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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Fake Baby Pukei edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

I love huntresses
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
wilds more like milds
All of these chicks are annoying. I hate western females so much. Fuck you, Capcom, only have Asians next time.
>the same room has been up for at least 12 hours
Damn that's kinda impressive
Cute sissy huntresses
cute baby pukeis
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>surpasses kino
cute vagianly cute diischarge cute huntersees and hunters alike cute abaesties cute monsties cute capcummy cute!
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why is GS most fun weapon while being most simple one?
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Threadly reminder that you suck at MH.
no thanks Capcom I have mugen and emulation
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They're gonna censor the fuck out of this fighting game collection aren't they?
weapon weight, big hits big dicks
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>he didn't close the tab the picosecond he saw the words "fighting games"
dopamine hits as you hit the mon with a perfectly postitioned charge
Is evade extender mandatory in World for SA? It feels like sword mode leaves you way too open.
where have you been
World > Wild Hearts > Rise > Toukiden > God Eater > Dauntless > any other MH game
You shouldn't be walking around in sword mode. Just morph slash into it when needed and use the much more mobile axe mode to get around
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Wild Hearts really isn't that good
Wild will have Terry Bogard asking if you're ok
I want to see the original reddit post of this
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keep telling yourself that thirdie
I don't use it. If you really need to gtfo, roll and morph back to axe, the range you get is huge.
Why are American females so fat and masculine sounding? WTF America? WTF Capcom? Don't put these beasts on screen.
for Safi, do light weapons tenderise in 1 hit without shaver deco?
Why is teostra just standing there
that's... possible actually
if the SNK collab ends up being just terry and mai costumes I'll be disappointed though
>it's matt mercer all over again
Its from the template, broski.
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>Become funlance main
>learn about GU gunlance
I feel like the only reason they even do this is because some dumbass american in Capcom USA saw that they would bring in that gay pirate in the Japan streams and thought "wow we need LGBT representation too right now yall!!!"
>quick save
it's called a load state
>use either of the gauge-maxing arts
>heat gauge no longer matters
The reason it's so comparatively low damage is because they still thought defensive options needed balancing out back then
What's wrong with it?
>be me, trying to play gunlance in 4U for the first time
>learn how you should play gunlance in G-Rank and 140lvl hunts (tip: you don't use the gun part)
save state, thoughever
why western companies do this?
additional information required
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>become gunlance user
>immediately start bitching
heat gauge
because iceborne fucked up the game
whats that?
idk, i will never touch gunlance
so which game has the best gunlance then?
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>world 2
>roms on custom emulator
>no, we are not creatively bankrupt
Unironically Rise and I don't even like Rise.
I think its a 2 fight
>You shouldn't be walking around in sword mode
I'm usually caught out right after landing my combo between switching stances.
Sometimes I don't have enough time to rise into morph.
I installed a switch emulator that can play online, but now I'm too scared to join rooms.
5th gen
Rise's is better than world's
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Only buying the game for this big sweaty bitch. I'm going to pound her holes in a makeshift tent.
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Iceborne PC room
Well, use EW for iframing then, idk
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can someone reply to this? all combat gameplay from WILDS we saw, is that it? Are they hiding anything or they revealed everything? Like new skills etc...
They will exist, dummy
Try and anticipate attacks and don't overextend yourself. For example, the double slash into double finisher is very unsafe to use and you should only use it when you know you won't get smacked and need to fill your meter quickly. You can alternate B - Y - B - Y etc. for an infinite combo that's safer, and also remember your fade morph attack as it pushes you back pretty far and can clear a lot of monster attacks if you do it in time.
just woke up who's having a meltdown
It's a mainline, not a portable.
Base world was good, then iceborne shit it up
Rise turns it into a fullburst rocket (pejorative)
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worldcels as always, we risechads keep it cool
same brother same
also outdoor sex with alma between quests
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If Flinch Free is a thing, LS moves up a tier.
If Shock Absorber is a thing, all BM weapons on Detrimental tier move up to Helpful tier.
If the HH user is a corner horner, HH moves down two tiers.

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skyward thrust is too fucking good
malzeno armor + lance is a very nice upgrade too, no longer need to worry about any damage at all thanks to lifesteal
i don't participate in incel arguments
what's wrong with hammer doe
Why aren't you a solo hunter you whiny little bitch?
hammer users are a danger to themselves and others
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The best weapons are the ones I like
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Ricies still having a meltdown since yesterday. No reason why but you can immediately tell they're still shitting themselves by the constant unsolicited shitposts they've forced out in the last 24 hours.
How many hours does it take before you can say a weapon just isn't for you?
I am a lance and fellow lances are the worst shit in hunts. They all think that lance charge is a good attack and drive through other hunters like it's their job
If you know how the weapon works to the point where you can reliably kill with it without struggling and still don't like it, just drop it.
The moment you cart
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It's your fault you came near me
whats bro yapping about
Should I upgrade all my Glavenus armor pieces to level 7 with hyper Glav mats before I do that Diablos urgent quest for G rank? Or do I just say fuck it and ball?
This, Know your place, other weapons.
Heads belong to us.
I didn't say it was a bad thing
The games need more tripping if anything
no fuckin idea, didn't read. happy for him. or sorry to hear that happened to him.
Yeah this. If you play lance with others avoid using dash attack and leaping thrust unless you 100% know no one's going to get in the way because at best you're going to knock people out of attacks and annoy the fuck out of them, and at worst you're going to get them killed.
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How do I find people to play with me in low rank...
m-my sns shield can s-stun t-too!
Kind of depends. If you don't like it on a foundational level (I don't like having to attack the head, I don't like the weapon being extremely slow, I don't like attacking from a distance, ect.), then you can probably say within 1 or 2 hunts.
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which of you is this
What does it mean when you see a newbie hunter go from GS to CB to SnS?
>went through the entirety of High and G rank until Nerscylla with unupgraded high rank lagombi armor and aerial GS
fuck it and BALL. aerial GS on diablos with that armor was pure CBT
i only progress low rank and sub-endgame hunts with irl friends. i reserve randos for endgame
>you can reliably kill
What tier of monster are we talking about here? Normal Nerg, Furious Rajang or one of the Tempered Elder Dragons?
you don't. Low rank is a wasteland.
You know what I love doing?
Using the Hammer's slinger burst to hunt bugs.
So fun seeing them just all pop with a single shot.
>everyone else should hit shitzones the whole hunt and make the kill take even longer so I can feel special for getting 2 stuns on the monster
Now I know why people call you femboys
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vote for which weapon you're going to use
Wanted a real weapon instead of a one-trick sony
you don't and shouldn't, LR helps you learn how to play without having to rely on other people
I can solo the entire game from LR to MR myself, it's just so lonely....
post the tigrex one
No one has said that until like February of this year and it didn't even take off as a forced meme in this tiny (less than 200 people) environment.
Play solo if you don't like it, queer
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I love huntresses
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True, I forgot how ass that was. Here's an updated list.
time to make a room then friend
>Too braindead for me tier:
GS, Hammer, Lance, Saxe
>Too straight for this tier:
>Fun but refuse to play it properly tier:
Gunlance, HH, Bow, DB
>For me tier:
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Simply ask here, I'm ready to face any Great Jagras that would dare stand in our path
do you never play singleplayer games wtf nigga just kill monsters and have fun
I'd say anything up to the "hard" TU iceborne monsters. If you know the kit well enough to kill everything in the main story of IB without carting or even something like stygian zino or rajang, then you're good enough to know that you don't like the weapon rather than you just suck with it.
funny how the entire gameworld is a blurry low res mess except for the hunter's modded ass and back
You forgot the T in your abbreviation
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this is me
he cute
>troon pigtails
Why do men like this? It reminds them of little girls and they're pedophiles while also being agp?
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t. actually seething femboy
flinch free 1 cures longsword, db and lbg
it doesn't cure glaive tornado slash which is a full trip, or SA that has a vault in their main combo
Wilds on switch status?
Genuinely how the fuck do people play greatsword? I have no idea how this weapon is so popular, I feel like a retard stuck in molasses whenever I try to learn it.
Not at all
I'm just interested in defending /mhg/ traditions, like hammer waifs, from being eroded by faggot tourists
You don't swing the sword at the monsters, you let the monsters crash into your sword.
I guess I won't switch weapons yet then.
Longsword has multiple seethe vectors intersect
1/ it's popular, which immediately pisses off contrarians who don't need any other reason to hate stuff
2/ it's a weeb magnet, and weebs are considered subhumans on the internet
3/ it used to frequently trip people, and still does if you are too retarded to slot in a deco, which pisses off boomers, retards and minmaxers
4/ it's now centered around parries, which makes boomers throw tantrums involving phrases like "methodical spacing" and "positional combat"
5/ it's consistently pretty good, which pisses off people who feel their weapon doesn't receive as much attention from the developers
I'm sorry anon but realistically the only way this game is on switch is if it's that streaming bullshit
show me your Longsword usage
sheath it retard

