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>Recent News
Grand Medusa (Earth) & Sevastien (Dark) now available!
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Earth) - (08/27 - 09/03)

Tier V Job Sumaibito - 09/03
Get from Quest UI Update - 09/03
Unite & Fight EX, EX+ & NM90 Health increase etc. - 09/07
Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 6 new Shields - 09/17
Auto-Reduce/Reserve for SR and higher - 09/17
Share Chests removed, Drops adjusted - 09/17
Sutera Outfit added to Daily Point Shop - 09/17
Militis Staff & Axe 4* FLB - 09/21
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24
Outfit Shop UI Update - 09/24

Divine Generals CD - 09/25
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
08/29 - 09/06 Lone Wolf's Passing
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

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>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
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GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>492797192
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Grand Bea in dark soon.
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Install wuwa
Play wuwa
Breed wuwas
I can't believe Bea was a primarch this entire time
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But also like every KV post
but really, what IS AFK Journey?
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>AI generated sammiches
What are those pink zits on her breasts?
shit clothes stupid pants
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>still buttblasted by DLFstacy
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
Reminder virtually everyone in wuwa is giga for (you)
Well yeah, they’re virtual women!
for me, it's Azur Promilia
Finally, some REAL art!
Who is your waifu, Grubbers?
>not tagged R18-G
Fucking bitch
>tell pixiv to not show me AI
>still shows me AI
what the fuck
Too bad its also even more boring than genshit
Best girl, of course.
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Autists shouldn't breed anyways so I lost nothing.
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The one and only
I disagree though, it's certainly not the worst trait to pass, like some retards like to say "it's a buff" but unironically if you learn to live with it
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I'd be for (You) too if (You) looked like this.
>Galleon staves are worthless now
9 bars…wasted
people still run 3 retard
Can't be boring when it has pandering, unlike mihomo.
Why bother? She can’t get pregnant.
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Yeah, because she didn't get her period yet
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I'm gay
lil L...
imagine how many people would have dropped the game ages ago had they just been upfront about crossbreeding being impossible
Someone I love a whole lot.
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Based Deliford
Nobody going off this general lol
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Yeah, because I spiked the water supply with abortion meds
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
Everybody judging by this general (no one here plays the game)
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based monkeymater
never compatible LMAO
Who's the bull?
>gook archive is dying
all that off-topic shilling only to lose to grub LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Maybe crossbreeding between the main 4 races in grub actually is possible, but it's much harder to conceive that way. I could've sworn in one of the JP only novels it was mentioned in passing that crossbreeding was possible, but the child was always the same race as the mother.
The one with singularity cum
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The closest thing to that is blue hair so I guess you are going with Mugen. Enjoy the strong babies
Not a singularity
R-raziel could you use your wikipedia to empower me again...i have to breed...
Where Izmir? Mugen breed
The troons that shill it will just jump ship to the slop replacing it, just like they did from Uma before.
>Nehan has to clean up after mugen breeding sessions
What an awful job, he does it for free too
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I still can't believe all the years faggots spent cuckposting here ended up becoming canon
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>breeding diapers full of poop
Does mugen really?
Why are maleringers going nuts now?
The bot got triggered it seems
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>doomposters get vindicated after years when the producers fucking jump
>cuckposters get vindicated when writer troons out
What's next?
Mugen and Nehan are basically Lennie and George from Of Mice and Men
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I say this
Wam is the only one who can handle Mugen’s girth. He would crush any of the real Draphs. Fake Draphs like Paglia and S. Halle could maybe handle him.
>red archive can't even beat grubflop pixivbux
why did it flop so hard?
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gbfpags are mentally ill
because of your mental illness
Astrals and Moonmen are apparently closer to humans than Erunes, Draphs and Harvins are...
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Uh oh maleringer melty
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>w-why did it f-flop
Holy trembling almighty rumeow
Let me guess, setting up a false flag so you can laugh about it when it comes out?
Flexible rough sex with monki
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Based Capygod
us of kv floppers already coping
still lost to grub lmao
>this is the grub killer
>this is the grub killer
>this is the grub killer
remember, you're here forever.
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Well well, looks who's here. Buddy finished his locker room creep session early today.
Based GODraph killing all the galgetards in /gbfg/
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
Asking again. 140 rolls in this banner, 2 sparks save. Should I get a second exo? I
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I might be, but grub sure won't be.
I mean, it makes sense when you think about it. The main crew already is made up of humans and a human looking primal, of course that the ayys that look just like humans will be more compatible with humans than the other races. Grub writers fucking hate the "Fantasy" part of Granblue Fantasy after all
Just lil L things LMAOOOO
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turn off the bot, numpers.
Are grubbas okay?
How do I turn you off then?
Thanks Thelonim, you are a big help
you'll be dead I'm under 10 years so it's possible
It's cute how much he misses Numpers...
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you could start by sucking off my cock.
nuts I tell you
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>Cultural phenomenon
>making less money than wuwa
>most of it's original staff ran away to make their own game
>now they're hiring people
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I already knew you were underage since you're a slurper, but that's for the confirmation I guess.
I'll just hand that task over to your maleringing boyfriend.
