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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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It's Not Over Kill That Primeval Edition

>The Final Shape

TWAB (08/29): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-08-29-2024
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8053
The New Path for Bungie: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/newpath

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>492397242
wait a minute... that cropped out titan on the right...
what is he doing?
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>me with my Truth
It's perfect
I haven't logged on since the layoffs post final shit.

How have the echos acts been? Anyone enjoying it and can say for sure if I should come back?
>I'm 100% percent uploading myself into a robot when I'm really old.
Genetic immortality is the way. The flesh can re-grow, metal rusts.
>gay homo fags
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>The flesh can re-grow metal ru-
>dragonforce made a skyrim inspired song and a legend of zelda song
>windrose made a DRG inspired song
>megadeth made a GOW inspired song
>A7F with black ops zombies
>no destiny inspired metal song
Truly, this is an irrelevant game.
BOY. Okay wait. Do you mean like having children over and over again so you have your bloodline legacy? Or are you talking about like, having some insane nightmare body that never stops regrowing and you live forever and become a horrifying Akira monster while I have an army of 1000 robots that I keep uploading into and we have a fight at the end of the earth's existence just you and me....
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Some piss for the future...
Some wait for the call..

To say that the days ahead..
Will be.. the best of all..
We will build bridges
Up to our ass
Heavenly piss surrounding
You and I

From out of the darkness
Our piss will come

If we leave the past behind
We'll piss beyond the sun
We'll be together
Pissing the load

Watching in wonder as our piss unfolds

It's coming from our ass
How much can we achieve?

It will belong to us...
If we believe!
If we believe!

Piss shines brightest in the dark
When nothing's ever seen
Lighting undiscovered places
No piss has ever been

Some piss for the future...
Some wait for the call..
To say that our destiny
Will be the best piss of all
And we will build bridges..
Up to our ass..

And heavenly piss
Surrounding you... and I

Piss shines brightest in the dark
Where nothing's ever seen
Lighting undiscovered places
No-one's ever been

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I mean finding a way to keep your body in the state it is in your mid/late 20s to early 30s. Then maybe if they figure out how axolotls can regrow their brains, adding that in too.
I'm not fighting you though, homie. If I can live forever I'm bugging off to see the galaxy. Earth is yours.

Well wait can I come? We don't have to fight we can explore together. I don't really care about what I'm doing I just want to live forever so I can see everything. Honestly I'd love to be 25 again. The cunty years stretched out forever....
Its up!
Sure, why not.
It's up
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Yay. I can't wait to see what crazy stuff is out there. Destiny taught me everything I need to know about how to interact with aliens.
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man I swear marty has BTFOd bungie, activision, microsoft and now misleading allegations of sexual assault
just let this guy rest already
Yeah, i'm out
ur not out until Bungie says you’re out
Play gambit
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Fags on the horizon! Bring a rope!
It's up
>started saving bounties for the next episode
once more unto the breach
> aztec ross is a doom tranny
kill a steamies
You meant he got BTFOd, surely
Whats the story behind the difference in the preview image and the troon colors we get when its equipped?
yea, those millions he got from winning the lawsuit were terrible for him. fuck off, tranny
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except for the part where he got sued for stealing bungie files and had to pay them and return the files as well as never speak about his work again lmao. And how he wasted thousands running for congress and how he recently got exposed for being a weirdo and touching women without their permission. That marty right
>stealing bungie files
You mean Parsons attempting to have the lawyers jew Marty out of his creations as revenge?
>wasted thousands running for congress
>touching women without their permission
never happened
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This you?
im gonna mow my lawn and then play destiny
I used to have horses who would mow the lawn for me
make sure to go around the mushroom.
Wait wut.. why? I always just go over them
Sorry I'm having an episode and say strange things when my stomach is full of cum.
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>erm, marty litewally raped a woman who said he raped her years ago
>no she didnt talk about this before cuz of.... uhhhh..... SHE JUST DIDNT ALRIGHT U STUPID CHUD
Lol the "accuser" deleted her twitter posts because she knew it was bullshit. cunt didnt want to get sued
marty's a god and he was bungie's last bastion before they declined
>he got sued for stealing bungie files
You mean the shit Bungie were forced by the court to give him because MoT was ruled to be his creation?
The files that Bungie couldn't touch until their lawyers found a loophole by going after his unfinished pieces he uploaded on youtube by claiming "they're unreleased material that belongs to Bungie, so he must pay us in damages."
Those "stolen" files?
>he recently got exposed for being a weirdo and touching women without their permission
You mean that time he "crashed" a Halloween party by dressing up as a ghoul and chasing employees at random around the office just for one of the women there to overreact and threaten him with a knife to his throat? A moment he followed up on by apologizing to every female employee there the next day by sending all of them a rose and chocolate?
That "incident?"
I'll give you the congress thing though, he was full on retarded with that. Something that even he admits.
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>did the encore mission solo because I have no one to play with
>the only time I died was when I fucked up jumps
I was playing on warlock though, so it's essentially cheating.
Anyone who asks for evidence is just as complicit in the crime.
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i had the exact same experience
theres also no reason to do your first time on hard (like every exotic mission)
One woman made a Twitter post about something she claimed happened 25 years ago and then deleted it #BelieveAllWomen
Okay no seriously why the fuck do people believe shit like this? You have no evidence whatsoever yet hordes of feminists and weak "men" always support them
will you play it?
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>did encore mission solo (both difficulties) as titan
>only died because I forgot to reduce my frames so a glancing shot from a cyclops disintegrated me
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no, i hate mobile shit
Halloween party
he arrived late
acted like a creep because no one could recognize him
people told him to act creepy on purpose
some girl went nuclear and pulled a knife towards him
he apologized
she then tried to tell everyone he was creep while leaving out 90% of the context
when she realized it wasn't going to end well for her because he could sue her for lying she deleted her posts.
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Didn't need to click the link to say no
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>until dawn
oh lmao this is gonna get aborted soon
>emerging ip
>until dawn
>the last of us
The thing is she talked about the incident 10 years ago on twitter in a reminiscent tone. I wonder what changed her approach to those events.
You can't even claim "she was too young and didn't realize it back then" because both her and Marty were well into their adulthood.
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>/dg/ - Destiny General
The bottom 3 will all be massive flops. Who's the retard who thought these would be successful
Will soon be known as /bg/ Bungie General due to marathon being a massive success
Firewalk are bungie retard. everyone they showed in the promo vids were ex bungie devs
the game was recycled matter crap
its why bungie urged sony to purchase firewalk
>/dg/ -- Destiny General
Anyone here excited for destabilizing rounds?
Because if you are you are a stupid faggot lol
Yes! Of course. I need a good mobile game to play while I'm tangled up with my lover and we're bedrotting for hours.
>/dg/ -- Dead General
that would be /tg/
subsistence is already the best perk
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i love you loreley splendor
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Stupid slutty Lorelei Splendor...
holy moly...
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alright, which one of you retards did this?
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wtf is wrong with people these days
unironically, chemicals in the water.
WRONG. Its technology and social media being introduced at such an early age.
There's room enough that it can be both
oh so NOW it's a problem? not when we had multiple days of OTHER games posting?
You're just seeing the adapting skills of human nature. Lonely boys who don't get enough attention can get a lot more attention and love as a femboy from other lonely boys.
When off topic posting is a problem is entirely dependent on how bad of a mood someone is. That anon is in a bad mood today so he's being a grump.
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hang yourself and never reply to me again
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people can avoid being bullied nowadays by forming hugboxes online. this emboldens people to be brazen degenerates
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See? Just a lil grumpy grump taking out his feelings on the generals he visits. Who's a pissy Peter?
Destiny 2 Episode 3 will follow the same path as Half-Life
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no friends or family to hang out with today guess it's more destiny for me
>you have to do two types of puzzles for outbreak
man fuck this gay shit
i got rapid hit i dont care anymore
All of this shit is pump and dump. All these game industry people are trying to cash out like a dingy casino resort that's got maybe a year tops except with games the lifespan is shorter and pressure is more so. We're in such a demented tainted point in gaming, that being said I think some consumers are quicker to call bullshit because so many of the same scams are getting repeated. The information to analyze is more readily accessible and you're not totally dependent on complete shills to give you a first look. I am so excited for Marathon to be dog shit.
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So now with Concord being made by Bungie employees and it's the biggest flop of all time, what's next for Marathon
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>being made by Bungie employees
Im just gonna say it because no one else will but clocks without numbers or roman numerals are gay as fuck. Nobody who actually uses their watch or clock to tell time uses those
Lol is this true for b4b?
No it was "From the Creaters of L4D2" when in reality it was 6 fucking guys and the rest being a new team. Which is probably the same thing with concord.
>Arkane studios will never make another prey-like or prey sequel again because it got shut down for making a terrible live service game thanks to being strongarmed by low IQ investors
I'm sad, bros.
I do. I have a few coach watches that don't have numbers. It's for fashion mostly, but I do look at them to check the time. Dual Destiny showed that anyone who can't read a numberless clock clearly didn't have a childhood moment when their father was screaming at them to figure out what time it was on a numberless clock. Everyone I know who had their screaming father moment can read them just fine lol.
I would kill for a prey 2
can shaxx count
He's a titan so no
>I do
okay fine but like... its still gay..
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8v8 is kind of a mixed bag but at least im having fun
6 fucking guys who also didn't do any of the real work from what I recall.
The fuck when did they announce this?
it's live right now in labs, try it out
>combined arms
I mean, better late than never but what made them just now think of doing it?
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Infinite heavy sword ammo tomorrow I'm so excited...
>flame sword
seems very uncomfortable
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Right? Especially with really long hair lol. Also speaking of swords I was thinking about why I love looking at the arc conductor sword and then I saw someone post this the other day and it all came flooding back.
Is there any sword like it in destiny? Looks wise that is
I looked through my vault and some of the exotic skins and it doesn't seem like it. Maybe some from D1 or some raid swords I never saw? (tfw raidlet)
Crown-Splitter/Throne-Cleaver or Hero of Ages is probably as close as you can get. Most Destiny swords have blades wider than the guard.
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He surely was blacklisted out of industry and constantly tries to relieve the glorious past. He pops in literally WHO yt channels that praise his old music. Guy seeks attention and is full on nostalgia-fag, that always rants about good ol' days.
Corpos definitely mind broke him. And MotS was supposed to be his eternal triumph, but it's just an obscure footnote in history, due to Destiny being a failure and him being shitcanned, which led to messy lawsuits.
Guy was even bullied by a fucking reddit mods.

