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gamedev FTW my dudes, edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Gamedev is a real challenge... writing 2500+ lines of code per script? Yeah, I'm UP FOR THE CHALLENGE, BRING IT ON!
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Hey guys, what do you think of this tutorial i made for making video games?
This. I rarely ask for help on here.

t. Whodev
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>4 days
guys... it's over...
I'm modeling (Blender style)
just a few more months until the marnix suicide stream!
Im making a game. r8
Has anyone run the stats on whether gamedev youtubers produce few succesful devs? I see so many vids pushed on me yet where are the successful ones. No not vids of devs who uploaded after the fact, nor vids of devs who basically just uploaded a video like once every 6 months showing off gameplay before scurrying off for months. I'm talking about those who post about it like it some sort of glamorous lifestyle.

So like if I make a successful game, then I can get a titcow like the one in the op?
make a game about pissing in a toilet
Anon this image is almost 10 years old
I would fuck all of them. Not your art though.
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sexo with all of the ones that have big tits
is this a monclone?
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not your game albeit
78 pixels tall on top right, how difficult is it animating all of this?
Impersonation baiting somehow managed to ruin agdg even more than the pedos did
I miss the monclone era. I have nostalgia for it
Obviously, 'devs' on youtube who post regularly aren't devs, they're bloggers who use dev as a gimmick while they talk about the aquarium in their 400k house, etc.
Is it Viable to have someone on upwork or other similar sites make a 3D model for you based on concept/discription of what you want the model to look like? How much would it cost for a game ready model(unreal or unity) ? doesnt need to be AAA btw. Ive seen porn artist do pic related models for free just because its coom.
Ahahahaha imagine spending 10 hours on the PERFECT piece of pixel art. Truly pixel gold quality! But now you want to use it in a game. You can’t just rig it with a skeleton and have easy to create animations.
You chose pixel art.
You must manually draw every single frame of animation by hand. Sword attack? New animation. Jump? New animation? Literally just idle? New animation
AND don’t even think about adding equipable items and weapons. You will have to re-do EVERY single animation frame to include the item

Toilet Pisser
you are put in charge of several toilet visits, some are just normal soft pees, but sometimes you are peeing uncontrollable and the ray is very fast and straight and you have to keep hitting the toilet. ofc peeing often comes with being drunk so you have to deal with the uncontrollable body movements and still aim correctly.
>t. Cries about everything
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>implemented new mechanic
>not ready for the public
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anon, this is by far the worst tutorial ever created. are you cris?
the raw and unfiltered truth. there are no good pixel artists on AGDG
>You can’t just rig it
2D Skeletons to the rescue.
>but rixels!!!
doesn't matter, it's my style
freetouse tho so technically its for everyone.
Animation is basically just tracing over your own drawing with slight modifications, not every frame is entirely unique, and stuff can be copy-pasted.
>You will have to re-do EVERY single animation frame to include the item
I hope you're joking.
two people bought my game today :steamhappy:
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you literally can't name a single good game released in the last 3 years
the just make a good game spammers were right
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>his game engine isn't a 100MB executable that can be deleted and downloaded again in 30 seconds
>his game engine alters itself and opens itself up to corruption instead of saving settings in the project file like a sane person would do

You better reinstall windows just to be safe.
>AND don’t even think about adding equipable items and weapons. You will have to re-do EVERY single animation frame to include the item
I did tho. Scrapped the ability system for the weapons system. I have an animation for each weapon and for each character as well. But due to the various forms of movement the sprite sheets are split up and layered in game. And yes I do have rixels and mixels.
i have so much red goat energy lately and i have no idea what to do about it
ejaculate it
dig your own grave(do gamedev)
Where monsterboy?
Aren't like 75% of his reviews just /agdg/? I wonder how much it hurt his game's potential compared to /agdg/ not buying it for a few says ans letting it just gain natural attention rather than a potential semi-blacklisting on suspicions of "bought reviews"
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My demo is almost ready, we are gmi.
Cris could never finish a project
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I wanted to like it, but it's not particularly fun even for someone who likes bullet hell games. I'm not even sure what the problem is exactly, maybe it gets better couple hours in or something.
tits too big
Automondev made it, vividlopedev made it, penguindev made it. Underspace made it (although he got fucked by his publisher).
Quit being so negative just because marmo failed.
bokube gonna make it too
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Marmo, what the fuck does this mean
penis bounce
So where's boku at currently?
haven't been in /aggy/ in a while
Boob bounce is my guess
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Marmo, whats next after that big failure than you concocted for 10 years? Quit deving or planning new game?
thats the tit jiggle button
I thought his game was cute. I'm happy for him that his finally finished it. I hope he will still enter his next project into demo day.
Does bokube have a release date or year yet? I think I remember it being revealed.
been making bokube look even more like shit, mostly
What's a random thing you can add to a game for juice?
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>Marmo, whats next after that big failure than you concocted for 10 years? Quit deving or planning new game?
Hot women
obviously he's gonna work on his next new game
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I used deltatime in my game even though its going to be turn based. Sometimes I am not very smart..
is this credits song good for my meme game?
https://voca.ro/16Ksts4Vs8Ms (wip)
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wait, didnt this trailer get 1k views?
why does it show 500 on my end, boku?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Adding some placeholder images because Github hates empty folders. Also preparing for cutscene work.
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This thread reeks of underage retard summerfags today
the only one on that list who did well, but didnt make it as none their did, is penguindev, you just put him in with a lot of flops to make the list look good. Its a lot of money sure but unless you're from some poor 3rd world country this isnt retirement tier.
>2 devs who some anons who view them negatively for how they left/acted.
kek bait. you slapped better viewed devs to make the list not look so bad.

it's so obvious too since you didnt include the devs of Necrovale, Sipho, Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum, or devil spire. And all the other ones from 400 to 2000 reviews since 2022
Bokube at least has a game. I still remember that one gameless swede guy that used to host Demo Day that used to shit on his game everytime.
Bokube is still polishing his game. That guy, we havent seen him, any of his streams, or any of his games for like 2 years now. Probably doesnt evne browse this place anymore
Summer ended however
>Coming Soon
So does he take title for currently longest unreleased (early access release counts). Or does that belong to Heroes Gain or Ctesiphon dev?
that thing where you get a yelllow healthbar that decreases slowly when you take a hit
that thing where the counter updates 1 by 1 making bling bling bling bling instead of going straight to the updated value
uniquely-shaped particle effects (this is a big one)
thankfully i have no expectations so when my game flops no one will notice
>Bokube is still polishing his game.
>Estimated delivery: Nov 2017
he needs to absolutely release before the 10 year anniversary
10 years is 10% of a lifetime, just saying. If it takes you 10 years go make a game, you will only have made 10 games assuming you started deving as soon as you popped out of your moms vag and you lived to see 100 years old.
Shes so heckin cute.

Who? The guy with German or fake Germam last name (Jewish)?
He and others like him could have released their game and 5 sequels instead of remaking the thing over and over again
praying for quasi-immortality in the coming decades so i can /agdg/ for a few more centuries
What games are you awaiting for next DD?