>I’m under 10
>that’s for the confirmation
lil L is losing it
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Just let him reply to himself. It'll be over soon.
zzzflop stay flop
literally FOTM
>anyone that isn't a deranged and mentally ill 30 year old mfer is underaged
Blud this is a website for college aged people, there's something seriously wrong for you if you're proud about being old on 4chan
The only real winner here is Seraph.
post pic then i'll consider it
...on opposite day
It's the truth. GBF has flat out told galgetards they aren't welcome here and yet the creatures still are too whipped to leave kek
look at this boomer LMAO take your aspirin
so how many gachas has this retard been cucked by?
I found a really good artist but the way she draws penises is absolutely horrifying. Should I send her pictures of my penis for reference?
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Just maleringing KVflopper things
how does yours look like? post a pic pls
>now that I helped you with becoming a father, I am closer to being a hero, right danchou?
"College aged" can go all the way up to 30, given masters degrees, phds, etc.
Not that you'd know, your "degree" is in maleringer mathematics so anything involving numbers is already far beyond you.
Would mathematics imply it still involves numbers though? Should have called it maleringerology.
Why is lil L spamming cuckposts now?
As the Singularity, Danchou is cross species fertile until proven otherwise.
They call it mathematics to make Seraph's kind feel like they're actually smart.
Just dropped another 8k on Granblue Archive. Even if KV poaches all their talent I’ll still support them.
Hekate knows this too
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>didn't save for organic KV success
You get those at a university, not a college. It's even more pathetic if you're pretending to be working on a master and still using 4chan, what a utter failure of a life.
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i'm serious btw >>492884430
lil L moment
>lil L asking for dick pics
Becoming a primal in the MSQ, danchou unironically has been chemichally castrated
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>maleringer semantics
I accept your concession.
It looks like and is roughly the size of a box turtle
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Not born primal, and they state it's closer to a deity.
me inside
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The only concession is you coping about being a dead end loser. Dead in under 10 years, just like I said.
Why the lil L spamming PTHC and asking for dick pics?
>when you fuck up your lore so hard even cuckposting is invalidated
sasuga shadowP-sama
Absolutely NUTS I tell you
That's what called coping. Actually, all the singularity cum talk is just copium of the worst grade. It's just time to accept reality
well, it's official
here it is
pyosg ios announcement
I didn't think this general was degenerate enough to actively desire RACE MIXING!
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No, what you said was that you're under 10 years, which was a very strange and unrelated thing to flex. Kinda nuts.
Human penises can’t even enter draphs? What were they thinking?
>That's what called coping
eek ook? stop convulsing so hard lil L
The other 3 races in grub are basically human anyway desu. Short humans, short stack or beefcake humans, and humans with animal ears, respectively.
The diety's name? Osiris KEK
They are abhumans retard, God Emperor approved.
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>if I close my eyes and cover my ears the bad canon will go away
If all you can cling and deflect to is spelling mistakes then you're just proving my point. Maybe one day you'll find some kinds of value in your life, but I personally think you'll kill yourself forever that ever happens lol.
I literally posted canon facts and you can't stop seething lol
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The pregnant cows...
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Ringing males does irreparable damage to the psyche and has adverse effects on memory.
Why is it that seeing lewd images of Monkey, Sara, and Io makes me feel nothing but seeing lewd Yaia makes my blood boil?
Facts. It's an incurable disease and L's a lost cause.
....to galgetards
I've permanently destroyed your psyche and for that I apologize.
Facts, HIVbrains literally can't stop acking out 24/7, maleringing does that
Why is Galleon there and why does she have abortion marks?
Thank you mugen
second from the right on the bottom row is all my doing
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Wow great thread again in your daily schizo cycle!
All me
Sure thing bro, in exactly 2 weeks it will be revealed that danchou isn't affected by grub biology rules
Maleringers are deranged creatures from dysfunctional families like that.
Just Trooneraph things
Imagine how worthless you need to be to spend all day samefagging your 'cord buddies posts on 4chan. Just 30 year old bum things I guess.
Singularity already isn't affected by the universe's laws or Bahamut's free will fuckery.
Maybe if lil L would pick up a normal hobby instead of being a creep at water parks and subsequently getting banned from them, he wouldn't have to vent his frustration by shitting up /gbfg/.
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who remembers the anila pastebin
Why did Tau'luk want us to marry his daughter so much if we can't produce an heir with her? I just kinda assumed that adoption or sperm donor were the options for Djeeta and Alliah. Maybe that's what was expected for Gran and Alliah too.
Deep breaths xis
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>free will is the same as biology
Lay off the copium, it's messing with your head
so now djeeta is relevant in msq? lol
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Erunes are made for erune dick.
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nice thread grubtards
He was essentially giving her as a gift to us. Like how someone would give someone a sex slave
Biology still follows the universe laws, maleringer, you can't even understand this much
How many times do you retards need to be told it was never about having a heir? He didn't give a fuck about Alliah, hence why he just abdicated the throne later on once the situation got too dire.
Danchou and my waifu will just adopt a bunch of kids then.
>danchou can be beheaded and turned into paste but that won't kill him because singularity
Bro, this is sad
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Lovey-dovey sex or rough fucking?
This but unironically
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gbfpags so cucked they have to make shit up to cope
Bubs quite literally did that.
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>Danchou and my waifu
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The weak semen needs to fertilize the strong erune eggs! shatter injustice and let your sperm break the interspecies barrier and penetrate your waifu's eggs. Don't let your dream of a family be hindered by the rule of the powerful and genetic!
Blud is loosing it
blud is seething singularity is not bound by laws of the universe LMAO
Rough, always. Especially with lolis.
