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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Fortnite BR Chapter 5 Season 4 Competitive Details: Travel the Champion’s Road!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

>LEGO Fortnite v30.40: Use Bus Stations to Fast Travel!

>Fortnite Returns to iOS in the European Union! Free Skin and items for completing XP Quests on Android and iOS devices in the EU!

>Sign Up for Survey Emails and Receive the Free Sir Beurre Back Bling within 24 Hours??? TBD

>Fortnite Crew August - The Operator

Remember to Thank the Bus Driver!
Is there anyone out there who actually enjoys this season so far? Genuinely curious. I’ve ignored battle Royale more this season than any other and have mostly been doing creative maps.
it's okay, not great but at least it's not dominated by cars and nitro fists
I like all of it for the most part, the only thing I really don't like is the shield
I actually enjoyed the cars and nitro fists more than the OP stuff this season. I feel like it was something new and fresh.
no I hate it. have played Reload almost exclusively, plus festival weeklies and StW missions when they pop up
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Not a huge fan of the pass, but the gameplay has been great so far. Don’t really understand the hate for the shield, I’m able to take them out quickly.
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I'd kill for legacy battlepasses
Nope, grandpa
Which skins do you want?
This season may have finally freed me. No more fomo, gay marvel shit, and the gradual decline of the fortnite style have just been terrible.

I'll probably poke my head in for OG2 and fortnitemares.
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how's this?
The sad thing is a lot of people are predicting Fortnitemares will be marvel related as well. We probably will get a non marvel skin or something though, a lot of people are saying Jason Vorhees. But gameplay wise, people are saying we’ll see marvel zombies.
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friendly reminder:
hope is a bitch and needs to die
Why does this collab seem to get brought back every other week? Maybe I’m wrong, but it at least feels that way.
is this the real thread?
yes, the other one is for men pretending to be girls
How do I get yellowjacket in 2024
Why does Hope seem to make everyone here seethe so much? A few months ago everyone here loved her.
Any tips on earning xp in Rocket league? I’m trying to get all Fortnite content. There’s supposedly a method that involves queuing into a duel match at the with an alt account, and trying to run up the clock into overtime, but I guess the skill level is too drastic between both accounts so can’t get same match.

