it to close gaps
there are many items in the shop that increase movement speed
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>I need a screenshot of her from behind
That's the issue, her ass was so fucking big it caused clipping and occlusion bugs, so they added a second Vindicta model without it to make her playable for now.
Shortest female character with the largest ass, make of that what you will.
You're drunk bro. Doto has Lycan, Shadow Shaman and Nature Prophet, all three make it a point to destroy your tower in a couple of seconds if your team stops being in guard or dares to take a fight. There's even more like Terrorblade, Morphing and Naga Siren who are less fast and obnoxious, but also tanker with easier escapes or powerful 1v1 capability.
The full Vindicta model with her ass visible is unused but exists in the files, if you actually play Vindicta there's a void under her dress
How do your webms look so good at 4 megs? Mine look like dogshit. Im using webmconverter btw
how does the weapon damage stat work? does it influence the bullet dmg stat, or are weapon dmg and bullet dmg seperate stats, both affecting the same thing?
I love these designs
I'm gonna miss Yamato's 5head
Bullet damage is the type
Weapon damage is the stat
Oh I know, I just meant her dress design. I found a shitty webm on r34 that for some reason has it, so that'll do.

Struggling with a simple pose. The one I was gonna do is too similar to something I did recently with an OC. I may just go less softcore and more hardcore instead

desu this is just making me want to actually git gud with Vindicta. I'm not even horny, I just wanna draw this and Ivy and then go practice
Anyone got a link to the Yamato redesign?
>When will AOE abilities be line of sight?
They are?
You think Seven is ulting you around corners?
Where do I find some non-retarded people to queue with? I'm tired of what is obviously a stack going against 5 retards and myself. They just all jump me the second they see me, since I'm top nw in match, and my team keeps being retarded and not backing me up, then dying on their own afterwards since they can't do anything without me there.
5 min break then i q again
there's a party code above you nigga
if we're gonna have vapid fapbait heroes we should have at least have good ones like kindred
How do I build Viscous? Healing or tank?
I think viscous sucks right now but I would go mystic pulse and mystic burst so that your ult actually does something, then full tank
I've watched a stack of Dota pros and extreme high ranks play a couple of days ago and they also faced a stack.

One of the Dota players said he has never seen such a high level of enemy coordination outside a ranked match. Then one of the guys on the opposing team messaged him and said they have 800 hours and weren't stream sniping.
People really trying to go pro in closed alpha game already. Classic.
Ok ty
shit on a kelvin 1v1 so hard he demanded i post my address in allchat
Seven Ult is a special case. It also has a bunch of other advantages.
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When I'm not playing Ivy, I'm watching people play Ivy.
When I'm not watching people play Ivy, I'm gooning to Ivy.
When I'm not gooning to Ivy, I'm thinking about Ivy.
WHen I'm not thinking about Ivy, I'm dreaming about Ivy.
When I'm not dreaming about Ivy, I'm playing Ivy.
Shiv's footstep sounds throw me off way too much, I still think there's a female character around the corner and then I get ulted
he's more of a mage/ability spammer
cube isn't used just to heal but to dodge damage and save teammates and ult is pretty worthless other than as escape
Viscous ass on my face
Do you ever actually use her ult on a teammate? I'd be afraid of fucking it up
There's no way you fuck it up worst than Kelvin's cuck bubble.
only when it's convenient or i'm taxi-ing them with the urn
Why isn't Lash's Flog allowed to hit through walls like the other aoes :(
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lmfao sweats in beta
>chud plays multiplayer game
how weak is your constitution
>banned for a few hours
what did you do?
Do you ever land your Stone Form? Every time I see an Ivy use it, I easily dash away.
It's a defensive ability. You're not meant to land it.
i land it most of the time, i'd say. it's especially easy to land out of ult on unsuspecting enemies. like the other guy said, it's primarily defensive, but at the same time, i don't think people use it aggressively enough
arch reporting in
works flawlessly (under proton experimental)
does this game share a universe with dota?
calling people "sweats" only makes you look like a sore loser, you know?
when will you learn games are competitive by nature?
thankfully no
The weird thing is using the term when they probably got banned for posting 'nigger' 50 times in one game
>>regularly outplay the entirety of both teams
uh huh
Whats your wr btw surely its above 55%
>Someone beats me
Sweaty no-lifes
>I beat someone
Dumb noob haha get owned
The Great Convergence is linked to the Maelstrom
Soon enough, a dota hero will arrive here and a Deadlock one will be announced during The International
I saw it in a dream yesterday
Great Confluence*
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not him but yeah
I wonder if they are going to start you off in the map instead of instantly on ziplines when the real matchmaking starts. Just randomly assigning people to lanes is obviously garbage.
if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand
>but you don't seem to understand :)
Because there's nothing to understand and you're just whining and whimpering like the dog you are. Got it.
>found the perfect trench stomper build and have been anally abusing new players with kevin all day now
Holy shit I hope all the retards keep playing him as support so icefraud doesn't nerf him
The number of people who try and take a fight with me thinking I'm some underfarmed squishy fuck who built shit like >healing nova is absurd
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Sex with Haze and Paradox and Geist.

