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#6205 Potential edition

Previous: >>492741865

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-04-15/ (Apr 15/Next Banlist: Late August)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (TBA, probably Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
Rangeban the UK when?
Why is no one playing White Woods?
A shame
But I think this has potential in a 60-card Branded deck
I think I will put Maximus there
Shit deck
Too expensive
Did you miss YCS Sacramento or something?
15th yes. 29th I SHOULD be able to, but that one's unclear.

I'll be gone for most if not all of October. There is a small chance I can be back on the 27th, but if I can't I'll be back on November 3rd.

If someone wants to take over for a bit, I will be able to provide support (updating and posting the custom ban list and spreadsheet), I might even be able to play. However, since there's a real chance I'll be unavailable it's better I don't host unless I know for a fact that I can. If no one wants to replace me, we'll just take a break for a bit.
You CAN run it, it’s just not optimal.
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>no borreload
>no appo
>no linkuriboh
So uhh
How exactly do I play doodle beast dinos these days?
I ran them with scrap to get those on board, and linkuriboh let it happen. Saw the recent changes to the ban list while at my locals playing another card game, and realized my pet deck is dead.
How do I un-dead it?
Any dino bros have a deck list for doodle beasts to pass along? These have some of my favorite card art in the game.
Never. Its how fate rolls
Too busy uooohing
>How exactly do I play doodle beast dinos these days?
Asl Sorafag. Doesnt he play all the childish decks?
I can't believe they printed this, fuck trans-v
>tfw no Ojama Chthonian White Knight Beetron Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon
>faggot mods ever doing anything useful
They let that faggot shitpost endlessly on purpose.
Sorafag is a fraudulent scrub with zero tops and has zero authority, stop putting him in a high pedestal like the dumbfuck nigger simp you are.
What does Troonsei juice taste like?
>high pedestal
>playing retarded shit decks like Doodle Beast means high pedestal
Lmao he plays shitdecks and youre asking about a shitdeck.
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Like or dislike this banlist?
literal nothingburguer banlist 4/10
You're replying to someone else.
I know my petdeck is shit. Anything whose entire gameplan was borreload x-mat appo was shit even when I still played actively.
>they won’t hit appo fags on suicide watch

This list is good. Sorry the trannies on twitter are having a meltdown.
>not a single handtrap hit
Lamer and gayer than the LGBT.
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>pause at any moment
>every design is cool as fuck.
ggs, Strongest Elementsaber boss btw.
It’s funny how this list has put OCG dickriders in a conundrum where the “the list is bad” fags like you have zero recourse.

They’re running 6-9 max C depending on the deck and their handtrap “hits” are semi limits.
Bruno's sweaty balls.
hitting apo is good but that doesn't make the list as a whole good.
the meta is literally the same before and after. shit list.
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Dislike, my princess is still banned.
How do you even play this in 2024?
With 9 copies of Torrential Tribute, apparently.
I'd imagine by mostly praying for support
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you don't
can't you literally do the same thing but with REF and get a negate for your troubles
It's funny how you think your opinion matters.
It doesn't. Verification not required.
Erm your delinquent duo wincon?
What interacts with "at the start of damage step". I think last thread somebody was asking about Chundra and somebody said Chundra can't be ashed because damage step. Can this guy be negated by something like Dispater?
Dark Magician retrain specialized for every Yugi archetype (one for Buster Blader, BLS, Gaia, etc.)
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but it's not as funny.
The goal is to meme hard with the biggest Watthoppers you ever saw in your life.
Doesn't that just get beaten by Zeus?
I think dark magician should focus on fixing his unplayable shitty garbage deck first.
I've always liked this dude.
You'd think they'd like print an actual decent target for all the crossover cards they give Dark Magician
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it gets beaten by breathing on it. it's a meme deck. don't overthink it
Chaos Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon Neos
Does this change fiendsmith at all?
member gishki
>master duel ladder
>top 5
>2 tears players
>one of them is top 1
Bery naisu Konami
no and the retards that think it does never heard of necroequip.
I remember how they got a narwhal and everybody made a big deal about it, then I blinked and it disappeared again.
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Researcher Buddy and Robina
The narwhal is good, everything around it isn't, which is why it ditched it for spright, and then that died too
Despite all the flaws, master duel's banlist does a good job keeping a lot of decks competitively viable. It's much better than OCG balist and arguably better than TCG if you can live with the roach.
We'll be 2 half roaches soon and then we won't have a "but at least our format doesn't revolve around 1 handtrap" argument anymore.
It's interesting to think that we never got good elemental versions of Chaos or Dark retrains barring exactly Moulinglacia and pre-errata Grandsoil before Chaos/Dark retrains, barring Levianeer, got powercrept in general
We are literally getting fuwaross + nibiru format soon. It is a good thing that high king is still free with fiendsmith engine. I don't want to die to petdecks that happen to open a nibiru
No one has been talking enough about this so I'm gonna say it, I'm glad they hit king calamity, it was the correct hit fuck that piece of shit
The design is too sick for it to be left in an unusable card. The GY wasn't being used as much as it is now when this card was created. The moment it did, he became too slow of a summon to justify running it over anything else. RETRAIN WHEN?
The next Egypt archetype.
>while this card is face-up on the field
What is even the fucking point of this redundant text when it's clearly a Continuous Effect?
Spright can use it with Mannequin Cat
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Another day in my piece of shit incel paypig investorcuck diaperfag lardass Arc-V loving life
Because retards wouldn't understand and/or lie about it not being clear enough
as a dogmatika player lacrima was annoying as shit because you couldn't rip extra decks in peace so it's alright
the rest are kinda nothingburgers, snaye eyes and yubel are still so much better than anything else it's insane
the next mainset after rage of the abyss will have a new pot card that is meta
Pot of Arrogance (Master Rule)
Are reveals this week or next week?
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If we analyzed kaibas DM deck objectively from a competetive standpoint, this is his actual strongest card.
1900 on a Normal summon is insane
It's funny because Vorse Raider is a really late beater. Gemini Elf beat him to the punch
Has voice lines in kaibas power of chaos btw.
This card just makes me laugh by how they're acting like Dark Calvary didn't already exist and how they're coping for actually using Dragon Champion for this is a stupid idea. This is just another Timeaus target
>Hey Lois, remember the time i was an X-saber
I love it.
>1300/2000? Yeah, that's fine as a Level 3.
>1800/2000? Whoa, slow down, as a Level 4?! You. Are. NUTS!!
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Never forget early Crush Card might as well have just been an alt win con
Check THIS out!
I blame Timeaus And DM being purple, the same color as fusions for all the fusion autism DM has. They clearly want you run to Timeaus in the deck as an anime reference.
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>Aqua Madoor is perfectly fine and balanced
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Why was blue eyes such a big deal in DM when shit like this existed?
It's funny because only Joey lost to this card destroying his deck. Yugi, Pegasus and Ishizu all played around it.
Now show Riryoku.
Then just make it searchable you fucking niggers
It had the strongest original attack and it was crazy rare. Only 4 ever existed.
It's very funny that the spell cards are all treated as a card that don't actually exist.
It's also very gay that they made Timaeus into generic DM support vs the original being useable for any monster thus ruining the gimmick behind the Legendary Dragons
>the strongest original attack
This is still a big deal for Konami btw
They refuse to print a vanilla with higher ATK than BEWD
Rarity is also a big factor
Here you go bro
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>Aqua Madoor is perfectly fine and balanced
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Pegasus and Ishizu cheated with magical awareness of the strategy, Yugi is the only one to fairly face it and win.
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This is one of my favorite "ridiculously broken anime exclusive early DM cards."
I forgot how silly the manga version of the card was. Halving LP for nothing and a permanent boost is hilariously dumb.

I guess it also helps that no one thought of them as bricks before battle city rules existed. And there must've been equally ridiculous equip cards for other types
They just really hate the doma arc for some reason.
Everyone overseas loses their shit over seal of orichalcos nut japs just see it as a random filler arc.
Doma was dogwater, but for some reason it's the arc all the sequel anime took the most inspiration from.
Long boi
>It's very funny that the spell cards are all treated as a card that don't actually exist.
It's for Legend of Heart needing less text to explain what it targets
>It's also very gay that they made Timaeus into generic DM support vs the original being useable for any monster thus ruining the gimmick behind the Legendary Dragons
IIRC the mindset behind the TCG print is that Timeaus was only used for Fusions using DMG and DM (they interpreted Timeaus' rejection of Poison Butterfly as an illegal activation of it and not Timeaus rejecting Atem because he tainted his heart with the Orichalcos) so they went with it being generic Dark Magician support (which was a dumb move because now it's unsearchable with DM support, it should have listed DM or DMG separately)
wasn't this Keith's?
Yugi cheated constantly.
>heart of the cards
It's literally ancient Egyptian magic whose activation requirement is an emotional connection with your cards.
It stacks the deck.
It's cheating.
It was. He used it on his duel with Joey.
It's great how dumb it is, and then they put it in Duelists of the Roses for the last boss to just randomly use on you as a regular card.
Your mom was dogwater
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>this card is always treated as its OCG name
>Gate Guardian is so ass they could print manga Riryoku for it
Is that Sora as dressed up as Ze Amin?
Everything in your post is purely dub nonsense
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only 5 days until release and they still havent revealed the last card
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The ultimate win condition against Spell decks.
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>original could also banish the cards from the Deck
>ruin its playability ON PURPOSE because 3 2800 ATK monsters that are otherwise bricks is TOO STRONK
>also gut The Eye of Timaeus by making it unsearchable
I am eternally mad.
>try to build gate guardian
>it ends up being like 35 engine and supplemental engine requirement
Sheesh. Just kill me. At least they look cool as shit, so I have something pretty to look at when I wipe in all my rounds.
>the omni-negate which floats
>the link that searches the field spell
What's the last meme?
It was an arc headed by Yoshida Shin who Konami gives so much work you'd think he's Kaz' successor even though he fumbled the moment he had to start making series compositions on his own.
Oh shit
I just realized it's Monday in Japan and there wasn't any reveal today despite being a new month
Yoshida's basically the one guy that actually wants to work on Yu-Gi-Oh's anime and manga even if he's mediocre as hell.
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Yoshida is the only one who cares but he just sucks (and hates women)
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I'm upset that Hermos and Critias don't work with Red-eyes and Blue-eyes like how Timeaus works with Dark Magician.