have you noticed you can sheath it and do attacks from sheath really fast? when you get used to doing that, learn how tackling can let you land higher level swings without having to sheath and reposition
so who called you out on the last hunt, mr anime longsword user?
Hot tip: most people playing it just swing the big sword haphazardly and hope they do the big damage. This was also true of pre-world games. You don't have to be a headsnipe master to play GS.
show me your auto-guard talisman
insane self-report, how are you so shit?

Yeah, with Boltreaver I'm hitting him during his dive bomb moves (Triple pound with Hammer), hitting his tail when he plugs it into the ground and countering his light saber move with an Adept Dodge upper cut. Other than than I might hit his leg every so often but I'm also trying to bait certain moves. I'm sure just sure why I'm struggling to kill him so much when I had 15 minutes left when I killed Hellblade EX by mostly only attacking his head/tail when he slammed them into the ground.
Hold charge.
>Monster moving
shoulder tackle ---> charge
>Monster isn't moving
charge ---> release
>Need to reposition
sheathe weapon ---> move ---> unsheath attack
focus makes swings faster
6/ it pisses me off because its played by gay NIGGERS
draw attack spam until the monster falls down, then beeeg charge smash. Using TCS as a normal move just doesn't happen and if you manage to land a third of them you're already a god gamer.
It's always kind of surprising that greatsword is consistently one of the top weapons considering it's one of the harder weapons to git gud with
bro you can literally just tackle bunga your way into guaranteed TCS lmao world GS is so fucking brainless
>Behold...Amstrigian! They mostly live in the Scarlet Forest, but migrate to the Windward Plains during the Plenty, to breed. They mate and share nesting and feeding duties to raise their babies. In the field, you can see them catching grasshoppers and feeding in their nests.
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Your latest kill screen, NOW, /mhg/
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I remember playing MH Frontier and this LS user was perfectly dancing in the hunt, he was so good that I was tripping HIM with my SnS .
Now every LS user is a retard and even if there was a good one, idk if you could tell the difference.
tackle takes IQ points to land, the timing window takes plenty of effort to figure out.
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He posts on an imageboard and it's a sentence.
fellow SEAfags \o/
>who feel their weapon doesn't receive as much attention from the developers
Look at the Wilds gameplay where the helmsplitter follow up completely missed yet somehow did more damage than any other weapon we saw during the reveal and tell me that LS isn't benefitting from favouritism.
I'm glad that Street Fighter exists as Capcom's DEI writeoff containment bin so that the games people actually care about aren't gigapozzed
>but migrate to the Windward Plains during the Plenty, to breed.
Uh, the wording really sounds like season.
Did they say how long will they last in the full game?
I know they sped them up a lot in the demo to showcase everything in a short amount of time
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Hammerbros, I'm feeling optimistic about Wilds. It seems like we're getting more attention.
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Mice? More like...
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Why am I forced to be goofy...
based nower
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>GStards actually think their weapon is more complex than it is
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I think this is the unposted one

Considering all the locales are right next to each other like World it's not as exaggerated as it might seem
I genuinely forgot that this existed
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>he makes male character in video games
Any other signs person is homosexual?
I don't want more attention, every time the weapon has been altered in the past decade it's only gotten worse
bro just unlock transmogs
I want to make fun of GS users but then I remember my main is literally two buttons
He plays video games
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he plays monster hunter and talks with actual men about how he "totally hunted this bigass dragon bro it was so ludokino"
Guess I'll just ERP by myself.
First hint right there.
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Why do fags project so much?
The game is unfinished, I remember reading in some interview around June that they were in the middle of tweaking the duration of the seasons to figure out what would be the most interesting pace
wtf bow mount attack does dogshit damage
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why are risies like this? is it the lack of a father figure in their lives?
enjoy controlling men
>bro picks up the ken doll when placed in a room full of barbie dolls
I'm sorry you're lonely hammersis
>this debate
>yet again
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>everything has to be sexual with xer
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I've mained GS since 2nd gen and playing Rise made me feel like I'm fucking garbage at the weapon. Are the monsters just way faster and more mobile in Rise?
It'll still end up the 6th best weapon at best and you'll get angry about it regardless
>enjoys staring at man ass for hours on end
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Tailcut just before death
I do this but I only top cute twinks and femboys.
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But that's not projecting, the guy answering is the one being a fruit
If the blue shirt said all of that instead it would be projecting anon

Why aren't you looking at the monstie
you're just not using all the bingtools they provided you with
>6th best weapon at best
It was the best melee weapon in World by far. I'm almost certain it will be the same in Wilds.
If you pick a male you're a fag, if you pick a female you're a tranny.