That's all.
Weird, there's no "Sex" item in the shop... Is that from a secret secret alpha?
Can anyone give me an invite?
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whats your favorite anime
alright bro ggs

that one was tough
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>tfw shoving a wall up seven's asshole for the fourth time as he tries to ult
Get majestic leap you fool.
Miku is so good and fun
Weapon is S-tier
Wall is broken op
I love curbstomp any enemy during laning phase
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>3 charge stamina bar
>Dash that uses a charge
>Air dash
>Dash jump for 2 charges
Wait a minute, this is just Ultrakill!
serial experiments lain
not that guy though
that was tough, I was getting focused extremely hard mixed with the fact i wasnt hitting shit cause everyone was moving at mach 5
ggs man you clutched up that last one
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at least you got banned temporarily. I got banned permanently for saying some not so kind things to hohols, kek.
Even /vg/ know Ice Beam is bullshit and his gun is decent. But there's always a shizo or two who have a conniption when you play a hero with support skills as a carry. Case in point, other than slow bullets, Dynamo's gun is really goddamn strong.
sent :)
I wish they never add "classes" to this game
Just add more heros, like in a fighting game and keep being creative with toolkits
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What is my malfunction?
thanks bro I got it
>Ice beam
Neither of these are his broken part (honestly I never put shit on his gun)
The broken thing is how fast you farm when you rush the grenade damage and improved burst, one grenade will delete the entire creep wave so you just zip around empty lanes and eat the wave in 2 seconds before fucking off to jungle. Plus you delete medium camps super fast (nade+beam them, it will be off CD for next camp) and get to abuse lanes too with the early damage when you're out of camps to farm.
horny power
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Is Ivy supposed to have innate fleetfoot passive like she does? Are there any other heroes with hidden bonuses like this?
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>I'm being lifted, oh no!
>ethereal shifts
That's... Not a carry setup though? Granade dealing a lot of damage is true but it better seeing as your 2 and 4 have no Spirit Damage scaling unless something changed. "Carries" tend to put a fat amount of Gun investment, even when going for a mainly Spirit build, simply not to let the enemy sustain themselves and kill you after surviving the initial burst.
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I have a question
How important are all the little bonuses hidden in crates? Am i supposed to hunt them down compulsively when i have free time, or is it better to always push if you're not fighting?
Nigger individual hero mmr means jack shit also tracklcok is garbage. DLT is what matters.
What ability is it that causes this? It's usually the last thing I see before I eat shit in fights at the patron.
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sure man just do whatever you want as long as you have fun
>solo queue
>lose every game no matter how well I'm doing
I just can't fight the discord homos, bros...
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DLT is missing more matches.
I don't understand the "abandoned" games though. If I win with a leaver on my team, it should still count for their rating system.
it's because slavs have better PCs than peruvians, wait until the game is optimized enough for being handled by average peruvian computer
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Yeah i dont like that either since i often rape a janny in lane so hard they quit.
>desu this is just making me want to actually git gud with Vindicta
She's very fun but honestly not that good.
can't aim
Pocket's gun feels the best to shoot :\
Nigger you do those things on any hero with heavy attack clipping
When they add cosmetic I hope Yamato's will have their names and descriptions written in japanese
This is a fun game but losing after carrying feels really, really depressing.
Wraith's ult I think?
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I got like 15 hours in the game and literally every single time theres a Seven on the enemy team it's a loss cause he gets to ult for free and everybody stands in it. Even if I got a Haze or Paradox on my team they never ever CC him. Is there an item or something I can buy to cuck this guy? I'm genuinely getting sick of seeing him almost every game.

