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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + skin
Combat UI update
Felix, Flandre and Shimanto Fate Sims
More games added to the arcade prize shop
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Pittsburgh ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbK3XDyYe1c
Daedalian Hymn added to war archives- Vittorio Veneto, Duca degli Abruzzi, Aquila, Torricelli, Maestrale, Libeccio permanent

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
Nagato META
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana
Mutsuki Skin

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>492733972
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Good morning!!!
gm sir
Reply to yourself like three times now
I hope Yamato isnt drawn by Dishwadher
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Too late
Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
Why is Roma like this?
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Ask should draw Yamato
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Conqueror grindset
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wrong pic
Shitty brain damaged bimbo
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>wrapped in the national french flag
Based Mog
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Blessed Genius Maiden
Woah he might be retarded but he is not the mogcel
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Why do frogs have such huge asses?
good morning
Ugly shitter
whats the point of ass if you cant make babies with it?
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Developed from years of doing their cultural dance
Based (You) farmer
Reply to yourself more
it's just a white towel
So? why did you stop talking about them? Did something interrupt you?
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why does the mogcuck reply to himself ever-so-often? we know he's samefagging so why does he do this to himself
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you got xim
He's upset no one really gives a shit about her and this is his way to get back at the general. He has been doing this ever since CN anni, talk about mental illness.
Weird right? Something suddenly stopped the usual pasta talk, what could have been?
Normal people usually do not samefag like you do, frogbro
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Anti-frog schizo biting everything in front of him
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I like Mog though
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holy based
Kek he got you
I have no idea bro, no idea.
Based pornfried goonbrain
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same, most of us love mog.
Nah you just want to masturbate to her
Kek you exposed xim so now xe's going all out
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People masturbate to a lot of boats doe
i love Mogador!!
Damn he's really a sad existance
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Mogbros report in
reporting, sir. I love mog!
Based cumbrain
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Ugly piece of shit
What are you even talking about?
We are not /d/, fuck off
love mog!!
Good thing this bimbo shitter is already forgotten
and what a comfy start the thread had with the GOOD MORNING guy...
You'll have to reply to yourself a lot more than that
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Damn this guy is actually brain damaged, not mog.
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I went away for like half an hour to fap and take a shit and the thread went to shit. Weird.
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Post Essex to fix the thread.
/trash/, /pol/, /his/ plus being literally terminally online does this to you, enjoy the show i guess.
Bro you stopped replying to yourself, now everyone will realize you were samefagging all along!!!
you forgot /x/
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Everyone knows already and he's a shitposter anyway so he does not care
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France really did a number to the sorry sod
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>go on /trash/ for the first time
>first thing i see - male stable diffusion general with naked wolf guy
enough internet for today
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You did NOT have to share that information.
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Man I remember when this shit started.
It takes shitposter levels of dedication/mental illness to keep this routine going for so long uninterrupted.
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i was hoping the frogschizo would go there to check it out since it's more his domain
CN W15 tier list. Zuihou is pretty high.
It only takes one frogschizo with no social life dead set on ruining this place really
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Furries should remove themselves from the gene pool.
>Antifrogschizo literally repeating what was said about him but redirected
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Where do you think they're coming from?
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She's going to do it.
flash her massive boobs and pp
Perseus my love, my bed warmer
why does he shove the pornfried bimbo down our throats?
What, surrender? That's a given
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OpSi tier list. For some reason, Zuihou is missing. Probably because she doesn't have preload.
The anti frog trashposter really has the nerve to call everyone around him trashposter when he shitposts on any mentions of frogs all the time.
He's REALLY mad people don't like her
Hans does that a lot.
thanks for posting something useful, all the frog drama starts to annoy me
Factionfagging: not even once
why is long island so high on the list?
Silly how any of these responses and concerntrolling only happen starting around these hours, you can post frogs Mogador included for a good chunk of the previous hour and nothing will happen.
Proof they are the same guy?
>you can post frogs Mogador included
Are you bragging about samefagging or something bro?
Ryuuhou is A+, and Zuihou here is literally described as Ryuuhou+ so being the tier right above her make sense
As if it wasn't any more obvious
Maybe her augment? I haven't made it for her yet, so I'm not sure how much better it makes her.
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You can check the previous thread, retard
especially when its the same time frame of the other types of shitposts, almost like the guy seething about frogs is also the same guy shitting up this thread for seven years
You weren't supposed to point that out
Xe was just tossing bait around and seeing if anyone could bite, just to samefag a little later on, like xe always does
Good morning, is it true your game is -acking! in real time as we speak?
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I like Moga because she's a purple, purple is my favorite color and so are purple botes.
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Good morning
It appears you didn't check the previous thread yourself
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>you can post frogs Mogador included for a good chunk of the previous hour and nothing will happen
You can post about it all the time if you simply ignore and [-] anybody you don't like.
I'm so tired of the antifrog schizo
Way to shit up these threads
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Don't know what you mean
It's still the top grossing
We get it, your brain is full of cum after years of gooning
Frogkek thrives on that shit anon, he likes it, because he is the shitposter
It's not his game, he doesn't actually play it.
Frogtrannies are that obnoxious, yeah
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It's no wonder every tine they start spamming their trash faction the thread's quality drops
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Very smart, thank you janbaru.
Yeah, I realized too late I asked a rhetorical question. Funny shit though.
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Personally I just go do something else when I see one of them start posting, a few months ago all it would take were a couple minutes, but now they have become way more persistent and annoying
Based essex
Holy samefagging
This is the most attention you get in a day, talking to yourself?
Yeah, I picked up blue archive because of the spamming, been enjoying that a lot.
Seems like /alg/ unanimously hates baguettes except during a specific set amount of hours a day, weird innit?
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huh, I should try that too. Can't deny I've bitten his bait more than once.
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Good timing, that game is about to implode and the 2 biggest artists have already quit.
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Same desu, I don't even have the strength to stub them because when they begin, this place becomes nuclearized and no one wants to talk anyway
yeah? post your current raid rank.
>specific set amount of hours a day, weird innit?
Yeah, when the thread is not dead and the frogtranny cannot samefag uninterrupted
Right on the mark.
A period of time that matches human sleeping hours, that's even weirder
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BA has like one artist (mx2j)
The other guy is a writer who got fired years ago
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well, that was obvious
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It's over for baggots
Translation, Shitler.
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How did Perseus go from aloof and awkward and having difficulty expressing herself to being affectionate, friendly, and flirty?
Based Autist
Just pixiv fucking up as usual
You destroyed 'em
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Notice how the mogposting suddenly stopped all at once when he started concerntrolling and sperging out, funny innit?
Repeating what was said about you but in reverse again?
You got xim, pretty hard too.
Post more Perseus
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Gib missiles
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Oh yeah sure here sorry I was replying to the other guy
Been taking it easy this raid
no point in pushing as long as you get plat
Why hasn't he posted about BA in 2 months and has only been retweeting stuff about this new title/studio though
>n-no don't use my own projection against me!!!!
kincora and cloud and hasn't posted anything in months and has been liking blue archive posts i guess it's over for azur lane lol
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"Goddamnit." And I am no troon.
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>asia server
Why are you doing literally what you are accusing him of?
Damn... Can't argue with facts and logic...
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He's the mogcel bro, not me
There's no rumor about manjuu employers leaving the company though
That's the key difference
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Shitposting this much, at this time? I can scarcely believe it!
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your only proof mx2j left is he hasn't posted any pictures in 2 months lol
By that metric AL artists are long gone huh
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I mean, AL artists only draw blue archive anymore, so...
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TCG Shinano
i guess if they need replacement artists they could always pick up a few from azur lane lol (not that AL's artists could ever make the cut)
Why don't you get ahead of the curve and start shilling the new thing?
You did the same with AK and GFL before BA

