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This thread is, you guessed it, Male midlander owned.

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previously: >>492831804
catboy supremacy
Nice ESL bud!
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my femlala? yeah shes kinda like this
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>EU hours
>It's all NA drama
yeah it popped, the run went super fast too thank god people queued so i did not have to use trusts
It's 9pm in australia. Figure it out
NA drama made by people who don't even reside in the GLORIOUS 50 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
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Death to dramaspewing Amerimutts
Kyopedo defense force got out of bed for this one
Kyoppi's number 1 pedophile accomplice.
jizzda and kong don't have a life outside of this thread
EU is obsessed with NA


Just read the shitposts, they read like someone throwing rocks over a fence and never interacting with the person outside of the thread.
>hanging out with 4chan people in the game
kek, you idiots.
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I'll be eternally grateful if you queue instead.
>got punched in the eye
>immediately blinded with cataracts
>she incredulously holds a spear or whatever that is

whhooooaa wow
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I can leak so much more
I honestly don't get why.

Every EU anon I've spoken to directly is honestly pretty likable.
How does anyone think 'yeah I want this to be my char'
This. Not a single person from here is worth hanging out with
that is a black mage staff, you motherfucking ape.
search for effy and post the funniest post from him
This but I'd kill Kyoppi and slowly starve to death savoring my moral victory.
NA drama but manufactured by EU
Wait, everyone is from NA?
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i'm not a pedo though
>insists his miqote is a fox
instant blacklist, foxes are the most annoying people.
ever been around a fox? they stink! like naturally stink! you cant even wash it off! they are funky! then its their personality, they are always dicks! every single time, they are assholes, "ooooh im a trickster hehe" no, youre a dumbass and a rude idiot.
This has to be a nayr alt right? She wears teh same get up and is a femra
Damn that's crazy
Damn that's even crazier
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hmm i will queue.... in 2 hours... maybe
You're an enabler which is just as bad.
kong is nearly 40 and has never seen a real vagina
I'm sure it's not all of them, and the ones that are schizo and shitpost are so paranoid they stay away from you. They know if they slip up and say the wrong thing, and then you post it, with their name, their shitposting "empire" would crumble as people start going
>hey wait a second I recognize that name
>that's my friend
>but it does make sense all those personal shitposts now...
it's not, and she gets super pissed everytime someone says she looks/acts like nayr
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wdym i dont enable anybody
i dont like pedophiles
Then why are you friends with a pedophile?
>being open friends with someone that is a blackhole of having people hate him and go out and witch hunt him
>the same guy is known for ignoring a majority of his trolls so the trolls attack everyone around him
>complain when you get trolled or trolls start digging deeper at (you) because they cant get to him publicly (he still seethes in his private channels)

Like you did it to yourself bro.
you are the company you keep in xivg.
I will sky shatter this catboy with my carrot
Sounds like someone who doesn't want their main to be known would do
>This has to be a nayr alt right?
Lol if only you knew
NTA but his logic is if you post jackoffable material with your lala

I'm not defending or care, just explaining why he's freaking out over a lala tummy, probably is jacking off to it and projecting.
Insane headcanon as always
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Hey man I like creating ninja fox characters that fight man eating monsters in the night to protect us like some kind of secret organisation of kitsune shinobi that live and die without being known.
I mean I can't prove it but I'm 99% sure her and nayr are not the same
kong is my favorite moonie
that's because it's balniggers coming over here to shit things up for us
It's real, that's why you're replying to try and discredit me, you have your cock in hand and pumping to some barely naked lala
I could but i don't think the thread is ready for it. The amount of chaos this would cause wouldn't be good lots of great people would catch strays i might just never leak it
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Not surprising how NA subhumans are unable to contain their discord high-school clique faggotry when they literally have a society and culture dedicated to worshipping niggers and drama.........
The world would be a better place if the internet was segregated and we didn't have to suffer from Americans and the latinx..................
>says the faggy German femboy who wishes he was a woman
We need a new paradigm. Everything must be broken down for a new order to rise. Wipe it all clean.
*enlightens you as you jump up*
heh, nothing personel
post full
typical pedofel post
Same we love Kong
i'm not i dont think kyoppi is a pedophile
yeah i know lol
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>EU can no longer play on Crystal
>supply of horse cock dries up
>Balmungoloids quit
Agreed, keep your trannies over there and we'll deal with ours over here.
You're so right my queen. My big American cock belongs inside of you, away from these troglodytes
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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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i will not give up trying to clear m4s today
wish there was a crowd of apes for her ass
>i'm not i dont think kyoppi is a pedophile
You act like we sleep..
lmao true, what a fucking loser
I thought we are all filipinos. Guys?
Yeah, modern EU is just a holding cell for future NA residents to amplify their productivity, intelligence and etc.

Current NA residents are just the previous batch who've let themselves go with some exceptions.

Soon the cards will be reshuffled again and a new NA cycle will begin.

This mainly applies to Finland though which is barely EU.

And so on

Its actually complicated to explain but you'll see what I mean.
soft faggy meena prince x softer faggier meena himcess = best couple
An f-list? If there was actually any pedo matieral you can report it and get the profile deleted, but guess what it's still up
wookie fat...
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So do I report and MD5 myself?
>kyoppi is a pedo and still somehow managed to feel the inside of a woman before kong did
not looking good kong bros
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stfu you stupid eu effy clone

this post >>492844802 is right all you faggots do is just complain about us when you're the ones posting this shit
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>Thread theme:
I voted for Brexit am I safe from this ban
Post buns
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>I voted for Brexit
You’re dumber than everyone else
Nayr is playing an alt but you would never guess who it is
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having weird fetishes doesnt make you a pedophile i'm sorry but you can never make me care about someone liking fictional things
you're allowed to think loli stuff is weird because it is weird but i know for a fact that i find actual pedos repulsive and i do not have thoughts like that about real children at all
I fucking hate these eu niggers addicted to horsecock and schizposting
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This but a 9 year old girl
That was called a joke, I understand Americans don't get the whole humour thing unless there is a laugh track in the background
cute femlala
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It's already been 2 hours! Please queue nyow!
kill yourself pedonigger
Jokes are supposed to be funny
t. bbc loving midwit content in the destruction of his own country
It is very weird, but then again EUs are such fucking schizos about random things

I'm NA and have a friend in SA and his country went to shit, literally said
>I'd have to work 8 jobs to make what I made before
I say something like "maybe you got to move to a different country", like just suggesting maybe somewhere else in SA would have a better economy

