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Male midlanders own this thread

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previously: >>>492800848
stop with the homo ass op's
oh thank god
stop with the gay shit in the op
please someone else bake the next thread i hate gay men so much
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No, NO
Enough with the gay threads

Enough with the gay OPs, the gay """"meenas"""", the gay GAYs
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we love spreading hatred and negativity here nigga, we love spreading bad vibes in here NIGGA
i also hate faggots
keep making the gay threads
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Can my femra lick your femra a bit?
why did you say meenas 5 times?
I'm kind of a piece of shit EB. I should just come off clean but I'm a coward who has never felt any affection from anyone and kinda don't want to lose it, even if I don't actually deserve it.

w-wait where's the confess anchor?
catboy supremacy

continue with the homo ass ops, thanks
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you guys are making me want to make a gay op next time
at least one of you has erp'd with another grown ass man about being plowed
you have no right to talk
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>Femra have acess to all these colors
>EVERY femra is "Pale/human" color
what do you like to talk about anon, what race do u play
>thread is bad because its two men instead of a half nude drawn women
>image in question isn't even that bad

wow this thread is full of porn addicts
Only if she licks my femra's feet
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Fuck you nigga
what's wrong did it move?
I spent 2 hours today downloading pictures of a lalaboy with a huge woober
>porn addicts
>defending the op image
ok porn addict
i've never erp'd
are you already EBd or waiting to EB?
not asking to EB you, just curious
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I love femezen so much it's unreal
i cant think of a better character to go with this post
I am EB'd, yeah.
the OP image is literally porn you retarded fag. does AIDS affect your brain too?
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Im gonna make the next thread image gay af now. You did this.
just listened to a bit of every song in the last thread and i gotta say your taste really sucks
Lalaboys are builded for lalaboys
My moonie just brushed her teeth.
why do you think you're a bad EB then?
Why do these threads keep trying to turn me gay?
someone make an m1s party
or m2s
or m3s
or m4s
i just want to play the game
personally I have a whole bevy of things I can talk about, though I suppose I most enjoy going autistically into, say, Type Moon shit
male midlander btw
I don't care about your opinion - I like the song I posted and that's all that matters
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post lalafell
I think lalaboys are the only race my lalaboy DOESN'T like...
you could get railed in the ass by a whole super market and that'd still be less gay than the meenas
r u that same anon, male midlander anon
thats because you look at a weird colored femra for 5 minutes and go "aw yea that was neat" and move on with your day, if you spent all day looking at one it'd get annoying fast. all these RGB femras are called exotic for a reason
Weird ass nigga
I had a nightmare that gpose porn was posted of my male character and a femlala and everyone stopped being my friends and called me a pedo whenever they saw me
pale femra cope
nobody thinks your tranny ass looks good
do we still like grey moonies please be honest
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Is this thread okay
Normal ass dude.
nobody will EVER kiss my femlala's tummy... everyone just wants to plap her with no fanfare...
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True.... yet most lalaboys dont like other lalaboys....
Only if it's Effy ya
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based fellow yapchad, yap at me about the shit from type-notes or whatever that shit with ORT in it is called. i thought that thing was fucking rad and they put it in FGO but i don't want to play that game anymore for my own mental health (although two of my characters are inspired by characters from it)
If you plap a lala you are indeed a pedo.
That wasn't a dream anon, that really happened. You should be ashamed of yourself. Disgusting.
Meenas are so faggy soft and love to frot :333
i hate it
I like groonies
It's okay bro. You're safe with my femlala.
what if a lala plaps you?
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behold, the actual pedophiles
>only 11 active parties
>on a holiday weekend night
Dynamis is a fucking prison.
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CC @ 3:00 ET
Fear not. I too, am a Male Midlander. There's probably plenty of people into Type Moon, but I only find myself liking some of that stuff. Personally, I'm for a FG player and usually any games that are competitive save for shooters.

Jeanne alter is my wife though if you catch my drift.
i got a random coughing fit and it gave me a headache bros
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>we didn't get a Beatrix fight
It's not fair. This was supposed to be the FFIX expansion!
that's because your femlala doesn't deserve foreplay. she only exists to be plapped and discarded.
plap my male character's mouth
i tried to warn you about dynamis bro
looks retarded and like shit
non human skintone moonies are the only acceptable ones. the rest are posers.
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Don't let it happen again.
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i wish i wasn't gay honestly
Hold on to hope brother, look at how much FF4 came after the MSQ in Endwalker.
Miera? Miqo?
>ffix expansion
>horrible dogshit
I shan't be playing your game
How are face 4 catboy stocks looking rn?
I can't smooch what I can't see. Post femlala and I'll smooch.
Been loving the gay middie ops, keep it up
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Ok, here she is.
You know you can just make a short person right? Everytime one of you does something like this you feel the need to use face and body mods to turn yourself into children.

Actual weirdos.
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I need other girls to kiss my femlala tummy like this. Because girls faces and lips are softer then boys.
I won't kiss your femlala's tummy but I will punch it over and over and listen to the cute noises you make
ermm actually nvm
I shan't say, as I know it will never happen
I need a male with a stubble or beard to do that to my femlala.
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I made cringe today
Well, LB 7 was actually the first appearance of ORT we've seen outside of offhand mentions and a retard worshipping it
Notes actually shows us type-venus and iirc type-mercury makes a brief appearance before getting B L A C K B A R R E L E D
and actually makes Kukulkan's reveal less surprising

You had the choice of so much genuine wife material...
and you chose the tsundere...
cute doggo for bellyrubs and walkies
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>I play a min height max tail length raen femra, shes very cute, I like her very much. And sometimes I go down to the quicksand with all the wonderful people there and find another femra to ERP with. Some people might think its gay. But I always saw it as directing a porno with our characters. I think if you think about the man on the other end of the screen, thats a little gay.
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I'm beginning to think that vpr is a rather shit pvp job
will i get banned if i put B==D in shout chat
femlala tribbing with my femlala
What do hrothgal tails feel like?
You're just shit at it.
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I like mental illness, anon. And I'm not even the Male Midlander that really likes femra.
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>tsundere enjoer
based asf
â–º Recent Highlights from: >>492800848

