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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>492753667

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run 9/6-9/8
• Grand Festival announcement - Past vs Present vs Future: https://x.com/SplatoonJP/status/1814148407994589645
• Version 9.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v900
• Sizzle Season is on until 8/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
Grizzco does not observe Labor Day, so get back to work!
Who's up for some SR?
Where the weyyos?
>Sizzle Season is on until 8/31
Why has no one bothered removing this yet?
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show me your grandfest themed fits(just stuff using the cool new headgear)
Taking a break from splatting woomies.
i can after this shift
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how gay do you want to look
Room up.
coming now i was in mid of a king, resend invite please
SR 2/4, (You) me if you want in.
impress me
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No fatties allowed beyond this point
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Swapped the Cephalo Pods off for this on one of my woomy's fits, might actually keep it afterwards
if you're still going I'd like to join
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the earrings look good with that tentacle style
very nice and simple! 7/10
all out with the white combo I love the anaki shirt too
havent seen anyone use that headgear yet very cool! I love how the shoes are also this chrome silver it makes it pair well with the future shirt
finally got 9s in this map...!
i'll brb real quick also salmon room
Congratulations anon
Good job.
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Already posted it last thread but here.
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I don't get it.
I didn't see that one!
Love the matching black and once again im kinda falling in love with those earrings
Callie/10 very good!!
genuenely my favourite hair/horns combo this woom looks very playful and that makes me happy
8/10 not sure what to think of shiver's shoes

Keep em coming :D
kek /ink/ really cant into fashion
post ceph, now
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I thought there was a tail for a second
I keep seeing the horns as cat ears or Nepeta horns
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gggggggs slom! something is coming up so i need to leave, besides that i'm starting to notice i have a slight headache, was fun anyways!
thank you!
surely you must have a very good looking ceph if youre saying that.
GGs F.
Why does it look like you can finger the horns
grinding your yebby's bones to make my bread
Name drop them
they.... don't really have any bones
Hipster cut woomies...
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I don't have a yebby...
I love woomies dancing, they're so silly
G if you wanna get the second King quick come join.
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I love Aori.
i keep seeing these two all the time who are they
Is that so? Can you even name 5 things you like about her that isn't her appereance
Can you?
Some old has-beens
5 cute facts about callie:

- She's a girl!
- She's a muffin!
- I love her!!!!!
- Callie!!!!!!!!!!!
well GGs A
-She is fun
-She likes pink
-She plays rollers
-She has a pretty singing voice
-She is friends with everyone
GGs G, sorry you couldn't get the king.
Not 5 things. Test failed
Not 5 things. Test failed (still good)
True Callie enjoyer spotted. You pass. If you want a higher grade please elaborate each point
i,is she really a muffin?
whats with this thing /ink/ers do that they will type out the initial but not the whole name
are they shy??
Callies massive butt.
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Her voice that I don't even understand, her friendliness, her sparkling character (Bleh, dunno how to properly say it on english), her optimism and her taste in food (We have a similar one). Dunno if it will be correct to include how I like her way of fighting, but yeah, this one is too.
we're a top secret organization
we use codenames
among other reasons
Well.. I think she is fun because she likes things like roller coasters and marshmellows and love!
Pink is a really pretty colour and suits her super good.
I love rollers! I bet she rolls everywhere with them!
I like it when she sings the low harmonies with Marie. Ever focused on her voice during the end of maritime memory? It's so pretty.
She just is! She loves Marie and Pearl and Marina and Frye, Shiver and Big man!
She doesn't dislike Octavio even after everything and thinks the octarian soldiers are adorable and she is quick to befriend the agents! She is probably the best friend anyone could ask for!
smelly feet woomy
kill yourself
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Well anyways, here it is:
This woomy looks really easy to steal
Anti-teeheeing protocols enforced by the powers that be after the last massive teeheeing incident. There were no survivors...
You wouldn't steal a woomy
why even post it
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Forgot to put this picture in
'member when we thought the charcoal kit was going to be the good one?
That fucking pencil that I hate
>She doesn't dislike Octavio even after everything and thinks the octarian soldiers are adorable and she is quick to befriend the agents! She is probably the best friend anyone could ask for!

