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Visual Novel General #6591

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>492708631
Karenschizo BTFO
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Where the fuck is Asuka's FD!?
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thank you Quof(?) very cool
thanks but no thanks
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How do the seiyuu feel when they are casted to play a child that pisses herself?
No thanks.
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After super main heroine Madoka
20 bucks is 20 bucks
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A job's a job.
That's (You).
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Are you living happily /vn/?
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I-It cant be
That's me
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List 5 things you want to do with Atri.
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go on without me bros, i couldnt handle Study § Steady
I haven't found my Golden Time yet
Eat her.
Please don't tell me you're fat.
BMI 38 buhi
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I highly doubt it's Quof, considering what happened the last time he worked on an alicesoft game.
(For our newfriends, the last time he worked on an alicesoft game he turned in a straightforward translation that was edited and localized to the point of being unrecognizable, and he wasn't too happy about it).
what's quof even translated? post his official vndb or smth
>train your entire life to get a job
>some asshole who showed up late swoops in and steals the job right out from under you at the last possible second
One of the worst and most dated Alicesoft games. He should have done Drapeko, that one has cute and funny art plus interesting progression.
I've had my eye on Drapeko for years and at this point I'm just waiting for MTL to get good enough for someone to quickpatch it
VNDB doesn't do translators (and also isn't official).
He deleted his vndb account because he met a person in real life, actually said "I translate things online under the name Quof", the person pulled out their phone, googled his name, the first result was his vndb page, and they read his reviews of shitty nukige right in front of him and said "wow you're a pretty sick pervert huh?", and he was so embarrassed he wiped as much as he could about himself off of the 'net.
I miss him so much, I wish he posted here but /vn/ always bullied him.
I've just looked it up and I agree with you
>and they read his reviews of shitty nukige right in front of him
holy based
Maybe if he finished translating LxC2 he would have been /ourguy/
What a jerk
teleports behind you will never not be cool
does Hirahira Hihiru have romance
what's the point of wiping that shit out after it already happened
h-he's fast!
we need more gorilla heroine ge
Do you guys know what mojibake is or do I need to localize that to gibberish text?
Of course we do.
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I don't
Is her VN good?
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Any VNs where MC travels with his haughty slave heroine whom he just uses as a cocksleeve whenever he feels like it?
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built for being picked up by men much older than her
Momoyo is like a gorilla.
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It's a little disorientating at first because of the A route B route thing it does, but I liked all the girls other than the last one. Nono > Matsuri > purple retard >>> the black haired literal who
that aren't the protagonist
Can you breed robots?
Toaster lips.
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Sweet Jesus... Go easy on the donuts, broski.
holy fuck bro are you bald?
I'll keep my wife away from you, I can't let her in the presence of an ntrking like yourself.
>straight shota
>busty thick mommies
>gentle femdom
why are there ZERO(0) VNs for this feel?
I think I like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R6EjnMNQM1I&pp=ygUPdHN1aSBubyBzb3JhIGVk best afterall
There's tons, but I'm not telling you because they're all for me.
Word of warning though, it has swinging. Your bro fucks your mom a dozen times before you actually get to fuck your mom. Though, at the same time, you're fucking his mom.
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Even if I can't I won't be stopped from trying.
That's what good bros do
That's why I said kino.
Swinging? It's a flat-out ntrge with a couple of good endings where you can fuck your mom or his mom. There's like one happy swinging ending where they stick together and three or four where MC gets abandoned by his mom to fuck the other shota.
Rec me a mysteryge with MC and mysterious, somewhat suspicious single heroine working together to uncover a great mystery
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fuyukara kururu
I still haven't played the third game after getting spoiled

it's jopkamige, kyoudai
If I can't read it, it's shit
Then learn to read.
Summer Pockets.
I thought that was a moege
It's nakige.
time to start ria's fd route so it ruins the emotional impact her ending from the main game had on me
I want older kuudere x shota
smoking is bad
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The ending was honestly quite the asspull. They didn't have the balls to pull a Clannad.
never fails
when was the last time key released a "kamige"?
>worthless kusoge
every single time
what if moege
but uguu dies
earlier this week
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Holy fuck, I absolutely love Haruki's character in Kazusa's true end for the same reason I love Shirou's character in Heaven's Feel.
fucking finally someone with good taste
>Holy fuck, I absolutely love Haruki's character in
>for the same reason I love Shirou's character in
No it sucks and is Setsuna propaganda.
Should've been a fuwafuwa pokapoka happy ending where nothing goes wrong and nobody suffers
(not joking)
the triality of man
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Mind of Steel is cool don't get me wrong
>No it sucks and is Setsuna propaganda.
I'm guessing you meant to say Kazusa?
>Should've been a fuwafuwa pokapoka happy ending where nothing goes wrong and nobody suffers
that's literally Setsuna's true end which is so fucking off theme with all of WA2, it might as well not exist
zoomer here
I only read VNs with bad art
I just don't like HF. The idea is the same, though.
No, I meant to say Setsuna. Kazusa's true end is Setsuna propaganda to make Setsuna look better.
>that's literally Setsuna's true end
Exactly, should've been Kazusa's.
>so fucking off theme with all of WA2, it might as well not exist
Who gives a fuck about themes or consistency? I want a cute happy ending with Kazusa and I don't care what has to be sacrificed for it.
Favorite Amatsutsumi heroine?
How do you cope?
Love over ideals is such a peak concept though
>Setsuna propaganda to make Setsuna look better
in what way
>I want a cute happy ending with Kazusa and I don't care what has to be sacrificed for it.
Fair enough, I felt the same way, but then again, seeing all the retarded side characters seeth was satisfying in its own way.
This is not a real opinion. Nobody who actually read Amatsutsumi has this opinion. You are a liar.
I have this opinion
>I want a cute happy ending with Kazusa and I don't care what has to be sacrificed for it.
>and I don't care what has to be sacrificed for it.
That's Kazusa True, though?
I don't really disagree I dislike HF for other reasons.
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Awful font
Well written white women heroines?
anon? it's the exact same font?
I've got a very specific request, ignore me if this is like a faux pas here to ask, is there a game with a focus on a younger guy and his older sister's friend?