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lovey-dovey sex roughly
Go ask Cygames then if danchou can do the same. Come on, do it. Make us laugh
Even when danchou loses another timeline gets created where it gets retconned and he wins just like in MSQ.
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Why did Bahamut need to bail him out when GravityGAWD almost killed him then?
Real Bahamut was inside you all along.
Urarager is fucking nuts
>another timeline gets created
What's next in your cope list? It's so retarded it became fun again
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What was cygames thinking?
Don't project too hard lil L, but maybe if you played the game you wouldn't have jobbed to the R200 galgegod lol
Ran out of ideas already? Wanna do this again tomorrow? Get some rest to brainstorm how the singularity status suddenly means nothing matters? Not a bad idea desu, after all, the grub writers don't care about world building to begin with
Writer: I HATE MY JOB! I HATE MY JOB! I HATE MY JOB! Please kill this game.
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Yahallo /gig/!
Doubt tomorrow your subaha scars will be any better. Maybe if you played the game instead of just pretending to be a hardcore player you wouldn't have been humiliated so hard every day
It's pretty incredible how soulless something becomes when you try to recreate it with gachashit
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Bro, why are you trying to move this lore matter to gameplay racing? Is the copium failing already?
You know about lore just as much as you do about gameplay lol
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>how do we make the last remaining non-human characterfags leave the game so we can release even more humans
Mizako here, I ring males
Says the guy running away from the argument. But it's fine, everybody gets you are angry about being treated like shit by the writers
cuuute, pls post :3
You're still upset after that humiliation from 3 years ago lmao
damn, you must live a sad life
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The only breedable zodiac wants to fuck the mc from another game.
Still deflecting Lil bro? Post your opuses.
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you know what that means...
Dragon? The human with fake horns?
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I like the monkiposting
And you are coping about getting castrated right now
Isn't it a bit late for that, bro...
That won't help heal your subaha scars
why is lil L so obsessed with abortions and dick pics?
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Introducing Bikki from Granblue Fantasy.
>retards jerk off iOS revenue estimations with fake chink android multiplier estimations thrown in
>a lot of the games on this list are on PC and some on consoles even
>ignore that the mobile only games are then actually doing way worse than those games
I am amazed how almost no one ever brings this shit up every time these dogshit charts get posted but then again the majority of gacha players are low IQ subhumans from third world countries.
That scar exists on your brain. Nothing can cure it. You will keep bringing it up because it's the last time in your life you feel you had power over the mean bulky on 4chan that made fun of you. Sad!
salesposters are retards more at 11
Being so triggered about some fake numbers is as retarded
And coping won't make those kids yours
Still won't make your jobbing any less painful sis
Even if you ignore all that the charts are still also just bad estimates and guess work
good morning saars
lil L thinks people don't know he slurped the pass
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should've had an Atelier collab before EoS...
I know Gran doesn't really have a character to speak of, but this still feels out of character.
Fortunately losing a race is still less painful than shit like giving birth, or worse, your wife giving birth to someone else's kid
Gran just isn't cool, and any attempts at making him look cool are laughable
I know the subaha run broke you but keep your cuck fantasies to yourself
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it's never to late for an abortion
lil L is losing it
Again, go take it to Cygames if you don't like the cuckoldry. Maybe they'll even listen and reverse this shitty event
Obsessing over anonymous posters on 4chan this much is just sad
Anonymous implies they don't avatarfag or use signatures.
Free faa
I am not going to play the retarded quote the same post again and again to get the same word game, sorry. If you ran out of steam I'll just call it here but still, do try emailing Cygames. If I wasn't too lazy to even MTL a question I'd do it myself just to see what they reply if they do at all
No it doesn't. V doesn't stop being anonymous just because he had the Guy Fawkes mask on
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Deep breaths, maybe posting more cuck fantasies will help you feel better
>qilin-chan is dark
literally ogre, unless she's nehan-tier party buffer she's gonna be useless af in this stacked ele
Yes it does. That's why it's against the rules.
none of the cardinals are good, they're just backline bitches
all rotb girls are weak
why are there barely anyone sparking medusa
If that were true then namefagging and tripfagging would also be against the rules, but they aren't.
Maybe because her kit is bad and NA amp doesn't help dirt that much?
don't care for medussy and don't care about gw anymore.
namefagging and tripfagging for no reason actually is against the rules, unless said name/trip is from a developer or translator or actually relevant poster.
No that's not in the rules, there's only a rule against avatarfagging and signatures
and there's a reason why it's there, retard
shit rateup
shit unit
not a titanfag
spark 2nd uriel fist or 2nd exalto?
What we should've had
you shouldn't spark
>NA amp doesn't help dirt
holy fuck the shit that you read here
Dirt would be better off with dark/fire's echoes
>Pant... Pant...
halloween is soon
and her primalshit meme skill is fucking garbage why can her be like grrand zeta
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i just use satyr, monika and 150 okto in earth i dont need that useless flop
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Nice thread grubbas
ougi ain't gonna work this time
>inflicts CA sealed
nah, satyr wins
your ougi is over, retard
deader than polaris
Yep yep Granblue Archive won
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Peace shall come
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Anyone here worth leveling?
