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Cody Edition

>Setting up Netplay
- Melee/P+
- 64/Smash Remix

>Quickplay-enabled Latency Mod (2&3f default)

Previous: >>491490809
how is HGOD going to clutch this one?
I think his spirit's been broken and he will lose his next set. I don't want it to happen but that's my prediction.
Marth has a longer grab range than Yoshi
That was a very entertaining set. Amsa just tanks so so hard.
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hitboxes you could goon to
What is this Eggdog company even?
Apparently it's run by the actual eggdog guy from youtube
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Krystal will be a playable character on smash 6
So he’s just using his meme video money to fund Melee. That’s cool.
Amsa just broke Hbox’s ankles for the stock. What the fuck.
why is junebug sitting so close to this dude
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What happened to all the old namefags that used to hang in these threads? Like Vivi, serpent, chazo? Does anyone know how their character arcs ended?
AIDs got em.
When was the last time Hbox won a stacked tournament?
>cody wins yet another huge tournament
Put some respect on his name will ya
man cody is such a charisma void
it's been years and he can't seem to work it out
goml 2022
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Crazy to see this thread dead after a stacked tourney
its a melee tourney and people in here are so brainded they unironically prefer ultimate AND IBDW just won so that kind of bums everyone
melee fans talk about melee on /v/ only, after the tournament ended they went back to their lives or whatever
I know what you mean but it shouldn't' be THIS DEAD
This was inevitable when controller horse shit dictated the meta rather than top players
i feel like she missed her chance already
If you don't go to IRL events where do you get GCC controllers for Melee? I'm not going to spend 400 dollars for a 20 minute solder job on a phob (reminder Panda was only cancelled from the scene because tranny modders and their tranny TO friends want to keep controllers price gouged)
Could Cody "Motherfucker" Schwab beat peak Armada, the dude who quit melee because he was bored of fucking winning uncontested over and over?
Leffen shat on Armada and every time he plays Cody his poop deck gets Schwabbed
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after ibdw wins ye i expect it to be completely dead
why does Toph sits like that
let a man dream
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cody can beat amsa with his eyes closed
>every Junebug set has the commentators talking about DK's shitty shield in spite of his other advantages
surely there's hope for flatchads in that case
smash 6 will bring them back. unfortunately, they won't be good though because they'll be in their 40's
Who here is the higly regarded to be the most influential on the topic of smash bros?
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Some people will tell you it's the one with the highest power, and I agree.
Chazo 100%
page 10
Where we belong
If the P+ version of your character was ported to melee, where would they be on the list? I think Kirby would probably be around Falcon. Mario might be top 3 unironically.
nobody cares about smelee, loser boomer
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Hiroo Onoda
Isn't PM Sheik kind of nuts? Down B lets you transform between two really good characters.
Did hax really off himself? I'm surprised no one has mentioned it, though I wouldn't be surprised if the TOs are suppressing that information from the community
How would we know?
No they’re be an obituary and his friends would probably have broken the news.
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melee insider, mekk, can tell us
When Hax actually goes, the Melee community will fill their webpages and profiles with links to suicide hotlines and make no changes or apologies.
How to tell if a melee character is viable/ actually has potential:
Does your character chain grab/ get serious follow ups off of grabs vs fast fallers?
Does your character have moves that beat crouch cancelling?
Does your character gain an advantage from FD/ want to counter pick it?

Your character needs to say yes to at least 2.
mario and kirby being top tiers is fucking gay. they are right where they need to be in melee.
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lawrence lurr
Mario and Kirby are sick FAGGOT. Both are combo-centric fundies characters. Meanwhile Sheik and Puff are top tiers in this God forsaken game.
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>Does your character chain grab/ get serious follow ups off of grabs vs fast fallers?
>Does your character have moves that beat crouch cancelling?
>Does your character gain an advantage from FD/ want to counter pick it?

Sheik is a low tier gimmick character that drove boomers crazy because they sucked at the game.
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this smash clone is more your speed
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Kirby being top tier means a game is pure cancer.

>irrational Sheik hatred out of nowhere
That’s just a Smash Ultimate reskin. Fundies characters are based. Cope.
>bro he’d just be like in 64 durrrrr
You are retarded. He doesn’t play like that in any other game.
>sheik hate
You have revealed yourself
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I really like Toon Link, but I just don't get the character. I'm pretty good with the other 2 Links. Link hits like a truck and has great combos and one-offs, pretty great reach too, bomb is absolutely great. Young is faster, but still hits hard, not as much reach, but still has great combos, the arrows are very fucking good.

Toon link is... None of that, and sure, I get they want to differentiate the characters, but there's really nothing going on for him. His reach sucks, and he lacks the power of the other Links, and I have a lot of hard times smashing people out, despite him being fast, doesn't matter that much when they have to be at 100+ percentage to take them out, barely, and the reach only makes it worse. I can juggle more with him, sure, but, again, doesn't matter that much when I can take them out off the juggle. The bombs sucks, the boomerang sucks, and the arrows have to be the worse part.