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Cute Regolo, Libeccio and Ognevoy
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NTA but AK makes way more money than BA, it's already a bigger thing and if he doesn't play it anymore is purely for his own preferences, it doesn't need any shilling.
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Welcome back bro, keep samefagging
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How about you samefag my DICK.
How do they get down? :(
BA doesn't need shilling either, it's literally been the face of comiket for like the past 3 years
Nice 4chanx usage, and keep your tranny inclinations for you and your trashbuddies, thanks
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If you are that samurai bro, you have my thanks.
Keep replying to yourself
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This mission is LITERALLY impossible.
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cute E
She isn't missing, she's at C+ with Ryuuhou.
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
If we ever get Enterprise II, would that be for some big celebration or a desperate attempt when the game is super-dying?
Game is already super dying bro we're not even on page 1 anymore
Just in time for the Project KV hypetrain
He'll start mentioning it soon enough.
why settle for a bootleg? might as well play blue archive.
All I see is general disinterest or hostility for that game
It's an obvious bootleg, what did they expect? They even copied the halo and all.
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Remember to pet your dogs today
Maya can watch
How in the world is Pittsburgh in the same rank as URs and DRs that do far more damage, and have far better survivability? Is her burn skill that good or something?
Update your game
>High Attack Meat|Armor Break
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What happens if I tell NJ that she's too much woman for me?
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Manjuu! Give us the CLT monster already!
she'd peg your faggot ass with a strap on
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Ohayo /alg/, I'm done setting up bot + modded APK. Which stage yields the best EXP for PR farming?
i'm sure she'll figure out an arrangement so her womanly needs are fulfilled..
Which bote is that
>modded APK
Why bother? You'll get banned.
Game is ending soon anyway, doubt I'll get banned before that.
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>botting and cheating
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How long will manjew be able to milk this game before it dies after they release Yamato? All the factions are running out of real boats except the burgers
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Donghuang will grow
Kitakami when?
They'll probably put the game in maint mode for a year or two after azur promilla comes out
3 kids with each
The only real boats people care about are the Yamato class, that's it. The release of all the Yamatos spells the death of the game's publicity. After that I'd say half a year of Yamato craze (if they do her properly) and then increasing oblivion.
They'll keep it alive for as long as there are people buying skins and merch. Realistically, I'd say 4 to 5 more years, but the game could live well into the 2030s.
imagine her cute baby, little ulrich
>5 years
That's until EoS mind you
In the meantime the game will increasingly bleed revenue, players and activity
In about 1 year from Yamato the game will be as good as dead
No one outside of JP gives a shit about Yamato at a personal level, and it's the server that has been shrinking the most.
CN drives the game, and as long as it does well in revenue, then the game is going to continue, even as a shambling zombie.
>He unironically believes people care about naval history
>He unironically believes players care about naval history
A made up bote would easily defeat Yamato just by being better looking or having better skins.
The Essex Replacement Theory
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which essex is the one with the white hair?
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Echidna from that isekai
If you dumb faggets say the game is gonna die in x years why do you still spend money on it
The people who say that don't even play the game, let alone spend money on it.
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not canon
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Do ritualposters even exist anymore?
Nigers were are yamato batlewarship girl
??????????? I require this character ship very much please begged you now gives meeeeeeee yamato pleas !!!!!!!!!
Which are the strongest lorewise characters we can get? I assume unzen musashi and shinano?
The dogshit op poster outlived them all, impressive.
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The headpatship
Well the mainzposter fulfilled his destiny, the nanodaposter chickened out, the others vanished, lately I see the DAL one and I think that's it?
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head patting veneto after baby making sex
The wombpatship
Why do I find straßburg so hot
She's a kraut, of course she is hot.
Shh you're gonna trigger the frog schizo
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Essex? Won.
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Ponytail veneto...
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She's dunk's sister
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Ponytail Veneto is extremely lewd
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Essex? Lost
not canon
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Made for hotdogging
Blood sausaging, you mean.
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Pekora from Hololive collab 2
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Tell us if you ever get banned with a modded APK. ALAS alone won't get you banned.
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she will be real one day, just for me
>welfare bote that's given to ALL players after 7 days
doubt it
bros how do we 3 star clear 14-2? I think I need to swap the rainbow HE gun for an AP gun. Since I keep getting to the final boss down to 10 or so bars of hp, but they just aren't fast enough.
What does she mean by this?
why does anchorage not have this skin in game?

