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Previous: >>492647537

>In Season One

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

>Record Locations





>/tfd/ Thread Template
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Thank you fren, I am passing out.
is jayber good now
Playable guide when?
wish i had a girlfriend that looked like this
Colossi with instakill mechanics are shit.
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
How to make AI pregnant?
I love her so much bros
I know this been asked many times which are most used modules for bunny on hard?
>do frost walker
>get orbs
>still get frozen
okay guess this is where i stop playing gg no re
No joke if this was a westoid game then they would subvert out expectations and make her the ebil mastermind whose behind it all.
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impossible at this point
80% of white girls are plastered with tons of make-up and the ones that arent painted like clowns are already claimed by Tyrone and Jamal
go the asian route, its your only choice but you have to be a white male with lotsa money
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Have you SEEN teamwork in this game? No dreams here, only nightmares I tell ya.
Or, I could just not worry about any of that gay shit and have fun on my own instead
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I just had a team of 4 Hails kek
stuff with range, cooldown, cost down, duration up, max hp, some use crit rate/dmg
She still may be. They're already doing it with Amon.
skill cost
elec skill power
sing skill power modifier
juggle cooldown and duration to loop 3
I'm a noob who just unlocked bunny, what character should I focus on getting next? Is there a character that is always needed/appreciated in teams? Viessa is my starter
god imagine the paizuri...
sharen, enzo
Enzo and Sharen are must-haves. Then get Ult Bunny for literally everything outside of bosses.
Is quarantine zone good for polyatomic ion particles? The start point for command relay is so shit and sometimes the elites don't drop shit...
Sharen then Enzo then Ult Bunny
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need more coom skins
NO PUBES?!?? *spits on ground* PTEW worthless image *HOCCCCHHHH* never post again PTEW PTEW
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You shouldn't worry about what Descendants to get until you finish the Main Story. What you get is vastly enough to complete the basic content. Once you get into Hard Mode, farming will be much easier. At that point you'll want to get Sharen and Enzo for mats and amorphous materials, Ultimate Bunny to make all farming a breeze and Blair and Freyna for Void Shards.
No seriously is anyone else getting server crashes at night at eastern time?
I did once like an hour ago, that was it though.
Nah homie
Needs a mod that makes the coat tails see through or cuts them off
Is modding even possible with their anti-cheat
i dont know what paizuri means but if it stands for handholding, youre right
Hailey needs to have some kind of strong grip to handle a weapon this big
sharen is probably the hottest descendant (face wise)
doubt it
I am having a comfy time going through Normal as Ajax. I don't see myself sinking in 1000 hours like I did with Warframe though. The constant gun drops is driving me fucking insane.

>go into menu, switch my guns for slightly better guns every 5 minutes

This is literally fucking insane.
this but Freyna
dont worry a couple hours from now you'll never switch guns again
I thought they would make Guide into Shodan after she gets the ironheart
Wrong, she'd be the do no wrong shining hero that is stronger than all men.
is there an agreed upon gen reroll meta? I have this on a Thundercage

-.2x recoil
36% firearm crit damage
12 rounds per mag
firearm attack 12%

i keep crit and attack and reroll righjt?
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Men should naturally be inferior in coomer games
yes for crit weapons you want the two crit stats, firearm and the last one you have some flexibility depending on what you wanna do
>I just fucking work here bro
Are you intentionally triggering me? With the current abundance of code breakers, opening a few more vaults is no issue.
They should just not mention it at all, at that point it becomes propaganda.
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I hope they add this guy as a playable character.
He is so cool bro
oh yeah she's holding something alright, but not with her hands...
>one of the few characters that just does his fucking job and isn't yapping at you for 10 minutes about dumb shit we already know about

He is definitely the coolest NPC.
For Thunder Cage you want
>crit damage
>crit rate
>firearm ATK
>electric ATK
He'll be shit because they'll try to give him some sort of backstab mechanic (and it won't work on colossus)
I prefer Hailey and Freyna
>100 adjustments take over 24 hours
Which descendant has the smelliest farts???
>Truth and Immortality today
That would be cool. TFD doing stupid characters like Jayber, Blair, and Kyle is what sets it apart. They are useless but the devs are willing to get creative with skillsets
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Well, it's time for my daily Invasions.
ult freyna
Probably Freyna or Esiemo
he'll be the other stealth descendant that you can use for outposts
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>Be Hailey
>Squat like a duck ready to 5 shoot hard collo
>He moves to the left
Which truth is it?
He wouldn't if he could do infiltrations and backstab the boss
I would buy every single item if this game got a Nikke collab
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warframe won
>Invasions reset
>fifty ultimate Bunnies line up on the console
Post Top Sellers, you won't though coward
Does merely logging in, crafting a catalyst, and then logging out count towards the daily player count? Even fewer players are actually playing the game.
>implying the asian route isn't also full of make up and with plastic surgery on top
>boss teleports around
No male characters should be considered mandatory in a waifu game.
this boss is so gay and aids
>spawn timers are so slow that you don't have the time to two-cycle the boss
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>Me: *Trying to memorise pillar patterns* Dud pillar, 2 is left wedge, 1 is horns, yay a dud, 3 is tower-
>The Guide: Descendant! The order of truth blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah… You must blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... The ancestors blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah… blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Hurry, Descendant!

Unless she plans on solving the puzzle for me, bitch needs to learn to stfu when a man is busy trying to think
That is another reason why invasions are ass
I don't have any custom grappling hooks. What does the one in the battle pass look like? Is it just the regular one but beige?
i cleared it with 0 secs remaining for gold
>taking near constant chip damage from sniper laser boss+adds
>killing countless waves of shitters
>none of them drop health
>needing more than 2 symbols
say goodbye to your gold time
I'm fairly sure they're going to copy Warframe completely and the Vulgus are a slave race the Ancestors banished to another dimension after a rebellion.
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what kind of penalty is this man
Finally got my first EL built. What build does this thing want? Base crit rate seems good and it looks like the passive wants fire mods but that's about all I've got beyond Action/Reaction and Rifling Reinforcement.
no enduring legacy for u
just dont use enduring legacy
bro your hp collector mod?
>Starscream betrays Megatron
What a subversion
What dye do you use to get it close to skin color? I've tried a few but none of them look as close as that one.
Look at the op (image) closelier
all the crit mods, fire rate, fire element mod, more rounds per mag, sps/mental just forma over the slot twice
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Enduring Legacy is the only good weapon I have
>4 spiral catalyst drops
NGL I still not 100% trusting her
Matte Sand
Matte Leather Brown
Milk Tea Beige
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I will for him then, out of curiosity. Warframe is #19. Surprised people are still buying diablo 4 and damn the new call of doody at 80€? Damn jews.
Order of Truth:
Bunny; she's the only option. When they make a -100% Electric damage or whatever gay affix this will be impossible to complete
(bosskiller; I use Viessa). You can't run around anyways so best option is to stand on the pad and blow the shield up instantly with blizzard. Then keep blowing the boss up with Blizzard to prevent having to do it again.
(bosskiller). Bunny WOULD be better but the bosses in this faction have way too much health. If they ever get another invulvn phase, their shield will regen to full before you can clear it and you will not be getting that gold time.
Jeremy was misunderstood, he had to do it for humanity.
Oh nevermind I assumed the first post was a mod
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Don't care, still used enduring legacy.

Stay winning lepic chads.
I laugh when the schizo comes to show us Warframe numbers because who the hell is happy about beind below top 10.
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bunny kills them all
remember ur antifreeze bros...
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>tfw no antifreeze
>Find another Jayber bro in the wild
>We farm an outpost
>A Sharen shows up
>We stop to let her stealth
>She fails horribly and leaves in embarrassment
>We continue like nothing happened
a build Bunny with HV makes the invasion a cake walk
What Red Mod to use for Viessa for Dungeon?
Just learn to dodge bro
>the barrages from greg no longer scale off weak point damage
gregbros, it's over
so what's the new build
secret garden bros we won
tested it in the lab, explosions still scale with weak point damage, gregbros live to fight another day
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I think they give too much time for drones, gold cut off needs to be shorter.
Is anyone else getting filtered by the Ginette boss. Can't one-cycle him at all even though I can beat the Asylum one with minutes to spare.
The teleporting fucker? I found that if I stayed close to him he wouldn't teleport as often.
Only bronze today boys but we got it done
I did too, but I havent beat the campaign and was only around level ~55
1. South Korea
2. Poland
3. Sweden

