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The Frog Problem Edition
Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL & MA Student Profiles & Writing References

>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

>Magic Awakened (Club info, News, Tips, & Emulators)

>Hogwarts Legacy (Mods, News, AI Vocaroos, & Optimizations)

>Hogwarts Mystery (News, Art, Fanfics, Blender Models, & Emulators)

>Books, Movies, Non-current Harry Potter Games

>Fan Games

Previous Thread: >>492368062
Owling up the shootery.
Fuck you, I don't have an answer for that
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I can't believe this is actually how the owlery looks in the movies.
It's all owl shit...
Imagine the smell...
You can eat owlshit.
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I can't believe Matthew is in love with Elizabeth.
Good joke. What comes next? Matthias ia in love with maria?
No way
Mattew is only in love with hurting animals
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LEGO Harry Potter Remaster Collection inbound
Isnt this a thing for some year already?
>Seb skin
You mean there's a chance I might get a Cass skin after all?
Oh shit, is that a British Howdy Doody?
Man, this particular recolor of the new wheel is nice
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reposting from last thread
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Sure, Why not
Oh nice, hopefully the textures will actually be HD or whatever. I played the games and they are cute and I enjoyed them but like damn does it look old. I sort of wish they’d make one that was all 7 like they did with Star Wars. But I played the modern Lego Star Wars game that came out and I got to say, I did not enjoy it that much. It’s basically just an open world Ubisoft game with bland activities to do, the individual levels were fine but so much of it was just utilizing the open world rather than the fun linear levels that made up the og Star Wars games.
Posting in thread again for the first time in awhile. Heard MA is closing outside of Asia... sounds like it might be time for you all to come drown your sorrows with me~

Heard from a little bee - congrats Penny! Miss ya my degenerate friend.
can i plz have template...
Shooting up the owlery
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Specifically the Combat Info Sheet.

Good luck though, it's the most infamous homework we've had for a reason. Poor Wong died because Eva took so long with hers...
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>Poor Wong died because Eva took so long with hers...
I know how Wong felt
Thanks, I think ill have to get a haircut before i post tho
cass/lottie/daniel/shouren/kevin/ivy/kal cookies..............................i need them...............................................
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Hey, welcome back Penny! Good to see ya again... and congratulations! I hope you two have a lovely wedding.

Very well, then.

I do NOT play Fortnite. This is slander; slander I say.

Oooh, I like this one a lot. Shame about the whole... you know.

Hmm... HL Eva is a chaser, but come to think of it I've never really given much thought to what position MA Eva would play. I'm not sure keeper would fit her though honestly; she wouldn't be opposed to it in theory I don't think but she is also just really very lanky which isn't the most ideal for blocking.

Hehe, cute.

I forgot it was like this in the movies too... jeez, do they never clean the place in Harry's time? It's far nicer in the 1890s...

You can eat most things if you try hard enough, but that doesn't mean you *should*.

>Seb skin

Heather! Good to see ya; I could definitely do with some butterbeer......
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You know it's not the same as it was
As it was, as it was
You know it's not the same
Slanderous imagine.
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I miss everyone who's left, but I'm also glad for those we've gained.
yes I am pretty based aren't I.
I miss the vibe, myself.
Man i smoked too much gillyweed, when i was getting out of my chair i thought i had to take my seat belt off but it was actually my headphones that needed to come off, I was almost out of my room when i realized, the cord still had some slack but still lol
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Everything's coming up Milhouse.
amelia likes girls! amelia likes ava!
Anon...they broke up. Amelia is getting fucked by Faolan now and Ava is getting creampied by Aumellia's futa cock.
fake news
anon say this as amelia gives birth to addie's 12th child
Amelia belongs to Addie these days
Quidditch champions is out let’s fucking goooooo
How did you get so many?
Fill out new homework...or else...
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What new homework? Who gives homework over the summer?
In 17 hours for me
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Day 1: 1 free cookie from logging in, 1 cookie from doing the external site test
Day 2: 1 free cookie, 2 from doing the external site test twice, and 1 cookie from sharing the test with a friend
Day 3: 1 free cookie, 2 from the test, 1 for sharing test

if i wasn't lazy i could make a bunch of fake fb accounts and get more but alas
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Did you do the beach party sheet? I haven't seen it.
Or the aesthetic sheet?
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My Aesthetic sheet is here.
Never seen a beach sheet I don't think.
>I'm always a little too inactive to ever appear in these things
Maybe /stag/ will get one of these kind of drawings someday

