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Previous thread: >>492824532

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy EGO::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryoshu
[000] Lobotomy EGO::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[HE] Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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>using this with contempt
Holy moly I am going to CUM
The ids are pretty flavorful and hype, now all that's left is for them to be utter trash
What's contempt to do with it?
I say we triple... NO! Quaqruple Ryoshudev's salary
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The fact that these Lobotomy EGO IDs are amazing but Chapter 4 EGO IDs are trash is fucking hilarious and sad at the same time.
Just more damage.
flavor chads won
contempt boosts damage for the next turn at u4
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>Canto 7 is gonna be the bleed season
>Canto 8 is sinking again
>Canto 9 is gonna be burn
Ruptureheads... I see a bleak future ahead of us
Gonna be honest, I don't like the fact that you hit individual targets randomly with Gregor's new ID. It's gonna be very inconsistent.
>no defense level down
No, they're lacking flavor
that means it'll be strong against single targets though
Greg needs a neg coin ID
The nuggest in Ayin's branch got the top shelf stuff it seems
Makes it godlike against bosses.
>no bind
>no paralysis
>no defense/offense level down
Kek ok, use this OP for next thread

Previous thread: >>492843031

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide


You nyagger.
Okay, place your bets. Better or worse than Janny? Every thing I read in her kit so far either places her as the best Ryoshu ID or second best. And not some shit like Maidshu with her retarded crit modifier being locked behind 6 speed difference
Rupture is never getting anything because it's such a good status by itself that if they ever gave it any sort of meaningful focus it would become overwhelmingly overtuned
Compare this to burn where they have like 6 000s dickriding it and the status itself still sucks ass
>No bind
Read the kits again
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>top level competitive yi sang gameplay
Canto 4 or Season 4? We don't use chapters.
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>Blunt-Goddess Ryoshu
Took them long enough.
>9 months for burn to get anything decent
Director is genuinely traumatized by burn after ruina isn't he?
Considering gooks are breaking RRs in half, despite most of the Rupture IDs being shit, PM will never introduce another Rupture ID until the enemies start shitting Rupture Protection like there's no tomorrow
>mfw newbab that doesn't have to shard spicesang anymore
Feels good.
Man I knew they'd fucking overcomplicate Yi Sang and Ryoshu would get something obviously strong, I hope they didn't mess up with his numbers and he's good.
but they dont use rupture in rr4 at all
No way she's better than her
They are trying to keep the powercreep at a minimum and surpassing Janny would probably mean becoming the strongest ID in the game
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>patch notes drop before id preview
>nerf lccb ryoshu's support passive
You can't shard the butterfly ID either yet
It's luck of the draw or wait for 3 months
So since lament sang seems like he'll be good, what's the new ideal sinking team looking like?
>cheeses two abno fights during early access
>doomed to never get a full team of 000s as a result
Burnbros it’s not fair…
ryoshu is winrate
yi sang is have more ammo than coins and try to get A-res when using S2
My brain is too small to handle these increasingly complex IDs. Me wanna unga. Me wanna bunga.
Spicebush became worthless since Ring Sang was introduced
worse than janny. Just like with every recent IID, the power gain will have a very low cap and her base numbers will be shit
bloodfiend hunters will be burn
nu n corp squad will be burn
clowns will be burn
all canto 7
That's because there are only 3 bosses and a bunch of "Spam AOE EGOs to win" rooms
And 2/3 bosses get dunked on by sinking while Sheep gets Glupo'd to death
>Penance has 3 stages like the 3 levels of sin in the abno log
It's funny how Butterfly is just infinitely better than sinking deluge in every way
Anon, you still want spice sang to insta kill bosses with a gorillion deluge damage, this sang seems good and fun, but no deluge = no sinking team
Magic Bullet is a scapegoat. The real reason they nerfed her is because of Lament. Considering he has two skills that let him gain bullet, it's fair to assume that he runs out of bullets fast. LCCB Ryoshu would've basically given him 50% damage boost most of the time
so you really want to get employee card for ryoshu in md?
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>5th September

>12th September
Dead Week

>19th September
Devyat Association Northern Branch IDs
(Possibly coming with a Login Event + Dante's Notes mini-story)

>26th September
Zwei Association Western Branch IDs

>3rd October
Dead Week

>10th October
Canto 7 / Season 5

Screencap this, see you in 10th October, niggers
you dont even use tremor against the sheep or the king
you just dump time moratorium on him from trodya and skip using any statuses
i won't screenshot your schizo post though
I can't fucking read this, who turned on yesod's meltdown?
Absolute retard
>random shitters off the street equipping stuff they don't know how to use vs nuggets with lots of experience using the EGO and working on abnos
Is how I headcanon it anyway.
the lucky cig nerf doesnt apply to buttersang since he has no aoe
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I guess this version has a use.
It might not be necessary. If Red Eyes and Penitence counted as Charge, W Faust alone would make her a monster
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Ryoshu is
>sp healer
>attack power down
And all of this is on top seemingly having shit ton of damage steroids, what the fuck?
>19th September
>Devyat Association Northern Branch IDs
>(Possibly coming with a Login Event + Dante's Notes mini-story)
>>26th September
>Zwei Association Western Branch IDs
lmao no, director himself said it was one dead week between each releases going forward.
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Spicebush is still alive because he's the only way to Sinking Deluge
The moment we get it on an EGO is the moment he dies for this ID
It is stated that when you use EGO, you already know how to use it, the problem is how they lack gimmicks or effects given the kind of equipment they use
The nugget's stats are a different story
Sinking deluge kills your stack after a single burst, butterfly does less damage in one hit but doesn't erase your stack so every single coin does the bonus damage
Burn is great right now, I really cant complain, as much as I would like ONE more good burn ID to get my team to 6.
Mediocre rolls or broken. Call it.
Was the nerf solely for AoE? Does the passive still work the same for Rabbit, Pirate and LCCB?
>>492844009 (me)
Forgot she also has
And whatever else I missed
She's the strongest baby
deluge empties the entire count instantly you moron
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Can you find the equilibrium between the living and the departed?
Well fuck me, I don't know korean, anon
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So the new sinking team will be
>Yi Sang Funeral
>Molar Ishmael
>Edgar Gregor
>Josphine Outis
>butler Faust

And the secondary sinking team will be
>Dieci quartet
>maid Ishmael
>Sunshower Heathcliff

And ANOTHER sinking team can be for a challenge run
>bug Outis
>jefe Sinclair
>spicebush Yi Sang
>base Hong Lu
Any other 2 flunkies, I guess
Sinking is stacked
>these IDs
remember when they said they were going to design ID gimmicks to be usable even without MD gifts
Considering she'll one day get the Red Mist ID, it's only fair for her to be the strongest
I can't wait for Ryoshu to be shit.
Ryoshufags need to taste some despair. They're having too good.
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Time to call it
Will they be shit or will they be good?
I think so? The problem was the bonus damage wasn't per enemy, it stacked so the more enemies you hit the more exponentially it grew
>no rime shank on your "new sinking team"
where the fuck do all of these retarded theorycrafter come from
Chances Ryoshu's passive is a color matching passive?
I like butterflies because if you dont have MD gifts you can rarely get enough sinking on something to do the funny number bombs with deluge
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Miguel is DEAD
Should probably be

>5th September

>12th September
Dead Week

>19th September
Devyat Association Northern Branch IDs

>26th September
Dead Week

>3rd October
Zwei Association Western Branch IDs

>10th October
Dead Week

>17th October
Canto 7 / Season 5

One of those weeks before Canto 7 is getting the login event and dante's notes though.
Which means further attacks don't do anything and lose conditionals etc. dumbass, sinking IDs inflict sinking potency which means you're dealing bonus damage sooner and adding more damage to the pile
these arent?
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Se acabo...
I ain’t reading all that shit, I’m happy for you. Or sorry that happened. Rolling for Dawn Office.
ryoshu seems reliant on ramping and has support functions so im actually a bit wary about her power
yi sang looks like manual kino, entirely depends on the starting ammo count but I wouldn't be surprised if its 3-3
She can give SP back to Gregor and Yi Sang when hitting someone with sinking to let them keep up the reuses and the SP loss yi sang has from reloading
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They were backed up by :
* The full weight of LobCorp's singularity.
* Various contracts with other corporation.
* One million years worth of Angela's suffering & experience
* Ayin's personal EGO, when he was not too busy melting down.

