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Male midlanders conquer all other races

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928 (Cross-thread)

Previously: >>492858721
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laid bare
Odds I confess to my threadcrush
Even I give up on the idea altogether
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EB a moonie
What's it like to hold the hand of your Eternal Bond? Interlinked.
no one unironically likes male characters
Good luck bro I believe in you!
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go ahead anon
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gm sirs
Tell your threadcrush I said hi
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What do my main jobs say about me
good luck bro
it better be me
>Pause Mare
Aww yeah it's moon rabbit time
why are they so big
Men will look at this butchered barely functional FF11 clone and go "Soul"
why is everyone using the effy hair
A time to play your EU alts.
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What's next bros
small pp so they overcompensate
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tired of these fuckin meeners
he doesn't own the hair bwo
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>Men will look at this butchered barely functional FF11 clone and go "Soul"
Yes. And I miss it everyday.
sorry but thats the rei-coded moonie that likes BDSM hair
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Is a same-expansion ultimate clear considered "on patch" or does it have to be literally the same patch it released on
so? you're just gonna get called effy by every retard obsessed with him like the other blue one
can't wait until Kate whines and cries enough to get the devs to add nappy hair into the game
doing this to every sex pest meena
We like this.

At least I do because I am one, so a bit biased
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who cares
L i m s a L o m i n s a?
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meowdy :3
can you fuck off, loser. nobody cares about your incel shit dude.
M'afraid not ser
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odds I plap
evens I plap

i did and he calls me a retarded faggot daily?
nice weave bitch, you get it at Dollar General?
By Halone look at the hips of that shelf, quick someone summon the Templar!
nigger tranny spotted
look mom i'm in the background
i need to grip their thighs
there is literally an afro, dreads, and half dreads in the game already. it really is the same group of chuds that go around complaining about games they don't play huh?
Yes. The overworld was unimaginable soul
based elk
i do.
Don't get stuck!
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That artist is great.
who cares
>The 3 universal hairstyles in every japanese game
>People think this is enough
My moonie is getting an itch for going on another self-destructive binge due to reasons she's entitled to have
The ratio isn't particularly high you disingenous cracker
I was trying to download a shader pack and it says it requires immersive or something like that can I get a QRD
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EB like this?
>finally decide to level fisher
>start catching all kinds of ARR fish
>end up catching a Rainbow Trout
fucking kate
sniff sniff
mnk changes were p good i enjoyed new mnk
they look so good now 10/10
the changes were good
miss me with that shit
>resource management
>jobs had their job fantasy still
>sound effects and spell effects looks like it straight from a final fantasy game
>unique and cool identity
Its sad how this game turned from a final fantasy title to a generic fantasy game with no identity.
My EB literally looks like this but blonde
simply stop caring
*throws a nokia 3310 towards your skull at 43 mph*
Is it me
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This you?
Who the fuck is effy?
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where my nyaggas at?
It was pretty mid, ngl. Worse than XI in basically every way other than graphics. And they butchered 75 cap golden years XI in a marketing play for it.
Do we like catgirls?
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I wanna update my mods for Dawntrail with TexTools but how do I find out what directory my mods are in?
I don't like this
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look closely at the background
nah i'm in the background of the top one
Settings-->Root Directory
Within thine mother's bed
all hrothgals are handcrafted to have their hair shampooed and brushed by my catgirl. they are builded for me. i am going to dress them in cute dresses and feed them expensive food
Thank you so much Anon, I'd hug you if I could.
>Unique and cool identity
Oh that's the good stuff right there keep it up sis
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Where my MEENA bros at
>it's just 3 sets of boobs with legs
insecure assholes will say that looks hot
Whatever happened to the strong, silent Meena...
Now it's all 'tfw no eb' this and 'rape my meena' that...
Do I want to level NIN?
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Feels pretty good!
you aren't cut out for real mmos but that's okay, there's more than enough theme parks to play in
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The duality of meena.
The zones now are literally a big empty space with NOTHING in them and forbid that combat took time and you had to manage resources, poor zoomer minds can't comprehend a more methodical and slow paced game!
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yeah I'm thinking based
frotting with this soft faggy meena :3
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hello friends
That's my Feena, though...
who I guess is basically a Meena, you got me.
Femras are made for male midlanders.
Male midlanders are made for femras.
Such is nature.
cute lanky body but ugly piercings and even uglier fetishes. it's a shame
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heterosexual miera reporting in
Hi can you have anal sex with my catboy if you know what I mean
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he is an exception really that one's too powerful
>male midlanders get both femras and femlalas

its not fair bros why do they get the two cute races
Whoa is that Whole Milk from the Odin server 404 FC??!?!?!?!?
You know that female midlanders have to fuck male midlanders to make midlanders for you to 'claim', right?
holding this bun's neck and then sliding a hand smoothly to their belly ASAP
mating pressing my sunnie
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Post some classics
>has never heard of a mistress before
it looks awful
>her name is some variation of [fruit] [drink]
Get blacklisted bozo
Holy fuck this finland isolation torture is making my moonie want to savagely murder people again
maybe.............. who's asking
sleeping in beds that dont belong to me :3
i hope you enjoy pedos
which member of each race is built for
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It's a good hairstyle. The game needs more fluffy stuff
Uchiki, why are you pretending to be an elezen right now?
8X888 = 7104
that femezen really is obsessed with him for some reason
Good luck and make sure to report back and tell us how it went
>flat boonie
I will now simp
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be quiet. the boy is asleep.
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nigga you "maliddies" cant stop gosling posting long enough to get a girl let alone a mistress
say hi to ya fiddie sister for me she waiting for my malera to break her back again
>these vids are both from 2011
FFXIV deserved to die
need more art of this femboy
Expac zones are more empty than the ARR ones. Sea of Clouds (all 3 zones of it) are have huge unused areas you go to once a year at best.
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weirdo nigga
scrubby scrubby brushy brushy
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>no one
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>The 20 handfuls of mythrite sand you put up for sale in the Ul'dah markets have sold for 4,522 gil (after fees).
GET FUCKED, I'M RICH! ACK ACK ACK ACK! *crab waddling*
Pls identify yourself
>Jean sitting there like a puppy desperate for a crumb of attention