I’m begging btw
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>tusa removed from the s tore
you did buy it, didn't you?
tusa is now officially OG and won't come back because it has uncensored lyrics about jacking off
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I cant wait for her live execution broadcast on doom tv
Honestly I was able to get to around 50 with around 5 to 6 hours of playing by doing standard and completing a lot of the seasonal challenges.
because she's boring, useless, and despite that takes all the credit and screentime being portrayed as a mary sue and forcing her as a popular character
>takes all the credit and screentime being portrayed as a mary sue
Jonesy did this too and you all ate it up
>everyone here loved her
This is unironic gaslighting because she was never liked by more than 2 people
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elastigirl will be one hell of a monkey paw
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>A few months ago everyone here loved her
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We're all here >>492816979
You don't want to be in a dogfucker thread
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I bless this thread with raven team leader!
She’s not though, she’s got a fun design and a good personality through the story quest dialogue
she literally took down the society, the pantheon, and megalo don, so definitely not
>takes all the credit
How? And if anything her and jonesy DO deserve the credit, they’re the ones doing all this stuff. The looper is just the gameplay mechanic, they’re the ones who actually do the work.
>mary sue
isn’t this just a term misogynists throw around?
Jonesy has been actively doing things since CH2S5 but you keep coping hopecel
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jonesy is the actual main character and built his reputation through the years, hope is a poor attempt to take his place without anything to offer
a few avatarfags is not "everyone"
>woke soi faggot made this post
wow color me surprised
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Actually terrible bait
F- see me after class
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stop trying to make people like hope
no one likes hope
stop trying to make people like doom
no one likes doom
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calm down charlie wen
this bait is getting sad
don't wish that into reality buddy
we all hope she is thick
What is this
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every day it's the same in these threads
At least post the gif version retard
I don't actually hate her, I just think it's funny to do so
>"stop criticizing my favorite billion dollars company"
Should I get the suit surfer for emma frost?
newfag here, name 5 feats jonesy has done alone
hard mode: him recruiting random collabs only counts as 1, i've seen the trailers but that's it
criticism isn't the problem
the problem is that coomers don't even like the game and just come to spam coomer shit and bitch about ass sizes
nta but gifs that flash light are annoying to look at
We already knew
That’s the thing, you can’t. His main “feats” were being part of the IO (the bad guys) and then betraying them, but didn’t really do much except get captured and be rescued by The Seven. The Seven are the main good guys that did most of the feats through most of chapter 2 and 3. Jonesy is usually just around for the ride. While he can be credited for the stuff him and Hope have done, she’s done a lot more since her introduction.
>actively doing things since CH2S5
Yeah, by bringing "hunters" from different universes which was just an excuse for Donald Mustard to shill collabs.
Well Jonesy did do the event at the end of CH4 after slone entrusted him to reset the timeline
Name what he’s done. Because all I remember is him being used to introduce collabs and then getting captured by the IO and having to be rescued by the Seven.
This is taking so fucking long.
she cute
I grinded that shit mode for the metallica decal and it was painful, won't bother touching that shit again until they add any particularly good reward
>>492818883 (Me)
Sorry, I messed my quote up. >>492818680
sounds like cope to me hopefag
>ask why hope is hated
>instant replies
>ask what jones has done for the story
>absolute doom
>no doomguy
what gives
See >>492820781
It gets explained every thread you have a spergout
>Win race at Platinum 3
>10% gain
This is so fucking garbage.
explain it again, go ahead
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They say doing the same thing and expecting a different result is madness
I used that Chapter 1 Mega Ramp map and got it done in one or two sessions, after completing all the other quests. Just drift into the wall to grind up boost power and then use your turbos after going off one of the big jumps with tons of boost pads. Ideally you'll want to boost when you're already going 1500 kph to get the most distance out of them.
If you weren’t so new to the game or even bothered going on yt for a rundown or understanding of his character like the adhd zoomtard you are, you could know. Unfortunately I’m an adult who has work to do in the morning, so I’m going to bed. I implore you, do some research
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wait till you reach elite and you only get 3 for 1st place
tomorrow is labor day retard, if you can't say a single thing he has done for the sory then i will consider him a fraud like hope
Me hate hope because small ass
Me no answer jones question because me no give shit about Fortnite lore
>tomorrow is Labor Day
>he doesn’t understand working on projects
>avoiding the question
alright jonesfraud, good luck in your fraud projects
Platinum 2 in Rocket Racing and it takes me 5+ minutes to get into a lobby during peak hours. US West servers. Once I get in a lobby I just keep hitting play again and hope everybody else does the same. Shit takes forever to find matches otherwise.
going up in ranked games isn't about skill, you're just meant to play hundreds if not thousands of matches
>he doesn’t understand that normal people like Hope
You can raise and lower much faster in br. In racing it raises very slowly, but I don't think it can even go down at all
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>Hope Lore
Despite being born in a high-class family, Hope seemed to be rebellious no matter how much older she got. This rebellious nature truly came out once The Society was formed with Valeria, her sister, being apart of it. Seeming very against the idea of this faction controlling the island, Hope starts the Underground to go against this faction. After gathering recruits, including Jones who joined to get Peely back, The Underground was able to put a wrench in their plans. Valeria in the meantime though found and opened Pandora's Box in an attempt to gain power, but failed and unleashed the wrath of The Gods. Despite Hope wanting to rebel against The Gods trying to destroy the island making sense for her character, we really don't get this side of her shown as we're the one listening to The Oracle and figuring out ways to take down The Gods. After Zeus is defeated, it's just assumed Hope and Jones did it and all's well that ends well... that is until Megalo Don arrives. Now, being more involved, Hope mentions how she's been listening in on the radio and knows about Megalo Don's plan to destroy the island with his Leviathan. Despite retrieving the Pandora gems, messing with Megalo Don and his goons, halting some progress on the pipeline, and learning more about his plans and partners, Hope is unsuccessful as Megalo Don is able to start up his Leviathan... that is until The Wanderer reveals himself as Doom and he betrays Megalo Don. With Pandora's Box revealed yet again, The Oracle tells Hope how she is prophesied to be the one to stop Doom and how she is the hope that lied dormant in Pandora's Box. With her connection to The Pantheon being revealed this season, it's now up to The Underground to rebel against this new threat trying to take over the island and for Hope to find out what her purpose will be when the time comes to stop Doom. Will she have powers like Valeria? Eill Valeria return to help her? Will Hope's role be a sacrifice? Only time will tell...
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I don't give a shit about chink li
just bring ryu back already
>rich spoiled girl is rebel and had powers well, um because… she just does ok?
did i miss a good shop?
Season has been pretty boring so far, 1 (one) super power, medallion effects are uninspired, didn’t even change the loot island to like an air carrier or something marvel-esque. As someone who played the original marvel season this shit is ASS!
Based, thanks for outlining her role in the story. You know, I used to not like her, but I’m starting to warm up to her. She’s pretty cool.
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If Hasbro is game, imagine if we got MLP skins. It would be the greatest shitpost possible - MLP Equestrian Girls for the skins and MLP Friendship is Magic backblings/pets.
Ponyfuckers would spam about their dubs, ponyhaters would take videos of them executing ponyfuckers. It'd be greater than Peter Griffin.
Nice, samefag bros gotta stick together :)
Reminder that Hope loves Oscar and literally thinks "I can fix him"
he became the games protagonist around chapter 2 and has been ever since.
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The thing hopetards can't wrap their head around is people liking Jonesy because he's always been a part of things that happened. He was introduced to us when the device happened and he is able to see us (Looper).
He takes the initiative to jump into the island while everyone is panicking in the IO office and recruits hunters and mercs from other realities. Then the Foundation shows up and tries to fix the zero point problem in exchange for Jonesy giving him Geno and the sisters.
Jonesy is MIA after this because Slone takes over and later we find out he was held captive by her. In CH3 he helps the Seven fight the IO and jumps into the rift to Geno. The comic shows Jonesy's involvement during the war and he talks a little bit about how he used to have a family but he can't return to them and he's actually hundreds of years old. Jonesy has never been THE leader but a supporting character who has helped whatever organization he has been in, even now he's helping the Underground founded by Hope.
Which brings us to the problem with Hope. She's suppose to be a leader but thats just amounted to her talking about the situation at hand while Jones instructs the looper what to do. She didn't take out the society we did, she didn't take out the pantheon we did at the behest of the oracle instead of Hope. But Epic decides to give us a loading screen of Hope tagging Zeus throne and posing like she did it. During wrecked she just drives off in the opening cinematic and spends the season searching pandora's dragon balls to get high off that special greek myth juice. She did nothing to stop Megalo Don from enacting his plan to I guess super pump nitro in the island, Doom is the one who stopped that so he can take Pandora's power also it turns out Hope is "The Chosen One" for the box.
Now she has a new skin which makes her look more like a commander but its super hard to believe she is even ready for that when nothing in CH5 has indicated that.
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That dusty is cute. She’s friends with Hope too!
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who doesn't? he's the hottest character in the game
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I hope my Fortnite Spiderman gets an update too!
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Jonesy is /ourguy/
such a chad
Everything this chapter has been building up to this season and all will be revealed with Hope. Please reserve your judgement until we learn more as we just now learned she’s related to the Greek gods. We’ll probably learn more about why she’s so important.
This was so fucking stupid
10x better than just the list of tacked on actions the game tells us hope did with 0 character
Everyone in Society is related to the Greek Gods, not just Hope.
You guys do remember that Hope herself even doubts herself and doesn’t understand why she’s so important. She didn’t ask to lead, but instead it’s being thrust upon her. She’s humble and still finding her confidence. I can relate to her in a way.
>boring nothing burger character is relatable to the average joe
Gee I wonder why
>Relating to a not fleshed out character whose been in the spotlight for almost a year now
If you guys hate Hope just DM Wen on twitter, there's literally nothing you can do to change anything here
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new skin for the new album that is rumored to be announced/played on the 5th. Thoughts?
hope should be in lesbians with nisha
>Not Silk Sonic
Don't care.
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Honestly, I think Ramirez would have been a better character than Hope if they wanted to add a new female character. She's been around since launch, shes recognizable, and they've slowly improved her model on new skins to not be grotesque and bugeyed...or as much as it was.
I guarantee Fortnite is even big enough to warrant bringing back her STW voice actor if they wanted to throw STW a bone.
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This exactly, she does nothing but we keep being told she's the special super duper chosen one. It's just like Rey.
For females that have done more and are better characters, here's a list:
built the machine with her dad and flooded the island with him
General antagonist, added zb, almost killed jones, tried to empower Geno or something
fought against Renzo and his crew who were woprkling for TLR unkowingly
Generally a goofball, hangs around the island and makes goofy POIS. Lovable mascot
>Rameriez brite raider
I hate her since she's a forced version of CTL, but she still does shit like helping you build a base in Lego
Lovable hoebase robot who is silly and tries to save the world even though she kinda sucks
same as Ray but she's hotter and built things to both save homebase and help Ray grieve
Gruff armorer for homebase, dealing with the guilt of saving others in STW but dooming her friend to die
So many better female leads in Fortnite, and they don't even focus on them.
>just wait and see
We ddn't have to wait and see anything that Jones, Sloan, or Midas did, they simply did things and we were involved. Hope has done nothing but get high and take credit for what players and Doom did.
I like the Hopimals meme. I wish Epic made something like a back bling to reference Hopimals.
Literally every fortnite character is a non fleshed out nothingburger so I’m not confused what you idiots are arguing about. Nobody cares about the fortnite story, even epic.
>He takes the initiative to jump into the island while everyone is panicking in the IO office and recruits hunters and mercs from other realities.
And it fucked up the Zero Point to the point he betrayed I.O and had to summon The Rock to fix it lmao
STW gods laugh at him
The memes surrounding Dark Souls' and FNAF's story has caused irreparable harm to the gaming industry. Deepestlorefags need to fuck off.
>wanting a gambling addicts skin who is in debt to the casino & his residency can’t pay off his 50 mil + debt
Outside of the STW characters and slone, those are all nothinburger characters to the overall story.
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They don't give too much backstory for her, I agree, but she most likely has similar reasons as Jones did. Both had been in high elite groups (IO and Hope's family) but where Jones blindly followed before defecting later on, Hope had always knew something was wrong which is why she's had a rebellious attitude for so long. Jones grew aware of the lives in The Loop and, after encountering us in his office and working with us, he couldn't believe that IO would be willing to eradicate the island and end all these lives which is why he defected to try and find a way to save the island. Whereas Jones has the perspective of being an agent who oversees the island and how it operates, Hope instead has the perspective of someone who simply lives on the island. All she knows is this is her home and she doesn't want the lives of others to be controlled by some higher authority. She wants everyone to be able to be themselves on the island without any worries about them being out of line. This also reflects in her spraypainting hobby as, while it isn't a power by any means, it's used as a way of self-expression to highlight what she's rebelling for. Even though she's unsure and she knows how much more powerful others are to her, she won't stop until she lives in a world where everyone's free to truly be themselves.
And yet they all still do more than Hope.
kill yourself /pol/ transplant shitposter.
Better than letting people die at your concert i guess
I hate furfags and that they try to shove their degeneracy down my throat.
haze is she was a goblina
you missed some of Slone's plot there, she worked at IO with Jonesy, and then switched to being a good guy when she reappeared in ch4s3
Shut the fuck up.
>whole year passes
NTA but fuck off, newfag. Nothingburger has been a 4chan general use term for years.
that was travis scott, not the weeknd u dumb fuck!
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>if i ignore it didn't happen
sorry chuds, she and jonesy defeated zeus
Thanks for reading the post, you're really making a great argument for generic blonde guy #621.
>he thinks a nothingburger is a /pol/ thing
Thank you for doing these deep dives into her character. It seems people here have to be told everything or shown everything, but when you think about things and her past, it all makes sense. There’s also a strange sort of rivalry between Hope and Valeria and I’m praying she comes back this season in some way to help flesh out the story more.
is hope the one doing all the underground graffiti? they should show her spray painting, it would be cute
No? We literally did everything for her, including defeat Zeus. They just took credit for it.
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Don't spin my words because I like Jones too. I'm just trying to dig into Hope's character to see if there's more to her since Wen wasn't doing that good a job at it for the first 2 chapters. It's reasonable for people not to like her since it's true that in Season 3, when she barely got an official voice actress, we're being told all this stuff about her being the chosen one after failing to stop Megalo Don since Doom is the real reason his plans didn't succeed, not Hope
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the tension might be high but i like when /fng/ discuss characters like this, you can see the passion people have for fortnite
It's because they decided to hold back on releasing his Pass exclusive instruments
>We literally did everything for her
Basically every Fortnite story quest in existence?
oh where? I didn’t see any mention of this
Yes turbofaggot, it was a /pol/ slang you reddit tourists propogated during covid, it wasn't 4chan native prior to that, you don't know since you're a faggot transplant.
Glad pointing this out makes you seethe and claim seniority, really shows how you will never fit in here lmfao.
>Newfag calling others newfags and crying about /pol/
Reddit's just down the road, faggot. Kys yourself.
>Proceeds to ignore the story quests to make his headcanon real
Mental illness confirmed
Once and for all, Hope’s lore up to this point:
Chapter 5: Season 1
With The Society's new reign, Hope founds The Underground as a rebellion against them. She offers her help to Jones to find Peely, in return of his help against The Society. She sends The Looper to distract The Society while she and Jones can find Peely. Together, they and The Looper take out Society Guards, Steal Society Medallions, and defeat each of the Society's bosses. Eventually, they find and free Peely from Fencing Fields, leaving the Society in shambles.
Towards the end of the Season, Valeria forcefully summons and opens Pandora's Box, unleashing hundreds of souls from The Underworld onto the island.

