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Dragoncraft Edition

Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond Trailer

>Battle Pass Leader: Elena

July 31st Update - Acceleratium Restricted
August Events
Formats for July, August and September

>Worlds Beyond News
Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond Delayed to Spring 2025
Shadowverse from July Onwards - Updated
Updated Account Linking Information for Worlds Beyond

Shadowverse 8th Anniversary

Shadowverse Anime

Shadowverse Evolve TCG

Official website and deckbuilder

/svg/'s card & leader database and deckbuilder


Guide for new players

Previous thread: >>489444598
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New month, new meta, new thread! That's the tradition, right? We didn't slide off, right?
Solitaireverse was way better than this
How the hell do you play solomon? I don't think I did anything wrong but I just lost 20 games in a row so obviously I did.
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hot dragonsluts
Sex with Yui while gyaru corrupted Nono watches
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lust provoking image
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If i didn't got into shadowverse during my 1st year in university i probably would develop better study habits and get at least 3.2 gpa

But if i do that i would never meet the beauty that is natnat
Vampy rape
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Can a dragon deck survive in UL?
with enough luck, yes
some classes are just more consistent than others
Basically I'm just not gonna grind chests!
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....
It's just that I'm not gonna play shadowverse is all!!
Guess you're right, armed doing terribly against these solitaire decks that just barely have the removal to contest board while not fulfilling 4 armed dead. Same with Shadow. Might give buff a go at this rate
surely nobody would lust over children?
i can finally play evo sword again and lose
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Depends on the situation but most of the time you spellboost him up to 3 times then boost the spell with Eleanor sometimes you play him on 2 to have something that can contest the board.
Yeah I learned how to play the board after a couple hours and it's been smooth sailing after. I was too used to newer expansion do everything cards.
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Earlier rotations just might be what we've been looking for.
slow games are slow
>tfw to dumb to play lion haven
Lion goes grr
lion haven is just a secondary wincon outside of legendary fighter, the true GOAT
You just need to run your opponent out of resources while managing the lion progression quest it's pretty easy since haven has a lot of removal.
I haven't seen a single portal without lishenna on evo turn yet.
1 2 5 6 in ul are using cum rune
I don't get why puppet isn't t1
It requires drawing lishenna on 4 or drawing maisha and having an Evo point saved up by turn 10. It's also a reactionary deck that can't aggro.
man i just went from runecraft level 50 to 100 and still at 0 mp. i don't understand how to pilot the spellboost deck. it seems like everyone else just shit out followers and damage way more than i have tools to deal with them. by the time i get to play raio i'd already be dead. help.
>turn 4 dshit
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>all stars
>vohu mana
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Do people play unlimited mostly? I'm new and don't want to end up buying a deck only for it to rotate soon. Any suggestions on budgetish decks? I saw a Wrath Bloodcraft deck that looked cool.
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most people play tb rota over unlimited
for a tier 1 deck, wrath bloodcraft is pretty budget-friendly, its around 45k vials
for tier 2 decks theres forest hozumi and shadow atomy which are 25-30k vials
Thanks. Tb?
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throwback rotation
basically, shadowverse worlds beyond got delayed from summer 2024 to spring 2025 so now we have throwback rotation which is just rotation for a card set in the past. currently its steel rebellion right now
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dst in custom* rota is cool i guess
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Please don't pass that mistake onto new players, it's already bad enough japan still hasn't figured out it's a terrible card in the current (mostly permanent) gamestate after all this time. It doesn't even positively affect the mirror at this point, and it's never successfully fixed the handless matchup. Also strongly opposed to 2x both invokes, you basically never want to invoke a 2nd Flauros anymore and 2x Knight is mathematical nonsense that got popular in japan despite being the worst choice between 1 and 3 and has just been accepted ever since because people don't seem to really want to think about it too hard. For a new player specifically, the Diabolus Hedones (the card Yor's an alt-art of) are the least necessary inclusion so you could put off crafting those, and while you're already playing a budget version, that's a good time to personally experience games with 1x-each invocation, 2x-each, and 1x-flauros-3x-knight, so you can get a real feel for what I'm talking about here, shoving in 2x Razory Claw when you're on 1x-each.