The other facilities were just an afterthought.
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The Strongest
The passives that seemingly apply a permanent buff don't tend to be.
Are there before and after pictures? Because I didn't notice shit
You do realize that it's 1-2 dedicated niggerfaggots right? Most Ryo bros are chill and just want to share fan art.
my brain is being melted by these kits, TLDR? also, does Gregor have the funny coin reuse or not?
your Red Eyes (open) bwo????
Why did they fix this NOW of all times? It's been there since launch.
He's still good because sink teams still don't have a reliable source of gluttony
So, if butterfly SP restore on hit is anything significant, wouldn't Fairy Ishmael EGO be super busted?
Why not Don, why trodya?
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Mealtime x1, Bedtime x8
The final coin drains SP and flips again as long as your SP is above 0 meaning using it burns you down to 0 SP but flips a bunch
Gregor has better reuse than wingbeat so yeah he's cooking
that's like saying shitclair in only bad because of 1-2 faggots and it's just a coincidence spitebaker uses him
don needs tremor on the enemy to apply time moratorium alongside blocking
trodya needs nothing aside from using her block this means you can use with your regular unga bunga rheathcliff team and turn all the damage to sloth to destroy the bosses who are fatal to sloth
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Why does none mention spicebush's AoE? I think it's useful too.
Don’s chapter is coming up and they were probably reading theories on gooknet and saw some of them involving the jacket, remembered they never updated the sprite for an id people never used and wanted to fix it to help direct theories in the right direction.
>no Rimeshank
>Butlerfaust over Dieci Rodya
go back
Thanks, I have been wondering if I should get Don. Guess, I'll skip her and uptie trodya instead.
What's the catch going to be
>drains a fuckton of SP, only gets 1-2 reuses before burning out even with butterfly support
>has a hard cap on reuses
>has such low base coin values you NEED 5+ reuses to get any decent damage out of it
It takes three turns to ramp up
Can you distort for something more worthwhile? It was an honest question
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Rupturebros, did we just... lose?
They going to cap coin re-use.
3 turns of using his shitty s1 or wasting your s3 and using an s1
l m a o
Wingbeat inflicts glut frag with each reuse, which is pretty easy to keep up with Ring Ys and Faust on the bench so long as you can burn through enough sinking. doubt they'd cripple the funny 12 bullet butterfly
I get S2 AOE to proc nearly the same amount as I get a Sinking Deluge off which means it's pretty shit
Wingbeat crawled so Lament could run
>Unique Charge
Wonder if they'll be counted as Charge by Multicrack Heath's passive
>charge units are starting to get winrate friendly
Yes yes, please more of them el director.
Niggers made a shitty joke so limbabs can copy it
What the fuck? What is this background? I never seen it before and i'm lvl 69, it wasn't ever used in second canto either.
>want to make new Bleed and Sinking team for the IDs
>lacking Gluttony
Charge gifts end up giving you one of the most reliable WR MDs though?
Yes it was.
It was used in Canto 2 though
For a single battle
I really wonder how her unique charge is going to interact with literally everything, like does she alone activate the employee card just for using her skills and in turn get even more stacks? Many questions
Oops! All Rupture!
So Yi Sang has like three-four separated ways to reload. But it cost him SP. Wonder how fast he burns through ammo in that case.
there is no way, which level?
Anyone else having trouble with posts not going through for no good reason?
like one or two prior to the baba yaga fight proper
don season will be bleed and rupture, trust
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Very glad Ryoshu's first blunt ID (lol LCCB lmao) doesn't look like ass at a cursory glance. I can maybe see charging and the lockout after boosted s3 as a problem, here's hoping the roll values don't disappoint.
Yi Sang needed another sinking ID like I need another hole in my skull, with shitty coins to boot. I guess maybe there's a potential for butterfly to buff sinking procs to 1.5x? Otherwise I don't see the point next to sinking deluge man
Same status fits a lot better on an EGO and Gregor will most likely outdo Yi Sang's ID with this HE. Shame this means using Linton as he's kinda buttcheeks, but oh well.
Does Lament lose SP in any instance? I want to know if LCB Don's support buff will work on him or not
The lockout could be prettt good desu, she instead turns to healing hp & sp for everyone. Potentially very useful.
Actually doesn't butterfly make Wingbeat a lot better with the SP heal too? I guess the hard part there is feeding gluttony on a sinking team.
wouldnt call ashes a lockout, its good
Lament Sang? Yeah he loses it when reloading. Greg? He reuses coins until he's out of SP.
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yi sang loses SP on reloads
>It's specifically the full version of this image that breaks the posting for whatever reason.
Odd given i havnt had the issue before....
>LCB Don's support buff
ryoshitposter used to spam it
10% more pierce damage to highest SP (1# slotted ID if they're always at 45SP)
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>Soñar lo imposible soñar
I see why, this is almost nonsense in spanish. It should be "Soñar el imposible sueño"
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Thing is healing is kinda low value, you're not getting hit that often in Limbus. Shared SP heal on hit is very good situationally, it's just gonna depend on how much she gets.

It definitely is a sort of a lockout, you don't gain charge and all its associated buffs for a turn.
It just dawned on me that Blind Obsession would be a better slot on her than the regular Red Eyes
bos charge gain is pathetic really, maybe if it had a charge passive
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I beat Pluto today, he was pretty fun
The healing either is too low value so it's worthless, since there are better low value heal sources (blood bad ego gift, lcb gregor passive, litograph, etc) but if it's too strong then it becomes unwieldy to use, since it's both your damage and sustain.
>Blind Obsession
It gives a measly 4 charge, not worth it. Red Eyes closed gives bind on clash win as a passive, which feeds into more damage against slower targets.
Blind Obsession is shit except for W!Ryo with three bajillion poise gifts
not to be that guy, but it's "Soñar el Sueño Imposible"
I wonder if Rhino's support passive will work for Ryoshu?
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I hope the aberrationfags learned something new
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>unga bunga deal more damage
>probably tanky enough to take unopposed attacks because SHE FUCKING GAINS SHIELDS FOR FREE EVERY TURN
>hp and sp heals
Hmmm nyes this won't be an id that's going to be used everywhere
El hipérbaton existe. Tienes razón pero se entiende igual con el adjetivo delante o detrás
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6 charge for hitting 3 targets is fine for W Ryoshu on turns where you're holding two s1s in hand. If that amount plugs nicely into Lobotomy Ryoshu's conditionals then it's an easy slot, bleed teams already build its sins like nothing.