Chapter 5: Season 2
After The Society's defeat, The Underground goes offline, having completed its mission. However, Valeria's opening of Pandora's Box has caused The Pantheon to arrive on the island, with Zeus planning to end mortalkind. Hope worries about The Pantheon and initially wants to stay out of Zeus' conflict, but she eventually realizes The Underground is still needed to stop Zeus and other wrongdoers, prompting her to reactivate it and save the island from Zeus' wrath, asking Jones to join her in the revolution. Hope helped The Looper to win the battle against Zeus.

Chapter 5: Season 3
After the arrival of the Wasteland Warriors, Hope decides to spring back into action and summon Jones so that he can ask The Looper for some help while he and Hope gather intel about Megalo Don's plan and team up with some new allies to take down his Wasteland Warriors. By gaining the Pandora gems of the Warriors, alongside meeting up with Magneto, The Oracle reassures her of the need to fight, explaining her fate that was once supposed to have happened before The Wanderer interfered, as well as reassuring her with the idea that she won't be alone in their fight.
probably doesn't mean anything, there's already iron spider
what was even the point of adding all the fortnite beans if collab skins don't get them
Just a theory

The leak said those instruments were going yo the shop
To be fair we literally got two Wolverine skins a month apart from each other.
Tony stark stopped galactus not us
Midas did the device not us
The seven flipped the island not us
Singularity slayed the monster and saved the zero point in c1s9 not us
Im sorry you're this new
>Singularity slayed the monster and saved the zero point in c1s9 not us
Actually that was Paradigm
All of this could have been avoided if they didn't rush all the metaverse game modes and focused on BR. They could have had voiced character lines for story quests from Day 1 of Chapter 5. Reminder that the "Find Peely" quests were scrapped but you could still complete them (because Chapter 5 was rushed).
Those setups were done by the player
>With The Society's new reign, Hope founds The Underground as a rebellion against them. She offers her help to Jones to find Peely, in return of his help against The Society. She sends The Looper to distract The Society while she and Jones can find Peely. Together, they and The Looper take out Society Guards, Steal Society Medallions, and defeat each of the Society's bosses. Eventually, they find and free Peely from Fencing Fields, leaving the Society in shambles.
>Towards the end of the Season, Valeria forcefully summons and opens Pandora's Box, unleashing hundreds of souls from The Underworld onto the island.
They tell us this happened, but we never see Hope do any of this. Instead we did all of this and Peely was rescued off screen, which everyone gave Epic shit for. Nobody who played during ch5s1 would know she did any of this unless they read the text blurbs for each weekly witha magnifying glass.
>Hope worries about The Pantheon and initially wants to stay out of Zeus' conflict, but she eventually realizes The Underground is still needed to stop Zeus and other wrongdoers, prompting her to reactivate it and save the island from Zeus' wrath, asking Jones to join her in the revolution. Hope helped The Looper to win the battle against Zeus.
She did none of this, the society died once the gods came back and fucked them up so she didn't do that either. Then players killed Zeus and she took credit for it. There was no Zeus bossfight LTM where Hope helped us.
>Chapter 5: Season 3
I like how you couldn't even justify anything she does here, because she doesn't do shit it's just us and Jones scouting Megalodon's shit and then Doom "beating" him. It's all just the Oracle telling her she's a super duper special kid and everybody is counting on her since she's "the chosen one!"
Turbo shit writing.
I farted + Jones is an actual character
How so? All he does is exist and say MCU tier quips.
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You now remember
>Collect 300 mosaic tiles
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How come when the CH4S2 story quests sucked because everything happened between quests like you do a few things and suddenly every gang in Mega City is unified and the agents that work for The Nothing even got befriended for no reason everyone was like yeah the story was lame. But when people say Hope isn't fleshed out after being in her 4th season you get told to kill yourself.
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Its genuinely just weird because they have the models for this shit, but they don't know how to handle it because anything they decide becomes the defacto policy going forward that people expect.
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Bless bot lobbies. Grab an smg and just wailed on the society bosses and henchmen seemed like the easiest and quickest way.
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Not my peter.
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technically since chapter 4 island exploded that means we are living in post IO/Loop timeline. unless IO/The Seven comes back somehow, Fortnite is the type of game to be able to bring back characters easily through plot. I want to see Jonesy fight Geno, there's been a lot of buildup to that.
>Make the very first Spider-Man the actual Spider-Man
>Tie him to a now outdated Battle Pass that fewer and fewer people playing now actually played during
>You get to advertise him for the season he appeared in during a 3 month period and then never again
>Fall into the issue of literally not being allowed to advertise certain characters like Darth Vader during May the 4th because of your absolutely fucking retarded and arbitrary business decisions
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Not just actual 616 (mainline marvel) Spider-Man, but Symbiote Spider-Man and Future Foundation Spider-Man. Symbiote is a massive big deal to everyone, and Future Foundation is a lesser but still noticeable one if they do that with Fantastic Four at any point.
you never see any fortnite characters do anything, really. epic doesn't do cinematics like they ysed to
>literally midnight
>farming XP on creative
>out of the blue static comes from the ps5 controller
>faintly hear a voice
>anon talks back
>its an actual friend from my sibling'acc
I know its a /fng/ bro because both of us hang out mostly here for fortnite stuff and the daily lobby, so if you're reading this bro, im sorry but the mic had so much static I wasn't able to understand a word
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The weird thing is Darth Vader was definitely well into Fortnite's revitalized phase as people were getting sick of building and leaving. Spiderman was the first season with no-build so I can understand if they saw the player numbers and went "fuck it, here's spiderman" at least.
oh but we did
>Midas had tons of agency breaking out of his cell and then escaping on his yacht with his crew, but not before nuking the island with gold
>Zeus activated the statue which wiped out a chunk of the map calling to and setting Don up for s3
>Don sets up all the wasteland POIs and outfitted them with raiders
>he even built the ship he rode in on with machinist all tp cut the island in half
>he also sets up all the nitro in the season
>Doom sabotages his plans causing the ship to explode with the pipes
>rebuilds the island better with Latvaria stylings and breaks dudes out of jail to help him
These are all done thru map changes, little dialogue needed. Hope does none of this.
I genuinely didn't know Zero Build was a thing until I started playing in C5S1 and saw it on the menus. Probably would have played sooner had I known.
I last thread I said Emo Girl was the worst song in festival, after hearing Oki Doki I have changed my mind
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>Spiderman was the first season with no-build
no that was chapter 3 season 2
I'll take Karol G over mgk any fucking day
I can’t stop farting because it’s fartnite
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>Donald Mustard said that Paradigm being Singularity was just a misdirection
Then again, Donald Mustard wasn't that great in a creative role. Just look how his first game called Advent Rising turned out. It's amazing that Infinity Blade is great for a mobile game
it would take decades to make what people spent on tiers that season if they sold it as 1500 vbuck shopslop
epic made the right call
Paradigm proved to them that isn't true.
you dont see any of those characters interacting with any of those set pieces or cinematic, just told they do, same with hope. also are ltm's even canon?
>it would take decades to make what people spent on tiers that season if they sold it as 1500 vbuck shopslop
lol no, or they wouldn't have finally walked back nft exclusivity
>Don sets up all the wasteland POIs and outfitted them with raiders
>he even built the ship he rode in on with machinist all tp cut the island in half
>he also sets up all the nitro in the season
We never saw that lmao.
>you dont see any of those characters interacting with any of those set pieces or cinematic, just told they do
You literally see them on the map, and hear this shit in dialogue.
It's mostly visual, all action, the most important part of storytelling.
It's literally all controlled by him hope apologist.
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shut the fuck up, hope is super cute and based
>using misdirection
>in the story that is basically just set dressing
>in the story that writes characters in and out on a whim
>in the story that most people just skip for the above reasons
like imagine coming up with utter slop that barely makes sense to begin with and saying to yourself "you know what the ten people actually following this would enjoy? we should trick them into thinking one worthless character is secretly another worthless character. then we should reveal our little trick in a twitter post later."
i hope this little faggot didnt get severance pay.
>It's literally all controlled by him
We never saw him did add those things through cinematics at all.
Im glad no one here takes Hope seriously and knows those who do are baiting for engagement
so are my other fortwives, who cares.
if other skins can gets lots of variants so can spider-man
especially if that's what his face looks like I'd rather have a different peter
>We never saw him did add those things through cinematics at all.
>rolls up to the island on his giant shark after broadcasting a fuck you in morse code for weeks
>throws established badguy chaos agent to the ground and then commands his wasteland army forward
I guess you need more than one braincell to watch the wrecked cinematic lol
People have been calling her a forced protagonist since C5S2.
i dont give a shit about hope in the story quests because the story quests suck ass, but that is true of every story quest character. all of them blow ass and then disappear the moment their season/chapter ends.
that being said hope is much better looking than the average avatarfag skin-of-the-week, so i guess im part of the anonymous forum engagement bait.
>Wrecked cinematic is just Don sending his minions to wreck the island
Glad you admit you're wrong lol
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Good dusk to you.
It is I, Madcap.
Unjustly deposed king of the rotlands in the pine bog between exits 7b and 7c.
I'll stand by my belief of Hope having a great design, but her doing half the shit she and Jones are claimed to do this chapter off screen doesn't help her case. I want to like her, but there is nothing for me to feel really attached to her yet
The only way to fix Hope is to make her evil
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He said this in an old interview when talking about his first game.
>I want people to be confused where its origins are because it's just a good story.
He probably thinks subversion itself in a story is a good thing.
god i hate watching the wrecked trailer now
>great aesthetic and music
>original characters feel varied but fit the theme
>collab also fits the theme
>used metallica being in festival as an excuse to put fuel in the trailer, which fit perfect
>cars, nitro, tow hook, fallout gun, fists, everything looked and was fun to fuck around with
but uh oh, here comes the magnetic kike and his ball of fun and varied gameplay!!! here come the buldie-babies and comptards to ruin everything fun about the season!!! here comes epic games over-correcting again and patching in endless counters to the shit that hasnt been good since the first week of the season!!!
Subversion works when there's indicators that something isn't what it seems. Like when Batman is acting different and then it turns out its actually one of his Robins taking over, or something like that. Not "oh turns out we got a celebrity to play a character so we're retconning established lore"
They could've easily fixed this though.
>have you plant the bombs with hope that would blow Don's pipe
>have the sword that wipes out the gods and the island by Hope's doing and have her be there for that make it an ltm
>have the society actually oppress people on the island and stop them from doing that for rewards, hae hope help, again could be an ltm if you can't put it in game
Instead of just having her do shit, or helping you do shit, she just does nothing and the gods suck her off along with jonesy for 3 seasons. Even Evie did more on her own by just fighting the TLR goons by herself even if you don't see it because she's not venerated as some sort of christ figure.
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It was a fun season for 2 whole weeks, shame it was ruined by retards.
>Add back Boogie Bombs because someone fucked up and literally deleted EMPs from the game
>Nerf cars, nerf nitro, nerf fists
>Add another OHKO sniper no one asked for or wanted after they literally just removed the Reaper
The season started off really fun, but the moment they added back boogie bombs I went back to my bot lobbies.
hope we're getting more hero's for hexivania or whatever. the blue glow crisis they've been building up since gia's quest is fascinating.
>Add another OHKO sniper no one asked for or wanted after they literally just removed the Reaper
Never saw anyone using that since it has a very steep bullet drop. You have to make more adjustments than usual crompared to the previous rifles.
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We're getting her for that and somebody else + one other
long may his fruiting body lay spores upon the earth
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As much as we can discuss lore and the current story but unfortunate reality is that most of it just isn't fleshed out. Even with the live events there isn't much going on these days. We all know what Epic is capable of when it comes to story and presentation, I imagine Hope WOULD have been a great character if Epic had put all their effort into the presentation of the story like they have done in the past. However that isn't the case, their priorities are elsewhere and yet they want to eat their cake too. So Hope herself is left in a really bad position, she's the main character but they've done fuck all with her up until this point.

