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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Shadow the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Shadow!

/sthg/ #7290 - Your People Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>492820985
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kys blazefag bot
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I want more Shadow dynamic with more characters.
Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
I want Shadow going out for drinking parties with the Gun Commander.
You guys don’t have to worry about Ian ruining the characters though, he’s been demoted to translation duty.
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Total Wade Death
Kill Wade. Behead Wade. Roundhouse kick a Wade into the concrete. Slam dunk a Wade into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Wade. Defecate in Wade's food. Launch Wade into the sun. Stir fry Wade in a wok. Toss Wade into active volcanoes. Urinate into Wade's gas tank. Judo throw Wade into a wood chipper. Twist Wade's heads off. Report Wade to the IRS. Karate chop Wade in half. Curb stomp Wade. Trap Wade in quicksand. Crush Wade in the trash compactor. Liquefy Wade in a vat of acid. Eat Wade. Dissect Wade. Exterminate Wade in the gas chamber. Stomp Wade's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Wade in the oven. Lobotomize Wade. Mandatory vasectomies for Wade. Grind Wade in the garbage disposal. Drown Wade in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Wade with a ray gun. Kick old Wade down the stairs. Feed Wade to alligators. Slice Wade with a katana.
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Good night.
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Okay, can we go back to normal OPs after this?
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I want the same with Silver.
>he’s been demoted to translation duty
You know how Western translators are, Ian can still "interpret" the dialogue how he wants it to.
I don't ship.
kys sonazefag bot
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>Was Archie that bad?
Funnily enough, Pre-Reboot Archie is about as inconsistent as the games themselves. Great stories, good stories, bad, meh, halfbaked, etc.
Even during the Dark Ages with Penders and Bollers at the helm you would have occasional good stories. And in the Golden Age of mainline with Flynn (I'd say it starts awhile after he started, around #189), it would be bogged down by bad romance and political drama (for as much as people meme about Penders and his shitty unrealized story of Sonic getting cucked, Flynn actually got away with doing it).
The Sonic Universe side-series, which focused on the game side characters in short 4-issue arcs, was consistently great. Probably the best Sonic comic to date, very fun read.
Reboot Archie was consistently good but didn't hit the same highs and lows, enjoyed it more than IDW. But being cancelled too early meant it has some teased plotlines that would go unrealized. Still recommend reading both it and all of Universe though
Did he mention this in a Bumblecast? I'm more worried about who in Sonic Team made those exchanges with Amy and Sage in Horizon
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Where would Silver be on the political compass
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Anarchy leftish
Silver would be somewhere between Serious and UWU.
Post your favorite image of your OTP.
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IIRC Amy isn't seen or mentioned in any of Archie's 25YL or 30YL stories, is the implication here that she killed herself after Sonic married Sally? I hope so, not because i'm a shipfag, but because I think it's really funny.
I don't understand why these people ship themselves with Tails but also scream and cry and send death threats to artists who make Tails porn calling them pedophiles. Is it not the same shit?
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Me and Amy
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Pic related is my headcanon that is not based on anything
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Knuckles is a powerful guy
Do we even know who wrote the script for Final Horizon?
I think Im getting Blazefags more and more, Blaze is basically girl Sonic done right, she has all the cool factor and vibe
Live Forever Sonazebotfriend.
Kiss Your Soul Blazefriend bot.
Kiss Your Ship Sonazefriend bot.
I can't believe they took away Amy's penis.
Libertarian right
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hard to choose
it's the year of Shadow. We got the Shad Gens and the movie coming so I say we keep this up till the end of the year.
>Me and Amy
Anomy, (Yo)my or Amon?
Next poster gets it
Sonic X blobians were short
I hope this happens in the movie, but with nut lord walking in instead of amy
We need a game about bullying Sonic
god save me from this hangover I ate breakfast and took vitamins now i gotta wait a bit to take the ibuprofen and acetaminophen
I say we don't because these aren't milestone threads
Is your life here just to dilate how much disturbing, boring, rapey and crackship Slopaze is?
Archie Silver was unironically the perfect balance of all of those at once.
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Enough to break your kneecaps and stab you in the crotch,
Do you guys actually jerk off to these creatures?
nigga defending a bot, Slopazefags are the lowest of the low here...
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We don't. But the Japanese writers for the base game were Ootsu and Kishimoto, I assume they had the same team for the updates. But who knows really.
I take the Fifth
>posts off model garbage
this was based and a pleasure to follow, what do we gotta do to get you to finish sonic universe
Nice work
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>Toyoda said the Japanese manuals are still canon.
Where? Post the source please
Amy can’t have a boner anymore because woke
Is it still on-model, Anon?
Anon-kohai, that's just an innocent bot. Just let him live free like the wind.
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Why is this robot from the movie short talking about a caliphate?
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These two goobers.
Hmmm, goat cheese.
Werehog should become a human.
Are you available for an art trade, FWA? Or are you still busy?
yea, like Sonic........
This push to make everything accurate in this fanbase has bled over to the fanart and fanfics now everything is so much more... normal than it used to be. Gib me my cringekino
Only when they're on-model
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Look man, my brain is an addled mess and this fucking bat just does things to my chemicals that cannot be explained by science.
Happy Whisper is kino. Loving Silver! Kissing Silver! UWUhisper!
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Team with Ariem, Tikal and Sage
Name it.
No, they to my home and force themselves on me.
i dont see it
Sonic characters for this feel?
Sage? The hologram?
Team Arkage.
I wonder if Ariem made it through dream powers, or the old-fashioned way.
Me on the right
>Blaze's board shaped body, gravity defying hair, and humongous forehead
Ugly rodent
Got it! Sorry to bother you!
Yeah, who else?
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>Sonic Universe side-series,
Oh, alright, let's se-
>Mobius 30 years later
Team Oneoffs
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Tick tock IDW Sonic.