Red-eyes has Slash Dragon which loves monsters being equipped to it and Blue-eyes has Tyrant Dragon which resets Traps so Hermos and Critias had serious potential in both of these decks
I just wanna say i fucking hate Yoshidas art style. It's not bad it's just bery mediocre in a specific way that somehow pisses me off. I just want him off the fucking IP already, he was given too many chances amd he's always mid to shit.
He doesn't understamd what makes Kaz's art work.
Blue-Eyes Majesty Ultimate Spirit Chaos MAX with Eyes of Blue White Dragon
Yoshida doesn't have an art style you retarded nigger, he's a writer.
>hates women
>keeps focusing on ygo girls like Raye
I thought Yoshida was a writer not an artist
And it's just a girl with a dragon costume.
FUCK i meant miyoshi. Yoshida sucks too
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>mfw Jackpot 7
>>keeps focusing on ygo girls like Raye
Le'ts be honest, Konami forced him to write that because Raye is their creator's pet. Magistus manga is gay as fuck.
>Nips have shit tastes
And water is wet
water isn't wet
Catapult Turtle FTKs would never be the same
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the problem with GG is that most of the s/t require GG on board to function properly so the best way to play with it is in a mill deck
horus/gg is somewhat playable
>YGO will never have a reasonable writer because no one wants to touch a series that's just Beyblade for edgelords + convoluted gameplay