You must choose.
why are you staring at the ass
A bit but you have power sheathe now
Because he's a poopdick.
You could have just said you're a virgin
Literally what am I supposed to do with them? I just use them on the power sheathe and wirebug recovery
> when I had 15 minutes left when I killed Hellblade EX
because Hellblade literally folds like paper to Adept style so badly it is fucking unreal. Unless you didn't use adept, which in that case, based.
But if you are playing hammer, then yeah you are pretty much doing it right. Just gotta be a little more aggressive. You'll get the hang of it. If you want, I'd also recommend flashing, just not when he does the Gravity Well attack, cause then you'll spend the opening trying to get away from the pull.
But yeah you'll get it done soon enough. Be sure to post the result when you beat him so we can compare times!
>staring at the ass
have you considered looking at the monster?
It wasn't even close
I'm not, but I can help you overcome it if you play ranged
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How could you say you main gs when you're this resourceless? Have you perhaps taken a look at how the new skill works and then tried to figure out how to use it yourself? Or are you one of those boomers who rely on monsters rotating robotically predictably for le epic charge 3 unsheathe
ur controlling a dude in video game, ur gay
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What about Prowlers?
And you're larping as a woman, troon.
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Lustrous Brown skin and Gold
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Probably one of those boomers if I'm honest with you. I skipped Generations and GU cause I really disliked styles and arts and Rise feels likes a more modern version of those games.
no matter how u look at it, im less gay than you
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lookit this tiny lil fella
Brazilian men are truly something.
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Being a guy sucks... You only have one shot and have to edge and edge before you completely lose interest and the ability to feel good. As a girl you can literally cum nonstop the whole day and never stop being horny...

Why can't I be a cute girl... I want to be tied up and forced to orgasm all day and have all kinds of things done to me. It will literally be heaven for me.
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retire and use lance, that has never changed and will never change. sure it gets fancy shit but its not necessary to play the core loop, unlike gs getting tackle introduced
hunts first, erps afterwards
>you only have one shot
Skill issue
Also not Monster Hunter
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this was very satisfying
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ricekeks as always
Right now I have about 164 Hammer usages and 1 HBG
HBG was my 100th village quest incidentally (titles unlocked)

>Palamute barges into photoshoot, ruining my cute huntress photo.
be sure to squeeze his knot later as punishment, sister
This franchise has gone to utter shit in such a short time span
I love huntresses
~25% of the franchise's entire lifespan is short?
not him but i just hate not being able to use wyverns fire when i want to
Yup, all thanks to Miceborne
Sometimes, I think I'm shit at the game, then I watch streams and I see people spending 40 minutes hunting monsters and I realize that maybe I'm not so shit.
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Dunno bro. I don't have any ass-watching tendencies (gay behavior) to project (gay behavior) while I pretend to be a sex I am not (gay behavior) on a videogame (gay behavior). It all just seems like excuse-making (gay behavior) for gay behavior.
I like MH constantly allowing itself to change. If I want to play FU, I go and damn play FU.
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The DEFINITIVE list of monsters who I need no matter what
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That fat hitstop when you hit a fully charged tcs on a weakspot
>videogame (gay behavior)
>CB most complicated
Not... really?
How do you know if you're actually not so shit at the game?

I feel like I'm doing massive damage with my hammer.
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kek filtered
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hunt time
I thought this was a bait image at first and after about halfway I'm still not sure
Gypceros and Kut Ku are actually good
Crabs are actually good
Chameleos is actually good
Jho, Quru, Gigger, Brach, Jaggi, and Nibelsnarf if redone are actually good
Astalos is unlikely to show up and Glavenus is overrated. Gog, C. Gore, Shagaru, Razor, TIGER Zam, DESERT Seltas, and some others unlisted are actually good
Bazel, Tzi, Velk, 14y/o, Anja all suck
Girros is okay I guess, Fulgur is fine, you forgot the dog (despite stig up there) and Kulu
Uragaan is overhated
Time is unhuntable.
>capcom charged japanese players a monthly fee to play Tri online
How the actual fuck did they get away with that?
>meanwhile the sales records are higher than ever
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>chameleos cucked out of regularly returning unlike the other 2nd gen ED
>great jaggi cucked in both generation games and rise
>seltas queen cucked out of GU despite being in G
Is this guy shit or is he just using under leveled gear.
easy as shit, as long as you don't get combo'd from windpressure into updive from the tunneling

But I don't want to do G rank so this is where I probably take a break and never play the game again
if you can kill everything in the game in less than 10 mins per hunt, you're good at monster hunter
yeah it is
>Bazel sucks
>>>Tzitzi sucks
Come on, now I think you're the one who's baiting
Imagine disliking fucking Tzitzi.
not watching your shit stream, faggot
Tzitzi is a worse gypceros
Both basils are just giant screaming punching bags who can't hit for shit, jho and seregios and even rajang who I ignored are better "invader" monsters
small streamers have to act like retards who dont know the game so viewers who know about the game engage with them
It is bait, someone made a similar post last thread
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man world makes me feel bad for monsters sometimes.
>wallbang the monster as soon as i see it
>free takedown and tenderize
>brutalize his face with my hammer
>mount it
>free takedown
>monster gets entangled in a trap i wasn't even aware of
>get another knockdown
>wallbang it again
>free takedown
>some fucking frog i hit on accident paralyzes it
>knock it down again
>then mount it again
>some retard great jagras comes to annoy him
>monster tries to go off to sleep, running for its life
>don't even give it that pleasure, wallbang it while it's running away and then dies
He's been streaming for hours, I doubt he's pretending.
If you can kill endgame monsters within 5-6 minutes of speedrun records, then you're a good player.
So if a player using your weapon speedruns a monster and it takes him (say) 3 minutes to kill some endgame monster, then you're a good player if you can kill that same monster in 8-9 minutes.
If you can kill that same monster in 15-16 minutes, then you're already above average. Not good, but above average.
Average would be the 20-25 minute range. That's for players of average competence.
Why are triturds obsessed with tutorial fodder shitmon that cap out at 5 moves
Does this answer your question?
>Tzitzi is a worse gypceros
Not even worth a (you)
who should return from 5th gen then? I should say that I forgot some rise mons
tzitzi is a better gypceros
Odog, Kulu, Fulgur, Goss, Coral, Tetra, Viper/Tobi, Bishaten, Lunag, Apex Arzuros
possibly Legiana depending on how many other flyverns are around
>any normal (not tempered/hypered/afflicted/some kind of modification)monster that isn't an elder in a solo hunt takes 15 min or less
you are good bro.
>dude NuMH is totatlly exactly likeOLDMH BUT BETTER!
you are a fucking mouth breathing moron. If anything the sales figures rising helps my argument you stupid fuck
Wilds should not have any monster that appears in either World or Rise, but it especially should not have Teostra and Kushala
>wilds becomes the new Gen 5 pokemon
unironically kino tbqh
>tfw I'm an unga hunter
>go through entire game with no problem
>don't bother making a build, just upgrade armor and weapon
>meet Blackveil Vaal Hazak
>actually have to make a build for to beat him
Delete Blackveil Vaal Hazak.
>shitmons that spend 2/3s of the quest knocked down and whiff the few attacks they make
Stick to Rice, kid
pussy ass faggot
Lunagaron, Odogaron, Garangolm, Malzeno, Bazelgeuse, Tzitzi Ya Ku, Kulu Ya Ku, Radobaan, Tetranadon, Great Izuchi, Goss Harag, Fulgur Anja, Great Girros are all great
But having all of them return would be a bit much I guess...
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works on my machine
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FU is shit DOS was always better and will always be better. Every game after that got worse and worse and more idiots kept buying and the new idiots would complain its not enough like ass creed or call of duty or whatever other garbage zoomer retards play and the dev team continues to simplify anything and everything, even new fucking mechanics.

