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Elfbutt edition

>QRD Lore video

Previously on /wowg/: >>492762306
Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously
bro just give us some content jesus christ
i dont want to play wow. i'd rather go to work.
bro your meadery dungeon final secret boss you spawn by sitting on 4 chairs?
Remember to do a charge back with your bank if you dislike the expansion
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Is there a cap on how much chance I get from this? Or can I just spend the next few hours spamming normal dawnbreaker?
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did they just fix the AH?
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We need a /wowg/ guild to bring this general back to its golden age

Who's willing to start one?
I've literally been paying a sub for 5 months without even realizing what the fuck
>how much chance
How many chances to get this I mean. Holy fuck I'm stupid.
Dagran Tyrissan tha second. His pa died in gang violence in blackhood mountain.
I'm starting one on mg called xigger
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>deletes gay couples from your expansion
You are welcome, westoids
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Three gigachads
One quest item drop
Will their hours of waiting pay off?
The Dalaran Purge never happened, but it should have.
These have to be bot posts. There's nothing attractive about this American golem looking creature.
redpill me on hpal and rshaman for high m+ keys and how they compare to mistweaver
Humiliation ri
Giving giant tits to an NPC to make sure players can tell it's a female is an old developer trick.
Though in her case it's because she's so fucking ugly rather than just being super low poly.
I wish prot paladin was still designed to be an anti magic tank. I wish each tank spec had their own specific niche they were good at countering
>Aman'thul awoke first
>found the other titans
>master of time magic
W-what if aman'thul is evil and corrupted the world souls with arcane magic to make them order slaves?
what if aman'thul didn't wake first but went back in time and just pretended to wake first
what if azeroth is actually aman'thul....
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>Stop being a pussy Anduin
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>Harranir DK won't be playable
I hope the forums erupt in flames if so.
Troll, Zanda or Panda Monk?
Why do you play a female toon anon
who's having when when avatartrannies get shat on?
cope tranny
DK was the anti magic tank.
Paladin was the aoe tank.
Female Harronir are gonna be purge sexo....
Am bored right now
Send Xal'atath feet
I love they just keep making the baseline graphics better every expack slowly filtering all the poor people that used to have subscriptions
The original design for prot paladin as anti magic
I can't believe how god World of Warcraft: The War Within is.
Yes, clearly you're quite effective.
are earthen unlockable now or is it time gated bs
I wonder if all the mindless horny posts like faerin boob and xal feet shit are all bot posts to shill the game like OW porn was
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ahahahaha cope tranny
who's having fun? me, or you?
313 ilvl warrior in my normal dungeon
thanks blizz
why is my character is always in his battlestance in warband
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Alliance men are so lucky...
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her irl VA has larger ones
You should know that just because people are silent doesn't mean they appreciate you constantly posting your characters as an avatar
Well, since stops now just lat mobs recast instead of sending their spells on CD, prot pally is the best “anti-caster” in m+ since avengers shield and divine toll actually send casts on CD.

Also very good on templar because if you have the talent that interrupts cast blessed hammer, you extend your shake the heavens buff
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NA /wowg/ guild enjoyers, please respond with:
>potential names

just to gauge interest
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>titan bad
why is blizz going with this forced slopwriting now?
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i'm still level 78 because i've been taking breaks to play overwatch. am i gmi
anon I bought my at-the-time middle range PC in 2018 and it still runs TWW at max ultra settings at 100 fps
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
Remember when this guy got millions of views on his videos? Now he's lucky if he gets 50k.

What a fall from grace.
Why do I almost never see Dark Iron Dwarf females? They look very aesthetic...
Silksong When
AI art cant replace "artists" fast enough
so anon's mad that dark iron dwarves exist?

Use it to set yourself on fire furry scum
you have 1.5 weeks more
Yeah, just like its as little appreciated to constantly bitch and moan. Both sides don't care.
What if it is not my class that sucks but it's just me who sucks?
<Jaina Lovers>
Interesting how WoW went from having every second character be gay/lesbian or trans in DF to none of them being that way in TWW
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Your welcome, Blizzard.
Je keeps putting hid fickung face front and center i feel assailed by his HD thumbnails its repulsive and I don't even watch his shit
Why the fuck do youtubers think I want to see their pores
So do we get any new content this reset?
Who do we have to thank for this?
Dragons are very promiscuous.
You sure about that?
the gay centaurs are brothers in the russian version
Level 1 Tauren Rapist
DF was designed during the lawsuit years, they had a LOT of distracting to do.
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How do I get a Wowa GF?
>Discovered gates of ironforge
Huh, I thought even as a horde character my main was old enough I'd have flown over it by now.
I don't do that either though
I'm a cuck on Mac and it's 20fps at absolute minimum settings
Dragons can shapeshift into whatever they want, why wouldn't most of them be on that 'a hole is a hole' train.
The latter. This Wednesday, with some luck.
586 ilvl and I got the 12 month trading post achievement today. Wearing the moon armor while I fly my Alunira.
i'm tired of everyone simping for this ghoulish looking woman. imagine waking up to that face in the middle of the night. some real The Ring type shit
>Those webs will summon nerbuians. Don't stand in 'em! =)

Work out to the point that you're undeniably jacked. Girls lie and say they don't care and then choose jacked dudes over nicer guys who are less jacked every time. Worth it.
Imagine having to listen to rule 63 Crendor every night.
trannies and non binaries in TWW is still considered that. plus with how weak the men are being in the expansion, I can guarantee at least 50% of the female npcs are gay.
NetEase deal
>no worgen
why do women makeupfraud
Dwarf really is the master race. Stoneform is so fucking good lads.
>gay centaur brothers
new player here why does my health immediately shoot back up to full right before I die as a frost dk when im alone questing . I notice it never happens in dungeons but when I'm in the overworld I can't die (unless I jump off a cliff)
Panda. Their animations were made for the class. Everyone else looks stupid.

Being physically attracted to someone and being in love with someone aren't mutually exclusive - but being in love with someone and being completely physically unattracted to them usually are.
This is true. I couldn't even get my undead monk out of tirisfal.
The only people that admire jacked dudes are other jacked dudes.