Yeah imagine that, there would be even more crying cause then nobody but fully catalysted descendants would get gold, fuck new players right?
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Do koreans have their own server?
fake news
we all know china has the most players
No and yes, they connect to the nearest server hub, but they can hop onto any instance if their friends are in a different region
I don't think I've seen a single Chinese person at all in this game. Saw some Jap moon runes tho
Well he might be right, just checked and saw 12K Chinese reviews if you switch to their language. Same with Korean language 12K reviews out of 82k total
Just look at the previous ban wave
Don't let the Warfaggots see this
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>Chinese bots in trade chat
do them gook players complain about the lack of jiggle physics ingame?
damn bro...how many runs did it take
Is there a way to get legendary weapons besides crafting them? Do they sometimes drop?
Freyna,Sharen and Blair are the easiest to easiest to get with all their components being 20% drops from mission rewards. Sharen is pretty crucial for farming once you hit hard mode so definitely get her.
Only thunder cage, fallen hope, the last dagger and final masterpiece drop as mission rewards, everything else is craft only, other than the battlepass weapons.
Both bosses seemed to be resistant to machine gun, or general rounds, or crush, idk. enduring legacy did little dmg, i switched to secret garden and the crits went to 120k
Blair is cool
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Now I just need to kill like 200+ bosses for the AM
I didn't say reactor, retard.
I'm curious, do you have one for Destiny?
Warframe is dogshit and only faggots play it, imagine playing as some ugloid robot with a good dose of LGBT propaganda mixed in when you can play Korean waifu kino LOL.
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just search for it
Alright boys Ajax is the only ult descendant that I haven't properly catalyzed and I'm planning to fix that. Have things changed for him? I remember reading about one of his transcendant mods getting changed and I believe I saw a few anons complaining about it on the general. What are his options and which one do you think is the best for end game stuff like Glutt and the upcoming venom bitch?
I would research on my own but I'm kinda busy at work right now
I think they killed his shield build I dunno cause not ajaxtard.
lepic bros...I don't feel so good...
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>Only 0.00005% of China is woke
Nah they only bought that game for the asian chick
The funniest part is the review score.
Infiltrations barely give any weapon proficiency, this sucks
Why? Did the rates go up from 41%?
I just realized Skill Power and Skill Power Modifier were two different things. Is the latter supposed to be for buffs/passives and the former for actual attacks?
It's 72% in the pic, people don't care enough to hate that game
All you need to know is that skill power is for higher scaled skills and skill power modifier for lower scaled
do we know boss critical hit resistance?
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This is great for Yujin right?
It's the same, both are for skill power, the skill power modifier acts as a multiplier, while skill power is common and its added up wtih separate things to add it.

If you have 1000% skill power bonus, adding another 100% on top of it, will increase your damage by roughly 10%. its called diminishing returns and it happens in alot of games, because of the additive nature they sum up skill power.

If you have 1000% skill power, and adding a 15% skill power modifier, will boost your dmg by 15%. So, although the numbers are lower, the effect can be stronger.

If you were at say 200% skill power, then obviously adding another 100% skill power would be better since it would increase your dmg by 50% than adding a 15% skill power modifier which would increase your skill power by 15%.
Which of the girls in this game has the biggest tits? Thinking of buying one.
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DIOS MIO. Does she have coom skins?
Her Nun Skin has the biggest ass. I hope we get her and Bunny Summer Skin next
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Should I bite the paypig bullet and buy Hailey? I really don't want to grind for 12 days.
Just wait for her ulti, no point using money on regular descendants
>12,000 retards bought this
Devs said there will be a progress conversion mechanic for regular to Ult though.
that would be more than a year retard
I wonder how they are going to handle this. Ults already come with designated sockets. If I fill all slots with catas, how will the transferring work?
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what do I put on this thing next
probably just adding it on top. we already have multiple socket types in a slot now.
>tying her hair back
thats really hot
specially since girls do this right before they take a load to the face
What does it matter lmao? Just farm her normally and dont waste money on regular descendants, why would you even rush her unless you just wanna coom
How much does buying an ultimate hero cost? I saw the bundle is like $50, but can you buy just the hero without the bundle for cheaper?
the weakpoint mods and you need fire enhancement or get it as a substat roll to apply burn, you get 11% firearm atk on burning targets due to its unique ability. i also put on fire conductor which is the same as its unique ability but another 26%, people tend to put sps or mental focus on it, but i tend to dislike both due to their downsides. The jump in damage numbers is noticable when burn is applied. It's usually instantly applied in colossus intercepts since greg applies it too, and others use EL too.
The Shelter boss is fucking filtering me, that modifier + teleportation + shield combination is just too much. Can't one-cycle him no matter how hard I try and you can't get gold without one-cycling him.
Your EL bro
I just went with silver, not worth wasting time retrying it
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>Only 1 Hailey R34 content so far
Expand weapon charge.
Yeah I just had to settle for silver I'll make up for it with some Infiltration farming. Fuck redoing this.
what's a good greg meme'd fate build?
i finally got a shroom and want to use it
isn't greg dead
I'm so desperate for gold that I'm selling loot instead of dismantling them...
Use Valby and let me rape you and I’ll give you gold
How can you be out of gold when game gives you around 6mil everyday for playing for like 30min
>transcendant mods cost 5 mil to max
>500 adjustment axis cost 7.5mil to make
Just don’t use it you pedo
How many transcendant mods do you need?
all of them...
>How can you be out of gold
by playing the game
not dead but enduring legacy is just better. greg is an rng meme gun but has gret burst dps when it procs
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gooning to hailey's tits
Raping Hailey without a condom
By playing the game you would have every module you need maxed before season even 1 dropped, so where does your money go?
so you're the lvl 1 hailey bots that I have to carry in the colossus fights? not skill whatsoever. just got the game to stare at digital tits
Rolling weapons
Combining mods
Building stuff
you know playing the game...
Haileys own this game now bow down
is EXCAVA worth to build? it literally have zero crit rate lol
>in a looter shooter
lolololol LMAO.
>is EXCAVA worth to build?
it's dogshit
Loli Descendant when?
after jiggle physics
No. BP weapons cannot be good because they are free. If they are good people will complain they cannot max them without paying. They need to replace BP weapons with good cosmetics. It was a a really dumb idea. This game already has problems with balance. Most weapons, characters and builds are weak.
Dios mio these milkers are literally perfect.
Rapist descendant when
We already have Lepic
Yeah it's a damn shame that most characters and guns are really weak at endgame because it didn't feel that way when I was progressing using different kind of guns in the story.
Is your gun not built? Does your descendant not have increased hp mods? Do you not have max hp components? The teleport threw me off and it took me a few tries but I don't think it's absurdly difficult.
How are you folks doing these totem trials so fast? do you just find one symbol and guess the drone?
Are invasions different every day or the same ones keep rotating?
It doesn't even look like her, gonna wait for the pros to actually make some smut.
I have a built EL so I just look at two symbols then hunt the drone. I brought an SMG for the tumors because they have better fire rate.
Some have repeated, the shelter one is new.
Some characters have abilities that can hit all the bubbles at once. Valby, Lepic, Viessa. Makes it faster but I usually just find 1 symbol and gamble with it. Pays off half the time.
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Does this thing actually work?
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I realize that if I find a symbol and a drone with the symbol in the same spot next to the totem, its a ruse and probably not the correct drone. also, its so fucking gay how these gooks put two drones in the same area with symbols in the same exact locations. not a move made in good faith
I noticed that too. Its bait 99% of the time.
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What did valby see?
my micro penis
She got tired of being raped so she became the rapist instead
you need to equip it
uBunny with TC, spin around. You just have to find two symbols then find the drone.
Fuck off Greg
I want to get raped by valby...
young adult descendant when Ult Enzo drops
Hows this looking? im undecided on spear and shield.
multi cata slot allowing you to fit different element mods according to the specific enemies/dungeon is quite underrated, especially for guns other than EL/GRF
If you go with Time Distribution do you really need the extra CD of the "Focus on" modules? The common modules give more damage
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go with skill cost, trust me, energy collection can be mp collector
>took you an entire day to get uValby code from the outpost
>got it from Pyro on first try
the vagaries of fate
Use Energy Collection instead of MP Collector if you are with other Bunny
>figure out 2 icons
>activate the nearest drone having the matching 2 icons
>it exploded
so it is possible to have multiple drones with 2 matching icons
You got them in the wrong order.
bros help...my cpu is cooking me alive...
Energy Collector is just the increase you get from mana cubes?
It affects mp recovery in/out of combat as well
>he uses Intel
One cube recovers more than half of your MP especially good if you have +MP Sensor
I guess I just need to get lucky on mp recovery on components to make full use of it, until then I'll stick with mp collector.
Oven is heating up
Click it again to make it green. I only works on the pillars and only for guns. It does not effect abilities or the eyes on the wall.
Its just a fun mobbing weapon. Don't invest resources into it unless you're a mobbing autist.
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Since I saw several people complain about today I thought it was gonna be complicated, guess not.
I mainly play gley so cooldown is on my mind lol