EU comes out of nowhere and says
>LOL and move to america? Don't you need like 2 jobs there just to survive LMAO

I wasn't even insinuating he move to america, like he even could, but what a dumbass when the original guy was complaining about needing 8 jobs
get a trip so i can filter you already
aaaaaaaaaahhhh tell meeeeee
The intense denial of something so plainly obvious only makes you look more guilty.
What game is this?
Damn that's crazy
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What the flock
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I'm going to start going to the gym.
Why are you so in love with us?
90% of americans don't even care about your
shitty literal who countries you fucking europoor
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who WOULDNT intensely deny being labeled one of the worst things imaginable? are you retarded?
Yikes, this is not a good look for you. You're losing thread credit...
people who arent actually pedos
remember.you did this.not me.it was you.
I'm spewing no drama, I'm just trying to get my clear on Materia.
lolicons banging the “I’m totally not a pedophile I swear” drum is so funny. Bro you get aroused by anime children what is your problem
Damn that's crazy
How to deny being a pedophile
>I'm not a pedophile
How pedophiles deny being a pedophile
>Just because I jerk off to *checks flist* underage characters pissing in diapers doesn't mean I'm a pedophile in real life
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I gave Vivian L'uzana a naruto-themed blowjob and now I lost all my threadcred as a result
You will be alone forever
No one likes you
You’re a miserable human
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I was gonna post cunny and say "I love children mmmmmminors yummy minors yum yum yum yummy yummy kid cunny" but my internet stopped me
Holy shit why does it suck so much today
Wait are you actually not Effy?
When I'm near Urianger my humidity rises.
im happier than you
ft10 me in street fighter 6 and the loser is a pedo
I'm gassier than you
I'm not brown.
i'm gayer than you
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we know....
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>mouse is getting old and ghosting inputs
>keep clicking random bench people on accident
>they click back on me
im not being weird im having a technical fault
i only play third strike like a fucking man, faggot
me neither
You’re a jobless freak
my suncat will no longer laugh and call you tubs, good on you bro
Verily, such passionate perspiration is only natural between comrades that shareth such an intimately trusting and many-times strengthened bond...
No he's plaphog wife (I spoke to him once & said his Reicat is cute)
>im not being weird
They are for clicking back immediately though.
im literally a multi millionaire from buttcoins
stay seething
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Sure, I accept the challenge
Hey man don't namedrop me like that, wth!
No lol
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Are you now?
Won't someone think of the drawings
The absolute state of this dead game
hmm i would play 3s but i havent played in long enough
The only thing this American stallion worships is you, my mentally ill femra Queen (male).
im so glad you have so much time to cast broil and not healer lb3
Oh, sorry
I seriously thought you were, I apologize
EU huh? i knew you were a giant faggot beyond spamming your low quality "im so dark and twisted xD" bullshit
>These past couple of threads
Just got off the phone with my broker, I told him to sell every last femlala stock I have as soon as the market opens. Holy shit I'm going to be ruined.
omg adana hiiii
What happened?
Adana was here the whole time why do you think the schizoposting started?
hello anon!!!!1 /pet /pet
lalas confirmed for pedos as usual
They are not beating the pedophile accusations.
/pet x999
bad blank
How so? What happened exactly?
bro wth
Nice try Trannychelle but the blankposters are universally loved unlike yourself.
he seems like a giant faggot desu
/pet 9999999999x
If Lalas are pedoes why aren't they making child girl characters and having lovey-dovey mating ERP sex with me?
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monsignor energy drink
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because they don't have the crab.
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botting my island sanctuary and practicing guitar sisters
life is good

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yesterday in limsa was a banger god bless miera sexpests going after each and every femlala on the bench
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>TFW they say "what there's no covenant here, think maybe nobody's home!"
Suddenly the door opens and closes
hroth hero stocks on rise
>Even the normies know you're a schizo
Crab to meet you
now google crab in japanese
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Please queue frontline crystal DC so I can sleep.
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>Even the normies know you're a schizo
Uuuuuoooooohhhhhh! (ToT)
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builded for
have you tried just pressing the fucking smile emote
Yeah, its actually annoying and I kind of understand why simpler is sometimes better
dont use rotation for lip bones, move em instead
It's not the fucking same dude, i liked giving my characters a very faint slight smirk but i can't fucking do that, and she looks retarded with a smile
>he doesn't use brio and just use expressions
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It really wasn't that hard
I'm a 36 year old femlala, when do I have to stop wearing crop tops?
Hey it's the ugly futa
nah not really but it was a fun tier nonetheless (fuck you m2s suck my dick)
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keep practicing
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Pretty sure nobody cares about me and just finds my shenanigans mildly amusing at most.
This person should be getting shitposted more than Kong
sleeve my sunnie+
yeah what's up player
Never. But I will smooch your tummy.
That doesn't narrow it down at all
Why is your cock like a 20m long tentacle with the thickness of a mildly large sausage
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My femra looks and acts like this
my fiddie will befriend this thighlander
but refuse to do anything lewd
Where are the moonies!
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what >>492846978 said
more like a foot and a bit and bc i dig it
all gucci say hey whenever
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Using ktsis rn, is anam better? i heard it got updated for DT
Getting ready for Initial Operational Capability
I'd suggest trying other emotes, not just expressions. Also image editing goes a long way, a tasteful usage of the smudge tool is your friend.
Someone post the frog on a unicycle RIGHT NOW
doing my best not to swoon lovingly at the sight of this lass
I honestly use brio the most
Then anam because I used to use it all the time and am really familiar with it
and then barely touch Ktisis
Er, I said smudge tool but I really meant liquify. It's 7 AM be nice to me.
Why is there smoke coming out of that Lambo's boot (trunk)...
This one
Don't lie
id bend over for it
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Because I haven't got any experience with Brio, I literally just picked the first two things suggested and used Ktisis and Anamnesis together.
it's also in a weird spot
maybe that's supposed to be sucking in air/dirt effect?
Hahahahahahahaha that shit still gets me every damn time
it gets me hard too bro
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Don'' worry chillun', Uncle Ruckus lala gon' take care of em
Will a baboon butt-scratchin' mooncoon PLEASE hand me the daym grease fryer and wooydchippa'?
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yeah it was pretty fun
>ERP with someone
>"My cock is 3 feet long"
>"Well that seems a little unrealistic for some creative sex writing"

