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Previous: >>492719052

>What is this?
Blue Archive with Katanas but officially has nothing to do with Blue Archive

>Where can I download it?
Not announced yet.
Comiket 105 might or might not have VN and artbooks.


>Official Websites


what's her end game?
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Clothing damage.
welp guess it's a dmm only game
God I want to be her victim so bad
And that's a good thing. too bad it won't be
I binged demon slayer last week. Katanas are cool.
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Almost 4 months until the big VN-portfolio comes. We are so back it almost feels like I'm back in the early 2000s, the golden age of VN and doujin.
post farfies
Clothing damage is found in many gachas like girls Frontline, priconne was also supposed to have clothing damage, clothing damage is not gonna make this R18 far from ithn0
Lame and tacky.
Disappointing if true
highly based if true
Not necessarily. Last Origin is on the app store, and even being censored for them it’s pushing boundaries in those regards. Most of the clothing damage is still intact too.
Thar filters out VPNlets and turbo poor thirdies, which can only be good things for it.
For some reason, I've never really managed to like gachas that are more "sexual" in a away
I see that the main way of differentiating themselves from BA is by being more ecchi and erotic, I just hope they don't become too raunchy and sleazy like nikke
to be fair depends on how excessive the clothing damage is
Still uncertain if this is the start of a new dominant ip or if it's just a bunch of dudes who are in way over their heads. I'm sure the VN will turn out fine, but the gacha? Does anyone recall how BA could've easily eos'd if not for a decent publisher? An important reminder that nice aesthetics isn't guaranteed to translate into a well managed live service game.
Full nudity or truck protest.
clothing damage is one thing but having her flower-patterned underwear specifically torn to shreds while the outer layers stay together more is next level degeneracy
I love it
Supposedly their publisher is Epid Games, the publisher for the fucking rabi game
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>Cunny wife presses her almost naked body against you after battle
Because they always try to strike a balance between gameplay and sex instead of just going hard into one or the other.
I think it feels like they're desperate for attention, but that's just me
as a corporate drone for a decade now, you know what often decides the success of a project?
people working on it having experience doing something similar in the past
they'll be fine
now it can still EOS within a year or two because market can be fickle but I wouldn't worry about their ability to deliver the initial product
if they don't secure the funding it won't launch at all but the following they built already in such a short time will open them enough enough doors with publishers that it shouldn't be an issue
Short hair tomboy is great, but why they add some twintails make it bland asf
More like they don't have good gameplay and they refuse to go full eroge.
as a corporate drone do you think investors would have faith in the devs given the drama about them leaving nexon, working on the game while still employed etc.
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>I wouldn't worry about their ability to deliver the initial product
Anon the first product, their website, can't even be access on mobile. I can't even imagine how baffling that is in the current year.
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Uhhh /bag/ is broken right now can I discuss Koharu here?
what game is that image from?
It’s a skill icon in Granblue Fantasy.
We're the cooler more mature and sexy /bag/ so Koharu has to post her clothing damage first.
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The shilling for nexon here is fucking disgusting
I guess none of you cared about isakusans work, sensei's story in Volume F or BA at all. KV is BA's true successor and I' m moving there. You can all have fun wallowinh in nexons leftover chewed up filth
Kiss my ass /bag/gots
as long as there was no actual breach of contract, they won't give a shit, they'll just be happy because they can exploit their circumstances as a new company for a better share of the profits
the investors aren't as retarded as your average internet commenter and realize they're doing business with a company, and not any of its individual employees
anon, have you SEEN asian websites? granted I don't hang out on korean internet much but it's already better than 99% of japanese websites
Since KV already has a classical Japanese aesthetic I hope it also goes into Japanese horror aesthetics for the enemies with youkai, oni, ayakashi etc.
nothing bafffling about it if you're project moon fan
I hope it's tentacle monsters.
But I won't say no to a good ogre or two.
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I miss my sword autist /tnm/ bros. Please let this game survive longer than 3 years.
so what could they add to student interactions? blue archive was pretty early with the phone chats, but that's table stakes nowadays
or in general what could they improve about the formula?
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Her brain is damaged would that suffice?
Sh*rt hair tomboys are literally the most bland generic shit out there, also the ugliest
She's not damaged. It's just that her sexuality grew at a rate so fast that it now occupies most of her brain and can't squeeze in academic information in there due to lack of space.
She's perfect.
>Epid Games
Are they even big enough to handle anything more than the KR market? Rabi Global is supposedly Bilibili.
I hope they have interactive L2Ds and interacting with them matters.
You pat her head often, her affection raises.
You cop a feel often, her arousal raises.
This kind of stuff.
Also group momotalks, it's fun in nikke
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/bag/ has become a massive circlejerk where john nexon is the supreme overlord and does nothing wrong.
Even if the game whored out girls to other gacha games, produced a shitty anime, toned down student-sensei romance in every dimension in game.
I was attracted to this franchise because of the dev interview, but lots of them have moved on to new projects. I wouldnt be surprised if kyh one day announces himself leaving.
I've never heard of them before, so who knows
Is this the better BA game?
3D interactions if they get enough funding
Think of the YouTube BA shorts but as an actual game thing
My brother… it’s been so long and there’s so few of us left…
>Even if the game whored out girls to other gacha games, produced a shitty anime, toned down student-sensei romance in every dimension in game.
None of these happened though right? R-Right?
>toned down student-sensei romance
>He says this when they just recently released Miyako's ASMR and the recent develop with Kisaki in the event
The shitstirrer is here guess. But eh sure BA bad.
As long as it doesn't end up becoming straight up hentai they can do really quite a lot in that sense, in nikke you can see nipples and areolas, in azure lane you sometimes see ass cheeks
>whored out girls
collab with mahjong soul, dunno the extend of the player interactions
>shitty anime
all gacha anime is shit
>toned down student-sensei romance
maybe, but that anon needs to give some actual examples first
imagine if its revealed that all the drama was a publicity stunt and the game is being made as an official sister game to BA
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You seem to forgot which general you are in, /bag/ buddy. You cant shut me up because this is not the blue archive general.
And the asmr is sold separately. Way to go
Global release in 2040
>he can be made silent on /bag/
>Can't even refute my other point
Why bother? Like I said. BA bad. You have my concession or whatever.
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It's weird to me how much they defend nexon. Like this is fucking nexon we're talking about.
And BA was never about nexon, but the people behind one specific studio contained within nexon (who left to form Dynamis One to make Project KV), yet they don't seem to realize this. It's just baffling.

Is it denial at this point? I kinda sympathize because it implies BA's rapid decline now that there's barely anyone there to steer it in a coherent direction, but still, shit feels dystopia as fuck over there to care more about the company than the actual people behind what they claim to like.
Is it a game, mobile, VN or what? Still I don't see gameplay.
ofc you can!
BA was never about Nexon, but I'd argue it wasn't even about the actual devs either
It's about the students and the bonds you make with them
And as much as I understand pikaoji being fed up, him leaving early implies that he didn't bond with his creation as much as we have
You can see her breasts behind the translucent bra
Man I shit most companies but still leaving and creating something that is the very similar to the previous product is devious. You could be accused of sabotaging your previous company in favor of your own project because you have been working in two companies at once. It's worse that former staff member joined.
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To play devils advocate, you can use the same argument that the collabs and the trash anime were sold separately as well.
Unknown, please buy the promo VN at C105
honestly /kvg/ is much comfier than /bag/
There's an introductory Visual Novel in the upcoming Comiket. There's literally no information about the actual project. There's probably not even a game being developed right now since they need funds.
all blue archive posts belong to /bag/
yes, you have to go bag
>accused of sabotaging
it's pretty obvious with mx2j if you compare project kv art to his most recent blue archive designs
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From "Nice homogame grubbas -insert gif-" to "BA it's over, EoS soon". I feel like /bag/'s karma for making fun of /gbfg/ after the BreedingGate is finally coming.
They made a doujin circle and announced a VN for comiket. But they also legally registered a mobile game dev company.
Is this a yuri game?
If you think that’s bad you should’ve seen /gbfg/ prior to the summer stream.
Thats a nice PR reason but no, it is about the actual devs, don't be silly now. They're the ones who designed all the students and all the writing that make up all the bonds you make with them, after all.
Sensei is a girl in this one
What if BA director is to blame and not Nexon? I remember many asked why BA doesn't expand to other games or make a pc version and the director opposed to all that saying BA should remain mobile, this led to other quiting?
You still haven’t posted proof of this, /bag/got.
/bag/ is comfy normally, but with all the kv talks it's fucking unusable
Don't forget Vol1 disappointing resolution, very slow chapter and the final part just rushed so the writer could officially quit after contract expires.
alright bros. name one thing that youre hopeful for, and one thing youre worried about