How the fuck do I use him? His only good thing is the down stab, but that also usually means that if your opponent dodges, you are absolutely fucked.
Anyone else hate the idea of being a slave to percents? Like how do people have fun being a sperg that's like *pushes up glasses* I See I up threw you up at 84%, that means a pivot into up air up air is guaranteed! At that point Smash just turns into a shittier fighting game. I play these games for the free form and expressive nature of combos. If I had my way with the game design basically all flowchart throw shit would be nonexistent because DI would make every interaction different. I'm not saying there can't be predictable patterns at certain percents, but there should always be a shit ton of options for the person DIing. A Character like DK is kind of like everything wrong with smash's combo system IMO.
bowser is obeast, he shouldn't move as fast as he does
Does Falco auto cancel bair need to be safe on block, a nightmare to whiff punish, AND REACH THROUGH SIDE PLATS? What the ACTUAL FUCK am I supposed to do when they spam that shit in the corner? Oh right, just be an autist with 100000 hours who can do a ledge dash with 30 frames of invincibility every single time. Nice game smelees!
shieldgrab it poo poo baby
What is full drift back? You don't play the god damn game.
I will make a balanced melee character that would fit my play style:
Sheik normals, Yoshi shield that can't parry but you can jump out of, and falco grab. Why can't this be a character?
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whatever happened to this pedo chick? did she ever come back
I cannot believe how boring a game SSBU is. It genuinely makes SSB4 feel fun, and that was itself a boring game. A boring game I regret having spent so much time playing.
SSBB was fun and remains fun, despite its flaws. The games legit got worse and worse.
Mulatto men look like this??
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*helps you up off the ground after you faceplant*
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I'm thinking duped
when smash 6 is released and we're in a new era of smash bros, will you be the one to recognize the beauty, the grace, the charm of the togetherness we share amongst ourselves in this threshold of space and time?
Only if you drop code rn
sorry but nobody hosts arenas anymore. ssbg's spirit is broken. dupeanon has won
>Marth f smashes my shield
>wave dash out and grab punish
>he DCs
Who said anything about arenas
I am the N0ne of Sheik.
Buddy Falcon is basically just Sheik. You’re 2 degrees removed from being cool.
I am the Hax of Pichu
Melee is riddled with so many seething schizo boomers who make up their own autistic rules about what is and is not honest. I remember when Wizzy was coming up like half the Falcon playerbase disowned him because he played "lame" and "like sheik" according to their own retarded definitions. Fast forward to the current year and all those seething boomers use all of wizzy's tactics.
>people have opinions
*hedging for dupefaggery*
I am the borp of peach
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>have nine million gsp as mr. game and watch
>look up how to mr. game and watch better
>have three million gsp as mr. game and watch
Probably. I can say I was among the last of the Dupeheecans.
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>the last of the Dupeheecans
>playing arenas
>host refuses to start the game unless I play random vs his main, taunts relentlessly when I obviously lose
>arena empty except the host, immediately get kicked
>host seems to be streaming on twitch sitting in spec, refuses to play me despite nobody else joining
Why is everyone online miserable?
Dupefag, I've noticed it seems you dupe all my posts in particular. Do you got a crush on me or something? O.o
I stand by this.
Melee feels so much better without UCF it's crazy
how is that possible?
no idea it just feels a lot smoother and more responsive for me. dashback and shield drops are harder but that's it
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>Do you got a crush on me or something? O.o
I love all my Dupeheecans
Kirby Nick looking dookie
We did it Krystal bros
NPC commentators still be saying absolutely retarded shit like "You can still see Mango's puff in his drift backs" in 2024.
Does morsecode post on 4chan? I feel like he does
I shed a tear of joy
she left and nobody cared to do anything, even though she is the only one that actually literally diddle literal actual kids (12 and under)
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Technicals: activist with a voice of reason or a regular provocateur youtube video essayist?
smash 6 free to play, y or n?
For the bulk of Ultimate it was f2p when I would play it at university with others on their systems
he's a good guy. I've seen a bunch of his videos and they're all facts
He’s a culture war provocateur. Latched on to Hax because he saw he could drive a wedge. Whether he admits this or not is whatever, he probably genuinely believes he’s some crusader or something.
Idk, I feel like he's got good points sometimes but is just as biased or silent about his own fallacies. He makes a lot of facts and goes to the next level with them unsubstantiated, but because he does his homework on many things and shows sources for those instances one begins to find him trustworthy on things that aren't proven. Plus I feel like his actions are fueled by his political bias and so hes come to conclusions he continues to act on regardless of hoe a story has changed.
Junebugs DK thing is cringe as fuck and everyone picking DK because of it doesn't help but I'm glad he beat Trif. I don't think I've seen a bigger nigger online than Trif. Motherfucker camped me, a gold player, for 7 on unranked.
You think Junebug do this DK stuff if the big names from the last two decades were still playing?
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he is a voice of reason aside from the fact that he made an entire video defending zer0 and also becoming friends with him later on while saying all le pedos need to be banned. it made it hard for people to take him seriously after that
legal hearings proved that zero is innocent. the very same boot you lick said so, adjust your narrative accordingly please
he asked what he believed was a 14 year old girl to masturbate for him and snap pictures of it and send it to him, that is unforgivable
Is it worth getting into Smash casually? I didn't like 4 or Ultimate but I played Melee for the first time a few weeks ago with a friend and really enjoyed it. I'm thinking about getting a GameCube and a copy of Melee but the community seems unhealthy with the hygiene and pedo stuff. Does this game make people's lives worse or something? I know this sounds like an ironic bit but I'm kinda serious, idk why it seems so bad. I'm probably just gonna play by myself or with friends irl.
>Junebugs DK thing is cringe as fuck and everyone picking DK because of it
Based and real. DK is literally the most soulless character in the game.

>I don't think I've seen a bigger nigger online than Trif. Motherfucker camped me, a gold player, for 7 on unranked.
How do you get camped by peach? Isn't she terrible on the ledge?
are you new to ssbg?
I am a free thinker. I don't care if it's a "dupe" I will force discussion and pretend the comment was original in hopes of other anons will pick up where it left off. Now, is Peach good at ledge stalling? I was under the impression she wasn't.
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Pretty based. Stay strong.
>Now, is Peach good at ledge stalling
nah she doesnt even have one
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Listening to podcasts while autistically grinding ledge dashes.
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You get a practice buddy who shows up and plays with you whenever you want. No matter what he's always slightly above you in skill level. The condition is that he only ever plays 1 character. What character would you want him to play?
>Introducing the Mana Summit 2025

>Mana Summit 2025 is an in-person, multi-day, multi-stream, multi-event invitational style Super Smash Bros Melee tournament.

>This event marks the next step in the alternative Melee scenes' fight to stand up for individuals who have been victims of unjust bans and cancel culture tactics. Players like: Mekk, DaShizWiz, Hax$, Zion, A Rookie, NoFluxes, Lambchops/beerman, Zero, TheManaLord, Eikelmann, luigigoshard, Chevy, amongst many others who could compete for the crown on top of the summit.