Like Hope, hate Hope. Either side is fine but the reality is that she's just simply wasted potential and frankly, once the story of the season concludes we won't see her ever again.
NTA but I even get the nerfs since the cars were balanced around the magneto shit and laser gun and emp, but then when they added that shit they didn't readd any of it
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I wonder if the writer at Epic is aware of the internet clowning on Hope
No, they probably try their hardest to make sure their writers are shielded from reality
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If Epic didn't care about the blacklash about retconning Singularity I doubt they will care about this one
>meannwhile, is attached to some random ass shop skin with no lore
They have been trying to get more people to take surveys and in those surveys they ask if anybody gave a shit about hope. Pretty indicative they are worried nobody likes this retard.
Jones has a ton of lore
Joni has aura at minimun with that crew trailer she got alone. I'm fond of a lot of skins without any sort of lore at all, but the two big ones I like do have something behind them
>They have been trying to get more people to take surveys and in those surveys they ask if anybody gave a shit about hope.
Epic sending surveys is nothing new. I just got an in-game asking on what are the things i dislike about Festival after playing it.
It's not new that we get surveys
It is new that they're baiting people into taking them more often
It's also new that they had a whole page dedicated to one specific character and her reception.
They don't have faith in her.
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>It's also new that they had a whole page dedicated to one specific character and her reception.
Well CH5 is directed by Charlie Wen who is relatively new. So Epic Games asking people what they like is ultimately better in the future.
There's some retard on Twitter with a Megalo Don profile said this is problematic because Jones is immortal and shit.
>it's problematic because Jones is immortal
so is everybody else in the loop until they leave, unless they leave in a certain way I guess like Geno.
Maybe he is Megalodon and he's shitposting to slander them both.
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>realize that "have a good day" emote works perfectly with deadpool
>use it after a double kill in the final circle, get killed
>rethink strategy
>use it after every single kill
>get the win
Don't have a good day, have a GREAT day! :D
The jetpack is really fucking boring to use and I don't like that it hides my back bling
Don't have a good day,-
Jones only take his coffee black
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I will forgive Epic if in the next update they add guaranteed plunger or graple glove drops from big ammo bags, the minipass is AoT and they bring the ODM mythic, the webslingers or the grapple blade, god, just give me any kind of mobility.

Also buff the gatekeeper, it does shit damage and it should do 250 damage from a single headshot in gray rarity.
You should have made another thread instead of letting the furfaggots win.
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>buff gatekeeper
but it has been consistently good for three seasons now without turning into a problem.
No one but you cares, tranny freak
>mary sue
You cunts say this for literally every female character get new material
that's when I started playing
good times..
No one said this for slone and evie.
>blue hair
>excessive makeup
>trendy fashion choices
>exposed midriff
All used to cope for not having an ass.
I like it better than the previous season, but I've hated playing this game since the new chapter started. Medallions are the shittiest fucking gimmick they've ever added. Last season's medallions were especially awful. Whose fucking idea was it to put both an explosive mythic and a medallion that gives infinite ammo on the same boss?
So why is Aang a sweat skin whereas Shredder isn't? I honestly don't remember seeing that many Shredders, even during season 1
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>they've slowly improved her model on new skins to not be grotesque and bugeyed.
>he calls it an improvement
You just don't get it
I'm that anon and I have an npc fetish and love normal ramirez. I want to fuck her summer version while she doesn't react or do anything.
>No one said this for slone and evie.
For Evie? Nothing. But with Slone people here did call her a Mary Sue because of this loading screen.
>child prodigy
>has a black belt while being a child
>accepted into the Imagined Order very early
I'm remember the early reaction of Slone here to be negative.
anyone knows how many bus stations are generated per map? and if they're automatically marked to your map on islands made before the update?
also, why in the name of David Haselhuff are they so damn hard to find?!?
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ded thred, so im just gonna post this hope
Not dead im still here
The furshit OP murdered the thread.
Cope seethe dilate
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Could be one every 1000m based on mine, but I haven't bothered finding any more because the Star Wars bus stop is already in the Frostlands
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Did they ever add the No Way Home Upgraded Suit into Fortnite? That's my favorite Spider-Man suit ever
wish i could do at least one match without losing the cancel purchase option. I want to test out Rogue
damn founderlets live like this?
one spawned about 50m away from my main town so I was kinda chuffed about that
yeah we do. have mercy on a lowlife such as myself o divine founderGOD
i do not care for this song so im fine with missing out on it.
i'm supposed to believe the fortnite "characters" have unique talents and powers when they're all the same ingame and they're called "outfits"? get real.
Some characters have very big kissable talents like Ruby
o yeah they're all the same huh? then let me see your og spiderman take off his mask like my epic tom holland version
Patch is tonight, right?
in like 20 hours, yeah
Midas can turn his guns gold
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I still say this would be perfect for Festival, but Leave The Door Open would be too and they just refuse to bring Silk Sonic back for whatever reason.
Is Doom the quickest "Secret Skin" to become available?
He's just a cope skin so it's not that surprising
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how come the bonus goals aren't there at all
when are the marvel mythics being unvaulted?
supposedly they're just for a knockout LTM, so probably the update between Doom (tomorrow) and Fortnitemares
Hopefully soon, but knowing epic, never.
The OG mythics including the venom one are being unvaulted for the upcoming LTMs, BR is getting new versions of the iron man, black panther and wolverine mythics, but that's seemingly it
I like how half the weapons they showed off in the trailer aren't even in the game