finally some good food
wish it was disciple of lust tho
>Yor Forger
i remember some 100k wrath player using 2 yor forgers, i don't remember why tho, its not unheard of
imagine playing thousands of wrath games every month using 2x invokes
Imagine playing a single wrath game
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Imagine Tevali, Demonic Cat.
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Grim Burst
i hate being cummed on, this month is so gay
I hope WB is less this and more order shift+
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this card was really ahead of its time huh
A lot of draw cards fall under the radar.
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>Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
So what the hell was that about eh
I don't get it, did he think you totally drew Maisha or something?
I wonder if they'll remember them in WB.
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I doubt he was keeping track of how many puppets were in hand (a few had been there for a while) and he played a ward the turn before this which I cleared with the puppet boy. Besides, what's the chance someone doesn't draw a single Lish or Maisha in ten turns, right? Way too fucking high, that's the chance
I use it to share epic replays with my friends.
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>queues for custom
>Runecraft (Starforged)
Life's good.
Friends? In Shadowverse?
A few of my irl and some online friends play this game and we use guild to share decks or funny replays. I think it's a massively underdeveloped (duh) feature but it could have been great. Maybe they'll get it right this time with WB seeming to have all kinds of community features.
what if we have esex during mahjong
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No, Sexka.
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I really hope they add more than just raid events or clan wars or whatever.
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this month's arena is lamer than last month's somehow
Sekka guy here, I'm deciding on a yuri between Sekka and Ladica/Aria (Vellsar)/Shamu Shama by ttptt (Ttp on Pixiv). this will be after the Sapling Steward one that should be coming out this month. any more options on this? If recommending another character try to keep it to what was in the deck
Damn that's actually a difficult choice. Ladica would be a big sister vibe, Aria more mommyish, and ShamuShama a small pair of teasers. To try and make cuts, Aria doesn't have any kemono qualities so she'd be the odd one out, and Ladica won't be able to fondle much with her big paws. I think ShamuShama might be a good choice, you'll have 3 after all, unless that'll be more expensive?
The choices were basically made on what were in the deck that fits
At least Aria has the most dom feeling out of the 3 options but the others are probably better
I'm ok with paying a bit extra for the shamu shama and ttptt has done 3 characters in one before
Ladica one I also am unsure on what to do with those big ass hands but she does has the tail that can wrap around the leg or something
Yep, evil Aria will have that dom vibe on nearly anyone in her deck. I think it would look good but maybe it's not what you're looking for?
Well ttptt only does defeat yuri kinda stuff so it does fit
Leaning more towards Shabu Shabu though
The twins would definitely be the types to play with their "food", especially if it hadn't yet reached 10 followers leaving play.
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Sekka acting all smug for someone in range of Shamu's antics
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Body swapping? Not beating the whore allegations.
Erika sexo
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Snek tho
I am going to terrorize the ladder with my newly purchased Tokai Teio.
This Oldblood King is actually good, as someone who started after it there are some cards that looking back I always wondered how were they even playable.
cute snek
damn I wish sv2 didn't get delayed I haven't played in years and don't feel like coming back to the original game at all
it's so over
It begins
Is this throwback rotation any good
Not a fan personally. I like sword a lot and have played this meta before but mid sword is pretty much just every rally decks in the history of shadoba and the newer ones are just more fun to play.
Lion haven is just playing the same card over and over again.
Idk about rune but it just seems too slow compared to the above 2 decks (which i've personally used)
I'm already back to custom rota.
Someone on pixiv is spamming the shadouba page with post after post of "lishenna" where it looks like they just used some free online service without any lora or anything. Zero effort to make it look like the actual character, just the same hair color.