Because men don't care if women have money
576 ilvl but i refuse to spend upgrade mcguffins on items with suboptimal secondary stats and i'm for sure not using my spark in preseason HELP
Why do people bitch about delayed season start? They didn't keep it a secret, why didn't you wait 2 weeks to sub?
thank you based chang
It is I, Turalyonn the Elite Paladin, kneel before the superior class you mere warriors.

At the gym, big true. In social situations where you're actually trying to pull a girl: No.
>Shit on men for liking attractive 2d women
>Paint an attractive 2d woman on their own face
Wish they took a page out of Guild Wars (the original) and let is have our l warband as our follower dungeon party. Or 3 of them + Brann for delves.

Brann and the 4 characters on the warband screen delving would be kinda cool. Just something to get that “warband” feel
they want to look nice
buying sex from women is just easier and cheaper.
sorry chud it's not canon anymore, in TWW we /straight/ to the core!
andiun is a REAL MAN who isn't afraid to have FEELINGS
chris metzen, the god of writing, is the ultimate MAN because he can write REAL MEN like THRALL and ANDUIN who aren't afraid to CRY
don't like it? heh, you must be a little boy who doesn't understand that real men are as emotionally volatile as women, if not more so
educate yourself
do better
tfw no xalatath feet on thread
I solved the problem I won't say how because it makes me sound retarded
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>Surv Hunter
Name a bigger meme spec.
Illidan is the last manly character in wow and he is bisexual…
why does thrall have human nails
What's the best way to farm valorstones, just slam out heroics?
Men naturally having 3x the musculature of men is pretty much the only advantage they have over them in modern society. If you don't capitalize on that you're throwing away the only card left to your gender.
It's like pvping as Horde and rolling anything besides an Orc.
It came in the wrong expansion. Imagine how fleshed out the concept would've been if it came in WoD.

Convinced they'll do TONS with it though, almost all the feedback I've seen is that the system needs to be massively expanded on.
dark iron look cooler but normal dorfs have better hairstyles and racials…
If you have a pre-season slot bis why wouldn't you upgrade it? You won't replace it quickly until raid or keys. M0's are daily locked so they won't be farmable. Also the equivalent of flightstones are super common. Zero reason not to spend them.
ok i leveled all 7 classes i want to play to 80 and setup professions on them. what now?
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Any other autists here like to imagine their characters backstory? I'm not a roleplayer but I play undead only and like to think my characters sought out undeath as a way of artificially extending their life.
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oof. I'm sorry anon. hopefully one day you find the funds to escape the macuck life. everybody deserves a good PC.
I've done so with all of my characters, yes.
Only two of them on an RP server.
>they left the earthen printer on shuffle
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it is so funny to read all the cope about warbands because it's exactly the same bullshit that happened with garrisons
>ok yea it's just a mobile game farm sim right now, but the POTENTIAL is fucking massive guys, like holy shit imagine all the good stuff they are gonna do with it
>Solos the strongest pit lord ever made
>Slays a demigod
Every Paladin ever
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>back-to-back 6x concentration multicraft
worgen are too based to interact with h*mans
>tfw no gay dracthyr bf (top)

I really liked garrisons start to finish and I'm sad they didn't keep going with it. I go to my garrison regularly.
anon warbands are literally just account-wide progression, what could they possibly "do" with them
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Yeah I do, my character's backstories are that my priest and mage are the priest and sorceress units from WC3 RoC.
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Post your character
Yeah, instead of creating multiple distinct races I wish they had racial archetypes and then regional definers. I.E. Dwarf then selects Dun Morough Dwarf, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Earthen and then let people customize their passives. Would've been kino.
I am by definition *ELITE*. I wouldn't expect a pathetic mere warrior to get it
Anyone who doesn't think warbands as they are right now isn't how they'll remain 15 years later is an idiot
remember when broxigar was the most powerful mortal in existence
Anons, Arms feels so good. It's like I am back in Wrath. I don't even care if this expansion is good. If they don't touch my spec at all (outside +%) I will play it.
My character is the only good looking evoker in existence and I won't post him because you unoriginal fucks will just steal his look
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Undead mage obsessed with obtaining immortality as an almighty lich.
Became mindbroke in Shadowlands as a result of Night Fae being a superior covenant to Maldraxxus.
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Lotro did this lol
>Became mindbroke in Shadowlands as a result of Night Fae being a superior covenant to Maldraxxus.
This feels like the type of revision we'll eventually get if they keep adding allied races.
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>RPing as a virgin IRL
Warbands are gonna become Wow's version of Adventurer Plates. You'll be able to link one in chat and not only will other players be able to see which professions/alts you have to offer for content but also the sick ass graveyard background you've combined with various scourge-themed transmogs.
The endgame of every mage is a harem of elf sluts.
Hence why both Karazhan and Black Temple are home to CONCUBINE quarters.
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Gonna post a screenshot from every uldaman run I do until I get an ultra rare. #1
Hey, some dudes like to be the ones to take your virginity.
Unfortunately the best spec, t. Beast Master
I think there are no fags in TWW because Chris Metzen is a devout Christian
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>TFW anduin's bussy got you rizzed up

>like the lightforged horns and accessories more
>like the regular draenei hair options more
I want to make a prot paladin, which one do I go for? Is the primary stat racial of the regular draes useful at all?
I unlocked every single appearance from all the shadowlands covenants. It felt nice.

Their dance is also a martial art
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racials are a meme outside of pvp
and pvp is dead
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I need to level a belf paladin for the exclusive transmogs + mount

what's a good realm for NA Horde
flying ruins the game
Wyrmrest Accord

that doesnt matter anymore. you can do all content cross server cross faction. just pick any FULL server and play on it
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Faerin is based
What exclusive mog?