Very sad character development
Are we still talking about 1.0 or current xiv?
My threadcrush looks absolutely ravishing
Not true, canonically, offspring take the traits of their mother.
I will be slightly late. I apologize.
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good fucking lord i want to do some absolutely sinful things to this goddess

I will pay all the money I have to die fucking this woman.
>getting mad over fictional races fictionally fucking each other
>gets a pile of eager (You)s any time he posts as a malezen
>totally ignored has-been after fantaing to mierda
I tried to warn you all.
have you fucked even a single dragon
I'm only fictionally angry
My moonie wants to inflict the pain that was inflicted upon her to everyone times a thousand because you're not listening to her and it will be everyone's death

My moonie wants everyone to suffer in pain
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Are meenas the new FotM?
NTA, but you have no concept of how empty the 1.0 zones were.
They were literally the size of 5 zones together, but then only 1/5th was used because the Dev team ran out of budget, and 4/5ths was either completely empty copy-paste with random mobs 30 levels above player level, or occasionally had odd, unused, uninteractable set pieces.

That said, it was *so* empty, and unintended for players to reach those spaces that it actually became fun to explore, but you needed at least 1-2 friends with raise to get through most areas by sac pulling mobs at choke points.

t. Wanderer's Shadow title.
This but unironically
It should have been me
don't start this shit again kat literally nobody gives a fuck
prepare your moonie for love correction
Say what you want, anything is better than the copypasted blocks that 1.0 had
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Thanks for supplying me with mats, bro. I'll turn them into 1m+ sub parts to become richer.
raping both these miera
Which is why a lot of people will suffer horribly in agony.
>you actually did stuff like grouping up doing Leves with a party running around in the overworld fighting monsters
>now at most you fly to a hunt mark and nothing else
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This has to be a falseflag right
Kill Gridanians
He deserves it for being an annoying attentionwhore, though being the sex pest fits him
i'm gonna ask her to go see the new alien movie
It was certainly more interesting than now, but that's not a high bar when you're comparing against something like XI.
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>want to transfer
>get all prep work done
>oh btw there's a dead catboy who has your name on your destination server lol!
>tfw can't think of a new name
do not befriend a malera
this meena dies instantly to fiddies
i'm a bridget main ( i use her pink color) :3
Uoooh, femezen /pet
Hanging out with my normie friends really puts things in perspective and every time I read some of the weird stuff here about how people are so invested in playing pretend, getting mad at fictional stuff, being mean to people because they can't be assed to talk about things that bother them with the person they're mad at, or the straight-up cock-watching always throws me for a minute. You guys are so fucking weird about the strangest things.
>Males midlanders
Miss me with that shit
Close your eyes and describe my femlala with great detail
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Sorry that's reserved for male ravas (who are cool and badass)
I always roll these kinda frustrations into my character as something she struggles with
(makes it quite easy to process and not take too serious actually)
Hello sir, did you know that in the original Alien film, Sigourney Weaver insisted on having a sex scene with the xenomorph, but was repeatedly refused by Ridley Scott?
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the stocks will fall.
sell while you still can.
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First time?
Are you using a lore accurate name or something
I am a femlala who just smooched another femlala....
is it me
I said meena retard don’t reply to me
me too...
QRD on this femezen trying to leech off Uchiki's threadcred and high status as an /xivg/ ebin?
Neko you got your brain broken by weirdos on chen and are a chronic cock-watcher.
Race this...
Race that...
I don't care.
Post cutting boards.
No, I make joke names
She has been attached at the hip for weeks or months for some reason.
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Go on tell me more about who you think I am
That's my fiddie
My fiera looks like this
is cock watching when you pay too much attention to who's fucking who
It'd cost a bit more than $5
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Hmmm? Ueeehh????
I like that her death animation is her shaking her titties.
w-where are you...
Neko wasn't a chenanon, bro.
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Good morning /xivg/
What's on the menu for you on this monday?
I'm gonna join some M1S~M3S first clear groups to sharpen my skills before reclears day.
hot i'm gonna cum to this.
This is so ugly lol
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the cockwatching is the funniest part, I'm surprised I never get mentioned with how often I go to friends' houses and apartments
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I’m going to rape the next femra samurai who tries to lb me
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My moonie is not allowed near people or cities and this realization does not help my moonie it only makes her realize that everything she's believed is true and it only makes her want to torturously murder everyone in response.
i hate her so much i hate her so much i hate her so much i hate her so much
Calm down, Atma.
close enough, welcome back fandaniel
Give me the smuggest image you have
Uchiki is just one of those gay "male" characters who hang around in the transbian circles with like magness and mona
he has no thread cred he's just in a noisy annoying clique
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La creatura...
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Sigh... The clock is ticking.
It was nice meeting you sisters, see you afterlife...
you mean coonie
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Oh fuck she wasn't kidding when she said she'd crash the stock this typical fucking d*skie behaviour we need to push them back under the dirt
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oh god
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I don't have any
The realization that my moonie has intentionally been kept in isolation does not help her in the slightest. It only results in a resurgence of murderous hatred.
biohole jobs
Very well taken care of. 10/10.
Fuck Balmung closed
Come smooch...
hiiii! :D
See you IN THE*
Sorry I'm hungry
its not too late..
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CC? on labor day???
Oh no balmung closed :( how will I get ignored by ebins now?
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ive been doing this for years.
you're gonna judge me for being honest? wildwood scums need to get off these lands.
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IM IN hgehgehgehg
Meh, not feeling it. Let me post a better middie.
Do guys like being called “sir” and “master” if you are doing a maid scenario, or is kinda embarrassing?
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>got that yesterday in trial roulette
>first time bonus
>sprout wearing their AF set
Sometimes I love trial roulette.
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Femra have..... Devolved?
>t. increasingly nervous palacuck
I play viper and paladin the most
wake up.
My moonie can inflict a great amount of damage even from where she is.