Muffin is the perfect victim for an abusive relationship huh
>"It's fine, he promises to change this time!"
Octotrooper gets Callie lapdance POV
She doesn't have a woomy handle so she would be difficult to hold on to
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just pick up woomies by their flops
I used to be a Mariefag since I have the Callie energy and I found Maries calm exterior to be quite cool. Over time thought I've slowly started liking Callie more. Her cheerfullness is just infectious and I vibe with her a lot more because of it. Sorry Marie, you're still cool I guess, but I'm not sure your reserved attitude is for me anymore
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Shoulder flares
TLDR You became dumb and stupid
It's common courtesy. Normal people aren't coming to 4chan of all places for recognition. That's how you get shitty gossip and accusations getting flung about. People just want to play the fucking game.
would you want woomy to pick you up by your hair? She can dash around with a Hydra you know she will be able to pick you up with one hand
marie pls
I’m the same! I’m still a Marie fan at heart but over time Callie started growing on me. I guess as a kid I was drawn to Marie, and now im older im drawn to Callie
Orca/penguin hoodie goes pretty well with that hat.
she's too short, her hands too small
plus pulling on flops doesn't hurt the same way pulling on hair does
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aw, maaaaan... I bought a new woomy but they made her look so much better on the box. guess that's what I get for not looking at a review first
pretty basic but it works! love her face too you're a good woomie
a grand dictator lol I think it's creative. points for those boots cuz theyre super fresh!!
Is that so? I must try it out next time i boot up the game.
>youve been together with Callie for many years
>life has slowly gone to shit
>she tries to be cheerful about it, but you shout her down
>she bakes you muffins as a treat, slap the plate off of her hand
>she pleads you to change, punch her right in the face
>you drink the avoid having to look at her tears
>tell her to put makeup on so you dont have to see your mistake
>tell her you will hurt her more if she tries to leave you, follow up with how much you love her
>hug her as she sobs since you both know the cycle will repeat tomorrow
Only a 7? You gave the nigger before me a 7. I want at least an 8.
Cute penis woomy.
Always look at the ingredients first, dummy
Mullet woomies are always a bad purchase
yeah you deal with the angry woomy after you decide to pull her flops
not my problem if she grabs you by the legs like bowser and swings you around and tosses you into a bomb
dude you guys talk like Marie wouldn't dessimate any of you for even thinking that stuff
It's not like Callie wouldn't smack you eith her roller either.
and that's not to mention Pearl and Shiver
just saying Callie has many walls protecting her
first cute penis cut woomy
>Pearl and Shiver
sorry. it's the shorts. not a fan of them... but if not for that id give you a 8.5/10
racism is not fresh
irrelevant. i'm a mary sue that turns all inklings and octolings in my wives that love me without condition
The idols on the right side of the screen stick together y'know?
Pearl has been seen with Callie multiple times they're besties!
Shiver would be the last person to even attempt to defend Callie, she'd only stick out for Frye and sometimes Big Man.
none of the idols would tolerate it
true. in that case Pearl and Big Man
tho frye and shiver WOULD care... they work for Marie remember?
What’s the matter? You didn’t have shorts in the underground you filthy fucking ock? Meet me at undertow spillway at the shop reset and you’ll see how fashionable this squid can get. I’ll put you straight in the ground, back in your kettle.
Aside from Big Man, but I mean, he's not a real idol. He's a third wheel.
So what, if Shiver was the only one that knew what was going on she would just not care and keep her mouth shut? In domestic abuse cases it's very common for people to have no clue someone they know is being abused, and some that know end up paralyzed the same way as the victim
Aside from shiver and frye, I mean, only big man has any real talent for being an idol.
>if you can't name 5 things you like about callie then you don't like her
I can't even name 5 things I like about my wife and I've been married to her for 7 years, I wouldn't trade her for the world
chubby marie in a grey vest and sweatpants eating ice cream on the couch
Nooooooooooo please im sorry ill stop being racist to octos please give me back my 7 please please please im sorry
Well marie probably wouldn't speak out against it at least
Proudest miga warrior
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Tier list based on what character would do what if you were in an abusive relationship with Callie(you're the abuser)
hope this solves it
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>no separate category of "is the one abusing her" for Octavio
You really need to play splatoon 2, there's a reason no one reacts the way you want them to because they don't understand what you're trying to get at. Shit posting only works when you have all the information, playing the bait game with only half the info doesn't work. You need to go all in or don't bother at all, unfortunately there's nothing to dive into here to go all in on
Gurkan's taste in women is terrible
Good woomy.
https://youtu.be/-ABYTMhKhBg?t=139 seriously tho i thinks she sounds super pretty when she is the one doing the low notes
>playing the worst game in the series
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Updated and accurate version
Nono if ur here let’s make a room after this match
Griss why did you stop attacking him, we were doing it together I trusted you
what are the chances we'll get to go to the grandfest plaza and all other fest plazas after they end with amiibos?
surely they wouldnt just throw this all away right? splat3 is already sorta the time capsule so it'd just make so much sense...
Callies armpit.. I would like to see it
this one.... this one is the one yeah. good tier list.
They've datamined functionality on the idol amiibos for "remembering grand fest"
It'll probably just take you to the lobby and let you watch them perform three wishes or something
>Trying to "speculate" over things that have been confirmed already
there’s data that suggests any idol amiibo will allow you to “Remember Grand Festival”
I just felt like letting him live, to spread the message yknow? … sorry
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I had no idea cuz i actually cant see twitter anymore but now im so hapyy yayyyyyyy!!!!!!
NONO Join my room NOW! Super fresh octo wife
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Poor BR anon...
Where is the image of shiver ripping out fryes new horns . . .
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why not
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That's such a nice drawing I'm sure it was posted on twitter.... sure would love to like it and bookmark it and follow the artist.. oh well.
Wife?! You haven't invited me for dinner, I never met your parents, we didn't even hold hands yet
That's pretty cute!! octoglasses are peak headgear in this game
don’t post my ceph...
sex with this veemo
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I like Marie's snarky smile, it's genuine but she doesn't over do it which ties into the next thing I like about Marie - her demeanour
I like how Marie talks to other idols, other characters and how she carries herself. It's very cool and calm but there's a lot of care there too especially towards another idol I like too, that being Callie
I like Marie's style and aesthetic, she always looks so classy while still being able to look cute at the same time
I like how Marie ties up her tentacles, it has that sophisticated "short hair" look of a regular person but she can still let her tentacles down if need be
I like Marie's voice, whether she's making fun of someone or singing her heart out it really doesn't matter. Just hearing her voice makes me happy

Just 5 things about Marie that I like, I love her so much
When I'm in a basic bitch NPC look competition and my competitor is a porn addicted mormon tourist schizo
Amazing, thank you. I'm surprised it's so well made. Armpits usually suffer in 3d models, but this one looks delicious. Ah she's just so gorgeous.
I like Frye's fat milkers
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We gotta hurry things up if we're going to get married before the final fest. Quick put a wedding dress on!
rent free
Hold hands? Im not ready to be a father
Sorry Griss a little tired tonight so I'm not doing my best
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Don't mention it, just putting my capture card in good use.
Kold why did you delete your post attacking ss again last thread?
Frye armpit spotted
I’m also not doing my best because im finishing up some Sheldon licenses. Also I got a comm error. U?
maybe if you made your falseflagging somewhat believable people would fall for it
There's lots of things to like about shiver
Like her...uh...
>same typing style and attiude
>has been exposed for shittalking people on transcord and in the thread
>'durr that not me!"
don’t worry schizo kun they’ll surely believe you this time
this is up, by the way.
we know, salmon dork complained about it in the last thread
You know I hadn't notice it before but is that suppose to be a transperant material on her waist?

