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LE SSERAFIM collab skins back in shop for a limited time

>Latest patch notes

>Season 12 blogpost

>Season 12 trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vfe7D6GkQ [Embed] (Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:36]

>Season 12 competitive rework

>6v6 blogpost

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 17 to Oct 21 - 6 free skins + 30 Prisms for Gamepass members
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>492718282
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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resident anon seen in game
I want to have sex with Juno.
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>tfw you make the Pharmercy duo swap to Symm and Moira (the only other support Mercy players can play) as The Hana
Anon didn't do well in my last game
JQ ult isnt bad by any means. the issue is that as long as kiriko and ana exists it might as well be a fake ult and she might as well be a fake character in general
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
Kirikoniggers get their heads smashed in first when I play JQ and have ult
Can bait their Suzu by getting them low half the time
What does Ana have to do with JQ ult?
any idea when the ana mythic wep gonna drop?
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the kiriko dance
why are you lying on the internet that's not allowed
>kiriko can cleanse wound and deny JQ ult
>ana can just hit her with anti nade and deny any of the healing and sustain she would get from her ult
hmm yes what does ana have to do indeed being one of the only 2 characters who turn her into a non functioning character
yeah spread em yeah spread em like peanut butter
It's true, I can vouch for him
he had a vision
sometimes i wonder why its ok for hog to have damage reduction while healing as a way to avoid dying to anti nade, but queen has nothing but her weak ass shout despite healing being a bigger part of her kit. then i remember they dont care about the game because retards will still drop enough money to max out BPs and flaunt mythic skins day one and im a stupid fucking idiot for expecting anything different in this joke era of gaming
Convince me to buy the Serafim skins
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It deletes Brigs ass if you like sticks
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Hey love, welcome back
>Comfy months ahead
I like the sun more. I can go outside and run and look good
>I did not, are we playing that? I guess a new season comes with it? I still don't know what the expansion is or does? Is it just a new class?
new class, new item, new spell, new map, probably the same size as the current one.
>Lol yeah they are, support queues have pretty much been the worst all throughout OW2
I wonder why, probably because playing support is the most fun?
>That's what I was thinking too, they would just compare win rates and look at average kill/death ratios between all ranks
or look at what ever their streamers say at Twitter.
>I don't know either, reworking them into a more of a dps+ defensive abilites seem like it would never happen given how different the heroes are, Rein for example would never survive that without massive changes while something like Sigma probably could very easily work
hm not sure, just try it? Maybe make a quickplay hacked thingy where you turn all tanks into semi dps and let them be offtanks or 6v6 fixes this, but I don't see it. 6v6 will just be 4 op tanks.
>Alec tweeted about her and gave her a little buff? :) lol
Oh, yea right. What's your opinion on Juno now?
>Very well might be the case because there really is no other way of explaining how bad the last seasons have been
I mean for them this is a success. I don't see tank players complaining anymore, lol.
>Trying it myself again soon but first some Overwatch
How unfair. I didn't game anything today.
ok, have fun with your games... I want to play with you now...
Blizzard is in a downward spiral and they need your help anon!
why not use the previous thread if you're not doing it for attention?
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I can't. I only bought the Kiriko one since shes my main but the skins overall are not really that interesting and they all have better alternatives for free or from previous seasons.
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seeing these fucking mercy posts is like looking at a redacted CIA file lmao
For me it’s Juno’s ass
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How do you kill Winston now?
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Mainly for its vast and absolutely massive backstory
Fair choice!
>5 of the best waifus, most of them pretty much perpetually top tier picks too
>tummy sexo
>custom sound effects on stuff like Defense Matrix
what more do you need
>a good waifu
self insert by some fat weeb does not a good waifu make
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Kiri is the best waifu ur just a hater
>I like the sun more. I can go outside and run and look good
You don't need the sun for either of those things :^)
>new class, new item, new spell, new map, probably the same size as the current one.
Oh yeah, I completely blanked on that, they can add a lot with it
>I wonder why, probably because playing support is the most fun?
OP class, unironically
>or look at what ever their streamers say at Twitter.
Probably not looking at Samito calling the subhumans for ruining the game every patch
>hm not sure, just try it? Maybe make a quickplay hacked thingy where you turn all tanks into semi dps and let them be offtanks or 6v6 fixes this, but I don't see it
That is what those hacked things are supposed to be used for but they rarely do them... and if they do them it's usually for something small
>What's your opinion on Juno now?
I suck with her and I healbot too much, she just feels so bad to try to deal damage with
>I mean for them this is a success. I don't see tank players complaining anymore, lol.
And now we have tons of dps players saying the game is back to being bad not worth playing lol
>How unfair. I didn't game anything today.
That's fine, we game when you're home
>ok, have fun with your games... I want to play with you now...
Won 2/2 games thus far, very cool
there's plenty of good weeb bait in the game, kiriko has neither an interesting design or a backstory that makes any sense, she's written by some middle schooler going "heh, I counter your death laser with my anti death laser shield"
oh faddah chon
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Juno has
>Never been on the internet
>Talked to a boy
>Touched Real Grass
>Had any form of socialization
>Understand normal conversation or colloquialisms
>Has a weakened musculature and skeletal system from living in 1/3rd earths gravity all her life.
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>edgy cyborg
>muh japanese honor and shit bowguy
yeah ill stick with my cutie waifu thats a blast to play tyvm
i can ruin her
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>if she doesn't know what rape is, then she can't report it
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I hardly noticed the tank changes cause I play Sym, Reaper, and Pharah lol.
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Day 3 of trying to figure out Brig
Can't tell if brig is working or matchmaking took pity on me. Apparently camping a choke corner and holding left click while peaking to whip shot on cooldown is really hard to bypass...
>Annoying shit:
>Dash is tied to her shield
>Shield easily blown up
>Lose your movement ability
>Nearly impossible to get away from tanks chasing me since their movement is WAY better.