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The dog
you should be leveling everyone
all of em lazy nigga
but bowman, yurius and bobobo
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Only when baggots calm down
Another Granblue Archive W
Bad time. In less than 2 months there's Halloween units. Then a month later the Christmas units start appearing and there's no discount for any of them. Even worse, there's no legfest or flash with all christmas units. And then some weeks later there's the flash/legfest end of the year. Most people must be saving and/or don't want to give more money to cygays.
I can't believe we're that close to Snake already. Dragon didn't appear at all.
year of the dragon btw
>gets killed by a generic monster and has to be saved by Lyria
Part of the keikaku.
And then he saw that people still slurped the scam and got blackpilled
Finally...nips will stop kicking me from their rooms...
kill yourself or post cock
Just host here bro
Why do Lucio and Shalem keep talking of the Granblue God as if it were dead, when it is still around as Bahamuth and Vyrn?
Their bahamut was the complete one, not the current two split in half
Zehek for his upcoming core rebalance
If I had a nickel for every time someone said it and no one joined, I could buy one of those slurppacks already
because you're being bamboozled, no one here plays anymore
Host during PST hours and I'll join bro
Agielba can be useful for Siete if you lack better comps.
Benjamin is okay for Dirt Ougi is you have no one better.
Bowman is fairly good for low button bursting.
Yurius is good for Light Ougi.
Nezha Yukata was also decent I believe.
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Why not just play a game where you can canonically breed the hot girls with animal features?
Because it doesnt have my wife in it
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Yeah, I kinda figured out already
What PST hours?
This twisted game needs to be reset
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>What PST hours?
seraph hours, aka 20/7
>What PST hours
2 hours from now
Um... Why has Azusa been mangled like that?
Sorry, SEAbro, I'll probably be asleep by then
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I was going to pull for her but as this isn't my first time playing Grub I decided to wait for someone to post the fates first. Not interested in reading about the adventures of Mr. Perseus so she's skip tier.
I think thats Aliza
What's the point if I can't breed her
Evens I ring for GW
Odds I ring Hekate
take my banan
The same reason the majority of people have sex; for pleasure
You can though. We're all just monkeys in the end.
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Not the same, then cumming inside means nothing
ring galleon then
Sorry, but the numbers are absolute.
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>that ring
>for GW
You sound like a virgin.
Yeah uh that's not for GW...
this esports lookin weird...
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ummmm based??????
based and breedable
>someone dies
>your retard is now on the front line
it's a gw ring
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You see this? This is just pure logic. I kneel.
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>your retard is now on the front line
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If you can cum inside with no chance of repercussion it removes a thrill from things. And also removes that feeling of when a girl let's you cum inside anyways knowing what COULD happen. You just have no taste. And stay down
is he ok?
Buy the packs and he will be
Thanks for the insight, sage Shart
>zzz gets shay
>kv gets vidyabutts
>sex should be for carnal pleasure and nothing else!
I told you. Satanic.
the person who keeps making and spamming those edits? no
Of course it was you hahaha. Yeah, see surely stops being enjoyable and people stop doing it if they can't come inside or have to wear a condom lol. Blud thinks it works on doujin logic I can't
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Pumping Nier full of kids
Nice strawman
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>people stop doing it
Yeah other people, not you NIGGA. Keep watching weirdo, we are not the same
I will pump my draph wife full and try anyway, the believe in miracle pushing me forward, further and deeper. I am impregnating her no matter how impossible they say it is.
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You aren’t supposed to be here…
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Lil nigga ALL you do is watch. All you can do is talk about what you THINK sex is like from your porn addiction. This nigga an actor, a FAN.
Prove me wrong.
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I'm also looking forward to kv if it's a actual gacha AND it's leaks are to be believed.
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>go through my old pixiv grub art bookmarks
>every page is like this
Dad and dad are fighting again...
Oh. Oh shit.

What leaks?
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Don't even start lil blud, we all know what YOU'RE a fan of and it ISN'T women I'll tell you that
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Count my losses at 48 draws, or keep pulling for dupes?
None of us are supposed to be here. We should be out there, playing games
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2 retards fighting.jpg
>bookmarks instead of saving
These retards self nuke every other week, not even counting shit the site does
Are you a hardcore titanfag?
This reduction doesn't stack with draconics, right?
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>kill yourself or post cock
I do save everything of my favourite characters. Its just sad to see still and would be nice to easily know just which artist it was that deleted and if it was just grub, full nuke or only that artwork
Another Shaygod W
Another Trooneraph L
>foxcuck namedropping himself again
Not even their shared hatred for Cunnycake was enough to keep them united...
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cunnycake is powerful but she's not a miracle worker
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i thought he quit?
for me, it's rocks
I want to say no. But then again I don’t know.
turns out the enemy of my enemy...is not my friend
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Expansion pACKs
nobody actually quits grub they just say it to get attention
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Fine. Since Shushu was not good enough for you, here's another GW ring.
stop posting selfies, grimnir.
I dont have Olivia, Raziel, Uriel or Medusa
Should I just give give up on this gw?
Galleons poop is galge
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Abel respects that
What was he thinking?
someone answer my question PLEASE
For me it'd be PnS
Bro let me break it down for you
The only dirt GW rings are
Galleon, Okto, Sandalphon, Lobelia, Uriel
why are chemically castrated gbfpags acking out now?
>mr pbelia
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Still based.
Still breedable.
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Thanks for Hekate... I guess...
Serious question to fellow retards that have been grubbing since 2015/16, or maybe even 2014.

Did you actually imagine you would be playing this shit still 10 years later? I was only supposed to pick this for a week or so, why am I still here? What happened?
the power of grindge...