Also do you have armpit pics of the other idols too?
Shit sorry Nono. Promised my sister I’d help her with something (She’s learning disabled) so have to run and do it. If you’re still playing in 10 mins I’ll join
I wish Grizz would give it to you directly instead of news trash
What a good big bro you are, fon't worry about me. Family is important
I saw this one Japanese slop suit in salmron run that was black with orange stickers on it. Any idea what it's from?
it’s the one you get from the news article
She should nerf stamper strong charge speed
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Maybe, right now all I have sorted is summer Squid Sisters' performance. Have Marie for now.
>next shift is horrorboros
>weapons include sploosh, carbon, inkbrush and well string
Are there any map modes that you like that are hated by a majority of players?
Personally, I really like Eeltail Alley Splat Zones.
Eeltail everything is pretty good, but saying such bold things upsets people around here.
anything on hammerhead bridge
don’t really understand the hate for it, except for maybe rainmaker
My wife
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Ok made the room again
My favorite mode is Turf War and I like hammerhead and Brinewater, you may now throw tomatoes
That shift sounds like a pain in the ass.
two hydrogen bombs and two coughing babies
what weapon?
Gorgoues! Armpits are wonderful. I would like to sniff them before and after their concert to experience the difference
Bloblobber, wiper, & the mop bucket (forgot the english name)
I don't need a capture card
man shut the fuck up, what a shitty fucking post holy shit
The best head gear are the earrings and the horns
Marie must strip naked and dance on stage naked
what’s so funny
Join my roooooom Nono!!!!!
They're both very good
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the best headgear is the contact lenses :)
Cumming inside
please put a tripcode on
Fuck splatling got me
Usually my sister doesn’t talk at all but tonight she was asking me a lot about splatoon. She has autism and only really talks to herself. Strange very strange
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good night /ink/
One of us! One of us!
good night anon sleep well
Night friend hope you got many conches today
I'm making Frye stew for dinner
>Average present enjoyer
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Those are just rabbit feet
hey wait no, those rabbit feet, those are hardly humanoid. you just saw frye and instinctively fired
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Good night, Goblinafan.
I would love to use AI on this and see what the results would be. Post more
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rabbit = inkbrush
dog = cohock
He says that when the fryeposter says good night regardless of whether or not her feet are visible.
My fizzy bomb trails saved this sloppy match
My eyes are crusty I need them to rest GGs Grisy
Gg octo wife goodnight
Alright just one last
>it's another episode of enemies having perfect combined arms and helping each other in fights while I have to play both offense and defense because my team is inept
I sure do love getting those unwinnable games 5 times in a row
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tummy time?
fat veemos all-consuming tummy
Lol addicted to turf
I want to blow rasberries on 4's fit tummy
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Alright last one for real this time
why do people shit up their images with ca?
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Did somebody say "bunnies"?
Callies big butt.
Marie jealous of her butt.
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>human proportions
>garbage eye mask on callie
You've got the wrong priorities.
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it's fsh time.
torn pants is a better fit
Marie is a sophisticated squid, she isn't about ogga obooga butt fried chicken
This fsh brought to you by Grizzco Industries.
i can't even look at the image long enough to see anything else to complain about.
wow so based!
any more cute pics of these two? or similar
I have trouble identifying forced but lazy shit posting from schizophrenia with some of you, you're losing your minds over a drawing that is completely harmless. Who are you trying to offend if you're not schizophrenic? The artist doesn't post here
What did the banner get changed to?
Bye Nono good turf
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i like the colored sweatpants more but this looks good too
The default one they used to promote the fact that the winning team would get their version of the banner.
You need to visit this site less anon
eeltail used to be my favorite map but now it's mincemeat
i don't play chargers
i only play tw and sometimes zones
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The sex woomy (and 3 other default cephs).
callies ooga booga butt fried chicken...
>t. should be drug out to the street
GGs Gris matey for turfies
>no matching gloopsuit
>no silver gold or iridescent gloopsuits
Fuck Nogami
t. Pastfag
Ah shit forgot pic rel
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It looks like someone edited Callie's head onto this picture. She would never wear something so slutty
Licking Callies sweaty body from her legs to her neck
Cuttlefish... you're delusional.
Your little princess became a whore
She picked up a thing or two from the kettles.
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You(s) need help
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my wife
Craig trying not to bust from Callies ditzy sluttiness.
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1. sexo
2. cringe
3. sexo
4. big cringe
5. maybe
6. sexo
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Frye has passed...
that's a sea angel silly she just transformed
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So rude! Shooting at a poor defenseless reefslider user... This is why we need a Booyah Bomb shield
why is bigman and callie unironically shippable?
Callie made all the weyyos in octo canyon woomy-sexual, Octoling birthrates are at an all time low
Callie destroyed the octarian army by fucking them to extinction
team love
What if Drop Roller was compatible with boyah bombs and reefslider?
>someone posts callie
>same shit starts to post again
Amazon's stole all the yebbies to compensate for thier lack of men. Lots of breeding and their numbers stabilized quickly
I'm going to suck her to the afterlife with ink vacc
callie! where?
Selfinserting octofags are coping too hard
*yawn* time to meet Marie in my dreams
Good night /ink/
It's only 7 PM
fat callie
Any good Switch controllers that you'd recommend that come with an earphone plug?
We're in 2023 granpa, we use bluetooth now
>2015 was 14 years ago
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I've looked it up like 5 times and I still have no idea what the fuck a proshipper is and why western splatoon artists always talk about them
Fuck you
We look like Helldivers. Makes sense given how Salmon Run plays. All we need now is that arrow key input.
Pro(blematic) shipper. Just your average subjective tattle tale thought policing.
That's made up by the twitterfags in question, it just means pro-fiction
Proshipper: Someone who is pro shipping/fiction/couples
Can be and not limited to
Age gap
Cultural or racial (nazi and a jew)
Abusive relationships

Essentially the type of relationships most would find disturbing or unacceptable in some form or another. Context matters a lot for some of them, for others like pedophilia it's more obvious why it's bad. I know it's not real
Shipping my favorite /ink/ers
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i need to draw more splatoons
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Draw her fighting juri
shipping /ink/er cephs with takos
Bro upload a higher res screencap, why does that look so bad
draw something that isnt porn
big man x callie has the same energy as white women fucking dogs
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i'll draw it later, im too tired atm
what porn?
You two have fun with that.
What a weird thing to say
Touch grass
You need to try to stop chickenscratching, brother
sniffing Marie's armpits
sniffing Callie's armpits
sniffing Shiver's armpits
sniffing Frye's armpits
i lack line confidence, how do i improve that?
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>what porn?
It's fine if you're doing a sketch, but you're suppose to then draw proper lineart above it. Force yourself to commit to long lines instead of doing short ones. If it's really really bad habit then only allow yourself (for example) 30 lines and try to draw a squid with those.
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Draw lightly to feel out the line if you need to, but then solidly commit to something.
who are you shipping me with
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Heheh got em bro
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I can go for one king
Room up.
>you're suppose to then draw proper lineart above it.
i usually dont do lineart
>Force yourself to commit to long lines instead of doing short ones
i will do this
youve never felt the touch of a women
I'm still waiting for someone to draw me. I deserve it WAY more than those faggers who started with 3.
splat 4's finalfest will be Silly vs Sexy
SR 3/4, (You) me if you want in.
idk something about this thread smells fishy
woomy x yebby = love and lots of little squiddies
w-which one?
Agent 4.. Being obssessed by odd auntie Marie
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My /ink/ ships : <3<3<3