This game is so fucking bad. Remove ranked, remove tournaments, remove the esports scene, either be a wacky imbalanced party game or a competitive shooter, one or the other.
>I am sure to win because of my intelligence
>Having the jetpack in your inventory makes ghost dashes useless because the game FORCES you to equip it upon dashing
why does everything about this game have to be such dogshit
That’s been a problem with redeploy in Team Bumble since Hades peed in the water
But everyone has mythics/legendaries. That's partly why this season sucks so hard.
>D— dude it's bait! All bait!
Shit the fuck up! We spent half the thread explaining how it's not.
It just feels empty in general, ebic just trashed old unanswered lore shit & potential skins for that borefest with pandora's box and seasons with two month of nothing.
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>>have you plant the bombs with hope that would blow Don's pipe
How would you do this? Would you have the one Hope NPC on the island follow you and walk along the pipes? That sounds horrible, and it would be easy to get trolled while trying to do this quest.
Spending time with Hope would be great though
>>Add back Boogie Bombs because someone fucked up and literally deleted EMPs from the game
This never happened, by the way. You could still use EMPs in Creative. It was just HYPEX or Shiina or iFireMonkey being retarded as usual.
me on the left
>first 3 weapons that i find are all hammer pump
>get eliminated seconds later

i euthanise
My all timer landing spot no one ever comes here
(Inviting yall to enjoy 3 instant free blue guns)
Honestly, the only problem I have this season is the Emma medallion. I'm actually having a lot of fun.
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Shit on them all you want, but they were cooler and better than the stupid Pandora/Hope shit we have now.
bigger problem for me is the auto turret which has gone untouched while jetpack got gutted
I'm really not ready to be nice to furfags—especially not Rufus dog rapists—when they act like this.
I guess they want to keep antagonizing shit for eternity.
I always forget which building it is lol
Imagined was literally proto Hope though
I never ever cared for Fortnite lore but these guys were pretty cool when they ran the show
I don't mind Jonesy being "The Guy" but there was at least variety with the Seven
They all look the same. If Mustard wanted to do a knockoff Avengers or Power Rangers, he did a horrible job.
stop editing this shit you faggot, each thread you post this with a different md5 like the attention whore you are
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I like landing here, it's pretty quiet. Can have around 8+ chests on the ridge/water/small shack.
The closest building at the top of the train station!
Inside the garage by the metal fence box!
god i fucking miss them
pissed at how they were unceremoniously chromed or died off-screen, and pissed at how they don't even want to mention them. would it be so hard for jones to take up the mantle and form a new seven-like team?
New Seven team would be Seveb alts of Peely, Fishstick, Meowskulls, etc.
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Always thought they were cool, but I grew to appreciate them more with recent times
Hope Charlie brings them back next chapter if Jones and Midas were the big returns during this one
>tied to real-life celebs like the rock and brie larson
They weren't going to last
jones at the helm, hope as the second in command, midas as an enemy turned ally, peely for the meme value, and then whoever else, former society members, maybe one of the heist crew, who knows
They just need to use the Ch1 Defaults as The Seven. The original Storm Chaser recruits.
There's 8 of them though
>White people: Jonesy and Wildcat
>Blacks: Spitfire and Banshee
>Mexicans: Hawk and Ramirez
>Asians: Renegade and Headhunter
I wish the Fall Guys obstacle course was still here but somewhere different in the sky and maybe be a new obstacle course too. Could just rift in randomly like the Loot Island does
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Would definetly put Aimie there, if they do decide to bring her back
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Renegade and Spitfire aren't Storm Chasers.
Rio and this guy are though.
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I love Rio though
>black and asian men are illegal in China
what did they mean by this
how come there's no cheap clara codes on eneba?
That would be kino
Lots of classic skins don't have good revamps
I haven't played it but bring in Save The World guys
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I regret not buying Headhunter Prime when I could. With this ass scarcity that we're experiencing, I want to go back to the Chapter 1 big ass and wide hips that are iconic to this game.
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I have both but prefer Bullseye desu. Still my favorite reskin of the default Soldier body.
I didn't buy it for myself but I got it for my wife since she fell into the Karol G hype, kek.
>looking through Headhunter skins
>Aura is Headhunter
I will never unsee this.
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>implying it was even difficult to see to begin with
her sweater style is pretty cute
01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110010 01101100 00111111
Now an even deeper cut is that TnTina is a headhunter
I'm a little autistic. Please understand.
Reminder that the update is gonna be a nothing burger, all we're getting is Shuri's gloves
Place your bets
Star Wars skin
Marvel skin
The incredibles skins?
01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010
Option D: nothing burger
>shuri's gloves
fuck that, give us the iron man gear
iron man skin
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Also needless to say, Dr. Doom defeated Magneto, Ultron, all of the Fantastic 4 and even fucking Galactus displaying their remains as trophies and what fucking chance does Hope has? I mean I like her, but I don't like her chances.
Why can't I find this skin on FNGG?
Is this just Headhunter Prime's second style?
that's literally just "what you look like randomly sometimes when you didn't have anything equipped in Chapter 1"

t's not a skin
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Hope still clears.
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>Ride in different vehicles challenge when there's like 2 cars on the entire map now
I need to level up like 4 or 5 times every day before actual games start coming out. Very thankful I'll have DRDR, Sparking Zero, and the new cod zombies to play instead of this failure.

I'll probably come back for OH gay 2 but considering half of it is just C2S2 it might be a short visit.

Sad to see Epic losing their touch
I found cars pretty often on the launch day of the season but I haven't seen a single one since. Did they completely remove them? I don't even see them in team rumble
Atari wrap
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Anyone else feeling super?

I feel super.
Thinking bots read binary like that shows how stupid gen alphas are
>Place your bets
>Skins you don't want
>Skins you don't want
>Skins you don't want
Inform Epic I need legacy passes because this ain't it chief
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Don't worry, we have begun the child sacrifices at Epic HQ
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I'm liking this season more than Myths and Mortals, so it's not the worst. But there aren't a whole lot of mythics, seasonal utilities, vehicles, or anything new on the map to interact with.

I think about it this way: Season 1 we got a train, Season 2 we got the river styx, Season 3 we got all of the cars, the boost hoops all over the map, and a war bus thrown in just for fun.

This season? Nothing. It looks like they're just falling back on what they added in the other seasons and are relying entirely on the seasonal mythics, which there just aren't that many of to carry a season.

I mean hell, the loot pool outside of the seasonal mythics isn't even that big. I know it'll change eventually but damn does the gameplay feel constricted right now.

I'm going to take a hiatus for a month and come back in October when the loot pool is bigger.
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What the cybertruck wishes it was
>Did they completely remove them?
There's a few of them on the map alongside the road. The problem is other players take them.


But anon think about the shareholders, they need a high playercount!
im waiting until the end of the season to start playing br then I'll exclusively play ranked because the people still in plat/diamond by then gotta be garbage so it's free wins
rate this strategy
but that's not a truck
The CyberCar
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If we got this in fortnite I would have folded and I don't even think of myself as a big Captain Marvel fan
my tongue
her dirty asshole
3 hours
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The one we have is alright though, she didn't get her sexy black outfit but it's at least not based on Cheese Theft
"Tim. Tim just shut up and listen. There's ONE guy on 4chan that says he'll BUY A SKIN if she gets a normal ass. That's right. Not a fat ass, just a normal one. We're talking an easy 1600 vbucks here."
I wasn't even talking about the ass. I just like rolled up jacket sleeves, and sleeveless shirts
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You know the game sucks right now when the new shop is more interesting than the gameplay

>bare shoulders
You're a coomer just like me
I want battle droid skin
Captain Marvel is a literal who,there's a reason why she's just in a paid pack with other literal whos
What interesting things has she done on screen that you can list
big tits, tight clothes and a visible ass crack? you're asking a lot.
beign perfect
>literally just Shuri's gloves and a bunch of other useless shit that will amount to nothing
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Thinking about it, generally marvel reps gotten a cartoon or tv/movie spot. What are comic only reps we need to see

