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Sack Edition

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Elder Thread: >>492732052
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thanks for making thread
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Grab it before Anub pushes a new update.
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How about sacks edition, heh
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Could have just linked back to the original post for context.
Any good enb/grass/landscape/dyndolod settings combinations to try ?
I've noticed when I rob stores, the strongboxes never refill. All the other items in the store will be replaced after some time, but the strongboxes stay empty forever.
Is this a vanilla issue? If so, I'm surprised the unofficial patch isn't fixing it for me.
probably vanilla
some containers are safe storage and don't reset after 10 days
The cat's post dragon life is going as well as can be expected.

Make sure you trust The Plan. While her broad but shallow skillset will be enough for the occasional pissed off Skyrim native found while looking for more precious minerals, she's aware this is not enough. She has to put something together from the parts. That's where precious mineral hunting comes in.

Still, would be handy if her Jarl-loaned assistant would appear. A bit of fire and nimbleness will handle a troll, but it would have been nice to have some support.
..Excuse me for one second.
sex with this khajiit
Oh there she is. At last. This actually took real life hours for Lydia to show up again.

Meer'Ka is going to have to give her a gentle talking to. She knows Skyrim natives don't like being pushed around by intellectuals, but she promised the Jarl to devote her attention to researching dragons too. Anything gained will be shared knowledge with the jarl. And as we all know, the difference between screwing around and scholarship is recording it once you're done.
Southwoods District 2 is up. Kinda. Enjoy your Northshore + Southwoods + Docks Overhaul patch waiting room.
Trying to make Lydia understand the importance of her work isn't going well. What a stubborn woman. Well, hopefully she'll be more of a believer once Meer'Ka can demonstrate her idea. Even dragons can be harmed, it seems. That itself is worth knowing.

We just need a bigger punch in the face for them to feel it.
Kek, are there other waifus that have this dedicated of a following or is it just her?
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it all started with a certain goblin poster many years ago...
Literally Who?
Don't furries actually want to be furries though as well? Not just have an attraction to them?
harvest's end

>screwing around and scholarship
lel I watched adam speak about the origins of that phrase yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEuhyrqpwWw&t=756s
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>Literally Who?
you wouldn't get it
Given he posted gobbo, I don't think the attraction is fur, it's height. Do with that what you will.
>Don't furries actually want to be furries though as well? Not just have an attraction to them?
You can't be this stupid, right? There's a reason why furfag shit exists in the first place.
I forgot gobbo was a thing
To me furries are people who wear the fursuits, jerking off to furfag shit is so normalized and theres so much of it that I don't think that's as controversial of a thing as it was back then. I don't think it makes you a furry either.
Haven't been here very long, have you
That is a tiny orc...

I'll give you a spoiler then. The thing the character is working towards involves explosives. And a mod that has another mod JUST to equalize the sound of the huge bang so it doesn't ruin your speakers or headset. Or your ears.
What tipped you off Cpt. Obvious?
That's not an answer
so i didnt play skyrim in like 5 years
i have a 4090 now so i want to play it with biggest tits graphic modpack there is?
any suggestions?
i dont want to spen a week modding it
I like cute characters and sometimes funny ones but never both at the same time. that's only for degens
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Everyone is taller than us. That synthesis patcher has made everyone tall as fuck.
Why is OpenMW 0.49 taking so long?
>jerking off to furfag shit is so normalized and theres so much of it that I don't think that's as controversial of a thing as it was back then. I don't think it makes you a furry either.

The delusion take is incredible here. You're a furfag in denial. With that, you are down there with the low of the low like scat lovers, congrats.
If I downgrade my game to 1.5.97 will I also need to downgrade the creation kit before I can use it?
OH no which patcher?
>a mod that has another mod JUST to equalize the sound of the huge bang
Well you can play in 4k but you should still build your own list
It's funny money can't buy you your own personal modlist lmao
probably not
i knew 4chan gooners are useless
maybe if i asked about some bouncy lizard tits you would be more eager
I haven't used it but I think it's what you want
Look for it on youtube, you'll find a dozen SKYRIM IN 2024 NEXT GEN MODDED
I don't think so and I think you know it because you wouldn't have had such a visceral reaction if it wasn't true.
Yeah I decided to install it just in case. Ain't got time for that. But I do love my booms and bangs. Spells should feel like spells.
Hello newfag! I see you aren't use to different opinions yet judging by how you formatted your post as well as your constant state of outrage when you interact with something you disagree with!
Make sure to take a lot of mental health breaks while browsing or you might have a breakdown!
nta and Eldergleam looks really good but I aint touching wabbajack
Hopefully someday they'll put it on Mo2 or vortex.
Gobbo is actually cute that weird cat abomination looks like a game set on low settings with the lack of details
Hey cabal is the yarti thing true?
Nobody knows what you're on about, retard-kun. Give context if you want to talk about off-topic nonsense.
>Visceral reaction
If someone told you 1+1=3, anyone would call them on their bullshit. Believe what you want to believe but your statement simply isn't true
yeah, I have tried running the nu ck off steam on 1597 and it didn't launch so I ended up installing a copy of 1.6.1170 just to work with the new esl format
but if you don't care about opening the new format in ck downgrading will werk and xedit works with new esl plugins just fine outside of stuff like perk placement, navmeshes, and terrain edits

based boom enjoyer
I think your being very over-dramatic, did you use to do theater or are you gay? Your posts give off that vibe.
If somebody told you 1+1=3 you'd curl up into the fetal position and mutter through tears "No it can't be true!"?
>based boom enjoyer
It's going to be lit once I get what I need. Which is literally flawless gems. And a bunch of them. But you know what DEEP RP is? Using a geological survey map of Skyrim to help your geologist character find ores.
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I don't recall posting that webm yet
I was going to say "no way he's from anywhere else, if he hasn't he heard that cope" but now that I think about it I've heard that cope more on this site, makes me think it's a 4chan product that is leaking into the broader internet.
If you're going to be defensive, throw petty insults and move the goal post then you are proving my point and we have nothing further to discuss.
>"I know, I'll just accuse you of everything I did first!"
KEK, thought so.
Not an argument
Why are people recommending ReShade over ENB these days?
Which faction questline is your favorite out of all the main TES games?
it's up?
>calls the person he disagrees with delusional and an idiot
>anon just says that his posts reads like he is gay
Kek, the softest of push back and you can't take it.
No. it's already off topic as it is.
Sorry, which cope? redditspacing or newfag?
Oblivion's Thieves Guild
She has a very pretty face but the micro bikini/pubic hair combo reminds me too much of hentai with tags I avoid
>FBI has entered teh chat
Why would I be talking about you with the pronoun "he" instead of "you" in a response directly to you?
The cope that the term furry only applies to people that want to be anthros.
You can put down your phone, you're not two people. If you want my argument, see >>492884797. Because I promise everyone that visits furinfity or whatever that site is called are all furies. Enjoy, your degenerate art and keep denying like it's normal.
>normal as better than not normal
People with above 200 IQ are not normal.
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I don't visit furinffinity though.
They don't? community shaders you mean. Reshade doesn't over anything substantial other than Marty McFly's global illumination which is screenspace effect and not real raytracing. ENB does have screenspace global illumination and it's pretty awkward. No wonder why devs didn't actually use a screenspace solution.
Really? Why that one? I think that's the one I've played through the least and only really remember stealing the elder scroll
>full on jungle
i'm all for different tastes but this is objectively the worst
Go back to twitter plz. No one cares about your opinons, thanks.
Stay here please
4chan is my home and the only social media site I've used, I just think your thinking is stuck in the past considering how much everything has changed since that opinion was popular and mainstream.
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...so despite the fact that I go on e621 usually multiple times a day, and jack-off near exclusively to anthros I'm not a furry? What am I then?
wow yet another bimbo shit-
>monstrous fucking bush
tracked and endorsed
I use rule34, I've never been to either of these weird shady sites you're talking about. Its very suspicious that you also know more about these furry sites than I do. Are you sure you aren't a furry?
"apparently" according to this moron>>492880393
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we gobbo posting?
lets go
Kek, the seethe.
pedos out
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Was the Onimai anime based off of /tesg/? You identified as a male before you played Skyrim, now you spend most of your day looking for mods to change your waifu's skin, makeup, outfit, and body. You choose armor for its esthetics rather than its armor rating, and some of you are marrying and fucking male NPCs. You are slowly becoming a girl and you don't know it.
What if you jerk off to a mixed bag of stuff, including furries, would that make the person a furry?