>just walk out of it lol
Well my team doesn't
bopped bebop so hard he abandoned in lane

poor retard has 0 idea how to fight mcginny.
Play heroes that can carry harder
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How the fuck do you do 5 damage to objectives in 40 minutes.
This was a great and even game too, we even coordinated and had bants in pregame, Yamato carried hard.
*buys knockdown*
who was he laning against?
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>get Grey Talon on my team
>check his build
>it's Bird Talon
Congrats, you got a good teammate.
Hope you didn't waste that free win
He was in a duo lane with shiv against our abrams and talon
well he throws boulders if that's close enough
maybe he was hooking abrams, poorly
It's not just pisslo that Seven is cancer in, in mid and even somewhat high MMR this dude has fucking insane pickrate (90%) and an almost 60 fucking percent winrate. He legit got a 4-5% winrate buff across all MMR brackets
>bird talon
Now protect that fucker and get a free win
How are you intended to lane with mcnig, I've tried a few games but I always feel vulnerable to ambushes and peek-and-burst heroes that know better than to stand in the open long enough for me to ramp up on them.
Post the replay on youtube and lets find out together :)
Neither Haze nor Paradox have any way to stopping Seven ult, genius.
yeah that sounds fun, I guess that's why they're nerfing viscous damage since they dont want a brawler that lobs shit? or does the boulder roll too
mental warfare should be fair game
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idk man I'm new and my only frame of referance is league/dota and it's legit confusing what does or doesn't interrupt channels at first. It just makes no sense to me that knockups or sleeping a targets lets them keep channeling.
Why does slime ball interrupt channeled shit but pudge hook doesn't?
Is objective damage just towers/walkers/shrines/paragons?
his boulder ability works like the HL2 gravity gun
The only way for a spell or item to interrupt a channel is for it to say it interrupts.
As for counters, Curse and Knockdown are items that interrupt channels, Knockdown is especially good because its only 3k and has 45 meter range.
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When are we getting an update with actual new stuff?
Valve devs should use them instead of adding them to the game
holy based
Yes, only enemy buildings.
I see, kinda sucks that I'm gonna have to buy this item every game now cause I know nobody else on my team is gonna do it but guess I just gotta cope and seethe with it until I finally climb out of wood devision
>hurr I pinged the enemy so you should automatically know where they are!!!
>I don't care if you're trying not to get assraped by bebop, you should watch out for the yamato dropping in on your rectum early lane!!
Idk, it just doesn't. Neither does sleep or silence. It's weird coming from dota but you get used to it.
I don't understand the point of Viscous alt fire, what do you guys actually use it for
nobody plays that hero they ruined him
>tell me you don't play dota without saying it
Yeah I'm sure Skywrath or Rubick build full right click when they go mid too
harassing around corners during laning
small boost in damage if you remember to use it on your last bullet in the clip
ricochet or being lazy when aiming pokes
Ok post your mmr nigger right now. But you wont because i know you are a low mmr shitter who doesent even know wtf melee clipping even is and thinks his super awesome and totally unique kelvin build has good farm
>muh mmr
Meme game tracking sites are a joke and you need them to win argument because you have rocks for brains. It's an alpha nigga you really think valve's running strict mmr on this shit? lmao
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i promised abram last thread so here he is

my doodle still being used wartm my heart :>
I had some bad first experiences against talon and haze, every time we glimpsed each other long enough to trade some damage I'd always take significantly more in the handful of seconds than I was able to dish out.
they should make goo ball gain speed on hitting a wall
Thats what i thought lol. Keep playing your le farm kelvin build buddy im sure you will win a lot with it
>damand aribtrary thing
>T-That's what I thought!
Post tits or you lose