I don't have to have shield up and do a 180 just dash away.
Movement penalty for having that puny shield up goes away. its counter productive
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Hey there, everything, cute picture you're good at this
>You don't need the sun for either of those things :^)
would only need you
>Oh yeah, I completely blanked on that, they can add a lot with it
Yea lol also rune words are back but not as cool, can already tell you the new class will be op as fuck.
>OP class, unironically
yea or that lol
>Probably not looking at Samito calling the subhumans for ruining the game every patch
I wish someone like Samito was balancing this game because he actually cares about it.
>That is what those hacked things are supposed to be used for but they rarely do them... and if they do them it's usually for something small
Yea that's what I honestly like about D4 they have new events every week it seems? Like before the goblins it was more exp. Where is stuff like that for Overwatch? Why can their other games do this, but not Overwatch?
>I suck with her and I healbot too much, she just feels so bad to try to deal damage with
You never suck, your juno was amazing every time I could see it, just like your mercy. Her dmg seems weak sure but does every support need to deal illari bap dmg?
>And now we have tons of dps players saying the game is back to being bad not worth playing lol
dps is just super unfun right now, though not every game, but if there's a tank diff or if the enemy tank plays dva there's zero fun to be had.
>That's fine, we game when you're home
I wish that was now...
>>ok, have fun with your games... I want to play with you now...
>Won 2/2 games thus far, very cool
don't get too mad before you get me :^) I'm pretty sure you're carrying these wins, and you have bad dps on your loses going now, see you later
I like how everyone has “behind you” callouts and supports have “get them off me” ones and people still won’t turn around
I subconsciously filter everything cringeriko says
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>struggling to kill the only tank in the game with sub 80 DPS
nigga are you dumb?
she has the same problem as juno - if your team doesnt peel for you the enemy will just dive your defenseless ass and you're just dead, if you watch how korea play her they just glue themselves to a dps (usually widow/ana) and just play like that
when i'm in a dishonesty competition and my opponent is an /owg/ poster
This is how DPS Moira's are born
thats because the tank changes barely did shit for any of the tanks that werent already busted. in the same way that wrecking balls rework did fucking nothing because he's still CC'd to death just as easy, blanket role wide changes dont change the fact that half the tank roster was clearly not meant to be played in single tank 5v5 format because they werent reworked between OW1 and 2
lie, cheat, steal is my motto
t. support player
Interesting. Cant help but think LW or Mercy would be better at that
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>grinding away a pharahs veteran mastery course
>suddenly kicked out

Gotta love your server based single player content with an invisible time limit.
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LW and Mercy ults are garbage and as characters they are just not that good, the shield is surprisingly good when you're babysitting an Ana or Widow since they are usually in a mirror which gives them a big advantage
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>punch my way in with doom
>180 and slam cancel away
>despite being clear off the ground ana sleep magnetizes to where i was thanks to trash tick rate
>just fly up into the air while sleeping
you know what? i think im just gonna become one of those mastery course speed runners because i dont have much patience left in me for this shit.
loving every minute of forced loss queue
>cute picture you're good at this
I've been wanting to take more screenshots but I keep forgetting...
>Yea lol also rune words are back but not as cool, can already tell you the new class will be op as fuck.
Yeah? I liked them in d2 but you can't have like 5 sockets in 1 item anymore unless they're changing that
>I wish someone like Samito was balancing this game because he actually cares about it.
I wonder if these streamers could do a better job than Blizzard, I bet they could
>Yea that's what I honestly like about D4 they have new events every week it seems? Like before the goblins it was more exp. Where is stuff like that for Overwatch? Why can their other games do this, but not Overwatch?
Just different people working on different things I would assume, I mean they thought removing .5 seconds from matrix would be enough to push d.va down from her oppressive place...
>Her dmg seems weak sure but does every support need to deal illari bap dmg?
Not at all but I see a lot of Junos play her well aswell as dish out a lot of damage, I just can't do it I suck
>but if there's a tank diff or if the enemy tank plays dva there's zero fun to be had.
Tank world and we're just living in it
>I wish that was now...
>don't get too mad before you get me :^)
I'm in a good mood, I'm an untiltable mountain now :^)
>going now, see you later
See you soon!
Tree is too strong if anything.
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>its already been long enough that people think lifeweaver tree is bad
>whenever its "good" (broken) it enables deployable meta thats literally just double shield 2.0
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don't forget to stretch!
For anyone who wants to hide tranny pics fast, just open 4chanX, go to Advanced >> File Info Formatting and add %f. You now can hide md5 with just 1 click.
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my attack's about to commence desu
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Lena really fell behind in school
the wives
THE wife
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Angela and Lena both look like they shag the footie team
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The mitri
Hana looks like she shags me
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-n of color
we know, BOB
Moira inside juno ult does crazy dps. Probably my favorite support partner for Juno.
Mauga is the most braindead character in the game and he completely drains the fun out of every match he's in. It's either:
>I don't get tank, and my team gets stomped
>I get tank, pick sigma and the fatass becomes completely useless
It's just boring.
>Moira inside juno
>ult does crazy dps
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They really need to remove DR abilities from the game. Self healing isn't that hard to balance but stacking DR with healing is insane especially on abilities like vape and cardiac. Even just a pure on demand DR like Orisa's fortify are too strong because even if you're focus firing her 1 support can now outheal both DPS dumping on her.
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sex with fareeha
Ana needs grandchildren, she's not getting any younger
said no one
Rather give Ana more kids
any season12 leaks yet? didn't like the theme so i tapped out early. just waiting on a new collab or mccree skins to reel me back in
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you're a few decades late for that champ
the Amaris are getting real desperate these days. posting these kinds of pictures on the internet won't help you find a loving husband, Fareeha...
to be fair most of the time in porn when they're getting bred by the same man they look around the same age, so porn artists care about ages as much as Blizzard does
You don’t know that for sure and it wouldn’t stop me from trying
bro just equip the young ana skin
I volunteer
ok i'm young ana, now what?
have sex
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sex with the Kiriko
BWC only, sorry jose
>anon learns that counterswapping isn't fun
i love how it collectively took the community a year to figure this shit out.

i only played season 2 on launch because of the zarya meta being really annoying and gay, but even i could see within a week's worth of match that counterswapping the enemy tank was going ot be the meta.

then when people like me saw the writing on the wall and started calling it out, everybody was like "oh but dude that's just how u play the game" and "lol just swap bro ur a one-trick" and now it's come full circle kek
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Mauga isn't a real counterswap character he's just braindead easy and can go immortal every 6 seconds. He's like most tanks and supports where the character is just fundamentally terribly designed so they need to overstat everything they can do to make up for people picking the character outside of their intended niche not hard throwing
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black cat hana
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Brown Pants Dva
>isn't a real counterswap
are you joking? he's a massive counterswap to winston, doomfist, rein, ram, jq, ball, and d.va if she wasn't so broken. he's basically the fuck you tank to anybody without barriers/mitigation abilities or to anybody that needs to get up close to engage.
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I love her!
I'd rather Ball or Doom anyday than a JQ that's scared to hit W
she doesn't have a shield how's she supposed to defend herself
Are symmetra and torbjorn easy? I never played them for some reason.
Never an excuse for the mirror JQ shes fighting whose kicking her ass
easy mid range spam and a self buff rapid fire shotgun for anyone trying to get close so yeah he's easy
symm not so much, sure you can spam balls from range but to utilize teleports and the beam takes a bit more effort to get value out of
Tank players below mid masters can't rotate shapes in their mind
there are only 2 hard characters in the game, widow and tracer. all the other ones are piss easy.
What's Brigitte's best skin?
people think Tracers hard?
OW2 default
The situation is grim for her
I thought wrecking ball was pretty hard to play
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This or Engineer
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Depends on the quality of the team you're playing against. I'd say Torb is pretty easy but a big part of it is that he still gets value even if your team is dogshit and just keeps trying to trickle 1v5 and run down main since he can play both poke and anti-flank. I don't think he's totally braindead like Bastion but I can't say he isn't easy either.

