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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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reminder that Nami is soft
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Thanks for the rodeo old man
I for one appreciate your hosts even if you are ridden with dementia
i don't know how to play assassins when behind
feel more useless than a minion
I have on 5 games in a row, is this the part where Riot's 50/50 system kicks in? I'm 1 win away from hitting Bronze 2.
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do NOT
Soraka! My Cute Wife!

Do what?!
>majin ints, is a dick to everyone and bans people for no reason

>omg we will miss you!!!!

k why and ess
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thanks for hosting again. decent gaggle of players old and new this time around. my only regret is not killing jfs on repeat until she mind breaks
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just keep your hands to yourself, ok?
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Hmm... Luludom ideas maybe?
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be my gf?
May I cum now, mistress?
>majin dead
now what
u-u what..
Come on, you can trust us.
Oh my
what a shit game lol
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going on a date with Riven
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gn lolg
bot playerbase
vgs sputter out and die for another few months until he comes back
soraka is a zionist champion
i do not support free healthcare for toplaners
anyone can host them lol
I bet Riven falls for cheesy romantic stuff like buying her flowers and chocolates and offering her a seat before you sit down
We go back to avatarfag erp and bbcspam probably
lulu foot job while vex sits on my face
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of all the ones i went up against it just had to be my waifu
yes, in theory anyone can go into the custom game tab and make a lobby, but historically that has a success rate in the single digits
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that goat doesn't look trustworthy, in fact she looks sus
hm, weird. I wonder what leads to this.
what will the spammer defense squad claim is totally really the worst part of the threads now that they cant complain about vgs
gn katsissy
There's a lot of scenarious you can do with Lulu with the fact she has shrinking and enlarging powers, one I find hot is making fun of her for having no boobs then getting turned into a munchkin picked up and dropped to roll around in her dress for the entire day.
The streets need rumia host
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We should bring back scribbl.io
that was fun, though league terms limit the game a bit I feel. Gets repetitive fast.
Luludom sure involves a lot of size play hmm
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yeah true
is there a scribbl general out there?
i actually have no idea
This general fucking sucks, all avatarfags are annoying.
then go away?
Could always do a small magma/drawroom etc
Would have to planned ahead of time.
A ton of generals do those.
Then leave. No one is keeping you here.
It's her speciality! Also all of the popular stuff gets that much better because she's so tiny making submitting to her that much hotter!
>war criminal gf vs romantic gf
ahhhhhhhh i can't choose!
What no. Just look how well she takes care of this thing.
i hope garen gets removed from the game
LeBlanc is such a fake champion. Why do pros keep picking this dogshit that does nothing?
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Yeah, she fucking won.
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Oh yeah I remember seeing those
made a quick canvas, lets see how it goes
are there griefing protections or anything? or is it the wild west
I think each person is granted a layer. and they're protected that way. Gotta play a couple games but I'll doodle something in it after that.
Smolder skin?
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fine, you can the fish
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>1 win away from Bronze 2
>Get autofilled Jungle
>Immediately dodge
>Have to now wait 30 mins
Riot fucking did that on purpose, I won 5 games in a row, and they purposely put me in Jungle.
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suprised to see me?
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We like frogs in this general
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See. There's nothing to be worried about...
I need to cum fast
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Can you neeko?
That’s a toad
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do you like the fact that its a total fag on the other end feeding you pics
yordles are great for cumming fast
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what a strange cake
wow cute lizard, wonder of she can fly.
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>guy starts flaming
>calmly respond
>promptly announces that he's muting me
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Cool. We'll just have to see how many people even show up lol, test run
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We won bros
sex with
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I haven't played in like 18 months. I just got back and now Tryndamere goes Grasp build? Did they completely fuck the Precision tree or what?
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bwos i think the key to annie itemization is you pick 2/3 of the tibbers items [malignance rylais liandries] based on which are better vs the enemy comp
you cant get all 3 because then you delay deathcap and percent pen way too much and do no damage
I'm listening
why did they make aurora's ult range that huge
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seeing lots of zoes again lately. is she back, bros?
Why did they make her ass thighs and tits that huge
her best assets are eyes, legs, hair
Yes, it's a cake....
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what are you waiting for? cut it and let's eat it
Nami can do the honor of cutting the cake...
been getting offroled and 2nd rolled a lot more often this patch
gotten mid twice in 5 games today when i have jg/bot selected which doesnt check out since like 70% of the playerbase queues mid
Im convinced the constant talk between nami and soraka is done by a single obese autistic schizo that lives in his mother's basement
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sure thing!
what difference does it make
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FoW is liderally broken
its fine as it is, riot says she's currently very balanced
at first I thought her dmg since early was a bit busted, but then I remembered LB exist as it is too and realized this is fine by rito's standards
I just find it funny how they're blatantly breaking rules but the janitor "allows" it because he's thinks they're le heckin cute

4chan janitors are literally all on a power trip, it's hilarious
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look I know I am gullible but there's now way someone is that schizo. they're friendly and they are cute.
anyone playing the new TFT mode? I think its fun for a little while, but once you discover the warwick cheese, even chaos mode becomes piss easy
Oh wow. That's a lot of "strawberry jam" coming out of that "cake."
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spoiler alert: IT'S BLOOD!
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um, what was the "filling"?
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im glad that this reminder was one ctrl f away as always. thanks
I don't mind them, but my only complaint is that they only ever reply to themselves and never talk to anyone else.
Hello are you guys a bot? Genuinely asking.
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>they only ever reply to themselves and never talk to anyone else
that's gay, what if urgot wants to talk to them too?
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It's just the stuff of life...

No, we're not bots. We like keeping to ourselves sometimes.
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I press E on cooldown. I'm very skilled.
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dont. please don't. do not post it.
why does lolg hate sissies
u jelly?
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Nice tits, Caitlyn.
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Nice tits, Cassiopeia.
avatar/signature use is not allowed and both the sorakafag and nami troon should be banned, simple as
What about Lissfag
call the jannies then
>We like keeping to ourselves sometimes.
Then why do you insist on flooding every thread with your babble instead of using the league client or discord or anything else?
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good thing it's edible
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Nice ass and hips, Evelynn.
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Nice ass, Irelia. (I'm providing the thread with some S tier league content because it's slow hours, you're welcome /lolg/).
jannies only ban posts they don't like, it has nothing to do with whether a rule was broken
i look like this
Can i unironically give you money
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Nice ass, Irelia. (frost version).
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Nice ass, Katarina.
Her little hair clip things have more polygons in them than Zilean has in his entire model kek
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Nice tits, Miss Fortune.
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Nice ass and bunnysuit, Miss Fortune.
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>I look like this
you look like this
finally some good league of legends posts
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Nice tits, Miss Fortune. (witch version).
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Nice tits, Nidalee.
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Nice tits, Qiyana.
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lets see if you faggots do something with this
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Nice ass, Sona. (ok that was my last one, enjoy /lolg/).
post janna
thank you for your service
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We're just having fun.
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so we know she's fat