Some of them may pop up in here again if the HL Director's Cut actually ends up being a thing
Quidditch, more like throwing quid down the ditch.
that's what i did to your mum last night
totally wasn't worth it
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Been a while. Think I'll start working on a combat sheet for MA Flav soonish...
Eewww, disgusting necrophile. Go take a bath in holy water, stinky.
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>want to draw
>don't because I have boring but more important career-related things to do
>don't wanna do boring career-related things because boring
>do nothing for hours
I love being me.
Damn, I knew the chances of WB abandoning QC were high but not THAT high.
Based hedonist?
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I do fancy myself a hedonist, true. Life is about enjoying life, whether through pleasures of food, drug, intoxication, or the pleasures of the flesh.
>giving Cass that one last shove and curl with my fingers that she needed
Good girl...
I do that all the time whenever I want to do anything other than work.
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Watch out everyone, he's going sexual Mr. Hyde mode.
Haha, old memes.
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hehe nostalgai
How does the transfer work as a benefit to netease? If we paid WB, why would they pay for us to get our stuff back on their dime, and not even paying them.
They want us on their servers so we pay even more. Its not hard to understand.
Turbowhales have to pay less, but they have a chance of bringing more whales to the NE server that would otherwise have stopped playing.
Don't do this, this is how you end up fat and ugly!
You are so so dumb. Do you work for Warner Bros? Who said they were be paying anything to make it happen either?
Jokes on you. I'm already fat and ugly.
That's why I don't care how I live my life.
*rolls over you*

Kinda based
Skill issue.
The only skill issue I see around here is someone caring what other people think of them.

I'm nearly 40, I'm too old to give a shit.
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Average ravenmale.
My friend, you bow to no one.
I don't know if today's thread is crazy or fun or if it's both
Imagine not being able to balance pleasure and responsibility. Overindulging in your desires to the point it becomes a detriment to your health.
Do you not wish to live long? Why not just die right now then. Get high and end it.
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I'm thinking it's crazy fun
i was fat once
never again
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New ones are I think the fashion sheet, beach sheet, detention sheet, and potions sheet?

I realize I have not done any of these yet...

Hopefully so... and good to see you around here too.

Literally me absolutely all of the time, fr fr. I hate it...

It's digital items; they don't have to pay a dime for us to get our stuff back. There's probably some upfront cost to doing a server transfer but not a whole lot... all they really need to pay for is the additional server load of extra players. I expect that would be far less than the money they'd stand to make from all the whales they'd gain from the former WB servers.

Well I shan't judge, too much anyway, but at least the former is a pretty fixable issue and the latter *might* be.
I am losing it.
Well just win it back then
I’m going to I just need to go into the woods for a bit
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>Imagine ever being fat
Couldn't be me. I have gotten even skinnier lately and I am loving it a lot. Like, I thot it was a meme that nothing will taste as good as skinny feels but its real. Like, damn, I'm hot.
Based. It is fatties that don't know life's pleasures.
>classroom attendance mod
Now we're getting somewhere!
What kind of medical grade copium is this?
You are Ginny?
You're the one coping here, lardy.
I declare this thread to be kinda lame today
relate table
>resorting to literal childish namecalling.
Oh you. *headpat*
I declare this thread to be great today.
Well I do declare
As if trying to dismiss what someone else is saying by calling it cope isn't childish. And you were the first one here to do that.
You are sad.
Just cover yourself in water. Fat is hydrophobic, so they can't hurt youu
Awwww someone is big mad their insults aren't working. Keep trying sport. Some day I *might* think about you once I close this tab.
Why are you both so stupid.
You are stupid.
You are also stupid, but slightly more.
shut the fuck up
u guys are doing way too much rn
Who would you end up with if you went to Hogwarts during the books? I would probably end up with Luna Lovegood, even though I would have had a crush on Hermione during school years
actually, water is fatphobic
cancel water
I meant to quote >>492927387 instead of >>492927443
i'm also stupid
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You wouldn't have ended up with any of the named characters.
It keeps people invested in the game rather than just stopping outright. Plus there is technically the Magic Pass which is kind of a "subscription fee" and if even only 1000 people signed up for it, thats still a worthwhile chunk of cash.