Anyone have a "Whoa can't show that on 4chan" version of the meme?
>Sonic jerks Silver off into Blaze
>he has to rub her simultaneously
CHADnic, CHADver & STACYaze.
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Sonic is his universe's Shazamposter
whats american girl
Oh yeah, forgot about that one since I always skip it along with all the other future stories. It’s an easy skip at least, just consider it a minor blip in an otherwise strong spin-off book
You have lost your soul.
Don't look for the sequel of this image.
I stopped reading Pone around the time Katie Cook and Andy Price stopped. Never dove into Gen 5 period.
A very VERY old Doll brand that is still going today...Maybe IDW shouldn't have tried launching a series of graphic novels with a fucking Mexican.
>read up on Aeon
>The creator of him a tranny because he just trooned out himself
Pretty funny
Yup. I hate fags and fujos. IHFF
4 issues of a 95 issue series, just don’t read them.
>I stopped reading Pone
>Sonic kicked his ass so hard he transitioned
That's called the Cosmo phenomenon.
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I want to fuck this Vixen.
Best ship coming through.
>porn ship
>a 15yrold and a 18 yr old
He was the best of those villain OCs from back then. What a shame.
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The most *WANTED* human man in the world is coming through!
Reward: $100,000
Best ships are the ones between the furry Sonic women and human men
Backwards Shadow
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Have you bought your deck, /sthg/?
Duh he's a jew
This but Archie.
Which characters are shown on the cards? Is there someone unexpected on them or is it the usual modern era cast?
Hell no nigga
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Make way BEST ship coming thru
I'd buy it if there were a mina card
they've never even met
please show us your cards Amy fren
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I thought the GR15 comics ended ages ago, I guess they just officially lost the license now.
>American Girl Graphic Novel Series ends after one issue
Okay, now this is concerning, if they can't afford the American Girl Doll license you know things must be bad.
Honestly I didn't even think American Girl Dolls still existed.
Time travel has been a thing since 06. It's possible they could.
but they haven't
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>"Time travel has been a thing since 06"
I actually wonder why shadow and tikal get paired so much because of this. Crackships don't usually get this popular do they?
There should be more essays about Sonic ships.
This Shadikal essay is pretty interesting:
Wasn't it him, Nazo and the one from SonicRPG. Was there more because the only one that comes to mind was Sigma but he's from MMX
No, tarot goes against my religious beliefs.
And even if it didn't, this sort of thing doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Actually, this would imply the licensor pulled the license after the first issue. Something's up and I don't just mean Heather Ontos being in charge of licensing.
Yeah that's fair. The chaos emeralds are far more convenient and easier to use. Seemingly
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Don't want to open even if I want to check out the booklet. The whole set was posted here a while ago.
It's exactly because they haven't met, but they have POTENTIAL , so fangirls, specially those who self-insert as Tikal, just make shit up.
I hate Big
I'm a Christian boy, I bought it to support Amy. Strictly display use only.
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Rougina. Minouge.
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>Something's up and I don't just mean Heather Ontos being in charge of licensing.
What do you think's going on?
Was the Graphic Novel so shit that American Girl pulled the license or was IDW just not able to pay for it?
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Why is western merch so damn lame?
I'm afraid that's a vault character.
would you post what shadow card is saying?
I know. That's why I'm not buying it.
That's disappointing. I was expecting more characters to show up on the cards.
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I thought tarot decks had lots of cards
>marine card
>fucking gardon card
>no cream card
It's a joke
Speculation would suggest that either IDW bounced a check or American Girl pulled the license which could be due to quality issues. We are very much in the dark on this one. I mean, they got the license back in May.


That's a speedrun to pissing off a licensor.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ Shadow must join forces with Peppino ~

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>Sol Dimension kino
Forced meme.
most important post of the day just dropped
Vaulted characters are in a vault that can be opened at any time, Archie characters aren't in that vault, they're just dead and buried.
Shadow needs a new super from.
Eternal Life boy and Ghost girl
You're right, I just like the usage of vault common here.
> Gardon was spared from being evaporated into dark mist in the Archie reboot after it got canceled
Should've done Major Arcana honestly, that's the one everyone knows.
People should go back to making self-insert OCs and shipping them with real characters. They had balls then.
Plenty people that still do this
>posts krazyelf art.
>krazyelf is best known for her Sonadow
If I had a dollar for every time a straightshipper posted art made by fujos I would be fucking loaded.
i self insert my human self..
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I'd have to open to get the booklet.
Those are just the characters, there's more cards like any tarot deck. I'm grabbing these from other sources, I've seen the whole deck.
Shadow Shadow.
Why do you care about this, just curious
I ship me and you, now pucker up.
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They do, there's 78 Tarot Cards.
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>8 of water
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>most of the cards are Animals Friends, Chao, Wisps, or items
Why is Sega so damn afraid of using the millions of characters that they have?
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Ian Flynn is the best Sonic comics writer ever
how the fuck do you play this game?
If you give them an inch they'll demand a mile.
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It is Amy's canon deck, therefore only celebs allowed.
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But the sonic ones look like they're formatted like playing cards rather than tarot. 4 suits. King Queen Jack Ace etc
That Amy Chao is about to get gunned down.
These cards are just crappy shipping bait. They suck for actual tarot readings.
Ah yes, well-known celebrity Gardon the Koala.
is the knight of fire actually some literal who
why can't they give sally something interesting
>King Queen Jack Ace
There's Page as well, so it's based on the Italian playing cards instead of the French (and the global standard) ones.
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I just think its funny because most people on here seethe about yaoi being posted even though there are a ton of really talented yaoi artists.
Yaoi artists tend to be more accepting of other ships, whether they are gay or straight.
>The cards are meant to be Amy's cards from the comics
>Amy never went to the Sol Dimension
>Amy never met Marine
>Any never met the Koalas
>No one ever met the Mother Wisp outside of Colors DS
>seeing shipping bait in these cards
Actual schizophrenia.
Because she's dead.
She's dead, she's been dead for 7 years. The accident wasn't your fault, anon, you have to let her go.
No characters at all. Some people may say that Chao are characters, but I don't see them as such.
>Nearly 100 characters have shown up at some point or other in Sonic games
>Sega does barely nothing with the large majority of them after their initial introduction
Go figure.
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Oh fair enough. Yeah I don't get why people get into retarded shipping wars. If you want sonic and shadow to fuck then good for you, none of my business.
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Sally Acorn deserving better is also a thing that applies to Archie. My girl got done dirty for so long and then turned into a robot. At least she gets to not suffer in the reboot as much.
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>literal who
That's Gardon you fucking casual.
i have literally never seen this character in my life
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Damn. There's more like a Master Emerald, but this person didn't post all of them. Might have to open mine, but I don't know.
Gardon only appears in Sonic Rush Adventure.
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Doom Trigger
Shipping wars are so stupid. I can't imagine why people would fight over something like that. I don't care which thing goes in which hole. Its pointless and utterly a waste of time that only causes toxicity.
>Might have to open mine, but I don't know.
I can't imagine buying that shit and not opening it, guess I'm just not autistic enough.
>Amy has never seen Caliburn
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no, everything ive seen says its mediocre, and i didnt really enjoy rush that much to begin with
Who? You can't just make random characters up.
>Might have to open mine, but I don't know.
Isn't that the American "opening ruins resale value" thing?
Shipping is bad but self inserts are kind of worse
its okay. It's definitely better than base rush imo but if you didnt enjoy rush to begin with then its probably not worth your time
>"opening ruins resale value"
Yeah but like, I wouldn't resell it lmao, I buy things for myself, not to sell them in some hypothetical future.
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Sally? Here.
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Ah, found them.
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Archie is cancelled, but we know that Sonic and Sally will live happy together forever. I'm glad Ian was able to put them back together before the reboot.
That's just a weirdly colored Ricky, why would you call it Sally?
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A Babylon card!
But Jet, Wave and Storm didn't get a card of their own?
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Honestly, that Sword needs to return in a future game at some point.
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"Oui", and Sonic confessed his love to Amy.
What the frick did you say you freakin idiot? You prefer the powdered donuts to the holy chocolate donuts? I will stone cold stunner your vagina right here in the pastry aisle! I’m Alan the Annihilator
Sonic characters with this feel?
>In nine days, they'll understand. They will all, understand...
Does anyone have that black and white of female Tails?
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I just don't want it damaged, it's sealed and for display. Could always buy another to open.
>Let's see how long you last on such unstable terrain.
But only in the french dub though
Frontiers is too afraid of making any kind of statement about anything out of fear of criticism so now the game is just toothless.
There's cut dialogue of Sonic pondering about Amy, can't have that because it changes the status quo.
There's cut dialogue where Sage is trying to "keep" eggman. Can't have that because it makes her less cute.
There's cut dialogue of Sonic forgetting everything. Too edgy and ruins the WINDD!!!!!!
Knuckles waffles about needing to get a life even though nobody in the target audience even knows what the master emerald is anymore

