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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Magma/Drawroom https://magma.com/d/N6sRZf4K6d
join the drawpile!
cool image
behead lux
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Annie Anon should really stop by.
>crit items super over tuned
>they're still building fucking lethality
bowl of oats for breaky!
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>Goes Anivia ADC
>Dies Twice
>AFKS in fountain
Which one of you trainables did this?
im feeling positive now thanks lugs
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im blamed for this loss when i dont turbostomp the enemy team yet somehow our mid and jungle fail to realize that we literally have no ap, no, liandry's does not count as ap
amumu literally took abyssal mask despite us having literally 0 magic to do damage with
>ooohhh quinn why arent you there for the 2v5!!
>quiinnnn why are you shoving waves!!
meanwhile kennen has zhonyas, half of ryze's build is armor, nidalee has zhonyas
but it's my fault because i should be damaging through all their armor anyway because im an assasin!
actual subhuman retards on my team
just opportunity
it's actually good, you get a kill you become sonic
Did you stop playing Yasuo?
so glad this thing has pen pressure and opacity. more comfy to use than I thought it'd be
i hate drawpiles
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>>crit items super over tuned
nigga what
fuck I hope they don't nerf it
it's the only fun lethality item and it's not even that good on assassins
Couldn't be me. I can't be trained. I CAN'T BE TAMED.
I love drawpiles
tell me exactly when the last time a crit item was directly nerfed
they're gonna nerf opp and profane first chance they get
lord doms
tell me how absorb life exists, second wind exists, doran's shield exists, cull exists, vamp scepter exists, and ADCs somehow still got pushed out of bottom lane by le mages

drawpiles are only fun if you can draw, and anons who can draw are already worshipped
this is the new clique. it happened with scribbio too which is why it stopped. too many simps
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based garen bull
Cause after Lost Chapter/Blasting Wand, each mage spell does ~200 damage on a sub 5 second cooldown and we only have ~1000 HP by then.
i havent had a positive kda out of laning phase in 10+ games
ezreal and malphite players deserve this
>only fun if you can draw,
skill issue
cliques are so unfun
my cock inside lulu
Are you genuinely retarded?
it would be nice if they took requests but some people get big then forget their roots
I am currently 1/6/4
what are you talking about. drawpile just started and there's already a request being filled
I'm going to do a request right now.
>>they're still building fucking lethality
it's the highest wr build? can you not read
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Ill do a request for u bro
Name a female champ
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are there any splashes or icons that you miss that you feel were better or just outright liked them more?
yea I wonder...
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going police voli and throwing out this emote every time I solo kill
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>jungler begs for any role in champ select
>let him go top
>get him 2 kills by minute 4
>get botlane 2 kills briefly after
>enemy support tilts and starts pathing toplane
>spanitard toplaner insists on trying to 2v1 and throws lead into feeding
>get 2 grubs then get contested and run off like a dog
>know enemy jungler is going for drake but no one is around to contest so we lose it
>then the same thing happens again
>and again
>spanitard DOG toplaner starts flaming me for not 3v1 stealing drake
>enemy gets soul
>then they get baron
>no team to contest
>then they get elder
>no contest
>then another baron
>also no contest
>ask if the enemy support is single
>says she's married with two kids
>ask if our jinx is single
>also says she's married with two kids
>read chat last sec
>y as paras reportados lolos las les wukong el trolla
>top damage top kd top kp top cs ganked 89 times more than the enemy jungler
I need a hug lolgee......... I'm so tired of these eutards
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npc take
I am 1/8/7
I am not having a good day
>dont activate helmet mode
you had it coming
but only if you want to
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The Winner
ADCs believe that wits end, BT and spirit visage doesnt exist and anything other than full lethality is griefing
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>melee midlaners
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willing to take ONE drawing request non pile

I won't draw coom material and I will not draw goofy shit, ETA will vary between 4-48 hours
adcfags refuse to to tailer their builds to match each different game and will do the same exact shit every time no matter what
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>that image
if only, his Q-W has 1.2k range just to make sure you can't reset in peace and your tempo will almost always be fucked
okay lets be real what champion could take the most cocks at the same time
>ban out one trick in lobby and tell him to play honorably
>he freaks out and trolls game
>other 3 teammates say to report ME over the one trick
what the fuck?
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Support Arc update
Where's that one delusional Support player that says Support is hard and ADC is easy?
meant to type 1.9k range
why did you ban his onetrick
2:17 PM time to coinflip
because one tricking is not the way the game's meant to be played? That's why there exist people that ban them out to teach the champion abuser to play a real pool of champions
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My condolences that you have to live somewhere that is more of a fucking clownshow than NA somehow.
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I feel like Zeri gets very little love around here. Here's a body-mechanics/balance challenge: Zeri sliding down a big handrail sideways on both feet like a skateboarder. Holding her gun, of course. Picrel
onetricking is unfair to the employed masses who don't have the free time to spam 800 matches on the same champion and master it

also unfair to adhd retards like myself who have to play a different champ every single match
It looks like we might lose in the 40th minute
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be here the same time tomorrow buddy
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Sorry grandpa

I only started at the end of S2/start of S3
dragon form shyvana
>onetricking is unfair to the employed masses who don't have the free time to spam 800 matches on the same champion and master it
this game is not for the employed masses. if you can't dedicate yourself to it, you should stick to ARAM, Arena or Quickplay.
>also unfair to adhd retards like myself who have to play a different champ every single match
skill issue. that's a (You) problem. maybe take your meds next time.
yes it is? we'd still be typing mid or feed if Riot didn't want us to learn one role and one champion.
this one was kino as well
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o7 You're too generous to anons
Ive lost 9 out my last 12 games
I think I got ace in two of them but like I have preformed badly forever
I just cant fucking win
My hands are gone, my decision making is gone, my drafting is gone, and none of my champs help
I make a mistake and cant get back
I fail to snowball my lead or do anything with it
Or just get ganked
In all cases I play like this
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>riot forgot to enable skin sales
post your main champs and roles
your problem is that you know you're mentally checked out and you still queue up
imagine if you were at the gym and you hear very clearly your should snapping and your bone coming out blood EVERYWHERE then you whisper to yourself "just one more rep"
that's you with your mental
eat oatmeal
phreaks face as a soijack pls
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BTW only reason KDA isn't higher is literally a single game where I had to try and frontline and get everything done myself and tilted off the face of the Earth. Otherwise KDA would be skyhigh.
every team is the same...
imagine if soraka's horn was actually a dick haha wouldn't that be heckin crazy? haha...
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>get the "you need vanguard to be running pop up"
>disconnects me from the game despite me having their shitty anti-cheat up and running
>"lol you have been demoted and penalized ;))"
All the money from their Chinese overlords and yet they cannot hire competent developers to fix their shitheap of a client/game engine
i build wit's end usually when I am actually at my wit's end. Not the only one I bet.
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>worlds is in a couple of months
What the fuck, there has essentially been NO major events and nothing interesting this year. Even Arcane season 2 leaked so nobody is surprised anymore.
you won't do shit gweilo don't forget to buy the new chinkslop skin.
old trundle abilities
>rabid bite
>pillar of filth
nu trundle abilities
>king's tribute
>frozen domain
>pillar of ice