Great Tusk x Joey
Squinty x Goji
Fantasy x Límon
Sneakysnake x Kankora
Gurkan x Gurkan
sema x RESUMI
ä x Whacka
Freakazoid x Panic
Chavo x Dark Kold
Kold x Frye fan
Broy x SneakHand
Yxx x RANG
Urchincel x Mehtaru
Tofu x Grezar
Nono x South
Orion x cuck chair
Hippie x Ballin(Brostar doesn't know)
soup x Happy Sky
Lunar x Creature
Hot Beans x Moon&Star
ExcelExel x Nekolin
Bamboo x Hot Dog
Cranberry x Aurarian
Gnome x Queen
Femurbrker x Booyah Boy
RandomGuy x Rainy
Timmy x Reuniculus
Bargo x Chktendies
AR x rc
Offlock x (You)
Owers x Calamar
Noxxy x Meayae
Saber x Morgan
Kork x RedMarz
Bei x Be pacific
Wage Rage x Roumeri
timeimp x Lep'bad
1/4+1/2=1/3 x M1A1
Sketch san x rayzor
>shipped with someone Ive never played with
it's over
I'm destined to die alone.
half of these assholes dont even post/play anymore
any fsh? timmies are worse than usual tonight
>shipped my woomy with a fucking man
Bad anon
>not on the /ink/ ship list
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>Saber x Morgan
>in the ship list
>with the worst ship possible
anon just tell me you hate me, no need to hurt me in this way
what does it supposed to mean?
I'm sorry cuck chair...
I thought you died South
Surprise, but nothing more. I was kinda hoping that nobody will ever ship me with someone again...
manmen x me
Now you're talking my language
man what the fuck
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My woomy is yuri-only, this ship is heresy
You're all children. Who cares about this? Literally like school when kids would make friendship or love lists and everyone would go crazy about it.
a woomy made for weyyos
This is not a ceph shipping list
Only players
>you're kid now
You're a squid now
The best ship is IMOF
Is it cope if I start using my subhuman underachiever (top 5000) X rank badge?
it's less cope than top 3k badges are
that's gay
No it means you genuinely worked to get it. It's not top 3000 but it's still above the rest
Nuh uh
In that case it would be Saber with the random two year old he raped five minutes ago.
>shipped with a femboy
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>Yxx x RANG
I’m actually satisfied with who I got paired with and a lot of these are really good.
Peak FTM
Yeah you know it's not just some schizo but someone that plays with the thread
>not k and L
Is Nintendo gonna open up more orders for the Festival shirts?
My /ink/ ship is accurate...
>not ä x morgan
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ggs sr
female to male
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>lost a game because some retard bodyblocked me
I wish I could teamkill in this game.
You and me both
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Who is your /ink/ mistress you cheat on your /ink/ crush with?
do you think LDE is worth it for turf war?
given that the entire game mode is "nothing matters other than the last 30 seconds"
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I miss the days when people like you would be kicked to death in the gutters
this only applies if you're playing a weapon that can shit out turf, which you should be if you're tryharding enough to be actually worrying about abilities, but still
I cheat on Happy Sky with Squinty...
Anon dont...
You still up to play? I might go for for one king. Just need to finish one cigarette and set some stuff up.
i question the chemistry for many of these ships
You all have HIV
It took years for the switch to allow you to use bluetooth headphones and it's complete ass
I didn't even know they added it for a while
But when I try to use it with mine it has awful latency problems so I just use it wired
Actually I had the exact same problem with them on Linux but I fixed it by switching the codec from AAC to SBC-XQ so if they added that option to the switch maybe that would fix it?
>im not in the shiplist of the thing I'm not a part of
also no.
why does that word make you so upset?
I am rainy's discord kitten and I find this disrespectful.
Best idol from squid sisters and best idol from deep cut
Match made in heaven
Seeing old names like Bargo makes me sad :((((
Our one and only splatbrella user...
Now explain every ship
>excel x neko
Crackest of ships. You cant just pair them together just because theyre black hime woomies.
Clearly you never joined Splatoon 1 nights back when the servers were up.
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>starts wearing baggy clothing
>is more into sporty or nerdy hobbies
>starts to avoid 'girly' interests
>says woomy and manmenmni less, prefers to say yebby and ngyes
>decides to cut her hair shorter and shorter, from long flops to floplet to shreds
>goes to shop in yeb section of clothing stores
>asks you to refer to him as he now
>looks happier for every passing day