Wow hey look the monsters hunt you in packs WOW! that could mean that now to engage with the monster you would have to consi-
all of those are good execpt
>apex arzuros
>fucking legiana over velk
>has a gimmick that goes completely against how you normally hunt monsters because they couldn't be arsed to fix his fight where it's completely invalidated if you just stand behind him
>you are now punished for attacking a good hitzone because of the mold wart bursting for being there too long
>you are now forced to move to less safe locations to attack him just so he doesn't get completely gimped
>slot in Effluvial resistance
>turn off his mechancis
>he's just a big lizard
wow so hard worldos really?
>Tri has all new monsties just like gen 3
Already been done

it's almost like HP values are easily changed
the list even has half and half

Velk has too many non-interactive attacks and there isn't an early ice flying whyvern
>>slot in Effluvial resistance
Yes, Anon, making a build.
I'm not chinese so I don't care about velkhana
>become immune to mechanics
>game is playable
Wow they should hire you for the dev team
>A build
it's literally a necklace, swap it in before the hunt necklace slots don't matter
>make a build
I've played 4U and FU G rank and none have been fun, this is where these games end for me
sorry i should have read the post more clearly, i read it as no returning monsters, and all of them are new. That would be the true "Gen 5 pokemon" experience
You don't need to make a build in World when there is a charm you can max to have max level in the skill you need
>monster whose armor is designed for taking hits is a massive pain in the ass to kill
Do ricies really?
What's the point of Vaal Hazak if there's a skill that just disables his entire mechanic.
you need to defeat it to get the skill
Considering how Tri flopped
They didn't
How can we make khezu worse?
you think cantaperme is average? his firdt encounter vids are 19 and 23 mins respectively for glavenus and acidic glavenus
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Nah, I'd Skyward Thrust.
there never was a point as you could just stay behind him and there would be literally nothing he could do about it, which was why he had shitty Raphinos assist him in the fight anyway.
>what's the point of roars if there's a skill that disables them
>what's the point of tremors if there's a skill that just disables them
>what's the point of wind if there's a skill that just disables it
>what's the point of status effects if there's skills that disable them
>what's the point of hitzones if there's elemental damage and WEX
>you need to defeat it to get the skill
you people read what you post on here or are you all mind broken retards
yeah bro his epic sauce mechanic of.... making you eat a nulberry every few minutes
yes unironically, flashbombs shouldn't exist either or effectively drop flyers from the air on demand. (bbbbut you can't do it against this one guy when hes agnry and he just took a shit in zone 9 reeeeeeeee! I am a monster hunter doctor han! )
that's just like what brachydios does with deodorant
>just like brachy
or you could just roll
you don't like monster hunter
except you don't get slimed just for fighting brachy, you get slimed for fucking up and taking a hit or stepping in a puddle
Vaal surrounds you with miasma and you're forced into it if you actually want to play the game, it's a fucking retarded mechanic
>eats nullberry
nevermind bros im good LMAO

peak plus 1 minus 1 game design theory only retarded japanese hack faggots are capable of still doing with new mechanics to this day in wilds. fucking morons
*slots in blast resistance*
yes unironically what's the point of adding mechanics just for the player to become immune to them.
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>except you don't get slimed just for fighting brachy, you get slimed for fucking up and taking a hit or stepping in a puddle
>Vaal surrounds you with miasma and you're forced into it if you actually want to play the game, it's a fucking retarded mechanic
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so are we actually defending Vaal Hazak's fight or it's ass?
Kinda lost due to all the ironic shitposting.
Monster Hunter in the west was a mistake.
FUCKING FINALLY. Though I caved and used cats....
Somebody got dabbed on by emergency pooh
Bros, where's poogie?
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When will they finally make a monster hunter game with god tier combat?
The retarded MH team is known for adding mechanics to the game the player is "required" to become immune to. Some of the worst example early on was kushala daora. BUT this fight is actually still manageable without resists or items if you can knock him down by attacking his feet while he is hovering, even with SnS this is possible.

But later on the dev's started to think they were really intelligent when they make the solution to problems like this immunity. So I'll ask again.
>what's the point of adding mechanics just for the player to become immune to them.
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>bring nulberries
>break the puffballs
>dive through fart laser
>stay out of the fart AoE, it'll come to you
>get rewarded with non-red hp regen by not being retarded
Those things look tasty. Frog/chicken leg all in one.
I think you mean Gore Magala with Frenzy Res.
Or something else with mud/snow if you want to widen the gimmick.
EEYYYYYYYY (same pic again but sure why not)
by virtue of you using cats, you did better than i did. The cats was what was actually getting me killed cause it's hard to tell if he's targetting me or not.
they're incapable of doing anything that would benefit the core fanbase, now they only cater to retards who ACTUALLY BELIEVE UNIRONICALLY they're the core fanbase and not just the target demographic goy cattle.
member Shen Gaoren
cannot imagine fighting that nigger with a melee weapon without tremor res
this is just wilds longsword with a projectile
>bring nulberries
concession accepted
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Reminds me of those meme fried rice stuffed chicken legs
And what's wrong with that?
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go tendie go
Warframe looks different than I remember
what's the point of adding mechanics just for the player to become immune to them.
armor fusion is just layered armor?
kek they really do be like this
I think it's time to rangeban americans.
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*joins the hunt*
*cuts your monster in half*
*leaves without saying a word*
The problem isn't that you can equip a skill to become immune to effluvium, the problem is that you can equip 30 fucking skills and not actually sacrifice anything to do so
We need to go back to being limited to 3-5 skills per armor set
nulberries don't grant immunity tard
you're a moron and an idiot. good day.
More options for skills is fun
Thanks anon. What GS style did you use? I assume Valor? I may try it to give Hammer a break.
Yes but it's permanently applied to that copy of the equipment
This conversation started because the tranny was upset he had to slightly change his decorations to add effluvia res instead of DPS skill #53, expect this series to get even more dumbed down in future
It will never go back to that because the average person they're making these games for loves 50 pages of skills they continually add to, loves seeing the big number get bigger, and loves giant ass empty maps the size of texas that you need to spend most of your time running around in in-between the actual content
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i thought you niggers enjoyed preparation in the older games, this is the same shit.
>projecting after getting destroyed
I accept your concession.
>100% crit
>+# atk

