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Previous: >>492715978


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
Dunkey is one of us, bros
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Fuck Lidia.
Hug Lidia.
Kiss Lidia.
Mating press Lidia into a bed.
Massage Lidia shoulders.
Eat Lidia pussy.
French kiss Lidia.
Dress Lidia up in suits.
Dress Lidia up in sexy cosplay.
Ejaculate inside Lidia pussy.
Princess carry Lidia to the bed.
Twist Lidia nipples.
Suck Lidia breasts.
Lick Lidia midriff.
Excercise with Lidia.
Get Lidia drunk.
Sloppy tongue kissing with Lidia.
Read hentai with Lidia.
Eat Lidia ass.
Get Lidia horny.
Mutual masturbation with Lidia.
Marry Lidia.
Big wedding with Lidia.
Massage Lidia feet.
Fuck Lidia until your dick breaks.
10 kids with Lidia.
Total Lidia Love.
has he learned a combo yet
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guys I'm trying to learn Raven but I'm getting my ass kicked by 300k prowess players that seem to know my character in and out, and I just feel like I have no idea what to do with the character.
Any tips on improving?
he covered tekken 7 then realized liking older tekken games gave him free gamer cred so he won't shut up about tekken 3
This is a big trend in fgs and is becoming cringe
What's even worse is there has been like a counter retardation forming in SF that tries to dunk on third strike and call it bad when the game is fun just horribly balanced
Make an alt and family share so you can gradually learn the character instead of playing against people who have been playing their mains since tekken tag 1 at 300k prowess mm
Ignore the git gud retards prowess mm just makes it difficult to learn any char and actively punishes you for having a high ranked main
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People who like 3S are very vocally adamant about it and have acted like it's the only good SF game ever made so I can't blame people for feeling annoyed. The reaction is disproportionate though
The fuck is the difference between boot and dual boot
did the newest update actually kill the game, ranked has never felt like this much of a slog. There's plenty of players at my rank, it shouldn't take long
Let us explore each other's bodies
lolmaoing at every one of you
bro she doesn't have enough r34 for this
is rips tournament any good?
Leroy abusing Jun.
took a lil nap before another all nighter (im a failure)
How do tournament organizers handle DLC characters? Do they have to buy the DLC for every PS5 they have at their venue?
idk maybe namco gives them codes
I want to experience life as a woman
i love men
just get a voice changer +vshitter avatar and pretend to be a woman on twitch
i was a man
plapping tekgen regulars
Least homo character.
I'm doing that right now. I feel bad for the only other player at 1st dan ranks. This prowess shit will end up killing the game
>tries to double tko
but why?
>20 minutes to find one blue ranked game
there's 5k-6k people online, the fuck did harada do to ranked.,
just creamapi them
EVO had lidia before she was released, clearly bamco gives them codes
the sword hits opponent first, so you win instead of double ko
>the sword that has to go through yoshi hits you first
blud thinks 6k people are playing temu 8 in his region
What's your prowess? have fun if you're GoD
Nah you get a lot of blue rank matches at GoD
that’s the gimmick
the opponent takes the damage before yoshimitsu does, so if the damage is enough to kill the opponent yoshimitsu will survive and win the round
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24ers are cute getting knowledge checked by 30 year old mechanics
i'm on an alt account that i'm dicking around with. RIght now it's around 191,000. I thought if it was lower i'd get more games
There most fun there is in the game is wrecking 230k Kishins that got demoted from Tekken King
I'm at like 210,000 prowess and Raijin with two characters and I don't have any issues getting games
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*saves fighting games with restorative pissy*
i prefer men
It's probably the usual "reject or get rejected 2 matches, immediately put into a weird different queue that will take 5 years only to match you with a wifi GoD or cavalry from different continent"

you have to go back to main menu to fix it
tekkeks will say the matchmaking is broken when they can't get matches, not that the game is dead because nobody wants to play shitkek8
'noc got em drinkin mocha choca lattees
kek the game do be dead as fuck
kek the game do be alive as fuck
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>wins emirates showdown
>makes it a show every time he's on camera
>more plapable than most females
How can someone be this perfect?
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he got passed around the room by every arab in swedistan. you don't want him bro
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Yes matchmaking is slow af now
I just got a bunch of matches and dunked a few lil niggys as 'ka. Maybe move out of your backwater shithole
housing crisis doesn't allow that easily fuckface
raven once somebody knows your gimmicks is a gambler character without the upsides of kazuya
and you don't need to make a smurf like a bitch, just go to player match or the lounge
*hop in*
what the fuck is 'ka kaka shit
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make me a woman, give me your seed.
I want to experience the pleasure of your glorious shit infested hole.
why has nobody told me that shaheen is so fun? nigga can crouch from anywhere and make you guess
I dropped him pretty quick because I cant do ws33 cancel consistently online.
You're the only one playing the game
prowess mm will kill the game
haven’t even tried, don’t intend on maining him anybeit
game is already dead
what combo do you do then? and how much damage is it
launch 3df (d3df on some launchers) snk2 df41df snkdf12 T! into db21 for wall or fc2 ff2 for damage. no idea how much damage but it’s consistent enough
ff3 not ff2 my bad
for ender you can do db2 into sneak slide
is it more than fc2?
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I dont remember
Any game that turns into solitaire dies. Don't be surprised about it.
cute except her head is photoshopped a bit too much

# Your tekken 8 account isn't safe (allegedly)

Been getting multiple reports about people being logged out of their game, getting their ranks reset, nicknames changed and player data stats reset to 0 when playing against certain players. at first I thought it was some elaborate hoax but considering my experiences with the game's backend when working on tekkenstats.gg and the fact that said backend is vulnerable (I reported it to namco back in the CNT days, still isn't fixed) it does seem like it's a possibility

## what can I do?

theory 1 - **absolutely nothing** as it can be a vulnerability in tekken 8 itself, some victims reported a screen that says "MULTIPLE LOGINS DETECTED" which only appears when the game tries to authenticate with the player's secret auth token (from my personal testing). if you see that screen, you got absolutely fucked and the attacker can do everything on your behalf in tekken 8. i don't know how an attacker can get someone else's auth token remotely so it could be something on tekken 8's servers end that doesn't correctly authenticate tokens. auth tokens never expire either

theory 2 - current session hijacking: the attacker probably managed to get the current authentication session that changes with every request to tekken 8's api servers. when hijacked the "MULTIPLE LOGINS DETECTED" screen doesn't usually appear but there can be cases where it does appear, that screen never appeared for me when reverse engineering the game's interaction with the api. these session tokens are temporarily and **you'll be safe with not opening the game until namco addresses this** (which they probably won't because harada needs that $$$$$$$$$$$ for tekken shop more than anything)
no cashu muneeh foru anit-cheatu.

buy chipoteru
this dude is a fucking retard
last time he cried about "all modders" getting banned by bamco except it was retards asking for money on patreon
>people can hack into your account and change server side data
>but no one can hack frame data or rank or any values during the game like the instant KO Paul who hit GoD not even a couple days after release
>and all ranks are legit btw
Are you sure this isn't just some meme to tarnish the game?
As if you needed to do that when the game is like it is and constantly bleeding players.
nobody’s changing frame data moron
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This is bad.
Isn't that what i said?
No one uses auto-block either.
Tekkenscripts don't exist.
I sure do want to buy tekken coins now.
oh boy the schizo that thinks everyone cheats against him is back
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@everyone is gay

Hey pervert! (allegedly)