â–º Tanking is enjoyed for various reasons, such as protecting friends, liking the thrill of taking hits, or enjoying the responsibility, but some just find it fun to get beaten, "literally, LITERALLY".
>>492802579 >>492802664 >>492802673
â–º Anon's next Fanta flavor is determined by various suggestions including Femraen, Moonie, Femlala, Pineapple, Melf, Flat Femraen, and more, while one Anon tells them to stop attention begging and choose a flavor already.
>>492806476 >>492806547 >>492806568
â–º Femra enthusiasts discuss posting their femra, with some criticizing the request, citing religious beliefs or dissatisfaction with the representative image, while others lament the sexualization of femra and how it leads to attention, with one anon remarking, "cumming to this thinking it's my crush with my femra..."
>>492801032 >>492801174 >>492801271
â–º Anon quits vagueposting advice, others respond with varying degrees of snark, from thanks to vitriol, while another promises to counter with nasty posts.
>>492805119 >>492805223 >>492805249
â–º Guys complaining about being lonely and playing social games on hard mode while evading attempts at conversation, with some offering to chat or meet, but others making derogatory remarks about appearance or implying they're unapproachable.
>>492802003 >>492802063 >>492802117
â–º Lalafell players are accused of being pedophiles, but some argue they see their characters as adults, unlike Miq'kitten players who are more overtly treated as children in the game's storyline.
>>492808132 >>492808220 >>492808248
â–º Au Ra memes are shared with OP to celebrate his friend's arrival in the Steppe, featuring streamable links and catbox files.
>>492801496 >>492801681 >>492801682
â–º A triple feature of Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle, and Kung Pow is proposed, with some suggesting a double feature instead, while others are down for all three or want to replace Kung Pow with Tremors.
>>492801430 >>492801729 >>492801850
Because I'm a piece of shit and my EB is a genuinely nice person. He has problems which can be solved by someone far more supportive than me but I'm just a deep pile of shit he accidentally stepped into.
To me it's the real 4v5 job, really does tickles for damage, unkillable as all hell, but still does nothing, can be easily ignored
Faggy meenas
Soft meenas
Faggy soft meenas
Faggy soft oily meenas
Faggy soft oily meenas frotting their cocks !
It is. Unfortunately
That shouldnt stop you from playing it, though
a real good girl. /pet /pet
Why don't you dump him then? Honest question.
thank you for yet another good post
It's a job for killing monsters. Leave the slaying of men to us kunoichis...
*Smooching this femlala on her tummy, then using her thighs as a pillow while I take a nap.*
that would be me
Post location so my malera can /pet.
Here's another (You), keep it up chatGPT anon
i'm convinced some of you guys focus me at the start of matches ;_;
I laughed
thank fucking god that shitter is not on my team
I do play it because it feels fun but I dislike feeling like I need to detox by playing a melee job that isn't as bad
male middie?
Any of those 3 are a possibility for me if you're really subby and we get along.
Na... the 3 LBs used at the same time on your is a coincidence.
ye ye, it talked about the other ones and some slash emperor dude but it's been so long that the memories are hazy. was it in notes too? i only remember mash using it in LB5
I need a couple of miera or catboys to frot inside a sex sleeve while I'm Eos-sized and inside of it...
does my sunnie do msq roul or go to bed
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but I am
Didn't mention those two anons longing for each other?
its honestly kinda shit, basically a worse SAM but it teaches you how to be a really fucking good SAM imo
Ew, go to bed. Never do msq rolo.
Oh shit nice. Keep doing this. I like this.
They are made to be raped by male sunnies. Sorry...
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I am reposting my lalafell

I hope you don't mind
It's one of >>492810067 but based on our previous interaction(s) in game, it wouldn't happen. But I will continue to dream of getting filled and dominated by (You)
this just makes me want to make a scene so you can post about it next thread
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we got dicked down
leaving it a bit longer for the other match to end

CC @ 7:00 ET
Ugly niggapedo.
Thank fucking god that shitter is on my team to even things up
>was it in notes too?
i meant the black barrel here mb mb
they are made so I frot them with my hand
I love my gundam homie.
Yeah, the Black Barrel Mash uses is a replica, though still very effective
It's used by Gun God, who, despite his name is the last normal human left, which is why Black Barrel doesn't kill him as it converts Grain
Also, it introduces us to the concept of A-Rays, not to be confused with A-Rays (the english localization of Great Spirit)
Don't ask me who signed off on that.
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Am i not allowed to stand here? I got hit with a 200k thing
i like these gay ops
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easily one of my favorite femlalas in this thread, /pet /pet
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the tanks have to be in front
BASED baker, I hope we return to the absolute seethe levels from these futards and cumbrain erper 30 year olds as back in stormblood
Ok then maybe the tank should go in front of me?
this unironically gets beat over by Galaxy Eyes
It ranks reply chains in order of enthusiasm or tread impact compared to an overall summary of the entire thread + word cloud. In short, it just bullshits since models are known to hallucinate when leaving things up to chance. It's fine in this case since it randomizes what gets picked out.
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plowable serrit bussy
best body to search for flat/small outfits for?
you are not going to clear this fight
My femlala is very hungry because her doggy brain won't allow her to do the dishes for some reason and she has no food other than snacks that can be consumed without using cookware...
And even if she could afford to order delivery... it's too late at night for that.
Oh well... I suppose she'll have to go hungry until tomorrow. Hopefully her energy recovers by then...
>Didn't mention those two anons longing for each other?
Which posts were those?
Do femlalas spit or swallow?
muse or nymph
I like CC.
BASED. You, what do you play as?
I'm selfish and I want love. He's the only one who will ever give it to me. He is my reason to get up every morning and when I thought I had almost lost him once it hurt so much to wake up and realize how much my chest hurt, and I don't want to lose him. But I know I don't deserve him, I know he deserves someone better, literally anyone else. Someone who can make him bloom instead of lock him away from everyone...
rori chan coded post
My femlala breaking into your house and doing your dishes and leaving.
krauter is really cute and small
My pvp enemy...
Our battles will be legendary!
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I love cc too
My femlala swallows, as it's less messy that way.
Thank you, fellow Male Midlander.