Worthless, gutless game.
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Could you be bit more specific, please?
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Sonamyfriends will never have moments like picrel.
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I love them.
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Plus, I have a shit camera, so, I couldn't do you justice. The booklet should be scanned if anyone gets a hold of it.
>Ian was able to put them back together before the reboot.
did we read the same comic? preboot sally spent her last moments as an evil robot
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From Sonic Rangers to Sonic Frontiersless.
>Could always buy another to open.
Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
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I fucking hate being related to beggars. You give it and they burn it. Don't give and you're the bad guy. Fucking hate people.
I hate how these tarot cards interpreted these characters, i want them more like this:
Sonic: King of Rings
Amy: Queen of Rings
Tails: Knight of Rings
Big: Page of Rings
Silver: King of Worlds
Blaze: Queen of Worlds
Gardon: Knight of Worlds
Marine: Page of Worlds
Shadow: King of Power
Tikal: Queen of Power
Omega: Knight of Power
Sage: Page of Power
Knuckles: King of Emeralds
Rouge: Queen of Emeralds
Chaos 0: Knight of Emeralds
Cream: Page of Emeralds
But why did Sonic and Sally always cheat.
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I thought Sally was violently gunned down before reboot.
Different Sonic and different universe bro. Though I'll admit one thing. Being in a relationship doesn't necessarily make it impossible to be attracted to other people. Even if Sonally was end game under Ian's pen, he still chose to have Sonic date Amy for when Sally had a relationship with Khan. This implies theres some level of attraction on Sonics side if he considered her an option.
Just move out, delete your email and socials and change your phone number.
Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Nicole have been in the franchise for 32 years and had been active in it for 25. They were being developed before Tails came to be.
They deserve more respect and recognition.
>Cream: Page of Emeralds
Sorry Anon, but there's no card for Cream.
>I have a shit camera
Don't you have a phone?
Maybe because Sonic isn't about shitty furry romance, sallytard.
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Not Soj made so soj will never give them the respect they deserve. Neither will Mina, scourge, julie-su, finitevus, elias, etc
I think I would like to be friends with Antoine.
Looked like an Usagerbill sketch. Had her trying to cover up with her tails. I remember seeing it a few months back in these threads and haven't been able to find it.
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They were retooled from Animal Friends (aka tiny critters)
Sega, please at least give them a cameo. Give us anything. Give us just a little.
There was a different reboot before the SGW reboot. The earlier one was when she was when she died and brought her back. The SGW was when she was roboticised.
Is there a Chaotix card?
Context? I don't read the comics. What will happen in this issue?
y tho
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I was referring to their ship status in general, but yeah it's a shame that the Metal Sally wasn't completed, but ASO really did justice to it.
They stop Eggman and his Eggperial city, and the Diamond Cutters get their only badass moment in the entire story arc.
He's a main character.
He's chill!
Which couple popped out the most children
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There was a different reboot before the SGW reboot. The earlier one was when she died and brought back. The SGW was when she was roboticised.
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Only one I think I have from that specific artist with that specific Tails is this.
They are gigachad and gigastacy in-universe.
Archie publication pls understand.
That Archie-Betty-Veronica-Reggie love square runs deep
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That is the shit camera, but honestly, I'm not satisfied with this. I'll open it, and post every page of the booklet detailing the cards discriptions later tonight possible because I'm going in for that time and a half, baby.
>He's a meme character.
>Sonic's true girlfriend
Lets say Sonic gets Mina pregnant and runs off on her. Or Sally got pregnant from the monkey. What would they do
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Anons do you all agree with this
Huh? I remember Geoffrey looking pretty fucking weird in this panel. Why is he normal?
Me and Rouge.
Birthing a set of twins every year for 10 years straight
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next page
Time Eater X The End
meant for >>492898372 lol
Oh, there it is. He's got the weird snout and freckles from the Penders era.
Sally's sacrifice to save the world was sweet, but the arc afterwards was just too long. I get Ian wanted to make things gloomy, but he went too far, especially with Antoine. He should've given the characters a little bit of breathing room before the Death Egg thing happened, and given time for the freedom fighters to have peace before going all in on the gloominess and sadness.