If there are multiple websites for furry porn with millions of images on them, then yeah, its normalized... This isn't rocket science
Fuck, I hate downloading and installing EVERY single mod from a 1000+ mod long modlist...
There's gotta be a faster way to do this shit, man...
nexus premium?
These are all suppose to be boys?
If loving gobbo makes me a pedo then call me EDP445 because I'm gonna eat that cupcake
go back to new vegas
What's a good graphics mod + ENB setup if I want graphics that are consistent with the original game's design and vision? I've noticed that most graphic mods on the Nexus completely change the graphics style, coloring, and tone to make it look like something visually inconsistent with the aesthetic of the game. Usually, these graphic mods end up making the game look like God of War, Black Desert Online, or some other mmo, which isn't what I want
get upscaled textures + any ENB
community shaders has the vanilla style feeling over ENB
That just makes the downloads faster, and my internets pretty fast already. I wish I could just install all the mods at once or something. The guy didn't provide a wabbajack or anything, so.
the webm that broke 4chan
Me any my /tesg/ bros
oh i thought you meant you used wabbajack. Not having premium would need to make you click every install button. if you have premium, everything gets done automatically and you can leave the computer. But only on wabbajack of course
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I wish I could just become a girl like that, it would be so much easier and I'd be so much happier.
ok myth
And normal people aren't clicking on those images and enjoying them. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
I'm not ashamed to admit if I was born a woman I'd be a giant slut, be pregnant 24/7 and fuck everything that moved and had a sizeable cock, alas I was born as a giant ugly man, with an ugly man's brain, so i will live as a giant ugly man, skyrim had nothing to do with it, it just allows me to live vicariously and goon
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Still no argument
Oh they actually said you aren't a furry no matter how much furry porn you ingest, or what preferences you have. I want to call the the hook showing on the bait, but I think it might just be threads showing on their tattered mental state. If you look on /trash/ there is a reason all the furry generals have human in their titles. "I'm totally not furry cope"
>What if you jerk off to a mixed bag of stuff, including furries, would that make the person a furry?
Yes, several of the people on Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" had wives and sometimes had proof they had sex with their wives in the form of children of their own, are they not pedophiles because their sexuality wasn't exclusively pedophilic?
We all know self-insert stories aren't actually self-insert and more of an imagination of the best version of yourself in that world.
Still waiting on new work from shadowman2777 or reaper864
this is actually big wtf
>Yes, several of the people on Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" had wives and sometimes had proof they had sex with their wives in the form of children of their own, are they not pedophiles because their sexuality wasn't exclusively pedophilic?
Yeah, I'm a sub IQ human that jerks off furry shit along with the other degenerate shit it comes along with. Can you please try explain your post a little better? I'm still over here coping a bit.
>No more frustrating death screens, losing hours of progress
Do skyrim players really?
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>download new mod
>game shits bricks
>disable new mod
>game still shitting bricks
fuck this bullshit
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For as long as I remember /v/ has touted Morrowind as one of the best WRPGs of all time, even back in '09 when I joined this was the case, with people shitting on Oblivion and Bethesda Fallout.
Is the game actually good? I'm thinking of buying it since Skyrim feels so vapid. Should I buy it?
only the mc
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holy shit it's finally up
Is there any Fallout 4 settlement building system in Skyrim? Or has it been modded in?
witchertroon hours
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just reading about it now looks good
can I add in a small population of soldiers, farmers, harlots and a merchant?
For mages at least, it’s the best in the series, it’s amazing how much it feels like a sequel to Skyrim rather than the other way around
Pirate it
>oh no i got fucked up by something outside of my control
>gotta spend the next hour getting to playable state
reminds me of outward
worst shit ever
Alright I found this mod
Not sure how it is executed but the description is exactly what I'm after.
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First Daggerfall is better, second you shouldn't play Daggerfall as it is an immoral and degenerate product.
Second Morrowind or Daggerfall probably isn't for you, as Oblivion and Skyrim are sanded off slop made for the lowest common denominator, Morrowind is a niche product meant to appeal to a very specific type of autist, who knows if you were pulled into TES IV and V for reasons that translate to TES III.
people who praise morrowind are people who love it for how easy it is to break it
why did bethesda allow dragon skins to be sold...
I'm surprised not a single resident furfag has been doxed
nta but skyrim was my first tes and i liked morrowind
but i can't into oblivion whatsoever, i'd rather watch paint dry
I'm the same, my point was there is no guarantee that somebody who wants to go deeper than Skyrim was to experience more depth in the CRPG direction.
Why do you fags always post these like a Youtube clickbait title?
holy shit this is massive
this follower CHANGES THE GAME forever
I didn't care for it at all, but then again I did only play it for like an hour and a half before refunding it.
nah but it looks like a good alternative to stay in the fight
better to wait a bit because it surely has some bugs now
Lmao this nigga thinks heartfire isn't a scam
I know we're just dunking on clickbait guy but this is honestly one of the better attempts at d.va and i've busted so many nuts to shitty 3d porn of d.va that I already have this downloaded.
german woman moment
depends on what you like
playing vanilla, I got a lot more playtime out of tes 2,3,4 than I did 5
while the opposite is true for modding
It actually is really good quality. I'm looking for Tracer now but can't find the spunky young lass.
i've seen hammerhead sharks with narrower eyes
yeah I saw his other work and its fucking terrible. I have no idea how he managed to make a passable d.va
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I made it to level 2, mostly doing busy work and then on a mission to clear a "haunted house" got knocked down by a skeleton camping a corner with a bow, and died before she could stand. I wish everything's movement in Morrowind was like 150% faster.
Trips-on-claws was born, albeit not to that name, in a port town in Elsweyr. She was ostracized by her peers for her odd mannerisms, eventually she was groomed by a Black Marsh cell, who found her sociopathy and autistic professionalism appealing. She valued their "friendship" but never got invested in the cause. She was caught smuggling poisons and sent to jail, they were never able to link her back to Black Marsh cell.
A serious sadist, probably plays with corpses of her victims, but really wants to find "the one" that she can keep safe and chained away from others, preference for the races of men and mer, bisexual.
Sign & Specialization: The Steed & Stealth
Attributes: Intelligence and Agility
Major Skills: Spear, Sneak, Security, Marksman, Illusion
Minor Skills: Enchant, Mysticism, Light Armor, Mercantile, Hand to Hand
bonnethead sharks are my favourite sharks
Greenland Sharks don't reach adulthood/ sexual maturity until 150 years old.
They can live to be 500+ years old and it's still debatable if they can die of old age or if it's only from other causes.
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wtf i love hákarl now
yeah, they're pretty cool too. Bonnethead sharks are the only sharks currently known which intentionally partake in omnivory
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>test modlist as it's basically 90% complete and only missing some waifu makeup mods etc
>it boots the game first try!
>it loads cqc qasmoke first try!
>but the enb preset somehow does not work
>the face texture and body texture are somehow mismatched despite being from the same fucking pack in a AIO installer
>MCO works but the animations just repeat the first attack constantly
>true directional movement loads but does not work and the menu does not load despite showing in MCM?
>looks like ELFX is not working at all?
>vibrant weapons are not working
Great, fucking great, seemsit loads precisely because 3/4 of the core shit is not actually working
I have no fucking clue what's TDM's problem but I remember having the same issue with MCO in my old modpack and it being a bitch to fix so here's to a fun night i guess
Not bad not bad. I would put her in lore appropriate clothing however.

For me it's the cookie cutter. Just swims up from the depths, takes a bite and fucks off.
Emil tried SDA and loved it, now Martimius is getting hired by Bethesda
/the eternal shark general/
For centuries nobody knew the cookie-cutter existed and attributed those bites on whales, sharks, tuna, etc to krakens and sea serpents.
No way this isn't cursed to death. The death system in Skyrim is glitchy enough.
Some good stuff on that page. Nice find!
I agree with the image. The cinematic it's part of is cool too. Which you can watch if you leave your controls idle long enough during the main menu.
>game crashes sometimes while out in the wild
>can’t figure out why
>crashlogs are useless as usual
>find out through sheer luck that the reason why the game is crashing is because I had a mod for removing fox breath sounds and it was somehow incompatible with something that had fuck all to do with it
>only found out because I decided to disable it on a whim and everything just started working again
I love modding
I would like to remove the default outfit pieces from a follower so that they're forced to wear what I give them but I've forgotten how. Is there a way to do it in-game? I'm using NFF if that matters
I want the CC content but I don't feel like buying Skyrim a 4th time
>I'm using NFF if that matters
command follower spell>inventory>set outfit
and then just put what you want to replace their current outfit in the box.
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Hail Ysmir.
That is all.
There is an option to do that in NFF, just talk to the follower.
I don't just want to set up a new outfit to override the default one, I want to remove the default one entirely
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>torch bash every time nimhe tries to attack
>chug 5 stamina potions
>win the without being hit once
torch bash the great equalizer
The other way I know is to use xEdit and delete the outfit.
She was clearly more into vampires
anon openly admitted he would be shitposting. you think he cares about thread quality? from here on out we will never know if we are talking to the dog or him.
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looks fun let us know if it sucks
this just sounds like autism. Replacing the outfit via NFF is functionally the same as removing the outfit record in xEdit and inserting a new one. Replacing via NFF totally disables the standard assigned outfit unless you reset it or start a new game.
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Okay i fixed MCO I think, it still plays only one animation out of the pack but I now can move!
I also fixed TDM, apparently am retarded and didn't notice I installed the wrong MCM Helper version.
Still no idea what's the character's skin problem or the ENB fuckkup
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some of you are wokegenders. come to the Markarth market tomorrow
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I think the cubemaps might be a bit too powerful.
is that undertale?
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That's my video!
I can't believe she is gone, they said dogs go away when they are about to die.
But she is a necromancer so I am sure she will be back.
put on a diaper, yara
best post itt
Dude's gay.
Maybe try reading the thread then before such silly comments
poopoo is funny to you?
>implying foreskinboy can read
yeah it makes a silly noise
what about peepee? is peepee funny to you?
Call me boethia because im pooping literally right now
>pee pee poo poo general
worst post itt
hehehee, yellow water come out the willy
call me malacath because im a rapebastard
what about peepee ON poopoo? or poopoo on peepee?
hydrate my son
it's funny because it's true
lol true rhymes with poo
no that's going too far.
nice muscles!
what about pee poopoo?
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you might prefer eff
it lets you directly change follower equipment rather than deal with outfits
No, it's a tranny.
An orc has been born (in my toilet)
we're only at 200 posts why are we getting end of thread quality shitposts already? You guys got to get it together
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suck on my sweetroll nerd
no it's not. begone wokie
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and into the cairn we go again
Alright so I fixed everything apart from the face skin SUSPICIOUSLY QUICKLY
Like it was total 50 minutes on a 600 mods loadorder, no fucking way it was this easy,.
For sure Todd is luring me into a false sense of security so I think everything works and pour 90 hours into a character, only to find there is a critical issue with a mod that I cannot remove mid-save without bricking it like last time.
>muh """woke"""
just tattoo "I <3 Israel" on your forehead already rightoid
Keep up the good work
Looks S P O O K Y in there. Hopefully you don't get R A P E D on the other side. Getting the AIDS virus and having to fart up cum doesn't sound like it would be fun.
Keep going brother. don't forget to post waifu when you're done
Is everything okay, dude? do you need help?
Fuck off, weirdo.
that's okay. you can talk to me if you're in trouble.
no way that gif is way too feminine to be yara
hypothetically, if somebody wanted to use the uesp but hated the dlc, how hard would it be to mod the dlcs into a state where they were active but not implemented into the game? as in disable the primary quest triggers for them? possible?
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My girl Angelika spitting some facts.
how dare anon not favor one of the fatass waifu muscle girl futa waifus instead of having his own opinion
I will call you Serana instead. It fits just as well, unlike Molag.
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this place is looking proper grim.
How 2 make 2h weapon playthrough more interesting?
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Oh also lol
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the Soul Cairn or the thread?
Whenever I see a really dumb argument on /tesg/ I imagine it is two khajiit women who don't want to look stupid in front of their shared love interest
This enables me to chuckle and continue Scrolling
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what's the difference, really?
Asmongol made a video about her
She's big now
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fair point, I kinda just baked and left to be fair
Another video to dislike
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Can someone tell what this dude is doing in the middle of nowhere near Whiterun?
Probably an IWE clone or AI Overhaul schedule
I can't imagine he got zoinked from Markarth's cell over to Bleakwind Basin and somehow survived, that's usually just rocks and stuff
not until you explain what Lydia's doing with that deer
>xe thinks rightoids like Israel
why whiterunners look like this?
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isnt wokeness being pushed by the jews?
What is lydia wearing, it looks n ice
some do because Israel kills a lot of muslims
As they should. Islam is a cancer
That's not actually the canon insignia of the east empire company, right? That has to be some fanfiction shit.