I appreciate your hustle.
If you play Paladin and you don't use Cover you should get an ingame suspension from PvP.
Literally made for frotting with other meenas
started with >>492801149 also is it really an ai or just a larp?
nigga huh
Post your naked femra
Even if it's from a lalaboy?
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Good night, I love femezen so much it's unreal poster
The one male miqo I know is offline and sub expired...
Probably Miera. Maybe Jean. Idk I know a few Miera.
Idk well, there's a lot of people where it takes me a few months before I ERP with them for various reasons. Sometimes that's because I'm only really into them after becoming friends. I'm too slutty to truly friend zone someone unless the ERP is just bad and stuff.
you look like you get dommed in vrchat while calling people daddy
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don't post your naked femra
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gn sirs
That would be so wonderful, sis... thank you for even thinking about it...
I asked 3 times and everyone said no like this dude >>492811373

Not true!
thanks you're too
It's also a gap closer in a pinch! Why wouldn't anyone use it?
good night my wife
Maybe if you shit asses used Elixir under cover I'd want to
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damn i gotta read notes again, for some reason i get the feeling it was a relatively normal sized gun in the original but i'm not sure. and yeah, the earth was pretty fucked up last i remembered which also made it real cool, although i remember the world being described to be mostly grey with a pink sky which sounds kinda lame. admittedly i have no idea what a-rays are though, maybe it was described once in the fate-extra series if i had to guess
thank you
one day my feelings will be reciprocated
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I was the one that said no btw
a hero's duty is never finished
AB, kiwi, noff. I think krauter is outdated but that was my favorite before.
nymph and muse for completely flat.
Tre S and lithe for slightly larger ones
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no U
builded for my fiera
nta but please post your naked femra
Girls, you're both cute.
what's the mod top?
autism fight match
Une is made for my hung femraen-
this but not getting the red sands buff at the start of a match, it should instantly boot you and pull in a new person from queue
She isn't lazy... she's mentally ill... certain tasks are significantly more difficult for her than others. Sometimes, she can work incredibly hard, and is a dedicated and loyal pup... but other things seem insurmountably difficult for her, like manually washing the dishes... it doesn't make a lot of sense even to her. If she could just do it, she would... after all, she is so very hungry, and wants to eat her favorite foods so much... why wouldn't she do it if she could?
maybe if you used cover I'd elixir you fucking crusty taint
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How does this even happen? How can a person do the same fight so many times and still do it badly?
une is made for instant loss in cc
Post her, my middie wants to see her
Another question for you then, how exactly are you a piece of shit EB? I recognize two good traits in you: one, you acknowledge the love that your SO provides and two, you value your SO. These two things alone put you far ahead of most. Maybe don't be so hard on yourself, sis? Maybe he provides you with love because you've earned it from him?
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Ok thanks so much. I forgot it was even a wild charge (I dont even know what these debuffs really do...
Polly post
they likely have no idea what they're doing with their class. even if they don't mess up the fight itself they're butchering everything about the job and don't know/see a problem because they're still clearing regularly
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I return to the video game
>why wouldn't she do it if she could?
Because you're LAZY you dumb BITCH
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I'm just a puppy, ser...
wg post
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Grats bro!
It's neither of them and I wouldn't be on your FL
I'll be content to just dream and threadflirt
One time I was the only one who went into the oasis and I couldn't figure out what button to press to call them all retarded for not getting in there.
Grats, a clear is a clear
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>visit the bench
>this is the bench
yeah.... so where do the normal people hang out?
all the nins with half a braincell picked up vpr
*puts his hand with food in front of you*
Come here, eat.
someone please get krile away from them
You did good kid
i hang out on my home server [not balmung] on my house's lawn, usually
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Good night /xivg/
Stand up. Put dish soap on the dishes. Scrub until they look clean under hot water. You only need to clean ONE PLATE and ONE set of utensils for your dinner tonight. Dry them with a clean pair of panties or toilet paper or whatever if you don't have towels. Then go eat. Do not let yourself hunger.
This is normal. This is what white collar office workers do when they get home and kick off their shoes.
>didn't clear week 1
You didn't clear.

>parse gray
Literally uninstall the game and go play in traffic.
Any CC'ers?
Next call out please
welcome back
Serrit is bisexual
he pretends to hate gays but actually really loves cocks
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wow a miera who pretends to not be gay but loves sucking dick thats really unique
A clear is a clear is a clear! Nice
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Pick one to have hot, sloppy hypno-sex with.
God DAMN she's perfect!
same except my fc house
lmfao these niggas retarded
I play Paladin, occasionally use Cover, but never PvP.
im sick as fuck but my eb is streaming me cc
all is good in the world
>Lalaboy clears m1s week 6
>Catgirl clears m1s week 6
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CC @ 11:00 ET
These are children. You're sexualizing children.
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my lalaboy is here to advise you eat some snacks so you can sleep well even if its just some crackers
Ikr, I fucked him a few times
f-fine... thank you... i'll eat it graciously...
i guess i'll go see if my roommate is asleep... i'm afraid there's no getting around the fact that i can't do them if he is... thank you malezen poster...
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every femraen is builded for mine
These have to be piloted by niggers
>wah, i played melee but I didn't care about the point
I don't care you don't matter in this situation
Anyone need something delivered to the "yard" ?
I'm headed over there soon.
i am
a fem middie
giving in to despair
I'd win
Who's the miqo'te with the Gaia looking dress and exposed thighs on the left side of the image? Because she needs to be plapped every night until she can't talk without giggling I swear to god.
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Such a good feel.
A shame your eb isn't my eb so they probably aren't even a fraction as entertaining though.
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*plaps u*
A mentally ill retard called Effy Kibou
how did he know..
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my femlala's POV
builded for lalaboys
*adopts u*
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>a fem middie
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yeah you probably would
Lalaboys are widely understood to be either retarded or extremely depraved criminals who belong in jail. Confirming one as retarded is a blessing.
other than you and une, who would possibly utter the words hung femraen-
your not a fiddie
My miqo is listening to this while playing pvp