>Tower of Kelemvo
>The eastern flower
Marmo did not actually spend 10 years working on Marmoreal. He spent 2 years actually working and 8 years jerking to vtubers.
yeah other anon here it was at 1k when I last checked it too which means someone was unironically viewbotting this fucking trailer and then YT took those views away
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in Marmo's case it's 30% of a lifetime (I'm killing him soon)
Average male age is assumed to be 80. So 12.5% of a lifetime. However reality is males on average live to like 76 years and 4 months. So its actually about 13% In the USA that is based on 2021 data
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That russian strategy game, I want to use my literal 1000s of hours playing such games to nitpick all the glitches and balance issues I can find in it
And my game
why are people in here so sensitive, never make fun of something, never joke around? why makes a space that is completely free such a pain in the ass?
Do you guys think Bokube would sue me if I stole him trailer music and put it on my game? I mean Im gonna release my game before he does.
the loli games
Tfw Ive devved 6.5% of my lifetime on a game that's probably going to flop ;_;
Sunk cost.
In other words, everyone here should stop wasting their precious limited lives on making games no one will play.
Marmo did that with like 30% of his lifetime.
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in 10 years I will have released 5 games
>83.16 years for males in sweden
That's assuming Marmo is there. So about 12%, still a rather large amount. Now assume he's in EA for another year and thats 13%. Now assume he screws up and takes another 11 years for a full release game, 26.5% of a lifetime. 1/4, One fourth. AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Marmo pls make something smaller after this!
I'm compelled to create things.
It makes me slightly less miserable.
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bokudev put his heart and soul into this game and even gave agdg a shoutout and THIS is how you repay him?
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doesn't matter when this could be your game and then it all becomes worth it.
you already know which one this is too without even knowing the release date.
do not stray from your path.
Why release a game when you know it’s bad? There is no way you could ever convince me that marmo really believed his game would be a hit. Maybe it’s the case of staring at something for so long you fail to see it for what it really is?
I literally have no choice, the gods had ordained I shall gamedev and whenever I dont I feel a creeping sense of doom approach me
;_; i know it, it's my 20 years in development games that I kept secret for 19.75 year to avoid cloners and then in the last 3 months of development I reveal it to large amounts of interest
>4 days
What games are you looking forward to this Demo Day?
Because I made it and it’s finished. One sale is better than 0 and one person enjoying it is better than no one.
>Maybe it’s the case of staring at something for so long you fail to see it for what it really is?
It's this. Demo day was supposed to solve this by making sure to give everyone outside opinions, but Marmoreal has been around for so long that people stopped giving it feedback on demo day.
What was it's price when it came out? It's 5.99 now.
I never played Marmogame as the aesthetic never clicked for me. Always thought is was placeholder.
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Real men finish what they start, not matter the consequences. Its not something you would understand
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Im making a game. r8
marmo's problem was that his scope was out of control and instead of just cutting stuff out and polishing what he had, he left everything half made for the early access release
Real men know when to cut their losses
real men dont make video games
still one of the best looking games of all time
Ehh looks like any other generic 3D asset flip, everything is so gray and muddy and washed out, I would spend at least two weeks trying to add more vibrancy and contrast and color before posting again
>third person over the shoulder
What would he even do to polish it though? All new 3D models for everything? New textures? New animations? I mean you’re talking about a whole new game, not polish
literally how, vanilla beth games are always ugly
What video?
An entire generation of men with absentee fathers raised by their favorite Japanese children’s cartoons
that one is the huge gigantic colossal exception.
I have no idea how they did it. It just is
Bokube is a retard. He made an engine that could mimic pretty much all old retro games that use tile based movement and recreate theim in his game. Like he could make levels based Frogger. He could make levels based on PACMAN. He could make levels based on Qbert. He could make levels based on Soukoban. Etc.
I hope he reads this and improves his shit game with my superior knowledge in game dev.
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He didn't make his own engine, right?
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Have your explosion's collision mask turned off when it's created and wait one or two frames to turn it on. This is an easy way to do nice chain reactions when you have a bunch of exploding objects together.
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>I would spend at least two weeks trying to add more vibrancy and contrast and color before posting again
Hmm. Does it look better now?
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almost there
only the secondary attacks left for railgun and chainsaw, and the demo guns might be finished.
still probably months away from a demo.
at least the gameplay feels and plays right ,could say more than the games I'm ripping off, got an adrenaline rush yesterday for the first time playing it which is funny.
Have to get rid off the greenish barf filter probably.
oh so much to do so little time will see.
cheers fellow devers and shclockmeisters.
That's what I thought
I think the decade+ of mods have muddied your memory a bit.
vanilla skyrim on the 360 was not pretty.
is this death stranding
Ehh looks like any other generic 2D asset flip, everything is so gray and muddy and washed out, I would spend at least two weeks trying to add more vibrancy and contrast and color before posting again
These dev still think this is the 2010s where indie dev was a new thing and stram indie market was really fresh.
the bar was really low back then.
These devs think they are going to be the next Tobyfox or Zun by making shitty looking games and cultivate a huge fanbase behind it.
AI is only going to ruin indie ecosystem even harder.
I think the problem was that he released his game 10 years too late
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You stupid miscarried dipshit. I have never played skyrim with a single mod and I have always only played it on PC. Holy shit I fucking hate lying cumstains like you so much
This looks like shit though, honestly
That looks like shit.
name the reasons and expose yourself
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Its from death stranding 2, I am currently thinking of giving it a more cartoony look than 1 had.
If serious, its the witness.
How about you convince us why this looks "good"?
>it's finished
It's in early access
I think you're conflating overall atmosphere with technical art.
>still one of the best looking games of all time
would be something like mirror's edge, which still scales amazingly into 4k.
but skyrim's holes start becoming apparent even at 1080 with the low res wood textures
Is your game good enough to steal anon?
>this is what agdg actually thinks looks good
Skyrim looked really good in 2011.
Went back and checked, and Marmoreal actually still gets load of feedback, way more than some other games.

So the question is: were any of these issues addressed before Marmoreal's release?

>the tutorial is a bit too front-loaded
>there is too much time spent walking between enemy clusters
>the world map is a bit confusing with too much insufficiently coded information.
>At first I didn't understand why I couldn't pick up the red pills on the ground.
>I still think you should have an option to auto-equip stronger items of the same type. Often there's no choice to make, it's a direct upgrade so spending time in the menu prevents you from enjoying the gameplay. Alternatively have less items of the same type.
>An enemy got stuck outside the level and I got softlocked.
>During the forest level with the ambush, you can barely hear the music.
>It's hard to tell how long the shield ability of Vanaia lasts because you're looking at the character and not the HUD.
>The trees in this level could use shadows that are less dark.
it looked like shit on day 1 when i played it but i still had lots of fun.
Halo 4 however, being a shit game, was a marvel in everything else, only releasing a year later
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>shitting on skyrim's art
yeah this is 100% a underage retard summerfag thread
school can't start soon enough
Looks cool but this is starting to break my suspension of disbelief.
Like sure, she is special forces or something like that, hence the Ghost in the Shell mech. Also, some police departments in real life field tanks and tankettes.
Also, she's got military grade gear because she is responding to rogue paramilitaries and such. Alright.
But now she has incendiary cluster bombs that can level an entire block? I guess the Geneva convention doesn't apply to civilian matters but holy shit that's crazy.
cheers to the guy that just played my demo for like an hour and made the average go up
defending bethesda, and especially skyrim, is ironically, as peak zoomer/summerfag as you can get
Maybe on your shitbox, on the PC Skyrim looked great.
>le 4k resolution le textures
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Not them, and skyrim looks fine for what it is imo, but realism always ages poorly and is kind of the bland "default" style to go for. More stylised art will age better and be more soulful.
Skyrim was stylized
seeing someone praise a game and immediately seething about "heh defending le corpo" is something only retard teenagers from reddit and /v/ do
new crab standard: your game must be better than skyrim or its a flop, btw skyrim flopped too
>Nooo you can't be defending Bethesda by objectively judging Skyrim's graphics by 2011 standards
Skyrim will still look good 1000 years from now
praising his childhood nostalgia*
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also unapologetically metal

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Does your game lack sauce?
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Look the truth is if you cant even outsell a game like GTA5 you might as well give up
>tfw game only did 400k units
it's over.....
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>he didn't port his game to a chinese retro emulation machine
>Asset flip
Is this the new nodev buzzword?
holy newfag, kys zoomshit
Skyrim's graphics were more than the sum of its parts. The scale, the atmosphere, the set pieces, they all worked together and made it look pretty good. This was true for Oblivion and Morrowind too.
Which part of gamedev are you best at? Is it programming, game design, art/graphics, or audio? For me its coding that comes the easiest for the type of games I make
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>Underspace made it (although he got fucked by his publisher).
Source? Was this another bug fables sich?
give it lipstick and make it pink
We told him multiple times letting his brother be his lawyer was retarded, but you can't be logical with retards.
Love your nonstop progress anon. You're gonna make it with this shit king.
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Writing. I'm told I'm hilarious.
>someone recommend that auto equip thing in demo days
He has no fucking excuse now, that shit is STILL not fixed and it makes me dread getting new equipment because I have to navigate through 10 menus before I can even see if it's good and maybe equip it
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an initial sketch of another monster, called "Bitch Tits".
This one's the boss battle of a trailer park.
Think about all the time you waste working on polygons your models don't actually need.
That's why we choose low poly. Because it's clean, efficient, time-respecting.
Will the next one take 10 years also?
Coding and mid on everything else.
No, it's a schizo retard who got mad at him for it.
I don't believe a single one of those is a real person and not chatgpt
let's be honest. It was not 10 years on the game.

that 10 years was probably made up of changing idea ( moving between projects ) , waging, and procrasination.
Nobody ever got mad at Transwiz.
I don't think so.
Now show the gamecube version which looks like shit
looks like some of the wives posted in /s/
kys zoomshit
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Progress: Shove-a-Puck Pub
I've been fixing a few issues with the game and writing some Bios for the characters. When you defeat them then some additional data is added.
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If you are not enjoying, why even bother? Do it for the fun and for the friends you make along the way (and I say this 100% unironically).
Sally belongs with Sonic in my mind.
You're doing it right now.
wrong thread, retard
Sonic should be with Amy Rose.
I'm probably going to tone it down a bit since I cranked up the amount of bomblets for stress testing new particles. As for leveling city blocks filled with civilians - let's just say the city was evacuated before all of the fighting broke out... at least according to the state-sponsored news report.
Oh, crumble got unbanned again?
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Made a new opening song. Can I have some feedback?