Been getting multiple reports about people being logged out of their game, getting their ranks reset, nicknames changed and player data stats reset to 0 when playing against certain players. at first I thought it was some elaborate hoax but considering my experiences with the game's backend when working on tekkenstats.gg and the fact that said backend is vulnerable (I reported it to namco back in the CNT days, still isn't fixed) it does seem like it's a possibility

## what can I do?

theory 1 - **absolutely nothing**

theory 2 - nuke pakistan (which they probably won't because harada needs that $$$$$$$$$$$ for tekken shop more than anything give it to me instead)
Why? Maybe this will make Harada realize that the game is not in a good state and they'll have to make drastic changes.
Personally I am too addicted to Tekken so I can't quit no matter what.
I do believe they'll get rid of chip damage in s2.
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Proto Jack is based
bring back
Proto Jack
street fighter 6 doesn't have this problem
strive doesn't have this problem
mortal kombat 1 doesn't have this problem
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Nooo 425 playing cagada de perro 7 its so over so dead #rip #tekkenmodsnuked #haradashit
>"people are cheating and there is the evidence"
The thing with schizos is that they usually turn out to be completely right.
>they'll have to make drastic changes.
You mean more legacy skins in the tekken shop™?
I'm a schizo who thinks Tekken 8 is the best Tekken ever
first time in my life I've seen feng's b4 get stepped
MK1 is fucking awful though
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mk1 does actually
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You niggaz claim I suck because Im Kishin with 5000 hours played but I just fought a Bushin law who played like a Gawd and had crazy mind games and punishment, and tempo.

Maybe we are underestimating the people at these elos???
imagine being so garbage at the game you have to cope calling everyone else a cheater with autoducks and frame data hacks (lmaoooo) despite having 0 evidence of it
and then someone posts a text about completely unrelated account data hacking and your copium is so hard that somehow this proves that frame data hackers are real

I'd explain once again that yes there are cheaters but no you most certainly don't see them every day or even week, but I've done so before and know that just like you'll never be good at the game you will also never stop coping
Funniest post ever.
2nd funniest post ever
>claim I suck because Im Kishin with 5000 hours
nobody does that
it's normal
enjoy the game friend
dead game dead general dead genre
cheater straight up steaming over there
>whiff punish whiffed Lili parry with Rage Art
>they recover in time

insta plug

fix recovery frames garbage game
Noooooo I didn't know what to do and panic pressed my buttons this shouldn't be punishable
i-im addickted to playing as Lili....
I'm addicted to edging my snake to Lili
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If Bin Salman gets assasinated, EWC is finished
You might just overthink while you play. Just mash
4chan is not your army
can you at least post evidence of his cheats? oh of course you don't have any
lmao can you use lag to manipulate frames?
sounds like completely schizo and u suck
There's only room for one schizo around these parts and I am him or them when my other personalities take control
what did I miss
I'm goated
this is beyond pathetic bro
Na Teigen lobby
Real niggas only
Why has Feng been allowed to be top tier for 5 games in a row
Harada's main lol
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I'm 37 years old. I can only play 3-4 sets of tekken 8 ranked before my blood pressure reaches unsafe levels. Today I won all 4 sets as Asuka Kazama and I had a lot of fun. Tomorrow I will lay a few more.
Who'd he main before 5?
Your mom
Knee said he's not viable.
player match doesn't really work bc you get kicked from most of the ones you join due to the glitch where passcodes don't get applied to a lobby
Uhm bros.. why didn't you tell me cuddle was packing this cleavage..
Tekkemaster forced kokkoma to drop Feng
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we've known forever lil 24er nigga
I saw an auto throw break scripter in plat 1 in SF6 so it's possible but yeah probably less than 1 in 100 matches max
Can't find it
It's not cuddle, it's a different brown girl but this one is hurtin for a squirtin from a BWC
you know she's thirsty when she keeps rubbing her hands between her tits
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blasting pearls on my stomach and chest thinking about queen cuddle
At least I'm safe inside my mind
I love how even a world class player like Keisuke has to play like a little bitch against jun and her 50 safe launchers
Only real niggas can see it
damn the other nubian princess just ran off stream and now cuddle came on. She's really fit some nice tits you don't usually see in tourney streams
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i have decoded a phenomenon
brown girls apparently want Marduk, so why's he bad again?
Jun plays at a very profound psychological level. You have to be an analytical genius introvert to play her.
damn she really is ugly as fuck
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japanese tekgen appreciates cuddle. you should too
>brown girl on cuddle stream gets counter hit
>says 'fuck me'
Ok time to goon
sex with men
i thought this game was all about skill?
Why is the pro gaymer careful about the character and not the player?
is meditation worth the hype? i wanna diminish my stress levels
this sounds like a layer 8 issue at bamco
meditation is cool. it just feels like nothing which is weird at first but then you come out of it feeling refreshed. like a little nap
Jun is weird af:
>-11 ws4
>12 frame high ws move
>bunch of parries you gotta use
>random safe launchers with huge range
>hit confirmable b3,2
>weird stance with no lows (the one she charges energy)
>ways to move from stance to stance
>weird sidestep from some of her moves but now low to mix them with
>some moves put her in stance but at minus frames so you can basically df1 interrupt with little risk
>d2 puts her in crouch but she's -5 or some shit
>a standing 12 frame punch magic 4 that does no damage
>a projectile
>a 10 frame punish that damages her and is -15, and a 10 frame punish dickjab

whole characters strange
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half that shit applies to asuka too
using a rage art at round end after my low you worthless empathic piece of trash go fucking kill yourself get plugged bitch ass empathic nigger
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ranks are meaningless because
>you can always plug before loss
>you can easily cheat and run macros and scripts to play the game for you
>you can reset the plug%
only an actual child would believe rank in this game full of modern normie mechanics, is any measure of skill

i am battle ruler and i got a kekken king plugging on me
in qp
I was wrong. Tgirls are not the path, black qweens are.
>empathic is an insult now
nigga, how?
it would be fun if you could watch your ghost fight another ghost
i'm dead inside and play against botting cheaters
its kind of the same thing
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everytime i fight my ghost it drops combos and has terrible neutral play but has god tier panic rage arts
he wasn't tippy top in 6/tag 2 but still high tier
he was pretty crap after they nerfed kenpo block frames in tekken 7 season 2
then they gave him a bunch of buffs over the years and he went from bottom 3 combos and wall travel to having some of the best with df4,3
gives free wins without knowing frame data
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embrace your nubian lust, my nigga. we got cuddle core and queen arrow ova hea
das a man nigga
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you wish it was a man so you could get your faggot dick stiff
black women should be worshipped. black women who play tekken should be revered as goddesses
>ranks are meaningless
>i am battle ruler
healthy cope
wouldnt touch a nigger chick with a 10feet pole tgirls look more feminine than that
i don't play ranked anymore
i get plugged on win and it's only wi-fi shitters i instantly deny
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balance patch tomorrow
who's getting the rope?
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You're not good enough.
men mog this nog
>get plugged
>hehe skill issue
blud thinks a temu shop update is a balance patch
they still haven't released any info so it's just shop shit

just give it up man
they won't even fix this game
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Let me cope because they named it v1.07,00 instead of v1.06.03
this nigga is trying to pretend a 10f being -15f on block is bad wait until he sees 112 from a mishima get blocked
How exactly is Devil Jin supposed to be fun to play against
He has to hellsweep eventually so just block low. Plus he doesn't have any gimmick strings.
i want all the tgirls
Mishima 112 is THE gimmick string
honestly who the fuck actually watches tekken youtubers do the same flowchart over and over again?
nigga that shit gets boring playing it yourself
imagine watching some boring beggar doing that shit for half an hour
>he has a launching low so you should just let him hit you with mids instead
try sidestepping
lil bro ain't hit up gm stream where he talks shit and plays anime tiddy games
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i played against trans rights lidia
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They should just replace Devil Jin's cd1+2 with his iws2
Philistine do the former and it’s pretty effective as a low execution option