>It gives a measly 4 charge, not worth it
Bro it's per target...
>Red Eyes closed gives bind on clash win as a passive
Eh, there are better sources of bind in the game and I don't feel like throwing out EGO on turns where I could be charging up. Higher charge will also haste her up going by the last coin effect of S2 so it's also beneficial that way. Just gonna depend on how charge gets converted into Red Eyes and Penitence.
do u like stars?
They ABANDONED Kurokoomer Ryoshu for a way better bleed Ryoshu ID and RAN, I WONT STAND FOR THIS *rolls and levels her anyways* YOU HEAR ME PM? I WON'T FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS *uses her everywhere*
>It has 3 weight at uptie 4
Huh. Maybe I should uptie it then so it's a bit less garbage.
So Blind Obsession is better for groups, and Eyes Closed for bosses
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>geburashu is winrateable
>jannyshu isn't
It's that shrimple
>lack of gluttony bleed skills
>can't double wield Red Eyes EGOs with the ID
Fuck you PM
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She kinda has a place, pride s2 for easier support attack procs, count application, pierce and different sins. Very niche distinction, but it's there.
>>jannyshu isn't
According to who?
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>deal more damage
>deal even MORE damage
Ayins weakest nugget btw
i hate grinding MD
Just posting recently found Ryoshus
evidently >>492847398
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are you retarded? red mist can only go to don why the fuck would ryoshu get it?
>life work raped in the ass by toaster
so much for that power Ayin
>They're having too good.
She has ONE (1) good ID and ZERO (0) good EGO in what fucking world is that eating too good?
Is that a typo on the English version of the Ryoshu ID info? Consuming Red Eyes heals HP, not Penitence
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Can someone translate this
also have this Don image link as payment
Anon, it's obvious that Dante is the manager in that mirror world. After all it's only fitting.
NTA, but this new ID is a blatant hint that Ryoshu is a candidate for Red Mist ID, but I'd place my bets on guessing that Ryoshu is more likely to get a Purple Tear ID instead
>Most Ryo bros are chill and just want to share fan art.
>liu ryoshu incident
>maidshu incident
Keep telling yourself that
>liu ryoshu incident
The what now
Where's my meta bleed slash katana Ryoshu…why is KK this garbage instead of Sayo…
You forget LC EGO Penitence and Red Eyes incident. It's all the same guy btw.
We don't talk about defense lvl down.
>he doesn't know
>yi sang's third sinking id
Burn id never ever
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>this new ID is a blatant hint that Ryoshu is a candidate for Red Mist ID
wtf are you talking about she's literally just a random LC employee
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>Footfags, Ryonafags, and gurofags are unique to Ryo
Also what incedents with Liu and Maidshu?
>You forget LC EGO Penitence and Red Eyes incident.
Who? Where?
>It's all the same guy btw.
Considering I haven't said anything but positives about her EGO ID, it's not just one guy
yeah I think don straight up asking "so will we able to get an ID of the red mist some day????" is a better case for her getting the ID than Ryoshu happening to dual wield
only time will tell
>they don't know about Liu Ryoshu incident
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Sayo ID is for Ishmael so we can see her freckly titties
I envy them.
If Ryoshu is getting the Gebtent who gets Ioritent?
Heathcliff is the purple sinner.
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Other than jokes about her Armpits I don't remember anything of note happening. This some chink or gook only nonsense again?
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*cough* rupture *cough* g-gluttony s-soon
Also Ryoshu
>both use Katana
>both lost childern
>both are milfs
>both are cryptic
Ryoshu stack gains on her skills assuming the passive is active
3 penitence
2 red eyes
2 penitence
at least 4 red eyes, more with the bleed on enemy conditional
>s3 normal
4 penitence
2 red eyes
at least 3 for both, maybe 4
+1 penitence because she got hit

Probably better to start off fights with her counter to quickstart the stacks instead of using s1.
>male id is shit
>female id is busted
This PM isn't beating the feminism allegations
Now put a side profile of a head yelling and gloves being put on over it
>he really doesn't know
It spanned for two long threads and spawned fanarts. It even became a running joke
>optimal to use the hot girls not the guys
PM isn't beating the misogyny allegations.
How many literal who nuggets in Lob Corp can wield two EGO weapons?
>female id is busted
Yi Sang is strong. Yeah. And also cute.
>/lcg/ actually thinks positively about the new Ryoshu ID
Oh my God she's gonna fucking suck
Per chance was it during a weekend? May have unironically missed it instead of simply forgetting about it?
as is custom, new ryoshu will either be absolutely busted or complete garbage.
call it.
No it was a weekday because I was posting in the middle of a lecture
We're not having another Liu or Maid ID. Yuro ended up being fun as well as unique, and Red Eyes will follow suit
Yuro was neither though?
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There is no way limited 000 is not going to be at least decent of have niche uses for something.
She was unique tho. Her free attack + being the only Tremor ID to gain a shitload of count with one skill made her stand out
on the one hand, on the other hand it also dealt 50% of the entire skill damage as extra damage, not just 50% of the damage dealt by the coin spending the last bullet
can you fuck off faggot? It was a nothingburger if you have nothing to say about it
Yeah but it's not completely busted, just a good id. One single schizo managed to dictate the opinions of so many here, it's kinda sad.
>the first 000 tier 00 ID
>still the easiest AoE
>+2 coin power
>makes burn do something
>Rupture ID with lots of count
>infinite bleed count (until it was nerfed)
>coin reuse EGO nuke
>SHITclair that needed to be buffed twice
The defense lvl down was so shit, even for 4chan standards
Yes, a decently good 00 ID with something unique to stand on, which is more than I can say about Liu Ryoshu or the god awful LCCB
I'm not spoonfeeding you, touristfag
I don't know why this game has so many people obsessing over 00s really, if it's good then that's fine, if they're not just move on. Lower rarities are almost always fodder in gacha games, at least they're sometimes useful in limbus.
>4chan standards
Why did you out yourself as a newfag and tourist?
Shootis is literally required for that dogshit status though
I just realized, this is the first Gloom coin that Ryoshu has gotten isn't it? Skullbro is digging up her past.
A lot of 00 IDs are fun to use, and I want more of those.
>PQsang's 5 coin
>BL Don Poise spread
>Yorushu's free attack and tremor count
Hell, even some older 00 IDs are still fun to use. And I want more of those
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Just woke up, what's the verdict on the Walpipi shit?
What about shrimp?
Nothing wrong with trying to have fun with 00s, my comment was more towards people who are massively obsessed with bad 00s.
Freischutz is still only black flame unit.
>got buffed twice
>any SP fuckery still can BROKE him
Not good. Yeah. Arguable best source of burn count. Thank god burn doesn't care at least in MD since GoF++ just melt everything in two turns.
gregor ego is a nice buff for linton gregor
red eyes ryoshu is busted as shit
funeral yi sang probably kicks deluge off the team so sinking can be actually fun
Lowell Sang + Xiao Faust.
Trust the plan.
Well I think the general senses, at least for me, is that, why make a shit 00 ID when you can make a fun one. I mean, we're no longer in season 1, and PM seems to have finally found their footing, mostly, so why are they still making shit 00 IDs like Dead Rabbit Meursault. To use him as an example, had he been good, I would've used him in my Rupture team and finally formed a different team rather the same team since season 3
So 2 pages is gonna be the standard for IDs now huh
Oh no, I got called a newfag and a tourist, I yield
I feel like PM afraid to cook so much after Ring sang incident...
>Yi Sang flirting with Faust at the end of the intervallo
I have fAith
It's going to be Distorted Xiao Heathcliff, because Lowell Cathy got snapped
Iirc some shizo was screaming how she's the worst Burn ID because she doesn't apply count, and EGO synergy "doesn't count"
That... clearly wasn't what I said, and you know that. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
>Trying to rile up Faustfags for now reason
>ButterflySang has to use his guard to reload
So is Sinking just the non-winrate keyword now with both him and Erlking seemingly sucking at it?
Read skill 3, jackass
Distortion Identities don't exist
Lowell will never EVER have an ID
There is no way PM would consciously provoke a gigantic shitstorm about waifus after what happened in summer last year
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I myself am a Faustfag though
An EGO, so not gonna count that. This is the first Ryoshu ID with gloom coin.
You can get bullets through S2 and S3.
The only chance they had was with Dawnclair, and that because Philip was cucked and nobody gives a crap about SHITclair outside girls and homos
Reloading with S3 literally gimps your damage thoughever
Like how we used to think that sinners cant distort?
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How long ago did they appear in hong's uptie story again?
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Oh what the fuck, the gregor EGO is only HE? But the weapon is WAW in Lobco...?
Was recommended this
Wait actually we might get Ensemble Identities one day, that would be crazy.
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only ashes remain...
wait do you guys think maid sucks now. what is wrong with you all
I mean, the knowledge of how to use the EGO is one thing, battle experience is another. The nuggets seemed to just be random civvies, so they’d have less than the Sinners by default, though I imagine the giga-nuggets you build up in the game are pretty much the accumulation of all the experience they’ve accrued through every loop they’ve gone through.
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She doesn't suck per se, she's just mediocre due to being a Poise ID with only two coins and having her crit modifier being locked behind 6 speed difference
Heath's distortion was fucking SHIT. The instant cut to fight and never mentioning it afterwards is such complete garbage.
There has to a reason why both Red Eyes and Penitence were marked as charge status effects, right? And I don't mean in the sense of putting her in a charge team, I mean in the sense of buff. Does that mean charge support passives will work on her, like Rhino for example?
Right in the kokoro...
New ids and egos are approved by esGOD btw
They didn't want to give her just 2 random statuses with no synergy so they classify it as unique charge so she can get buffed from gifts and the like. I guess they realized any ID's unique self buff could just be called charge.
sure hope the departed doesn't get consumed on hit or it'll be impossible to maintain
the fixers who hunt bloodfiends will use ruptture, trust the plan
Doesn't this mean W Faust support passive will buff her to oblivion? It's literally +1 to Red Eyes and Penitence any time she gains it, and she gains it all the time. Plus, Rhino's support will make get superfast
Technically it's a charge
>build up through S1 and S2
>spend for S3
With extra bells and whistles depending on what weapon hit. I'm a bit worried about how charge decay is going to affect her.
we’ll find out
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buttsang should have been rupture...
surely devyat will be rupture
Don't worry, they'll nerf W Faust once they realize it
>only ashes remain
>yi sang's S3 capital letters spell YI SANG backwards
absolute kino
zweidong will be rupture
Will Ryo also hang herself at the end of her Canto?
Ey i can replace the shock centipede now
funny how wound clerid fucked over every bleed count applicator (meursault)
Rupture is Seven's gimmick
Devyat will use guns
we are NOT calling him that.
but the abno itself is a HE
>rupture is all about shattering/fracturing/lacerating stuff
>bloodfiends fight wih crystallised blood
It's plausible. Burn is what you usually expect for vampire hunters but for the type of vamps in warp express it probably wouldn't work too well.
>lowest max HP
Fucking meme launch passives.
Sure but it means going without N Faust & Fluid Sac in your bleed comps.
Devyat uses big boxes packed with weapons anon
We saw them in KJHs stream
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Rodion's giant ballsack
>accidently level my spider ryoshu from lvl 49 to level 50
>account bricked until Hong's canto
>Devyat will use guns
No. Not really. They went with dimensional casing. It's just closer to Yuna/Martina instead of Edgar Butlers.
>51 Coin power D.D.E.D.R
Solo run memes it is.
>lowest Bleed HP ID is Pregor at 169
Yeah, that W Faust passive is worthless
In walpurgis should i shard the previous egos before pulling since they are excluded from the pool once you get them right
If you can afford to, yes.
you dont have to run pregor
holy kek almost got me
Honestly depends on how much Health they'll give Ryo. If she's at 169 she'll be fine. Ryo tends to get lower HP IDs I think.
nevermind, even better
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On one hand I was hoping for a bind/generalist ID to go with the Red Eyes EGOs
On the other I'm glad she has a good bleed ID because it's long overdue and works with her WAW
That director is a retard?
Pregor is one of the better Bleed IDs, not to mention he has Pride for assist attack. I'd rather have him over painter Outis
If you want to know about the status effects it's too long to be a TLDR
She wields two ego weapons and gain either one's status on hit with the corresponding weapon. Both statuses are a unique charge and charge will be converted in them at random when gained.
On hits with Red Eyes it will inflict more bleed and on hits with Penitence it will increase the amount of sp restored. Additionally, a shield we be gained based on the amount of Penitence.
Skill 4 is activated when skill 3 is used with enough stacks. Skill 4 will consume all stacks and render Ryoshu unable to gain on the next turn. She will instead spread beneficial effects to herself and another teammate when she gains stacks.

