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Night Elves edition

>QRD Lore video

Previously on /wowg/: >>492847896

Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously
>Icycrits is returning for TWW
>Rudi is returning for TWW
>Incestral is returning for TWW
>Pozy is returning for TWW
>Entangela is returning for TWW
>Gisco is returning for TWW
>Spitfire is returning for TWW
>Jalopy is returning for TWW
>Nizbun is returning for TWW
>Doutei is returning for TWW
>Khubbo is returning for TWW
>Dohra is returning for TWW
>Potatosock is returning for TWW
>Musei is returning for TWW
>Runeheal is returning for TWW
>Sawicky is returning for TWW
>Polywag is returning for TWW
>Thaspion is returning for TWW
>Ashanari is returning for TWW
>Blueno is returning for TWW
>Aeyr is returning for TWW
>Deathsu is returning for TWW
>Empy is returning for TWW
>Koragon is returning for TWW
>Fey is returning for TWW
>Kaite is returning for TWW
>Jocelyn is returning for TWW
>Danielle is returning for TWW
>Fallaa is returning for TWW
>Pizzacat is returning for TWW
>Lemondo is returning for TWW
>Lynris is returning for TWW
>Nastytaxi is returning for TWW
>Loveoven is returning for TWW
>Slaughterloc is returning for TWW
>Yolocrits is returning for TWW
>Vajeera is returning for TWW
>Yorick is returning for TWW
>Raichoo is returning for TWW
>Roxy is returning for TWW
>Kari is returning for TWW
>Shiki is returning for TWW
>Switch is returning for TWW
>Bearheart is returning for TWW
>Castelia is returning for TWW
>Gruxx is returning for TWW
>Dogman is returning for TWW
>Froo is returning for TWW
>Chen is returning for TWW
>Giggleblush is returning for TWW
>Linstead is returning for TWW
>Pizzaburger is returning for TWW
>Healforfun is returning for TWW
>Ralph is returning for TWW
>Spook is returning for TWW
>Nastynate is returning for TWW
>Puba is returning for TWW
>Mobilitygodx is returning for TWW
>Cuckmeup is returning for TWW
>Haruna is returning for TWW
>Lerou is returning for TWW
>Bannix is returning for TWW
>Von is returning for TWW
>Qtbootygodx is returning for TWW
>Playpal is returning for TWW
>Niggertrey is returning for TWW

WoW won
We fucking won, bros
/wowg/ guild status?
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male human ret-templar paladin, rate my mog
my RP is that i'm Garithos' son and heir and it's my mission to overtake the Alliance, reconquer Lordaeron and take its throne for myself
tranny thread
I ran heroics last night on BDK for quite awhile with my loot spec set to FDK but I never got any weapons.
How bad is 2h FDK and if it's shit how am I supposed to get weapons for it?
Don't know literally a single one of these people.
>my RP is that i'm Garithos' son and heir and it's my mission to overtake the Alliance, reconquer Lordaeron and take its throne for myself
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Cataclysm last good expansion
Cataclysm faction pride expansion
Cataclysm Horde piss on alliancecucks expansion
Masculine big chiseled ripped sweaty hairy dude stepping on weak cuck in armor and tiny sword
Piss on them lmao useless FAGGOTS can't even play the game
Take me back bros, back to the WAR of WARCRAFT
>saving screencap of some larper
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Everyone say hello to my wife
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Reminder there is sweaty night elf feet
i just got insane de ja vu from reading this
Rebostin. Pls help.
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Is augmentation evoker good? feels kinda awkward to play
aaah female bodies, from worlo warcraft... perfect for my orcish cock to raep
I would unironically join the guild if you kick erp'ers on sight.
generic hallowfall guard npc / 10
I'm eating. Please kill yourself.
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Small indie company
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NA /wowg/ guild name poll

please vote. obviously bannable names have been removed from the list
They're bound to make a compensation patch dedicated to the Horde, because let's be honest, TWW is 97% Alliance and 3% Horde (based Goblin). The only Horde faction with a link to the Light and the Void (the theme of the next major patch, no doubt, with Arathi, Beledar, the fake sky and the cool Void fish that doesn't want us to drown) is the Blood Elves and their “paladins”.

What do you think?
I consider this to be a great compliment
Thank you
now if only maye and the other avatartrannies did the same, but overdosing on their depression medicine instead of hooking up with a tranny or a faggot

There, I said it.
Gathering is like any other profession now in that you need to level it up and get points to make money with it.
Allegedly gathering will stay strong because of how mats are handled now instead of dwindling off after the expansion start but I don't know that for sure I just heard it.
I'll just say I went tailoring/enchanting and I'm not doing well over here either buddy.
Who shit in your coffee this morning.
I think that Hordechads are too based to give a shit about the bore and the stgayry because we are here to win the race for world first and the raid to war first world the win of the world pvp war mode and the mythic + 26 based gameplay, you can keep your cuckshit and emasculated males we have the big dick energy FOR THE HORDE
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also, I have now via EBGs and compstomp collected all four armor types of the pvp aspirant arathi gear and have 4 80s, Paladin, Druid, Warlock and Evoker in full pvp honor gear.
So brave of you. /r/asmongold is clapping as we speak!
i dont care. nu-horde sucks and has no cool characters anymore besides the goblins
Will Asmongold be returning for TWW?
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So, I finally got around to looking at the raids gear and what the heck is going on. Like only three or four classes have themed armor for the raid, everyone else looks like its armor for an entirely different raid or even expansion.

Did they just give up half-way through?

Warlock, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, and Rogue for example all look like they belong, to a degree, for the raid. While Warrior, Paladin, Evoker, Mage, Druid (looks like Shaman Gear), Shaman, to name a few don't even look like they belong in the expansion.
He played 8 hours and got enough of it.
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Hey, hey, hey
Dancin' with eredar females
I'm a warlock

Hey, hey, hey
Say, do you remember?
I'm a warlock
Never was a cloudy day in Azeroth
And we'll say ba-dee-ya
I'm a warlock
Dancin' with eredar females
Golden dreams were shiny days
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>We lost Twitch now too
When will the humiliation end...
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I did
I shit in his coffee.
It was a power move.
I had to let him know who was boss last night was kind of ambiguous.
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What level can you solo farm for Ashes of Alar? Can you solo or do you need another for mind control?
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Leave my forest. Now.
warrior gear has a nerubian theme, but with dwarven colors
Realistically, there is no reason for Anduin to be such a fucking whiny crybaby after all he’s been through.
He’s like 30 now, he wandered through Pandaria alone as a child, he lost his parents, he saw the legion first hand, he fought the horde on the battlefield, he ruled as a king, he fought in the shadowlands, he got corrupted and fought off the corruption, he’a been larping as a wandering knight for who knows how long.
How the FUCK is he still acting like an insecure teen?
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Reminder to make yourself a gobbo so you get better deals from vendors and then put hwat you bought in the warbank
Servers are cross realm/faction now right? I'll join if it means I finally have a guild that'll let me play prot.
I don't see it, it all looks Vrkyul/Dwarf to me
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making a goblin disc priest was the best decision I ever made even without the jew passive
Yes they are
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Honestly I feel like with a little tweaking this would be a great basis for a AU blackrock mog.
how else can you have the war within if you dont portray inner doubts anon
Because he a bitch made for bitches who think being an indulgent baby is strong
my strongest rolemodel said so
You're dangerously close to getting plapped right now missy.
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<BLT> Illidan-H is recruiting!
Hi we're recruiting for The War Within! We raid Wed/Thursday, 7-10pm PST!

Please add Froo#1664 on discord for more info!
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Why can’t Blizzard add mob table to the game? To track HP and who’s casting what?
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I have arrived in the TWW, what am I in for?
>the biggest shilling event ever done by Blizzard
>hired the biggest twitch streamers from GTA RP scene, the biggest WoW streamers ever, multiple ads, extremely rare twitch DROPS, fake hype and shilling all over the internet
>random asian guy streams XIV and gets about same numbers with no effort
Someone is voting with his phone by resetting ip
How the fuck do you make money with professions? Literally everything you buy from AH and craft is a net negative
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Well done.
You know what's embarassing? You shillcucks still posting in these threads about a game you can't justify buying, let alone playing.
So, I took Leatherworking for the first time and Im not sure what to go into for skinning? I want to make armor for my character and alts (Mail)
i think globo fomo took it anyway
>How the FUCK is he still acting like an insecure teen?
He's written by a pack of 40 year old childless wine drinking catmoms.
They have NO IDEA what manhood looks, acts or sounds like. So they're writing him like he's a rape victim instead of like a king out to avenge himself.
It's over, should have bought the early access to sell them for 200g/ore
Dwarfs and spiders
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vulpera tails
>all content available in the first three weeks is trivial
what type of jewry causes this
Picking a vulpera up by the tail
I have asked for crafting advice here and nobody knows shit
And the rare few who do dont want to tell you about their golden goose
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A little bit of Pizzacat in my life
A little bit of Lynris by my side
A little bit of Vjera is all I need
Blizzdrones get what they deserve.
>they're writing him like he's a rape victim
fucking kek it really be like that
>STILL not done with campaign
>will eventually fall behind gearing hamster wheel
should i just run azeroth auto pilot at this point
i don't even think i even cared about wow's story ever now that i think about it
>joining a new DOA /wowg/ guild instead of one of the existing ones
genuinely why?
Its the same thing they have done for literally every expansion so why are you surprised exactly?
there's not a whole lot to say when it comes to mats. look at the farms and you either like the prices or you don't. fly around, 2x4, rares, cloth, skinning, whatever it is between youtube/wowhead drop data or just doing it yourself an hour or two is all there is. there aren't a whole lot of real secrets or help that isn't obvious. if you were on a smaller realm that kept high pricing you'll have to try to sell a little more strategically around resets in the region wide market now but that doesn't take more than a quick look at undermine exchange to see what you might be able to hold for a better deal. even that is bordering on common sense where a long stream of price cuts that looks like off peak manipulation often is just right there in game.
Are goblins horny in the lore or are people here just gigadegens?