Are gaijin tastes any better?
I genuinely wonder how much of the shit taste we see in anime and manga is from their targeted demographic and how much is from the supervisory staff in publishing companies who get the final say in all arc and plot development.
It's fucked up that Soul Charge is this bad
Catching up on modern ygo animes and this sora dude is fucking psycho
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Yugi's mulligan card.
That shit is 10 years old.
>no fun allowed game printing
Couldn't they just make it shuffle ALL your cards in hand, field and GY as cost if they were so worried
As if playing a gate guardian deck wasn't enough of a punishment, you need to have it on field AND lower LP as a requirement just in case some madman ever tries to FTK somehow.
>bozos would rather let the timer run out than give you the win on edopro
Spiteful little fucks
When I was younger I used think this card was cool because it was Reload + it helped you dodge cards like Mirror Force. I remember maining it in the old PSP games.
Happens in pretty much every online multiplayer game with a timer.
dark element lets you cheat out this guy which can search it
unfortunately its still a 2 card combo because dark element requires GG in grave
Why didn't they just retrain the 3 Guardian parts into Kashtiras and then retrain Gate Guardian himself into something decent? The deck is majorly bogged by needing to run those 4 bricks
Almost thought you were talking about dng Sora and he's just a dumb kid in the anime. He's the equivalent of im nice on the outside of bad in the inside but in reality just needs some friendship.
A little of both.
Average people aren't really deep into digging for the good shit and especially nowadays following what's trendy to be in on the popular thing is a major part of anime viewers.
At the same time, the popular studios are able to be kingmaker simply by being the pushed anime of a season. I seem to recall discourse when Jujutsu Kaisen was just a manga that it was mocked for being so cliche and dull but the moment it was given to a studio famed for sakuga everyone started acting like it's great because they can share highly animated fight scenes on Twitter.
Also editorial mandate is extremely powerful. Shonen Jump's editors are so hands-on that there are people who debate how much creative control Kishimoto even had over Naruto, and there is at least one prominent story about how Attack on Titan was approved by Jump but they wanted to make so many changes to the concept their offer was declined and the series was pitched to Kodansha.
The Azure-eyes Silver Dragon retrain SOON
they should just turn the pieces into millenium cards so that they can place themselves from hand, seems more fitting
the water/wind fusion is very good so they have at least have something
>I seem to recall discourse when Jujutsu Kaisen was just a manga that it was mocked for being so cliche and dull but the moment it was given to a studio famed for sakuga everyone started acting like it's great
Mappa is a very mid studio, outside on animating very well they're shit on managing the actual animes they produce
>Jujutsu Kaisen
>Vinland Saga (and this one is overseen by it's managaka)
that's all the decent stuff they have
Also JJK panders to fujos, you understimate how powerful the autism of both japanese and western fujos is
The Gate Guardian support is just disappointing man. I thought BLS was bad but at least he actually works on his own. This deck falls apart without an outside engine to fuel it.
>vinland saga
is there a more cucked manga that this? thorfin is the biggest cuck in the history of shounen jump
I was very confused when people were talking about how good AoT looks because it was animated by Mappa. I thought Madhouse was the sakuga studio, I also thought Mappa's AoT kinda looked like ass
>becomes leader of the vikings, gets a virgin gf and gets her pregnant
>is there a more cucked manga that this
there are FAR more cuck manga than this
This shit so tame compare to like, AoT, MHA, Rent GF etc..etc...
>he doesn't know
I find it great how KoA took a look at the worst parts of old anime archetypes like Cyberdarks and Sacred Beasts and Crystal Beasts in which all the good support is used to fuel the most dogshit main deck in existence and asked "But what if those good cards were bad TCG exclusives instead"
I only want to shitpost: the post
you're in an open relationship i guess
Ghoti is truly a test of patience
Did he stutter?
Anyone wanna scrim rn?
I appreciate how they printed a single good card for it and everything else is just glacially slow as shit
>Also JJK panders to fujos, you understimate how powerful the autism of both japanese and western fujos is
how bad could it be?
>how bad could it be?
Fujos were trying to get in contact with ISIS to put a hit on its mangaka
>fujos managed to contact ISIS members better than /pol/
how embarrassing
Ghoti as a whole feels like it's at the cusp of being good, it just seems that the cards are a bit too slow and there's not enough generic fish that can speed it up to put it up. I still wish guoglim wasn't such a fucking waste of space
I have no idea of nip women but here in the west there are a like an arm's long of garbage tv shows that survived cancellation for over a decade out of pure fujo audience numbers
I really like that they made the dogshit "draw the 2 card combo or these cards do literally nothing" in White support, and that they printed a Fish Synchro that conflicts with Sardine and actively makes Keaf worse (You would infinitely prefer being able to turn any level 4 Fish + Keaf into Arionpos)
Dinos are basically fucked. The lines are all worse than they need to be and the new extra deck dinos from WISU don't help. I'm pretty sure the next banlist is going to pop some more strays into UCT's corpse. And they'll never unlimit Misc even though the deck is shit with or without it.
Next year will be Year of WATER/Sea Serpent, based on recent support
Will that somehow help Ghoti/White?
Both Shark and Merlanteans could easily segway into Ghoti shit and simply choose not to because the payoff is non existent. Like it's actually kind of a massive problem because not only is Ghoti's payoff (and engine for that matter) kind of weak, it also conflicts with pretty much all WATER shit, as it turns out none of them want their field to get banished, which is why them not supporting the original Generation Fish for Ghoti was kinda baffling
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Jurrac's 4 bandaids will all help dinosoup greatly. Trust the plan.
Even with them printing a card that searches a field spell that searches any Dinosaur then summons 3 monsters they still don't have a 1 card combo
I mean, Deep Beyond is non-OPT
But yeah, its really hard to keep spamming that, when the SS is during SP
This is also non OPT btw
Do i expect
>1 Monster that make you Accel Synchro
>1 Monster that Special Summon 2 more from GY or deck if SS from GY
The new BLS support relied on isolde didn't it? Died when the girls did.
>abused Halq Baronne Apo and Savage
>were also known for Extra Deck rip with Lythosagym and VFD abuse when it was still legal
Dinoniggers unironically deserve nothing and getting all of their toys banned is divine justice for their faggotry
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The problem with that outside of difficulty, is that most of your Ghotis will either be in hand, banished or GY by the time you can shit out Deep Beyond so he ends up nuking your board for no benefit
That's what I'm saying brother. Dinos are the original slop deck. Hell the deck is called Dino but it's endboard was always full of generic bullshit. Misc should be banned just so that I never have to see that deck again.
You forgot that they still have Laggia, Dolkka and Lars as negates. Dino players are 100% crying bitches for no reason
Nervall POV
>the deck is called Dino but it's endboard was always full of generic bullshit
That's literally every deck that doesn'tget locked mid-combo, dumbass. Konami has never and will never print enough good cards for an archetype to make its pure version better than the alternative generic slop.
>FIRE Dinosaur
100% Chance that Jurrac will have generic FIRE Dinosaur searcher
And will unbanned Misc in TCG to shill it
>how dare you use generic tools in a game that gives majority of decks no good tools
Kek, i bet youre the same fucker that complains about t0 metas
Halq was never a major part of Dino's viability in the TCG. Infernoble and Adamancipator were strictly better at that. Scraps did what Halq wanted to do but more in-engine due to not needing to use your Misc summon for a tuner. Combo variants of Dinos were pretty much always worse than unga bunga beats. Baronne being added to boards when Xeno got added was simply a way to use a level 4 and a level 6 when those were on board instead of two level 4s or two level 6s. Certain lines went into her but not always. The Evolzars were almost always better. Savage was a Scrap thing but there were better combo decks and Scrap Dinos literally never topped.
Linkurboh was 100% necessary to turn the lowest to the ground line into a single UCT with a Secure Gardna to sac. What was a self contained combo now requires an extender or a hand trap in hand to burn for Evo Pill. Losing Apo kills off the rest of the combo end board potential. This was a deck that got support last year. The search spell was at the top of WISU's singles prices and yet the deck was still nowhere the be seen. It sucks to see the go-to locals budget beginner deck die a painful death.
Misc isn't banned
Yeah, i mean unlimited
>check /v/'s MD thread
>someone is shilling Rush and the "tcg is toilet paper" guy is posting homosexual fantasies about him
Not sure who to root for in this scenario
Already better than Son's diaper spam
Deep Beyond's field banish kinda discourage from souping anyways, realistically you're at best adding Askaan
At least you can fix Jurrac by give them access to FIRE Dinosaur easily
How the fuck can you fix AoJ AND Worm
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I'd play White Forest, but I still need to buy my third Engraver for Noids/Live*Twins.
Yeah, judging from the last TW set, they'll just get a couple extenders that will carry the entire deck, a S/T that doesn't do much at all, and a new boss. Hoping that boss can be a UCT successor. How down bad do dinos have it when an SD boss from several years ago is still their best option?
Pure FKs feel like an infinitely better platonic version of what Ghoti wants to be
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You now remember/know Duelist Nexus' Rex Raptor cards.
It's so fucking annoying. People complain about revealed decks being shit but clap like retarded seals when all the generic tools that make those shit decks playable at a semi-viable locals level get banned for the top meta deck's sins. I now know what it feels like to be a synchro enjoyer when Halq was getting all the tuners banned. Linkuriboh's ban fucks a bunch of my locals decks. Baronne's ban fucks all of my synchro decks. Savage's ban fucks up Dragons. Now Apollousa's ban fucks up two of my favorite decks of all time: Pendulum and Tri-Brigade. Konami is making sure every deck I could potentially dust off and take to locals will be unplayable. Well fuck you then Konami. I'll just play Commander instead.
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>lost Zoos
>lost Simorgh
>lost Elf
>now also lost Apo too
Has there been lore deck more punished than Tribrigade? And don't say Tears, those whore shouldn't have been born to begin with
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>what if we made the jobber's cards hot garbage even with 20+ years of power creep and design knowledge on hand?
God I hate Jewnami's sick jokes.
Dinos would need to be pushed extremely hard to not be worthless in the TCG. The engine requirements are too large. There's zero room for hand traps even with Misc at 1. Last year when Dinos had all of its generic ED tools the deck was still trash because it couldn't interact for shit.
Worm isn't really salvageable, they have a grand total of 2, maybe 3 good cards out of the 30ish archetypal cards. AoJ might be salvageable if they double down on the "synchros that hate the living shit out of non-darks" thing, but it's gonna take a fuckload of custom cards
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I appreciate the card that clearly wants to search a very specific target(s) that they made generic so it isn't complete shit so you instead have to wonder when they'll print like actually good search targets for it instead
>AoJ might be salvageable if they double down on the "synchros that hate the living shit out of non-darks
Just give them VFD in Synchro version and 4 good main cards to turbo that. problem solved
AoJ is pretty obvious, just make an in-archetype DNA Transplant that hits the opponent's cards literally everywhere, no matter where their monsters are they become light
Worms they can do whatever with, outside Xex, Yagan and W Nebula it's just flip monsters with random mid 2000s filler effects and a Timmy fusion boss
Worms were at Worlds. They've probably had greater success than most archetypes you like
I don't agree with this.
I played a lot of dinos in my time. They really don't need an overhaul. A select few cards would be enough to push them to the top.
If the goal is to actually utilize the original cards and not just make the new cards carry all the weight then I think Jurracs seem like the hardest to fix because they're all schizo battle effects that are bad by GX standards. Even after support, they will be relying hard in dinosoup.
>worms already have a decent foundation of flip+reptile soup, they even managed to playable in modern setting with some copium
>AoJ...they already combined AoJ with genex, but all they can really do is double down and make them even more anti light but good this time and with a built in DNA transplant
>VFD in Synchro
nah, make it floodgate all monster effs except darks and unaffected by card effs except dark monster. Both strong and weak cause it gets outed by S:P super easily
>take a quick gander at several monster types in RUSH
>multiple of them are languishing in the 20-30s while Dragons and Warriors have 100+
I appreciate that even in their spinoff Konami has not learnt a single goddamned thing
>Dinos keep getting shot in the head but Agents not only get Melodious as back up engine but also get Eva back from the banlist despite both decks spamming generics non stop
what the fuck, is this favoritism from Konami?
What about DARK attribute?
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>have one of the coolest archetype names of all time
>have a number of cool as fuck designs
>but be one of the worst archetypes of all time
>made twice as bad because of the number of members and pseudo members you have (Genex Ally, which are also hot garbage)
>your best fucking Main Deck member is a situational hand trap
>other Decks can bring out your boss monsters better than your can
>got ZERO (0) fucking non-monster support because??????
As 1 of 4 AOJ fans in existence, I can't BEGIN to tell you how much it hurts to exist.
Yeah, a lot of people forget just how good nebula meteorite is. Shove in some karma cannons and trap trick, and it was somehow a competent rogue deck.
Misc fucked everything up
One of the biggest characters uses dragons, and a huge chunk of its card pool is based on DM-era stuff, so that's not exactly surprising
The difference is no one fears Agents or Drytrons returning to Herald with no Beatrice
Konami took the agents out back and painted their barn red with their blood with all the ED bans we've seen the past few years.
Melodious is kind of bad against the actual good shit right now. And the actual good shit is still the best shit even post-banlist since it didn't do anything to stop the top decks.
That's not what I mean. They'd need to compress multiple cards or shortcut the combo lines to be able to make the deck viable in a game where 9-12 hand traps is "cute but not enough'.
>S:P reprint already in the tins this month
>next banlist should be around December 20-31
Lmao S:P is not going to make it to 2025, nigga
The Structure Deck that retrains all 26 Worm monsters as alliterations and also throws in some of the non-Reptile worm retrains too
Handtrap formats come and go. We'll be back to 9-12 hand traps being the staple this time next year
I can't play Dinos because I don't agree with the notion of having to kill cute baby dinos in order to play the game.
who is the gardevoir of yugioh
>having to kill cute baby dinos in order to play the game.
But that's the canon way to play Dino in GX
Just play Dinomorphia and kill yourself in order to play instead
What do you mean by that?
Technically even more if you take into account High Dragon and Celestial Warrior, the Fusion exclusive types
Blame Misc for that
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This reptile/worm is technically a part of the archetype. Use you unexpected dai/primoredials if they ever get more support, I guess
>Konami took the agents out back and painted their barn red with their blood with all the ED bans we've seen the past few years
then why they were celebrating the Eva unban yesterday instead of crying
Do "rogue" decks exist anymore? Trying to get back into the game, but it just seems like every banlist is tier 0 format regardless of what gets hit.
Rogue definitely exist.
Kind of but not really. They're just decks you'd recognize as significantly more powerful than anything reasonable but instead of competing with raw number of interactions or total ignorance like the tier 1s they're trying to FTK or spit out protected floodgates.
Exodia is one
Nope. Konami had a very clear shift in game design in 2020 and hasn't shifted from it yet.
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Drytron looks fun now that it isn't Herald turbo or Magician of Chaos turbo. Is this Drytron list?
Exodia is just an anti-meta stun deck. I don't think that's what he meant.
because Agents can spam any other level of synchroslop unlike Dinos who can only make level 10 and 8
Also Dinos only have Scrap Wyvern as a Link and the others have not only 2 Links of their own but also Spright synergy
DMG. You can argue that DMG's pokemon equivalent should be from Kanto but Kanto doesn't have waifumons except dumb shit like Jynx
Tell that to the vaporeonfags.
>Bombergirl is implementing marriage
When is Konami making YGO more like Bombergirl
>but Kanto doesn't have waifumons except dumb shit like Jynx
You're telling me that Togepi and Jigglypuff aren't female?
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what do trickstars do now with the recent support? are they still dogshit?
neither of those are in the same category as gardevoir, lopunny etc.
They don't do shit outside of janky FTKs or le ebin Reincarnation handrip
>Togepi and Jigglypuff
Nigger what the fuck
Still losing to Umbreon, Sylveon, and fucking Eevee.
Give people ptsd from 2018
funny how Konami sees the issue of dino lacking good thematic boss beyond UCT and opt to make an entire series of extra deck dinos that...extends
> 2018 Trickstar was 18 handtraps
MR4 truly ruined Yugioh
Yes they do but most of them aren't what you're used to know
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>Reprints card
>People FOMO buy it until it's the same as the older versions
Maybe we're the problem with this game
It's just investors buying shit out. Happens constantly.
You mean investorniggers
I am forgotten...
Isn't there a bunch of other versions of this anyway that are cheaper? I remember the silver one from BLC1 is like $1, if that.
>The Pendulum Dino that does nothing
>named after his finishing move
>finishes his enemies by giving them head
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>■ Choose one of the following.
>► Tap 3 of your opponent's creatures.
>► Draw 3 cards.
>► This turn, your next creature costs up to 3 less to summon. It can't cost 0 or less. When you put that creature, that creature gets "speed attacker" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "speed attacker" doesn't get summoning sickness.)
What are your thoughts on Duel Master's equivalent to Triple Tactics Talent?
Just hide his post and move on. Pokefuckers are a special breed of mental illness.
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I would fuck this TTT
>He's not waiting for Tins so that a new Neo Ultimate or Mausoleum can tank their graphs
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>Togepi and Jigglypuff
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Peasant Archtype when???
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>DBP waifus are souless trash
Oh no what a surprise
Anyone have a ghostrick deck I can copy?
Decks for this feel?
or they have and are probably not aware you only need 1 card in the monster zone to summon it
Waifu archetype but you orica them to have a futa cock.
Or I guess Hero if you meant it in like, men.
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Please, at least give him Runick Ghostrick or something
Bro theres only 2 ghostricks in main wtf is this???
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>but you orica them to have a futa cock
People do that?
arent these coming in the SD?
should i be anticipating us not getting the SD and buying the singles now?
>theres only 2 ghostricks in main
Unironically the ghostrick engine. It's actually great for any deck that can free up the ED space.
If you're going for a pure deck that guy's list will be upsetting though
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Decks for this feel?
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I mean they do do that for lewd alt arts especially for MD, that's not really a large leap. Although I just had the thought of them straight up molding clay breasts and cocks onto the card for a "3d effect"
They are, but the buyout happened before the SD reprints were confirmed.
Investors gunna invest all speculative like
any waifu deck will do
I doubt the new Blue-Eyes SD will make it over to TCG after the TTD and Light DP didn't make it. It will probably get chopped up.
what would Henry play if he played Yugioh?
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>try to read opponent's card
>get hit in the face by it's feminine penis
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Yall be Yu-Gi-Oh dooming when you could be Yu-Gi-Oh cooming
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Damn Batteryman lookin kinda weird these days
I'm not making Prismatic Ultimate Rare Spirit Dragons with a lowly pack common.
Tin leaks doko
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I want a playset of Starlight Lacrimas.
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Another AMC missed because I had to help family. Even had a A-to-Z deck ready to go for today. Got some packs to open for the lack of pulls. Are people really rushing to get VASM right now? Dude charged me $6 when it's normally $3 a pop.
you can't jerk off to her she's engraver's property
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Why did Konmai even making TTD that was too weak in current meta
The whole point of its is copy Pokemon TCG, which is to give newbie tier 1 deck to compete meta
>Son ban evading again
It's an entry product designed for MD players, and they are behind in terms of cardpool.
oh it's ESL hours already
the TTDs are fine which is why they sold like hotcakes in Japan and their purpose was to ease MD players into paper play, not to give them Tier 1 decks.
Joke's on you, I jerk off to Engraver too
It was made to get MD players to play the OCG. The 3 decks in question were all popular in MD at launch.
>Main deck Duster in Spright Twins
>Main deck Lightning Storm in Eldlich
This goes from being too weak to being funny on purpose
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I refuse
The purpose wasn't to compete with pokemon, it was to act as a product that could be bought and allow master duel players to start playing in paper.
That's why the decks are all iconic master duel decks.
>stun nigger faggotry
>waifutroon slop
Sasuga MDtards
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kill yourself junktroon
Erm Cydra isn't stun
>/dng/ praises ariseheart
>/dng/ loves Maliss
/dhg/ is no better
They're banisharyankino thoughbeit and Maliss got that leotard doe
You act as if /dng/ wasn't full of braindead coomers.
Kashtira is an incel homo deck, of course /dng/ loves it
Yuseifags be eating good these days and I'm not just talking about Bruno's ass.
It is. Its much easier to shill new expensive cards when you ban all the good old cheap cards.
>son is now also into eating shit straight from the source
>diaperfag got another alt art Digimon
Why can I never get this fucking luck when I buy packs
How would you make them equal to Ryzeal and Maliss?
Son of Trans eating Sorafag's ass
this is from mbt isn't it
e-tele with a GY effect that places one of their tri types pends from deck onto their scales
I can't help but feel like these were all from a different artist
Probably because he drops hundreds on packs weekly while you buy a box every few months.
Yuseifags are fudegepackers confirmed
>use all your cards in hand
>then draw 5
The original is completely busted
Their designs have pretty consistent features, I guess having different poses give off that impression
Tear GG works too for the same reason.
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Is Traptrix more popular than Dark Magician and Blue Eyes?
Erm simply shuffle everything in your hand, field, gy and banishment into the deck as cost.
Make it only work at End Phase if you really have to
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It would need both a Soul Crossing AND Card of Demise-tier restriction to get away with even drawing 3 cards, and even then it would still be worth it for burn/stun decks.
>Son going from diapers to blacked to futa to literal scat
Jesus fucking christ
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Royal Oppressions artwork is just perfect. Really does a fantastic job at showing how oppressive the card is.
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Never forget
That Josh is a bootlicker? Don't think anyone ever forgot that.
>building toy
Thats not yugioh
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Bootlickua Schmidt
Shiet youre right, the diaper nigga would buy yugioh legos
Try Memento
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After some testing, Nadir Servant is a pretty good back-up plan
I'm convinced
Will play it even if it's not the best thing to do
If you only play at your locals or the occasional regional, yeah. You have a lot of options that aren't strictly tiered decks.
They're mostly just shifter.dek, but there are a few outliers like raidraptor or exodia
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Why isn't Raye there?
They have an etele
another E-Tele then
Do it until they're consistent enough to make space for handtraps
Man yugioh really peaked with atem design and just been downhill since...
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Seems like a shit choice compared to running more playables
Triple Thrust means grabbing Grass suddenly becomes real easy.
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>Player numbers going down
>People quitting for other card games
>Shit ban list
>Shit reveals
>Same shit meta for year+ straight
>Nothing to look forward to
It's over. This time for real.
It's funny how Ryuge lacks any mechanism with which to get all three gates onto the field consistently, and also a way to set up the 2 pops/banishes/mills to summon the Ryuges, or summon targets for the field spell that don't just make them vanillas, and the payoffs to summoning them outside of the HOPT Varudras, which locks the materials under him
I laughed when I saw that OCG tier image and splashing Hoennshit into Voiceless actually made the deck DROP a tier.
Speaking of voiceless, is eva worth running?
Okay but Ryuuge is going to go crazy the moment they print the missing 6 cards that bridge them together and also the ED payoffs outside of Varudras
Drones archetype soon
I feel it
File deleted.
Still sippin on that troonsei juice
Oh we will see who has the last laugh in the end when ryu-ge chads claw their way to tier1
For me its ass(preferably peach shaped ones) with small tits + olive skin(optional)
Decks I should main?
Odd-Eyes Pendulum
Cyber Dragons
Ancient Warriors
Fire Fist
Six Samurai
Dual Avatar
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Tcgplayer really be like
what card
Earthgolem @ignister at five grand
Where in the fuck is Son getting all this diaper shit? Can we not have a single thread without any of this fucking shit?
Direct is a complete fucking scam.
I made my own card game before and bought custom cards from a factory that produces them. Should I start making faking yugioh cards and selling them for a 100 times what i paid
I may be utter degenerate but at least I don't get off to literal shit.
He has them saved. He keeps posting the same images thread after thread.
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Never. Not until everyone hates 5Ds more than Arc-V
Was this card censored in the TCG
No. They even have her a quarter century secret rare.
What deck would be op with no extra deck limit?
I just realized this is a fucking genderbent Joey. He's mixing his tranny fetish with diapers and scat. Didn't Lidl say he's still underage?
Cyberse piles, probably.
Soup decks
Your mom
I transheart Ariseheart
Decks like Branded and your regular cyberse piles are all suffering from having to pick and choose the most important stuff to carry, hell even Ryzeoul would love having more than 15 slots to work with.
Eater of millions turbo
Does superpoly stay at 3 in this fantasy world with no ed cap?
>Ghost Sister sales shot up
Lol stallkeks scrambling for a new wincon.
toon support doko
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>faggot is also a bootlicker
To the surprise of literally no one.
imagine having infinite ED slots and your opponent is on dogmatika
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Is there a bigger rape-bait than this character?
I imagined having 20 ED slots then cane instantly
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Also voting cyberse pile. Their upper limit is gated by ED space to begin with so most lists don't even play for the full potential of codec since it eats space they could be dedicated to things like Update Jammer or Desave. Many potential extensions exist in malice or salamangreat as well. The deck is insanely fucked on the 15 card limit, miles more than anything else I can think of that would mostly run redundancies for sustain or toolboxing.
Simultaneous equation deck
Supreme King without having to sacrifice a third of your ED to shitty beaters who exist only as Z-ARC fusion fodder would ho crazy
Banquet of millions has to be broken with no extra limits
not really, it does the same with 15 cards limit or no cards limit
Come on mkohl40 i know you got the tin leaks
Sooo approximately how many months until next banlist? I want to know how long i need to stop paying attention to this game
6 to 7 months
Glad you get to live in anger for a while longer.
I yearn for the day when we'll be able to pop this straight from the ED for an instant Rank 7 in DM. It'd still be shit, but at least you wouldn't have to break your back from how hard you have to bend to make the Xyz.
December to shill Crossover Breakers
You WILL enjoy snake eyes until 2025
Happy new year!!!
>(quick effect): you can declare 1 number; discard this card, and if you do, banish face-down all monsters with a level/rank/link of that declared number from your opponent's extra deck until the end phase.
Would it be played?
>Would [turn skip handtrap] see play
Yes, retard.
I would play it. I'd always declare 2 in case i dont know who I'm against
Razeol sisters don't look!
Definitely this. Malice and Ryzeal are well positioned and the set will probably be cancer to pull. They'll murder the top tier, leave alone whatever those decks can use and push raw boxes on us
It would instantly win most games
That's what you would think
But what if they release another wave of SE lore and decide to keep it at the very top again
Game is gonna be so dead they'll have to ban at least 1 snake-eye card to "generate good will". With a bunch of their cards limited any ban will hurt them enough to fall behind other fiendsmith builds
Snake Eyes has a design issue where it's really hard to nerf the deck without killing it outright. Poplar really needs to fire lock you or something. At this point it probably needs to be killed outright until they can free it two years later, since even successfully bringing it down to high tier from top will probably leave representation high which is a bad look.