What else can I add here?
purple crit mods?
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Yes, the best descendant for everything except bossing that people should all have after the pre season. I still did clears with Enzo/Valby/Viessa on other days.
Fuck I don't even have good externals and my reactor is fucking shit because I don't have the motivation to farm for a good one. Half of the times I forget to even use her 2 so I go slow and I still cleared all invasions without ever dying once other than picking the wrong drone.
I can see newer players who have fuckall being difficulty gated but people who played the pre season?
Wake up and rape valby
Eat food and rape valby
Watch tv while raping valby
Sleep and dream about raping valby
why is this general so obsessed with rape?
which gun are you using to down the boss
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I am a newbie and am trying to make Luna my main, am I dumb , I like the playstyle and the buffswapping/ddr-esq shooting mechanics. But do people like seeing a Luna? or do they just prefer any other descendent? I just can't seem to get her dmg reds to drop!
I mean, I also play games on easy mode but I don't brag around.
if i see a luna in my team i leave
you better get used to it
i don't even do public anymore
block kuiper is whatever
Rude he’s just trying his best
I barely shot the boss with my TC while waiting for the grapple to come back
I'm not bragging, I'm here to tell people to play bunny so they can have an easy time in invasions and make the anti bunniers continue to seethe as they have been doing for over a month now.
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oh, well that kinda sucks.
Kinda sad to have a bunch of characters but only a handful are viable for the game
like the other anon said, if you're not playing Bunny you're playing it wrong
>I dont need hayley because she will be just another pokemon to farm mastery
>i dont need gold
>try to do pillars, ofcourse hit the wrong droid died
Eat bag of shit devs :)
I don't want to play bunny, its always at least 2 bunnies in every match. just push one button and runs around, give me some damn involved gameplay. at least with Luna you have to pay attention to the beats
Play Luna if you want don’t let the meta fags discourage you
then find another game. this game is designed around Bunny.
I have concentration priority instead of fatal critical. secret garden crits so much you should max your crit dmg multiplier imo. i also have have aiming and insight focus. But i'm thinking of changing abit, i notice my real life fighter falls off often, so i need to test things like analysis master, and how it performs, since you mostly crit with secret garden it could be good. so i'd like to make the weapon more crit focused instead weakpoint focused.
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This is my current setup. Mag mods to make use of Mental Focus or SPS.
Yes, its a rabbit running and jumping simulator at the high end, not really a shooter.
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My Gley doesn't care whom she carries. just focus on the mechanics, avoid dying, and you'll already be more useful than 90% of players.
I only like Ajax because he looks cool and have no interest in using anyone else. How to best optimize him as a gun platform?
Do I have to do some subquest for invasion to appear?
If yes, which one?
Based valby rape enjoyer
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That's because sometimes 2 drones can have the same symbol. That's why you either find the 2 symbols on the pillars or check the drones to see if the 1 sign you got before isn't shared by 2 drones.
Basically for retards who only understand greentext
>Find first symbol
>Decide to look for second symbol or check drones
>If only one drone has the symbol in that position you're good
>If not you need to find the second symbol
But I guess they'll nerf it thursday to make it only one symbol so absolute brainlets stop dying because they can't remember a symbol and a number.
Pic related is while taking my time and checking both symbols to make sure it was correct.
TL;DR : if you complain about invasions you are either massively undergeared (which they need to fix so new players don't despair over it) or a drooling retard, possibly both.
you go to the terminal where you pick from normal/hard infiltration and from there you'll see which missions contain invasions
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You need to have unlocked hard mode and done the Hailey introduction quest which mostly involves talking to Alpha and doing some quick dungeons.
That dungeon where they introduce you to the color pads keeps slapping my shit.
Sadly for you, you have to go through the introduction storyline.
What's the issue, surviving?
Grappling onto the platform the hardest part about that quest
I can scrape though to the boss, then gave him one "attempt" saw that wasn't in the cards and went to go farm up more mats and mods.
>Love Sharen but hate Snipers
>Shotguns suck as an alternative because no weakpoint or crit damage
>Suck it up and invest in a Gangster anyway
>Later update, dungeon rolls become fixed
>Every other dungeon has no crit + no wp applied
>Shotgun is now undeniably better in half the infiltrations
Damn it feels good
Now there just need an infiltration option that turns off electric damage and then I might have a chance to use it on the elite enemies, too.
Getting the nun outfit on Sharen has made outpost farming 200% better.
She's good in premade setups.
If you advertise in global, maybe some nice lepics will take you along so they can one phase molten fortress together.
yes anon everybody is less intelligent then you, can i suck your cock now please?
its an annoying shitty mechanics designed to piss you off enough to swipe
if that makes me a drooling retard, great no responsibilities for me
>But I guess they'll nerf it thursday
they wont nerf that
Viessachads, not even the shelter can stop us
Build pls
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Why the fuck you can't paint ultimate skins? I understand why you can't paint regular skins since you can buy them but you can't buy ultimate skins. Nexon please let me paint my ultimate skins.
i was going to take a break until part 2 of season 1
but now i want blue beetle for bunny
this game is literally crack
>blue beetle for bunny
I tried and it's not worth it anon. You better just get a Reactor with EL for Bunny.
Played with a Luna in HM Bride last night and I legit didnt know what difference it made

It went pretty smooth so I guess she must have contributed a lot
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you people told me el was useless for bunny
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We're half way there
Squidward in a chair
You're playing a grinding game and go full abloobloo because you can't deal with puzzles made for toddlers who take less than 20 minutes a day to complete. I bet you spend more than that being a little bitch on /vg/.
Don't listen to those shitters. EL is worth it on all characters. For Bunny you use EL to shoot the Bosses when your Grappling is on cooldown.
>its an annoying shitty mechanics designed to piss you off enough to swipe
You think a shorter skirt will make it easier for you retarded ass brain to comprehend?
does the movement speed with wep equipped affect movement speed or is that only when its out?
>>Later update, dungeon rolls become fixed
>>Every other dungeon has no crit + no wp applied
>>Shotgun is now undeniably better in half the infiltrations
nta but it affects your movement speed a little bit but it's why you shoot with your gun when your grapple is on cooldown.
Hailey is perfect, hate the butt cape of this skin though
Only when it is out, also compared to Thundercage 600 Movespeed, EL is 450 so it isn't that bad.
fuck my post fucked up lol

>>Later update, dungeon rolls become fixed
>>Every other dungeon has no crit + no wp applied
>>Shotgun is now undeniably better in half the infiltrations
im pretty sure shotguns still arent that good yet. are you only talking about the pre-rolls? you can always reroll the subststs anyway and it's pretty cheap to do.
Oh look, more proof that Bunny is OP and any other character, no matter how well built, pales in comparison. Blizzard please nerf Bunny.
With this and yesterday's -87.5% chill, the only conclusion is they must really hate Viessa.
Is my game bugged? There seems to be some sort of hologram of the boss in the command table but it doesnt show.
you can press ctrl constantly to negate any movement debuffs. like gley, hailey. its good to get used to movement by rolling, the animation is faster than regular movement
Who here has the fastest clear time in invasions?
>Arche Acceleration
>increases skill speed
I have no idea how this works, what are the odds it would make Hailey's 2 not have a 2 year wind up?
Think about it this way. You have a skill that does direct damage for 500% and leaves a burn that does 25% skill power damage. A +50% skill power modifier module will increase the direct damage by 10% and the burn damage by 200%. A 50% skill power module will increase both by 50%.

Essentially you use +skill power modifier for DoT characters like Valby, Blair, and Freyna.
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Anais looks weak to anal
Anaïs is a popular first name in the South of France. Can confirm they are weak to anal.
Beach episode when?
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You have a solo raid to prep for lion bro.
When they fix Viessa's tits in her bikini outfit
She is also very vulnerable to an intense fingering
Wouldn't take much to make her beg for relief after edging her for hours at a time.
that's speed as in how fast the skill moves. only affects projectile type skills like viessa's shards or freyna's glob.
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My oven's still warming up.
Is the bug where you dont get some rewards with spamming rester after missions and you have to goto albion everytime to get everything?
I leveled it and tested it right before you replied and can verify you were right, guess the best way to level Hailey will be leeching or tc + skill 1 spam with CD reduction
Wish this game had a history tab recording all your AMP results so I can show you how I just got 7 fucking Clairvoyance BPs in a row.
she needs better outfits
but that would make it easy for people to notice the manipulated droprates :)
Looks fine from here
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Unpopular opinion:

I still love Bunny
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I love Bunny so much bros although I wish other characters are as popular as her
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Bnuuy bros what do I change to my invasions build? I think dangerous ambush and HP collector would do really well but not sure what to change or catalyze.
Are you using Slayer Set with +HP and +MP?
>dangerous ambush
What is allowing you to proc it in dungeons? It'd be a waste. Hp collector's fine
>dangerous ambush
>What is allowing you to proc it in dungeons? It'd be a waste. Hp collector's fine
If you hit one enemy that has their back turned towards you or you're out of their aggro, all lightning voltage will do the same damage even to enemies aggroed on you. Just takes one
I think that'd help tremendously. My slayer sets are DEF/HP, Max Shield/MP recovery, Max Shield/DEF, Max HP/Shield recovery. I can't seem to roll anything better no matter how many pyro runs.
Is slayer set even worth it on bunny? The skill cost increase really sucks.

Looks fine for invasion? I do have an Enduring Legacy I switch to to kill boss.
I personally only use one "Focus on ..." module. You only have 0.7s cooldown, but can use a Specialist mod for dmg instead.
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This is what I run. Hasn't failed me yet, though it requires a good gun to 1phase the boss. I sometimes need to 2phase with unlucky crits or shit aim. Probably should swap out skill concentration, but I don't feel like leveling to 40 again.

HV is not as good as people think it is. Any time there's a decent density of mobs, you're going to spend more time to kill. Invasions with the 4 target doors and 4 target towers is slower too. You want 100% sprint time and range more than overkilling everything in the game outside elites and bosses.
How does Hailey fit her big ass in those tight jeans that is now the biggest question we have
is peacemaker good on anyone?
>HV is not as good as people think it is.
problem with hv is that it targets anything from the nearest, including those that are immune
>Is slayer set even worth it on bunny? The skill cost increase really sucks.
it provides a huge damage boost for HV Bunny but I only recommend to use it if you have a Sensor with Purple MP and an Aux Power with Gold HP otherwise stick with generic Components.
Thanks. It's probably my slayer set not having HP or double HP rolls then.