Growing up I had a crush on my big sister's friend, she was like 5 ~ 6 years my senior, we made out once when I was a teen and I've never got over it to this day. Might be cathartic for me to play a game with that scenario if one exists.
Thank you for the spoiler tag but fuck you for implying what I could and most likely feel reading her route
Jesus fucking christ dude do you consider literally any discussion of a visual novel at all a spoiler?
If I posted little busters crying emoji, is that a spoiler?
How can you even function?
spoilers are bad
Leave Atri alone
There's like a lot of porn games with that focus, but do you want an actual romance?
gomen gomen...
netabare ha dame
tsujidou fd has an heroine like this, but its still unld
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I haven't read it yet hence why I'm feeling this way. It doesn't help that I'm enjoying it so much and have high expectations of Ria's route
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why open a spoiler tag then retard, if I haven't finished Steins; Gate, I wouldn't open something that looks like Kurisu is fucking your mom right now
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Riddle Joker - Nanami Route spoilers.
how's the anime, is it worth watching? I haven't even started toaster's VN
What are the best Yuzusoft titles!! Try your best!
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Amairo Islenauts
Tenshin Ranman
Tenshi Re-Boot
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Senren banka - lena route spoilers
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Cafe Stella - Nozomi route spoilers
>Tenshi Re-Boot
TL anyday now...

>Trust the plan.
We need more fatty heroine routes... I want to pick on a tubby pink!
soulful crop
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wont lie, this made me laugh for some reason

kinkoi heavy spoilers btw, dont look

wont lie,
smoking bad
Mustn't open...
Romance preferably, although porn is fine too. Basically she's older than me, I've had a crush on her for years ever since I was really little, when I was like 15 she and my sister come home drunk one night, she sits next to me on the living room couch and just asks 'hey anon have you kissed a girl yet' and when I shake my head she starts making out with me, eventually my sister put a stop to it I've had blue balls about it ever since. I think it gave me a complex.
checked the line in jap to see if it was a memelation or not, and its actually was less subtle with the joke
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
That's a very specific request, I can't think of anything translated that meets your criteria. There's quite a few older sister heroines, not many older sister friend heroines.
I have blue balls just from reading this story. Sucks to be you
>That's a very specific request
Told you!

Ahh its no problem, I suspected as much from the start it was a longshot, thanks anyway bro.
suspense/horror/thriller/mystery VNs?
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I love yuzus so much.
But do yuzus love you?
Thousands. You'll have to be more specific, or just go to vndb and sort through popular.
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Still waiting on Kanna's figure to release. Already have Natsume's figure pre-ordered.
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the ass was fat
>My grandfather died fighting valiantly in Stalingrad.
Uh, what?
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that doesn't make any sense, Asuka was out of the picture way before Kaworu first appeared
kek HiReihito
I didn't notice that https://vndb.org/v51838 already came out. I've heard the first two games are kind of mid and outdated, how is this new one? Worth emulating the first two to play if I want detectiveshit? I feel like I've gone through everything notable already.
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holy fuck, this never gets old
For both good and bad, it's a direct sequel that feels like it could've come out a couple years after the original 2.
If you want a good mystery and you've read everything else it's definitely worth it, but probably read the first two first.
I'll give them a go then
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Try out Ane no shin'yū wa sekushīna bitchi de, kanojo to sekkusushitai kibunda III
VNs with Heaven's Feel Shirou as a heroine? Basically deciding that MC is more important than the world and their original superhero ideals.
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There's actually a recent VN where exactly this happens with a heroine but it's a spoiler.
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get up
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If it's translated, give me the name in black bars please
If not, don't bother
She's an amazing supporting character I'll give you that
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heroines for this feel
I've never read Steins;Gate after being into this medium for 2 years and I haven't even watched the anime
these aren't spoilers dumbass
Keep it that way
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grope grope grope
>2 years
brother is this supposed to be impressive
I've taken shits that lasted longer than 2 years
Unhand her donuts
>deciding that MC is more important than the world and their original superhero ideals.
That really has nothing to do with anything Kurisu does in the VN?
Hey these ain't donuts!
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don't worry WA1fag, even if no one gives you attention, I will
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Ahaha... I just saw that line myself and raised an eyebrow too XD