This is not healthy, and I feel sorry for him.
defeating the witness didnt really feel that grand
the first time it was a bit exciting.
but every time after, it feels like a chore, all of Salvations Edge and Excision were not made to be replayed well, like other raids
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I couldn't take him seriously with those puppy eyes. What a monumental failure of design.
Marty O'Donnell will never work at Bungie or a prolific studio ever again, you will never be white
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Yeah his design definitely played a role. I feel like the battle environment should've been different too. Im thinking 4 kings from dark souls type of thing and maybe in the pitch black occasionally show us shards of potential futures where the last city falls and characters dying or something to try and demoralize us idk
It was hard for me to be that interested because Rhulk's fight was so awesome and then the Witnesses' fight felt really bland. Going backwards to a stand there and shoot boss is bleh.
Why would he want to work for the dying piece of shit that is current Bungie
>Datto going back to complaining that the game is too easy and we're too powerful

This is how we get more BULLSHIT fucking bullet sponge enemies because Bungie cannot add difficulty without shitty modifiers and fucked up enemy health
Hope Bungie knows better, because all this difficulty hoopla led to the situation, where even players like Saltagreppo weren't big fans of it, and also led to a mass exodus of casuals since Lightfall.
I love my boomer zionist retard who made my first fps
> fromdrone wants every game to be fromslop
go back, go fucking back
t. always dies to the witness beams
thats not what he said retard, he literally said the enemy sandbox has barely change to keep up with the Guardian which is why the just inflate health
>she actually watched it
calm your tits tranno
Fuck off you disgusting shill rat
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You win Traveler...I have given up for now...

Anyone got any fun weapons to chase after? Like something from Shaxx or Drifter or a nightfall.
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That's cool and all but...
ros arago with rewind and onslaught
Could be value. I have a nice one with subsistence. Do you think RR is better?
Huh oh yeah we didn't get that August preview did we? Uh Hippy status?
Somebody I know was in the focus group for it, it basically was like CoD mobile but with Destiny stripped down, sort of a close to Dark Age setting, think Ikora origin? but pretty mindless slop and the shared sentiments were "uh it's fine, get why they'd do this market, but why is this not in the main game?" the "this" being the setting and other motivations.
there doesn't seem to be much overlap between mobile and normal gaming audiences, if anything the mobile version will just milk whales and third worlders like cod mobile
netease will take a cut, then the rest will go to subsidizing the real game
idk its fine i guess
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Turn on the news
Doesn't matter what channel
Yep, just find slobs who mindlessly click button on phone like a younger geriatric at a slot machine and that's it. People expect the world of balancing and thoughtful shit in mobile card games and other stuff but it just doesn't happen because that talent nor care is there in that shit. It's a facet as to why gaming has been in the shitter, so many of these people want to hitch their wagon to soulless casino, cash out, and get out before the thing implodes
I turned it on and only saw local shootings what happened
they hit the fucking pentagon
>I'll give you the congress thing though, he was full on retarded with that. Something that even he admits.
proof? faggot?
meant for >>492904389
>marty appreciates his fans and engages with them
>he's such an attention whore!
are you retarded and stupid?
remember guardians, the best way to avoid siva pox is to not engage in homosexual actions with other guardians
They say it's a plane but it looked more like a [REDACTED and BANNED]
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I actually looked so much wondering what you were talking about. I feel tricked and stupid now
Zoomer "futa" Brainrot
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they really need to buff unbreakable
theres no other aspect to pair with it on void titan
now that bubble is shit tier in pvp can we finally get some buffs to this iconic class?
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Play Minecraft
too bad i have bad memories from the last time i played it
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There's nothing wrong with pressing your feminine bulge up against a guys butt and then him having a meltdown about his sexuality.
This. I thought when I got the exotic mark with spirit of 2 nades and spirit of bear it was going to be great with Unbreakable, but it feels so bad. The cooldown is way too long.
I missed that game. When it came out I was more into Payday and Dead Island.
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All right.
i've been slowly playing through super hostile (b1.7.3) maps for a while now
wat is a feminine bulge
trannoid benis
Is that one of the Ergo Sum intrinsic traits?
god i wish
Tratto faggot is on another 20 minute rant about how easy the game is again.

Can Bungie create some 100 level Uber grandmaster horde mode for this faggot where if he dies his entire account gets deleted...but if he succeeds he gets a exclusive emblem!
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I showed you my Ergo Sum, please respond
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anyone actually want to do something in game?
i am a male feminist who plays as a strong (awoken) female titan
Female Awoken Titan is what women play. I have news for you anon.
lay the news on top of me (as i am a bottom)
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just get both
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Fiiiiiiiine I'll make sure when it comes up again in the lost sectors I'll grab it because I really do love wewindwounds. Even though I have the perfect combo where I have repulsor brace for when I play my hunter with gearfalcons and then subs for when I'm not on hunter. Look at it, isn't she beautiful.
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when is the next week of iron banner?? i've been waiting forever what the FUCK
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i don't like concord
8 hours of maintenance today. Here's your chance to be somebody. Go live your dreams. I believe in you.
What could eight hours of down time possibly be for?
Are all the new "BTW, did you know were gay?" voice lines really that big?
im so glad that we have uncompressed sound files of saint and osiris AND bimbus saying inane dogshit instead of the vaulted content ripped out of the game
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Sweatcicle is fucking worse, every little thing Bungie doesn't do that he wants he cries and screams like an angry crack addict, I wish he would just rope already
i just wish they would announce what they are doing for next years expansion or whatever, people are already assuming they are going into maintenance mode after heresy
reminder that this "thing" is a troonie
Won't be long before more people "break" this story but the short of it is that yesterday it was announced at an internal meeting that development on Destiny 2 will end after Heresy with a small team remaining to perform critical tasks. The rest of the staff will be split into two teams. One will work on the Destiny mobile title with NetEase (now retitled Destiny Rising) that's about to enter full production, the other will work to create a narrative experience for Marathon in order to attract a wider audience to the game.
Hopefully even bungie can see that marathon will be doa, but I guess they have too much tied up in it to just let it die. They have to at least try and make money with it.
Leaks have been saying for a while that there won't be annual expansions or overarching storylines anymore, just multiple Warmind-sized DLCs and 2 seasons/episodes.
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>the other will work to create a narrative experience for Marathon
The fact that bungie hasnt fired everyone in the narrative team is beyond me. Cant wait for everyone in Marathon to be gay and retarded.
Oh, that explains why all the bungie employees are so gloomy right now
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They fired most of the narrative team recently
Isn't this the guy that made Saint and Osiris gay
Honestly, with Echoes flopping so badly due to the constant faggotry, it's probably not an exaggeration to say that he's the reason the game died.
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Funny how in 2013 she and Marty were laughing together over the whole incident, and then in 2025 the event in question suddenly became an instance of horrible harassment. Just when Marty started going into politics and opinions that his ex-bungo friends disagree with.
>layoffs happen
>mods in subreddit become less strict and unwarranted bans are less frequent
Has any game dev been caught paying off mods in their game's subreddit? I know it doesn't take a high IQ to figure that out but I find it frustrating how a lot of retards think this is some flat earth conspiracy theory when it isn't.
Yes, he was also responsible for seasonal stories from Hunt until now (expect Episode 2 to be also tainted by him), so you can now guess why almost all seasonal arcs were interpersonal drama, daddy issues and mental instability in general.
What are you guys listening to at the moment? I'm listening to Heart - "Barracuda" (1977) :)
Some time ago EA were caught using paid employees as moderators for a Star Wars game subreddit, they were all kicked out. Cozmo was a reddit mod before he got employed by Bungie. It is plausible that reddit mods can also come from Bungo's own employees.
>"I learned"
He 100% inserted it. Maybe he wasn't the only faggot willing to make saint and Osiris gay, but they aren't gay until he took over.
Or that the mods try to cover for Bungie because they want to get hired too.
so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... we all hyped for the anniversary coming up?
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i don't remember what arc warlock was like d1, can you guys remind me?
Sniping retards with the melee and thunderbolt nades. Enemy team shitting their pants at the super
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>franchise dies on it's own 10-year anniversary
Honestly, pretty fucking kino. They didn't lie. It was 10-year commitment.
And to think 343 originally planned Halo Shitfinite to be a 10 year thing.
The kitties won...
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>cat dances on destinies grave
>tfw you bought a big shark stuffed animal when you were younger because you love sharks and year later find out the troons claimed it as their own
troon purge NOW
A Trust with incandescent, sista(brotha)!
>just multiple Warmind-sized DLCs and 2 seasons/episodes
fine with me, better then completely shutting down support
I like to dance in the rain.
What happened to Frontiers?
if they shut down support for the game i will kill pete parsons, i just wanna play
im calling bullshit
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>me desperately trying to message Pete Parsons in Destiny to warn him, but I can't because filter keeps deleting his name
i paid well over 200 dollars for every expansion since Forsaken, I will not tolerate them killing this game, I don't give a fuck if we get Beyond Light-sized DLCs or whatever, im not a parasocial addict retard but I do expect servers to stay the fuck online, I paid for a product, therefore I demand access
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All I fucking want in D2 is that robe.
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too bad.
>still no star eater mark
also, how do i unlock twight arsenal on void? i've done the campaign and i've already got song of flame and blade dance so why can't i use it on void?
I dunno. Tried to buy it from Ikora?
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smoll fix
The most fucked up overlooked thing in the AFK-macro drama and it’s confusing to me why people who have influence haven’t said shit of this extent, is Bungie spent the energy, time and manpower having people snooping through Discord servers and connecting dots to see who’s information lead to their Bungie account which lead to them being banned. That can’t be an insignificant amount of time to do all that. The worst part of it is there was people who were members of the discord server who haven’t played Destiny in years who got banned and it was basically guilty by association which is so fucked and out of control. That’s basically like you being a youtube follower of somebody who made a video of button mapping macro on a gaming mouse to and Bungie finds your YouTube name is same as your Bungie account and you’re banned. Then again this is the same company that banned a dude for being an essential creep or nuked all mention of Indica being on the Last Wish first team because he also was a fucked up retard. Maybe Hippy was right that the Bungie care bear hug fest is all bluster
Same with bans on youtube. That's the general problem with any service. They can ban you citing 'violation of terms of service' but when pressed, they will never actually tell what was wrong, just 'you know the rules you violated, you're banned, bye'. That is, of course, if anyone deigns you important enough to answer in person instead of giving you a bot canned response.
i'm retarded but how much hours till maintence ends?
"Pay" is where things get hazy or not even necessary when you can find the most rotted out hyper autistic non stop argumentative retard to be your failsafe and just drag out conversations, and then start shadowbanning and nuking threads. There was a guy on reddt called Woodhouse who I shit you not is/was a mod/sometimes head mod in at least over 30 or so games subs and just constantly on this white knight bootlicker quest to just scrub everything in sight, drag out arguments, and just restart whenever dissent happened. He ruined a lot of good subs that were often decent for gathered information and organized discussion and he just kept bouncing to new games to do the same shit.
Your Content This Week™
- Some more dialogue featuring superfluous gay and lesbian relationship drama.
- Do the exotic mission again with a few differences in it compared to last week.
- You will be able to focus the final 2 weapons of the episode.
- Another week of boring bright dust offerings