Even todd wouldn't be THAT on the nose would he?
god blessjews
Both are shit, to be honest.
whats that classy lil number you have lydia in?
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The tunnel full of 3 genesis dwarven centurions slightly challenged my immersion on the way to this spider
then there were two more who snuck in on the way back because of how long the tunnel is for spawning
however, sitting in a spot that can't be reached and poking/burning/braining things is the oldest tradition
katana mods that use the sheathe as an offhand weapon?
katanas are made with shit steel
your most righteous and honorable mod, great samurai anon-sama
shield mods that use the shield as a snowboard, dinner plate, dinghy, hat, umbrella, frisbee, wagon wheel, gong, buzzsaw?
this game has been out for 13 years but dragons that fight you at the city of winterhold STILL fly to the roof of the college to die
Redguard mod that makes Redguards white?
mod that turns skyrim into abe's oddysee?
Mods that make my stepdad stop beating me?
>dinner plate
doesn't exist
>wagon wheel
not sure
somehow doesn't exist
should exist
here, search for redguard fix
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in the silver-blood inn you can hire vorstag for 500 septims or cosnach for a single bottle of wine
turns out cosnach is non-essential and gets ez clapped during the first forsworn camp
i guess the lesson is you get what you pay for
rip cosnach
one of the oldest traditions but usually belonging to the stealth archers kek but yeah, fights are easy if you're cheesy
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I was debating someone on survival mods a while back and defended them on the basis that they offer hotkeys so that you can do certain things without going into menus, and they add immersion so they're enjoyable.

But after thinking about it for a while I change my mind, he was right. Survival mode really is just nothing more than adding timers to menu hopping. Enter menu, click item, wait, repeat. Hotkeys just provide small solutions to problems they add themselves. The thing is is that I still like and want a way to manage needs, so what would be a good way to manage this?

If anyone here has played Dragon's Crown, there's a fun food minigame that I don't know if you could recreate in skyrim. Leveling up by sleeping makes sense as well. Maybe food just adds temporary buffs, and cooking is a skill like alchemy?
I don't see how making zeemer white is an improvement at all
In fact I would be ashamed if my vvhite bröthers were like him
Stelf archers are just throwing spears, so it's an advancement on poking things to death that can't reach you (with spears having the added ground brace to turn the weight of large stuff against them)
I can vouch for Vorstag anyway, he handles hoshtilities well
that shirt kinda looks like 2b's outfit if you wore it backward
hate both, but would rather be neighbours with a jew than a muslim
Why don’t you just roleplay rather than depending on mods to remind you to eat.
more like cosnACK
Depends on what you mean by rightoids
American neo cons and many republicans like israel more than the US, there are a shit ton of "patriots" that are absolute traitors amd it goes all the way up
Advertising is against the rules
the problem with survival mods is that games with them tend to give you limited inventories. the idea is that they're more like fuel where you have a limit on your exploration before you need to refuel and accidental diversions could cost you. Skyrim gives you an absurd inventory and you can find food literally everywhere. there are mods that change both you gotta really understand what you're doing to make skyrim into a survival game and its a lot more work than just downloading 1 or 2 mods.
>magicka not regenerating is really just nothing more than adding timers to menu hopping
>using more than one spell is really just nothing more than adding timers to menu hopping
>equipment durability is really just nothing more than adding timers to menu hopping
>modded injuries are really nothing more than just adding a timer to menu hopping
>ostim is really nothing more than adding timers to menu hopping
When does it end?
Get a thing that makes food give lasting buffs if you want food to have lasting buffs
Get a thing that requires you to acquire sustenance if you desire sustenance mattering
Get both if you want both
There is a lot I roleplay but having some tangible effects makes it more immersive.
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>no manul mod
how come the best internet meme cat gets no love from any modding communities?
you have linked this twice now
I dont want to say anything controversial here but I want angelika to sit on my fucking face
I usually just either disable it or have some weird limitation to what my character can eat
For example she can only eat vegetables, or cum
low standards
Because the ones that aren’t shit actually gives you buffs and debuffs on if you’re taking care of yourself or not.
Last Seed has an entire mechanic around just general wellness. If you eat nothing but alcohol and bread your vitality is shit and you’re more likely to get sick. If you don’t eat, you’ll also sleep like shit. Stress And Fear also does something similar where if you do is get yourself into situations where you almost die and then do nothing to relax, you also get debuffed.

It’s not really about the timers and menu time, it’s giving you a reason to do those things other than “I’m roleplaying :)”
Every single thing you list has a tangible in game effect on what you're doing, like spells or magicka is a part of active combat and bringing extra equipment is a way to mitigate threats
I post in /tesg/, what do you expect?
After playing Oblivion again I really miss the magic casting with two handed weapons.
But midwits told me that "I'm roleplaying :)" was the be-all end-all of video games to the point of not even needing to launch them
what are some good npc replacers i could use as a base
Really bad points.
All along, the NPC who needed to be replaced
was (You), the player

captcha: askrs
It is now, cope more.
>Yes, several of the people on Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" had wives and sometimes had proof they had sex with their wives in the form of children of their own, are they not pedophiles because their sexuality wasn't exclusively pedophilic?
I didn't know you were a pedophile, makes sense though. Thankfully, I don't have to worry or think about stuff like that like you do.
kek more seethe
samefagging isn't cool.
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I like Durnehviir
you sure got a lot of weapons. How many are just decorative
I was annoyed that Unbound removes his conversation afterwards if you have DB off instead of level delayed to (impractical number)
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I'm the one who made it and I didn't repost it, also its actually on-topic so it isn't shitposting cry more kek.
I'm noticing... This is catastrophic levels of seething.
I use all- and swap between them regularly.
that does suck
Is the witchhunter class the only magic archer themed one? I can't really name any notable npc one either, aren't they like van helsings? Do you see anyone like that in-game?
are you using something to encourage different weapon types or is it roleplaying?
Because there aren't any but your being a schizo and having a meltdown like a child over a cartoon dog that you don't like
I want to touchy angelika if you catch my drift
mod that adds a FAMAS?
roleplaying and just thinking "I wanna change it up a little" keep gameplay fresh.
seems cool actually
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>want an ENB
>I remember Rudy is popular
>oh wow that's a lot of dependencies and this mod description page is kind of scatterbrained
>i'm sure it'll be fine!
This is the last time I try Rudy. I just want it to stop being so fucking bright in outdoor areas.
>1 webm about missing a favorite character caused a schizo meltdown
You should make more, it'll be fun!
Yeah it seems fun but it also sets off alarms in my head about people who need the story told for them
Install it correctly. Mine looks nothing like that.
I just borrowed the webm, if I had the model I could do more, but I don't, I'll think of something but I'm pretty busy right now. I only slapped it together real quick to show how much I appreciated the character.
understandable. I was hoping to find someone that enjoyed those specific weapons for specific monster type mods since I think they're interesting but way too much work and I would like to see the type of creature that enjoys them
Backport extender says versions after 1.6.1130 dont need that mod anymore. I'm at 1.6.1170 am I good to go with installing mods? I'm running se not ae.
When did you make it, I came into last thread and it was the first thing I saw when I scrolled down, when did she leave?
thats because it is 2bs outfit, or at least part of it
i wanted something fancy with frills while playing the paid bard mod and doing the bards college (again)
Its just nice that they weren't complaining about trannies for once
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I've only been here a for few minutes but I'm not gonna lie, I kinda miss Lydia.
We love our transexual brethrens in this general
Doggo or not Doggo Lydia?
Not sure what to make of the Serana dialog addon. I like that it turns her into a sex addicted, portable cocksleeve, but the extra dialog they add is superficial 90% of the time. She just gives a quick summary of what has happened in the quest.
And the few times they try to make major changes to her vanilla writing it's a cringe shitfest like the molag or boethia quest. I don't hate or love it, it's just meh.
nta, but you post in the Local AI thread in /g/ don't you?
/tesg/ cries out for their Queen
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Who are your biggest TES crushes? You can only pick canonically existing characters
Todd really thought we'd all kill Paarthie for fucking Delphine
Are Bethesda really so inept as to think people would betray close allies for some weeb faction?
It sucks most people can't do the blades in Skyrim without mods
I meant the original gameplay, not the edit. I think I posted it a week or so ago.
I am not sure when she left, I have not been checking the thread much lately.
The original vid was asking for the follower, not because she was missing lol
bohoo poor partysnacks Q.Q, he reformed and dindu nuffin
Not doggo, I'm playing vanilla. Well, the base game plus the DLCs but no mods. Because I want to know what I'm changing when I do decide to mod it.
I think Almalexia is underrated
literally, yes. he helps you kill his former best friend and boss to make up for it and gives the Dragonborn tonnes of guidance and training even though it will be used to kill his fellow dragons
this is some kind of middle school passing notes during class shit. do you like my waifu Y N?
Unbelievably based
Queen Elysana. I love the way she manipulated me and tried to kill me after
>I like that it turns her into a sex addicted
When I did a run with it, I never got past the initial love confession (which I accepted), does she get more slutty later or something?
And yeah, most of her lines are just summaries, a few good ones, some too marvel tier for me, what did annoy me is she never speaks unless prompted, which I didn't even knew I had to do most of my playthrough. So I am pretty sure I lost a lot of reactions for quests and locations.
Funny, being underrated was her biggest nightmare
Do you want him to stake you?
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There's many ways to stake a vampire, adventure boi.