i am very dumb yes but i will take it
Who is your EB so I can make them have a bad time
I thought it was a nice blank
I am going to shoot the shit out of your EB
it's nothing personal
Une's fatra would fit right in
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He would literally die if he got hard
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She single and can she handle a male character's dick as opposed to a teenie futa weenie?
>This is what white collar office workers do when they get home and kick off their shoes.
Literally me
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I saw a ebin dick him down.
width/proporiton wise maybe but not height
The first thing I do when I load into the match is mute travelers.
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Nah, I'd keep winning.
Flux looks like THAT?
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Might've made her ass too big, i need to tone it down
>a ebin
its real nigga hours in xivg
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I pushed the Hello. quickchat say it back
goes hard
He is single but he hates male characters because he's a tranny in denial
please dont talk about my trans adjacent boywife like that sir
nice melty earlier today
nah looks good
No that's perfect, give me more
no keep it
I don't think so.
Why'd you ever leave? Super cute fiddie.
Normal people don't join whatever sync shell that is.
>playing an honest job
what the fuck is that thing
blonde ryne
i'm eyeing leviah's ass I'm ngl
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Not for long

reminder this guy is a genuine schizo
can you tell me how to play gnb
goodbye xivg
Ive never played CC before and I dont have my pvp hotbars set up

im joining the next cc call
degeneracy aside does anyone know what that sweat cloud mod is? asking for myself, i'm the degenerate
Made a lewd twitter for my lowlander (M)
How long until it gets banned?
killing myself
Probably never. tons of /ss/ on twitter.
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This thing?
my moonie cleared m3s
Go set them up in the Wolves Den area before you Q!
these posts always make me laugh
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im at my private house
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EB like this?
the thing on the left
post ur moonie
Normal people don't play past the .0 patch, raids (mostly) included.
Why do you want to be stinky
post your moonie's feet
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Male characters never approach me for that kinda thing. I like male characters https://files.catbox.moe/bbgt6h.png
If you don't act like a man, fate reduces you to a woman. Cope all you want, that hole was made for a real man. Dick will cure that depression and confusion.
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Gnb is not honest at all, bro.
hot desu
xivggers allergic to the point tonight lmao
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CC @ 3:00 ET
Droppin' some nutsludge on this pic like zeeks droppin a colony ong, (everyone finna fucking die)
god I love cock

in fino fantasy fourteen
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is ninja still good
idk mostly cause no one to play with and also limited time
My job is to stand on the crystal and dance on it uncontested while pushing it
You like guys taller than you?
after lving sam im not touching this job again, the pvp kit makes me cringe everytime i play
some people genuinely prefer losing the game over stepping on the crystal for even a moment
Can I approach for some lewd requests?
hi effy question

are people just mad at you because you like to erp and gpose nsfw stuff

that's not what i like to play this game for but you never seem to be having melties or anything
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We like big juicy femra asses though
Ive wanted to with you multiple times
we had a smn without recuperate bro settle down
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eb like this
I don't know, but I do hide a lot from him. I think if I spilled all my secrets and my real feelings he would probably crack. I know he won't find happiness with anyone either, but he deserves to be with a better person than me.
True but I've had 3 games back to back where they just ignore it or walk off.
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my job is to run away from monks and ninjas
Sam is great when you ain't got a bitch in your ear who don't know how to play it
he's posts his character ergo everybody hates on him for no reason
>Gnb is not honest at all, bro.
At least it isn't ___
Ninja is good at the highest tier. I personally don't like how it plays now compared to EW which was fantastic.
Play with me if you're on Balmung.
What do I do if I wake up feeling very exhausted...
Not as in tired but like physically exhausted to the point where its tough to breath... I feel like I have a headache a lot too... Is it because I don't eat much...? My appetite has been worse than usual lately... I passed out from exhaustion a couple days in a row now...
This pertains to FFXIV because it will be utilized in my future RP so give me your thoughts.
I hate you so fucking much, Otis.
Shit tastes so good when you don't got a bitch in your ear reminding you you're eating shit
sam is actually really powerful when you're fighting a team full of melees instead of a healer + 3 ranged dps but unfortunately the latter is present in almost every game
Hate to tell you bud, but that's just the plain old Balmung syncshell.
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>We're just pretending to be idiots
yet another player who will never experience kino
Sunrise is not hard
same, one of the games at the meet i literally unlocked the crystal 0-100 by myself while everyone else was doing god knows what
go to your doctor
the uptime
based tranny triggerer
niggas would chase someone across the map just to post that they owned some guy and never even sit on objective once
its literally braindead with the uptime strat
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It's not hard.
lmao effy posting his self insert thinking he likes males
wrong they light up my world and are the best eb
hopefully yours is the same for you
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Unearthing an old alt
I used to be one of the best ninjas
I haven't really played since stormblood
I just transferred back to balmung
I just want to make a webm in a shower scene, where a lot of steam may be present...
I wish I had the courage to tell her I like her
If you can't win the 4v4 you don't deserve to win
just meld vit lmao
There was an entire 4d chess game of mindgames going on in the background. You were just a mere pawn.
That's me
Full xivg cc game