Thank you. I'll try the build out. My enduring legacy is a beast but it doesn't help that much if I'm having issues with juggling crowd control and survivability. High voltage might be a disadvantage now that you mention it since there's so many mobs on pillar invasions.
With a lot of difficulty.
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this has to be the most violently unfun shit I've ever done in a video game. I'm taking another 2 week break, I don't think I have it in me bros...
>It's probably my slayer set not having HP or double HP rolls then
Yeah, I actually just slap on my biggest HP components. I end up with 13k HP which is enough for me.
skill issue. use fully decked out bunny
I have every ult maxed. my issue isn't that I'm dying, how did you even assume that from my post
Is not that bad desu. Is not fun content but it's tolerable and quick. For brain missions I use my CC lepic with max range 3, short cd. Throw it right on the machine and pull every enemy in the room.

Max range Valby for drones. Spawn kills everyone while tagging towers.

The color platform missions are the most annoying for me because I honestly just have really shit memory.

Imagine if mega dungeons are just huge and longer invasions. 30 minutes long with randoms lol
Is tower AoE a thing for the drone mission? I keep dying on the right drones.
My build is shit isn't it? Other than more catalysts how could I improve it? I don't have a lot of catalysts saved up and I still need to build my descendants so I feel like I pigeon holed myself into fully upgrading my Thunder Cage.
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Yeah but you want the multihit/dot abilities because the cysts blow up based on hits, not damage. Freyna poison, Blair flamethrower should work too. What you really need is a bossing weapon to delete them in 1 rotation. I use Secret Garden.
She looks like she's ready to phasewalk on my cock and kiss me with a railgun
I have no issue with revealing the tower or boss. My issue is that the drones will "randomly" explode even though I pick the right one. Some anons were talking about tower AoE, as in being too close to the tower when activating the drone makes you take AoE damage. It's my only explanation.
I record my runs so I know I didn't accidentally pick the wrong drone.
because you're complaining. skilled players don't complain. they just do.
Oh and of course I stay inside the drone's dome.
That happened to me yesterday. I stayed inside the circle too and still died. Might be desynch or jank. I go back to albion and restart.
DEF is dogshit.
I wish they late us change the color of hairs... For a game that's trying to sell us costumes super hard and goes full coomer with its skin, it has absolutely garbage customization. This is like 10 years old MMO level of limiting. Why sell us hairs where there's no option to remove the headdress? Why sell us head items with unique non-hair accessories (like goggles, or sharens black face thing) but don't give us the option to change the hairstyle. I loved most of the maid hairstyles but didn't want the headress, because I wasn't going to have my chars wear the maid outfit.
Put on Expand Weapon Charge.
anyone have experience with the boss room in today's drone invasion? I swear no matter what I pick it explodes and I die no exceptions, even though I have zero issues getting to the boss room and get all drones up to that point right on first try
Wouldn't that be counter productive? What's the point of building for crit and weak point damage if you turn the thunder cage into a bullet hose with huge bloom. I'm thinking of using some kind of accuracy mod to be honest.
Any other Americans here? Also Poland holding it down, haha you love to see it.
I genuinely hate rocket launcher Gleys. Every single time I have one in my team I cannot see a damn thing with the spam.
you can turn off explosions...
People have been saying the towers can be bugged but nobody knows why. Sometimes I can clear and invasion without dying. Other times the pattern is 100% correct and I still die while in the circle.
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It's actually Korea that whales the most for these kind of games. China just happens to own everything and have the most influence in terms of setting standards.
are you standing in the circle before it detonates?
Wtf I installed the game back. Thanks.
yes, like I said I have zero issue getting to the boss room and I've reached it like 4 times today. it's only once I enter it that I no longer am able to solve drones properly, all 4 times I reached death limit just trying every possible combination
I swear 250% missions get cleared like 30s faster than 100%s consistently because only the dumbest most undergeared retards on the planet queue for 100%
Wtf I uninstalled the game. Thanks.
yeah its a filter. same reason why you see more dogshit retards running executioner as opposed to frostwalker.

just queue for 250%
Gley forced me to impregnate dia
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Speaking of Frost Walker, I've been running a CB Viessa for bossing, but FW I expect to filter her pretty hard.

Anybody tried Clairvoyance CB Viessa for him? I've already got 2 copies so I'm thinking why not give it a shot.

Otherwise I plan to build Ult Gley from scratch so... that'll take like a week
Viessa's ult will still do dmg but the 3 lepics who queued with you will seethe if you dont 1 phase the boss.
They seethe no matter what since they step on rakes
clairvoyance sucks btw. you're better off running nazeistra's devotion on viessa for the movement speed + devotion mark debuff on the boss. Win win for you and your team. Its also an easy farm for all the copies
The next quest is just a 40 hour cutscene of Lepic railing Hailey and knocking her up
My experience with Lepics so far is about maybe... 4-5% of them know to wait for the boss to kneel before blowing their load. And then another 20% of them are running no HP and go down when they step in a puddle.
If you decide to play as CB Viessa then secret garden is a really good weapon to buff your 4th skill, if you dont wanna farm secret garden then EL or nazeistra's
What is a good weapon for AZ Viessa?
>Lepic railing Hailey
Have you seen bunny's quest? Lepic is literally a 10 year old kid, he can't rail shit. Hailey is getting railed by Kyle and Ajax in Alpha's basement.
Yeah, that's what I was figuring. Taking 200K off the top of 400K cold resist would do next to nothing for actual damage increase, like maybe 10%?
Plus I imagine to hold up the beam levels would be complete ass, wouldn't get to shoot Q at all.
Based. TFD finally gets the sex update.
>captcha RAAH
>Secret Garden
Oh shit I didn't read that closely enough. It's probably even better than the Blue Beetle I just spent the past week building.
Getting railed by the two most useless descendants? That’s grim.
>not understanding grunt behavior
Lepic is the kind of guy that if you told to guard a rock in a featureless room, the rock would end up pregnant.
*Squish* Nice tits whore
It's a really good weapon for her cause you can keep the buff and max stacks up all the time with enough of cooldown, of course it's all rng since the chance is 50%.
>good weapon

You have to run around. I didn't even like T-Cage hip-fire slowdown.

Maybe try last dagger?
>Kyle and Ajax
>getting anything up
Good one
Kyle only plaps Luna
Imagine cornering these two in a dark alley with three of your /tfdg/ bros...
Still smack-able, lick-able, and sweat drink-able. Proud bunchads rise up
Your loss.
Imagine clogging the bathroom of these two with three of your /tfdg/ bros...
*Hate fucks Luna like an annoyed uncle
Any handcannon until they buff handguns. Nazeistra is top performing handcannon.
This is my head cannon as well. Kyle has tocorrect that brat, for Albion's safety.
I wish peace maker didn’t suck ass. Glut farm felt not worth aside from Luna gear.
bad players, ladies and gentlemen
I think plap is putting it midly. Luna needs a day or two to recover afterwards.
>what coomer brainrot does to a motherfucker
so glad my mind isn't fucked like you incels
She can recover with me
She literally bullied Enzgoat on an open coms channel, needed immediate correction.
Did Kyle, Viessa, and Ajax even have any notable personality in the main story?

At least we got to see Valby and Yujin in White Night alot. Bunny, Valby, Lepic and even Enzo were in Bunny's quest
Imagine getting cornered by these two in a dark alley
accuracy is ultimately pointless as it doesn't affect spread/bloom (nothing does, recoil only affects the kick)
this is apparent on weapons like smgs and handcannons where the bloom maxes out instantly on max fire rate
spread/bloom values are fixed and different for each weapon and the only way to alleviate it is by using sps
>you will never experience getting /ss/'d by these two
Life is truly hell.
Imagine them raping you until they’re pregnant
that being said, weak point is grossly overrated and mostly placebo
real life fighter is only ever useful for devourer showcases
My lepic shit himself now he just leaves a shit trail wherever he goes.
the fuck is bloom?
It's when the crosshair/targeting reticle gets bigger as you fire, lie how a flower spreads out when it blooms.
>finally get High Voltage
Can't believe /tfd/ was trying to tell me this isn't a good mod, this is unbelievably broken.
i have factual proof that Enzo is a pedo
Trivialization mod it’s retardedly strong. Idk what else to run on her that would out perform it.
Surely he’s not saving the ring for Dia after Gley’s quest-line…
People thought it was shit week 1 and then everyone found out it was op now we have contrariantards saying it's bad again
Why does it feel like every descendant has only 1 good red mod at most? It feels like some just have 1 good one and the rest are about the same as having no mod, or sometimes even worse.
Just another reason he's the best
Cause the devs have no idea what's worthwhile in terms of red mods. Half of them feel like trial options that they had during a beta but wanted to keep around as an option.
King Twink himself Yujin has two good red mods while taking it up the ass by Kyle
For having so many options devs should really take a look at the shit mods in future updates if they really want to incentivize using different builds. 80% of them feel worthless currently.
nah it's not "unbelievably broken", it's good but you can easily find times when you would rather not have it equipped, e.g. block kuiper mine and current invasions
>Kyle fucks Luna
>He also fucks Yujin
Bichads can't stop winning.
>running around with the double jump damage mod on Bunny since still no high voltage
Fill me in I may be retarded but am curious, how would lowering your AOE tick help more in the invasion content?
>running around with the double jump damage mod on Bunny to jump onto as many cocks as I can
I begged on Discord and a Hailey showed up to one-shot Pyro for me until it dropped.
High voltage only has 3 beams of lightning per tick, without it the lighting circle hits as many enemies as it can. It's higher DPS per hit, sure, but invasions are full of small mobs so doing twice their HP in damage at a slower rate is overkill and will slow you down.
Enzo told me to relay this message “I love cp I love cp I love cp I love cp”
Crit Bunny's got to be a meme right? How does this work when her base crit chance is 10%?
It’s been so long since I’ve switched off from HV that I forgot it halves her tick count lmao
It is for those that believe it's the end all be all
My crit is sitting at ~30% on High Voltage Bunny and because of all the AOE spam i'm seeing crits everywhere.