Mudcrab merchant.
mmmm anything for him
>normies can finally mod themselves to have an inner monologue
>lets skip the installation tutorial and dependencies!
>Oh noes, it looks like shit!
Are you retarded?
Anybody got a mod that removes markers from the compass, but not the whole compass?
>When I did a run with it, I never got past the initial love confession (which I accepted), does she get more slutty later or something?
Not sure if it's due to other mods, but every couple of days she ask for sex or something. Might have to have ostim/sexlab with the SDA patch to trigger these interactions. Not sure. Did this not happen for you? She even has unique dialog for each of these events and even talks during (and after) the ostim sex scene.
I'm playing through it for the first time and I like the content even if the writing is fanfic tier at times. It's nice to have an actual companion in Skyrim after playing Bethesda's later games and I appreciate that she's naturally part of the story (as opposed to other big mod companions that you just pick up and then might as well be your hallucinations for all they actually matter) and has dialogue with characters you run into even if she doesn't directly get involved in quests. The love route is fine and I'm happy to oblige her requests for sex but I think next time I'll just friendzone her so that I can marry my one true love, Brelyna
I wouldn't call her sex addicted, but if you say yes to her confession your characters canonically have sex and she comments on it and implies that you're consistently fucking on your adventures. I might be a lot to some but I'm okay with it since it's no worse than the booktok girls I've dated with high sex drives.
Is there any good art of her? I can't find much
Art of a skyrim character that isn't Aela or Serana? Doubtful. But Bijin's Muiri is great and nexus might have screenshots of her?
What page is this? Seems neat
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I would let this mer use me as target practice
Brelyna Maryon
>Art of a skyrim character that isn't Aela or Serana? Doubtful
It's so tiresome
>But Bijin's Muiri is great and nexus might have screenshots of her?
Thanks anon
>your characters canonically have sex and she comments on it and implies that you're consistently fucking on your adventures
If you have the ostim patch it's not implied, she'll ask you to take her to a private location so you can do the deed and they even gave her unique dialog during the sex like "you managed to keep up with a vampire".
Yes I know. But that flirty dialogue and references to sex are there even if you don't have ostim and leave it fade to black without bending her over every surface you come across.
Any NPC wearing Tavern Clothes. I mean ANY.
what's the best mod for having men treat you like shit?
>tfw AA doesn't give you a way to fuck Alva senseless and keep her alive while still completing the quest
it isn't fair
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>and even talks during (and after) the ostim sex scene.
are you sure this isn't an addon or something? I don't remember such thing
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This post is hillarious. 99% of all threads are boobs and butts and anons lusting after them

this post however makes me think that mental illness dominates the modding scene. why is it that autists are so susceptible to tr00ning out and being dramafags?

as a passive observer i find the whole thing both entertaining and disconcereting.
Never reply to me or my posts again.
Killing Alva isn't necessary for completing the Morthal town quest to begin with though.
By sheer chance, Khajiit has collected the materials needed for her.. new toy. Works well, yes?
>why is it that autists are so susceptible to tr00ning out and being dramafags?
Loneliness and wanting to fit in. Lack of social skills. porn addiction.
What the hell, I am talking about the confession right after the soulcairn, maybe you mean later?
I did not get any of that, I feel cucked now. The only change I remember was some cringy combat lines about protecting me.
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I've collected some russian, japanese, and french speaking followers for fetishistic purposes.

Now I need spanish and german. Looking for suggestions. I found this during my search https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/83764?tab=description could be funny and refreshing.
I think it might only really pick up after you kill Harkon. Serana and you can "get married" and fuck in a special spot and then after that she's always reminding you that you're welcome between her legs.
Khajiit was going to test it on nearby bounties, but look who shows up. The Reavers themselves. Everyone in this mine is DEAD. Was nice knowing everyone in a mile radius of here.


If you don't kill her when you're getting the journal from her house then she turns hostile to morthal anyway and gets cut down in the streets and if you wait to for her to get out of the city limits to pick the journal up then she dies in the cave with the other vampires. It isn't fair. She should have been the sex crazed vampire waifu in Amorous Adventures, not that dumb whore serana
a 40k purge is needed. the tr0n menace is slowing progress by 100x pace. for ze emperor tiber septim!
like a guy with a crossbow?

It is because the ENB dev is homo/transphobic so they are trying to stay away from him.
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It's using her voice from the Serana dialog addon, so I doubt it's from a mod. Also, they did an immersive integration of the SDA romance. Like when she hugs you it starts the hug animation in ostim, or when she kisses you it goes to the kiss animation, etc.... It's only after you agree to date her that it starts going to the sex scenes.
she doesn't die in the cave unless you kill her
just stands there weirdly
peoples personal opinions have no place in the modding scene. people who consider personal opinions vs mod quality should be shot out of a cannon into the sun.
Ahh well I may check that out if the coomer urge ever strikes back.
>download korean mod pack
>its everything ive ever wanted
>have to manually translate everything back to english, replacing all korean versions with english
>Share the translated mod pack with /tesg/
>Because I'm a nice guy
skyhud has a compass section https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/463
I don't really like any TES girls, but if I was into maledom it would have to be Ajira.
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Does Jenassa lose her personality after marriage? What's her spouse-dialogue like?
literally the one npc i ever married when i bothered with that shit
She doesn’t really have much of a personality to begin with unless you’re using that shit ass dialogue extender
You wouldn't be interested in this Korean mod pack.
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I saw it on my recommended but im not a fan of his reaction video stuff so i didnt really watch it.

Watch the bit at the end, sums up my thoughts of TES6. I have no more false hope with regards to companies like Bethesda, i think i've built a gaming cocoon around myself with all the bad remakes/new games i've been seeing.

https://youtu.be/xVEkNW23cIE?t=782 >>492912397
The link is to the end of the video talking about potential TES VI.

Not advertising, seen other general threads that do the same and talk about ontopic youtubers.

Its not advertising, ive never been told to advertise and i never advertised my own content.

Same, feels good to be a quick mage warrior swinging like a mad man.
So, simp, paid shill, bot or samefag?
Fuck off and never come back.
Being afraid of Russians is a less legitimate position than being afraid of men in women's spaces.
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I literally just appreciate her takes on Elder Scrolls and stuff.
Why do you make things up about me? Never simped for her, i just watch her videos and yes i do find her pretty but she is also just charismatic and makes good videos.
you have linked this three times now
Biften.. home.
when is this faggot going to fuck off already jesus christ
no one cares about your fat pig jackass, go take your pathetic simping to some discord circlejerk
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>Never simped for her
>Why do you make things up about me?
wow this really stinks like seranafag
so does the mindless simping, I would bet money that this queer is seranafag with the name off.
>You are dumb if you're not a homosexual.
Shouldn't you be tranzing the children or whatever they say.
>Women's spaces
Why do women get privileged areas. Misandrist.
take you meds, troon
not entirely more so I was making a class magic Archer for my wood elf in Morrowind but it wouldn't be a witch hunter in the vanilla sense
Very defensive reply, I think I hit the nail on the head.
Because men's public bathrooms are infinitely more hygienic despite the comparatively free range operation and I prefer segregation for that reason alone
im defensive of good posters like Seranafag
You know who I simp for? Mirabelle, she shouldn't be off-screned like that.
why is /tesg/ so superior to both /FOG/ and /stag/ despite being many years older than them both? Are bethesda retarded or something and cant make good games anymore?
Do people generally prefer follower/replacer mods with built in custom bodies and textures, or mods that make the character use your default installed bodies and textures?
when ones behavior can be thought of as seranafagesque, there are greater problems than the nooticer.
Some little factoids you Morrowbabies might not know:
In Daggerfall if you can't lockpick a door, you can just use your melee weapon to smash and break the door open.
Also lockpicking is mostly just for doors. Because in Daggerfall most crates and chests couldn't be opened and were just cosmetic to fill space in rooms.
You can open bank crates however. Yeah, banks. Daggerfall has banks and you can store stuff in them or rob them.
Only if you robbed a bank instead of gold bars or money you'd find mostly paintings for some reason.
I, for one, prefer the default body and textures options, just give me a good looking face to work with.
>Because in Daggerfall most crates and chests couldn't be opened and were just cosmetic to fill space in rooms.
>Anon is presenting these things as a good thing
the only reason /tesg/ is better currently than /fog/ is because fog hasn't had a split between 76 and the single player modded games yet like we have here with

so a lot of the discussion is just mindless 76 drivel.
otherwise /fog/ has its own artists, memes, big mod project authors popping in (like fallout Miami), tranny dunking, etc
No I'm not. I'm just stating it.
was watching modded daggerfall unity content today. shit is kino. soon will surpass every TES game.
I was still using Ostim NG, those feature were there but I don't remember talk during sex it must be an addition for standalone
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Tried out LoreRim, bored out of my mind. I'm alright with difficulty, but I can't stand the tedium.

Any other modpacks worth trying out?
ok but that doesnt explain /stag/. thread is practically dead at all hours,unless people are there to mock them.
Fun fact: She has unused dialogue lines referring to you as archmage, indicating that at some point in development she wasn't going to die.

The fact that she just randomly dies off screen, her body can't be found anywhere, and nobody talks about her afterwards besides the one line informing you that she died on her way to her home planet, suggests there must have been some very odd things going on behind the scenes with the character to make bethesda suddenly change their minds and very awkwardly remove her from the faction.
Besides the fun height difference, what are some other aspects of a female bosmer / male altmer relationship
middle one is literally me
kys shipping tr00n loser
If tesg hates trans people so much why do you keep posting shit like this
>all of the breasts are identical
>the faces are mostly just haircuts
>all of the dongs are excessively customized
Son I am disappoint
oh and
Tolfdir killed her.
yeah they had to release the game early for the meme release date
because thats not a tr00n thats a futa, and aside from for humor thats not what tesg posts
YuiH still making content? Thought he stopped when Patreon put the boot to his neck
okay then why are you seething about trans people in a video game thread?
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>I want more uncensored boobie pics in the thread
Why are you like this?
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I can't stop thinking about how much different Skyrim could have been if they had just taken the time to release the game when it was actually ready to release instead of rushing everything trying to get dubs IRL.
tr00ns who post shipping fan fictions are not welcome, anywhere on teh interwebz, full stop. height difference fetishism and shipping cringe posting is not welcome, yiffing furry posting is not welcome, shota posting tr00n nonces are not welcome.
because Starfield is a shit game and franchise, lol
How do you know they have vaginas behind those balls? Futas have to have both.
GETs are more important than anything in the world
You are trying way too hard.
does it matter? those are girls with dicks, not men in dresses, the devil is in the details.
if you allow the shiptr00ns to take over, you end up with /a/. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

Skyrim might technically be the older game, but the fact that new mods literally never stop coming out means it always has new things to discuss. And a lack of new things to discuss is the worst thing that can happen to an ongoing community, which will lead to rapid stagnation and degradation of the quality of discussion and the community in general.
I ship Hogni Fat-Arm with Ghorza gra-Bagel
I ship me with you
Temba, her arms wide
Molag Jobber...