>this is what they mean
She's smiling because I agreed to put it in her butt.
Why is it bent like that
Post femlala catboxes /pplease
ok maybe not that gay but still pretty gay
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because i was (am) bad at posing and thought it looked fine at the time
i was sorely mistaken
I like and am friends with both of these people, I do not enjoy this picture
Hey atomic, I thought you were European with your goofy hours / autism, but you are actually on NA.
I need roulettes to reset so I can do them, log off and play osrs the rest of the day (I’m getting 99 strength today)
I've seen worse from you, but I didn't save those ones because they have no comedic value
thought it looked alright all things considered
Made for instaloss and bad ends
Great MI6 coming to my door
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I will not use catbox
I needed this today
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meena like this?
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My femra looks and acts exactly like this
no it doesnt
May i post my naked face 1 femra.
That doesn’t look like a lalafell
I am
A gay maleroe
I remember being in my 20s ITT and hating anything remotely related to pedophilia, probably because my brain was like "I was just a kid, that would be so fucked up if some 80 year old man tried to fuck me"

But now in my 30s kind of just realize it's not actual pedos and just people having fun with other consenting adults. Theres no creepy guy grooming actual underaged kids. It's people roleplaying and posting pictures that get a funny reaction. Anything actually pedophilic gets called out and banned.
literally every minheight meena
t. minheight meena
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ooki haters have been real quiet this expac
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I don't care about your opinion
I just don't get why we need to talk about porn and fetishes in the first place
These idiots are grooming themselves into developing a fixation that will have a seriously negative impact on their lives.

>we’re just kidding around!
Yeah and you are also compulsively saving and posting completely unrelated loli ecchi in the thread.
Made for pounding and impregnating cunny
so viera+ can bag themselves EZ femraens
I should have asked ooki out when I had the chance...
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My main is on EU (Cerb), you're just seeing me more on my alt at the moment NA (Seraph) as I'm levelling classes up before I move to my other alt on JP (Tonberry).

I don't know if I'll bother with my alt on OCE (Bismarck) because that DC is fucking dead.
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zakasen is starting, everyone aside from kuzuha is on twitch
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Still don't care flip
literally who?
There is nothing more fundamentally european than being Constantly Obsessed with the Going-Ons of America
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im blue dabeee deeb dab daaa
Trying to solo O12S on PLD, this fight is just... egh, what are all the mechs I need to watch out for and how do I deal with them
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My fiddie looks and acts like this
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Hrothgar and their consequences have been a disaster for the Eorzean races.
my femra speaks english, guapanese, portuguese, bulgarian, italian, donkey kong and a lil bit of french
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>about to play a sexy midlander
>right when its about to happen, internet goes out
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Surrender from your foolish delusions, anon. Accept that a femlala CAN be a loving wife and that you'll no longer harass them!
please, my femra has BIG TIDDIES and they need to be shown...
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learn japanese, NOW
My fiddie leading your fiddie on a walk through the housing ward like a good dog.
Opposite when I was younger I was more tolerant of them, thinking of them as a fetish I was glad to not have. But now that I've gotten to know the fucking mental gymnastics they pull off to justify their deviancies, and grown to know that they're all horrible people on the inside as well from experience, I've learnt to treat them with great prejudice and indiscriminate persecution.
blackpilled once again
She has a bf irl her e-dating is supposedly ic only
show me her asshole instead
/punt all lalashits
/rape all lalaholes
Just raped your post. Wondering why?

Please consult the criteria below:

>You made me want to rape you.
>You posted.
>You heckin' failed to check my horniness levels.
>Raping is my weapon of justice, and the seggs react my bullet. Pow.

So what does this mean? The amount of rape (reactions) on your post has increased by one.

>'Why did you do this?'

There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be worthy of a rape. These include, but are not limited to:
>Posting anything I deem rapeable.

>Am I banned from the board?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to rape you again, which may impreg or mpreg you.

>I don't believe my post deserved a rape. Can you un-rape it?
Life isnt that easy.

>Will I undo a rape?
No, if you attempt to appeal I will double rape you.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the rape and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on boards.4channel.org/vg/. I will continue to issue rapes until you improve your conduct.

Remember: /xivg/ is privilege, not a right.
Yeah, I need to goon
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I've fixed the layout since that's an old screenshot.

Still blue dabadee dabaday though

Rape is not justice
>My crush fanta into a miera
Well that's disappointing
Ty sir.

Still don't care
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Goodnight /xivg/, hopefully tomorrow will have better luck.
I live
under the New Gridania aetherite bridge
today Sargatanas
tomorrow I'll be gone
thank you for listening
Thanks I'm beating off to this
I just want Atramentum Luminis to come back so I can get my eyes back
its ok i got back in and she was still there
I'm calling the adders on you, bum.
Femra burger
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Instaloss is not my thing, if my boy loses, it's because he held out for as long as possible.
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Yes please
You guys doing anything for labor day
ff14 is not very interesting to look at that's true, I'm actually just watching clips with marun too
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yoshi p has fallen
buy an ad
Anyone else play this game on servers other than Crystal and EU?
No way fag
Anyone use XIVSlothCombo for dancer?
What settings do you use.
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these suck, ball kicker job when?
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We don't celebrate it here until 1st May

... I don't think I've planned that far ahead yet
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hmmm nyo
My femra is gathering up courage right now.
I think being a catgirl has a low skill floor and a low skill ceiling
cute boys hopefully
millions must unsub
giwtwm as one of the boys
they'll just fuck him. the adders are a bunch of whores.
Probably going to suck a bbc at the QS, then work on my crafters and play some Elden ring.
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My femra looks and acts exactly like this
I still don't care
Is that a midlander or a lowlander?
The jaded millennial cringes at the sight of positivity
Sorry you couldn't get queue but it will never pop this late before reset.
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Choke on your positivity
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my femra looks like this
something something gay erp
>using a combo plugin
>for dancer
I use it for viper so
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I dunno I'm pretty positive Wuk Lamat will get shelved, hard.
Best combat jobs for lowlanders?
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Why is the bald obaa-san even still playing FF when she's so negative about it. Go back to your wowbuck ways
I really hope 7.1 has more Wuk Lamat so I can read more seethe about the character here.
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>that expression
Hey it's good now. After the story's done and the raiding's fun.
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When will we get a hot sexy female evil villain like this?