BTW! Any legitimately good vn's that have you falling in love with your tulpa? Asking for a friend.
even if something that stupid existed, it would probably be a massive spoiler
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forget H-scenes, this is more romantic than any nakadashi
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>walking home
>https://youtu.be/NYxCQuPpOwU?list=PLK41fG53huSAX0IxDmnNNLBjQiVCjkW5a starts playing
>suddenly notice a leaf slowly falling next to me and im struck by the beauty of the moment
>look away as I walk past and I notice a couple birds flying through the sky
>out of the corner of my eye I notice the neighborhood cat stir from his windowsill seat to cross my path and go off somewhere
>everything felt so "right" and beautiful
I finally get what Wittgenstein meant...
Unironically incredible sequence of events, since it occured right one after another and that was both the only falling leaf and the only birds I'ev seen today lol Really fucking weird, never listening to that again outside
Her grandfather died in a fight for a noble cause, what else is there to say?
>BTW! Any legitimately good vn's that have you falling in love with your tulpa? Asking for a friend.
What's /vn/ reading on this fine morning?
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Based and present-moment-pilled
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Just finished this. Really great read but the soundtrack and voice acting are so incredible that they likely add many points to this game. Incredible experience, but I think they weren't too good at writing satisfying endings or writing proper endings in general since those were always the weakest part of every route.
the miracle that is the present
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How does she continue to get another great sex scene like that after her first one? The Jalter fan bias from Delaware was strong with her.
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>Teleported her as naked as the day she was born into his bathroom so he could fuck her.
>Meanwhile, after fucking her:
way too big
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So is it just another generic yurige?
There's no yuri
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Would you go and get an autograph from your favorite porn artist?
MC literally tells the other girl that she loves her. What more do you need?
naked teleportation is so erotic but I've never seen it in VNs
>that second spoiler
Bro... That's what happens to people who make their tulpa real. Even in Chaos;Head, Takumi died making his tulpa real.
I would if I wasn't as much of a neet as I am. The convenience of Japan making it so most of this stuff is localized on an island compared to how fuck huge America is also doesn't help with travelling time and cost to get to those opportunities either. Like, I'd probably consider going to those Fakku conventions to see the guest artists they bring, like Asanagi and Butcha-U, but they're all on the west coast.
Colonizationge with brown native heroines doko?
Arigatou... sayonara~
>When your dick is actually Virgil from Devil May Cry.

That's actually one of the girls' power in this game too, but it's probably not used a lot, considering how little these heroines' super powers have even been utilized in the sex scenes I've seen so far.
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Don't think Kobuichi and Muririn do this sort of stuff.
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post one screenshot from your VN that summarizes the plot
awful art and character design
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You would help propagate these elves' bloodline, wouldn't you?
I love you, Frieren.
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What is the proper way to fuck multiple yandere at the same time?
No, only this elf >>492815419
How much NTR?
>Too much yuri for hetfags
>Not enough yuri for yurifags
That's what you get for carefully thinking about who your target audience is before creating a VN.
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>the nukige is also horror all along
>between a couple who were dating
But what if she wants you to https://files.catbox.moe/6i2mka.jpg like all elves want?
Why didn't Kazusa just maturely accept her fair loss?
like Youko said, if she thinks she has a chance, she'll never give up, so it's really Haruki's fault
I wouldn't blame Kazusa. I'd blame Haruki for not being able to reject Setsuna. But in a perfect world, Haruki(Me) fucks both Setsuna and Kazusa.
Why does Atri like Kani so much?
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We need more wholefamilyge
Where's that scene in the vinnie?
I NEED oyakodon
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>>Too much yuri for hetfags
>>Not enough yuri for yurifags
Is this enough yuri for yurifags?
So yurifags aren't heterosexual?
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sometimes a man just wants to put his face between milkers, stop thinking and become one with the boobiness
do not sex the demon
Pretty sure that's Yuuriautist.
YuriCHADs won
moeBUTAs lost
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flowered that
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we wvn, we wvn so hard...
stealth fart'd that.
>データ数 13
We now need for Yuzuge to make a yurikino to completely buckbroke moeniggas.
Yuriniggers lost
Moebutas lost
Sprite lost
Everyone lost
How can men enjoy yuri?
By not being a homosexualist who love dicks.
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>the mom is hotter than the daughter
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Many such cases
I was thinking, how much do you think mtlers are ruining the medium? Like, many times when they argue about a vn, they end up being wrong on essential plot points, and to top it off, they still decide to vote on vndb.
scaji won
Post huggers.
I wonder if Milk Factory actually has their own official discord channel.
MTLers are usually dumbfuck ESLs that barely know english so it doesn't really matter. You could give them a perfect translation of a visual novel and they'd still get essential plot points wrong.
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You can't tell me what to do
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it doesnt apply only to mtl monkeys, you're all retarded. the average jop gets simple sentences wrong
did she blurt out a baby with her lower head?
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What's wrong, they're just really good friends...
It's been so long since I had a loving hug.
All I had were goodbye brohugs with my bros.
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>bro character wants to fuck MC
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>It's been so long since I had a loving hug
That picture isn’t yuri at all, it’s clearly an MFF threesome with desk-kun.
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>bro character
>looks like this
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You can’t make cute trapbros like this and put them in all-ages shit, that’s just cruel. He deserves to be cherished (with my dick)
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even if it was an eroge, the bro trap isn't getting fucked (unfortunately)
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So what's the equivalent for /vng/?
Traps are gay and have dicks.
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And they say moebuta only like few types of girls.
I love cereal.
People will be nostalgic for 2024 in a couple decades. And the day will come when everyone who grew up and idolizes the nineties dies.
You're still fat and gay, THO
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girls don't look like that 65bro...
>yuzusoft heroines are all the same
>cheerful, kind and energetic
>blunt, loner and reserved
nah that's BPD
Atri would be 10000000x better if she was an oneesan
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Those anon are gays and love sucking cocks.
If you don't like onee-sans you have a big homo disorder. That's just how it is.
t. homo boy.
Recent mystery EVNs on Steam over the past few years:

Upcoming mystery EVNs on Steam:
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>Oh hai anon, are you here to crash our lesbian fuckparty? We could use a dick to spice things up~
How would you refuse?
nah, I’m ogay.
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You're not real lesbians if you need a dick to spice things up. I don't have sex with posers.
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You and the heroine swap bodies.
>the villain rapes the heroine's body with you inside
>the villain rapes your body with the heroine inside
Which scenario holds the most NTR energy?
Which one is the most desirable outcome.
>the villain rapes the heroine's body with you inside
Correct answer.
Since shes not inside she wont feel a thing.
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Boi. You actually want anon to post that scene of the trap giving the MC a blowjob?
No. I fucking hate traps. They're disgusting.
The heroine swaps bodies with the villain and rapes you in her old body.
You already have an onee-san in her VN.
That's unironically hot ngl
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Yes. I fucking love traps. They’re beautiful.
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I love traps the most!
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I love NTR the most!
this sounds kino to be honest
a pure love utsuge
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vns like this?
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>Nene loves taking fat cocks
>dozens of 'em, all at once
>Nene's had sex with girls, too
>and ugly nerds
>and balding old men
>and prepubescent boys
>and dogs
>Nene can deepthroat or take it up the ass
>and Nene loves spitroasting
>tables are not off the table, either
>that's just the kind of girl Nene is
How do you even begin to respond to such confession?
already played that, anything else?
Anything by studio pork. My favorite is moto yankee tsuma because it has the best ending.
Neen won't come back, anon. No matter how many times you slander her....
I miss Neen.
other examples of dark moege heroines such as neentr
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Why are you gay, homolover?
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There is nothing gay about liking traps!
Hair down Mashiro...
W-Why is my Mashironi-pepperoni looking so intently at some random spot in the room and making a mocking face while having sex with me...?
Why wouldn't she do it for me?
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>with me
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VNs need to get up with the times, we have beautiful artstyles in games and anime, but a lot of VNs still stick to some mid-2000s shtick.
>New Atelier went from moege to plotge
Based or cringe?
Based, moege is cringe
Cringe, moege is based
As in, the heroine gets pointlessly gang-raped by swarthy bandits and/or monsters?
How so?
how can escapism and repetitive, tasteless stories be based?
Good, a few more years and it will finally become the chuunige franchise it was always meant to be.
Holy fucking picked up, how did I not know about this fat kino
No Klaudia no buy.
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Anyone else feel like they've been here too long for their own good? This entire hobby feels like something you move past within a couple years at worst but for some reason I'm still here. The fact that recognizable posters in this general come and go fairly quickly confirms this thought.
Are some people just destined to be outcasts who enjoy chinese porn novels forever?
Utsuge will always be the peak of visual novels.
>your uguu's dead, pls be sad
you seem fucking retarded. Visual Novels are the peak form of media.
I love Karen
>Dead medium is the peak form of media
What did he mean by this?
>Don't know the difference between utsuge and nakige
Why are moebutas like that?
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Progressing retardation of the world, duh.
moebutas read the same crap all the time so it's normal that they don't know the differences between other games
>utsuge - your uguu's dead, pls be sad
>nakige - your uguu's dead, pls be sad, oh wait she isn't lmao
I don't think a true vinie fan stops reading them for real, but after 60 vinies or so the sugar rush that made you binge one after the another is bound to die down a bit, then it becomes more of a side hobby.
So yeah, they aren't dropping the hobby but they stop lurking 24/7.
today i will engage in pointless reductionism on an image board
>they stop lurking 24/7
And instead start posting the most braindead, mindless bullshit garbage imaginable.
read your second utsuge anon
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
Sorry anon, I'm not going to watch a 10 minutes video.
How is it plotshit now?
Not interested in Atelier games anymore since they knelt to ESG
yada yada 5 girls introductions, yada yada best friend is virgin and funny kek BUHII common route plot nobody cares, aieeeee CHOICES to get my heroiuwu, enter route and know her better ;))) aiwuuuuuu CONFESSION TAM TAM *BOOOOOM* tell your friends that you got a new gf and make all other heroines disappear ::;;(((, hand holding > kissu > sex > ROUTE DRAMA STARTS AND END > sex > end, time to repeat for the other 4
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For me it's the chocolate queen
What the fuck are you talking about, corpse party doesn't have sex scenes.
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Imagine doing this everyday until you die. Moebutas are pathetic.
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>girls fight and end up stripping each other
What to do?
get that black woman the fck off my gf
I'm reading Sharin no Kuni rn, what do I think of it?
God we needed 18+ Danganpompa charage spin-off so badly. Fuck you Kodaka, I hope you get blasted into space on a rocket.
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>>New Atelier went from moege to plotge
What the fuck does this even mean? Do male characters cuck one other now or something?
Best looseboyge. Cool MC, Houzuki is literally me, decent heroines, interesting setting, a somewhat unexpected twist, probably 8.5/10. I bumped it up to 9/10 for one of the best intro sequences in the medium.
ges with over 20+ harem sex scenes?
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Nips are NOT enjoying the new Eushully game
>50k entries on vndb
>Origin language: Japanese
>Available language: English
>2.7k entries
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>best looseboy
but thats not A Profile
Mc reminds me a lot of the grisaia bro, in a good way.
why did eushully even bother
>only 498 good VNs
Rotting corpse of a medium.
aww hell yeah here we go.
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Vtubers won
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>in class
>minding your own business
>get a text message from this slut
>body: "cut class and come fuck me in the women's restroom"
How do you respond?
That Nukitashi screenshot looks weird.
I won't trade education for an STD.
masturbation aid.
What is a utsuge and nakige?
Nakige is a game that makes you go out and make children
Various types of NTRge. Utsuge has no rape in the NTR, Nakige often does.
ustsuge is a ge with utsu
but a nakige is a ge with naki
Why do moege children look like their mother? That's weird.
Name 784 vns worth reading.
what if we make it an uzumaki?
Why are moebutas so obsessed with NTT?
They can't help themselves
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I love traps the most !
Moebutas are ojisan in their 30s who say unironically that 23 yo women in their eroge are hags.
I love NTR the most!
I only say it ironically tho
You bum
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visual novels what will provide me with intellectual challenge to match pic rel?
garbage art
Hentai Prison
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is it better to rewrite myself into a prison or to imprison myself within rewrite hentai
>yuri futashit
maybe on planet twitter
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This but all girls who are older than 12 yo.
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>ffm threesome
>the two girls start kissing and fucking each other
Every time.
Kyoko is definitely into getting cucked bigly. Probably would force Makoto into it despite him not liking it.
Give me one vn with 10/10:
>art, artstyle, cgs, sex scenes, backgrounds, sprites, character designs
Don't care about the plot, just want pretty things.
uuuh marco and the galaxy dragon
But you're already in your 40s.
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more like everlasting floppers
old is shit, remaster is ok
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What the fuck is forced relationship accelerating bullshit? He would've been way way cooler if he had saved her from a bad fall or something. That would probably be enough for Sylvie to really like him. Can't the faggot writers write a route without any of this sort? Fucking retards. I was looking forward to Sylvie's too. They better not pull the same shit again with Ria's.
>old is shit, remaster is ok
kill yourself
Life yourself
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owari da
Cuckshit and mogged hard by Everlasting Kinos.
Kiss your sister
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Is this NTR?
Yes, anon, it is, everything is NTR
Gachibros, we're so back
owari da...
Never-ending slops.
Fuck you
Is Disco: Elysium a vn???
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Escapism isn't healthy
Is Pentiment a vn??
>Mating School Life
>Case 1: Sayaka gets preggers and must be convinced not to Mirei Park her fetus.
>Case 2: Mondo gets trapped and must decide if he still wants to fuck Chihiro.
>Case 3: Celeste gambles her virginity that Hifumi won't fuck Taka on her orders and is trying to avoid her end of the bargain once he does. Restrain her and make her fulfill her promise.
>Case 4: Monokuma has been destroyed because Sakura snu-snued it too hard. Ease everyone's fear of broken pelvises so Sakura can mate again.
>Case 5: Kyoko's search for Mukuro to get Makoto to impregnate her too.
>Case 6: Junko is enjoying her despair blueballing herself from the orgy. Find and fuck her.
Why are VN characters so fucking ugly?
Yes, a bad one.
redman's pretty cute bro what are you talking about
Stop playing hagge
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Nukitashi is a Danganronpa VN
Stop reading Kokuge/Takeuchi/Augustge.
Because you're a sad, overweight and homosexual man.
That game has insane atmosphere
Are you really cheating if both are women?
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Is it hotter that they expose themselves or mutually expose each other?
meant for >>492867991
Not if you fuck both afterwards
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holy. fucking. sex.
What happens after I read Dies Irae? Is it safe?
>I am a detective
>couldn't detect a tranny who kills your wife
Meant for >>379699880
You have sex. No, it's not.
Don't these kusoge only have female protags? How are they moege?
You want to rape Reinhard Heydrich. You will invent time travel, methods of resurrecting the deceased, and more. You will succeed in raping him but not be satisfied, leading to more methods to rape him across all space and time. You will attempt to force countries to make legislature saying the right to rape Reinhard is a basic human right.