Git gud pls.
>one day of decent farming got you 500k Kuiper
can't believe there was a time where this was my bottleneck
i am filtered by the invasions i just cant care enough to pay attention to figure them out desu
I just don't do them because i pretty much only play his while watching TV or youtube, so it takes me focusing on the game too much
Thursday update is dumbing them down iirc + adding multiplayer option soonish. Retards will still brick your runs though so best of luck anon
nigga just open 10 vaults
I meant module farming. Dismantled like 900 and got 500k off it.
Not a meme. If properly built you have a 33% chance to crit, which does more than four time the normal damage. Making use of good grapples gives a big burst of damage. While not grappling you orbit the target with double jumps while mag dumping. You should have dps on-par with a SM Valby as long as you play optimally. Shitters just can't grasp the concept of doing anything but run around in circles with her sprint active.
>module farming
I did it bros. I finally did it.
>Log in
>Claim items
>Craft again
>Log out
I reached end game.
I can’t stop roofieing Hailey and having nonstop sex while she sleeps adorably
>run out of blueprints
what now
filthy fucking casuals. its not even hard. you dont even need to match all 4. you just need 2 of them max.
We wait for the The Second Descendant.
Valby more like rapedby
its just some of the most unfun content ive ever seen in a game like this desu no idea how they thought this was good
>time gate new OP descendant to 12-15 days IF you're lucky
>also sell her for $20 outright
Nexon and its greed never fails
I am actually fucking shocked how strong they made Hailey, she is better for bosses than lepic, and also thanks to her 3 she is better than gley at guns.
I want my catalysts back
Is two weeks reallly that bad, can’t you shorten that with additional Infiktration grinding
I am glad i only put 4 each into lepic and gley
you can get her for free yet you complain
>start invasion
>see pillars
>back out of invasion
I am glad i bought Hailey so invasions are only for gold and i don't feel forced to engage in them
Invasions aren't a permanent mode? Then how are you going to unlock the new character after it's over?
One Anon on this general managed to already farm her. You can do it too if you don't value your time. You could also just wait a few days and get her by doing invasions for 20 mns a day, they are easy to complete, at worst if you end up missing only one component you can grind for it. Lastly if you value your time, have no impulse control and aren't poor you can buy her.
I honestly don't see the problem, if she was easy to farm people would still have complained that there was nothing to do until uFreyna or they would have found something else to bitch about.
You people are a bunch of women. Never happy and always complaining and the problem with these devs is that they listen instead of smacking you like Sean Connery would.
By suffering
I'm afraid we're going to start hitting metas where people leave unless the new busted char is matched with them... That or the new char is going to intentionally be made OP and time gated, so people rush to buy her.

Yes, two weeks is terrible. You're locking out new content specifically to 2 days in a season that already doesn't have much content to begin with. Two weeks is also the best RNG case scenario. The normie player isn't going to get for for 3 weeks or a month, unless they repeatedly only farm for her during normie play hours.

That's only if I play every single day and score the best RNG drops during those 12 days. She's harder to get than most Ultimate Descendants.

>One Anon on this general managed to already farm her.
Your point? No-life farming her and lucking out doesn't mean anything here.
>You can do it too if you don't value your-
Okay, so then I can just disregard your post then.
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Case in point.
The seethe Hailey's grind provokes will only be exceeded when they make a Descendant guild raid only.
I really don't care about Hailey. I am only doing this for the gold.
Her parts will presumably still drop from hard mode.
>if she was easy to farm people would still have complained that there was nothing to do until uFreyna
I'm only doing the daily invasions to get her and it still feels like there is nothing to do.
I joined a small discord for tfd and none of them even log on anymore.
We kind of need something to do with all these descendants. Not just have more.
This reminds me of all the people who defended farming ultimates before the rates were increased on reactors and everything else.

I farmed ultimates back when we had the shitty timers and low amount of crystals needed to open reactor bosses. The problem with this is that its specifically meant to time gate you for weeks, unless (which is what they're hoping for) you buy her. It's not even really a grind. You can't feasibly get her earlier than 12 days without maxing out all the rolls and doing shit like not going to work.
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>guild raid
LEL. No the seethe will be from Ult Freyna needing you to complete Freyna's subquest for an rng chance at an amp that only deathstalker opens while being at 10%. The alternative is grinding toxic void shards for a chance at one item of which you need 72 of for all four research parts
For better or worse (mostly worse if you ask me) they decided to copy warframe so you'll get a patch every 3 months, clear all the content in less than 2 days unless they cockblock you like the hailey farm or a syndicate farm in warframe where you can only get "x" amount of syndicate reputation per day, and then you'll have fuckall to do until the next patch other than crafting catalysts and activators.
Good lord you guys that grinded (ground?) the Hailey pieces the hard way are absolute madlads.
I kneel…
Wasn't that anon also a fucking whale? There's guys on reddit who have shown they can farm her within those 12 days, but they also have almost every descendant rocking 3-4 module patterns on every slot and fully maxed out. They also own a skin for every Descendant too. These are the most highest level of no-lifers and whales. If anything, that shows a huge problem with this game. They're designing it towards players who are willing to deal with shitty pause-game designs (patterns, dumb timers, and anything that halts gameplay) and give up everything else just to continue playing.

And I'll repeat myself again. The 12 day idea is just something they said in their Q/A. It's using retard math. The average player isn't getting her until 3 weeks at best of continues play, unless they're not going to work, getting all the best rolls, and still only playing this game. There's a reason why everyone who owns her RIGHT NOW bought her and the extreme 1% are those who did nothing but no life farm her (also whaled) + get lucky.
After 33 Executioner runs…now we wait
I've got uViessa, uBunny and uValby so far. Of the three which one's easiest to turn into a boss killer?
Cold Blooded Viessa.
Valby. She only needs a good gun and supply moisture.
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>F2P person no-lifes her and still not close to getting her
Blah blah blah dilate
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>R*ddit screencap
You paid $20 for a character. A non-ultimate character.
Congrats on Ult Gley.
Genuinely what would a whale even be for this game? Hailey's about the closest thing to an actual whaling incentive since we get given EAs and Catalysts fist over foot just grinding out plentiful things. Outfits are a one and done thing that actually benefits us if we grind out the ult so, again, what would incentivize someone to whale?
I'll agree with the no-lifer part cause the hailey grind is atrocious.
>reddit frog poster
to be fair he paid for who is probably now the strongest character in the game for non mobbing, she can out perform lepic and gley
Because there isn't a single person minus that one whale who unlocked her normally here. There are people in this thread defending Nexon's shitty practices and you're more worried about a reddit screenshot. Usually its redditfags who bootlick and defend games like this. I'm surprised the roles have swapped here.
I'm not sure if he was a whale, but even if he was he still did farm her the f2p way so I don't see how that changes things other than it being a massive waste of time just because he couldn't wait a little.
I'll just keep doing the dailies until I hit 2 or 3 of her parts at 36/36 and then see if I have the motivation to grind for the rest by wasting my time Bunny spamming, until then it's only 20 mns a day for 5m gold. Warframe has put me through way worse in the past.
It's literally complaining for the sake of complaining because you can't get the new shiny (the only shiny you'll have until October 10th) in 2 days without grinding like a no life.
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Have you tried not being poor????
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Yes, he got baited by Nexon purposely abusing FOMO by releasing the new chick incredibly OP and time gating her for F2P users. It's almost like this was addressed many times. Is that going to be the game plan now? Just pay up?
>Genuinely what would a whale even be for this game? Hailey's about the closest thing to an actual whaling incentive since we get given EAs and Catalysts fist over foot just grinding out plentiful things.
Is this a real question? Buying up all the skins, buying all the boosts, sometimes buying Catalysts, buying new descendants half of the time (which is happening a lot), etc. Given that Nexon has a track record of being sued and losing twice for rigging rolls based on your friendlist, pay history and other things... I wouldn't be surprised if whales just happened to have better drops too, especially since Nexon knows said whales will 90% immediately buy a skin for her.
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>buy Hailey because fuck these retarded invasions
>spend hours running lab to nearly max her
>decide to test her as i open the amps from lab for catas
Jesus christ i knew she was good, but damn, would have been faster if i didn't miss two shots.
Not the guy you're quoting but what do you even need Hailey for? People have been getting very consistent clears on Gluttony without Hailey.
Do you need her to shave off 2 extra seconds on your 9 second Pyro kill with Lepic? No you don't.
>spend hours running lab to nearly max her
for what reason
you can lvl anyone to 40 in 30 minutes doing kuiper mine
I used 8 or 9 catas on her, would have to start the game again to confirm i don't remember exactly.
This argument doesn't work because MMO players always want the most efficient way of farming and clearing things. That's the whole point of min-maxing. The average person like you and me don't care, but whales and no-lifers do. This is capitalizing on whales who will jump at the chance... also the coomer whales. I'm confused... Is this post sarcasm? It's like you're asking why do whales do things when the entire answer is in the description of being a whale. Is there some kind of disconnect in your brain as to why whales just outright buy descendants or their ults?
Should I use electric condense or transition?
actually it shaves off 5 seconds not two.
>anons literally asking why would a whale whale in their attempt to defend Nexon being shitty with content
Blade & Soul & Maple Story all over again.
You damn pay pig I should kiss you right here and now
is that fucking Noise Surge? FUUUUCK YOUUUU
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>2 seconds
yeah, don't feel too bad, i am still tying to get aggressive melody.
Yeah, i need that one too... I do have my Nimble though.. I enjoy the zoomies
isnt this down to 3 now
So in terms of damage reduction, what is the actual difference between having 16k and 49k?
I bought Hailey
I bought gley
I bought bunny
I bought Lepic
I bought Ajax
Abd I will buy Freyna when she comes out
bout 33k.
Yeah probably, there is still one more damage mod i need to cata.
The smartest way to grind Hailey
>Do your daily invasions
>grind dungeons to even out your part counts for the day
Wait, every time I clear an invasion I get a million gold!? I can farm this all day!?
The next descendant will be dia and she’s 12 years old
might be unrelated but all the 3s clears I've seen on other sites use afterglow
Piercing light is better, the gun is literally just a mag size and atk power stick, and piercing light does more damage.
This would finally make me whale.
no just 4 times a day
on paper this is true but go look at the actual damage numbers in the fastest clear videos. both clear times and damage is higher on afterglow, check if you don't believe me
What really?
That is literally just because they probably don't have a piercing light singular reaction with the right rolls and can't get one right now.