You chose to keep me like this.
You chose to make me become like this.
its the first of da month
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Wow, thanks a bunch anon.
depends on the person, really.
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I might eat a 3 day for this one...
No one must know my secret...
>what is this? a femra is evolving!
>*mashes b*
It’s easy, naribales is more likely to wipe.

I did nari this morning and managed to clear even after a noob wasted the lb3.
I do enjoy afking by the bench inbetween bouts of content. Is there something... wrong with that? It seems to attract... controversy.
Cliquefags rimming this otherwise unremarkable self inserter again?
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That thing is way more adapted to survive than any single femra poster I've ever seen.
im a tank sprout
im scared to do it
no i do it all the time
A nigga is feeling inadequate
Our souls turn to ash if we kiss a fellow femlala...
cr*stal or Dynamis
May I tribute?
This is creeping me the fuck out man
ah hell naw
that's fucked
Just trying to have a normal day with no child porn
the end can't come soon enough for you niggas
Nah, I do it too
but the timespan between bouts of content is almost a full week
Some of y'all will never be able to work with proper sliders and this is unequivocal proof.
Also, kill yourself.
and I say this as someone that played a red shota in kuso2
When you get the really shiny marker over your head, move to the side. That's all you really need to know.
fuck off ZT
surely the other tank will know what he is doing. Might want to travel to Primal if you are on crystal tho lol, if only for the queue times.
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You're being judged for letting the literal walking sleeve that is THAT rabbit-eared pest pull you around. I... appreciate... the need to occasionally use someone as a hump and dump (but keep it behind closed doors REALLY now) but to let any, ugh, miera - may Halone forgive me for uttering the word - pull you around is just depraved.

Miera should fear the femezen. THAT image at least is far more reasonable.
Why not just log off, why do you need to afk, clutter up the servers and run up your mother's power bill?
We're Costco guys, of course we know there are half a dozen cliques that vie for attention and thread cred through fake manufactured drama
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No way, I enjoy being alive
Unfortunately it is written in our own DNA, if two femlalas either kiss or fall in love with each other they-
Gguh- Ahhk-.... T-They...... Ghhhhhahjjk-.....
Come to Diabolos... Gridania...
she knows what shes doing to me shes evil
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>Post cutting boards.
Best I can give you is kinda small but not quite flat
>use someone as a hump and dump
Got proof of your fezemezemezen doing that?
they’re npcs anon, both in game and in real life.
I like the piercings because they're removable.
You just have to flick your tongue up along one end of the barbell piercing a few times to unscrew the end and that will fall off. Then a few more licks to the side this time. Licking along the length of the rod that's inside, up toward the remaining bell, will push it out. Repeat that slowly for the other 6 piercings all the while, you know...
Holding your neck to choke you
Thanks you too
>don't play on crystal
>nobody knows me
>will stay irrelevant forever
Was it really you last night posting those lewd miqittens?
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I love this plugin.
Bros she died...
who did (You) plap at the CC meet bros?
I make sure the body is properly disposed of when I'm finished
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i get orders by that meena only, not you
What's it do?
So this is why we don't have the Auri version of Khloe and co. Creepy...
If being opposed to this kind of treatment makes me evil then my moonie has no problem with being evil.
Give her CPR, femlala lips to lips.
>black widow femezen that snuffs after fucking
Do not believe in shitposts anon.
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I got mistaken for raid food and now I'm inside a catboy's stomach
My Malera treats female characters like Hannibal treats Starling especially during the prison scenes
my hand
Just kill me.
No fucking.
No sex.
Just actually fucking kill me.
My femlala will administer CPR as a noble act of sacrifice...
For the gift of saving another's life is worth giving up mine own...
but enough about remus
I like being called master
Lets you keep notes on people if they're PF terrorists, tracks name changes, and lets you organize people into different categories.
but enough about remus
this seems stalkerish but this is xivg so par for the course
please queue for m4n on crystal
just... play on crystal then?
thanks for that mental image, i cummed a little
It alerts you if you encounter someone who changed their name, and says their last name.