14 years later the goy cattle are still satisfied with this breadth of strategy
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>what's the point of adding mechanics just for the player to become immune to them
i would like to answer this by saying, it depends on the monster's fight as a whole.
If nullifying the monster's gimmick doesn't completely invalidate the entire fight (blast resistance on Brachy, stun resistance on ANY Thunderblight inflicting Monster + Green Nargacuga) then it's perfectly fine.
If nullifying the monster's gimmick completely invalidates the fight (Vaal Hazak, Somnocanth, any of the Jaggi subspecies by virtue of them using it too often) then yes, there is no point in adding mechanics just for the Hunter to slot in a skill to be immune to them.
That's just my opinion tho.
looking at the wilds footage it's already way too late
when did I say prepare. If there is a mechanic that does something BAD to me, I should be able to ENJOY SUFFERING from it. cool drinks, antidote and berries and whatever the fuck else have always been FUCKING retarded carry over shit from these talentless hack japs love for final fantasy
Not saying the world/rise system is perfect, in a perfect world you would have the same amount of skill slots but be rewarded a bit more for using non-direct damage dealing skills.
>i thought you niggers enjoyed preparation in the older games, this is the same shit.
the people complaining never touched a monster hunter game pre-world.
What's the point of Nibelsnarf if I can just install OHKO mods
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nah i use Adept Style. If it was Valor you'd see a bar under my name. I do personally invite you to try out Adept GS. It's real fun.
In Miceborne you get both for free and have room for like ten other skills
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It's a shit design.
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>everything I don't agree with is from a person who plays or doesn't play the game I like or don't like

damn you must despise that game
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The difference is that Vaal Hazak with Eff res and Kushala Daora with Wind Res are two very different propositions
Vaal in particular just runs around and shoots gingivitis beams at you and you hit it in the ass or whatever, whereas Kushala still does other things besides triple charge and meme beam
>what is the point of (monster) if I can just (cheat)
I stay awake one week and you mongos come up with 20 new ways to be retarded
jesus anon go the fuck to bed
>pukei spraying poison from his tail causes poison + knockback
>if you cut off his tail, the attack can still posion, but no longer causes knockback
that's pretty cool
sounds like you need to go to meep
room status?
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Why do all world monsters have adhd
please tell me theres a way to get zorah magdaros parts without doing the stupid high rank event quest again please PLEASE PLEASE I JUST WANT TO MAKE THE COOL LOOKING WEAPON AAAAAAAAAA
they look like they sing a cappella
first gen piscines should never come back again
They already fixed and made better version of fish monsters with leviathan class
Goodnight /mhg/
download a shop mod
I'm not a knight baka
goodnight cutie
he said weapon tho ugh
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lumu still up 2/16!
So which game had the best endgame?
Frontier's Hunting Road does seem like the best iteration of end game. Basically a Bloody Palace.
what an handsome lad
Pre-4th gen
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DQV for the SNES is pissing me off too much. How is this for a JRPG? Never played 1.
Sunbreak if it had Crowns in AR. Even if bloodblight is dumb
>well you could always hunt any random monster you wanted
yes but I'd need to pare down for them instead of having respectable HP and damage all the way through
pretty kiddy, but it's alright. Some characters will just straight up make you mad so ignore the story, play the game
GODDAMMIT i read it but mind went straight to the first Stories. Completelt ignore my post.
>hunting road
>best endgame
nigga it's the worst one
i want to fuck that cat
should I play world or 4u?
4U 100%
world 101%
whatever your heart tells you anon... :3 4u if you haven't played world yet
good sleep aid
Which game? I'm going through LR in World currently
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You can enjoy World after going through 4U
You can't enjoy 4U after going through World

The shock of going back to shit graphics, fps, instanced zones, farm grinding, slower gameplay, etc is huge.
The variety of monsters is great and Clutch claw doesn't exist but everything else just feels annoying and not convenient at all.
The amount of Quality of Life World added makes the game feel much better regardless how you feel about certain features.

Same reason Rise feels so off. It was made for Nintendo Switch and then ported, a big downgrade.
We're having fun doing fun hunts.
could this be any lower quality
this but the opposite
I was going to write a long and detailed response to BTFO your retarded post, but then I realized that you're just falseflagging as an ignorant World player.
This is very true
>You can't enjoy 4U after going through World
I did thoughbeit
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Can you play switch axe in Now, yet? I might try it once it's in.
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>its incredibly
good morning saar
no, next weapon is HBG, September 12th
Nice, nice. Gonna take a little break from the game before I tackle the next one. I'm leaning towards Grimclaw, though my next furthest are currently Redhelm and Elderfrost.
What a waste
World? Its fun.
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Yknow what, ill say it
Monster hunter is a good series. Each game is good, not necessarily for the same reasons but still good.
World is good
Rise is good
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For me, it's Bazel.
at least there are only 3 weapons left
they will probably come in that order as neither HH nor IG assets have ever been found in the game files
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Post yfw wirebugs are unlocked after you complete the final Wilds quest
she's ready for the brutal skullfucking I'm about to give her
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The conflicting nature of wanting to know more about Wilds, and wanting to not learn anymore so I get surprised when I play...
That has nothing to do with Wirebugs, anon.
wire what? anyway it's skullfuck time
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Im too hyped for wilds i want to play world again.
does that ICE mod add any actual variety to the game or is it just tryhard minmax shitshow that makes the game more "balanced"
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I hate this wannabe Capcom insider so much.
>tryhard minmax shitshow that makes the game more "balanced"
half the changes are good and half of them are full retard so it's about the same quality as you'd expect from Capcom
for what it's worth some of the weapon changes from ICE made it into Wilds so it might actually give you a better preview of Wilds weapon gameplay than the vanilla game
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good hunts in da lumu
lumu is now officially kill
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>dude go kill this flying lizard so your shield bash can do damage
thanks sunbreak, i love it
Also the mod broke with the latest game update and nobody cares to update it so you have to downpatch the game to play now, which annihilated its already tiny userbase
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>powered-up monsters
the lumu...
Slutty huntresses
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Stupid question but can you get banned for trash talking in MHW chat?
I play as a male and I am trans
Why would you trash talk, if someone keeps carting just tell them to not join the quest lmao
from what? worst they can do is kick you. unless you are unironically calling people niggers but even then there's a slim chance someone actually reports you
unless you are being extremely racist usually no one gives a fuck
the question is why would you give a fuck about chatting ingame in the first place
Just like real life!
>Capcom teased that they were going to add "powered up monsters" in Sunbreak title updates
>Kogath makes it sound like it's some special thing the series has never seen before and that he's some kind of insider who knows what these monsters are
>tons of people guess that it's basically going to be stronger versions of monsters with maybe a bunch of new moves
>Kogath kept on insisting that nobody has figured out the real answer even though tons of people by that point had already guessed at what we now know as Risen monsters
There was this one retard with some very cringe 2018 ironic weaboo auto-messages so i had to call him out
How the fuck is this literal who a capcom creator?
He's been a Monster Hunter content creator (bingshitter tripedo) for over a decade. Respect that name.
does guard bash ONLY work for the basic bitch guard move? it doesn't trigger with any counter?
why are tribabs so obsessed with royal ludroth with extra steps?
Ah he was talking about rise. Yep pretty much
They need to taking chasing the monster down out the game. This is so boring I just want to hunt the monster not play a cowboy simulator.
Sounds like a nothingburger reason to be mad
>hit enemy
>when bottle is red, use charge
>when shovel is reloaded, cancel saed to load shield
>charge sword/use savage axe
>unga bunga until out of charges
>He doesn't speak Japanese
I agree with >>492787830
As a gl main, i think the hardest thing about CB is aiming the fucking weapon, not how it works.
cb has one real attack and everything else is performative so the rest of the cb players at the circlejerk don't gang up on you for making the weapon look like the single counter bing machine that it is
Also, the game is called monster hunter, not monster fighter. Sharpness, stamina, buffs, collecting stuff, following your quarry as it runs away is part of the *hunting*. I think of the downtime similar to fishing. Its not for everyone but it is an enjoyable and important for the vibe the series goes for
Man im so blitzed i keep on making dumb typos :/
If I made a room with HR monsters, will you guys come in and fuck everything up with MR gear?
as long as you say what platform and what game, sure I'm down for a hard carry.
If you want me to dumb down my gear to HR, that's fine too.
no one will join at all because HR monsters are boring
You can say Nigger loud as you want in my room. Don't worry bro.
Not hard, just annoying
Not hard, just annoying
Only good mechanic you listed, and even then only when it's pure DPS buffs
>collecting stuff
Not hard, just annoying
>following your quarry as it runs away
Not hard, just annoying
> is part of the *hunting*.
And no one fucking likes it and the most popular games in the franchise are all the ones that remove or minimize these dogshit bloat """mechanics"""
>not hard not hard not hard
I never said any of the mechanics were supposed to be for difficulty. I think you missed the point of what i was saying. You dont fish do you?
>le hard
fuck off back to souls slop
>one video in the last year
>2 videos in total in the last 7 years
>uploads before that are what seems to be trailer uploads
>turns out to be some triple carting shitter
I respect nothing.
I miss 4u style gunlance
>esl making fun off other esl
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God, I love Shrieking Legiana armor.
Gonna be sad if I can't keep this look in Wilds.
>fun off
welcome saar
>missing the worst gunlance
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it is pretty based.
I don't have the image but...man I'm gonna fucking miss AT Namielle armor. man that shit looked cool. Namielle palico armor made them look cute as shit too.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
im blitzed gimme some skackkk
>he uses the party system
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>play mh puzzle
>dont want to touch the main games anymore
The TGS trailer will reveal the flagship monster and release date
literally this, underwater might never be coming back and that's literally what made lagi special. Taking the underwater portion away from lagicrus is like taking away the slime from brachy or the rage mode from rajang
I'm not a furry but
who knows, only shitters showed off the lance but counter poke is gone only timed blocks (which may be faster?) now.
i'm talking about the sunbreak deco from amatsu
I'm just getting back into World, what's the pipeline for world's endgame? Kulve > Safi > Alatreon > Fatalis?