Will the mana summit fail?
cool idea, but there will be no competition, it's just free for hax basically... also wtf did nofluxes and dashizwiz get banned for?
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I forgot what it was like to play well. Can’t quite recall the last sequence where every input I made was an input I meant to make. It’s never been more over.
is it for banned players only or for anyone in the melee community to participate? I doubt they're gonna make much from gofundme donations but I would love to see this succeed
even a scuffed grassroots style event with everyone huddling around a setup and a single TV would be kino
He posted a video that some people thought was racist towards Justus, but people took it the wrong way
For being one of those Christians who refuse to use trans people's preferred pronouns
Ran into a Marth player that had fundamentals and knew better, but was spamming f smash as some sort of seething philosophical statement or some shit, even after I punished it 30 times in a row. Idk why but I'd like to see his torrent history. Something about that just seems a little off to me.
Why do you like this forgettable, coal tier mon? You dodged me last time I called your ass out.
I run into these characters all the time. It’s bizarre. Want to play some games? Need more practice and I don’t want to face the unwashed masses anymore.
It's for anyone but it does mainly consist of banned players
I don’t think Hax would go but Mekk beat Hax at Tipped Off last year
Dashizwiz got banned for violent crime before he became a crazy Christian
I wonder if normal people who enter this get instantly blacklisted in all other events. LOL.
You guys love to bitch about unranked and then not drop your code.
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Why are chuds so bad at melee? Your best players are are a GANON and a boomer falco who probably plays the game like it's 2013 still. I actually think I tuned into one of those dumb streams once and a fucking ZELDA was close to GF. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO. Maybe if you stopped being toxic for 2 seconds you could fight actually good players and get better at the game. Nah fuck that, you'll keep being raging bigots so you can have Zelda vs Ganon Grand Finals in 2024.
>losing to a ganon main
Oh no no no pffftttt
Manalord and mana monthly people seem cool but people who can't swallow their views and just yap about them all the time are not people you want to be around from personal experience
Truth is I'm kind of fucked up mentally and afraid of interacting with other people and 4chan has enabled me to remain a closed off schizoid while still giving a sense of surrogate socialization. Sheik main BTW.
Don’t worry bro, you don’t have to interact, you play sheik kek. Actually would like to practice against that character in particular, we don’t even have to say GGs after lol. DRBR#629 if you change your mind.
I wish Mekk wasn’t so twitterbrained because he was taking Ganon further than anyone thought possible. Just pretend the trannies are real girls, it’s not that hard.
there's no doubt about that lol
TOs can get away with anything as long as they say they stand with trannies
Sheik is the most honest character in melee. Her "OP" down throw be damned. All of the other top 10 characters have dozens of insanely retarded things while all sheik has is that and it's basically a non-issue when she's fighting the other top tiers. Like let's look at fox. How many BS things does he have? Oh Idk:
>1 frame invincible combo starter
>1 frame invincible kill move that can kill at 0
>lightning fast, gargantuan hitboxes on bair and nair
>fastest character in the game so he can suffocate you with said hitboxes
>a throw that's basically just as OP as Sheik's but nobody ever draws that comparison because it's inconvenient to the boomer narrative
>down air, a move that beats CC and again has a gargantuan hitbox
>up air chains
>up tilt suffocating the approaches of all characters that aren't as fast as him
>his firefox goes way to far
>firefox comboing into up air as a kill confirm
>an up smash that kills way too early and still sends you fucking flying with its sour spots
>his lasers work both as an amazing camping and anti-camping tool
But it's Sheik that's cheesy and dishonest. LMAO.
If the P+ version of your character was ported to melee, where would they be on the list? I think Kirby would probably be around Falcon. Mario might be top 3 unironically.
I know this is the duper, but this is really funny as a response to a single sentence joke. Bravo. Anyways, guy who wrote this drop code and let’s play some games friend.
What an insightful question
Le Captain Falcon disrespect
No they do not seem cool they're all mentally ill losers
Every time Falcon hits me with his bowling ball sized 100 active frame rest I do indeed feel disrespected.
What are your guys controllers like? I took the inner core of smash 4 controller (burning smash ball one) and put an old school purple gamecube shell over it. Also I removed the rumble and springs for my l and r. It's pretty decent; I am able to do shield drops and pivots pretty consistent with it, but I have a very subtle stick drift. I'm interested if there are any turbo tryhards with notches and shit in here.
I have a phob with wavedash notches. I don’t like cheating but Fox players cheat more and I have to compete.
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what if hbox and mang0 are secret lovers
i wanna slide my finger in there
if cody wins one more major...
I like Cody. he's a really good player
Yeah, he played in the monthlies.
Is there a way to modify my controller so it only short hops unless I press really hard on it?
is this a dupe?
I believe Melee's expressiveness come from the higher hitstun, giving you more opportunities to hit with different attacks and let you ping pong the opponent across the stage. Ultimate has less so they're more strict on when a combo would work which does lead to that flowchart like gameplay for some characters.
That being said, I think it's fine some characters are freeflow while others are more limited. Perks of having a big and diverse cast where no one overlaps with others too much.
Ive been playing melee for 4-5 years and i still cant moonwalk. Ive tried many times to learn it I just cant understand what Im supposed to actually do
Marths don't work for what they get
>get older
>reaction time now too slow for melee
it's over.
It’s a really odd movement. If you’re not playing Falcon, don’t bother. They say you’re supposed to do a circle around the other direction, but you’re actually supposed to cut through the middle of the axis while staying above this certain area that gives you the turnaround. There’s a good video of it somewhere.
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I see guys at my weeklies who are old enough to be my dad.
I've blown a lot of the hot ones
Stop posting your fantasies here.
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A rather interesting event happened. A very stacked WSP. MKLeo is preparing for Umebura next week (hence him not being there for Riptide). Maister is still there, and BigBoss and Andrik came along.
Not pictured are Maister (25th, lost to Futakiwa ICs and Ayalin Aegis/Megaman), BigBoss (17th, lost to Futakiwa ICs and KEN), Tea (17th, lost to Nagi Hero and Uame)
MKLeo lost to Akak in WQF, and picked up wins on KEN and Umeki on his way back to GFs. Lots of Game 3s on his path (BO3 event since its a midweek event), most interesting of all is that he counterpicked Meta Knight against Uame, the 2nd best Olimar in Japan, and proceeded to 2-0 him after losing Game 1 with Joker. This is the 2nd successful instance of MK counterpick in the month, as last week, he used MK to counterpick Omuatsu, the Japanese Min-Min, who was at a Taiwanese event. A good secondary in the making or just luck? I don't know.
Say what you want about Cody, but he's winning tournaments, making bank, getting his dick sucked, winning in life.
He gets his dick sucked AND gets to have one to suck himself. Cody really has it all.
Yoooo he won a local! THE GOAT IS BACK!!!!!!!
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This is completely true and accurate.
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watch the movie again as an adult
is this a dupe? i think i've seen it before
>every single female is dem
not kazooie
>no I bang dick women and use performance enhancing drugs to win tournaments kike
>mang0 and hbox beef
>rare plup appearance
>axe + wizz dream team in doubles
riptide looking kino
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Oh shut up. Drephen is unironically like 37 and he's still able to take sets off zoomie foxes. If your that insecure just play puff, falcon or peach. Those 3 don't require insane reactions if played in certain ways.
its different for everyone
the youngest of the 5 gods of fighting games is 37 and they're all still cracked. no excuses.
Older age doesn't really lead to worse reaction time if you've spent your whole youth adapting your reflexes. Like >>493151363 and >>493152509 said you can be old and still have good enough reaction times to be a top level player in FGs (assuming you've been playing since you were young). Melee is even more of a special case because you can do really well on reads alone. Other FGs, not so much.
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Why was it cringe when CWC fucked his mom, but stunning and brave when Cody Schwab'd his mom?
Ask twitter and reddit
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peak /ssbg/
who are top 5 best players here?
Mental illness
Gonna make an analogy that nobody will understand. FD being legal would be like if there was a stage in SF where characters like Akuma just got their demon flip and divekicks turned off for no reason. Smelees will say you're coping if you think that's unfair and should be banned.
Cody’s mom was like 60 years younger when she slobbed on his schwab
The Sheik ditto is literally worse than 9/11, the holocaust, and every other bad thing that has ever happened. A Player two levels below me can Paul Allen me in it because the MU is so fucking retarded. I literally am not allowed to play melee and have fun because this one thing exists. No I don't want to fucking dual main or some retarded shit. They should have just made the match up actually enjoyable and to where the better man wins.
I searched for this post and can confirm it is not a dupe
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Guys, l have a very important question to ask. PIease think about the answer very carefulIy, for it is of the utmost importance. Who is the strongest poster in these threads in terms of power?
That’s how everyone feels about playing against Sheik
I wish wobbling ice climbers were still a thing so I could make sheik players suffer
>sheik CCs herself into the easiest chaingrab wobble over and over
Sakurai predicted how much people would hate sheik so he designed the MU this way for catharsis.
when smash 6 is released and we're in a new era of smash bros, will you be the one to recognize the beauty, the grace, the charm of the togetherness we share amongst ourselves in this threshold of space and time?
Richard d james pepe
No one except Marth players and mid tier mains want this stage to be legal.
only have time about 20 min if that's ok
just learn to play nootch
DRBR#629 all good
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Drop your real code duper. Let’s play some games.
Nooch is when your character has a wobble and my character has nerfed movement and recovery. #banFD
>nouns dropped salt for plup
is melee healing?
I thought nouns was a meme esports org
Ran into a Marth player that had fundamentals and knew better, but was spamming f smash as some sort of seething philosophical statement or some shit, even after I punished it 30 times in a row. Idk why but I'd like to see his torrent history. Something about that just seems a little off to me.
Secondaries? DRBR#629
A quote by me. Definitely derserved more attention. Thx for the repost!
Salt is the sexiest woman I have ever seen.
You guys make me sad.
if i had the money i would start my own esports team called pronouns
Just practiced frame 1 nairs for an hour. Hitting like 1/15. I keep getting frame 1 fair instead. Would be so much easier if the A button didn’t need to be smacked with the force of an alcoholic beating his son after a bad day at work.
just get a b0xx lol
I’m not playing on a glorified keyboard like some type2learn troglodyte. Never suggest that ever again.
>n-nooooo y-you don't understand if I'm not making my wrists explode I'm not playing MAYLAY!!!1 it's not HONORABURU
k stay bad then
>k stay bad then
This would be the case regardless.
I know this is 4chan, but I'll be genuine for one post:
It sounds like you're too mentally fragile to succeed at a 1v1 in anything vs. a person without your baggage.