Thank you.
good morning sir
>Play Exotic Mission solo because FUCK LFG.
>Unclear what I am supposed to do or where I am supposed to go.
>Play Gambit or Onslop.

Anyone else do this?
>Unclear what I am supposed to do or where I am supposed to go.
>Anyone else do this?
No, I'm not retarded.
Nah. I also blind soloed it, it wasn't too bad, though the first room with Connect nodes or whatever annoyed me greatly.
I had to look up a guide during the final boss because I didn't realize I got softlocked by the missing shield triangle bullshit.
I'm yet to encounter any softlocks in my 5 clears.
But last boss feels janky. It doesn't feel right that I can break the 2nd triangle immediately after the first DPS phase.
Also blind solo’d it, took me 10 minutes to figure out how to progress from the starting area but it was pretty smooth sailing from there for me.
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Fuck you i was gonna post that
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>While we determine the best path ahead, Concord sales will cease immediately and we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased the game for PS5 or PC. If you purchased the game for PlayStation 5 from the PlayStation Store or PlayStation Direct, a refund will be issued back to your original payment method.


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I missed that episode 3 started. Is this the one where they released everything for the season at once with no time gating? If so, is any of the story stuff sort of interesting or are the new weapons good?
dude imagine they just rework everything and change the look of the characters and cover art, and it becomes a huge hit.

that would be the biggest comeback in our entire human history
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marathon bros, i dont feel so well
This is episode 1 act 3. The timegating is being lessened in episode 2, which is in about a month.
Oh my bad, I've been getting acts and episodes mixed up since this whole thing started. So they're still drip feeding this stuff for this final act?
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I expected 2 months not 2 weeks
>they're unlaunching the game
>game is immediately off sale
>everyone gets a refund
that's surprisingly nice of them, if it were any other company they would have just taken what little money they had and ran with it
yes, the craftable exotic has perks time gated just like wish keeper
Nature is healing
That's a bummer, thanks for the info.
best perk was the first one though
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They can probably brute force Marathon to be a success, at least at first, with marketing and paying off Destiny and Tarkov streamers. Marathon doesn't seem to have a problem with bad art direction, like Concord does.
whats going through bungies mind right now
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>mmmm soda
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hopefully a bullet
Cute cot
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>studio full of ex-Bungie devs bombed Concord
>nuBungie fumbling the ball with Destiny and other projects
Snoy is being doublefucked by Bungie.
>paying off Destiny and Tarkov streamers
Concord did this, they even had Datto doing sponsored streams and it changed nothing
>full of ex-Bungie devs
Was it actually or was it five guys and a brand new team?
Datto streaming concord shows how much of a nothing burger streamer he is lol
He really is just Bungies puppet
around ~30 devs with Bungie ties out of ~160 team.

>The newest PlayStation first-party studio is filled with veteran AAA talents who have worked on franchises like Call of Duty, Destiny, Halo, Apex Legends, Mass Effect and more:
>Veteran Devs from Bungie, Respawn Entertainment, Activision, BioWare, Raven Software And More
>Studio founded in 2018 by Bungie veterans
>150 Employees
>Based In Bellevue, Washington
>Harold Ryan Firewalk Studios CEO, Former CEO, President And Chairman At Bungie
>Tony Hsu Firewalk Studios, Studio Head, Previously GM And SVP Of Destiny At Activision
> Ryan Ellis Game Director, Previously Creative Director At Bungie
firewalk was literally the crucible team from d2 I don't even think the studio contained non bungie employees
Bungie reviewed game BTW
that was obvious since atleast d2y1.never believe content creators who get invited to the studio/have their financial wellbeing tied to the game.
Yes, I still believe in the Bungie team.
Yes, I'm excited for Marathon.
Yes, I raised my hand.
We exist.
We're valid.
And we will not be silenced.
Khostov ornament for bd in the everworse
khovostov ornament for dust
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>Bungie urged Sony to purchase Firewalk from Onlymonsters (owned by a exbungie executive)
>exbungie developers worked on concord which is why the game has hunter dodges, similar gunplay and abilities
>bungie cancelled like 4 live service games for this trash

how are sony and bungie going to recover from this? their hands are completely drenched in this shit. if this isn't telling for Marathon then I dont know what will be
finally a reason to boot the game
Would smash her black creamy cunt with my bwc
Would smash her black creamy cunt with my bhc
>And we will not be silenced.
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as they say even a stick can shoot once a year, pretty good ornament for someone as devoid of passion as bungie
datto just confirmed his concord payments for the sponsored streams has not been received yet. lol
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>he does it for free
>he did it for free
you can't forget that bungie consulted on the last of us live service game which sony canned without ever even releasing
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>parsons at the next sony conference
Honestly watching Concord streams it really doesn't look too bad. Was all the shit flinging really bout the character designs? Oh well. I guess Xbox fans needed some small victory after Infinite failed.
Are you retarded? the game sucked. It was wannabe destiny pvp which was a horrible idea. The designs were a cherry on top of this shitsundae
need sassy femtitan to put me in my place and force me to completely change my builds to support her
I like how destiny players praise the gunplay of this shit game when the gunplay is so fucking primitive and boring that everyone prefers to use abilities instead
>starved of ammo constantly
>guns feel awkward and archaic
>many feel exactly the same like how every trace and every shotgun feels exactly the fucking same
>no advanced movement tech because you retards fear stompees of all things so the game feels like sluggish trash
Jesus just sell destiny back to Activision at this point
shit bait
Overwatch won.
honestly the bigger loser here is Palworld
>"oh fuck I guess hiring all the fags and women doesn't actually work"
Is there no update to download this week? Why the fuck did they have to go down for 1/3rd of a day for?
should I bother with the other choir catalsts? I dont like this buggy mess of a mission
That they're done for. Nobody gives a shit about PvP games any more, unless they're called CoD or are made by Valve / Riot. Marathon will flop just like Concord and The Finals did.
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>no iron banner

Just wait until next week and get all 3 at once.
>The Finals
I think I hard this name before.there many games that crash and burn on release now.is the industry reaching a critical mass of retardation?
next week, trust the plan
yeah seems like a good idea.I just checked the quest and it seems i wont have to run it on legendary again..is that concession on bungie's part?
>double nightfall rewards
>the week it's the shitty fucking sniper
all secret chests might not be available at once
But Palworld was unironically made by a small indie team wasn't it
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a million lost sectors are not enough for bungie. I alt-f4d immediately after seeing the quest step
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reset day btw
and the game is fun and everyone had their fill.I honestly prefer that over slop that only exist to farm engagement.destiny was better without the seasonal shit.
i think most people just play on the weekend regardless
Watch Sony force Marathon to implement a single player story mode to have something to fall on in case it's a repeat of this
im at school give me a minute
There's a raw BM ep with some D2 titled songs and in Vow of the Disciple he uses a Rhulk quote. It's alright.