You have a yebby now anon, but you still love him right?
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yes, I like this new weapon
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>Nintendo recently took down a video by a popular Splatoon content creator, lodging a complaint within 20 hours after the video went live on YouTube. As reported by Yutura, the creator in question is Liora Channel, who has over 274k subscribers at the time of writing and is known for posting let’s play videos and guides for Nintendo’s family-friendly TPS Splatoon 3.
>The video that prompted Nintendo’s swift action was not a simple let’s play, however. On August 22, Liora Channel uploaded a video in which they interviewed so-called “Splatoon Girls” or female players of Splatoon 3. The interview takes on a sexual tone as the questions delve into their experiences of meeting up with high-ranked male Splatoon players in real life and about how these encounters often result in casual sexual relationships.
>Reportedly, the content creator also offered advice on “how to graduate from virginity” in the video, which, given Splatoon’s “E for Everyone” rating and popularity among children was harshly criticized by the public.
splatoon video creators be normal challenge (impossible)
I was in the PB though.
fuck off back to Twitter with this troonshit
I dont see the problem with what she did. If you dont like it dont watch it.
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Rookie numbers Joelle
also what was that weird ink effect
never seen that happen before
Good. The last thing we need is a bunch of kids going to conventions with the idea of having casual sex with 'pro gamers'. It would be another smash fiasco
You sharted your pants lolmao
imagine shitting yourself in the middle of a victory dance lmao
couldn't be me
At least the top 3k badge lets you hide that you got it from tentatek.
any splatoon girls itt need advice on graduating from virginity?
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It is now the yebbiest of hours.
Hand over those yebbies.
I got mine from takoroka before the update...
Get in the locker room and bring a smelly cheese with you, it will attract *him*
Yebby deserves to be raped
>watch replay of sus player
>ridiculous lagswitch teleports and instakills
>notice gold x badge
are most gold x rank players cheaters now?
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Hard at work
>ss x k
but k was meant for me..
Always have been
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Apologize to yebby.
Yebby deserves 300 gold scales.
with this game's netcode half the kills look like bullshit teleports in replays, even those from shitters that go 3-10
you're just a slave to confirmation bias
>sees one player lagging
>thinks everyone in X is a cheater
>I've been found out
>the only lagger is the gold x badge
>not just lagging but super lagging
>the "my gf from Canada" of X-rank
my woomy would never do that because she is a cute girl with cute pigtails
goddammit cat get out of my face I'm trying to play
hecking meow
you got it
Where did Allan go?
Why apologize? Yebby is no longer pure. He will never be the same
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Still waiting to play together for my bumps, tsk, tsk, tsk.
You just can't rape yebby like that, I won't let you. Yebbies deserve true love, you fiend...
why does the trans community love smiling friends
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thankfully woomies live in a better world where such psychoses don't exist.
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Hey I just carried that same premade, small world just kidding this game's dead
why are you obsessed with the trans community?
becoming godlike for approximately 1 second
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You say that as if you still care for him after what happened. You know hes not the same anymore
anyone wanna play some open?
>yfw your favorite /ink/ers got lost in transit
why does the trans community think im obsessed with they/them
because you keep mentioning them and associating everything with them
Embrace the toxoplasmosis
/ink/ers, and 4channers at large, get some sort of melty when they see any mention of trans people. It doesnt even have to be in the thread but when it happens they will be obsessed. They're most likely trans in denial
that's usually it yeah
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Why would I stop caring about yebby? Maybe you are the one who never cared about any yebby if you want to do such things to them...
Bad bad anon...
Sorry anon, brain is too fried to handle CB right now.
Yebweyys are meant to be used, toyed with and tossed aside by woomies.
sorry whoever joined my open room, you can rejoin if you want
i wasn't expecting anyone to since no one said anything
it's fine
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i guess im picking future i guess
Tomorrow if it's TC or SZ I'll try to be around to join you, pinky promise.
>joey discovers flicking
the current weapons in sr look unfun, how bad is it?
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Good, and true
why does the trans community hate good salmon run rotations
>any inkbrush rotation
why does the trans community hate using inkbrush
will splatoon still be around by then?
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the only bad weapon is inkbrush, others are fine
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Anyone want to suffer for 1king in salmon?
I got left out of the name dropping list........
why does the trans community want to be named in the /ink/ name drop
idk what this says but pink duran yebb has my heart on a chokehold
unpopular opinion
all splatfest should have the custom tag banner for each team. it's so much better for seeing who is what yknow? cuz you dont have to wear your tee al the time after picking a team but chances are youll use the banner made for it all the way since it doesnt affect your gameplay with abilities
why are there so many ugly octolings in the west?
Literal shitter
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you can tell there are tourists itt because they refer to trannies as "people"
actually only election tourists think about trannies at all
why is this such a big thing for you literally nobody else cares
why does the trans community not want others to call them people like decent human fucking beings?
We need sharia law in Inkadia.
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idunno why do you keep bringing up mutilation fetishists in this thread about the funny squid game?
im not the boogeyman you're looking for
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Of course, Splatoon is the future, anon.
Trust the plan, yebbies will be real.
Make one and show him to me.
He's really cute, isn't he?
Topknot is also a handsome boy, but I feel durian is often very under-appreciated.
squid rights are kid rights
Love the cap so much its unreal! the pearl amiibo shoes actually fit it too well... this veemo is very amiibo heavy.
love these pants more honestly.
File name is right this just is really spiky. you're knocked it outta the park
10/10 congrats!
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good, then nobody has to post anything else about them and we can talk about cephs
does anyone in this thread smoke seaweed
Sex with woomy
sax with woomy
yeah Me
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GG's Salmonators!
woomy teaches me to play sax
me, and my ceph
ggs fifs
Sex with yebby
GGs! Love me some brush
I know splatoon 4 is just gonna go back to the 2 team fests but
by the chance that it somehow somewhy chooses to curse us with 4 way splatfests I'm just gonna say
I'd be dissapointed if the finalfest for 4 isnt the 4 cardial orientations(ofc that is assuming the dumb idea of 4 way fests)
By the way which of the four would you pick anyways?
Extra classes in Fate are getting fucking ridiculous as of late.
What if S4 has 4 choices to vote on and a week before splatfest they dissolve into 2 teams
actually that could also work. they did something similar in splatoon 2 once didnt they?
I could see them doing that.
also also
I guess the four temperaments would also work but that'd be like asking "would you rather be sad, happy, angry or ignorant?"
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Cephs are so cute. I wish I could pat them on the head for being as adorable as they are.
I'd imagine if they do 4 teams every fest would just be like the TMNT one from 2
But if that was the case fests would have to be much less frequent or else it would be fatiguing having one nearly every week
okay but seriously tho what's more important to you?
Providing structure, espiritual journey, connecting to others or leaving a mark? actually kind of a hard question...
Smooch the yebbies.
phlegma balls lmao
>S4 finalfest where you have to choose which Idol of each game you liked best ((You) can only choose from the ones that won their finalfest (with S3 using either whoever got the most wins or the anniversaryfest winner))
Dunno, I see myself falling into many of the colors in that wheel, namely yellow, cyan, and I guess somewhat magenta (triadic colors lol), but ultimately the options those colors go into are way too vague
Provide Structure could mean a lot of things and doesnt explain itself very well, I have not once heard the word "espiritual" in Espiritual Journey, and Connect to Others and Leave a Mark are both the only ones that say what they are on the tin, which eliminates the other two and really just reads as Love vs Fame
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cephs are too good for this world
Marie - Phlegmatic
Pearl - Choleric
Shiver - Melancholic
??? - Sanguine
Also I think it's overall just a matter of choosing having the means, feelings, people and goals
So how the hell did the mass extinction kill off mammals and only mammals? Something of that scale would be more likely to just wipe out everything above water.
>Offlock x (You)
It's been a while since we played together.
Is there any rhyme and reason to this list, or is it just random?
some of it looks to have reason based on the pairings, others it's just random grouping
>can't get both splatfest gear and slom gear in one go
>have to restart the game twice
Bravo Nintendo!
Okay Tofu
Nta but anon may be right
>S-T x Rz
>both drawfags
>gotten along well and generally nice
>both wear something green(?)
>EE x N
>that's about it
I would be curious to hear the reasoning behind each one though
didn't you have a yebby rape basement at one point
I'm not in the shipping list lol even though I post my ceph a lot lmao
Friendly* basement.
Is it okay to feed my woomy kibble? I read online that it’s better to feed woomies real food like fish.
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How is this stupid shit still up?
I remember there being a lot more replies to that post all by the same person.
I feed my woomy fried food personally. She's a picky eater.
I am hungry now because of this post, fuck you.
I like to draw lewds of /ink/ers without their consent.
>oh neat, lemuria hub is on turf
>surely i won't get crableg 18 times in a row, that would be a 0.00038% chance
ooh post mine
post them
Bet you didn't do mine lol
>gets a better map 18 times in a row by some cosmic chance
But yeah whatever the game uses to decide the map you get is fucking broken. I don't think I had a streak of 18, but 10 for sure many times before.
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Weyyo too, right?

