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Two Fat Rats Edition
Previous: >>491825042

>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!
>6th Anniversary Stream

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki
>New Link doc
>Newest Fanart

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura Site
>Official series' Twitter
>Official Shinomas Twitter
>Creator's Twitter
>Official Artist's Twitter
Reminder: we are at the end game now.
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someone on 2ch said it looks like a worm crawling on a nipple
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I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually meant to evoke something like that, considering how the SK2 yoma looked like.
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first for snek
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New thread
New smolos
New smolos sexo
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alright come clean who PSPalized Shiki and Ryouki
smol yom sexo
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I choose the dolphin
1 week
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Good choice
Is SK one of the few games where every character has at least 1 good theme?
Minori has no good themes. Only latinx think that because her songs remind them of that one manchildren show.
B8 disregarded
That's a very specific hate you got there.
El Chavo is good, fuck you
Also the song is actually from a Beethoven song
>2 niggas replied
Dumb minori fans
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imagine the bush
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My Dolphin wife (who is a very mature lady unlike those babus)
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Who are currently the most active Senran artists
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Minnow's better.
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You have no idea.
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Fuck the police.
The hero we needed but not the one we deserved.
Murasaki's massive burned PC game collection.
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6th Diorama contest is happening next week.
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Haruka is a _____.
Mirai is a ____.
Homura's ______ _____s.
Hikage is definitely ___.
Yomi is secretly ____.
really gay
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I accidentally left my Miyabi in the airfryer too long, wat do?
>really gay
no u
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Looks good to me.
These cats need attention
Feed them to the wood chipper.
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Uhhhh gimme the cunk
Imu <3
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I admit to being a little worried about /hlm/ getting momentum when the streamer's controller disconnected with /sk2/ leading 3-1 and the match had to be restarted (PES19 mementum changes hit like Truck-kun).

Thankfully aglel allows pastebins and the one I made for /sk2/ had preset changes if the girls were losing at halftime or at sub time. The preset change broke /hlm/'s momentum and helped the girls rally for the win.
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They'll be back. I want to believe.
They haven't fucked enough anons to be allowed to return.
>a bunch of whos and a Leo orbiter
Give me a good reason they should return.
Let them go
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>yumi set finally got leaked
It's time.
We did get DRILLS so maybe we'll get more Zodiac in the future
I hate Yumi.
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What's she singing this time?
I just ate some ryounas and I'm already starting to regret it.
why are you eating dogs
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that can mean six to four different food groups
I should have known eating a whole box of tempura was a bad idea
can you rephrase that but using senrans
senrans who should have known eating a whole box of ryounas was a bad idea
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it can't be helped
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senrans who know eating 1,000,000,000,000 bean sprouts is a thrifty idea
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Introducing my wife Yomi to non-beansprout foods
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this picture is in my yomi folder

this is yomi
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okay but what if Imu were flat?
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Still can't believe he's gone
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Remember kids if someone offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are very expensive
rule #1: don't underestimate the OTHER GUY'S GREED!!
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Rule #2: If you do PCP you will end up naked in public and likely be arrested soon after
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Good morning Mistress!
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senrans with this vibe?
Ikaruga if she became a crazy cat lady.
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I had a dream there were two Seimeis
i had a dream it was revealed ryōbi was secretly a trap this whole time and everyone here was pretty ok with it
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Does she prefer Coke?
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Anyone with a sense of taste does
Pepsi tastes warm even when its cold, it also tastes like someone threw cigarette butts in it
No, she prefers cock.
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senrans enjoying a nice cold can of bepis
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This is probably one of the cutest Imu images.

Sounds like a nice dream.
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Sino-Russian relations.
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It's been 7 years
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i do not care for haruka
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I care immensely for Mistress Haruka
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Diet Pepsi = Coke Zero > Coke > Pepsi

Orange Vanilla Coke is still king.
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consume your diabetes water and shut up
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I'm more a full-fat Vanilla Coke guy.
And I will never forgive the British government for taking it away from me.

Here's a Fucky.
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kazakiri giving hibari a wedgie
What's the Hibari doing?
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okay now what if Shiki were an ogre
Imagine Yozakura.
I did and she became real as if this was Foster's Mansion world
How can I esca
Gyaru's have layers
Gyaru's have lawyers
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In the world of shinobi, sexually based offenses are considered especially 悪. In Gessen Girls' Academy, the dedicated ninjas who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Babu Unit. These are their stories.

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the local pizazzeria that I like and may stop liking because like time I went there there the owner was training like 3 different jeets changed their sign to say medpizz and now I keep thinking about medpizz
you will eatza the jeetza pizza
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Anal bnuuy.
I had sex with Miyabi again
And haruka
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What is her problem
Her attitude.
Ryoubi seems like she'd get mad at you for cumming inside her ass when there's no real point pulling out.
If you cum in her ass it triggers a phantom pregnancy and she gains 50lbs
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Woah hoooooooooooooooo
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the baby is stored in her ass cheeks
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anal cat
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>Search for Limp Bizkit in archive.org
>Bench Tails comic appears
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imagine the smell
No, thank you
my mom made chow-chow today and the entire house smells like pickling spice
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deero sexo
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Wasn't she a lawyer?
She was also briefly a real estate agent.
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Say what you want about gacha, but holy crap the outfits from NL are pure sex.
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Yes, keep posting more smolos sexo
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>Senran Kagura was a heckin mistake!!!!!
Let it go anon
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where's officer cunk
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time to rub my meat
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Imu cheering for Miyabi.