>Vow of the Disciple
>Pit of Heresy
Has any streamer attempted to finish every weekly milestone on all 3 characters in a week.

Bungie throws so much shit to do at the player that even that seemingly basic task would be worthy of a marathon streaming session. Just having a clean and finished H.E.L.M. requires 3 completions of the exotic mission, 9 battlegrounds,3 Breach Executables, 2 full Enigma Protocol completions and 3 of those missions above must be on Legend difficulty.Who has time for any of that bullshit? And that's for ONE character!
every streamer on the release of a new dlc does this

Until Dawn is weird to put as a franchise, but had they said "Dark Pictures Anthology" I'd have been really happy. I like Supermassive's stuff a lot. Why isn't Uncharted with the major franchises? That's weird.
Defeat Guardians while using swords in Crucible or Gambit - 0/120

>log in
>grab khovostov ornament
>log out
I think ive spent more time in /dg/ than actually playing the game these past 2 weeks.
It's been 8 minutes. Where are you?

What an amazing tax write off. I'm sorry to see any game flop. I'm sure there were people who really gave it their all. At the same time, to me, it just looked like a bad idea.
same lmao
Is the infinite sword ammo regen bugged?
Be a good Warlock and put No Hesitation and the Speakers Helm so I can reach peak recklessness
Um... why is titan the most useless class in the game?
because being the melee class in a game where being anywhere near the enemies in anything higher than a strike means instant death
>the mission would change next week, trust the plan
guys I huffed so much copium
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Um... there's new enemy placements at the beginning of the mission
That's good enough right?

What changed? Or was the intrinsic upgrade switched to another secret chest location? I got hardlocked in the pink disco ball room last week and didn't attempt another run.
Stop looking at me like that, my pp feels funny.
if bungie had balls, they would had double downed on class identity instead of investing all their money into getting bankrupt and dissolved by sony
Woke status?
>forgot to find the research shit in the exotic mission
im so fucking done with this shit already
I do not commune with the Traveler to enable your crayon eating rampages.
lol shitter alert
meaningless buzzword used by incels on the wrong side of history
lol would be a lot cooler if you did. Jokes aside you can use whatever loadout you want and we can compete for kills! I love having good competition…
Pretty much dead. Most companies are abandoning DEI shit
>he doesnt know about bridge
Stop laughing at concord... I can't take the pain anymore...
I'll put on healing nades too
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How about we just stop talking about it in general? Go dunk on it in the daily /v/ thread if you can't go five seconds without posting about it.
Deal with the consequences of your actions
>NOOOOOOO /dg/-Destiny general has to talk about Destiny ONLY!!!!
Ummmmm says who?
No. Concord will live on in our hearts
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Good boy. Together we will be unstoppable
>it's ok when it's about other games
ex bungie trannoid spotted
The fuck other games are being talked about?
i don't want to summon him
Do not mention the game that starts with a w
you dont have to stay here if you quit destiny you know
world of warcraft?
>ctrl +f w******e
>zero results
nope that shill either got bored or got banned
How did I make you cry on our wedding night?
moral of the story?
gays are nice and lesbians are evil
statistic support this
wwe smackdown! here comes the pain
So the takeaway is that if I were in a lebian relationship I should exploit my fellow wifey?
What would class identity in Destiny even look like, conventional rpg shit doesn’t compute with how the game fundamentally works with various systems of getting health back and dealing with obstacles via raw offensive. There’s no reason to play things like a traditional healer with how getting health back works with recovery as well as just getting out of the way of attacks or just mowing through something. Tanking is boring for a first person shooter and nobody wants to jerk around with big beefy things that need their aggro drawn and have that be the main thing to lean into, also again how would that work when you can just shoot the man and they’re dead. The two boss encounters , ok it sorta works but it’s nothing really life changing. This game was always going to have some extreme limitations of what it could be.
im not a paid game designer, it is not my problem to design it
2 things I’m still in disbelief over from that Witchqueen Showcase, glaives being a thing and crafting.
Now that the dust has settled, we can definitively say that The Witch Queen is the peak of the Destiny franchise.
Hold on there D2 rat
You have no place in this table
House of Wolves will always be peak destiny and you can take your ass outside
if they had balls they'd admit classes are stupid, release all restrictions and let anybody build anything they want, but that would require bungie to actually be happy when players figure out how to break the game in neat ways instead of seething endlessly and nerfing everything fun into the ground
And let me also say that PC gamers .... are NIGGERS!
So why do retards believe witchqueen was a good expansion? It's shadowkeep tier
I mean that’s the thing, you’re thinking of it all at once. Yes no doubt it’s still an assload to slog through all at once but chipped away over time isnt the most implausible or absolute worst shit. That all aside I’m long sunk cost vet, I honestly cannot recall the last time I had all 3 chars 100% completed all the seasonal quest shit, it is just mind numbing boredom.
remember when warlocks had unique mechanics other classes stole and then pretended they had them all along actually
Week 2 Exotic Mission Differences
- Some random harpies floating around traversal parts
- Added lasers to wall chase part
- The 2 chest puzzles are different
- 2 cyclops added to only the very start of final boss fight

Most ambitious mission yet, guys.
The presentation was a small step up from Shadowkeep and Beyond Light, which were the only Destiny releases most of them ever played
Remember when Sunsingers could tank Golden Gun shots and self res put Bungie raid designers on suicide watch
Can’t market your way against apathy and when the hugbox safespaces of your most brain rotted out retards are dissenting and people realizing how more of the same shit doesn’t work, any attempt of harkening back to “Bungie magic Halo good times” is a pointless effort.
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I want Soul Rip back, I don’t like Pocket Singularity
I just cant get over that its been years and we still dont have a new melee along with many other subclasses.
Sounds very watchable
I never understood why D2 shipped with such a cockamamie ass backwards bad UI when they had this prior. Even just to have information spelt out is clearer than parsing through text on a node that is vague
They tried to simplify subclasses because their small children couldn't figure the D1 UI out.
Marathon devs are on suicide watch after Concord flop. And that's a good thing.
Especially when it could open up and add meaning to exotics and other combinations of shit, everything is so lazily thrown together and some stuff is all or nothing it just feels so jumbled and I’m not surprised why Prismatic crushes all
somebody said dei killed concord in datto's chat and he has been whining about it for 5 minutes
Would smash her black creamy cunt with my BYC
ok chud
if it wasn't true he wouldn't be bothered by such a statement
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>Watching Tranno
>Watching any stream ever
why do people still give a shit about what this corpo whore has to say?
Warlock has two less melee options than the other two classes (because Hunters needed four different throwing knives and Arc Titan needed two different shoulder charges that only work on either the air or ground unlike the rest)
15 minutes now, and danielle has come into the room to help datto complain about it
did tranno ever even play concord
he did sponsored streams for it, and talked about it today since it was being refunded and removed
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>tfw ur onlyfans whore of a wife wont let your bull jaquis rape your booty hole in your mara sov cosplay if u dont defend black trans kweens from incel gamer chuds
Tranno will defend concord till the end until he gets his paycheck
>concord managed to be an even bigger failure than destiny
I guess we know why all those "bungie devs" were fired.
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>Whoa they had bungie work on this?
>you mean the people who made halo?
I don’t even think it needs to go that deep but being a former bungie dev isn’t exactly a brag when the product has always been something people tolerate at best. I think people are having their come to Jesus moment that often Destiny had the fortune of the time it was released(a little more innocent) and people not being as nearly informed with stuff. It was always cheap dumb fun entertainment and people kept thinking there was more to be had when the lines were drawn that Destiny wouldn’t be reaching the heavens.
>the expac that literally didn't have a story and was just a ball of nothing is the same as witch queen
bait used to be believable
>Specimen quest, which is found after killing puzzle boss in Encore
>Get 50 vex cpus, they drop from melee kills or finishers
>Melee is low chance, finishers are like 75% chance of dropping one
>Next step, arc or void kills in Encore which you just ran to get the quest in the first place
Okay but what the hell is going to happen to all of those high quality Concord cinematics they had stacked up for the next year? Are they going to retool them into shorts and release them online?
if every destiny player collectively sent letters or messages to sony to the effect of "this is what you deserve for letting bungie work on things that aren't destiny" then there's a very real chance that these braindead game plans will cease and sony will slave bungie to destiny and pump money into it. Imagine if WE got the money concord got
1k voices gets the sword regen ammo thing lol. please dont fix this bungie
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>I have to listen to Maya and Chioma talk about how their shitty wedding night was
More layoffs are needed
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>since it was being refunded and removed
kill yourself you flaming faggot
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He also hasn't been paid for the sponsored stream
nobody has said or thought this for at least 5 years
how is the new week of destiny.
it’s my first real day exploring juneau, alaska and i was not expecting massive cruise ships parked at this small little town.
Capitalism ruins everything
old people ruin everything
they should be mass deported to australia or the moon
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he does it for free ahahahaha
>Destiny is dead
>Concord is dead
What a disastrous time for Sony... What happened? a few years ago, sony gaming was the good boy and microsoft gaming the lame duck, and now everything seems to be reversed...
there is another solution..
nah MS is still in the shitter.sony hasnt pulled a mattrick... yet
>Hunter buddy building high strength because “[he’s] a melee focused build”
>Doesn’t understand that strength is a dump stat on Hunter in most circumstances because they have Gambler’s Dodge
you are weak
i enjoyed discovering where to go
Melee is almost always a dump stat for every class since you want to use exotics/combos to cheese getting your melee back anyway.
I use my dodge to reload my gun
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what warlock builds do i use to beat ghosts of the deep solo flawless
no, i will not use getaway artist
getaway artist