desu Anduin should be radicalized by the Arathi at this point and become an actual paladin rather than the basedfaced mess of a priest Golden turned him into
Is there any point in doing the patron crafting orders if they aren't providing all the mats?
My advice? Uninstall wizard.
The best expansion since Legion
are druids gonna be any good? im going to tank m+ and cat for raids...
it's free crafting knowledge
i didn't say i was surprised

i asked what kind of jewry causes this

that is to say, how does starting every expansion with several weeks of trivial content make money for blizzard?
rude >_<
You mean other than the limited time knowledge with no catchup that you won't be able to get later if you don't shell over tens of thousands of gold?
if a goblin ties you up to the bed he wont fuck you
he will steal your stereo
anon's an unc
>take 10k for heroic tank queue
>get in instantly
>tab out and go do something else
>come back to pleas and anger everytime
>nothing customer service can do
>up over 200k from doing this
DPScucks deserve to give me every single last penny.
>portable bank everywhere
>fall damage immunity/mobility all in one
>saving money on vendors

Most busted racials in the game for QOL features I think
I played with Vjera during Heavensward and saw his penis
Anduin's time was during MoP, Legion and BfA but they ruined him.
Now nobody cares about this gigantic failure crybaby having feelings etc.
reminder tina is a free use whore for nigger miqote in ffxiv
she is literally getting BARBED and BLACKED every single day
dracthyr cant even reproduce or have meaningful intimate relationships yet every scaly retard that ends up here from /trash/ makes homolust goonposts about them whenever the general is quiet

you tell me whether its just gigadegeneracy or not
Probably, judging by their calendars
Vulpera is pretty great for QoL too
>never catch up
>just first craft knowledge
clinical retardation
do you think christie golden flicks her wrinkled menopausal bean fantasizing about anduin crying in her arms
Did everyone stop playing in hallowfall? Anduin was alright and less of a bitch than Alleria in Azj kahet
I don't like them elves.
>all the nigger crafters lying about their knowledge and craft quality already
him being less bitchy than a bigger retard character than him is not a valid comparison
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>draenei racial passive gives them around 1 gem's worth of mainstat
Is this useful at all? On the one hand it looks small, on the other - people are hoping for sockets so it cant be that small?
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nigga where's your hand
i don't think it's that good or will realistically be abandoned in the same way. just too much going on in df's pace to drop of a cliff completely without firing half the team.
The shit-eaters have accepted whatever Blizzard has thrown at them so they can do whatever they want and the shit-eaters will continue to eat their shit with pride and still be hungry for more.

Really, this rich vs. poor thing was a good decision by Blizzard.
some black guy stole it
most racials are like 1-2% simmed, the things that make races OP are the utility ones (Draenei is the worst one)
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Me and my halal underground wife
>don't parasocially worship any cringe streamers
>must be a newfag
you're cringe as fuck, zoomer
post your ram from the first brewfest ever
Only if we get to rape Xalatath at the end
Someone please help.
I thought it was dwarfs/tauren since that one scales with gear
Mining/Jewelcrafting looking to be any good in TWW? Please respond I'm inexperienced.
My crazy, sanpaku eyed wife. God I love mentally ill women so much it's unreal.
He a bitch.
I remember him being a bitch.
I just have this impression of him being a bitch.
And it's true, he a bitch.
Stop bitching and go away Anduin.
Bring back my King. Bring back Varian the based and manly. I bet Varian has the biggest chest hair. He ain't no bitch.
probably level 50, and yes it can be solod easily
what little was in wod and finished was good, often the best it's ever been
Oyakodon with the Steelstrikes
fucking brasil faggots leave you stupid fucking shitters god i wish your enti-
oh nevermind, carry on lads.
they can't conclude his character
they noticed people liked him because he has actual character development, maturing through this young pussy bitch phase so he can turn into a manly nigga like his dad but they don't know how to write him properly so they're stalling and letting him be an emotional wreck until he has a moment of epiphany and then either turns into a shadow priest or has le epic tirion moment where light comes back during an important battle
Literally who?
between the obvious liars and the automated spammers i don't see very much of them for very long if you know what i mean.
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So you think Shadowlands, BFA and Dragonflight were le better?
He just can't choose a main. He started as a priest, now he's a warrior, and when he gets over his Light dysfunction he will be a palachad.
sorry bud your ebin alt garrison army isn't good content, now fuck off
>people compare TWW to WoD
>"WoD was good"
>"Shadowlands was good"
Here we go again.
are you or are you not trannies? you legally have to tell me
Are they though? I haven’t maxed my BS yet and I’ve already capped the starting armor node + have like 40 knowledge left
on a scale of 1-10 how fucking BACK are we wowbwos?
>gathering profs can't get KP
Am I fucking myself by doing mining and herbalism (I don't have a crafting alt)
nice reading comprehension retard
>Everyone is laughing at us again
TWW was meant to FIX this, haven't they seen Hallowfall?!? Best zone in any MMO PERIOD. FACT!!
AND THEY STILL LAUGH???? IM GOING CRAZY What does Blizzard have to do to win the hearts and minds of my fellow gamers!!!!!
Theoretically what are my odds of a ban if I set up a bot to buy null stone fragments in huge quantities?
I haven’t played since Legion. Can someone explain to me this stupid scaling shit? I ran a couple DF dungeons at LVL 13 just to see them. And I got necklace, pants and ring. That stats I assume scale to me being 13. Are worth keeping in this case because the stats will grow until I get DF level and they will be DF current stats?
It won't matter man I just know he a bitch
He got no chest hair bro
He don't even get sweaty and he's not ripped
get this bitch out of here
just make a new character, a male with a big hairy chest and big ripped muscles and he can be the king of stormwind. he has to be masculine and aggressive and strong, most importantly heroic. he doesn't need depth. being emotional isn't being deep
he just needs to be a MAN with MAN cock and stop making me CRINGE and my dick FLACCID
>haven't they seen Hallowfall?!? Best zone in any MMO PERIOD. FACT!!
this but legitimately unironically
I'm leveling retri, what i'm in for
Umm maybe you should go touch grass sweatie? I'm still only level 71 and only 1/3 done with the campaign and I've been enjoying every minute of it!!
no they're just laughing at you
Wtf are you babbling about you fucking schizo?
Ong? About a 4 from me, it's lookin pretty OVER
its eu bro, theres no trannies here.
Shadowlands was by far the best expansion since Legion. Literally millions filtered because how kino and comfy it was.
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the stats on your gear will not grow, you need new gear drops
there's nothing wrong with not being a MAN
the thing is he's been a bitch for too long
>haven't they seen Hallowfall?!?
Hallowfall looks very cool the first time you enter it and you have the pre designed cinematic shot of the whole zone.
Hallowfall is fucking god awful for questing and navigating.
>tali is back
>desmephisto is back
>pyro is back
>pilav is out of prison and back
we're back bros
game is full of pussy shit, it's irredeemable
make a male character with big dick energy and big strong dude fighting a big strong dude while speaking about the importance of eliminating illegal immigration and maybe WoW can be saved
no, it was globo fomo since the very beginning and it's still globo fomo
>first fempanda npc I have seen in years and a reminder on how fucking massive the pandaren ass is
Yeah I rate the expansions questing a 8/10
It's 2 AM in japan.
rework for range classes when
There are some claims that the crafting order knowledge has catchup, like if you've missed some on previous weeks you'll be offered more this week kind of deal. But who the fuck really know at this point, I'm sure not even Blizzard know how their pajeet programmers have done things.
Auction houses are region wide now, right?
No one cares about ziv and it's 5k viewers average, doomtroon. bend your knees. It'll go back to 5k viewers tomorrow and until the rest of the year, and your cope won't change it.
Nope. Beta proved this wrong. They bait and switched by saying there would be "catchup" but it's only for treatises and gathering. Crafters are getting fucked by an RNG gold sink with no catchup and blizzard is just hoping nobody calls them out on it.
Deport Draenei and Orcs back to Outland
Deport Night Elves back to Ashenvale
Build Tauren reservations
Finish the job at Zandalar
Force cure the worgen and make them build a wall
Total Undead Death
Bring down the Goblin bankers
Send Gnomes back into their radioactive hell hole
Dwarves can stay and trade if they promise to behave
for reagents and some other stuff I think yes, not for gear or recipes
skipping 90% of the games mechanics and still having better DPS in a vacuum than melee doesn't deserve a rework, retard
okay but who the fuck watches MMO streams outside of rwf this shit is boring unwatchable
most people who do watch streams do it for the streamer, not for the game
nelf naked dogeza
>outside of rwf
yes, watching other people not have fun is great...
>bros WoD was good
>get shit on immediately by 3-4 anons
>completely fold instead of even trying to name anything good about it
hey maybe your balls will drop in a couple years and you can stand up for yourself
And rwf itself is only worth watching when guilds are within 5% of a kill on the final boss.
Thanks bro, I was gonna try flipping certain stuff. But now that I think about it I could in theory buy reagents whatever realm is cheapest, put it in my warband bank, then sell it high in the US right?
>has le epic tirion moment where light comes back during an important battle
you mean like this one dude had in this trailer a while ago, just like this right?