Jesus Christ
sloppa machine cant make one armed bitches?
Metzen is back and I'm back with him
any answer besides illidan is wrong
Argent Dawn
Area 52
Racials are negligible in scope. That said Lightforge is probably the worst. But really the benefit is super tiny.
ni hao
>do quest
>click thing
>it literally plays the youtube trailer
mother fuckers you retarded assholes could have at least edited the last and first five fuckign seconds
and the ad drop
you stupid incompetent mother fuckers
that's actually a lot better
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My orc was there when we blew up that village in stonetalon and has constant nightmares of druids with their flesh melting off. He thinks that if he kills enough evil people the ghosts will leave him alone.
New mog is a WIP. Can't find pants I like and I need to see if there's a helmet with a slightly different shade.
Like the covenants give you the uldaman looks or am I retarded and misunderstanding? Probably both.
where the fuck is that set from
it looks great
full pvp aspirant set from TWW

I hate you


do I buy the 587 renown 8 gear or wait for renown 16??

i dont know
I also do not know
don't know
Does thaumaturgy ever give you recipes?
Wait for midnight for ilvl 800 gear
Have you tried asking trade chat? They might know
Weird how people say getting bis is a sweatlord mythic raider only thing when every normal pug with half a chance of clearing is gonna want 580~
just start your own :^)
isn't that a DND cantrip?
I wish spiders were real
i don't know
t. spider
I will do LFR then unsub until midnight pre-patch :3
jesus christ i could see this being real and i hate it
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Moonkin rework inc, trust the plan
Imagine Great Vault having a 'cosmetic tier' that gives you random mogs/pets/mounts you don't own yet.
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I did that with my NELF priest in HC Vanilla. Huge backstory about wanting for save his dying wife from some ailment with an amulet that drops in MC.

Remade him as a warrior in retail since WoW lore consolidated all the “light” that priests use into the fucking Naaru garbage. Aged him up a bunch and gave him a blindfold to cover his holy glowing eyes as he severed his connection with the Light and no longer wants to be its vessel.

Speaking of which, how is the TWW story in Harrowfall and Azh’Kahet? I just finished all the available quests for Ringing Deeps and Khaz Algar today.
>Nearly every male character introduced gets killed off or has dementia
>”Good” Kobolds conveniently speak more than evil Kobolds
>Machine speakers are all retards
I unironically think the zone stories were better in DF so far (ignoring gay centaurs)
>do you require aid, human?
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This is Warcraft.

Not some Disney nigger fairytale that you get in TWW.
>A Legion invasion so pathetic, we invaded them right back
Yeah. Quality Warcraft.
screaming, pissing and shitting because I can't get a single Crackling Shard drop. I won't stop shitting my pants. Ion has blood on his hands.
Like it or not, this was peak Warcraft...

Did you already do Tka farm and Bee farm? I got 10 from doing those.
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This is Warcraft.
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Warcraft is This.
>the amount of bismuth required to do anything
I don't even loot the other mining nodes anymore
Will I be able to get m0 groups as a BM Hunter or should I start leveling my healer?
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That's not your character faggot. That's my character and I'm not logged in to Retail. I'm on Epsilon.
>tried paladin after being a warrior main
man i dunno how people play this class..
the mobility, feel, and hell even the damage just isn't on the same level. the pony simply doesnt compare to multiple charges and a leap. i feel like i'm playing in slowmo or something
Shut up dumb tranny whore
If Hunters still have lust, you have better chances than most dps.
You can use lewd mods on Epsilon?
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This is quintessential warcraft
not telling
Hell yeah you can
I haven't searched for a futa mod but I'm sure there is one. There's a super popular swimsuit / lewd clothing mod lots of erpers use on here
Multiple titty sizes mods too, but I go with the smaller boobs sizes myself
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>trying to get the last few ore seams I need to finish mining

Where are you ironclaw seam. WHERE ARE YOU?
That's my character, none of those character assets or transmogs are unique to you.
Kinda sucks to run ferocity instead of tenacity but yeah we do
I noticed their launcher had a patch thingy, do you go through it or through arc?
>heh erm actually
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>see nearly a dozen herb nodes while running a dragonflying race wq
>finish the course and double back
>they are all gone
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This is warcraft
Stop impersonating me.

Is it ok if I level my evoker now?
>only 10 renown
its over
Everyone in discord is laughing at you btw :)
whats renown?
We didn't get it but we know now for sure that it spawns every 8 hours on Emerald Dream
talk about wow
So glad I specced in bismuth..
bunch of literal whos lmaooo
What sort of terms are the coolest sounding relating to mages in wow? Strange question I know but i'm referring to things terms and ideas like: astral, oracle, conjuror, nether, aether, occult, ethereal, etc. That would do a good job, at least in some sense, describing a wow mage or a made up mage rank or title or something. I'm a writer and i'm having a very hard time describing the 'vibe' of a wow mage in words along those lines. I know there's a low chance that anyone will take it seriously and give me real advice but some of you dang degenerates are pretty intelligent and creative and other forums take too long.
Never played WoW if not a couple of times back when WotLK released on a self hosted private server, but recently I've been wanting to fuck around with it to see what I missed. What's the best way if I want to experience the various expansions as they released? I know there's Classic Era for pure vanilla, but after that I also want to play TBC, WotLK and what came afterwards as old players did.
Possibly private servers or something that lets me experience everything as a solo player
I don't like either. Both are bad right now
is it too late to finish up the campaign and start doing every world quest in my 4 alts? i've been full 'tism in professions.
ji-firepaw really is the biggest cuckold in wow huh
<Toxic Troupe> or <Terror Troupe>

I'm expecting Normal/Heroic raiding and attempting to clear Mythic raids eventually
How is posting my world of warcraft character off-topic? This entire genre is based around socializing with other players.
You don't make sense.
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>"yeah bro just shoot yourself back and forth as a part of your rotation and wear out your wrist readjusting the camera every 15 seconds"
there's no fucking way i'm playing that shit this entire talent path can go fuck itself seriously who thought it was a good idea to basically cc yourself every 20 seconds?? lame as fuck
<Mentally ill>
Heroic raiding at least
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This is Warcraft.
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No you can just click Patches on the Epsilon client and drag and drop them in
The mods I've seen have had installation instructions in case you are brainlet like me
I don't use many mods or any clothing mods, just a naked texture pack that uses the basic body proportions instead of huge tits or huge asses
I want to make you smile :)
how do i lvl fast pls respond
absolute zero troonshit. That's all i need.
I see, well where can you find mods
I doubt you can find the lewd ones on Epsilon's official cord / forum right?
Any name is fine
did the alphabet people in twitter and the forums even notice that TWW has no lgbtq2axyz? do they even play the game?
Telemancy (telemancers), Astromancy (astromancers), and Nethermancy (nethermancers) are neat? I'm not really sure what you're asking. Do you just want cool words relating to magic? Or cool-sounding kinds of mages?
it looks like the webbed ore deposits are blasting you with streams of cum
Just do it pussy