Cd3 is too slow so they can just option select it
What’s the risk level of running out of enemies (they block you) if you do rampant plugging
Does blocking even do anything? I watched one stream of LTG and he gets matched to someone he recently blocked.
i block and report everyone and still get matched with them
chikurin is playing jin on stream......
He was a Jin main back in 5/6/TT2
Also this
I know
but going back to jin means he might be done with lili
Everyone is done with Lili
Lili downplayers vindicated.
At least we have Dew Glider
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working full time since march and i don't remember when i was so miserable last time, this is mental slavery i hate everything and im depressed
I haven't had a job in 8 years. During that time I've gone outside less than 100 hours, spoken to almost no one and I barely feel like I'm in reality anymore.
I have to go outside because I frequent the tranny bar
sounds cool
im low T
the only future I have is talking to myself on /tekgen/
devil jim might be THE most cheesy character to play against
>memorize all the sidesteppable strings
>remember which twirly animation is a high
>remember his FLY getup options
>don't get hit by the i15 launching low :)
people keep saying that he has no safe mids but all of his strings are safe
>FLY getup options
Can't you just sidestep all of it and react to the unblockable?
post a video to prove that
also don't ever you me again you cunt
nigga I already posted that
sorry unc i just woke up
I’m going to pick up this game, sf6 is the only other fighting game I’ve played. I use modern controls on ps5 controller, can I play t8 on ps5 controller? Also I beat the demo with paul, ok that is all.
They are buffing Asuka, right?
>don't ever you me again
there's special style for you lil bro
Dualsense sucks. Use a PS4 pad if you have one
How is he not gay. He's acts feminine when he's on screen, like it's natural for him
Kkokkomas lithe little body
His soft silky hair
His perfect milky white skin
bro, can you fuckin stop pressing ONLY when i do?
fuckin bot
koma ass pussey
every bryan player
Don't be fooled. There's crushed up Adderall in it
whats the best follow-up for steve's sonic fang -> heat dash?
no, fergus said she's good
she needs nerfs to her heat running 1+2 tho
Bro just duck.
peakaboo d2
I am pretty sure they nerfed it and its not guaranteed anymore
ff2 then. idk i don't play steve
I think there was another one
I always stick two fingers in my ass before sex
hidetone is an industry plant
>Fixed unintended behaviours of Devil Jin
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Fuck you
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Imagine buttfucking kkokkoma while doing breathplay with a smelling salt soaked rag.
I don't understand how Tekken has such a bad ranking system when ranking players in a zero-sum 1v1 game is something that has been solved for literal decades.
Because they didn't design the system to be a good measure of skill, they designed it to make the 90% of retards think they're progressing when they're not.
The low parry is one of my favorite things in this game
Truly shows how you have downloaded your opponent and see all the predictable shit they do
No other move messes with your opponents mental as hard
this is most modern ranked games tho. I do think tekken 7 was perfect though, it was insanely hard to get to the top and had enough filler ranks inbetween along the way. I do think SF6 has it the worst though, being masters literally doesn't fucking mean a thing. They are trying to appeal to players that treat ranked as a stopping point
>once i hit this rank, i can quit playing this game
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>mfw they low parried my hellsweep
SF6 has the best system because you have one ranked system for Timmies which is the usual "you're always climbing even at 45% winrate! get to this fancy rank and you can stop playing! :)" and then a real ranking system for people who actually care about their skill level. It clearly works since both ladders are well populated and games are pretty even skill level wise.
It's pretty lazy how many moves Lidia and Jin share, like they didn't even change the names
>treat ranked as a stopping point
Yea tekken 8 is pretty severe about this.
If you're a new player and reach tekken king you have two options:
Never rank again or be put in the alternate 230k+ prowess queue and derank into bottom of blue ranks where you will still be playing against stronger opponents than you did when you first got to TK.
Tekken 7 was atrocious. I can't think of a worse system. Reason being you would fight guys 2 ranks away which was most of the time and get 500 points and then after a whole hour of doing that you would fight a person your same rank and you'd lose it all in 2 fights (which doesn't even make any sense if, for example, you spent an hour beating people 2 ranks higher than you and now you lose it all in a couple of games against a guy your same rank)

Shit was demoralizing/total waste of time garbage.
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>Having to actually work to rank up and collect pngs
Bring it back, you babies ruin everything
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4am running away from realitykken

no games tho too late
the older i get the moroe this stage reminds me of actual parí
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>launching low
>90% of damage is recoverable
Why would you use anything other than default hair for Lili (and also Jun while we're at it)?
Yes you can but the ps4 pad is better if you need to play a character with qcf/qcb motion (few are concerned). Execution doesnt really exist if you choose well.
After the S2 ranked change but before TGO, T7 ranked wasn't that hard
So many randoms were parked at TGP abusing DLC
>Having to actually work to rank up
How? I'm bushin with a 2 on throw breaking stats and hardly know what's a sidestep, I don't even plug so there's definitely much bigger frauds than me up here.
Please explain how hard it is you have to work for your rank in temu 8.
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for jun i use i think this is default
let me guess you're on some toddler character that plays itself and is impossible to pressure like feng/yoshi while having ridiculous mix-ups and oki respectively
Fuckhead look at the post above >>492829615
Tekken 8 and t7 ranked post s2 is a joke
launching anything dumb nigger
any pad players left? ive been using the ps5 controller but was wondering what other people used.
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I remember when I first saw this cut scene. I thought they were bullshitting about Jin becoming evil just to get some attention, but how he looked here shook me to my core. His absolutely demonic smile and eyes filled with infinite malice. Neither Heihachi nor Kazuya ever looked this evil. I just can't accept the redemption arc cause of this look
lots of top players are still on pad for some reason, including JP evo winner chikurin
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he said sorry so it's okay
It's up!
I for one liked that Jin went heel, because as a kid I remember vividly fantasizing about what Jin's smirk at the end of Tekken 5 meant
I didn't expect him to go full Hitler, however
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tekken 5 intro is my all time favourite cinematic in the history of tekken
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>I'm bushin
>"I now have to kickstart a global conflict to kill millions so I can finally kill the progenitor of the devil gene and end the curse of the Mishima bloodline and through it all I'll be plagued by guilt and self loathing"
>"Oh please ignore the evil smirk I just thought about a funny joke"
Can you recommend me good beginner characters with no motion inputs? My controller has to lay till mid october and I think motion inputs will wear it out more.
Jun looks cute with the ponytail too
Jun looks cute with everything
Asuka, I was in a similar spot, she's great for beginners. She's fun too and if you like her try out Jun too.
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she could've stopped it...
Define motion inputs. Cause if you can't do a basic qcf...
How the fuck do you begin to wrap your head around the knowledge required for this game? I played yesterday against a friend that plays King so today I decided I'd check out King to see what he does and boom he has two hundred fucking moves.
Even assuming King probably has more due to grabs and being old the average character is probably at like 100 moves. The game has 34 characters, so that's 3400 moves. Even if you move it down to only needing to know like an important 10 strings per character that's 340 moves you need to remember and know how to deal with, how to sidestep, their advantage on block. How in the fuck
I don’t play female characters in games, but appreciate your input.
Don’t worry about it, I’m going to hold off as I can’t afford to burn through a controller at this point.
You memorize like 10 per character
You have to take it slow, have enough autism to enjoy the proccess and more important than anything, have friends who play the characters you are trying to learn the matchup so that you can be motivated to do it and have someone to practice against or ask questions.
Asuka, Claudio, Shaheen are super simple and straight-forward, Shaheen has one single stance that's easy to understand, the other two have automatic "install" stances that enhance moves you already use
Jack, Alisa, Victor, Azucena, Lars, Law have more reliance on their stances but are also very easy to play
Bears are there too but I wouldn't recommend a beginner to play them
imagine causing millions of deaths to kill a purple chicken and the nigga just shows up again two games later to be eaten by kazuya
Tell me another game you play or used to play and I can come up with similar complaint.
lil bro there are many characters you can skip learning like bears shaheen and zafina nobody plays them
You have to know what to ignore
The majority of King's throws never get used, you will see muscle buster (1+2) tombstone/tijuana twister (2) and giant swing (1, looks like 1+2) and crouch dash grabs (looks like 1+2, is actually 1 for arm breaker and 2 for heel hold, then guess on the chain)
I am neither little nor your "bro".
>dumb nigger
clearly it's you
Nigga it's not that hard. Niggas really overblow the move complexity of Tekken characters. At the basic level you have one or two strings you spam, your jab check, grabs, launchers and heat shit. For the opponent all you just need to know is the frame data and the startup frames of your BnB punishers