Go lift some weights, build a project, or volunteer for something helpful. Once you improve yourself physically, mentally, or socially you can take that positivity and roll with it.

All people who are good at one thing have found success in other areas. Hyperspecializing results in your entire self worth being tied to one endeavor, and exactly as you say you lose once, get tilted, lose forever.

That doesn't happen to people who are fit, or people who are sociable, or people who are intelligent. The good news is your problem isn't Smash Bros. The bad news is your problem isn't Smash Bros.
>Just practiced frame 1 nairs for an hour
1 frame nair as in Falcon? Why do that shit to yourself? Just play Fox like a retard and it will outperform your peak performance Falcon. Unless you are a freak of nature that can legit 0 to death reaction tech chase like Wizzy there's no reason for a mortal to play that joke character.
Every time I play Falcon I just feel a seething rage at how when I press the attack button I have to wait half a second for his hitboxes to come out. Idk how Falcon Players do it. You can have fun with that shit, I'm gonna be normal and spam spacie bairs lmao.
lol wtf is wrong with me. the most average looking candid shot is so hot to me. that shirt is perfectly fitted so I guess he a little above average
Why are Peach mains like this?
I play Fox bud. I want frame 1 nairs with said Fox.
You can tell when it’s the Sheik guy posting because his seething rage for Fox comes out in every post lol.
>it took ultbabies 5 years to discover this
I see. I thought it was mostly Falcon players that jerked themselves off to spamming perfect 1 frame nairs over and over. I feel like with Fox you're such a strong character you don't need to kill yourself like that. Fox's nair is gonna be goated no matter how it's inputted so long as you do it at the right place and at the right time.
>what is wrong with me
The idea is that if I can frame 1 nair at least sometimes, then on average can get the weak hit whenever need be. Right now, I’m averaging around frame 4. Also, yes frame 1 nair isn’t necessary BUT frame 1 up air IS necessary to get follow ups on platforms from up throw against certain characters. If you are not frame perfect, you will literally just miss.
Sometimes 1 frame makes all the difference. I'm also used to 4f and 3 feels a hair too quick while 5f feels a hair too slow. I imagine if you focused on Falco you'd get used to it, otherwise there's always Falcon and Marth for a top tier with 4f.
I don't hate Fox, but he is fucking stupidly broken. Literally everyone agrees on this so you're a moron if you think otherwise. Imagine uttering the phrase "fox is good, but..."
LOOOOOOL you'd have to be insane.