Picard, his penis erect
Consensual public hand-holding with the scheming princess, molag bal
This poster is insufferable
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You like to dance close to the fire don't you?
I'm trans and I appreciate if this thread had less conversations about my sexual lifestyle. Keep it on-topic.
I have a feeling
that you and I
are about to become
this but unironically
breton lives matter
The obsession 4chan has with trannies needs a scientific study
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y'all posters need y'ffre (youffre)
I'm an Imperial and I appreciate if this thread had less conversations about my sexual lifestyle. Keep it on-topic.
im obsessed with orcs because i want to fuck them
i wish you trons could keep it on topic without hamfisting your sexual festish into every fandom that exists right now, but here we are.
Damn, what a terrible fact, they should've killed that enchantment dude off screen, such a waste.
He never releases these followers.
it's quite simply an obsessive/hate psychosis.
It could've been about anything, in a different time and place. But hating on trannies is just the currently in thing, the zeitgeist, the scapegoat of the 2020s for the far right.
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megatrons will be the reason tes 6 sucks. over sensitivity to trons and wokeshits will ruin the game. tes was the property of autistic perverted STRAIGHT men, and thats the only way that the property with ever have SOVL
I was probably playing morrowind before you were born, chuddie zoomoid schizo
no its because even a remedial look on twitter will reveal that shipping obsessed shippers are all pronoun retards. and that is absolute cancer. its not some elusive specter its easily identifiable.
Actually it's quite simple
>trannies act obnoxious and annoying
>therefore everyone hates them
i bet that was before you put on a dress tho LOL brainwashed normalfag
It's really not that complicated: trannies are disgusting freaks of nature living in a time when their mental illness is being encouraged.
Every human being possessing a "soul" (iykyk) is obviously repulsed by it and uses it as a stand in for anything negative.

Just remember a few years ago when it was cuck this, cuck that. Oh, waiting for the bus? You're a cuck.
Dinner taking a minute longer to heat up in the microwave? Wow, enjoy getting cucked out of your food. Etc etc...
Why do you assume that I reserve my hatred for one particular group of "people"?
>calling a morrowind playing tranny a normalfag
you know what is so heckin cute about faendal, i think he makes an excellent bottom and in a way that really challenges the preconceived gender hierarchy of riverwood heteronormative standards. maybe if sven could unlearn his racist patriarchal nordic bigotry he could understand that faendals boypussy could actually be an asset to the riverwood community, and he could exist in a non normative pro queer polycule with him and camilla
I have a theory about it.

I believe Mirabelle was originally going to survive and serve as your assistant once you become archmage, BUT bethesda forgot to get certain lines from her voice actress and didn't have time to get her back in to record more (since Mirabelle has a unique voice), so they killed her off from the quest off screen and gave her role to Tolfdir instead (who has a generic voice, meaning his voice actor was probably always nearby and ready to record more whenever).
Queer is a slur
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what the fuck is wrong with you retards tonight
Are you farquaad?
Only someone who actually reads this sort of stuff regularly could imitate even poorly it this way
Imagine being so obsessed with hating trannies you write a gay fanfic on tesg
nothing’s up
Seranafag got caught simping and samefagging for some ewhore, then got made fun of again over his futa fetish, now he's having a total mental melty.
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Good morning friends.
Whats up?
Farquaad hates elves. He's into Nords and Imperials.

t. expert
if you really think about it paarthunax is the ultimate boywife to ship with the canon dragonborn. normative specieist understandings of the dragon era of nordic culture really underestimates the potential of dragons to actually take the role of submissive boy wives, the bigoted assumption that only slender kajjit and breton can fulfil femenine presenting roles is inherantly problematic
You touched their buttons, transex rights are the thing the major western far left and major western far right have made the crux stone of dividing the people.
myth-coded post
you guys think 4th's mythic dawn armor would work as a replacer for the royal vampire armor? I'm trying to integrate the better armor mods into my game and simultaneously remove the shittier vanilla armors via replacement. I think it looks pretty vampire-esque minus the helmet, but I wasn't gonna use that anyway.
I ship the adoring fan and hermaeus mora


I don't think the serial advertiser is the same simpleton
It's definitely part of the templated hopper of extremely low quality posts for one regular, just a script swap, but the two are two different kinds of awful
I think it works for the male version besides maybe the mask but the female version seems like it should be more aggressively noble
Also check out Somewhere In Between, either the mashups themselves or the big list of assets in the description
Ysneeda (formely Yschucka)
>Also check out Somewhere In Between, either the mashups themselves or the big list of assets in the description
looks like a good rec anon ty.
the mythic dawn is associated with mehrunes dragon so it makes no sense as vampire armor replacer, at best you can swap it for the mythic dawn robes even though they are supposed to be different things
this is a fair point. /fog/ was much better before 76 came and started using the thread for in-game chat and auctions and shit. im very glad /eso/ exists to keep the types of posters separate. i do wonder if their threads will stay separate with how slowly they move anymore. dark days ahead for us.
when this dudes house gets destroyed in the civil war quest it makes me sad. its already a very humble building, but gets hit specifically. bethesda can be mean spirited at times.
I was going to try and type something about Formerly Hulda's but I realised both names end in -lda so the words don't change
sneason unending
is there something clearly dagon associated with the armor? is the belt buckle his symbol or something? it's not obvious to me.
I think he just likes the way it looks and was planning to ignore the lore.
I need sleep
nice lydia
>im very glad /eso/ exists
barely lmao
They hated him, because he told them the truth.
aela and serana because muscle (with mods) and goth mommies are hot.
what's the best mod for having men treat you like shit?
how do I get immersive equipment displays to apply a preset to a weapon equipped by an NPC? or will it only use IED settings if it's unequipped
this is not true, last time I made the mistake of going to /fog/ was around the time the fo4 nextgen update launched, and the whole thread was people arguing about politics brainrot shit, like fascism vs. communism. That's not fartout seventy-shit's fault.
>is there something clearly dagon associated with the armor?
if never played or saw oblivion, no
I don't think I've ever seen a muscular aela
i know. theyre going to start infiltrating eventually.
and he gets bullied all the time by youtubers while Nazeem still lives
I mean aside from the fact that the mod is called mythic dawn, is there something visual to the armor itself dagon or mythic dawn aligned? I don't know about the symbols or patterns or texts etc.
the only thing I remember about the mythic dawn from oblivion is the red robes and the sun symbol.
I used to use body slides to make every woman a muscle mommy regardless of weight and used console commands to max out their heights.

I only stopped using bodyslides because it was too annoying after a certain point. Still make every woman tall as fuck tho.
This unironically goes so hard though.
such is the nature of Fallout. It's good content though
oh fuck now I see what you mean lmao.
I had no idea that's what the actual oblivion mythic dawn armor looked like I just checked a yt vid. I dunno how I forgot that, somehow I thought they used the daedric armor like the dremora guys.
I know you’re shitposting but Babo dialogue and horrible harassment both do that, and skooma whore has drugging mechanics + they treat you like shit if you’re an addict
>It's good content though
double standards at their finest
Not him but I almost used Skooma Whore until I saw all the consumables and other stuff it has that I don't care about
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>such is the nature of Fallout
well yeah, that's what I'm saying, I think the fallout fanbase is particularly brainrotted
>It's good content though
if a /v/ ragebait thread where everyone just kind of says the same reheated talking points over and over again is your idea of a good time, then I guess.
why would I be shitposting? and yeah I've tried all these, no innovation since I played like 2 years ago?
Babo is my favorite but it always seem to bug out before I can explore it very deeply, can't tell if that's on me or the mod
That video is good shit
Default always. Standalone is good if you want to make life easy for retards or console players or whatever, but serious gamers are just going to gut those npcs so they can work with their body mods and outfits, or pass up on them if it isn't worth the effort.
I like custom bodies and textures so long as they're on the same body base and you can obody them if need be
depends on the follower. like if it's catering to a certain kink that makes vanilla armor unusable than use a custom body and custom armor.
If you don't want their unique features, there's no reason to downloading the follower.
usually the only thing I want from a follower is their custom voice/quests. I always modify their appearance to whatever I want.
something that annoys me about followers related to that is how the more expansive followers always have their own custom 'follower framework', except most of the time they work like shit.
I'm really not interested in your janky outfit manager and whatnot, NFF already does that, just put the damn dialogue in there and ship it ffs.
NFF is the problem not the standalone frameworks, since all the things NFF does are also done by other mods individually and modularly without snaking their way in on everything else
idgaf all I know is NFF just werks every time and the custom frameworks never just werk.
Doesn't work like that. Once you do more than the vanilla based followers, follower frameworks no longer work with them correctly even if you were to import them into the framework. It's why even vanilla Serana by default doesn't work with them.
>Shipping is le bad!
>It's just bad okay?
I liked skooma whore but not really as a sex mod. If they made a version that was completely standalone with just the addiction + drugging mechanics then offered a patch for last seed/gourmet/stress and fear/handles addiction it’d never leave my game
>ship it ffs
Oh no you dont!