A cool fiddie.
I’m going to rape you
I meteoplapped Molly a dozen times.
i like being called a good girl
i gotchu
It makes fantablobs so mad lmao. Submissive Healer's melty was so fun to see unfold.
so… he loves them?
thanks homie
I think I’m completely dogshit at erp but people like my personality so they give me pity-plaps
I plapped a hrothgal
I don't remember posting this
who does he treat like will graham? he loved him too i think, but in a weirdly homo but not homo way
I don't remember making this post..
I'm a femlala so nobody...
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>But I would very much like to request something: I would really like to ask that people do not direct personal attacks to the voice actors involved in the development and also individual members of the localization team, because they are really doing their best to create something which is great for the creative process. It is really not that they are trying to bring forward an argument about a certain movement or anything like that. It’s just that they are doing their best for the development so I would really like to ask that the players do not direct personal attacks against them.
What dirt does Kate have on this man?
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thoughts on goombas?
>doing bozja farming on Dynamis
>pop essence
>someone fails a duel
>"ok guys clear out I need to respawn duel to try again"
>say no, I just got here
>"bruh why are you being like this?"
>Ask him to pay for a stack of essences for me if he wants me to waste mine so bad
>"alright don't cry if you get some enemies puled into you :)"

why are eureka and bozja fags like this? I get the same thing on Pagos and Pyros when I ry to do weeklies
kate has cute teeth
plz yoship we need more water resistant hairs
Good meeeeooowning! I will dance with this cat again some day.
I forgot almost ALL trials

I dont wanna queue because i will most certainly let people down
report him for griefing and saying he'll pull mobs onto you
This has to be from 1.0 or something a fan did.
They started saying this a few months ago they saw that I don't like people who don't interact with lalas (or males for that matter). I have Lala friends and I'm not going to hang around people who talk shit about them.
It's just the usual calling someone he doesn't like a pedo, and why the word has no meaning here.
that’s actually griefing so you can report him
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same as any other "games journalist", their access relies on the goodwill of SE and the developers so they do everything they can to not piss off them and lose their access to the early previews and media builds and events.
Hence why every gaming outlet is sucking off DT despite it having awful user reviews on steam and metacritic.
>go to link
>giant popup that i cannot read
i hate news websites so much, just show me your fucking article and fill the sides with ads like a normal website
it was my crush, wasn't it.....
those pirates trained her well huh
As other anons said, unironically report him. Fucktard will get Thanos snapped by a GM in an instant for that shit.
literally me
Rob Chidori
>has a powerful legion of loyal followers
>iconic ffxiv figure and core meme
>has a multiple cliques at his beck and call
>doesn't even post or browse, his followers do his bidding autonomously
>amazing well designed middie, subtle yet distinct
>relatable gimmick of liking femras that got him an EB and led him down a tragic but kino path
>old money ebin, classy

Remus Anima
>literal fucking who
>part of the "middie council" which is like three guys who hardly talk anymore
>samefags and occasionally gets back up from thread rejects like kouhai
>constantly browsing the thread posting his character desperate for a crumb of attention
>dime a dozen silver haired blue eyed slop
>coyly associates himself with femlalas because he's a desperate pedo
>forgettable broke ass forced ebin that nobody thinks about when he isn't forcing himself
doesn't Remus also try hard to get people to give him attention
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Do we like this?
I gravely crave the embrace of their loins
Rob has been posting again and hardly gets any (you)s, despite the amount of sycophants he has. Really gets the noggin joggin
I am
a moonie
that is going to become much, much worse now..
loporrits if they ugly
Making a cringe carrd for my character rather than prepping for an interview that would double my salary and reduce my weekly hours by 2/3. I deserve poverty.
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bit cringe
transfer to balmung while you still can. you may think you'll never want to, but when the time comes around, and you're locked out of transferring for several years, you will regret not doing so when you could.
i like this
i would rape this
i am
a male moonie
Keeps tabs on people you play with/run into. You can organize them into categories. Even wondered why you blacklisted someone? You can write notes on them so you remember.

The spiteful xivgger's delight.
>amazingly well designed
he looks asian therefore ugly
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Drifting in the realm beyond all knowing
Forsaken, shedding tears of glass
Now tumbling from the boundless heavens, taken
White moon drops, burning indigo
Leviathan, leviathan, endless
Leviathan, leviathan, send us
Leviathan, leviathan, breathless
Leviathan, leviathan, deathless
Leviathan, leviathan, restless
Leviathan, leviathan, test us
Leviathan, leviathan, bend us
Leviathan, leviathan, rend us
Leviathan, leviathan, vengeance
Leviathan, leviathan, penance
Leviathan, leviathan, send us
Leviathan, leviathan, end us
Some of you plap.
Some of you get plapped.
He gets attention easily. People just made up the samefagging thing because they were jealous that he rose to popularity quickly.
I stand with Rob C.
>relatable gimmick of liking femras that got him an EB and led him down a tragic but kino path
That's one way of putting it
Worst region of FF7R by a mile.
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Which one looks more powerful?
end me
Considering how many of you niggas fanta and name change so much that I have no idea who you are, it's necessary.
He also takes nice pictures
What should be my personality this week?
Alright, I'm curious. What was this tragic yet kino path?
^nude rapist who likes to coom in socks while he eats the crust
left has stubby little fins that doesn't even reach past it's head, right has giant fucking clobberers that'd fuck your shit up and leave you in the hospital. What do you think?
lobsters are deadly IRL
(I'm allergic to shellfish)
It's just pure tragedy. Nothing kino about it.
Nah I’ll just play my sex alt on downtime. The people on balmung are really dumb and unusually unpleasant, probably the dumbest group of people I’ve spent time with since middle school
I learned that you guys goon and rape and coom all over the sheets of one of my favorite idle spots. Never ever.
I'm out here smooching femlala.
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>people didn't like wuk lamat because of her complex towards her siblings
YoshiP still has no idea why people don't like her.
Rori Chan is getting out of control
Also yes we do
you'd think at a glance it's the left side
but in reality it's the right
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Please queue on Light, thank you!
CC Doko?
left looks like a duck wtf
today i will depression afk until dinner time and then try and fail to do something with my crush again
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Why do so many female characters have the first or last name nyx
I, too, am doko'ing for CC
Fine then, I'll say it if only for an actual answer.
The blood on the ear is weird, but yeah kind of.
I like the Lopporit face and I like the boobs being very round and both small and big at the same time like that, I don't know how to describe it.
>update simpleheels
>lose /heels temp
>it's not even listed as a command in the plugin description anymore
What the fuck is this nigger dev doing? This was literally the only reason to use the mod.
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Assholes like him give Bozja fans a bad name. As a duel enjoyer I vouch anyone acting like that is a turbo faggot who should be ignored and reported if they make comments like that and especially if they do follow-up on grief attempts.
I probably can’t get to balmung, do you deliver?
I wish I could leave Balmung but I'm tied down by my house.
handjobs, footjobs, assjobs, blowjobs, boobjobs...
all the jobs
Anyone else really sad
yes Remus entire goal is to get people talking about him which I guess he succeeded at
call times yourselves you pussies
Way more than I like Lalafells, but the proportions are still fucked, and I'd probably die from cringe watching them do Lala animations in game.
a catgirl
We're on Diabolos...
Nyx is Greek for Night and sounds a lot better in many ways than just saying Night.
It is incredibly overused though.
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WE(The lalafells, bigger do not apply) LIKE THIS
this happened to my moonie each time she tried to help in bozja
i'm with projared in that she's a likeable character, she's fine, but she's a bad protagonist
but dawntrail's writing and story presentation is pretty lackluster in general with all its telling and no showing
jp critiques may differ from ours
You don't speak for me.
Right it is
It’s a frequent anime name, some Greek death god, and trannies love anime
What's on your mind?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 9:30 ET
can I do that to your moonie right now
ser i'm not even logged in yet