hopeful for: a windows client
worried about: getting a global release before im dead
I thought it was good...
BA once tried to expand with Vtubers but it backfired so hard.
any source showing the Epid Games?
It was never comfy with the scat poster.
what was special about prior to the stream? it was just the same retards reposting their edits of FKHR every hour of the day iirc
It certainly wasn't a circlejerk
There's nothing devious about it. I genuinely do not understand you people. They wanted to leave to create something they felt like they could do without restrictions over at nexon, so they left and did just that. Just look how much lewder KV is compared to BA, that's one such easily visible restriction removed. There are most likely many more that we have yet to see.
Thats it. That's all this ever was. Normal people don't see this as unusual unless if you think workers should be slaves to the same company for their entire lives.
convince me i'm not just looking at comic lo covers
man a gacha with art direction by takamichi sounds like an infinite money glitch, porn or not
Hopeful: Global release day 1
Worried about: it's an ero gacha and Nutaku handles it for the west
>Just look how much lewder KV is compared to BA
How? KV has literally nothing besides 1 PV, what am I supposed to look at?
Not really, I really like this if face isnt ugly, it will be most liked tomboy as well, problem is, style is hard to make, just look at this mascot, her face is fine and not too like male or try to be male, its female with short hair
Go look at what the official project kv Twitter account is reposting right now. Also >>492864690 is drawn by their main art director. Blue Archive never went to that level and played it ultra safe.
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I dropped BA months ago, but this cutie is making me interested in KV.
This is going to be a boardgame isn't it?
For starters, have some official art
/gbfg/'s way less of a shitshow than /bag/ is. /bag/ legitimately has become one of the worst, most insufferable generals.
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i fixed this image
Hopeful: eroge VN
Worried: gacha, yuri shit
If your game is just a single player game it's literally nothing burger for me but if a mobile then it's a direct competitor. Maybe devs left with insider info of future updates so they can take advantage of that as well.
Eroge gacha
>/bag/ is comfy normally
Maybe 3 years ago, yeah. Otherwise fuck no. Place is filled with insane nexcon bootlickers unironically wishing for the dynamis devs to get kyoani'd because how dare they move to greener pastures instead of staying shackled to BA.
Its gacha, now you play of gtfo
someone else taking my favorite nickname
yeah i cant say i want a vn desu... they cant really keep my attention
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Even after the fiasco that was the JP bunny event, /bag/ still was pretty comfy throughout the remainder of 2021 and well into at least late 2022. Then it just became insufferable.
No rio No seia and a tons of an alter,
No wonder I feels greedy in fest two op canon students + another 2 limited summers, if its tencent , it got shited like super greedy already
>wanting a pc client
fuck off
And so what if it ends up being a direct competitor? You gonna fly over to their offices and threaten them?
They don't owe you or anyone else shit. If you want to blame anyone because you're mad about BA and need to lash out at something, blame nexon for being unable to retain core talent because they chased short term profits over long term health.
Too japanese. Where are the neo nazi girls?
yeah bro i love having and using emulators, great software
I'll be disappointed, but I'll try anyway. But if it's yuri, then I wouldn't even bother trying.
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>Getting this worked up over a potential vaporware
People treating this a treason over their favorite company and the people setting their expectations this early in to it's cycle are getting WAY too ahead of themselves.
we need to gatekeep, best case scenario being JP only on dmm to filter retards and eops
I want clubs or clans so I can erp and goon with my KVbros. I can also do it here so I get double the cum
I honestly agree. As much as I like tits and ass and skin, there's allure in modesty and simplicity too. It's the experience of peeling that way that makes it provocative.
Global was by far the worst thing that ever happened to /bag/ and BA as a whole. Pray that project kv never gets a global announcement.
i dont know why you cant just make normal posts, but i hope we get some kind of club pvp instead of just individual like ba
Wuwa flooped
if there are newfags here
don't reply to hoshino images with an md5 hash filename
bitcoinlet detected
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It's been a while. Our compatriots have spread around to different games and generals, but nothing has truly scratched that itch since then. Hoping this game carries on the spirit.
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I love her design so much
You have no taste, like actually boring motherfucker
Man I love Hifumi
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shes not bad, but its gonna be hard to beat my new eris
Every general on /vg/ is the worst general on Earth
She's pure and erotic at the same time
How did they do it?
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I missed out on the BA train so I'm glad I can play KV as a day 1 chad.
Oh yeah, you are right. I now know why I hate this design so much
Not every general has literal shit posted in it almost 24/7 nor does it actively defend nexon of all fucking companies. /bag/ has both. That's already strike one and strike two against it making it objectively worse than other generals.
Guys can I see where they registered the company as a "mobile game company" I see many Twitter posts but no documents or links to it
wuwa and KV collab?
both are hated by their sister fanbases
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rude. stick with sylphie if you cant handle the fire
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here is proof
It takes like 3-4 years to make a good gacha game
Dont die before it comes out bros
Fan service game? No thanks
yeah im trying...
so far we only know
> They made an indie circle and will have an introductory VN in C105
>they also registered themselves as a gaming company recently
that's it
They probably have a lot of stuff done already.
Its probably coming out in 2026.
Don't know jack shit about this game but apparently you guys are going to slap /bag/ so I approve, good luck.
/bag/ is nasty, can't raid it without puking cause of those pinkhead pics or whatever kink it is
try harder sis
the real gatekeeper...
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This place is just a /bag/ surrogate.
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KV needs cute pinks
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>are baggots also spiritual investors of Nexon
That happens when games are old enough and have an actual community. knowing that something might threat their happy place, Can result in them acting like animals
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That's it. I'm sold.
Here's your proof
You nailed it, and those who dispute this are drones and didn't deserve BA
Mika needs to be raped
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Since /bag/ has become a place where they shut you down for the smallest infraction against the franchise, where said franchise has been tripping all over the place for the past 6 months. For a place that's supposed to be full of gacha refugees, it sure as hell behaves like every declining general they escaped from
You gotta ask yourself:
Does /bag/ actually talk about the game content?
Does /bag/ produce any meaningful fan content any more?
Does /bag/ allow criticism of the story without labeling you as a tourist or raider?
Does /bag/ like male fanservice and panty shots?(The answer may surprise you)
That giant divegrass match truly was the beginning of the end.
So what's the gameplay gonna be? BA clone?
>nothing to do with blue archive
>students with weapons
i dont get it
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You can apply this to any gacha general
Retard. That's every fucking gacha general. This place will become the same if KV is a gacha game.
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I love swords so much.
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Every gacha general talks about game content?
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There was a time when /bag/ was a "good" and "comfy" general. That time is no more. How long have you heard anyone referring to /bag/ as the boomer general?
I don't man. Maybe I'm just clinging on something that will never come back
>/bag/ producing meaningful fan content
>caring about divegrass
The problem was, and always will be, globalfags. Globalfags ruin everything they touch. If a game stays JP the discussion stays comfy. Would be cool if KV stays JP-only but I won't hold my breath.
No, you're wishing for a /bag/ that never existed.
This winter I will be forced to slay my brethren
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>There was a time when /bag/ was a "good" and "comfy" general.
True. Too many newfags and shitposters came in over the years and it's just not what it use to be. Also don't let that one faggot take over this general.
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>There was a time when /bag/ was a "good" and "comfy" general
Holy melodrama. It's a /vg/ general. Get a fucking grip over yourself.
Get a job already
>Le globalfags
>If a game stays JP the discussion stays comfy
This is peak delusions.
>That giant divegrass match truly was the beginning of the end.
The team cup one? One that was taken by unstoppable /CCPG/?
Also these girls have a cool design. I think the angel motif does not really bring anything to the style. Red hair and BIG one are my favorites. Thank you.
No shit. I left a long while ago and just came back because of the kv announcement. Let a man vent once in a while
>red archive
I will not give a shit until I get an ibuku tier loli in it
Why didn't you move to /vmg/ then? That's what the place was for
I really enjoy the Uma threads
I don't know why this is like every gatcha general.
My brothers in Christ, the general is as comfy as you make it to be. If you don't care for your bonsai of course it starts to look like a bush.
/vmg/ is dead.
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have hope for /kvg/
it's slow, but not too slow
even if it started as baggots trying to kick us out of the thread, it doesn't mean this place cannot be comfy
It's about as slow as /bag/ was before
It's pretty comfy by your definition
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You fuckers ruined it.
It was by far the comfiest general until global released and /bag/ never recovered.
I hate that the same is about to happen to UM.
Getting a global release really is a death sentence when it comes to thread quality.
should be /rag/
red archive general
Are we pretending we have BA and /bag/ now?
Then move the general to /jp/.
/bag/ wasn't that slow as you're thinking.
Post your older BA pic and modified date if you're so great.
I still play BA and will continue to play it as long as it doesn't significantly decline in quality. But I have higher hopes for KV.
The only thing that is untrue is the Whored out girls part. The mahjong controversy was a Nontroversy forced by other gacha generals and Chinks with a NTR fetish.
I like the designs and seems like its gonna be a bit lewds but isnt it a bit early for a general? for all we know it could be just a VN right?
Why does Alt Archive hate this game?
Touch grass freaks
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hate doesn't have to be mutual, I don't think anyone here would mind if you keep loving BA and your students
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There is no reason to delay global release this time. BA was released in Japan only from the beginning because they were not confident enough and only wanted to appeal to the Japanese market but with the global success and recognition of BA, no problemo as long as there is a competent translator.
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Gachafags are just extremely prone to tribalism. Even within their own game, they have tendency to form their own cliques when overall behavior doesn't go the way they want. It's just more outspoken the larger the game gets. Hell, you can see it right here as they all try to find culpability between JP-only and Global-inclusion.
>They think we won't have to wait one year minimum for global
Yeah don't reply to that faggot.
eehhh, the arts a bit off for me