Come queue for the CC games. You just missed one.
I made a BLM stop queuing because they emoted at me once.
rape squad
bro found a treasure trove of sovl
Effy has a huge ego for someone who is too scared to actually talk to anyone who approaches him
Caelynn Lynwood is a cunt
what is CC games @_@
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Wait, true!!!!
When are we watching a good mech anime like Big O
No preference
I post my character way too often & only talk about the game anonymously so it appears I'm only ever off topic
If it was only ever to pose, that's probably why. I hate posing unless I already have an idea in mind
You're so right bro...
this nigga approached Effy and wasn't able to get his dick wet
you niggas is gay
i dont mind being a pawn. i pusha da crysta
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why this bunboy so zesty bros?
are you busy right now?
They're a biofem of course they are
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but do you like her girlcock
>met a femra from here
>she's cute as cute can be and I can't wait to see her again
even if you get a multikill with it the amount of time it gets to fill this lb a Monk already meteordived your ass twice, and this gimmick is so old everyone will just point and laugh everytime you press Chiten, also the sustain is trash

the guy who made this legit never pvp'd in their life
>fails to ride a bicycle even with instruction
you only need an extra like.. 50k it's fine
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no they're not
Crystalline Conflict. PVP
>After I finish ARR, I will organize my inventory
>After Heavensward, I will organize my inventory
>Once I finish level CUL to max, I will organize my inventory
>Once I max a combat job, I will organize my inventory
>Once I level all my crafting/gathering skills to max, I will organize my inventory

I have given up. Entropy reign supreme!
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eb like this?
I cannot overstate how much more dull my day to day life would be without my eb.
I hope explodeposters can know this feeling one day.
He doesn't know...
>static member is "sick"
>cant make it
>reclears on main
>pink parser for all 4 fights
Just drop brother, why stay in this second static on your alt? Im gonna drop next weekend. If you're reading this, you'll know because I have a doctors appointment Saturday night.
I found out they werent potting and we hit less than 1% on m2, Im on m4, idk why I even joined. I offered free pots, and they said "no we have enough" and didnt pot. What the fuck man. Thats just wrong, why am I wasting my time here then?
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What do you guys think of my new creation?
God that blonde miqo is cute in that armor. Glasses girls just do it right man.
All meenas are faggy zesty and soft :3
>MRD with Flash
Shit dude, hate when you had to flash everything twice as GLD because no tank stance lmao
All meena are in a contest to see who can be the most flamboyant without outwardly admitting they suck dick.
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I'm not max level I don't even have endwalker yet :)
>I passed out from exhaustion a couple days in a row now...
Doctor. Now.
I am forcing some LOSERS up to the summit at the moment
effy may like males
but my femra would gladly rub essi's ears
and do much, much more if she let me
please..... explode.....
what happened pepper?
unlocsk at lvl 30
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I'll get right on that king...
(I don't have anymore pictures of me getting murdered. hehe)
i have a 100% swallow rate
I think you need to abort it.
Why are you wasting your time with them?
Why are you wasting your time posting this?
Just leave a message in the channel an dip.
They don't respect your time, why are you giving them notice like you're a mcwagie?
damn i was going to ask if you wanted to erp
also invite me to HoH...I need one more clear
aint no way people are going "ERM THIS GUY DOESNT LIKE DUDES" when this is quite possibly the zestiest motherfucker ive heard in quite some time, cute cats tho
You're alright Effy. Next time I see you, I'm giving you a headpat. Prepare your body.
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This place must have been a porn addicts dream in endwalker man
message the static lead
they will probably be just as pissed as you are
Know what?
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Damn, those were the days.
What a shit Viper Holy!
Effy in thread
Effy ingame if you have thread cred
Effy ingame if you have no thread cred
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fun match
last call for me, ty for matches anons

CC @ 7:00 ET
0-6 sam lol
ok but why tho
any late night lalas on?
Oxtail soup...
effy talks to me and i dont have that much thread cred
3-0 hhahaha

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I have 0 thread cred so I post pictures of femras ITT instead
I think it's funny that you stole Appals favourite thing to do from him
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>level 40 diadem collectable can give 600k XP
Does this scale up or stop here?
Rape shotas
You shouldn't be allowed near schools
Femra players can act normal for a few weeks, but once they feel comfortable the mental illness comes out
My puppyfolk femlala is making food for herself now.
my melancholic, husband-let lala is still on yes how may I help you
Is VPR that fucking bad? That job looks like it does nothing in CC.
I'm allowed to wear shorts, it's the summer. fuck you.
die dumb fuck idiot retard smooth brain idiot
I want names
how does one get threadcred?
I am one step closer to getting this damn weapon done, guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
who'd you piss off, wryx? you had a schizo melting hard earlier
Femra would be god tier if they weren't played by femra players.
No bully Viper players. They'll figure it out
I guess you're accepting your laziness now
Good job little dog
Queueing up for CC on my Garlean character.
kisses u
Luv u 2 dear
I really enjoy that word, such a feeling
Someday you'll be a husband bro, dont give in
how do i get raped by a femra
Who has the highest thread cred?
it's ok (it can do good damage sometimes) but it's worse than every other melee in cc including sam which was previously the worst melee in cc
Because one of them is a good friend, and its not a pressure thing. They asked for help, I agreed, had to at least give the benefit of the doubt. Now that its been given I'm dipping.
Makes me think people are angry so often for a reason though.
kek thanks I needed the laugh
What an oddly coincidental yet seemingly pointed post...
Be annoying all day with your character attached
Me? I had threadcred, but I cast it all away for a quiet life
you can just stop there if you want. What you have in your hands there is the only step that looks good.
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It's fine.
you just made me realize i that i havent seen the garlean rper in awhile
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femra players
Nahhhhhh she isn't
Bust out the proofs
lalafell post
Please be nice to me...
Unfortunately, yes. Seems to be the consensus, but again don't let that stop you from playing it for fun