This is the type of cope that can only be produced by someone as mentally ill as Hippy.
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There are "people" who actually watch Mr.Fag discuss a Tratto video for 52 minutes

Can the sun hurry up and supernova already?
I hate Juice
I’m like 90% sure at one point on Hippy’s resume they were listing time as a janny on a Dragon Age forum or them running a blog as “being in the industry”. Also the cognitive dissonance and irony is really funny because Hippy was such a cheerleader for the lel we’re the fun company doing things nonsense from Bungie and then she was too stupid to realize writing twabs all cutesy isn’t a sustainable career and a role as such has no stability in hard times of gaming, just as hack writers who keep ruining the game and all the pointless initiative measures.
>Datto steals a Moistcritical video background and title
>Video actually gets views
Lmao is this his attempt to stop his 'career' from dying?
You forget that she was also "chief accessibility advocate", meaning she bugged the devs to change things because she needed to make herself feel important.
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i understand now where Bungie got their inspiration from for the faces in The Pale Heart
That reminds me. Hippy actually held official unofficial policy on xim/Cronus devices….through a reply tweet to some random guy in an AMA she did on Twitter that nobody saw and it never got mentioned again. Going on and on about “actually disabled people need these and we don’t want to ban people falsely”, even though they’re boilerplate for getting advantage of Console. I shit you not this actually stood unofficially until a year and half or so later until Bungie made a half ass excuse in a twab of saying they’ll punish it even though that’s obviously a lie.
so d3 is confirmed if they keep working on a mobile game?

They don't want to put the work and $$$ into a project as big as Destiny 3. If they did we'd be playing it 2 years ago.

Even if they decided to greenlight it, who'd be left by the time it's ready in 2028?
I remember watching Mr. Fruity when I was in the favelas and couldn't play D1. Everything was so much more soulful back then
Total content creator death
They are apart of the reason why this game sucks
Is D3 something that anyone outside reddit really want? Unless they make it vaulting proof, and bring over all my gear, I want nothing to do with it.
Destiny's playerbase is "too old" to be worth further investment according to Bungie. The mobile game is likely either going to be an attempt to get teenagers in or an attempt to create an additional avenue to milk the true believers
Why are people so autistic about not starting over fresh? Almost every sequel in history is like this and for a reason because they need to rework things to make the game fresh but autists want to use the same stuff they have been using for 6 years.
Its not vaulting and wanting a fresh start is what the game needs, its redditors who dont want it and hang on to their silver purchases
Who did they pay? I saw aztecross mention he got a thing for it but that's the only thing I saw.
Just had the best rice carrot steak dinner of my life
What are you eating tonight /dg/?
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Paul Tassi has been real quiet since this tweet dropped.
They haven't paid Datto, so potentially no one
Because they’re massive pussies and inherently part of why the game sucks.
Crafting destroyed any incentives to run shit and was a free pass to slack on balancing shit because you could have everyone gravitate towards same items.
Typical Tranno L
I'll start fresh, fuck it. I do want to keep my armor transmogs, that would be a lot of work but really cool.
D3 would look more like D2 than anything , trying to wave QOL that should’ve been in game since launch isn’t innovation and the game exists on more of the same and stagnation ,they can risk rocking the boat too much
Is it true the next story mission is redoing the exotic quest again? If yes I am giving up and tapping out of this game.
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Cute! I’m having penne pasta with meatballs and a big salad and later tonight I’m going to a friends to eat ribs…I’m so extremely happy right now…
If Bungie has me unlock all the same exotics I got in both D1 and D2 again in D3 they are just using "it's a fresh new game" to extract another $60-100 from the players
Your reading comprehension seems low. They vaulted entire campaigns in D2 if D3 has any of that I will not touch.
>Destiny's playerbase is "too old" to be worth further investment according to Bungie
I really think when they say this it's just a massive cope coverup regarding how bad the Destiny story is. If Destiny had a memorable story that could be told in coherent fashion then it would attract all players but where it stands now it's only accessible to people who have started 10 years ago and kept up with everything and there is no new player experience at all. That's the issue but they wave it away as a age issue.
>artists get inspiration from museums and galleries
uh yeah?
I agree if they just make Destiny 2 again and slap the #3 at the end then taking all your shit is fucked up however if they redo how weapons and stats work then it's fair and preferred.
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It's just doing the quest again and listening to Maya and her wife bitch about having a shitty wedding. The specimen quest that unlocks after doing it again requires grinding out a bunch of vex kills with finishers, then doing the mission again.
i meant more this native american culture
>its redditors who dont want it and hang on to their silver purchases
Why are anons here speaking like they need to go back?
>he took it personally being called a redditor
Yup that take was correct.
That’s a lot of faith for the same company that actively stated how “complicated” new weapon models are and why so much has been reused. There’s already so much bloat in archetypes. Look I get not being a total doomer about it and how Destiny has always been something that could’ve been better but this is conversation and design philosophy that should’ve happened bare minimum 4 years ago. Lazily drifting with things half assed has basically been this game’s m.o. for a very long time. Why really shake up anything when people will buy the slop anyhow
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Fuck the paypigs.
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Bungie is too late to jump into that also. Bungie is doing that chasing trends death spiral that kills companies
So the gaming future is more gacha slop?
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im not playing destiny mobile but i would play destiny 3
I think it could mean a number of things. Destiny arguably has a disconnect below zoomers. There’s no frame of reference or even intrigue to somebody who’d come to the game like a kid getting a CoD title or even early Halo would be. Also Destiny’s not really a game you can or feel obligation to ball out on with cosmetics and charge mom and dad credit card up the ass. It also tries to dish out way too melodramatic of a story and a kid isn’t gonna be into that. Space war action of Halo is enough to get a kid interested, even an autistic super soldier nerd isn’t going to listen to Byf the Hutt blab on for 10 hours to hear his half baked theories. Kids tend to go with what older people think can be cool and Destiny doesn’t really offer that much, this game has no balls or coolness that is picked up in that way. It’s kind of why I think it’s interesting how the old guard of Day 1 raiding clans all are cucked because random zoomers speed running min/max autism came out of nowhere and just ran shit
>reddit smugness itt
Destiny 3 will be even gayer and reuse even more assets despite the consoomers need to have a fresh start.
Not literally, right?
>boomer aztecross thinks the mobile game will be Destiny 2 on the phone and not soulless gacha shit
its a good thing that more people are finally waking up to the fact that tassi is your typical game "journalist".
i'll take Concord 2 instead.
'assi on the 's
I think he realized Destiny is dying and that was his bread winner so he is changing plans to be a leftist activist journalist but this is a shitty career lateral move since that is oversaturated now
Destiny as a gacha ahahahahhaha are you fucking serious? Who would you pull for? Gay old man and his cock sucking robot? aahahhahaha
well its either a fresh start, more vaulting or seasonal slop forever.
Aztec Ross is just a big of shill as any other 'content' creator and all the pinoy dickriders think he will survive outside of Destiny. Newsflash he wont
I tried. It's comfortably worse than Destiny.
>leftist activist journalist
always was.you dont get that far unless you are one of them.I hope that people like tassi,datto etc all lose their worthless careers but these whores are a dime a dozen.the industry is bloated with these parasites and they are so out of touch with reality its kinda hard to grasp.
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>warframe poster trying to defend xis game but realizes xe was banned
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>eos 14 days after release
this is marathons future
>d2 - garbage ruined story and every character has been retconned into being gay and that's their most important character trait, but also you have all of your equipment you grinded for and some content to play even if most of it is removed
d3 - garbage story and every character is gay and that's their most important character trait and no content
fuck me I wonder why people aren't interested in a sequel
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What if the new locales are Torobatl,Riis,Fundament and Old Chicago? Plus 3 new character slots to play as Cabal,Fallen & Hive guardians?
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I'd take a mobile game over destiny 3. Both would be shit but the mobile game would accelerate things and force bungie to learn to swim or sink.
why the fuck would I want to play as dirty fucking aliens
Cause their gay just like me.
Um.....Marathon status?
Reminder that Bungo is partially responsible for Conc*rd's failure
Destiny and the entire studio is getting the axe by 2026 if Marathon goes in flames
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Destiny 1 year one was so hype. I remember being in the Denver Comic con, and there were cosplayers cosplaying as the VoG armor set, got drunk with them talking about how awesome the game was. Some guy did a panel critiquing game narrative but he made a mistake putting Destiny in his description and the panel just became a discussion about Destiny's lore. Then the OG solstice event came which was a cool celebration of all the content and most of the content was adjusted to be fun again and you got a shirt at the end of it which was cool and before they tied every small fucking thing you do in this game to some item in the shop. I miss those times. Now this game is soulless trash. Everyone I meet IRL seems annoyed that they still play it. The first year of this game was magical. It was still pretty good after but it died when D2 came out. Gaming sucks so much now.
All Concord resources are being diverted to Marathon Mobile edition.
>double nightfall rewards
>Uzume RR4
Kill me
>final quarter of 2024
>not a fucking peep since the announce trailer in may 2023
>none of the inside news about it has been remotely good
>supposed release in 2025
at this point i'll be surprised if it even releases
Marty got ratio'd actually
Our heroes cannot stop getting humiliated
Its crazy how many studios are failing because they embraced the diversity meme. Everything that made Destiny good was because it was made mostly by straight white men and they have been coasting on that for 10 years and the moment they leave and Bungie has to do something without them they implode.
Kneel Martycucks, Tassigods run this shit
Cuck Tassi is on Twitter defending that cunt in the Acolyte that's currently calling everyone racist
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you excited to pull for nimbus??? Idk why bungie thinks heroes and characters are the appeal of their games now.
Hey Paul! I know you're upset Concord is the biggest flop of all time and woke shit keeps failing, but I'm sure you'll get a win one of these days!
this sucks
only if its 5 star
Now that Destiny is dying, what should I play next? Preferably no livesloppa
so this is what netease money was for? all these years of le smal indie studio excuses so they waste resources on shit like this.bungie deserves to fail.
If you want a good game that also has a looting element to it play Remnant 2
that shit got cancelled just like the horrible halo tv show.dude is taking L's like a bitch
The new Castlevania collection game is good
Why won't he address that he's reporting on false information, I thought journalists cared about the truth
"Diversity" was still making them money because they could make up income shortfalls with ESG grants. They had a target of a million but only made 300k? That's okay! You were given a FREE 700k because you had fourteen trans-lesbians in your company, Now those ESG grants have dried up because the homeland of the chosen people is at war and they need it more, so those shortfalls are suddenly being exposed.
Why are companies getting grants for esg score?
how do you anti-DEItards cope with Apex, which has some of the ugliest muttiest characters this side of Israel. Like, is there a single white guy in that like just fuse?
I am so tired of streamer-driven game development it is unreal
Blackrock and Vanguard were the primary sources. You can follow the money further back if you want.
Apex has better looking skins compared to concord.
and its not a game that launched with uggo mutts and its popularity completely eclipsed and aborted the parent franchise, when usually DEI spinoffs do the opposite
That doesn't answer my question. Who are these people and why do they have so much money to throw around at trannies?
>the game has ugly characters
>because no white guys
sounds like you just outed yourself, faggot
I am not pro ugly characters if thats what your wondering. I just find it funny how Apex got away with that shit from launch back in 2019 when this shit was even less common.
this is the DEI we need
Apex wasn't as bad compared to Concord. That's how.
It was also free
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why cant we pet this thing?
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>first run of ghosts of deep solo flawless
>do really good damage with acrius
>die to random hive boomber because i didn't want to waste x6 star eater super
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>titanfall 3 never ever
Your assuming that mutts obsessed with their culture war have time to play games
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The PRONOUNS guy is british retard
This guy was completely vindicated btw
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i hate fat people so much bros
over a certain bmi you should be executed
Fat by burger standards or by global standards?
Still a byproduct of mutt culture
The US is literally a byproduct of England if you want to go down this semantic route
What did he report that was false?
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if i get amplified, do i still need reloader mods or should i not bother with them
Only Arcstrider gets extra reload speed while amplified
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I decided to take my wave frame arc conductor ergo sum out for a spin, and I get why the anime reaction guy wanted one.
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oh so amplified is even more dogshit than i thought
Bungie are sovless
b-but +50 mobility bro
>I am the Monitor of Installation 04
>I am 343 Guilty Spark
The situation with marty was never sexual harassment no matter how much you want it to be moshe, the employee who pointed a knife at him has tweets still up fondly talking about it.
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literally only good for navigating under methane in ghosts of the deep now
That's Penitent Tangent
Also nice get
>Dmg is aware of infinite ammo One-Thousand Voices
Owari da
whew do the really expect me to run this shit again and again.they can stick their upgrades and remaining catalysts up their ass because this form of engagement farming actually kills engagement.seems like more layoffs are needed
well you don't have to run expert again at least
are you sure?
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no, but i like to have hope
yes, just got done with it. complete the mission + week 2s puzzles then banshee will give it to you
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>the more /pol/tards played Destiny2
>the more Destiny2 became shit
Like clockwork
Fat girls are the best tho
Bait used to be an art form. Sad!
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Are you sure bro?
That’s literally the image I was looking to post. It’s perfect. Gonna find me a fat destiny playing girl
has /po/ ever made kino. Marty left Bungie and the music was still good without. You don't need right wingers for art
I actually think the puzzles in the exotic mission were pretty cool
"Destiny: Next" won't be played by me. I'm too woke for that basic bitch gay shit.
Did all the shit for the week am finally all caught up after a hiatus. I really don't get who is the target demographic for this story treatment. Even if you're fruity as hell lord knows I'm queerer than a $3 bill, none of this is gonna reach out and be like wow Bungie gets me, this is for me. The Chioma-Maya shit mixed with Saint and Osiris talking is like some bad translated stupid conversation you hear play out from some throwaway character in a bad visual novel game about werewolves or some shit. A game that plays on a cool factor of the action just is so bogged down with this heavy handedness. Emotional human shit isn't bad but a whole season of this especially when this was long hyped as finally seeing/hearing Maya clones-new Vex is fucking crazy.
>Hey, are you from the deep stone crypt?
>Because you're making my status calamitous.
i think they did well with this exotic mission, where the encounters are simple enough that they aren’t a slog but not a total cakewalk.