Yi Sang
He has two types of ammo and two different status effects. They are both called the living(potency) and the departed(count) for the ammo "The Living & The Departed" and the unique sinking effect "Butterfly". When using coins he will consume either "The Living" or "The Departed" and inflict either type of "Butterfly" depending on which was spent.
If he has no ammo left the skill being used will be canceled. He will gain ammo during these situations(Resonance on skill 2(Reloads with enough resonance on skill 2(Reloads on kill(Reloads on empty. When he reloads he will lose sp and gain the max combined value. The type of ammo gained will be randomly decided, however, if he has higher SP he will be more likely to gain more "The Departed" and vise versa.
The actual "Butterfly" status will heal the attacker's SP based on "The Living" on hit. On hit "The Departed" will deal gloom damage based on the amount of sinking potency the target has. On turn end gain sinking base of "The Living" and "The Living" will be converted into "The Departed". "Butterfly" will expire when both reach zero, but there was no listed way to lose "The Departed".
Her position of inflicting count hasn't been taken, but this Ryoshu will work better with red shoes.
He made limbus.
Don't forget she deals blunt damage, which pairs nicely with NFaust
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So normal day to day stuff. Can't say i'm suprised.
she's entirely reliant on other IDs for bleed count
it's not a bleed ID it's just an ID that happens to interact with bleed
Now only Rodya needs a good bleed id and we'll be gucci
>not a single gift from LC abnos in game
>some abnos can provide multiple gifts
She has at LEAST 174 max HP right before hitting her first stagger threshold
Literally every status ID relies on building with their teammates to get both good potency and count, what point are you even making?
She deals bleed and benefits from bleed on targets, that's a bleed ID.
dumbest post I've read in this thread. You should feel ashamed
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They ultimately aren't high enough. Lowell and Xiao have have been in the Liu much longer than Yi Sang and Faust possibly could possibly take to climb to 2nd and 1st section respectively. You could try better.
>Relying on teammates is bad in a game where teams are the norm.
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>posts non-existant ID
why would (you) do this?
"An ID that happens to interact with bleed" is R Heathcliff. Great generalist IDs that happen to entirely lack bleed count but still have and enjoy bleed are also not unheard of, look at Tingtang Hongers.
>Tres probably spearfags like the one tres-associated office in ruina
>Eight could be gunfags because 'merica but since they seem to be a naval association might just be harpoonfags
>the hebrew 13 association are probably Iori's distortion focused one if it even exists
That leaves the Greek 12 association as our best remaining canditates for gunfags. Outis does have a gun in her EGO at least.
do you think before you talk?
>Bleed count
This is not like rupture or sinking that you consume it at the speed of light, it's very easy to keep it up
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having this many levels feels like cheating
I guess wildhunt is also bad because he needs sinking support from others bwos...
Well that's not true, if an enemy uses 3 2 coin skills in a turn you'd need to have 7 bleed count on them to not lose it. That's quite a lot.
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There is not a single ID or EGO that can maintain bleed count due to the way clashes work in shitbus. Bleed doesn't exist outside MD.
No gunfag association sorry
I'm not sure if this is what that anon meant or not, but I think what they were saying was that Red Eyes doesn't support bleed, she just leeches off them. Wild Hunt has Sinking, like a lot, and a mini-Deluge
Don't post my wife while spouting retarded nonsense, faggot
Oh true they did show gameplay in the post. It's 174 right before stagger so I assume 173 is the stagger threshold, and it seems to be near the same level as Philclair next to her which should be 70%.
She should have ~246 HP? That's pretty tanky
new Ryoshu is good but I am just confused on why they didn't allow for the over capping to do something more like how Wingbeat gave her offense level. granted that it'd be absolutely broken since she already does everything but still would've been nice
you should put crack heath and Wsault earlier in deployment so they have a better chance of going first, dummy
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>[Combat Start] The main target for this Skill does not lose Bleed Count for this turn.
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>Uptie 3 W mersault
Why wouldn't she support bleed when she's seemingly applying a shit ton of potency, just look at her passives.
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There is not a single ID or EGO that can maintain bleed count due to the way clashes work in shitbus shitpany.
Bleed doesn't exist outside MD.
You can mantain count outside of MD. But it's speed dependant. Director in his infinite wisdom made IDs that can only apply count, IDs that can only apply bleed and IDs that can do both but suck at it. Red Shoes is quite literally band aid solution for bleed.
>>Eight could be gunfags because 'merica but since they seem to be a naval association might just be harpoonfags
Would be pretty useless if the association was strictly limited to the Lake. They probably have other fields of exploration, and America = pioneers/explorers would fit I guess. Of all the Associations, there isn't any tasked with finding things from the Outskirts/Ruins, despite the potential value.
Maybe don't try to clash everything non-stop you retard
Also nails and Rsault exist, nigger
It sucks that W Faust's support won't work on her, but at least Rodion's Gamble will. Hopefully, she gains a lot of 'charge' on her own
I drop the last ID for bosses to give Crackpaus an extra slot so it's not worth my thread...
I find it’s very enemy dependent, it’s easy for certain enemies to blow through double digit stacks in a turn.
>8k lunacy
Bros, go on without me.
We don't have access to nails, only enemies have them do anything.
Oh yeah, a whole 6 count after three turns charging. That'll last a whole two skills!
>We don't have nails
>Maybe don't try to clash everything non-stop you retard
The smartest way to play bleed: eat free hits every turn to maintain count longer
>(Sinking Potency/X) Gloom damage
this feels like a typo, otherwise you wouldn’t want to inflict high butterfly at all
lmao you're a fucking retard
If you lose even a single coin in a clash you're playing this shit game wrong, and if you don't it's the exact same count eco as if you let them do unopposed attacks - which you don't because the damage values are retarded.
Bleed is the most count hungry status in the game
An enemy playing multiple coins can completely exhaust bleed count, and thats even if you didn't rng into an extended clash
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Which is more efficient, MD Normals or 6.5-28? Or should I be running 6.5-19 or something?
>We don't have access to nails
>That'll last a whole two skills!
This fucking retard
Getting hit once or twice isn't a death sentence, so yeah
>If you lose even a single coin in a clash you're playing this shit game wrong
I don't want (you)s from braindead retards like you faggot
MD will always be the most efficient in terms of module usage
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Yeah, we don't. We have the kid's gloves version that's completely useless on IDs that themselves are also worthless.