Just interesting words related to magic, yeah. Terms that do a good job of encapsulating aspects of magic or have a relation to it and roll off the tongue well, etc.
Name a more punchable face than this retards
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>playing any video game with any anons from /vg/
dont join then, nobody will miss you
Ah nevermind I figured it out I think, thanks Anon
If the stats aren't egregious why not? Flightstones ez to get. They're fairly cheap. They'll be better than anything you can get outside Mythics. M0s are daily locked so they won't be able to be heavily farmed. Any incremental gain will make M+ easier to farm.
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small indie company
You don't punch people with glasses
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thoughts on this tauren BVLL and his elves?
are there any hot girls streaming wow?
limit max
he looks like he fucks that bony undead in his ass
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Yeah it won't be on Epsilon official, give me a little bit because I forgot where the hell I actually got the mods from
Oh sweet, cool then. I am very new to Epsi but I do both adventure / combat RP and some unwinding relaxing ERP on occasion. If you wanna RP sometime just ask
>that trinket that turns you into a ascended narubian
i want to be a spider girl anons
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not really what you're asking for but maybe exploring some of these concepts will give you ideas
>i want to be a ... girl
straightest wow gee poster
There aren't really people who main demon hunters... right?
He looks like he's tied down to a cuck chair and forced to watch an human male paladin breed the two elves instead.
where do monks fit in this?
Why would they ever have the trading post reward and the purchasable mount the same one but with two bad reskins.
chi is spirit energy
Skyriding is fun to the point that any mount that can't fly is poop now and there is no reason to use one while leveling to 70/71.
the theater troupe is fun
I always do that no matter what. It's hold over of back when I used to roleplay basically, still enjoy thinking up lore for them and all that.
Gay centaur poster.
that's like the entire reason DH even exists
it's the whole gimmick that it incorporates movement in its attacks
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What uh, whats the average blizz dev salary, again? Because I think there's a few too many 0's on it.
Ground mounts are also useless too. Unironically they should stop investing manpower into making ground mounts
Which would y'all say is the better choice for a dps casual, mage or warlock? I've got my healer mostly set up, figured I'd get a caster leveled and ready for farming.

No, this is actually really useful. Thanks. At very least it can keep from concepts that Mages having nothing to do with.
god tauren/high mountain look so dogshit in armor.
I've sat on my balls by accident and it surprised me so much I farted on them. Does that count?
What race and sex should I play if I want people to know I enjoy BLACKED?
see >>492799182
eh dh exists as a way to filter out retarded players
you see if you just refuse to play with demon hunters you will find the quality of the game improves
Who the fuck am I
Probably just fem human.
>theater troupe
humiliation ritual
All orcs must die for what they did to the draenei
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I don't want to alarm you too terribly but worgen are humans
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my character's backstory is that it is a virtual avatar created so I can experience shaman gameplay. I don't imagine made up scenarios in a made up world because I'm not fucking retarded. I don't identify or self insert because I'm way past 12 years old.
we'll all soon be 40 years old please grow up.
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They're right.
take a breath dude
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was there always a smoke out of blackrock mountain
literally kek
Based well adjusted adult chad. Stop playing pretend children.
I think if you were to press a magic button that killed all footfags worldwide global average iq would rise about 20 points
yes, though with low distance view it was rarely visible
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How many of you consider a donut to be a feature on a Draenei, be honest.
Are we playing priests this expansion? (World of Warcraft: The War Within)
I'm just so tired of hearing but peoples fetishes or sex stuff at all man. Its exhausting. Just shut the fuck up already.
What the fuck is going on with the grammar in this game? This is the second time today I've come across quest text that's full of spelling mistakes
Why wont Gnawbles the wax kobold sell me stuff for my Firelightcrystals
It varies on looks.
For the most part, no.
Spelling is for nerds and everybody at blizzard is a jock
what its just one little error anyone could have missed-
>oh jesus wept
Where do alliance gather for RP that isn't sex on moonguard?
Didn't blizz fire their QA team for trying to unionize like dirty commmies
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>gather for RP that isn't sex
Check the tooltip for the TWW bandages.
This but all brown races
I just wanna harass people with terrible jokes.
Stormwind, Redridge and Duskwood.
At least that's how it works on EU, I'm sure folks over at NA aren't that different
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Someone explain WoW's combat to me.
Everyone says its "so fast and responsive. Still the best MMO combat out there." I've only tried it once but a friend wants me to play with them. and the combat is definitely faster than something like FF14 in many ways, but I still don't quite "get" what people mean by that. Maybe its just because I was still in the leveling phase when I tried it out ages ago.
Some things seem cool, but some animations definitely seem/feel quite dated, like quickly throwing your arm in the air to cast a spell or the way monk punches and kicks look very "fake" I dont know if thats the right word, but still.
What am I missing or what should I be looking for or trying to "do" in WoW combat as opposed to something thats very strictly rotation based like FF14?
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>on cutscenes
>human shitadin
Third worlders really are whats killing WoW. Fucks sake.
they should fire ion (into the sun) and replace him with chat gpt
I cast Teleport: Jaina's toilet
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can someone tell me which stormwind keep phase is this
I need to get rid of it
>White male paladin
>Level 70
>Pseudo latin name
Do palatards really
>farming comp stomp for valorstones and recipes
>almost every game has at least 1 person with macros to announce their attacks or emote when they die
heh... so this is the power of pve players...
Looks like BFA intro for tutorial island characters since negro captain lady is there.

>Do palatards really
No, we don't claim him
What plater profiles do you guys use? I've tried a few, the most popular ones feel to big and too busy for me. Like they're way over-designed.
Best for me so far seems to be an old Dorki profile but that's geared more around his tanking needs.
need fucking foresnic help to figure out which maze phase you are at
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Since when did they add these tents to northshire?
Thanks bro, time to level a rogue.
Tranny game
>genkaku(厳格 - stern)
a 日本語 name is not better
Is battlenet down? It just sits on connecting.
>hey guys check out this post I found somewhere else
>I want to make fun of them but I can't do it here because I don't wanna get in trouble!
just kill yourself already, you aren't browsing the official forums and plebbit ironically. you're a faggot.
I need to turn in a quest to Jes-Tereth, I found the phase where she stands, but it's the OTHER Jes-Tereth that gives quests to Twilight Highlands.
I don't know what to do.
I AM a paladin. Lights hope chapel is my home. I am the protector of the weak. Champion of the just. I am what stands between man and darkness. I am the shield and the sword. I am the light.