The current meta is too expensive and homogenized to fix the game simply by balancing it. They need drastic measures
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We're getting ready to NOID.
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On the plus side, at least we won't have to deal with SE Fiendsmith Azamina at full power like the nips have been for the last few months. It's still going to be annoying, but at least it's not the terminal cancer it could've been, than and coupled with Fuwaross adding insult to injury.
Just fucking ban flamberge ffs
>he's not doing snake eyes shit to loop infernoid
Nigger you're already doing Fiendsmith shit
It's not that hard.
Either OSS or Flamberge ban would make the deck fall behind any other current or upcoming meta deck.
>*OSS AND Flamberge ban
No azamina?
Man that was a weird day
Pretty sure flamberge ban is the kill in question. But flamberge to 1 does basically nothing which is why he needs to die
Ban OSS to make azamina less splashable but who am i kidding it's the new generic negate
That's killing the deck and it's a lore deck so you can keep dreaming.
I'm just talking about leveling the playing field so shit like ryzeal and malpiss can creep up to the top
What happened to pak
Didn't they hit SE before azamina came out in Japan? I thought they did. And Yeah the format is gonna become 100% worse once RotA gets here
>Dominus Impulse
>the OCG thinks our banlist was too harsh
>/dng/ complaining about how much of a nothingburger our list was
who do i believe?
They're pretty bricky and I wanna stick closer to 40~ cards. If I somehow magically get my three copies of Adusted Gold for tomorrow I will just take out the Diabellstar stuff too so I can hard roll into Fiendsmith + Noid plays instead.

Nah, I've stopped playing any form of pre-release since what feels like over a year ago. Also building it for locals since it's gonna take some readjustments with Poplar and Ash at 1 for my Snake-Eyes deck.
Until Azamina releases
Ryzeal is doing well enough in OCG that I wouldn't be surprised if it can actually compete with our weaker SE Azamina when it comes here, even despite our lack of roach.

I'm still iffy on if Malice is actually that good or if representation is disproportionately feeding it tops. I can't imagine it has less players trying to win with it than Ryzeal even though it's winning less. Every time I try the deck it feels good but not nearly as good as the actual tier decks. Ryzeal's strength is so evident when you netdeck it even after one game
I won't believe a single breath of anyone playing 6 maxx "c" in their format
OCG has wanted and ash at 1, but beatrice is still there for fiendsmith build
>6 maxx "c"
i thought it was 9 now
Not everyone plays purrulia but sure it can be even up to 9 maxx "c"
I actually really like the dominus cards but goddamn, fire really should've been blocked on purge with wind or earth moved to impulse
He lost at Majong and has been mindbroken ever since.
The game in general has a design issue where hyper-consistency has lead to a lot of situations where mere consistency hits do absolutely fucking nothing.
Like Snake-Eyes Ash going to 1 means absolutely nothing for access because there's still 3 Bonfire, 3 WANTED and 3 Diabellstar offsetting those 2 removed cards. That's not even counting upcoming stuff like how some Azamina stuff searches Sinful Spoils (therefore searching OSS)
It happens constantly and this era of 1-card starters that take up half your deck and combo pieces also being starters is the culmination of it.
Not to mention, important combo pieces are usually just at 1 (i.e. Flamberge) anyway so any limits mean nothing.
It puts us in a situation where the Forbidden and LIMITED list can't be used to Limit stuff because it doesn't matter.
We don’t have Maxx C here
That’s why it seems harsh to those stupid roach worshippers
>nooooooo you can't kill the le lore deck!!!
man we should have told konami that when they murdered kash and tear! they look real silly now!
Starters should really never be extenders. I anticipate a point where ryzeal is treated with total disdain too. If a deck is hyper consistent, it should look like Evil Twins where it has to pay a cost in deck building limitations
Both decks are fine and playable
dweller+deadnader is just unfair
Unironically both sides have valid reasons to think that way, problem is that they don't think of those reasons.
>OCG has Ash at 1, WANTED at 1, Bonfire at 2
Which are joke hits compared to ours tbf. They still have 3 Poplar (which facilitates the gimmick, means your monster count is still high, is not a brick), 3 OSS and 1 Beatrice.
Meanwhile the TCG
>Ash at 1, Poplar at 1 which aren't technically huge direct hits at first glance
>But they also lost what is essentially their entire pool of useful ED cards AS WELL as Beatrice to actually bandaid you
Our hits massacred the viable monster count for the deck. Poplar is a hard garnet, Ash at 1 means your ability to actually hard open it is mega low.

People like to say "b-b-b-but of course you still have 9 gorillion ways to reach the card!" but they forget the second bridge to that card. If Ashing the OSS means they never see Ash, they never see the SnE part of their deck. And the way they did it is a great way to hit the deck, because now it DOES suffer against Droll and generic interaction.
>Poplar is a hard garnet
retarded shit you can keep telling yourself to cope this format
Realistically we should never have reached the 1-card starter era. It's fundamentally a fucked concept, especially when they started doing more than 2-card combos could do.
It diluted deckbuilding to the point where you don't really need to think when deckbuilding.
>cards that do the combo at the highest amount you can run them
>cards that are needed for the combo at 1
>fill the rest with handtraps and board breakers
It's one of the most boring eras I think we've reached and I genuinely don't know where Konami goes from here, aside from maybe going beyond "2 cards = full combo" like Mermaid or Requiem and leaning towards Link-1s that are full combo (which also counts Requiem)
Soon we will be summoning literally any monster on field to go to a full combo, and people will buy the Secret Rares
Still laughing at this.
>Realistically we should never have reached the 1-card starter era.

I blame MACR, that set was the beginning of the end
The deck didn't "die" because of no Arise-Heart because we saw them topping quite a lot after its ban, because it's a solid midrange deck with tons of options. It's just clunky and obnoxious to play, not to mention was relatively expensive so obviously no one was gonna be bothering to get it. Deck is still completely playable and respectable at a locals level.
The deck that is literally the best deck ever created on a level entirely on its own, that even with some of the most severely hard countering cards ever made STILL was tier 0 without signs of stopping until hit to a point of not even that bad. Deck is competitively dead due to low interest and being a RNG based sack machine working on "feast or famine" logic.

You can still play both decks. They function, Tear requires good RNG whereas Kash requires just a smidge less not to brick (good luck with 1 Prosp though) which turned them into normal decks, not able to always play through medium interaction for free.
Yeah man I wonder why people played 2 (TWO) copies of Poplar, never three or one.
you don't know what a garnet is
>Soon we will be summoning literally any monster on field to go to a full combo, and people will buy the Secret Rares
Isn't Prank Kids already that?
Okay. Explain to me then.
We should bring back prank kids. And spyral too, just for laughs
Bro your Impermance?
Bro your Droplet?
That's still archetypal. I'm talking the mythical
>1 monster
Link-1 that starts the combo
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Who needs Garnet when you can have Sapphire instead.
Tear is completely playable, funny that all those people that "just like how it plays bro" dropped it en masse
gem-knight garnet is the name sake because opening or drawing it disables the entire engine
opening (not drawing) poplar doesn't brick your main gameplan because only one of its effects is offline and the deck has multiple in-engine ways of enabling its other 2 effects by dumping it and reviving it, or flat out hard normaling it in cases where you don't open ash or fringe scenarios where you use ash as an extender and not the starter
You can free poplar and ash if you like. It's not like the deck is going to do anything without flamberge
>Tear is completely playable
Not really. It's a sack machine. Especially with Beatrice being gone.
Kash is more playable but people only really bothered playing it when it was the best deck, nobody actually likes playing Kash
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I miss the Gem FTK for real, for real...