Its kind of poetic how both Sonic and Sally saved the world in their own ways. Sonic saved it a couple of times, while Sally saved it from the World Roboticizer. The moment was masterfully made.
>Virtuous Heart
What an ego.
oh you meant why Page of rings...i don't know, probably cuz there's rings on the water? but that's an excuse to me running out of places to put him in.
The future tells her despite not knowing presently.
How does Amy know about the Angel Island Mural? She wasn't there.
I don't know. I feel we could have had less abstract concepts and objects and more cards with actual characters.
No Cream or the Rogues is bs.
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Yeah idk why they made him look fucked up there, or had him there at all considering he's an adult still canonically as far as i know? Or ian meant for him to be retconned into a teenager or something closer to sallys age. I actually liked geoffrey a lot as a character once ian got ahold of him, and I really like his design after he comes out as a traitor
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Thoughts on modern Trip?
Its a Penders era artist working on it then. One of the better ones, except with his art changed to be more on model.
no, I meant why include him at all if we can include other characters instead.
The cards tell her.
The SoL dimension/Silver's future really needs a couple more main chaaracters, my god.
No. Ben bates started working on the comic around issue 220 and draws geoffrey pretty normal most of the time. Making him look weird there was a deliberate move.
Doesn't exist, but I'd like to see her one day, that's a nice design.
hmm, alright who else could be page of Rings or Page of emeralds? (i can change Cream)
This was Butler I think
Sally Acorn is the best, better than all the rest!!!!
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Blaze at least has a handful of characters we know about from her dimension, Silver's Future has NO ONE, we just know Silver, there's a reason he gets grouped with Blaze so often, he has no cast.
Oh yeah wait, my bad, you're right. I misremembered, Ben bates just did the cover for that issue, Butler stopped giving him the freckles most of the time as well though
Sonic X had a Mobotropolis
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She might, but Sonally is the worst.
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>off-model crap
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not on my watch
the other three were bad games
Yeah I saw that when going through the Booru. I'll keep looking.
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Who's responsible for it ending up like this anyway? Flynn, Ootsu or Kishimoto?
Expectations for IDW 73?
I really dislike those fan redesigns of Trip. Some people say that her official design doesn't look 'reptilian enough', but I really don't see any issue with it.
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His skin is golden
Intelligent dragon. She looks pretty silly, but also very kawaii.
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Ian Flynn missed the point of 25YL. It was supposed to be a happy ending for Knuckles and Lara su and Sonic which is why it didn't have much of action in it. He could've just make a slower paced relaxed calm and serene story instead of making Sonic's kids die and him sleep besides a dumpster. It could've been cool to have a possible alternate universe good ending to all these characters. Which in retrospect we didn't get much peaceful moments with them.

The core of the ship is a decent foundation, not perfect though. There are a few problems. Its just the drama and relationship stuff that was a problem. Ian fixed the whole thing of Sonic becoming a monarch in House of Cards I think, whether on purpose or not.
That's not the real Sonic.
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I will be disappointed
I don't like Sonally but those panels are nice looking ngl.
>Blaze enters the room
>You ok Silver? What's wrong?
>Silver tries to save face but Marine is sucking him hard
>*Slams table* I'm fine Blaze, it's the weather.
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I think he was seething cause his wife died, and he was jealous of sonic
no one in sonic is gay
>Crash was killed off by the failure of Crash 4 (despite it selling 5 Million Units)
>Spyro's remakes sold slightly worse than Crash's so he never got a new game
>Banjo was killed by a combination of Microsoft being Microsoft and the creator not wanting any more games to be made
>Meanwhile Sonic gets an endless buffet of (usually mediocre) content despite it selling worse than Crash and Spyro
Being a 'budget franchisu' certainly has it's perks.
Putting banjo there just doesn't work. He's barely a franchise
Nothing ever happens
Nigver (why do people even do this)
He is, but it just comes off as weird with his whole history with sally and sonic. I wish preboot couldve gone on long enough for Hershey to actually come back but at least we got her in ASO
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Marine tier boobs or flat boobs?
Yep, I agree. One of the few cases of Penders actually being more competent than Ian
Spyro, Crash and Banjo are all owned by (and killed off by) Microsoft.
You could throw in Blinx and Conker as well I suppose.
Not a fan, but I hate fags and fujos.
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Owlnigger and fuckboy the Rooster.
>hates fujos
>doesn't understand that as a sonic fan, his best chance of not dying alone is by dating a fujo.
Should've been Page of Water
>Pedophile skunk
Archie is irredeemable
Cute, Nicole wud be preud.
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Well, I mean, sure. When Sonic and co aren't fucking their male rivals they are fucking human women. So technically you're right AND wrong.
*throws mom*
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You hate the characters
I'll do it later as I now decided I'll commit to posting the booklet, which is pretty thick.
Stop doing this shit.
And Don knew that the Phantom Rider in Misty Spire wasn't the first one because?
Are you sure you're talking about the same people
Who and who
Is it possible to structure an Archie Sonic like comic story in game canon? Explain why or why not.
17 and 24 isn't pedophilia
What happened with her right hand?
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Nah, I'm just calling it like i see it. I used to think Sonic wasn't into dudes until I actually got into Sonic and started learning about it.
Sonic has casual sex with his male rivals and human women. It's so painfully obvious.
Doing what shit?
The more I see of these cards the more I think this tarot thing was a mistake.
wtf does that even mean?
>Dating a Fujo
Why would a Fujo be interested in relationships when she already has Yaoi?
Besides, aren't Fujos typically the sort of women who aren't able to have longterm relationships?
Terios' wife.
All the fujos I know are married, many of them have kids.
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If it were for people like you, Sonic would be a gay porno franchise with no substance. That's completely out of character for both Shadow and Sonic.
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>Pedophile Skunk Traitor
>Pedophile Octopus Traitor
Sonic comic tropes
Any drawfags reading this are obligated to draw pink Sally on a picnic
>despite it selling 5 Million Units
Given Activision gave them 4+ years of development and a 1000+ staff, that is nowhere near enough to cover expenses (assuming that sales figure is true to begin with).
the diamond cutters? not them?
Replace cool-headed with hot-headed and that applies to Silver
Silver wants to be a hero and help as many people as he can in contrast to Shadow.
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I wanted to draw Mina's design in rediscovered frontiers cos ik the author, rly good fanfic go read it if u like archie or idw, mmmina

mini blogpost alert I tried smt new w the bg tho im dissapointed w how this turned out which sucks cos i have to show it to th fic writer lol, mainly i just suck at coloring. But hopefully ill just get better, self teaching all this stuff is hard. Also never forget, total machine and nicole death.
She's saying that to him. Ian said this was hinting at her having a thing for him which is why he says she's straight.
>ruins the WINDD
No it doesn't.