Why do all our villains have tragic backstories and barely show feet?
>Animation editing, can edit bones without freezing actors
>Better mid-project actor editing
>Ingame/plugin form, no second window needed
>Has both the bone posing window as well as gizmo overlays
>Probably the most balanced all-in-one option but a little buggy in some specific ways you can deal with
>incompatible with the others
>Requires frozen animation
>Bad at managing actors mid-project
>Best gear search system
>Bone window only, no gizmos
>Best window UI, has list view as well
>Can import specific bones only, unlike both Brio and Ktisis
>Detached from game, can open in other monitor
>Most prone to crashing/instability/lag with more actors
>Easiest for finding/equipping props or other handheld items
>Can work in tandem with Ktisis
Ktisis (beta build ideally)
>Can create and edit ingame light sources
>Can edit skyboxes/area lighting/etc
>Comparable actor management to Brio, a little more awkward in my experience but YMMV
>No bone window, only gizmo overlay
>Ingame plugin, no secondary window needed
>Awkward nested dropdown-in-dropdown for bone UI, needs to rely entirely on gizmos
>Can work in tandem with Anamnesis
Personally, I think you should have all three. Ktisis beta having light creation makes it invaluable to have even with Brio but IMO the overall UI in Ktisis sucks. Anamnesis is useful for the things it does the best but bad at actor management/unstsble under load. You can swap back and forth between Ktisis and Anamnesis mid-project for the things each are bad at so long as you make sure to turn posing mode on in one before turning it off in the other. They can cover eachother's weaknesses somewhat well this way, albeit slightly clunkily. I think Brio is equivalent to the lite version of this Anamnesis+Ktisis setup, worse posing window and import options than Anamnesis but faster/more comfortable UI than Ktisis. Brio users should use Ktisis for light even if nothing else still though.

>Yoshida is also quick to note that the story of Dawntrail isn’t done yet. While Endwalker deviated from this formula, most expansions typically extend their central storyline through into the third major post-release patch. “So when it comes to where the story will take the Warrior of Light next, I hope you will think about what’s going to happen when we have 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3,” he concludes. “That will be broadly when the story of Dawntrail completes. And so then I hope you look forward to the possibilities of what will happen next.”

I see that Yoshida is an accelerationist.
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I am
A height 92 means refusing to go to work
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thanks square
Grilling burgers outside. Maybe level RPR a litttle or play wow, or civ.
There will be more Wuk Lamat but depending on whether they've already recorded the lines before the strike started, it may not be voiced by Sena Bryer since she's not taking any work while the strike is going on.

That might make the Wuk Lamat character more favorable!
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Do people unironically defend Wuk Lamat on this general? Lmao
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Unironically hope that bitch who played her English VA lost her job
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>8 minutes
>crit zero lion heart combo moves
I want to just die
This artist is a fucking faggot
Only a retarded troon would think that "this is a job for scooby gang" in response to friend's entire home village disappearing in an instant is "positive vibes"
Wuk Lamat is already a fine character though.
She’s a good character what’s so bad about her?
That's a sexy femra
it may not be voiced by Sena Bryer since he's not taking any work*
I like Wuk Lamat even if people 4chan will downvote me for daring to have a different opinion.
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Take that back.
People who think with their dick and are attracted to her simply because of appearance, yes. You'll notice the only people who defend her religiously only do so because they have a skewed perception of her character due to wanting to fuck her.

People who are on the opposite side fo the fence and find her ugly as fuck will find her doubly as unappealling due to her being both a terrible character and horrible to look at.
This bitch is seriously so fucking ugly
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You have a stupid contrarian opinion not particularly worth contesting. You're amused by a childish shounen character written for 6 year olds; there's nothing further to discuss. You're either posting specifically to harvest internet attention to make up for the neglect of your parents, or you just genuinely have shit taste. In neither scenario are you worth interacting with beyond stating that you're retarded.
yeah im probably gonna have sex with a catboy
I just won't play with people who use mods
(not sorry)
how could i when proof is staring me right in the face.
> good
She's a hypocrite. Go back and watch the section with the giants. She says she wont take up arms with her own people, until she wants to with Sareel Ja. And these two scenes happen basically back to back
>stupid contrarian
Nope I genuinely believe she’s a good character
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>meanwhile KR server streams
Your hroth is so dreamy and I want to make him creamy
She's a pretty solid 6/10, what are you talking about? Stop watching porn dude.
maybe if you're lucky..
The people who defend her religiously do so because they are standing in solidarity with a VA.
I steal this femra's normal hat from the locker room while they're out on patrol.
Games of chance and luck are my specialty
A VA with extremely bad takes with the intention to drive a nail into the community out of narcissism and spite
Yeah okay retard
Collect internet attention elsewhere
you sound like you care, you also sound vaguely jewish
Kind of, if you take wuk lamat as face value, you find a "loveable goofball" character, that's clumsy and energetic. I think it's more how she's used in the story itself that's the problem and anyone who actually digs deep enough into why they don't like Wuk Lamat will kind of rest it on the way the character is used.

But rarely anyone will say that they actually liked how the character was used, most of the conversations are along the lines of "they should have done it like this" or "it would be a better story if X happened". I've seen very very few people actually think the story is good or even mediocre
wtf i love koreans now
>”you can’t just like this character you have to either be a contrarian or you’re defending the tranny or you’re just entertained by simple things!”
The amount of cope Wuk Lamat haters need to inhale is insane man, especially on here of all places.
OCE isn't dead, they've just settled for mediocrity
I don’t need any of that to slap reshade on a picture of my femra staring vacantly at the camera
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no, i am also a catboy
Damn I guess a good portion of JP is inhaling cope like crazy cause she aint even in the top 10 favorited characters in DT, but she has the most dialogue.
okay shlomo
Make burgers and take my telescope out to the backyard for the first time in 8 years and check out jupiter and mars if theres no clouds (4" mirror newtonian reflector tube focal length 500mm) mount broken so ill just use it as a shoulder telescope which is fine with 40mm objective despite the initial autism rage thank you mother
I don’t give a fuck what Japanese people think about her, only what I think about her. Only my opinion matters to me
Thumbs up emoji.
Can we please stop shit talking DT? The game is literally dying...
>I think it's more how she's used in the story itself that's the problem and anyone who actually digs deep enough into why they don't like Wuk Lamat will kind of rest it on the way the character is used.
Bro even if you excuse the blackhole sue that she is and rewrote the story such that she isn't hogging 90% of the screentime, you're still left with an even dumber version of Naruto. She's a stupid boring character written for a stupid boring expansion.
Here's the thing, though. There are certain people who pay a lot of attention to Japanese players' opinion, more than that of other players. They develop the game, and happen to also be Japanese as well.
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its not dying
we have THE popular streamers playing our game.
Right Now
I legit couldn't finish Endwalker because the mandatory trial bosses during the EW patch content didn't pop even at peak hours. I pretty much gave up on OCE and didn't really have anyone I wanted to play with or meet who played on OCE, that and I can visit it with my main or my alts due to the limited
icross region DC travel nowadays.
>literally dying
>Aether is still packed
>Crystal is packed
>PF is still poppin
>xivg is faster than ever
????? The game is thriving and we’re not even at 7.1 with the foray either
the creator of the galil had to change his last name because it was balashnikov like the dude who made the ak
theres ur fun fact of the day