the puzzles are cool as well, unlike fucking Avalon
>Maya killed Praedyth
ahahaha even after he's gone gone Robert Brookes continues to shit all over the story
Yeah I'll make fun of Bungie for a ton of shit, but Encore isn't bad, doesn't over stay welcome, the "mechanics" is basic and at more involved than the walking sim section of a lot of em. the interludes of being forced to hear lore before boss is a little annoying but whatever. Seraph Shield can blow me from behind.
Please tell me your joking.
I refuse to watch that amazon show so I know nothing about it other than Homelander makes funny faces and has laser eyes.
I hate furries but they would actually be an improvement over the slop we have now.
>The more pozzed Bungie got, the worse everything became, and the more money they lost
>the more time that passes the more lame bungie gets
I blame the vex
We talking about Polyphony book 5? Also I'm pretty sure there's always been potentially more multiple timelines version of Praedyth. A lot of this seasonal lore is sort of a weird mishmash of shit that has been up in air vague for ages and they slowly tried to tie it all back to the beginning, as usually bad sci fi tries for time travel and different clones. I wouldn't be shocked if there was supposed to be an effort to make this a bigger point way sooner than later. FWC always had a lot of plot convenience, especially having basically time travel and cloning machine. Vex suck for lore so it's all trash anyhow
It's definitely got the stink of tumblerina tier shipping fanfics written all over it. It's probably intended for the likes who like shit like K6BD, albeit of much lower quality.
>season retcons this being the original st.14 because hes just a simulation because muh homo agenda
>completely ignores the fact that st.14 did all that he did thoughout his life because he met us in the past which gave him hope for the future which was done in season of the dawn though time travel
>but no time travel isnt real for us st.14 is just a simulation
> D1 vanilla
> Curse of Osiris
> Episode: Echoes
Yabba Dabba doo, vex is poison and anti kino. Return to hive, fallen and cabal. No aWOKEn slope though
Splicer ruined the fallen tho
it’s pretty cool that Bungie is able to help other studios with their multiplayer projects.
i think they should work with Sucker Punch on a multiplayer or co-op game, their experience with Infamous and Tsushima with Bungie’s mmo-lite experience could make something real wicked
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>shotgun literally called Perfect Paradox
>nu faggot hire seeking drama "uhm, achually, he was just an another copy!"
I think we can safely say everything after the original team left has just been very expensive fanfiction.
Because vex shit contaminates and ruins kino, like a locust
Chosen was the last (if not only) good seasonal story
what this before the gay guy was hired?
Nah he was hired during Arrivals and Season of the Hunt was his first big season, beginning the Crow faggot arc
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>Crow faggot arc
I knew Destiny story was fucked after this lore entry. It was so disgustingly self-gratifying, only a mentally ill-person could have ever though to write it and have laughs at the expense of characters dignity.
Just the fact Titan recognized Uldren, went berserk and didn't ever report it to Vanguard tells a lot about it being slapstick without any thought paid.
Chioma Esi will return and with the power of LESBIAN LOVE convince Maya of the error of her ways

No final battle just 2 dykes kissing will end the episode.
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>next episode will just be Crow sobbing and whining, Eido being obnoxious, and Mithrax dying of Space AIDS
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Sounds awesome, can't wait.
dmg is giga fag and and giga chad at the same time.
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I’m glad I inspired you to try it out! I’m sooo jealous. Caster Frame is solid, but it doesn’t have the same gap closing that Wave Frame does…I know I said I’d give up on it, but now I really want to farm for it again……
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Happy 10th birthday!
so you were the faggot that was holding back the gameplay back then huh.
Destiny could’ve been a modern PS4 exclusive but the poorfags just HAD to want it for ps3 as well
why you're blaming common man for misdeeds of higher beings
Foreigners are ruining japan
not the first time
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Nobody would ruin them if they weren't such subservient cucks.
they are cucks and want to be ruined
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Japan is the future of Destiny and Bungie
Sony isn't a Japanese company
unironically, if destiny went originally as planned this would have been what the game looked like

I actually bought the white Destiny PS4 on launch day but i couldn't quickly find the packed in box cover art. 10 years later and that Playstation is still running...like a jet engine sometimes but still going. Got it at Target before those retards managed to go out of business in Canada after only a few years.
god I hope, if they sacked Pete and took direct control of Bungie then quite possibly they could make Destiny 2 based
Japan is dead and a meme, stop being delusional trannies, also Sony stoped being japanese awhile ago, it's muttmerican
What game has everyone moved to then.

Monster Hunter World has potential for me - shame I'm late to the bandwagon.
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I started an embarrassingly short time ago. Even it's worst grinds take less time to do than the Ergo Sum roll I never got and taking the 5 minutes to watch a video on how to easily earn plat has let me afford an endless amount of stuff
Agreed. From a new player's perspective, the actual core gameplay of Destiny is genuinely top notch. I only started playing recently but it's given me an itch that I didn't know I needed to scratch.