Honestly they could wreck the model but if the fit is still solid I'm down
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Festival really needs red stars and some way to make it so Battle Stage doesn't pick Master of Puppets or Paradise City in the first round
No one reads comics except homeless people
>apparently it's not gonna drop til wednesday night/thursday morning
are you FUCKING kidding me
Post a fortnite original and I'll tell you what marvel character they could fuse with
how about they put captain fortnite in a marvel comic
In that regard Ruby and Joni clear (several Fortwomen do actually)
Question still remains
I think you're confusing Captain Marvel with Ms. Marvel, two different characters.
Primus sucks!
We're finally getting that fucking crossaint.
Chapter 3 had the most consistent story
Clown but fuck it Venom. Let the spider logo on his chest be yellow. Other option is Iron Fist with Spitfire Luke Cage
>snakebite piercings
why is peely allowed to be naked
hes not, hes got his peel on
hes only considered "naked" with his peel off
anon... it's a banana
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Helsie clears
Cursed thought in the next marvel vs capcom they decide to add a fortnite rep, how should it be done? Alt skin for a normal character or their own character. Also who would get in?
bullshit. his peel is his skin, he's naked. am I only naked if someone flays me alive?
i think theyd add cyclops
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Well in that case summer peely is naked
so summer peely is him being skinned alive? and he just happens to be wearing pants because he doesnt want people to see his flayed cock and balls?
any chance of the hsc paid pack returning this update?
you must have really liked that picture if you have it saved
Probably with the fortnitemares update more likely
his peel is his clothes
guess i'll have to wait a bit longer. thanks anon
then why does he wear clothes over the peel?
to change his style
You're all retarded, his peel is like his hair. He's still naked but it covers him well enough that he doesn't need clothes
>not allowed to layer clothes
his skeleton style clearly proves his peel is a thick dermal layer
he's naked
>its all shit that we knew about or shit that happens in every update
can we just kill "leakers" already? how i miss the days of some nobody posting a low res image of an unreleased skin that nobody asked for. for comparison, in fall guys, there are multiple people who datamine every skin for the entire season a whole month before it releases.
wouldnt that mean peely is balding
He's just like me for real...
I don't really mind leakers for live service games. It's only annoying if it's a story game
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relatable. fortnite original stuff is the exception now and not the norm like it used to be. Always the collab stuff taking center stage now.
Leaks are a necessity. Better for everyone to know what to expect so they can spend/save their vbucks accordingly.
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Update tonight, you know the drill
post your wishlist
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I prefer when collabs were waifus cosplaying
Haven't done so in a while, why not. I haven't gotten anything since Persephone, I think.
what’s the yellow triangle mean?
>what fucking chance does Hope has? I mean I like her, but I don't like her chances.
Don't worry its going to be disappointing
I'll agree with this. I know people hate captain jones but he's the only skin I see myself using this pass because he's something familiar and fortnite related.
That made me think. Would you rather get a real musician for festival or have one of the fortnite originals headline it? Billie, Karol, or Metallica could be replaced with a new Sunny cope and I would have bought it
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Oh, I forgot about Katalina. I haven't updated this in a while, huh? This was before she was released for free. It meant that I liked the way her skin came out in 3D, but not enough to buy her. She ended up being free, so that's great.
Why would people hate Captain Fortnite? At least they went with Steve Rogers, they could have gone the MCU Sam Wilson route and put the fruity black guy from last season in the costume if they didn’t already make him Zest Machine
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I'm surprised they didn't do polygon Jonesy for the first OG season
I don't care for festival, lego, or rocket racingor at least it not being more like mario kart so I'm not the best person to ask this question.
Leave it to Epic to delegate the rocket league team to make the worst racing game ever. Fortnite Kart where you can SEE your skin and you can have fun karts like a pizza pit truck or megalo don shark kart and throw items at each other like boogie bombs would have made them billions
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I would love a Fortnite-original Festival headliner. Imagine a Starfang season...
They're never going to make this a playable track are they?
Not unless they do Legacy Crew. They're not going to make a chart that no one can buy.
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I didn't know about that Torin survey concept, I'd like that
it's a bitch, cause if they return stuff from crew and make the songs festival compatible, chances are only crew owners will be able to buy it rather than everyone from the shop
which is better than it being unavailable to be completely honest, but it would be such a stupid restriction
all they need to do is steal battle mode and they make millions
steal bob-omb blast and they make billions
steal the missions from ds and they make trillions
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I'm platinum 2 and I still get people afking in squads. What rank has people that want to play the game?
Epic could easily make up their own band like Leauge did with K/DA
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We're most likely just gonna get superstyles, 1 reskin, and then encrypted Marvel skins + Tiktok slop
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This will be my Erisa Cope #2. I have the Erisa cope and she's cute, but you can't beat a leotard (even if she is wearing leggings).
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I mean they're selling songs for like 4-5$, companies don't want to make video games anymore. They want infinite money for as little effort as possible.
Rockstar turned gta into a grinding simulator that contacts you every single second about "NEW EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES"
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1 is just super cool
2 would fill my meme skin vacancy
3 will be my valeria cope
4 is a bad dusty cope if I squint hard enough and turn my monitor resolution down
>what rank do people stop getting main character syndrome
never. enjoy people giving up instantly because you or someone in your party broke an arbitrary rule that was necessary for victory.
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More fanmade skins
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>fanmade skins
This skin is actually hot. I would have bought her.
i know they pay fanmade creators like 5k each for their designs, but would it kill them to invest a few hundred extra on a background check? just to make sure they wont chat up a minor within the month?
my bank account
you "NGH" about some of the most nothing burger shit ever
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wrong type of wishlist
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Yeah i should learn to read. My bad
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna be here
>missed out on this and tanuk tanuk because of the people who made them doing stupid shit last second before release
>Daler Mehndi
>being sabotaged by political opponents is doing stupid shit
>tanuk tanuk
I'm still mad that it didn't get added to the game
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My objectively best taste
I live Capt Marvel skin, but I'm not paying 30 dlls + tip for a skin, desu. I hope I get this cope soon.
>In 2018, Mehndi was convicted of human trafficking
I mean... Don't do crime?
>convicted of human trafficking 20 years ago
>released after 2 weeks
yes he totally did it
Sounds about right. Hardcore criminals do the worst things and then are let go for no reason.
Just played a couple of build reload matches and jwew. Got stomped out hard, definitely need to get better at it
>be epic
>do nothing for almost a month after season starts
>add one (one) new item
>only other thing is more skins no one will buy because HR forces them to be bad
>"yeah this'll totally hold them over for another month"
Yeah shouldn't FOMO be more like... here's great gameplay/skins that will disappear soon! Play/buy now!
Thank you for that set Festie! I haven't been able to post until now.
me thinks they're getting cocky because they think battle passes having no exclusives anymore mean people will be more chill therefore no reason to try until the last week of the season
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Wheb are she and Tohru getting in?
Either Captain Jones as a Cap skin, or Jonesy the First as a seperate fighter. Likely the cap skin.
That's Deadpool and Wolverine. They're going to be here all month, and Iron Spiderman is here for a little while, too. So he makes three.

>It's not enough.
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Too sexy for Fortnite and you know it
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So unfair. If a degen like guggimon can get in then so should Tohru and her friends
personally and as someone that don't have them to be completely honest think these ink & pen are way better than the original ones BUT they shouldn't stay for 1 whole month, hell, they've been here for more than that, rotate them out and bring them back again this season, but if those are here then why not just add every marvel item? (not limited to exclusivity like the movie venom and the tom holland spiderman skins)
iron spider is also leaving today, unless something changes
Since you can play songs that others own, it wouldn't be a complete loss.
It would just be rare when they pop up in your list.
I have it and wouldn't be bothered if it was available for everyone in the shop.
All he did was reunite families
Literally just have a bigger shop. 2-3x bigger. And make it so Disney/capeshit have their own permanent store I'm sick of seeing that stuff. Unless they bring my Alice in Wonderland I couldn't care less about Disney.
Like the music selection is slightly over 200 songs. Why. When people BOUGHT cds full of songs they got a ton of value and music, now they're asking for a ton of money for one song and you can't even buy the music you want. It's so stupid. This isn't even FOMO. It's "the stuff you want isn't available please check back later" or it's just never gonna be in the store.
Troll post, here your (You)
nta but how is that a troll post?
Anything that anon doesn't like is a troll post. Just ignore him; it's his first day on the Internet.
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One of the best seasons, fight me.
Yeah, the pass wasn’t the best but it wasn’t absolutely awful.
But the gameplay was great. The tanks and blimps were both cool and stuff actually changed week to week. Plus it was one of the stronger seasons story wise.
I don't this this was ever considered a hated season by most people.
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It actually is, or at least to fortnite.gg standards considering its 24 out of 31. I would probably have it in the top ten at least.
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I would like the ps1 jonesy style but on a different skin, kinda lost my interest in him because of weird people here, maybe Hope would be better
Was that the one with the giant hot air balloons that people would camp on top of only for some gigachad to slide kick them off of it?
>muh ohgee
too bad its a dogshit song and karol g is a boring artist
can't wait for next festival season already
>hears you coming up on the visualizer
>kills you before you even get close
Nothing personel, kid. Maybe you could knock off fisher price kiddy noobs but no one good ever died to that
>Letting shitposters affect your view of a character
Donkey laugh
Sorry I think your post was blocked or something, I have hide confrontational emotes disabled
because he’s jonesy…? otherwise I don’t see why you lost interest… Does thanking the bus driver trigger you?
>the other half of the population is sexually attracted to males just like how I’m sexually attracted to women so that’s weird
Hope would be better, you're right.
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>late troon thread got deleted
lol he won't take this well
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These anons came out of the woodwork because they are guilty and desperately need to appear innocent.
>appear innocent
What does this post even mean? I’m calling you a weak ass bitch who’s swayed by the internet
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I love women, I just think that letting any retarded shitposter wether it's a reno or a wanda affect your view of a character is stupid
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>What does this post even mean? I’m calling you a weak ass bitch who’s swayed by the internet
*A PS1 Ramirez and Jonesy bundle would be better
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I don't know if you are baiting or you are just plain retarded
We have a lot of newfags as of late, see
>hope debacle in the beginning of thread
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I present to you ol' reliable of Chapter 5. A good gun that gets even better when you mod it at the bench.
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>I want to get away
>I wanna flllllly away
>yeaaaah yeaaaah
did not think this song could even get gayer but forgot it's current year
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I'm not even an oldfag really, I just don't get how people are so out of tune with some of the most basic bullshit in Fortnite. I don't get how a debacle of Hope being an uninteresting CHARACTER is turned into a way of pointing at retarded faggots like Reno, it's all too tiring
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Finally FC'd it
Whatever that picture is I wish I was trapped in the thing
>these are the people who shit on hope
also that #2 is Oscar
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>gets decimated from as far as 30m away by picrel
unironically was only useful if you had a legendary with a suppressor on it
true, you can carry so much fucking light ammo too so I don't mind rocking the monarch and the ranger
Sorry, for party rocking
>if you don’t like the woke plant in my game your a furry
Nice argument, (You)
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>kinda lost my interest in him because of weird people here
I apologize if this comes off as me being condescending. It's really concerning how more than a few of you, who I assume are adults, are somehow affected by what's posted in these threads. Yeah, there are loads of idiots, but you really need to take a step back and reevaluate things if you can't hold on to your own opinions and thoughts. That's not a healthy mindset.
Impressive. I was close to FCing it, but I mess up on that blastbeat part
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fuck wrong pic
You had one job
Female mentality
>Is it okay for me to think this?
Me mentality
>I love women
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My mentality
>Fuck the guy who nerfed monarch
patch hasn't been announced yet... it IS tonight, right???
You don't want to play as Skribbley Bibbley man or random assless DEI black panther?
It's not September 4th, retard
post rank
I like Hope
Imagine their cracks...
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I hate Hope
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I love Hope
as a neutral observer the anons spamming the same 10 hope hate images are becoming huge losers, get better material or create some OC
You “like” whatever slop is plopped on your plate
this one is on harmonix's large as fuck hit window, those notes were almost leaving the screen kek
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I love Hope too. :3
>Hope fags just spam off model art or her hideous in game model
Get better material
>as a neutral observer
eat up big boy
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>do the story quests each season
>never pay attention to what's being said
>feel neutral about Hope
ignorance is bliss
>has opinions
good keep it that way