Anyway there are plenty of things that annoy me more than fox. Things like Peach's stupid RNJesus turnips and Final Destination that pull you back to the reality that melee is a party game.
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>talking about jump squat when i was referring to act out of jump
not this time duper!
No one said Fox wasnt broken. I think he’s not the best from low to upper ish mid level tho. Still top 3 there though.
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kek I'll get you next time.
is dupeanon in this?
Watched Mang0's stream and he said he has a job? What the fuck? I thought he was a full time streamer
I miss gomad
Yes, but he was already unbanned for that
well yeah sheik sucks against fox
riptide this weekend, I got mang0
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I would rather not go…. back to the Old House….
>buy new controller
>it funtions worse than my old controller that ive used for like 5 years
fuck melee. you need the perfect controller to play this shit and that is impossible to come by. i thought my old controller was worthless and this is worse
I know the feeling brother. But sometimes you just have to unironically break it in. If you used the same controller for 5 years, everything is going to feel way off even if it’s just slightly off from what you’re used to. Though if it’s a snapback issue, unfortunately youre outta luck.
Just found out the reason I suck at dair+shine with Falco is because my dairs are frame 1 around half the time which makes me miss the fast fall timing. Wow.
If you don't go to IRL events where do you get GCC controllers for Melee? I'm not going to spend 400 dollars for a 20 minute solder job on a phob (reminder Panda was only cancelled from the scene because tranny modders and their tranny TO friends want to keep controllers price gouged)
the trick is using whatever modern controller you have, especially if it's one with hall sticks
I'm hoping for another wizzy waterpark win but he will probably job
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game over
return of danny
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Is it wrong that I really want this to happen?
imagine these 2 wrestling naked
It is now September and rivals 2 still has no release date. Is this normal for a game that's supposed to come out this year
only if it brings sex to smash
like the type of sex zach had with nairo?
zach actually had his lips around nairo's dick. zach now has permanent memory of what nairo's balls smells like. I envy zach so much.
Whelp, I think that’s it for me fellas. Used to be able to put up with posts like this to play some melee with the bros. Now no one even bothers dropping codes anymore. This place is unironically worse than Reddit now. Friday Night Dead General Guy is right. You guys fucking suck.
the fact that leo views this win as a big deal is pretty sad
>This place is unironically worse than Reddit
this only exposes you as the friendless 4chud loser that you are
Has notch ever said anything about Steve being the most busted character in ultimate? Feel like he would find that amusing if he knew
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Are these decent quality for melee? Obviously they aren't pay to win with z jumping and shit, but just want to know if they can get the job done.
Can't even wishlist the shit on steam.
I did a little experiment today. I played a few hours of elite smash, recording some information about each opponent. I recorded whether or not I enjoyed playing with them, whether they rematched (and for a full set or not), if they had a good connection, as well as my win rate, etc
For some basic information my gsp for these characters is in the 14,300,000 range and I played a mix of Cloud and Falcon
>Of 25 individual opponents, I enjoyed playing with 5, and I disliked playing with 20
>My win rate was slightly above half at 52%
>Most players were one and doners, and most of the people who rematched at all were in the "unenjoyable" category
>the average 3 stock game time was over 5 minutes. The vast majority of players refuse to approach except when Cloud charges limit
>Cloud got the most tea bagging and rage quits, and the least rematches
>The connections were good. Only two opponents were clearly on wifi and had some lag
In conclusion, I hate this shitty game. It's boring, the games take forever no one wants to approach unless their character has fast nearly unpunishable moves, and the people who play it online are crybabies who rarely run sets. It simply isn't fun to play, and I wish we could have just gone back to Smash 4. Fuck gay ultimate
Bros, there's nothing more satisfying that scoring a winning KO screen with the C4. Complete with Snake in the screenshot. I have no intention of making this guy my main, but I see why you guys love this character.
There needs to be an incentive for Bo3s or a punishment for one and done games.
yes I play on an oem
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Mulatto men are so cute...
No homo though...
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I feel the same way
but way homo for me
My balls have been sore and red off and on for weeks. Sheik main BTW.
Shame this guy was canceled. He was the funny kind of mentally ill
I suck on them and chew on the skin while you're passed out. sorry, I'll be more gentle next time
>ppmd losing to some random fox on unranked right now
it's so over
His come back just got delayed two weeks because of this.
it's pretty badass. loved playing snake since brawl
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I love this lil niggeh like you wouldnt believe.
snake is honestly the coolest projectile character in the game.
he's all about stage control. and creating setups with explosives.

a good snake will corner you,cut off your options, and react and punish whichever escape route you have.
These are so prone to snapback it’s not even funny. If that’s not a big deal for your character, go ahead. For Fox and Falco it’s a death sentence. Maybe you’ll get lucky though.
it's fine

if you're lucky you can use the snapback for a mean retreating laser
the way cody decimated amsa's spirit, brutal.
if you win the snapback lottery you need to switch to marth
I need to fuck Palutena
Pedofile alert. Quarth the Sheik player. Do not engage.
All DK players are troons. Follow your they/ them leader, Junebug.
The level of fanboys and player worship in the smash community is unmatched by any other gaming community. It also might even be the most homosexual gaming community as well. Is there any more gaming scene more obsessive about top players then this one?

it's wild how many people I met in smash before 2012 who were closeted homosexuals, they are now shamelessly openly gay these days. Makes me nauseous remembering all those smashfests/sleepovers and these dudes were most likely sucking each others dicks in other rooms.

can't even enjoy reading comments on /ssbg/, twitch, youtube because nearly all of it is obsessing with players.