i do agree. and with the success of large titles like genshin and its spawns all being global, i hope they do this in spite of it being a mostly soul based project
Doesn't Touhou have a gacha?
>They think westoids wont ban it for being weird pedoshit
Not global, but Korea. Get it straight.
>Farfie on /bag/ = golden /bag/ era
>Farfie leaves /bag/ = every artist leave /bag/
I am noticing
good things about that guy.
Bear in mind that the website doesn't have an English option (KR and JP only), and they seem to be gunning for the JP market specifically with comiket. Wouldn't surprise me if global isn't on their minds at all. Probably something they'd delegate to their publisher to figure out, and how good their publisher is remains a big question mark.
Yeah but it's a game that practically has no presence. Most people don't even realize there even is one.
Yeah, and it brought some of the worst posters you can find in the 4chan2hu canon
I think it has multiple. Hell, I can't name one thing Touhou does not have.
mx2j gets killed at comiket
there won't be enough ntr doujins made to spam in these threads before the game hits eos
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I hope this new game has lots of futa porn like Blue Archive does! With love, from /akg/.
I'm gonna be 100% honest, the only way this project gets me is they make the mc not a pussy, I want to smash that disciple pussy as a proper master would do.
Make him not a pussy and make theg ame lewder since as JP game it will not dragged down by korean regulation or chink regulation and you got my wallet
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Master sound a little generic, there's a better one?
BA has futa porns?
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Yup, this makes or breaks the game for me.
Getting tired of jesus sensei
>>Farfie on /bag/ = golden /bag/ era
Nice joke
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Of course you would be here. I will swear on your mothers penis that I will smite thee, fag.
With love, from /akg/
You are just spiteful now, jesus
>filter eops
based, but they need to avoid making a pc client too
/akg/ here. Fuck off with your futa obsession already.
If it does become a game hopefully they implement clothing destruction. Similar to something like Bullet Girls
They called (You) Shi (師) as in Shishou or Sifu, not Master
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>this KV thing doesn't even have a game out
>it's just a bunch of teasers
>nothing released until maybe Comiket 105
>has a general
Nice fucking general you retards.
I'm just tired of a game where clearly no one wants it trying to stay safe horny, hoping for clothing destruction and implicit relationships to the very least
If you want a successful new gacha IP you need global day 1
It's the rules now
>KR and JP only
Because that's just what they are fluent in, duh.
It's just a hiding place since the main general went to shit
better than /gbfg/
>t. /gbfg/
Go back to your non crossbreeding general
Yet you post in it, desperate for (You)s. Curious.
That fag's a massive schizo.
So they are doing the same thing Blue Archive did some time ago and hired several artist even porn artist to draw their characters to drum up interest?
Hey, I am where the tits are at, brother. No need to attack the new general.
Speaking of general, I like the generally round looking one.
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what's the point of this general? at least post new images... all of those slots going to waste. use it
They'd have someone fluent in English in their company already if they cared about global. The VN's going to release with no English, and translation never because it'll be too ecchi.
i love exu
/akg/ here, i think exu is pretty cute
It's literally just a hideout for the absolute worst shitposters from /bag/, while they shit that thread up even worse.
>all new korean BA doujins are NTR now
Gooks are so spiteful I can actually see it happening
He is actually replying to himself
/akg/ here. We do not associate with this faggot.>>492879384 Please ignore him
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You already know he will be a normie Buddhist sensei again and no other way around, and it is a good thing. Rance sensei-shishou will only be your and Asanagi's dream.
The situation is reminding me a bit of when Kodaka left siting he was being chained to Danagnronpa and most regarded it as positive even when many of his new games resembled Danganronpa in style but were different in setting, story and gameplay. The difference here is that it's like if he left and released a game the same year that used Danganronpa as the setting(without actually saying it) while seemingly aiming for the same story with much more effort put into it than his last works for Spike Chunsoft. It's just in bad taste
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>while they shit that thread up even worse
You really don't need to. They copy and paste all the shitposts deliberately, becoming the thing they hate the most.
Remember when scatcuck would copypaste r*ddit comments as a shitpost? Now baggots do his work for free
>want to release the game in global day1
>and also want to keep the lewd elements
I'm not sure that's a good combination considering the unwanteds that would be attracted coming from EOP fanbases
I am just getting Mighty No. 9 signals from this whole thing.
I don't want that
Let it stay JP so it actually filters people
I can't believe the schizos who shitposted about mx2j holding back on his work for BA turned out to be right.
It's pretty funny when shitposts end up being right.
It depends. Making a real megaman game is hard. But an ecchi vn? Not so much.
It could be mighty No.9, or it could be arknights.
Nah, Mighty No. 9 didn't know its audience, didn't know how to keep things on track and gifted us with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YngbHOz--oc
Project KV already looking more promising by promising an appetizer by the end of the year, and their PVs have been on point.
What color is your Buggati?
Yeah. I generally like these girls design more. Was there really such a rumor going on?
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I want nekko's sensei
kind and helpful, but immediately goes in for the kill (sex) if students let him
I mean, to be fair, the broken hand excuse never explained the fucked up saturation on any of his recent stuff. It was either intentional or his monitor was fucked up, and the promo art puts the lie to the latter excuse.
>isakusan leaving and Dynamis One's reveal was only in July
>a mere month since Dynamis One's reveal was Project KV's big teaser moment
Yeah, I can see where the sheer emotional whiplash is coming from. Added that Project KV is looking to be really on the nose with regards to BA, you can't help people being really skeptical about the whole situation.
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What other schizo mumbo jumbo will become true again?
I put my bets on anime femsensei theory, or the 2nd mahjong collab with yuuka/hina/mika & co
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someone has to sign off on anything artists want to put in the game
nexon literally had him draw like shit to the point where he posted bikini kirara ln his twitter in frustration
>sabotages your game to shill my game
nothing personal kid
>what are lighting conditions
take your meds and maybe some art courses
More like MICA-Hypergryph
>MC teaches swordplay
Gonna be nice actually getting physical with the girls
ryokan homebase
you know he's gonna walk in on kohane
Except GFL and AK are rather different games conceptually.
What would kill blue archive for good?

Hire a bunch of popular vn writers to contribute like butcher, nasu, scat.
Was lowlight really that big of a Tower defencefag or was it just a market hole to design the game around and lowlight just wanting to put his OC's into the game?
Questions questions.
Let nexon do what it always does
>What would kill blue archive for good?
The japanese Midori nazischizo causing a mass shooting on C105.
>turned out to be right
According to the Korean nexonoid headcanon. Anyone can shape a narrative out of thin air
What lighting, the one on his monitor? He's been desaturating all his work on BA for a while now
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Just read up on this. I feel like this is a bit more nuanced than people are making it out to be (as people on 4chan tend to make these things). I think it's nice that the people behind BA are continuing to try and appeal to otaku, perhaps even moreso than they already were with BA, and as such Project KV clearly has its place. And especially if it's just a visual novel and not a formal gacha, it probably won't be hard to just be an idort and enjoy both.