Very true. I love all of 'em.
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fsh with mean woomy, 2/4.
hub is fun in turf.
I bet the guy complaining is a roller/brush/bucket main because lemeria's braindead for those weapons specifically but crableg is one of the few maps where they can't cheese free wins
I would like to FSH
As a shooter main I don't like Lemuria because it makes me think with all the weird shapes and moving shit on the floor. I just want to relax and hold ZR to win.
Sorry HB
i was using jet and sploosh. i don't main anything.
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Weyyos are very cute too! But I already have one myself.
Yebbies are what truly charm my heart. What about you?
teehee hearts...
how many conch shells do you guys have already?
i only got 15... I wanna try getting as many as possible before the fest
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Probably due to im the only /ink/er who hangs around with Excel outside of /ink/. That's my guess why me and him got shipped lol.
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Well, I like all cephs. That is the undeniable truth. However, I will admit that my bias toward yebs in particular is stronger. Such bias might be the result of being a Splatoon 1 oldhead. Perhaps the dummest variety of ceph there is.
Ah, GGs brief sammin blammin
What team?
comm error, fsh. and after 18 crablegs in a row, the high tide almost every wave with shore boss spam/glowflies is getting boring too. this game is determined to be aids tonight.
Oh, damn, should we stop then or do you wanna keep going? Up to you, I dont want you suffering
i play this game so little that the snail rewards expire from each fest
Wait a second... Do we know each other by any chance, fellow yeb enjoyer...?
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this is you (washed up)
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Nah, I doubt that very much Anon.
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Fish bonuses + 1 king?
>Ten out of sixteen teams have the damn pencil
>Custom Wellstring showed up once
>Vanilla Carbon showed up for the first time ever wtf
>That double mint, triple bubble team
>That one team that showed up with vFlingza, vSquiffer, Wiper, and Inkbrush Nouveau
>The team next to it running hyper offense Cooler Tent shield dive with Splashdown + Reefslider
>This many Mint Decavitators
>Winning team was two short-range shooters in a tournament with all of this other stuff bullying them
How the fuck did they do it?
I can
Too burned out, maybe tomorrow
that gif of 8 woomies being pushed by the machine on port mackerel(turf)
rooms up
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My bad, the way you express yourself reminds me of a friend who used to come here.
Well, since you are here now, we'll just have to become buddies too, so we can talk about dum yebbies. Also good to know you are a fellow S1 player, tho I admit that it feels weird to remember back when I used to play yeb since weyys weren't a thing.
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>Cool white cap
>Cute hair bits
>...and five other pieces that are all gross-looking spiky shit
Bit disappointing.
>the crown is gross-looking and spiky
>the barette is gross-looking and spiky
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Best girl and best boy are on best team
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maybe this season
GGs SR room
GGs salmo, slick boris!!
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GGs T, M, and R.
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S3 was an incomplete salmon run spinoff and there will never be another Splatoon because they burned all their goodwill.
There will never be another Animal Crossing with more than 2 lines of dialog per personality types and with the old furniture.
There will never be another Mario Kart, just more DLC for 8.
Smash Brothers Ultimate is the final one since sakurai retired.
Pokemon will get gen 5 "remakes" somehow even worse then BDSP.

And yes I will still preorder the switch 2 day 1.
okay pastfag
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optimismfags be like:
>the glass is half full :)