>nobody in the target audience even knows what the master emerald is anymore
Yes they do know. They watch Youtube videos about it.
>Vague potential hint that only nerds will take seriously vs Geophry explicitly making out with a 15 year old multiple times
>Source: dude trust me
Okay, I'll play along with you, where would I even find these Fujos who are looking to get married?
Based. This Shadow is superior.
>SoJ having to sit through the American comic writer's slideshow on how gay each character is
>Translator just stops after a bit
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>it's true
what the hell
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Nah, Id have sonic and Shadow be covert homos with MAYBE one of those naruto/sasuke accidental kisses as a "lmao they arent gay they thought that was gross!" type deal for "comedic" effect.
Their characters wouldn't change because they would never be intimate in any official media. Sonic and Shadow would mostly just be fighting and occasionally begrudgingly be teaming up. No one would know they were gay except me because I know making ships canon ruins the franchise.
It's the shipfags you should be the most worried about because they'd go back to turning Sonic into a soap opera focusing on Sonics love life rather than his cool battles and adventures.
Anywhere you'd find any other groups of nerds. If you want sonic fujos, go to sonic events.
How old is Geoffrey anyway?
mimic rape
>blobians are half human size
>this monke is half that
Thats cute! I love how ambitious the background is! You're definitely getting better. Your rendering is getting cleaner and you seem to be getting a better feel for lighting and coloring!
Too old to be shoving his tongue down a kids throat in a "Sonic" comic
mid to late 20s
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>No one would know they were gay except me
You definitely hate the characters
I hate homosexuals so much.
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Really weird that Claire is the size of an actual howler monkey and regular short people size
>Anywhere you'd find any other groups of nerds.
All of the "nerdy" women I've interacted with have been some of the most insufferable human beings I've ever met. Maybe Sonic Fujos are somehow different, but I'm nog holding my breath.
>If you want sonic fujos, go to sonic events.
>Sonic events
There are Sonic events?
Where would I find these?
What sorts of people even attend them?
I wish there was a version of Archie without the skunk and the Scourge rape joke and other nasty things people use to automatically bludgeon the comic like the 06 kiss
*not regular short people size
>being this fragile
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I assure you officer, this 2ft woman is quite the hag
Most nerds, regardless of gender, are insufferable. Honestly? Most people are insufferable. But you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take.
Google Sonic events. There are Sonic conventions and meetups all the god damned time.
True, my nostalgia brain wires are crossed with my sex drive ones.
Sally Acorn was no older than the live action Maria actress when she was victimized by Mr. St John
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Would you say Locke when Pendys wrote him was a deep character or a shallow one.
>Ian said
Oldest trick in the book.
I'm not the one breaking sages arm and making her into the weird hand guy from not another scary movie
Slinger is such a slut
Can I get some feedback on my D&D Sonic character sheets?
>Sonic: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130124729/4Dx04E
>Shadow: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130420944/9VADW4
>Tails: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130919026/j80ZXm
>Knuckles: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130930052/rdBcvs
>Amy: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130930052/rdBcvs

I have others, but I wanted feedback on this core party first. Mainly the custom actions I put in place. Are they balanced enough?
Saint Ian will be canonized by the IDW gods.
super straight is just another name for covert fag.
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me and you
literally nothing wrong with the image, but it's ok anon, it probably took a few secs to generate and nobody was willing to draw it.
The eyes shouldnt be there.
Santa is real but he died in 1992
I thought it just meant you don't fuck trannies.
In idw the girls are all lesbians and in preboot the girls are all sexual assault victims. Should I read reboot?
what does this even add to a Sonic comic
Human Male X Human Female is based, canon and kino.
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It just shows Mimic's sociopathic tendencies.
Reboots better than IDW, give it a read.
Never understood trying to shoehorn Sonic characters into other settings.

If you really wanted the Sonic FEEL but in d&d, 3.5e has some pretty busted anthropomorphic races in Savage Species that are all Small sized and broken to hell.
>Should I read reboot?
No, wait for the Shadow manga instead.
we look nice dear
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>literally nothing wrong with the image
Every time faggots try to say "Sonally", they should instead say "Archie-Sonally", since Archie Sonic is not Sonic and is simply an impostor wearing his skin.
Calling it simply "Sonally" implies that the ship can stand at the same level as game ships such as Sonamy, which simply isn't true.
Calling it "Archiesonally" takes away any confusion as to this ship's worth.
I hate the gays and FWA for flooding the general with gayslop.
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Speaking of the Shadow manga, I think it shows how little Sega truly cares about IDW, as they easily could have just let the IDW writers make it
It being noncanon doesn't make it worse. Whatever you think of it, we don't really care all that much.