literal onions, they turned a filthy creature into a soitroll of ice from wow of warcraft or something
That's basically what dark crystal ryze os
Did you get aids from drinking all his cum yet?
Do you niggas consider Zed Melee?
No, if a champ can clear waves at ranged with a low cd they aren't melee
this shit is so funny I can't even believe it's real
the NA playerbase is depressing
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why doesn't riot just relocate to Beijing? The game is dead in NA
some queer fag bot like retard NA kid types to me
they get mauled to death for releasing rgbt champs
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how the fuck am i supposed to draw you niggers
why dont you relocate to beijin?
She looks like she enjoys throatpies
they just changed the champ from incel to caveman
try OCE or Brazil and you will like NA again
zed is the exception
talon and qiyana are who I had in mind
they have mana pools
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I got you
HOLY sylas is fucking trash now what did riot do to my boy
not him but cute
hope someone does vex
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he got replaced
do you ever get carried there
>hi phreak i am a challenger player (legitimate) and would like to address some concerns about the game
>phreak: dont care bozo
Riot has never made a single bad design choice for this game. Prove me wrong.
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yasuo exist
I play toplane and my most played are
Camille 48% dropped from 60%
Gwen 48% dropped from 55+ something
Quinn 60% winrate still
And a little bit of other stuff like Sion and Fiora and Kayle which were all played "for fun" because I get sick of my same champs every now and then.
The only champ I have a positive winrate on at the moment is Quinn literally subsidising my entire lp
I just can't win or do well unless my opponent is significantly worse. I dont get how to punish my opponent beyond freezing because they play so far back when I am strong and taking plates top as melee is so risky.
I feel uncomfortable proxying as well as I am bad at jungle tracking.
I am also bad at knowing when to split and when to join my team teamfighting.
And I don't know how to play weakside with the enemy jungler pathing bot to top while my jungler rarely if ever ganks even if I freeze in front of my tower (the only thing I know).
I have to play Quinn as a crux so the macro is easier and I have more of a safety net in lane
It's really bad
>game is still entirely decided by feeding bottom lane and bottom lane showdowns
>phreak: and you see, we think TP is a bad thing so we're stopping top from joining in on bottom lane fights
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you can do better
>top laner main
well that's the problem
it also sounds like you have never bought a control ward in your life and end with a vision score of less than 5
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>the game is decided by which toplaner tps down for the double kill and who stays to farm
>camille gets 10% winrate
No thanks
damn i liked the akali draw
I buy them all the time and place them deep in the enemy jungle, at objectives etc
I switch trinkets as needed
How does buying control wards stop me from making mechanical mistakes and damage miscalculations and teamfighting in the wrong way?
drawpiles are fun to watch, wish we had em more often
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Kali mentionned!
ok but did you see that tristana
i'm not a yordlefag but damn
they're all so good ngl, i cant draw for shit
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I have to leave lol but yeah I like these drawing things. Idk if I'll join later.
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Dont play camille if you struggle with fundamentals and macro.
Camille is the hardest champion at toplane and if you fall a little behind its already game over for you.
Garen is not a good champ, but he really excells at fundamentals and macro since his kit is so easy which allows you to focuse more on the other aspects.

You can go back to camille after
all my team are just loser bots
bro really said "go back to garen"
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chibi briar for the briar request!

yeah this is super chill. I would love if this was an occasional event
Does anyone else remember the Ahricuck from waaay back? I don't know why I really remember him, maybe becauses he was the first one.
does anyone remember Ren
the Ahri Simp?
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My King...
just BEE yourself and join anyway
add it in anyways anon! the soul is what matters most
No I mean a literal cuck, he would clame Ahri was his hotwife. And this was way before Syndracuck and the rest. This was so many years ago, I think Twist was still posting at the time as well
you can literally tp bott after minute 10 and before you just use it to get yourself lane advantage
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Which league ladies would mind break you and make you their slave?
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i might hate league players more than anything else
I think I love lolgs more than anything else
Even me? :(
Brainlet take.

>tp botlane
>gank fails
>enemy gets 2-3 plates
>it is a splitpusher
>your game is now over
that one velkoz main
renata does this in her free time
I want to love one lolg for life
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who needs 'em anyways
touch fluffy tail
Briar lovers, we keep winning.
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Too bad you referenced the one champ carrying me hardest HHEHEHE
fuck I'm counterpicked
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Sona "Jugs" Buvelle
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>facecheck a bush
>see this
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ping asking for assistance twice Q auto E auto the chud E exhaust the lowest hp flash towards enemy side of the map to bodyblock walking path and ult the one furthest from me to get a double knock up