My perspective on BA is that the game isn't really getting as bad as people are making it out to be - for all the doomering people have done over the last few months, the events have been pretty solid and in spite of mixed reviews I've enjoyed Vol 4 and Vol 5. I think the one valid complaint is that Mx2J has been gettimg worse and worse with regards to his BA art, but I blame that more on Nexon getting complacent with BA than anything. There are still clearly a lot of passionate people at BA and I don't see how I can't just choose to continue enjoying it as is while I give Project KV a shot. Maybe it's a sunk cost at this point, but the fact is that I really enjoy BA and its characters and although KV will be nice as its own thing I'd be sad to just say goodbye to Blue Archive as a whole.
My personal conspiracy theory is that john nexon (unlikely) or yostar commissioned the bestiality doujin with 50+ artists. Like really nigga, you can actually find this many bestiality cucks in this fanbase?
This whore has a name?
Hwansang was one of the directors, and now he's working on this. It seems likely he approved it. Cope all you want, it was sabotage.
these people dont exist. theyre just typing shit on the internet for fun. ofc everyone is going to try the game, and continue playing the one they like more
wtf is a comiket
Itokonoue Kaoru
KV actually getting invested in by big names in Japan like Cyberagent.
More talents joining the team to keep the momentum going.
KV being a 3D game with models on par with gakumas.
Full voiced VN scenes.
I feel like KYH has got to know what's going on behind the scenes when all of his key staff members start becoming lazy fucks. The question becomes: would he stay at blue archive?
If he leaves for KV, it would be hilarious
KYH was moved to another project for a while, only recently was he moved back (probably because some devs were leaving)
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For what it's worth I appreciate this thread feeling more like vintage /bag/ than the actual /bag/ threads right now.
>KV actually getting invested in by big names in Japan like Cyberagent.
I want this to happen but the big companies in Japan are led by a bunch of stupid stubborn geriatrics who take forever to capitalize on good opportunities and won't see the benefit of investing in an IP like this until it's too late.
That's why I think he won't stay for long. It seems like he personally also doesn't care for the project anymore and wants to go to greener pastures.
Has everyone who is known for being "based" in the dev interview left?
>KV actually getting invested in by big names in Japan like Cyberagent.
best case scenario would be an investment from the Saudis
Saudi invested gatcha would be pretty fun now that I think about it. Conceptually of course.
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So, what is this place? A bunch of salty ex-/bag/got band together to make a thread for a game that clearly not even out? No gameplay footage even?

Pathetic, all of you.
what motivates /bag/ autism
SEAniggers have nothing better to do after all. lol
The only ones to have confirmation of leaving are isakusan and hwansang, if I'm not mistaken. Others might have left too already, but I don't think there's any explicit confirmation yet
Seia would never say this
Same post different words.
We Katana Zero now
Surprised they even give Blue Archive the time of day since they're all Mihoyo slurpers.
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Yes, now I sleep
saudis invested in shift up (nikke)
They're just desperately hoping for the collapse of BA, they aren't really from /bag/.
Probably a bomb shelter from /bag/ at the moment.
I am here just for tits.
>muh SEA
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>a thread for a game that clearly not even out?
Not just that, the game will probably never come out. They don't have any programmers. It's a bunch of retarded /bag/gots circlejerking that they're better than the rest of their ilk and jacking off to a pitch deck made by a team of idea guys.
Genuinely hilarious.
Shame that dlc is never coming out
By Project KV being a Hack and Slash game from the likes of Punishing Gray Raven
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The mihoyo slurpers are in /bag/ right now.
There were some retards unironically using incel as an insult, or calling anybody wanting pantyshots a seanigger. The fanbase has been subverted quicker than you think
I see...
Makes sense? No it does not. Wouldn't Saudi invested gatcha be more pg-13? Or has nikke gone that route after the investment?
We all love BA, but /kvg/ is more mature enough to acknowledge that it is about its creators, not the company. As long as the original MX studio members who mostly joined project KV now are there it can be rejuvenated at any time, of course Nexon must work with Dynamis One for that.
That would kill KV for me unless they have full auto mode and a skip for already cleared content. I hate being forced to do intricate gameplay every day.
>We all love BA
>that's why I created this circlejerk ritual thread to manifest its demise
>oh and btw BA is nothing without 2 guys
they are investing hard on soft-power and they don't care as long as it makes them money. otaku culture is unironically a smart choice and saudis themselves consume it.
but DynamisOne should not struggle to find investors if you take in consideration the traction that they are getting and their work with BA.
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>Choosing to seethe in said thread "/bag/ circlejerk" thread
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>go make your own general if you want to talk about kv
>nooooooooo not like that stop circlejerking!!!!!!
>staff left after a breakout hit to make their own game with similar set up and playstyle
When had I heard this before?
Funny how this thread is 90% about BA then
there's no way they got zero investor and pulling this shit
come the fuck on

it's not like 99% of you are students or unemployed NEET is it?
That's right, the hit game funded by so many fans. The much beloved Mighty No9
>transfer students using western swords
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Remember when konami made a good metal gear game after kojimbo left? Me neither
The real question is: is kyh the kojimbo, or isakusan the kojimbo? Nexon thinks it's the latter because he gets paid much more
we doing daily resets here or...?
If we actually get proper western swordplay I'd actually kneel.
kek so that's why you are here
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If these threads are of any indication, KV will flop and forever live in BA's shadow. Even now, KV slurpers can't get BA out of their minds. It will forever loom over them, the one thing they could never surpass. Isakusan will forever be known as another Inafune-type, someone who couldn't make anything good on his own.
Kojima also didn't make a good game after he left either, so what's your point
which are the most recent besides marina?
And that affects you because?...You can always sing praises and defend blue archive in /bag/, you have plenty of buddies there
do we even know the real story? if Nexon sues them then yeah, they won't find shit.
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I like Taiga/Shana girl
You sure can do a lot with blades huh
It means this thread has no reason to exist, /vg/ is a board occupied by people that make generals for the purpose of USING them...this is literally just /bag/ 2. There's no need for it to exist.
I'm from /alter/, retard. I'm enjoying watching you fuckers squirm and eat each other alive. Hopefully both games go down the shitter.
Nah, expect retarded katana nipwank on par with FGO
We can debate all day about whether DS is good or not, but he has made a name for himself and produced a commercially successful game after leaving konami
marina, saori, kazusa
think he unfattened yoshimi and natsu too
its eris
and shes mine
What swordmanship would you like to see? Destreza? Modern fencing? Maybe something like half swording or other two handed techniques?
Sure you are, now stop pretending to be from every other gacha general
I think you are just angry that there are people that have different opinions about blue archive from you, who are posting said opinions away from /bag/. This general is way faster than a lot of dead games, so by definition people are USING them.
Go sign up to be a janny if you wanna police so hard.
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Is this your first time seeing a new general being born?
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Stop crying about it they are independent now just swallow it. They will never come back to Nexon especially when it is trying to strangle KV in its cradle via their whore journalists like now. Don't be a golem instead you better pressure Nexon to cooperate with Dynamis One to keep BA alive.
So KV slurpers aren't in the market for good games, just commercially successful ones...alright. lol
>your student
>your swordgirl
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Explain this then
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>video game generals
>doesn't have any video game
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>Nexon is PAYING journalist to kill KV
This is as dumb an argument as when people were saying they were paying tons of fanartist to only draw BA
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>suing anyone for copying

also korean court decided that this is not a copy of bomberman
I'd like to see combat akin to PSO2 (But not fucking NGS).
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Is any gacha a "good" game?
Nobody plays gachas, especially waifugames, because they have shakespear tier writing
Taigaroha, I guess
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You must be a maple story faggot or something to be this buckbroke that you're making up random conspiracy theories about Nexon trying to sabotage KV.
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If you ever see this girl>>492886505 get posted in any general, never take it seriously.
It's alterMomoi
Hey this looks like an interesting thread on a video game general board, where can I play your video game?
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>suing anyone for copying
they sued dark and darker devs in a very similar circumstances
it went nowhere but it did kill the hype that game had going and delayed it long enough that it got copied and a lot of people now prefer the copy
>there has never been a general before a game came out

but either way its right here, of course
alfa test but there's NDA
I'm sorry
>Iroha + Taiga + Shana
Yep, wife material right fucking there.
I think they sued dark and darker using the stolen asset excuse. They did lose the lawsuit and got dragged through the mud in the pr department
Something tells me kv staff is betting on this not happening again
Qrd on this farfy guy?
Can't wait for not-Excalibur Morgan to cameo in Project KV.
dark and darker is a different case because the thing was stealing nexon's property not copying
if kv used assets made by nexon they will definitely sue, but not for copying