daily, yeah
but i shove it aside and continue my routine
>FL Map is Shitter rn
upon my moonies first visit to gridania she felt a great loathing for the corrupting forces of so called civilization and has since been systematically terror bombing any signs of urban encroachment on her god created shroud
only a little sad
I don't remember making this post...
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no we like this.
too slow, i'm already in a game. call for yourselves.
you moonie also shits in a sandbox
Mine was gang fucked, what the fuck??
ok this one is cute
Oh this is the femlala x femlala smooching? If no, what city? My femlala could use a smooch…. and maybe a bit of lap sitting
Same reason as the last name Noire
I have a theory.
All degenerate middies are secretly autistic, and vice versa.
This is because middies are, in fact, a hive mind.
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The wood.
It's watching you know.
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Sometimes, but I make people laugh sometimes and the sadness goes away.
This is femlala smooching... we're in gridania...
why is kouhai catching strays?
Do any of these furry femlala mods work in DT..
If so..
Can you share it?
Umm.. fiddies aren't real... stop looking that close at them because they AREN'T REAL and you definitely are not going to reveal my open secret degeneracy
Moonie- x Sunnie-
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Oh boy, more reflections and ancients in this "new 10-year saga". Can't wait to see the same narrative keypoints we've seen before being retreated in a worse fashion again and again, truly exciting! Now, without sarcasm, thankfully the community feedback was so overwhelmingly negative that even Yoshida himself had to acknowledge it, meaning that there's hope that they course-correct immediately. Wuk Lamat was the biggest problem of Dawntrail due to her oppressive presence in the narrative, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the countless other flaws that this MSQ had; from the superficial and uninteresting cultures (tacos and alpacas are not all that there is to see in South America, dear Square Enix) to the sheer stupidity when it came to resolving issues ("have you tried growing wheat instead of sacrificing most of your children? :o"). Not only was there absolutely nothing new in what was supposed to be a new and fresh adventure, it was also executed in a terrible way. Focusing on glimpses of potential is the wrong approach to such a catastrophic failure and will only encourage laziness. I don't want to be baited along for 2+ years until something exciting happens.
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We like lalafells with animal ears.
Not full on furries.
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I am a meena who needs 13 more shatter wins
Yeah, but as long as I make even one other person happy, I have achieved my goal.
It takes sixty fates to be able to get to rank 3 and buy orchestra rolls
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I'm missing quite a few commendations for mentor roukette. What do you think is the best pose for a portrait that exposes your chest?
Yes please
JV is the only real male character