They will just give us playable sirens at that point and I will be fine with that.
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The dew makes me happy.
Use better ships.
>the year is 2024
>chinks have still not thought of sorting weapons by AMMO TYPE.
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i want to lick the sweat off essex's body after she has a grueling motorcycle race
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what do
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Which bote would never let go of me, no matter what I do?
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AL needs more of this.
Yes you can and it’s been a thing for years now.
Roma is looking at me lustfully.
just scrapped Pittsburgh
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You are done for bro
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Why is she giving me that look?
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The original yandere boat, like straight up insane and dangerous.
Also made into one of the worst boats in the game, so no one gave a shit about her.
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>Mogadour SS in OPsi
But, anon told me that she was a meme
cute Kijów
What, now you are not bitching about Eugen's placement, dumb tranny?
botes cannot look like this and expect me to not impregnate them
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like 90% of the bote in general, these two in particular
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Why is she looking at skk like this?
Akagi will NOT be getting into my bed ever again after she killed Kaga due to her autism
what if the only way of getting Kaga back is going through Akagi's womb?
I'm going to need like seven hands to grab that giant ass
So the new EU boats are good? Kind of hard to believe Indiana is in the same league as some of the BBs she is ranked in, or is this really just taking into account her ability to protect the frontline only?
ok, i have questions about the following, someone please help me understand their tiering
>long island
Cut the image and put it through google translate.
Imagine SKK telling botes that he'll marry a human as he wants children, wouldn't that be funny? haha
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Despite being a lazy sleeper she is a massive whore, she literally dreamfucks you
Schizo doesn't want to remember that there are other foreign language communities, it destroys his fictional world where baguettes are hated.
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>Napoli is le bad, dead on arrival
>T EX in W15 and T0 in OS
You made xim so mad xe directly replied to ximself lel
Titsbourg and Ankerjii hanging out on top with the big girls
So it seems but the problem is that he's not wrong...
Please understand, the mogcel is desperate for some, any, validation.
Titsburg and Ankerejii**
Frog Derangement Syndrome
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How It's Made
The problem is always mental illness, anon
She conquered me.
I really question Pittsburg being up there with those Rainbows and Anchorage. She is going to get vaporized really quickly, regardless of her ability to armor break the enemy.
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You'll make a suitable emperor consort
What's wrong with it? She is not in a super powerful tier either, it's about right
Brainlet here. Sorry to ask this once again, but can you post your fleet to beat W15 please? I have every meta ship but I don't know how to make a good team.
I mean, isn't it obvious? There's literally no way Manjuu would make a bad rainbow bote in 2024
Warspite Retro? She was nothing special even when she came out.
Bis2 unicorn claudia
Brest sandy laffey2