Sym I feel like is kind of a bell curve character where braindead sym shits on bad teams super hard but against semi-competent teams you need to be actually pretty good with her to get value and outright requires your team to know how to play with sym instinctively past just "take the spawn TP" at high MMR.
SC Medic or Vampire Hunter.
People got memed into thinking Tracer is difficult because they think the only thing Tracer does is t500 Tracer duels when she's pretty consistently been one of the highest winrate DPS if not #1 in bronze and silver since forever especially since she can't get 1shot by Ashe and Mei anymore. People also consistently mix up skill ceiling and skill floor so they think that the highest level of Tracer gameplay is required to play undo button character.
nothing hard about playing a free movement character that's unkillable unless hard countered and/or hard focused
clanker queen
She can also boast having the narrowest vaginal canal.
just fucking change ball into a dps. all of his problems stem from the fact he plays like a dps trapped in a tanks body, slash his health, change his shield into a damage buff or something. do anything like that because I’m tired of these shit ball players throwing games.
>all of his problems stem from the fact he plays like a dps trapped in a tanks body
that's literally every tank also ball would be literally unplayable with DPS health and not having the 27 tank passives
Engineer is cute, and I'm a Castlevania fan so vampire hunter is pretty cool. I'll think about it.
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one day remains
>ball would be literally unplayable
ok what's the downside
off model garbage
vampire hunter doesn't even have physics on the coat, looks so jarring
Not if they make him smaller and he keeps his shield button. He can't even be headshot unless he comes out of ball mode.
I kind of want the Sombra skin, but I already own the catsuit which sexier
Ball players would still play him
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>back to plat 1
it's over...
OW1 models don't look good in OW2. Ruined a lot of skins for me
Oh really? Then I'll just buy engineer. At least it's cheaper.
Sorry man, I want that midriff, but those pants look like shit
she looks perfect though
how many ropes have you blown to brig today
She needs to be made a mother at least as many times as Ingrid
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>Torb made this
based and checked
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The Kiriko
How do I get Talon Moira? That's like her only good looking skin but I can't find it anywhere in game.
that's just her default skin
Talon Moira is her default skin anon.
I meant blackwatch, my b
Think you meant Blackwatch. Its an achieve skin
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meant archives
Lilith best skin anyway
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It was in the shop a while back, but for some reason a few of the OW1 archives skins aren't up for credit purchases.
>dps playing mystery heroes amounting to 1 elim 6 deaths
uh huh how am I supposed to play with these people exactly?
youre all wrong, theyre not going to make tanks like dps. They are going to remove the second dps, and make it 2 tanks 2 supports and 1 dps and say, here, here's what you asked for, bc 6v6 will NEVER get the investment to fix the engine
Fuck. Guess I'll stick to her default ow1 skin then.
valorant has plenty of room for dps refugees when that happens. but they'd probably need to learn to aim first.
I can't believe that I will end up switching to deadlock before pizzard releases a toxic gas character. I just want to gas people...
Blackwatch randomly shows up in the shop if you use her
t. I got her like last month when she showed up in mine
no i think dps is shit so we buy COD 6
play apex
I already do sometimes.
widow butthole
But it costs yellow coins, right? It will take a good while to save up enough.
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she owes me sex
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You already can...
I didn’t enough normal credits to actually check so I just bought it with coins I got from MS rewards
It's fun when you recognize the obvious forced loss streak so you can just afk the matches until it decides to magically correct itself and give you players who are more competent than the ones before the 10 losses you just suffered, hmmm
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I just want slipstream skin……
Get a code for it on Xbox
Whats the hottest Mercy skin?
don't you get those skins if you buy the fancy edition of the game?
People understimate the burst potential of Juno's torpedos. I mean it's no oneshot but it does the job well especially during her ult.
How do I get better at dps? I just seem to suck at aiming with most of them
devil mercy
horns make for good handlebars
Practice aiming?
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Don’t have an Xbox, also seen tons of people say they lose skins when they merge pc and console accounts because of some glitch
how come sometimes art of K-Pop Kiriko is missing one of the white ears on the hat?
>9 game loss streak
>finally get a game after 12 minute queue
>payload defense
>ball tank
You don’t even need an Xbox to do it and if you did lose skins you can just complain to blizzard about it
play characters that don't need good aim
nigga it's literally impossible to miss shots in this game
Play sombra and backstab apparently
Are the free skins from the pass usually this hideous?
you get what you pay for
How come I have a 40% winrate in mystery heroes? Is that normal? Shouldn't it gravitate toward 50/50 after several hundred games?

I'm a diamond/masters player in competitive, so it's not like I'm a complete shitter. I feel like I play all of the heroes really well, but my winrate in that mode is shit.
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The names Kiriko, The Kiriko
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kill yourself
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More buffs plz
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good night I love Lena
Why is she in that position?
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fell asleep as soon as the she put on the mask
it's comfy
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just got done with her as you can see
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I quit when they doubled the size of bullets/projectiles, nerfed healing by 20%, and increased everyone's HP.
Did they do anything about any of these 3 issues?
no. and somehow the game got even worse.
They dialed some stuff back, some mobile heroes got hp nerfs.
you know she is zippertitted canonically, right?
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fun game
You missed them saving the game and the only good season the game had. If you hated that then they made the game better for you where now tanks are unkillable and healbotting valid again. Mercy is still bad though so probably you wont like it.
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Your comment is at odds with the other two comments. I was master/dia/master. Mercy was one of the champions most hit with the HP increase and healing nerf because she couldn't boost as often anymore. afaik she died on that patch.
I fully believe this.
What else was dialed back? If they made bullets smaller I'll try it again.
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Are you a console player?
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for me? it's agents
talking about s9 makes me sad because it was the most fun i had with ow2 because you could run lucio/zen dive again till that got gutted like 3 weeks later
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been climbin all morning, feels good
omg yeah pharah is so hard to hit! I'm so glad they made bullets bigger and I'm not actively championing the opposite!
nobody plays on console retard.
Haven't played in ages. yes, heroes. I'm sorry angela/blizzard.
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que onda
I've been losing all day, give me back my SR you ranked vampire
systems hacked
hacking s*mbra's head off
please do not do that
sorry, no can do, i am determined to make gm
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My dearest Olivia
>Play tank
>Want to sit in the backlines behind your own team
Big surprise
hack off sombra's fingers
Sounds like a Mercy player doing their flex challenge.
put a ring on Sombra's finger
>pharahshitter crying about being OP
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Grade A retardation. They gutted the skillcap of the game. They raised the skillfloor several stories.
If you were near the bottom you'd say WOW WHAT A GREAT CHANGE.
If you were near the top you'd say, that's kinda stupid.
I played nearly the entire roster. I was going to hit masters on all 3 roles before pushing gm.
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Who is most spankable Overwatch girl and why is it Witch Mercy?
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Sure you were.
I thought Mercy had a dumpy under there. She's flatter than the unmentionable one
>i was going to hit masters
So you didn't hit masters
Come on, it's obviously Mei.
you're right but niggas in here don't want to hear it
>on all 3 roles
if you clicked through the post chain you'd find m/d/m.
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Assuming everyone gets a Mythic weapon, what would Mercy's even do?
But you didn't though
maining brig this patch
not sure why I'm actually having fun playing her
literally all I do is sit on point and protect the other support
oh well
it's a vibe
I play on console though
bold of you to assume we will get all mythics in time