In the case is King just know his power crushes, that his b,1,2 string is CH launch and duckable, throw breaks, and voila you can beat most Kings until you reach Bushin
NTA but how is it fair that King's throws look like different breaks than the ones they are? Do you really just coinflip the button you press or is there any way to actually tell them apart?
Also what's the break for the one where he runs at you and knees you in the face?
if you lab Jin, King, Lili, Yoshi and Bryan you've covered like 80% of your matches
Thanks for this input, I’ll keep this in mind for down the line 100%.
My d-pad is already a bit creaky and mushy, can’t afford a new one right now is all. Maybe I’ll pick up tekken and a new pad in october.
Where's dragunov?
Doesn't Dragunov have confusing throw animations like that too?
>NTA but how is it fair that King's throws look like different breaks than the ones they are?
Because he's a grappler. And no, you cannot tell the crouch dash throws from a muscle buster and you cannot tell giant swing from shining wizard, which is the throw where he knees you in the face (a very important one that I forgot, whoops).
>Also what's the break for the one where he runs at you and knees you in the face?
is a 1+2 escape, if he straight-up runs at you into a 1+2 throw, at lower levels, that will always be a shining wizard/tombstone and 1+2 escape.
I have no idea, I'm a newbie and eat like 80% of grabs.
I see, thanks. I really don't like how Tekken does grabs but I guess it's part of its identity so I'll have to learn to deal with it.
But if grabs are "mostly" safe to throw out and breaking them is a coinflip how do you beat King consistently? His buttons do not seem that bad, and he has good combo damage and crouching is always a risk due to that knee launcher he has.
mainman didn't boot up tekken again
This is also worsened by the horrific ft2 system so you get knowledge checked once lose -400 and never see that character for another 3 hours
>clout goblin figured out the interest for the game is waning
>suddenly isn't streaming it anymore
pretty soon gayman will make a video how he wants to stream something else and how playing cheaterken all day is stressful
>How do you beat king consistently?
Hope the pilot is braindead, beyond his throws he also has some of if not the best ch buttons in the game with ffn2 and df2,1
>you don't play games anymore
>you "pilot"
even chess players figured out the game is for brainlets
>But if grabs are "mostly" safe to throw out
Not "mostly"
They lose to:
jumping status move (your own hopkick, giant swing will beat this and still grab you in the air, however)
>and breaking them is a coinflip
It isn't for the majority of characters. Some other unique animations are:
Alisa, when she gives you her head (1+2 escape)
Law, when he runs up on you (1 escape)
Nina chaingrab starter from backsway (unbreakable)
King RKO out of jaguar sprint (unbreakable)
There are various characters with a tackle/ultimate tackle (1+2 escape/reversal, have to guess if you don't break it)
Most of the characters with true 1,2 and 1+2 breaks still have the same animation where they grab you with left/right/both arms and you escape by reacting to them. Pick Dragunov and set him to do his command throws to practice
>how do you beat King consistently
In low ranks? Kill him for alley kicks, start ducking that 2 throw follow-up from his jab string, low parry full crouch df1 on reaction, launch atlas hammer on block, react to the slow crouch dash chain throws and launch him on reaction, duck df2,1/b2,1 and launch when they don't confirm it on hit, do a getup kick after the high powercrush (toll kick) and f3 knockdown since he's minus, etc
Also incredibly good keep out.
Insane oki.
Is it ok to play t8 on a tv hooked up to ps5? I was having trouble in sf6 playing against pc players because my tv can’t compare with a monitor.
>lose to sidestep
>lose to backdash
thats cool and all but they just gave the grapple character a normal fucking wavedash that realigns ur throws for you and makes it impossible to backdash

Thanks murray he needed it
>lose to ss
now that's a fucking lie
King player trying to downplay him
none, you can't do shit. do a db3,2 if you feel lucky.
>Even chess
It's a 2000 year old mainstream game where reactions are a non factor and due to its purely mathematical logic it's the perfect game for a computer to just permanently keep "solving" the game at speeds millions of times faster than a human. I fail to see how this is supposed to relate to Tekken.
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>fight some scrub
>the usual bullshit of only pressing when i do
>always has the hardest fucking reads
>never whiffs
>ducks and blocks random misinputs
>unsidesteppable because instant homing
>unthrowable even on ch throw
>animations are somehow faster than normal
>NEVER a dropped combo
>NEVER a misinput
>NEVER side steps
>always does full strings
>he somehow can beat my 1 and -1
>falls for the easiest fucking bait because he probably has auto input and auto block
>check tekken profile
>of course all stats maxed out
>check steam profile
>low level profile or private, weeb, anime or ai pfp, cringe 15 y.o. shit, gay or a wannabe streamer
>every single time
well, but as long as we can buy epic legacy skins and watch awesome esportsu, who cares?
>feel the fury!
>another anon crying about cheaters without posting replay with inputs
Japanese language is funny like that
>get outta my sight!
Do you really react in this game or do you just know when and how to press buttons to either avoid getting hit and hitting your opponent that it might as well just be automatic?

You know fully well that no one can pick up this game for the first time and understand what's going on before knowing every single thing all the character do.
>Run away!
i played over 4k games and can instantly tell if someones cheating
>Do you really react in this game
What's a snake edge? What's a throw? What's a whiff or block punish?
Most of these require reactions faster than half a second, there's no such thing in chess unless you're playing 15 seconds bullet or something.
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Did you react the first time you ever saw a snake edge?
The second time?
How many times did you need to see, lab and get hit by a snake edge before attaining muscle memory?
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>getting hit by the 4th snake edge in a row
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>I don’t play female characters in games, but appreciate your input.
are you saying that a fast reaction is not a reaction because you can practice for it?
because that's pretty fucking dumb and there's plenty of situations in tekkino where you have to make a decision quick on top of reacting
The point is that if you can automate or """"pilot""" in any game, the game isn't about skill, is about memorization of the tool kit the game offers.
You would use a lighter to make fire and tell all about how good you are at making fire out of nothing, no?
>but memory is a skill too
No, it ain't.
But unless you labbed all those scenarios, you wouldn't really know what to do, no?