That's the sort of things reading Dies Irae will do to you.
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Everlasting Flames?
And yet the game is all-ages crap.
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yuriGODS look like this???
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flowersfag personal god
Name ONE vn over 50 hours that doesn't up being a drag to read full of filler shit.
I liked WA2
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>try out a yuri otomechuunige
>the most prominent males are bishonen villains who obsess over a woman, have characters and backstories befitting an otome game route, and legions of IRL fangirls
>one lesbian breakup scene has FeMC kneed in the face
>FeMC's dad is Dante from Devil May Cry except way hornier
Is this normal for otomege?
Yeah, it's full of shit from the start to end
wym you dont like soap operas?
Mr Muramasa...
>He would've been way way cooler if he had saved her from a bad fall or something.
It's funny you say that since that happens with Ayaka.
What ge is that?
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Vault 11 is still my favorite Killing Game.
Funny how if the picture of any of you in this thread leaked, you would most likely end up killing yourselves immediately. Never forget that you are just a bunch of failed cowards who are in constant fear of having your identities exposed.
all-ages vns doko if not on suke?
>you would most likely end up killing yourselves immediately
True. Most people here aren't as intelligent, handsome and successful as Moogy-dono. They wouldn't be able to handle the bullying. For Moogy-dono however you are just ants. It doesn't matter what some ants think about you.
moogy-sama is surrounding himself with the elite in the medium and anons are here, shitposting all day
I want to give birth to Moogy-dono's child
steam :)
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they saved that for the anal queen but not the destined childhood friend heroine? bloody hell they got their priorities wrong
could chihaya beat Riki in a fight
not me, i might be a neet loser, but i somehow was blessed with good looks that sadly i know im wasting by reading vns and not getting a life
post pic
>end up killing yourself when exposed
nah now they just gloat on twitter while they claim their muskdollars
that's why /vn/ can't win
never happening
I'm just a random NEET on the internet, why should I care? You'll come to my house and what? You'll threaten me with a fucking katana? Get real
I have no friends so if an image of me leaked on the internet nobody would even notice let alone care. Killing yourself over an image of yourself? What kind of normie bullshit is that, get the fuck out.
>steam numbers meaning anything
I look good though
However, no one posts a real picture of themselves or their address. What's the matter faggots, aren't you so brave?
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holy kek
I live with my imouto so I can't.
How can I become THIS handsome?
I'll give you mine. Just tell me when you plan to come so I can fill my garden full of punji traps
I don't want more stalkers
Go fight brown people.
Moogy-dono's wife...
Paging all mystery chads. Mystery chads please rise up.
How's this?
>You'll come to my house and what?
i would probably spray anthrax or something on your doorknob
And what a wife
murasame is straight
moogy doesnt like that
Isn't there too much hscenes for Sylvie's? Its longer compared to other heroines' too
>fags itt don't know that there are some really sick people on the internet
I have cancer too, you're not special.
kiss your sister
Yeah, there are lot of women even in this thread.
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>white hair fucks the purplish-black hair
It's so common like all-ages sex.
I wish I was a cute loli
Hopefully we're all reborn in a time with full dive VR. I wish that for all my bros who were born an age too soon.
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This, but a huge fire-breathing dragon with no human form.
I miss Buster posting
Looks kino.
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all misakis are good girls
What the fuck was her problem
You better not point
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How many heroines are all looks, no charm?
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its decent, sadly all ages(this is one of those vns that would be really improved by having the porn) and the romance is absolutelly dogshit with one of the protagonists.
the romance of the other guy and pretty much the character itself are way better tho
Is it a good mystery?
that's our slutty wife for ya
Do we love dum-dums here?
yeah, as a misteryge its very decent
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the dumber the better
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>funbag fantasy
>I'm not having fun
false advertisement
If your VN doesn't have a designated retard, then it's kusoge.
I'm sorry but it do be like that, I don't make the rules.
Vns with characters that look like this, but the vns are actually good?
Chrono Clock
that's a problem with you, not the game
Is this a VN?
retarded heroines = kusoge sign
Looks like something that should have been a VN but was instead sold out to animefags for money
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It'd be better as VN because then I could sex utaha.
waste of good art
moeshit can't be good
Utaha lost.
>the Genei Ryodan... I will destroy them, even at the cost of everything dear to me
VNs for this feel?
The precise reason anime/manga is an inferior format to visual novels.
VNs where the heroine becomes your sex friend, but there's no actual drama about your relationship status/the route drama is about something else, and the two of you just end up naturally shifting into a regular relationship without noticing?
The flattest heroine should always win, it is law
i can't read senren banka because one of them has an annoying nasal voice
vns with art like this? I'm serious, it's beautiful.
I want echii/lewd vns that look like that.
Are you shitting me? It looks like bland AI garbage.
Nah, anime is better.