next question?
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reminder that Nami is soft
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
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Being hard stuck in Silver rank in League of Legends is akin to being imprisoned in Azkaban, where the weight of despair and frustration gnaws at your spirit relentlessly. Just as the Dementors drain the happiness from prisoners, the unyielding grind of low-tier matchmaking sucks the joy out of every game, leaving you feeling hollow and defeated. Each match feels like an endless cycle of hope and disappointment, much like the torment of time spent in the dark confines of the wizarding prison. You watch as others ascend to higher ranks, much like the fleeting glimpses of sunlight that never quite reach Azkaban’s dreary shores, and you’re left grappling with the haunting realization that your skills, like the memories of joy, seem to fade away. In both realms, the struggle to escape becomes a battle against your own inner demons, where each defeat echoes like the chilling whispers of despair, reminding you that breaking free requires not just skill, but an indomitable will to rise above the darkness.
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im glad u took the time to block out ur ign tazmir
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>best version of Tahm Kench is in a capeshit overwatch
damn... i would be embarrassed to get outdone this hard
delete this
why is diana allowed to be a tanky assassin
capeshit overwatch is a better game than both overwatch and lol put together
nobody plays this game besides kids with weird sounding voices
that's not a high bar these days
apchuds get special treatment because freek is a pretentious pseud faggot
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>200+ games d4 0lp hecarim player on my team
Doesn't have to juggle mana either, literally infinite Q spam cause he uses Energy.
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More days more dollars, or something like that.
>Watch Tobias Fate
>He says he'll never buy Lord Dominik over Mortal Reminder simply because they're the same price but all Lord Dominik's gives you 10 extra damage while Mortal Reminder gives 25% critical chance like LDR but with the ability of anti heal.
do you think tazmir would be this way if he got the coveted feet pics?
How many LEAGUE OF LEGENDS games have (You) played today?
You sure he wasn't referring to Serylda's and not LDR?
How many games should I have per season to climb? Reddit says 400 is healthy but I think that's completely fucking insane
t. bronze with 100 ranked games
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Kind of cool fish too.
He was literally talking about LDR.
I want to masage your wife's massive testicles !
If it feels like too much, it's too much. Just play to have fun, as the game isn't worth over-playing just to climb. If it's not fun (because of your perception of matchmaking) then quit the game. It's the reason I usually play for 2~ weeks at a time only 2-3 times a year.
Stop shilling this fucking game retard
how do i remove my border
i think people are targeting me in normals because im iron
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When is the open beta? I wanna play again. They added Captain America and Winter Soldier but only youtubers and whoever was at Gamescom got to play them.
stop erasing your sketches!
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she's cool and warm at the same time
no more betas, it releases December 6th
I feel like I play so little that my rank isn't accurate though
>no more betas
he's an egobloated dense showoff faggot who doesn't want his artwork to be available for others to screenshot nor view
you think theyd just announce the release date instead of a beta if another one was gonna happen?
I see, you went from vayne to vayne with quad damage
I wish my friends made me cry for being deadweight
I played league with friends once and now I don't have any friends
be my gf?
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happy you like it. very fun break from league. I'll take another request next time too
0, i just pretend that im in terrible games to shitpost
??does sadness make you aroused?
I want to coddle you and make you feel loved
>hides his art
do NOT queue today it is ONLY dogs online you will not win any games
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capesloppa has better brown bitches too.
because it feels worse knowing I AM deadweight and they're doing mental gymnastics to blame anything but me

plus I'd probably cum or something
i can't wait for the kids to get their asses back in school
get better friends
>hop in while 5 other people are right there
>spam draw 28 sketches and delete all of them
gee I wonder if he would've done the same if there was no one around to be flexed on

faggot probably regulars /ic/
Yes, that's by design. Keep you engaged by preying on ego and FOMO. The video-game isn't worth the grind; play games for fun.
Zero. It's the holiday and I was cooking.
Great. I guess Nami will be a comfy pillow.
Just saying...
let sorakafag into you drawpile you nonces
but I am deadweight
G2 is dogshit though?
you need a big man who can carry your weight and in return you satisfy him
I'm not the modejanitor but I sure hope he doesn't let that freak draw
We're witnessing our first schizo sissy. A true sight to behold.
>betting on G2 when they'll have to face against the koreans and chinks
They are dogshit but capable of playing above their level (see random TES 3-0).
This is what you look for if you go for out there crazy odds bets.
not everything is about your dick anon
this dick can make you feel better
you won't unless you can trace on that website
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she would make a long pillow
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s-stop it anon......
Yeah, betting on G2 on this world, even against NA, is basically burning money.
show proof you aren't sorakatroon posting nami pics on the pc, as he replies to himself on his phone.
did sorakafag's drawings look high quality enough to you that you presumed he traces?

literal 2 minute stick figure sketches>>>>>>>>>>>??????????
this masochist anon makes me miss my rakaslut anon
>draws a shitton then deletes
that just sounds like a shy artist. lots of artists delete or trash their stuff
I could learn rakan for you....
you might be deadweight, but you're MY deadweight
is actually being good at this game based or cringe?
Oh yeah I’ll lose 5 plates before 5 minutes totally
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What's your favorite aminal? A bear?
no favorite?
depending on age weight bodyfat% hairline status can be based or cringe
literally no one is stopping anyone from joining bro
I wish my lolg would come back and play rakan for me...
that one lolg who still has faith that I'll make it to silver soon
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I've been watching it for a while now and listening to new music. I'm just chilling.