>Some day this game's gonna end....
Mentally I am GM
my quickplay MMR is GM calibrated
Some reason the game gave me credit for 4 starring pharahs veteran course despite only getting 3. Lord gave me a free one today, bless. That shit is hard.
I'm literally bronze
You can't argue that, she's the brattiest overwatch.
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>he uses low sens
That's funny. In French, "smelting down bronze" is slang for taking a shit.
"Couler un bronze".
>The Le Sserafim skins are $20
You people are insane
What’s with these supports who can only play brain dead healbot characters like LW/mercy/moira deciding they should also try to dps during team fights instead of keeping the dps or tank alive?
Hello can I post again?
like if you're a brokeboy just say so
no don't post ever again
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Do recolors only appear in the shop IF you own the original?
Imane skin when
Can't argue with that.
this mission would go smoother if everyone had balls
who said that, venture?
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>Our Mercy is so fucking useless that the enemy team doesn't even shoot at her
2 lightskin
>enemy just lets mercy stagger rez so they can instantly explode the poor bitch who has the mercytard
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Is forced 50/50 a thing in this game like in dota?
No, Blizzard are greedy jews and charge full price for changing the hue on a skin
If you play mercy yes
no, you're just playing a 50/50 character
2 perfect
why is her midriff even more erotic than the other 4 slightly covered
Forced 50 is a thing of the past old man, we have EOMM now. Blizzard wants you to feel like you're playing a casino slot machine hoping you hit that 777 equivalent of a competent team
>we have EOMM now
yeah but 5 times out of 7 you end up with an enemy team that never dies once and immediately says ggwp the nanosecond the match is over
She has that thong fishnet bodysuit underneath. Imagine how much more Team 4 could make if they didn't stick to their wanna-be-fortnite motto of being PG and turning down the sex appeal to as low as possible
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>backfill into a team that's tilted after losing round one
>win with stats that look like this
is there a better feeling?
which one are you
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>Pre-release content downloaded.
the one that's highlighted
Several developer blog where they say they fixed the 1-sided stomp problem (for real this time we promise)

Highs feel higher when the lows feel lower, addiction 101
How is that proof of EOMM exactly? Can you explain?
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Damn right.
How did Illari die so little compared to Widow against that team comp?
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>please spoon feed me something that's been openenly discussed about for years now
Go read some dev blogs faggot
I do read the dev blogs and nothing proves there's "EOMM"
Anyone have the Aset skin for Echo? How is it?
>I refuse to read, and since you're not spoonfeeding me what you're saying isn't real

Fucking retarded faggot
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what's up
so when are they going to hwid ban this shit from overwatch, like every other competitive shooter has?
>people pretending that we haven't had eomm for YEARS in the year of our lord and savior 2024
the shill brainrot still runs deep
>Sars, Sars the overwash players blood bastard bitch are not redeeming the battlepash
>where is ramoosh? Ramoosh you know how to speak the blood bustard bitch tongue go to website and advertise skins to redeem. We must get them to redeem!
Can you show which blog exactly you're referring to?
>damage controlling EOMM
>people constantly advertising, *cough* I mean "posting" about the stupid K-Pop skins
>now someone is advertising *cough* I mean "posting" about the overpriced premium battle pass exclusive skin

These 3rd world shills couldn't be more obvious, they have to earn their rupees one way or another
lol. Where was this when people were buying the girl pop mega bundle for $50+
hopefully ana mythic weapon tomorrow
It's pretty funny every single competitive online game has people crying forced 50.
No, go do your social media market research somewhere else and tell Aaron to stop being a bitch and add some actual sexy female skins instead of this limp wristed safe horny nonsense
yeah, the shills have always been obvious
I can never tell if they're actually paid or just mindbroken blizzdrones
people defending megacorps for free is way too common these days, it's hard to tell

we were here but there's was a strong pro-shill sentiment around that time
the shills outnumbered the anti-consumption crowd for most of 2023
It's almost like all companies realized that implementation of EOMM makes players play more hours and spend more money on their in-game shops or something. No way a mega corporation would do that right? I think mega corporations, like Activision-Blizzard, have my best interest at heart and I will now pay 1,678.48 rupee's, uh I mean $20 american dollar bills to redeem a skin, yes.
tossing a banana at Kiriko's feet so she falls and then stomping on her neck while she's down
mid season patch when
Imagine how much more popular Kiriko could have been if her personality wasn't a developer self-insert girlboss fantasy
I'd rather relish in their total failure desu
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delet this
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No more asians. We need more white women.
God I miss Jeffwatch, why did he have to be so incompetent and strangle his own creations to death thrice
New hero is an "Italian" woman (her parents moved to Italy from Afghanistan), best I can do for you.
wrestle with Jeff prepare for death
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racemixing with Olivia
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I'm dumb, what does eomm mean?
Engagement Optimised Matchmaking.
QRD: the matchmaker is primarily designed to keep you playing longer, not necessarily to give you the best possible matches.
If that was true they wouldn't need to keep doubling the penalties for leaving unranked games.
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On my way to become the slutiest pro Mercy.
This game is fun!
Well, yeah, that's pretty much what every online game does nowadays. I would know, I played LoL for a few years and it was the worst thing ever. It sucks.
If you leave the forced loss EOMM matches then the EOMM gets fucked up to the other 9 players on the team. Why are you so selfish? You think the 5 players on the opposite team who are given the forced/easy win match want to lose their easy win? Think of someone other than yourself for a change and pay $20 to support Team 4, bigot facist
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Imagine the despair of getting into a game that you are destined to win, but then some NIGGER quits and then they get replaced by a WinstonGOD who proceeds to fucking roll your team over and reverse his team's fortunes. That would be awful.
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>teammates leaves 61 seconds into the match
Unironically to some extent, though. This is something that happens. It can feel like dropping a surprise over leveled raid boss onto an unsuspecting party of noobs. That likely generates a lot of tilt as well.