korean court hardly ever admits copying in media
Was there a new update? I thought it still hasn't been primarily taken to court and only had a small preliminary ruling
Tripfaggot without a trip
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the superior Messer will never be accepted in an asian game
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Short answer: /bag/s actual schizo that loves to be an attention whore and shill shit despite getting doxxed.
As suspected, time to construct a filter
>an artist is not allowed to improve
Into the fucking trash it goes.
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>Mega corporations buying journalists to make them do their bidding
It's pretty standard operating procedure but cyberpunk golems even disagree or don't have any clue, that's why they are defending Nexon so much in the first place.
The coolest /bag/got to ever exist and made the general in it's golden era. Him being here and allowed to be himself again can only bring good to the general
>guy that only draws slopge like Eternal Return
Yep, that fits.
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best we will get is samurai spirits collab
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>chops your Katana
nothing personal
Where are the hitpieces then, slave?
it's Farfiye,chud
If I see a single little girl parrying a bullet with a katana I'm fucking screaming
I can keep consuming that kind of slop anymore
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Except mx2j was good before he started sabotaging BA, compare old Marina or Kazusa to their newest alts for example
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Grutte Pier kinda girl is all that I wish for.
>can the biggest franchise of comiket gather 50+ "artist" for a garbage fetish anthology?
Unfortunately yes
Also anyone who participated, bought, scanned, upvoted or interacted in any positive way with this shit should kill themselves
>2-3 pages per artist
So you're saying the most clout and click hungry cock sucking goblins (journalists) would rather make a deal with Nexon than exposing them for (You)s
are you retarded
Do you also believe Jews control the media

The thing you're talking about is game reviews, where journalists get to test a game ahead of time and then make A review of it. There's a deal there, sure
If there was even a whiff of Nexon doing shady shit guaran-fucking-teed journalists would be all over it
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/bag/ anthology when?
I just hope that it is not another school vs school thing
fighting yokais would be nice
dorm vs dorm now
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I always thought that Koreans were still salty about samurai. They had to make an OC in Soul Calibur for that reason at least.
>Hwang originally doubled as a replacement for Mitsurugi in Korean releases of the game, where depicting Japanese samurai is a culturally touchy subject.
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>friendless schizo is back
Grim. The faggot really has to come crawling back after realizing how lonely he is.
Of course they are. The samurai and katana setting adds salt to the injury
>shy shota
>not bratty, dominant shota
It's trash
There are plenty in Korea doing that right now, and the magazines are called 'Money Today', 'Money Magazine' or something like that, literally sounds like some parody like Shekelstein magazine or something lol
Just need the rising sun banner to make an appearance to ensure it's Japan-onry as the devs get granted Japanese passports.
Where can I read gook seethe?
is that confirmed?
dorm vs dorm is basically why fujos love harry potter
there's no way they will miss it
Hopefully there's an Akoface
no gehennoid
Hopefully there's no Ako.
damn they are not taking the news well
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>sword game
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Hopefully they will make their Not Sora playable before Blue Archive.
Makes sense considering the sabotage allegations
Today's dailies have been especially bitter.
probably a polearm, no?
A Naginata is just a sword on a stick
lmfao gooks are so made they even started their own project called project VK
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Anon, that's clearly a pole...
Finally, some people with passion, unlike the lobotomite playerbases from JP and the west.
>Project Vkontakte
Sorry but I'm not a zigger.
does a polearm count as a sword?
consensus is that we've so far seen:

maybe we could get a zanbatou at some point
Reverse swords...
Why must we have brother wars between kvg and bag. Are the shitposters that bored?

yes, i need a sakabato girl who is atoning for her sins of massacre
I'm just here for more porn of this bitch
according to nisioisin guns are also swords
I mean, they're melee weapons but I wouldn't call them swords, obviously.
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>game doesn’t even exist
>has a general
Excuse me?
the AGM-114R-9X missile is a sword
do you think blue archive exists?
Am the balls of my sword
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It's always guns or swords
Where is the spear game?
I guarantee she's going to be the only good girl this game churns out
Maybe, at best, the hidden blue girl she's friends with too
This is literally Hifumi
They didn't even try
Is this an out of season April Fool’s joke?
have you ever seen a single good lancer in fate?
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She does give major vibes of someone that lures little kids ngl.
Making new content is hard, please understand, small indie developer
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It's true. Im the little kid
>forgetting red taiga
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How fucking embarrassing, I hope she get bullied hard
Is there any info or speculation on the monetization model? Not sure if I can afford a second gacha.