Also I see there's a normal GS build and an old school crit draw build, which ones the recommended pick?
>but counter poke is gone
kulve and safi are more multiplayer missions
my endgame progression was furious rajang > raging brach > alatreon > fatalis > AT nami > AT velk
and frostcraft GS which comes with crit draw built in is the only GS build for endgame
They don't actually care about this, it's all just assets to flip for little cost for them
He wasn't talking about GU or World Gunlance.
Thanks, I'm surprised there's stuff after Fatalis. If the peak GS set also has crit draw that's great
AT Nami and AT Velk are easier than Alatreon and Fatalis but for some reason they only unlock at MR 100 while al and fatty unlock at MR 24
The average age of frostcraft GS players is 40
kulve/safi are the same stage, I'd recommend experiencing both but its kind of like choosing which quest you do before the urgent rank up.
the same animation was made into a new skill, hard poke, that's not a counter poke anymore.
I require frens to help me with Prime Malz and other quests.
MHR on PC, shall I post a lobby?
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I might help since I'm probably the only person still playing Rise itt
nah, i play rise as well, but I'm on Switch so i couldn't help even if i wanted to.
i'm also playing rise but my mods break in multiplayer so i'm solo hunting
Thx the lobby id is Q6dJeQ7XFK6CW397
Is there a way to change the gathering up theme? Like the way it looks, or am I suck with fuck ass aliens?
let's see your huntress
I'm the last Risie
AT is arguably the second hardest fight in the game. Alatreron is tough, but not a ballbusting marathon like fatty or a one-shot machine like velk.
no freaking way!
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They added a meter to Gunlance that increases your raw damage with heat buildup from shelling, you can use wyvernfire to lock it in place
... but managing it properly only adds like 5% more damage (in Gen, not sure what the GU numbers were or if it changed at all) over what its baseline was in 4U and if you overheat you blow the gauge out and lower your damage for a bit
Its just extra shit to worry about on GL for very little gain
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It's literally not a gain.
It's normal damage flat locked behind managing this bullshit.
haha sorry anon, just hopped off...
Anything news?
It's dead
Do you think the concept artist made the birds look like Pukei Pukei on purpose or were they just asked to draw a froglike bird and it just happened to come out similarly
They showed off a dumb little bird, pic in OP >>492777519
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why taunt me so?
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Just post a new code
I'd help but I haven't unlocked Primal Malzeno yet
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New ID:
Seems nah, same as gayscom
this is the type of person Rise attracted to this series
gonna join this one : )
just beat Velkhana in IB and it opened up a lot of HHs to make
is it true that all HHs without AuL/Affinity Up are dogshit? some of them look really cool
>is it true that all HHs are dogshit?
Did they give any new info at PAX?
>Did they give any new info at PAX?
yeah, they said doshaguma is a flagship
That dog is such a boring monster.
fuck you bitchass SnS chimp
>bitchass SnS chimp
baby pukei is actually a bird, where's my baby pukei
pukeis are brood parasites...
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good, parasites and disease type monsters are natural competition to drive qurio away
>no new elements
>no new weapons
>no new monster class
>instead it's world 1.2 with an innovative new mechanic where you automatically aim at the monster
Wilds is going to be something so shit
gimmick niggers need to stop
>Wilds is just World 1.2
ricies keep losing
Ukanlos would beat Akantor
good, we don't need more
good, we don't need more
ok this is kind of a bummer
world but better isn't a bad thing you know
>world but better isn't a bad thing you know
Good thing we're getting world but worse >>492789103
What makes you think that?
LS is still the same I see
why the fuck is plesioth so big
>world but worse
just ignore the existence of bingsword and the problem goes away
he's bigger
he's whiter
he's cooler
his arena gimmick is more bullshit
all around Akantor just can't do anything to him
monster munter morld
rajang would body both
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my wife
rachump is weak to ice
ukanlos would swallow that chimp whole for breakfast
You got it?
rajang would play r rated shadow of the colossus with them
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>my imaginary monster is stronger than your imaginary monster
you guys are cute
Damn you sound mad mad. Crazy.
Idk what youre even mad about
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Rajang is at his best when he's manhandling small to midsize wyverns and raping huntresses. Physical powerhouses with a size advantage ragdoll him as seen in the nergigante turfwar.
>There's finally a Rise lumu
>Busy getting through LR World and can't join
It's over...
Indeed saar
Are there any good overview guides for weapons? I just want a document showing pros and cons and playstyles of weapons, I like reading
GS: big hit
Hammer: big hit blunt
Lance: poke
Gunlance: poke boom
SnS: slash slash woosh bonk
DB: slash slash woosh slash
CB: slash slash woosh boom
LS: slash woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh
SA: chop chop chop
HH: bonk doot doot
IG: I choose you, Beedrill! Je suis monte!
LB: The Secret of Monkey Island is a 1990 point-and-click graphic adventure game developed and published by Lucasfilm Games.
HB: The player assumes the role of Guybrush Threepwood, a young man who dreams of becoming a pirate, and explores fictional islands while solving puzzles.
Bow: twang twang twang twang
No one plays Rise here
why are you laughing at me
I'm gunna play Rise
God damn it. I'm joining if it's still up.
If you're all going to say "lumu" like a buncha weebs, at least be consistent about it when you actually post a room.
why are you playing LR world
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Here, I got you
Room seems to be closed.
If you're still around I can help out, otherwise I'll open up a room in a few minutes.
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Sorry, Anon got scared of the size of my MR and closed the room.
Thanks anon
closed thanks for hunting
no lumus in lise
rise doesnt have many positives and pretty much the only good thing about it was its monster roster. the crabs, the ice claw guy, the ape that throws fruit, the fat platypus, spider, fire chicken, rabbit, the water spray thing. really good new monsters. wilds is looking pretty dire on that end. that new electric thing is just mid and the buffalo garbage and that thing that sprays gunk also garbage. i hope it gets much better but idk along with the terrible re engine. they really should have just used unreal engine
what about it?
Okay I will stop messing around. Just search up "monster hunter weapon guide" or something similar on youtube, there are a fuck ton of videos giving an overview of the weapons cause its essentially free clicks for a content creator
Got around to looking at the PAX stream and the really sped up all the melee attacks. Looks way faster than 10% looking at the hammer footage at the 27:11 mark