I love how it shows just how shallow people are. They can't even be honest, at least wear the badge with pride that you care more about winning in that scenario.
I've seen some pretty nasty plays off magical musket fiendsmith. They've been murdering ED engines even harder than they've been murdering ED negates though. The intended game Konami and to want us to play is a main deck that enables an extra deck filled with generic payouts
You're not wrong but Poplar being at 1 legit sucks if you draw it now
Your general gameplan is bricked because if you draw the 1of Poplar now, you are going to feel severely fucking gutted out because you're not fielding more monsters, your draw mattered even less, not seeing Ash/Oak to even use the other effects is super hard.
Best deck for adult female girl fetish?
so you're saying it's not a hard garnet then?
it's not as if snake-eyes pre banlist was incapable of bricking on its 20+ handtraps without starters
Only tangentially related to what people are talking about but now I'm wondering why people don't start running 60 card grass snake eyes to keep Poplar out of your opening hand
teartroons crying that their autowin deck went from best deck in the world impossible to beat to good op deck but beatable are fucking pathetic
I will stick by saying it's a hard garnet, because of your general consistency having been so reduced.

You don't gain much in doing so. Your consistency is already lessened, you're vulnerable to handtraps. Running 60 cards just dilute it too much and there's not good enough stuff to pad with.
Because a mill deck cannot be a handtrap pile.
>so you're saying it's not a hard garnet then
When it was at 2, yes.
Now that it's at 1, it almost is.
1 grass in 60 cards vs 3 shifters and 3 ash in 42>

do the math
I missed tearlament meta entirely. What's a good skeleton to play them? I've always been curious.

I have an orcust shell laying around from TOSS. Do I throw them together?
at this point they should unban cards and only ban new ones and semi limit most limited cards.
Would Pot of Greed still see play if it was unbanned or does it mess with the 21 handtrap deck ratio?
Ban all quick effect disruptions except trap cards. Make the game go back to how it used to be a back and forth.
anything that mills really
If you want to see how it's like edopro still has the tearlaments bot. Deck is braindead so the experience is the same
it would be banned by next format because no one wants to pick between handtrapping the starter/extender that MAY be a chokepoint or a +1 that gets them out of the chokepoint or becomes a starter
It would be in every deck
control decks will use it.
It never was back and forth.
It wouldn't replace non engine, it would replace weak starters. Those extra cards you run just because they have the right name or get you a weaker end board
It would be an immediate addition to every deck.
If you go first or second, being able to go +1 for no reason with no setup is too good to pass up
Talents does basically the same thing and it's a meme tech
>It never was back and forth.
Shut your whore mouth up
that's the thing

talents should go too
Unironically you are describing Rush Duel. There are no Quick Effects and the only potential interaction is Traps and maybe Continuous Effects of monsters if you squint

Talents has a condition to achieve before being able to use it, PoG doesn't
>the game should have this rule/feature/design choice
>its just Rush
every time
talent is shit and a dead card turn 1
Only shs, sekka decks and perhaps infernity woud not play it, everything else is maining it
Misread that as deadnamer.
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Dear Konami, please stop printing archetypes that revolve around a single goddamn card and not printing enough search, recycle,recovery and alternatives to that card!

Signed, pissed off anon who bought this deck for 150 dollars
>the card the archetype is revolved around is only protected from destruction ONLY by monster effects
>only searcher is gadget, which is going to be normal summoned 99% of the time as the most obvious choke point of all time
what were they thinking? Its fun when it works, but its not worth all the games you spend on a dead board
stop spending money on cardboard
Why is Red-Eyes still so expensive? I just want to build a fun and cheap petdeck like Gimmick Puppets.
because of the potential
this, but only for TCG. OCG cardboard is based
stop spending money on cardboard
konami probably thinks they already fixed the issue, they printed a field spell for that one gold colored sarcophagus deck a while ago, after all

R&D just forgot they made 2 separate decks centered around a gold sarcophagus within the same timeframe
You can do all this off ovi + misc/baby
Bothers the shit out of me how we got little Yugi and grandpa stuff so close together. Expecting gravekeeper wave with similar overlap any day now
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Can anyone explain why TCG and multi YCS champions are competing in Master Duel instead of TCG?
It's what they qualified for
It's easier to grind Master Duel than it is to travel to YCSes and coin flip whether you go first
Will kotton job again?
this looks like a sex offender registry
He will unleash the unstoppable broken tistina list he harbors inside of him after he devoured both the deck and pilot. Tistina will win master duel worlds.
I still believe we haven't seen the last of the Shining Sarcophagus series, there's still so much they could do just on Yugi's side of it

Alpha the magnet warrior
Beta the magnet warrior
Gamma the magnet warrior
Valkeryion the magna warrior
Curse of Dragon
Buster Blader
Witch of the Black Forest

Dark Magician Girl will probably also be there just because Dark Magician is here, through I suppose they could just turn the blocks or magnet warriors into 1 card
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Yes but not before raking the youtube ad revenue money by shilling a complete shitdeck as the new tier 1 (like with ninjas last year)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon also counts
Yugi had it in Battle City
>Alpha the magnet warrior
>Beta the magnet warrior
>Gamma the magnet warrior
>Valkeryion the magna warrior
All in rush, so don't expect them any time soon.
>Curse of Dragon
Already got support.
>Buster Blader
Atem's counterpart to Silent Swordsman.
Not iconic enough.
>Witch of the Black Forest
Never happening
Dpygo if he keanu chungus wholesome 100 reddit updoot
Cute purrely
I want more magician girls goddamnit Konami knows that shit sells even the RUSH one goes for a billion yen
What is this sausage fest? Why is there no female even in an online duel simulator?
unironically skill issue
5 minutes til blue eyes
Females don't play to win
Paul grew up in an alright neighborhood watching DBZ
DPYgo is from the ghetto (also watched DBZ)
Is the event also online? I'd understand if females didn't want to be within a mile radius from kotton
Why dies the yugioh playerbase have so much melanin compared to other TCGs
That's wednesday.
I like these niggas they just have fun with boomer decks
dpygo was in his absolute schizo phase last time I checked
banning lacrima honestly did almost nothing for fagsmith except remove the time win condition (a good thing) and removing access to apo (who is banned anyway now)

any two bodies still go into moon>requiem>engraver>equip engraver with requiem>contact fuse into necroquip>summon engraver back from the graveyard
now either
>overlay into caesar
>make sequence into desirae
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>overlay into caesar
This is the real problem
also if he was like 15 years younger
dpygo is a fucking geriatric
Why make poor ddd players pay for others' sins?
I'm mad about prosp limit.
Literally only kills rogue.
No meta deck plays ot because they are all pre-built with 15 starters 5 extenders 20 handtraps
depends on the deck. yubel is the best deck right now and because of phantom id say its almost always correct to make desirae instead since its just a flat out better monster with far better utility for more situations and they definitely dont need caesar to protect themselves
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fiendsmith isn't going away until they ban fiendsmith or MAYBE requiem, anything else is just cope
expect the next tewart clown hits to be Moon (it's a common) and lurrie
if only there could be a banlist soon that would address high caesar, who has been a problem since AGOV
oh well
>No meta deck plays it
Your Tenpai...? It keeps going in and out of the format, but often one deck still runs it.
>Literally only kills rogue.
Good. We don't want to become the ocg.
Sorry anon, but all the heckin eceleberinos unanimously agreed after playing the cards for years that it's broken and should be banned so the peasants can't play it except for Farfa bizarrely.
tenpai plays it because instead of 25 handtraps it plays like, 12 and the 13 other things are board breakers
Honestly why is High Caesar generic if the OG Caesar wanted 2 D/Ds? It makes no sense.
honestly my main issue with fagsmith is how splashable it is combined with the TCG rarity scam model making it inaccessible to both kids and any actual adult. I like the engine both visually and mechanically especially now without apo/ lacrima since they have so much flexibility and utility+ desirae doesnt feel nearly as oppressive and cancerous as apo did. If anything they shouldve fiend locked you for the REST OF THE TURN so they couldnt be used in any deck to insulate yourself from nibiru and other issues for the rest of your combo
Dead with sangen limit
Deader with prosp limit
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Anon, the deck is made up of cards Yugi played in his duels with Yami Bakura and Yami Yugi in the last arc of the anime and manga, he never used Red Eyes during those duels nor was it in his deck.

Rush doesn't matter
there is no SS version of CoD
Yugi played Buster Blader in that duel, not Atem
if Iconitry mattered the 3 gadgets wouldn't be in this deck
explain why WotBF isn't happening? the OG card was strong enough to be a staple back in the day sure but what difference does that make for its possible SS counterpart
really now?
how'd that turn out for the ocg?
They became more oppressive thanks to Impulse and Fuwaross
Mako Tsunami played 0 spells/traps in his duel with Yugi.
instead he spilled water all over the board
unsportsmanship conduct
easily a 2 year ban at a minimum
Mako would have won that duel if it weren't for Yugi's asspull with the moon.
why does shining sarc have a DM then?
it wasn't yugi's card, he played SS and BB instead, atem kept DM and Gaia
>Rush doesn't matter
It does.
>there is no SS version of CoD
And there won't be. It's locked to gaia specific support.
>Yugi played Buster Blader in that duel, not Atem
It's still Atem's counterpart.
>if Iconitry mattered the 3 gadgets wouldn't be in this deck
The gadgets are very iconic.
>explain why WotBF isn't happening?
Konami doesn't want to deal with it.
6 maxx c clown fiesta
>the fire dominus doesn't let you use fire effects
>the water dominus lets you use both fire and water effects
But why?
Why does SS version of Summon Skull suck so bad? He was Yugi's most badass looking monster back when I watched the show, I always loved to see him show up yet in the real game he fucking sucks, he's got xyz, synhcro, fusion and ritual cards and even a link yet his deck fucking sucks! and his ss counterpart sucks too, why? He should have a fusion with Dark Magician by now
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YGO is the greatest pussy repellant of all time.
No shit there aren't going to be any girls (female) in the roster.
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>Why does SS version of Summon Skull suck so bad?
This is nothing new. They make them bad on purpose.
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5 days for the final blue eyes card

Any guesses? They're hiding until the last minute
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i wouldnt have it any other way
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Soul Charge with eyes of Blue
Blue Eyes Baby (Poplar) Dragon
Called by the Blue Eyes
Pot of Blue eyes
Blue-Eyes Purification
Continuous Trap
If you control a Blue-Eyes monster, all DARK and/or Fiend and Zombie monsters have their effects negated.
It will be a Synchro or Link, sweaty
I actually got to fire off Gandora's effect in SS but my dumbass brought back Dark Magician instead forgetting about the level gain effect meaning Gandora's target should always be Magician or Swordsman, I fucked up and lost because of it and now I'm mad
It will be an Xyz that can be cheated out by sending 1 Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your hand or field to GY
Given the slot number, it's either an Xyz or the second Synchro Monster.
So what will be its xyz material
LMAO Trans V
>we get another Spirit situation
please it'd be so fucking funny
>I'm mad about prosp limit.