Passing the sake to Koito after school!
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Oh wow it's notGehenna, can't wait for red Taiga to end up being notHina
>axe is cool
>spear is cringe
It's not fair...
I hope KV's real title is Katana Virgins
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that just means she will get a bunch of alts in the future
more for me
why are you trying to trigger *it* so early anon?~
Wow ai already, is that a new record?
Is the JP/KR drama really bad?
Just KR and Koreans larping as JP
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>ai slopa
shupogaki fotm was so strong they had ai models on the second day iirc
No way ir isn't bad amongst japs
>forgetting about neo-nazi momoi
KAPILA..!! v-v-vastu...
i can see her kapilas...
the vastu... moist and receptive...
nonny stop...
The biggest thing JPs are worried about is not getting a good translator. BA is praised for its translation sounding natural and effectively masking most of its Korean-ness. So far the Japanese text in KV's PV is not nearly on the same level of translation quality so it comes across as a cheap foreign game.
They're still getting art to this day you know.
Not gonna lie, if Isakusan and Co. end up fucked in the JP sector because they can't find a good translator and come crawling back to BA I'd laugh my ass off.
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JPs aren't worried about BA fucking dying because they lost the artists for a lot of popular characters?
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Kissless Virgins would unironically be an awesome name
Getting paizuri'd all night long....
Why are gooks so attacked to BA?
I swear they're acting like if someone stole a treasure from a museum or something.
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It's the first korean anime thing that doesn't evoke repulsion.
bag vs kvg divegrass will be pure kino
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For the same reason why westerners shit themselves with excitement and hype over any western cartoon show that's somewhat good, they have so little good stuff they can be proud of and attach themselves hard to whatever actually takes off.
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Who would be KV's STRONGEST?
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no matter how hard those trannies try to damage control and not go bankrupt it wont help them LMAAAIOOOOO
and the insider just came out with new shit: apparently those tranny devs are too uppity that tencents going to fuck them over soon LMAO
and the 416 cuckshit will be shown on september 5th, and its really fucking damning too LMAO. a whole file full of the shit that they tries to keep burries
their own tranny behavior is the reason i hate them so much, if it werent for how fucking smug those troons were i wouldnt be so angry at those fucks but guess what? KARMA'S A BITCH, HAVE FUN KEKOLDS LMAAAAOOOOOOOO
Who cares?
Who asked?
I dont wanna click whats the TLDR
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I have a bad feeling about this. Think it's gonna be a lose-lose situation. As much as I love BA I doubt it can survive losing both it's art and story leads when that is the core of the IP. Also, I have never seen an IP surviving losing it's original creators.
Don't have high hopes for KV either. A bunch of creatives thinking they can hack it alone is not a good sign. They need people to actually make a game. BA itself was almost DOA.
Also, did they really have to rehash BA to this extent with the school setting, halos and lines in the sky? Not only does it leave a bad taste, it stink of having only one good idea.
You guys are bringing up Mica and Hypergryph but honestly this reminded me a lot of SE and Mistwalker. Final Fantasy has been shit ever since but Mistwalker has not produced anything impressive either. Sometimes you do need a corpo for its resources.
If this is the kind of poster that's going to be attracted to this thread, maybe it's better to not have a global release
Just how much fanart does this semen demon have already?
like, genuinely
Shishou. dick is unbeatable
tl;dr is your mad as hell AHAHAHAGAHAH
people like this really should've stayed contained in one of the hoyo threads
Nigger I have no interest in learning Chinese, translate all that shit or fuck off.
i live my life paying no heed to the chinese
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There's so much animosity over this entire project that C105 will really be a do or die situation.
Or it becomes a massive hit and secure people attention and support, or it's shit and most antis will literally eat the entire team alive.
The VN being just "ok" would also be bad news knowing all they sacrificed for it.
You will when Tencent funds KV
I really hope they just commit to making a pure visual novel, if it has gameplay it can be short optional minigames like the baseball batting in Little Busters or the tennis in Summer Pockets.
We need an ero route just give both the censored and uncensored like you me and her
has anyone identified the voice actors in the teaser?
that probably has the highest likelyhood of settling the porn debate
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I want gameplay and I want it NOW!
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*grabs your cock*
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I hope the vn comes with lots of sex and pandering.
Designed for hardcore rape.
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It certainly feels that way for now. I just wanted more peak BA, with the characters I've come to love. People have been bitching about alt archive, but with the development lead times we haven't even seen the worst of it. And for what, a VN that could potentially have a rough Japanese translation and a gacha targeting 2026 or later? Guess I'll just try to learn more moon in the meantime.
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She's kinda cute
I hope they keep drop feeding us more content instead of just keeping us completely blind until december
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When was the last time a VN saved something?
Hell no, my cock belongs to >>492897528.
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Would a Brazilian schoolgirl save KV?
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Yuzusoft was saved by abandoning gacha and going back to pure VNs
A pure VN is just one and done. They will want the stability that a well ran live service game can provide so some RPG mechanics is a given. Expect something similar to HBR.
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I feel like they revealed stuff too early. They could have waited a year, polished up maybe another VN or something, while BA rots away without them and people are slowly leaving.
Instead, because of how the past year of BA has been middling, it feels like they sabotaged it and are immediately showing off what they were working on while employed. It's such a weird strategy that makes it seem they have no idea what they're getting into.
If anything that just shows how oversaturated the gacha space is. VNs are a fallback for VN creators, not something for ambitious creators to break into.
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>VN with annoying forced gameplay nobody likes: good
>VN with no annoying forced gameplay nobody likes: bad
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Is it confirmed to not be live service? Based if true.
So Kaoru is KV's Asuna, right?
The issue is really that they're overambitious and think they can capture lightning in a bottle twice
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idk i just unlocked this sex goddess and i'm glad kv has one as well
yeah they should've just waited a year and found some good JP translators since some JP fans talked about how some of the sentences and the trailer feeling odd in terms of translations
>>VN with annoying forced gameplay nobody likes: good
This is just a jrpg thoughbeit
>Secondary bait to draw in normalfag consoomers
Looking like
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Why would they? Niyaniya, Qipao Tomoe, swimsuit Valkyrie, etc. are all good. Swimsuit Valkyrie is the chibi loading screen guy made into a sprite artist. If anything, the question mark is on mx2j for Qipao Marina in comparison to everyone else.
I like Kaoru's design more and have always preferred Karin too.
Still can't believe the loading screen chibi guy came out and made such amazing non-chibi sprites. What a flex.
What's wrong with qipao marina? She is sex
Same problem as always with mx2j's work on BA this past year. Body too thin, colors look desaturated, barely any shading
Holy retarded. Ikakusan was the one who pushed the undefined sensei and Yuri undertones. If anything we expect the volume 4 writer to change this in BA. How you expect this game to be better in this aspect?
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She has an interesting design but she's not my type. Kohane is what's actually getting me hyped for this game.
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It's the only one that doesn't have an almost direct lookalike in BA
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>tfw gameplay is the only good part of the VN
>it barely has any
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>the undefined sensei
How is this bad? It's much better for self inserting
>yuri undertones
Which BA doesn't have unless you goggle super hard
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I don't see it, kokuriko just looks like a single mother to me
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wait a minute, that smile....
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Weird Kurapika
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I thought the designs were pretty boring but seeing the fanarts on misskey/twitter they're actually starting to grow on me
I fucking hate this meme
God damn this thread got bad today, seems like the shitposters went to sleep though.
Wonder how long they'll keep up the daily updates for, no way it lasts until comiket
>thread already devolved to 1 or 2 guys spamming fanart on cooldown with no text
Good enough so I dont have to scroll twitter, what do you want them to do post gameplay showcase ?
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praying to god so both BA and KV succeed forever for at least 10 more years
ow right in my vn playing childhood muscle
We could discuss how they gave the red mop the white mop's personality and then instantly made her more of an exhibitionist than Hanako.
It's very based imo.
I sincerely hope this game is really successful and popular so all the below subhuman twitter artists jump the ship to it and stop posting secondary tier art of my favorite BA characters on their accounts alongside whatever slop they have eaten for the day.
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It happens when the game is famous
We need more post like this, this genre needs to take over gaming
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How naive are you? They saw BA making gangbusters off their characters and story/setting so they wanted an actual piece of the pie
Imagine designing everything good about BA and getting some cuck salary while the suits families get to buy apartment complexes in Seoul.
Huh, even my favorite monster girl artist drew the not!Hifumi.
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stop drawing
Nobody praises BA for its gameplay. In fact even with all of the skipping already in the game, players are demanding for more skips including the option to completely skip daily raids. Hating Goz and Shirokuro is a regular thing and players always groan when those raids are announced. If KV minimizes the amount of mandatory gameplay and focuses on story and characters which is what people actually remember BA for that can only be a good thing.
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It was already revealed that they had 800 million won salaries, which is almost $600k. You aren't getting anybody with the payrate angle
It's funny seeing random ass JPs be like "uhh why are people drawing KV? Don't they realize it'll cost them their followers if they keep supporting traitors like this???" while the artists are all "me see cute girl me draw cute girl"
>source: I read on blind
Man they were the ones on the team getting paid the most, even more than the director. Now they kicked all that away and became a doujin circle. If they genuinely thought they could replicate BA success just on their own they're complete fools
So what's the source on them being paid like trash then?
I guess this seals the deal on paid fanartists. People like sexy jks and people will draw sexy jks
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My stance on BA and KV
asmongold is right
vidya consumers dont care about "muh morality"
I see gooks crying everywhere about "adult responsiblity" and "betrayal"
but at the end of the day no one actually cares
just like they didnt care about koreans stealing anime style and tropes for profit
KV will succeed if its good
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How many of you are /bag/ oldfags
Be honest
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They dont own apartment complexes after making 2020s biggest IP in Korea
Its criminal
I occasionally take a tour to /bag/ when there's a cool update in JP but I don't think it's a good general so I mostly post about BA in the /vmg/ thread or /gbfg/
Both of you need to stop blindly trusting KR sources with zero basis to them. Especially given their biases against creators trying to go independent away from a nasty corpo like nexon.
They can just use copycat artists. This is free game now that those rats already started doing this with their old job
Idolizing Nexon of all things has been so fucking surreal.
>vidyabuttsGOD has blessed kvg
yeah this IP is officially 4chan approved now
*raises fist*
I started using /bag/ around february 2021 and stopped around a month after global release.
Kept playing until late 2023.
I just save cute pics now.
Get off their dicks. It's a public news how much money each of em made.


This shit with kv isn't le poor oppressed artists bullied by meanie nexon. Quite the fuckin opposite. They bagged the lion's share with the incentives and cushy positions. This underdog angle you blindly believe in has even less credibility than any fucking takes anyone can have on the issue. You say korean sources for korean devs on a korean game isn't reliable but some fucking anons shitposting on a taiwanese basketweaving forum somehow is? Stop being retarded pls
Anyone thinking that PKV will fail is delusional, it all depends on the company that will take care of the IP in Japan, after its smooth sailing from there.
You dont know the amount of games that exist for years and people here will never know they exist.
I have never seen a twitter go from 3k followers (when I first followed) to 120k without a single gameplay showcase.
Now all we need is an ero VN with actual Hscenes to guarantee its success.
>lion's share
look up how much BA actually made
they made a pittance
Honestly at this point I don't care about the morality of this shit. It's not like these people were trafficking children or anything, at worst they're just typical asshole employees. What matters to me is that they're making a new game that looks cool, and I want them to succeed at making that cool game.
You're just being disingenuous now
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Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it
But Arknights was bad?
>gun gacha
>sword gacha
Spear gacha when?
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>from gray hair to brown hair app icons
Why is it always like this?
What Japanese companies are known for actually producing and distributing Korean dev-led games?
They're employees, not the fucking company owners. The fact is they made the most amount of money out of everyone on BA team, even more than Yongha PD. If you're genuinely excited for KV that's your prerogative but this weird little scenario you have in your head about their office politics is completely inaccurate from all sources even the ones you choose to ignore.