I have my doubts if such a transfer will actually occur because APPARENTLY Netease is like WB and hemmorhaging money. They themselves might actually plan to be shutdown their own HPMA servers

I've got amortentia.
Woaw I fucked that up, disregard this >>492927589
is /hpgg/ the retarded schizoposting general?
I think so...
Ugly poeole aren't important, and fat people aren't exactly pretty
What the FUCK reading the word 'people' feels wrong now, even if I know it's written properly.
Stop infecting me with your brain rot. STOP
What’s wrong with everyone today…
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i am literally just vibin
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As a man I dont care about pretty and I and all my other fellow chads desire a cow
People who judge others based on their appearance are fucked, I've dated skinny girls who are horrible people and chubby girls who are wonderful. Stop being shallow. I'm a 6'4 male and i weigh like 200 lbs, im not fat, but im not skinny, i am also so lonely I don't care what you look like anymore as long as you are kind...
I can't believe chick-fil-a would do this.
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Buddy, if you don't look bad and you're lonely then your mind is fucked.
Damn, that's one fat cow.
You’re all very silly.


Probably nobody. But if I have to be optimistic(?) about my chances I’d say probably Luna?

We shall see. I honestly have no idea how profitable MA is for NetEase; I would think it’s fairly good but who knows really.

There are things wrong with me every day!
I don't look bad at all, I just have a touch of autism and my last relationship was horrible for me as she was super abusive and I don't really leave the house anymore except to work
Seems more a like the school alpha bitch general
Hogwarts IS a school setting. It's immersive.
the what now
how are you alpha and a bitch
aka your mind is fucked
>There are things wrong with me every day!
Honestly, based.
Wands are for the weak
Someone's appearance is the way they present themselves to the world. Sure, you can't entirely dismiss someone because of how they look, and you can't entirely fault them for things they can't possibly change... but judging people for their appearance is something everyone does, and it's also important.
based American gunslinger
The Alpha Bitch are those Stacys who bully people that are less popular and attractive than them.
Bro..why are you so mean...
I'm just saying based on the context of this thread is that based on their weight, not if they are dishevelled or not well groomed as those are vastly more important then peoples weight, plus i mean if you are obese there is prob underlying health issues that need to be addressed and many people don't have access to mental healthcare not to mention poverty being a major factor in peoples diet etc etc BLAH BLAH BLAH
Then yeah. This is the Cassandra general, alright. Now and forever.
Zach, why the fuck do you admit to being fat? Now we have to hear these fucking hens babble about “muh fatties” “muh uglies” for like two hours. It’s the same outcome every single time. Do you get off on it?
He does, the sick fuck.
I've never hidden who I am. I'm not about to start because of fatphobic retards.
skyebros... we're so fucking back
stop being hydrophobic please
Screaming Club Event starting now
He didn't say anything about hairy men this time.
aren't most opera singers fat
This is club screaming, not singing.
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Fellow procrastinators...how do we fix this
they could be good at it
We'll figure it out... tomorrow, yes.
The ollivanders fear the Africans and Native Americans afraid of the limitless potential of wandless magic. Magic is all around us we are the wands.
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God fucking damn you.
Can I chop off one of their arms and use it as a wand?
Why didn't they use Dumbledore's remains to make wand cores?
Damn me yourself you fucking coward.
They lacked vision.
Damn nigga, Zach isn't just drinking his Hyde potion right now. He's got that shit hooked to his veins.
Hooked to his veins you say
Why are Ravenmales like this.
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Jekyll is dead. Only Hyde remains.
You fucking millennial, with your abhorrent 2011 tumblr comebacks.
Ravenclaw can't be perfect. It needs to have a flaw.
It's all flaws though

I feel better.
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Mentioning Sip? Are you courting death?
why don't you go on /aco/
Simmer down, Joutou
That's the spirit.
What for? I don't seek what they have to offer.
I seek only the memories of the good times. When this place was teeming with life and joy and friendship.