Their AI slop is dragging the good name of AI slop through the mud! How dare they slop so poorly?!
Damn those are thick. But if you deal in slop you're bound to see pigs.
Yeah but god damn even using Civitai's generator you can get way better results. Or, you know, just download the lora there that I made, or one of the other ones. It's free. Even by the low standards of free, web-based ai gens he's falling short of the bar.

This one was made with civitai's ghetto ass generator. You just click remix on the base pics or these https://civitai.com/posts/6248389 and instantly have a better result. Slap a rating_explicit and a panty tag on there, boom you're ready to start your own shitty patreon.
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Actually they are using NAI with zero artist tags and an awful prompt and tons of esl tagging and the wrong character tag (not that NAI would be good at a character with 30 images, but it would be better). Look at this:

best quality,amazing quality, very aesthetic,absurdres,official style,ultra-detailed,super illustration, perfect anatomy,masterpiece,Amazing,sound effect,speech bubble,mosaic,Lishenna,Shadowverse, trembling motion lines,sex sound effects,vulgarity, {{{{{motion blur}}}}},medium breasts, {{{{breasts on a tray}}}},Girl putting her breasts on a tray,nsfw, {orange hair},ahoge,floating hair, hair bow, hair intakes, blunt bangs, hair between eyes, {{long hair}}, blue eyes,blue pupils, {{{{{{black hairband,hairband hidden by hair}}}}}}, {{{{{micro bikini}}}}},black gloves, beautiful detailed lights, rainbow thin lights, neon lights,{detailed multicolored lights},shine,{stage},starly,, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
Is this the power of AI? Now try a flatty with that tray thing or Gremory in a different pose, I've been wanting some more of her for a while now.
Not really doing requests right now, especially for things I'd need to fix my local install to do. I'm in the slop thread on trash sometimes doing slop things.

Pic is just showing what you would get on NAI if you actually prompted things with real tags.
It's on trash now? Damn. Thanks anyway anon, this portion is appreciated.
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shadowcraft players just put literally anything in their decks huh
I keep getting this, d shift, calamity, and buff dragon in custom rotation. It's sad how an unranked meme format is mostly filled with the same few decks.
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i fucking hate bad cumshots, i should just stick to wrath
fortunately there's a maintenance
ive been cumming huge loads the entire week
1st maintenance in like 2 months wow
We don't even have content to update, how are we getting maintenance?
Secretly restricting lion temple again
they had to clean up the cum
why the short face
>roPING AS usual, I see
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Convicts > Arcana > Omens
Shadoba only gotten better with time. Can't wait for WB.
i have those panties
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Post a proof
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Shadoba tanoshii
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time to cum huge loads today
breaking the game
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Did it kill?
he got 14 clay golems and uninstalled
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yes, i got 6x2 face dmg and 4 veridic rituals in that one
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>new puzzles
what an alive game
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ol reliable
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cracked card that would have been amazing if it wasn't printed in the expansion next to last.
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it would be cracked if there were a lot of good neutrals to take advantage of its leader effect
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so why did belphomet stop making cute robots and start making ugly robots? i kinda skipped through the story.
Waifubots got too uppity so he merged a bunch into the big ugly ones. Also mommy issues or something.
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I thought this card would stop people from killing my flame and glass but instead it completely shut down Nicola.
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you learn something new everyday
A classic meme given life thanks to free ramp
The only symmetrical card to affect the opponent first (without being explicitly stated)
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Our battle will go down in history.
Buff is fun and all but the MP stagnation is starting to be felt...
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Maybe next meta will be better
it never gets better
It peaked at HOS
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this might not kill D:
It's why I stopped playing after the first month and finally uninstalled. Here's a fun format where you can play literally any deck in SV history you want, with nothing on the line, and faggots pick dshift or some other total solitaire combo. Take SV out back and shoot it already.
solitaire is fun tho
dshit isnt even common in custom rota
I'd like to see Fortune's Hand, but I'm expecting Wonderland Dreams or World Uprooted as one last middle finger
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>play the deck yesterday
>para makes a video about it today
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I see it all the time. Not as common as calamity or machina portal though.

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