it is bone dry
the glass is half full
the glass is half empty
>calliefag when he's drunk
cтaкaн нaпoлoвинy кycт
there's a squid in my glass
atleast theres a glass!
I wish i had a glass
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>calliefag when he's drunk
>cтaкaн нaпoлoвинy кycт
Something on your mind, kettle squatter?
Who would like to play SR/Open/Turf in 30 mins?
I wish the glass was emptier!
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this woomy's deformity means she legally can't play turf war
what deformity
>She is an Inkling with a mutation that allows her tentacles to have multiple colors, but it rarely proves useful.
Cant she just like turn them all to the same color for the match and then return to multi after?
>Gurkan x Gurkan
Okay I will need to hear your explanation on this one.
I assumed it was out of her control but I guess it could be interpreted as something she can change at will
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>but nobody came
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Is this a bloody Undertale joke? Bleh, don't know why always ask in a bad time.
why does torpedo ink your feet for free when you throw it?
My wife
Because the devs wanted it to do that
yeah but I don't get what merits it having that feature over any other sub in the game
why did she have to be so kissable
Torpedo should leave an ink trail as it flies.
if you're still down to play maybe i can fish in a bit, need to fully wake up first still
Oh, good morning! Just tell me when you're ready, and then I will set my stuff.
>lose 3 tw matches in a row to base rushing splooshes on manta maria
i hate tw lads
Huh this looks quite different from what I was lead to believe
it already leaves an ink puddle when it bonks
Are these all /ink/ers?
About 75% are /ink/ers. Rest are randos that added me and I felt bad rejecting. And a handful of /v/tards too.
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Keep getting hit with this and it’s near middle of the night for me. I choose tentatek division earlier today. Am I fucked?
potentially it's a bit early in the season for people to have ground from S to S+0
but you're still probably fucked
Are the Japanese quicker about getting x rank?? Is there any way I can play x rank middle of the night?
>I choose tentatek division
well, you've bricked your save for the season. so early into it too, rip.
You should not have picked the region that's notoriously under populated if you wanted to play at odd hours
Cool -_- can I reset rank and then get to x rank in the fucking Japanese division?
I chooses America so my system doesn’t eat shit and lag trying to host players playing from Japan
im sorry if you got into the game late and weren't aware of the issues with X regions, like I said maybe more people will join after fighting through S but you're probably kind of SOL and will have to play at peak hours to find matches
You still alive?
I had this game since launch I just actually wanna get my use out of the $60 and 700+ hours on this shit lol
Imagine trying to swim with noncompatiple ink, that's her entire life.
im genuinely about to make a facebook account for uploading images, this shit sucks
Do you know when peak hours might be?
I’m still so fucking appalled that I can’t even matchmake with Europeans in x rank if somehow 3am in America is comeplety ghost town dead servers no matter what
europeans are at work/school, it's dead hours there as well
there are some apps that shorten the step to just scanning the qr code once
So there are no bum fuck neats or hell people who are off rn in Europe, Australia, Brazil anyfucking where. I’m not a beat I’m just a person who is a night owl and has their days off on non weekends
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3's poncho is cute
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something came up... i'm very sorry
Final takoroka division rankings for last season were posted.
I genuinely want to kill myself for not picking takaroka division
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Okay. Next time then.
...are you going to post them here?
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this gives me faith as a zimi user
there isn't a single snipewriter in there because they all died of boredom in the process of grinding past 3k
where’s Brostar?
>duo queueing orange zaps and respawn punisher e liter
the sweats are really coming out to tw for grand fest
Genuinely what is the point of this rank shit if most of the top is just gonna be Japanese and your sol if your from any part of the fucking world that isn’t Japan.
should have got top 10 in season 2 when a western playerbase still existed
What even is splatoon 3 tick rate right now? I’m genuinely curious.
15-16, same as it ever was
>trying to use angle shooter to then 2shot someone with sspro is slower than just 3shotting them
what am I supposed to use this for, then
do you have the tentanek one?
hasn’t been posted yet
if squeezer didn't exist, would sspro see use or would it still be outclassed by .96?
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same as it ever was
>less than 2 weeks until grand festival
>shirts still haven’t shipped
letting the days go by
let the woomies hold me down
letting the days go by
woomies flowing underground
not enough players at EVP800
this is so familiar what is it
anyone wanna play some open?
ive never actually seen the "not enough players" message in SR, I assumed it just pulled from all ranks if necessary
it wont start a match unless the average is 300HL at 800 and above
I have to admit that playing rapid blaster in tc is some of the most fun I've had in this game
you're not supposed to use vpro
you're supposed to pick jet and use it to be the strongest weapon at ranges where nothing has any sort of immediacy (and also for marker into 2shot being faster than the main).
with a good enough kit, yes. succ b-bomb is a pretty good kit. they have a very fun dynamic going between them, .96 is stronger up close and can paint, pro is stronger at range and more consistent.
the whole 3-liner shooter group is actually very well balanced with each other, minus nova that needs some buffs, and squeezer that outclasses the entire rest of the group.
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And you may find yourself
In a beautiful house
With a beautiful ceph
And you may ask yourself:
"Well, how did I get here?"
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once in a life time by the talking heads
this song could very accurately be applied to Marina
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what is the song about?
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just listen to it nigga, it's a good song
i thought you wanted to share your thoughts on it..
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>And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"
>And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"
Marina would never say this
she might if you interpret it as disbelief at her own good fortune
she seems to have a pretty low opinion of herself in general
they aren't even sold here in the largest economy of europe
wish oth were my wives
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pls give more crumbs nogami
The only remembered to sell the bracelets in Australia, preasu undahstandu
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Wish there was more cowboy gear
what did she mean by this
the poncho is right there >>492974145
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fuck those triple splat bomb teams
I love how much frye's VA seems to like the game
GGs, got my 5th win
also sorry for that loss, i was playing bamboozler, probably could have been playing something useful
It's pretty good but I'd like one that's got a pattern. More importantly there aren't aren't any proper cowboy boots, the buckle-downs are the best we've got
also don't worry about it, I couldn't get out of spawn lol
Yeah she does, even if she's pretty bad at the game (she still hasn't cleared story mode). She and the rest of the idol VAs are also restricted from doing their poses and singing with their idol voices and I wouldn't be surprised if they were also restricted from fully cosplaying as the idols. Laura circumvents this by just using Frye's head ornament and a yellow top.
whatsup with those restrictions?
>named Laura
>french name of Frye in bio
seems like pretty standard shit for a company as scared about keeping up brand appearances as nintendo is
Cute cowoomy
Angie is the spanish name for Frye, not the french one
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I played the game in french, shut up
You can make some looks work like this set I gave to agent 8 amiibo.
It's her spanish name too, and it's because there's quite a few spanish/latin american frye fans.
no one cares about fr*nch people, you shut
spanish is more relevant
Still not a ""Frenchaboo""
how come names are sometimes translated? its a name
some irl names also get "translated" to other languages
Utsuho doesn't make sense in english because in japanese it's a rare female name and a pun on Utsubo, which means moray eel.
really? like what
it's mostly the usual basic names that only get translated, a few that i know:
John -> Juan (spanish)
Timothy -> Timothée (french)
Paul -> Pablo (spanish)
All the biblical names. Or do you think people were called John in the middle east.
ahh i see thanks. Makes me wonder if my name has a translation
idk ive never been there
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>wave 3
>basket getting completely overrun
>1 crewmate downed and unreachable
>reach quota
>remaining crew struggling to stay alive until the timer runs out
>manage to clear wave
>teammate dumps 2 celebratory booyah bombs
thats me sorry...
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cute kitty frye!
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well, it tried
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SR at the hour?
>explosher lands shots directly on top of me
>take zero damage
it's not often that I get to be the beneficiary of the bullshit lag
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>find weapon I can consistently win turf with
>devs nerf its inking right before GranFes
the ultimate in FLAR
hop on mini splatling, brother
I've tried several times but I've never been able to get the hang of it
the ultimate weapon is the weapon that makes you not care whether your team loses
I thought the season names were just more localization garbage and that the Japanese names were something else but then I see this.
in solo it's still neo sploosh and qr spam. most players are beakon blind, sploosh movement lets you get past most things that don't one shot, and wail lets you get past chargers and sharks to get into their spawn. even if they do kill you, you're already landing your superjump back in 5 seconds.
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I wanted to hear callie singing more white girl anthems
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Every time I play turf I'm reminded why I don't play turf. You make one slip up a little too late in the game and all your progress is erased with no way to turn the tide back in your favor
God yes bless you.
Not very technical but what is happening when the voice gets all weird at 3:08~
Your problem is that you're playing to win in the squidbag party fun mode
But it's turf
Who gives a shit about winning it's the casual mode
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I only have fun when I win
>find a broken-ass gun
>devs make it less broken-ass
>noooooo they are forcing losses!
stop being so ass-broken and adapt, edit had it fucking coming
also consider mini or ballpoint
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I used to this think this way but then they added x10/x100/x333 battles and it no longer became possible to feel relaxed and play whatever you want in turf war during splatfests, unless you stick exclusively to tricolor at least.
edit was honest and yet it got the hardest nerf in the patch other than squeezer.
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Splatoon 4 should have more unique looking idols.
I wouldn't care if I wasn't trying to get better for GranFes
a tw game lasts only 3 minutes, lamenting about all your progress being lost is silly
a tw game isnt decided until the very last moments which is good game design because the game isnt decided before its over
its however unlikely that you lose a game if you have dominated for the entire match, which is also good game design because the outcome isnt random
Go back to your containment board
Good morning /ink/, may I have some Harmony today?
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Which one?
I only watch laimu and hackerling sorry
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Erm...based? I love annoying dogshit women who are bad at the game too!
kill yourself
Neither. Put down the pen and stop drawing this shit
there's not really a polite way to say this but these faces are really unappealing, left one has a forehead bigger than frye's while right one looks like an ogre
>Shiver never tells anyone the secret truth
>She got her idol fashion sense from her dad
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anyone wanna open?
love it
Will you make more of these?
I still have the software open if you have a request
This is a good woomy
Everytime We Touch - Cascada
any katy perry or lady gaga song
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yeah, this bow is fun
wish it had a more suitable special though, like wail or inkstrike
>joey discovers a new weapon that lets him get kills while blind firing
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damn this one came out pretty well
Can we get one with frye's voice
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Fuck yeah, thanks. What software do you use to make these?