Of course difficulty is relative to your skill level, but my sprites are around that tall, and it doesn't take that much longer than smaller sprites. Although it also depends on how much detail you're putting into those sprites. Simpler designs take less time to animate since you're mostly painting big flat shapes.
>Go to convention
>Security says that you can send fans-letters to vtubers
Congrats Marmo, your dumb plan is actually viable if you live in the right state
Devlog 0002, September 1 2024.
>researched which game genres have the highest rate of return
>decided on making an open world survival 4X game
>looked up tutorials for how to make Pong in Godot
>watched some Thomas Brush videos on maximizing game dev productivity
>daydreamt about running into my high school crush at a gaming convention after I've just given a panel to a crowd of hundreds of my fans (she was in the crowd and it turns out she's a huge fan of my game)
He's Swedish.
Realistically, how hard are those artsy fartsy exploration games to make? I have the urge to try it for whatever reason
Style & atmosphere are what make or break a game's visual appeal. This is as good as 3D graphics ever need to get.
>4x fan
I'm assuming you're referring to games like Journey? Most of the difficulty is going to come from designing shaders, which is really fucking hard to borderline impossible if you've never down it before.
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Try living. In America.
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this guy gets it
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>open world survival 4X game
A..anon, I already planned to make this
Ugh, you're right. I didn't make that connection. Tomorrow morning it's back to the drawing board I guess. Good catch.
Graphics programming sounds nightmarish, but I might try anyway just to see how fast it can crush my spirit
Are there any good guides on more ornate UI designs, or is that something that'll just come after 5000 hours in Illustrator or something
Fast. There's a reason why this is a specialized field in the world of professional game development. Following a tutorial to make something generic isn't too bad, but when it comes time to try and make something extremely specific from scratch it's hell.
Add me on discord we can collab
uni starts tomorrow but I can't fall asleep...
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optimal windmill function
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I used to be college student, then I graduated.
Now I'm NEET game dev. I feel you there, I hated Uni.

Here's a song:
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uni to take some sleeping pills
How do I make a game like Fornite, What coding language should i learn?? ..

fortnite is made by Epic Games in Unreal Engine!
come up with a new character for your game in just a few clicks
should have made a good game.
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Please please please take advantage of whatever resources your university offers you, whether that be a gym or clubs to meet people or access to expensive software in the computer labs, whatever it is. Please. I was a total retard and took all this stuff for granted when I was in university and I can't tell you how much I regret it. Don't me like me, graduating after 7 years in "academia" with zero friends, zero hobbies, and zero gains despite going to a university with a huge fitness center. I'm sure you can find at least one other person interested in gamedev.
its 2024 gramps, gym and clubs are all free even outside uni, and most software has a free indie license.
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Been forcing myself to take the pixel art pill. Complete beginner. Made this small scene for my game recently.
+1. Don't fuck around, it's now or never to make it. I wasted way too much time during college and am quite a bit behind in life because of it. Dev for all you're worth, use college resources if possible even if it doesn't seem worth at times
not your art
What's the best tool for VFX would you say? And can I pirate it
making social connections is fucking impossible, I've given up on that. People just hurt or use you
Would you dev on a single game for 20 years if you were guaranteed this many reviews in release year? >>492783869
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One of my greatest regrets. Meet people, seek groups, whatever.
Same, played it on PS4. No mods at all, screw making an account to download the. Was quite enjoyable, I typically plays games in vanilla mode only eg Stalker series.
That's the entire point. It's extremely hard to make social connections once you've left an environment where you're surrounded by people who are your exact age and likely share similar interests, ie. college. I don't care how hard you think it is to meet friends in college (assuming you've even tried), it's a million times harder once you're out and working.
>Gender: Non-binary

Ok then smart ass, whose art is it?
>likely share similar interests
I went to uni and people were only ever interested in getting drunk and being retarded or gay nerd shit like anime
Say I had a strength stat and multiple characters, how would I assign a diffferent value for each character? Do I have to give them all their own strength variable? C++ is the language
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Bug status: Obliterated.
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Ironically not making any friends in uni is like the one thing I dont regret about that whole shitshow part of my life. That said I doubt I am usual in that regard. Now if only I actually committed to a single game project back then..
Whats your game?
children do not look like this
>It's extremely hard to make social connections once you've left an environment where you're surrounded by people who are your exact age and likely share similar interests, ie. college.
it's literally not, if my spazzy self can do it with the zoomers at my work, you can too.
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No demo for next demo day.
Demo day 59 for sure.
>Be time traveller
>Still late for demo day
At least it makes me feel better about also missing the deadline
but anon... you made this post before last demo day
>access to expensive software in the computer labs
Like Photoshop? Illustrator? Painter? lmao first worlders.
I swear to god there is something wrong with the weather.
Holy shit >>>/g/egdg mogs you all so bad
they are all coders, not visionaries
Too hot or too cold?
I went to a private college with a big 3D art department so I had access to professional 3D software, literally ever Adobe program you could think of, video editing software, you name it. Never used any of it because I wanted to sit in my dorm playing video games all day instead.
My elementary, middle and high schools had access to expensive software, heh. In my 30s, Adobe software is old
It's cool but too humid. I'm sweating and can't breathe, the window is open all the way. I swear to god there is something else happening. Maybe the composition of the air is a bit different or something. It's 22C degrees humidity is at 90-99%.
EVERY SINGLE TIME it's posted someone replies with that
You can just lock male or female
so how is your game different from ultrakill
check the pragmata thread
I was a project hopper until my latest, I have 50+ unfinished games. I'm thinking in 20 years time, I can prompt ai to finish my old games. then I'll have 50+ finished games.
>22C is cool
Spoiled kid.

t.8C outside.
Is this terraria?
I just want consistent, high quality sprite sheets from AI and it's frustrating cause it seems like the tech is nearly there for it.
Stardew Valley
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this is what porndevs have to deal with every day
think carefully before trying to be the next Aura
damn another day another nodev fuck why did I get the talent instead of the delusional garbage progress posting genes
retard esl
you just ignore them
Are you having fun or are you miserable doing this?
Cool not cold. As in not hot, it should be breathable, comfortable.
Why would anyone choose to do something out of their own free will if it wasn't at least slightly enjoyable for them?
the gamedev part is fun, the rest is miserable
Google "the witness"
Because they think it will make them happy or successful
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It's like 10% fun and 90% suffering.

It's called delayed gratification you fucking nigger.
Ask how much he's willing to pay before blocking him.
racist go 5 minutes without brining up white women taking BBC challenge (impossible)
Me after a shower
Observing progress is the fun part.
The delayed gratification is the enjoyment
>nodev outed himself
post game or kys faggot
i literally am working on deadlock for valve you stupid fucking ape
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Post game. Oh wait that's right you don't have one. lol, lmfao even.
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>tried using chat GPTigger
>it breaks after 3 prompts
yeah some world-changing technology you got there
I just went from having a fit of stress and despair to genuinely believing I can get my game ready in a month
go ask any meme learning entity how many 'r' characters are in the word "Strawberry".
This is what you're trusting to supply you coherent and intelligent code btw
With every passing day I become greater than the last
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Hi guys. Been a while since I posted here but this is a small bit of navigation footage.

A while back someone said it would be hard for me to make RPGmaker MZ into something isometric. They were right it was pretty hard. I think I got it working with lighting but its still a bit jank and the collisions need some work. Working on a big castle now.

(everything was made in clip studio except the player sprite which is a placeholder from a demo project)
I was having fun then my project got really big and there's a lot more friction when adding new mechanics or modifying old ones. I shouldn't have learned programming from unity tutorials but I didn't know what I didn't know, frick.
Normalize diagonal movement.
learn composition
Yeah because they will keep rereleasing it
Like bro why do you wage?
Skill issue. Use claude
Yeah that's the plan. There's a speed setting I forgot to check before taking a video
im the ideas guy
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Just rike 2 more months.
The biggest reason you would use RPGM is to use its assets and character creator, but if you're not going to do that, then why bother?
0.1% fun and 99.9% misery for me. The real fun is releasing it and it selling well. Yes I want a game, not make a game. Two different things, I hate the actual process of making it for the most part.