Man why can't Anduin be like this kid?
Thoughts on EZ-mine nodes? Will they combat botting effectively?
Twitch drops
Some of you have never gone through actual psychological trauma and it shows
Saar sorry it wasn't implemented in the beta, but it works now, trust me saar :)
lmao at square enix paying people to stream xiv. nothing is going to revive dawnfart
bugged humiliation ritual that doesn't work half the time and is objectively worse than normal nodes even when they don't bug out
WoW is probably only mmo where people watch the game instead of playing it.
What about the webbed ore? I don't understand what they do when i overload them
yes, also works with rare recipes, those sometimes go for very cheap on some realms
Thanks for the info.
run over the spiders for shitty 1 fucking cloth.
>12* hour CD
>for 3 cloth
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the mmo war is over and tww won hard
J'lor was right
We aren't going to survive what is to come
We should have let him win
yea i barely even watch the streams itself, just have it on my second monitor open and mostly listen
Spiders spawn and if you run over them they give you cloth
Proof? This sounds like a colossal xiv cope
they shoot their sticky jizz randomly around and you have to be lucky to catch it from what I understand
>Nirimer is returning for TWW
If you're not overloading ez-mine exclusively and then clicking the bismuth you're just retarded no cap
literal who's (probably trannies)
It's just three weeks. You have a ton of content to catch up to. Did you do all your delves? Heroics? Rep grind? Level all your toons? Be grateful this isn't XIV where there's 24 hours of cutscenes followed by jack shit for six months.
Arator will be the first character with the 4th paladin spec
furry spider niggas
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uh oh doomtroon melty! viewbot some ziv streams tomorrow maybe it can go above 6k views on a normal day and not because of some jap event.
>its just 3 weeks
>of a planned 1 year CoD half-expansion
I'm doing weeping ores, surely that shit will be usefull at some point!
This was the perfect time to thrust him into the limelight but they refused.
Also I hope the 4th paladin spec dual wields
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his gf probably dumped his dysfunction retard ass within a couple months and he was back to shitposting here like the genetic dead-end he is

I've seen numerous of these personas here within the last few weeks alone
what is your point? i didn't say it'd be a bad thing if this happened, opposite actually
Blizzard employees big meltdown!
Just play the fucking game man
my gf didnt dump me retard
Arator will come in after Alleria inevitably murders Turalyon
>dont ask questions
>just consume product and gaslight yourself that next product is the real metzen kino
imagine old demo locks
>XIV actually dropped BELOW their average after the exodus
kek, all the wow refugees who talked them into trying out wow must have converted a ton of people
If you're even farming in a place where weeping ore can spawn at all you're already doing it wrong.
>quest to do 6 world quests
>there are only 5 world quests
this is niggardly
are bountiful delves still worth doing if you dont have a key?
Lock is probably the only example of a class that has only ever gotten better as the game evolved.
my point is that It already happened.
and then they just fucking retconned it.

Reminder that the BfA trailer was the last thing metzen wrote before leaving.
Danuser and his writing room of wine aunts need to be fed live to a colony of fire ants.
but I like spuder zone :(
in your rush to defend blizzard, you seem to have missed my point - which isn't to complain, but to understand the reason why blizzard makes this choice (square enix does it, too)
wow cope lmao
Do you have its specialization maxed out to substantiate this statement?
Saving him for midnight probably, they did remember him in the Alleria animation and i heard he has a void dragon and a light dragon tattoos now
I want to like Demo but its not clicking. I enjoyed Nether Portal when we had it and I could get a lot of different demons, but other than that it feels dull
Why do people say they "popped a dungeon" to describe dungeon finder putting them in an instance?
everyone knew TWW would be dogshit tainted by dunguser
midnight is metzens real baby
trust the plan boys were going home
q pop, newfag
why does your wife only have four fingers on her left hand?
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>Alchemy+Tailoring on all 10 of my characters
>specced into the daily cooldowns
>FREE 10k gold/day per character, FREE wow token every 2 days for no effort
It's just that easy.

As in the queue timer popped up as ready? Are you actually this fucking retarded?
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Why are we still blaming Danuser for this expansion?
It's clearly Metzen's work.
you vill do your dailies
rip chaos wave
miss you demonbolt
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>4 hours played to get to level 46
what the fuck happened to leveling in retail being fast?
>metzens work
>barely anything corrupted
pressing X my newfag retard!
Trooncord getting BTFO? again?
a tale as old as time...
I started playing WoW a week ago I thought I was missing an in-joke
Danusers greasy fingerprints are still all over it, even if Metzen the Maid came in to clean it up
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WoD (the worst expansion ever) removed the following (1/3):

>Hit has been removed
>Parry has been removed
>Dodge has been removed
>Spell Crit has been removed
>Expertise has been removed
>Melee Crit has been removed
>Spell Haste has been removed
>Ranged Crit has been removed
>Melee Haste has been removed
>Ranged Haste has been removed
>Reforging has been removed because fuck you

Death Knight
>Blood Boil has been removed
>Rune Strike has been removed
>Heart Strike has been removed
>Roiling Blood has been removed
>Scarlet Fever has been removed
>Unholy Frenzy has been removed
>Blood Parasites has been removed
>Master of Ghouls has been removed
>Glyph of Outbreak has been removed
>Rune of Swordbreaking has been removed
>Rune of Swordshattering has been removed
>Rune of the Nerubian Carapace has been removed
>Dual Wield is now only available to Frost Death Knights

>Enrage has been removed
>Pounce has been removed
>Ravage has been removed
>Nourish has been removed
>Euphoria has been removed
>Bear Hug has been removed
>Symbiosis has been removed
>Astral Storm has been removed
>Balance of Power has been removed
>Swift Rejuvenation has been removed
>Mangle (Cat Form) has been removed
>Swipe (Bear Form) has been removed
>Glyph of Stampede has been removed
>Wild Mushroom: Detonate has been removed
>Tranquility is now only available to Restoration Druids because fuck you

>Lynx Rush has been removed
>Rapid Fire has been removed
>Arcane Shot has been removed
>Scatter Shot has been removed
>Hunter’s Mark has been removed
>Silencing Shot has been removed
>Widow Venom has been removed
>Distracting Shot has been removed
>Aspect of the Hawk has been removed
>Rapid Recuperation has been removed
>Rabid has been removed as a pet ability
>Cower has been removed as a pet ability
>Kill Shot is no longer available to Survival
>Hunter pets no longer have crowd-control abilities
>Serpent Sting and Improved Serpent Sting have been removed
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jesus fucking christ
that's not what i was saying at all, kill yourself
That used to take two days kek
WoD (the worst expansion ever) removed the following (2/3):

>Invocation has been removed
>Pyromaniac has been removed
>Temporal Shield has been removed
>Improved Counterspell has been removed

>Clash has been removed
>Adaptation has been removed
>Avert Harm has been removed
>Power Guard has been removed
>Healing Sphere has been removed
>Spinning Fire Blossom has been removed
>Disable is now available only to Windwalker Monks
>Fistweaving has been removed because fuck you

>Art of War has been removed
>Holy Light has been removed
>Inquisition has been removed
>Divine Light has been removed
>Divine Favor has been removed
>Blinding Light has been removed
>Hand of Salvation has been removed
>Avenging Wrath is no longer available to Protection Paladins because fuck you

>Heal has been removed
>Rapture has been removed
>Psyfiend has been removed
>Inner Will has been removed
>Void Shift has been removed
>Inner Fire has been removed
>Divine Fury has been removed
>Hymn of Hope has been removed
>Spiritual Precision has been removed
>Atonement now heals for 25% less than before because fuck you

>Rupture has been removed
>Redirect has been removed
>Dismantle has been removed
>Disarm Trap has been removed
>Ambidexterity has been removed
>Fan of Knives has been removed
>Expose Armor has been removed
>Shadow Blades has been removed
>Paralytic Poison has been removed
>Mind-numbing Poison has been removed

>Static Shock has been removed
>Healing Wave has been removed
>Magma Totem has been removed
>Searing Flames has been removed
>Stormlash Totem has been removed
>Rockbiter Weapon has been removed
>Frostbrand Weapon has been removed
>Elemental Precision has been removed
>Ancestral Awakening has been removed
>Greater Healing Wave has been removed
>Healing Tide Totem is now available only to Restoration Shaman because fuck you
Okay, then don't play the game? If you're bored then go do something else. I'm not bored so it's not my problem.

For the former, probably because it's a good idea to space patches so people can catch up. Three weeks isn't bad. For the latter, it's a dogshit company run by a skeleton crew that reassigned its only good devs to board room duties.

Yeah, the in-joke is that you're fucking retarded, we're all in out it, and you're not.
WoD (the worst expansion ever) removed the following (3/3):

>Fel Flame has been removed
>Pyroclasm has been removed
>Drain Soul has been removed
>Soulshatter has been removed
>Malefic Grasp has been removed
>Demonic Breath has been removed
>Voidlord: Disarm have been removed
>Voidwalker: Disarm have been removed
>Curse of Enfeeblement has been removed
>Metamorphosis: Void Ray has been removed
>Metamorphosis: Cursed Auras has been removed
>Metamorphosis: Carrion Swarm has been removed

>Throw has been removed
>Cleave has been removed
>Hamstring has been removed
>Overpower has been removed
>Skull Banner has been removed
>Sunder Armor has been removed
>Berserker Stance has been removed
>Demoralizing Banner has been removed

>Removed all Disarms
>Pet-cast CC is removed
>Battle Fatigue has been removed
>Removed many CC spells entirely
>Removed Swifty's NPC because fuck you
>Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown

We Heard You Were Enjoying MoP, Fuck You
>Snapshotting removed
>Tank Vengeance removed because fuck you
>Multiple Combat resurrections have been removed because fuck you
>Literally everything that used to be instant-cast now has a 1.5 second cast time because fuck you
>Movement speed bonuses have been changed to be additive instead of multiplicative because fuck you
>Smart heals will now randomly pick any injured target within range, instead of always picking the most injured target because fuck you
these are good changes thoughever
the class reworks in legion were good
She looks like the chud meme now
i love her slutty eye shadow
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Kinda weird that Hunter has THREE exclusive weapon types that only they can use.
Why is no one talking about the actual expansion, some nigger out here spamming #WODfacts.
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Reminder: Today is the last day to do your crafting orders. They reset tomorrow, if you dont do them you miss out on 20-30 knowledge points permanently.
>we're all in out it
Brown detected, that explains the poor attitude
Im blaming danuser for the character assassination of anduin wrynn, he was on track to be a solid repalcement for his dear old dad and then Danuser and his faghags took over and utterly ruined him.