How would you even know you can do combos if the game didn't tell you and you didn't religiously watch all the youtube flowchart tutorials?
you're a dumbass
where's your $300k prize from EWC if the game is so skilless
The game is skillless because it's 50/50 city, meaning it's actually random as fuck who wins
Ulsan might as well just purchase a lottery ticket that day the outcome would be the same
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Where is your prize?
You'd still be wrong.
but unironically

You don't go to a casino, happen to win a lot and then claim you are good at gambling.
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I'd trade my electric consistency if it means I can actually block Snake Edges online
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remember the early tier lists
xiao and jun turned out to be really dominant guys!!
Jun took major nerfs.
Xiaoyu is tier 1 but is a specialist character with no player strong enough.
Didn't they nerf jun?
I didn't play in the beginning
can someone human explain anon’s point? is it not actual skill if you learned how to play?
If you play law you are a cock sucking faggot
>how woyd you even know you can do combos
woah bro i jsut hit this guy in the air and while i was spamming i hit da guy midair omg
>i learned how to pull down a lever in a slot machine, therefore i am now skilled at slot machines
this nigga got slided on
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You don't have to google flowcharts to learn combos, the game teaches them.
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>everyone can do optimized combos if they lab them
>everyone can do perfect electrics if they lab them
>even players use word like "piloting"
>most of the stalemates are forcefully broken by forced 50/50s by characters who practically play the game by themselves like dragunow, howarang, bryan and jun
>player agency is limited towards inputting a sequence and not really making conscious split second choices because it was purely luck or coincidence that you happen to throw a launcher from the other side of the stage and it happened to connect
Skill would mean you could adapt to unexpected situations.
Does chess take skill? fuck no, it's all memorizing patterns and games states.
chess gms even say that all you need is to memorize.