Even anime weebs and furries might be more tolerable to hang out with then smashers. Something about this game draws in all the fags.
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guilty. i jerk off to hbox's balls every day
It's called Smash Paganism. Thank The Documentary for mind raping an entire generation of smash players.
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Love Peab and all but oh man, I really wanna see Jeja vs Riddles. Riptide is gonna be sick.
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You are now thinking of the strongest poster in this general. How many times have you kneeled?
I'm terrible with Fox and never practice with him, but he's just so broken that he's my best character. Almost like if you give a character the best speed in the game and broken hitboxes even a big retard like me can fuck people up. Nice balance smelees!
I think there’s studies that homos like niche hobbies because theres less risk of being judged/like minded weird outcast types. Though, smash isn’t that niche and even when Ult was at its biggest you had some freaky shit going on. I agree with your post, I don’t like how weirdly sexual this shit is for some of these people, even worse that it’s homoerotic. Quite frankly, it makes me deeply fucking uncomfortable. Probably why I will never go to a local or in person tourney.
>if you're lucky you can use the snapback for a mean retreating laser
Not worth the uncountable amount of times you will be stuck in shine or side B (and potentially die). It’s a lot worse for Fox since waveshine is so important, but it’s still real bad for Falco. Retreating lassr (especially retreating single laser w/Falco) is really easy anyways.
If you can up throw uair and waveshine, then you can probably do just as well sheik in low level gameplay. Consider sheik has weird movement having one of the shortest dash lengths, and her lacking good approach options is really a big a deal. Fox can also just simply fullhop like a retard in so many situations, it is cheap as fuck lmao
Since my hands can't handle playing fast anymore, I've decided that I will switch to Dr. Mario.
>Since my hands can't handle playing fast
ever Heard of up-b cancelling?
Cody is cute
Does anyone else here still play smash bros?
pov you're 11 yo at a smash tourney
Nope don’t even bother. These people fucking suck.
im playing it right now
I have 37 943 battles in Ult
30 181 of whiich are offline
Never went to a local or anything I just do Smashdown against the CPU when I'm too lazy to play something else.
Got Brawl/PMEX/P+/Melee/64/3DS/Modded Crusade on the computer too if I crave these
anon knows what's up
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Danny and Gorioka's combined Joker MU chart

Chase looks like he's rotting
do people still wavedash in melee? I feel like I never see anyone do it, was there a point in time when it fell off?
anyone up for some games?

I can host an arena
Yes, me.
buh, ased
Lot of trans folk on unranked this afternoon, and no this isn't me asking if anyone wants to play in here. It's just me impotently seething, the essence of my existence.
I literally don't get why Sheik mind breaks people so hard. I had a Falcon player literally exit the match pick sheik and then just hold down in a mocking way for 5 minutes straight. It's like Falcon fucking dominates the air vs Sheik so of course I'm gonna stay grounded and hold down a lot. It's the fucking match up. Why are you so upset? Should I pick Falcon and spam up airs to mock you? No. It's just what these characters do. Smelees are so fucking mentally ill.
Still looking to play? I'm down.
Holy shit this thread is so dead I didn't notice that was two hours ago.
Anyway, anyone up for arena?
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Me! Are you searching?
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UCF makes dashing less risky, and you can microspace better with it.
We need more spice. It has just been too bland and stale here lately. We need more heroes like GoMaD and villians like dupeanon, they both add soul. We need more people that play the game instead of brainrot post about trans people.
How did Zain land such a perfect gf…
I wish all melee characters outside the top 10 were deleted. So tired of retarded gimmicks and dealing with annoying recoveries I don't have hundreds of hours of experience in. Just go the fuck away. I never want to see a link or dk up b again. Be normal. Pick a top 10 character.
My Fox plays like 2013 Mang0 except I can shield drop and have worse angles.
Friday night, dead general
Its only active when you all masturbate and salivate over trannies and obese men playing this piece of shit game, or when one mexican sweatlord who stinks of COMINO EN LA AXILA makes an arena to feel better about himself
Fuck every one of you and I wish you'd all fucking die.
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I'm playing and blogging.
The previous thread was made in your honor and become one the most successful threads in /ssbg/ history. How does that make you feel?
Who are those 2 gay mexicans?
one of them is the leader the smash bros industry, and the other one is the most beloved
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this guy looks like if hungrybox and mang0 had an offspring
pure autism
Why does /fgg/ live while this place remains dead? Smash is bigger than fighting games.
Pull up the steam charts for Slime Fighter, Mashen 8, and Soive and combine them. I guarantee Smash Ult + Slippi netplay combined mogs that. Also Smash as a cultural thing is easily bigger.
smash just has a shit ton of casuals, they are not interested in actually getting involved with the community. the fgc has a much bigger community when it comes to people interested enough to talk about it on the internet. smash doesnt even get better tournament viewership anymore (not counting smash ultimate japan idc)
the smash subreddit has had no decline
say what you guys want about it but there is no denying those of us here are
people will eventually realize smash lives and die by rosterfagging. No new game = no rosterfagging, hence nothing to talk about
Cringe projection post