Also, importantly, Large parts of TWW were written by Danuser and crew, remeber wow expansions are written a couple years before release. Storyline is like the start of development since it drives locations and assets needed. TWW was like 80% done by the time Metzen came back and he's had some hand on it, but were still not entirely free of danuserslop and wont be till Midnight and actually wont be entirely free of his storyarcs till after The Last Titan. Uninronically the first expansion where Danuser will have no influence is the as yet unnamed post "saga" expansion.

Nothing to talk about because they time-gated everything because they're greedy Jews at Blizz
Legion is still the best expansion ever.
>Snapshotting removed
actually a great change
Wait til tinkers bro
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>so retarded he has to highlight an obvious typo because there is no other defense

Wow, I bet you went buck wild on "Covfefe"
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I don't know how to explain it but WoW doesn't feel like an MMO anymore. No one mass duels outside of Ogr or Stormwind, no one goes with their buds ''lets make gnomes and harass horde in the barrens'' at level 5. You won't get any new stories of zones getting reputations like STV being Vietnam. Tarren Mill happening organically or questing NPCs like Hogger, Stitches, Mor'ladim, Wheres Rexxar? Blood of Heroes, The Wetlands run.
Tales and Stories we all have witnessed and went through before that were player-made.
I know classic-era is there for old content but I'm talking about player-made created memories, rumors, stories and adventures.
>inb4 dur go rp realm
I mean things players do with others such as mammoth raids, raiding crossroads, ganking lowbies with a hunter pet etc
Then fuck off and come back in a month?!?! its not that hard?!?!
dont unsub tho :) :) :)
Tailoring has a cd? What is it used for?
Hunter is a bit special because in vanilla nobody really knew what to equip them with and one of their talent trees was completely reworked because it was shit.
>Hit has been removed
did bother to read anything else.
yea ngl I'm enjoying goth lesbian alleria.
she's totally rocking the "angrily denies how much she loves dick" look.
why do retards roleplay manari eredar, giant dracthyr and dark rangers in stormwind
Defense of what? You're a turd worlder and I'm a newfag. That's just how things are, anon
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>Nooooo I can't poopsock an entire expansion in 24 hours!
This is you. This is what you look like. I'm enjoying taking it slow. TWW was the first WoW expansion I actually enjoyed and I don't feel constantly "behind". It's time for this genre to go back to real people and not "professionals" who only exist to bring others down.

>a month
>Earthen release tomorrow

Obviously I'm going to be leveling an Earthen Paladin to blur the lines between Horde and Alliance, Anon
>Ruined by Danuser
>Implying he wasn't already ruined during Cata and MoP when he first became a hippie queer advocating for peace and living with furries
>Implying he wasn't the favorite character of Christie Golden who wanted to push him as a "non toxic male"
enjoyed what...
Duskweave/Dawnweave bolts, its to make ilvl 593+ cloth gear.
For burgerfags maybe
I’m getting 3 more alts done today and tomorrow

Let's play big bank takes little bank :)
people, as time, change. If OG didn't bring back the 2000s vibe, nothing will.
It hasn't felt like an MMO since BfA 8.1.
>>Healing Tide Totem is now available only to Restoration Shaman because fuck you
That didn't heal for shit in mop if you weren't resto
>bunch of other bloat that shouldnt exist in the first place
who cares retard
>Simplification for the sake of accessibility is... le bad!
>Removal of retarded features like pet cc abilities, snapshotting and disarms is... le bad!
Shut up boomer. Kill yourself. WoD was a good expansion.
dusk and dawnweave bolts, the margins are already trimmed to multicraft fishing though and crafting at a loss under 3*
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>No one mass duels outside of Ogr or Stormwind
It depends on the server. But yes, sharding killed the game.
time to pump
Shutup chud I'm Having A Blast.
You're not 15 anymore. Teens in 2024 are making their own memories in other games, not WoW. Zoomers already say similar things about Fortnite and Tomato Town.
Why wow died?
When I first started playing WoW, when I was a kid, it was TBC and I started a Hunter. It was kinda brutal but in a fun way. Having to buy arrows and ammo and keep them equipped, having to feed your pet its preferred food to keep it happy so it doesn't desert you, all that. Didn't you also have to use mana pots?
I LOVE WOW AND TWW *0.05 dollars have been added to your battle.net balance*
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tww flopped. we're all moving to Deadlock.
The paid shill was danuser all along? Hi!
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I miss it.
Trooncord isn't sending their best huh.
Going from MoP to WoD felt like such ass
>in legion
nigger what?

did everyone memoryhole logging into legion pre-patch and your ability hotbars looking like fucking swiss cheese? every class outside of enhancement shaman was 4 to 6 buttons tops
brainlet take
>Blizzard's hardware couldn't keep up with constantly changing values, so 40 man clashes ended up with massive lag that everyone seems to have memoryholed

>That didn't heal for shit in mop if you weren't resto
Healing Tide Totem + Ancestral Guidance were two amazing CDs to use in a raiding environment, if you were in a good guild you'd be assigned when to use them on fights like Heroic Magera to give a nice healing blanket on incoming raid wide damage

>Dumbing down the game for soccer moms is actually... le good!
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Breed Status: I CAN'T
>No one mass duels outside of Ogr or Stormwind
If you're in Stormwind and you want to duel, you fly the 2 seconds it takes to get to the Northshire road in Goldshire, where everybody duels.
Just give every class a B.rez, it's jarring to go from a 2 druid, 2 DK 1 warlock group to one where people actually stay dead when they fail mechanics.
>Vanilla zones
>BC zones
>WotLK zones
50/50 soul or soulless
>Cata zones
>Panda zones
>every expansion onward zones
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WoW needs more swimsuits
I guess the honeymoon period is over, everyone is turning on TWW
Bro the entire expansion is essentially timegated. The expansion has basically not even been released yet.
All you can do is quest to cap, do a couple weekly quests that take 5-10 minutes and then jerk off in the capital.
Heroic dungeons are a completely braindead faceroll waste of time dropping loot that will be replaced instantly when season 1 starts.
>newfag doesn't know about shared CDs
oh no no no
even doe in DF people dueled all the time in valdrakken?
bfa was sovl and wotlk was 100% sovl
true on all counts

Bro don't come in here telling so much truth you're going to upset people
>The Turd Within
euehehehehehe so true
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Goldshire is one of the last bastions of the ''MMO-Hangout experience. Yes it has its reputation inside but go chill outside the inn with people. You can see duels and people just doing shit together and meet new people. You wouldn't see this in Dornogal or Valdrakken, theyre transient places rather than 'cities' to be in like Orgrimmar or Stormwind was.
>another timegated expansion
It's so tiresome.
Is there a sink for them or are they going to pointless after a while like the DF ones?
Does it matter what I enchant for frost? like is fallen/razor the same thing as razor/fallen?
that's not even a hot take, that's the general opinion of everyone but that one retard that waits 3s after his post cooldown to shill again
Delves? Rep? Other toons? PvP? Just play the fucking game holy shit.
>>Removed Swifty's NPC because fuck you
I think his Ashran NPC got removed in BFA, because that woman lied about him assaulting her.
Dude took the high road on it, didn't shit on her after it went away did nothing to make Blizz look bad but they still nuked his npc.
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Wake up sheeple, do people even realize that you can land on a lot of the barely there small bezels and embellishments on things? You can have your own secret hideout.
There's nothing to do...
Dude went fully based after just 11 to 12 days cut off from outside authority. Maybe there's hope for the Arathi yet.
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>Still can't find my main
>Too complicated or too boring every fucking time

Should I try to get back into mythic raiding?
I was a cutting edge raider in BFA but now I’m just a washed classic boomer
but enough about nidalee
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locked to T3 idiot
imagine not being maxed out already lmao
>Other toons?
'Level up to do more nothing on other classes that play 90% the same!'
Why wow players are brown?
I think more devs should take inspiration from WoW. Elden Ring would have been a lot more fun if Atlas Plateau had been delayed a week so everyone could be caught up with eachother instead of a handful of loser neets spoiling the game for the rest of us.
There is a good argument to be made that wow should just reuse the same city for every expansion. It doesn't feel right how much of the world is essentially unused as time goes on.
>capped renown
tell me how or else you're a LARPing faggot
Unironically should just use Dalaran for every expansion. Them destroying it should have been indicative of how things would go
How dogshit is affliction warlock this xpac? I'm trying to learn playing a caster and I deal 1/5th of damage I do on my frost dk and retri while having rotation twice as hard.
kinda bored
>Can write like this
>Join the army
Okay, then go play other games idiot. Trust me, three weeks is NOT a long time compared to OTHER games.
link your character with the title
Spam-grind out Valorstones in the Comp Stomp PvP Brawl.
actually there was a bug where everytime you reloged to a different character it would add your current renown level to the one it counts as total for the achievement, so him having this is entirely possible
>tell me h-
exploit early
exploit often
dont say shit
laugh at boat missers
But dont worry bro! 100% its just the cosmetic exploit with alts, 100% i promise.
there was no rep token exploit day 1 of EA.
none at all
purely a jest friend. :)
game is good and not broken.
be sure to do your dailies.
Can you give examples? I remember hearing about some friend who enjoys OTHER games complaining about needing to wait 8 months to see the rest of a raid, surely OTHER games can't be that bad can they?
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ancestral was good healing
only turboshitter gms thought ele/enh healing tide could be used as a raid cd
>b-but what if you use them together
may as well buff ancestral a bit and delete healing tide from non resto specs
oh wait they did
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>cheat your way to the end of a game
This is (You) btw
hey man, I hope you can get your ass out of that portal at some point
>end of the game
but M+ isnt available yet
are you retarded, friend?
were you dropped on your head as a child perchancetowithafore?
Baby Ruthie?
Nobody wants to hang out in mudhut shitholes and nobody wants to share their city with literal third-worlders. BFA was the best expansion for player cities and should be the norm, nobody enjoys this faggot neutral shit.
Pit Lord and Doomguards are the coolest Burning Legion demons.
Still waiting for your linked toon.
keep writing
like this
your mother will
die in her
If they moved all the Dazar'alor shit to the top of the pyramid I would agree
I want to play and gear up

but wow is for fags
nyalotha doesnt count retard
>Baby Ruthie?
Based oldfag reference.
If you know, you know.
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>check this out
>11k to make an npc something
sounds like you'll fit right in
good she
my fucking
actual retard.
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Holy FUCK wowbros, I was shocked reading this list of all the people who came back for the TWW but it looks like we are SO fucking back!!!