Cute new account
You got Sophia just in time for her core uncap thats coming in few months to celebrate her 10th anni
KEKYPOW fukuyack do be like that
has anyone pulled a providence or primarch summon from that?
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You know what to do.
There was someone who posted bubz
>why am I still here?
just to suffer
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Retard here. How come I got three new weapons but only one new character?
vintage weapons, they have no character and don't drop moons upon dupes
>barren womb
may ask well have ringed a male
You got raped by the vintage weapons. So sorry anon
I got Shartlial
You rike buy the packs now
is your zoi already maxed? don't use the dupe to uncap in case she gets the cringe treatment primals got
Are any of the eternals still worth the hassle?
Nio used to be worth it but not anymore now that she's confirmed Katze's wife
Based amazon lover.
Dragonflop trannyflop
>seapag seething because xhe's taller than him
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Come on now. Every single new character that comes out is outdamaging his 150
A few become decent options worth using at 100.
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let me guess, tranny?
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Water eternals will be 10.0 after this.
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HIV do be like that
>transcendance couldn’t save them so now they’re pulling out this
>trying to pay off jewtax so I can finally get Quartz from GW
>still don't have enough Blue Sky Crystals to do the last 4 in one shot
What's the best way to get these quickly again?
Wanpan GOHL?
still not using them.
6 and 9 are the only eternals I care about.
3 and 10 for me
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Only eternal winner I care about.
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I got Lucio, and a friend of mine got Bahamut.
>2(4) stats and a extra passive
>Even if its good you'll probably still need 150 to make use of them
All cuckshit.
wtf is kv
I’ve seen Yatima, Raphael, and 000 from it on Twitter.
Red Library aka Toji no Miko Re: Mind.
>spoilers the links but posts tits anyway
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>I got Lucio
A proof-of-concept visual novel designed to attract investors for a full game.
kissless virgin, aka the target audience
Lucifer, whatever. Those fuckers are Providence, aren't they? I never pay attention.
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I went bananas there for a minute.
where does the acronym kv fit in here
Looks like you’d fit right in.
vile nonces
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Superb taste
Kool Vibes
Cant blame you I'd go bananas for sexy monkey too
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Your waifu IS human, right?
Japan has fallen, anon.
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Everything girl's eggs and womb become human compatible the immediate they come in contact with my penis.
Having fun grubbas?
Yes. Haven't played Grub for a few hours, though.
Yes I'm playing RJ01150994 while FAing and it's basically double the Grub experience at once.
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Human, young, and fertile.
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I'm about to, gonna play summer memories and maybe get the winter expansion. I only ever went for the mom, but the gyaru sister has caught my eye this time around
I'm guessing wind GW next so water GW will come after their buffs?
>invents a game that doesn't exist
>shits up thread after thread spamming news about it here
what's the name of this mental illness?
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Grubs for this feel?
Is this the most mentally ill gacha general by far? I haven't been to all of them
Bro, your /feh/?
Yes, but it's only because of 2 people
We dont even have a resident ban evading schizo shitting up (literally) the general. Its tame compared to some of the others
Sounds like granblue archive disease
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I thought you were all lying.
The Japanese line is even worse.
As someone pointed out in the last thread it had been strongly implied before in MSQ or one of the fates. It's not that big of a revelation.
I'm so glad that my human wives will not be impregnated by draph bvlls...
Which is completely stupid. Erunes are supposed to be a race of humans, not an entire different species.
I stuck around since 2017 because I knew I'd be able to use Grub as a replacement for a much worse game.
Stanbros....we're still in this!
I have no idea why I'm still here. I hate the timeline shit. I hate the angel shit (specifically Sandalfaggot). I hate the sumo shit. I haven't read MSQ since Nahlegrande. I think I just want more Magisa.
>Which is completely stupid. Erunes are supposed to be a race of humans, not an entire different species
According to who?
The fucking game you retard
The game never once says that
>speed reader
Painfully making my way.
It does actually but it's weird because there's both ヒューマン and 人間. The four races are all 人間 while ヒューマン is specifically the race (You) are.
you ever notice how this happened when draphs kept being the only successful thing of the last 2 years
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good morning grubbas
So successful Dragon, hallesenna, and Utsusemi all flopped
If I want to marry Ardora will her papi help give us a child?
I remember a random female Erune NPC in one of the side stories using the word human as a blanket term for all the skydwelling races. Might've been a translator error though
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Far more popular than the dev's pvorite
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>tfw can't breed this
>Still malding
God you're all fucking pathetic, what sad life you all must have to be this miserable
>10 SSRs
Feels like we're gonna get rugpulled soon
Acktually Lobelia made up 15k of the likes in both posts
This post made me manually remember Utsu
>no grands or seasonal
this trash is the rugpull
Just /gbfg/ things
>a few moons and 1000+ quartz
There is nothing to rugpull
you tell 'em sis, icky cismen wanting consistent lore how dare they
Alright, /gbfg/. Let's play a game.
Start at 0.
For each non-human ring you add a point.
For each human ring you subtract a point.
The higher your points, the higher your cuck level.
Let's see who is the biggest cuck.
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Malding here won't make your lore more consistent
still gonna do it though
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You're only proving his point, you're miserable.