Hey I remember this. Goal of the game, like genre?
I'm too old to learn new things now and I have ingrained bad coding habits. It's over. I have heard of composition but I don't remember things anymore
Is the diagonal speed just a sum of the horizontal and vertical speeds? It should be clamped so the speed is the same in all directions.
I don't know how to code so I just made everything else myself. The gameplay is turn based but I haven't had a chance to work on it much. I got the UI functional and it doesn't look toooooo much like RPGmaker.
Turn based dark fantasy RPG because I am original
Basically. Like I said there's a setting to normalize it I didn't click
Looks cool, keep it up
>The biggest reason you would use RPGM is to use its assets and character creator
Maybe if you want your game to look like an RPGMaker game
chatgpt is useful for building small slices of functionality, not for building a large well written project
stop being a pussy, design patterns take practice. It's preferable to learn it then write spaghetti code forever.
Are there good 2D RPGs?
This but with learning to draw
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I have some questions

>is it more difficult to make a live action top down RPG than just a regular JRPG in RPGmaker?
>what program is good for 2d animation (non pixelart), spine? or are there better (free) alternatives?

i codelet
please give me interesting ideas for an orblike.
wtf is an orblike

t. hasnt been here in 2 years
Alright, fine. I'll make a game. See you in a few months with a game that mogs every demo and is actually going to sell.
t. Senior Software Engineer at Meta
Diablo with but lolis.
use your brain retard
you don't have to spend significant time here to put two and two together
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My trailer is up, please check it out! :)

you will NEVER be Japanese
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She cute
rooringuboorugeemu ga daisuki
>Github hates empty folders
Git does not track empty directories. Not a Github thing
games with orb in the title
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>two and two together
orblike without any orbs
meant for >>492799015
is this an orblike?
>player has no health or mana
how DOES he do it
>haven't worked on the game
I guess there is tomorrow.
After some research, I've found I'm making a 2018 300 review game. est reviews? maybe 30?
Use .gitkeep
my game is so fucking unappealing compared to this. why do i even try, its hopeless
opinions on lolikino?
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They don't believe in git here ... Ten anons from here came to my house and curb stomped me the last time I mentioned git on the serv- OH GOD now I brought it up again.
Anyone interested in using git is already using git and anyone not is not going to be evangelized. You have no game, faggot.
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>you have no game

Someone told me they lost their virginity in a threeway while playing my game Space Case.
Your questions are retarded, so no.
Don’t you have work a hundred hours a week? How do you find time to game dev?
Is that the name of the triangle color space game or the sphere phong shader game?
don't make an rpg first
The orb is a planet.
if you don't have a drawer full of usb drives, how can you even sleep at night knowing microsoft could delete git?
If every RPGMaker dev listened to you, there would be none.
And the world would have a lot less slop.
The spaceship game I made in a couple of hours in Raylib back in April. The spaceships are represented by advanced high level abstractions, called "quads".

I know you are joking with me. I fucking know you are. But the idea that you are actually misinformed and not fucking me is forcing me to respond. Git is GPL-licensed software that is also free of charge. It was instrumental in the development of the Linux kernel and a multitude of different software since then. Github is a web front end by Microsoft, where people host their repos.
I just think it looks cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thank you!
arigato gozaimasu ^_^
it is now
you are just another tourist to /agdg/ who's an overly ambitious beginner that doesn't understand how complicated making an RPG game is.
Try to make Pong first then come back.
Hot take: Making an RPG isn’t difficult.
where's yours?
it is for /agdg/ retard
>wahhh assets are hard
>wah writing is hard
>wahh balance is hard
>wahh my story sucks
Really hot take: Gamedev in general isnt hard. Just very time consuming
Making an rpg is easy. Making a GOOD rpg is incredibly difficult, because they're very content heavy and your audience will have strict and particular standards. There's a lot of rpgs out there considered something of a gold standard you'll have to compete with.
oh yeah? prove it. by referring me
but jes me am yanking your chain
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>tfw working on my loli game in a public library
it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
>Scarce amount of rolling sounds
>MC does not react differently to rolling faster or falling down
It's been 23 years from the original. Surely 1 guy from today can outdo 10 guys from Yesterday.
"Good luck getting a girl with all that attitude"
What did you say to her, Anon?
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You know, I've heard this advice before but what else are you supposed to make to work your way up to an RPG?
It's too late for me, but perhaps you can save the others.
this is a sequel to my first game, which i made about two years ago. just try keep improving. :)
>>Scarce amount of rolling sounds
that's funny because someone told me it's too much.
>>MC does not react differently to rolling faster or falling down
that's because the model and anims aren't exactly finished yet. i anticipate her to be closer to done by demo day.
work your way up gaming history (which is also scope) and figure out how to slowly make larger and larger games until you feel confident enough to tackle an RPG.
Typically the advice is for people who have barely Hello World'd, and are looking to make their own Chrono Trigger now
Have these videos that are autistic enough to establish a line between nu-Monkey Ball and old Monkey Ball.
One of them rags on sound design.
make a struct/class for the stats, and give every character/NPC its own instance of it
We had a guy making a Chrono Trigger-like: Order Anura, the ceramic frog game.
We both first submitted to Demo Day 48.
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These are stories that only happen to other, never you.
>These are stories that only happen to other, never you.
Thanks! Will try to watch these later. Although I think I've heard some criticism of nu-monkey ball's rolling sounds before. In terms of what I was going for here, while I can hear the resemblance it's not really modeled after nu-monkey ball but rather. Lamu's walking/flying sound effects.


Although, I do understand the desire for a satisfying roll sound effect. I will take this into consideration.
That's because if my game hits 10k reviews, I would just be 計画通り.
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Y-you too?
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I need you guys to give me a contrast check. I only got my phone and a 72% display tablet + 7 year old laptop to do color checking.

Does the enemy sprite stand out enough (the character sprite is a placeholder)
>lose weight and work out so i got rock hard abs but no girl to touch them
feels fucking bad bros
>multiple scooters parked in the street
what thirdie shithole is this
Looks good. Not a part of the contrast, the smooth shaded UI style clashes with the dithers of the game screen.
I can tell he's the enemy, and I don't know anything.
well we first world countries have those hireable electric scooters thrown about literally everywhere on the street so it's not THAT different
It's a little subtle, like he's standing in the scene. There is enough contrast for me to tell he is an enemy, but if he was a little brighter, or the background more washed out, then I could see that as an improovement.
>not being able to use other modes of transportation is a thirdie shithole
are you happy getting stuck in your shitbox anon?
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Security camera.
firsties can afford comfy spacious cars with AC and rain protection, only poors have subject themselves to the elements to go buy groceries
Daytime right now + scooters = SEA. Americanized grass lawns and McMansions hints at Philippines.
wtf is up with the top middle seam? almost looks like sparkles from z-fighting
nta but my third world shithole has scooters too, they are dirt cheap and made in China.
Also, they don't require a license.
Thanks. The UI is very much a first draft (I haven't fixed it since the last thread I posted in).

It needs a bunch of detail and dithering. I had a hard time making the inside look urban so I used clip studio's half tone tools. The good news is it looks okay ish to me. The bad news is means the UI needs a lot more work than I expected.
Yeah I'm not sure how to fix it without washing out the scene too much. A lot of these sprites are already in multiple areas so the values are difficult to balance. I'm basically relying entirely on silhouette + tiny details
>pedophile expat in the philippines
yeah checks out
Pixelation effect is weird with textures when certain objects are close to each other.
im going to make an html canvas (porn) game. for interactivity i am going to get the coordinates of the mouse click then use logic to figure out what to do. it will be a visual novel and point and click adventure type of thing. will i run into performance issues if i am checking the user's mouse position every frame or something like that?
>Yeah I'm not sure how to fix it without washing out the scene too much.
There's a couple I think of. You could do a post FX outline shader on the enemy, but that may look a bit iffy on pixel art. Another on that comes to mind is giving enemies in combat a background 'aura', like a purple mist, that would definitely make them pop.
looks good, some light animation could help
>enginedev, but in the browser
yes, you'll want to predict when the user may be about to click and start checking mouse position then.
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Daring today, aren't we?
thanks for le gold
Both good ideas but I'm in RPGmaker so I'll have to get creative for these.
Thanks guys
>he doesnt know
I think I will make a walking simulator. Not enough of those in the world.
i dont know anything about rpgmaker, cant you use animated sprites? i only meant a really basic idle animation of him "breathing" or whatever, slight movement against a static background
Walking simulator metroidvania?
Is it a metroidvania if you open doors with things you find? That's like a walking simulator staple.
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A running simulator.
Walking simulator, under the ocean. You explore shipwrecks and giant whale bones.
a game where you can basically, um... do anything
a game where you can't do anything at all
a game where you get existential
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i think you need to use more highlights, the lightest grey i can find in your image is only 67% brightness, you are missing out
the browser is the engine, dummy. already built, supported, and every user has it installed on their computer
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I fear not the game with a thousand game mechanics, but the game with a mechanic that's been done a thousand times before-Bruce Lee
game where you shid and fard
a game where you're retarded and have to survive a whole day without your caretaker
you guys are doing that every day
a game where you're an agdg poster and have to survive a whole day without being retarded
procrastination simulator
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what the hell happened here
a game based off the old tard wrangler stories could be kino
You might as well call SDL2 and raylib an engine at that level. They're not. Browsers support a shitton of features like mouse events for DOM elements, but you're too retarded to use that, so you're trying to rewrite that shit yourself, hence enginedev.
the real shit thing about freelance art is time and availability, any good artist probably has commissions backed up meaning you need to compensate them more or wait wayyyy too long to get all the art you need. That's the real reason you will. never see a large scale freelance project, it would take 10 years or 100 thousand dollars. You basically have to own an artist
i wouldn't procrastinate if I knew what the fuck to make
how much money did marmo make?
I need to hurry up and find a hiki neet japanese artist gf
just ditch artwork and minmax on graphic design like rez or whatever
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People found out around DD50 that anyone could make one so DDs 51-57 were made by randos
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Vindicated. So much rage! I deleted my game and loaded up a backup. Get paranoid near the start after noticing something saved that shouldn't be there. Meaning this is something saved separately from a project and in Unity itself. Don't want to redo the last 30 minutes of work. May have been paranoid it'll screw me over. Something like additonal 1.5 hours later along with new stuff now. Everything is working fine. So it's time to set up a character due to his new design. About 1 hour later I'm done. Hit play. One of his sprites is missing. Instantly suspicious I'm about to get screwed hard. Exit, look at his prefab, it's there. Go back in, not there, test if its the layering still not there. Jump, his sprite goes -10x in size.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why didn't I listen to my paranoia? So many vindications in the past, why don't I learn? Why don't I just listen to it?
>3 hours of work destroyed
>an additional 3 hours of work destroyed because the engine itseld is corrupted (about 1.5 hours redoing the previous work, and 1.5 hours doing new work)
I am so mad right now and have a headache too!
83-99 are still unclaimed if anyone wants one
This is the guy who had the power outage happen to him (me) btw. Well seems from now on nit only will I delete my game but also delete Unity and fully reinstall one and pull a former backup of the game. My head hurts.
Liq only made DD jams up to DD50 on itch, so for a while there were multiple claimant DDs by randos, including a troll DD53, until BlueFairy made a new series up to 82 I think.
And people still think using unity is better then coding an engine lol
save and make frequent commits in your SCM tool of choice