I know it you know it she knows it

but how fat are we speaking here? "big mommy breedable thighs" or "I need a mobility scooter to browse walmart because I'm an immobilized fat american" levels of fat??

also buff amumu R duration please
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>picks Yone from me
>then builds BORK into Kraken
can you answer the question
It has to be the soraka freak responding to himself. What are the odds there are 2 completely abnormal creatures with the exact same illness and tendencies, in the same exact tiny spot on this website, responding to eachother for years? It's statistically impossible.
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don't forget to invite Sona, she likes the cake
How come I rarely see Evelynn?
adc meta is when 5 people on the server lock in adc in solo lanes and int
only trans women play her and they make up about 0.5 percent of the population
too complicated for target audience (girls and trannies)
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In terms of assassins the cancer ones are easier and stronger. Why bother with stealth when you can pick talon kha rengar and simply right click down anyone in the jungle?
she is invisible after lvl 6
you are doing amazing work.
also, watch out, Sona!
idk, I main her and I find her super easy to play, but for some reason, most of the times I see her being used by others, they suck so much ass, like, they really dont get the champ at all and even with invisibility they suck at positioning
I guess this game is full of NPCs
I don't know how to get good with Kha'Zix. I feed my ass off, rarely get much kills, or get that rare game where I do get a fuckton of kills.
aren't you a funny guy
Idk what the use is for Elise's spiders. I remember watching a video of an Akali chasing Elise and she threw her kunai or whatever and it hit the spiderling instead.
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you have agp sis
hey we both have seraphine ult as our favorites!
I'm not a faggot, so I'm not gonna do this.
fucking aram
KYS is an immediate flag
she can still gank perfectly fine pre 6 if you know how to gank at all, her charm makes it even easier
she can be even more cancerous than those, specially because she can fully heal herself in a second the moment she gets out of sight, and she can deal a shitton of hp% dmg just with her charged E
she's also very good at safely stealing epic monsters with her ult
overall, I'd say she's basically an IQ test, and anyone that sucks playing with her is retarded
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oh no you said the three letter word that can be interpreted in a very very bad way even though you did not apply it in that manner

maybe use the chat function less?
she's clearly doing an anti suicide psa there you moron
what is wrong with you
so apparently i also got a ranked restriction because my client bugged out and i couldn't accept a match. i wasnt even playing ranked, it was aram
>ahri fav champ
>mf skin
hi again darling, makes me happy youre enjoying the skin i bought you. its good to see its your favorite and going to good use
The algorithm doesn't care about context bro
even if the context doesnt show it as punishable, the system is mostly automatic and that is a no no term
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>single biggest achievement in life is buying a $200 league of legendarius skin for a girl that stripteased for me on discord
idk who's more retarded, you for spending $200 just for seeing a thot get naked, or her for accepting those $200 in the form of a LoL skin
first time I bought molly I paid the guy with steam wallet codes tb.h so shit does get quay in life sometimes
why did you assume i'm a girl
you tagged the wrong anon
he just hopes you are a sissy
you play aram so you basically are a girl
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>forget to accept ready once
>this pops up
what is riot even cooking man
they changed the tolerance of not accepting matches before punishment to just 1 on the recent patch, because apparently, there's a lot of autistic niggers that spent their time declining matches just to piss people off
why? at that point dont even give people the option to not accept
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because "life happens" and people might need to decline once for an emergency or miss the accept for reasons, but doing that twice in a row is punishable now
that's so retarded man
>barely see yasuo
do you constantly ban him?
this is the only one who I actually know who it is.
I've been consistently winning as Ziggs. Won 6 games in a row and now in Bronze 2. How long does the game give you good team mates before they decide to fuck you over?
>declining matches just to piss people off
no one does this

the issue is riot being retarded on several other frontends causing people to have mental breakdowns over a videogame and they start going into ranked lobbies and typing out shit like "hello fellow league players, I'm a plat player who got banned on his main account the other day. as a result of riot's actions, all 4 of you will be losing this match with me." and when people actually start dodging these deranged maniacs they start enforcing the epic no dodge rule
yes he is my permaban, I never want to play against Yasuo no matter my role or pick
to be fair, I dont see any good reason to decline two games in a row, like, ok, you might miss once if you got distracted, but doing that twice in a row? are you retarded or what?
yah, i am retarded, so what?
>someone wants to play lethality senna adc in my lobby because they haven't played the game in the last 25 patches
>someone wants to play lee sin toplane because their iq and test levels aren't high enough to be a jungler and they still want to play the blind dude
>also dodge
What am I in for
this is not about dodging champ select tho, but declining the match found prompt
dodging champ select has been harsh on penalties for a long time already
it fits that a toplaner wants to play the blind dude tho
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you typed this out thinking in your head "haha this is so funny they're gonna laugh their asses off"
Imagine making Sona and Sera make out on your dick....
you're brown
more like slightly tanned but yeah
I thought this was chinese in the small version
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Someone answer me?
had to stretch the image for the funny saarcasm
Asked my friend at riot to pitch the idea of an global ult for Anivias possible mini rework. He thought it was a fun, thematic idea and agreed

Here's hoping
lol imagine getting to wall your teammates globally as anivia
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what the fuck do you mean by good teammates nigger
>make anivia ult global
>it no longer last whatever you want or until you deplete your mana
>it no longer does dmg
>its just a winter snow that reduces movement and attack speed everywhere
>last 3 seconds tops
geez, thanks for the suggestion, nigger
ok so basically gayplank
As in they're gonna give me complete fucking retards who feed their ass off and never listen.
>ask the jungler to gank my lane
>he pings he's coming to it
>a fight ensues in anticipation for the gank
>check map
>jungler pinged he was coming and then went to farm krugs
>I end up dying because the enemy jungler did come
I hate when people ping for something but does the opposite
ah good old top lane im such a masochist teehee >.>
>>jungler pinged he was coming and then went to farm krugs
kek this is why you NEVER engage until your jungler is RIGHT there

some faggots will ping ON THE WAY ON THE WAY ALL IN ALL IN and wait in the fucking tribush until you're down at 10%hp before running up to a full conq stack darius for a double kill
there's also the problem with the voting system riot added for taking epic monsters, where people always vote take, but they dont move at all from their lanes, like wtf niggers, are you voting yes to the jungler going alone and take it while its being contested by the enemy? the idea was that everyone who agreed would go for it
Karma is not fun to lane against.
what are some safe uncounterable mid/top picks to learn?
LeBlanc for mid.
Says Yone.
>safe uncounterable top pick
literally fucking nothing, your best bet is something like vayne or fucking teemo or something, just about anything with range so the enemy topnigger can't fulfill his gay fantasies of riding your dick 24/7

you don't need an uncounterable mid pick, but again just about anything with decent range
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What the fuck guys I leave for twelve hours and you're all LEWDING LULU? Despicable, I can't believe this thread would do that.