Yeah sorry, it'll last less than two skills, my bad.
Pretty sure it's meant to be sinking potency/some constant value rather than the amount of butterfly, they just forgot to make a seperate X and Y
I won
MD gives boxes
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You smug bastard
>bleed can't keep up count
What's this meme now, do people here not know what does ring units and hook lu do?
it doesn't make sense because it's missing a comma, it should be 'soñar, lo imposible soñar' which makes sense in spanish and it's the first phrase of the spanish version of the imposible dream. they just changed the phrase in her lance to be the title of the song instead of the first phrase.
The meme is that retard-anons can't properly maintain count and are just braindead clash-obsessed monkeys
They are the reason why Ricardo's fight exists
You can actually maintain it mostly consistently now but it's still the hardest status to maintain count on. I wish fucking Rodion had a real bleed ID.
nobody pays attention because you get wound clerid at the start of md for free
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NTA but
>resorts to racism after being proven wrong
Even if she had a real one you'd just be spamming Red Shoes every turn so it's not like her skills would come up much. Might as well just use it on her best clashing ID.
the game doesn't let you overcap
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>All her skills inflict bleed
>One of her skills gets coin power based on how much bleed the enemy has
>One of the unique charges is about dealing more bleed
>"It's not a bleed ID"
I do not agree with your statement.
I bleed once every month. Am I really bad at maintaining Bleed Count?
bless your heart anon
I stay.
you’re not allowed to do nothing when the event reruns
How regrettable...
Bleed has been starving for Potency. RERyo will be fine. In the end MD memes will break her once Bloody Mist makes her deal +100% since she "happens" to have Bleed.
When is burn getting a good 6th member? (RingSang doesn't count)
So can telepole Don instantly give EGO Ryoshu max stacksÉ
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Nothing gets me rock hard more than a mature-looking woman acting like a spoiled child
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if you think about it, all of the female sinners are bleed ids
>Not 2 slotting Outis or Sinclair

MDH + all jannies + all dimension shredder EGOs = 450+ packs
ADL paus
Depends on the values for Butterfly, since each time Departed Butterfly is triggered is essentially a weaker deluge. Unlike SB Yi Sang who needs to save his S3 until the right moment to use it, Butterfly seems like it’s much better for consistent damage that the entire team can contribute to. We just need to know what the conditions are for Departed Butterfly to deplete itself now, which is probably on hit.
Anti Defamation League?
Sinking is too fucking competitive now
imagine how smelly she must be
I like ADL but anytime i try find anything about it, it's always pissy shitty diapers...
Age regressionfags should be lined up against the wall. Right next to bimboficationfags.
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Paus believes in being clean
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bleed is a meme and the worst status for a reason. MD isn't an argument when it manages to have BL Sinclair and Outis be usable without Meur
>enemies with skills that have multiple coins burn through count relatively easy
>potency means jacks hit if it's gone the next turn
>"Just don't clash" isn't an argument
>Nails only applies count next turn
>R Sault, Hook Hong Lu, KK Ryo and the Ring IDs are the only reliable sources of count
we'll get one more Liu next season
Post rr banners
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we need bone zone sinners
all of them are too fat
Don't forget rapefags too. And footniggers. And femdomfreaks.
So what the hell do the 3 stages do?
Anon, hook lu and the ring IDs are core bleed.
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You're 2 slotting in chain battle format? (not the fake MD style chain battle)
bro your ishmael and ryoshu
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Call me a coward but I don't like anything diaper or scat related
I want her to ask me to pamper her and throw a temper tantrum if I don't.
when she wakes up and doesn't see me around, I want her to panic and look around everywhere yelling "anon where are you don't leave me alone I'm scared!".
I wanna listen to her talking about things she's passionate about even if i don't care about the topic.
i want her to hug me and flirt with me in public. i want her to lie on my laps and ask me to feed her milk like a baby.
more red eyes: more bleed potency
more penitence more sp heal
We know Outis.
Why the fuck would you be a coward for not liking that shit
Have some fucking standards in your life
Imagine being proud that you jack off to diapers or actual feces
I think Outis should kill you.
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fetal alcohol syndrome looking face
Wonder if her buffs cap at 20 each like charge, I'm expecting 10 because 20 would be kinda crazy.
For me the best fetish is tenderly loving cute and stinky femcels
The warp bonus caps at 120%
I don't care about meta in a singleplayer game. The game is not even hard.
Rapist faust is better
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didn't get a LTC on 2 because I forgot that I didn't, skipped 3 because I couldn't be bothered doing Gasharpoon last minute and I've been holding off on doing 4. my point of bleed being dogshit still stands
but anon, they'd still burn through their stacks. COUNT is the issue and unlike rupture (which lacks it for good reason), bleed doesn't have enough count support which leads to it being pretty unwieldy. a simple fix would be giving Rodya an ID with count so that she at least has one (good) ID that can use Red Shoes without dragging the team down
Whatever the fuck happened to EGOs man?
Before, it used to be that the Awakening EGO did X and the Corroded version did X so much better but had a risk too
Nowadays, the Awakening does X + Y and the Corroded EGO does a weaker version of X
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You called?
buttsang applying butt stacks and committing butt sex
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Fat fuck.
He uses reload whenever he runs out of ammo, his S2 and S3 just make it so that he doesn’t reload at an inconvenient time.
PM figured that nuking your sp isn't a good idea, not adding the extra resource cost
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>Wake up
>New Ryoshu is probably a Greg replacement in my bloody mist team
Nice. Her bench passive seems stupid good too.
why would you say this the one time a new EGO appears NOT to do it
Yeah but in return that make Corroded EGOs completely worthless. How the hell Corrodes EGOs anymore. They might as well not exist
It’s just for flavor, I guess, since most people have the understanding that charge is pretty much electricity, or something similar to it like enkephalin. Making them unique charge also lets her have two different stacks of it to build up that provide different buffs.
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I love my fatty Ishmael
why is she smoking with her arms like that. is she retarded
Was gonna ask, can you go above the 120% inside MD or is the 120% cap global and not event stages only
gn lcg