Just see >>492912827
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Become a good healslut, anon!
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my alt account got unbanned last month and it's still stuck at endorsie lvl 0 despite me receiving numerous endorsies for carrying. I can't type, talk or even use streamer mode lol
Why do you keep posting the scoreboards of clearly one sided games like it means shit
When is venture getting nerfed? That piece of shit is so annoying.
we got replays and everyone refuses to watch replays
now we have scorecards and everyone acts annoyed about them
when are we gonna talk about playing the game for once
but we lost
The game can be so fun if the people are just friendly, it's crazy. STop the misery.
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NTA but I remember that in Season 2 and 3 it was particularly bad. I would see at least one leaver on each team every single match, often two or three across the course of a whole match.

What people like to forget is that when someone leaves, the team is down to 4v5 for about 30 seconds, until someone new can join and replace them. That assumes of course that the joiner doesn't sit there AFKing for another 20 seconds (or just gets kicked for being AFK because for some reason they queued up and then fucked off). It also assumes that the joiner doesn't come in and say "Oh a backfill into a losing game? No thanks" and the leaves themselves. All these seconds count in matches that only last a few minutes.

I can't count the number of times when a player quit and then by the time a replacement joined up and hit the field their team's advantage had been reversed. It's incredibly frustrating to be on the bad end of that. Just before the leaver penalties came in, I remember a match on Ilios where our tank quit after we lost the first round, then the backfill tank was kicked for AFKing, then the next backfill tank was kicked for AFKing and then by the time our fourth(!) tank had left the spawn room, the score was 90% for the enemy and it's safe to say that our team was just waiting for the game to end. Awful.

I was very happy when the leaver penalties were ramped up and to all the people that were crying about them all I can say is stop being a child and finish the games you queue for.
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there is nothing wrong with they/them
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After Baptiste and Ana do :^)
>entire team except tank has literally double the stats of the enemy team
>still lose because your retard tank goes 1-8
Not much is planned for this month, any chance they'll hit us with the 6v6 test suddenly?
Sorry... there was not enough twitter traffic showing interest in 6 v 6 to compel us to work hard on this. We have a soft release window of 3 seasons for that (no promises!).
-Aaron Keller Game Director, Overwatch Team.
Nobody asked, nobody cares, go fuck yourself for even typing this post thinking people would give a shit
EOMM proving that your average player is a giga retard who become addicted to the 1-sided guaranteed win matches
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i did it bros... im so happy, next stop Diamond hopefully
A lot of guilt comes with beating the other dps's ass and they get all chatted by their team. It's more common then ever to abuse your fellow dps when you lose, all I ask of you is to not do it. Think twice.
um, best site for ow pron?
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Nice ass_
Will do, now i just need a cute skin to increase my healslut power!
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>Team is losing
>Start infighting in public chat
>Team is now losing even harder
Smolbrains fr fr
All these people saying that Juno is basically just Starfire from Teen Titans are forgetting that her superios sister, Blackfire was better.
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technically if I use an aimbot on Juno only to heal my teammates I'd never be reported because I'd never get a kill
>09/02/24(Mon)18:19:45 No.492931415
>All these people saying that Juno is basically just Starfire from Teen Titans
Who are "all these people" anon? Are they in the room with us?
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why is Kiriko the only hero who's power does not have any tech to it?
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>eugene okay okay and ryu go wacky tecky WOLY COW
I like how this pretends like Zenyatya isn't literal magic
Ill pay attention to OW lore when they actually make PVE
>Manipulating omnium and nanomachines is magic
Nice try Anubis, but you're not a God. Just a climate change app.
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"omnium energy" isn't a thing
>Augmented Technopathy
>Omnium Energy Manipulation
>Pure Mechanics
>Nano Machien Physiology
>Armour, guns, w/ AI assistance

All blessings of the Machine God Omnissiah btw
Because the devs wanted to self insert as a girl boss who is different and cool and everyone likes and uses magic and is badass and stop asking questions okay???????
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>"The orbs Zenyatta uses were hand-carved at the Shambali monastary and serve as a means to channel omnic energy"
read your fucking lore books people. Don't be like this fool.
So it's magic?
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Kiriko why is there a bean glued to your solar plexus
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Energy produced by Omnium. Literally the shit that eradiated the Aussie wastelands. Shambali just learn how to manipulate this from their omnium cores.
Read the fucking Visual Source Book you lorelet.
behind you
Sounds like magic to me
doctor, have I really gotta eat vegetables