Musashi aquila implacable
Guam Plymouth shimanto

Lusty centaur york2
>in 2024
Bro your 2024?
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The prettiest pr7
That's a shitty lineup anon
Don't listen to the retard, there's actual infographics on the best fleets, don't have them with me rn though
What's wrong with it?
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>Dear Commander,

>The "Whence the Dust Settles" event will be available after the upcoming maintenance. Grasp this chance to complete missions and get the limited gear skin.
Another jp anni prelude?
Well, at least she is the tankiest among her sisters, with higher HP, 15% EVA and a barrier when at low HP.
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Probably because it has Brest in it, you can't say that she's good in /alg/
Bro, bote dicks in my lol
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Can you find it shikikan~
Doesn't Eldridge kind of make super specialized tanky boats obsolete? She is making the whole frontline super tanky, so wouldn't putting in boats that sacrifice survivability for higher damage or skills now more meta with Eldridge taking up the slack?
The rope? Yeah, it's here, feel free to use it
I don’t know where you found your gay infographics but I’m pretty sure they recommend 90% of these.
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Why is Richelieu looking at us like that?
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>Whence the dust has settled, are the new ships any good?
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Predictions for 7th Anni for JP?
Correct, but the tier compares ships of their same hull type between each other, not who is best at what role. You ideally only need a dps cruiser, eldridge and an AA/backline support vanguard.
Marco Polo? Staying asleep for this event now too
The invulnerability is up 50% of the time so if manjuu makes a boss that works around that Eldridge is not the best.
Royal Navy UR event
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Veneto party dress
Anniversary stream doko?
Where can I hear this music in the game
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Essex oath skin
Eos announcement
>Still makes an easy couple million.
>always replies with EoS.
Dock filler like every new boat that's not a UR these days.
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Shhhe, my daughter is sleeping
Sex scenes
>a repurposed HMS design is the prettiest
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No, where is it?
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my kneels are bending on their own
henlo i just woke up
where are the new cunny skins they announced overnight while i was asleep
I've seen way worse AI slop
not bad
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Head Maid love.
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US DDs....
The suicide statistic is not going to like this
this guy makes the best looking aislop
That Baltimore one is pretty good
You missed the announcement that all cunnies are to be replaced by mommy boats with big honking milkers.
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>Give her a L2D bikini skin
>Literally print money
Why don't they do this?
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How is this guy still going?
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Zuihou is a pretty good healer bote who procs often. As in every 10s it heals 2% hp for 3 botes.
not canon
>so unbelievable they had to make slop of it
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I should really ring Allen as well. Phantom thief skin was peak sex.
Also, I'll likely never ring Hamm but I did give her a permanent dorm slot.
I think I’ll just let this one go to voicemail
why the chinese server?
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would oath more but im fine with her being my only oathed destroyer
I couldn't bring myself to abandon all my wives when global started.
Not like I haven't been skipping the story the whole time anyway.
chirp chirp~
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Maid content, this anni for sure.
Oiiii! Tori saan!
Pretty accurate depiction of my daily life with botes.
>be skk
>wake up
>see this
how is skk supposed to think logically?
Azur Lane 2 should be like Nikke, a 2D game with 3D physics where we can see bote boobs and butts while we play.
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Manjuu doesn't give a shit about ship girls anymore, they are going the Genshin route, and will blow everyone away. Just you watch.
>they are going the Genshin route, and will blow everyone away
only if they can take player base from mihoyo
You wanted this?
the logical answer is to fuck botes
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I thought we were going after the Palworld audience.
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oh no not the precious coin
>game is female only
Genshit fanbase is already filtered
Cute snowbun
the sound of me plapping sex echoes through the galaxy
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which botes give the nastiest blowjobs?
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God is real and he is loves cunny
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That's JK territory my man
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>tfwno lovely birb wife irl
Playing minecraft co op with Marco, Impero and Veneto
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Mogador is very hot inside
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Chirp Chirp
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Do we really need a 3rd UR BB (if Yamato) this year?
>shitty brain damaged bimbo
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We can't have a 4th without a 3rd
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Do we really need anything?
And we're probably getting a fourth this December
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>no underwear