Not the hollow shell it's become.
>life and joy and friendship
Zach been puffing that gas station weed
you like talking about certain topics, they like talking about certain topics
you could have fun with them
florana you don’t need to drag everyone into aco
stinky nerd
even stinkier
do i even have to say anything for these three
literally the joker
You just don't want him there.
would you?
Eva and Maria literally the only salvageable ones, the rest are garbage
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There are two possibilitys.
>We start doing it, finish it and are free to do whatever we want.
>This >>492931687
The question is what is the better one. Hmmm
Potter was his slave name. Harry is natural master of black wandless magic but his oppressors kept forcing it into his hand. In a sick twisted joke Ollivander made him use the same type as his parents killers too. But look how he fights against it: his signature spell was attempting to free wizzas from their wooden shackle!
Wasnt me btw.
Harry did BLACK MAGIC??? No wonder that little snotty nosed piece of shit managed to put his name in the goblet of fire.
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Well I guess we *were* pretty overdue for a good schizo thread; it's been a while. I'm going to go do some homework...

Thank you.

Save some As for me, Loaf...



I am very tempted to tape my wand to a gun and post a pic, but I'm too lazy right now. Alas.


I am NOT stinky. I just showered!

I agree with >>492931687. Tomorrow sounds like a fine time to figure out a time to figure out a solution.
Is zach a gigachad now that hes got his hyde+gas station weed buffs?
>I am very tempted to tape my wand to a gun and post a pic
>big scarf
I think he might have gotten worse
>you and maria aren’t salvageable
self hating birbs, you hate to see it
i caent read the small text on the fashion homework what does it say?
Idk what the fuck ya'll are doing in the thread but its very funny, keep it up. IT has been, a long ass fucking time since I wrote a chapter of my sequel. nearly 3 fucking months, Christ. Literally the time it took me to write the first book. Let's blame it on me being busy and not just having enormous resistance to writing anything related to this sequel book.

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cute. the outfit we never got
I advise caution to all the witches itt. Zach might come to claim them as his own
What's he gonna do, roll over them?
no one wants you here
Fucking Kek
Cute dress.
I want her here.
I do.
Wait are you able to just buy that dress in the other version
Correction: no one wants YOU here
I want her
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finna take a poo in the owlery
Why are you projecting?
No Eva it’s mine ..
Very aesthetic scene.
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Big fist.
I miss Voldy
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Fine, fine. You've caught me in a very silly mood tonight and I already had pixlr open for homework anyway.

By the powers of wizza and muggle combined...

Well yes that too but I meant that the others aren't garbage!

Well okay I might give you Ren...

>All students are required to come to class in the school appropriate uniform.
>Parental slips please! Free time, you may dress as you please.
>Your sweet mum has sent you your dress robes for the upcoming Yule Ball.
>What do you see yourself wearing in 10 years?
>Any extra unique pieces your OC wears or has on you?

Congrats on getting back to it.

Ooh, that's quite pretty. And we never did get it on the WB severs...

Please? Just a few? I gotta scream too you know; you can't take ALL the As...

... Fist?
I kneel.
I don't know, it doesn't seem like a real gun to me.
>They don't just use magic to disappear all the owl shit
Is it sacred or something? What the FUCK.
God I wish but I'm also conflicted because I can't help but imagine Cass looking fucking awful and weird in that style. Or just plain generic.
while being back down to zero card level wise is sad, it also feels pretty cool to be able beat people with cards a few levels higher than mine from pure skill
that being said suitcase/statue niggers still deserve the rope
you have to open it on mobile
>Hoochie Guard
The What!?
i really don't know...
i wish
Do you need facebook to use it?
Headless Hunt Dobby is degenerate as fuck, but damn is it effective for climbing the ranks
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Working on beach sheet but I'm too sleepy; I'll finish it tomorrow... good night hypogigis.

It's because of the orange art tape, isn't it... it's what I had on hand, okay!? Also I thought it was funny.

I swear it's real though; I can prove it to you but you should probably have like some unicorn blood or dittany or something on hand. Actually wait, I guess I can just shoot you and immediately cast a healing spell with the wand... see how useful it is?!

Yeah I don't know... I don't even think this is realistic, like there's no way the owls would be comfortable in that either??? I am pretty sure they would just find somewhere else to roost if it were maintained *that* poorly.

I want Mega here. You on the other hand, I'd really rather be rid of.

Everyone looks a little weird in that style honestly... I don't haaate QC's artstyle but I don't exactly love it either.