Has anyone did a side by side comparison yet?
xou tell 'em xister
I boughted it yesterday
Are you a game dev or someone who works in 3d modeling
are you having fun?
Banbaro but good when?
How do I make frens in mh? I was getting along well with a rando to the point we were hunting alatreon after talking, but I got fucking dced. Now I need to redo this shit again and hopefully find a new fren
should have sent them your guild card
>bunny rabbit
>good roster addition
FUCKKKKK I forgot you can do that. There goes a cute huntress
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Do NOT stick your dick in huntresses
PC Rise/Sunbreak room/lumu/lobby:
Pass: 7243

Feel free to post a quest, otherwise I'll be grinding for random stuff.
Did the game close? I imagine this works
why not
you can stalk their steam profile from recently played list but that's kinda rjmxj
How do I tllell when i'm go od ienough to be friends with someone o;nl;ine i send my guild card but never get any responses
you okay man?
Btw, what hr or mr rank is good to start playing with other people? For word that is.
for rise you need to join the trans discord, the link is in the reddit mega thread
just finish the story mode so you could hunt almost everyone
any rank. you will either get ppl on the same quest or ppl way higher ranked than you that will just kill it in a second so you can progress faster.
Yeah I thought about that too. Would it really be that creepy?
When does the main story end? shara?
HMMM fair, im doing a new character so i guess ill post my low rank bozo quests to make them go quick?
You play with others after you soloed the monster faggot. Stop using my 3 carts, I need them
this this this
yes, if you SOS there is a chance someone else that knows ow to play the game will join you.
Title updates are part of the story.
Iceborne ends at Fatalis.
Sunbreak ends at Primordial Malzeno.
>Title updates are part of the story.
No they're not
Also, the story of Kamura aka Rise ends at Amatsu.
what i would do if i was a new player is use defender weapon and armor to speed through the early game and then you will hit a roadblock at some point where it cant carry you and that is when you will learn the game or quit. and it doesnt hurt to sos whenever you past the cutscene, sometimes you get ppl that join and sometimes you dont
if youre gonna abuse sos or defender stuff for progression you might as well install a oneshot mod or get an iceborne ready save if you dont care about the story
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>if you dont care about the story
nono, this one has a point.
if you dont care about the story just install cutscene skipping and play the damn quests
yeah, shara is enough
>play rise
>wow this rampage mode seems fun, I wonder what the hate was all about
>go to hub
>first hr3 rampage
Ayyyy I see, it's like they didn't play test this on single player and assumed you'd have friends to do this all the time
That was rough
>having MR fags in fatalis gear bomb your sos is playing the quests
sure sure
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uh oh
Let me guess, he's going to defend Defence Boost
It does fucking nothing past... probably Stygian Zinogre
I fucking wish it was good enough for you to be a knuckle drooling retard and face tank everything
But it isn't
>Let me guess, he's going to defend Defence Boost
It's a scheiße video
How can i transmog armor? I only have 3 layered options (dive suit, gala suit and some glasses)
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Essential World mods?
Invisible mantles
That one that highlights drops on the ground
Guiding Lands
if you are playing world you need to grind the iceborne endgame to unlock more layered armors
lumu status?
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m-my wife...
I hate palicos
They don't make the game easier, just more annoying. I have to constantly chase the monster all over the place because Jean-Luc is jacking off in corner four miles away. He can't even use his gadgets right, he'll just drop vigorwasp stations right in the way of my attacks when I'm at full help and heals me when I don't need it anymore.
I wanted to grind him to max level for completionist sake but I think he needs to become the full-time camp guard.
>but I think he needs to become the full-time camp guard.
>palico heroically, yet vainly tries to repel the Handler from devouring everything in your toolbox
it's almost midnight
HP bars
that's an answer to a different question
Not new just replaying
I solo'd the whole game before, i wanna try playing with others while i try a new weapon. Assmad retard
Idk about THAT
I wanna PLAY the game not oneshot everything lol. Im learning a new weapon
Getting stuff for decos. Because FUCK farming for hours to get the one or two decos you need. wayyyy to grindy. if rise did anything right was changing how you get decos
Whats more fun, SA or GS?
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>girls are hot enough that I don't have to play huntress
Thank you Wilds
I like the Wilds handler more
Who doesnt
No I mean, more than the blacksmith blonde in Wilds
Guess blondes just aren't my thing
Nah i fuck with the handler too. Love cute understated girls
why did you have to play huntress before?
Agreed, she likely stinks much more
Sex with Gemma while a Doshaguma eats Alma alive
Why not sex with both while riding on top of a Ray Dau high in the skies
Did you need something hot to look at while you played?
>14m player Steam usage dropped once September started
This is brutal
>a lot of kids play games during school holidays
I'm new to modding for MH Rise, how do I get semi-naked Yomoggers and Chichae working?
If you have the files for the mod then just use fluffy mod manager, at least that's what I've been told.
>I wanna PLAY the game
>FUCK farming for hours
>wayyyy to grindy
What is this mental illness called?
The amount of content Dos offers compared to MH1 and Tri is so fucking insane. Too bad the servers shut down in 2007
Dos is mostly a systems overhaul that recycles almost all content from MH
Then for the cherry on top they expanded it into an MMO. I'm really sad I never got to experience Frontier in its birth and prime.
That worked, thanks (ToT)
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I love huntresses
T-That's not World...
>RE filter
wtf why
brachydios no diffs velkhana
How do I make World look less blurry
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If huntresses could look like this I wouldn't play a man (ToT)
Also I'm really curious as to how this affects the screenshot system
Turn off motionblur
post more
>beat nergigante easily the first time
>keep jobbing to him afterwards
What the fuck happened to me inn subsequent hunts? It did not feel this difficult the first time.
Its already off. The game just looks kinda blurry even when I'm not in motion
Depth of Field Off, Vignette Off, Motion Blur Off, and I remember hearing Anti-Aliasing off too
Is it safe to say that it's over?
Pedophile gaming
Story quest versions are neutered.
It just looks like that
Play better games
All off besides Anti aliasing. Getting rid of AA made it less blurry but the game's all jaggy now damn
I love cunny
Looks like you've gotta pick, I'm just regurgitating what I heard a day or two ago
Uninstall and play Rise
Pick the option to take off all her clothes besides the bag, its better. Especially when you're picking a quest and get a close look. We need little girls in Wilds too by the way.
Good taste, but I love the belly and chest window too much to let that go
Are there mods that make World's graphic better?
I don't know how to say it, but I hate that dithering look that things popping in have, and some textures look absolute ass
If they had ever bothered to update DLSS to a not completely fucking terrible shitty version all of this could have been avoided
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How the fuck do I play this shit with the wiimote? None of my swings actually do the attacks I want. It genuinely feels like they only playtested it with the classic controller add-on.
Was World poorly optimised? Even with a 4090 I still sometimes drop to 110-114 FPS.
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I love huntresses
>How the fuck do I play this shit with the wiimote?
You answered your own question
You don't
Extremely poorly, but also some things are SLIGHTLY tied to framerate (mostly damage ticks of g*n bullets) so you're best off limiting to 60 anyway. It's not a spaghetti code retard-style framerate-logic tie, just a bit.
Tharja over player character mod
monster penis mod w. realistic physics
more chocos please
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I actually like Wyvernfire Blast.
The only con of it is how short it lasts with regular ammo. IMO it should've been something you loaded whenever and lasted 5 mins.