it's like "crunch crunch crunch" how long have I gotta chew these
JQ is literally the ONLY character in the entire game that doesn't have cringe voice interactions
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love her line with Ram
Talking to mercy is cringe
sorry you can't read a fucking lore book from 2016 that explains the scientific source of it being the omnium element that powers Omnics being manipulated consciously by Shambali Monks to manipulate nano-machines and gravity.
Kiriko is still the only character who does not have a single explanation behind her powers unlike Ramm and Zen.
Only because they completely ruined her in 2, at least in 1 people sometimes called her out on her hypocrisy like making herself permanently young and sexy but calling Moira unethical
>Mercy's overly preppy and annoying
>Everyone shits on Junkrat for no reason
Medic, but you probably don't have it.
The only good thing Team 4 has is their art, everything else from story, to voice acting, to level design is fucking dog shit
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Which team is HotS then, because they managed everything
Angela Ogundimu
Akande Cassidy
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Hammond Ongobongo
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I love Hana
The skeleton crew of less than 10 people
goon morning
Ana mythic weapon info tomorrow?
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avatar use is against site rules
surprised that sony wasted marketing money on concord instead of turning it into a tax writeoff like foamstars. ironically the latter might've had a chance if it was f2p and multiplatform. who's the retarded executive that keeps suggesting multiplayer EXCLUSIVES?
concord's the overwatch killer
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>pharahs veteran mastery
If you beat my score I'll come to your house and kill your dog.
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good morning! gentle lovemaking with Lena Oxton...
lena is a lesbian
actually she's my wife and i'm a straight man
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>lena is a lesbian that enjoys cock
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>stage: denial
Lena is a lesbian and this is her girlfriend. This is a fact.
i have hundreds of images and videos that prove otherwise friend
this is a drawing...
Lena must be a cock fiend with all the porn I’ve seen her in
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Gay or straight, doesn’t matter. I will still beat off to the Overwatch girls regardless.
only girls?
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Oh no, femcel meltie...
I saw you on a wanted poster with a CUTE guy
ugh, tell me you don't mean Jesse
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>the CUTE guy
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ew, no! the tall one with the little hat ;)
no woman can resist the BBC
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Blizzard really needs to give us a better background location for the Hero collectibles screen. I don't want to look at a boring ass grey warehouse. Put Hanamura in the background or something god damn
The point is to have neutral lighting.
dis nigga here wants to play dress-up
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Why did they change that? Oh yeah, because OW “2” is a SOULLESS game.
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Dress-up is huge right now.
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Say what you will. There’s statistically more media of Lena getting dicked than of with her official partner.
Think about that.
i see something else that's huge
Holy fuck how much has she gained weight?
S-she’s bulking!!! Leave her alone!!
Hana, cool it with the antisemitism
that's a woman, you are not a woman, are you?
This general is alot less degen than I thought it would be
Porn's on /aco/
I want Mercy to spank me and edge while calling me a naughty boy.
bedeviled egg!!!
I want to snuggle with Olivia and hold her whilst she falls asleep in my arms.
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Olivia would cheat on you with Hammond
>Japanese: Kiriko
>Chinese: Mei
>Korean: D. Va
>Vietnamese: Juno
Which Asian country is next?
I want to strangle Olivia and hold her neck whilst she falls asleep forever.
You and I know he doesn't mean that kind of asian
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Mongolia. Another Tank. Emo girl niche.
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How long until Aspen starts an OnlyFans?
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Who is spilling yogurt on her helmet? That's very insensitive.
Please, I just fapped 20 minutes ago.
OK I finally get Brig after days of trying her.
She ain't that great
Yeah she is.
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This is why I check these threads :3
I love Lena
nuh uh! Shes not scary up close to anyone
>Bring back 6v6
>Remove Role Queue
>Remove Clash game mode from normal map pool
>Move Clash to Arcade
>Bring back 2CP and maps (Anubis, Hanamura, Horizon colony, Paris)
There Blizzard, I fixed your game.
actually better animated than her little origin short
nobody wants any of that
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me too!!!
I am nobody.
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Aspen is making money hand over fist already
don't you dare gringo
Remember when Blizzard released a bunch of skins for events without a care if they made a profit? And now they only tease a lot of concept art for skins that could potentially be added to the games in the possible future, maybe.
Aspen is making money hand over fistfuls of fries
Formalwear Mercy this week?
Has the OW League been gutted yet? That shit is bleeding money.
>kpoop event
I sleep
>troonsformers event
I sleep
>lingerie sleepover event
real shit?
yeah tonight
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It was shut down a year ago anon. Overwatch esports is back to regular orgs again.
>8 years since OW released
>STILL no female Omnic Hero
What the fuck is Blizzard waiting for?
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Hey, it's Kiriko
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Hi handsome!
Hope you had a great sleep?
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>launch the game
>queue for the only fun role (dps)
>get into the match
>realize that the role hasn't been fun for months
>close the game
stupid sexy widowmaker...
just play (insert meta hero here)
If I wanted a job, I'd get a job.
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You were given your chance.
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you will play the meta heroes
god damn the pve missions are probably the best content in this entire fucking game. why the fuck isnt blizzard making more
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love and everything
>Hope you had a great sleep?
uhm was reading about d4 in bed, so not really, but thanks for asking how was your sleep? Today is the last day of the goblin event, it seems? We should have grinded them more, seems like the bags could drop mythic. Also, we're playing deadlock today.
Let's not talk about Overwatch. Wait, maybe you get that mercy skin today? You know the only content this game has, single skins for 20€ where you can't change anything, even D4 has more options lmao.
>"Let's not talk about Overwatch"
>in an Overwatch general
what did the mercy tranny mean by this
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because it sold like complete shit
>uhm was reading about d4 in bed, so not really, but thanks for asking how was your sleep?
What a gamer, I slept ok
>Today is the last day of the goblin event, it seems? We should have grinded them more, seems like the bags could drop mythic. Also, we're playing deadlock today.
When does it end? Do we have time when you come home?
>Wait, maybe you get that mercy skin today? You know the only content this game has, single skins for 20€ where you can't change anything, even D4 has more options lmao.
Yeah, looking forward to that and the Kiriko mastery victory pose which might be today
Do skins work like that in d4? Are they individual pieces and you can mix and match, it's honestly just a better system, sure it takes more work but it gives us more options
I played a little d4 but the helltide just ended...
>no placement matches done, gold 3 predict, iirc
>go 48-3 as Zarya in first match
>predicted gold 4
uh huh...
I bought it too and I wish I never did
How do people feel about Sombra in her current state? I think her burst damage is too high to the point where there's next to no counterplay when she gets the jump on you. It's the complete opposite to how she has been in the past where her damage output was so low that surprised enemies had enough time to turn around and it was a close fight whether who would kill who in a 1v1.
nah those missions were fun as fuck. got legendary on all of them. most fun content in the entire game
objectively the most hated hero and the game
Fundamentally flawed. Perfect invisibility is simply not a fun mechanic in a competitive shooter.
in the game*
but somehow both work...
Ball is more hated because he's hated by the enemy and his team
well I'm glad someone enjoyed them I guess
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>What a gamer, I slept ok
good, at least one I want to game with you now...
>When does it end? Do we have time when you come home?
uhm yea we should
>Yeah, looking forward to that and the Kiriko mastery victory pose which might be today
Do you have to play anything to unlock the victory pose? Like we did for the mercy thingy? BTW did you get that on your other account?
>Do skins work like that in d4? Are they individual pieces and you can mix and match, it's honestly just a better system, sure it takes more work but it gives us more options
Yep, you can mix and you can change color, literally everything. Sad, how bad it is in Overwatch, but honestly, Overwatch probably has the worst developers from Blizzard working on the game. I mean, they need to put out a blogpost or anything today. I can't see how the game is doing any good. Like, this season is the absolute worst season, I've seen in this game.
>I played a little d4 but the helltide just ended...
We need to play so much. I want to try Deadlock as well, today. I know you want to play it today we game and I want to see how much they changed the movement. Playing hitscan in Deadlock was actually fun.
she increases my misery by at least 50% if she is picked by the enemy team
sounds like you GUYS should stop playing and leave the gen
>I want to game with you now...
Me too
>uhm yea we should
Let's grind that then?
>Do you have to play anything to unlock the victory pose? Like we did for the mercy thingy? BTW did you get that on your other account?
Yeah, you have to do the mastery courses, the Pharah and Zarya ones were super easy, you only needed a few amount of stars if I remember correctly so you just had to do easy and normal unlock them
I did get them on my main account yes and hopefully the Kiriko one is just as easy
>Yep, you can mix and you can change color, literally everything.
So they work like any regular item you find through the wardrobe? Yeah, that's cool
>Overwatch probably has the worst developers from Blizzard working on the game
I can see that, it just feels like they do not play their own game
>I want to try Deadlock as well, today.
D4 event until it ends and then Deadlock?
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>Me too
me more
>Let's grind that then?
>Yeah, you have to do the mastery courses, the Pharah and Zarya ones were super easy, you only needed a few amount of stars if I remember correctly so you just had to do easy and normal unlock them
Oh, it's the mastery course. I was thinking they would add some coop bot thingy for that. Like the mercy one. That was actually fun.
>I did get them on my main account yes and hopefully the Kiriko one is just as easy
probably super easy for you.
>So they work like any regular item you find through the wardrobe? Yeah, that's cool
Yep, you can mix them. Though Rogue doesn't have good ones or the lewd ones are not in the shop. I do wonder if the money I spent on the game increased the odds of mythic drops. It's a Blizzard game, after all.
>I can see that, it just feels like they do not play their own game
I'm 100% sure that's the case. Nobody plays hitscan anymore. The powercreep between heroes is too much now.
>D4 event until it ends and then Deadlock?
Yea sounds good.
>me more
Nuh uh
>I was thinking they would add some coop bot thingy for that. Like the mercy one. That was actually fun.
Yeah it was, by far the most fun pve thing we had, even better than the actual coop missions they did
But I guess not enough people liked it
>probably super easy for you.
You say that yet I wouldn't be able to get the Mercy one without your help thank youuu
>Though Rogue doesn't have good ones or the lewd ones are not in the shop.
Is the Sylvanas one that ugly to you? It's good enough I think
>I do wonder if the money I spent on the game increased the odds of mythic drops. It's a Blizzard game, after all.
What have you bought? Only the battlepass?
>Nobody plays hitscan anymore.
What is the most popular hitscan at the moment? Tracer? Ashe? I mean we see Hanzo every game now, I don't know what that is about I thought everyone said he was terrible
I go, I see you soon!
why don't you "people" just add each other on discourse or facebook or something instead of shitting up this general