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Only been to a couple gacha generals, at least compared to mihoyo games like genshin this one is about the same. Only unusual weird thing is there a lot of porn being spammed here, otherwise pretty much the same amount of shitposting and random thread drama going on.
don't talk in 3rd person
I got 9 moons and a summon that's only god for cumming into her living gloves
very few people did any better
>/bag/ is gonna die before us
Karma for constantly raiding our general
That's 2nd person, albeit.
just means they'll be here full-time...
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I don't post in /bag/ though I only post in /gbfg/ and /kvg/
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msq crew is so fucking shit this choice is not difficult at all
I got 8 points.
without hesitation
Danchou is "Other", not human :>
its for sturm and drang.
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there's no raiding, it's just our resident retards who go from game to game to shit up the general. it was uma before ba and priconne before that
Stop shitposting and post rings.
Oh no, boring shipshit msq characters stay dead, how horrible
The big 3...
>or I can make all races breeding with each other
Esl ass nigga
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The objectively correct response is:
>”Grant me power greater than yours.”
>use that power to kill God and erase him from the universe
>take his place
>bring back my friends
>make crossbreeding a thing
>create a new being who will act as the linchpin of the universe in my stead
>go home to my draph wife and have two kids
Badabing? Badaboom.
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Dragon cosplayer has nice ass.
>Grant me power greater than yours.”
Logically impossible. Wish denied.
needs bigger tits
I'm honestly surprised how far Grub has come along seeing how absolutely buttfuck retarded the staff are.
needs a fucking tail fucking hack cyge
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>Stop shitposting and post rings.
>dwagon has more official 3dpd content than in game content
Can't make this up.
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just grub things
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The vile stench of Medusalets in this general is deafening.
not a titanfag
Her kit is too racist
only stinkers getting ready for gw pulled her
medusalets smell like roses.
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>too racist
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breed ghosts
>kill all nonprimals
Why did they put that in medussy's fates?
>needs full team of primals to click her skills twice
>resonance needs a primal to buff/heal her
>resonance only affects primal allies
Raiden and Thalassa, could they have a child? Thalassa could be classified as a humanoid monster.
Good catch, almost missed that!
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The issue is there is no such thing as too racist. Retards.
>only primal in dirt that could fulfill resonance condition reliably is Ygg
grand bea next year
There are better ways of asking for sauce
FukuHIVra gives Raiden a pass since he self-inserts as the mermaid
God damn she must smell awful
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morning grubbas
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>there are two more variations for this image
>the only difference is that there is more hair on her armpits
I don't want sauce for garbage, bro.
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>have medusa
>don't have raziel
i still lost. and there's no way to remedy this as a jplet.
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he knows what he likes
These kinds passives that require to have a single type of character are so dumb. If the passives they are good, you are incentivized to only go for and use those types of characters and ignore everyone else. If they are not good, the passives are pointless and the characters overall might be weak or, at the very least, you can't use them to their full potential.
Bahamut isn't goddamn Shenron.
Primal hands typed this post
We all know Raph will be the next Wind Grand, but who do you guys think the water one will be? Geo? Vane? Yatima?
And that’s why Baha’s a bitch.
Fenrir lmao
Vane will be wind
>gonna be the first GW I barely play
sorry Danchou
>nooooo Medusa shouldn't became a grand
Kindly remember that fucking Kaguya is become a grand and shut the fuck up.
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be the become the grand kaguya
Kaguya is for (You)
Medusa has two boyfriends and a girlfriend with a dick, none of which are (You).
I’ll do you one better: somehow Poseidon is a grand.
>is does are become grand over you're waifu
nothing personnel kid
We love Mr P around here
>can't breed her
meant for >>492927143
Can't wait to see the RoB Celestial antagonists in the Astraldoms in MSQ Act 4 bros.
why is meantforschizo such a little bitch
taking Ls and ringing males
meant for >>492927601
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New content today. Where's the hype?
Meantforschizo is the only good poster here
Sumoshit is anti-hype
looks like shit
hopefully flops so i don't have to use this trash
Ugly as shit
I'll be using the Chun Li skin
Da ura saver...
ehhhhhh sugoii...
Why is Djeeta's navel exposed but Gran's isn't?
Jita literally looks like tranny siete
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>make medusa and the primal trans that nobody gives a shit about a grand solely because of xir's pozplayer
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Died for fukuhomo's sins.
You can't just add poz, troon and mr p to every word
>finally get earth Olivia
>She's important to the story again
>Has a girlfriend
Yuri fans are truly eating good this year
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How do I get this skin?
Build a time machine
Go back in time
start the game 8 years ago
>ris watching from afar
>can't breed non-humans
Not with that attitude.
In the famous words of Goku, where there's a will there's a way.
You can cope all you want, I'm not gonna. Also make sure to buy the new pack faggot lol
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Defeatist cuck
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The writers will keep shitting on you and you'll keep slurping it up? That's not cucked?
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You know what Goku also said?
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Slurping their writing IS being a defeatist cuck
>super saiyan blue goku getting dropped by a ki blast from a random mook
You're doing that by continuing to play and slurp the scams lol. They'll keep doing it since you fund it and you'll keep playing
Bejita kisses my wife
>slurp the scams
big assumption there
Not a day goes by I dont wish we were in a timeline where Cupitan didn't get assassinated.
FKTRN really hated her popularity
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This but the entire game
This but foxes
Blue is just a shit powerup no matter what it's in. It's no wonder the first way we see it in grub it's tied to the cringevengers.