It should've been banned
It can attach a Blue-Eyes or Eyes of Blue monster from GY when it’s special summoned
An xyz! That's fucking bullshit, they better not do that. I thought Blue Eyes could only be represented by synchro and Dark Magician by Xyz?
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>It should've been banned
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Stop trying to play rogue, play actual decks
That was never the case
Branded bad
Play actual deck*
I think one of the biggest problems with the Dark Magician deck is that it tries to run 3 of him like Blue eyes, not even a Red Eyes deck runs 3 red eyes in it and Neos's own deck recycles him so often that running three of him is asking for bricks,, so DM should have been designed around recycling Dark Magician around than trying to run 3 of him when he's never been played that way. only Blue Eyes can get away with that because it was always that way from the start
Horus tachyon makes this with a counter trap(s) to boot
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I think one of the biggest problems with DM as a deck is that a card like Circle is its second best card, actually
Doesn't count.
DM gets by just fine with just 1 copy ever since they made IoC.
DMs problem is pretty fucking simple, it's the same problem every shitdeck has.
It doesn't have a 1 card combo. That's it. It's not that deep.
Bewd was shit too until he got his one card combo.
DM can be salvaged all the same. A 1 card combo that gets you eternal soul + magicians circle+ DM in gy + Dragoon summoned +a quick-effect ritual of MoBCMAXX is what DM wants, nothing short of or less than this will fix deck.
So are these guys suppose to be aliens or an alternative history where they become demons?
Dark Magician just needs more powerful boss monsters thats all thats changed with Blue-Eyes now it can get out Magia, Ultimate Spirit, and whatever you want to make with Crimson Dragon in one turn. Only good DM card to get out is Dragoon. Or DMDK with Eternal Soul. If they just add 2 or 3 good Dark Magician boss monsters to make then itll be good.
Apollousa did nothing wrong and you TCGfags are cucks
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just give him a cheat card, they've done it before
Keep seething
Dark Magician needs the link-1 that places 2 cont. Spell/Trap from deck, face-up
Wonder how long it'll be until we see a card with this sort of effect.
In my day, we cheated Xyz monsters out by stacking them on another Xyz monster and we called it "Chaos Xyz Evolution".

You kids and your Xyz monsters which mill materials to summon themselves are beyond me.
Konami needs to stop printing faggot boomer shit and print cards for archetypes that haven't had 15 years worth of forced support that still makes the deck do nothing
Junk Synchron
Tech Genus
Resonator RDA
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They just did Clear World
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I really do hate that both Black Luster Soldier and Magician of Black Chaos have fusions that are more usable to Kaiba's deck than his own. I also hate that Magician of Black Chaos doesn't have a Link monster I can slap into the deck like I can the Black Luster Soldier link, I even put him into the SS deck and he's a wonderful in it due to how somewhat easy that deck is at swarming.

I'm thinking of putting pic related into a DM deck to see how she does since I have no other ideas on what to do with the card
*with this sort of effect again.
>doesn't trigger Circle's Pot of Duality effect because it wasn't activated
Blue-eyes making Magia is a 1.5 card combo because Prayers requires a discard.

The one card combo is Sifr + Spirit Ultimate Dragon which you get from Sage's Normal Summon
By early 2025, Grass will be at 3. Mark my words.
Kaiba.dek has BEUD and the Chaos rituals. Yugi.dek needs a fusion sub for BEUD
Why is it called the east when it's to the west of us?
Which is never gonna happen because the closest he has to Blue Eyes are Chronicle Magician and Chronicle Sorceress two monsters that will never see real use in a Dark Magician deck due to them being light based and because their effects suck ass
next banlist wont be till mid 2025
I interpret the lore as the executives opening gates between worlds and scouting out those with a sufficient degree of power, offering them contracts to enhance their power but they're corrupt demons so the contracts are deliberately erroneous or sometimes just straight changed and by the time people usually figure out it's too late and they become effectively enslaved by execs.
Even Imperial Order guy thinks that the execs are assholes.
Why 2?
I just want the game not be stupidly expensive.
Not even the custom made Washizu mahjong titles are as a big of an investment as a shitdeck core not even considering staples
stop buying cardboard
Play Master Duel instead.
What deck are you considering? One of the DBP?
>I just want the game not be stupidly expensive.
Then move to the OCG.
Dark Magicians really need a fucking Timaeus searcher that's the only fusion card they have they can actually use, I tried to make use of the 4 rituals associated with the deck but they're all wastes of space, I tried making them a fusion deck with the actual materials in thedeck and all I got was freaking brick hands! I even tried the xyz monsters and they fucked me more than helped me because I needed a DM on the field when I had fucked up and summoned one of those useless fuckers instead
Become a,proxy chad
What are you doing shitposting so early rem?
>Secrets of Dark Magic
As "pros" they usually attend as many events as possible, as it's a numbers game. even if it's only a MD championship, it's still something of an honor/bragging right for them in their circles.

You could've told me that it was and I wouldn't be able to tell. Not a single normal adjusted looking man on that list
Shitdecks used to be cheap unless it was popular anime stuff like BE/DM. Nowadays you get yugitubers shilling stuff because they can make a unbreakable board with a uninterrupted 3 card combo so you can basically throw a coin and guess whether or not you can actually get it. It's so tiresome. Just fucking end this game
Silent Magician Zero and Silent Swordsman Zero are so adorable, do they have any artwork together?
So with the more prominent generic omninegates gone, what's the next step? How do you think decks are going to make their endboards now, will this change the way some cards are seen? Are older blowouts and backrow cards easier to use now that it's not guaranteed that every deck can just negate them every time?
If you have several friends who don't bother playing casual, print them yourself
T. Elon Musk
it could be a link too
They replaced the generic negates with their own omni-negates. There's almost not a single deck which doesn't have at least one
>Apollousa did nothing wrong
youre trash at the game, its practically a link 4 skill drain that autowins most games when paired with other cards
Snake-Eyes ironically doesn't have one
Azamina fixes that
Its not fair. Ocg is so accessible. Yet jewnami of America makes the game a shit fest and shills defend it
Summon skull was also yugi's original first before they decided on dark magician. You'd think it'd get much better support by now, but even celtics guardian has more functional support despite only having about 3 cards in its archetype. Just cope that one day, they'll eventually give it a real archetype like they did for poker knights and the chimera, magnet warriors etc
Apo has way more outs than skill drain and you can chain to it
Maybe you are trash at the game if you can't deck build or bait properly
That doesn't give Snake-Eyes a negate.
Sinful Spoils accesses Snake-Eyes, Snake-Eyes can't access Sinful Spoils. So Snake-Eyes can't access Azamina aside from hard opening it or its access
>Maybe you are trash at the game if you can't deck build or bait properly
ironic since im not the one crying about losing access to the most braindead autowin link in the game
erm akshully you can search diabellstar with chase
>losing access to the most braindead autowin link in the game
>he says as SE still dominates most of the meta shutting down all other decks that used her with ease
Fair enough actually, but I don't Snake-Eyes decks are going to be that desperate
>he says as SE still dominates most of the meta shutting down all other decks that used her with ease
where ? what events have happened since the banlist dropped retarded autist? epic cahntenth creators and twitter nobodies making boards with less interactions than fucking fire kings with a tiny snake eyes package for link fodder is not the same thing as prepatch fag eyes fiendsmith
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>more expensive
>for censored art
>with shitty translations
>and no standardized rules
>for cards that arrive 6 months late
>to play a meta that has already been solved by the OCG months ago
TCG players are beyond cucked
Why not just ban Diabellstar?
Banning apo is just the usual phase out old cards for new cards
I've even saw some ocg sky striker lists playing the azamina omni
Baronne, savage, apo, are all gone now so s:p should follow in a year or two, three
They already have endless recursion and consistency, why do they deserve a negate on top of that?
Play sims/MD. It's feels liberating not giving a single fuck about short prints or rarity bumps. I used to like playing casually with cardboard, but these days even the shit petdecks I like cost way more than they ever should
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>banning the game's current pushed MC
>Firewall Dragon
I don't want them to have a negate, I was just pointing out how funny it was that Snake-Eyes, the best deck, never actually had a negate themselves and they couldn't access one even with Azamina without major copeage from the Snake-Eyes side.
Diabelle by itself is not a problematic card
until you get rid of flamberge the deck is still gonna be a pain in the ass
>Snake-Eyes can't access Sinful Spoils
Fucking retard
>unbreakable board with a uninterrupted 3 card combo
I understand that they make these videos to sell their shit bulk, and maybe trick some people into bringing their shitdecks to events to make the competition easier, but you'd think that their audiences, ecen as casuals would learn from playing a single recommended deck profile that they are all shit and stop listening to them.
The-Wednesday-before-the-set-drops is the usual "last reveal" day
Go back to the ways of old and shoehorn borrelsword in everything
Neo Bubbleman was also rendered unplayable in the course of GX's run, that's not the same as banning the MC monster.
She's still a major source of everything wrong with the deck. They would lose a lot of consistency and combo potential without her.
Yeah they can't really without major cope. The closest access you have is placing Diabellstar the Black Witch with Dramatic Snake-Eyes Chase then summoning it from backrow using another card (which always is super delayed to the point of completely denying access until turn 3)
>Flamberge only summons from backrow during the opponent's turn
>Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase only summons from backrow during the End Phase
>Divine Temple only summons if the opponent Normal/Specials
>Startling Stare is a Trap Card
Snake-Eyes themselves struggle to access Sinful Spoils
Oh I see, let's hope the upcoming format is the next one under snake eyes
Who is going to be Decode Talker in this situation,
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Fun fact: Since April 2023, OCG copies of Polymerization have dropped the concept that you summon the Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck, because it is implied.
The TCG has not done something similar
Did you forgot Poplar exists or something?
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Even azneyew dropped yugioh lmao
Poplar searches "Snake-Eye" Spells/Traps, not "Sinful Spoils"
Because she's way too sex
he’s been trying to drop the game since like 2016 this is nothing new
slackermagician was the only decent yugituber
they fuck
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is chimera fiendsmith slop really the only deck shes used in?
Azneyes used to be the biggest ygo eceleb back in 2015, but destroyed his reputation/channel and has been irrelevant ever since.
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tewartbros not like this... we're losing all of our paid shills...
Oh Jesus Christ it's the Baronne ban again. Pretending the banlist hurt the meta in any significant way.
>But flamberge to 1 does basically nothing
Which is completely fucking false.
i dont think anyone thought the barrone ban was going to affect the meta in anyway, it was mostly people shitting on petdeck fags (and thats a good thing)
Could Sneedfibrax come back if it locked you to synchros for the rest of the turn?
None of you actually play the game and it shows.
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It exist in "waiting for illusion archetype that can take advantage of it" area as apprentice. Unless it's cyberse, new typing take forever to become decent. Unfortunately illusion is mostly focused on nostalgia from the old gameboy games
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Savage can come back :)
not a pedophile, but those japs are cute and make my heart doki doki

I don't care if it affects the meta, I care that I don't need to see the same stank ass negates all the time. The fact I need to see stank ass snake eyes all the time is its own problem that I wish they had solved too
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If I lived close to my LGS I would go every day, fr fr.
They arr rook arike
Tranny porn folder status?
human vs buge
Does anyone here play any other TCG/have recommendations?
>Average asian women v. plastic surgery monstrosity
Unironic soul vs soulless
>and thats a good thing
Shitting on generics is only good when we're not in T0 territory. When a deck represents the vast majority of the meta then it's clear there are bigger issues than casual decks using generic tools to even compete.
T0 Decks need to be offed alongside generic hits. Only things bans like this do is kill deck diversity at all levels due to how most players treat the game now a days. SE should have gotten outright killed this banlist alongside the Apo ban.
Digimon TCG is extremely fun and unique too. I've been playing the shit out of it for the best part of this year.