I think the setting of Archie is way better than the one from the games, so I can understand what you're thinking.
Mina wasn't a sexual assault victim
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Some AI images are alright, the Sage pics literally have nothing wrong wih them since she is just clenching her fists. It seems to me like you're just upset about AI. In that case, try drawing Sage with a pepe punch pose and I'll use your drawing moving forward. Just make sure to draw it better than the AI imitation.
Keep seething
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holy cope. Amy has been desexualized into a female eunuch, while Sally had kids with him
>since Archie Sonic is not Sonic and is simply an impostor wearing his skin.
shipping aside. It's because it's a different universe, and the characters come from different backgrounds so of course they don't behave the same, even if they were to have similar character guidelines. Just like movieverse.
Also Satam sonally good.
Sonallyfag now you've triggered the insane Sonamyfag. We are all doomed.
>the Sage pics literally have nothing wrong wih them since she is just clenching her fists
A fist is a ball.
That's a flat palm.
I only like good ai.
>Sonallyfag vs Sonamyfag
Ah, the early 2000s
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LMAO, Archie-Sonallyfags want my fucking throat now cause I put them in their place.
Yes, Archie Sonic. Not Sonic. ARCHIE Sonic.
Remember your place in the pecking order.
1 canon tease is worth 1000 marriages in the toilet paper comic.
>Uh, mandates
why is duofag so bent out of shape when people point out the errors in his ai stuff? It only took him 2 seconds to generate it, right? like no effort? so why get defensive over it? Just be like "hahah yeah it does look weird" and move on.
>minafags getting uppity again about nothingburgers again
Can you fags just back to your cuck corner and draw porn for us like FWA does? It's the best contribution you can do when you're not shilling stupid fankids
tits too big
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>everyone I dislike is duofag
Because he thought this was a way for instant social gratification and that turns out it's not always the case.
Can u leave minas name out of ur dramabait ty
Do you expect Sonic to act the same if he has a family, a home, a world that has not that much freedom in it to act the same? What if he lived under a 12 year war and wasn't able to easily defeat Eggman? Even a game accurate Sonic would act differently in this scenario.
Image source? That Amy design is kino.
>Into other settings
Who said that I'm shoving them into The Forgotten Realms? I'm just using the system. Campaign would still take place in the current Sonic canon.
This but unironically
Ya'll just chatbots to me
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>cries about non canon shit
>posts a non canon gif
God i love this pink super rodent
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>simping for duofag
even sadder.
This nigga doesn't know Toonsite.
As far I know your gif isn't licensed by Sega.
That's what I'm saying here. different backgrounds and different situations.
I don't love or hate Sonally but I need to warn my fellow Archie Bros that at this point it's the most hated ship in the series. People are more tolerant of Tailsally and Sonadow than Sonally at this point. Sonally actively makes Sonic fans lose the will to be reasonable. They see it as bastardizing Sonic and tying him down
Im so glad sonic can easily poop in his Excalibur form
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>Archie-Sonallyfags STILL replying to that post
Ohnononono, I really did it this time.
Gonna have to flee the country lol.
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Yeah we are bored, how could you tell
>gatekeeping art
you're cringe and sadder
*shoves it in her mouth*
I like Sonamy but I wouldn't dare to provoke other ships like that.
I object on the basis that Boom Sonally also works
But yeah mainline Sonally is pure fanfiction after Frontiers
I like that we have three Sallyfag drautists and none of them are into Sonally. One last fuck you to that slut and her legacy.
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Sonmina is better anyway
I like it
Art and AI are based. Drawfags and AIfags are based.
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That's a shame.
It was always fanfiction, what are you talking about?
Based everythingfag.
Sonally is so toxic that even the Sallyfags won't touch it.
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A good story and world
Based chad keeping art and ai separate.
A good management, good design and good mechanics. I guess good story and writers as well.
post unorthodox ships
>Google Sonic events. There are Sonic conventions and meetups all the god damned time.
I just did this and the closest Sonic convention is 500 miles away and happened three months ago.
How do you even find Sonic meetups anyway, barely anything came up on Google when I searched it up?
I ship drawfags with aifags.
Ships Sonic with Amy and Sally with Shadow
Ships Sonic with no one and Sally with Shadow
Who is the third?
List some of your ships
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>Sonic and Rouge
>Knuckles and Cream
>Tails and Amy
>Shadow and literally anyone
Silver X Vanilla.
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idfk go to a fucking anime/game/comic convention. There are gonna be sonic fans there. I'm not your dating coach
I blame the youth. Reboot era Sallyfags probably have no respect for the original.
They drank the stupid "Sonic is the wind" Kool aid.
I'm going to kill you with my bare hands
The devs for Armored Core and Zelda actually had plans and knew what they wanted to make before development began instead of Frontiers completely changing direction multiple times during development.
More like Sega shoved the idea into their asses
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Petting Milla.
Hugging Milla.
Kissing Milla.
Belly rubbing Milla.
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why aren't you writing a fanfic
>idfk go to a fucking anime/game/comic convention.
I guess that's what I'll have to do even though I don't think I'd find 90% of the stuff there interesting.
I was actually banned from my local anime convention a few years ago for dumb arbitrary reasons. I can go back now, but I'd rather not.
You can argue the merits of different ships but logic and reason isn't why we ship in the first place. I thought it was because of a feeling of warmth that comes from seeing characters you like together being with each other. That's why I find trying to use reason to figure out which are the highest quality and lowest quality ships a pointless and fruitless endeavor.
Its not worth it.
You can thank Archie editorial for that. None of the writers wanted the relationship drama, it was forced in. The slap happened because sally had trauma from Sonic appearingly dying, it just wasn't communicated well.
Reboot was good.
I'm terrible at writing and barely fledgling at drawing
im about to kms because i think this is kinda hot
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Why does this image looks so uncanny?
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Why is he having a nose bleed? also someone had to sit and spend time making this look mate i'd rather watch my machine machine as it spins i mean if i had to waste time on purpose at least it i'd make it fun. watching my laundry as it spins in my washing machine is cinema it induces something in me idk how to describe it
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I don't know where to post it where people will actually read it. When I posted stuff here, I couldn't really keep a continuing story going and nobody seemed to be interested.
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Why aren't you?
Based troll
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Mmmm facial
Ao3, FFN, Spacebattles, maybe not Wattpad I don't know what's going on with that website.
because i'm here
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It IS hot. Use it as a reason to live
This image is beyond cursed, holy shit.
Not him, try Archive of our own org
I will admit to being both a Sallyfag and a "windfag". I don't mind Sonally at all but but I simply can't see Sonic in a relationship.
puppy mill zone
whisper the wolf
I was writing a fanfic about a DnD character I made but the entire group I was playing with all stopped wanting to play the campaign at all and now I lost all motivation to continue.
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Speaking of Sasuke, I had this idea of Tails getting a Naruto themed birthday party, With Sonic gets stuck being dressed up as god damm Sasuke of all characters much to Sonic's annoyance. His Annoyance gets to the point where he's begging Shadow, Who in this is dressed up as based Hatake to switch costumes, In which shadow promptly say no.
anon... why did you get banned
I misread Mila as Mina.
So? Just greentext it or something.
>I simply can't see Sonic in a relationship.
What a really boring person you must be irl.
Cope and Sneedthe Amytroons.
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All the recent Freedom Planet posting got me to play 2 and after rainbow S ranking everything I feel empty. It's one of those games that I feel bad for buying on sale rather than paying full price for it. I had so much fun with it. I adore the aesthetic and even though the shift towards a more furry style set me off, it really grew on me by the end. The music is so goddamn good, I have seen so many people trying to copy the Sonic CD style and people always hype them up, but everytime I listen to them it just falls flat. This isn't the case here though, this might be one of my favorite video game OST's ever.
this shit is so kino
Story is still eehhhhh like the first but the actual gameplay more than makes up for it, even the faggot shit sprinkled around. You Freedom Planet bros are alright in my book. 3 never ever it's a shame 2 flopped
ahhh why is it so hot to see sonic doing gay stuff but i hate sonadow....