Level 80 alch
Time to do it again
he could have just not named the weapon after himself
Bro I genuinely don't give a fuck how much attention you want. You retard baiters always try this tactic; you never specify what you actually like about Wuk Lamat, merely state that you do because you either are trying to minimize your own effort for maximum amount of sweet, sweet (You)s, or you know in your heart of hearts that your reasons for liking her are extremely stupid and will open you up to immediate mockery.
Stop this, you are embarrassing yourself.
Don’t forget to tilt the picture 30 degrees
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>Fifty thousand centuries of playing TES
>Only just now realized that the wall scrolls behind Socucius Ergalla are the Thief Mage and Warrior astrological signs
Don't look at me, I'm a fraud
>The amount of cope Wuk Lamat haters need to inhale is insane man
Nta, but don't say that everyone who doesn't like her is coping and just say "I personally like her"
>erm other people have to agree with you for your opinion to count
You sound like you watch and derive half of your opinions from orbiting streamers in their Twitch chats.
How many Rising Table Lamps have you bought?
Serious question - what do you like about Wuk Lamat and her portrayal in the story then?
Maybe I'm blinded by "what could have been", I might be too much of an optimist for my own good sometimes. Like I don't think the character is too offensive as a stand alone thing, but I could also be thinking "If they just rewrote her, made her say completely different things and made her act completely different then I might like her more", she's not really the same character then.
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Would you yank it?
Anyone else have no irl friends
I don't
What do y'all wish/hope for in the upcoming Foray?
My moonie just woke up!
Wuk is fine, she's a happy-go-lucky bubbly pampered naïve girl learning that shit ain't so happy out there. Swapped to JP though cause the voice actor for EN sucks ass.

She is literally Luffy, but no one complains about his retarded ass.
I did before covid
The locker has a 13-number code and the hat is booby trapped to prevent such villainy.
I feel like that would be kinda rude.
Well you never asked retard so here I’ll tell ya, she went from being a naive, self doubting princess that thought she could never compare to her two brothers to surpassing them, surpassing her father to became Dawnservant. She’s strong, selfless and cares very deeply about the people around her. She would be the very first person to help you out if you’re having a bad day or need something to get done. She’s a very simple youngest sibling aspiring to be like her older siblings archetype of character. How so many of you missed this is beyond me
Wuk is a garbage character that actively sucks the fun out of the story
The scions got shoved to the side for this?
This steaming pile of shit?
Garlean woodchipper, now
It's either people baiting for (You)s, or legitimately the kind of viewer that would take absolutely any narrative, no matter how awful, completely at face value. The kind that would watch the Disney Star Wars movies and think Rei going from literally having never heard about the Force to suddenly levitating a whole quarry worth of rock in the span of days of getting shittalked by Luke. Except the second type also have apparently just been avoiding any conversation regarding Wuk Lamat for two months, desperately burying their head in the sand to not have to read anything that points out the many, many, and objectively bad, character traits and plot points she has.
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what's on for today moonie!
it's ok, trust the plan, she will self-sacrifice for her people in a future story update
yeah, like 5,
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>the not-america expansion is sitting at 56%
Oh did it go back up again?
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Good morning /xivg/
What are your plans for today?
Don't forget to cap your tomes if you haven't already <3
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The Scions were only included for market research on how to handle them in future expansions.
>want to be bad ended by a femra
>not also a femra
it's over...
Taking stories at face value clearly works because I enjoy more stuff than the usual “critic” nowadays that’s always complaining and miserable something isn’t a perfect 10/10 every time
Funny part is that it wasn't even just the Scions, basically every single other member of DT's new cast also sees themselves having much less dialogues and scenes than you would expect them to to accomodate her. Koana is basically a stillbirth of a character because he had some good qualities and possibilities for a character arc, but it gets cut completely when his entire character is just put in service to Wuk Lamat and to singing her praises, completely abandoning all personal initiative to push her. The moment everyone always rags on of how Wuk Lamat gets paired with Koana instead of Bakool or Zoraal for the cooking trial is also blatantly giving the latter two the boot so that Wuk Lamat doesn't get challenged too hard.
What are you, my femra will bad end you
msq and maybe standing around idle in ul'dah! I'm so excited......
>id rather be retarded than engage with something critically
male midlander
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Make him what now?
how come they made such a big deal about there being two leaders but then having koana do nothing? he should've been the lead for the second half.
Rolling in a pile of shit and dying of dissentery before your 30s but being happy because you didn't know that could happen and you were just having fun rolling in shit is a fine way to live, I guess.
Excited for what exactly?
Recent reviews are actually at 40%.
The 56% are total.
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my femlala acts like this
>”engage with something critically”
Ah yes the many critical critiques of dawntrail like “my WoL isn’t just killing everything when something goes wrong” or “this lion lady who were here to help is the main character, that’s bad!” or my favorite “this was supposed to be a beach vacation expansion and it wasn’t! WTF Yoshida!!!”
>>xivg is faster than ever
XIVG has been the fasted thread on vg since its advent. This means nothing, really.
someone has to do the actual governing, and wuklamat is not one to do so herself
Is this _the_ male midlander that my femra has met before?
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>I could also be thinking "If they just rewrote her, made her say completely different things and made her act completely different then I might like her more", she's not really the same character then.
Many such cases.
Honestly, I find her conceptually stupid to begin with. Merging an outgoing tomboy with a sheltered princess was a dicey choice to begin with. It just begs the question of what the hell she was doing in all her years of living in Tuliyollal to begin with if she doesn't even know basic things like the Hanuhanu greeting, but we're also supposed to buy that she was all about learning about her people and that her greatest strength is being able to connect with them. Even if you strip out the terrible writing, she as a character just doesn't make much sense to begin with.
The linebacker furry body with a troon voicing is just the brown cherry on the turd cake.
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would anyone around level 80 and not a tank like to do some leveling
Because if Wuk Lamat actually had to do any kind of serious work, Tural would burn down and go extinct within the month.
my femra is like this but instead of psych meds it's estrogen
my meena is queuing leveling roulettes at 8:30 am
unless it's been in passing, no
I keep running into OCE during my goon seshes on balmung. I assume they manlet Asians but desu so far they’ve been more literate and into RPing than American hours balmung, so w/e
Make a pf and I’ll heal
>plot points she has
I still never understand why we decide to help/support her role to become Dawnservant. We basically get told in the pre-DT MSQ and early MSQ nothing that helps support she would be a good Dawnservant, and when we do learn something it comes from Erenville. Then when we do learn something we basically learn she was pampered unlike her brothers. Urianger and Thancred, atleast did thie homework on someone they chose to support being Koana.
Gooning at the bench
Does anyone wanna play CC
I wish
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>killed Omega F solo
>not enough DPS to kill Omega M
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I'm surprised Tural isn't extinct already with how trivial the problems we had to solve were, despite how they were causing existential problems.
I want you to play with my penis
There's so much to be excited for! I'll get to see if shout chat argues about wuk lamat again, maybe even see my crush at the bench and then I can fantasize about approaching them. So much!
>instead of psych meds it's estrogen
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Koana is the more logistical/politically minded of the two siblings. If he goes with the WoL to Shaaloani who going to broker the partnership between Radz-ah-Han and Tuliyollal? Wuk Lamat? Lol she can’t handle that kind of situation she’s crumble under the pressure. Alphinaud? He’s not a dignitary of Tuliyollal and has no power there to broker a deal between the two nations.
What about the fact that even before Zoraal Ja had Alexandria, he was planning on taking on the rest of the world with no navy? Or that even if you commit atrocities, as long as you say sorry like Zereel Ja, you'll be completely forgiven with no repecussions? There's plenty more inconsistent shit riddling the later half of the expansion.
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>Guoal Ja spent 30 FUCKING YEARS in a fancy tech place
Yeah, those are melties
Yeah that too. Fucking whole ass town starving to death for weeks, if not months (because it takes a long ass time for a whole community to starve to death) and the solution not only was right there, they even had people with them that knew.