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lovely fox
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I want this as an L2D so fucking bad
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Lovely fox
Don't care. The side-by-side comparison with BA characters is too forced. Doremi has a sameface problem and the others are different enough.
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Would you Thiccarus?
Imagine getting man handled by her susanoo
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I think about this every day
Imma be honest anon: I forgot about her.
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I think about this every day
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Taihou is to young to be drinking alcohol.
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I think about this every day.
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Taihou doesn't chirp so she is now an inferior bird wife.
Apparently this was drawn by Lusty's new artist.
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Says (you)
Only Le Cunny, Mogador and Painleve
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Musashi-chan my beloved...
Based and canon poster
Not canon for Pittsburgh, Guam, NJ, Baltimore, Roon, Bremerton, Belfast, St. Louis, Illustrious, Zara, Taihou, Hood, Eugen, Prinz Heinrich, Agir
Says the bbc cuck
>dish can draw Musashi-chan just fine
It's happening, expect it on the stream.
Only some of those are french thoughever
Finally someone said it!
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I'm usually not the biggest fan of most of his out of game art, but this one does actually look very nice. But unfortunately, I doubt that basically fan art will get put into game just like that.
How would (You) feel if Manjuu confirmed that KANSEN can't get pregnant?
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What do we think about this new skin? I like it, but I will probably save my gems for botes that I will use. Right now the chance is 50/50.
Ignore them.
Ignore them/not care, but get a good-hearted chuckle out of it because it ended up impacting the game/company enough to confirm it one way or the other. It's always been doujin/fanart territory anyway.
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She's looking at you like if you are garbage
Don't care. Plap hebegato
After watching the shitshow from GFL and Granblue when they confirm or deny things I think Manjuu will just stay quiet about it. They've already written in sex so why would they ruin it?
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She's looking at you with mesugaki smugness
pretty bold of aislop to look at anyone like that
Why is AI slop so easy to notice, even after AI got much better?
she looks at me with the confidence of someone about to get PREGNANT by me
unironically cause it's souless
What if they do it just to prevent being targeted by further CCP regulations/censorship and to get money out of BlackRock?
91 seconds from >492880570 to >492880748

91 seconds from >492880967 to >492881145

90 seconds from >492881010 to >492881181
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Her voice itself is melodic, the birdsong of her husband (Me). There's evidence she is also a cat, whos vocalizations are literally designed to tug at the hearts of men (white). So that's like a double whammy.
We know that already
Nigger you must be tone-deaf.
That alcohol is for me.
And I'm going to drink it from the bottle, right where the bottle is.
>Taihou doesn't chirp
you must do terrible job at night battles then, you absolute shitcan
My lovely birdcat
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Death to Human women sisters.
They keep multiplying, yet you just stay the same. How sad.
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But SKK is a human woman?
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>"I'd like to make an announcement. I am getting married to a human."
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Go to bed biden
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made for humans
leave my sister out of it
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>Noshiro works for the cartel now
Al SKK ya se lo cargo la verga
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Mark Pienaples
poor little shotakan
ending up in the KMS rape dungeon, a fate worse than death
noshiro feet
my face my mouth my chest my penis
>but I will probably save my gems for botes that I will use.
why the fuck are you illiterate
you literally have the en announce image post right there, go read it on twitter