>Chris Metzen is back!
>Asmongold is back!
>George Washington is BACK!
>Garithos is back!
>Illidan is back!
>my granfathers (both of them) are BACK!
>Chris Cornell is BACK!
>Mohammad Atta is BACK!
>Kurt Cobaine is BACK!
>Jeffery Epstine is BACK!
>Sylandra Silverbreeze is BACK!

With this fucking lineup it's clear by every metric that wow once again has fucking won, absolutely unbelievable.
why not
flying ruins the game
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Worlobros. We won.
We fucking won.
Are we all fags then? World of Faggotcraft?

World of Warfaggots?

Faggots of Warcraft?
I accept your concession, troon.
Both of you seemed to miss the point that I meant stormwind/orgrimmar for every expansion.
>flying ruins the game
>sharding ruins the game
>lfg ruins the game
What doesn't?
Good. I peed in the sprite and jizzed in the popcorn. Enjoy.
I didn't even play Nyalotha, I literally logged on once, got AOTC, then logged off.

Last tier I played was BOD, because classic came out right after.
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Just randomly decided to check out warcraftmovies.
We have lost so much soul lads its insane.
While not completely dead I do agree that things happening organically is way the fuck down and that is disheartening.
I was one of the last dwarves actually fighting in the open world of Clan Battlehammer before I moved on (don't know if they died completely or came back for tww.) I would ride my ram the gates of Orgrimmar and try to fight my way in, except what was once a lag inducing headache became horde just flying 30 feet over my head as I dragged grunts into the throne room.
At one point tried to remake some of the fun, made a vulperan warrior went and claimed one of the Wildhammer keeps for myself. Saw a dwarf one time, he just left. Went to Ironforge with wm on, claimed the throne for myself, would go on a Dwarf and post in chat that the king has returned to his throne before fighting npcs forever, because players just are not interested in that gameplay anymore.
Looking at how SoD had raid groups running past each other in pvp events, or how people shit their pants because premade communities actually initiate pvp in epic bgs, I don't think most of the remaining player base want old stories like we once had.
Yes, you got the point.
He joined the army because it's what society told him he should do. He lived his life walking only paths defined for him by people who personally benefited from putting him in danger to protect themselves, or exploiting his labor so they didn't have to do any themselves, and he thought he was free just because his masters gave him a few options for different ways he could serve them.

And if he had refused any of those paths, he'd have been labeled a deserter or a traitor or insane or a vagrant and either violently expelled from the community to fend for himself or violently detained to keep him from influencing those around him. And this entire pattern was set up by long-dead aristocrats to make their high status lifestyles and wealth automatic for themselves and their future generations.

Once this guy was cut off from the systems keeping him in line and left with abundant free time to think, he realized that he was just being used and exploited all along.

Fun fact: This is why we still have 40-hour workweeks in the Western world despite productivity more than tripling since the 1950s and relative wages going down significantly compared to the cost of living. A bunch of rich dudes saw the Progressive Era and the Red Wave happening in other countries and decided that everyone in the working class must always be kept too busy, tired, or poor to think about society and their roles within it, lest they organize and revolt.
i bit it off
I dunno dawg, rework this and try again later
10 points Concrete Chitin, 10 points Large Chitin, 20 points Breastplates or whatever else you want to craft first, then 20 more points in Large Chitin. at this point you can craft rank 3 chest by using concentration. at this point you can spec more into chests so you dont have to concentrate or just spec into different armor pieces.

I would avoid skinning entirely its not worth the time if you're not a bot, just buy it off the AH
>The two shittiest capitals
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Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas (doesn't really matter)
or just put the code oBYVlX7cAJO into the community finder.

You can find the guild in the guild finder tab too (alliance) look for "wowg" in the description.
>Jeffy Eppy is back

Warcraft's hero.
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>Browse ffxiv category on twitch
>its all vtubers, chinks and troons
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imagine a bimbo draenei gf
Mining is good for the first month if you spec into Bismuth and only mine that. Jewelcrafting is solid if you focus on crafting amulets and rings, I think gems are a money loss until the ore prices drop.
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>doesn't want to be spoiled
>reads about it online anyway
Retards like you only have yourselves to blame lmao
how many melties did this doomtranny had today...
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let's goooo
Pretty standard. Bimbo dwarf gf is the new hotness
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Anduin is the most masculine Warcraft character.
>ffhiv’s highest viewercount can’t even beat wow’s average
wow elemental shaman feels kind of shit
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Explain this then
Every high-end recipe including the best in slot bags take like 8+ of them. Sure they might eventually be pointless but it will take a long fucking time before they drop in value.
The World of Warcraft has begun again
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we are so back bros
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>browse wow category on twitch
>!drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops
Have some respect! That is somebodies father.
how many patches is TWW going to get?
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>prevents your wipe
da crew
It's not going to be any longer or shorter than any other expac according to blizz.
can we solo sneedowlands now
>All that alliteration
>where's daddy?
>he's a woman now
I did the same quest and that's not true, there are multiple across the 3 regions, enough to complete the quest.
Is warbands a good addition? Everything I read about it made it seem identical to normal account wide stuff.
try it and tell us
>!drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops !drops
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not so fast barry
It's an evolution of account wide, it's kinda literally it now. Amazing implementation.
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why the fuck my heals only heal for 5-10% of team mates HP? and why i gotta use cooldown on trash packs but bosses are easily healed?

this is in Heroic Dungeons btw. is it just because my ilvl is 560?
anyone wants to play with me on draenor eu? i am a tank
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its only going to be a single raid tier and mythic season for 8 ish months before the next part of world soul goes on sell for 69.99
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lmao no way
All of them belong on my cock
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>Complains there's nothing to do
>Doesn't even have his renown gear
You and you shitty jap tranime game lost.
>He joined the army because it's what society told him he should do
Sounds like a retard then. Womanbrained writing where people are never accountable for their life choices and the onus is always on someone else for 'tricking' them.
Didn't read the rest sorry.
What currency do I spend and what do I save? I'm at full 571 aside from my 4x 584 epics from renown, I don't want to waste shit but I'm sure some of it is a non-issue.
post character first
Why wow lost?
Other games are not even trying.
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how is rogue at max level
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>logged in
>random bg queue popped
>https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3eDqJb37F8GGuM1fkoeE0k is playing
for some reason redditors believe "tldr" means "short summary", yeah they're legit retarded
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I'm not resubbing until i can edit the size of dracthyr tails.
Very overpowered
built for worgen cock
save Kej and Artisan's Acuity, they are used for very valuable crafting items
you can spend the basic renown currency to buy epics though, that shit is pretty common from weeklies
delve keys
curved crests
>dont spend too much
>probably can spend all
weathred crests
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God I miss the days of when WoW was the biggest game on the planet. I would watch all these machinima and pvp video's.
>ancestral is good
>healing tide is garbage
my point stands
Which specs other than tank and BM and Frost DK can just pull and aoe every mob in a quest area with ease.
>retarded coomers think Xal is an elf
>browse ffxiv category yesterday
>browse ffxiv category tomorrow

I thought it was more widely known that ziv is slop even on twitch but this jap event sure did somehow make more than double the views at fucking dawnfart release peak (50k)

i know it's chirps
I meant the words that come after that.
>frost dk
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>when WoW was the biggest game on the planet
It still is doomtranny
Retard here
How do we get sparks these days?
ZIV sisters our response????
bear druid and fury war
oh and save sparks too
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>I played cyberpunk a couple months ago as a female character now I'm trans
Further proof playing as a fem is unironic troon behavior. No amount of deflecting will ever make it not gay as fuck. No woman wants to be with a man who uses female characters and no well adjusted man is so deprived of pussy they play as a fem.
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>clearly upset
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returnee here
is the game falling apart for anyone else?
ive had vanilla ui panels break multiple times needing to /reload to fix and now this
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XIV is pathetic
You've never seen a 12 foot tall bat fly irl? Go outside and touch some grass you'll see this is exactly what it looks like.
>nothing to do for 8 more days
WoW players seems to be upset once again.
Fuck off doomsissy xivtroon poster
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>that Night Elf heritage quest
holy fvcking KINO
how can the other races even compete?
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The lore in this game is done so much better than OG. I'm seriously considering switching to WoW full-time. Something like picrel never will be possible in OG.
What is she then if not my fleshlight?
im gonna post and you wont play with me
Talk about WoW.
They just can't take a hint.
wheres my female goblin dracthyrs???????
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You're either a self-aware shit-eater and you take it up the ass from Blizz knowing the cock is coming, or you're upset. There is literally no in-between. Personally, I'm a shit-eater.
Thanks anon, I appreciate it. Are you guys going all out on enchants or nah? I've only stacked about 200k and wasting some on blues feels a little iffy but as DPS I don't want to be overlooked when mythics start
thats wow not xiv
Why do you have this image saved on your computer?
You are someone's son, anon.
New player here
why this game is so bad and low quality compared to other games
>dont spend too much
Bro valorstones grow on fucking trees.
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i play tank and make my own groups. i will go in at 550ilvl with no enchants or gems and DPS will beg to join my group.
>Low IQ
Select 2
>extremely short timegate for 2 weeks
>game becomes autism simulator 3000 for a year after that
the only time the game ever has a reasonable middle ground is the single heroic week were getting
wow players see it as a badge of honor wading through shit
Is fury actually better than arms in pvp?
As an arms warrior I keep getting dunked on by rogues
I don't really have a comment on what you wrote but Azj Kahet is top tier wow. Overall the expansion zones feel good, but tiny in terms of landmass. Other expansions had 6 zones..
It's the only time raid pugs act halfway decent too.
>Recycled vanilla quest
>Annoying numale "WE ARE SURVIVORS AND SHIT"
>Maiev suddenly being okay with this when she would have just gutted him
what is the name of the addon that shows you gear of all the party/raid member and their enchants and shit?
This is how you know we are the bad guys.
In the Stonevault at the end of the dungeon we fight Void Speaker Eirich, and he keeps saying "I am" "You obey."
That is him trying to break his conditioning.
He has no penis, he's a rock. But he sees the female Earthen and understands that there is a natural order of things. He may not exactly under what it is, but he see's stone boobs and knows that something is up.
He realizes...
>I am a man.
But the Titans (not Odyn) tell him that man and woman are not real. He repeats I am a man, and they tell him "you obey". This torture continues until he's mind broken. But somewhere deep down he understands.
>I am
Instead of helping him fight that Titans mind control and Pavlov conditioning, we just kill him so that other Earthen don't get no crazy ideas.
Least schizophrenic WoW player
trying too hard
Maiev got over her "THEY WUZ MAGES AN SHIEEET" thing like four expacs ago bro. Keep up.
>play the autism simulator genre
>complain about autism simulation
>leaving out the mage sissy getting his dragqueen tranny makeup because
he meant he's "trans" but not going to actually go through outwardly transitioning because he knows he'd be a hideous freak ala >>492882117
upset by what? In that I agree with him completely and your post was useless? retard lmao
>log in
>gather 5 herbs
>log out
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God i wanna impregnate xalatath
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Who has the best guides on how to play various classes, and why is it him?
she hadnt if you played that questline
she doesnt even adress the magebro with his name
>log in
>nothing to do
>log out
>start Black Myth: Wukong
i will probably full enchant myself with the rank1/2
wonder what her feet smells like
See post. Google how to spell a name. Make a post joking about it.
"You're trying to hard."
It's okay to admit that you have no sense of creativity and can't just work off the cuff.
She does halfway through, bro. I did the fucking quest yesterday.
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>Still replying
>Still mad
Maiev is built to be plapped by Illidan
i mean its kind of annoying to get and we dont get any more source of it and you need it for all your gear upgrading