So back, I've been running her Supp, seen her Mid a couple times though
looks like you had fun
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there's nothing fully uncounterable, but some champs are more safe than others, particularly those that can farm from afar or quickly escape a gank
>play a melee champ into bad matchup
>immediately zoned off the wave by the third minute followed up by the lane being frozen enemy side for the next 15 minutes followed up by the entire team blaming you for everything that has ever happened
thank youuu thank youuuuu
/blows kisses and waves to all my adoring fans
Not being able to farm till I had 2 complete items was not very fun.
first it was sissy mental now its sissykana, we're losing our men by the day /lolg/
I didnt know you were cute azakana
Wait what did he do??
What can I say, i'm tall handsome and have better hair than even the girls here. And lets call a spade a spade, the best Yone player here. No one tell the Yone! poster I said this pls. I think he's plat or diamond or something like that.
eventually all lolg men will either be feminized or jellyrolled
double bubble trouble
this thread is full of niggers that dont play league
I'm never playing Sona again, this is the most boring champion outside of ARAM.
50 years after Sona v2 release, ye.
Sona was the proto-yuumi.
nah bro i went from 3300 dpi to 5500 in 2 weeks
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I play League of Legends
are you the one that posted a support tank zoe build? I must thank you for all the fun I've had with it.
Do you do other things too?
Post Zoe Tank build...
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So what?
Anivia should get extra 5999 range on her ult to make her see pro play
when is the worlds patch?
>Loading screen takes forever
>suddenly instantly goes to the client, I've been demoted and given a penalty for leaving
Wow, they don't even give a first time grace or something for obvious technical issues?
why is the worlds patch ?
this game's client is horrendous, worst of any game right now desu, always has been
boosted "pro" players need their mains to be buffed for a single patch to make worlds look cooler so they can reel new losers into the game
Annie S?
she's so powercreeped by high mobility high ranged modern casters though
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grasp revitalize sundered spirit visage draintard sylas LETS GO
There. More later.
LS has this obsession that Annie is the perfect champion to climb to challenger since, I dunno, the moment he started doing videos ?

I still don't know what the fuck he is smocking to think this is the case when this champ gets destroyed by any mid even at bronze level.
do NOT namedrop REDACTED
>getting into games in a timely manner
>win game or two with good performance
>suddenly game takes 2 minutes over estimation just to autofill me to mid
this kind of shit has been happening way too often to be coincidence
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>Poppy and whatsapp malphite enjoyer
>nigger sin steals all kills with q execute
>14/3 at end of game
>lowest dmg in team
i hate kda inflators, scrubs can barely play but think they're hot shit because they got the kill
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hey your senna build earlier was neato! I got lost after the 2nd enchanter imem after black cleaver open but holy shit did i get fed that game.
Some total NPC I have for a friend was breathing down my neck one day because 'hur dont play zoe support .Shes there to do da maj she sucks without it". Wonder if this image would short circuit him

It was something like this. mejais into thornmail into fimbulsomethingorother. It was a month or two ago since so the build is probably adjusted to compensate since then.
im retarded. warmogs not thornmail
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The Ekko skin is genuinely nausea inducing both in game and the splash art. It baffles me how anyone at Riot though it was okay.
this fag is so annoying
he did not think people would assume zoe sup
he knew damn well people would assume zoe mid
hes just trying to be quirky
Lux, K'sante, Irelia, Ekko, Jinx
>first champ i ever played
old volibear
>favourite champ
leona probably
>best skin
dj sona
>favourite ult
shen ult
>champ i barely see
>favourite quote
>worst skin
that cheese zac skin grosses me out
>favourite item
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>quit caffeine
>start playing way better instantly
wtf bros
i thought covfefe makes ur mechanics better
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Yes, glad it's working out for you! Definitely niche build scenarios but it can throw enemies looking to burst you down for a loop.
Nilah needs more porn (not ai_generated)
did they remove skipping divisions? im fucking gold 3 40 lp with e1 mmr and i havent skipped once
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this week I can feel it. I can feel the power to climb the ranks. My CS will be consistently trash, but my smart maneuvering around my teammates' plays and derps will contribute to enemy kills. I will make the most out of what little gold I earn because I don't need to squeeze every last gold out of a lane when I can farm champs with my team.

>pic related. it's my lp
no it makes you shit
How is Anivia or Swain Z tier? They're both short ranged as fuck
literally ANY source on that?
source? yeah, me. It does make me shit.
>me, c. 2024
and I think the withdrawals combined with the diuretic effect would in fact contribute to suboptimal plays in lol
>Be Lux
>have high range
>have good damage
>have good CC
>have a shield that scales with AP
>have low cool downs
>People think I'm balanced
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what the fuck is this
>be lux
>be op
>have 55% wr
oh wait
am I really testing out a build if my team loses the match against my best efforts
>Be Lux
>Have sex with Jinx.
>>have high range
>>have good damage
>>have good CC
Sure, but she is immobile and all her damage comes from slow skillshots that can be easily dodged.
>have a shield that scales with AP
Pretty much all mage or enchanter shields scale with AP?
>have low cool downs
She has long cooldowns relative to other mages.
>People think I'm balanced
She is a noob stomper that is only strong against low elo players with terrible fundamentals.
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>but she is immobile
so are you with her E and Q nigga the fuck? meleechads in this game fucking get ABUSED by this sorta shitarded excusing and I'm tired of pretending ithey're not
Just play Support? lmao
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pov: your support is about to run it down
Why did Lissandras pickrate triple?
>so are you with her E and Q nigga the fuck?
Yeah so dodge the slow skillshots then beat her ass? If Lux misses Q and hits you with E there is a 10 second window where she literally has ZERO damage and no ability to peel herself.
Hell even if you get hit by Q as long as you are dashing onto her you can still attack because its a snare not a stun. Not to mention you can easily just flash the Q then kill her.
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Y'all got favourite quotes ??? I haven't played with sound on in years...