>dude i'm gunna save my gems
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Bro you killed him....
>What do we think about this new skin?
it's cute and funny and i kinda like seeing my little botes grow up a little, it's been 7 years after all
watching your kids grow up is a unique fatherly experience...precious...
Do I have to say it again after all those years? Really? Fine.
Those attracted to children are no smarter than one.
Bro im thinking im gonna save my gems too
Hopefully all lolis get something similar, and they grow up just like her.
Sending kindergartners into the battlefield is cringe, the base isn't a daycare.
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When is the dew gonna get an oath skin?
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I kinda want to oath this italian cow
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da vinki
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I want to oath skk
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You haven't married Veneto yet?
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I oathed Roma first, Veneto will be next
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She is an absolute cutie, get to it SKK
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USS Texas, when?
Da Vinki??!
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Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
>a whole square for herself
Truly the most brilliant
Volga мoй любимый
NC my beloved
Aquila mia amata
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Greatest pair of legs on base? Or maybe the world?
Vertical is attack power and Horizontal is healing power. The Two pink cunts if one for her preload and the other for her other strikes after
I like her base art but she's such a whatever character,
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NTA but it's kinda crazy how so many nice bodies are in sardegna yet I only went for Zara (after she hit 120 too)
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Very possible, I don't find anyone beating it of my mind. Therefore I think of it every day.
It's not called fertility empire for nothing
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zuihou offers you an egg in this trying time
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I will fertilize her egg(s).
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>new, more catlike mutsuki chibi
ok now THIS feels curesed
I wouldn't really care
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I like the pastas but at the end of the day I'm mostly an Eagle Unionfag, will oath Vento and Impero eventually as well
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>how so many nice bodies are in sardegna
>yet I only went for Zara
There's her sisters for starters
Dabinky shoving her fertile young pussy on my face
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Ah yes, the famous Sardegna mating ritual of presenting the spouse to her husband in the hot spring
Mutsuki looks like she's grown a little in this skin, like from Kindergartner to like 5th or 6th grader
Because it shows Mutsuki retro, which we will be getting for JP Anni.
>yet I only went for Zara
Sounds like you're missing out
Worst disclaimer ever.
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the nut
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I think about this everyday
will they include the portapotties?
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>another prep the bull mini event
man, anniversary better not disappoint
I am going to nut inside her.
Scylla is a terrible maid, I will have either Belfast or Sirius cleaning my office and bedroom instead
i now have saved up enough cubes to hit the UR pity....
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Her sister is better.
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I oathed the horse. Now to pray for a L2D skin.
What theme do you want?
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Yumi a cutie~
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Has there been any leaks? Are we finally getting Yamato? Like how much longer do we have to wait for her...
>Has there been any leaks?
>Are we finally getting Yamato?
50/50 between her and Amagi
>Like how much longer do we have to wait for her...
Next year at the earliest if she doesn't show up this time
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I prefer Fubuki
i just can't bring myself to masturbate to zuihou, she is to precious
>50/50 between her and Amagi
Nothing prevents us from getting both, like Laffey II and Guam
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>Next year at the earliest if she doesn't show up this time
What makes you so sure she'll be implemented at all?
That's possible, but why blow such a big load for a single anni. Amagi/Yamato + Ayanami II seems like the more likely combo.
My cousin has a friend and his dad works at Manjuu.
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Something casual like Lulu's yukata, but I wouldn't complain if they did some lewd skin like most of them recently.
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>My cousin has a friend and his dad works at Manjuu.
Understandable. I believe you 100% now.
NTA but I also oathed her so I am qualified to answer. Her being a shrine maiden, I'd like something in a similar theme, maybe a bath/onsen theme where she wears a fundoshi and a simple rag/cloth bra.
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Yeah I think I'm never using any of this.
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You're missing out
If 3d dorms do not drop on the JP anni then it will not happen this year
Well yeah.
Once the collab is over, you throw that trash right into the closet. It's like why keep out Halloween or Christmas decorations after the holiday?
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Chary is a cutie but Hermione-tier dull in comparison.
They already teased it so much and looks mostly finished, it's getting released this anni
I love Sagger Lane.
I don't' get it. Does this mean Promila has less competition now?
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SKK gets to fuck THIS?
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It’s because Sakura empire is running out of ships, they can only go for so many before they start getting into paper ships(which is so very few unlike iron blood) or get bailed out by WOWS material
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This artist always draws delicious legs and thighs
Why is she so fucking fat?
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botes get to fuck this?
all of em, at once
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>Scylla is a terrible maid
>I will have Sirius instead
>Enterprise will do sexy poses for me
Enterprise really does want the SKKcock huh
Sirius is better than a femdom rapist AND WILL ACTUALLY CLEAN MY OFFICE
Reminder that mares have superb control over their vaginal muscles.
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Lol. Lmao even.
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most memorable bote of the year
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I think your forgetting someone
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as we should lol
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For me, it's my beloved demon lord
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The every 10s thing is a special airstrike, she heals only with her normal airstrikes, would be crazy if she healed that every 10 seconds.
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name them all
ez, krauts
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I was going to try from memory before I realized I only know like 5 of the U/Z boat numbers off the top of my head.
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Holy shit Scylla is stacked as FUCK
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grope Niimi
We have lots of arts of her big boobers in her default but barely any with her dress which is even better
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We already had a Mutsuki retro alzheimerbro...
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Pumping babies into Essex will cure her of her racism, she'll just be a loving mother instead
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>Greetings, Master. ...You'd like to hold the leash for once? Heehee, the thing you should be holding is not the leash, but my hand
I don't use gremlins so I didn't remember her.
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As expected from the Dido class
Funniest post ITT
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>name them all
my wives,
z1 z2 friedrich eckholdt z18 z19 z20 z21