Some things were simply too good to be true...
FukuHack should be lynched
why aren't the homomales saving this game bros
nyou syee...
G. Sieg would have saved dirt by not being racist
Versus is literally the most popular fightan now according to my psychosis!
I'll take the useless racist.
What is even the point of new shields, I can't even get the ones that currently exist to fucking drop
Subaha will give null amp
the problem?
Devs drained my interest.
the solution?
I don't even know what the FUCK these are for. The only classes I use are monk, kengo, and paladin.
Destruction and Rebirth
>is become
Then you should know
eslGODS run this general
kek I just press FA and fap until I remember
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Cumshot Happiness (中出しの幸せ) is recruiting!
>Active players — We're looking for people who regularly get the sand (800M honor reward) or better in GW.
>If you can do that your rank doesn't matter.
We always get to tier A and the top 5500 crew rank. No quotas. No point control.
We have an optional Discord server if you're into that.
We also do in-house HL raids and our island is maxed.
Apply at http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/1036007 or message danchou in-game: ID 11468141
I don't even know what the FUCK these are for. The only classes I use are manadiver and paladin.
Epjc falseflag bro
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made me think shields and manachurros were today, its still two weeks...
where do i farm for veritas?
That's it
They are announcing the end of EoS event tonight...
GW first :)
I find you all disloyal. You ring one and only one.
>never bothered with faa0
>been trying to host it all week
>nobody joins
Did this raid flop?
The cuties in /gbfg/ need to finish their draconics first
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You have to host it in co-op. With moonrunes. And update it each time an element joins. And you better be level 350.
How exactly do you use Maria Theresa? I find her kit very difficult to use.
you don't
That makes me sad.
How bad are we gonna get laughed at when we inevitably EoS?
How bad was it for dragalia?
You wait for Cygays to pull their heads out of their asses instead of taxing her incredibly hard for having two full heal sources, and give her a rebalance that actually helps.
normally i'd say a ten year+ stint is worthy of respect regardless but this and last year was so shit i'll be shitting on its grave as hard as i can.
The important thing is that we outlive BA
You put her in your backline for FA and claim your paizuri everytime somebody dies and she heals everyone back to full
>You wait for Cygays to pull their heads out of their asses
waiting for the heat death of the universe would be a more feasible option
Kill this game yaia
The lobby filled so quickly it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they showed up to the threads
Troons spam refresh on their browsers, every retard held their breath
They knew this Eresh anon was about to taste defeat
(About to taste defeat)

The endgame Baha raid was for the both of them to play
And the swiftness of the anon is still talked about today
Trooneraph had not clicked FA when the anon MVP'd
And the anon's burst was deadly with the Eresh on his grid
(the Eresh on his grid)

It was over in a moment and the tards had gathered round
There before them kneeled the tranny, dilating all around
Oh he might have went on winning but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the anon with the Eresh on his grid
(the Eresh on his grid)

The Eresh...
The Eresh...

When he tried to match the anon with the Eresh on his grid
The Eresh on his grid...
Not very funny
Very funny
This, but Genshin
What awakening is best for Ished?
I don't think that cashcow is drying up anytime soon. The last "boycott" increased sales so hard that it was funny.
Natlan is pure kino and a total return to form after the last several shitty regions however
attack, i don't think spec or def are used anywhere
Except it was a dirttard that beat seraph
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>most of the staff left for that other game
>they're now looking to hire people
>making less money than dokkan and the new idolmaster on what could be considered their biggest year
We already did.
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>producer and director ran away from the sinking ship
>our two most popular girls sold nothing
>nonstop desperate pakeji trying to fleece whales for whatever they can before eos
sis we haven't outlived shit other than dragalia lost and world flopper
granblue archive bros...
Well you can only do platonic stuff for so long, probably why Priconne fell off too. No matter how many girls you introduce or release it'll get old when nothing can ever happen. Hopefully KV fixes that
Ummmmm shut up grub is totally flourishing...
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but the boycotters were bringing their best how could this happen...
nyou well...
Same as gbfg who goes
>*slurps up the scams and packs*
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>"boycotting" while running a free advertising hoyo gimmick account
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Grubbas are mentally ill
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Does she know shadowP's identity?
GBFG shits on GBF and shills other games. The people shitting on it aren't the ones slurping up every new scam.
That person is providing free marketing like a retard when if anything they should be trying to get people to play other games instead.
File deleted.
It’s me, Austin.
Aw sonofabitch that was the wrong picture.
The granblue english twitter is literally done for free by some Ratfaggot lol
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I want to see lads get top 2 again, but I don't think there's any major upcoming banners besides Sylus myth pair since there's a main story update this month
whats that have to do with gbfg
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.............where are they?
I ate them.
did dirt completely drop caintana?
Kachina is more compelling than any Grub however so I can't blame them
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>hentai galge making into the list at all
ALL in invisible coop rooms
ALL in invisible discords
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>37m players
>can't even fill a single endgame raid coop room
grubbers complain about grub because there's no better games.
genshitters complain about genshit because they need validation for their mental illness
it's not the same thing.
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Cantate sweep!
Yeah, sweeping the flop competition
>no better games
feels like cope these days when the grind isn't even worth it anymore...
dirt GW is going to save us
I can feel it in my boner when I am stiffening during my maleringing sessions
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more like not Creditante
>game is getting worse so that means better games must exist
you're struggling to force flawed logic because you can't even come up with a one or two word example that won't be immediately laughed at.
example of the game getting worse or better games? the previous is easy.