Eriri has a good image song but that's it. Utaha and Megumi are better.
re lief
kill yourself
>image dates back 10 years
half of you motherfuckers are blind
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Me prefer Michiru.
I said that it looks like AI garbage, retardbro.
How come so many fans of this literary medium appear to be half illiterate if you engage them?
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>anon thinks this is AI
your posts read like AI garbage, spammersis
AI couldn't make something like this in hundreds of years.
this post looks like garbage
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wtf are you on about?
Sure it could, if you set the settings to minimum output.
I don't know how people can stand these pathetic MCs.
>so mad she replied twice
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>voiced by Maho
Why are all the girls so good?
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Mc's simply always suck. I don't know why we even have them. Just give us a third person perspective and follow the girls getting it on with each other. That obviously makes the most sense right!?
maybe if you're gay and trans kek
Where are her arms??
>missing out on juicy cocks
Based anti homo bro! M*les are disgusting, only literal poofs like this sissy >>492886483 like them.
But enough about chiuniges
that's a cute child
I'll show you how its done
what's the best mahou shoujo fucking game?
moege makes my kokoro go doki doki
I fucking love transformations and golden super forms
as I pray...
how was the fem UBW done anyway? AI should be far enough to make all kinds of versions of that by now, no?
f a b l e d
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Why don't we have any good shit like Black Lagoon in this medium?
Because we're the equivalent of the CGDCT anime squad in vn format... We're buta who wish they could be chunnichads
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A game so powerful it influenced language.
Shit, drab, two syllables too many, slop terminology that would be used in a bad "chosen one" flick
Since everyone is loving the Sora remake I guess that means that we all collectively have got to have more respect for the ancient ass old leaf era games right? Or are we just being won over by the pretty modern art? You obviously wouldn't judge a game by it's age right anon?
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vn for this feel?
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how do you collect figurines without cumming all over them?
the what remake?
thats what the glass is for
an aquarium?
H2O truly was the best chuunige of 2023.
still not reading your water kusoge
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ge where the single 24 year old heroine who's never had a boyfriend before because she's been so focused on her work gets a crush on MC?
What are some of the best dark moeges? Preferably with evil heroines.
post actual good music, no jopge allowed
Sanoba Witch
he didn't say that
this makes me the comfiest buta
Are you serious or just fucking with me? Because I like the art. Is there an evil heroine?
Sabbat of the Weed
I can see a happy pig rocking from side to side....
Kinda reminds me of Clannad.
Pic unrelated?
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>fate has unmei
what does dies irae have?