z23 z24 z25 z26 z28 z35 z36

z43 z46 z47 otto emdens elbing

konigsburg karlsruhe koln leipzig nurnberg magdeburg regensburg

deutschland spee spee-chan hipper muse hipper eugen muse eugen

heinrich adalbert friedrich karl yorck? scharnhorst gneisenau seydlitz

lutzow brunhilde alvit bismarck bismarck zwi tirpitz ulrich

thuringen weser elbe jade graf zep zeppy peter

u31 u37 u47 u73 u81 u96 u101

u110 u410 u522 u556 u556 meta u557 u1206

roon friedrich friedrich-chan mainz odin agir august

rupprect felix hindenburg scharnhorst meta gneisenau meta hipper eugen

roon z1 z23 karlsruge koln leipzig
One of the kinoest art pieces ever
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>Yuugen randomly posts a Le Tri sketch after years of doing nothing AL-related
>Which the JP account retweets
>JP Account posts a Liduke illustration and credits her by name
I feel like I'm nooooticing some shit here. Dunno what it is, but I'm noticing it.
I love how possessive it makes her look.
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her time has cum
mutsuki meta soon
What the fuck are you talking about schizo
Oh so you are that shitposter
>>JP Account posts a Liduke illustration and credits her by name
honoka alter soon
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Essex META soon
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what shitposter
Liduke fucked off to AK in like 2020 and hasn't drawn anything for AL except maybe Amagi's dress since then. Even Mainz's skin was drawn by Littoriowoman. Tosa's bath skin probably was too.
Ok, and?
What dos Liduke have to do with Le Tri
>except maybe Amagi's dress
Meant for >>492912343
He probably thinks it means we're getting Amagi II by Liduke.
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>EN anni
>makes less than JP
you homos told me EN now was making more than JP
He's that tranny that always says shit like "I'm noooticing" while shitposting or something, I suspected but didn't actually know he was a frogfag
Made slighly less than last year's EN anni too, we are stable until 3D dorms drops, hopefully that propels the game.
CN Wiki says it was Liduke, and they credit artists who take over other artists' botes.
It's always been cope, JP is the publicity core of Azur Lane and their merch sales largely outweigh anything CN and EN can field.
>hopefully that propels the game.

it's going to remain stable at best, nothing can stop a game's decline
doesn't even look like him
Barley beating out some garbage mobile game called Cookierun.
Man, how far Azur Lane as fallen.
>shitsor tower
completely made up numbers
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L' Tri is cute, CUTE!
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The fastest destroyer out there
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I haven’t played this game since the idolmaster event like, 3 years ago? Well, now all my ships are severely outclassed. I can’t finish the current event even with my wives. Suggestions? How should I build up my girls when the game has clearly left me behind?
Yorktown III will save us.
get more levels
grind 9-1 or higher with a 3:3 fleet since that's when oil cap kicks in
what a year without swimsuits does to a motherfucker
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don't reply to the schizo
No idea who that is supposed to be, sorry
Some random surrendermonkey I believe
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Le Cunny's sister
Huh they look nothing alike
Frogs designs have always been all over the place .
Technically, Triumphant got the ugly genes along with Terrible so they look alike. Malin and the rest of the other sisters got the more cute genes, and look alike.
Only Landon Table is ugly, such an eyesore and from an artist who can't even be consistent
None really look alike minus that one clone of malin who is indeed just a clone
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>so they look alike
What the fuck are you smoking they look like two different classes like all frogs
Wrong, L' Terri is the prettiest of the sisters
cute auntie and horsie
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Don't even know which one that's supposed to be
Why are you replying to the trashcuck schizo?
She should go to bed and get a good night sleep.
Those bags under her eyes look really puffy and unhealthy.
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Take your meds
They look alike for frogs standards, which is still looking nothing alike for normal faction standards
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Is anchorage an actual retard or is she just pretending?
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Leave your guard down around her and find out.
So are we in the twilight stage of this game? Could anything be done to get even with Nikke and the rest of them?
>So are we in the twilight stage of this game?