Black Cleaver -> Helia -> Moonstone -> RFC / Navori / Runaan's / Dawncore
Here's another full AD build that I found earlier too - https://x.com/Mindeuw/status/1826919819259621829
I really do want to play Zoe Supp, but I'm going to wait for better strummers to play and show her off. She seems C O O L !
explain to me how you're going to dodge said "skillshots" as any melee champion

she's just not going to cast them until you're very near and dear and then fuck your shit up
the sexy hoe went nami
shut the fuck up bucktooth betty ass bitch
I know who this is.
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Here's a screen-clip of who I originally got it from. Keep in mind this is old (14.16) data, and the Warmogs nerf complicates things. You won't have 3000 health until level 12 assuming you build both Celestial Opposition and Warmogs, and have a Ruby Crystal on top of that—I've opted to go Cosmic Drive first since you can get that by level 9. Gives you a bigger lane spike in exchange for that early tankiness for teamfight longevity around earlier dragons/rift stuff.

I'm only 2-2 with her though and went mage for 1-1 of those games so at this point you're better off asking the other guy for his experience since he probably has more games than me by now lol. I'm on my Lulu-Poppy-Shen grindset.
what do the rainbows mean? i recognize the homo and tranny one, but did riot just make up other rainbows to make the other two not seem gay, or are they actually legit?
I believe they call that a Spaniard
They're psyops to make red-blooded heterosexual men who like femboys vote for commies
>idk man
>MAP flag or something
t.ranny btw
left to right, top to bottom
gay men
general LGBT
I noticed he didn't reply to this, curious
>be Viego, Zed, Kata or something
>she uses Q
>blink over the Q and kill her

>be Garen, Mundo or something
>she uses Q and actually hits you
>doesn't matter because you have tenacity so her Q lasts 0.5 seconds and you catch up and kill her anyway

>be J4, Xin Zhao or something
>she uses Q
>dash right through it on top of her and kill her

>be Riven or something
>she uses Q
>use one of your 5 dashes to avoid it and the other 4 to kill her

>be Hecarim or something
>she uses Q
>sidestep it with your superior movespeed

>be Yasuo
>she uses Q

>be Master Yi
>she uses Q
>Alpha Strike

Not like I made it all that subtle.
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Always remember that the rainbow belongs to the creator.
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Now do Brair
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>be within 175 units of lux
>I have about 0.08 seconds before her Q hits me
>guy tells me to sidestep
>be briar
>she uses Q
>ult her and gnaw her ass off the map
the other one of this thing.
Woops, realized I made a typo here! It's level 11 that you get 3000 health with this build. Sorry for the fat-finger.
thoughts on high noon Yone?
>play support
>win every lane by gapping enemy supp
>play adc
>lose lane every time my supp is gapped
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
>win every lane by gapping enemy supp
this literally is not possible and you cucklords are coping so fucking hard trying to act like it is

there is literally no amount of gapping you can do to win a botlane where your adcunt takes 3 seconds to react to anything you do, always out of position and always scared to take pokes and trades
Hey, I'm not a thing.

Very good skin. A vast upgrade over Dawnbringer. I'd rate it top 3 with Spirit Blossom and classic.
skill issue bud sorry
typical adbrat

if support is so le stronge and le heckin impactful why don't you start playing support and just win every lane by gapping enemy support? with the amount of agency you guys claim it has it sure must be the most fun role in the game
i literally main supp
yeah and I had hot steamy sex with your lolg crush shut the fuck up you lying DOG
yeah it's not enough to simply gap the enemy support as a support. That part is easy. You have to gap 2 or more players in fights assuming your teammates are trying to win said fights.
Nah Support has so much agency in low MMR, had the same experience. ADC is so reliant on the Support not being dogshit it's wild.
>Very good skin. A vast upgrade over Dawnbringer. I'd rate it top 3 with Spirit Blossom and classic.
Do you have peacemaker?
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it's not even that, whenever I win botlane for my adchud the retarded idiot just starts running it down mid trying to play like an assassin, loses out on cs and throws our lead
>support isn't the most broken role in every elo
do retards really believe this?
im not a brat
>be me
>understand how game is played
>try to play game properly
>see support sitting in black chair with camera
>"wait no-"
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I got lucky and it only took 4 capsules IIRC.
>hit Lux with R
>kill her in 1 second because her Q is a root not a stun so you can still attack her even if she hits Q on you
Even if she unloads full combo on you, you have a 35% damage resist button that means she will never ever 1 shot you.
>be Lux
>just hit the Hecarim running at 800 movespeed with erratic unpredictable movements bro its so easy!!
If she hits you she deserves to survive
(she doesn't anyway because you still have unstoppable R).
>be me
>understand how game is played
>try to play game properly
>see ADC playing cookie clicker
>leave to help jungle invade
>gravitational pull of my balls pulls ADC with me
>free jungle kill, early dragon, blackmail porn vid of jungler
>god I love support
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ever think of THAT?
I gave like 5 other examples. Just say exactly what champ
that one champion that has 300 base move speed with zero movement abilities
be my sissy gf
>want to be mating pressed
champs for this feel bros?
Ghost and sidestep
have a spellshield
have zhonyas
have lots of tenacity
Go immune
Go unstoppable
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dude im sorry but ur just bad support is the strongest role in the game atm
>implying that hasn't been the case for years
ad sylas with the custom REM skin
mating press is the most incel sexposition
vel'koz, isolde.
its just missionary (japanese)
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Play a game with me /lolg/. Name one slight adjustment to a character's single ability that would make them borderline useless. I'll start:

Gwen R no longer slows.
Your turn.
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Should I pay a prostitute to teach me how to kiss?
darius doesn't stack hemorroids anymore
ill keep it in mind when im mating pressing your mom
fascinating. Of all those flags, Intersex is the only one with natural representation and it is also the one flag that is most unlike the others. Objectively, it's the best one of the group. Soraka, for example, and perhaps even Nami, too, are Intersex individuals.
blitz hook now pulls himself to them
Briar's W makes her Berserk but has no additional buffs or status effects.
Lux Q snares for 1 second less
ezreal Q no longer counts as an attack but only a spell
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post high score
also ww isnt the way, you can go for him but veigar is king in this mode, go radiant shojin and he will destroy everything until you get xerath 3
C-can you mating press me >_<
i didnt realize you were such a sissy mantheon
stop samefagging
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All me
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My bad. I was looking for attention.
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>kissing a prostitute
you know what they do with their mouth all day right?
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>when you look at the fingers and realize its an ai pic
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Why do you hate sloppa? I'm a big fan of it personally.
dont hate it, just gets boring when you see too much of it
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A wise man would dodge this
hire an artist $60 to fix it
>hire an aritst
you can fix it in in-paint yourself when youre genning pics
errrrm but thats using ai and ai is le bad
just practice with your sister like everyone else. practice with your mom if you don't have one.
>have to go against an inting sion so i cant really roam
>my tf goes 0/8 to a 10cs/min smolder
>bot runs it down vs draven
>jg never does a single drag and gives soul for 1 inhib
well i guess you cant win em all
as i said it just gets boring when you see too much of it
i dont really mind it when its used correctly and not spammed like a fentanyl addict
i wish i had an older brother to practice kissing with tbdesu
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i wish i could be your older brother
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stop pretending to be gay on lolg
This is my favourite WarioWare character
fuck you mean pretending
>queue draven for the first time in 30 years
>get supp gapped in lane and still win 1v2
>midlane loses
>toplane gets raped
>jungler is jerking off doing nothing
>still manage to stall the game out and make it winnable
>riot activates the vanguard killswitch and boots me out of the game for no reason (picrel)
im not one for conspiracy theories but i genuinely with all my heart believe that the moment u lock in draven u get assigned a cia agent whose only job is to just fuck ur game up. literally every single draven player is gangstalked unironically
Why do you think I'm posting here?
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You know, when I first heard about 4chan and started coming here, I expected this place to be scary because of all the stories I heard but really you're all just cuties and softies at heart.
*passionately kisses you infront of lolg*
>jg never does a single drag
how the fuck do you expect your jungler to do dragon when both mid and bot are running it down?
Absolutely the case. Deserved.
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wasn't me
I am the ONE that mating presses
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Remember Renata Remember ACKshan?
>Mid and bot run it down
>Screech at my jungler to take obj
>Dies trying to take obj
>Scream louder at him for dying and giving them an easy drag
Being a jungler is suffering.
Do you look like Xayah irl?
mr. schwab what would it take for u to let me have a single normal game?
No, I have human legs and don't have the bird ears. Sorry.
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This was a good-ass Play-In draw bit
im gay because i said so
What do I do about the fact the game never gives me teams that will group up?
yorick split
haha very funny but gay people dont exist. shut up
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say it to my face FAGGOT
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League is as much knowing how to adapt to any given team on the fly as it is understanding how the game /should/ be played. To a degree you have to play to the team and whatever dumb shit they try to do. Otherwise, play a champ/role with agency and take some of the direction into your own hands. GL, and most importantly: have fun.
vgh the gvpsv king vf lec
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Alternatively, brain-off >>492844147
I'm not even joking, the first draven game I had after a months was me getting 5 manned lvl 1 and my jungler afking for 5 mins then every lane losing until ff15
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Anivias R should be global and execute minions under 10% HP
its about wanting to be the woman
mating press me
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Make Urgot r1 Global and we have a deal.
do me second please
A women's frail body? No thanks.
lol janny
Ahh, nothing more satisfying than taking a crap on aatrox players with eklipse aatrox and lvl 2 at lvl 3
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>Lose a match
Meant with eklipse NASUS
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Goodnight /lolg/
Enjoy your day/night.
maybe gank bot and mid instead of the 0/8 cannon minion?
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Sweet dreams
considering just going back to quinn /lolg/ since she's the ultimate 1v9 soloq champ
Goodnight, Ahri
hello to you too
lux thinks she can have sex with pictures lol
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Why did everyone ditch Orianna?

t. oldfag who came back
LPL silver scrapes bros
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never goon
ori was never that popular in the first place
people dont play her because she's a boring R-bot
such a messy series but I just hope Ruler goes to worlds and xiaoWHO goes retirement
Im sorry about that
Plenty of R bots are popular, like Liss
what universe are you living in lmao?
6% pickrate? Within top 10?
xiaohu is the goat tho
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>80th most played champ
I'd hardly call that popular.
Popular are like the top 15 champs who all have 15-25% pickrate.
5% is not bad but not "popular"
well, did you actually have vanguard running or did you exit or crash it at some point?
Now filter for the role... A lot of ADCs in mid, supps in the jungle
do a flip glownigger
Still not popular even for just mid champs. And only 1% more pickrate than Orianna who you were saying noone plays
What champions would be good candidates to rework them into the support role
Liss is not popular. Her pick rate drops like a rock when she isn't good. Genuinely popular champs keep a consistently high pick rate regardless of their state in the meta.
i mean pro play lol
holy shit since when does LPL have this pair of slags
Why would anyone assume that from your post?
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You must have Vanguard enabled at all times before, during, and after you play League of Legends
What a massive Jungle gap, holy fucking shit. I finally promote to Bronze 2 with a 6 winstreak, and this is my jungler. A man who's only focus is KDA.
Because of her ubiquitous nature
Do you just lose if you have a terrible jungler?
>bronze 3
at least play something that can impact the map instead of farming under your turret like a little sissy for 34 minutes
You and Illuminutty must be friends. If you aren't, then you should link up with your fellow redditor there.

Furthermore, Ah CHOO!
>impacting the map in bronze
I'll never understand why would anyone willingly pick this shit unless they're super new to the game or think it's like dota techies
pisslows like you will never understand that the other 9 people in the game are just as handless as you and you need so little effort to carry games there.
>but muh jungler fault!!!
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jesus yordlebro you went all out

JOIN lolg drawpile NOW for annie SEX
yaeh I had a 'dude really said that' moment, too. Because that's me in the corner, that's me in the spot, being a pussy near my turret in cutelow. I'd rather bore the guy to death because I know I'm not going to impact shit just by killing him once or twice before rotations start transforming into aram.
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Who's the best scaling mage outside of Vlad? All the AP ratios seem extremely low when ADC can have 2-3k hp
Honestly Mazel isn't usually bad about that stuff compared to Raafaa, but he has his flub moments and they stand-out almost as much lol
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impact THIS
>actively refuse to do anything significant in the game
>complain about teammates
pick one wheelchairlow nigger
Think I'll stick to the non-pedo stuff, gl hf!
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You wont reach diamond with tryndamere if you dont flank
Veigar ofc
yo did I say shit about my teammates? Maybe it was implied when mentioned the inevitable aram phase but that's not what I meant. Half of the reason I chill under turret is because I'm watching the randos on my team do their thing. If they are making a play, I will see if I can help. If they are derping and nearby, I will see if I can save. If they are just plain retarded, then I shove that turret even further up my ass.
But those are furries, where are the busty women
In bot lane
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>Asshole bans Briar for no good reason forcing me to pick Yi and having the best game of the day
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, they probably woulda won if I was Briar
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that's why you can just rape your lane opponent 10 times in lane and hitlerstomp the rest of the niggalows with the lead instead of running around like a retard trying to impact muh map
what if you get red side
>adc tells me to buy a hextech chastity cage
>impact the map
last time i checked bronze i picked yi top, dove my enemy enemy top and took 3 towers without anyone stopping me.
eat this impact
Weibo deserves it, JDG has the better individuals but they've been playing the game like assclowns. Would be really neat if WBG made a miracle run and Xiaohu finally got his, though they've still been pretty sketchy in their power-plays so I don't see that happening against the top teams.
weeb-bo gaming lol
if you mega rape your opponent they start giving less gold after 2 deaths, and you're gonna tell me with your lead you won't go bot lane to get 2 more kills and take their plates too? gold peakers should not have the right to an opinion
so you stayed in your own lane instead of trying to impact the checking map and won
wp, that's a better strat than this mapimpactlow babble
oh right I forgot for a moment there that I'm actually a smurf in my wheelchairlo. Guess I'll switch on max effort and get to stomping the peasants post-haste. I'll also constantly ping my masterful play strats to coordinate team plays while hoping that I don't tilt the mouthbreather that is one ping away from inting for whatever special snowflake reason he has to justify it in his head.
holy pisslow. You get less gold AND you have a bounty, it's literally zero gain outside of going 20/0
i mean you are correct, but also wrong.
it really depends on the champ you play. if you play tank you're not going to solocarry the game. if you play some abusive eloboost strat like yi top that nobody even knows then you can just run through the game