Would you know to launch a move that is minus 16 but has absolutely no visual indication of it being highly unsafe if you didn't know this information before?
No, you would not.
Just play for 10 years lil bro Rome wasn't built in a day
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+3.24%, thats all we got from releasing Lidia, introducing Hei, having hype tournaments and a new battlepass. Game is bleeding players, best Tekken ever.
>see some retard having a meltdown about skill
>check twitch
>lowtiernigger is playing tekken
Every time
blud really having a mental breakdown because some said "pilot"
this game is so fucking infuriating
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It's your own fault if you can't control your emotions, not the game's. Consider getting your T checked.
blud thinks you win games by punishing a move you memorized, ignoring the fact he's going to get launched by a low sweep from fullscreen and then he has to pick a wakeup option which is 99.9% luck based, picked the wrong one? you're launched again.
"but hurrr you can just stay on the ground" great, that's luck based too, cause the opponent filthy move hits grounded too and if he doesn't interrupt his string, you'll get launched anyway (thanks kazuya)
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Guest characters are the only way to salvage this situation and not literal who but some have hitters like the guy from Yakuza or Tifa. They could also release more coomer content
Isn't one with chainsaw and the other without?
Jun didn't take major nerfs people just realized she has zero way to open anybody up except fishing for launchers that kill her to be made safe. She was just extremely good at stomping noobs. The only real nerfs she took were tracking and healing on heat smash, and increasing recovery on one or two moves. Since then she's basically got only a bunch of buffs by increasing her healing here and there (not that it'd matters, you could remove all of Jun's health costs and she still would be a mid tier character).
Jun fundamentally does not play Tekken 8 which means she is never going to be on par with shit like Jin or Drag. The main thing she has for her is that she can basically convert any sort of launcher into a 100+ damage wallsplat but even with then her neutral is just not good.
the luck factor 200% supports the claim that this game is not about skill when also all the 4000 moves you need to memorize become irrelevant because of luck.
If this dog shit awful kuso let me rematch players more than fucking once I might actually be able to learn something instead of just getting knowledge checked and the guy fucks off never to be seen again
i did not give you permission to reply to me
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Do i look like i give a shit?
1v1 me poker?
Sorry, i only play real skillful games like roulette.
I memorized the sound that the lever does in Slot Machines.
You wouldn't last a second if you fought me in there.
Do you think LTG regrets going down the DSP route? He's 40 and still has to rage every single stream or people stop watching
You probably don't even know that when you bet on black, the chance of winning is raised by 5%.
Get on my level, scrub.
I have played so many rounds of Rock Paper Scissors that I can predict, based on the movement of air what gesture you will do.
Most people claim that Rock Paper Scissors is luck based but in reality it is a skill to predict the future based on the small particles of the universe.
You need the Gene to be this skilled and you lack it.
it's crazy how overrated azucena/devil jin were because of one broken move (wr3,2 and heat smash), how xiaoyu getting on paper a broken heat 50/50 was somehow enough to make up for her being unwieldy to handle and no offense outside of that, same with jun having limited offense but high damage output and "safe" launchers
meanwhile perfect characters like jin/shaheen/law were glossed over, and yoshi was actually more broken than xiaoyu
He's interesting because I legit can't tell if to what degree he's actually delusional. Like he clearly is a massive narcissist that believes he's good at fighting games, but it's also obvious that he plays it up because it gets him views, that's also why he plays up the racist shit so much.
Either way he's a bit pitiful at this point honestly. Constantly pretending like he isn't just ekeing out a decentish living at best with his viewership and is instead some sort of high roller millionaire.
It’s insane that DSP’s piggy screw has gotten more action than me. He’s much older and his wife is fat and ugly thoughbeit.
there was a fighting game on a phone that i owned when i was a kid that made you input all inputs before the match started, it was a game for two, so you'd first insert your inputs (it worked only via directions) then the opponent had to do it too and ultimately the match would play and you'd watch who would win.
this is literally how playing dragunov vs dragunov works in tekken 8.
I did not read any of that
Yeah in hindsight it's pretty crazy. It makes sense though, day 1 the most busted, hard to deal shit will always shine, and Jun for all her faults can kill in very few interactions. There's always a character with very high damage that people overrated at the beginning but then it's usually revealed that they have faults to balance it out unless you're Jin or Drag lmao
I have studied one-armed-bandits for 40 years that i can tell based on the position of the slots and the slight bending of the lever, whether it's a winner or not.
You just need good eyes and a steady arm to pull the lever just right and release it 2 seconds after the slots starts rolling.
But i bet a noob like you didn't even know this.
the fact that there are specialist characters like xiaoyu who are clearly broken and yet nobody can "pilot" them tells you that it's a game of skill and not a casino of memorization
its actually crazy how fucking shit ltg is at tekken with how many hours he's played it tho
so instead of making the dlc characters broken harada decided to make the base game characters broken instead
>anything practiced or learned cannot be skillful and I only lose because I am unlucky
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Is this like the tenth time by now?
it's called pachinko8 for a reason
you said that Devil Jin was INSPIRATIONAL?
>get cooked by an actual low tier while playing Victor
>complain about flowcharting after whiffing a grab from full screen and getting punished
This is the power of victorniggers
>a monkey learning to do a task consistently is the same as someone who has insight in how things truly work
remind me what is so skillful about 50/50s
has he demoted on either operator yet
He'll come back crawling because it's the only way he breaks 1000 viewers anyway
does 50/50 mixups
>every top S character
does 90/10 mixups
lil timmy thinks tjat if you spam some broken moves with dragunov against xiaoyu, you're skilled, lmao
>do nothing but milk him for content
>guy can't even get a regular ass job because retards will harass him and his workplace
>is forced to keep playing this persona or else he can't make a living
Lolcow chasers are even worse than the lolcows they chase.
LTG still hasn't washed the taste of Viscant's balls out of his mouth from 2014. One of the all time great buckbreakings.
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I miss her so much bros... ;_;
atif vs ulsan proves that this game is luck based, just rewatch the match and you'll see that they were just doing 4 moves, in different sequences.
they were literally rolling dices in their heads on which sequence to spam these moves and ulsan happened to win that mental rolling most of the time.
if this was a skill based game, atif would adapt and win, but it's simply not possible when you're rolling dices.
I want to spam grabs but I dont want to play king, any suggestions?
jack, Nina, or 'nov
he plays videogames 5-6 hours a day for a living, i don't get where this "he's such a victim" thing comes from
anon plays the game by holding back then guessing if the opponent will go mid or low
play jack
>safe string into forced mix up
>will you take the unbreakable homing grab?
>or will you eat the mid?
>will you eat the unblockable or will you eat the mid that knocks you down or you will eat the low that knocks you down?
>will you eat the homing grab or will you get ch and grabbed anyway?
>do you have good eyes to filter through epilepsy inducing imagery and concussion causing screenshake to deduce what the fuck he going to do next?
>do you eat the strings and armors that are all plus or do you concede?
Guessing right 80% of the time doesn't make you skilled either
you typed all that out but I am most reading it hope this feedback helps
>most who play this game are outright addicted to it
>no bro this isn't pachinko8
blud thinks he is a visionary because he just found out mixups are a thing oh my days
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i can't resist it, i get the urge to play this game over tekken 8
guessen 8
because making a 50/50 go your way each time involves reads and skill
Lidia doesn't have a low option during Heaven and Earth
i can't see the appeal of this game
it's like more ADHD dota
lil timmy meltdown general
>guessing is a "read"
>"i just pressed nothing and the guy did the thing that did nothing"
truly a showcase of player agency and skill
Crouching is a stance.
Left jab is a stance.
I'm sorry but it literally cannot be Tekken without this coinflipping whore
>hold backwards
>block all high and mids
>do armor move when you see a string coming
>do a stage wide homing move when you see your opp inputting f
>do half hp with heat smash when you see opp press 1
>do half hp with rage art when opp press 1
>"bro im so skilled at this game"
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try going 10 seconds without naming a better game to play than tekken
At what point would you consider the game to be about skill?
Do I have to submit a subjective artwork piece of the match for it to be skillful? Do I have to be an acrobat and bodybuilder capable of replicating my character moves IRL?
>shit and shitter
yall niggas talking about skill but cant even get a job lmaooooooo
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today I'm gonna play Lars
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I only ever look at Deadlock threads for Lady Geist
impossible tasks challange
You're not welcome ITT if you don't have air conditioning, just saying
my AC ran out of gas
after eddy (flop) lidia (flop) heihachi (asspull) namco better have julia with her tits hanging out as the final season pass character
Julia sucks
and she does it so well...
jun's df3 is so fucking good, 17f, tracking, -8 oB, good damage, low recovery, fuckin love that kick
We're getting the better version of Julia, Preecha from SNK's upcoming Fatal Fury: CotW.
i am unironically looking for a deadlock partner, OCE
Did we watch the same final? Ulsan won because Atif kept pushing a button instead of defending. I counted two rounds he gifted to Ulsan this way, he kept attacking from oki while Ulsan was casually moving up to him and baiting him to do it.
You should unironically start a tekken lobby, OCE
How's the ping from Philippines to OCE?
(I am white)
how am i supposed to know? i don't live there
i uninstalled tekken
>>first she was a chinese native american
>>then she was a wrestler
>>then she was a youtube streamer
What'll they make her wear next?
Yes we watched the same finals and atif couldn't adapt.
We are talking about Atif here, not some random greenie.
Guy is "skilled" by Tekken terms and yet he couldn't adapt cause there's nothing to adapt.
Luck was simply on Ulsan side, there was nothing worth of the "skill" term in that final.
Onlyfans whore.
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gayest thing ive ever read in tekgen and that's saying a lot
why are we posting deadlock? is there a connection between the games?
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Lidia's love interest to represent lesbian community
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naked except for the glasses
no there's one guy posting about deadlock on cooldown and also a million threads on /v/ for it. Typical viral marketing / astroturfing for upcoming game
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lil bro really said a complete domination 5-0 mirror match at the highest level of tekken was because of luck
>implying ling in heat doesn't have 90/10 mixups
tekken = fg dota
deadlock = 3rd person dota
Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from luck. You said it yourself, Atif is a good player, and Ulsan made him look like an orange rank. Not once, not twice, not even thrice. Five times in a row.
You just made that first sentence up, fuck off
Not an argument. Concession accepted.
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>one of the all time most successful tekken players barely loses a set all tournament and crushes a mirror match FT5 5-0 in grand finals
24ers really trying to say ulsan got lucky?
ever consider that maybe you just suck at tekken
it’s up
yeah thats why im switching to deadlock
>knee doesn't recommend Feng
He's washed, fogged, etc
>random youtuber doesn't recommend Feng
Oy vey!! Harada pls buff poor Feng Wei he is weak!!
i just beat a hwoarang in orange mashing 4 and counterhitting him to death
do these guys ever stop mashing
the worst part is sometimes i fall into the meatgrinder and lose because i legit have no idea what the fuck to do once hwoarang starts his infinite kick spam shit
is that kkokkoma?
idk all asians look the same
Just learn when to expect the flamingo jab then duck and launch/sidestep
They do it very often after that linear mid from stance that’s also plus (needle or some shit)
some matches just feel like you're playing an exercise instead of a real person
people will do a single flowchart no matter what you do and because it works on some characters (like hworang) they'll rank up to fujin with 0 game knowledge
brosky it's all luck, simple as.
Atif had luck against Nobi, infact, Nobi got BTFO so quickly that it was shocking, that shouldn't happen in a skill based game and then Ulsan did the same to Atif.
This is all a coinflip, there's no way good players like Nobi / Atif / Ulsan would lose to each others in such disparity.
(and undress please)
why would that anon undress? who undresses in the middle of an argument?
because i'm into men
i can barely even get up, i feel like no matter what i press i get clipped by some shit and i'm stuck in a constant loop of trying to get up
usually i just end up mashing power crushes
yea i legitimately learned jack shit from this match, i just pressed 4 and watched him walk into that and b3,2
cool thanks for sharimg
you're welcome but thanks won't cut it, i want a dick pic
I've posted my dick too many times on 4chan already
What's the point of Jun'd f1+2? All it does is push them back a bit in exchange for health.
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>he doesn't know
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He died and was resurrected thoughbeit
>>this is the face that will be across the home screen after the next Tekken update
double based
that's not heihachi cause the voice is different, it's some clone thing or straight up a demon of sort
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How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
Just re-watched Kkokkoma vs The Jon. Jesus he has ice in his veins
this is nice and all but post zafina now
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>The're gonna release Heihachi in December
it's over
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Autumn isn't December
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>Modifying devil jin as he still seems to be doing damage and this is not intended
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But he doesn't THOUGH
After thaiger uppercut
any character that gets a combo from an unseeable low is dishonest
+2 on block
guaranteed MIA 2 on counter hit (heat engager or heat dash combo)
punch parry during heat