thank me later
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You will know when you find the artist that fits your project.
thanks for the laf
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>135cm tall
DD53 was shitshow made by some memer. People made a new series of DDs and we ignored the previous series.
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>You will know when you find the artist that fits your project.
only 5 years and 20,000 hours to go until I have a demo!
Marmo just wanted to his passion project out there.
That's too long, make a prototype instead.
Actually amazing. Keep up the good work.
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- 54 minutes working on objective art.
This weekend has been a mess. Need to lock in for the next four days to get ready for demo day.
I don't think posting progress or demo days is actually a good idea if your game is a good idea. Seems all too easy for someone with more time/money than you to just steal the idea and beat you to market. Since my game is pretty unique (I've never seen any game do this idea ever even though it seems fun) I can't post it
>These are stories that only happen to other, never you.
Yea, because the "other" has talent
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Did Marmo get any fanart?
definitely. iirc there's an anon from long ago who's game was cloned let me see if i can find it.
there it is, game was cloned from an a 4channers game. the 4channers game is higher quality btw. idk if he was an agdg anon or not though

t. guy who is pretty sure his steam page was scoured by a chinese dev team
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>tfw actual schizo hours
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yeah, check the 'cord
My game is starting to get scary. It scared me!
starting to get real ticked off at all the people buying my game and playing it, but not reviewing it *my 500 game steam library with 3 reviews is juxtaposed over my shoulder behind me comically like a punchline*
I forgot I added random lightning strikes and got a fright
don't share it, all the people who disagree are uncreative people working on generic platformers, generic visual novels or the billionth iteration of a roguelike or zelda.
I want to make an RPG. i worked on it years ago but didnt get very far before life got in the way

the only other thing i could see working is a roguelike but i doubt that

thanks for the explanation
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and here is anons game

pic related
>top is anon's game
>bottom is the cloner who beat him to market
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If you look at what rittz did, AGDG would call him a NGMI.
>makes a 3D platformer prototype copying Mario 64
>really just focuses on the movement mechanics and speedrun potential
>then he abandons it and makes another prototype building further on the same movement mechanics
>then he does a game jam, another 3D platformer with the exact same mechanics + the game theme
>then does another game jam, another 3D platformer with the same mechanics + the game theme
>then does another game jam, another 3D platformer with the same mechanics + the game theme (this is pseudoregalia)
>sees it's pretty popular, packs the jam game up in a couple of months, releases it, becomes millionaire
At so many points AGDG would have told him he's wasting his time and to give up, but he just kept on trucking doing what he thought was fun.
chinese cloner? or just multiplayer vs chinese?
the bottom game is garish, boring, mobile slop and i'd say hardly in direct competition or cloning (even though i saw the top game clip in their video).
If you get beat by slop, you deserved to fail 2bphwy(desu)
told you guys pixelshit don't sell
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I wish I had some gamedev friends
Ideas are worthless. Execution is all that matters. There were dozens of these inventory management RPGs for LD54: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/54/games

Meanwhile Kickstarter with
>Estimated delivery Mar 2019
and no delivery to this date = failed to execute.
just post models/world and not gameplay for our progress and leave the gameplay a surprisedisappointment for agdg
I'm right here, fuck you.
I don't think he minds anymore, that anon died before the clone was released
you forgot
>has 3 music friends to make music for him for free (the only criteria for making it is having good, original music)
>"Our Son, Alex Sian, passed away on January 17, 2024 after battling cancer the past 16 months. Alex was just 28 years old.
>Many in the indie video game dev community will remember him as ShoutScion or Bushido. Those who knew him will say that Alex had immense passion for video game dev, and often helped others in their journey as game developers."

yeah about that...
Why is numbers go up not fun?
seeing numbers, despite borderlands, is not fun.
stop showing players backend-numbers
That's the easiest hurdle ever to overcome. Do you have any idea how many composers are desperate to have their music featured in a game? Especially if you are willing to pay them a moderate amount of money.
And if the amateurs/enthusiasts aren't good enough for you, you can hire the services of a professional composer for a few $K.
Considering he passed away this year, no. He would have saw it because it was playable last year.
Same except gamedev girl friend
tranny art vs browserslop art, I'd take the bottom
Great news! A few mistakes were made and after adjusting stuff the character works fine. Still paranoid something might be broken within Unity itself mainly because a preset that was made in the project folder I deleted appeared within the backup so idk if any corruption occurred to the engine itself.

Hey that style looks like gameboy advance anons game. You know the one with the girl in the reflectoin.
>I'd take the bottom
you're telling me he just kept copying and pasting the same code but with different skins on top until one got attention?
this is genius what the fuck
agdg has never once said this workflow
I lost 3 months of work once
You can wait until you are closer to release and know that you can get it to market fast. Absolute worst case scenario you need to wait 2 weeks to release on steam so cloners are limited by that assuming they don't abuse the system
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the bottom is the actual tranny game thoughever
Their Godot tutorials are great though.
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Making a sprite styled like old fighting games didn't take as much time as I thought it would. I mean, it's not pro level, but it gives me an idea.
I think 3 months is plenty of time to market your game if it's actually good. Shouldn't have to worry too much about cloners in that span.
>haven't made tutorials since success
it's so over
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i would die mad
What do I show then?
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Most indie composers are absolute fucking garbage though. All they can manage is bland derivative "video game music" slop. Only indies with decent music are ones where the dev himself is a good composer, a la Toby Fox.
Your average amateurs commission-work composer could never manage something this good:
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>artist makes a sprite
>charges me about $45 for it
>a few days later
>she says she miscalculated the price and it should actually have been $57
this nigga hiring trannies! lmaoooo
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lolivania dev?
This. Imho I should've kept my page private until I was for sure no more than 6 months to a year out from either early access or full release. I'd say it heavily depends on the game though. The more difficult it is to clone, the more time you have. For example say the following games were all solodevs
>Witcher 3
>Terraria (in the state it released years ago)
Which do you think would be the easiest to clone if the dev posted it 2 years prior to release? Terraria of course, that one stands the most to lose by posting that early while something like Kenshi or Witcher 3 are just far too unique to easily copy within a short time span. Not to mention 3D gives an extra barrier that prevents cloners from easily getting away with it.
45 for a single goddamn sprite?
clearly anon got a giant parallax map
it was animated, it has like 12 frames.
You didn't settle the price with a contract beforehand? if not you don't have to pay more
You just communicate changes effectively with the tools games innately have
>art / VFX
>enemy feedback
Numbers are a bad crutch for communication, when there's so many better options that make your game instantly better, and players appreciate it substantially more.
she has some formula she uses to determine how much a sprite should cost. the sprite in question contained a palette swap, which she hadn't taken into consideration before. apparently she just did some research and realized she was supposed to charge more for it.
>Only indies with decent music are ones where the dev himself is a good composer
Not true. Even aside from the example in the post I was replying to, I know a dev who routinely paid for professionally composed music for his games, even some free gamejam games before he made it (and become a multi millionaire).
He would shell out a few thousand dollars and get pro-level music, and it improved his games a lot.
this is why VS is so popular, it cranks up everything instead of just 'ooh I got +5 to att'
A different palette isn't worth $12
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welcome back, king
>apparently she just did some research and realized she was supposed to charge more for it.
So it wasn't part of the formula at the time of sale? Don't let her backcharge you, it's her mistake she didn't set the right price the first time.
uhhh sounds like she shouldn't be able to get away with this, didn't you agree on price before the commission rather than after?
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>try to make subtle idle animation with pixel art
>character looks like it's dancing + having a seizure
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>artist taxing you for eye-dropping + paint filling
yaaaay! (monotone)
please tell me you'll finish a game this time desu
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are lists meaningfully slower than arrays?
I'm a pixel artist and if I made a mistake like that I would just eat the cost. happy customers are repeat customers. and $12 is nothing.
If you have to iterate over the entire thing in a loop, yes because arrays have cache locality(better performance for cpus). However, if you only grab one at a time every once in a while, then it doesn't really matter.
she's right
you're wrong
simple as
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>If you have to iterate over the entire thing in a loop
that's what I've been using them for...
>charge the a higher price the next time
>uh but last time you did the same amount of work, why is it more expensive now?
>am I getting scammed?
>I won't be back then
If I'm going to make a failure I might as well make the game I want to make.
subpixel animation is your friend in that case. worth experimenting with.
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I cant imagine reaching out to a client multiple days later for an extra $12..
Western artist? Based off what anons here say they generally seem unprofessional and insane compared to asian ones unfortunately