I missed this earlier; at least QC is doing better being as it's actually reached full release but yeah that's not ideal. Still... $30 isn't a horrendous amount of money; if I get a few dozen hours of fun out of it I'll consider it a fair deal even if it gets shut down later.

Huuuh I didn't know this was a thing. Thank you anon.

I haaate it... I respect AK Dobby players but god, HH Dobby is just so braindead.
You have an actual wand! that's so cute
I do! I just got it actually; see >>492618623. I've been having fun with it as you can probably tell heheh.
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Goodnight hippogigi's
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I…I guess I am ravenclaw…I was so close to griffondor
It's over (we're so back)
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What do you meeeeeeaaaannnnn
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Suicide time.
Pugno means fist, probably.
Your poor fingers
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This song is all sorts of fucked, it's clearly a meme designed for Korean tablet gamers.
I'm not even going to bother trying it again.
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Prelude to Christmas feels like a 5.5 stars song, I actually prefer it over the 5 star version. First Encounter is a 7.
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yeah typical
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Who,is this
Luna with the lion mascot hat I guess
No…she is my wife
I love School settings with pretty boy rape princes with pretty robes and pretty long hair being rapey and pretty with protagonists who like anal.
What do the red ones do?
Don't think we have any of those yet but maybe next game
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Are you ok anon…
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You need to hold them for a bit, once it's over they'll pop on their own so you don't have to worry about letting go at the right time.
Writing males in the HPverse is a waste because the female playerbase would rather ship themselves with other gorgeous or cute women and gay men are so aggressive with each other theyll just fuck each other up the ass so much theyll destroy their paorbonding abilities
Which fantasy world are you living in where any of this is remotely true?
I don't even know what's going on here anymore...
Idk I just see people say that and I wanted to try
Welcome to /hpgg/, you literally never know what you’re going to get
One of our darling witchcel shizos has finally realised she's gay and fujoshi. Yes obviously you can be both, you basically have to be.
Quidditch is out today, anyone going to buy? I think I will if I don’t like it I can refund it
When will I have a darling qt witchcel shizos to call my own
Really accurate description.


Maybe, I need to check if I have money in my credit card.
I will be sleeping when it releases but yes I am locked in to be hoopball superstar.
You have to live next door to her and be made to bring her homework home or sat next to her for a group activity and then slowburn will they wont they while you pretend not to notice her being disgusting for 200 chapters. If that didn't happen to you already it's too late.
Not sure
It’s…it’s…not too late, I’m a ravenchad…I will get the witchcel..
Girls do not like other girls that like boys kissing.
I dont see any noise to make a male teacher that breeds their student in the dungeons like Astrid does. Or a hot male herbology teacher.
No,you know what there are? FAT
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Sorry but only beautiful stacies can tame freak loser girl hearts
What if I became a beautiful Stacy….
Now you're talking
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Man emo Harry is so fucking daft it’s crazy
Aww Harry probably thought Ginny was the only one who could sort of understand what he is going through.
Rape me
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You can’t rape someone who just asked you to rape them anon…
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Whale watching
>play lockdown defense as keeper
>some fag catchs the snitch
I really hope that thing is hard asf to catch because I want to be keeper but dont want my hardwork to get shit on.
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Hiii everyone, it’s me, My! I saw you all asking for me so I thought I’d bless my girlies (not the boys) with a bit of poetry I’ve been working on:

“You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat bellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting man when every fuck drives one out of him. I think I would know Tom Blythe’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick his out in a roomful of farting men. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat husbands have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold boy would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Tom Blythe will let off no end of his farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.”
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Miss you too! And thanks so much! Never thought I'd be one for marriage but hey, just cos I'm an 'honest women' (or about to be) doesn't mean I have to be a boring housewife or something.

God the combat sheet took ages for me lol. Posting!

Thank you! :)

Good times! Now if only Gloria would pop 'round lol.