Enough for three heads.
is that you ahrislut?
be my gf
he says that's how he draws and learns.
silver soon tm is not the ahrislut's trademarked catchphrase you horndog
and my 0/9 full ap gragas jungler said that's how he enjoys the game
playing league somewhat satisfies my masochistic itches
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You can and will as long as you're learning from the mistakes.
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Riot implements lovers queue, which role mains are the most desirable?
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the canon couple champs
i didn't say it's smart. just relaying the message.
I love you so much
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I guess Sona can fit too
only on tango skin art no?
Do we know anything about champs beyond Noxian grandma? I think we're due sexy male champ.
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I am mentally debating if it's more pathetic to have played this game forever as a sweaty tryhard and be good but like not pro player good or to have played forever and be fucking silver.
I'd say anything that was old canon still counts
otherwise J4 Shyv goes too
Women only play mid or support. So naturally the man will have to play adc, or jg
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>illaoi and gayplank
women play jungle
when did girls gravitate toward what is arguably the most difficult lane to learn?
we're all gmi!
im a girl and soemtimes I play top lane
>hardest lane to learn
what's the point of warding if you dont even look at the map? dont be retarded
where else would they be gravitating towards in order to play their flashy uwu cute kitten mage champions???
not so much learn, but to be consistent in.
girls (male) don't count
botlane is easier to play when you're with someone teaching you the game. and once you learn the basics you can explore other lanes or champs.
two biofem lolgs I've played with have played jungle and support
why don't i matter
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I'm a girl and i only play varus jungle
The only thing i'd consider hard in mid is the jungle (pyke support) tracking since its the most ganked lane. (which i fail a lot Tbh)
supp is only hard in high elo
below like D2 it's just hugboxing your bot boyfriend following him everywhere and hoping he carries so for 99% of players it's the woman role
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She'll like that. Poor Girl needs a good nap.
yeah and she's hardstuck with 900 games in gold this split. your point?
the point is that she plays it you retard
did you hand check their pussies or something how do you know
we had children together
I can check yours
>inb4 I know 1 female who plays X champ or Y role
The outliers don't mean it's the average.
>varus jungle
redpill me
im a girl and i play other things though
It's cultural.
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the one you bought a $200 skin for in return of a discord striptease>?
when you reach silver, can i give you a nice reward daddy
Jelly isn't an example of what a typical girl league player does. Name one other girl who plays 15 games in a day.
she needs to stop playing games all night
on lolg biofems play jungle and support
trannys play mid and support
everywhere else biofems play adc and support
i play top mid and support though
I like how she claims it isn't serious and it's not like she had sex or anything. First it just feet pics, then it's just solo vids, etc...
youre trans
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Is rank all you retards care about?
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>playing solo queue
>absolute mental midget retards
>all gigantic egos
>feed 0/10 in lane while typing gg repeatedly ever since first death
>try to play flex
>everyone is kind
>pings and plays with brains, objective are taken effortlessly with all 5
>rotations for days
>civil discourse and compromises over disagreements or shit that needs to be done
Was flex queue always this nice? Does flex rank still not count as real rank?
you're teasing me knowing I won't be reaching silver for at least another 600 matches........
there are woman players high on the EUW and the prevalence of support as the most popular role drops significantly among them
does that mean i don't matter
You can walk on toplane and press R to oneshot tanks
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But she's so good at the video games.
r u ok
it means you were already covered, the addition of top lane doesnt mean anything
all women are trans
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I still play vayne but not as much.
Aphelios is my default pick but if enemy comp favors vayne over him I play her instead. Most notable example would be when the support is pyke.

Hey yamato listen, I know the season is cancer right now but it's gonna get way worse
havent won yet today despite cancersmurfing on my lane opponent every game but one send help ONYLY niggers in queue today
With the amount of games you spam per season, you should be better. Keep autopiloting and playing every champ at a sub average skill.
yeah that was always my main dopamine generator when I was playing
winning and making the shiny number go up
i think it does mean something because most people think girls never play top lane but some do even if we are biologically male I think that still counts for something right? I don't even play Gwen or the other stereotypical choices
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yeah, but she can't play all night and expect to function properly - not without drugs anyway
girls dont
traps, femboys, and trannys do
ur mean
nah it will be fine riot will nerf items in s15 which will neuter adc and scaling champ dominance and mid assassins will once again take over the rift and league will once again be a skilled game not nohands item simulator
>only play ranked
>is rank all you care about
its apparent you do. where's your boosters? did they all abandon you?
what's the difference between trap and femboy?
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that's not me. lolg mistakes a lot of posts for me
try coffee
plus energy from winning
trap looks like girl
femboy looks like hwei
what is the average age around here?
you don't have to rub my biological sex in like that
late twenties, early thirties. probably closer to 30
5 times more games played than the rest of your lobby
I just turned 29 two weeks ago
trap looks like a girl with small tits
femboys look like aphelios, ezreal, and hwei
The drawpile is super fun. Both to draw in and watch.
I recommend to keep them to once a month to avoid burnout and keep them special.
how do you even have time to play this after you pass 24?
this game eats up your life like crazy
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>never use op.gg
>check op.gg
>profile refreshed 2 hours ago
can pass for a girl vs a soft and slender man
would you be up for some romance queue my love?
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Would Sona be a Coffee person? She might just hit the flavorful Red Bulls.
it automatically refreshes
I would always get super insecure and swap accounts so people couldn't flame me for my amount of games
i play jungle or ad if i get booted from my main role
sit down sonny
>flavorful Red Bulls
enjoy british teeth
yeah but you're a lesbo which means tranny
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more like mountain dew fan
Are you a terf?
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>we have many lolg biofems
>two play jungle/mid
>one plays jung/adc
>one plays support
Who here is man enough to carry this 1000 games hardstuck in niggalow to gemerald
do you hate trans girls
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Why is that Warwick skin so sexy
She rejected the two guys here who tried helping
if she loved me I would duo every day win or lose...
getting boosted is fucking pathetic regardless of gender or motive
i don't hate trans for being trans but i don't think theyre women either, so kinda
league of legends nerf leona
Because regardless of school or work you still need to hangout and chill. Both school and work are filler content that's scheduled and can get tiresome.
what is this logic
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This time will be different
anything that isnt man + women is tranny
do you guys consider yourselves addicted?
how do you fit this game into your lives in a "healthy" manner?
what about robot sex
everyone starts as female in the womb so all men are trans sorry
I feel so embarrassed being trans because it's probably annoying for real women to be around me even if it's just online
you can try vbl. the other guys weren't successful.
Jeez youre basically a grandpa now. How does it feel?
you should learn to take no for an answer
every briar poster isnt vbr
sitting tower and crying for jungle ganks is the most pathetic lowlife behavior possible in this game why do you even queue up if you cant even contest your own lane
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I feel good!
I don't cry for ganks but i have to sit turret a lot because im bad :c
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what about this says "I didnt do enough to enable my team to win"?

>you dont have 6 cs

I have a full build stupid nigger. full build before everyone else. level 18 before everyone else.

stupid nigger
depends on context
a gold player doing it yeah stop crying just go and win retard but a challenger saying it and he can be in the right
Did this faggot finally kill himself?
why are you announcing to the world that you're trans
just dont tell people, dont use the trans flag and no one will think about you at all
okay dabsnigger
based. too many anons care about age when it changes nothing
jesus christ are u actually bronze 4 stop posting
I didn't queue up to be harassed by a conqueror crit garen

you're either going to princess my fucking lane or I'm gonna be 50 cs 3 levels behind and soft int
barafags are worse than trannys desu
you just need to stop crying and win you're bronze
I don't pass so anyone would be able to tell
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guess again!
no answer exactly kill yourself nigger.

there isnt an answer. fucking faggot nigger.

league gives you the win team or it gives you the lose team. fucking nigger. kill yourself
fullbuild doesnt matter when the build is shit and you dont end he game pre minute 50 against jax nasus
its alright steel
also its more attractive to be a femboy than it is to pretend to be a girl
Want to play?
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Eh, no. I play a few games a day.