I don't believe any other male characters are actually real
Being cute will get you more comms than being slutty
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helium is expensive
the one where you tank or heal for the ARR relic trials
Just run guildhest with healer.
I had a paladin focusing me the entirety of a cc match. That was not fun
> It is a completely new area, so we want to showcase new cultures, new races, new peoples. And because of that we need to be really attentive and careful in the way that we introduce the world and because of going through that, the tempo in the first half seems quite slow and I think unfortunately it was just having that combined with Wuk Lamat as a character was maybe a source of what directed the hate towards Wuk Lamat
They're at least seeing the feedback but some of the conclusions don't sound the best.
I am simply a fig newton of your imagination.
make a cool portrait with an action pose instead
if you do that while also being an attractive female character, you appeal to two types of players
i never commend people with portraits like that
the best pairing
I play a moonie and I have no idea what the difference is except moonies are a matriarchy and sunnies are a patriarchy
i don't want to play cc any more
i don't care
You'll never see Malera be accused of being soft and faggy, that's for sure.
Yeah I still miss my ex
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Switch to something like BRD and stun/bind them exclusively the next time they're on the enemy team, it makes them REALLY mad and they're bound to make mistakes.
it's usually disgusting and cringe so it's even worse.
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Who should I thread crush on
Me too dude
yes but if she gives me even a little hint of attention i'll be over the moon
my moonie can smell if someone is a virgin and it excites her
Someone from thread probably
i have made a new lowlander meena and i'm going to pose him having normal adventures
Catboys soft and faggy
Malera are dorky and creepy
Miera somehow manage to be all at the same time
Cumdump like this
I get 1-3 comms a match of CC with flouride stare. That's the fastest way to get comms I think.
im real
Looking good.
Well, I'm here.
Post character
If you're at the bench you can probably smell me...
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Do lewd portraits still get reported?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 1:00 ET
this will be my last call if i lose
There has been quite a few soft and faggy Malera, but most of them are played by women. The real gay homosexual biopole Malera are face 3.
I'm a cumdump like that...
thanks for the calls
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garuda (hard) is pretty good for farming darksteel
I'm friends with a few soft faggy Malera, but one fanta'd to Miera
ty callfren
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moonies, on my command, unleash smell
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i'm ignoring that command
Are you on Balmung...?
The person I'm with is begging me to go a second time even though she said it was just a quickie before raiding. But I'm free soon.
A party member has withdrawn from the duty. Finding a new member.
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Can you have different penumbra setups for different characters?
couldn't those be unsync?
sorry, my smell was unleashed in the shower this morning
doesnt matter since i can already smell you
Why does this read like you stole it from reddit?
my moonie did the chase infinite money glitch and is now 47k dollars in debt
You can make many collections, then assign characters based on those collections
I'm at the bench.
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What's going on here?
that's it i'm going to take a shower
is there a way to make clicking enemies visually not dogshit in pvp or do you pretty much have to get used to clicking them on their team bars
I'm mods-dumb
Soft and faggy
Based on my observations if the QS, here is male character power rankings as to how much attention they get
1. Highlander
2. Midlander
3. Malera
4. Roe
5. Viera
6. Miqote
7. Hrothgar
99. Lalafell.
i'm so tired of uni
Where can I find sphene lewds? Any Twitter account you guys can recommend?
My moonie despise people.
The only good maliddie/malidster/middielander is my liege C.S.
maleras are THE overcompensating race, though
healer strike. I read it in a gaming news site back at the beginning of the expansion
We Malera are a proud warrior race, while the miera are pacified, poor excuses for males. So infused with estrogen, my brethren have a hard telling them and fiera apart, but we don't care. The holes are getting fucked all the same.
Reddit loves DT.
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Quit college to plap and goon with us
i can never find any straight male middies in the qs what do you mean
Mine too, wanna hate them together?
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Impressed you're able to make any observations at all while you're on your knees sucking cock
wow thanks for the tip! I'm also lacking in wind clusters
I remember some xaela crossdressing malera that looked pretty faggy
They've literally got child bearing hips
can i watch
i'm a femra who just won her first fartlines match
Uchiki is the quintessential miera.
I wish someone would give me the furry femlala mods...
But you ARE looking for one… ~
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The type of thing that make anons go UOOOOOHHH am I right
I want a snout...
Someone please give me a snout mod for my femlala........
But is Balmung your home world? Fiera.
Bench is boring...
>Wuk's VA has left twitter entirely
honestly the best move X has made in years, banning Brazilians and then getting all the virtue signalling trannies off
yeah true
Is the blindfold moonie an alt? They haven't posted or been at the bench in a minute
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It is my homeworld and now I know who this is...
We've plapped before.
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I don't get what Brazilians have to do with the VA, qrd?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 4:30 ET
I suck the cock at a different location. Doing it in the quicksands is tacky, futa tier behavior.
Have you been the key to victory?
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Phase 2 prog or EE2 prog. Call it.
F.T. please stop joining games on jobs you don't know how to play.
>early pulling
average DRK player
we love moonies
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Nyo, this is my main - I have just been playing DT and other games.
Got a lot of stuff going on..
Lord forbid for trying to make the game even a little fun.
shuddup bitch
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i prefer normal femlalas with animal ears
In penumbra, you'll have to go to the collections tab to make new collections. There will just be default which will apply to your current character. When you make a new collection, you can go to the mods tab and toggle which ones you want on, and go to the collections tab, and choose what character you want the collection to apply to.
F.T. please keep joining games on jobs you don't know how to play, but be on my team so I can princess carry you to the finish line
the VA said that banning an entire country of Latinx is too much so they were going to leave in solidarityas another latinx
looking at it now, that solidarity lasted exactly 2 days before they started tweeting activist shit again
Good. Free xp for my healer alt hehe
nope but she tried her best
"Uuuuu but what about my people"
Shut the fuck up boomer, youve been dead
yeah we take those too
Clicking targets in this game is terrible. It helps if you can match their name to their enemy # on the enemy list so yes I try to use that more.
I think tab works better if you point camera so it only sees who you want to target, too. I don't think tab targets off screen people.
Haha I figured except I don't see you on. So I'm guessing it was a one time thing. I think I know who, and it was someone new to ERP.
Just asking cause I missed you. Hope you're doing well
I was tricked and now I've been sex'd :(
i saw the one otr in the quicksands yesterday
>snapshotted some BH5 NINgger through shukuchi AND a wall with SAM LB
sometimes FL is alright
I saw the one otr standing on a catboy.
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That's right, sorry to waste your time..Have a good day.
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odd stain
she always hangs out there usually with other femlalas
did i get left behind
Could always be better, but thank you for thinking of me.
Here if you ever wanna talk, unless I'm not..then yeah.
vanguard glam farmers are something else, still shit at the dungeon and their jobs while still spamming it on repeat. their taste in glamours should be telling enough for what type of player they are though
Not a waste of time! I like you a lot and hope you get more experience.
I'm spent enough anyway... just also insatiable...
I queue'd a second early and ended up with 9 randoms...
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>different image md5 than the og
>archive shows you used it to shitpost and skinwalk
sorry i dropped my monster energy drink
We all got left behind, we let it all slip away
she's such a lying scumbag i hope misery befalls her
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Is this structurally sound?
Violet Isabella is my wife
Nobody look at her
fuck do you mean normal
did you post the wrong ones
Who are you vagueposting about, sis? Let it all out.
i need to see feet of these two
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O.J swap off ninja
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You should learn to enjoy what’s on the menu
chi albuquerque
It only started today...
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my moonie is waiting for viper to get fun
I have gotten some more, but things happened and instead of getting more experience I have just become more unhinged and now I'm not suitable for any relationship...
Um yeah it's made of stone, stone can't bend
Mussum Cacilda
awful catgirl that plays with my emotions and thinks it's funny
You'll get through it buddy /hug
need a miera to help me make one
My moonie certainly did so she'll make sure people will hurt because of it.
the one on the right is a fucking cunt
You may smell my moonie.
my sunnie