Paizuri hole.
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Seeing them purchase, praise and give publicity to Concord was the final straw.
We'll build our own SK7, with blackjack and hookers. And Sekiro-style parries.
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Controversial idea: VTuber collab.
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They should bring her back.
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Bring Meiko back. She's hot.
I can't believe cunkord is cancelled
Don't be mad that they funded it, be content that it was a huge public disaster
Imagine a $300 Million budget Senran game.
Imagine the jiggle physics.
With the kind of money, every single Senran must be playable and each one having a unique model featuring accurate measurements.
We can finally have playable Seimei?
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We will meet again.
Senrans love the taste of Kum.
I don't want accurate measurements, I want exaggerated measurements. 100cm should be the minimum.
Maybe you should check out Milk Factory's games.
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Way ahead of you on that one. It just bothers me that for a series known for boobs the girls are only like 90cm on average.
If that's 90cm, I have a bridge to sell you.
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I'm talking about senrans, dingus.
senran paizuri while standing
I don't think anyone here is 8 foot+
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um hello?
How big are they supposed to be?
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Takaki actually bought the damn thing though.
Dude buys everything
concord kagura
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>PBS "collab" paid gacha is back, but not the regular banner
I already used all my gems trying to get koala Fub, but still, they should just make those cards permanent, even the official appmedia account teased them by calling them "tsuchinoko cards" because they are super rare.
The Peach Ball paid banner is back as well by the way.
sex with ryouna until they make pbs cards non-paid
Tsuchinoko mentioned, post fat Hikages
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The appmedia account also brought the topic of some cards having differences between the Mobile and DMM versions, but it's funny how they just stopped giving a fuck about censoring them after a certain point.
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Never forget the super censored cards.
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I've only got regular.
>UA PairHibs gets a 21x mult on the Pairnyuu
That's a nice buff
Which Senrans WERE HAVING A BLAST with Concord until they learned it was going to die?
None of them.
Senrans have standards.
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Is Murasaki a shitposter?
What she gonna do with those?
extensive sponge bath
Well at least she's not putting things up my pee hole.
Taking Murasaki and Minori to Chuck E. Cheese.
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What the fuck is this? I have never heard of it before yesterday but it seems like the kind of thing people would have shitposted about for months.
Sex with Minori in the Chuck E. Cheese bathrooms.
What are its anomalous properties?
Rin remembering when Showbiz Pizza was still open
Female breasts spontaneously disappear in its presence as its udders fill with milk
Observers begin to gain weight at a rate of 3.7 pounds per minutes of continuous observation
Duplicates upon the death of any woman cup size DD or higher
Sounds like it could at least be useful to women with bilateral breast cancer.
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>Ah, lunch
I had to pick up my mom from work today and on the way there I thought I saw a dead cat slumped over in the middle of the road but when I drove past it I realized it was just a pair of pants in the middle of the road.
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Vaginal sex with Kanzaki with her cuter hairstyle.
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>tfw no futa kanzaki porn
tomboy senrans? what are they for?
Rough sex because they're better at handling it.
Anal sex from behind and maybe vaginal sex while reminding them that they're feminine.
I wish tomboys were real
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hair ruffling
Senrans who are into cock worship.
Asuka maybe), Ikaruga (secretly) and Ryōna (of course)
Ikaruga and Yumi are part of the same club
Being into babu benis?
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which senrans watch Cheyenne Cinnamon?
>no one remembers it
[Adult swim]
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Which Senrans love Smiling Friends and which character is their favorite?
Senrans only watch Dora the Explorer
The Smiling Friends' favorite Senrans.
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what is this body type called
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I still think this is better than the rest of the newer games after this.
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no senrans below 100iq past this point
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Someone explain to me how Yumi's whore outfit still isn't in NL. It was even in official promo art.
babu is not a whore you take that back
But she's wearing a whore's uniform.
Ever notice how the best Senrans all have a "y" in their names?
Why, yes, I have noticed that.
Hanabi's plastic explosive body
Why do you guys like Kum again?
Hanabi's plastic explosive fishy
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She's cute. I want to protect her. I want to break her out of her shell. She's fun to play. She has a great design. She Kum.
Kum or Cheese?
Kum on Cheese.
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They should do another outfit swap event.
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Kumming at you.
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senrans with this vibe?
Kat fused with Rin.
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The Yaki.
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Reki's had enough of Toki being the hypnoboob Senran.
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More like Flub.
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Give onee-chan a hug~
Will I be cursed?
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This isn't how you make cum tribute
Wtf, she unlocked Beast like gohan?
cunk blanco
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cunk verde grande
>Don't swallow it yet, Hikage
mirai mirai
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Let her out.
Is she okay?...
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Your government mandated wife.
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Senrans I have eaten:
Ikaruga(pic related)
Katsuragi(pic related)
Yumi(statistically speaking)
Ryouna(forema cerdo)
Ryouna(forma tempura)
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I accept.
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Senrans you shouldn't call at 3AM
yumi but you shouldnt talk to her in general
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still would
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Ryoubi seems like she'd walk around in her underwear if she was your girlfriend.
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To be my gf she needs to exist first
Answering the door wit my dick in ryoubi's ass
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Pulling my dick out of Ryōbi's ass and sticking it in Ryōna's mouth.
thats hot
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Hey, today it's Hyoki's birthday!
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Pulling my dick out of Yomi's ass and sticking it in Mirai's mouth.
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our future
bottomless Miyabi...
bushy Miyabi...
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It's best straight from the source
anti-freeze? yeah
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Imu getting ready to join me in bed.
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V! V!
Let's say you were in a situation where Toki and Yozakura were in your house looking to drain you dry of your bodily fluids, is there any survivable way out of that situation? Asking for a friend.
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What did Hibari just do?
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Grandma's chubby pits...
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I just discovered that it's possible to do a finishing blow on the skyward sword shikis and honestly this feels like the single most overkill move you can do to an enemy in any video game I ever played
Oh my god, Yumi's weird fetish is spreading!
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with me
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Big Dai
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Lately gmail has decided that any email I receive with moon runes in it is possibly spam and now I have to check 99% of the emails I want to receive in my spam folder.
A what?
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Mistress Haruka is too nice, too cool, and too beautiful
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Why is it hot again?
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She just is.
jesus christ I had no idea there was such a thing as skyward sword hiyoris holy fuck
Post the Skyward Sword Ayame
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Why are they like this?
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I wish Yagyuu was real, my gf and not gay
I use my wish to make that other guys wish not happen.
I just found out this is Yagyuu
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stop trying to rape mirai
when's cheese
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Jack Black as Homura
What item do you need to breed a Mirai?
>not Homura as Jack Black
When are we abolishing likeness laws so we can get the hollywood anime gacha game where all the girls are based on fat old comedians and washed up actors
"I'm a Big Waifu, and I want a Big Cereal!" - Orson Welles-chan
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Personally, I'm waiting for WWII anime gacha
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oh hey, new snek
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Do senrans rape each other?
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after I wanted to upgrade this snek to lv 120, I noticed I already the card maxed
why the hell it said "NEW"?
It's not rape if they have an orgasm
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she aint the cunk if she aint got the spunk
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Did you purchase the already upgraded snek from the store?
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Start liking Ranmaru.
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haruko sexo
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Holy shit he actually was twomad
That's not proof.
Mistress Haruka should dominate Ryouna and Ryoubi and Ryouki and make them all good piggies
I keep thinking about Neps. How do I stop?
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I guess it was that, I haven't seen the non-UR art
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we need more ageha porn
We need a Granblue collab.
We need Haruka.
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I need chocovanilla
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Oh, it's Asuka's birthday
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she's planking
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smolo birthday impregnation
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It is also Drills birthday
Ginrei birthday GIGA DRILL BREAKER
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axolotl senran
closest we got is Basho
When is Kagurun coming out boyos
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it's here
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Maybe Tokyo Game Show? Or whenever the next New Link stream is?
Where's the ass?
So christmas
I assume these birthdays are Japan time? Meaning tomorrow for us?
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>flying bird
>is actually a frog
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Good afternoon boobgen,
The invitational senran divegrass team /sk2/ will be playing /eurovision/ in about 15 minutes or so. It's win-and-in for /sk2/ and here's the link to watch:

i think there's a glitch in that image fubuki's boobs aren't supposed to be that big
Post more of Foobers' Foobies.
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A fucking elf.
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grand bab
>squandering the sex opportunity
Yes, I would like the canonically 225lb fat foob to sit on my lap
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I'm still mad that Hikage didn't make it
How did we get such a bad roll on player status?
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A fucking elf!
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>hibbers ignoring the ball
kazakiri's only mistake was not finishing her off
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/sk2/ defeats /eurovision/ 2-1 to advance to the /ag/ League 8 knockouts. The girls will play either Thursday or Friday in the Round of 32. I'll let you know the day and time when I find out. And in just under three weeks, /skg/ will take the pitch in a friendly against /ddg/.

Thanks for showing up and supporting the girls of /sk2/!
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Fubuki's boobs should always be that big
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Who is the whoiest who down in Whoville?
The ones without Yaomai porn
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The world may never know...
How many licks does it take to make a Senran pop?
about tree fiddy
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Yaomai not doing Tamazuri is really unfortunate
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Gay Drills vs. Femdom Drills.
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probably some of the recurring borderline-character mooks from NW
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Was there an official Haruka photocopying her ass card or did I imagine that
I wouldnt be surprised but I dont rememebr
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why is the bubu naked?
she'll get a cold
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they just kind of exploded
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that's not good
she should go to the doctor immediately
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marry the bubu
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cute butt
I want more of this
Gay senrans that are about to have wild sex
can I just knock her up and get her put on a teenage pregnancy reality show and leave?
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I think his art is going backwards
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