not every game is the same, you should always check whats happening in the game rather than doing your 1 signature move
>winning lane is a signature move now
dios mio
no, but running botrk hullbreaker yi top and do the "dive into towerrush" is.
and if it doesnt work in the game and you're still insisting on doing the exact same strat its just bad.
adapt to the game.
Signature Move is winning lane and expecting the game, very pisslow behaviour desu
i've never seen a worse series from Missing and i've watched all of LPL for the past 2 and a half years, holy shit that dude's hands rotted on stage. also Flandre the graves merchant being piss useless for a long time now
haven't watched esports this year, how are my boys at LNG doing?
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>"win lane"
>go 8/0
>get shutdown by jinx
>lose game
Sad, many such cases

Honestly the bounty system is ultimately a healthy change for the game. Matches shouldn't be decided by a boosted Garius who ints into enemy renekton and lets him push till end of time. The fact that you can't farm one player and stay net positive is a good thing, the danger of transferring that gold onto a better player balances things out. You can't be retarded, do a 1v3, get 2 people, die and stay ahead just because you're fed
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>Buy a Serpent Fang and have a Maw
>Off to fight the fed Morde as Graves
>Morde uses his shield
>There's barely any shield
>Morde starts to panic as he barely got anything back
>Tries to attack me mercilessly
>Maw triggers
>Blast him to kingdom come with my ult
>MFW Dark Harvest Graves
How come I do the see Graves? Is he a late game champ?
Qualified for worlds as 3rd seed, scout seems to have recovered from getting pissed on by faker last time
My chest hurts
>do the
I think its pretty fucking stupid.
You cant just say
>Oh yes, this sion might have 1k gold more than you, but you have a 1k shutdown and he is worth 100gold because he does the bauffs thing
>be draven
>your support fucks up your lane state at lvl 2

>be syndra
>end lane with 0/1/0 (supp gap) and 15 cs lead
>chill in sidelane for 10 mins tping to objectives
>gigascale for free
>before baron/soul/elder use summs to oneshot nuke the most fed member of the enemy team
>you singlehandedly decided the outcome of the game
>tping for objectives
>you singlehandedly decided the outcome of the game
b-but you're supposed to sit in your lane and crush your opponent!!!
yes focusing on lane is the only objective during laningphase. going 0/1/0 as syndra while getting camped means crushing your lane
>Be cho gath
>See enemy jungler ganks my draven
>Tp to bott, leave draven 2 kills and only take 1 for my R stack
>Draven suddenly wins and stomps his lane
>Enemy toplaner crys in allchat about his losing toplane with his ignite
Feels good
I was just poking at the pisslows who think every game is static
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every game is static especially in pisslow
league is solved
What the fuck merii
lulu raped by pig cocks...
He's into getting knotted
old map was so cozy...
baranigs are like jefrey dahmer
Can you actually improve at this game? I have played hundreds odf games and my mmr hasnt budged.
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Iron is comfy, I don't want to climb out. Should I start inting? I enjoy this elo where Lux regularly forgets to detonate her E
how old are you? if you're a boomer you will forever be hardstuck. your brain has stopped developing.
why do you enjoy it? that shit would break my brain in a week
>Should I start inting?
Dude you never stopped.
And what exactly qualifies as a boomer in your eyes ?
No, you should run down normal games on your second account till your MMR drops to a lvl where iron is your starting point.
And then sell the deboosted account for 200 bucks to insecure incels like tfblade and aatrox otps so they can start their smurfs from iron instead of gold elo like everyone else
My account is like 10 years old, it can't be worth that much
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Do you guys think she fucks the shit out of pros? I also think her old nude leaks are actually her and she somehow convinced everyone that it isn't her she is sneaky
She's definitely hooked up with at least kobe
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"Is this you?"
Maybee, but you will encounter more smurfs in your elo so you dont have to intentionally lose.
Not like anyone in your elo can handle a grandmaster aatrox. Not even high elo players can handle a gm aatrox
Just look at this faggot:
>Intentionally buys deboosted account to start iron
>Acts like its riots fault hes placed in iron
>Here check my op gg :D
>Look i proof you how easy morde is by counterpicking a morde that cant even dodge spells :D
She has access to rich LEC investors and team owners, why the fuck do you think she would settle down for a pro player.
>say retard in chat
>get restricted in that one game
>get put in loser queue with all the third worlder animals
>proceed to lose 700lp
how do we fix this?
dont say the retard word.
>speak four languages
>99th percentile physical genetics
>international connections
>"yeah I'ma settle for a dopamine-addict gamerslob"
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All of our feedback has encouraged this artist to pursue fixing league's designs! The champion next to Akali this time is Ashe.
What do I build as ranged AD champions against someone with high health?
Exactly lel.

He did a portrait of Ashe and trust me, he did not even try to give her any female trait.
pretty sure there was a leak that she fucked xpeke a long time ago, probably a few more in there but i'd say Laure is a way bigger cumdumpster for pros
Why don't they allow Ahri to deal damage?
She does do damage, she just spikes mid-game and demands you actually farm well. You can't get everything you want as a super-mobile pick mage.
Now that the dust has settled, why did the Skarner rework flop so hard?
Blade of the Ruined King against enemies that want to sit on you, Kraken against anyone else. If you have good peel, then always Kraken.
To much mobility and stay safe mechanics
build vayne
Buy lethality and then complain about tanks in allchat
She is 40 and the only thing keeping her look good is the procedures she does with her high earnings
Although investors are complete retards they could get younger pussy
Virgin vayne player
MK ultra profane hydra quinn chad
>Balloon minions make the pop sound