it's a good move
nah its heihachi
when update
>unseeable low
what's with devil jin players being the biggest whiners and downplayers in the tekken scene
they are playing a perfectly serviceable mid tier
they just seem to be mindfucked when for once in their life they aren't playing with a top 3 character
if you close your eyes you can't see it
close your eyes and spread your ass
what's with tekgen posters being
based as hell
Maintenance8 is mid
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why does Jin Deny his destiny?
>he's honest because...HE JUST IS OKAY?!!!
Jin is like Ryu, he just doesn't give a shit
He's voluntarily celibate, as you should be if you want to excel.
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Can't lose if you never lose 'it'
It's up
Why doesn't tekken have this
ugly skanks? Because it's not made by crapcom
Tekken 9 is a harem game you self insert as Jin and can romance any female character (including girl (male) Leo) all the way up to motherhood.
It will be Harada's last game and masterpiece.
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ill play it if jin can romance kazumi or jun
But you're spending a bit of health to be +2 and Jun doesn't really have anything to frametrap +2 with.
If it hits it does nothing, you're +26 but you don't actually have any sort of followup possible and you're stanced.
On counterhit you do get MIA2 but heavily scaled, though I guess it's decentish damage.
I dunno, why wouldn't you just jab her every time? Or just take the +2, she's losing health to not threaten you all that much. There has to be something I'm missing.
i love men
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Wouldn't it be funny if Reina doesn't have a route
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We already have so many canon couples
Kax x Jun
Jincel x Xiaoyu
Debiljincel x Xiaoyu
Angerjincel x Xiaoyu
Lars x Refrigerator
Heihachi x Kazumi
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>3 men at once
Why is Xiaoyu such a slut?
>why not just jab her
at +2 on block, because it loses to jabs and f1+2
>you're stanced
you're gonna have to test it yourself because I can't now, I'd imagine sidestep, izumo transition or pressing forward to mixup with GEN are all potential options?
Because she's a hoe
does Lars really fuck the robot
lars is perma virgin naruto shit, he ain't fucking even his hand
what's even worse, he's swedish
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Do you think bruvs dr. Bosconovitch gave Alissa perfect replica of his daughter pussy?
lars is an abomination that should never have happened both in gameplay and lore
weak genes mixed with strong mishima genes
Wasn't that the main reason he created her?
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Mishima or Kazama pussy?
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If I see Lars I'm blocking the low and launching your ass
I have no food so i have to use dr pepper as a substitute
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Kazama pussy all day
Tgirls saved my life
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Heihachi fucked Kazumi only once and refused to have sex with her for the rest of his life while fucking 10 chicks in every place he's been to.
It's all you need to know about Mishima pussy
based Julia enjoyers
you're not blocking shit bruv
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That's Hachijo (devil) pussy though
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Meanwhile Kazuya fucked Jun and refused to fuck anyone else
sex with men
just had some mutton for dinner
dragunov nerfs?
yoshimitsu nerfs?
reina nerfs?
alisa nerfs?
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>patches notes
anoo...here's more kekken items to buy
after evo
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Kazuya fucked Jun and became the most powerful man in the universe. Imagine what will happen to the man who takes 'ka's virginity (me).
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>Mishima pussy = bad
>Mishima cock = good
>Kazama pussy = good
>Kazama cock = ???
I guess we'll never truly know because Jin is the only example we have
after Evo jp might be the next patch fr
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Korean society really is hell on earth what a shit faggot ridden country
Too bad she's into Lili exclusively >>492854249
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>'nov nerfs
lil bro...
blud is jealous the fruity ass nigga is getting married heterosexually
damn those niggas UGLY
odds = buy kekken battlepass
evens = buy myself pizza
>that head shake
mfw victor appears on loading screen
how did he manage to find the only gook chick that’s fat ? and why is he wearing white makeup ? strange country hope the north invades these fags
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I thought it traded with f1+2 but that trade actually lets you get a f2 launch which is nice. It's giga scaled though so you get like 50ish damage but it's still decent.
If it hits you do get your chance of mixup now that I've labbed it, you have so much frame adv you can go for izumo and they can't duck reliable because you can nail them with GEN mids or even go for the MIA 1 to see if you can get a cheeky launcher.
I guess it's more of a pressure move than anything. Just a quick way to force your turn.
chemsex with leo
>reina nerfs?
shut the FUCK up
I will NOT marry someone without a penis
Devil Jin buffs?
oh my days blud is still asking for buffs on the cheesiest lamest character in the game
diablo jim does not belong in this game bro turned into a mk character they cant balance that
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*dies in your path*
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i die too
black people really are all the same huh
teggen :DD
what went wrong?
stay mad reina is broken as fuck and needs to be nerfed
tekken 8... is dead.
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thats crazy because I just had a blast in t8 ranked
nobi is cribbing about jin on stream
mike murray groped my ass at the twt finals after party, I'm a man.
Hope you rank up from vanquisher soon
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card got declined, and no steam gift cards in stock
I got sexed and flexed by joecrush at Texas showdown
Odds = goon to Lili
Evens = goon to Asuka
Dubs = goon to both
ngl watching these compilations of ltg getting cooked at tekken8 is pretty kino
reaching joecrush anus has been proven to be harder than reaching the center of the earth
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a good day
a good day
a gay day
a gay day
be straight jeremy
my personal favorite are the gigas videos from T7
sometimes when I'm gooning to tgirls a gay porno pops up in the suggested videos and then I start to feel remorse
i see sex dates with your local milfs every time
its up
next patch will buff zafina once and for all
>here watch this smite clone video
no thx lol
this guy's guides are pretty neat, bet his cock is also above average in beauty
smite doesn't have jumping
>king is top tier in tekken
>gief is top tier in sf
what the fuck can i play without grappacancer
probably one of those tranime games
why does LTG only say the "you're an incel playing with a woman you can't fuck IRL" about the blonde white women in the game? lili, lidia... he doesn't say it about say, asuka
you know you can break throws right? just press the button lol
I don't play Lili but I would gladly fuck her if I could
Because Asuka is played by homosexuals
sadly i am a heterosexual male that doesn't believe he's a woman so i can't play that either
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'ka's an easygoing girl
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he's a black dude
fucking a white blonde is like a crowning achievement in black male society
yes we know that's a fucking pigeon you just posted
smite does have a jump buttpn but it also has hot women and isn't dei garbage
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*hop in*
Asuka riding by penis while Lidia rides my face
They switch every 10 minutes
>Lidia and rides in the same sentence
cute vampire girls
does Lidia EVER shut up
>only gook chick that's fat
doesn't matter what she looks like, she's just a cover for his homosexual relationship with Knee
Yes, when we're cuddling after sex
i cant get hard
Just mute the game voices. I have done it and it has made the game way less frustrating.
This is not homosexual relationship, this is pure love
i'm always soft
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tekken modders be doing all the work for bamco
so? you think I get turned on by this bullshit?
apologizes sir, we couldn't add a dick
I've never seen a vagina
we know jin
blud said dubs in /vg/
Patch notes doko?
This is the shit that gets modders DMCA'd. Rerelasing official stuff that BAMCO has made before is dumb
How is it dumb if bamco won't let you have it (or in lili case as it happened before their own purchasable version is much lower quality and fidelity than a mod of an older game costume)

Or similar arguement to pirating, if I wouldn't be purchasing the costume in the first place it doesn't really hurt to mod it in, other players don't even see it