She looks like she would go dutch or even pay for anon's meal for him.
>fishes up to his 9 hours ago post to reply to it again
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these four for me
nigga, i just got online
>big baggy shapeless coats and bags from the back view
there's already tons of skins like this
Why did you reply to me? I was complimenting you and her
Because he’s scared and got caught
yeah my bad. thanks fellow hopebro
so... what is /fng/ doing until the update? i'll just start a random game from my backlog, this season is no fun and the other sub gamemodes are already squeezed
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Erisa and Lexa are so cute.
No problem!
I didn't reply to you, don't talk to me, furfag
agreed. that's why i'm really hoping for the leather, biker girl. i just feel like she'd have a nice toned ass. also maybe the samurai girl would have an alt style like mizuki where you can remove her skirt.
level 140 so still doing some grinding
Sleeping and watching star the clone wars wars, add perky Ashoka to the game btw
> >>42421
>your capitalization
You’re not the same guy I was replying to.
>lexamaggot is the one calling everyone a furfag
Kill yourself
Let me change the loading screen. Inform Tim.
I play one or maybe two fortnite games a day so it's still fresh and fun and not sitting there grinding out like an autist for a game i apparently hate
You okay?
Sexa with Lexa.
Who were you replying to
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thats as far as I go
i only played RL on 14 days apparently. not bad for 65 levels I think. definitely more grindy than fortnite though
67 is the last fortnite item
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>I only played a game I don't like for FOURTEEN DAYS to unlock some cosmetics in Fortnite
why does Sexa have a melon on her head
He never said he didn’t like it
If he liked it why would he stop right at the point where he stops getting cosmetics in Fortnite?
To be fair some people played Rocket League for 8-9 years before they quit
it is very painful to play rocket league after 20 minutes.
>me with my metalica decal
regular modes maybe but I like the ones like the one where any time you hit the ball it goes towards the goal or the one where you have to make the goal by breaking their floor
i do like it. been playing on and off since 2016. one of the few games i like to play while listening to music
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i need og 2
Does it only give items for rocket racing and how do you know what's for Fortnite?
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I need hot dog.
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when is he dropping?
I need hot cat
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I assume next update? Honestly i'd have bought him if they used oscar instead. Don't want nor need more meowscles skins.
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God this thread sucks, Please let the next one be coomer
>give her no ass
>give male skins everything
It’s not fair
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When you select an item in the Rocket Pass, you'll see a little indicator that tells you that it's available for Fortnite.

Everything that has this indicator can be used in Battle Royale EXCEPT the trails, which is only a Rocket Racing thing
The moon goddess is the only interesting survey skin. The rest look like survey skins
>multi-ethnic person with goofy hair wearing overdesigned streetwear
I sleep
I need Helsie as my wife
>The moon goddess
post pic
>The rest of the survey skins look like survey skins
Next thread is going to be a furgod thread, again, and guess what? You won't do shit about it, you'll post in it and it will be just like this one where you feel small and not wanted because you aren't a furry. And trust me, you aren't.

Don't forget to thank the bus driver! :)
you act as if every thread isn't already that.
Lmaoing at you
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>Acting like this doesn't happen on coomer threads
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Objection, I hate the both of you.
Can we just use loading screens for OP images from now on?
imo she has a nice ass. despite it being on the smaller side, giving her defined cheeks made all the difference
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I support this idea
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do NEVER EVER loading screens count?
sure, heh
I’ll agree if we can keep Remember to Thank the Bus Driver in the OP
is the update tonight or tomorrow night
it's nearly always tuesdays
of course
>1000 cool skins to choose from
>they decide to be faggots
This sounds nice.
Why are you like this? Just put it in your own threads, it's not a rule for everyone to obey your whims.
Nta but most generals have some sort of little message at the end of the OP
It doesn’t really make sense if half the threads have it and half of them don’t.
I find the bus driver thing kind of cute.
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absolute state of gimptards
Same, I don’t care if it’s “somebody’s catchphrase” it’s a fortnite thing
It would be cute if it wasn't tied to so much drama and hostility.
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this would look good on a t shirt
Imagine if we got Helsie hot dog in Fortnite because of the Helsie posters.
I didn’t know it was associated with that one guy until some retard starts crying about it all thread long. If you just stop mentioning that guy then it genuinely doesn’t matter and it’s just thanking the bus driver
>just give up and let >>492896615 win

Nah fuck you
The point in my post >>492898601 still stands. What is he “winning”?
this emote is decent
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why aren't you playing lego?
No friends to play with
I hit the content wall a long time ago
I hate that second mode. I'd rather play normal 3v3. Heatseekers is great, though.
>Only way to abtain her was from der 'cord
>Could get banned for it too
>Gets a lego style 4 years later
Nigga what
lego's only good for xp and cute screenshots.
brite bomber?
I am, it's how I'm avoiding playing this failure of a season
update tn?
How come I haven’t seen anyone complain about the fact that the recents tab just seems to be everything you’ve gotten since ch5s2. Why isn’t it updating?
hope sex tonight
>retards can't into calendars
What's today, dumbass?
If Drift and Brite had a kid should it be male or female?
idk when the next update is tard. I know it’s usually on a tuesday so that’s why i ask
Why not two?
Breaks up the pattern of fortkids
>Midas and Jules
>Meowscles and Kit
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Nuclear family BAD
Loving male and female parents BAD
Brilliant Bomber, pseudo unreleased c2s1 skin
Thank you
Thinking about this. Instead of Jonesy leading a new Seven made out of OGs why not give it to the new gens?