All of it. It's the only way for her to show how good she is.
ur trying to reason with a schizo
nobody can see you online
>pre 2017 champs
>based shonen motivational compilation heros

>post 2017 champs
>loli furries
>pedo bait
>loli furry pedo bait
>bpd girls who's power stem from their emotional unstability
another day lolgen just acts like a pack of niggers

not an answer. kill yourself nigger
i think even a schizo understands that fullbuild without armor pen against FULLTANK FULLTANK BRUISER THAT GETS FREE TANK is bad
have fun being jellyrolled. don't say we didn't warn you.
mid and support are the 2 easiest roles in s9+
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*losersQ starts*
It's the other way around.
>another day lolgen just acts like a pack of niggers
lolg is... healing
i play games semi-regularly with a guy that i'm pretty sure is thinking about trooning out and he's the nicest person on /lolg/ in my opinion so i wouldn't say i find them annoying just to be around (some of them are but for unrelated reasons). can't help having mental illness and desu a dude wanting to be a woman is not that bad compared to some of the other things that could be wrong with someone
league of legends buff sejuani
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What would it take for Riot to retcon all LGBT champions?
Femboys are gross
I would take passing transgirl over they any day
>posts soraka and sona
>only plays support
>bottom bitch
How's the sissyfication going? Have good aram games lately?
why is lolg constantly trying to put down each other over rank
ideally, the most attractive is a femboy who can look perfectly like a girl, but isnt trying to trans
Mehr Valentino Camouflage (yeah)
Mehr Valentino Camouflage (yeah)
Trag' Valentino Camouflage
Puto braungebrannt, Valentino-Treter Camouflage
Puto braungebrannt
Mulatto in Camouflage
Lucio Loco, la vida
Noch mehr Liquor an die Bar
Trippy Koka, Liquor fließt
Zitrus rein in Hennessy
fuck NO
having to play pretend with pronouns and tiptoe around words like dude then having the embarrassment of not only your parents finding out that theyre not seeing grandchildren but ALSO that their kid is into trannys
being gay is already acceptable by most parents standards, trans on the otherhand WOOF
active shooter in their HQ
Yeah Jhin Kindred era was peak.
But not the peak of skin sales so now we're here.
ok steel
i'm not steel but i was talking about steel lmao
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she needs to stop
that's not me, but I think she is talking about me >.>
thx if so lol...
nta but I was gonna guess vbl
they both do the no-homo...unless type of faggy stuff
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>let me queue a draven game real qui-
Anon... why would you do that?
clearly you haven't met the corki main irl
if the trans is ugly not passing people have to play pretend
otherwise using she just comes naturally
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*windwalls your loserqueue on toplane vs garen*
just WIN
stop bitching and WIN
topixo? more like ropixo xd
how tf does a yasuo beat garen
stop bullying cutelows
they knew what they were doing
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Good day of League today!
and its only 1pm!
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aram is the best gamemode
>reinstall heroes of the storm
>check profile
>kharazim 68% winrate in almost 400 games
>lili 65% in almost 400 games
>uther 62% in 94
>maiev 72% in 71 games

those were the days, before sbmm was in every game you could actually have good winrates without playing in much lower ranks
Oh my, thats one horny room. Very nice art though
Are those ranked stats?
Why has this general always been so shit?
I feel I would have had a much more fun time with this game if we had a cool general and not a shit general.
overall stats, both ranked and normals mixed in but arams excluded i think(not that i ever played it)
What improvements/type of posts are you seeking.
When is the next your shop?
join in!
the generals really good today
you gotta fuck off and come back when the spammer is around for the garbage you enjoy
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UM riot this is real matchmaking???? I LITERALLY HAVENT WON A GAME TODAY SEND HELP
more coom material less on topic discussion please
there are people unironically dedicated to killing any discussion and fun for some reason
He only makes those posts when the spammer isn't here so it's obviously bait
be funny
less tranny discord drama
less schizos
more gameplay posting and discussion
less gooning to 2D women

basically become the dota 2 gen
>become the worse gen for the worse game
no thanks, piss off
I wish
their game is not fun but their general almost made it when I played it
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>his toilet
>more gameplay posting and discussion
you motherfuckers don't even respond to 99% of the fucking clips I post

it takes me like 40 minutes to make them synchronized with the funny haha music and only my irl buddy watches them
good afternoon reddit!
if i really like playing a lot of champs would it be a good idea to play 1 ranked game a day and pick the same champ every time, and then after that play normals and pick anyone?
don't play ranked if you like playing a lot of champs. we don't want you
idk its just weird to me that diamond players enjoy spending all day cosplaying silver players like idgi
yeah but like cause you're shit
post GOOD gameplay and make good points in discussion

dota gen had lots of high elo players here you could count them on one hand everyone is a silver gooner
vbl is straight
thats me
yuh huh? thats why he flirts with an anon all the time and pretends the rest of us arent watching them get all fluffy?
why exactly do you demand "le high elo high iq classy wine sipping sirius dicksucksion" if the thread majority are silver players?

is the thread here to serve your faggoted desires or is it here to serve US the heart and soul of the lolg community??
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play velkoz! you will go even more super saiyan then I ever can
I miss old Rek'Sai
hi mommy
my love
my life
my inspiration!
thats mean i meant
I guess you're right I just never liked you guys.
I wish this game attracted different people here.
what were they like
a gank machine that esports ruined
her ult was like tf ult with a way shorter cd but can onloy go to a tunnel
free TP for ult
yiongive a fuck if its mean nigga
there is 150+ fucking champions in the game with a quinpentillion different potential comps that can get matched against quinpentillion other different comps

you literally will never develop as a player if your retarded ass is adhd champion hopping every match
you could shoot accross the map to any of your burrows
sorry its just hard to decide cuz a lot of them are fun
literally no one's asking you to be present here in this thread, you come here on your own volition knowing damn well what the average lolg thread is like and all you fucking ever do is complain about how we suck