Light be with you.
Any anons in the know, is ERP outside Goldshire more prominent on Moonguard NA or Argent Dawn EU?
me grugg
me swing axe
I'm stuck falling and the character stuck service is not loading
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if your paladin doesn't look like this, you are doing it wrong
wow has a shorter global cooldown with a number of off-GCD abilities and procs. So it can be a faster, higher apm game than FF.
when i tried FFIV it felt really slow and sluggish, like i was constantly waiting around to use my next ability because the extra second on the GCD felt like an eternity.
Also wow doesnt have a rotation anymore, it's more a priority system based on what triggers at a given time.
What would female void elf feet or armpits smell like, anyways?
>1shotting the 4 horsemen in naxx before they split fully resets the encounter, but sometimes also gives loot
Death knights are cooler than paladins
>Troonhammer cosplay
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>People having a menty b over an attractive woman in a video game
Eradicate all human male ret paladins
Stop being sensitive you faggot nerd
Nice wide childbirthing hips faggot
>in dungeon queue, estimated time: 2mins
>get distracted, realize queue hasn't popped for nearly 20 mins
>leave and requeue, pops in 3 mins
>could have finished a dungeon in time spent in queue
fixed you fucking game GGG
So true Maye, except you're a faggot tranny so I don't actually care
(Actually, I care just enough to tell you)
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what happened to fuckable anduin?
He looks like he fucks vulpera girls
>when i tried FFXIV it felt really slow and sluggish, like i was constantly waiting around to use my next ability because the extra second on the GCD felt like an eternity.
I won't try to sell you on 14 if you didn't like it, but do know that many feel like this issue is alleviated once you have your full kit because many do have multiple oGCDs that they weave in between the main GCDs.
Casters may have a different experience, but thats why I dont play Black Mage.
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What spec has a lot of movement and feels good to use?
Pref for casters
he'll be back in Midnight when he marries Sylvanas
am I dumb or is evoker's scalecommander last talent fucked? it says you can steer it now........ but it goes for the maximum distance duration. whereas before the steer you could make the line much smaller. what the fuck lol?
Vgh... if only she had a better hairstyle and at least something to add to her stump so it didn't look like she was trying to shatter her elbow every time she uses her shield.....
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>when the keikaku goes as doori

taking ai sloppa requests for about an hour since I cant sleep
the usual rules apply
Evoker (any spec) if you like to long cast while moving
Fire Mage if you like to instant cast
>Also wow doesnt have a rotation anymore, it's more a priority system based on what triggers at a given time.
So its just start smacking things and hit shit off of CD and then go on procs for most classes?
Interesting. Ive heard someone else say similar, but when its described me to me it seems like that would make classes lose their identity, but I know that can't be the case given how many different specs and shit this game has.
Bro press the spell again
I uh, I already have these two capped and they're my two mains...
I mostly want to level shit for rep / professions
I don't use one. I click on the default UI.
I am in a top 100 mythic guild too.
I hate Xalatath so much.
Playing xiv on 40 ping feels like playing WoW on 200 ping. Japs can't netcode for shit.
Where do I get the armor? All that has dropped for me is dogshit.
>They're my two mains
Well, all the other ones unfortunately don't offer a lot of mobility.
I guess try marksmanship hunter, they're really mobile too and they're almost like casters.
Xalatath with sweaty armpits and feet on the beach.
The one thing I dislike about 14's combat, and immediately noticed a long time ago when trying WoW is the snapshots. It made me get a pretty negative view on 14's netcode after that. But is that the "main" thing?
There's no way to make money by doing old content
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>I guess try marksmanship hunter, they're really mobile too and they're almost like casters.
I got it too at cap already
At this point I'll take something I haven't played much, how are warrior / warlock / shaman?
>wow combat
>mash your builder buttons
>mash your spender buttons
>mash your procs and cooldowns
>do it again
that's literally all there is to it
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How close do you keep your camera to your character?
Whose feet is that?
Warrior isn't a caster but they're as mobile as all the other melee classes. Warlocks are pretty stationary, and so are shamans except for enhancement, which are melee too.
I haven't played Melee in a long time, honestly I was / still am tempted by rogue but I always was a shitty rogue, might try warrior then

boring as fuck?
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For content, about this far. For RP, a bit closer.
Only like 2 classes are build->spend.
The rest operate on a priority system (often convoluted) or a firm rotation.
Warrior (especially Fury) is piss easy so you'll do great, anon
Which one is Demon Hunter? Because I'm an edgy faggot who liked Warcraft 3 a lot and thats what I'm going to play.
it's either build spend or whack a mole
whats with that nightborne whore never wearing shoes? must have some nasty feet at this point. maybe lorthemar is into it
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I barely RP anymore. Left the scene a while back but I still have a love of immersing myself in the world more than the usual PVE/PVPer.
Right now I'm making a collection of a camp-making set with toys.
Wish Blizzard would make proper forests again. Isle of Dorn is nice, the rest of the zones feel like clusterfucks. Is the node up here or down under a cliff stuck between two pillars!?
>Captcha WMRTYR
Ziv has baked in 400ms latency that makes it feel like you're playing with oven mitts on
hello? did you make one
Inertia is injecting amphetamines and hoping for the best.
What about interrupts, stuns, silences, movement, supporting.. there are lots of things besides just a rotation
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armpits and feet are fucking gross but here
you mash those too
Anon u stoopid
This is fucking legendary
More Xalatath feet
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I play both game and while I prefer XIV's animation, I still have more fun with how "Snappy" wow is.
Try playing Viper in XIV, feel how it's theh fastest and yet how each hit feels "empty" and unresponsive
Play Fury right after and you atleast feel the impact while playing.
>t.PUTRID/Stenching ultimate/mythic raider at the same time
Katherine Proudmoore saggy wrinkly milkers
I enjoyed Viper a lot, but yeah not a lot of "weight" to their attacks.
I play monk myself.
Going to be DH when I jump on WoW.
I will say though mage and maybe afflock are on the not so braindead side
>noooo you can't just be a holy man with a big hammer and balls of steel, you have to be le heckin crusaderino with anime armor bro!
paladins are CRINGE
you will never be as based as this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv4jc_nW2a8
Do nyot lewd that tauren girl. She is nyot of age. Do nyot touch her privates without her consent puppygirl.
what are the rules?
I wish I had a gay dracthyr bf
Wait the quality on this is insane. What are you using?
Is there a way to access the non-season mythic versions of older expansions dungeons, that are in this season? Theres two fucking mounts locked off that i missed when i skipped shittolands
and you cant zone into them because theyre ~not ready~
I don't recommend it if you intend on doing any meaningful content. DH to be played effectively has to balance its mobility skills for actual mobility and doing damage. Balancing this is already pretty hard. It's even harder when you have to do it while the floor and/or the boss is doing OHKO mechanics. It's not an insurmountable challenge but if it's your first foray into the game you'd be better off starting on something else first.
Perma visage form evokers when
That fox goons
bored as fuck...
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Im not exactly doing that but here's a kath booba anyway