me at the muffin concert
if I was better at this I would have octavio sing the snoop dogg parts
what song?
models are sourced from huggingface.co
going to the thread is bad for me because it makes me more obsessed with the pink roller squid
the butt squid
feliz navidad, if it works
the "totally meant to do that" kill into the "actually did mean to do that" kill
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kill yourself
the head squid
this is perfect thank you so much
>hey let's make mini but better in every single way
just because it's not overpowered in current meta doesn't mean it's honest, it just means that the meta is ridiculous and should all get harsh nerfs until they are in line with the second class citizens
>just buff the rest
okay hotshot. buff mini to be as good as edit. without losing what makes mini mini (e.g. it remains a 2.5-liner), without breaking muscle memory of long time mains (e.g. no shot velocity increases, everyone's too used to it being slower than some blasters over almost a decade) and without making it stupid (you could make it run at swimming speed, but you'd have to be a moron to actually do that).
Why does the helldivers trailer work so well with SR?
>slightly animated .pngs in the bottom left
Fuck is this some budget vtumor thing?
the flat squid
my woomy is smol but not flat
>buff mini to be as good as edit
Buff its firing duration to 2 seconds. Make it lightweight. Easy.
The splatoon guns sure got a lot more punchy when you add machine gun fx to them
Mini is a shooter bully, Reddit's charging time is too slow to be suitable for that. It's literally just a matter of kits, the cooler bitch option sees play for comps that don't favor the cooler bitch pencil. Zimi would see more play if vRoller and Decav weren't more optimal for teamcomps that favor Bubbler.
The thing about "us" being just a waste material in both HD and SR is the main reason why its kinda works.
your woomy is flat haha flat as a board!
I lost the one and only 333x I ever got during last Splatfest and it completely mindbroke me.
Callie! H-hi..
leave his little woomy alone
Looks like a discord voice chat overlay; whoever is speaking lights up
>real gun sounds while playing SR
I like this idea it could make the mode more fun
>When fly fish locks on you hear Bitchin Betty (spoken in Inklish) yelling missile missile missile
ah a fellow warrior
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Mini desn't even need buffs, it just needs a decent kit. How the fuck is mist bubble and burst hammer supposed to compete with curling cooler and SPLAT BOMB CRAB TANK??

All it needs is for the Refurbished Mini to have Suction Zooka like its old S1 kit. People will magically start thinking MUCH more highly of Mini once it's getting 10 zookas per match.
I still just want blob with beakons/cooler
occacionally im reminded that people unironically play the modes instead of just woomy dressup
um mistbubble is fine someone got #1 in zones with it
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>a tw game isnt decided until the very last moments which is good game design
Maybe I just have brainrot from being 95% of the way to 5 starring zimi but I think mist isn't that bad of a sub
Mini should be lightweight
It has its uses but mainly in TC or RM other modes it isn't very useful.
It's not bad but it's definitely the weakest sub in the game
It needs to do gradual damage; a slow isn't really that much of a deterrent
I get you, I've been deluded to believe Splattercolor Screen isn't a bad special and that Thermal Ink isn't that bad with it.
>make it fire for almost as long as heavy on less than half the charge time
anon, i said not ridiculous
this makes it completely unapproachable for 2-liners, jr-tier efficient and extends its inking capacity from best in the game to "paints for two" all at once, while not addressing its main (intended) weakness of being a pushover against 3-liners.
both won't help it in any way and thematically inappropriate. it's made out of splat charger and splattershot parts, you take two guns, mash them together and it ends up lighter.
edit can bully 2-liners all the same. even hydra can bully 2-liners with quick charges if it's savvy enough, edit's got more than enough charge ratio and mobility to effortlessly outrun and outgun small arms. mini is just the best gun at it, being second to the best while being better at everything else is stupid balance.
>if vRoller and Decav weren't more optimal
yeah, that is a thing, mini doesn't like cooler meta. but even without it, it'd see use as a bubble bot and little else. a main that can't shine on its own is worthless, only a few learner weapons like jr and undercover should ever stoop that low (and even these struggle because with powercreep we have strong mains with kits that are just as strong so there's no reason for jr to exist beyond level 1 unlock).
long is the shadow cast by the flops

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