Not sure what you're trying to say. You want a HAGirez and Dilf Drift with a white picket fence and 2 kids?
I must have misunderstood you, I thought you were saying nuclear families and having two children is somehow a bad pattern to have.
>Not sure what you're trying to say. You want a HAGirez and Dilf Drift with a white picket fence and 2 kids?
You’re replying to the antoniaschizo
Jules wife good
That is not me.
I know what you’ve done
No you don't, because I'm not them.
>xitter gets banned
>comes crawling back
that term was made when men married 15 y'olds ya know
And the term amor is thousands of years old, what's your point?
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this is a must have if you're playing as solid snake and raiden and it must have a suppressor on it
That reminds me, did that drawing of Daraku playing guitar ever get finished?
i play festival incase i want the Festival Pass Skin

Did it for everyone so far. Didn’t get Lady Gaga
Metallica, got puppet master James tho
& now Karol G

I got Weeknd & Billie. Snoop soon
Because I'd rather play Core Keeper for that kind of thing
>he’s still posting about it
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>dodges the question
i am though
just not lego fortnite
>he thinks i’m him
nobody gives a shit about drawfags that make you feel like you have to match their skill. fuck off and crunch your neck off.
oohhh me amoorrrrr
>Snoop soon
Yeah just like NFAF amirite
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the sexoist
Ever since LEGO kits were introduced I stopped playing. The fact the mode has little content and they decide to paywall more content made me dislike the mode even more (+ it's kinda boring)
>he thinks I'm one of his bogeymen
Thanks for the laugh
are u dumb? lol
who hurt you?
i cant even remember last year's new fortnightmare skins...
>who hurt you?
Loomis, LOL.
Hakobe didn't finish it because he got warned of him getting his face and shit posted here again by schizos like Wanda
Legacy passes soon too rite and lower vbucks prices and Epic announces metaverse was a mistake in 2 weeks
nta but he's actually confirmed since he's on the roadmap
wasn't that the one with michael myers and jack skellington
alan wake
jack skellington
michael myers
i haven't seen a single one since then
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Would you take a battleworn style alt style as an "og only" reward if fomo was killed?
Then they did it anyway
Jack was like 3 years ago
Are you unaware of the roadmap
Thanks for the confirmation that loomis is still a sore spot for you.
also bogsticks, phantom meowscles, and seth
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Not my thing but if I'm fishing up fan art then everyone should get posted
The raft has got to be the most sweatiest drop location this entire chapter
Wasnt Festival Phaedra also released during Fortnitemares
>zero war comic came in, got the zero war cosmetics
>iron man zero is squared away as his own set of stuff, cool
>spider-man zero gets a backbling and nothing else, got no fitting pickaxe or glider for him besides iron spider stuff
ohooo, anon...
They were really dumb in putting Doom's Castle in the corner of the map
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i’m not a legacy pass fag, u really are retarded huh?

It was on the roadmap u drooling troglodyte
people really like prisons
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found them, but i think seth, bogsticks and phantom meowscles were released 1 week before the others
Yeah sure sure and big booba and fat asses soon, right?
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NTA, but where were you for this in April
>booba and fat
Now turn to the side
FNAF not being added really broke some people here
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Anyone could photoshop that. Don't be so naive. Look at chapter 6 for example. Not happening.
>BUZZWORDS (ass & tits)

clearly u are not all there mentally by bringing up stuff no one mentioned & ur just flinging shit
Saw this earlier, did that guy live? You can see his mic still going off on the right side of the video. I know there's some water down there you can land in but boy how lucky
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I had my fun witb it when it released but it gets kinda old after a while. Still goood imo considering it's free and the hours i got out of it
this was leaked in april before any of this turned out to be true, it's pretty secure
>most backblings shorten alien ariana's ponytail
>capes do not shorten the ponytail but remove her tail instead
>shuri's cape does neither and tail just clips through

fix it epic
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Look at the date nigga, nobody publically knew about Klombo in Lego, Metallica and Karol G. in Festival aswell as the new Marvel season prior to this
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I had fun with it for a while but it was barebones at launch and has barely been updated since + I don't have a whole lot of motivation to build anything since I know all the cool building parts are paywalled.
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>no one could have predicted more Marvel shit
Fortnite is nothing but collab shit now. It's been like this since what? Chapter 3 or something. I hate what Fortnite has become
Well because once you maxed every village, have a huge farm and lots of stored food and best weapons with best buffs on them theres no point in playing. There needs to be some kind of gameplay loop.
Funny enough the star wars dungeons were a good step but even those run out.
Holy shut all in the family has limp bizkit
is klombo even in lego? what happened to that?
I started playing this last week for festival. What other modes are fun to play if I don't have friends?
Coming next update
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Bait or nah?
>characters kissing each other is too much for kids
nah the comics are just shit.
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Its a parody of this
Reload is a pretty good time, even with fills. You just respawn if you die so there's no pressure.
They're all free (except STW but that's a rabbit hole of autism) so just give them a try and see what clicks.
If Fortnite isn't a kids' game, then why are the skins assless?
damn man
ass ass ass
is that all you think about?
and midriffs
but that's just me
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new hires, bad talent, and probably some misaligned morals at play
the fucking locker ui person for this chapter exists, i don't sum up the no-asses as a moral crusade of the company but shitty character modelers
Body positivity
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Thinking about it, Don should be still be pumped on Nitro. Nitro is box juice. WE MUST MILK HIM TO SAVE THE ISLAND. HOPE GET ON YOUR KNEES
fortnite is a teens game
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>I’d be interested in a Concord collab
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cute dork
Hello mr concord shill
https://x.com/ChrisiusX/status/1830597667241799863 autism or is creative trash?
buy an ad
update prediction:
>big lego slop update that eats up 15 of the 20 gb install
>licensed fall guys beans for fall guys slop
>literally just the shitty shuri melee mythic on launch and some stupid shit like the big bush bomb unvaulted after another 10 days
>no sabertooth meowscles for another 2 updates
>nu-Doom gets unlocked (none of his shit is compatible with OG doom stuff)
>another trillion b-list marvel skins
>any female skin will have absolutely 0 ass whatsoever

Anything I'm missing?
she'll be okay.
I don't expect many Marvel skins honestly. Maybe 1 per update
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Nobody wants these ugly ass characters.
The only Playstation collabs that would sell are Mihoyo games.
Janny stop fucking letting troll threads stay up and killing the proper ones
Stop enabling these cretins
Literally you’re the one who keeps shitting up the thread
>Posting this for the third time
Get banned already
It's the furfag effect, buddy.
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I think staying on vocals for this song may have been a mistake...
Janny is a furfag dumbass, weOWN you
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>my feet hurt
excuse me
He’s only work as a backbling unfortunately
most of this thread managed to discuses things just fine. You need to relax. Op image is fortnite related and on topic. That's all it needs.
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Extremely boring predictions which makes it plausible. Hopefully we get some good leaks about the future or something

>Anything I'm missing?
Epic nerfing anything they add after 2-7 days
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Joni the Rocker
Parappa songs would be so fun, I hope we get them and Parappa and Lammy as backblings or something
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I'm good with that
Should I make my straight thread now?
goofy bitch acting like making an unnecessary thread isn't trolling
Yes, please. So sick of furshitters.
>can't customize my band
>can't play as Class 1-A with Deku Bakugo Ochaco and Todoroki
Biggest gaps in gameplay that Epic hasn't touched
>Attack copters
>Side cars on bikes
>Traps that more than "deal damage"
Delayed, but still happening.
Game loading screen.
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crazy how she never got a cope
>traps that more than deal damage
there's a ton of traps though lie one that drops tires and ones that boogie bombs enemies
We had an attack helicopter in Chapter 2, they just haven't brought it back in a long time.
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Can't improve perfection
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The only way I would ever tolerate legacy bps: You only get to pick one BP ever

You want my OG Helsie? Too bad, you have FOMO worse for capeshit because you're a machild obsessed with spiderman and dr doom and darth vader, go get the capeshit pass and I keep my OG Helsie OG.
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he have helicopters actually. last time they were around though was chapter 3 season 2.
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>not having Helsie
If people just played earlier then they wouldn't have this problem
It was just a normal copter. I'm talking something like a hind d
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Helsiefag here. Ignore this loser >>492913172.
Everyone is allowed to play with my wife if she wants. I'm not gatekeep or anything, sharing is caring, desu.
I'd be fine with that. I don't care about collabs.
Honestly I think it's pretty lame we can't pick our skins for npc replacements when queueing with no fill. If nothing else they should at least add past featured Festival artists as npcs
Everyone who has her can play as her whenever they want though, so what's the issue
Reason why I said attack. That's more a civvie helicopter than a attack copter
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I know this is a lot to ask but try not to make three or more fucking threads.
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>what's the issue
That more people should be able to play with Helsie to their heart's content. The more the merrier.
Implying I would choose Helsie instead of Lynx. Choosing Helsie would be like choosing the girl with the flat chest in anime. It's the inferior man's choice. Only a weak man would choose Helsie.
Fixed the op
i want me update to have big asses, simple as.
I'll play as her more then to make up for lost time
Posting before 750 is against the rules too, dumbass.
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but this thread was posted at 749
so just like this thread was, dumbass
Sorry my 4chanx must have made an error
>would be like choosing the girl with the flat chest in anime
DFC >>>>>>>
I will pick C2S5 for Lexa!
A Hind D?
No it's not
It's a troll post and you fucking know it
>Ignores this thread was made before limit
>Using a troll post
>And incorrect info
>Made by trolls who do it on purpose
heh I'm literally playing the 2nd game right now
jet pack & turret is cancer. I don’t think it’s worth carrying heals or fizz this season desu

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