Much less explosive than yugioh at first but without the need for multiple turns of game mechanic setup. The more you do at once, the more resources you give up to your opponent but it's entirely up to you. Lots of variety in playstyles and decks, though obviously not as much as yugioh.

Also the cards look fucking cool, some amazing artists in there. There's a manual sim (project drasil) and an automatic sim (DCGO) to try it out if you want.
>losing Sorafag to Digimon
>T0 Decks need to be offed alongside generic hits. Only things bans like this do is kill deck diversity at all levels due to how most players treat the game now a days. SE should have gotten outright killed this banlist alongside the Apo ban.

I agree. But it didn't happen so I'm taking what I can get out of this, life's too important for konami's dumbass decisions to matter enough to make me angry. Snake Eyes will die eventually and I've seen the fucking generic negates for way way way longer than SE so it's a relief regardless
Does anyone in here actually even play the fucking game?

The entire identity of snake eyes is to spam out bodies to make generic bosses with insane recursion to recycle/ shit out more bodies if you dont OTK them so they then rebuild the same board while putting yours into the backrow/ now they OTK you or just drown you in pure advantage

Removing all good generic bosses like baronne/savage/apollousa is legitimately massive especially in tandem with cutting off the infinite grindgame/recursion of snash/poplar triggering their search on turn 2 when flamberge goes into the grave

Their endboard has taken a massive hit without access to apo (who they were using even before fagsmith came out) and it was a huge central part of why their endboard was so oppressive, it was so unrealistic to push through the apollousa while somehow also cutting off them from just doing it all over again on turn 3. Its actually possible now
I play pokemon pre release events they're fun. I do not recommend it competitively until the stupid ass F block rotates next year, both of the top decks are actual cancer.
They work on emotions, not logic.
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Strange way of pronouncing YGO with Lo.
Anyway I've never heard of Slackermagician. I stick to Japanese YGO channels because like all the English ones are sort of unbarable, to me at least. I've tried watching that Monkeyfight TCG guy but oh boy, the looping footage filling the entire screen while he's talking is not good. It's probably fine for viewer retention but I, personally would prefer a blank screen.
I used to love Hardleg's videos but they've gotten a bit samey and just like every other Yugituber so he's not bringing anything particularly new to the table unlike his Deckbuild challange series or What a Deck series.
TeamAPS is pretty good because it's on the casual side of Yugioh but I haven't watched them for a while despite them as people and their editing being a lot less in your face. Now that I think about it I think the inclusion of that Cali guy urks me a bit. Speaking of which, I remember when I first clicked on his video and instantly he's talking about prostitutes. I tried other videos of his and he shouts a lot. Not my thing, even despite him hyping up cards and their prices like I'm sure many other Yugitubers do.
Cimo is sort of difficult to listen to and his content is just playing Yugioh. I remember clicking on one of his "History of Yugioh" videos thinking it'd be about the history of Yugioh but turns out it was just another progression series.
TeamSamurai is loud. I care not for hype beasts.
Rata has actual substance in his videos which is great. He's a good one.
I'm sure I'm missing a few notable English Yugitubers but the overwhelming majority of them make videos that lack any interesting ideas, have egregious editing, are difficult to attentively listen to and they're all identical channels really.
I'd be happy to hear anyone elses thoughts on the matter.
BrandedGODS we're still winning with our sovlfvl bosses.
VisasLoredeckGODS we're still winning.
DrytronGODS we're still winning.
MementolanGODS we're still winning.
YubelGODS we're still winning.
GoblinBikerGODS they haven't found our generic rank 3 negate sloppa yet.
>there are bigger issues than casual decks
>T0 Decks need to be offed alongside generic hits
literally no one is arguing this, tardbro. There still dumb cards that should be banned regardless, if we only banned cards when the meta is fixed, then nothing would ever get banned
>play against Tenpai player
>activates Heat Wave
>have to hold my breath since I'm on Lab so I just set my stuff and pass
>motherfucker topdecks another one next turn
Doesn't matter if he stacked or not, Tenpai players aren't people and you can't convince me otherwise
>Does anyone in here actually even play the fucking game?
No they just watch deck profiles, practice combos in edopro for hours and base all their opinions on how consistent and how strong is their endboard. They convinced themselves that yugioh is a 1 player game and never think of what happens past turn 1.
or you know, just ban flamberge instead of these cope hits
Flamberge isn't the only problem. Poplar is definitely a cancerous one too.
LVP but for BROKEN boss monsters as a compensation for total generic death
Removing snake eyes in its current state out of the game without massive sweeping changes that change the entire power/design of the entire game is meaningless. Flamberge is an issue in conjunction with everything else I said. Removing flamberge legitimately just prevents the archetype from doing anything at all
>ouughh but dats wat i wang i hate fag eyes
good job establishing the cancerous predecent that this game should be designed to be literal rotating pay to pig trash. Make the cards fair and remove the actual problem trash they exposed, and then follow it up by axing the price of the TCG scam so you dont need to wait 9 months to limit snash and poplar/5 years to ban apollousa the next time
>coping hard when the same was said about Barrone and Savage
>same cope when the same decks just shifted a bit and continued to dominate the meta
Wew you fucking unplayers are something. Can't wait for fucking ROTA to make this game even more fucking oppressive.
>good job establishing the cancerous predecent that this game should be designed to be literal rotating pay to pig trash.
....as opposed to rotating pay to pig trash next year when they ban flamberge? The only reason they aint doing it right now is to sell the new cards.
This but only if you also adopt a faster unban policy for decks that weren't power outliers when hit
I can't believe that full power Purrely would be too strong nowadays
Its incredible how people always white about banlist but noone of that
>as opposed to rotating pay to pig trash next year when they ban flamberge
im not okay with this either. either the card is banworthy or it isnt, and i dont think it is with the current limits and all the hits to generic cards since its not like fag eyes was doing some uber powerful archetypal cancer board. Azamina will be its own issue, but every single actual problem in this game is rooted in the rarity/ box model which is why its insanely rare for product to be balanced for any other reason than monetary (even though it legitimately does nothing for something like the tins whether flamberge is banned or not because its already a fucking 4e card)
Baroness, Borrel Savage and Apollousa getting banned is purely Tewart rotating the old staples in order to make you buy the new ones. Anyone who thinks "They're getting rid of the cancer negates!" is coping since it's pretty evident they're printing new ones.
It's tragic. I like her design way more than hot topic sorceress but I can't find a spot for her in anything.
You missed mbt and farfa, which i would actually like to hear what this place think about them. I'm sure it will be funny.
Yeah man, as opposed to them putting up Baronne, Apo and Savage together with the newer ones...
>good job establishing the cancerous predecent that this game should be designed to be literal rotating pay to pig trash
You mean the logic they use for the banlist? I wonder why they hit the common FS, Barrone after reprint and Apo after a reprint and not generic ED shit like I:P and S:P or SE beyond a token hit. Almost as if tins with S:P are coming out soon and SE has shit in ROTA and is there to sell product.
Diabellze deserves her own deck
Same thing I just said, little knight isnt a banworthy card unless they bring the entire powerlevel down across the entire game. Baronne, apollousa and savage are. Negates (especially nontargeting ones) are the biggest cancer in the game, let alone when theyre so easily accessible and splashable
>little knight isnt a banworthy card
It absolutely is
When will the tachyon support cards come out? I NEED to spam handtrap omninegates.
I:P has to be banned
S:P is fine alone
t. ewart
What fucking 2005 deck are you trying to "compete" with if you think SP is some massive problem with the game? Almost every single deck cant just pivot into it for "free" unlike snake eyes, and once again unlike every other boss snake eyes was making its just a 1 for 1 targeting banish with one additional form of disruption

By this logic literally every single card thats considered a staple should just be banned because theyre too popular and good, nothing it does is remotely unfair or obnoxious
s:p pass isn't an issue
i:p going into s:p during the opponents turn is the main problem
>shitdeck core not even considering staples
You could get a playset of all the FA cards for less than $20.
Same with Dream Mirror, War Rock, Icejdae, Time Thief, and World Chalice.
>Almost every single deck cant just pivot into it for "free" unlike snake eyes
S:P is literally "only needs 2 monsters" you can't get any more generic than that.
>By this logic literally every single card thats considered a staple should just be banned because theyre too popular and good
And that's exactly what happened to Baroness, Savage and Apollousa.
The fact that OCG also already put the warning on it it's a pretty obvious sign that it will be banned once it sells enough.
>Almost every single deck cant just pivot into it for "free" unlike snake eyes
Holy fucking shit I knew you were a fucking unplayer
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I'm not the best representation of what most of /dng/ may think since I mostly lurk and when I do make posts I just get called names. Now that's fine but a response would also be nice. I like to talk and discuss things.
As for MBT and Farfa, I forgot their channel names when typing my big blogpost haha. I had their faces in my head but I just completely forgot haha. Anyway I don't like their content. From what I've watched, MBT doing YT videos live and with his Twitch chat on the screen which is sometimes in the center of the screen is a very bold move. I last watched a video of his over a year ago but I'd be interested to know what else goes on in his head if he thought that was appropriate.
I used to watch some of Farfa's meme videos many years ago but he's another Yugituber who doesn't really say anything interesting or unique, to my knowledge at least. I've not watched any of his videos for a longer period of time than with MBT's videos but his stuff if significantly less interesting than most other Yugioh channels. I think the nail in the coffin was him confronting supposedly the person who perpetrated a poll rigging making Valkyrie win. It's interesting that he thinks he can just do that. His fans are also rather peculiar.
Again, I haven't watched videos from these people for a while so maybe they've changed, but I doubt that.
I:P is annoying in general. Setting 5 and immediately losing one of your traps at the end of main is incredibly frustrating.
>this $50+ generic that nearly all decks tend to fit in with I:P isn't an issue but the $2 Apo that every deck tries to fit in is
What in the fuck am I reading?
Yeah, I've been looking up their play rules and it seems interesting, I like their resource system more than mtg/pkmn and I like the inherited effect mechanic. It's kind of rough learning a new card game after playing this one exclusively for so long but there's always plenty of resources and having sims around helps.
>i:p going into apo/underworld goddess/s:p isn't an issue
>but yes s:p alone is a problem
unplayer hours
would you like an anime reboot with yugi coming back? what are the odds of that happening?
>Tewart defending S:P on dng post banlist because he has to push product
Bros I thought KoA ignored us
what do you think OSS and Subversion are
reboots are bad
They are Sinful Spoils, but its not Sinful Spoil access. Using nothing but Snake-Eye, you wouldn't be able to get a Sinful Spoils Deception for example
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MBT is just a kike, doesn't have genuine opinions of his own, I'd barely consider him human, he'd defend Delinquent Duo to 3 if konami paid him to because it doesn't negate
Farfa is unironically kinda dumb and is also on konami's payroll but he doesn't seem to care since he has no problem shitting on the format when he doesn't like it
Incredibly high. The industry has been remaking tons of classic anime.
>S:P is literally "only needs 2 monsters" you can't get any more generic than that.
how many random decks just spam so many free bodies with no locks that they casually do ip into SP?


One of them is a skilldrain tier autowin floodgate that also protects you from interactions on your turn while another is just a toolbox card

Digimon overall is fairly simple to understand past a handful of interactions, the games keywords and general way it's made makes it pretty intuitive. Give it a shot, it's very fun.