its 120% maxed everywhere
>the one time a new EGO appears NOT to do it
Wingbeat, Everlasting, Sanguine Desire, Contempt, these are from the top of my head, where Corroding the EGO is not only the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot, but you don't get the best part of the EGO
hahaha shartmael is so fucking flat
pure boy body
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this image does things to me
teasing (me) sexually
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Seeing the rupturebro cope after he's been confirmed to be sinking through animations in the pv was a small but an enjoyable ride.
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I've heard the femboy/musclegirl aesthetic is a popular one in certain circles
I'm happy since w sang's s3 is too cool to not have on the team
Keep calling Ryoshu and Ishmael boys or ugly and they'll fucking RAPE you and make you their bitch
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>Another healer id for ryoshu
She may act the way she does but I see right through her caring self
I wish Ryoshu would rape me with her cock...
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>doomsday calendar
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Flat is justice tho?
Is there any way to make the homescreen sinner random, or have they not added that feature yet?
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I just like attractive women, and unlike some faggots I can appreciate it when a woman has muscle.
Ryo's parental tendencies, dorky side, and dad tier puns just make her even better
TBF her child almost certainly suffered a painful end that she probboly witnessed. People seal themselves off all the time for much less. Hopefully she gets some actual closure in her canto.
Sinclair's mommy is so cute.
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is it better to shard walpipi ids and ego before pulling or after?
the face-to-forehead ratio of this artist is so funny
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it is very funny
Don has titties though
ishMALE and BOYshu dont hahahaha
Great New Additions, Sinking Is Yinning.
Why do you think risking a dupe is a good thing????
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you will get raped by her vagina and you wont like it
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>Don has titties though
Not LCB Don, no
Wait you can shard walpiss?
Always after, and remember that you can’t shard the latest IDs/EGOs. Also don’t ever use your shard crates first when you’re planning to pull.
we don’t count nai_ga’s ugly off model art
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>See that something has been added
>It's Outis
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uhhh bros?
If you want to get the new stuff, roll for it first, then shard any IDs you wanted after. If you don't want to risk getting any off rate EGO, shard all the EGO you can get from pulling before you try too.
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Bloody hell, this new Ryoshu ID has TOO MUCH flavor
Tit size does not change between mirror worlds: see FLATmael
>no defense level down
she isn't really
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>cg stories
>off model
If cgs are off model it's the ID ones anon, as they are from different worlds, and we now one's body can differ depending on the world he's from
LCB Don is CUTE and FLAT
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i'm so ready
Shard EGO first
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Someone post The Don Tits in the train
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LCB Don is a cute flattie
Ncorp Don is a cute WMD bearing monster
>no painter wife with a preference for quality somewhat-pleasant smelling smokes that is also a good mom
It hurts bros
source my good sir?
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too chubby, tits too big
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>The image that DESTROYS flat Don headcanons
Sinclair's mommy is so hot bros...
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Sinners you want to do this to?
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>tfw accidentally chose a wrong floor for a solo run
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>If she don't hawk tuah, I won't tawk tuah, manager-bud!
....why is he so fucking cringe...
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>Damn I'll have to farm resources for uptying and leveling up the new IDs
>Random nerf compensation gets me everything I need
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I wish her shotgun was stronger and her poise didn't suck
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I'll pity Yi Sang if nothing else.
>one cg vs all the other cgs of the first 6 cantos
This one is the exception, not the rule.
Reminder Maid Ryoshu haters won, where's your MD inhaler start now, asthma bitch? Yeah. that's what I thought.
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She doesn't need it dummy
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Nevermind, who cares about bleed anyways?
Doesn't count
>Don reacting to the squirrel dying
Focus was more on her reaction, so Nai_Ga did not draw her boobs
>Background Don celebrating
Completely canon. Don't forget that her ID art (which are supposed to show off her appearance) also show her with sizable breasts.
>Deploy her alongside BL Meursault and Don
Nah I'm good don't worry
what is this?
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Such a lust for revenge
Ryoshufags seem to have impossibly high standards for her IDs. It's really odd. I'll never forget all the seethe Liu Ryoshu caused despite being pretty good and core to burn to this day
>Ryoshufags seem to have impossibly high standards for her IDs.
It's random faggots that think an ID to be good needs to be entirely self reliant. In a game all about team building
Do s3 coin flips through special counter count as flipping coins on an attack skill?
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>Pipi Ryo is bleed
>I just UT4'd KK Ryo 2 weeks ago
It's because everyone considered her the defacto strongest sinner and got mad if her IDs weren't noticeably better. Which is stupid.
all defense skills!
Dumb RyoshuBITCH
I usually end up getting the crystalized blood so I don't have to deal with that. Except that it's keywordless so it's entirely up to luck
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>Only ashes remain
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I hope they give us some warning before the end of Season 4 so I can spend most of these on uptying Egos since I'm pretty lazy on that front. I'm only missing 5 standard ID's (two are 00's) and 2 Egos. And two announcers I guess, but fuck Yuri and I'd rather have the lunacy instead of Samjo.
>*Puff* *wheeze*
Damn that's convenient.
My tubby little Anon :)
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Linton sama...
That's on PM for making so many very strong and self-sufficient ids though
RCliff, WDon, WRyo, NClair, RSang, Dieci Hong... And except for Cliff they all are still the top tiers of the game, so yeah, people want ids like those for their favorite sinner
(It IS retarded that Ryofags of all people would ask for one though, as they already have WRyo)
It's an edit, anon.
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So will they implement the rape scene from Hell Screen?
>Heathspliff, I'm smoking on the Red Mist Black Forest grown pack. They watered this shit with the Cogito of 36 outskirt children. Heathcliffu, shit's so black it should be telling me "That's that, and this is this." This shit will turn turn your Identity off. Impuritas Civitatis levels of sour. Corrosion inducing, Sweeper kush. This shit got Enkephalin modules on it, so you know the enkephalin/lunacy ratio violates City Taboos, Heathcliff. Yeah, this that traitorous Hod Meltdown shit. This the shit that's straight from the Great Lake. This the shit that destroyed Vergilius' orphanage.
Ashes to Ashes Ryoshu...
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Where is that video of Nemo smoking a blunt? I can't find it
It only gets used on the first wave of the boss fight. The fight also has a unique track that stops being played after the first wave. I really don't know what they were thinking.
Sinclair and Don.
>Hagtis is too old and she doesn't even appear
Yi Sang's best friends
Base ID Realizations
So any ideas what that weird mask stitched onto cassette tape's face was?
Those are called cantos
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>Two page ID kits becoming standard
No...I don't want to read...
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Rodion is so hungry she'll pull your pants down, start sucking your asshole, then make you void your excrement down her gullet.... Rodion!
I didn't bother reading Yi Sang'a page because he's sinking. Is he worth slotting in instead of Delugesang for bosses?
>2 Blondies 1 Sang
We still need numbers, and to check how it'll play out in practice. It seems fine, but that depends on how much butterflies you can stack.
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>There is not a single ID or EGO that can maintain bleed count
Sanguine Desire Rodion. You can kneel now.
Builds sinking and turns sinking into gloom damage without eating a whole stack. Yes.
Self tremor is unique charge.
You can get tremorburst tho
A season boss ID and Walpipi one are pretty exceptional though. Both only needed it because they have alternate skill 3s AND 2 unique statuses to explain.
Did what
/lcg/ hit a new low.
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aanyone have one of those gook sub-40 videos to hand? I want to see how badly they've broken it
Just woke up but, Haha! I knew it was going to be a healing ID just like it's ego.
Tho this means that she basically directly competes with and replaces chef ryoshu
The line could be a paintbrush of sorts, or a scabbard too
Guess time will tell
For Dante
For Heathcliff
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>WH heath
>best Gregor ID, who looks like a Castlevania character
Sinking has the coolest male IDs besides Kimsault, it's not even close. Also Molar Ish who's the hottest female ID. If only maid ryoshu was sinking too...