this but unironically
people don't rosterfag in the smash subreddit
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yeah i can see how swell it's going there
that's just the daily general thread. some days it's active, some days not
nice of you to avoid showing the posts with 0 comments even though those and the sub 10 comments ones are the majority
but also
>some days it's active, some days not
wow just like this general, incredible find
why are you ignoring the active threads?
mental illness and dishonest chuds like you are not rampant on r/smashbros
>immediately goes with shitposting
really lots to talk about uh
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I see that ballz is slowly turning into a dwarf
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Don't you ever fuck on me
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Put your dick away do NOT fuck on me.
what are your thoughts on the current state of ssbg?
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sex with spinda
when did light start looking kinda good? I wouldnt mind my face up his ass, if you know what I mean
you are not funny
>Sheik ragequitting against DK on stream
Riptide already delivering the entertainment
roy is fried chicken marth
The Smash community is making Spinda looking like a goddess by comparison.
I was playing a Peach yesterday that pulled a Mr. Saturn. They proceeded to throw it down on the ground and then nair'd it off the stage. I fell in love from the sheer cuteness of that sequence and would have immediately asked them out on the spot if we were on a setup together IRL.
fuck me I missed it
was it on the main stream?
I don't remember entering Riptide. Maybe I got black out drunk and hit my head after that?
>Kage is competing in the tranny event
This is why he could never push the ganon any further lmao!
because roy is the cool one
Yeah it was on mainstream, ckyulmiqnudaetr 3-0'd a Sheik
Wait, fuck
btssmash4's stream, it was just put on the main focus I meant
>ckyulmiqnudaetr 3-0'd a Sheik
I'm surprised more DK's don't use Down-B for tech chases, is it not super good on hit?
EnhancedPV vs Doorstop is a clean example of why you shouldn't be greedy and the consequence of desperate decisionmaking. That was PV's set and he threw all 3 games away. The last one thrown right at the character select screen.
Roughly 90 minutes solo practice today. Good 30 minutes on just platform movement. Anyone have a benchmark for when they stop? I really don’t feel like this was enough.
jesus, they're letting zain's beard commentate now?
>is it not super good on hit?
Not really, you can only convert it on fastfallers on a narrow range of percent below mid, and not for every DI, and the actionable timing is super tight anyway.
I guess it's probably a bit better when there are side platforms around (why we see Junebug use it in neutral), but then again why would you tech-chase with it when DK has a fast dash and you get massive reward from reacting to their tech/wake-up option and landing a grab instead?

It probably still has some niche usage threatening the corner on characters with bad GALINT, but the current meta now is execution-testing people on the ledge so every character just spams bair there (or their equivalent).
>Not really, you can only convert it on fastfallers on a narrow range of percent below mid, and not for every DI, and the actionable timing is super tight anyway.
Even if you just land the 2nd hit?
Thanks for the overall explanation though, kind of funny rewatching the Rishi vid and seeing that it's like the one aspect of his predictions that didn't come true from what I could see
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All Samus players evolve into Sheik players and all Sheik players evolve into Fox players. Why does this happen? You start out idealistic. You pick Samus and have full faith in her. She's got an awesome ground game and platform game. Then you keep getting your ass kicked by Falcons, Marths and Sheiks. You notice that Sheik does everything you do, but with better ground speed and a real grab. So you throw up your arms and switch to Sheik. Then you get your ass kicked by space tranimals. You notice that Fox is able to move and cover angles that Sheik physically can't contest. You reason it out in your head that Fox can literally do everything Sheik does, but is faster and has 1000 more options at all times. You then switch to Fox and have finished your journey to enlightenment.
>Even if you just land the 2nd hit?
Even if the 2nd hit is a bit better framedata-wise it still only works on a very limited percent range on like 3 characters, and trying to consistently aim to land only the 2nd hit kinda defeats the purpose of a move like this (long startup + controllable duration = defensive coverage/call-out).
Also let's not forget Down-B's hitboxes cannot hit opponents in the air, which makes the move is even more finicky.

Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting defensive option, but there's usually little to gain from it on a character that otherwise gets an insane punish sequence going from any other of his openings. That's why you don't see it being used in tech-chase situations in favor of reacting with a grab or hitting a read with a stomp.
Eh, it's just a flick, I'll probably have it down soon.
Will never understand this mindset from people who more than likely don’t even compete or compete only at like locals or netplay tourneys. Yes some matchups are cancer, I guess. Gotta stop acting like you’re fucking top level and people actually play matchups well.
>People will bitch and moan about Sonic being the most annoying
>Meanwhile I'm fighting a Samus that rolls more than Sonic spins in his entire moveset, spamming grab at every time I get close
they're not interested in improving, they're only interested in complaining
Snow v Tweek is a really nice set
me: n0ne is washed wizzy is the best falcon
me: *checks bracket* zoinks
If you play any of the links of DK please consider suicide. We get it, you aren't good enough for ultimate so you decided to come back to melee so you can cheese people with your faggy playstyles foreign to good games. You Couldn't even do the bare minimum and play Peach if you wanted to be a cheesy nigger. Nah. You need to spend 7 minutes flooding the screen with zany projectiles.
I do be a bit fiendish
KAMIya bros...
It's merely pattern recognition. After you've fought so many Foxes and watch him attack you from a zillion different angles with god hitboxes it becomes tiresome. I personally have a lot more fun playing characters that unlock my full potential and so do a lot of people who've went on the 20xx journey.
>Fox is so carried bro every time I play as him I just win
>dash back grab
>whiff punishes
>stands near ledge to shine guard
You can always spot the floaty secondary from a mile away, using this character in the most disgusting and impure way possible. Obviously, this works against shitters (such as myself) who want to actually interact (unfathomable for most non-fastfallers). Fox has a good dash dance and grab that these “people” just abuse to justify their biases. Immediately crumbles against anyone competent at spacing and neutral.
sometimes jobrobe
sometimes clutchrobe
i am not enjoying woman commentary
spinda is alright, she knows stuff about the game
the other one is just kinda there
I played spinda at a major once, she is pretty good and I was shocked when I heard her voice and realized she was a real woman
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when icies get yet another grab by the ledge
They keep saying she, but I'm not seeing a she.
Watch the Rivals 2 tournament, not the same thing you've seen 5000 times
nothing interesting happens in the rivals 2 tournaments
>try to time out HGOD on his stage
>get timed out by HGOD instead
lmao get fucked euroid
jeez these female commentators are mean
brother is camping while being down 130%
lmao get this failed armada wanabee outta here
never give up
Now we just wait for lloD to post another rant on twitter about how we need to nerf Puff (again), while also complaining that peach mains get too much hate and mentioning that he's a doctor a couple of times.
Does the one on the left have a gock?