I have tested both piercing light adds 1-2 million damage per shot in intercepts
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Hailey looks more like Lara Croft than the actual Lara Croft.
this has been tested to death already.
The absolute state of western studios
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>My last Enduring Legacy just finished
Feels nice
thank god I absolutely hate Piercing Light's model.
this but unironically
this but ironically with a dash of unironic
Are crits and weak point damage additive or multiplicative?
What am I supposed to do with the Rutile slot on Enduring Legacy? Concentration Stabilizer?
Hailey ain’t bussin no cap on a skibidi toilet
I think they both look ok, but have extra bits that make them look dumb. For PL it's the thing sticking out of the bottom of the grip. For AGS it's the extra bits on the scope and the butt of the stock.
To be aware if this guy was testing inside the training room, damage mods on hailey won't effect damage for some reason. If he was unaware of this the test could be very wrong. reactors and externals do though.

I would take any random google doc made by some guy with a grain of salt.
What's the weakpoint on the weird drone boss in The Shelter?
Bloody bitch bastard the document is right! Okay? Rape you next week.
good thing he made a video on it too
and was he in the training room?
absolutely this but unironically
unironically this but absolutely
do people actually hate piercing light's model that much
Based on 6 runs and getting a chip every 2 runs, I can assume that the score modifiers don't matter for grinding Hailey's parts.
Of course he was and also he clogged the bathroom and raped my cat
yes, unironically
To be fair, pretty much every ultimate gun in this game but EL is fucking ugly
he wasn't...
You take that back! My hand cannons look good
I hate that the ultimate handguns are so garbage, i fucking love the feel of handguns
how far into the story do i need to be before i can start farming ultimate valby?
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I like Thunder Cage and Greg's but yeah. I wish Nazeitra's had Immediate Execution's model. Transmogs when? Just do it like Iceborne did and make it a fifth substat that you can add with rare mats.
You have to perform the valby raping to proceed
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>60 fps
>in 2024
Why are you black?
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Because my white mom couldn't find any high test white males that are left so she opted for a high test black man. Now I have the intellect of the white race and the superior athleticism of the black race. A true genetic ubermensch.
So big lipped and ugly gotcha
At least I dont game at 60 fps like some brazilian lmao.
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I wonder how many more times I must kill Obstructer, I'm starting to get good at targeting weak points of moving Colossy with Vestigal Organ. Gley is fun to play and kinda OP.
there's nothing wrong with 60 fps
and moreso in this game
If you're running it above 1080p, it requires an RTX 4070 or above to even consistently reach 40 on average gameplay, assuming you're on max settings. Not him, but I have a 2080S on ultrawide resolution and I get around 40 average with the quality DLLS option for max settings. Dropping it down to 1080 resolution will net me a consistent 60 on max settings.

MMOs have never been properly optimized games.
I’m not that anon I have a monitor that is 165hz and a tv that is 120hz I just wanted to poke fun
This is poorfag cope. Upgrade your gpu.
NTA, but to me 4k&ultra is more important than fps. I am also old enough to recall playing Doom on a 386, high FPS is overrated
I have a 14600k and a 4070 and I still cap /tfd/ at 60fps ultra + nvidia dlaa while playing at 1080p
I only uncap to 240+ fps when my irl friends ask me to play actual first person shooters with them.
What's your GPU? TFD is heavily unoptimized. BG3 for example can run at above 100FPS at 4k or even 8k with an RTX4080S. TFD still requires using one of the DLLS performance options to run at 4k at max settings at 60-70 consistently, and even then, it drops it populated areas.

This is chink optimization.

>I have a 14600k and a 4070 and I still cap /tfd/ at 60fps ultra + nvidia dlaa while playing at 1080p
My post already said it was capable at 1080 to get consistant 60. It's when you reach higher res that it shits the bed. I didn't really need to use the downscaling options when I tested it on lower res myself, but then again, I didn't play it too much on that either. Either way, you're still using DLAA options at 1080. The game won't even let us use better AA options.
Honestly death stranding looks as good if not better and it runs way better
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All of this while looking like an average PS4 game.
Yeah I have to use DLAA with sharpness set to 5 because the only alternative is the unreal shitgine blurry TAA.
I really like the game but damn the UE5 can suck my nuts
I'm so used to the sniper bitch being a willowy thin reed that Hailey being a fertility goddess is a shock. God bless Korea.
But what if I like thin women?
There's a reason why all the benchmark options on youtube, even with the highest end GPUs (4080S, 4090), all show the max settings with the DLAA option on. It's practically required to downscale the game to have consistant FPS on above 1080 resolution. Retarded nigboy is probably sitting at the basic 1080 resolution with sub-max settings and bragging, otherwise he'd know its not easily achievable even more high spenders when you scale higher.
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is Greg's still the best gun for colossus fights
you have the rest of the cast?
no hailey afterglow is better
Ayo whachu say I be intellectually smart an shieeet what with my half negro genes and muh mudshark mama’s genes
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>Ultimate Valby
>Enduring Legacy
>Something else

Thoughts on what to farm after U.Gley?
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>finished farming Hailey after today's set of invasion dungeons
>check season challenges
>took me 170 fucking dungeon runs
>I only started farming post-droprate buff
This update fucking stinks if Hailey's grind is the only new content for a month
"Farming" Hailey is just 4 dungeons per day. I'd do Enduring Legacy it's really a huge help.
I care not for Hailey and your meta faggotry. I am investing in ASMR explosion man and enjoy it
They think players only touch the game for like 2-3 hours a day, complete about 3-4 objectives, and then log off. My guess is they expected the S1 roadmap to last them the rest of the year by drip feeding content towards what they presumed was an idle playerbase.
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She's got Lara's face mixed with Chun-Li's body.
If you didn't farm your EL reactors before the update you're extra screwed because now Excava is poisoning the General pool for your drops.