You just explain upfront on the next commission that, "heads up, I accidentally undercharged in the past so it will be X dollars going forward"
wtf i have nothing left in my to do list
i am FREE.
I'd work out a deal, admit the mistake but not screw over the customer. something like I'd do x sprites at the reduced rate.
>If I'm going to make a failure I might as well make the game I want to make.
so the last several games were things you didn't want to make? uhhhh
you are never free
I'm going to slap you if you keep thinking in binary. It just happens that the game I want to make (the most) is way niche.
H-How did you know
>I'm going to slap you if you keep thinking in binary.
01010100 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101110
done that
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Where can I find cute fonts? All the ones in Google Fonts look too professional and boring
that's cool. the text jumping lines as it spells out, I had the same issue and I asked claude to fix it and it just worked.
A cute girl's secret diary.
hand write the alphabet, or copy >>492820927
then make it a bitmap font
It's just so fucking unfair

how is it fair that companies like google afford to pay 200k to 100k employees but it's difficult to make even 50k from a game you worked years on
My game hasn't changed much since last DD. I've fixed a few of the complaints I got, but I haven't added a whole lot of new stuff. Should I submit anyways?
guys, i'm so sad that jack and casey dev died, i didn't know
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because google engineers work on something actually important that provides value to people (worsening the layout of youtube or gmail or whatever)
50k? Honestly, I'd be thrilled with just 50 cents. The mere idea of someone valuing my work with even the smallest bit of financial recognition is a pleasure I’ve never known in game development.
just open a lemonade stand then you fucking no brain monkey
yeah I'm thinking it's joever
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you might get featured on a stream and become a marmillionaire
Sure, maybe someone didn't get a chance to play it last time.
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It would be a great way to tell customers my ideas for a game if it was legal to sell lemonade here. Do you have any more ideas?
How do I make an RPG that isn't action or turn-based?
Oh yeah I figured out how to use vsts with my daw. Thanks Carla.
>do playtest
>the requested changes and additions would take a team of 30 a year to implement
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You are literally me
>it was real in my mind
just do it solo in 30 years, seems reasonable if you want a good game
text based
Music is so much funner than art. What are y'all smoking?
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>Be wise please :) and support each other!
nay, I'd say books beat out music
art is funner if you are drawing fun things like poop and spiderman
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realtime with pause
email him and ask for commercial permission. if you're lucky, it'll be for free
You might be onto something. Thanks.
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tshirt going strong for 10 years
>no pass attached to the lanyard
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how kind of them to try to give him a little height boost
whoever recommended me to get a real daw was a genius. Bosca Ceoil is just crap now to me now that I've seen the light.
So what's next for Marmo?
here's to 10 more years of bocchiposting
the humiliation ritual of spending two more years finishing his flop of a game
w2c eric's fit?
who is that little mexican man on the left?
my hero that's who, he is living the life I can only dream of.
he's french not mexican
manlet bros, we are gonna make it...
/agdg/'s goose
Mexican ()
What happens if my female protagonist in my noncoomer game is a bubbly slut? What kind of blowback can I expect?
overt canon slut or just a tease?
is that taco for me?
overt canon slut. Like implied she's slept with each of the 3 other male protagonists and cuddly sexual scenes with one of them
If she's likable (an honorary bro) or attractive, it shouldn't matter then.
Just as long as either
1. no male protags simp
2. any simps rightfully get ridiculed by her &/ others
how old is she?
why would anyone want to play as a slutty woman in anything other than a porn game?
No simps, they all represent different aspects of masculinity. And a possible implication she uses their semen to fuel her magic running ability. But she's likeable and sweet, I'm writing all the cutscenes to be very slice-of-life because that's what I like.
around 28-32
Because her gameplay is pretty fucking cool so far.
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>And a possible implication she uses their semen to fuel her magic running ability.
>she uses their semen to fuel her magic running ability
Just make a porn game, you clearly want to and there's plenty of money in it
what kinda person says this when literally bunch of game devs in this very thread?
>autistically wears the same fucking thing all the time
wow he just like me
> you clearly want to
I don't, and I'm pretty far into my game already, I'm just gonna have some fanservice of her. Just think it's strange that writers can get away with adding mature sexual themes, but the perception of it is completely different with videogames.
there's a difference between a poorly-lit implied sex scene between the leads in a romance movie and having a main character who sleeps with everyone else in the game and has cum-based superpowers.
"fanservice" is putting a female character in a skimpy outfit, not whatever the hell you're doing
No, in the context of making games in 2024 on a commercial engine, lists are not meaningfully slow compared to arrays no matter what premature ejaculators in this thread will tell you. If your game slows down then you are 99% more likely to get meaningful gains from optimizing elsewhere, not switching between lists and arrays.
If your game absolutely needed the gains you'd get from using arrays instead of lists, you'd be making your own engine instead, since there's a lot more msecs overhead commercial engines add than List usage does.
Depends on how much data you have to iterate through when you have a list.
but it's only implied sleeping with 2 of them, one of them more overt.
>has cum-based superpowers
Just hidden lore, doesn't need to be stated in an obvious manner
>"fanservice" is putting a female character in a skimpy outfit
Yeah I'll be doing that too
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>And a possible implication she uses their semen to fuel her magic running ability.
>Porn game lore but not porn gaem
I started building out a quest system and journal UI. I have so many competing UI widgets, just haven't discovered a cohesive design language I'm happy with yet
if you want to pull an Andy and Leyley thing and appeal to weird internet degens this is fine, but female MCs are hard sell to the (mostly male) gaming audience in general, let alone ones who fuck other characters in-game
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Is it big enough?
The two mainest characters are men though.
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Nintendo might as well sell DK to Sony so he can be on the rightful console with all his new games
I can't believe an actual sony fanboy is in here rn.
Kind of low hanging fruit, but the location header should go under the UI, like the journal dialog.
it was a nogames joke anon
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Don't think this was very necessary but I now have gangsta flow fields in my pseuo-rts (???) project
why use godont when you can use ue for free?
why do you care which engine I use?
neat, I was thinking of doing this too
I care about you, you're my friend
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lmao nice hardcoded controls
That's better, thanks anon
nodev moment
Baby Archibald moment
>not hardcoding the menu on F10
How divergent is your DD branch from your master branch, /aggy daggy/?
fuck off froggy nogame
I care about you, you're my friend
With that kind of story and lore, steam and itch mods would classify your game as a nsfw tho.
fuck off Faggy
I care about you, you're my friend
Where's JoBlow?
>jpeg up for an award
I lost the key to my thumb-drive drawer and my key drawer is off-site.
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The streamer awards?
The steaming pile of shit awards?
I hard code my controls and my strings.
I hardcode strings so I wouldn't be tempted to translate the game. It's a waste of money for the most part.
I only like one streamer. He released a game. But doesn't class himself as a gamedev.
Ok thank. You. That is. Good to know.
I am still tempted to do japanese since I know it
Wtf don't think I put. any punctuation. in manually.
you might have a faulty period key, or maybe your just need to turn the computer off and on again
Don't be silly, it has to be at least a png.. right?
>It's a webp
*Vomits uncontrollably for 15 minutes until specks of blood start appearing in it*
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>streamer awards
whoever thought that using webp or jfif was a good idea should be beaten until his face reaches the image quality of a 6 gorillion% compressed jpg.
>Saves a reaction image off google
>Goes to post it
>It's a webp
>Change format or just download another
>They are all webp
>Change format to png
>I'm on a private browser
I wonder how slow some of you might be, when you try to convert with imagemagick or ffmpeg (if you even do that)
>It's a waste of money for the most part.
That was a low blow.
i literally just open the webp with irfanview and save it as png
I use irfanview. I'm not slow I just don't know what I don't know, what do you know?
>steam achievement icons HAVE TO be in .jpg format
Looks good.
they probably save $50k+ a year on server costs with the compression
Saves 40cents of bandwidth each month
Enough to commission a cool knife or 3
using the "save image as png" extension.
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How do I fix this?
channy auto converts to png when you post, just use it its open source
favorite trade UI in a game, aggy daggy