no males, no sex, gotta stick to the character loras I have installed

pony branched model on local setup
>Im not exactly doing that
Then fuck off
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She needs more porn.
im thinking she needs to get ZUGGED
Alleria and Xal'atath breasts squishing together while they make out passionately.
night elf and blood elf comparing breast sizes
Do zones affect what ores appear more often or am I cool to just fly around dorn?
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already done that a while ago
FemDarkspear Troll and taller FemZandalari Troll, Zanda's bigger boobs rested ontop of Darkspears with a smug smile.
oh wow, that's nice

any night elf with body markings would be cool
well no, its a priority system. based on buffs and procs you press different buttons. its basically a rotation but then stuff changes depending on what proc you got or what buffs you have.

arcane, for example, wants a buff (nether precision) to cast arcane blast with, but to get that buff they need to cast arcane missiles which you can only do with a clearcasting proc. the arcane "rotation" then is to fish for arcane missile procs, use one, then use up the nether precision stacks it gets you (2), then arcane missiles again for more nether precision stacks and so on.
aqirite only spawns in Hallowfall and Azj-kahet but if you only need bismuth and ironclaw then Dorn is fine
I'm really not digging the 1.5 GCD it makes my abilities feel less impactful than in FF I have this feeling that they hit harder in FF because you don't just spam them you know? Also the animations being longer and more flashy because of it probably helps a great deal.
WoW has a lot of fun classes though and the overworld itself is so much better so I don't mind playing both games I just play different areas of them, couldn't get into mythics in WoW I feel like there's just too much CC going on where and a lot of the fights are really just like random bullshit go and just really chaotic in a way that's a bit disorienting
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Their tension is so hot
>ez mine vein
>stupid tnt gimmick
>so many retards dont know to just stand on top of it
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What other toys can I use to make a good campsite? Been using the tuskar and maruuk cooking pots, if theres a bed item, chair or couch item I'd like to know
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Can you do a night elf that looks like mine?
Cowgirl ranch outfit, big tits, tight abs
half the time it doesn't work even if you do stand on it. It's a humiliation ritual
I'm new to WoW but know of Sylvanas cause she's hot. Where is she?
>stand on it
>spawns all of the TNT directly under itself
>oneshots you 8 times over
it's just a stupid design and none of the mining overloads are even worth pressing
don't, he will keep reposting it ad nauseam in every thread afterwards completely unrelated to what shit he says until his tranny brain compels him to change gooning mains again
This is totally non-canon Night Elf breasts are nowhere near that big. Your fanfiction AI art is totally misleading.
NTA but customizied LORAs would probably take more time as they need to be trained, and I don't know if someone would be willing to fry their GPUs a little more for it
Now the other way around. Mana is stored in the milkers
She is doing x hours of community service in hell for being a bad girl basically
is beans good or bad
if a spec is beans, is it good? because beans are tasty
Oh I didn't know it works like that
So you can't customize how the night elf looks?
having sex with the king of stormwind
they're fighting over a tauren btw
>spawns directly under it
>lmao z axis
ive literally mined every node like that
not gotten hit once
Not directly, it needs training which takes time and ressources, see AI as like a living brain.
You need to train said brain to imagine the right proportions facial expression, "race" to proprely show you what you want, that's the whole training phase basically, again I'm no expert and I doubt my 3060 can do miracles, but maybe the AIanon can create a lora similar enough or maybe find it
Female Dark Iron Dwarf pits and tits?
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Not bad for thirty minutes.
Thanks bro, though I'm using the mining potion and for some reason it LOVES to spawn aqirite. So I'm just gonna stay topside and hope it's enough to even out.
Are orcs dindus?
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Why are they allergic to just giving us the actual proc rate of things? There are so many "a chance" things now
they should do a Darkmoon Faire themed patch
>play games for gear
>concert raid
because the game is designed to be impossible to play seriously without using third party tools or guides
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kissing is quite difficult without a lora to help so this'll have to do
some features aren't correct when using regional prompter and multiple character loras, but don't want to redraw this too many times

don't got the troll lora installed

with how AI images work, this request is pretty simple and doesn't need a lora

no such lora, sorry
Darkmoon themed expansion
Because knowing exactly what the fuck a thing does is bad apparently.
>got a trinket while leveling
>a chance to call in an earthen to aid you
Fucking tell me the proc rate and what this "aid" is already.
I wish the game was based enough to make this picture a reality.
Which class has the shittiest class fantasy and why?
the left and right tits are different sizes for both of them... can you fix that?
Easily Demon Hunter, it doesn't make any sense why they fight for either faction. The entire class is too contrived and reliant on Illidan fanboying, a complete joke that should have had a Machinist class in its place instead.
joke origin class, no lore, no major NPCs besides that one jobbing panda, shit transmog
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they're not at a fully direct angle
they're closer together on one side
Monk really should have been panda exclusive or just not in the game
>with how AI images work, this request is pretty simple and doesn't need a lora
Oh wow cool could you do it then? <3
What's the best way to do 1-70 nowadays?
mistweaver is cool, it can stay. brewmaster feels so uninspired tho
>got shoehorned into valhalla shit in legion
>has no identity at all these days
>hero talents (except for dwarven themed mountain thane) are generic offbrand versions of things that exist
Could you make a futa dranei with a massive bulge laying on a bed covered in sweat after sex, a thin blanket would cover her bulge. Also at night time.