New set just came out, and there's a small focused set coming mid-september. I can't wait to learn how to play GUNS
Trying to revamp DM will only sully it's memory. Without Kaz there's no one left that could make what used to make Yugioh good work again.
>what are the odd of that happening
Zero. Konami would rather just let Yugioh rot if it doesn't prints money anymore the same as their did with their other IPs
Tewart no one here buys product outside the diaperfag, we're not going to care about your marketing cope.
>would you like an anime reboot with yugi coming back?
>what are the odds of that happening?
Very low, there doesn't seem to be much interest from studios regarding doing Master Duel animes again. The writers hated it, the people hated it etc.
No-one would watch a reboot of DM with VRAINS-like duel writing
only if he isnt playing yugioh
It will not happen becuase for once the monkey paw helps. They would have to make it as a rushit show. Kaz would rise from the seas like davy jones and burn Konami HQ to the ground if that happens
That is exactly Konami's policy. Cheap cards?? Ban it. They actually also planned it with Sangen Summoning and Lacrima. I watched pack openings for both, and people were all shocked that they were commons.

In the future: if strong archetype has some of its better cards in common: it will be banned asap
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>Apollousa is a Skill Drain floodgate
i dont give a fuck about what you buy or dont, in fact ideally every single person on the planet stopped buying TCG trash until the rarity model is changed to mirror the OCG. Apollousa shouldve been banned years ago but it wasnt. SP has never been a banworthy card because it doesnt facilitate nongames on its own like apollousa. If anything apollousa shouldve been the first card to get banned, followed by potentially baronne and savage seeing as they were less powerful and harder to make for most decks
youre right, its even worse than skill drain because you cant counterplay it the same way and it also negates effects in the hand/ gy. Hence why theres zero skill involved in using apollousa and why it can singlehandedly shut down games for free unless you sack the perfect nonengine to deal with it, which is also incredibly hard considering how specifically privileged links are so shitloads of tools dont work against them
Zero to none because Takahashi is kill as well as key VAs.
I know that there are people who try and say, "oh make a version of the anime that follows the manga more closely" but frankly outside of a few differences in character deaths and the removal of the filler arcs the existing anime is already close enough to the manga. It's not like FMA where they made a full anime after only the first couple arcs of the manga were finished, or DBZ where there was so much padding to cover for the ongoing manga it actively harmed anime's reputation in the West.
You're crying too hard over something that's already banned, buddy. Move on.
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>but it's KANTO

Dayum I didn't think you could make something worse than vanilla RUSHit but here we are
I've seen elestrals get shilled a few times as the closest thing to a yugioh adjacent game, so I tried it out and I'm liking it so far. It pretty much has the exact same rules/phases, even has spell/traps, only main difference is that it has a mana system that's kinda weird because the resource is pretty much your LP so it's like ygo if every special summon cost a chunk of your LP. Which kinda mitigates combo playing by having a cost without sacrificing the speed of the game.
>The next update after this will be a few months from now.
Horse vomit fucked us
We are the joke We are the product We need the horse
Going by the usual patterns it will drop for New Years
If by december there isn't another list I'll just spam the horse again, shrimple as that
>Plushfire off the list right now
>no current printing has the errata
>the database DOES
It begs the question, if the database supercedes text then why don't we just get every errata the moment the OCG gets it? Seems super fucking easy to just update a database once a year and then schedule the actual printing later?
They used to do full delays until actually printed but now they just don't give a fuck
>Horse vomit fucked us

How is this any different from before, konami has been trying to play it cheeky for much longer than this. If anything we need more horse vomit, but send it to KoA HQ instead. Make sure it gets right to julia and tewart
Same fucking reason we don't have rulings like the OCG database.
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folks are already at it
>Plushfire Errata
>Summon Sorc errata
Here's hoping for the Halq one
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There is nothing I want more for the TCG to die in the coming 4 months.
I'm talking a 85% drop in everything, sales, attendance, whatever. Just so these fucks get fired and the japs either make a unified format, or put someone that's not a fucking faggot incompetent retard in charge of ygo in the west.
Please, keep applying all pressure possible lorcana and pkmn. Fuck the TCG.
make it require a crystron tuner to summon PLEASE
How did the horse vomit stuff start, anyway?
>How is this any different from before
>had no timeframe before
>got given a timeframe this list
>horse vomit happens
>have no timeframe again
Sounds incredible, I wish some big content creator had the balls to spearhead this maybe with something like a premade open letter to konami that everyone could spam to the EU/american/ jap emails about this. Its time for the OCG model to replace this retarded scam and for the corrupt amerisharts like kevin to get their heads sawn off
realistically how many cards can come off the list with a simple errata?
and by simple i mean like slapping on a hopt or something, not completely changing what the card does
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we only got a timeframe like a month before the list, not as soon as the previous list applied
Also need to put the Konami dick riders in their place. The disgusting amount of bootlickers during those couple of days made people waiver spamming the horse.
it's a childrens card game company, not the fucking police calm down
>can still be used as Xyz material for Gigantic Spright
It needs a full Synchro lock after it's summoned
Almost all of them.
Always found this split format thing to be bizarre.
>cards are designed with OCG in mind, TCG format isn't even an afterthought
>TCG "premieres" are actually the scraps from the OCG that are gimped into being unplayable shit
>despite how each format is pretty much a different game, they make up an even more bullshit format for international events
>because OCG gets cards several months in advance, it give TCG time to see what cards will perform well and have demand so that they can short print the fuck out of them
>TCG despite costing much more than OCG, has shit quality cardboard to rub salt in the wounds
I think yugioh players have such a high tolerance for bullshit that not even this can sink KoA. It's embarrassing that even the Kojima dick riders know when to put their foot down when it comes to konami's bullshit
Since the OCG handles errata, here's a lot of cards that can come off with a simple HOPT (or even less in some cases)
>Grinder Golem
>Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis
>Cannon Soldier (and MK-2 and Toon and Amazoness Archer)
>Wind-Up Hunter
>Level Eater
>Fishborg Balster
>Mind Master
>Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor
>Elder Entity Norden
>Mass Driver
>Card of Safe Return
>Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
>Smoke Grenade of the Thief
>Butterfly Dagger - Elma
>Ultimate Offering
>Royal Oppression
There are a few you could maybe get away with like Lavalval Chain or Premature Burial/Snatch Steal
>>had no timeframe before
We should always have a timeframe for the list, the fact we didn't has always been retarded

>got given a timeframe
A shitty, vague timeframe they barely respected

>horse vomit happens
>have no timeframe again
We used to have timeframes for this shit not even two years ago, the fact you think we should be careful not to lose these stupid crumbs is fucking baffling. Konami doesn't care about the good will of the playerbase, we need to squeeze them until they behave.
It's even weirder now that so many westerners have been exposed to what is essentially the OCG format in MD.
most of these would be completely fine if released as is
Yeah, which is why I put
>(or even less in some cases)
But if the OCG wanted to be doubly, triply sure they won't cause trouble slapping a HOPT on them solves it
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>>Fishborg Balster
>>Mind Master
These two are weird cases where they're still banned for no reason, which Psychic is so broken in 2024 that has Konami fearing Mind Master so much? Same goes for Fishborg Blaster
>There are a few you could maybe get away with like Lavalval Chain or Premature Burial
Lavalval Chain is probably never coming back for being too generic
I feel as though Lavalval Chain could probably come back with a HOPT. Beatrice set-ups granted 2 mills, allowing it to be set-up for a lot of stuff.
Lavalval Chain is not a Quick Effect and therefore can only be used on your turn, and with a HOPT recycling it and reusing it wouldn't happen.
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>hey, we're doing this late august! ;)
>late when?
>not telling ;)
>it's the 29th are you telling us or not?
>no ;)
>it's the 30th are you telling us or not?
>no ;)
>it's the 31th are you really doing this the very last second? this is embarrassing
>maybe ;)
>why do you have to act like a fucking nigger???
>WOOOOOOOOW rude much??? Next time you aren't getting a date!!

oh no, god forbid people expect the multi billionaire company to stick to their word and not act like a bratty child having a tantrum! The OCG has done it for years but compiling a stupid ass list with once with "Ban Flamberge" on it is apparently too much work for Jewart the clown.
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Erratas suck like 90% of the time
What is the purpose of taking some old broken card and changing its effect to make it useless?
This was for HOPT erratas, which is the tamest version of an errata possible. It retains the "soul" of the card entirely, whilst removing the degenerate bullshit that put it in there in the first place in most cases (the ability to repeatedly use said thing)
The problem is that Lavalval Chain is a Rank 4. Still too good and way more generic than Beatrice was.
it's even worse when they erratas card with perfectly acceptable power level
doctor red did not need to be crippled, brain control is laughable right now with talents and coh back, plushfire does nothing even if it could trigger multiple times a turn and crush card did not fucking need to give your opponent free mills and immunity to damage for 2 fucking turns
isn't that exactly what they did to makyura?
>plushfire does nothing even if it could trigger multiple times a turn
doesn't matter
pendniggers deserve nothing
No it went from
>During the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard, you can activate Trap Cards from your hand.
>If this card is sent from the Monster Zone to the GY: You can activate 1 Trap Card from your hand this turn. You can only use this effect of "Makyura the Destructor" once per turn.
HOPT, 1 Trap only AND has to be sent from a Monster Zone specifically to the GY
makyura now needs to hit the gy explicitly from the field
>1 Trap only
And that's a good thing. Everyone knows the kind of cancer that happens otherwise.
I didn't realise they added the field to gy restriction, but going from multiple trap from hand activations to 1 is effectively a HOPT
I'd support this if other soup spam decks like Plants, Fiendslop or Fusion Goodstuff got a similiar nuke treatment
This has no power over the playerbase anymore. Screencap this post, 3 months from now people will be up to the same hijinks.

shartfa presenting the most recent evidence on livestream that 2 corrupt KoA cockroaches did massive buyouts of Grass within the 2 days before the list dropped, put this into the OP of the next thread and spam this literally everywhere until it gets big
If you want to print legacy support that relies on a boomer card but it's permabanned you need an errata.
Ironically the errata on Exchange of the Spirit is no small part of what made the Ishizu cards so retarded.
you discovered nothing new
even the newest of newbies knows konami and secondary vendors are tied
>now even KoA employees are being investorniggers too
Fucking disgusting
this isnt about discovering it, its about a massive name in the community who commentates live events calling it out with evidence in a small clip
farfa is one of them, don't let yourself be fooled
as soon as they gave him some space into events he started cocksucking them like it was his last meal
it's the same guy who hyped DUDE as an exceptional product
In an ideal world, Konami would fuck investors by just immediately announcing the reprint of every unbanned/unlimited card in an upcoming OTS pack or side product.
how do you fuck "investors" like that if the investors are literally the insiders who know exactly whats coming out and what isnt?
I legit don't even know why they did this. Is the few hundred they made doing this even worth it? Don't they get a salary?
>the banlist was released late because they had to buy that shit out
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>one of the few ecelebs who wasn't sucking the dick of Tear format
>about a year afterwards he suddenly starts saying Tear was an amazing format
Isn't this kinda like insider trading except not actually insider trading? This is pretty fucked up ngl
Money for Old Rope
I mean it more like
>Here is the Forbidden & Limited List, literally every card that moved up will be reprinted in the upcoming OTS Pack, have fun Duelists!
Then people speculating and inside traders like those 2 employees get fucked because you just wait a month and suddenly its in massive supply
do you like the MD system were is a banlist every month?
no because that banlist still has maxx c at 3

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