Sinking aesthethic creeps and styles on the rest of the teams.
I imagine we'll see a lot more unique charge in the future
Self tremor sucks. This is entirely because I hate how SpiceSang builds it.
Literally in 10 years
i can live with this
I almost did an edit like that but since my original edit was barely commented on, I didn't do it.
Didn’t even see Ryoshu got shield too.
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So we had Poise + some bleed season.
Now we're in the sinking season.
What is Don's canto going to focus on? Bleed seems like the no brainer, but we had plenty of it during Ishmael's season, so maybe it won't be that? Or it's gonna be a mix up between bleed and another status like it was on it, but bleed is gonna be the main thing?
Just realized that we now have TWO coffin carrying niggas in the sinking team.
This was sinking season with a Tremor AND charge intervallo
oh the irony
Bleed + Rupture
Faust can only get the Xiao ID if it's implied Dante is Lowell. Anything else and I burn down HHPP.
This was sinking & tremor season. Bleed + something else next.
Like I said before, it'll be Heathcliff Xiao
It's going to Heathchips, sis
Yi Sang is getting Lowell, sorry bro.
are you the same faggot that screamed about flavor in her liu ID?
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How would each sinner react to their appendix rupture?
...and Dante is getting the Xiao ID!
Heathcliff is getting Xiao, Cathy was his Lowell
>Yi Sang kept some of the League around by getting them all to join the Liu, only to have them job to the library
Hmmm... kino.
My bro WILL find his childhood gf again
Same goes for Yi Sang. I'll find a way to get Dongbaek for him.
Meursault and Marie WILL get married
Hong Lu's cousin WILL live
Not sure what Sinclair can do...
Heathcliff Xiao, with Meursault as Lowell
Flipping the dynamic on Dead Rabbits
>Chinese dragon
>Anyone but Hong Lu
Sorry bwos
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I'm too stupid to read and understand all that. Gonna winrate as usual. Only understood that they should be additions to sinking and bleed teams.
Don: Burn/Bleed, with a Rupture and Sinking intervallo.
Hong Lu: Rupture/Sinking, with a Charge and Poise intervallo.
Ryoshu: Burn/Poise, with a Bleed and Tremor intervallo
Meursault: Tremor/Sinking, with a Burn and Rupture intervallo
Outis: Rupture/Bleed, with a Burn and Tremor intervallo
Faust: Charge/Poise, with a Tremor and Bleed intervallo
They refuse to give rupture good IDs because it is the strongest status effect in a vacuum
they all wait for dante to turn back the clock
God I'm tired of limbabs shipping Faust with the (OC) literally you manager.
<Faust ITS for me, howthoever.>
Dante is Iori's son.
>Molar Ish who's the hottest female ID
limbabs are weird
If Dante is truly meant to be (you) (me) then how come he's not asking Ryoshu to step on his (my) (your) dick?
Dante receiving a package
oh fuck i haven't been paying child support
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>I'm tired of limbabs shipping Faust with the character she interacts with the most, has the most positive interactions with, and knows the best, and has the most history with
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I want ryoshu to slowly become more motherly towards the other sinners...
Anyway in terms of age of the sinners I think it's basically
Sinclair<Heathcliff</=yi sang<honger</=mersault<Ishmael</=rodya<gregor<faust<ryoshu<outis<<<<<<<<<<<<<dondon
>seething Fausang shipper
Dante's so fucking fat. How do you even get that blubbery without a mouth bwahahahahaha
When will an anon voice this?
>Focus was more on her reaction, so Nai_Ga did not draw her boobs
praising nai_ga like a kindergartener who can barely draw is funny
Hong Lu already has a Liu ID
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Ryoshu you can't go around adopting MY sinners just because your daughter is dead
So why Penitence and Red Eyes, is there any connection between them or Gebura just pick two random EGO weapons and combo'd them together?
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I like how a lot of illustrations of Paradiso make Heaven look somewhat like a rose.
and yi sang already has 2 sinking ids
>archetype vs district
That faggot was right though. This one is wrong
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>Anon is fucking retarded
>red eyes
rage over the people she could not protect
the mission of the seed of light project itself and how garion may have felt about her history as a fixer
Mersault is one of the youngest together with Sinclair.
The mother needs penitence for burning her daughter alive
Red Eyes has nothing to do with rage. Protection, yes, but not failed protection
and? Xiao left the Liu association and she'll be back in Limbus
>She'll get the Meursault's mom ID for his canto
First Sinclair and now Heathcliff. Who's next?
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Stop being so fucking retarded Anon-manager!
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ryoshu's three different spiderbuds
point is liu is shit and should be replaced anyway
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They just work well together.
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>literally "Dante looking up to the star" cg
Director I kneel
I was referring to Gebura, who's Ryoshu's ID is based on
Wasn't it the Daimyo who did it? After he raped her too, nonetheless?
>murders you when you step on its babies
>EGO vs ID
Absolute retard
I mean, not really. She’s got a bit of a swell to her chest in her base LCB art too.

nai_ga was just copying how velmori did the CG art when portraying the Sinners probably so as to not create two big of a discrepancy, but whoever the new artist they had brought in is just following the ID art instead.
Well, Spider Bud gets fucking FURIOUS when its children are killed. So it's less 'failed protection' and more 'retribution'
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You dense motherfucker...
You mean "no less"
Don’t worry, Sayomael will eventually arrive and make the KK IDs a new meta!
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Goofy boss and serious secretary is simply a good dynamic
That looks super freaking menacing for "heaven".
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fuck you i hope hong lu gets 7 different liu ids
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It's one of the more popular depictions of Dante looking up at Heaven.
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The lord orchestrated it yes, but Ryoshu did absolutely nothing to stop it, once he realized how awe inspiring the scene was, and used it to finish his piece, then killed himself.

I don't remember any rape, I think he got mad exactly because she refused his advances on her.
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New Ryoshu ID seems sick, I will probably use it non-stop.
Also the EGO Assimilation passive will work great with IDs that give charge count, and EGO gifts in MD.
one doesn't exclude the other
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I wish Rupture had cooler IDs
>I don't remember any rape, I think he got mad exactly because she refused his advances on her.
this is why limbus fans are famous for their reading skills
I imagine mersault to be in his mid to late 20s pretty much hong lus peer of between 26-28 which is enough to still be considered "young" or so range, while heath I like 22 or so and yi sang being like 24 or 25.
I don't. Stay losing loser.
And yet I prefer when the whole squad has matching aesthetics so Warp Team and Blade Lineage team are the most kino you can have in the game outside base sinner ID and oops all liu.
Give me more Dieci ID's so I can run all Dieci, I think only two more are needed.
Heath is around 30, so is Yi sang.
Everyone except Sinclair is 30+
Rodion in 2 weeks will save it
It's been a while since I read it. I only remember the more general idea of what happened, I'll just re-read it again later since it's not that long.
hong lu is 16
shiptroons really are this fucking retarded
>once he realized how awe inspiring the scene was
the Contempt, Awe EGO makes sense now... kino
Rabbit Sault is kind of cool
sinclair is 10
shiptroon? what?
The impossible dream
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>Hoshitno is starting to pollute other franchises
In Dante's Paradiso each part of heaven is a different planet in the solar system with the very deepest part of heaven being the sun, both mars and the sun are pretty fucking spooky places
Dante is 10
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Don is 300000000000000 years old.
ba will be dead in a year dw
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i really hope that with these last few ids we dont start spiraling into FEH tier ID descriptions and mechanics...
I thank them for their service, for the porn made. Rest in piece.
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outta 10
Dante is X
lmao, what pathetic prudence you have. You're weaker than /a/ clerks who could waifu someone like Kirino without having meltdowns. I guess it's because they understood more than you do.
this is the endgame for any game designed like this + it didn't kill feh
Imagine skullfucking One Sin
doubtful. Yeah the Ryoshu ID appears like a wall of text but it's really straight forward.
Sucks too cause Limbus core gameplay its not built for IDs that have actual shit going on. We can only hope future Chain battles take advantage of them.
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sorry bwo
it is our inescapable future
Where is Ayin (me)?
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S.F. I'm S.O.Y.Y.. I'm going to S.F. you U.Y.S. a Q.M.
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It's just words
they made a whole infographic to explain it and there are people who still don't understand that the ryoshu nerf only affects outis' aoe
Red Mist Phase 2: Outis, she's a shell of a person constantly deceiving others (Mimicry) and constantly attempting to take leadership over the others (Da Capo).
Red Mist Phase 3: Meursault, a man who can carry out punishment on others without regard for the morality (Justitia) and can can diligently face the horrors of the world (Mountain).
Red Mist Phase 4: Don Quixote or Rodion, the judge, jury, and executioner who brings about great tragedy in their pursuit of justice (Twilight).
>I don't remember any rape, I think he got mad exactly because she refused his advances on her.
Yes and no, there was a attempt but the lord ran off before being seen once he heard the guard narrator and yoshida(forma de monke) come running down to save her before anything occurred, however it is made kinda vague how far her assault went cause while she was very thankful the daughter was too ashamed to tell them any details other than she was attacked
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>replace bocchi with don
If they can go ahead nerf IDs, to the point where they're completely worthless, then there's no excuse for them to not buff IDs as well
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what's meant to be intended vs the current one
>Bocchi the cringe
>Bocchi the Based
Is director the type who'd eat the green crayons first, and nothing else, or would he eat them last because they're his favorites?
Angela and Heathcliff evicted into the wasteland
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this shit just makes me wonder what would happen if lob corp was actually under attack by another wing instead of trooning itself
Why did that other anon imply there was graphic rape that was referenced directly then?
>Bocchi the onahole
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oh and rocinante is meant to have text saying rocinante as seen in la sangre the sancho
Now that I think about it Rodion is very similar to Don and Outis. All three of them share a delusion about their place in the world and is attempting to hide something from the rest of the team.
>Bocchi the public toilet
They'd probably just get overwhelmed by numbers. Yeah Twilight is bullshit and whatever but you only got one of them. But they'd probably never even be in a situation where they got attacked, simply due to how incredibly useful they are to every other wing by providing really cheap energy.
Now if you assume that the EGO weapon limit is meant for balance only, then it's over for every other wing. Hell, nuggets can take down CLAWS, what fuck is R Corp gonna bring to the table that's better?
Why buff when they can put up a new ID for you to obtain and invest into instead?
Paradise Lost AoE, GO
>Tomoko for cowards
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>3.5+gb donwload next maintenance
>Bocchi the fleshlight
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If it happens i bet that she will try but dantuh or next in line sinner will hold her up and stop her from dying or smth
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>get ONE Paradise Lost
>have to put it on your strongest guy with the best stats
>while he's mulching up an attack on one facility, the enemy wing attacks 8 more
Still not enough, unless L Corp threatens to instantly send a rapesquad to the enemy Nest and blow everything up inside as a way to establish MAD.
>>still no explanation for the random 7GB update every player gets
Hate crime against thirdies
Tomoko is a switch and bait
dont live in a shithole, simple. i bet ur skin is brown too
wrong tweet?
>Limbus will take 100gb eventually.
I've never gotten the 7GB update since I started. Does it only happen to Steam users?
Never happened to me. Must be an ethnic thing
Never happened to me once. Must be a westoid thing
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yeah but abnos escaping is unironically the end of the world apparently
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We are getting too powerful too fast
Never happened to me once. Must be an earthling thing
>100 giga bites
god i fucking hope so
>Now if you assume that the EGO weapon limit is meant for balance only
Did wonderland cover this? But also I remember it mentioning that the EGO gear essentially pilots most users instead of the agent successfully utilizing the weapon (something only strong nuggets can do) and the primary power was the ability to mass produce high level fixers/borderline colours out of nobodies via EGO gear.
My nuggets are ALEPH tiers when not under qliphot suppression and they survived the bright nights and dark days. I will not be taking further questions on this topic.
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You're moving the goalposts. The rape was very clearly implied in the text if you have even a high school reading comprehension.
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gluttonous infernal beast
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>Have more pulls then i do thread
Hahah I'll have fun playing with the ids in 2 months
It's not graphic, but definitely implied something sinister happened.
With her clothes being disheveled as well, I worry that the daimyo actually did go farther than we'd think. Now how will this get adapted to LC?
>a rose
A pool of blood.
I don't think so, but I don't play on mobile