are you that one retarded faggot that kept talking about "I want to move over to dota2 I just wish I had AN ANON FRIEND TO PLAY WITH ME UWU" and we told you a hundred thousand times to fuck off to the dota2 gen and find someone from there but you never left you tsundere ass attention whoring dog
good job cutie
that's insane
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anons right the gen is shit rn post your cats for me
whats the discord drama
>be funny
lolg can be pretty funny and also they make art/edits for each other on occasion
>less tranny discord drama
half of it is just shitposts or others trying to stir the pot
>less schizos
>more gameplay posting and discussion
people try but theres like 3 anons who are trying to kill any type of this
>less gooning to 2D women
a balance between sexy pics and game talk would be nice yeah
>basically become the dota 2 gen
didn't lolg say dotagen was worse?
Cause all the neon haired troglodytes and soi-lent fuckboys would be thrown into re-education camps and get beaten for trying to make progressive design choices.
some guy bought some egirl a $200 miss fortune skin for discord strip tease
lots of anons joke around about gay shit
Non-white champions and champs with multiple low CD forms of mobility/Sonic the Hedgehog movespeed
grooming others to transition, grudges, simps, the usual
I've seen the way bros joke about gay shit and the way they do it, hell I do it myself
they arent joking
200$ chromas
no I'm not that guy
I called this place shit but only like a couple times spread out over years
I guess I was always assmad because there were games where I had more fun shitposting on the general than playing but with League it was the opposite my favorite most played game for so long but nowhere to post
how come my MMR isn't mitigated on a "loss mitigated" even though I only lose 12 lp?
I could again
but whats in it for me?
you must have a very special mental disability if you find posting in the general less pleasant than actually playing the game

some days I don't even feel like playing just because it's way more comfy just posting here
if i play him will u duo me
actually YOU inspire ME! your bright mood always calms my champ anxiety a bit. I hope you're having a good day of games too

thanks, man. amumu was the real mvp here, dude got us hextech soul and we went crazy with it. I want to practice hitting more crazy geometry angles like azzapp
>ignores my hi mommy post
I don't have a cat, I have a dog
wrong i cant draw at all
i use my fucking mouse
i am the most hated poster outside of the regular avatarfags and spammers
the hell happened to thresh
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She can't stop won't stop!
bitch I use a fucking vertical mouse and I can still fucking draw
you should try him regardless because he's super fun!
I was always sweating trying to discuss matchups and shit and this place is just perma gooning and people complaining about their bronze 2 promos being rigged by satan
You guys made me go fucking d*scord
good byebye please stay on discord

retarded faggot can't take two seconds to google matchups
who was it even meant for
post now

I'll give you my undying love!
shall I play... one more? naaaaaah. *closes the client*
no thanks!
another game matched with 4 niggers that should have been fucking ripped from the womb in a dark alley and curb stomped by their disgustingly melanin laden father
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another in innocent anon about to be jellyrolled
your duo will fuck your asshole tonight
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I need him or any other bara...
chill I don't even play anymore
I was just nostalgic thinking bout league and ended up here
me too, anon...
did you have one in mind?
>post now
league of legends what are those crazy ahri buffs they doing
youre a girl
be my gf
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someday I'll get you to. someday I'll get all of lolg to!

haha I didn't even know. I never expected to be called that. to answer back, hi anon
I could make you a mommy if you want
Why does Nocturne get to fear me for 20 years when he jumps on me? What'd I do wrong??? What's the counterplay???????
ok now she's never gonna respond to being called mommy ever again thanks asshole
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Love is over, I have entered the abyss
nigga typing this shit from his nokia
low t + adrenaline buildup due to lack of exercise

hit the gym for 30 minutes a day to deplete your adrenal glands and grow a pair
>casting couch
the cat is judging you for this
Don't argue with the trannies here. The moment you actually discuss the game here, you have a ton of silver surfers and peak d5 0LP subhumans come out of the woodwork and start accusing you of various things.
When you disprove them and expose them , they always ghost or try to spin the narrative, or start le epic meme posting.
There is a reason no one good posts here, because all the attentionfaggots hate actual game discussion and there also is an endless amount of retards that think they know better, than actual good players.
sent from my linux arch
post more pet pics alongside league of legends opinions
I got the same iron pig in on my aram team 3 times in a row...
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vbl here
im gay
babe wake up new bowl just dropped
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kg i'm pretty sure your address was on that pic of the box you posted with the cat
be careful of that shit
There's something else that happens on a pretty consistent basis here that somewhat inhibits game discussion that it looks like you might have made an oopsie in forgetting about :^)
haha imagine having sex instead of league
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hey qiqilegendary can you post this over my drawing of zed im not used to the controls of that drawing app so i edited mine in mspaint
he is very high investment champion that needs to clear on time so if like he dropped ult on you and didn't kill anyone he's fucked
you should also generally learn to tell what side of the map he's on at any given time like with any jg and play accordingly
but yeah if it's like fed Noc and he wants you dead you just die and there's not much you can do about it sometimes
and who's gonna climb my account out of bronze if I'm busy having sex?
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I'm not creative with voice channel names desu

Riot is going to fail in spectacular fashion at handling 2XKO that they will scrap all future projects and only stick to lol, valorant, TFT, and arcane

meh who cares
wave management is not real
yeah if u play briar unironically and feel validated by ur gameplay blow ur brain out with a shotgun please you ARENT good you are literally carried by your champion playing itself
wave management is real and I need tips
STOP saying aram is for girls!
don't listen to him

wave management is a lie made up by the cowardly plats in order to keep you down

the only thing that's real is killing your lane opponent literally nothing else
I'd only play aram for a girl
ok so if vbl is gay why did he brush off me calling his voice twinky not once but TWICE in a row??
it is doe
you can time the wave to push when your jungle is gonna be playing on you pretty reliably
show me more animals NOW
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you play aram to fuck the girls
aram is for girls quickplay is for women

choose wisely
I mean it's an anonymous forum on 4chan jokes are bound to go a little further
so this is why lolgs want a duo
are you guys also joking when you say "stroking" and then someone replies to you with lewd images of league girls and call you a good boy and stuff>/?
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Honestly any of them
>kg is looking for ethots on diskek
my duo raped me
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i understand, they're all so hot
when youre a bicurious dude flirting with a gay guy
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vbl here
i'm not gay
You are fucking nothing and you know nothing. If an anon ask a question about a champion, I give a detailed answer.
I peaked higher than 99,9999% of the population, I didn't even play ranked in the last 2 years and even then when I was not in my peak I am still higher rated than 99,99% of the player base.
I post as many walls of text, as I want, you plebeian.
I am here to discuss the game in detail and gave valuable input.
Don't even let me pull up the win rate of this account in that Season, which wasn't even my peak.
I gap you in every single role and champion.
If an anon wants inside about the game, I gave it to them. I post as many walls of text as I want and you know what ? I only post walls of texts to answer question about champions or the state of the game.