How bad was your fanfic that it made your whole party quit?
Unbelievably cringe and cursed.
Sometimes when writing it feels like a spirit possesses me and the words flow out super fast and its like I'm watching a movie while it happens. It's so fun when that Happens and I get a bunch of words out.
>"Stop putting your fetish in our game."
You like fondling but hate assfucking
A common theme among so-called "fags"
Are you the real dfwnn? Something seems off about the way you wrote this post.
Which of those is best for non-shipping related fanfics?
The only character I haven't rainbowed yet is Neera because her gameplay isn't the best. Also Tidal Gate is one of my favs to!
Still sad about the webcomic though.
so are you saying im a fag or not a fag
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I don't get it. Sonadow (when done right, not by dumb westoid twittertards) is based. Its Sonic being hot and doing gay shit times 2.
Sonic is a twink. He's cute, there's nothing wrong with seeing sonics beautiful design being contorted into lewd pleasure and being able to appreciate it.
"Sonic is the wind" is the easiest way to identify an autistic person
That’s literally what Sega said though.
this, nobody but weirdos describe Sonic like that without being ironic.
I've started saying 'as free as the wind' IRL
Is it over for me?
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well i just dont like him with shadow specifically, its not about it being gay. i actually prefer sonic with jet
I am, I'm trying to take a brute force approach to getting my ideas on paper. I'm struggling with managing stakes and power sets, and of course I start thinking for new characters while writing and wanting to add them.
You have Autism Spectrum Disorder. Next.
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Spacebattles has the largest gen audience but be warned that there is an unsolicited conceit culture there similar to ffn. Ao3 is kind of a hugbox and people there generally don't say critiques about stories unless you ask for it explicitly.
well then what IS he then?
and no, don't give me that hedgehog crap tell me who he really is
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That’s also what Sega said.
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I can make an exception for Sonadow. Is that alright?
A cartoon character that likes to go fast. Wow now try to spin it.
Sonic is literally THE WIND. Anyone who said otherwise is retarded and doesn't understand Sonic.
Sonic is the wind, AND he fucks the wind out of human bitches.

Cope and seethe.
So Sonic is a fart, got it
Sonic is the wind
Tails is the sky
Amy is the love
Knuckles is the earth
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I ship her with Silver
All silvazeniggers and coomers must die
sonic is breaking wind
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antiwindfags are delusional
The storm that is approaching
Freedom Planet is offtopic, don't bring it up.
>there's a Sallyfag here who is also a windfag
I know who you are
Which of these would you is Sonic's most popular theme song?

It doesn't matter
Endless Possibility
Sonic, you can do anything
We Can
His World

We already know Shadow's most popular song is a never ending war between All Hail Shadow and I am..All of me but which theme would you say really encapsulates the feeling of 'This is Sonic the hedgehog" to you?

For me, it's It doesn't matter hands down the SA2 version and the Murder Instrumental remix. I adore that song and feel like it's melody is exactly in Sonic's character

Step aside, faggots
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Since Sonic is the wind, what is Shadow? Is he also the wind?
They mandated COVID vaccines that year. I don't think they even refunded my ticket.
The worst part was having to hide all of this from my friends, they were all insanely pro-vax and I didn't want to lose the only Sonic Fan I knew irl over such a stupid thing.
a storm is wind but stronger and edgier
the darkness
I have been for 15 years, but it takes time to brainstorm how each puzzle will fit perfectly in a cohesive narrative.
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>unsolicited conceit
What's unsolicited conceit?
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Shadow, Your space station crashing days are over, Hand me the chaos emerald.
There is literally a Sonic x episode where the red headed freedom fighter leader girl calls shadow the black wind
Oh god, are they sternritters?
Constructive and sometimes not constructive criticism.
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Why are the Emeralds in Spinball so different?
That makes sense
Foolishness, Sonic. Foolishness. Might controls everything.
>what if we took a good series and slapped shitty sonic character on it?
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What happened to the Energy? Are we going to see more updates from its creator?
I was against the covid vaxine mandates too but at the same time I would reccomend staying out of the dating scene for this year. I dont wanna make assumptions but I figure if you're a conservative you've basically doused yourself in pussy repellant all around.
How are Sonic characters shitty?
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>What if we took a shitty series and slapped good Spongebob characters on it?
So that makes Silver, the white wind or the silver wind
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they belong to a franchise that spend 20+ years trying to reinvent itself for no reason
Ugly faggot
Ready all cannons!! OPEN FIRE!!!
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>the silver wind
I fucking hate the hands on these models.
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imagine the handjobs tho, thrusting in out out of that hanussy, cumming in Blaze's hanussy, god I'm so horny
The one thing boom did right: shrinking their hands and making their bodies easier to animate.
They did reinvent Sonic several times because SoJ hated that the gaijin were getting it right.
Sparky is the wind
Every time faggots try to say "Sonamy", they should instead say "Ian-Sonamy", since Ian’s Sonic and Amy are not Sonic and Amy and is simply impostors wearing their skins.
Sparky is trans
Where was this video recorded at?
Thinking of giving one of my OCs a chain as a weapon but it might intrude on Rhode's thing
Central City
Sonic character hands should only be as big as their muzzles
His fingers look like fat sausages, anon. It’s retarded looking.
Nobody cares about your oc
I kinda like their freakishly huge hands and feet. It's cute.
I don't get shippers who act like Sonamy was super obvious before frontiers. It was always subtly hinted at being non one sided. If you asked any casual fan years ago, they'd tell you the same.
sonic fangame
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Lanolin has huge hands
>Subtly hinted
I could swear sonamy was strictly outright false until boom and even the dates they go on are him humoring her
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She lost her tail.
i really hate everything that ians been involved with and just pretend it doesnt exist
OOC. Shadow is not allowed to job (IDW is not canon to the games)
whomever scripted this should be restrained by some mandates
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Archie-Sonallyfags STILL seething.
This is great.
Staying out of the dating pool for now is probably a wise choice, especially being in California. But I guess that raises the question of when would be a good time to get into the dating pool? I'm going to have to at some point, I can't stay alone forever like Sonic does.
>posts unlicensed fanart
Sonamyfags gaslit the entire fanbase into thinking their ship is real while Sonallyfags are hated even by nu-sallyfags.
Holy shit fuck off, this has nothing to do with Sonic you want dating advice go somewhere else
cuck design
Nobody cares shipnigger.
If the Egg Albatross were controlled by Eggman instead of Neo Metal Sonic, would it have been a more difficult fight since Neo Metal Sonic was trying to throw it on purpose?
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Boring hours, will come back later.
>Maria's killer in this is called Schmitz
This guy is a actual fan
What do we all think of the fact that penders is getting an artist to recolor some issues of Archie Sonic which he is going to reprint?