Nothing wrong with that but it's just annoying when you see people trash on BA to hype KV up
>they're making a new game that looks cool
What game?! You haven't seen shit.
You people are hilarious. The people that left are a bunch of creatives. They probably don't have a single clue what the gameplay is gonna be.
>trash on BA to hype KV up
I don't think anyone is doing that but shitposters on 2chan. And for the record they also trash on KV and desire mutual annihilation for both games because they're cyniggers.
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I don't like how this general is shaping bros...
Maybe we should go into hibernation until more news come out
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I was a day1 player but got burnt out chasing top10 every raid. Now I'm waiting for KV cuz I feel too behind to pick up BA again
I like the setting, the designs, and the style of music and art. I know the writer has made good stuff before. Which means the VN portion which is the portion that actually matters might be good, which is worth getting hyped over for me. The gameplay can be anything, the only thing I hope for regarding gameplay is that it doesn't impose itself too much.
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Ak is relatively unknown. Its just china really holding up the franchise.
I don't like kv already because its swords shit. How much more sword shit do we really need. I like guns and appreciate ba for being a basic cute girls with miitary shit.
How the fuck do you think companies work?
If they are really paid as much as the leaks claim, they are paid sufficiently for the creative work they do.
Artists are some of the most delusional people when it comes to the value of their work. Reminds me of the LabZero fuckers.
It was a dumb idea of a general anyways and only has posters thanks to BA. There is literally nothing to talk about but shitposts. I'm not entirely convinced this gen isnt just a huge troll/bait.
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I don't go to /vg/ in general since its the schizo board. But i do vist /bag/ during livestreams.
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I say it's fine for now. This is just how generals are normally born. A bunch of posters from other generals posting at the same time.
literally one person though?
Katana's are dogshit and would fold against any other sword
They're not trying to just survive, they're trying to at least compete with Nexon because why else would you leave a company that was compensating you pretty well. That said I'm pretty sure they will be fine as long as they're receptive to feedback from JP. They need the business sense to ensure the package is polished and well edited, and it won't be long until we see what they're really capable of. It's really rare for such big names to hype up a project for comiket, they'll easily be the talk of C105.
>left the dream job with big pay
Holy shit KV passion project confirmed.
>I'm not entirely convinced this gen isnt just a huge troll/bait.
why don't you fuck off if you don't like then?
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>all depends on the company that will take care of the IP in Japan, after its smooth sailing from there.
Uh anon. Nips are starting to cave to muttslop dei standards. Fucking bandai finally admits they love dei shit.
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>vb's blessing
I'm feeling good about red archive, bros
I'm here to shitpost. Like everyone else here. Why would I leave?
>I have nothing better to do
if you want to troll at least generate slop of the characters commiting japanese warcrimes in korea or something
>You say korean sources for korean devs on a korean game isn't reliable but some fucking anons shitposting on a taiwanese basketweaving forum somehow is?
Unironically? Yes.
This is the same clown country that shits themselves over a simple hand sign being some feminist conspiracy because it implies they have microdicks.
And I get you're probably some butthurt korean BAfag but even if this was in fact 100% true then that's even better news for them and the project they're heading. Because it means they sacrificed a stable, comfortable position at nex0n to follow their dreams and passions.
That's something to admire, not something to smear them with a brush.

Any sane individual would recognize that. Unless if you're a BAdrone lashing out, of course, caring more about the name brand than said people behind the name.
I was gonna say it's actually hard to find publishers not pozzed, but then I realized that they're all pozzed.
You are posting in a gen for a game with 30s worth of content to discuss. The rest being drama from it's creators leaving another game.
Where do you think we are?
Corporations are huge entities. Some divisions maybe pozzed and others aren't.
Even though bandai namco is affliated with dei, Gakuen is still based
>>trash on BA to hype KV up
>I don't think anyone is doing that
I am getting sick of DEI being touted as the main reason of anything going bad. Blue Protocol's problems go well beyond anything related to DEI as well as many projects that go bad. But no, DEI is the only damn thing anyone can think of these days.
Blue Protocol's issue was that it was a MMO in fucking 2024.
Yeah? That guy is trashing BA purists rather than BA itself. Plenty of people have no problem being into things like BA, IM@S, Uma and Gundam at the same time.
Pointing out that mentally ill BAfags are, in fact, mentally ill, isn't trashing BA itself
Only mentally ill BAfags would treat dubious KR sources with an axe to grind as gospel
the funniest thing is how these retards eat up buzzwords
no one fucking called it DEI a year ago, it would be called woke or something like that, but rightwing American pundits started spamming DEI everywhere thanks to the upcoming election and every braindead NPC replaced their go-to buzzword
>That's something to admire, not something to smear them with a brush.
My thoughts exactly people that having something to show to the world and not just sit tight with a comfy position is what makes the world go around.
I will support their visions while also supporting their previous game
pc client because i loathe playing on the phone or emulators tb h
>Complains about shiposters
>Also calms to be one himself
Pick one
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Its going to get worse. P-bandai and now woke p-bandai shit. Im just glad gb4 wasnt horribly infected.
Anon. Nip companies are headed by retarded boomers who can't do basic fucking research. Granted kr and cn isnt any better, since the government feminist are fucking attacking non retarded companies now.
>hopeful for:
explicit romantic content with at least implied sex
>worried about:
extra greedy monetization