Speaking of, imagine staring now and trying to get a purple ammo reactor and you get one for Sigvore's proof, a weapon you can never ever get anymore
That's what players actually do you terminally online brainrotted zoomer, except 1 hour max after walking the dog and putting the kids to bed.
>I finished farming Hailey after over 260 dungeon clears and 440 amorphous materials. 19.5 hours of in game time. This system is fundamentally horrible. 2X DROP IS NOT ENOUGH. She takes longer to farm than every ultimate i've farmed so far combined
nta but are you actually defending this dogwater content patch
Don't be retarded. The average Xbox 360 player was a kid or teenager who sat in front of his TV playing FPS games for hours on end. If this was a standard RPG game, then maybe, but FPS is the easiest thing people can sit and waste hours on, even normies. There's a reason why a whole gen of consoles had swapped to capitalizing on the FPS hype. It didn't matter if it was PVP or PVE.
Why do people leave block kuiper after only one round?
95%+ are like that dude
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Today, I will remind them
He's just being retareded. Normies would waste hours on a new PS2 game until they beat it. The only time this was true is for MMOs, which was something mostly seen PCs back when most people didn't have a gaming rig. Even normies can waste a whole day playing an online game. The big difference is they don't have the patience to do this kind of tedious grind, since they'd rather do the more fun content or play a different game entirely.
They literally said that players were progressing too fast compared to what they expected. Hailey is an intentional time gate to force people into coming back everyday or give them something extremely tedious to farm until uFreyna comes back.
Yesterday on this general you had a fucking gopnik kid who said he was uninstalling and he had clocked 280 hours in only TWO FUCKING WEEKS.
You can't keep up with subhumans like that who then go online and cry that there is no content when they spend so much time on the game.
Never played the beta, who is that?
>They literally said that players were progressing too fast compared to what they expected.
Post disregarded. This was in their Q/A post in regards to them being blindsided by this fact, not that the new content was designed based around that idea. Hailey and most of S1's content was clearly already mostly done by the time it was announced. They designed it based on the same dumb design philosophy as outposts having 5 minute timers.
Them releasing bad content by itself, excluding even looking at the time gated portions is another thing entirely. Like the devs themselves have said, this is their first successful game.
Viessa if I had to guess.
Okay you are 68 years old this is 2024. Every game has a battlepass with daily quests now. Log in, do your gacha dailies, and get your character after farming enough pity rolls. Hailey is exactly that except players have a direct purchase option. Invasions are getting nerfed because 90% of players do their dailies, run an extra Infiltration or Intercept, then log off. Players are getting stuck in the tutorial Invasion never mind the real thing
>Bringing up battle pass in a game where the playerbase universally agrees is trash
The heights people will go to defend Nexon.
The battlepass is incredibly bad compared to other games, not once but twice now they've just filled it with shit nobody is going to use especially the skins for fucking blue weapons
Most other games I've played with a battlepass have at least had the courtesy to drop in a handful of character skins people would actually want to use
Come to think of it, Special Operations just become immensely shit in terms of rewards once you are capable to play in Hard Mode.
>luckshit all the low % drops for afterglow
>15 of the 32% amps dropped 1 of each
Why are we here?
Just to suffer?
lmao it's the natural order. no matter what happens you're always going to have that one part that is a pain in the fucking ass to get.
Need to take a look at the shit weapons first. Is there ever a reason to run shotguns, non-R4 launchers, beam weapons or handguns?
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farming weapon proficiency is killing me inside
Good thing I didn't farm 1000 heat batteries and waste my time before patch because I'm getting them all now grinding Haven
>What's your GPU?
7900 xtx + 5800x3d. 4K 144fps.
the /v/ thread i made about tfd was trending on twitter yesterday bros...over a million views and 50k likes...i'm gonna make it big....
It's more annoying than doing it for characters. Leveling in general is extremely annoying.

What's your graphic settings? There's plenty of benchmark videos showing you can't get 4k at max settings with that many FPS on that GPU. You have to downsample.
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I like the cat vary much, I really like having a cute feline to take with me on adventures
my real cat died after 18 years not too long ago and she looked a lot like this one
im uninstalling because of these invasions. twice in a row Ive been ONE GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING HIT AWAY and the boss gets their shield back. and these fucking blank totems. I still cant fucking believe this shitpile of a game. good fucking riddance
>do group
>38k, maybe 40k sometimes

what? how is the difference THIS big in Unknown Lab?
>Every game has a battlepass with daily quests now. Log in, do your gacha dailies, and get your character after farming enough pity rolls. Hailey is exactly that except players have a direct purchase option
Is this where this has gotten? Comparing it to a gacha game where it takes 3 months of saving currency to guarantee a 50/50 and you don't even get the character's weapon or any of the constellations? Where people casually drop $500 to get a c0 + r1? Where there is zero way to farm for a character on banner because the only way to pull is currency and the currency is limited? Talk about disingenuous
Maybe colossus defend stats are increased based on people too, not just HP? Remember when the devs mentioned in their Q/A that one colossus increased it's HP or defense stat over time, and so Lepic or someone else was intentionally expected to be brought against it... despite them mentioning this nowhere?
Is there an Electric spot to farm Poly after the update?
Pretty sure Poly's been ice only fivever
If you can hit weak points reliably, yes. If not then EL if you have a crit booster like Enzo or Valby. Secret Garden is also a great crit option with a base crit rate of 50%.
Another 6 hours gaming and zero fucking Noise Surge or Aggressive Melody. ffs why are core skills a 2.5% drop rate? how is this fun?
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this little fucker is like 7 years old now but I refuse to buy the battle pass
10 Hard Mode missions in a row with no Hailey piece. devs lying, idk how they are permitted to get away with it
use consumable drop chance substat
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>gold hp roll
>actually farming for red mods
I have every single red mod except for like 3 useless ones and enzo's obviously purely from random drops or combining
Target farming mods is the worst possible thing you can farm since you will get them all eventually, I farmed mid air maneuvering for 500 billion hours and nothing until I randomly got it from a drop and ever since then I have 8 copies of it from combining/drops
seriously just do something else
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>gold def piece right after
>no resistance
shut up
>low roll main stat
>useless sub stat
>useless main stat
>useless sub stat
Keep at it, anon. You'll get good gear eventually, maybe.
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is this ok for a sniper?
Sorry, can't hear you when your face is buried in the floor like that. I'd pick you up, but you'll just go down again in 5 seconds.
>no weapon atk+, the most important stat
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hory shiet
I have an auxillary power with a 912 hp roll. 870 seems pretty bad anon. DBNO is also a very bad stat
You did it. Now you can... well... I guess do the same thing but maybe a tiny bit more efficient.
||nice rolls though, not blaming you, but the game||
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>first time doing 119
>supply moisture from boss + enduring BP
I think i just fucked up my Ultimate Gley Code luck again....
Fuck I'm drunk and confused discord spoilers with 4chan spoilers
Are people just psycho farming, or are there just tons of paypiggies? I'm seeing a lot of Haileys lately.
its 20 dollars nigga
Which character is best boss killer with lower investment?
Figured, thanks.
actually you want max MP...
I'm like 40% done farming for hailey and it's my first day trying. also too much of a brainlet for actual invasions
yeah i want max mp on the piece that doesnt roll mp SHUT UP RETARDS
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I did the grind. It's really tedious and not worth it, but I didn't feel like waiting for all the pieces through invasion.
Your fat ass spends more on dominos
99% sure lepic will give you a 6s boss clear at much lower investment than hailey, unless you have a bunch of maxed weapons for some reason
you literally dont need any modules on hailey or her weapon to delete bosses pre glut
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>much lower investment
Being an ult immediately places Hailey ahead of him. He only comes closer due to innate sockets
I'm fine doing it the slow way. Let's me sorta "multi-task" my gaming without having to just play TFD.
I said normal not ult. normal lepic with like a single catalyst will 6s bosses
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>try to farm gley reactor before it leaves
>purple cooldown and colossus
At this point I take anything.
where is the farm again
do you think he wont?
that is literally what you want
Doesn't need anything but a colossus damage roll on any type of reactor at all with two magazine size mods on any gun and you have 7-8 shots of ~3600% skill damage with a 45% base skill crit rate. She's broken out of the box but a lot of people haven't had the chance to see that yet.

She also happens to hard counter the boss that drops the external component set she wants, not that she even needs the slayer set to put her over the top anyway.
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>wow these percentages arent bad
>oh wait these are sharen amps
gets me every tiem
any good hailey reactors out right now?
kill any intercept boss for a random chance to get chill/sing sniper reactors
Frozen Valley will have purple ammo chill singular reactors next rotation in a few hours. Same area where you farm energy activator's ion particles so you're killing two birds with one stone.
Cum again?
fuck me I cannot get my red mods to drop..
how did you see it ahead of time
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Best component setup for Cold Blood Ult Viessa is 2 pc Anni/2 pc Polar Night?
That or slayer if you can deal with the draw backs
It's funny too because you need to do invasions anyways for the supply coins (unless they give zero shits about that too) so it's completely pointless to do it early unless they are retarded and can't gold invasions or just paypigs who don't care
>captcha VAAGG
which hailey part has the longest run
Which runs are fastest for each part is a better question
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Did they change how max expandable range works? My understanding was that it was always your applied value +100%. Bunny's 3 has max expandable range of 300%, and you can hit it when your skilled effect range shows 200%.

Valby's 3 shows 250%, which means a max if you see 150% in applied value. But I'm going to 200% and it keeps getting bigger, same with viessa.
>got a stabilizer before a single 083 or 082
This shit is RIGGED
Max range for skills have always been capped 300% the base value and you start at 100%.

+100% is double, 200% is triple (max.)
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the nun skin should've been like this
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The flaps should have been an option back attachment.
Boom, problem solved, everyone is happy.