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What was that one kamige about the trap who ended up at an all girls school and it started out with one of the girls having a piss kink and peeing in a bottle or something. Was that game any good?
Stop posting music, post dark moege instead you butas.
Otome Domain
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The VN you're talking about is Otome Domain, I didn't read it but from what I've seen people had a good time with it.
love your pink's
>not using his mouth
I meant some brainrot word
My pink's what??
muh nichijou
still not reading it but thats pretty good actually
>everything is good in the pig
>nothing is good in the pink
really makes you think
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>No Oyakodon pregnant endings in any MF game so far.
It would probably be reserved for the main heroine and her mom, but it would be something.
Do any of these women have husbands
I dont think it has the power necessary
Why is /vn/ gay?
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If only it was an image drawn by an eroge artist... https://vndb.org/s1923
What VN?
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I don't think Lilynda did. But she didn't mention him at all in the sex scene, really. She just said that she only had sex ONCE and that was to have her daughter Akira with - which is why she was enjoying some MC dick after a good at least 1X years. Although it's pretty normal for elves in erotic portrayal to be extremely abstinent and treat sex just for its purpose rather than pleasure. I haven't unlocked the other oyakodon scenes for this game so far to know of their marital status, and Lilynda wears gloves in this scene so you can't know if she's married or not too. Maybe it shows up in a future scene she shows up in, but I'm not spoiling myself by checking ahead before experiencing it through progressing the VN.
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Why does she dress like that?
I think they fucked them to death.
she wants your ochinpo to go pyu pyu in her omanko
Who are you to tell her how to dress, chud?
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I just wanted to post some Asriel
image 11eyes, track is random
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Stop asking for such impossibly unrealistic video games. Even if you're work focused you'd have at least gotten raped or something. You don't reach 24 as a woman without having any action. It's a statistical improbability.
Life is like a box of chocolate.
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because you shouldnt let women dress themselves
I read it as
>slurping on cum noodles
its literally over for me
Not even AI can unsluttify her completely
well, the goal was to make her less slutty, not prim and proper.
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It can. The answer lies on generating over her some spats (as Sony do). Though most likely the AI would mistake her tits for an ass and add another pair of spats here.
Sweet Home.
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It's joppin time
What the fuck was her problem?
>tit spats
hold on, I think you're onto something.
>pork fingers calling others pigs
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Add to this a tan for her and a burka. It would be perfect.
Heroines who decide the best way to end war is to kill everyone?
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Nio my beloved.
Hero who decide the best way to end war is to save everyone... killing himself with seppuku.
Why did she pee on my face?
Chris' granddad was literally a Nazi.
cba, coloring's a pain. Could probably just lend you fags the API key since I aint doing anything with it.
Those are called sports bras.
He was a great man and will be missed dearly.
Because you asked for it, you manwhore.
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We love Nazis here
I wish Beatrice had a route instead of Kei. Kei's a mathlet that can't even do arithmetic. Hate sex was pretty hot though.
Kamome, my beloved.
>Hate sex
kinda want to reread DI just for this, i read it when it just came out so i was stuck with the all-ages ver
>hate sex
More VNs for this feel?
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>Kei's a mathlet that can't even do arithmetic.
I love smelly retards
There's a difference between the Nazis and conscripts in the Wehrmacht, although I doubt Majikoi made any distinction
Y'all forgetting that Kei is also an incestuous brocon.
I am an incestuous siscon
Sex with imoutos.
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asking kei math questions mid-sex
Can moeges have scat?
calm your tulpa
Sending Kei to elementary school to learn math
Match made in heaven. Remember, a brothers virginity belongs to his imouto and a imouto belongs to her brother.
Isn't a tulpa someone only you can see?
>no blogposters tonight