>But it means you have to aim at a specific spot!
Yeah that's fine with me.
I like attaching it to the legs and getting free trips all hunt.
That kind of explains it. Does he get more HP and damage?
What weapon for my new World playthrough. No not THAT weapon
Kinsect only
Redpit only
Is that possible natty?
Bow using only melee
HBG using shield and melee
SnS using only kunai and bombs
All of these can be changed ingame except DX12

Turn off
>Volumetric Rendering Quality
>Motion Blur
>Vignette effects
>TAA anti-aliasing
Turn on
Try turning off (maybe you'll prefer it
>Anti-aliasing entirely
>Ambient Occlusion
>Volumetric Rendering Quality
Turning it off made a huge difference but game looks very different lol
different better or worse?
Volumetric rendering off makes the game look like Unreal (1998). Just compare the volcano area with it on and off, you may as well be playing a gameboy color game
Worse to be honest, I was testing it in Seliana's gathering hub and its less "atmospheric" so to speak but the game's sharper looking I suppose

>Performance and system
Stracker's Loader, required for some mods
Performance booster and plugin extender, substantially makes the game run better (>>492833169) because of a CPU bottleneck in a retarded CPU hungry anti-cheat that doesn't even work
Tic rate fix for FPS tied issues (>>492833298) such as with guns

>Custom Quests
Permanent Alatreon quests
Permanent 1/2/3/4 player scaled Safi slay quest so you don't have to do any gay raiding
Permanent MR Kulve quest
Green Nargacuga, doesn't replace any existing monster. Only good custom monster quest imo. Abiorugu would be cool if it didn't replace HR Deviljho

Permanent shiny drops, because either they're useless because they removed plates/gems from them, or the sole focus of the content (Kulve, Guiding Lands)
Removed special gathering animation for coal and resource bones in Guiding Lands
Cutscene skips

Remove Claw Stagger and restore WEX to base World values, game is too easy with Claw Stagger and WEX too reliant on clutch claw stuff
Faster monster enrage in Master Rank, again game is too easy because monsters spend less time outside of enrage so you can clutch claw them more

Master Rank to G-Rank text change
Word censor remover so you can actually name your Switchaxe set SA, and Hunting Horn set HH. And not get censored in cheat every 5th word
Active skill popup remover for less UI clutter
Capcom watermark remover when in view mode
Immersive scoutflies for less visual clutter
NPC Dialogue remover. Gets rid of most NPCs blogposting during some quests such as Kulve, Safi, Fatalis, Alatreon

Falling spike remover for both Elder Recess and Guiding Lands
HZV rework so you will do the same damage as if you were constantly wounding the monster's weak spot. For use by people who want the optimization of clutch claw without having to engage with its tedium

MHW Editor if you want to do your own modding, most modding is very simple with spreadsheet table editing
Chunk file extractor to use in the MHW Editor
freudian slip
Why do you type like you have 5 monitors just with steamcharts open and somehow managed to bet all your savings on them peforming well
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What does "G" in "G-rank" even stand for?
if you're a westoid you'll never get it
Why does World have such terrible, woman-coded names?
It's common in jrpgs
The Handler's giant felyne outfit is too hot and I can't bring myself to change it back to normal for the purpose of the story
Is it the G-spot in your anus?
God Rank
Real answer: it doesn't mean anything, the devs just thought it sounded cool
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lance is fucking FUN
countering attacks and getting into a flow state is great
sweaty choco....
if i mod world can i still get the achievements?
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Begone, foul beast! In the name of Queen Aira, queen of /mhg/, queen of the Ancient Forest, the old world, and the new, I banish thee.

For greatness. For Aira.
what's your cats name?
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This fierce warrior? His name is Kirby. Don't let his cute pink fur fool you. He's a menace. In the old world, I once witnessed him going berserk on a poor Great Jaggi, decapitating it with his bare paws. When I asked him what came over him, he said: "I'm the only nyan who can rock pink fur!".
Total discordtroon death
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W-Wait.. Now's not the time for catnaps, Kirby. There are many fearsome monsters for us to repel from the forest!
the fuck is between gore and SeltasQ?
also fuck diablos get the hell out of here same with Khezu and Nibblesnarf
>spot the tribab
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Astera is from Aster = star (remember them calling (you) the Sapphire Star?), Seliana is from Selene = Moon. Nothing womanly about Proto-Indo-European/Greek.
Velk sucks and I hope it misses 4 games in a row
I do not want to put in effort to cut a tail only to be told no "fuck you" with literally no affect. Every single other monster loses range and sometimes even effects on tail attacks, except for velk. Doesn't even stop velk from stabbing 4 times in a row in a frost armorless, unenraged state
>4 times
he can't do that
it's theme is cool
Just block it
The final /mhg/ thread
If katawa shoujo still has threads, mh will have threads. lmao
>new gameplay
>female with fat face, man jaw, and fridge chest
It's worlo all over again. MH team is incapable of making good looking female models.
Huh? The only other game with non female bodies is Rise
Salutations, noble knight.
For Queen and country!
The female body in world literally has the same shoulder broadness as the males and nearly 0 curves, with an ugly mix between a box and pear shape. To get hips and a thin waist you needed to be a modbeast
imagine being filtered by the biggest punching bag kek
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We lost to gacha shit...
yes, extremely so
They somehow managed to make an even more boring flagship than seregios
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>NPC Dialogue remover
God damn did I need this.
NPCs are lying cunts that will yell YOU'RE NOT DOING ENOUGH DAMAGE on a TA-pace MR Kulve hunt.

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