I already paid 70 bucks for a broken game and some more for a battle pass I ain't buying more shit when they can't even fix the game or release anything of quality
reddit spacing
r/4chan meme
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if dragunov doesn't get absolutely massacred straight to F tier this might just kill the game honestly
the game is one more 5 dragunovs in top 8 from being totally dead as an """""""esport"""""""
drag mirrors are good ass tekken toughbeit
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fix me nigga
We need a tournament where players can use only characters whose name starts with an L
>nov player actually presses rematch
train conductor lookin ass
new DLC character: Lagonov
We need a tournament where only mirror matches can be played. Players can either agree on what character to play at the beginning of each match or each player picks one and then rock paper scissors decides the character.
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our mortal minds are not prepared for pro level yoshi mirror matches
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Me looking for the buffs
deadlock is absolutely not fun playing solo :/
guess i'm back to this shit game
i tried playing black ops 6 beta through xbawks game pass and the fucking 'game' had the gall to tell me i gotta download another 30GB
They really just gave up and conceded to SF6 when it's doing the bare minimum itself fighting games are so fucked bruvs
the cod hq thing is the most retarded shit i've ever seen, idgaf about BR or Sledgeslop, BO6 is amazing though
no, you're amazing
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For me? It's Tekken 8, the best fighting game.
No Devil Jin is horrendous try playing him
He has the worst generics in the game
His hell sweep isn't even better than Kazuya's it just has more wall carry but doesn't wallsplat
Ok. I reported it don't worry.
they are buffing dragunov
Is T8 Lili the prettiest girl in gaming?
blud said black ops 6 is amazing when I couldn't even finish a match of that shit
anyone with a wig mogs lili with ease
The prettiest is (our) mom in Nioh 2
i feel like there are so many more Asuka players than Jun. who the fuck can I even watch to learn Jun
Sentai on block is not in her favor risk-reward you just need to do optimal while standing punishes for SEN 3, the SEN low
You can dick jab most of the SEN options and also fuzzy against the +ob mid
But yes I hate that they gave a character the ability to mix you this hard on block
>qudans and knees all washed
game is truly built for zoomies
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sheer stocking option for characters in 1.07 or else I'm done with this stupid ass game
He was good at sfv and in like the top 3% of players in that game, which was pretty impressive the final year of it's release when all the casuals had left
He is not good at tekken at all, and it's impressive how he's still in red ranks desu
I think he just gets too angry and never labs or thinks about the game
He also plays too many characters people should be one tricking to tekken king/emperor
24 hour maintenance pls understand gaijin
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how to fix tekken:
- add glicko 2
- remake the netcode
- remove heat
- remove rage
- remove kbd
- reanimate moves so that low/mid/high can be intuitively observed
- trim down the movelist
- overhaul the input buffering so that it is more lenient
- reduce match length to 45 seconds
- remove absurd and arbitrary tracking properties, moves should only track to the background/foreground or is totally unsidesteppable
- combine the buttons to only having punch and kick
- replace back to block with a dedicated block button
- sidestepping should be performed by pressing all buttons, which can be extended to an offensive version by pressing those buttons again with the right timing
- add ring outs
- remove the easy mode throw breaking, throws should be a 3-way mixup: back, neutral and forward
is the patch notes being released in japan time or NA time?
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why much girls play tekken :O
Kirakira or the guy from the kingjae teach me Jun video
Everybody dropped Jun once they realized she has no offense. Asuka at least has waifu power so people stick with her regardless. The only decent Jun player I know is PTJ.
I saw Michael Murray at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Jun is literally a wife that actually uses her power
The 4th DLC will be Murray's gay OC
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Jun got sneeded by Kaz and Ogre she is used goods. I'll stick with 'ka.
Assucka is an unmarriageable dyke
You learn specific character matchups and specific moves in those matchups and it's rare to see some moves ever
You should try doing ft5 or ft10 with people from your local scene instead of playing ranked at first, ranked you should only play like 30 minutes to an hour a day and lab after to collect an encyclopedia of bullshit counters
it's crazy that a character like nina is more complex than any deadlock character
League/Dota are far worse
High Level CSGO and Valorant require you to learn lineups and executes, memorize every map and memorize lines/headshot placement through the map that avoid you being exposed to normal angles
You also have to practice doing pop flashes
CS used to have one way smokes that were literally just total bullshit
You can play on anything
In 2d games hitbox is more op but even there you have guys like angrybird winning evo on stick
the trick is nobody remembers all of them, you just have a general strat that you stick to, for valorant maps even cycle out
why is she naked?
she's a whore and a slut
You do have to memorize lines and how you want to enter sites, there are few videos dissecting how Niko takes stuff like apps on Inferno or Palace on Mirage
Most of the really autistic training tools for CS will set you up with prefire/pre-aim lines like this and after doing so I went up a lot in ranked compared to aim training, learning smokes, communicating, etc.
Spray control is also pure memorization but tbf you only need to learn like mac 10/mp9/ak/m4
why no pubes version
lili looks like the type to have a bit of muff
yeah, but you don't remember them all, no one can, you gravitate towards a general strategy and practice it, same with build orders in RTS

well, i assume we're not speaking pro gameplay anyway
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lucky asshole
still can't believe that so many players think he's cool
peak anime cringelord design
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>it's that time when liliposter and jinposter flirt with each other again
anyone know if you can escape law's nunchaku after getting hit with DSS 2 on normal hit? i cant lmao
what a badass
Ya tekken is the same you have to have rehearsed the situation which is what everyone does and I didn't realize that for a long time
Like the spacing traps are pretty calculated
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I plug law on loading screen
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situations in shooters can be generalized and in team based games, it's pretty unrehearsable because it's just a chain of decision making from multiple people

in tekken, i feel like every situation can be replicated and you have a million ways to approach anything
>He also plays too many characters
only 2, that seems reasonable imo
isn't his main miguel?
Miquel is such a stupid name and I hope everyone named Miquel reading this kills themselves
now that's better
I was rewatching the Devil Jin trailer and I forgot this was even a thing
i gotta say lili's breasts are shaped really nice
>come to tekgen
>gay niggas ERPing
>go to mhg
>schizo niggas screeching
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It's not even December yet
come to /dlg/
HMN are responsible for this
Put some fucking clothes on
>liliposter calling other people sissies
holy shit Lili is sucha whore
I'm horny!

captcha: 2xxxx
then. now. forever.
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tekgen has fallen..
lili with bush is so superior
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People like us shouldn't even exist in this world
yeah the bush is needed
post some other tekken hoes
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She's under age you sick fucks
crazy because i've seen all of these on r34, seek deeper cuts
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still not touching my penis and there's nothing you fags can do about it
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imagine if tekken had this before you started ranked
2 is too many if you are stuck in red
Another thing is he plays like 4 fighting games casually, doesn't work well in any game
Any lobbies up?
jannet do your fucking job for once
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fuck this i'm out
I wish I could experience that pleasure




its up
>liliChad posts normal lewds and porn like usual without engaging in schizo or gay shit
>all cool, thread gets active
>tranny nigger loving cuck posts xhis shit because xhe seethes about Lili for some reason

its up
>tekken femoids
All Tekken girls are cute
how to know who never has touched a woman and masturbates to shitty porn and it's a lame fat ass
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When will he update these mods for Lidia...
lili is ugly
niggas see fucking a white woman as the ultimate sign of making it
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without makeup oc
>Verification not required.
i mean, if my girlfriend is lili that means i've already made it desu
show me the dorag buffs harada
/tekgen/ will be like this until december huh
A girl with no penis is useless
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you can't use it for lidia? i didn't know that
the december posts are shit
>Verification not required.
>accidentally walked in on the girls with penises bathroom

fuck that was awkward
this is all murray's fault btw
all posts here are shit
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yep, same for some other. Picrel, can't use 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.
>all posts here are shit
that's because no one is posting zafina
/tekgen/ needs more based coomerbros.
my theory is that there are at least 3 separate naked Lili posters
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Jun has a very unique eye color, i just noticed
I coomed so much that I had to put on a wig and find a man
yep i only post lili when i'm naked
and reply when i'm naked too
"Let me be your solace", just say you want him shoot his cum inside you, ma'am
sf6 has hotter women but the game blows
A casualty of Lili posting

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