Would you ?
Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
it was braindead, boring NPC slop for the handless and desperate
the problem was it DIDN'T flop
bloons moba when
Can i do it so the enemy champ looks like that while my champ looks normal?
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nta but because hes fun and i get to roleplay as a sand nigger blowing people up and destroying towers, worst case scenario i turn them into puppets by making them dodge shit and miss cs which is super funny
anyway why doesnt that idiot buy lichbane on Zyzz?
I hear you can play nasus mid now how does it work
hpw does nasus toplane work you fucding idiot
Ornn will Tank.
Ornn will not buy boots.
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Most mods only effect the default skin so... Sure ? If you don't use default.
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aatrock players when buy an 800 gold item that nullifies their entire kit
Same as toplane
>Phaserush, absolut focuse, manaflow, scorch
>Press E on enemy
>Press E on enemy
>Press E on enemy
>Win lane, lose game
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Last time i played against aatrox he fullhealed to 100% hp despite bramble vest.
Might be because your 800g item doesnt reduce the eklipse shielding, or the fact that he blatantly OS you if you waste your money on trash items.
it's because mashing q constantly is annoying
don't know why they haven't just made it a channeled skill that you can hold down yet
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skill issue
I dont really care about your normal games against iron elo aatrox players
stopped reading at alistar lmfao
>no skill required: katarina, kalista, twitch, rengar
>skill required: fucking vex, morgana and cait
when will the sun and moon leona skins be available again?
what's the average elo here? gold?
d4 0lp
so bought accounts? explains a lot lol
silver/gold NA
emerald EUW
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what tf are u talking about
my mouth is made for twitch main cock
imagine gunning down everyone in there
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so true sis
making me horny
I’m the best twitch player
they probably reek of sweat though
I wish corki was actually interesting to play so I could truly become an elo terrorist
that's the opposite of a problem
I knew you would say that
>fat hand
it's over
Watch bards ignite cooldown. Heres your antiheal vs aatrox
It just bothers me this prude persona she is trying to present when she is obviously an extremely dirty whore
I fucking loved lolg scribbls
Bronze 3. People with normal functioning brains dont use 4chan.
wdym lolg tries to sissy groom all the time
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>6/1 aatrox with three and a half items and a double level gap is unkillable
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She posts shit like this on her insta all the time. No idea where you came up with the fantasy that she's a classy lady. She's an absolute thot.
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saving you faggots from getting REDACTED rolled by producing our local sissy crops
Love that one, though its 4 years old
How he goods into that position in a worlds game?
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any fun aram builds that improve boring champs?
too old
god the last 2 flags are so ugly
post league champs
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She's the wine aunt without any kids that's still acting like she's 21
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viego's mist no longer grants invis
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dude drugs lmao xD
>Press cleanse
>Press qss
>Press zonyas
>alistar takes skill
>qiyana does not
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That is /fucking terrifying/
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nilah is way cute and fun
do you love love love her?
She is actually weak right now and needs to be OTP'd to be great
>ask my emerald support/adc wheter they understand how nilahs aura works
>ofc i do
>nilah baits them with 300 hp
>nilah pops aura
every fucking time
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>have to play for the first win of the day
I don't wanna...
love this guy's art but his ahri's seem a little too ooc imo
I wish more people would play fiora and illaoi. Its just fun how their championkit is outplayable depending on your handling of the matchup rather than just unga bunga
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why does no one post quinn?
he went 0/8 and we had a windshitter midlaner that went 2/11 so we lost
how do shyvana xisters feel about their VGU after seeing skarner?
too tomboyish for my agp
hell yeah.
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she should look like this without the shield
i like butchvana
Join the drawpile!
too tomboyish for my porn addiction
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gonna be honest, quinn is one of the three champions i always forget exist.
just spent the entire night crying time to hop on league
and the other two?
illaoi is the most fair, well designed, and high skill cap juggernaut
what happened baby?
zilean and skarner (even post-rework)
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i cant tell you
well I hope you feel better as soon ASAP then
I love youu
i'm gonna spend the next week crying because of league
i'm so sick of caitlyn abusers bro
its fine, i dont need to see clearly to 1v9
I'll drop by right after a game. what champ should I doodle, lolg?
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umadd? :DDD???
can mid riven work
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i want caitlyn to abuse me bros
aw cmonn you're making ME sad now

I promise everything's gonna be A OH KAY I SWEAR
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I like her but there isn't enough nice fanart of her. Its hard to even generate AIslop of her
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i think i can have sex with pictures
we don't bodyshame here sis
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I'm going to be a Zoe Support Main!
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Because she's a dumb, bird-brain dork who needs to get bullied and bred.
any ones in paeticular renga- I mean anon?
too bad in game shes such a stiff
you have to stop bullying me just because I'm bronze, I can't say anything without someone bringing it up, I could say I like the color blue and you'd go "HAHAHAHAHAHA FAGGOT PISSLOW BLUE IS TRASH KYS"
it's ok bronzecutie *smooch*
dahmer had an obsession with masculine men and would eat them in case you didnt know. pretty sure these freaks are the same.
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you got it chief, one chibi briar coming right up
cait and vi
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Yeah, didn't help that her first two skins fucking sucked! Heartseeker and Sg are pretty cute.
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shout out to that ritual poster