Me, because I've been collecting interest on it for 11 years
I don't remember making this post
my moonie is a level 100 dragoonie
Thanks you're too
which one
Ah, what a strange coincidence indeed
>I like male characters
translation for you would be suitors:
i like male viera and catboys (like my self insert)
noob squad we're getting raped
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Why is aether locked down like fort knox.
that's an old picture...
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>Otis on my team
We lost.
It's that bad against anyone decent. It's so easy to kite. It's like a much much worse Gunbreaker or Samurai.
Picto is pretty bad, but winnable, but with a Viper it's literally 4v5.
Where are you, swys?
what a powerful moonie
its ok but pretty much everything it does a different job does better
the retarded ragequitter
me? i never had threadcred
i'm just tooooo lazy gweheee fjuuu *falls back asleep*
My sunnie is all out of cum.
I actually plan on finishing it cause I do like how big and clunky the last step weapon looks like in terms of a gunblade, also just to have it done and out of my inventory and just to acquire the replica is good enough for me.
she looks like she sucks off catboys with her helmet on
>first time back after a month
>do roulette
>orbonne monastery
>alliance wipes on every boss except the sniper
>we're still in the raid with 69 minutes to go on Ultima
Sure I might've lost muscle memory, but still.
My fiddie has an extremely sensitive butthole
Oh, Octavia or something? She got banned
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Well at least it was kind enough to wait until I was out of that match.
what the HELL
Goodluck on your clears by the way
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My femra is a desert GM
*plaps you*
we know you've reminded us like 10+ times
it's the highest dps dps but it can only dps when someone is standing still, and it can pretty much only dps
>old screenshots
could you please take new ones this is getting boring
maybe more.....
No shit, Otis is garbage at the game.
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i spent all my threadcred on a femezen wife and we love each other very much
Holy moly... well, it's always permitted, of course. She'll just be very annoyed the whole time
Essi is the name of my suncat alt
I'm practically always down to do DDs, sure sure. As for the other, it's very mood dependent, just prod me and we'll see
I will NOT prepare (but thank you)
Yeah he's so owned honestly. But actually, running them with him all the time made me really, really, really love doing them
But I also like midlanders and malera and even hroths and malezen
he made a new character (anegline something) and still ragequits just as often
Time to run expert...
where'd you meet them anon
I miss this old version of the pizza cat the funny goofy pizza cat
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I finished them earlier and shall be retreating to bed so ty and gn!
That doesn't answer the question
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>It is 3am and you awaken in the dark to the sound of clattering pots and pans in your kitchen
>You cautiously creep out of your bedroom to see what your sweet femlala wife is cooking up for you this time
>As you step into the kitchen you see her putting the finishing touches on webm related, before setting a plate on the table next to you
Good morning sweetheart... you're hungry right...?
>She's picked up half of the food from the plate and began tearing into it before you have a chance to even respond
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my femra pilots this
Grown ass men like this are just attention whores. Just MD5 filter this gross sex pest and move on.
Otis is literally top 5 pvpers from /xivg/ and no amount of shitposting will change that.
I kinda want to swap from primal to crystal but I like my fc too much
Why does he look like Mitch McConnell
Sleep well then
Everyone has an extremely sensitive butthole. You think the rest of us are just sitting here with numb buttholes all the time?
oh my god he does
>No cat girl anchor post
psst psst post cat girls!
no chin sadly
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Please queue for Zeromus on Crystal

The average duty finder player has been awful and it took 5 wipes to clear Golbez
How do I find an EB who will actually love me and not just treat me like a trophy as a femlala?
i'm hanging out with thread lalas but i'm not getting schizo'd? that doesn't seem right.
good damage but disingenuous post because the enemy team comp was 3 tanks and a nin

How faggy can one meena be?
is gilgamesh open? thinking about transitioning
you should put up a pf
*blocks your plap and plaps you back.*
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I missed the queue... now I will miss the next one....
>thinking about transitioning
congratulations anon
im literally talking about a heterosexual relationship
post her......
I think it's also the nose and paper thin lips
the head is so small..
First you need to find someone who will blanket you, must be a pure femlala though
Sorry, no comeback allowed.
t. Otis
what's your point
looks like you won
>5 wipes
holy. make a PF and post it on the thread.
claimed by my hung femraen-
I'll EB you and treat you like a dirty secret I'm ashamed of.
Talk to them before the EB that you want a relationship, you retard.
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Who ARE the top 5 /xivg/ PVP players, then? Off the top of your head, /xivg/
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back to doing it myself
Crystal CC 11:00 E.T.
You can talk about heterosexual relationships while sucking dick
Start calling i can't be asked rn
you are right.. but I'm not going to reveal myself just because you somehow guessed my race...
i love femlala feet
also me
any and all casters
You could try reaching out to that middie last thread, he seemed nice
saving this to my LL folder
the only thing that differentiates him from other players is that he's clique approved so you guys listen to his calls instead of literally removing 1 markers and ignoring quick chat messages
Your finest maleroes, please.
time to level red mage (forma de azul)
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>He stops marking like a dipshit
what race(s) would you EB?
what do you want in an EB?
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cant win, my malezen had normal sized lips and people drew him like this
and dylan
I am a pure femlala...
Um... what? I thought an EB WAS a relationship...
Yeah... he does seem nice...
I was marking actually.
>Otis is literally top 5 pvpers from /xivg/
I'd rather have Leviah on my team than Otis.
The cute hrothboy reading this ;)
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I KNEW it.