>overwrite the follower framework with your custom followers in your mod order, i think.
>Once you do more than the vanilla based followers, follower frameworks no longer work with them correctly
yeah that's kind of my point, all the quirky extra shit they always try to put in just annoys the piss out of me and usually adds nothing. like wacky custom weapons and abilities or whatever, like I said literally the only thing I'm interested in is the dialogue.
Auri for example worked pretty good for me in that way. No bullshit, she just shoots a bow and talks. The worst thing about it is her custom mount which doesn't work out of the box, again please spare me the headaches, modder, and just let me handle that shit.
TES is not you otaku isekai harem fantasy simulator, at least not outside your mod setup. Please understand that people find your headcannon obnoxious and cringe.
Dialogue is included in the "more than".
I have both 3BA and himbo so as long as the body in question works with that, that’s all I care about.
I like it when they have their own textures and body shapes and set heights. If I wanted a generic girl with CBBE curvy or a generic guy with a zeroed out himbo I’d just make a random npc a follower
>obnoxious and cringe
do something about it, pussy
Well in that case at the very least make your custom follower framework handle JUST dialogue and nothing else, since that seems a lot more difficult to screw up. I have been testing the Lyssia mod for example and it's a typical case where her custom abilities are all fucked up and bug ridden, within minutes of recruiting her I was encountering bugs with her custom weapon and combat style. Now I have to question if I want to use a follower that sounds great and supposedly has 4000 lines or whatever because I have to be concerned about it blowing up my save or otherwise fucking shit up.
Any good mods that expand the size of the walled cities? JK's and Dawn are nice to look at, but after all these years I still wish the main cities were larger. pic unrelated
Followers with anime powers work just fine with NFF. There's a default follow option made specifically to avoid breaking anything too extensive.
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on the top left, view->gear nodes is for equipped weapons
expanding the preset thing and merging seems to werk on specific npc
but if that doesn't behave you can copy & paste over settings you like from elsewhere with the big little arrows >
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dunmers are totally queer coded and you cant change my mind.
I get why it’s like that though. Once you have a follower that does more than just spew some location dialogue + combat taunts and shoot, normal frameworks stop working. So they make their own attempts at replicating NFF/EFF features. My issue is when they include random bullshit for no real reason
Why does Xelzaz offer potions that turn you into a murder machine long before he offers normal healing ones? Why does Kaidan never shut the fuck up about you being hungry or thirsty? At least once you turn him into your simp it makes sense that he dotes over you but ten seconds out of prison and “I’d never let you go hungry!!!” While you’re peckish?
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The way this character plays is probably the most fun I've ever had. Spellsword, but no magic for boring shit direct healing or damage. Instead, he uses magic to melt enemy weapons, or cripple them by destroying their strength, or shield himself and even fly if needed. Plus, fucking flawless drip.

tldr bring back weapon durability

>todd's test cell has a 'pretty kitty'
>meanwhile zero romanceable cats in vanilla skyrim

what the fuck would Todd do this to us

Aela if I can fuck her while she's a werewolf
>My issue is when they include random bullshit for no real reason
100%, ironically the worst person about this shit is nether himself lmao, just look at this fucking description

I was interested in this mod from the title of a flirty horny mage companion, then I open the modpage and it's like god damn technical manual for piloting a jetliner. literally WHY? why do you think anyone gives a fuck about your absurdly intricate gameplay nonsense?
thank u, u da best
The only correct answer, Farkas.
He's just a dog
Because that's what people want. I personally don't get it, but I don't get half the horrible bullshit the average anon here wants either. People confuse quantity with quality. Just look at how many people simp over Serana.
>includes the source
thanks brother
Marty and Rust gonna be on your ass tout de suite
seconding this for the patcher bros out there
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>Xelzaz offer potions that turn you into a murder machine long before he offers normal healing ones
Sounds cool. I will now install your-
>that voice
Hoooly shit that's the most terminal case of flamboyant fagvoice I've ever heard. He would end up killmoved before we finished a single quest.
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>I still wish the main cities were larger
Define Larger, if by simply expanding the cities reach there are JK's outskirts mods, plus Ryn's mods and Better Docks. when It comes to specific Cities:
Capital Whiterun Expansion is usually the mod preferred for expanding the city itself, there's also the Metropolis mod but I've barely seen anyone use it. by the way; CWE is unstable as fuck, and is a compatibility nightmare as well
there's the Capital Windhelm expansion, though it also has compatibility issues
there's Enhanced Solitude + the Docks submod, though its the worst Optimized of these shits
Southwoods District + Dock Overhaul + JK's Riften Outskirts. all three of these mods have plenty of compatibility patches and are generally good. there's also Rift's Rest which adds a brothel to the area and has compatibility with aforementioned riften mods if you want
Sky City - Markarth Rising is the only mod that really "expands" the cityspace of Markarth, it's kind of hard to do that given how squished it is in the mountains. Dwarves liked being snug and all that
>The OCS/SREX question
Stay away from OCS, Shartmoor is a retarded nigger that can't optimize shit. SREX on the other hand has recently updated and the dev seems to be back to actually developing it. I'll watch it closely
>Closing statement
I'd personally just stick to JK's Dawn for the Cityspace overhauls, despite over a decade of skyrim modding nobody else can compare. Spaghetti's might be something to try out tho
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The verdict is in, /tesg/ shippers and deviant art tumbr/reddit furry crossposters have decided: if you dont cater to their erotica obsessed deviant fantasies in tes 6 then the game will be a critical and commercial failure. BG3 has proven that the only people who fantasy is marketable are theatre kids and tr00ncels who vicariously live out their perversions via media properties in some misguided attempt to reclaim their mispent youth as introverted seething miscreants. tes 6 simply can not appeal to legacy fans, who are all chuds anyway. there should be no heroic quest in tes 6, instead the main plot should be about helping a young breton boywife to understand his gender identity and confront his disapproving parents who want him to become a heteronormative chivalrous night. with the help of a sassy redguard girl, your gang make a hecking awesome synchronised dance all in drag to absolutely slay the breton prom night, and totally own those jock nords who bully the poor xer and try to get him to play sports. without these considerations there simply can be no mainstream appeal, please understand that your media literacy is simply too low due to your midwestern hick Christian prejudices.
>I meant the original gameplay, not the edit.
I know, I made the edit lol.
The worst part is 80% of his dialogue is just info dumping, mostly from ESO. I wanted to like him but I couldn’t do it anymore after he spent twenty minutes foaming at the mouth over bread and getting mad at me for doing Daedric quests
This is hot
>continues to melt down and schizo post
The funny thing is the last tes game I bought was morrowind.
>He just now realizes that the game is full of animal people.
TES is a christian manga and is chudcore and im getting ahead of the faggening before the advertising cycle tr00n pressure groups have a chance to ruin this beloved property.
um actually it's trad greco roman core with Viking characteristics.
I think it's funny that all it took was asking about which vanilla NPC you like and the tourist started self-reporting about what he spends his time jerking off to shamefully
I can live with that, but what i cant abide is nu-dnd safe edgy theatre kid shippers and incel otaku harem fantasy anime enthusiasts mobbing the marketing cycle, petulantly demanding their niche fetishistic interests be catered to beyond reason. TES is swords and sorcery not adam and steve, ok?
I have bad news anon, see there this thing called Oblivion...
how long will it take for tes vi to have a whole world of mods where I get enslaved and raped? will it surpass skyrim?
He Based
Literally buck broken over an edit of a cartoon dog.
late 2030s or early 2040s
I mean larger as in a bigger footprint with more buildings in them, to put it very simply. The largest cities in TES5 aren't much bigger than a backwater fishing village in TES3. It's a shame there doesn't seem to be any real work on that front, but I guess it's a very tall order to expand them like that.

I wasn't aware of a lot of these mods, so thanks, I'll check them out.

Call your mother, anon.
You sound like an edgy theater twink yourself trying to stand out from the crowd
Probably sooner if the meme team over at Google and Mistral can be believed that in 2025/2026 we'll have AI that can not only take action from text (I'll believe it when I see it) but we'll have fully functional programming agents, and if we are really optimistic and it does happen that means the amount of modslop will build twice as fast.
to the person that was looking for what people want out of a follower. hear me a mage femboy that you develop a "historically accurate" relationship where he's not really a man so is looked down upon and if you do get married to a woman anyway, he becomes your mistress.

Just like how the romans did it.
Thank you friend, im glad there is at least one heterosexual man in this thread whom understands that sexuality in games is reserved for fertile looking women whom are married to healthy fit men, to appeal to the modern audience.
Average forsworn be like:
>I just fucking LOVE licking the feet of and being a slave to 90 year old witches who are so SHIT at magic that they sacrificed their humanity and became disfigured bird-people to get a single adept level fireball spell!!! Oh yes pleeeeease let me worship you grandma!!!!
>I want them to replace my heart with a pinecone so I can be as powerful as an average bandit chief!!! Maybe I'll wear antlers nailed into my skull too!!!!
>Living in a freezing flooded cave underneath a ruin in the remotest part of the high rock / skyrim border is so much!!!!
>We'll show those Nord dogs who's superior with our dirty animal skin loincloths and wooden swords!!! Who needs a house when a tent surrounded by big wooden spikes will do!!!!
>Aedra??? No thanks! I chose ***the old gods*** (no you don't get to know who they are)
>We will be free! Markarth will be ours!!!! *dies in a sabre cat attack*
>Just like how the romans did it.
Very trad...
I'll add it to the idea guy pile with all the other idea guy ideas
hey if we're posting youtube links
I've already seen it, he doesn't say anything new.
>AI generate an anime girl
>call it a boy (not pedo btw)
I see
right, but your youtube porn shitposter does, lmao
really laughable that you think some twitter weeb artist is a legitimate source for anything.
its always funny when you idiots trot out the old pre internet propaganda that was force fed to the boomer public by jews to try to justify your own pederastic tendencies.
The funny thing is that these are actually drawn by Mox, he just has no soul and draws like an AI
it's so sad, the forsworn could've been so cool.
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>The instant cope
its just way too easy, its obvious you guys are just closeted homos.
Considering that they own the entire hold and markarth is built over a hive of falmer they're doing quite well for themselves.
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>starts posting youtube links out of nowhere
>accuses other people of cope
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So many retards I almost forgot to give this post a (you).
Transgender people will be 25 percent of the population in America by 2050, you lost get over it.
Retard tradlarper yank zoomie chudster thinks the entire universe and all video games should be dictated and limited in content according to his understanding of 1950s conservative American Protestant theology and morals
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dunno chief the trends don't seem in your favor.
This, we're basically Gayer Ancient Rome or Gayer Ancient Greece.
Misspelled some shit because it's 5 am here but I wanted to try to lighten the thread up
There's nothing manlier than one man turning another man into his woman. Hence why traditional greco roman values lead to strong societies.
It doesn't matter what people think and its what people do and if trends hold gen alpha will make be about 40% transgender.
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I feel like every approach to this topic is only done from a perspective of personal bias to begin with
So you have some mix of pederasts and associated legitimately predatory individuals aiming to romanticize societies built on various forms of slavery, vgh-ers trying to vngay their historical obsession, or some bizarre mix thereof. Even the curated finds tend to end up getting plastered around as banners for one or the other
The contemporary literature is pretty clear that there was basically no difference in opinion to the majority now, and that the functional percentages were similarly tiny (single digit percentages)
do you see this? this is what 99% of consumers want from a fantasy game. they want intrigue, bikini armour and violence. what a very vocal and mentally ill community of terminally online shut ins want should be inconsequential, but sadly your kind are like barnicles on a ship whom simply refuse to fuck off and let people enjoy things free of your esoteric marxist reading of all reality.
Dude literally took a joke meme link seriously and thought it was such a threatening "source" that he had to counter signal, I wouldn't waste your breath. He's a mouth breather, I wouldn't be surprized if he was 9 IQ points lower than the average American.
oh that's gore. gore of my comfort waifu on /tesg/
I like how your head flew off and exploded.
Reminder this all started with an edit of a cartoon dog...
I didn't even watch the video but I've seen similar ones repeatedly, I don't mind if it's an actually decent examination of sources
it's still better content than live2d twink asses in modern women's clothing put over a jungle rhythm to be sure
Most of the contextualized reading I've done with regards to Rome (e.g., Cicero, Plautus, Vergil) just use the gays as a comedic device to cart out which I think is fine if you're not a stuck up something-or-other, and there's a common conception that the Greeks were a little easier on the subject despite civil responsibility
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post corpses
I can see why people take such long breaks from this general, the amount of notfunners/spergs that run around like the right version of the woke and police everything anyone is doing is pretty unbearable. Then they complain that the general is dead or slow because of how annoying they are.
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don't lose your head over it
Its literally a joke music video with an guy doing a voice over, the funniest thing is that the guy doing the voice isn't an actual documentarian, its a guy Mox hired to do the voice over. So none of it is historically accraute, they're just retarded.
dont worry anon, they are feigning amused mastery but under the surface they are absolutley seething that you challenged their precontrived understanding of history, they really actually did think that rome was an lgbt era, and they hate that people have actually done research and found it to be bullshit, as it was their main praxis for platforming normalisation of pedarasty.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
No I meant the counterpoint video, which was greek not romanesque
Otherwise my post makes no sense
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I got Rudy working, finally. I forgot about an MO2 plugin I installed. How do I get rid of these letterboxes?