holy fuck
are you fags gonna play or what?
not now ratjunk!
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>Nuh uh
Yes uh… very even
>Yeah it was, by far the most fun pve thing we had, even better than the actual coop missions they did
Yea, the coop missions were... kinda lame. The coop thingy against the bots was fun yea.
>But I guess not enough people liked it
hmm, you only got rewards for like 3 characters, right? I think if every character got a reward there, the mode would have been more successful.
2bh I don't care, just put out more qp hacked things. The game is just so go damn stale.
>You say that yet I wouldn't be able to get the Mercy one without your help thank youuu
Pretty sure you would have done that without me. I still have our leaderboard screenshot somewhere.
>Is the Sylvanas one that ugly to you? It's good enough I think
has tummy, sure, but I don't like how the character gets paler if you equip it.
>What have you bought? Only the battlepass?
No way more dunno how much I spent too much honestly.
>What is the most popular hitscan at the moment? Tracer? Ashe? I mean we see Hanzo every game now, I don't know what that is about I thought everyone said he was terrible
Most popular hitscan? Probably Ashe yea. For Hanzo it's just spamming storm arrows into bastion
>I go, I see you soon!
see you later love don't have a long day
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marvel rivals
meltie time
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playing deadlock today
Why is this season only 8 weeks instead of 9?
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Aww sweet! It's the best time of the day.
Because 7 8 9
yeah I'm getting pretty sick of the mercytrannies too Jose
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let's not talk about overwatch
Yesterday I had a 11 game loss streak, so naturally today I should receive 11 wins, right?
only if you're playing good enough for 11 wins
deadlock would be so good if it wasn't third person i cant stand that shit
>Moves to nut all over a girl's face but accidentally gets it in her hair as well
He's literally me...
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i slept and then i woke up
Same, I only liked 3rd person in Gears.
who asked
neither the marvel thing or deadlock will take away OW players just because 3rd person is so awful
You get 4. And not in a row.
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good sleep today playing concord now
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i slept too
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>Egyptian themed season
Let's go.
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are we playing [any other game except overwatch] later and discussing it in the overwatch general
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does the pope shit in the woods
She’s cute. K-pop skin make me feel happy :)
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Play her game, 2 player coop, multiple goty awards
concord has like 30 concurrent users on steam
nobody is playing that shit
Oh. I was about to boot it up thinking I could play together with a mercy main/future wife maybe
you don't have a mercy main
literal NPC
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I bought the bundle before it went away
I will not apologize
ok but now be honest how many of the heroes do you actually play
The only good skins in the bundle are Sombra (sexo) and Brig (she has no good skins)
3 actually
Tracer and Dva are top tier
Tracer has many better skins, including her OW2 default. Turning her into a slag is not an improvement.
uuuh do not panic
For me it's Lena 69
We know Emily
Why is everything blizzard doing backwards, instead of bringing the epic and legendary skins from the previous battlepasses first they brought back ONLY the mythic ones??? how does that make any sense
>pick Juno
>other support goes Mercy
every fucking time
If you can pick a useless support then why can't other players?
Juno is really good on some maps
bombshell of a post
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whoa nice!
filthy ass looking water, coomer artists never pay attention to the details
Belly button
me in the back stroking my BBC
Bob looks like he's about to sexually assault the Hana
fucking bob...
hana! don't share your thoughts out loud...
I guess i need to rape her
I hate how all the Overwatch girls are designed in accordance with this thing called "Safe Horny".

Safe Horney is basically a design philosophy where female characters are allowed to have sexy asses but no tits. None of the Overwatch girls have any visible tits. Their chests are all covered up. Meanwhile, their asses are all all spandex clad and all but fully on display.
its almost as if its a game made for kids i guess we will never know
someone widownerd him
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>someone widownerd him
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not true
fuck you buddy
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remember these? i hope they add them in the future
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They will be implemented. Permanently. But only the tank ones.
Ammo was so nice for sym.
Juno is garbage. Fast movement is fun, she moves like Tracer should be, but she has zero impact. Crappy damage, crappy heals.
>why have two tanks when we can make one tank as strong as two
brilliant design bravo blizzard
>crappy heals
skill issue
so sick and tired of having literally disabled deaf teammates who somehow don't hear reaper behind them
you is where you belongs
If sombra is broken then how come there are no sombras in top100 na, only one in asia and only three in europe? And that's with a crapload of widowmakers.
because only koreans give enough of a fuck about overwatch to take it seriously
leaderboard isn't even out yet + good players know how to play tracer and don't need to play crutch tracer (more at 11)
please fucking no
>they bring back 6v6
>they also introduce the extra passives
are you ready for the revolution anon
More like mass exodus
Considering all he has to do is revert the tank passives and Sombra buffs and the game would be improved by a ton I can see him just buffing tanks even more
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>Enemy Hammond keeps trying for the backline but is constantly CC'd and made ineffective
>Ask his team if they're aware he's throwing because he's just running in, dying and doing thing
>Oh but he's doing something :)
>We win
Masterful gambit, sir
that's not throwing
you should be able to deflect discord orb onto the enemy team
you should be constantly taking damage while you are deflecting nothing
Deflect should just be that. They should call it reflect and have it be a much tighter window if it was reflect.
But it's not a reflect, it deflects attack to where Genji aims.
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>play comp
>see this on the enemy team
Same battles in game and in thread
It reflects. Deflect would cause it to veer off away from genji and kill his teammates or land at his feet or go up in the sky. Getting sent back to the source is a reflect.
It doesn't get sent to the source if you aren't looking at it.
So exactly like a mirror? Are you going to spend your life calling mirrors a deflective surface now?
same but mei's massive futa cock
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Deflect is unaffected by the angle of the incoming attack.
Mirrors are reflective, not deflective
don't say that about my wife
i am vomit (at mercy)
So is genji's reflect ability.
i said back the fuck off!?!?
tell em sis
Alcoholic Mercy...