These devs are so shortsighted
Tacky and crass. The current skin is elegant and erotic, designed for women instead of men
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>3d models are up

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>all this suffering just for a normal character
yeah nah fuck this shit
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took longer to get the molecule gel than any of the valby parts. weird
>Skill Crit Rate: 180%

uhhh how does that even work? should I go Skill Crit Dmg instead of Rate on the reactor?
It's +1.8x your base crit rate.
it's 180% of your base crit rate

is that ideal?
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do this on the inventory page instead
Viessa's base crit rate is 15% Assuming you get a 30% crit rate reactor substat on top of your 180% bonus from modules, that would give you 210% bonus crit rate for a total of 46.5% crit rate.
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>All settings are on high/ultra
>No upscaling
>Sharpness set to 7
>Characters still look blurry
It's amazing how characters in 10 year old korean mmo look better than this UE5 shit.
They look fine in cutscenes and character selection screen but the moment you looks at them in game it's ps3 tier, is forced TAA really that bad.
It's because it's using the newer UEs. They handle AA terribly. We could potentially avoid this if given different AA options, but the game locks those out. The newer UEs handle hair the worst.
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Works on my machine.
Holy kino they should add this for a winter update.
>They look fine in cutscenes and character selection screen but the moment you looks at them in game it's ps3 tier
The cutscenes are using enhanced lighting and higher detailed models. They use the same detail as the descendant select splash screens and the customization screen.
I'll only paypig if they add reverse bunnysuits with three heart shaped pasties.
what about spade shaped ones
Did I stutter, shithead?
only if QoS
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You should be rounded up and shot
das rayciss nigga, we aint dogs for white women to fuck.
damn the 2 agna infils take forever
only for hailey and viessa
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>still no ult gley code
The ARs feel really great to use. I wish the ultimate ones weren't all shitty gimmick weapons.
sharen should have increased move speed while stealth
Gotta wait for Ult Freya release and maybe they will buff Fallen Hope. This is my coping mechanism for maxing out this weapon.
and no collision with npcs
No collision with lasers would be good too.
I fucking hate the new event.
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Update tonight?
>presumbably could have bought Hailey immediately
>then did the new Story as Hailey
>could watch Hailey save Hailey from Greggman or whatever the boss was
I'm holding out for multiplayer. I can get gold but it's so stressful that I'd rather get silver with a group than gold alone.
i like how much gold it gives, im back to 30 something mil already since this patch started
they said weapon rebalances will come after season 1
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I want this to be in game.....
sorry you get butt wings that jut out 5 inches horizontally and float above the ass before dropping down instead
Indeed it is stressful, but it's hell of a lot better than being bored. I'm cursing at my screen again and I've never been more pleased. I am enjoying these sweaty bunny runs.
What makes you think that people aren't just going to warp out if gold isn't possible
The best changes they can make

Gun has 9 ammo
Extend Gold timer and let the symbols show up after leaving the starting platform
one round to disable the shield
just be a shitter who gets silver instead you gay
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>plays brainlet bunny
>enjoys challenge
sure thing retard-kun
You guys are actually finding it hard to get those in these? your EL bros? one fully built and cata'd EL will pretty much make you get gold every time
Just use YouTube or Reddit. If you don't mind getting bronze it's not bad at all. 4.8m gold for free every day and with Inversion perks getting buffed it's only going to get easier.

Everyone will have a free Hailey around 25 days. I opened 50+ amps for 1 Ult Bunny Code so this is easy af
um exsqueeze me sweaty, if I can not clear it in 20 seconds with my unleveled, uncatalyzed char with similarly unleveled guns, then it is too hard. i should also get all 36 pieces in one run and have 0 craft time so i can be done in one log in and then have nothing to do so i can complain here about that instead. thanks
think of it this way, getting gold instead of silver probably only saves you another 1-2 runs of hard magister lab
the pillar one is tedious, but none of these are challenging, if you can't get gold your build or gun is shit. none of the invasions are actually hard, just poorly designed.
there is something to be said about shitty drop rates too
look at the skindentation, god bless these gooks
nostradumbass here; the people who will matchmake are either genuinely struggling or new so the complaints will still continue because the shitters will just be running with other shitters and newbies

the megadungeons will be as difficult as an infant's shape and color toy by the time it's released and we'll still have players being filtered by it
If only they didn't cover it
oh? then which character do you smart people play?
for a challenge? unironically Luna
Honestly the thing that cracks me up the most is so many players here with 100s of hours who still are running horrible gun and character builds, and how much this whole thing has exposed them for being retards.
im a casual and my only problem are the homming bullets of the enemies
I want to see someone doing an invasion boss with only her sound gun, whenever people bring up they play a character for the "challenge" and i see them running shit like EL or gregs it's depressing.
Reactor stats for Luna? Do I want tech for her 1 or singular for her other skills?
Singular, you spend all your time in your 2,3,4 for shooting and those are singular skills.
brb raping valby to get sub 2 minute runs...
other skills if using noise surge, if not buff her 1
I only play with the sound gun, I did just get Noise Surge and am trying to figure out how to balance manaburnt to AoE damage now, I also didn't know it kicks you out of your song if you miss too many notes if you have that mod equipped.
>can open the doors with skills
Seems broken.
It kicks you out of the song if you run out of mana, that is what is happening, missing notes nukes your mana.
yeah same except i learned you can stand behind things and still shoot them while they cant hit you. so unironically use your brain
enzo's 4 can do it too
as her base yeah, but for whatever reason with Noise Surge it will end my Red song and pop me back to Yellow, but not end the Performance like it does when you lose all your mana
sure, even more when the arena is a circle and they spawn everywhere
to elaborate, with Nimble steps or whatever if you missed your notes, it burnt mana and kicks you out of your soundgun minigame if you run out. but if you didn't play them at all it didn't matter (say you were running from room to room you don't have to keep "playing" with Noise Surge, if you don't play them it just ends that buff performance and reverts you to the base Yellow song and not back to your Assault Rifle or whatever.
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Wait I just had an epiphany. Is Bunny the reason we have aimbot AI? My thought process is that Bunny is too fast and the devs didn't want Bunnies just zooming around bosses not taking damage.
ahh i see what you mean.

That is because with noise surge you need to keep hitting the notes, so if you use the Z song, you need to keep hitting Z and each time you hit it you deal AoE damage and build up your big song.
Gotcha. Now....how exactly do I play her? I get the 1 skill mini game, but do I just want to cycle between her other skills? Am I looking for a lot of duration here to extend her buff timers or is song cycling at a faster rate preferred?
yeah, now I just need to get the mana regen to sustain that kind of playing all the damn time, it taps me quick
just cycle your songs on notes to give allies more buffs at once, cycling also refills your 1 ammo, it also builds up inspiration for her enhanced song faster.

the purple is your highest DPS song and gives you enhanced song for shooting guys, for your sound gun btw, second would be blue, avoid staying on red unless you are buffing a skill power using character with you.
Bunny is the reason we have most of the stupid things
>insane XP requirements
>enemy invulnerability, including the balls
>random terrain geometry
>afk reporting
hell you can even attribute the cancerous current invasion event to that character
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you just need externals with a gold max MP and MP recovery modifier, literally all i have and i never run out of mana.

Also remember playing an enhanced song with noise surge refills 50% mana.

just noticed i clicked the wrong guy
just know what her skills do, they do different things for you and for your listeners,

Red gives you a stacking Skill Power buff at its base and a huge one as a full performance/ for your listeners it increases their skill damage by a good amount,

Blue is mana regen for you and the others, at a full performance it also reduces the cost of their skills like crazy 50% or more.

Pink lets you build your bar super fast, it also is the fastest song off the bat so you can do more damage with the minigame and not waste your MP, your listeners get 10% CD reduction the longer it is played.
its full song resets all your parties CDs

Smart parties (or those with comms) will let you do your Pink off the bat, get a full Red song for them, then wait till you play it so they can do crazy damage. as a fight goes on you should let them know when you are gonna reset their CD for them, then while in Pink play for 10 shots and give them a Max Red on top of that, (it never happens though, you reset their shit and instead of waiting the blow it right away every damn time)

For fights you really just weave in and out of Red and Pink, and grab drops for mana (or play blue if you can't find any)

This is why I was calling Bunny braindead fyi, all she has to do is push 1 button
Ouch. I never realized how bad everything was until Hailey came out. I have 300 hours on bunny and Hailey is the first descendant I've switched to. Super fun and enjoyable but definitely feels like everything is catered to bunny, and now I'm realizing even the bad mechanics are for her too.
after seeing how fucking amazing Hailey is, i am so let down by the power of Luna, she does all this work for some okay results, she as a personal buff that she can keep up for a very long time that is better than the buff Luna gives.

Hailey worries me about a thread of power creep to sell new busted characters.
Playing Hailey made me realize that when the devs were bitching about not enough gun focus in the meta, they forgot to give gun characters a way to deal with hordes and mobbing in general, while bunny can rape hordes and still use things like EL or gregs to murder bosses.
Blue is the 2nd fastest song, but your own personal buff with Red outstrips it pretty quickly after a few sacks, its a bit slower (at points it picks up in speed for the "bass drop" you know... like a song) but you do better the longer you play it.

you also don't have to swap Red to Blue to Pink/Purple. You can totally do Red to Red or Blue to Blue to refresh the song and get more ammo for your gun, it still counts as a proper swap and gives you a counter for your Full Song
See the buff that appears to the right of the gauge? Like 'largo' 'forte' 'crescendo'? You get one for starting the song and one fore every note you hit, and you lose one for every note you miss. If you hit zero, you are kicked out of song.
Yes, this means if you miss the first note of the song you get kicked out, whether you missed by being shit or you missed it by getting blindsided by a knockdown or freeze mob.
Why are you replying to me? i am not the once asking for luna help
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