Holy shit every time I repeat that plot I swear my blood pressure goes up.
In fairness they make it clear that he arranged an alliance with Radz-at-Han. But yeah aside from giving you the general impression that he handles the political and day-to-day aspects of governing, the game gives you basically no insight as to what he really does. The bottom line is that he exists to handle what the Dawnservant should actually be doing while giving an excuse for Wuk Lamat to be in the last half of the story, because Poochie will NOT be denied her screen time.
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I am party finding
{Please assist.}
malera stocks?
It's called having principles.
I'm uncomfortable around malera.
Chances of sidestory man being demoted after this?
He got one chance to write big and this is the biggest cockup the game has conjured forth yet
he REALLY hated his dad okay
I just started endwalker, only have one job at 50 other than my main and am at work
I need a cat wife who can kill these massive fucking spiders that keep getting stuck in my bathtub every morning.
Very high I'd imagine.
why sis
xivg will make fun of me :_:
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i wish......
YoshiP would be fucking retarded to let Hiroi keep writing the MSQ, he's had several chances now and he's blow every single one of them. Dude is just not good at his job. Worse, he's fucking terrible at it.
>aiii I just want to lick hiroi's skidmarks in peace aiiii stop it y-you're melting aiiii
I wish I had a wifera like you
Niggas getting high blood pressure over an ok story
A lot of ERPers here that think they can write a better MSQ. Newsflash: (You) could never write something better than DT if (You) tried
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>Trains for 30 years and juices on eletrope and souls and fancy battle tech
>gets his shit wiped by his dad and dies
After spending time with with Wuk Lamat, want to destroy the world. Many such cases
>y-you can't like her, you just can't!! nobody in big xeem's chat likes her, if you disagree you have to be a retard!!
Someone saying they like her doesn't mean they think shes perfectly made, stop churning out essays just because you can't fathom someone disagreeing with your opinions. If they were making objective statements about her quality or something sure, but there's really nothing you can argue on against someone simply going "I personally like this" beyond "Okay cool, you can feel that way."
why do harnesses have red glowy LEDs anyway
Oh wow, seems like lots of fun, which WS so I can see the same thing!
I don't even HAVE endwalker
I will make fun of you if you DONT help me
this but its my fiddie
A lot of MSQers here that think they can write a better ERP. Newsflash: (I) have no idea where I was going to go with this I just wanted to fit in. Please give me attention.
That's generous, but you're right about the story not being objectively bad. It's just subjectively bad for a lot of people.
Never said I could write a better MSQ, but I'm saying bring back Ishikawa instead of whoever this nigger is currently doing the story
its called a brake light
Have sex with Wuk Lamat.
Have sex with Wuk Lamat again.
Have sex with Wuk Lamat yet again.
Have sex with Wuk Lamat one more time.
Excuse me, MY femra deserves to get pregnant!
it wasn't ok
it was shockingly terrible actually, from start to finish
I am literally confident I could shit out a better story outline over a weekend and given a month I'd be able to provide a better script, too
and for the low low price of a fuckload of money I might even consider it too, stupid hiroi simp
>stop churning out essays
Why would I bother writing them for you? I already know none of you Wuk lovers read anything, least of all the actual game. I wrote that for that anon asking how is it possible you even exist.
does she have ovaries
It's the thought that counts.
Is it even possible for a story to be objectively bad? It's intrinsic value is going to be tied to people's subjective opinions of it no matter what.
no way fag
It's definitely a tie between him and G'raha for me.
why she got stench clouds around her
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>Wuk Lamat's dad died
Half expected Wuk lamat to get red eyes and inner release
You know how they are. Aggressive, big, horny (non-sexual), horny (sexual). Imagine walking home alone in the ul'dah alley's and seeing a big malera in the way. I turn and run. I heard they also eat people
>no navy
He had flying carriers like the garleans
The real issue is that just like the garleans his dumb ass fleet got wrecked by dragons. Ishgard alone could repel his bullshit.
it's in front of the boat though
how is it going to serve the purpose of a brake light, which is warning a driver behind you that you're hitting the brakes
...with a chainsaw.
my fem middie is going to start saying "mid morning" instead of "good morning"
mid morning everyone
sis don't fuck a chainsaw life is worth living
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Anon he said BEFORE Zoraal Ja had access to Alexandria. As in what the fuck was his plan before he serendipitously stumbled onto all that future tech that included the airships?
that's very presumptuous of you, what makes you more deserving to get knocked up than any other femra or catgirl in this thread?
>Wuk Lamat's dad dies
>Her grief lasts until the scene is over
>By the time of getting to building the train, she's already in full upbeat cheerful doofus mode again
>She sees Krile and Erenville going through their own scenes with their parents later and it barely registers in her brain
nth for bpd agp femra, lalas and catgirls
Good morning, funny 'puter people on my tomestone. What are you guys up to today? You guys wanna do a surprise Sunday Bunday meetup?
No anon reading manga and VNs does not mean you’re well read
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thank youuuu
femra are stanky. smell like fishs. glub glub glub
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Because I am the main character and they are not
>objectively bad
No but you get niggas fighting mad in here it you even pretend to like it. Because autism brain cannot fathom liking anything despite its flaws, pure black and white thinking. You can only like objectively good things, you have to hate objectively bad things. If you disagree with either, you must be a retard.
It's monday.
our community has gotten too comfortable with saying rape
bro its monday
*pokes you with her tail*
Don't ask, the writers certainly didn't know.
>But it's OKAY for a character to be wrong
Sure, but it's NOT okay for a character to be hopelessly retarded and/or delusional if you expect us to take him seriously.
The guy knew about the Garlean empire so he is clearly aware of the might of foreign powers. He called them fools and basically said he'd succeed where they failed. So what the fuck was his plan?
The fact that the first half of the game reduces Zarool Ja and Bakool Ja Ja to such hopelessly retarded candidates makes it impossible to actually care about the Dawnservant contest because at no point are you invested in any of these characters winning except Koana before he gets tempered and becomes a professional Wuk simp.
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Wouldn't she be happier playing WoW?
Nothing going on behind that face. You zoom into her thought process and it's just a barren wasteland with a single tumbleweed lazily rolling from one side to the other
Can someone post the picture of the sunnie and the dried up husk of a man? That image is fucking gold
>Because I am the main character
oh sorry but this means you will have a bunch of ikemen around you that would be great fathers but none will actually fuck you and the anime ends with an open ending with one guy being slightly more pushed than the others, sorry for the inconvenience
>why didn't she freaking cry more what the frick this story suck
>what do you mean people respond to grief differently
Posts like these are why I can't take any one of you seriously