coincidentally, is it just me and my filters or has the spam mostly stopped for a while now?
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Spammers had to go back to school
Kei's brother was most definitely fucking Beatrice.
sorry i've been on vacation
They're so rapeable
is subahibi the peak of OSTs? does it get better in SnU or SnT? Are they even good games?
That's a childhood friend
There's nothing there.
thats some long summer break if they were around for 2 years then.
in other words I dont think thats it bro
Why would you downgrade a perfect imouto with fat tits to a literal child? Are you gay?
Yes, we're all gay here
Her oppai absorbed a lot of the blood that should have gone to her brain.
visual novel song covers?
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>girl is cute
>but has the worst personality
>0 Covers of Eden's Song by Hana
Horrible world we live in.
No I'm not counting that one chick with a bad mic from the early 2010s.
Does SIRP play Cruel Angel's Thesis?
I need a Married woman in my life, I need a mother married woman in my life

I even feel like going back to the gym just so I can look better for married women....
Wtf why is she missing arms
Gyaru momma
the fuck's a sirp
shirokamis owe me 8395 hours 52 minutes and 7 seconds of sex
by the age of 28 she could already have a 14 year old daughter
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Does pic's vocals count? They have VNs.
>sensei is a huge faggot
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Hag love!
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butas will defend this
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>mfw those two girls are canon groomers
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>MC is uncircumsized
I can't self-insert anymore.
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never mind, put back down
Honkaiverse lore is too deep for me
>mfw unavoidable harem end and the choices determine the head wife
Notice the slight disdain in her tone
what? literally what do you mean by that post bro
Route soon!
I can feel it in my blood!
Extra Remake is going along nicely so hopefully w will have some announcement after that's released
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>no sexual content
I prefer her sister
No, she should be happy with someone else

I prefer the *real* Tractatus Logico philosophicus.
>no romance
I thought it was a yaoige.
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only problem with this game is that they were all shaved
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I love this weird reverse logic where she's fine being nude but doesn't like showing her pantsu
>confession in english
Cute! Hekiru doesn't beat around the bush — like the NBR imoutos who've been coasting for 10 years. She saw her chance and seized the opportunity. I love proactive heroines.
white woman harem
only problem with that game is that they were all WHORES
where'd u find it anyway? is this just the short one looped for 3mins or?
Seeing how short the tracks are is weird anyway, considering how well they loop you'd think they are longer
Thinking about Saber
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There it is...
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>they were all WHORES
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dunno if I wanna read princess X FD now or chase denpa high
how fitting is cross channel for a game to start after TNSR?
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Finally done with the common route!! Time to shill hardcore for my girl Mayucchi!!
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Imagine your fat friend using your dick as a stepping stool
Ripped from the game, dunno why they decided to leave the best tracks off the album.
>Seeing how short the tracks are is weird anyway considering how well they loop
Some of them didn't loop all that well in TnSR, they really should've extended them.
What is /vn/'s official top 10?
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Majikoi a1
Majikoi a2
And so on so forth.... But deep down there'd be a few butage throw in there
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Oh, so she was just being directed to feign disgust. That kind of muddles the purity of the look.
Has /vn/ ever played a visual novel where every choice, or nearly every choice, matters?
I'm pretty sure every choice in Fate matters
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i really didnt mind besides some bug that made them double up eventually. They've something special about them that mogs most other OSTs. Embedded with emotions miight be a decent way to describe them
>nude zakuro cover
scaji's so based
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It gets even better
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What vn would be complete without mentioning the infamous cat?
>No covers for O P P A I
God bless Studio Pork for appealing to the late 20s to 30s millennial audience with their works. I need some thicc MILFs in my life.
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What a merry band of friends
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I don't mind it either, it's only really noticeable during denpa scenes anyways. Just unusual to have ~16 second long loops in a release from 2020.
>nude zakuro cover
There're nude covers for all of the main girls, but I can't find Yuki's right now.
The whole island had them...
Qruppo are cowards for not giving me Sex With Others CGs
This but with the class prez fucking dogs.
need this vn
Used goods ge that emphasize the heroine's past?
Anal sex with little lolis.
Best post ITT
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Karen thread doko
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is that
You'll get a Nukitashi thread and you'll like it
Qruppo has spread its roots deep enough to be referenced...it's over...used goods will be everywhere now...
Why does ntrshit always have the worst fucking art and designs
Style recognition. You wouldn't want an ntrge to look like a moege
I would.
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>why does disgusting degenerate shit look like disgusting degenerate shit
i will need some context for that kyoudai
Don't you dare, pig!!
Take my underwear off of your head.
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Does anyone know what is going on with this fan TL? Is it dead? Did Nekonyan get him?
Is this really how you celebrate an all-ages heroine's birthday?
That's better art than your favorite VN.
How did you know that I'm a Kokuking?
Doesn't an 18+ version of Little Busters exist?
My favourite vn is aokana though
Please don't post twitter links I'm brazilian
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Thoughts on Majikoi?
Holy shit
I forgot.
Tranny propaganda as well.
Gays love traps and want to suck balls.
Tokyo necro'd that

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