>new music is nothing to talk about
>new art wildly varying in quality
>writing lol
>grind is either mediocre gains or heavily grid/character locked (M3 helped a bit though)
as for better games, yeah there's nothing that scratches the same itch but i've been enjoying other gachas plenty that i could drop grub and be alright, but i enjoy my guild so i haven't.
Playing right now
what did they mean by that
Grub just needs a hard shake up. It's time to add 3 more weapon slots, another 2 summon slots, and remove the ougi hard cap and lock out
Also the next endgame boss is the primal of same-sex love and instantly kills anyone in your party who isn't ringed and the same sex as your MC.
>hard shake up = make the game easier and more p2w
sugoi. you're so smart.
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>allegedly 37 million players
>at the time of the march stream, only 5 thousand people even bothered with faa zero
they're the elite of the elite you wouldn't get it...
The game needs to be easier. /gbfg/ can't even clear revans
>can't put bonito on my homescreen
Same sis. Fuck those Gislatards for not voting for the epic meme fish daki instead!
And I was one of them. Holy shit, I'm so cool.
so cringe*
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I don't give a fuck about some dakis, I just want to be able to choose any summon to be on the homescreen instead of the 20 or so they mark as being homescreenable. Not even the fucking event 6D summon has that option, you'd think they'd at least make that one an option since it's 10th anni, but nooo have the fucking Romeo and Juliet npcs instead
To be fair I wouldn't want to waste my time on homoangels either. But yeah even in non-gacha vidya you rarely see ratios that fucked lmao.
Dragalia was the funniest eos ever because it had slurpers who were burying their heads in the sand even as it got more and more obvious that eos was coming(much like grubbers). When the announcement drop they quite literally all RAN.
grub has a better story than JJK
>can't homescreen the 6d
these fucking retards what are they thinking.
I don't get why its by selection either, should be able to put fucking doom worm on if I want to.
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Style change
>But yeah even in non-gacha vidya you rarely see ratios that fucked lmao
It's literally the same in any MMO retars
D, highest difficulty content us always like this.
I really fucking hope they fucking stop with mandatory 6 element raids.
I cant play as dirt at all right now since everyone is picking it and my other elements suck dick. Let me have fun instead of following some spreadsheet.
Race change
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Honestly I think grub is worse. Gege sucks and JJK is pretty damn boring, but I can't think of many instances where Gege's gone out of his way to be as inconsistent as possible. Grub can't commit to ANYTHING, and our writers had to spend the last year and a half hastily revealing that the multiverse is real because they spent the other 9 years failing to get their story straight.
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>I cant play as dirt at all right now since everyone is picking it and my other elements suck dick
Funny how just a month ago every room was looking for Dirt and Fire. Guess everyone's rushing now.
White Wind (白い風) is recruiting!
>Active players — We're looking for people who regularly get the sand (800M honor reward) or better in GW.
>If you can do that your rank doesn't matter.
We always get to tier A and the top 5500 crew rank.
considering grub doesn't get new players and most people are rank 300+, that ratio looked grim af fr. I doubt most anons here have even attempted tengen
Most anons here aren't 300+
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I've been 375 since March and I haven't attempted it once
Hell, someone just hit 200 a few days ago.
stopped looking at hexa/faa when they hit settes.
I stopped doing Faa0 because the game refuses to give me 000 and rooms are too fast now without it
coop rooms really need a revamp
elements in the party should be displayed on the room select screen so you dont have to keep writing it
a setting to show people you are a beginner or learning the raid should be shown too
Implement a queue for each element in the raid finder for the two raids
Should I spark Medusa??
why are you considering it
not being snarky, answer depends
remember when it took cygames 9 years to make a raid finder that "worked" (it sucked ass) and then it took them one more year to release a revamped "final version" (it still sucks ass)? what was that all about?
I miss twitter raid finder
so are galleon sticks dead in everything except hexa/luci zero?
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>shitters can only shitpost but when it comes to "hard raids" they realize that they have no balls and pussy out like little bitches

Grub and JJK suffer from the age old curse of having great potential but failing to flesh it out properly. I don't know what it is about Japan, maybe something in the water supply, but the Japanese do this shit constantly and it's getting very noticeable these days.
wait where did you get these numbers from?
NTA but I think they showed them on stream. They've done it before for a few raids and even some recruitment statistics for Jews and Evokers.
I haven't read JJK since they decided to start a tournament arc but grub's main problem is more similar to the problems of western comics rather than japanese ones, which is that they have too many writers who have too many different interpretations of things and don't discuss shit with eachother. So you end up with multiverse shit and characters acting differently between events and fates
I know this is a patchwork grid but why does it feel like not much different to "magna3" grid.. I'm not sure to uncap the magna or primal dark opus to 6*
doesn't feel different because primals ain't shit unless you all in for the diversity grid now.
i bricked a bunch of 6d because they're too fast now. you literally can't do them unless you already memorized every reaction and instantly click as a pinglet.
Maybe I'll just uncap the magna opus to 6*
i'm in a similar spot, and just thinking of swapping to M3, especially since it has ougi support now and can get off caimslop.
She has a rate up
Remember to always ring your Yuro and DAO!
then nah
Do I spark a third Medusa or nah? I have 3 LS already if I want to activate it at all but I’m halfway through this spark…

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