Don't @ me again and post with the discord trannies and avatarfaggots, it is better for you that way, believe me.
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They are
touch grass please mr lcs pro
That's my personal discord
I gave up the edating dream
who the fuck is vbl
A fun reminder that adchuds are useless
Only good post btw>>492913473
It is always the same here. I answer an anon, having a question about a certain champion or matchup.
The moment you actually talk about the game here and gave a detailed answer, I have to deal with countless amounts of retards that accuse me of something. I am only here to discuss the actual game in detail, mostly I help noob anons.I legit was here for the first time in like 4-5 months, and you feed me a million (you)s. One post from me is a million times more potent, than all the avatar faggots and erpers combined.
Like every few months I drop in here, I answer some anon about game related topic and it is legit always the same. I only answer anons that have a game related question, may it be a question about matchup, an item or a champion. I never once interacted with one of the avatar or discord trannies, it is purely game related.Every time one of you retards comes out of the woodwork and accuses me of X and that I am Y. The moment I gave detailed explanation about something , some of you plebs has to jump in, insult me and accuse me of something.It is also never the original anon I talked with. Yet it is always ending the same way, I post the raiting from one of my old accounts and you plebs stop any meaningful discussion.You try to meme it, you ghost me or give shitty one-liners, because you have no antidote to this.The funny thing is, I never start the raiting flame, but I always end it.Gn8 btw.
>gave up the edating dream
the average lolg can't even find an egirl to edate??
Draven BROKEN by the Annie BVLL
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You'll be back
dravenchads don't give a fuck about childrens arena games
my friend wants to duo again and i just want to play solo...
it depends almost 100% on what your and the enemy junglers are doing how you need to play the wave

so if like enemy jungle is pathing bot to you while your jungle is heading top the ideal situation would here would be to slowpush lvl1 without trading too much hp into getting slowpushed back to your tower when the enemy jgl is gonna be hovering you
is that why dravenchads have a mental breakdown the moment they die once and start flaming in 28 different languages
my IRL friend had a meltdown and left the discord group and blocked me because i just wanted to grind ranked for awhile
careful anon
he's back but still
then tell him that limpwrist loser
Getting girls online is genuinly harder than irl
after moving over here there were a couple girls I went on dates with, we didnt really work out but getting a foot in the door is a simple chat away for the most part
online its like nobody wants to attempt a genuine connection, I'd just never bother with it anymore
Dudes who find a gamer gf hit the jackpot, none of my bros manage that either and usually have normie gfs too

eh I'm a hopeful guy so probably, but I'm well past the point of seeking one out online
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I love this gif so much it's unreal
anyways thank you! good luck in your games today, I hope you get so fed the enemy shits bricks when you appear on screen
>online its like nobody wants to attempt a genuine connection
you're probably just fucking ugly and/or retarded bro

you're not going to have a "genuine connection" with some xx chromosome over your monitor, especially not if your approach is "I'm looking for a genuine connection" ESPECIALLY NOT if you're not a 10/10
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women who meet men online are almost all mentally unwell, you dont want them anyways
hot. details?
>collecting simps
>shamelessly leading them on
>faux nice girl
at least lyra is transparent and direct about her personality.
>one damage off lethal
champs for this feel?
that's a meme
Dravenbros are always calm and collected
yeah guess so

I'm in for a bit of fun man, if more comes then thats nice if not oh well
>all alone
don't walk home alone late at night or you might be raped by a loli. everyone knows this
As seen with our resident stacey
fuck lyra nigga at least jelly gives me attention

female attention still feels nice when you're not obsessed over trying to date someone you don't even know while being at least 900 miles away from each other
qiqiqiqiqiqiqqiqiqi doko?
fleet footwork Jhin
just be honest that you could use a little me time
omg yes I love online pussy I love bpdemons
*headpats the retard*
there's an oce girl who trades favors for skins here
is that supposed to be me
you're just mean now
yeah how about I favor her a clear jab to the throat bitch

if I had 200 bucks to spare I'd go buy nudes from vbl instead of some retarded B4 malignance ahri player
i love lyras daggerish poisonous personality
It'd be cute to see an anon tame her
bro I can't even fucking find the account she's playing on
niggas really basing all their self worth on a league of legends rank
I'm waiting for jellys descent into lyra territory. It's happening slowly
she has a good heart so yeah that would be
>goredrinker tear qiyana
yea right
idk ur the one who wanted to show off ur dick on discord literally the day we met
why couldn't you protect her smile
i did my best...
there. was. nothing. I. could. have. fucking. done. to. win. that. fucking. match. youre. a. stupid. nigger. for. thinking. that. you. build. armor. pen. on. irelia. stupid nigger.
niggas doing the white girl hand clap talk on fucking 4chinz
no one protected mine either
t. stupid nigger
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no homo
for someone who claims they don't like drama, they sure find themselves surrounded by it
top one isnt drama stop posting it
not gonna happen. sometimes I lose my patience- I'm no saint, but not gonna happen. also she's not a bad person either. I wish anons were this kind about them when they were still here
why did u remove me vbl I liked u
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based of the highlighted players stats, predict the outcome, win or loss