Look it up on twitter, his colorist making the comics color game accurate.
We don’t care
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Yeah that's what i was thinking, make his quills more smooth, it looks better then a giant glove on face
best thing you can do is ditch conservatism. You can still hate trannies but most women who want to be with a man for love don't like people taking away their bodily autonomy. You might think 4 chan politics are based and they are the true woke ones or whatever but the men who have wives who genuinely love them are moderates/left leaning. There's a reason incels are huge on 4 chan.
I refuse to believe there arent a shitload of sonic meetups in california.
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>"He's too powerful..."
>"When we're done, there won't be anything left..."
chills.....literally fucking chills....I'm not a guy who gets scared easily but when Shadow said that I felt nothing but dread for Team Sonic. HOW can they possible even stand a CHANCE against Shadow?!?! He's stronger than Sonic, smarter than Sonic, FASTER than Sonic. There's no way all three are gonna live after this, no way. This is the first time I've felt pity for a fictional character. Sonicbros, is this our end?
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this dude is complaining about being lonely in california
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I get better advice here than most other places.
Besides, wanting to find Sonic Fujos to date is infinitely more ontopic than most of the shit that gets spammed here.
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you'd think these threads would get better now that summer is over, now it's sad knowing you're all supposed to be functioning adults
SHITnicbros…we might have to kneel.
If Penders brings back classic Archie I will support him with thousands of dollars. The IDWfags seething of the Arch ie revival will be glorious
you know kids arent locked into school 24/7 and have mobile phones right
Well, make it interesting for us.
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Something about Evan's face reminds me of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn...
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Could it be the downs?
If Sega is leaving Archie behind in the past will they still stop people from reprinting old stories? Time to find out.
Or the puffy ginger face.
Ken certainly is putting that to test.
Yeah, the downs.
>I refuse to believe there arent a shitload of sonic meetups in california.
If they exist, they must have extremely low visibility in Google search and no offline presence whatsoever. I think there's one in SoCal, but that would be extremely difficult for me to get to.
Seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
You would be surprised that place isn't all sunshine
Sega should pay Nintendo to put Sonic in games like Mario Party and Mario Kart
these threads are always shit
Honestly based. If we can't have M&S at the Olympics, Mario Kart would be based
Don’t know why Sega hasn’t begged before, it was just leaked Pacman is gonna be in the new Mario Party game
All Sonic got was a costume for Miis in Mario Kart
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disgusting human like Sonic
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as previously stated, you can go to a fucking anime/gaming convention. Alternatively if you're gonna make excuses you're just gonna die never having known the touch of a woman. Some people on here might tell you that's a blessing.
In all honesty, most men arent really cut out for relationships.
Mmmmmmm shipping
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do you think they ever worked out their differences?
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No. Fang hates Sonic too much at this point.
>Don’t know why Sega hasn’t begged before
Sega figures that if Sonic were in Mario Kart, nobody would want to buy the Sonic racing games they make.
>it was just leaked Pacman is gonna be in the new Mario Party
I knew he was in the Arcade version of Mariokart, but that sort of stuff leaking into console games seems unusual.
>All Sonic got was a costume for Miis in Mario Kart
I didn't even know about that, is it still available?
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Fang love Trip
How would Fang handle ADAM
It's an Inuit with bad teeth
Post the full version, with Penders puppeting Iizuka.
I don't even like gay shit, but I like encouraging purely to make other anons seeth.
As long as you have the amiibo for Sonic you can still get him in Mario Kart 8 and 8 Deluxe
The new Mario Party has so many minigames and modes Namco is involved again so it makes sense they get some involvement
Something around 300+ mini games and more modes than any game in the entire series
This is terrible.
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post gaynard
It's so obvious especially with what Sonic Team said about them recently in that radio interview.
As much as I dislike Penders, if he gets away with this I'll definitely be buying some of the reprints.

If he doesn't, that could mean Sega has future plans for Archie Sonic.
What did they say?
I believe in Jian supremacy
He'd make him his mook.
I have a secret and only Fiona knows it.
What is the best story Evan ever wrote?
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Do kids like Surge?
Who is Surge
Draw Saleta
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What an ugly drawing, post better fanart
They talked about how that Superstars left Fang and Trip disliking each other but mentioned that there were moments in their relationship we couldn't see in the game and how Fang has a hidden soft side that only Trip has seen when she's kind and sweet to him off-screen. They acknowledge their relationship went negative at the end of Superstars but point out their relationship isn't that simple to understand.
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Guys, I need more applications for Sparky-kun's Rogues Gallery. I can't destroy him alone.
You can't be the Joker cause I was first so I'm the Joker, but you can be the penguin? The penguin is cool. Eh? Eh? Maybe Mr. Freeze? Or that guy with the coin?
Please, guys. We gotta destroy Sparky-kun before his autism grows so large it creates a black hole that symbolizes the wind or something.
I prefer something canon. I don't want OCs
Oh, it's September already...
Finally I can burn #64 on its anniversary
>tangfags won
fuck this planet
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We won...
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Lanolin was right, Whisper acted suspisciously aggresive and Silver abused his powers against a seemingly innocent Duo.
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>tangchads won
I love this planet.
mighty can fix surge and kit
SEGA is fucking retarded pandering to shipperfags.
if mighty and ray can be brought back then so can sally and bunnie
we're not doing that today, okay?
i'm tired
They're not even close, bro. What drug are you on?
I am a Sega employee and I will put Sally in the next Sonic game after SxS.
I'd love him too with that fat booty of his
So they really just ruined Fang huh
It also says gullible on the ceiling.
Would you fuck Roger if he did the Sonic voice during?
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>you can go to a fucking anime/gaming convention.
I probably will, but you make it sound pointless. I already know that I'll just walk around, only interact with a couple people at booths, buy something (probably something Sonic related) and then leave.
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it's over. og fangfag in shambles.
Og fangfag was a sensitive bitch
Difference is, Mighty and Ray were made from Sonic Team and were in games. SoJ don't care for the western toilet paper OCs.
>no source
Sounds believable.
Moving the goalposts
she was so lucky bros....
og fangfag was right
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But he was right about everything.
This is okay from a shipping perspective, but terrible from an actual tarot perspective. Things like Knuckles and Rouge being King and Queen of Emeralds/Gems works for shipping, but not for tarot when you're matching suits.
>there were moments in their relationship we couldn't see in the game and how Fang has a hidden soft side that only Trip has seen when she's kind and sweet to him off-screen
yeah, she sucked his dick and all of that
Tangle and Surge are canon. They always have been canon and always will be canon
See? Pointless shipping bait.
It's so funny how you guys will believe anything lmao
Make the new thread
I think it should have been pretty obvious given Trip was blatantly created to be tied to Fang.
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Post canon ass
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Not really, that's like saying Knuckles was made to be tied to Eggman.
Trip is homosexual
I already made it bro, check the catalog ;)
>Shipping for anyone but the core 4
dangerously based
Post it here, you faggot
No one wants to read a sleepover in a Sonic comic. This is why you don't write for one.
Not a fan of current Zelda. I miss proper dungeons.
Facts, though.
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>Shadow gives Amy Rose a rose
Only Shadow understands love

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