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Summer games...
How would Lena react to this?
angera make my vomit very disgust
She would respond exactly like that and ask how the mirror "knows"
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It's the other me in the mirror showing me innit
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That's science, bitches
another day, another dva raping me all game because our tank is retarded.
My blueberry wife, my hola wife, my youngest wife, my brown hag wife, and my angry brown hag’s daughter wife.
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she's a pilot, I'm sure she could figure it out
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so this is the guy i'm supposed to listen to when it comes to how the game should be balanced?
pilot that lost her plane...
no, he is too thin
She’s a retard so I’m sure she’ll think it’s magic
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Not on purpose!
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she got lost in space-time and came back with superpowers, who cares about a stupid test plane? besides, she didn't do it on purpose...
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He is right that projectile is harder than hitscan but the fact that he wont play Hitscan just seems like cope he can't play either.
i stopped reading your post half-way through
>gold 2
holy FUCK people listen to this snoyfaced faggot? even me as an aimlet can climb to d5 with support
Hope you can get that adult ADHD diagnosis sister
God I love Lena so much it's unreal
based beyond belief
The game is going to die rapidly if they don't revert these retarded tank and armor changes
Who were you playing anon?
why do retards dont understand how reflection work? do they think the world revolves around their POV?
it's a joke
me too, Lenalover...
>Wow anon you bought $20 kpop skins in that overwatch game? You're so rich!
Who are you quoting?
Yeah even though I don’t think OW has a real direct competitor the tank changes and constantly buffing healing back up and lowering the skill ceiling more games do end up becoming more competition because there’s less that sets it apart. Like for example the shooting in Rivals sucks but that doesn’t matter if shooting in OW sucks too.

For OW to be good you need DPS to be a non ornamental role and for healbotting to be bad and tanks and flex support to not be DPS+ where they do less damage but their playmaking comes from using their utility and CDs properly. Otherwise you might as well just make the game open queue again and play triple tank sustain meta forever
realistically they only have 2-3 patches left to fix this shit otherwise it's permanently fucked. even if they fix the game at that point it will probably be too late since most people, especially dps players, would have moved on to other games already. e.g. apex finally fixed a lot of stuff about their game and the playercount is still in freefall because it was 2 years too late and everyone stopped giving a shit.
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We need more posts like this
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>omg that guy has the tracer kpop skin, I bet he's really good
>he actually is
widow, mccree, ashe. mostly ashe though.
>omg that guy uses the default widow skin and he's in gold i bet he's really bad
>100% shot accuracy
>omg that gal has pink mercy skin, I bet she's dogshit
>be surprised
>thing still happens
Would you rather have a mercy main playing mercy or a mercy main playing anything else?
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>taking a bath
>on a beach
what the FUCK
probably got the mind sickness from kissing lena
yeah i'd rather have them play tank cause the tankoid retards i'm getting on my team lately aren't it
This but unironically because my team had 2 mercy mains and the enemy team only had 1
>any role
>any character
>mercy profile pic
Have you seen a mercy main play tank? It's just sniper dva
that's my drink. think of her as a tea bag.
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meltie, get in here!
redditman tries to be funny challenge
We wuz Peruvian n shit cuz ong no cap bruh we wuz riding llamas n sheeet
Where are the juno skins
>steal the critical wound update from Paladins
>steal the dynamic upgrade system from Paladins

Paladins would have unironically won if it wasn't managed by an even greedier and even more Jewish company than Blizzard
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She looks like an indigenous peruvian though.
They have dark skin because they're an equatorial people, and broad faces with wide noses.
Read a fucking book.
Paladins would have won if the core game was good instead of bad.
>Blizzard went from releasing a hero with a few recolors, 2 legendary and 2 Epic skins to just 1 legendary
>went from 1 legendary to nothing but recolors but don't worry there is some in the shop and battle pass
>now back to back hero releases with nothing but recolors
>latest hero, Juno, was also HEAVILY simplified from her concept art

The seams are bursting, the company is barely hanging on and will eventually hit skeleton crew maintenance mode like HotS because they would rather make literal fucking trannies for their bubble of woke-nonsense "modern gamers" than anything that would actually turn a dollar
>Yes uh… very even
Equally much, maybe?
>The coop thingy against the bots was fun yea.
Imagine if they did some proper tower defence mode, its basically what that was
I'd love that
>hmm, you only got rewards for like 3 characters, right?
Yeah but they locked the Mercy reward behind the hardest thing lol
Not only did you have to beat it on the hardest difficulty which was already hard you also had to do it deathless
>Pretty sure you would have done that without me. I still have our leaderboard screenshot somewhere.
There's no way I could have done that alone lol, the randoms you got were really bad
>has tummy, sure, but I don't like how the character gets paler if you equip it.
I like the glowing eyes, they're cool, I might get it if I end up liking rouge
>Most popular hitscan? Probably Ashe yea. For Hanzo it's just spamming storm arrows into bastion
You think we only see Hanzo because of Bastion?
>she looks like an indigenous Peruvian
>proceeds to post a picture of a woman in a dark room with the light turned down
>still significantly lighter skinned than Nigari
>actual indigenous nose, not the negro clown nose nose Nigari was given
>actual feminine face and not the square-jawed manface that Nigari has

She has Peruvian hair and that's it
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You just ousted yourself as being a zoomer. You're even worse off than I thought.
Being able to run 400+ armor dva but even worse since she has missiles now was peak retardation
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Now that's what a dead game looks like
ow can finally die in a year or two max and we can be free to hop on marvel or deadlock or some other new fad
I can understand not giving Venture skins because he/it whatever the fuck that thing wants to call itself is fucking hideous and appeals to no one. Holding back on skins for Juno is criminal though and Blizzard should have hounded them to drop some skins for her.

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