honestly not worried about the monetization, unless i literally just never have stuff to roll for girls. i spent very little on ba and it basically worked out the whole time, cant really complain
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>how dare people have standards
I bet you didn't buy concord either
This is almost the best it'll be. When it releases (assuming it has an English TL) it'll look exactly like /bag/ and I'll probably leave.
In the meanwhile we just have to hope the people who admit they're not even interested like >>492908364 or >>492908481 get bored of shitting things up.
>6 hours later
>Friendless immediately responds the newest replies
Holy shit.
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Harder romantic interactions
Gameplay that would allow me use my favorites despite being bad
>Worried about
Cuckery and ship baiting
Overly ambitious plot that fails in execution
Who's complaining? You know what that word means? You ESL?
Fuck off, don't be mean to Farfie
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Yeah im not interested. I like gun angels combo. I ditched ak because it keeps ignoring sanktas. And they havent released a good sankta with guns since Executor alt.
>Farfie apologism
It's over for this general. Already as bad as /bag/
Shut up dicksucker
BA has decent model but there's no guarantee project KV will follow it.
If they want to make most money they probably shouldn't.
I just hope if they go full greed they'll go for skins and not characters/weapons.
I play BA, Nikke, and Azur Lane, and all of them are more or less fine other than Nikke's skin gacha, but if we get something like the mihomo model instead it will be sad.
what's a farfie?
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Who is Farfie?
Farfie is the apex of posters and the moment /bag/ bullied him away the general went to shit. Having him here will be a pure positive
>guy posts about the subject of this general
>schizos from /bag/ bring their shit over
go back
>Who's complaining?
>Le ESL cause I spelled "claim" as calm on accident
The usual as always
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/kvg/ bros we are winning!
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yeah same
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What swordgirl series should KV collab with?
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It's over.
>Lying out of the cum in his mouth
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Believe it!
Careful, hon. I folded it a thousand times and now it’s the sharpest blade this side of Mt. Fuji.
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt all the riveting discussion happening in this gen. Do continue discussing your 30s teaser.
Oh wait, no. 90% of the posts here is in relation to the drama, I am very much on topic.
I called you ESL cause of the way your are using your words, not some stupid spelling mistake.
Where is the complaining in the post you pointed to? You know what a complain is? >>492908903 This is what a complain would sound like
You're free to fuck off to /bag/ if this general makes you that butthurt
The previous threads weren't like this one, because dipshits like you hadn't started invading the general of a VN you're not even interested in until today.
You say you're not even convinced this general isn't just a huge troll/bait but you're the one saying you're here to shitpost. Get a fucking life dude
>shitting up bag since the teaser dropped
>nooo i'm the victim go away
:unzips katana:
minna-samatachi back the h*rck back off..!
or you will taste my demineralized kissless steel blade
>Thinking it not just there usual shitposters
I never said I'm not interested in the game. Why would I not be?
I was just pointing out how dumb the idea of a general for a game that has almost nothing shown is. The only topic worth a damn is it's relation with another game. So basically all you are ever gonna get in this gen of yours is people shitposting, hence a bait gen.
Why would I go shit up /bag/? I here to talk about this game
nah some of these post stink of predditors, especially the one making fun the feminist situation in korea
microdick detected
>the original creators dont matte-ACK!!!!
Um, bagbwos?
So you're complaining about how dumb is is for this general to exist when nothing real has been shown yet and saying it's a bait thread when also calling yourself a shitposter.
Lmao imagine calling someone an esl because of how someone typed and not even knowing what complaining means himself.
I look forward to seeing more about this game! BA had gotten pretty stale for me a while ago
Where did I complain?
Someone suggested to hibernate the gen. And I pointed out it was dumb it existed to begin with cause there is nothing to discuss? Where is the complain?
You really are ESL aren't you?
Lmao there really is nothing to discuss here with how you people jump on any and all perceived slight.
I don't post in /bag/ because it's a bad general. This place was comfy yesterday but I guess around >>492861951 was when things went downhill.
but i sure was right about you being a tranny predditor
at least my penis still works and it's still attached to my crotch
What general? What do you plan to talk about when there's barely any info and it may never release.
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>All this expectations
Christ. This shit's more dangerous than the retractors. I hope they don't crack under pressure because they should've at least shown gameplay concepts.
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>copy ba
>replace guns with just katanas
Im quite offended. And im not even american.
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The seethe feels unnatural
/bag/ since the KV announcement feels unnatural
That too
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It was me
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>Only thing you have to show for your game so far is "Made by the people that worked on BA"
Yeah this isn't coming out for years and when it does people will be meh or hate it. We've seen this set up tons of times
We have a fair bit of info now and we'll probably get another student intro every day or two, until the four main dorms are covered at least.
We probably won't get constant new stuff until Comiket but if nothing we know so far intrigues you that's a you problem.
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Sword Action PV WHEN
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Insider here, the gameplay is going to be an SRPG where hit chance is based off how well a student can deflect swords and other ranged weapons.
Range is determined by the type of stance and weapon that the student is using, damage and hit chance is also dependent on stance.
If you manage to clear a level without a character taking any damage, that character receives bonus affinity points.
I'm not holding any hopes, because she could just be a bland cardboard, but god damn is Kaoru fucking sex
>try to post an image FOUR DIFFERENT TIMES
>all duplicates
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>Does anyone recall how BA could've easily eos'd if not for a decent publisher?
never because the game 1st year even on their lowest end was making much more than Dragalia with English Dubs and fully voiced story
that's the reason why BA was called a budget Priconne for a while
>my final cope
These are investors not some seething virtue signaling gookneets on forums
If I was a Saudi oil prince I would snatch this golden goose up asap
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>read another book ano-
I don't get why people are saying this will never be anything or it'll be years
C105 is in December. There will be a VN in December. Even if it never amounts to anything more than a VN, DDLC and Katawa Shoujo both have generals and there's no chance it'll be worse than those.
What do you expect for us to talk about for months prior to C105 then?
>it'll be years
Probably because there's not a hint gameplay or the fact that it's still called "Project KV" which is obviously not the final title.
>120k followers on xitter already
If they knock out the vn by c105, they might get just the amount of money they need to produce a new game, if neo nazi midori doesnt perform a minecraft
>We could be just like /ksg/
I'd actually rather be dead
What does that have to do with people saying things that aren't true?
So you think they are lying about their plans for C105?
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dont worry mister isakusan i wirru protect you at c105
Their plans for C105 is a VN and a music CD, that's it
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Feed the Migga!
Artbook too
more content than ddlc has and will ever have in the future
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Something tells me le korean corporation isnt as influential as they say, if red archive can get away with this amount of corporate sabotage
why are people acting like this existing means Blue archive is going to die?
Artists can work on multiple games at the same time.
BA was in development for years as Project MX and had the backing a whole large company behind it. If the presumed endgame is to be a gacha game, like BA is, they've either done a lot work on the side for quite some time or it'll be a while before anything materializes in that regard.
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gutted archive
KVniggers have nothing to talk about so they're resorting to spamming/trying to bait /bag/
...yes which I said as much in the original post. Releasing a VN is not releasing nothing, is not taking years.
Maybe it doesn't interest you personally but that doesn't mean it's not real.
Because I want BA to die. It's what Nexon deserves.
But ddlc has a vn, console vn release, and merch?
the term is kvamas
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>Supporting a smaller creator because you hate the much larger one
lmeow this is Wuwa all over again
>Artists can work on multiple games at the same time.
This is in burgerland, but you are not allowed to work for a competitor while you are employed
If korea really is a corporate hellholex then none of the full-time staff can work on two projects at the same time, at least legally
Wuwa is the better game.
going to be honest i don't give a single fuck about legality.
wuwa has some cute girls but it looks even more like chinese slop than genshin so i can't imagine i'd enjoy it
also i really don't want to start a mixed toilet ever again
Pgr is better. The only thing wuwa has is femc
this but for gfl
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More like schizos trying to start a thread war
I want this game, if it becomes a game which is most likely, to be really good and be on par with BA so that BA can get motivated on being better as well.
TL;DR: I want both games to succeed.
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I wish I didn't run on spite, but it is what it is
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>thread war
None of you have any nukes
yeah, kvposters were content with staying on /bag/ until we had some real content
we got kicked here by a baggot who wanted us out and also the fact that /bag/ is a flaming pile of shit with all the ongoing tourist raids
cant you guys just play both
No, I don't enjoy "playing" BA anymore.
i will
I do and will
i will because i'm not a /bag/got
any drama is entirely from that general shitting itself
I'm gonna
KV is probably going to take like 2 years for the gacha game to come out anyways
Even without the development team sharting itself, 2 years later blue archive may as well reached its shelf life
>noo we dindu nuffin we're innocents
>we're totally not shitting up bag into oblivion because we're bitter KVniggers
do not let farfie have free reign here show him out >>492922725
I will
He's already here. Keep him.
When koreans were presented to choose between:
>Nexon which is literal dogpile of shit save for BA
>People that made BA a gem in a pile of shit which is nexon
they've chose "leave my multibillion corporation alone" approach. Why? Are they retarded?
No clue what the problem with him is supposed to be but he hasn't made a single bad post in this thread
People seething about him over some external drama are way worse so far
>Only these 4 people actually matter for BA
And you wonder why people call you a shitposter
Avatarfags should be told to fuck off on principle.
I haven't seen a single one of those posts directed towards the butts spammer
This is him playing "innocence"
He does this in every fucking general avatarfagging.
Lmao, well its only a matter of time you will see the light soon enough
When /bag/ gets presented to choose between:
>immediately drop BA forever for a nothingburger
>just keep playing BA

They choose "kill BA BA was never good cus nexon fuck BA die" approach. Why? Are they retarded?
Found the person trying to start thread wars>>492923165
They're total dumbfucks, but Asians in general tend to be bootlickers (?) like that. Fucking hate seeing Japanese bend over for companies that don't give a fuck about them.
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>DDLC and Katawa Shoujo
No thanks, we don't need more blogfaggotry and drama generals.
nigger who the fuck told you to drop BA?
people are saying you should try KV
Oh you will see soon enough
>only these 4 people
>producer, main writer and artists
they are basically majority of creative leads
>immediately drop
there's not even a game to begin with, there's so many ifs it would be a miracle this will actually see the light of a day
i'll gladly play BA with radically different gameplay though
i also think that following creative leads instead of sticking with a brand is a common sense.
Try what? There's literally nothing right now and will continue to be nothing for the next few months
>no bro we're totally not spamming /bag/ by telling you to drop BA and call you bootlicker if you don't do it
>stop trying to start shit with us man we're doing nothing
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You get what you vote for.
Wouldn't surprise me if these people are just using KV as an excuse to shit on BA.
It is just the usual shitposters in /bag/ forcing the lastest (You) generating rage bait. Now that other generals heard of it you can expect even more falseflagging.
Me on the right
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Same post.
Yeah, I pretty much expect this to end the same way the mahjong crossover did where literally nobody gave a shit and everyone forgot it
Let it die
Nah this will absolutely stick with us forever, assuming this is an actual gacha game eventually and BA is still alive(which it will be, no reason to expect it to EoS despite doomers).
Can't compare an inhouse collab to rival games.
>Facebook meme
could we at least wait with making new threads until they post something on xitter
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P-Playing multiple games!? No, I don’t want that! I want everyone to be tribalistic retards! They should only play one game… for ten years at least!
This really is just /bag/ 2.0 huh
You fucking retards
One of them is a actual thread and the other is a shitpost.

>rated 12+ and consistently drop the least attractive 60$ gacha skins
>BA was literally saved by Bunny Chaser on Board

The fuck are you, a prude?
I have all the girls. The writing is very toned down as all the characters mention each other. Even when you max out relationships it's more along the lines of "let's play together some time!" more than anything.

Just a case of CN schizos self-cucking as usual (same shit happened with GFL2 and that game is now right up there with Snowbreak in terms of making a comeback). Mahjong collab literally does nothing for the BA playerbase aside from giving us nice fanservice PNGs (the additional costume and oath outfits also don't give any suggestive voicelines).

>not collabing with the right games like AK
>no PC version
>"unified art direction" and over-reliance on only a few artists to make sprites and L2Ds
>according to Nagisa's OG artist Fame, contracted artists were suddenly cut from contact without any warning
>if you want to believe the "insider" (could be a schizo clout chaser for all we know), lots of art and writing direction were curtailed by the survey Nexon offered out to players back in early 2023. People asked for a light-hearted story but it could be likely that that was mistaken to mean BA could ONLY be written in a light-hearted context and that heavy topics could not be approached.

People say shit has been accumulating for 9 months but I'd say the damage was beginning since Abydos Summer (2022); ever since that particular event we've had a huge jump in the level of detail in L2D lobbies and sprites with everything becoming simplified.
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I've been here since day 1 global release.

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