Shit, I guess I had a crazier night than I thought. Thank you for correcting me, 'puter friends in my tomestone.
no amount of splurting or raping can change my failure of a body
i want to be raped by this femra
One of the cutest posters around... doki doki
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Why would I care about this expansion when it's main character, Wuk Lamat, doesn't?
I fucking hate this place
Next malera I see will not be safe...
>can change my failure of a body
babe, no... don't say that... you're fucking perfect to me.....
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why didshe have more of a reaction to eating something spicy than she did to her own father dying?
they're not comfortable enough going through with it
mung. and im sad now no one said hi when i logged in. i hate the world i hate myself
>why didn't she cry more when an old man with one foot already in the grave died
how about western comic books, both cape shit and none cape shit
>downplaying it to "some old guy"
yeah i'm not arguing with a retard this early anymore.
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>Self inserters hate the "Shonen protag"
where can i find a c@ that looks like her to EB?
I felt like a number two through out the expansion except I'd work for Dr Evil.
Dang, Im on materia, I wish I could visit you without using a low levelled alt
imagine our children... beautiful unhinged creatures with all of our mental illness combined...
theyd conquer the world!
Hilarious knowing most of these people only watch shounen slop as we
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I miss the days they handled deaths in the story well and with grace.
didnt that icon used to be just some random guy's head
Make up a new event called "Thumper Tuesdays".
Hilarious you say this considering picking up the dead lalafell has the shortest cast timer
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it's too late.... bleach it is...
>tries to be sarcastic, desperately hoping nobody remembers the details like how the sylph's body was quick to pick up because of how light it was while the roe body was heavy to move so it took a lot longer
Do wuktroons always argue this disingenuously?
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my ear feels like it's been blocked since yesterday morning and i'm going insane
i miss noraxia :(
Pour some hydroperoxide in it and let it sit for about three minutes, then drain it out onto an old towel you don't mind getting rid of.
I don't think there's anything to gain from arguing with you seriously.
as a miera, I deserve to breed every femra and make them pregnant
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i've done that multiple times now and it's not helping it
What if they just handed the MSQ over to moonies
I am not a bpd cat, but I am a bipolar one
this but for my femlala+ for femlala-
Extroverts failing to empathize with the introverts they make uncomfortable, what else is new?
Jaded retards cannot comprehend someone reacting differently than they would
body of water available? holding my nose underwater and shaking my head as hard as I can always unblocks my ears for me
I work on Thursdays, as do most people.
I would get one of those tiny rubber bulbs and blast your ear with water in the shower it'll shake loose whatever you got in there
You take the femra, I'll take the fiera.
Well hey if you just want to be btfo'd over and over have at it retard.
You might need to schedule an ear cleaning then. I think you can call your local clinic and ask for availability. It typically only takes like 6 minutes, and the difference is like night and day.
The first time I had it done I actually asked if I spoke this loudly before. Seriously, I was surprised at how loud my voice was after getting my ears cleaned.
Don't mind if I do.
How do you think this general would change if they implemented post IDs?
i saved this video and sent to my family on whatsapp, really funny video
There would be more phone posting.
this is actually true as fuck.
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Yes. For the better. Samefagging would grind to a halt instantly.
Want to meet and smooch this grey cat
the beach expansion we never got...
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I deserve a trans femra eb who got a woman's urges that I can satisfy the day we decide to meet up in real life
We want her to be sidelined and forgotten, not dead. Send her to ala mhigo to “train” with rauhbaun and lyse lol
My moonie and her rapist talked it out
hi lol
>they didn't grind their trusts
Not you creep.
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Probably a lot less 'rape' posting. One can dream.
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Could we get a scene of her trying to make Fordola forget everything and just be happy?
thanks Alphinaud!
>takes both ice creams while shoving him aside and gives one of them to y'sthola
funny that tourists from containment boards always expose themselves like this
Hey! Are you a femra who wants to be pregnant?
Please be a male character.
your day was yesterday. today is for the moonies.
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Someone around Balmung feeling generous enough to lend 100k gil or something to EU lazy femra alt so I can tp around while doing the MSQ?
Is there a guide or template anyway to making a carrd? The adventurer plate is quite limited and I like reading other peoples cards
oh wow ok like.... yeah...... rude
sure, pick a place
Sure come to the bench
I'm in the marauders guild
People would realize there is more than one hung femraen- about to rape their femra
Where are the feet?
of course
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I said Tuesday, not Thursday
grinding trusts....
>female character posts
>800 replies consisting of variations of "Rape" "Sexxo" or "dylm"
>male character posts
It really makes you think.
what are your initials? i'm there
grinding femlalas...
not a good look
They get replies from femlalas they just have them all filtered by now...
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who the fuck is k4sen and why is he drawing near 50k viewers on twitch for ff14?
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>he wants attention from GAMs on 4chan
>male lala posts
>still crickets.wave
I remeber when there was talk of cross region travel happening europoors actually thought Americans would start going to their servers to… I don’t know, gawk at French idiots and German spergs? They seem to not get Americans travel to Europe to see their past, not it’s depressing present.
it's probably just a spider
I don't trust /xivg/ male lalas, not after the incident that made the nice ones quit.
I reply rape to the ones I think are cute but I don't think male characters like it as much
don't care
>thing that makes my pee pee hard and gives dopamine
>I rapepost
>boring shit of a guy in armor
>I sleep
My BWC Miera will rapepost every brown woman
I would like it, but i'm terrible at posing...
QRD? Who quit?
Might get some attention from a hrothgar or a roe. Just like in game!
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>He wants GAM posting
>And or Sleevable when he posts his male character
feet sexo
It's not like it'll bring them back or make the asshole lalaboys get punished so what's the point anymore. I'm just jaded and bitter.
report back on how good the erp was
cyrille ashdale
Oh you're just making shit up, carry on then.
no ERP, i just gave her the gil and that was it.
anon literally complaining women are objectified and men aren't on four chan dot com
It can't be helped, I'm done with the tier for weeks so leveling some NA alt should be fun.
I also wanted a femra character to rape anons like >>49285633
> asshole lalaboys get punished
Now this is the sort of posting that will get your lalaboy noticed
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every single time i come to these threads it's always the same posts. the same tired old memes and phrases.