That's what I thought
Do you think urn objective is fun?
What's so great about Paradox exactly? Can't make sense of what makes her strong
Yes but I dont know how to buff it to make people do it.
Its already insanely good for the carrier, but if you make it any better then snowball would be insane.
ivybro btw
It makes thing happen so yea it does its job
doesn't need a buff, if nobody does it in low elo it's another mmr level to allow better players to climb out
You have the combo of hitting your 3, making a wall, then swapping them through the wall, dealing a bunch of damage and silencing them, and now they are in your team.
any specific way I should place the way to ensure it hits? her ult seems to like, swing the target in an arc iykwim

also you're now in their team, how are you dealing with that? I feel like there's easier safer heroes who can make picks
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Waprstone and Diviners Kevlar helps you live after swap, also, as long as you stay behind the wall before you swap, they will touch it.
>try to get my own discord squad going
>they all give up on the game immediately
back to solo queueing
thank you
just fiddled around in sandbox to get a feel, I like the burst fire. redpill me on her 3?
Getting into a mmr bracket where people's aim is starting to become real good and the laning phase instantly transforms into a slog
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>team ignores mid after we wipe the enemy and I ping it fifty fucking times
>we lose
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Honestly just use MikaelS's build, hes clearly the best paradox player.
Also note that while aiming in the air, you hover. This is why Paradox also really benefits from walljumps. Its really good to use during lane to get easy harass going, always make sure to shoot them after hitting your 3, its free damage and you can proc your headshot booster for even more damage.
>last game before mm closes
>can't sleep from the anger
people don't know when to stop and go back after a enemy teamwipe.
they rather wait for enemy respawns in their base than go back to push lanes or get midboss
NEVER play any sort of competitive game past your bedtime minus one hour, shrimple as.
does this game have ranked yet? if not, then have they mentioned anything in the forums or whatever about ranked?
this game might as well be a year out from even being considered a beta
they wont be splitting the player base for a while man, they arent even done making the objectives or map everything is being juggled big time