i need multiple item categories

no inspiration
no hope
no game
sorry but mine is a trade secret
just steal it like all indies do retard
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Being a 3D modeler+animator is a cheatcode to indie success. You need very little of everything else as long as you have that nailed down.
>posts platformer prototype with no AI demonstrated
>no (You)s
>no likes
>no wishlists
>no money
>no job
>no matches
>no prospects
>no hope
Another great day to be a gamedev!
tap tap tap tap
get_parent() get_parent() get_parent() get_parent()
How the fuck is Pirate "you will own nothing and be happy" Software in there instead of being shot behind the shed like an unruly mutt?
That's not a problem. My game is completely unique, but it's also impossible for anyone but me to complete it.
>when your game doesn't succeed
I get to go on Tim and Eric? wow
this thing is from december
xe's there because xe streams on gamedev category despite not making game and really just talking for 12 hours a day. twitch just doesn't enforce it. xe is making them a lot of money.
If you had to choose between:
1. earning $30k from your game
2. giving it away for free and 5 million people play it
what would you choose?
1, then make the game free to play and let how ever many play, play
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The top looks fucking awful, there's no contrast at all, everything is the same tone. It's so hard to look at because you can't really distinguish one thing from another, it just looks like a puddle of muted colors.

Take a lesson from the concord nazi and look at it in black and white. The bottom is slop, but at least you can make out what's going on at a quick glance.
contrast niggers deserve the rope
>muh contrast
yet it still looks 100x better than the trash below
>literally the most important concept in the visual arts
>ummm ackshually that doesn't matter
you retards are doomed to make ugly shit games forever
come up with a better example then you mongoloid ape
>hurr durr contrast is super important
>posts example where the higher contrast game looks worse then the lower contrast one
>yet it still looks 100x better than the trash below

It's physically uncomfortable to look at.
what the fuck are you talking about???????? these are COMPLETELY different games
>but it has tetris inventory management!!!!
but you have a fucking dragon dildo up your ass if you think these are anything even remotely related jesus fuck

the game you posted from what I'm seeing:
>Focus on inventory management and supplies, unique from the inventory management in other games because of the focus
>Adventure / roleplaying
>Focus on cute art
the game you're calling is a clone:
>PvP knock-out arena
>autobattler, as in you have zero control after the round starts
>there is some inventory management, but no different than 90% of other games.
>instead, the focus is more on creating 'builds' and upgrade paths to high tier items
>even the tetris inventory shit is different because they have expandable inventories and more focus on synergy
even if I compared it to the other backpack battlers like the PvE ones, it still looks way different.
how do i convince an aggydaggy fren to code my game?
i do the art, animating, story writing etc
just need a coder
Would help, but I'm already with an art fren. People are quite skitish around here, so if you actually want serious responses you should put your email/discord id in your post and hope someone dms you. Of course, I'd recommend using a burner instead of your main.
texturing is the brown eyes of 3d asset creation
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I was going to post this example of making it darker, HOWEVER
Go to the itch.io page and look at the game trailer.

You're wrong. The game DOES have contrast. The game has a scrolling background. The game dynamically changes the background's brightness to emphasise actions the character is taking. Don't make assumptions based on a screenshot.
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Orright lads. Participating in a casual game jam lasting until Saturday (last 2 days will have a physical space set up for us to work in-person), topic is:
>Not the main character
I'm making a very basic pixelshit fantasy hospital simulator. Doing everything from scratch for now, might use a bunch of free sprites if I'm feeling the crunch.
Post your art, writing, etc. so people know you're good and won't make complete garbage.
Im planning to not focus too much on the main story and just put all my attention into the side quests.(but you still need to complete the main story to progress time to make new side quests appear and old ones disapear also some of the side quests will be tied to the previous one so they will not appear if you didnt complete the previous one before completing your next main mission moving time forwards you will be locked out of that quest chain)
You would be able to get new companions,equipment,new classes(The class of the main character will be changable in town) etc. from completing these side quests and some might even change the ending.
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>make a couple of changes
>do another play test
>frame rate is half of what it usually was
>spend hours trying to work out what the hell I did to get the performance dip
>restart computer
>BIOS pops up
>your CPU is overheating
well maybe they should use better screenshots then
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plz give qrd on your game so I can estimate how much work it would take to code it
i guess
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as always, post your portfolio
already successful gamedevs are unlikely to have the time to work on what might just be a hobby project from a new artist, so they need to gauge where you're at
even if you aren't that good, there are certainly coders out there who'd work with amateur artists, since artists are harder to find
Is it okay if I release my game in Early Access but it has a few bugs and rare crashes in it?
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im honestly shit but its okay I dont think Id have the trust to collab with complete strangers from a taiwanese pottery forum anyway even if they were satisfied with my level of art/writing

its a top down RPG
so a lot of work

I got the story all completed. right now im working with one guy whose learning coding specifically for the purpose of creating this game so..
> What video?
Look for "giant arrows in USA"
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heres some more
the slimes were quite well liked last time i posted them
Early Access has lower standards, but when people pay they want a game that works. At least fix the crashes and game breaking bugs, at least the ones you know.
those bugs and crashes are going to happen more often than you think
and this will lead to negative reviews which will kill your game
but yeah, go ahead and release it in early access
>its a top down RPG
>so a lot of work
Any reason you wouldn't want to use some kind of RPG template? And what classes of assets are you using for graffics?
i wouldnt mind working with a template
whats templates are available or how can I find this myself? or do you just mean RPGmaker

assets for grafics?
Im using spine to animate right now but Im thinking of switching.
>At least fix the crashes and game breaking bugs
I'm unable to (no coding skill). And my friend helping me out is away due to some IRL shit for now.
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I'm gonna try to do some smaller side projects to hopefully fund my game
Also, the remaining bugs aren't game breaking. They're more like minor annoyances rather than something serious.
Nolgorb fix the bugs
Well in that case I'd say it's, relatively, fine to release. Just try to fix what you can. That said, releasing without your main programmer at hand sounds risky, there could be a glut of issues at launch that you can't fix.
Am I shooting myself in the foot by not making every system generic between the player and other NPC's?It's a pain in the ass to do
Depends on the systems.
>assets for grafics?
things like but not necessarily limited to sprite sheets and tilesets, not sure if your game is meant to be 2d or 3d or what
RPGMaker is the best tool for non-programmers to make it. It made several amateurs into millionaires.
its 2d
you got any info on where to find templates?
Well the game is systems-based kind of like an immersive sim, so shit can go wrong even if we fix all the bugs we found.

It's actually what's been giving me restless nights for the past couple of weeks. I've released a linear game before, and I was mortified to see how people managed to break that game and get lost in it, even though it was basic as shit and Call of Duty tier linear. With this game, even though I've played through it myself countless times, and let quite a fair bit a few other people play it on their machiens without much problems, I still dread everything going absolutely wrong for players.
That can always come later. Really, don't overthink design too much. Experiment with different approaches in different parts of your game to get a feel for the approach you like best.
Ill use that then, thanks lads

protag is a loli by the way
afraid not, but I'd look into rpgmaker or gamemaker in general
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FUck my asshole I hate this shit
just use quaternions bro
>protag is a loli by the way
Wtf why didn't you say that earlier? I'll join.
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Mom just hit me with a "babe you're not gonna make it".
And why not Unreal?
tell her she's a nodev crab
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How did you grayscale this? My software made it look different.
game idea: FPS set in the medieval time period except its not shit like every other attempt at an FPS with bows
Doom: Dark Ages
why does your mum call you babe mate
I had a game idea that was basically just Advance Wars from the GBA, except it was actual real world countries and armies.
Could be cool.
I use `trans' a lot of times in my project

grep -Rw trans src | wc -l
a game where instead of shooting your enemies, you shoot your friends
persona 3 comes to mind
TF2 medic already exists.
>don't judge my game at a glance!
>why didn't anyone buy my game???

Nigga no one is going to bother even looking for longer than 3 seconds if your still picture can't pull them in. There are multiple 'at a glance' tests that you have to pass. Your capsule has to stand out amongst a sea of capsules, out of a 1000 people who scrolls over your capsule maybe 15 will actually click on it, then they'll scroll down for like 2 seconds and if they aren't drawn in instantly they're going to hit the back button. It's like having a tinder profile.
nobody believes I'll make it either, my mom told me to go apply at a store and she said I'm smart enough to quickly become a manager.
that is how much she thinks my life can amount to, being a fucking manager at a supermarket.
Well yeah, most people are losers.
whats that one comp sci book's name?
>Your capsule has to stand out amongst a sea of capsules
capsule art is only relevant in that it shows the name of the game
i will be adding singleplayer to my game, but only as a way to get people into the multiplayer (which is my pride and joy)
multiplayer is very hard to code I wouldn't bother.
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Desaturate in GIMP. Doesn't matter how you do it, the problem is glaringly obvious to anyone not huffing their own shit.