I haven't played in a while because the community is so dire at the moment, so I tried Warframe and the gameplay just doesn't hit the same and the missions are boring - I haven't played a single mission more complicated than a strike.

I don't have much desire to play Destiny anymore because the player numbers are so low and everyone is doompilled on the game, but I reaaaally want to play a game like it.
It's not that they're embracing the meme, it's that they're embracing the meme poorly while making subpar products.

If the game was 10/10 and the character design was both diverse AND appealing, the average normie would have given absolutely no fucks.
Nearly every Japanese company people like to suck off embrace the "meme". But, they're able to do it with more palatable degrees of subtlety. This is in comparison to staking a large amount of your games identity to the fact that it's diverse like it's breaking new ground when in reality the developers are just being more vocally obnoxious about shit other companies have done more successfully.

And everytime with the "we didn't hire based on raw talent we hired a person purely based off of X or Y" so the character now sounds like complete dogshit.
Cut that shit out.
im playing mhw too but i suck
>shame I'm late to the bandwagon.
It's never too late. Co-op won't be bumping until later in the game but you'll still fill up lobbies pretty quickly with people that just want to do co-op for no reason other than the game is fun.
Is it worth it? It feels like I'm playing a dying game. Whenever I interact with the community whether its other players, sites like this, content creators, it's just people talking about how they've quit. Everyone is doomerpilled about the Bungie layoffs. How it's been a great 10 year journey but they're happy to stop now.

I got into the game because the made the DLCs free before TFS and I figured it was a good time to get stuck in, but it just feels like I've massively missed the bandwagon. Shame because I enjoy the core gameplay, it's just the general feeling around the game.
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I've been reading Fate/stay night
I'm finding it easier than I expected but I've only just beat the Anjanath so I'm guessing I'm not at the hard bit yet.
oh yeah you're still in baby ranges
Oh. I was talking about Monster Hunter.
Destiny 2 is absolutely fucked.

Bungie is also fucked with no exit plan.
Oh right sorry lost track.
Yeah Monster Hunter is great. I haven't had any trouble playing online so far - if I send out an SOS people will usually join and there are usually SOS's/quests to join.
I haven't played online much because I feel like I won't learn the game if I get carried in the early parts. Plus the first couple monsters literally take like 2 mins to kill with a group. I imagine the multiplayer is way better once I'm further in.
Monster Hunter is better played solo
>if you fuck up it's your fault
>can learn monster movesets
>can see yourself improve
meanwhile if you play online
>fr*nch hunters dying nonstop
>speedtrannies metaslaving with LBG(T) removing the fun out of everything hunt
>can't improve since the monster is permastunlocked
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Damn I was considering it as my new PvE game.
Honestly only play multiplayer if you have a friend to play with
I never bothered with multiplayer in MH games
i'm not saying that online is shit and you should never play it, but that it's better to play solo, learn the game and then go online
Getting carried to G rank sucks the fun out of the game
90% of MH fun comes from learning how to btfo monsters especially the last 2 elder dragons
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27k current players, it's over
shut up
next week dumbo
today was this gem
>the fr*ench
This isn't 4U anymore gramps

Anyways monhun is best played co-op with other beginners. The best part of playing online is the risk of failure and I enjoy triple carting hunts a fuckton more than I'll ever enjoy clean sweeping solo.
Cod Warzone on phones is the same as the console version with the exception of getting matched with them due to balancing issues.
I don't see why Destiny 2 couldn't be the same if Bungie tried optimizing their shit.
Incredible how literally everything from this picture has been cut out of the game with a rusty pocket knife
Always hated Monster Hunter series and now especially more, because they sacrificed Dragon's Dogma 2 for it.
>it's monster hunter fault
is this the new shitcord tendie narrative?
DD2 was always going to be garbage due to the monetization addiction Capcom introduced in their games starting with Rise. Wilds will be the same but MH players will eat that shit up.
>monetization meme
Sorry, but you fell for psyop. If you ever played DD, you'll know immediately that's a big fucking meme. It bears absolutely zero weight in-game.
An actual real problem is that DD2 somehow managed to regress in almost every category compared to the original. It's a fucking achievement to make the same-ish game, but worse, while also running the marketing campaign of "DD2 it's a true realization of Itsuno's vision".
>they sacrificed Dragon's Dogma 2 for it.

At the very worst that game had an over 4 year (and if we give any weight to the original leaks even more then that) turn around time.
Look at the credits; More hands were on that game than there were DMCV, Rise, and World.
At 4+ years and (by sheer man hours) a near limitless blank check, I find it fucking hard to imagine a world where that's actually true. Short of Itsuno coming out and saying that he was cockblocked literally every step of the way, I don't buy it.
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>Sony when bungie walks in
The real enemy is RE engine
For performance? Absolutely.
But shit like having less slots for spells and skills and less dungeons in general? I don't think the engine was in control of that one.
>former greatest Xbox studio sabotages Sony left and right
Actually incredible that japs fell for this one.
shit made sf6 and dmc5 look like fucking hot ass
im so sick of it already
im fucking sick of PvP sweats, imagine taking a fucking side-mode that fucking seriously, im just trying to chill in Control but no.
What if we just get to explore the places on earth that are really cool right now, and would be even cooler after all the shit that's happened in destiny?
it doesn't matter because it will just be filled with the echos of gay people jizzing over the fact that they aren't straight
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Je suis monté
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Are you guys excited for the minecraft movie?
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Your pic related isn't the actual problem, the actual problem is that they thought of making a minecraft movie, live action at that, at all

There was no way in hell this was going to work
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how does this shit get through focus testing
is that Taystee from orange is the new black??
Because with shit like this there isn't focus testing, they know little kids will watch it anyway and make their money back, did you forget the endless dumb books?
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Everyone I get matched with in Control is a faggot ass sweat, you have Comp and Trials (on the weekends) why the fuck do they feel the need to infest casual PvP ? they are truly what is killing the game at least PvP-wise
I'm not excited for anything Minecraft
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>do secret chests in Encore for catalyst
>no catalyst
>there's a secret new secret chest different from last week's secret chest
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Joining DC really tanked his carreer didn't it?
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Funny thing is that bungie went to sony to spite microsoft, and sony bought bungie to spite microsoft, but only microsoft benefitted
I'd be interested to know what microsoft would've done with them prior to lockdown, before bungie went on a deranged hiring spree
They did go for microsoft before going to sony, microsoft refused to buy them because they tought they were too risky and were asking for too much fucking money
what year was that? I remember it happening between beyond light and witch queen but I might be wrong
>smart enough to see all bungie red flags
>buys beth
You do know they got a bunch of other shit aside from TES and Fallout right? They paid less than sony and got a shitload of things for it
Did the servers just shit themselves?
Dunno, I'm playing doom 2 right now
The biggest loss is the hours a night they spend slowly choking Todd to sleep.
Ain’t no way they didn’t intentionally have the catalyst quest at banshee weekly to drive the engagement mill numbers for those likely to not check and/or forget.
I liked his Conan movie and wouldn't have minded two or three more.
Shame the cape-shit got to him.
Blame Bungie’s retarded ass for doing away with any notion of a casual play list when they stuff sbmm in everything and then said if you want looser fun go play private matches. Low pop obviously fucks it a lot as well so it’s hard to be too annoyed
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>Watch CammyCakes latest video
>He defends Concord and claims it was a great game
>Claims that one of his favorite aspects is that theres no build crafting and thus its easier to make split second decisions by looking at the enemy
>Praises the lore and character desing and claims he wishses to see more of it in the future
>This is same person that defended 2 primaries during early D2 and later complained when bungie returned to the D1 weapon sistem
I fucking hate no life niggers like Datto and Cammy so fucking much. Competitive gaming has been three times worse for gaming than transexuality and gamergate. TOTAL COMPETITIVE PLAYER DEATH.
What a relic of a different era, you got caught up in one nice little package and you could get it pretty reasonable when it was a month or so past launch of Forsaken. Bungie making free to play and piecemealing everything in a dumbass way was really one of many slippery slopes. Such scumbag shit to constantly charge what they do for old obsolete content
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A mega nigger that plays competitve 24/7. Hes friends with Datto and the rest of his crossdressing friends. Hes against the few good things left in destiny like the D1 weapon sistem and buildcrafting as a concept. He wants to go back to early D2 were builds were super limited and the game was very competitive focused.
You would be correct, if you didn’t play Destiny when it was on much higher notes especially when the game was more of a thing in a wider scope of gaming yeah you missed the boat big time . Yes arguably the game eventually got to a better spot for a number of reasons but it also highlighted where Bungie still continued to slack off,neglect and continue on a lot of stupid bullshit that in theory shouldn’t have been a thing rounding off 10 years of the franchise. TFS as expansion and for a close of things wasn’t bad but in a larger picture does leave a ton to be desired and patience worn thin as Bungie does stupid shit. Now with mask off that Bungie’s incompetence and lack of focus is at full display, it’s very easy to just move on and not be invested.
Cammy is the worst kind of autistic person, going beyond any coin incentives for doing content, he takes shit way too personal because in his deluded mind he thinks he’s the best and an authority to just theorycraft and have all these ideas how to fix PVP even though he’s thinking of modern solutions for an old ass pvp game where it wouldn’t compute. On top of that like a lot of these retards he would be smoked if he played an actual pvp game that mattered and catered to all this nonsensical strategic blabbing he goes on about. He also isn’t very good at the game. I’ve beaten him in comp and trials and he literally sent me messages about how loadouts need to be locked and changing weapons mid game is as bad as cheating.
wow destiny content creators are ruining the game as per usual?
many such cases
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>why the fuck do they feel the need to infest casual PvP?
>Why don't sweats want to always sweat their balls off every match?
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I sincerely hope datto gets mauled go death by a goblin
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6 years since the last good expansion
>go to non comp game mode
>play like you're in a comp game mode
>"they just want to relax!" (ie, shit on people that aren't playing like money is on the line)
His post was about the fact that people go into the casual modes to sweat, which is dumb when there's already sweat focused game modes.
>His post was about the fact that people go into the casual modes to sweat
No they just want to get kills. For every 1 sweat truly treating Control like comp there's 9 average players that are just playing Crucible well.
true, but what will happen no matter where the location is, earth or not
Damn, Danielle lookin good
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I want to fuck the Venus dragons
They're called "batadactyls" in the D1 game files.
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Can't even pull bounties on the app anymore. Yeah, this shit is mad dead.
All of the ambient music since marty left has sucked
I mean if you're gonna troll try to make your bait at least believable
>"the game is bad because the players don't like that the story is 100% gay propaganda now"
I had someone in a fucking gacha thread of all things try and convince me yesterday that gamers are dumber than investors entirely without irony. And then the stock market took a nosedive yesterday "because disappointing news spooked investors." What are they, fucking DEER? They'd get spooked by a fucking flashlight.
If Datto wants something hard that he has to struggle with he should go back to choking on his wife's bull.
don't forget cammy with his retarded d2y1 loving ass giving the game free publicity and praising it for being good, that fag should fuck off and play literally anything else already
NTA, but I kinda agree with them. While music was still great without Marty,
D1 music was downright weird in good ways, and without him, it kinda became a bit more pedestrian. It still stands out after all these years, and they weren't able to match it, IMO. It immediately grabs you, pulls you in and gets seared into your cortex. I fucking love when musicians get uncanny with their sound.

