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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Love Wins Edition

>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

>Previous: >>492075709
It's over.
is it finally?
I miss when feh was good
I noticed ever since Nowifag scared off 90% of posters, namschizo spam is more rampant
And I noticed you're an idiot
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Laguz "Friend"
Why is the thread so slow nowadays?
Nowitard tried to merge the two threads, so now all the shitposters are in /feg/ and /feh/ is just dead now. A fitting end for this place imo. Live by the shitposts, die by the shitposts.
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>Tried to merge
Looks like he succeeded so the rest of your post is just you being mad and refusing to let this shit general die.
Illiterate retard. There is nothing in my post that indicates that I'm upset that this place is dead. Learn how to fucking read, you fucking idiot.
Hows Ascendant Fjorm as a far saver in this day and age
She is not good.
You're upset now thoughever
Yeah, stupid people being stupid makes me upset.
You must get especially upset when you look in a mirror
That doesn't even make sense, but ok retard.
Is it viable to build units against their “base kit intended” roles? For example, can I build Summer Gullveig or the newest Celica as tanks, or someone like Heidruj as an offensive attacker?
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Stupid sexy wolf....
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When did she get so good at temptation and seduction?
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Need her to get a summer alt asap
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Should've listened
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> can I build Summer Gullveig or the newest Celica as tanks
Don’t build someone that wasn’t meant to be a a tank into a tank. They need decent defense or health
You can do whatever you want, but they will perform sub optimally since they release units in a very narrow scope now. At the end of the day every unit kind of ages like milk with their dev design now so do whatever makes you happiest
Even if Brave Chrom's refine itself is mediocre, I think he'll still be a really good unit (so long as they don't remove any effects).
Should I?
Nurse Clair
Why not? Isn’t LF better then reopening tho?
>Why not
His HoF might get a rerun soon, and I don't know if anyone else wants Alfonse's fodder instead.
>Isn’t LF better then reopening tho?
Yeah, but I'd mainly be inheriting those skills for BoL4.
Alot of hero’s want his skills. It depends on what you want to do. Then want skills you are going for when HoF comes
I'm not sure what skills I'd give him if his HoF comes around again, that's why I'm hesitant on giving him the skills now.
Will BoL4 be on when he gets his rerun that’ll be your answer
It's already in the HoF pool now, so yeah. The real question is if the other two skills will be in.
His HoF already reran.
It is up for a vote pill to run yet again, and because it's 3H lords it will win guaranteed.
I wouldn't bother inheriting Alfonse's stuff on him since it is essentially guaranteed that he'll be back in HoF again in a few months
What can be done to save FEH? At this point should they just lean heavily into coomer shit?
He did, sadly.
Yes that's the only way to return some value to this mess of a game
Kek, what a 1st round losing bitch.
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It's unironically, officially, absolutely over.
The only way to save it is to print even more busted shit and force people to summon on new banners!
Now that the corpse is cold and the dust has settled, is it safe to say that E!Ike killed the game?
LShez, or Lez as I like to call him, is trash.
Redo the campaign to make it similar to an actual mainline game and expand the story. Just give it something like fe 7-9 gameplay and cut out the novel long feh skills. Simple standard fe game that let's you use whatever ever characters you want.
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Why wont Isys do ANYTHING with all the money they're bringing in on this series? can't have shit with these greedy ass fucks.
Banking it to keep feh running forever.
>Raul, Lez is garbage, right?
¡No señor, Lez bien!
What kind of banner are we getting mid month?

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