no homo
monk, meme class
DH, illidan fanserver
evoker, self-explanatory

really they ran out of ideas after DK
Whats the worst class of the main core ones?
Make Valeera Sanguinar have her hands on her hips and look down upon us dissapointed.
evoker is literally just some class designer's scalie OC that gets to have the powers of all 5 dragonflights at once
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Finally, the quiver/pouch mog came to the trading post. As a celebration, a completely new mog, no more shoulder cape.
>tfw no alchemist-style class who can tank, dps, or support with various concoctions, tinctures, and salves
why did blizzard make an entire race and class out of chen, but seem to pretend this guy never existed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy1AxrShLH4
the valhalla shit was cringe, but Warrior is basically the main character class of the game
Mage has the shittiest/least clear class fantasy of the original classes imo
Why is bolvar still resurrecting people isn't that a really fucked up thing to do
class: muh odyn warrior
spec: reddit pirate outlaw
tinker and alchemist combined could have been a good class
Should I just buy War Within and use a boost to 70? I am really not enjoying the story of Dragonflight.
he's based
i logged in with a trial character and just flew around
i also used some toys
this actually gave me the wow fix
been marathoning tww and im lvl 71 is it too late?
They seriously went way too far with the Eastern flavoring for monk to work with anything but panda.
Fuck even Asian games don't do monk this way
The sad thing is that monk was ALWAYS heavily requested and they completely dropped the ball tying it to pandas and east asian aesthetics.

Bard should exist now that we have Aug and it should do 90% of the same shit so you can pick A or B
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explain how he's wrong.
He's on reddit.
Rogue. WoW abandoned it after Legion from a fantasy standpoint and cohesiveness of their kit.
>average wait time: 17 minutes
nice game
We're not the best but it could be so much worse see Monk, Evoker, Demon Hunter.

I don't mind the Valhalla stuff
i dont really care about the characters
i have dialog muted and i skip every cutscene
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How does one get PTSD when death can be resolved via rez?
What's the best way to get LFR amirdrassil tier gear these days? I need that transmog
I miss combat mace rogue so bad. Why do I need all these meme effects around me and the dumb pirate stuff. Fuck
The ideas behind aug should have been folded into other classes and have a support non healer spec. It would be cool.
I am one of those old players who always leveled unarmed skills and really wanted to make it work. I even played monk in FFXI. But the WoW monk is too gay for me.
the only "emotion" I have for Anduin is hate for being such a little bitch all of the time. time to grow a pair
they pandered to china way too hard
I'm shocked the didn't lean into parts of the old WC3 blademaster when it was sitting right there for a light armor melee
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anduin's namesake is anduin lothar and his father was varian wrynn

not only have we already gone through this exact same character arc of self doubt 3 fucking times with Thrall but it feels like forced character drama for anduin whose rolemodel (his dad) also had self-doubt but he had the mental fortitude to put that aside for the sake of the Alliance

this mopey dipshit is from a royal lineage of fucking warriors, in a fantasy setting this usually means something as well
wow anon you sure showed her
ngl, PvP is what keeps me coming back to this game
there's only so many PvE dungeons i can do over and over again before repetition fatigue
at least i get to meet shitters and sweats all in the same fucking lobby and fuck around in a BG
only BGs though, fuck arenas
cant wait for Blitz, i'll test some troll strats there
there are currently a total of 8 Evokers that are level 80 in Dorn, 6 total monks
absolute deadshit classes that no one wants to play.

I got an aug evoker to 74 and had to quit it. quite possibly the worst designed class ever conceived and miserably un-fun to play.
I straight up have not paid attention to the story since cata
Arthas is Anduin's real father
something is not quite right
WoW devs seem to outright hate WC3 and prior WC games since after Wrath wrapped up. I'm assuming because their shitty stories still can't measure to everything those games set-up.
anduins feelings get solved by talking to a brand new character saying "get over it". anduin should have been talking to any other old wow character who had mind control ptsd/lack of faith in the light

at the end of legion, the alliance was being led by anduin, velen, genn, and turalyon. why didnt velen, genn and turalyon bother to talk to anduin about anything? velen and turalyon could have helped with his faith in the light. genn would have something to say about being cursed and enjoying it. velen again could talk about how he forgave the rest of the eredar and can still forgive anduin. instead a nigger woman cripple told anduin to get over it and thats the end of the story
its a tranny like every nelf poster on wowg
Erm dont you know chuddy masculinity is toxic???
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Can catalyst gear you bought from prepatch event or m0 loot.
monk is actually a fun class, its just everything else about it besides the core gameplay sucks
the entire narrative has to bend over backwards to show it
How many rogues
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Why would you spend time doing this? Are you doing okay, anon? Do you need to talk? wowg's are here for you.
I want skullfox to be my boyfriend so bad it's unreal
fuck off back to twitter or get your meds and overdose joshua
Because we've already done this retarded arc before


Notice how in this cinematic he is standing in the valley of heroes with Varian? all of them had to man up and stop being a bitch and were willing to give their lives for Azeroth and he should be able to

It's especially retarded considering how the heroes in question are literally in this fucking expansion as well
Posting dark enough avatarfag posts,
so it's hard to tell who they are. Yep
it all checks out.

"Talk about the game" "Atleast we keep conversation going". They just keep doing it.