I would've dodged.
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Have a doggo!
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>all the self reports of being nu-dnd shipping safe edgy theatre kid reddit/tumblr crossposting furries itt
>self reports
That's my word
you can't use my word
but you can say self reportz
Oh right, carry on then. Rome and Greece didn't really consider sexuality gay and straight the same way the modern world does. If you bought slaves and ass fucked them, no one would bat an eye about it. It wasn't something you advertised and it could and would be used against you, but it wasn't illegal to do so. The only illegal gay penetration Greece and Rome had was between two free men.
its been like this all day stop trying to take credit
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we should go back to discussing sharks
turn off your Hitler speech playlist and do you math homework timmie
The dog was posted early in the morning last thread and its been going all day.
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Ok? Do it.

>shift+enter to open enb gui
>shader window
>uncheck letterbox
some enbs change the default gui binds so ymmv
That wasn't mean you schizo, but I know that won't stop you from freaking out.
those are some good corpses, thank you
>Trying this hard to make a point
This only works on twitter, reddit, or /pol/. You know, places that have people as dumb as you.
forgot to mention save config when ur done

lol yw
>chases out all the fun people
>complains that "4chan has fallen" because the thread is dead
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if people like you kill the site.
Did the Serana Dialog Addon remove bloodcursed arrows?

please dont misunderstand, btw, you tards calling me a right wing sjw are dead wrong. i just have a severe disdain for the cringetards who ruin the genre.

take for instance pelinal, who was legitimately a racemixing pederast, that section of the lore is a footnote, and even if kirkbride was influenced by some of the junk theories in history, it makes the world more interesting than otherwise omitted. what would be annoying is if pelinal was some kind of fag who was a sassy millenial writing wisecracking marxist analyist ina medevil setting where it is entirely innappropriate, lacks verisimilitude, and usually madew as a self insert of a theatre kid whom seeks to cast ire on their personal bugbears in contemporary society. people see through that shit, and itas fucking awful, but a certain likeminded minority of people revel in it and encourage it and its those people whom i aiming my disdain at.
Yes I am reasonably informed in that regard
In closing I should return to topic by mentioning that Crassius Curio shares a familial name with the two Gaius S. Curios, the junior of whom was publicly alleged to have a relationship with M. Antony when younger, with Antony being on some manner of receiving end thus the connotation of insult and improper accession

Crassius (Crass, duh) being a sex pest that wants special favors for advancement then makes for an amusing crossover
What do you mean? I'm having fun right now.
Many people are here because they are equally unbearable in real life as they are online. They act this way because its the only way they know how to act.
w/e you say wokie.
You're having fun posting off topic?
Pelinal was not any of those things because Todd personally altered it so that he was not.
>Dagon's Razor can be used to open an in universe game editor
yeah. narratively it does make sense but I'm not a fan. Just wish the evil vampire route was more fleshed out.
I always thought adding more in-lore stuff to explain modern game tropes in tes is a good idea, but I don't think they think that.
Based of Todd to do that, he is definitely our guy.
>shits and pisses all over the general because of a handful of posts he doesn't like
>"Guys I'm doing this to save the vidya games!"
I get you get hard when anyone mentions Gamergate in a positive or negative light.
When TES becomes SAO
>shits and pisses all over the general
holy based
this anon is a certified KING
He's the right wing version of a woke leftist, of course he does.
You don't have to pretend that you are calling yourself a king, you might be stupid enough to think that it will trick people but that doesn't mean it will.
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this is me btw>>492949238
I simply appreciate a dedicated shitposter when I see one friend. A time honored 4chan tradition.
I don't know why but that cat gif is really fucking with my mind in not a good way.
very sus
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still at it in here?
lol you losers are so lame, n-n-no youre woke! im not a nu-dnd safe edgy shipping enthusiast cringe factory, youre just a conservative chud!
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>literally have the same slang as the woke
>police people like the woke
>only talk about politics like the woke
>unbearable like the woke
I can go on but you literally became what you hate, also I am actually conservative.
that's too long, didn't most of the horny content for skyrim get made relatively early in the lifecycle? I can't wait a decade
Narratively it doesn't make sense since the vampire route is inherently evil, the Dawnguard send you on a mission to kill vampires, if you betray them and side with Harkon you're inherently evil or at the very least, willing to do whatever it takes to get stronger. I'm having the biggest buyer's remorse with the SDA. Wish you guys would have warned me it was this bad.
tale as old as time, they'll be the next batch of retards we'll have to deal with.
>Wish you guys would have warned me it was this bad.
I wish you weren't so fucking dumb, where have you heard even remotely positive feedback about SDA here? It's routinely shit on as atrocious fanfiction.
I was willing to deal with the occasional cringe, I didn't know they removed entire gameplay elements like the bloodcursed arrows and Serana not giving your Vampire Lord blood after you're cured. The mod creator is a shithead.
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post your latest screenshot right fucking now or Todd won't put bikini armor into TES:VI
I mean I never even joined the dawnguard. Literally only told isran that I came inside to have a look and was a vampire the entire time so certifiably not a traitor.

also does anyone know if there's a mod that just adds the dg crossbows to the rest of the world? I have the ae version and them not being available anywhere else triggers my autism.
>I was willing to deal with the occasional cringe
Why would you be willing to deal with that? This is what I'm talking about, you clearly are lacking in the IQ department. Did you think the writer was gonna miraculously whip out some masterpiece tier literature in between the embarrassing fanfic?
>Serana not giving your Vampire Lord blood after you're cured.
wtf why?? Even when you side with vampires?
But doesn't he send you on a mission to kill vampires so you're betraying your own kind by going to that cave to help a vampire hunter.
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hell yeah bb
lets see the face
I snuck past all of them and I never said I would help the vigilant either. They just mistook my silence for a yes and that is not my problem.

Just an autist who doesn't like to talk.
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Floating eyebrows are doing their part to save bikino armor
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"wokegenders"? "ka-jeets"? "Morelag bawls"? alright friend whatever you say, let's get your daily doses out of the way
>yeah. narratively it does make sense but I'm not a fan. Just wish the evil vampire route was more fleshed out.
Vanilla Skyrim does a pretty good job of not forcing the Dragonborn or Serana to be good or evil. It leaves just enough wiggle room for the player to come to their own conclusion. The SDA fan fiction mod turns Serana into a moralfag.
it's just a picture from the nexus page

I'm afraid it's been.. 13 years
The secret is that there is no medicine, its just estrogen :^)
You were not beaten enough as a child
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Sh*pper DOGS
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Don't they'll sperg out again.
bigger eyes that aren't half of the size they're supposed to be, larger (longer) eyebrows, face height slider, less mouth pouting
you can do it
>dog gets shipped
>throws the whole thread off topic for the whole day
/tesg/ is a silly place.
She was meant to look a bit shriveled up actually but I couldn't commit to the hagging
After seeing that I need to refit every single dint hair to not float on HPH and shop for entirely new brows that don't mismatch on low saturation coloring (among other things) I kind of stowed it
I will make note of these regardless
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I like how the Lydia Locket keeps making appearances with slightly different variations.
I wish this mongrel was named something other than Lydia because Lydia is already Lydia and video games aren't allowed to have matching names unless it's a plot device
An awkward girl in my class who I'm pretty sure was interested in me, told me about a pokemon she caught and was excited about it. I didn't know anything about it and the conversation ended. I felt a little shame being out nerded by a girl gamer especially how much I was into pokemon back in the day.
>I haven't played a pokemon game in forever, what's that one like?
I shiggy anon, I really do
Yasssss i needed that
it's not your fault anon
nice poopoo piss water weirdo
I'm sorry
One of these days I’ll upload my AI argonian revoice of him. It sounds so much more tolerable. The bong still shines through though
>look through entire armor category for cool guard helmet yesterday, find nothing.
>look for 5 minutes in the "weapons and armor" category that exists for some reason and find 2 good candidates.
literally why

which one do you think is better
the colovian swordsman helmet from vigilant as seen in this modpage
it's down
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I'd rather the coomers do it than Todd, anyway
Probably the colovian one
yeah it looks a little simpler, more fitting for a guard. I like the eye opening on the other one better though.
I use open face guard helmets in the vanilla model but something about the fleet knight one just doesn't fit a guard to me
maybe I see it as a protagonist sort of thing
thank you sirs