Asmon too
>start visions of mana
>walk 5 feet
>cutscene with a bunch of dips talking about current events of the story
>walk 5 feet
Why cant we just have the legion world quest design? Do like 4 quests in an area and you're done. There's so much bloat and shit on the map now. Daily quests are terrible.
>phonefag just spams u mad over and over
zoomers are so bad at trolling kek
>knew she spergs out about a mage
>acted like shes been over it for years
sure bro
>Normal Raid
>Heroic Raid
>Mythic 0's

TOMORROW sisters. GET HYPE!!! hammers up
Compared to DF, it feels like WQs go so fucking fast. I like the legion design better but I'm finding it really really easy to stay caught up on everything this time.
>Still can't decide if I want to main my Humie, Belf, or Velf
>Keep rotating doing the campaign, world quests, and rares on all 3
uh oh twitchoid coming to vg to spam the same bait
She's over it to the degree where she doesn't murder them on sight. She treats them like you treat the Native American guy outside your corner store.

Then partway through the quest she starts treating them like white people.
based casual pvp chad
cringe fallacy-invested virgins
So delves are just the same "dungeon" over and over again, the only difference being what rare spawns? That's IT? I was led to believe it was a roguelike where everything would be randomized. What's the fucking POINT?
I'm buying and subbing
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I hope we'll be able to side with the chuds of the arathi empire next xpansion
its island expeditions but x10 worse
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Poors literally don't know how to stop coping. Let me guess, you didn't get EA either?
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>Khubbo is returning for TWW
you will never be inner circle koragon
>What's the fucking POINT?
Free Heroic Raid gear without having to interact with a single incel/tryhard.
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whu do they all have the same face?
It's going to be another gay #RESISTANCE where we sail to Avaloren because they're laying siege to Quel'thalas or some shit and help their already established rebel army overthrow the emperor.
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sisters... xir's in.
>buying EA to have nothing to do for a week
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>We'll never have a pure maiden like Whitemane again
you're evolving a little bit, put in a little irrelevance to entice the replies, but it's still pretty bad and you can't hide how obviously that post was from a phone so the chain was lost unfortunately. the retarded monitor lineup, angles, and bezels are a great start. looking forward to you expanding your craft in the future
Drip fed to you one item a week lol
the magical nigress is pure
>Didn't read the rest sorry.
Don't be sorry. You have a neurodevelopmental disorder. You can't help it.

The problem with takes like yours is when ANYONE exercises their free will and chooses to do anything outside of the narrow roles defined for them by others you shit and piss yourself over it. You throw psychotic tantrums that make even the most unhinged toddler look calm and collected in comparison any time you're confronted with anyone that has stepped out of their predefined choreography. And somehow you call your little riots "accountability for THEIR actions", as if they MADE you lose your mind.

As always, it's "rules for thee, not for me" with your type.

Which is why every time we see your type in-game your being plagued by ideological zealots that are actively flying off the deep end left and right. The Priory dungeon is a perfect example of exactly what you call "thinking" but the rest of us consider to be a joke.
so 100% of your effort is for a single vault item once per week, just like m+. it's a complete disaster, but maybe it'll increase the pool of mentally retarded dps/healers to pick from for raids
>literally dead content unless your too much of a shitter to do your weekly key
Reminder if you aren't at least 590 ilvl you're just not getting invited
Why are there so many posts on Twitter calling people racists because of Faerin?
I dont see much hate for her out there.
It reminds me of those Star Wars shows where people start to call people bigots before the shows even came out.
noones getting invited
because nothings open
lmao retard
go do your WQs you dumbass
>"We want Delves to let solo players develop their characters just as much as any other style of play."
>Delves cap out at ilvl 626 instead of 639
I knew they'd fuck it up somehow.
>island expeditions but much worse
>torghast but much worse
you tell me
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Uh oh...the Mazed+ cucks are getting uppity again....maybe a few hundred runs of Siege of Boralus and Grim Batol will put you in your place.
servers are shitting themselves. I haven't seen your particular issues but you can probably attest it to server shits.
>one of the worst fucking M+ seasons ever
this is gonna be a shitshow
the only thing its missing is occulus
>the worst dungeons of all times
Shit eaters get what they deserve.
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This is proof that /wowg/ is chalk full of Legionbabs, btw

I am the the longest running /wowg/ namefag
You youngins will never know the joy of being in a mumble or teamspeak server with the boys
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Why are they all freaking out?
>u need??
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What's the point of staggering the season 1 content? Why not just have it start week 1?
>retard can't read
>mass replies
like pottery
so poopsockers don’t start with a huge advantage over people with jobs
fem panda
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Hunter, so you get a gun to kys with.
Blizzard testing if shit eaters will accept staggering the season 1 further and further from the launch.
So far it seems they are eating that real good.
>i'm not annoying, you're just taking 4chan too seriously :)
so that anyone who started on launch has to be subscribed for two months to open their M+ vault
Imagine giving a single, solitary fuck about streamers and "content creators". People like you should be purged.
t. 2004 Vanilla veteran.
Do people expect me to know these dungeons going in on week 1?
why does it matter? They're going to do that anyways.
it's for this reason and absolutely nothing else
I think the nerubians who are completely bald like mr sunflower look very funny
yes, if you haven't memorized every old dungeon in the game you will be kicked and blacklisted, especially if youre a tank who doesnt know the optimal route
just because some runners are faster doesn’t mean they should start the race earlier
>ps that month is wasted :)
I guess I'll just be a fucking healer then
That was very fast
why would anyone do this
there's no way muh dysphoria is worse than constant humiliation while still having dysphoria (because you clearly look nothing like a woman)
Yep. They want to milk them for a couple more months of sub time. I wonder if they're going to stagger lfr release too just to really squeeze the lfr crowd into paying for 3 months.
EU? More like EW amirite NAchads?
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Forgot picture. If you know, you know.
that's not gentoo
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For people like picrel having non-toxic masculinity = being a crybaby bitch.
Its an equivalent of an idea that all chicks have to be the damsels in distress back in 40-80s.
Its funny how WoW always had a nice balance between honest potrayal of both male and female characters, but the moment it has entered the 'progressive' era of 'tolerance' male characters got heavily shat on.
Fuck Blizzard.
anons im retarded, all this time i didnt know you could change sex (body type) in the barber kek
draenei babes are so plappable holy shit
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which way, white man?
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Hold right there, champion. Choose your destiny for The War Within:

! A Rat's World
>Achieve a seasonal title in any War Within season
>Rewards: Title - The Mazed. Mount: Caged Rat

! Poem of the Shattered Bowels
>Achieve Cutting Edge in any War Within Season
>Have over 300 hours watched on any Echo or Limit streamer on Twitch (Optional)
>Reward: Title - Shit Eater. Mount - Glorious Brown Elemental. Transmog: Ensemble Arsenal - Arnaments of the Prolapsed Titan.

! Path of Greed
>Collect 9,999,999 Gold
>Purchase Mighty Caravan Brutusaur (Optional)
>Purchase a boost for the Keystone Master achievement in any War Within season.
>Reward: Title - The Consumer. Mount: Luxurious Goblin Yacht.

Your choice, champion?
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>would you like to delete a group of enemies
>have 3% leech :) leechyboi :) lil bloodsucky lad :)
So what's the point of World of Mythic+ when m+ is closed for another 2 weeks?
>pre-orders early access for $90
>early access
>nothing to do for a month
>sub ends
>season 1 starts when launch month is over
>pay sub to play season 1
Deathbringer is the only choice since San'layn got gutted just before release.
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Hey same
Now prove you actually played the game back then
I haven't played since early Shadowlands and im confused by the new gearing system.