I'm enjoying the expac so far, gonna level some alts and professions soon.
Dpsing is scary, what if you do bad damage and everbody bullies you...
That model doesnt even look like current Anduin. The bone structure and nose is totally different.
Yeah! He's waiting intently for new posts from you cause he hates you so much!
Chris Metzen

from what ive seen over the last few days of checking, Shaman is hands down the most popular at the moment having a good 50% more level 80s than the next highest class.
Then it seems to go
All around the same level

fucking Rogue, priest, evoker and monk almost dont exist. There's more shaman than these 4 classes combined @ level 80
I'm still on the fence if I should buy this
My head canon is that Metzen joined late into War Within and couldn't change everything he wanted. But he will right the ship completely in Midnight. Feel like there's some potential here finally. Compared to Dragonflight this is actually somewhat decent.
metzen made thrall into jesus and removed sylvanas's bikini. why the fuck do you think he will "save" wow? cata was metzens baby and it FUCKING SUCKED
The future queen of Stormwind...
the problem is that Anduin's only character trait since MoP is being a weak pussy that the narrative implies is going to eventually learn inner strength for real this time! but he never does. It reeks of a piss poor writer contriving increasingly stupid reasons to keep reverting their character's development over and over again so they can keep writing the same plot
12.0 will fix everything bros
phil and metzen will save wow
the loathsome danuser is gone, 12.0 is pogging we are going home poggy
>cata was metzens baby and it FUCKING SUCKED
this, fuck me I hated cata
why didn't he just turn malfurion into green jesus instead, at least that would have made sense
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doesn't get it all right in one go, but close enough

Just play Warrior or Ret. Low effort and you'll always be middle pack at worst. If you're half decent you're probably be at the top.
>its great that we can explore such deep and emotional topics with some of the biggest characters in the lore
>anduin talks to 1 brand new character and his ptsd is solved
>he never interacts with any old lore character

i fucking hate redditors holy shit
>why didn't he just turn malfurion into green jesus instead
Because then Horde would have NO conventionally good characters
I'm just coming back to WoW after not playing since the cataclysm and what the fuck is this ruby halls shit...

i know, i played fistweaver the last few expacs and the celestial conduit is a great button to press along with Sheilun's. Much more fun to pug with.
i want to like WW but i just dont, same with brew. Brew doesn't really feel like a tank.
Rogue feels like shit to level. I'm having no fun fighting 200 mobs at once because they decided to turn WoW into Dynasty Warriors except they made you a peon.

Just quit at 75, hate caves, hate earthen, hate blizzard
That's fucking sick thank you bro
>why didn't he just turn malfurion into green jesus instead
because metzen voices thrall and everything has to be about him. his desire to self insert into the story is one of the biggest reasons for the state of the story in the past 15 years
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Soda and Asmon aren't playing the xpac anymore...
I am going to be making loli gnome bm hunter. I need good name for her and wich pets would fit best for little girl like her.
Isn't Ret a meme? Like Ret + hunter are the DPS to play when you want almost no chance of joining a decent guild because they're overpopulated
ruby life pools?
#ad money ran out
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>want more haste
>check honor vendor
>no haste on the pieces i want
you'd probably do better just leveling in dungeons, it's faster anyway
my dracthyr is racist
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Why tho
My dog keeps ripping putrid farts right in my face.
What class should I level next?
I have a warrior, rogue, and pally @ 80.
i might start thinking ret is kind of based if i saw more running around looking like this
instead of the fucking boring t2/arathi plate set that all the retcucks are wearing. that shit is so mid it puts me to sleep
Such a pathetic onions post. Of course Men have feelings you moron. But the ways they handle them is grounds for criticism in society. Unironically you get more shit crying about your problems than you would if you shot up a mall or some other public place. It is what it is. Crying on Reddit about it isn't going to do anything.

TL;DR: What a faggot.
This dudes voice bro
Redditos are the first people to beg a man to share his genuine feelings and the first people to brutally put him down for actually doing that.
Been leveling up as dev. I refuse to aug. If aug becomes mandatory for invites again I guess i'll just see how geared I can get this character through delves only.
Let rogues and hunters equip ranged and melee weapons again
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what does this do
Nice one smoothbrain you forgot the pic
It's not a 'veteran with PTSD' situation, that's not what happened. Anduin's situation is more of a rape victim.
Someone forced himself upon him, and underneath the horribleness of the situation, he felt pleasure he did not want to feel. And he feels disgusted and guilty about feeling that way, so much that he no longer feels worthy of his prior relationship (with the Light). He feels diminished, degraded, broken.

Everyone was telling him that it wasn't his fault that he was raped and he should just continue like it never happened, which would be ideal but isn't practical, because it did happen, and it's difficult to logic away an emtional issue. He's gotta come to terms with it before moving forward. Except then a stranger is starts telling him to just accept the Light again without knowing the details or asking, and... he starts to listen?

That does not seem healthy. That's like saying "meh, it's fine, your man will take you back, he's great like that, you're lucky to have him." Feels like he'll get lead into joining a cult by the time this is done.
i know friends irl who took 2 weeks off of work to go hard on the expansion release and ran out of shit to do at like day 3 lmoa
the days of degenning on a wow release are long gone. the last one was classic unironically
two weeks lmao what retards
Increases your skills related to lush herbs while learning how to make potent mulches. You gain +3 Deftness per point in that specialization while gathering lush herbs.
looks like any other gay dragon
Hunters can do that though?
Warriors should have a ranged dps spec
homie the red dragon doing VA is a litteral tranny from blizz.
>male rape

is what a lot of the redditors would probably say
>Wanted to figure out how to use custom textures on weakauras.
>This is the second guide I see.
We need to kill everyone who plays this game.
pretty sure recipes depend on the monster drops. like the df rares i think are once a day so you wouldn't repeat them for the illusion recipes or lariat in storms or the crest recipes in the caverns. dungeon drops should be repeatable.
going by current supply they'll probably be plenty around 20k on NA this week after reset. EU seems to have plenty below that already. maybe something that settles around 30-50k going by what it is and the rarity on wowhead.
I mean if you're playing with only fantastic people you'll feel the crunch but Ret and Hunters always put our respectable numbers but their big value is always being able to be "on." Hunter, particularly BM, can be permanently moving and always be attacking. Same with Ret. Ret is melee, but also has a ton of range/midrange options that actually hit hard rather than piddly filler this like say poison knives. A good player is going to have very little in-fight downtime outside the boss quite literally being unhittable which allows you to get damage in when others can't. Compound this with having blessings and shields that will let you just ignore mechanics a lot of the time. Always being able to whoop up on the boss compensates. Ret also is very front loaded so while you will gain DPS with better ILVL they're not very gear dependent so you'll be powerful while others aren't but will see less returns as everyone gears.
Only as survival
>Feels like he'll get lead into joining a cult by the time this is done.
If the writing is good, Anduin is being taken advantage of by the Arathi while he is vulnerable, and later down the line will be fully indoctrinated into whatever ulterior motive they have.
However, thats if the writing is good, what's more likely is that the writers just thought thats the best way to solve Anduin's trauma and he is a happy bunny now that someone just told him to use the Light again.
Mulch bro

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