>it's drown
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patient seems to desire estrogen, despite the impossibility of becoming a woman. further psychological testing needed, upping dosage of ziprasidone
At level 28 of my stealth archer build and don’t know what perks to take when I level up. I’m still a small way off from level 80 in sneak, archery and light armor so it’ll be a few level ups before I can improve the base skills themselves though I can choose perks higher up their respective skill trees. I could level up my lockpicking, pickpocket or alchemy.
sounds like a skill issue
>not leveling your pickpocket & lockpicking
you will never be a true stealth archer
speech and pickpocket sound good
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should i keep using rudy?
Usually when I play stealth archer, it's a Conjuration stealth archer, so I never have this problem.
that's a really nice crab
Thank you I get them a lot
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>completely given up on the concept of straps and just looped something around the torso to cover up
Bro is trying to beat lizzer i respect that ngl
this thing is somehow more repulsive
nothing is more repulsive than arg*nians ewww
you can do everything with bodyslide
that's still smaller
Absolutely no sag, 1/10
Not even close. Our Tittie Lizzie can increase size, so by volume/mass, them tits are irreplaceable and unbeatable. Learn your lore.
i know
There's a nip in the air. Cold won't be good for my crops, never is.
How many times have you jerked off to her, anon?
i swear to god if bretons in TES VI are still the most op race I'll start raping every single breton npc I see in game
making them OP is a cope for bethesda because it takes a lot more work to make them actually interesting
magic resistance grows on trees and your scale means you do actually walk less fast
over the course of the game that could be entire hours of walking lost
>switch to Pandora
>install it as a mod
>make a dedicated output folder and direct the application to output to it
>disable anything related to Nemesis / FNIS
>it works with no warnings
>check output folder
>.hkx behavior files are present
>run game
>T pose
I was told this was easy...
I actually prefer slower walking speed
if I wanna run I can just run
only the wicked run when no one pursueth
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my question was serious btw
I suggest fucking killing yourself you revolting niggerfaggot
Rudy is ass time to take the NAT3 pill
How are Bretons "the most OP race"?
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i feel like it gets a bit too intense in most situations. plus i sometimes get that red enb helper error and i'm too uninterested in fixing it whenever it happens.
>read notice on the notice board
>all of a sudden the orc and his bodyguard from solstheim wants to kill me
>kill the bodyguard in self defense
>no bounty
>the redoran guard all descend on me like the anchovies from that one SpongeBob episode
>currently hiding for dear life on the roof of the retching netch
>can’t even surrender because there’s no bounty they’re just mad
What the fuck
skyrimfags are gay
what's the point if you haven't modded in glistening skin textures that take up 50gb?
Christ this thread went off the rails. Nobody’s even talking about sharks.
irl sluts are gone, beastfags are gone
there is nothing left
isnt it bizarre that slaughterfish are the most feared water adversary in fallout and elder scrolls? sure, dreugh, but we havent seen them in a long time.
sharks are stupid. sharks have tight, itty-bitty assholes which are great for sticking your dick in them with the intention of cumming. sharks can't become impregnated by humans either
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>High elves.
Because we have the best of both Worlds, Anon!
shark fins typed this post
Bretons aren't descendants of Altmer. Bretons are descendants of Falmer. So get you are facts straight before posting such crap in /tesg/, the general of fucking scumbags.
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>Magic proficient Elves.
Does not change my point about being the best of both worlds....
>beastfags are gone
You wish you could get rid of me that easily
That just means Bretons are shit at being humans and shit at being elves. They're a mutt race.
The most hated character in TES series is a Breton.
But Nazeem is redguard.
>the most hated character in TES
Gaenor? The Adoring Fan? Nazeem? If you mean delphine that's not even a blip by comparison
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she died seconds after this screen was shot
why bosmer aren't called low elves?
if I had one complaint about tesg, it's that it's not horny enough
tree climbing
Nazeem is a lovable rascal. It's a love-hate relationship. Delfeen is straight up vilified because she's an arrogant, nasty cunt that bosses you around and orders you kill Paarthurnax. Nazeem is just a funny snooty nobleman.
I already stated above. The hate is completely different. People just hate Delfeen very much.
you said the most hated character in TES was delphine
I would wager the majority of players in TES have never even encountered Delphine
God got it right first time with them mad bastards. Everything afterward (yes, including orca, the smug, inferior bastards) is just a downgrade.
That's very ignorant. Everyone hates that horrible, nasty cunt. Paarthurnax did nothing wrong, and she wants you to murder him, the guy that's responsible for saving the galaxy. It's literally the most evil thing that could be done. It would make Sithis, dread father, violently cum and shit himself.
It'd make more sense for the dwemer to be called that
nothing new, just Bjorn skyrim
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are these two doing the same thing and if yes, which one to use?
they are not doing the same thing but the final result is basically the same, the first mod will only work if you manually patch your movesets
Delphine suffers from Bethesda loving to railroad the player and ignore obvious options that should exist. With that in mind, the character is fine. Accepting this kind of thing that Bethesda repeatedly forces on the player, has caused me to not play one of their games in years. Their characters are fine is the whole thing.
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>Accepting this kind of thing that Bethesda repeatedly forces on the player, has caused me to not play one of their games in years.
Why are you here?
To hoard mods posted in case I ever play again. Why are you here?
so which one are you?
soapy slussy
It's pronounced "/tesg/", actually.
why the fuck are you adventuring as a pregnant bitch. stay in the cities you fool
>I didn't know they removed entire gameplay elements like the bloodcursed arrows and Serana not giving your Vampire Lord blood after you're cured.
I did post about this a few days ago. You should have signed up for notifications when I post
Bretons are descendents of Direnni, which were literally just a clan of Altmer you dumb cunt
>"experts claim"
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>serana with obody
nothing is proportionate here. major turnoff. 0/10 goon material.
How do you improve the combat in skyrim without adding flamboyant homosexual animations?
by not adding flamboyant homosexual animations
vanilla combat is the best
I like gargantuan tits and this looks retarded even to me.
with flamboyant heterosexual animations
I'm more into flat chests and even I think the replies to this image are from gays
do you still get arrested if you get pregnant?
I think there's a mod for that (licenses?), but I'm not really sure I understand the point of it
>no new bake
dead game
It's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrover...
hope someone makes a cool edition for the next bread..
You'll get a furry thread and you'll like it.
Why did he do that though. Those are major gameplay elements for players who choose to become vampire lords.
Best I can figure, he thought he was making a more authentic and consistent character rather than a talking plot device like vanilla Serana is. I hate it because I actually like turning her into an in depth follower but that shouldn't have come at the expense of gameplay options, so I had to add the mod to my "never again" list even though I like it otherwise. Maybe in the next big update he'll consider adding those features back in somehow.
What do you expect Hammerfell to be like in the next game?
coarse, rough, and with sand that gets everywhere
She is a beautiful mongrel dog of the empire
How difficult is oStim Standalone to setup? What sex mod would you recommend for non rape stuff.
Easy. Ostim.
I wouldn't recommend non-rape stuff, the greatest pleasure you can find in skyrim is playing a maiden who gets sexually assaulted
Sorry, but my sex playthroughs are only male PC who fucks NPC women.
Rule is that I have to finish their questlines (or questlines of their guild) or they are my companion.
This desu, why even play skyrim if you dont want your character to rape/be raped?
>decided to finaly instal openMW on my tablet and try this thing called "morrowind"
>Now I crave for spellmaking in skyrim even more
How comes the only "working" spellmaking mod for skyrim can't even assign proper manacost and makes your custom spells cost zero magica? This is travesty, Todd.
Does Standalone work with New Gentleman? That's what I currently have installed for dick. I generally don't feel like fucking around Lovers Lab.
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I only have sex mods for NPCs going at it at night
Wow, a fellow heterosexual in /tesg/. Nice to see you brother.
>How difficult is oStim Standalone to setup?
Ostim used to be a shitshow to setup. You had to install Ostim, OSA, and Osex. Then with Ostim NG you had to install certain versions of OSA all of which broke compatibility with certain animations. With Ostim Standalone it has been simplified. You only need Ostim Standalone and the animation files. Here's a link to the installation guide and pretty much every supported animation mod.

I'm adding it to my never again list as well. What pisses me off is that the mod provides a lot of value. It's just a few bad decisions that makes it shitty. Like him removing gameplay elements or him turning Serana into a moralfag who will call you can idiot for accepting any daedric power. The vanilla Serana is neutral and will accept the player for whatever gameplay style they want to play. The SDA only works for good dragonborns.
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Dunno, mate... adventure maybe? Not everyine is a closeted tranny with unbearable desire to pretend to be a woman and have sex in a computer game.
just go outside and fuck, there's a shortage of pitchers. tes is for subs, stop splitting the mod market
I'm having regrets for installing Mihail's monster pack. I like most of the new monsters and it really changes the gameplay, however nobody told me it would increase the monster encounters by 80%. You can't walk a few feet without being swarmed by 5 enemies. Skyrim's battle system isn't compelling enough to warrant this much fighting. Is there a way to limit how often enemies spawn?
I love women
>there's a shortage of pitchers
not with small cocks though
since they are mostly hand placed, no
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How many did you install?
Well shit.... I'm adding Mihail's creature pack to my never again list.
I installed the high fantasy pack which comes with most of his mods
I believe in you
>173 new creatures
I recommend just adding a handful that you like next time
start a new thread, dummies
I was about to, but then you insulted me now I don't feel like it.
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The only monster I've encountered that's annoying so far is the Cockatrice. It is a faster and smaller version of the dragon and dragonrend doesn't work on it. I hate dragon battles so much I disabled them, but now I have the cockatrice to deal with. I'm already too deep in this save to restart, but I definitely have regrets.
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COTN Falkreath drives me insane.
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I'm big fan of beautiful women, yes.
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They're the only race known to have had a deity that not only took it up the ass on the regular both before and after "ascending" but also would actively "change the sex" (might be allegory) of his knights in order to bed them. There is no possible argument anyone could make against the Dunmer being queer-coded.
If I could just fuck I wouldn't be jerking off to Skyrim desu.
all mer except bosmer are objectively homosexual
It's spelled "barnacle"
Buy a hooker.
next kalpa
Holy fuck I can't believe Sifina is dead! This is... this is going to have me fapping furiously for the next hour at the sight of her headless corpse
That's a Bosmer after her latest kill, anon.
this is why you need to install combat mods

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