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>1000 potency
>1000 potency
> 600+620+680 Direct crit
>1100 potency
>700 potency
>800 potency

Meanwhile on the other side:
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Don't open this if you're Violet Isabella.
she doesn't post here
which is why i feel comfortable schizoposting about her here
It’s probably me. I blacklisted you for your own good, you are way too obsessive and controlling.
lemme get bottom left and bottom right as mounts pls
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>two sets of ears
>proportions are off
>dressed like early 80's skanks
Yeah, real normal femlalas ya got there.
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CC doko?
>>1000 potency
>>1000 potency
>> 600+620+680 Direct crit
>>1100 potency
>>700 potency
>>800 potency
>Meanwhile on the other side:
My gassy femlala is eating baked beans again...
Happy to lend an ear if you need it, schizo <3
>looking at it now, that solidarity lasted exactly 2 days
kek trannies really can't live without twitter
Don't you have anything else to do, Joy?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 7:30 ET
I like this
Post the Seishun RP profile where it says she eats the poo poo
CC koko
sorry bro im playing tarkov instead
actually looks good, beef.
My anxious fiddie is eating anxiety again
May I perceive her moonie pits
Shotgun to your faggot skull
it's not and she didn't and i'm neither of those

t-thank you...
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Without me.....?
I thought you would never leave my side again...
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I don't know if it's that good for farming clusters.. it would probably be better to walk up to the timed nodes with Luck of the Mountaineer/Pioneer, or even better, to gather lower level collectibles for aetherial reduction. A max-rarity reduction collectible gives you something like 60 crystals/30 clusters on average, and there's *always* some nodes up, of any element.