Just listen to that shit. The whole D1 Hive suite is amazing. It's truly some eldritch rave.

Or these


And yes, I know most of these tracks don't have Marty as main credit, but the dude was audio director at the time, and it's apparent how different Destiny started sounding without him.
this but unironically
>lesbian divorce rate is through the roof and gays rarely get divorces
>the behavior of gay men and women in daily life for the past 30 years pretty much definitively proves that women actually are soulless husks while men are fantastic
I feel so bad for straight men
crafting was supposed to be bad luck protection so shit like me farming all three weeks of solstice for a slickdraw opening shot compass rose and getting fuck all but the fag bow with the meme combo bungie likes to shill that sucks at least gets you a guaranteed enhanced roll for all the fucking farming you had to do to get it. Unfortunately they shoved everything and the kitchen sink into the system creating the problem you're talking about. But for what its worth nothing in this game is worth repeatedly running braindead dogshit "content" for a "god roll" when everyone uses the same fucking gun they've had for 6 years anyway.
Virgin religious Vex club music from D2


Chad methodical dread of D1 Vex
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>calling sanctified mind's theme shit
i don't we allowed this, repeatedly
It's something I've been talking about for years, that's an issue with literally every medium.
Passion vs "it's a job".
When you want to create the best [thing] you can, you get much better results than when you just want a pay check and attention. People will try and blame it on people getting paid less, but people with passion still create the same caliber of work. Maybe not at the same company for long, but they don't half ass shit just because they feel like they aren't getting paid enough.
those two companies own everything, anon, that's why
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Tsushima had a neat multiplayer mode already imo it was just hard to get people playing it because it was a fucking playstation game
>it has /v/ brainrot
I hope you get better anon, I'll send you my prayers
>Update: We are not planning to disable One Thousand Voices in Gambit.
>Enjoy the chaos through Tuesday reset.
lmao, some of the words there predate the kikes you dumb nigger
it's not even well written gay propaganda, I could tolerate it if it was a compelling narrative of some sort and not LITERALLY A GAY COUPLE AND A LESBIAN COUPLE HAVING GROUP THERAPY SESSIONS WITH THEIR PET SCHIZO SPACESHIP AI AND THEIR GOD SLAYING STRAIGHT FRIENDS. I've read more compelling trash in my teens on fanfiction dot net.
>older than kikes
so? just about anything is older than modern kikes, they are yido slavic rape spawns
>we are not planning
yeah because gambit population is on par with concord population
the rebus (alchemical concept of a perfect being who is both male and female) predates Judaism
transfolk have always existed and have always been misunderstood by small minded and ignorant masses while the scholars that drag these cretins kicking and screaming into a better life must toil to record this valuable knowledge despite being beset on all sides by morons like you
you are misunderstanding concept of perfect being with physical mentally ill rotting necromorph
no, you are rejecting a perfect being because you're an idiot who fears the truth behind humanity because you believe it's "ugly" when it's beautiful
So why are you blaming them for something that already existed?
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>there's still no end of vog vex jingle version of chronologies on youtube
because crypto kikes existed before modern kikes, besides dont you guys hate religion and all about science? How come when it comes to jews you rise in defense and deflection? what an interesting coincidence.
speaking of science, can i see the "perfect being"? can i at very least see successful man to female transition?
>perfect being
It's me
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>eerrmmm this concept that existed before Judaism was even conceived of? proto jews obviously
you're pathetic
Um... Siva?
>be wrong
>have it pointed out that you're wrong
>b-but you hate religion (projection) so it shouldn't bother you anyway (fallacy)
what does you being factually wrong have to do with my like or dislike of religion?
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Omgosh perfect being….
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Based D1 ost listener
Was the weird Abyss rave music Marty's work?
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Looks like making Destiny's post-Witness storyline revolve entirely around gay relationships isn't working out too well. Who could've guessed?
the premise of the season had all the right ingredients but they chose to focus on gay melodrama.bungie clearly treats destiny like afterthought and this is the result.
Not just that but the same dogshit gameplay 10 years in with barely any change at all
seems like cheaters collectively decided to make comeback and kill destiny for good lol
No, the vex are just boring. That's why d1 vanilla was a disaster and also why curse of osiris almost killed the game despite zero gay shit
the vex are simply a terrible enemy no one wants to fight. They are without a doubt the most painfully unfun enemy from both a gameplay and story perspective.
knockoff terminator just isn't cool and bungie need to fucking drop it already
Some of this stuff I feel like would've been better way earlier, mostly how it's obvious Bungie was trying to drag around this huge loop of why FWC being off of Ishtar Collective and having a lot of absurd tech and various things to sorta nod at the player we'd be circling back around. It made little sense why Lakshmi all of a sudden came out of nowhere in Splicer when Bungie themselves admitted they were doing away with Factions or any tower drama involving them or big tower figures and then they drop that shit. It just feels so shittily lopsided.But then again I wouldn't be shocked if a larger part of this is the game going into overtime with another expansion, moving Lightfalls story to Final Shape and having to invent shitbus, plot armor Neptune, and other bullshit.
i played too much pvp which seems to be designed to be as frustrating as possible so eventually my anger turned into apathy
yeah its amazing that destiny lasted this long when you consider bungie's garbage management.they should have shown us concrete plans for next year instead of deflating the balloon with tfs.
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Bad Juju has the best exotic weapon lore.
Thorn was faggot shit.
Vault of Glass saved the game.
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Quite the opposite you trannies are the ones rejecting perfect being, which is god, god is everything and nothing, mankind is made in gods image but we are imperfect by design. we are either one or the other and struggle to achieve concept of perfect being mentally, spiritually let alone physically, forcing this advancement results in rotting, mentally ill, sex obsessed necromorphs, your kind should be held in cages, experimented on, your graves must be desecrated for scientific advancement all for the sake of perfect being a femboy who can be impregnated.

join the 41% club sister
make our dream come true
make our dream reality
the taken king*
ftfy game was hemmoraging players monthly until that expansion, it then coasted off of that through rise of iron another terrible expansion but less terrible than vanilla d1
>well actually [christcuck nonsense]
every other religion is starting to grow faster btw.
I'm honestly kinda impressed it's even that high. Lightfall and its proceeding year were abysmal, and TFS was seen as a "let's get this over with" type deal. I would've thought they'd hit sub 10k by now, but I guess that many people are still caught in the addiction.
It's only downhill from here
>Vault of Glass saved the game.
didn't know the game died 1 week in
TTK saved the game from a long term death, but VoG saved it from a quick one. Raids were what showed people that the game wasn't a complete and utter waste of time as it was a good final challenge to strive towards.
what a coincidence
When did we officially lose hope in destiny?
the moment you let trannies take over dg
Da jooozzz kys shitskins
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It's up
>he lost hope
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>mobile "game"
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you will never be white kike
you are a parasite, a vermin
a blemish on our planet
and i know exactly how to trigger you
is there a mobile games general we can move to and be around like-minded gamers?
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Finally bros.. the destiny mobile game will bring back the one thing we have all been waiting for... the collaboration that will save bungie from bankruptcy..
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i hate mobile nigger eitha passion hotter than 10000 suns
they just happen to be all chinese or south east asian, im not racist
chink and sea niggers are just the most vocal and disgusting ones
So... is anyone going to bake a new thread?
Why does bungie keep wasting money on projects that will fail
we are not even in the red yet
not even 750 posts yet
Yes, only start panicking once it's too late.
I will bake when it is it time and it will NOT BE PISS
we will not panic, we will embrace death
they should give femhunters fatter asses
Because they are morons
Piss imminent
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late and irrelevant...
we are in dark times...
Based anti-vex kinographer
That was Kinota's End Vex Pest
they're spiteful assholes who are determined to work on anything except destiny

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