+? +?
>insert image of a cat
>insert image of a lizard
>insert image of of a bunny
>d-do you wanna...
>does your race like my race?
>queue for CC

please move on with your lives. there's more out there i promise. this is making me sad
Kill yourself straggot
cc is playing the game why does it trigger you lil bwo
>please move on with your lives
You can't say that when you keep coming back here too.
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What are you talking about?!?!
ah loansharking
nta but yes my meena does
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Fuck you, doing a CC call now out of spite
Crystal CC 3:30 E.T.
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I am
A male midlander.
Who's grown out of touch with this game over the years. how do I go back to enjoying it? I haven't bought Dawntrail yet.
no one likes maleshits
Future blackmail
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Something tells me it's not NAggers
Logging in...
Guys I looked at a femezen and then my USB devices all disconnected are they really that powerful
Dont bother, check back in for next expansion.
>tfw straight guy but started browsing /lgbt/ to understand EB more

yeah you would think the moids would take the hint and stop fucking posting their troons but they keep doing it anyway

probably because they see someone like theo or veron get positive attention and think they deserve that too
why isnt this "game" dead yet
You might as well be browsing pol to understand american politics
Nice poop squat
based mentally ill femcel
yeah, she won't be able to pay back so i will ask her to apologize
Yeah I am...
new Light Novel
"This horny female au ra keeps bugging me but all I want is just to play the game"
Turns out the game is actually good and people enjoy it
my femra keeps getting spotify duo ads which makes her mad because she's so fucking lonely
>game is actually good
make a friend?
Talk about rough sloppy lesbian sex with my femlala instead .
Because VR chat isn't worth the buy in price to me currently so I'll use XIV to cum with my EB until then
New light novel
"I'm going to bed because I stayed up all night playing video games, so I posted a message on 4chan saying good night even though it was morning."
whenever I reply to someone who posts a picture of their toon they never say anything back and it makes me think they only wanted to show their characters ass
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>CC is le bad
>Getting mad at people for playing the game
I enjoy it.
Source: Me
Go to a drag show or an emo night karaoke or a Renaissance fair, then you'll understand.
Got it. Space Marine 2's out this week so I'll tune in to that while I wait for the next Foray.
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that's actually pretty sweet of you anon
no im unlovable
You don't have to love someone to be their friend, silly!
>spotify user
i believe it
She gives probably the best blowjobs ever, holy fucking shit I'm still shaking
>easily manipulated reviews
oki thanks for letting me know
what you're saying doesnt add up
i fall in love with every person i meet
A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
>a party member has withdrawn from the duty.
>Finding new member.
>a party member has withdrawn from the duty.
>Finding new member.
Be nice to kong hes a good boy he just needs some kindness
If I didn't love you I wouldn't hang out at your house all the time.
literally kill that guy
>hurt a friend really badly without realizing
>they say if I want to apologize I can
>I wait a day so we can both calm down before I do it
>I'm blocked
Oh well, maybe it's for the best.
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Good morning.
You get what you deserve.
I thought this nigga died?
It's so nice when awful posters start playing another game and barely show up to these threads. I can only hope it lasts.
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is this picture real
It feels oddly good!
That was in the doomed timeline.
Then i will simply appreciate you and your company without catching feelings myself.
Stealing this cat's wheels and leaving him on two breezeblocks in Gridania
if you dont love me that means you must hate me obviously
>"I wish I had a EB"
every single time in this general, get a new script, hook up for once
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Oh. Right. Following up.

Crystal CC 8:00 E.T.
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I'm going to play Monk in CC today.
The posters here are far too picky for their own good and deserve to be lonely frankly
We should do events where you're forced to date a rando for a week but all events just degrade into cliqueshit.
You said good morning!
My femra did last night! She met a cool Wildwood Gentleman from the thread who promised that will mating press her!!!
They don't want EBs, they want attention and to feel desired.
>1.5mil active players since DT came out
>only 3852 left a review
0.2% is nothing
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true im gonna go play league of legends but see you later
Fine then.
I will hate to hate you.
I love this cutie like you wouldn't believe.
but i did that and i've been EBed for 2 years
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gonna kick your ass in 20 minutes
thanks sis
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I wish I don't have an EB
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What are they supposed to say, “my character will not perchance show up for this rape”?
I used to do this but after the fifth time someone said they'd met me and never showed up I stopped.
Cute, we should meet up at some point, DC?
this is correct, but I do want a plap-friend with maybe 2-3 hour weekly investment of time. It’s a video game, I don’t want to do the “good-night schmoopie-schmoopie” stuff
not gay, sorry
server/initials? male char that offers tributes on demand
uh oh melty
Kong did nothing wrong
kong is my favorite moonie
who is this red catgirl (catboy?)
Khloe Aliapoh

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