also there's only 25ish when they said that they were expecting at least 50
25ish what?
Only slightly related but it's crazy the amount of people I've watched playing that don't understand that this is a real alpha with tons of unfinished assets, already tons of people saying stuff like Viscous model looking weird, shop icons being confusing or jungle creeps looking all the same.
Think of all the little statues and shit people hide behind during laning, if you learn the spacing on the ball, you can hit people for free when they think they're safe. Or if someone's trying to harass and you're in range, you can shoot and hide while it cycles so they aren't hitting you the whole time. Usually you can hit behind that little wall in front of towers from the bridge on any lane.
>pester friends to play
>ex-moba player says it controls like shit (he can't deal with third person shooters)
>fps friends hate the moba aspect and ragequit
>the only person left maintains a 0.5 KDA
it's over
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>got an actual 100% new player in my last match of the night asking questions on how to play and if he should make his own build because he thinks the default one sucks
>zero fucking kills in a 36 minute match
>"Nah league's not my thing and I played dota like once"
I genuinely wish the worst on people who invite mouthbreathers like this into the game and don't have the common decency to put some time in the tutorial or sandbox or even read their fucking character's short blurb in the menu
May God treat you as poorly in life as you have treated me this match, and may your seed never find fertile soil because I fear your children will come out with a large dent in their skulls like yours must have.
We hate Infernus, Haze and Shiv
...and we love Bejita.
It sucks being the only guy in a friendgroup who doesn't get filtered by actually hard games
I had one that asked how to play and then abandoned 10 minutes in
I wonder if Deadlock will have a zoomer demographic. The moba genre is pretty solidly millennial at this point.
Seven is like a late game hard carry, right?
>wonder why he doesn't build hollow point ward
>see he builds headshot booster
is he an aimbot or what
He's an every time carry because his gun is too strong and will fuck you up in lane if you're put against a good headclicker
Headshot booster doesn't need good aim you just need to fish for headshots, unlike rejuv shot where you get ONE chance, headshot booster goes on CD after you land a headshot.
Maybe it's because I've played a ton of mobas but I dont really think this is comparable in terms of strategy or anything. It's quite a simple game and barely different than pushing the cart in overwatch honestly. The main focus is being good at your character in lane and in teamfights. That's 90% of it. As long as one person on your team is pushing out waves you can completely ignore moba mechanics and do fine
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>tfw russian haze in a 30 minute match
This troon game is definitely filled with zoomers. The moment I utter the word nigger or faggot, I get 2-3 people on the enemy team shouting "REPORTED".
I would report you too but only because I want to see you whine about being banned
The nuance of conserving your mag for securing a last hit or deny while trying to harass and making sure you aren't reloading or getting harassed yourself while a creep is fading away is really just a very entertaining dance. Making it so your souls are also your exp also means it becomes a race for 3k souls and getting your ult, likely securing at least one kill in a dive.
>hazenigger ragequits when it looks like we're about to lose
>we end up winning without them
Reported :)
I wish this tard had quit but no he stuck it out til the end
Unlike you, nigger, I have a job and play games casually. Hence why i say nigger and trash whilst still winning my games
exp being the same as souls is a terrible mechanic, makes it impossible to play the game if youre stomped and you are basically fucked for 10 minutes until urn or something balances it out
how do you see your MMR?
*moba games are competitive
you are disingenuous faggot.
that's because the "MMR" you see on trackers means fucking nothing
>actually hard games
Meh, haven't touched any moba in +10 years Really like deadlock and put like +100h in a couple of weeks since there's been a major drought of decent online shooters in the past years
And the better I get the less I like the moba mechanics in deadlock
There's nothing exceptionaly hard about mobas, it's just very frustrating very fast
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it's still a bit weird to me if I'm understanding the item correctly, 45 damage per headshot every 7 seconds vs a constant flat 20% extra damage of hollow point, which scales much better with Paradox's 3
I've always thought so and everything on paper makes me believe Deadlock should be a very snowball-y game but I've had plenty of comeback games.
Kay sweaty enjoy making an alt and begging for another invite
i'm too nervous to jump into a real match guys, i've been playing bot matches for the whole day
Why would I need to beg for an invite? I have already invited my alt accounts day 1. Also I don't behave in comp games. The only games I dont grief in are pve games where my account accumulates years of progression. Stay upset fat white monkey.
it doesn't scale enough to give more than 45 damage early
there are quite literally no stakes right now
Headshot booster 'feels' better so people probably have bias for it, because you feel like you did fat damage when you plink someone
Also, 45 damage
If you want to get an equivalent value from hollow point you need to land a good 200~ damage (not counting HP) with your gun which can be tough at some distances or lanes
Basically Headshot > Hollow the less time you spend shooting the enemy (and doing other shit like farming)
Same here. I think it comes down to the map size and how weak creeps are at pushing.
If you snowball early, you can push the enemy to their base and beat them in 20 minutes.
But if you fail to push around then, the game could go on for another half hour.
Maybe it needs something like the bosses that actually push a lane like in HotS. Midboss enhanced creeps don't do much at all.
burst>flat when we're bursting as para
half respawns the next time you die
stronger creeps
faster firing rate on your team temporarily
comebacks only happen if they stupidly push past walkers without doing boss first

it's currently pretty badly designed imo, and i'm not talking about the team anyway when referring to being stomped in lane. One lost lane doesnt really mean the enemy team is winning. I just meant it's not very fun to lose lane and permanently be behind until much later. It really sucks, and sometimes you lose it instantly after being chunked by some bullshit combo and dont even get your first 500 soul item before having to go back. If it happens again you have no zip boost and are probably 1k souls behind in under 2 minutes. Just poor unfun design.
The memeback mechanic is lategame bounties.
Shit gives like 3 to 6k souls, its absurd.
his permanent hero stats!
Just accept that fact that you're going to lose about half the time. Bot matches are at least a good way to learn the map without throwing anyone else's game but beyond that they're such pushovers that they'll just give you an inflated sense of how often you're actually going to win and a bad idea of how to deal with real laning and real fights, which makes the jump to pvp more unpleasant the longer you put it off.
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>seething this hard at new players in an alpha