Is it better right now to get heroic gear and use my currency to upgrade it, or get crafted gear?
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I haven't played the past two expansions.
save your sparks to craft mythic gear once m+ releases
What's the most soi class a dorf can play?
warrior is the soi class regardless of race
Again, what the fuck is the point of Beledar shifting, from a gameplay perspective?
The Concentrated Shadows drop fuck all, and I assume the miniboss that can drop the mount is a daily lockout, so is it just once every 3 hours you get 30 minutes to look for the spawn and once you've killed it you just go back to whatever you were doing?
white men are supposed to think for themselves so you already failed
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nta but, man
fuckin sucks
this the only achievement i have that still has its orig date, all the rest have been over the years hit by the bug that re-earns it for some reason or another.
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>It used to be Maydie, Drakedog, Swifty, Zurog, Krilgen you see running around the world
>Now it's just Kyle on his Paladin main, then his alt DK and mage alt, Scott on his 50th rogue, Josie on her druids, hunter and evoker.
>Immersion is broken
Not Death Knight or Paladin?
Warlock, mage, or monk
Happens whenever you race or faction change. I'm technically still on my original undead mage, but it's changed servers, factions and race so many times over the years.
Thanks anon, was close to wasting them
Which is the best expansion to level through? I just need to level 2 characters
convince me not to smoke when the world is ending within 3 years anyway
So the only way to get max quality is through timegated concentration resource?
RWF mafia has a very strict schedule.
DF since it's default and has the most queuers now
those are incel classes
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technically you can always recraft the item later using a higher ilvl crest to raise it to mythic level, but its a massive waste of mats especially with how expensive they are now
Just craft it once real content releases with crests
What's the based dorf class?
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oh shit wait found one more, only these two.
it's 100% paladin, he just plays one so he didn't want to say it
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Cute shortstacks!
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for me its gobbos
Sanlayn is a non-functional meme spec while Deathbringer is straight up one of the best hero specs in the game
Imagine playing the game for nearly a full work week, then it "launches" and your season doesn't start for another 2 weeks. The "campaign" is timegated and the parts that are released take 15 hours to get through MAYBE if you take your time and read all the quest text.

Then you can grind our maybe the worst set of dungeons ever introduced in the game (city of threads and dawnbreaker) for extremely minor ilvl upgrades that will be replaced upon your first vault reward or tier 5 delve.

I guess you could do professions, but its so retarded complicated to make good money and there are economist level auction house goblins already there to undersell and outbid your ass.
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>all the rest have been over the years hit by the bug that re-earns it for some reason or another.
>Happens whenever you race or faction change.

>Faction change my mage back in Cata
>Re-earn title
>People claim I eBay'd now

It's all so tiresome
Holy shit, this fucker's a Wildhammer.
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You're not wrong. I'm basically just idling and making bank with Enchanting now.
what makes it so great?
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Who gives a fuck about what other people think, honestly? Achievements are just a reminder of shit you've done. Aside from that they mean nothing. People who used to brag about Ahead of the Curve were usually boosted anyway, so it means nothing.
>Pic rel
>Look at me and how I waste time leveling alts
>I am so cool
who thought it was a good idea to make only four dungeons for tww leveling?
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>he boughted
dawnbreaker is fun
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I love them both so much
I love shortstacks i love shortstacks
Yeah, you might've started playing in Vanilla, but how many of you are still playing Strand of the Ancients in 2024?
Lads whats a good nameplay addon that lets me easily see which spells I need to interrupt on my warrior when we're doing big dick pulls in the dungeons?
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cute gobs
for tanking? This motherfucker
it also does obscene damage, which is less overtly useful but very fun
earthen has replaced vulperas
Is dungeons the way to go? I'm leveling a healer and a tank
that shitty ziv expansion?
When even are the Earthern suppose to be unlocked?
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Women should be submissive to men in fantasy, with the exception of dominatrixes.
But will they stay?
what would mplussers do if their maze didn't drop mythic gear at the end of the week?
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All of these gobbos are just begging to get plapped by a kul tiran human
nick avacado looking real fancy in this one
No im begging to get clapped by other gobbos and gnomes
zamn that is bigly
cute onahole
>fatty pudgeweirdo
Yeh nah im good go diddle a treestump.

Gnomes and Gobbos are mortal enemies, it would be nothing more than a hate fuck.
Literally built for cock
shifting into bear form as my sole defensive is not fun blizzard.
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I wasn't asking for permission
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>5 gold
Hmmmm how about no.
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enemies to lovers....
>2 KP or some mettle
its worth to do these as much as possible
bro? your ironbark? your barkskin? your vortex? your dash? your cyclone? your mass entanglement? your entangling roots? your solar beam? your travel form?
representative of a real public order commission
Does Battle for Dazar'alor not have a skip quest for killing 4 bosses?
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female panda asses are built for female goblins heads to rest on.
redditors beating a dead horse
Plater. Then search for quazii plater profile. It's free. Uses special colors for the nameplates of mobs that cast the bad shit you should be looking out for. You can also edit them yourself if you want.
That's public order.
Is m0 opening tomorrow?
>straight up impossible for me to make half of them not because of prices but because it is literally impossible for my character to have enough knowledge points to r3 everything even with r3 mats
>already ran out of concentration

t-thanks ion
>BfA trailer was the last thing metzen
Proofs? I think the last thing Metzen wrote was WE ARE FREEE!
>decide maybe put in effort this seson
>download weakauras
>poke around
>look up example of how its supposed to look/work for class
>decide maybe do delves instead
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sooooo true oomfie
What's the best MMO mouse for small hands? Is the Naga still the GOAT?
I want to be this Goober's pandass
lol this guy has cute hands
Do small hands mean you also have a small cock? Asking for a friend.
You're permanently behind now. Might as well quit.
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small hands haver here
logitech g600
buy 3 of them for when one eventually break
NTA but...

>your ironbark? your barkskin?
Does nothing. Maybe buys you 1 additional second before you die.

>your vortex? your cyclone? your mass entanglement? your entangling roots? your solar beam?
Most of the enemies that would force you to resort to these are immune to them.

>your travel form? your dash?
Get dazed lmao.

Really, the shitty part is what you have to do is burn all of these CDs to knock back an enemy, root it for half a second, Dash away, throw some HoTs on yourself, pop barkskin/ironbark, shift to bear form, then pray that all of these CDs that bought you 0 to 1 second of time add up to enough time to kill the enemy before it kills you.

Meanwhile, most classes have something like Divine Protection + Avenging Wrath to tip the power balance in the exchange in their favor and they don't have to do most of the acrobats and finger origami druids have to for the same effect.
>anything but the g502

Woman alert
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Spider edition. Too many spiders. Just add lot of spiders.
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MMO mouse users in 2024
I hate how long the AH takes to send you your money when you're trying to flip shit.
What's the point if you can't do your whole rotation on it?
>buy logitech mouse
>it immediately starts double clicking
>cant do whole rotation on 4 buttons
>not playing arcane mage
I wish.
Reddragon bros just keep on winning.
For me it's the middle mouse button not registering unless I press it extra hard
Are delves seriously meant to be this expac's "big" feature? Just a repeatable dungeon? There're definitely going to change how delves work to make them more interesting/unique, right? No fucking way this is meant to tide us over for the next two or so years, right?
>There're definitely going to change how delves work to make them more interesting/unique, right?
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Surely it will become more interesting
Don't worry bro, i'm sure delves will get at -least- the amount of love Archeology has gotten. Trust the plan.
BFA added poorruption after expeditions failed miserably
um no lol the tiers will just pile on more enemy health and damage and "modifiers" to make it more annoying
What, you don’t like torgay but even less fun?
imagine torgast
now take away the random element
then take away the fun super powers
there you go delves
>He didn't get the kodo
If I placed a public order for my spark item with no tip would someone actually take it?
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Why is this in the game
Darkmoon profession quest are one time right? Or one time each event.
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They started that way, flesh-gnomes are the unnatural ones.
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So anons tell me. what is wowg's final cope?

the playable mechagnomes are a gay half step

why we couldn't have lil robot dudes ill never know

that would have been kino
enchants will probably go down in price in the next week (assuming you dont play on dead server) but make sure you buy things BEFORE the reset with m0s
if they had deus ex implants i'd consider playing one
you know
instead of this lame shit nobody on this earth likes
reminder to report and hide avatar troons
Alleria cockrunner
>SEA subhumans keep doing 50% undercuts on everything that isn't currently being botted to hell by the chinks

who's the retard who thought a shared AH was a good idea
my cope is that its retarded as the earthen are genderless constructs purpose made by evil gods to be thoughtless robots.
G502. Anyone who tells you different are brand loyal retards that gets their opinions from streamers with #ad in the title.
i just made anki notes with rotation for my frost dk
I will undercut everything to negative profit deal with it
I wish evokers didn't have to turn into dr*cthyr, pres is kinda fun
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names like this probably mean jack shit on a server that isn't the big 4 huh?
I use the Naga. I'm sure there are cheaper knckoff alternatives

I literally could not play the game without it.
I dont know how anyone can. There's laptop gamers who top meters, but I just dont get it.
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shes kinda sexy
Anduin Cry-nn
am i really a chud if i play paladin?
twinky scalies>drag queen elfoids
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What I was hoping.
servers dont matter anymore
>not only can you get patron orders that require secondary reagents you're not specced into, but they can also give you orders for things you straight up don't even have the pattern for
Blizzard is so fucking retarded
Does that mean that names just inherently have no value anymore?
she can weave my balls if you know what I mean he he he !
what is it about greenskin x pinkskin that is so kino?
Only if you play human male
seeing as 95% of the people who you run by in game will fade away never to be see again then yes

at most you'll get a reasonable chuckle out of people with a cool name.
How long did it take you guys to farm 10k honor from comp stomp?
Enchants are on the global AH no?
I had a friend called beckie who had massive tits. I miss her. :(
Stv was Vietnam though
The game has basically been WoW2 since Legion dude.
If you want an MMO go play classic or SoD.