Look at a real gameboy game using those bright pastel colors, anything that's important is highlighted from the noise in the background with solid black outlines and shading. This is a fundamental failure of understanding how people see things.
i already have multiplayer implemented

netcode isnt hard for me, since it's just a matter of logical engineering. however designing and creating something enjoyable in a singleplayer setting IS difficult because there's no guaranteed process to it. plus it's harder to scale up without going the cheap procgen route

i never managed to make singleplayer something i could personally enjoy in my last game, which is why i wanted to focus on multiplayer for this game
my game already has functioning multiplayer, thoughbeit it needs to be updated for all of the new features I've added
Does your game have marketing? No? So no one will know about it other than when they stumble upon the capsule when they search for games under x category. Why the fuck would they bother clicking on your extra special game when there's a literal sea of others to choose from?
>because my game is a special little boy!
>no one realizes how special he is!

Go to itch.io, click on a category, here let me help you. https://itch.io/games/tag-horror
Find me an interesting game, how many capsules did you scroll over and how long did you look at them? I scrolled over like 60, you know which one caught my eye? The baby in yellow, I don't even know what the rest of them are because they got washed out in the noise, didn't even register to me.
>This is a fundamental failure of understanding how people see things.
It looks fine you big baby. The important and interactable stuff (items) are fucking huge in pixel size and there's nothing to confuse them with over the dull blue gray background. The sprites above (which aren't even interactable) have thick black outlines followed also by another layer of white outline which makes it stand out from the background. The visuals are pleasant as fuck to look at and the game didn't "fail" because of them, the developer just got cancer and died.
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Submissions have opened for our fall show on November 30th, you got till midnight on October 31st to add your game!

Submission trailer coming in a few weeks https://itch.io/jam/the-verdict-1-fall-2024-
And you still deny you aren't just Cris but with a knack for appeal.
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made a lil fella
for some reason I really want to beat this guy off
They are the same in tone, dull colours over a gray background = confusion as everything blends together. The items and characters need to be brighter in color and have black shading. But whatever, believe whatever you want, I get nothing from trying to help you people.

Like trying to tell azurdev that his gameplay doesn't make sense to anyone.
That's not how I look at games. If there's a list on Steam, I'll check every game in that list by mouseovering every capsule. I don't even register what's on the capsule unless it's the name of the game.
Maybe it's different for feminine-brained people who are interested in games that scare them or make them feel emotions or whatever. For me, a thoroughly masculine and logical gym-going hetero guy, what matters the systems the game has and how fun it would be to beat them or optimize them or whatever. And that's not apparent on capsule art.
i think you have a case of the "agdg brain" where you assume the very quirky views on how you evaluate games are universal

i generally think people who look for random games to play catalogue-style are in a pretty few and far between. they definitely exist, but most people are just too busy or too caught up in whatever else they are playing to go randomly browsing like that. i think the way most games are spread among people (in a way that they'd actually try it) are

>see a friend playing the game on steam friends
>get recommended the game by a trustworthy person (streamer or friend)
>stumble upon video of gameplay (streamer, youtube video or friend)

even if a game's glance value is shit, it has no trouble spreading through people's recommendations if it merits that. undertale looked and played like shit when it came out, but it was signal boosted by toby's existing fanbase and it spread like wildfire after that.

that said i do think if you're just putting games out on itch and steam hoping that people just pick them up based on a glance, then it does need to have very glance value. but there's no rule that you need to rely on that to get your game out.

10 hour video on Godot4 architecture
anon, it got 37000 on kickstarter.
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beat him up not off
>that is how much she thinks my life can amount to, being a fucking manager at a supermarket

Women see the world differently, being a manager of people while making like 10cents an hour more than the workers is a bigger deal than being a manager of no one and making 20 dollars an hour more than the manager. They're still not going to give you anything for being some one who is holding society together though other than nice words. Their entire existence revolves around tricking men into doing work in exchange for nothing but nice words, and when you don't bite holy fuck are you dead to them. Some guys are starting to catch on. They'll fuck the thug while trying to get the nice guys to run society for free.
bro how are you "holding society together"
Yes, 95% of people will go based on what they see other people playing. If you don't have marketing that works then your only avenue of exposure is the 5% that browse the store and hopefully converting them to players so they will market for you. You have no hope of your attitude to that is 'it doesn't matter'.

Look at how marmoreal flopped. No one even knows the game exists.
Does the fate of Marmoreal give you any concerns about your game? Or do you think your game is a lot better?
Had the dream where my game became a sudden smash viral hit again...
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I'll never watch this dumb shit again
i don't expect much of any success to begin with so I haven't given it any thought, I just wanna maek gaem
Can confirm. When I tell girls I'm a gamedev they ask if I work at a company.vWhen I tell them I run my own studio, they ask how many employees I have. For some reason it's really important to them that you have authority over other people.
Don't worry. I will watch it for you.
I work in the electricity generation industry, did supervisory work for a little bit before realizing that I was doing 100% more work for 10% more pay ( which actually becomes 5% after taxes ) thanks to the unionized environment and management not holding workers accountable for anything. The girls did flirt a bit more, but that's all you get, nice words and looks.
>Women see the world differently, being a manager of people while making like 10cents an hour more than the workers is a bigger deal than being a manager of no one and making 20 dollars an hour more than the manager.
Yes, because a manager is at the head of a social hierarchy, which is what women, being subhumans, are attracted to.
you fags are so annoying
next thread post progress of porn games only
My porn game failed. I deleted it.
oops forgot to specify
gay porn games preferred thanks
Based gay pride dev.
already better than bokube
Trips and I delete my nearly complete game forever.
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>fall down
>ball breaks on the lower-floor
>girl is bloodied and clothes are torn
>a bunch of goblins come around her
>cut to black
>cut to passionate rape scene
does your game have a self-insert character?
I saw this image without reading the contextand I found the top part with the characters to look very aesthetically pleasing.
Yes but she is also her own character to an extent.
very cute keep it up
Yes she identifies as female.
>porn game
>rewards losing with sex scene
I hate this shit, horrible game design. I hope none of you are doing this.
I'm doing that. I like it.
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and how big is her penis?
Sorry, she doesn't have a penis. There are no planned canonically futanari characters at the moment.
The desaturated pastel colors gives the game a unique look. You do not need to adhere to the same limitations and guidelines as a GBA game made for a 200x300 pixels screen, when you have a shitload more screen resolution. Link related is a shit game but it stands out because of the art https://store.steampowered.com/app/1585220/Melatonin/
I should mention though that otherwise I agree generally that making interactable elements have higher contrast is good game sense, but it's not a hard law. If you know the rules, you can break them to achieve certain effects, and I think it worked for him because his game is more pleasant to look at than the chinese mobile vomit that copied it.
/agdg/ sucks and is evil.
>a shit game
>Overwhelmingly Positive (5,519 reviews)
just like make shit game, should be easier than a good game right?
How so?
>porn game
>just look-up the porn scenes on the average porn websites
Phew, time and money well saved.
whats the context here?
Well I like my females submissive. would you have her amazon mount someone as the victor of a level? if she's submissive it has to mean a loss is involved.
>no, she masterfully dodges and wins, then lays on the bed for some mook to take her
>I cant imagine reaching out to a client multiple days later for an extra $12..

That $12 is probably a few days worth of food to an Indian on fiverr.
They bully me all the time for no reason.
Make the MC a guy and his enemies women that become submissive after you beat them. The political discourse is shifting and this would probably be almost acceptable now.
Valid concern.
>/agdg/ - women hatred general
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good morning AGDG! Let's make some progress today :D
There is a reason. You just choose to act like it's our fault that your game sucks.
You probably want it. I'll make some update post and people will start talking shit. "Oh you think you're fucking better than me cause you have zzz!...." And then I have to sit there are break them down til I appear to the bully. When I was just defending myself.

Lesser people only understand power and being smashed down. And the only people they like are the bullies who do just that. Some people exist to be abused.
Felt like an etremely slow thread, why
show agdg up by making a good game or making progress, gaining skills, don't let the bullies win. but don't let spite be your main motivation, just use it to get a little boost.
>Most indie composers are absolute fucking garbage though. All they can manage is bland derivative "video game music" slop.
I am going to guess you only know about "video game music slop" indie composers cause you mostly listen to video game music slop yourself. If you get autistic about a music genre you will start finding more and more obscure artist in said genre, who while maybe not quite as good as the big names, will likely be more than happy to have anyone pay them to make music, especially if you are okay with them still getting to sell said music as an album. Pretty sure this is how disco elysium got its music for example, I heard he reached out to some small obscure band the dev already liked.

For reference here are the 631489 released on discogs in the "not on label" section. And this isnt counting released from band on some small litteral who label who would still happily take your money for work.
>He doesn't know
Lol lmao even
Everyone believes I'll make it.

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