Maybe don't join an alpha of a brand new game if you're a sperg kid
Nah I'm gonna keep yelling at new/bad players and spreading the toxicity.
Why did they nerf dynamo's gun instead of his stomp? Its a knockup, slow, and huge nuke. Combined with his AOE healing you'd have to be giga tarded to ever lose a lane with him.
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>watch super play his first time
>he's a fucking idiot
>check his latest VoD
>this is only his second time playing Shiv and he constantly 1v2s until he has double the souls of anyone in the game
how many SPM are acceptable as a casual?
presumably because they aren't just trying to balance character power right now for a meta, it's because Dynamo is a support-oriented character and his gun shouldn't be the best thing about him
idk man they seem fine gutting viscous in every single conceivable way, I think someone at valve (slacks?) just wants it to be OP as fuck
meh, agree there's no point in seething about new players
but also it's a playtest and if you're new and jump into a game without touching the tutorial and reading at least a little bit about the champions you play then maybe don't participate in a playtest? It's not about being bad in this case, it's about being completely useless and not really willing to participate in the playtest. Why even accept the invite?
Is there some kind of shield that prevents you from killing the shrine if there are still base guardians up? I had a game where I was left to my own devices in the other base and I wasn't able to damage the last say 10% of the left shrine.
Wouldn't surprise me if Valve wants the black hole hero to be good for PR purposes while the game's young
>4 out of 5 of my friends love it
>the 1 who doesn't is the friend who will only play MOBAs and competitive multiplayer games that feed him performance metrics
>whenever we find a new multiplayer game to play together, this guy is the one who drags everyone back to the same two games
>we all think finally, FINALLY we've found a different multiplayer game he's willing to play
>tries to forfeit in chat his first match
>dead silent during his second and third matches
>leaves his fourth match
>has barely been around since
I don't know whether he thinks this is a passing phase or if he actually intends to stop hanging out with us because we won't play League every night. Like leading a horse to water.

He was packing way too much heat. No one looks at Dynamo or Dynamo's kit and thinks to themselves that he's a gun character.
Talon should be removed from the game until they come up with a better concept.
I just realized that talon's arrows are just easier and bigger damage shiv knives
anything less than 900 means you're doing terribly.
lulmao you sure showed him alpha gamer
Talon is a psyop to make you think the Huntsman hitboxes in TF2 are acceptable.
should i invest in this? this seems like a fun game and i've always wanted to get into mobas, but the game looks unfinished and it's unknown if an alpha game like this will still have a playerbase when it releases
This but Worse Talon too (Vindicta)
it's got nearly 200,000 concurrent, it's not going to die before it releases
it might dip down a bit before they add hamster wheel systems
>should i invest in this?
God i hate niggers like you
This. Buy the dip when it's at the daily low and don't panic sell until we're at a milly.
>only 60k players in a closed pre-alpha test on a Monday morning

more like Deadflop
It's the safest bet for a multiplayer game I've seen in forever
think they'll add in a singleplayer/coop PvE mode? none of the other MOBAs really do that and OW2 fucked themselves by cancelling its campaign, I think there's an opportunity for Valve here
So far the only singleplayer component that seems to be planned is a visual novel and it's not clear if it will have branching paths or not.
No. The singleplayer mode of OW was always a deathtrap and Valve would be wise not to fall into it. We might eventually see something like DOTA's alternate game modes, small spin-off games, or something like MvM from TF2, but much, much later.
>none of the other MOBAs really do that
League of Legends just did that like two months ago.
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How come the game has 100k+ player all of the sudden? Why is everyone shilling it so much? Is this some sort of Valve marketing psyop?
>what is Aghanim's Labyrinth
The ultimate is fine, they just need to rework the 2nd skill to enable spirit scaling. A wave clear or escape tool would be neat.
kill this guy
it's the most grassroots growth of any game ever with Valve literally banning journos from talking about the game and people still believe in some self made conspiracy
Don't move, we're tracing you right now.
quirky seasonal minigame garbage doesn't count
well there's no demand for a singleplayer/pve mode otherwise
how do you know? the people who like pve just don't really make their preference known with a game like this
It's going to have MvM and tf2 players will get immense butthurt
DvD - Deadlock vs Demons.
New 'lock
why do people make threads exactly at bump limit? this thread is still usable for an hour or two
Deadtards... choose.
Because homo's want to force faggot op images >>492845918
thanks for removing yourself from the game, slavtard
ya true
>woke game
>woke game, valve
what makes this a woke game
schizo faggot, shut the fuck up you retard

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