beg your pardon but how does her aura work?
it's fun just make sure you never die or miss xp because her Q damage scales based on your champ level and you don't level as fast on support
>account hasn't been logged into for two fucking months
>just happens to be my jungler for the match and absolutely fucking bombs it
forced 50 isn't real riot doesn't have bot accounts
but thats only because you insist on telling me how the game works and how dumb i am whenever i call ingenious hunter sk+eklipse riven pre 10th nerf OP
i dont care about anyones elo
they're so ugly
>beg your pardon but how does her aura work?
quick rundown
>she becomes imune to autohits
>your ez q will miss
>you become no cd refund
>your passive runs out
>you dead
dont think you can kill her supp instead because
>her aura also enchants her teammates
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Stigmatised as a ranged toplaner and not curvy enough to appeal to the sexually repressed lolg. Playing her lethality mid with symbiotic boots is the most fun I've had in a while
you're ugly
i am old compared to most lol players and i felt old when i played an hour ago
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>liking muscles makes you a cannibal
quite a leap in logic there desu
then I'm in luck because you clearly love uggos
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Champs for this feel?
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she died for ADC's sins
galaxy sized gf
40 years old and bald?
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God damn, these newer models are fun.
Unironically Top-5 hottest chicks in the game, but she's brown and a weird kit so China hates her and normies never play her
>she's brown
unironically good
goodjob anon
thanks :)
i drink tons of unfiltered tap water every day
champs for me?
Vibes-based carrying
so is senna who is played all the time
>weird kit
she is yasuo but adc I would've expected her to blow up
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told you
This is more on-model for Taliyah than the fucking Taliyah skin lmao. Darken her skin a bit and I'd have LOVED this skin. Instead we got that other monstrosity.
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Is Jhin strong right now?
yas quinn
this game sucks and this general is worse fuck you all
Tiny gun
yasuo is literally an adc
nilah is liderally just worse yasuo
hardly anyone plays yas adc anymore
i wanted to play yasuo top but whenever i try a wacky champ toplane i drop to bronze again
Senna has a way more straight-forward kit. People just don't like weird kits. Also the prejudice thing is only for China; despite being one of their best-rated and performing chance by their own metrics she has a pick-rate of less than 2%.
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The in-game mode is amazing, the problem is her splash arts. Riot is keeping them ugly to shut up the ugly girls and trannies on X.
Yep, and does well into Cait who is really strong right now and Ashe who is always popular. Goes evenish against MF who is also super popular ATM.
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Forgepill me on Ornn. Does he scale well or is it just the masterwork stuff?
The model definitely looks good but the colour-clashing is still an issue, it is of course front and center in the splash which is the biggest issue (on top of the perspective making her bunches look bad.) And no I think it was just a design L, they aren't going out of their way to make them ugly lol
nilah is just a fair non-200 years version of yasuo
>q doesnt have cc
>w is just a short autododge instead of block-everything-including-ults button
>e is 2 dashes on a long cd instead of infinite dashes
>r is different but nilah r is basic, yasuo is instantly teleport to any knockup in your vicinity
>takes mana
>no crit passive
why tf would you ever play nilah when you could play yasuo
overwatch is better anyways
kys nigga
Generally low-CD CC, an ability that makes you unstoppable which helps against lockdown, and an ult that is great for zone control when contesting river objectives. Just gotta learn to maximize your brittle stacks to play lane well, and also get used to smart Q placement to really narrow enemy movement options.
what did i do but speak the truth
i realized why i dont like gwen
gwen is perfect, she has no flaws, she has no character to develop, she is a doll to dress up and puppet around
even if she's a kill reference she lacks the humanity that the characters in that series were given, which fits, i guess
brown is just an ugly color
there I said it
So all damage is loaded in the brittle right? How reliable is that? How well does it scale?
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They did in LoR. She looked prettier until actual ugly girls and trannies started a small bitchy fit, and the LoR team folded like a deck of cards for them. I'm pretty sure they still have some of that policy left. Like an unspoken rule to ugly up her splash art to keep the uglies happy. Because, like, what the fuck. She's the only Splash art that looks mad while everyone else is happy.
You aren't picking him to do damage, just that efficient use of it is strong earlier in the game. You CAN do surprising damage in lane getting a full, proper cycle off on your opponent, but that doesn't scale.
Syndra for sure wears nothing but thongs and g-strings
>lucky you lolg
So why is anyone picking Ornn if he does no damage? CC?
I'm entirely behind the bitching on that one, I just want her to look like she always has with small differences because of aging (there's upwards of ten years between any given depiction of a champion across Riot content.) The art was originally way more different; they fixed her up to look more on-model, and she still looks hot in her Level 2 so I don't know what the complaint is.

My bigger complaint with her in LoR is that I'm pretty sure they intentionally made her off-model in the art so that they could shift the discussion around that and "correct" the art and away from the people complaining that her character/personality is WAY different. They just made her a MPDG down to even having fucking Lux's voice-actor voicing her lmao.
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It's fucking wild how literally every Kog Maw skin fucking sucks cause it's stuck with a literal bipedal void pug that spits caustic loogies at things as an anatomical base. Imagine if Kog Maw was a cute, small anime girl with a hextech mortar to just lob the entire kit with instead.
enemy support 1v9d unlucky
Yes, and scaling your team-mates.
welcome to s9+
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Last time you got 4 honors?
back in s12 when Poppy support was good
It seems like we're not going to agree on a lot of things because I think they fucked up on her looks at the very start of development so they could court those "People" that were on Twitter only to regret it later and try and fix their mistake while not pissing off a TINY group of people they could easily live with pissing off.
I want to put brown babies inside of taliyah
>q doesnt have cc
But 33% armor pen and gives a shield when max health
>no crit passive
But one of the most broken passive in the game by getting more shields,heals and XP.
>w is just a short autododge instead of block-everything-including-ults button
Jax E that she can proc on another person

Yes, a very balanced champion and totally not 200 years.
Does Fallen God King Garen have any new lines? Is he evil?
bleaching sivir >>>
So you want a Yordle... with a gun...
You mean way back at the inception of her character? I like her OG look, it's nice having characters that don't follow a beauty standard. Not every character has to be conventionally attractive.
yet another game where the enemy mundo sits like a fucking pussy 15 meters behind the wave and farms with q and gets nothing done but wins due to his pedophile team
good luck trying to kill him with his 60 second cooldown ult that he will use to sprint away all game
farm like shit, he cant deal with my wave management I get 10 cs pm since killing him without a gank isnt realistic and doesnt happen (even when the wave is in front of my tower and I say that he has no flash to my jungle)
i love champs rewarded for bad gameplay?
cant hit a q to save your life? too stupid to position well and have map awareness?
boy do we have the champ for you! did we mention he scales well?
not that it matters when botlane got turbogapped gg
sivir is a gypsy looking ass ugly bitch
wouldn't put babies in her

push the lane and roam mid you fucking egghead
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Very problematic quote. I'm going to need you to forget it.
Nah, make it a loli/human shortstack.
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Sivir has the skimpiest outfit in the game, and no one gets it.
Tanky, CC/Peel with a good initiation/counter-initiation ult and giving your teammates an advantage the enemy literally cannot get for themselves or replicate in any singular way; Masterwork items.
>aatrox top
>elise jungle
>nunu mid
>wave is slowpushing towards me
>press alt f4 to counterplay
see you in 14 days
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Yeah because it's ugly as sin. But also because no?
have to play against a master volibear alone top Xd
onyoo master player on enemey yiyi :(
i am plat 4
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she’s super cute :))
cute and sexpilled
lolg takes give me cancer
dumb bitch
im demoting today XD
been on a multi day loss streak
I miss Mythic Triforce
if they buffed it and gave the old passive back it would still be balanced
why would you say that
The Spectacular Sivir one is skimpy too, I like that one more.
because it's true.
Hmm sounds like a fun idea maybe for the drawroom. Would this femkog have what? Twintails, a long ponytail, would she shot from her mouth still?
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Spitting is part of the issue and limits the design in it's own ways. Long ponytail mogs twintails. Just hand her a hextech mortar cannon or keep the void aesthetic and make it a void corrupted anime void loli that fires caustic missiles from Kai-sa-esque shoulder missile launchers.
I miss mythics in general. Game felt so much better and more intuitive with mythics.

I especially miss galeforce, i loved that gem so much you wouldnt believe

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