Oh you're getting it sooner or later
It's completely random and hits everyone once
No. We must become stronger
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I can't believe Warp Ryoshu just split that anon's post in half
We really aren't. You get strong in the PMverse by constantly surviving greater and greater challenges (see: You don't survive because you're strong, you're strong because you survived) and that's basically all the sinners have been doing. With how much the sinners have been training and how much time has been passing, I wouldn't be shocked if they were Grade 1s by the end of Inferno.
If the story itself refuses to analyze the impact of a rape to the point it must be adversely construed to only by femoids with a rape fetish then I don't know. Bad writing
>total mobile death
Thank god
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i bless you with only dupe announcers this walpipi limbwo
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>anon doesn't realize tech advancements will mean smartphones will have 1TB of storage
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Do it. Buy the thread pack.
You can support them in dumb Donposter
Your counter S3 also lacks the mods the normal true s3 gets, only getting what's on the original counter skill.
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Yeah I know
>will have
they already do
She looks like a frog
You can admit to being a retard in fewer words.
>Tech improves
>Games take more space
One step forward two steps back.
It's retarded that Ruina counters are Erlking exclusive. They should go back and change the others so they won't be so goddamn useless
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>dst limbus ids
God i wish
You deserve rape for having a Baltimore public shooler level reading comprehension
Must suck not being a day one player
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he said ONIONS thoughever
show us your waw happi banner retard
newbabs.. CUUUUUUTE!!!!
But muh Shitards
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Yeah if WhiteNight actually gets out it's pretty much Game Over. Melting Love, Blue Star, even only individually strong ones like Nothing There There's no Qlippoth Deterrence outside of the LCorp facilities either, so you can assume the Abnos are even worse than in the game. I don't remember, does Angela make Chesed disable the deterrence entirely, or just lower it to produce more enkefentanyl?
Also is that from the manual?
I never read Wonderlab, sorry. That second part is true, afaik only the Red Mist was able to TRULY get everything out of her weapon and then EGO.
>My nuggets are ALEPH tiers when not under qliphot suppression and they survived the bright nights and dark days. I will not be taking further questions on this topic.
My little nigga your nuggets went in the Light with the rest of the facility and were reborn as Assistant Librarians.
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You know what happens to limBABIES like you, right?
You. Get. DON'D.
individually strong ones like Nothing There would be a massive threat for a Nest.*
I'm retarded btw.

▲ ▲
blessed post
Stop with the newfag infantilization you're making us look gay
Dante posted this.
All of you. Don'd.
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>I don't remember, does Angela make Chesed disable the deterrence entirely, or just lower it to produce more enkefentanyl?
It's lowered, not fully disabled
awwww its 1st words
so cuuuteeeee
I do genuinely hope they make the daimyo out as a creep, just to hammer in how fucking blind to how bad things really were that ryoshu and to also potentially the stand in for the guard/narrator was.
Also If the narrator guard does become a character I'd assume he'd play a similar role to nelly/samjo as the npc to tells us stuff and give exposition about what's been going on.
But back to the lord, I can easily see it as in LC that he just wants to force ryoshu's daughter to join the finger because of her "potential" or whatever which could work just aswell buy they could make that the supposed main factor and still go with the guy was also a creep thing and had her killed to fuck with ryoshu once he realized she'd never want to be with him
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Yeah so if it gets entirely disabled, it's fucking OVER. WhiteNight is already almost unkillable without Jesus Christ Himself intervening, and its Apostles constantly come back. Thank the Wings our beloved manager was there to prevent that.
∎ ∎
∎ ∎
Huh.... I wonder if there's any limbus mods for dst
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∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ my ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ while I ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ Faust's ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
Dante can triforce, surely. Which sinners can and can't triforce?
When does one stop being a newbab?
Is that you?
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i will definetly check once i get back home but i have a vague feeling i already did once and there was rcorp ish
could just be delusions desu
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>Which sinners can and can't triforce?
Faust can
When you gain the WAW banner
Don would post constantly trying to nail the Triforce
>Jesus Christ
On that note d9 they even use deterence on completely safe/tool abnos?
Cause I mean outside of the train they're not really going to do anything on their own
>Only 10k lunacy
It's over.
Corrected OP.
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>One Sin
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shredder paus when
Probably not.
Man, the tools are stupid as fuck. Where do they even come from? You mean to tell me that Binah lowers a guy in the Well and when she pulls it up there's now a notebook from an insane scientist there?
>just lower it to produce more enkefentanyl?
lowered. I can't remember if it's from an older version of the manual but I remember even "lowly" He's each being a 5 digit disaster if ONE of them got out of containment into the City unsuppressed.
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Heasuclippu... You are so strong. The blood cuck didn't stand a chance... You did all that while egoless too...
when you've gotten
WAW banner
Under 70 turns on all railways
Lobcorp true ending
Beat Ruina without using keypages
Went to HamHamPangPang
Done a cool handstand
Bought all PM merchandise
>Heasuclippu... You are so strong.
>Needed that twink's and hag's support passives
Qliphot Deterrence is for the facility, not their holding cells. EVERYTHING is suppressed even abno gear even in the hallways. Those "completely safe tool abnos" are likely only completely safe because of the deterrence.
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Felt like I was undermining his strength so I did it again. No twink version this time.
>the twink was holding him back
>Remove twink
>Gets stronger
Hmm, considering that they make a point of bullets and swords not really doing anything to an Abnormality, I wonder if EGO gear works only because it's from the same source as the abnos themselves and thus deals some special damage.
Then again, Limbis has you beat up abnos with random gear with no issue...
>remove the weak link
>become stronger
>this befuddles the limbabble
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This fucking onahole is the true traitor, holding the rest back.
Poojeet hands types this post.
Faust was right...
It's your adopted son...
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Faust is always right
>no baker in sight
>special boss fight arena
>special boss music

>rodion is too much of a weak pussy bitch to confront herself and runs away
>leaves the arena and music behind
Yeah, I'm thinking kino.

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