WoW has been more of a fast paced instance based ARPG for nearly a decade at this point. For better or worse.
this isnt just a wow specific problem, the internet just fucking sucks compared to 20 years ago
its all the normalfags, the iphone marked the beginning of the end of internet culture
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>try to play Enh Shaman
>12 buttons in my rotation not including CDs and defensives/utility
No thanks.
>questing NPCs like Hogger, Stitches, Mor'ladim, Wheres Rexxar? Blood of Heroes, The Wetlands run
you get the same exact shit of people memeing about the same 2 or 3 quests
>No one mass duels outside of Ogr or Stormwind, no one goes with their buds ''lets make gnomes and harass horde in the barrens'' at level 5.
yeah people grew up and arent easily amused anymore.
Why make gnomes and corpserun to the barrens when I could get my friends together and do literally anything else, including other video games?
>log in
>log out
Anduin is a little bitch
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>>Simplification for the sake of accessibility is... le bad!
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Take the ele pill sis!
just did this after checking the price of enchants lol
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Fuck disabled people. The rest of the World should not have to revolve around your retarded needs. Figure it out or die. Adapt and survive.
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Yes that's what I mean. STV became Vietnam through Players experiences. It got its nickname from players from being cut-throat PVP zone.
Might just have too. If WoW gave us a split sub for classic and retail I might choose the classic option instead. For the raids BFA/SL raids I can solo the armor looks fuckin' TRASH(casual player)
I want to leave this internet hellhole.
>do all that shit
>end result is casting lightning bolt but instant
nice class blizzard you fuck
wait its really another week of just heroic dungeons
what the fuck is everyone doing then
just face roll
sucks that you are forced to take primordial wave regardless of build or spec tho
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>be alchemist
>orders for recipes I don't know and can't possibly spend 500k gold burning herbs to get
>R3 orders on day 1 of the expansion (fuck you retard) basically only available to people with millions of gold
>entire economy syphons gold up to the big cats aka the retards who buy 10 tokens a week
>on top of all this, AH is broken + botted to shit so it's impossible to get mats at reasonable prices
bravo blizzard
Farming renown
Not playing.
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The Goonies isn't oldfag material, zoomer
there was 100x more PvP in nazjatar and mechagon during BFA than STV had
People just dont circlejerk about it because they are kids or washed up boomers desperately seeking approval from their peers
Craft each recipe once for points. Skill up in something you can specialize in to keep giving points and money. Repeat forever. It's not rocket science.
God I want her to plug my urethra with silk and then edge me until I go crazy.
might finish the campaign and then go slowly level an earthen just so i can stay having heritage armor for every race
take the Guardianpill. it basically plays like a moonkin now with the new Elune spec but it isnt made of paper.
fucking around with alts
I would like the Azeroth to be completely eradicated and the gay fucking writers at Blizzard including Metzen to be torn to pieces by big sweaty hairy dudes with their bear hands. Those sweaty hairy dudes can sit down and write a proper masculine setting about borders and wars and strength and we can have a new MMORPG based on this based setting.
who gives a fuck about professions?
just buy mats in 6 months to level them all for cheap for the cheevo
You got any vids like this for Nazjatar?
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Auction is broken again lmaooo
>trying to be elitist over gaming mice
>anything other than finalmouse
at least say superlight pro x or something, retard kek
works on my machine
I remember Drakedog and the Ovski guys (Gegon was a cool gnome mage). Good times.
And fucking Angwe, the Menethil Harbor cunt.
casual pvp
leveling alts
they discontinued this over a year ago
I lost 200k so far so I don't care
Yeah, all of my sub-achievements except for "Win 100 Matches" are dated back to '09, so I guess the warband patch must've merged achievement progress and I logged in on enough alts to pass 100 total SotA wins across them and got the achievement retroactively?

Now, if only they did that with ALL pvp achievements and reputations. I'd have Battlemaster, Justicar, and Khan.
>4 hours ago

there is, quite literally, nothing to talk about at this point until tomorrow when we can play the last 10 minutes of the "campaign" and unlock rockfags.
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Huffing pandass
One time per Fair, I believe. So after it's gone, the next one to roll around will let you do them again.
It's all doomers dooming doesn't count
Monkeypox dwarves or Cripple representation gnomes
which is worse
Nothing will ever top how awful mechagnomes are
drakedog always had killer songs in his videos
all the good nu metal and metalcore shit
thinking about it, that was my entry drug into obscure shit
thanks drakedog
The novelty of the internet is gone. Broadband was a new concept/service at the time, and it opened an entire world of communication possibilities. Now, high speed internet and computing are everywhere, so MMOs no longer serve the same purpose that they used to (keeping people connected online over a shared set of goals).
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ummm professions and spinning around on the carousel?
>drakedog always had killer songs in his videos
Drakedog's music choice was always kino
mountsmogscheevos mountsmogscheevosmountsmogscheevos! *clapclapclap*
Hordies don't like to admit Naaztajar had an active pvp scene because <RUIN> regularly reamed their asses raw.
Hold the fuck up.
Why isn't Hallowfall being swarmed by Kobolds?
Why wouldn't they be OBSESSED with a place they can live that's green, full of resources, and (until recently) fully lit 24/7/365 without burning any candles?

Hallowfall is Kobold Heaven and it's right next to the Ringing Deeps. Even with Beledar going dark now, the entire time it's lit is time they can be stockpiling candles instead of using them.
Wait, people willingly participate in the gankfest called wPVP?
because the WoW devs have wanted to shoehorn Kobolds and Catacombs into WoW since it came out and finally got a chance to turn it into an entire zone
>He sucks at PvP
lmao'ing at your shitter-ass
Yes, we have friends.
>He can't take on 6 people at once
Reroll uninstall wizard SHITTER
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i cant keep dozing off in my chair
>t. too shit for rated
How you can stomach playing PvP in this game anymore is beyond me.. You've gotten what? 2% new content over 20 years? It's dead.
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I'll have you know I'm patiently waiting for solo-RBGs
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fellas do I order a pidzer or brgr?
>New content
You mean you leave the arena? Id prefer just nagrand and blades edge forever myself tho I do sometimes enjoy the shitfests of lordaeron and dalaran

Kill the rest
Shit keeps going dark tho
it only dark
dark cant hurt you if you keep glow in the dark buttplug inside
>blizzard's gear update on older character that isn't level 70
>Click it
>Worse gear
>Worse bags
>Unequip my profession gear and mail it back to me

The Jailer was behind this.
>sub, outlaw
blizz: rogue has other specs?
You Are Now Invited To My Mythic Party.
reminder this also permanently bricks your character and renders it unable to get heritage armor or certain achievements
have fun

Get an island green smoothie and a chicken wrap you disgusting fatbody
Chat what's the bee farming for?
Less than a day

Rogue got the least love for TWW of literally any class
What kind of achievements? Are they race/class related?
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>finally enter a market
>prices have more than halved
>dont p2w
idk what you expected
I'll have you know I'm 185 lbs
This is true but good because Blizzard always ruins sub and as long as sub is viable that's all that matters

Arcane is viable as well this is looking to be a fun session

>Get EA
>Make 1m in 3 days
>nO pOwEr aDvAnTaGe
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>You'll come visit us sometimes, right anon?

Not the flex you think it is when you're 4'10 you disgusting homunculus
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>go to g2g.com
>make 2,000,000 gold in 5 minutes by spending $10
>get banned
any time I have ever bought gold I was suspended within the day
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I'm 6'2"

easy ban
>tomboy with goggles
5-6 vicious flasks
depends on how many people want to afk
>he used playerauctions
skill issue
I've been buying gold from g2g since 2019 and not once gotten banned
they ban you for a month and only if people report you AND you get to keep the gold
not even remotely true lmao
Are you a man or a woman?
Thanks xia ping, i'll make sure to buy gold from you next time.
you can prob get a new one off amazon
i bought one 3 months ago for like 120 dollars
Better my money puts rice on the table for some poor venezualan than going into microsoft's pockets
actually based
How does that work? How are they selling gold cheaper than what gold is worth via tokens? Isn't that like selling something on the AH under vendor price?
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Get a burger pizza. Go to mcdonalds and buy two big macs, take them to domino's and ask them to chop them up into tiny bits and add it to a large pizza as the topping instead of something lame like pepperoni or sausage.
Trust me, would someone here steer you wrong?
no one would take the risk to buy gold from them if they could get MORE gold without the risk of being banned
its chink farmers and boosting communities selling the gold they cant carry anymroe
there's no way nigga
redpill me on this, im looking at this shit and it lets you choose to be sent the gold or do some auction house autism
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Silly fucking anon.
Gold is a literal pixel. It's free. Just go farm it.
literally happened to my raid leader
we had to stream for him so he could raid lead for a month lmao
blizzard's policy has always been "yeah give them a slap on the wrist and don't take the RMT/exploited items away" hence the saying "exploit early and often"
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oops meant for >>492900212
you obviously gave the correct answer
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>another daily retail-obsessed /v/ thread reaches bump limit
>farm herbs and ores for 10 hours
>sells for 40k back when prices were better a few days ago
>try to craft some shit after investing hundreds of thousands in the prof
>profit margins are in the negative because everyone else is also doing it
>try flipping
>prices only go down
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
if you aren't making 50-7k from gathering an hour then you're actually a retard
i guess this doesn't apply to sellers, I have a friend who's piss poor irl and he could legit be making good money from selling gold he gets from boosts (he's in one of the bigdick booster groups) but he's pissing his pants at the thought of getting perma'd
>calling someone else a retard
great counterpoint poorfag
can't imagine browsing /v/ in 2024 sis
>buying multiple millions at a time
>since 2019
>still needs to buy gold today
I don't believe you. What have you spent dozens/hundreds of millions on in game?
It's far more likely that you're shilling your own site.
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hows my goblin look fellas
exactly the same as everyone else's goblin
shit chest piece
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>even nobbel is making fun of anduin being a chronic girlyman
Why would you lie like that? It's 200k not 2m
>farming renown
suck my fucking dick with that brain dead shit.

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