>Could anything be done to get even with Nikke
bro..it makes 10 times what AL makes, I don't think even Promilia will make that much
No, AL is dated game.
How can you bring in new players when you have to contend with new titles that have a bigger budget and flashier gameplay?
The 3d dorm and the momotalk knockoff they are planning could improve things, but they would need to make some pretty deep changes to the game as a whole to bring it back up
The doomers are here
>are here
It's the same retard, he just switched from shitposting on iris boats
Shitting on frogsissies is a long honored /alg/ tradition, don't mistake it with doomposting
Revamp the game. Snag a major IP collab. Updated graphics. New game mode using all the above.

It's possible. It's just highly unlikely. Shame that they want to push their new genshin clone instead because that has complete flop written all over it.
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What does 3:3 fleet mean?
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If a game like GFL can survive for all these years then I really doubt this game will ever really die, no matter how low the sales get
Burgers would like Wasp II.
3 in the front, 3 in the back
so you can level up all your ships at once
>won't this cost 10 trillion oil
no, because the game is good now
in certain event maps and from the campaign starting in 9-1, there is an oil cap feature that has a different value per stage

even if your entire 3:3 fleet costs 2000 oil to use per sortie, if the stage oil cap is 24 for example, it then only uses 24 oil no matter what, allowing you to grind to your hearts content
That's some dogshit art if I've ever seen some
AL isn't in the twilight stage because it still makes money, CN is stable, JP still buys merch, and EN is growing. We aren't in the 2019-20 glory days, though.
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Enterprise strikes me as a naive cinnamon roll who doesn't realize her every movement in that diving suit is extremely erotic
It means 2 ships that do :3 like NJ on the back and someone else on the vanguard
I suppose turning into a zombie can be considered as "survive"
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Don't you love it?
I was left alone with Anchorage and she forcefully *squish squished* me
Isn't GFL getting a new game or something though?
who threw an egg at essex?
>EN is growing
Designed to warm up my arm
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Beat me on the time, I was just about to mention her case too.
they made a sequel, made a standalone single player game, currently planning another new game alongside maintaining the original GFL. I wouldn't call that becoming a "zombie"
>still 4 more days until the stream

Cute amateur art
How lewd do you think the 3D dorm gets?
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>How lewd do you think the 3D dorm gets?
How did the CCP allow this?
How did I miss this? I saw the Nozami beach and all but not this. WE'RE SO BACK
Wonder how quickly it will get boring, and if we will only have a limited set of standard animations and such
I guess paywalling some of the spicier ones would help slowing down burnout
>Wonder how quickly it will get boring
same as TB
It won't get boring if they keep adding to it. I just hope we get all the skins and don't have to pay for skins we already own just to dorm them.
Yeah but how do they keep adding to it? It's impossible to add unique animations for every single boat, especially as they add more, so the only alternative is adding standard animations for all models, and that would end up very goofy on top of boring
Another question is if they are like small videos or they are an actual 3d version of the dorm where the boats wander around on their own. When does Noshiro do the jumping jacks? Does she prompt on her own like the chibis in the dorm or do I have to click a box and watch a glorified clip?
We never left. We'll be here long after you depart.

Unique animations and hopefully more than just glorified clips on repeat. If it's non interactive then nobody will care about it.
VV isn't like Littorio, but she's definitely not naive about her appeal. Otherwise, she wouldn't be trying to photograph herself in that swimsuit.
Deleted. Whatever it was.
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>Deleted. Whatever it was.
works on my machine
xitter won't load risque stuff if you're not logged in
Ah. Still never making an account.
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indiana jones
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That's one sexy succ.
Littorio clearly points out she'd spend an entire day building a sand colosseum than do other stuff, and she tried to take the camera away from her because she does it for fun but can't use it for shit

>It's impossible to add unique animations for every single boat, especially as they add more, so the only alternative is adding standard animations for all models, and that would end up very goofy on top of boring

or just do a few
I don't think they'll do more than 20 in total
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THIS is a true time honored /alg/ tradition
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Cute brennus

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