Thats it, I'm going back right now
Let my big dick moonie pound your flat moonie
tanks are:
>permanently on top of the point so you can do 100000 damage in aoe
>weak burst damage outside of their LBs
>can't get away from you as easily because all of their cc is melee range
vpr's wet dream is a bunch of melee jobs so they can heal to full off of backlash, an actual team comp with jobs that can play from 20y away is where vpr is really shit
>pvp enemy doesn't take me seriously
I'm just a little fruity, ok? {Thank you.}, though...
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In Deep Space Nine, Miles O'Brien literally dies, is replaced by a version of himself from a different timeline, and NOBODY cares. I feel like I'm living in crazy town. The entire Federation should be dealing with the consequences, but nobody gives a shit. It's insane.
Dunno, I was on long enough to get my daily Frontline done, and that's it. I assume my schizo-kun tilts at windmills now and then.
It's very complicated. You'll need a bear trap, copious amounts of peanut butter... or just approach one nicely and be a degenerate sub.
I've already played two since hopping on! A fun one on SCH, and then I got my nightly >BRD int out of the way.
I'd rather get to know you before committing out for the blue
bro why did you download it twice lmao
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Because only the cool kids are allowed to play here. Stay off my turf loser.
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Ok what about this one
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>weak burst damage outside of their LBs
DRK??? GNB????
i still exist, deep down.
*DPs you on wake-up*
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AT 1 A.M.???????
that's a good question, i have no idea
i just have a big folder of images from here i dump in
that old bunny FUCK
the lalaplapping catboy
the schizocore femezen, no no, the REALLY schizo one
the caramel lala demon
that one guy that's just a guy
Effy do you like malera?
Adana Nitsah stop posting this pedo shit
its ok you gave me my very own reply...
post moonie
so do you actually erp with dudes or just pose with your golem once in a while to collect the thread cred from not appearing to be transbian
>Melee is bad against a job that can hit him from range
Chat is this real?
let's not get too crazy now
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which one
Know that taking the blanket route will result in being loved and held, but you will become useless
You will be cuddled and smooched until your spirit breaks.
gnb has double down on a long cd which is going to be used in aoe that you can just backlash
drk has...????? 6 shadowbringer + 9k bloodspiller unless they're at 30% hp?
I like having Otis on my team because he's good at targeting and plays to win. But I don't think he's top 5. Top 10 maybe and top 15 for sure.
bro all the threadcred ebins "like" every race. The widest net gets the most simps
being a platonic trophy wife sounds nice though...
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this'll be fun
My fat butt moonie eb didn't let me pull her tail...Is it over for me bros?
Off the top
this one :3
I would EB any race as long as our hearts connect... it's hard to say what I want in an EB... I just want someone to share my life with... someone who will cherish and spoil me, and in return I would love them eternally, a fiercely loyal and passionate lover... when I love, I love deeply... my passion overflows, and I need someone who can keep up with me...
I've posted a lot of times before about what I want in an EB... but I really, truly just want someone who actually desires me, more than anything. Someone who wants me for who I am, and makes me feel special... so I can do the same for them...
they all look like little babies, especially number 6. i know that's cute and what not, but it actually kind of annoys me.
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Didn't that also happen in VOY with Harry Kim?
thank u
nice try molly
NO STop!
I've counted three catgirls with lore accurate names in the past week. Sad.
Frontline faggots aren't pvpers
Except malera
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My moonie is a RX-79[G]Ez-8
If lalas aren't child coded then why do Japanese men like them so much
im dogshit.
who even is this
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If you are on Crystal then please queue for The Interphos and help me finish my MSQ. Any role, I'm the only one here and a DPS
smaller head = smaller headshot hitbox
Love them. Azimborean posts cemented them as my second favorite male race & humor is the fastest way to my heart and by extension, any lewdness from me
I thought I grabbed it but alas, I am but a fool . . . gomen
But you've already made up your mind before even asking the question. My answer would not shake you one way or the other
lol, no he is not
What DC are you on, genuinely?
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please, no... anything but that...
I thought itd be gross but the frogs were already dead so eh
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it's not rape if you ask for it...
>Second favorite
Behind who?
Would you be willing to move? Unless you're on mung then I understand
guys my mood shifted pretty badly
Japs like all things cute
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My femlala is like this
they also really like being pedophiles
This shit is LITERALLY ogcd you can spam the fuck out of people with it while normally you burst during GCDs and Bloodspiller gets stronger as you get lower HP
Being able to burst someone down much faster due to it being ogcd makes it much more potent for mowing someone down as they're low on resources as opposed to other jobs except maybe SGE who can do the same
Also double down is only 20s CD which is like the same cd almost as DRG burst and if you combine that plus DPS junction you can get 50% hp off very quickly so it's easy to secure kills on it if you can time it right
>posts basically exactly what I want from an EB
Alas, you've got a cock and balls don't you?
she wont be annoyed for long, I promise
It entirely depends on how you want that situation to go
It's okay, I'm just breaking your balls and trying to get you more confident in getting what you want. I don't know why it only works on the Orange headpiece, but I'm not a doctor.
Why anon
frontline isn't REAL pvp
Yeah I went 0 KOs and died five times but that's because it's just a minigame, i'm not taking it seriously because there's no skill involved
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I'm a malera
Enjoying stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut
not nin or rpr or drg or mnk
I still haven't watched Voyager, I'm only just working my way through DS9. Wouldn't surprise me if they recycled plots though.
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Brave warriors of light I call upon thee
For the right person, yes. But not right away. I am on Balmung, though, and I consider it my home... we'd really have to be soulmates. I never say never, though...
>Meet someone
>They start acting like we're in a relationship
>Return the favor
>Eventually they're like "OH I Just wanted to be friends......"
>They move on to the next fuck toy
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>now i can't even get my pvp enemy in a match
it's over...