Darksteel is a bit tough though... You only get one node every 70 minutes, and you need a ton of darksteel for airship and submarine components...
I'm going to queue CC as a noob, I'm sorry to my teammates if I get in this game
why does the word "structurally" look so weird
I will carry you
hop on right now and lets run it
my catboy forgot to take his meds 2 days in a row and is about to return to his d1 crash out ways
Anytime, you'll be okay...
good luck anon, dont forget to bind your recuperate
>hates fat tits
>calling others fags
follow your own advice
I require a Yuki to blast rope to, please respond.
The only pit pics I have of her are from before DT, and I'm offline atm.
finished shadowbringers
never did omega? weapon
anything else i should do before EW?
My rock hard cock has a slight bend in it though
I'd gladly accept them
i will... i just need to stop thinking about her and do something else to help clear my mind
A lot of cute femlalas in this CC lobby...
Legend has it if you get horny enough your cock will straighten out.
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My maleroe is a bottom
Damn that's hot... that's like me....................
I kind of just accept having lots of friends and make myself believe that I like being single, I guess. Good luck... if there's anything really serious you want to chat or just need to vent to, you can poke me.
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My meena is like this
Go blog about it on twitter or discord you pornsick tranny faggot
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get off whm so i can get in my own calls
Someone please call my CC catgirl cute. I could use a little boost today.
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crystal please queue
Alliance raid, it’s lala kino. Great glams, especially for male characters
thats a cat you retard
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Well, /xivg/?
My male midlander is in the CC queues in spirit
You keep posting my Feena come on...
swapping to whm now
This reminds me, why do phaggot animators have the cock flop all around? It’s hard enough to get things to line up with even kosher size differences (miqote / highlander ), having his wang move flop around makes it impossible
sounds good is it eden?
i miss when the janny would clean out 60% of the off topic lalafel shit
I hate this two forced ugly femlala FAGGOTS so much. You mods are awful, you characters are not attractive and your nsfw gposes are ASS. FUCK OFF TRANNIES.
lmfao just shrink the text a bit
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Happy Labour Day weekend
This is the day you would thank your veena wife for labouring to make you breakfast
You know if you had one
{Technical Finish}
My male midlander's taking a nap
calm down eldus
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If you insist, then.
yeah, he's a used up whore slag that also is free use at the broken choker. what else is new?
outfit name?
No that’s the normal raid. Alliance raid is nier
Notice my femlala. I have the Wind-up Ardbert minion out.
oooh cool
I want to plap the giant moonie
my sunnie will return for
the volcanic heart
>dollar store rotations
>potency inflation out the ass
>no aggro/TP/MP management
You didn't beat the fight.
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Yep, I still have no idea what I'm doing on Viper.
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>queue timer keeps going up
i should've queued with trusts but now its just sunk cost..
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Yup, wind clusters are just a bonus for me. I want Darksteel more than anything.
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 11:00 ET
My femlala bought it but is scared to use it now...
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Do you want to go to the secret Ardbert Wind-up Meetup with the other femlalas?
femra are so cool
>fish is also meat
both Judaism and Catholicism disagree
glub a dub dub
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S-sorry I'm busy at the moment... ><
What's your point? At the risk of being called a Redditor.....Religion != science
My femlala is going to start using this…
ty very much
skyrim feet
What DC do you play on? I love your posts but I don't really see you around.
drinking this cats milk
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literal wow feet
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It is just a silly image, do not take too seriously.
Those feet are miles better
CC....KOKO.... eughh *coughs up blood*
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Taxonomy is more of an art than a science. Please consult the chapter in Moby-Dick in which Melville explains why whales are fish.
In this world...
It's plap...
Or be plapped...
with my woober
WoW can't keep getting away with this
WoW won
the 11:00 queue still hasnt' popped
And I felt saddest of all when I read the boring chapters that were only descriptions of whales, because I knew that the author was just trying to save us from his own sad story, just for a little while.
maybe not for you noob lol
We're still talking about meat, right.......? Whale meat exists......................
you mean the super elite hacker html edit, such an epic post lmao
Anything I can do to help?
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Damn, must be big.
my moonie plays on the turtle server
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but it's a fact that Malera make the best Himcesses. Every Khagan has the soul of a Nhaama on the inside.
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my catboy everytime he sees femra
We are pretty similar in a lot of aspects, I just don't think I can satisfy you alone...
and sorry for not replying, I was in the shower,
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Hey crafter nerds
What did you do to level leatherworker from 80-10 cheaply
Consult your local rabbi if the flesh of a whale is meat. I imagine yes, because they nurse their young with thick whale custard.
Glad it helps, and glad to see another submarine/airship enthusiast.
Waking up from a nightmare and decided to check the thread. Im glad t se, regardless of timezone, the quality is the same.
boy how the fuck do you plan on leveling from 80 to 10
leveling yourself in to the character creator to make a new leatherworker?
>Consult your local rabbi if meat is meat
No, I don't think I will.
Gloves are a different mod entirely. Desert dancer or something by cultist I think.
Veil is just moonward veil.
not funny
not original
not quirky
ishgard restoration
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 2:30 ET
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Still, around.
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as much as i wish it was midnight, witch hunt
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my femra is builded to be breeded by midlanders only
Gettin your rebound on, sis?
I like feet.
For too long have femra kidnapped middies, and had them taken to the breeding chambers of sui-no-sato...
Today, we turn the tables!
Today, WE rape the femra!
It stops giving you xp after 80
Ugly and insecure male midlander post
don't tell me you didn't level gatherers
I like feet when they're in heels
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gocks and horsecocks I hope?
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Taking a break from levelling, I decided to check some places of where I live (moved back home to inherit the place like a decade ago), I found some plush toys I haven't seen in literally 30 years or more that used to belong to me when I was in the single digits of age, like... 3-8 years old, do I throw them out or not or wash them and put them on display in a weird manchild way?
>queue dungegon on drk
>save both dps with tbn because they're fucking up mechanics, causing them to barely avoid death
>get 2 comms, don't comm the healer
it ain't much, but it's honest work
I hope it's gocks and horsecocks
I want to rape a fiera
Give me a qrd so I don’t have to give these faggots clicks
That's a gorgeous femra, and that would be sad if I didn't I prefer anal rape anyway.
putting them on display is weird
serial killer vibes desu
you said 80-10
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it is only did I realize that squadron engineering manual and Commercial are stackable

Thought so, I can't bring myself to throw them out though, but they'd also be taking up room.

Not gonna click but I'm going to guess chat bubbles and in game Raidplan
keep them to give to your kids
no kids? give them to nieces and nephews
It was EE2.
basic combo:
>steel fangs and reaving fangs
using steel fangs buffs the next use of reaving fangs in a combo, and vice versa
>hunter's sting and swiftskin's sting
damage buff and haste buff, you just alternate between them and press the shiny one
>3rd combo
if it's a green button, you attack from the side(flant). if it's a red button, it's rear. their names are self-descriptive
>serpent's tail
hit it after hitting 3rd combo

you use this in your opener because you don't want to spend too long applying your buffs. just hit hunter's coil-twinfang-twinblood-swiftskin's coil-twinblood-twinfang. it's like climbing and descending a ladder
uncoiled fury:
just a standard ranged attack with some weaving and aoe. it's slightly longer in cooldown, which is good for disengaging. try to keep at least 1 uncoiled fury charge active at all times.
john fucking madden, i'm not gonna explain it, it's very straighforward
>go to gong cha
>ask for code
>they gave them all away to retards who are giving them way on reddit for clout or selling on ebay for money
fucking why? the collab still has 2 days left why the fuck did you fags give 40 codes each to retards begging and then have none when peopoe ask for 1 (one)?
I meant for PvP, anon.. But thank you..
I'll wash them and think of this, probably won't be nieces and nephews given literally every single one of my siblings including myself had a bad childhood due to rough parenting, and ended up not straight / don't want anything to do with kids.

Knowing me I'll probably end up working in an orphanage caring for kids in my later years so that might be a plan actually. Hopefully not wittling my days away pretending to be a superhero in an MMO by then.
I missed so much good shit by neglecting squadrons...
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They don't take too long to level, they're kinda like retainers, you just send them out, forget about them, come back and when they're high enough to spam Command, you do just enough to get the rewards.

That or you dress them all up in the GARO armours and have your own fantasy tokusatsu sqaud to do dungeons with... for whatever reason.

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