additional info: total damage done to champions 70,000. kda: 15/8/11
if swain jerks off with his demon bird hand does it count as masturbation?
you only need a big cock unironically to tame any lolg female
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>strictly for platonic gaming
jelly its 4chan come on
you wouldn't post it wasn't a loss to begin with
itd be hot tho
thats right it was a literally uncarrayble loss.
no I like nice jelly
we have too many schizos and sissies. time for a yandere girl
lolg would be saved if we kicked all the girls out
you niggas would start fighting over the agp sissies instead
but theres only like 4 of them
drawroom almost full.
It'd be full if swainfag didn't delete like 8 drawings
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enough drama when vgs
ok but listen
why do gays RP sext each other with pictures of women?
I never understood
yandere possessive and needy jelly gf angle
lolg would be saved if we did more vgs
it's hot knowing some other faggot is getting off to getting you off
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Good morning /lolg/.
jelly has a ebf
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Like youd know
the men self insert as the women they post see the ahri, kat, nami, soraka, lux, annie, zoe, gwen, etc posters.
yeah it's me
you never see eu niggas act like this around bitches just sayin
theyre not actually gay, they're prison gay. they'll erp with dudes if there are minimal interested women around.
why not use pics of male champs if you're 2 dudes anyway
more of this happens with the EU egirls
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evil lugs
we do do that
depends on who's posting at the current time being
yeah kurostar. does he know she posts here all day?
is humanity girl cute?
meds nigga
you all got horny over arya's shaved thighs. don't act like you're any better.
nigga all EU girls get impregnated or have an ebf ofc u guys act like u dont care
I'd wife humanity girl over jelly desu
cuz we are nerd autism gay not normal gay so we pretend to be lesbians
cant stop queueing HARd tonight
>the syndracuck
evil women make me feel things, man
did not happen nigga
he even stopped posting during eu hours because he didn't get any attention
lol people are crazy in dms
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How many games does it take to learn adchud?
Aphelios and Ezreal are both doodoo right now... And those are the only two adchuds I want to actually play...
none of those are women
not a single eu person has acted this weird around any1 of them
>not a single male champ
Jelly, where's ur velkoz?
>treating friends like this over league of legends
i've never understood this mindset. you are approaching the game to have fun, if it stops being fun (because of the actions of others or otherwise) just take a break from the game, it's what i do if i ever get frustrated.
man anons really try to fake bullshit over their region but when it happens theyre silent pussys
next time it happens bitch I'll call you out again
they're both into it
nigga he literally posted those cancer pics during na hours for na incels kill yourself
I just fucked my gf and now I'm gonna play league for 10 hours while reading all of you and never interacting with anyone like I have been doing for the past 10 years
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ok ok I'm out for REAL now
I asked the thread what I should draw and they suggested briar so I did the briar chibi
These were my post btw and everything that was stated in these post was true.
I was a having a civilized discussion with one anon about Kayle and some random had to give his input and accuse of me being low Elo.
I don't even play Ranked man
Yawn, it is always so easy farming (you)s from you plebs. Only good post btw>>492918026
It is always the same here. I answer an anon, having a question about a certain champion or matchup.
The moment you actually talk about the game here and gave a detailed answer, I have to deal with countless amounts of retards that accuse me of something. I am only here to discuss the actual game in detail, mostly I help noob anons.I legit was here for the first time in like 4-5 months, and you feed me a million (you)s. One post from me is a million times more potent, than all the avatar faggots and erpers combined.
Like every few months I drop in here, I answer some anon about game related topic and it is legit always the same. I only answer anons that have a game related question, may it be a question about matchup, an item or a champion. I never once interacted with one of the avatar or discord trannies, it is purely game related.Every time one of you retards comes out of the woodwork and accuses me of X and that I am Y. The moment I gave detailed explanation about something , some of you plebs has to jump in, insult me and accuse me of something.It is also never the original anon I talked with. Yet it is always ending the same way, I post the raiting from one of my old accounts and you plebs stop any meaningful discussion.You try to meme it, you ghost me or give shitty one-liners, because you have no antidote to this.The funny thing is, I never start the raiting flame, but I always end it.Gn8 btw.
yes cause it's his hand now
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Think fast /lolg/!
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oh so that was you huh
but they played in the same match before?
steel has other accounts?
yeah im sure steel is dming himself about how shit he is just to falseflag on vg because hes butthurt over how genuinely shit he actually is
Theres a zed and a fiddle now
How do I get attention on lolg
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fuck off azakana you mspaint ass "using a touchpad with my tongue to draw" bitch
this is a glitch that happens sometimes where your name takes the place of the name of the person you are messaging
hit challenger get all of lolgs love and then vanish for years
you can post cute and tease anons
if ur a girl prove it by having sex with me
be a girl or a sissy or tranny
draw some good shit
remember that day the entire vg lobby had the same name kek
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>once you select an icon other than the default helmet bro icon you cannot reselect helmet bro
nta but you literally can
just go to loot tab,icons then scroll all the way down
all hand drawn with a mouse and keyboard baby
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>tfw hairy guy that loves other dudes
bro... it's over...
i'll pass, especially since that yordlefag is there
>loot tab
meant collection tab
ok dickasso
doesnt work will post proof after game
>nerfs but only for ranged
why are they doing like 30 of these?
it wouldn'tve been pedoshit if you and fellow other anons contributed non pedo shit
mantheon drew old panth helment (i think?)
why are you bullying him when he's trying? the other fags have their tablets. of course theirs will look more polished. this is what happened with scribbio too.
you THINK? it's THAT BAD??
works on my machine
what she said is true so who cares anyways its not like its wrong i am trash
namedrop yourself liek these other transgendereds
I haave a crush with a lolgs boyfriend
they should do more shit like that but targeted at bruiserniggers so they can't abuse every new assassin/adc item
NOOOOOO humanity girl you're the best
i have a crush on STEEL M3NTAL...
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Nasus is a cutie
Thanks for helping me fill up my folder
its missing the spartan plum so the helmet could be mordekaiser helm
if you agree to be my gf I'll give you positive reaffirmation and encourage your improvement
>missing the spartan plum
yeah the thing is I fucked up the fg/bg mixture percentage because I'm not used to this DOGSHIT website and when I remembered it had that spartan plum thing I had already swapped colors and couldn't get the exact tone right to add onto it so I said fuck it

shit host go next not my fault bro
it is pretty cute when you act like a slut
hope you enjoy the pics/spoiler]
ur gameplay off singed is rly cute and then when we need a win u pull out the cosmic drive singed and cook <3
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your cat is so cute!
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I definitely am!
good to hear
which lolg girls are confirmed not tranny? only ones i know are jelly and that alt girl ahri 200 mf skin slut or whatever her name is. is lyra a girl? are there any others?
yeah. teamdisparity
The way humanity girl talks is cute

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