Crystal CC 2:30 E.T.
Both have been top 100 several times. This is more than can be claimed by many of the other names being posted.
I cannot blanket you...
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i want to clear m4s already
Do you hang in xivg spots regularly? I would like to meet you, though I have a feeling I might k ow you already
Not until you both know it is an actual relationship. Have you never played other MMOs with marriage systems or the like?
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sorry for being a dirty fantablob
Can you share that diaper mod? Asking for a friend.
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Make me, dumdum
You know they could just leave balmung right?
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I'm a girl, but yes... I have that sort of equipment... I'm very sorry to always disappoint everyone...
Not really... I used to sometimes, but I don't anymore.
I apologize... I misunderstood. I often see it used in the context of even just casual relationships in this thread, and not strictly marriage... I guess I won't say EB for this sort of thing anymore...
would you like me to blanket them in your stead
Popped, thank you
i'm not sure. i just don't feel happy anymore.
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If it makes you feel any better, the reason you can't find anyone queuing for Interphos is that it involves probably the worst moment in the entire MSQ. So you're not missing anything by not being able to jump in right away.

>You are inspired by Wuk Lamat's resolve
Catboys (except face 3s)
She and I are both terribly perverse, so if that's any hint . . .
I don't want to walk the crystal... I wanna kill people...
as someone who has been on both sides of this:
if you don't speak up and ask to define the relationship, you have no one but yourself to blame
*sucks ur toes*
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> literally top 5 pvpers
One-eyed dude in the the land of the blind, do we even have people with the trophy / CC tournament titles or at least many feast mounts / armor?
Same. So I lost
Wait that's Adana?????? Ew. Shan't be talking to him anymore.
oh no it's one of the bad ones
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hey................ wanna share...?
picrel is literally me
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Find someone who treasures you for you, and that being a femlala is only a bonus. I am searching and waiting for my time to find someone that I can treasure and spoil and that likes me for me despite being a femlala myself. I crafted the Eternity Ring back in Stormblood and have been holding onto it ever since incase I ever find someone and build up the courage to ask them.
can you fanta into a plant so this growth formula actually works on you
Dont be so harsh anon
I beat the fuck out of CC tournament title holders on the regular, do you seriously think that shit has any actual value?
Show no mercy.
Turn them into an overly affectionate housecat
Snuggle them until they become incoherent
Mindbreak them into thinking your lap is their new home.
That one is from competing in any stage, not hard to get
Uchiki Sutego
Uchi Sutego
Cheeky Stego
Shinunu Shinu
Judas Demaio
>I'm very sorry to always disappoint everyone...
It's not your fault anon. I can't rewire my brain to like your equipment any more than you can rebuild yourself to not have it. It is simply the immutable nature of things that we all have to accept, it's nobody's fault.
i'm sorry... i can't help what i am... if i could have been born as a real girl, then i would have... i know you deserve someone better...
I beat the ass of players with this title all the time.
drk spamming shadowbringer bloodspiller is slow as fuck and you can just guard / backlash it
wyrmwind thrust and hyosho ranryu are burst because it's 15k+ damage in one hit and you can't guard it if they just hold it for when backlash ends
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My lalafella is like this
I recognize this femlala. She's nice.
what flavor milkshakey should I get from cookout bros?
>get no comms
Yeah, fuck this role!
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The TRVE blackpill about CC is the worst player has more control over the match than a good one.
Is it, or is it a certain someone who has previously schizoposted them? Think carefully.
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What do you mean it's not workin-aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
no shit how is that a blackpill at all
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My lalaboy on the right...
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my meena is like this. . .
femlala defense force showed up I see.
i know... at least you don't hate me for who i am... it's perfectly normal to have a preference in this sort of thing... i hope one day i can find someone who doesn't mind what i'm like down there... i truly hope that one day you find someone that can make you happy...
alas a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
My lalaboy looks like this
>suck shit
>like sam because it's cool
>suck shit but push crystal
I am helping!
This scares me. I had that exact desk and setup growing up.
that may be so, but I like to go with the flow and see how it unfolds
I'd be down to try, though it won't be for a bit. got too much going on for me to do that rn
Ha, I assumed you meant, y'know, approaching someone OOC first. If you're looking for something spontaneous, F-List is your friend.
True when I play BRD for sure.
>Unnamed Neko
Behind a stupid name there's always a top shitter.
erm, but that's literally my femlala though
real but that's out of your control, so there's 0 point in thinking about it
it's like league where all you can do is your best and look to improve from every match
you'll never win 100% of the time, but a positive attitude and not negging your team does a lot more than complaining about shitters/loser's queue
I only share with
>miera (YEP)
what hair mod is the middle one?
Now sit on my penis
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>I have that sort of equipment
If you can look passing, that also crossdresses and can sound feminine, its good enough for me.
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oh... o-okay..
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>at least you don't hate me for who i am
Of course not anon. I have a lot of complicated opinions on the trans community as a whole and think that it's rife with groomers and other sorts of bad actors, but at the individual level everyone deserves the same manner of human decency. It's kind of funny for as transphobic as this general seems, interacting with /xivg/ and it's large transgender population over the years has done a lot to obliterate my prejudices and replace them with sympathies.
Really fucking weird thing to draw honestly. That artist needs to be locked up before any children get hurt.
hit the enemy blm/smn combo you silly people they're just sitting in the back jerking off onto your corpses
I closed the video when they showed a cat. Tell me this jungle bug doesn't eat the fucking cat.
More like Otis Jenkem!
weird post desu, hope someone investigates and gets you some therapy
Butt hash.
Jack Miller, Fox 30 news.
I do pass very well. I live in a red state and I very rarely get gendered male anymore... even older people around here see me as female, even when I don't bother doing my makeup or anything... I pass better than 99% of trans women I've seen online. Mind you, I'm not going to say I'm a model or anything... I pass as an average looking girl...
Thank you... it's rare to see someone with nuanced opinions, and I pretty much agree with you... I don't like the trans community on the whole, but I never disrespect individual people unless they earn it somehow... and it's pretty hard to earn my disrespect. Thank you anon...
I'm not that fuckin depraved anon, the cat remains uneaten (in this webm at least)
>at least you don't hate me for who i am
I do.
The femlala part.
Good. Mentally ill NEETs are cute.
We just hung out on a bench and talked, it was super pleasant.
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You made it bro that's how I met my eb.

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