Trannies so delusional they can only wonder what their their putrid rotton axe wounds would be if they were real vaginas.
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>tranny won
hate to see it, poor ossify
Morsegoat is on stream
I remember watching a random set with this dude on youtube and the commentators were so fucking cringe. They were talking about sneed's feed and seed and this general. It wasn't some nobody tournament either, it was a major.
this set, did it happen in your head?
That's darkgenex, he's a faggot and probably one of the most hated commentators. He started getting commentary spots because he paid thousands to go to smash summit. He's also jewish.
You're in charge of making sweeping changes to the next Smash bros game to make it more competitively enjoyable while remaining fun at any skill level. What do you do?
kill myself
I'm making Melee HD? Alright, if you insist
uhh sisters? our guy samuschungus762 is losing
>to make it more competitively enjoyable while remaining fun at any skill level. What do you do?
yeah, melee 2 it is
The elephant character in Rivals 2 looks so fucking unfun to play. Low tiers that aren't even fun have no reason to exist.
How did the Morsegoat game go
jorge and garkgenex are the same person
Melee 2 but there's a hardcoded projectile limit.
morsecode is not playing well.
best part about this is ultimascout in the comments calling everyone shit lol
I'd probably just make something like Rivals.
Melee 2 with
>nerfed CC/ASDI
>remove/nerf meteor cancel (maybe after certain percent threshold you can no longer meteor cancel)
>some buffs, namely make some of the bottom tiers actually function. try to make some of the worst characters roughly mario level and don’t change anyone else
>delete FD
>some customizable options, toggle-able buffer (like 3-4 frames maybe), tap jump toggle
>just remove l cancel
>built in UCF
>everyone gets 9 frame GALINT ledge dash
There you go, perfect smash game.
my least favorite thing about ultimate is how theres like 60 characters that can get back to the ledge/stage for free and you can never ever edgeguard them. being off the stage should be a disadvantage state so i would remove all of these characters in the next smash or rework their kit entirely
Oh you don't like the characters that can literally go from one side blastzone to the other and still make it back? Just go out and contest them shitter, if everybody can make it back easily then everybody can fight offstage easily
Good thing half of them can teleport or have armor/I-frames, retard. Your game is dogshit.
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>the twitch chat for Riptide Ultimate singles
Well this match does have a lot of extra salt added on top of it due to the preferential treatment Sonix got, makes sense for chat to go to absolute shit in response
I've just been watching Melee, what's happening?
>Riddles vs Sonix was supposed to happen about 50 minutes ago
>Riddles on stage on time, Sonix nowhere to be found
>Zomba and Shuton (next match after them) show up to cover Sonix being MIA
>set finishes, Riddles vs Sonix on again, 30 minutes later Sonix still nowhere to be found
>chat raging for most of this time saying DQ Sonix
>after several minutes again of Riddles being ready and Sonix not, he finally shows up
>Sonix wins the set as I type this
Bad guy won. Faggot organizers sucked off Sonix because he's a top player. Fraud tournament.
>about 50 minutes ago
Holy shit, did he even give any explanation?
Instead of acting like a complete faggot, I'm going to give someone who spends 1k+ on travel to most important tournament of the year, benefit of the doubt.

Something obviously happened.
maybe he had the shits
>So according to Larry Lurr's YT chat, Sonix was told by the TO that he was in top 24, so Sonix left the venue thinking his bracket was over and done for the day. That's why this set took a while to happen.

Not his fault
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Ok, I retract what I said about Sonix being the bad guy. TOs are still faggots who couldn't be trusted to poor piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.
TOs surpassing even the jannies in retardation I see

Every fucking tournament it's always a TO being a complete retard fucking something up.
Maybe the TO had the shits
I don't know here where he was the second time, but I was with him during that first mia.
I was sucking his dick. his cum tastes really good.
MorseGOD is locked tf in
Melee Samus's slower, grounded footsies style is oddly hypnotizing to watch
Rivals 2 ended, player of Super Jigglypuff won
>Jmook getting 3-0'd by a Samus
Washed? Or is it time for Samuschads to shine?
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my expectations have been subverted
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All Samus players evolve into Sheik players and all Sheik players evolve into Fox players. Why does this happen? You start out idealistic. You pick Samus and have full faith in her. She's got an awesome ground game and platform game. Then you keep getting your ass kicked by Falcons, Marths and Sheiks. You notice that Sheik does everything you do, but with better ground speed and a real grab. So you throw up your arms and switch to Sheik. Then you get your ass kicked by space tranimals. You notice that Fox is able to move and cover angles that Sheik physically can't contest. You reason it out in your head that Fox can literally do everything Sheik does, but is faster and has 1000 more options at all times. You then switch to Fox and have finished your journey to enlightenment.
AsiGOAT will win, trust.
And then your hands start hurting and you go back to Samus
I want to believe. He's up against Sparg0 next though, and I frankly just don't.
Riddles gf is so hot bros, do I really need to go to canada to get a girl like that?
Bonfire passed back when the masks were on, rip
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you dont have to move. you just have to get in shape.
riddles is hot
not with those shoulders, LOL
She's alright if you're into chinks. Canada is a good bet if you want to find your chink gf, however I'm being 100% real with you when I say that she won't ever really "love" you if you aren't also chink adjacent.
there's no koreans near me

Is it a culture thing? I'm white
pics of his gf?
Hey friend, maybe confine your /r9k/ desperation to yourself or also consider killing yourself. I know generals are where autism goes to die but maybe consider doing it elsewhere.
I'm not desperate, just brought it up because riddles gf was on the stream and kissed him and thought it was pretty nice to have someone supportive like that. You should take your own advice before giving it to others though, you might make the world a better place.
Morsegoat doebeithoweverso
youre retarded
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Any notable players already knocked out of Riptide?
mango axe moky
Dude was completely relaxed about being down in stocks and games until the set ended. Dude didn't take Syrup seriously at all with how often he kept running in with unsafe moves and got punished.
has plup gone 100% samus so far?
Do you guys find it cringe when someone mains a character from a series they never played? Like I never played Zelda OoT and kind of main Sheik.
So every Marth main is cringe?
ive actually played fire emblem, the ones on gba specifically, and ive put my fair bit of time in fire emblem heroes
am i legally qualified to main chrom
Roughly 2 hours solo practice today. Still dogshit.

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