Yo Zach! Good to see you!
Snitch is only worth like 30 points and matches are timed
I don't think you are My I think you're Mozart or Benjamin Franklin or whichever pervert wrote that.
Fake and gay
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You ATE sis
Terrible. Apply yourself.
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Apply this
Always knew you were a smellfag.
I can't believe My is a Dva main...
To be fair to Harry, the narrative forgot about it for 2 books.
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A true Baudelaire right here
Bit much innit?
AA pricing
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why the fuck didnt you all tell me how fucking strong plants are?
im dead fucking serious this is my 4th replay and this is by far the easiest fucking game i had
>mandrakes weaken everything to near death
>cabbages rip shit apart
i can lay down a pair of cabbages, focus on something else and the cabbages will beat me
>turret plants
it feels like im playing a mini sentry engineer fighting along side my sentry with a pistol. so much little damage going on
They're really great for managing those arena thingies
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I'll buy if I'll have some Harry Potter Games General frens to play with.
Obligatory Ivy cute.
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I'll probably get it later. Quite unfortunate that the game was released on the same week as Space Marines 2
I just got up, why would you think that's me?

Do they make you pay for a tour or can you just go right over to them?

Plants are pretty op with the talents picked.
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>Denuvo is hard DRM. It stops you from being able to modify the game to run it without feedback from a server so eventually once their servers die the game won't even run. It does this by encrypting the game code while you're running it so your CPU is actively working against you.
tbf year 5 is a very stressful time, even if there wasn't a psycho literally torturing him in school or his mind
Wait, but we're on year 4... Uh oh.
Kevin is getting AK'd
Most likely it'll be Elliot. He's sort of like... an evil Cedric.
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Hey shut up
No one cares about an evil cedric, ergo they need to kill a character people (snape and neville users, ginny for chink tbf) actually kinda like
My bet is on Winfred or one of the Frey brothers.
Will you join the other thread again too or will this side of you remain exclusive to your hubby now?
Windows dying almost immediately after being introduced would be incredibly retarded.
No that's for the finale.
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Linuxchads... Now it's our time....
Playing Quidditch champions and pronouns are locked on they/them or she/her
Can’t make that shit up
If you queue as a chaser you have to have sex with a transsexual if you win. Jo is gonna freak.
>I think I could pick his out in a roomful of farting men.
This is what men sound like without women folk around:
I dunno. Don't wanna promise anything if I'm honest. My fiance seems to enjoy that side of me at least

>>waggles eyebrows
Yes it's dumb, but we're talking about a gacha plot. Death or severe injury of one of the twins is the simplest but disturbing twist. They even share the same models.
Kevin is one of the utility characters. He is a mandatory nerd, who fulfills the role of Hermione and covers plot holes with his knowledge. His relationship with Robin shows that at least some of the crew are maturing.
Cedric was killed in the same book where he was spotlighted. Winnie doesn't contribute anything useful to the story other than as an addition to Ivy's character.
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As in the Dark Lord himself, or me? i'm going to assume me
I've just been dealing with life lately, hopefully I'll be back within the next week or two.
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Post you're team
>Welshman kid who no one understands
>Jonesy from Fortnite
>Hogwarts Mystery' MC's little brother
>Token brown girl
>the soulless second year
>huwite woman
these graphcis are off puddin
welcome to unreal engine 5. where hope and realism go to die.
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nigger scroll down to the bottom of customization there is he to the right.
I'm changing them all to Sebastian Swallows
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>its locked
is it fun?
Nice to see you too Penny. Congrats on the marriage! It's nice to know that someone made it.
Beater is just straight up trolling, I love it.
There's three genders: boy, girl and short
>beater is fun
I will check it out.
The game is terrible, absolutely not worth $30…
0% win rate because I'm being placed with literal retards on the team
my hour timer is set.
You ate a pedophile
He can join too, lol.
>people playing a game the first time at the day of the release and are bad
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why are they jumping into the game without playing the tutorial faggot
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the fatty orders the racist to do his thing
The tutorial that does everything for you?
I wonder how poeple don't understand the full game trough it.
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Persona-style Harry Potter game franchise. Set in the generation that finished right the year before Harry started.
Why "Hermione" is holding the bat in a wrong way?
she's a m*dblood, she doesn't understand the game.
Don't they know that I have already mastered everything and couldn't possibly be doing anything wrong?
No they're not gonna remake Hogwarts Mystery as a silly jrpg
Think really really hard if you can come up with an explanation for this, perhaps making assumptions based on who she's looking at.
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>No they're not gonna remake Hogwarts Mystery as a silly jrpg
Isn't that the game where you have to pay a huge amount of money just so it lets you play it?
I made it 20 mins. returned it lol.
I hope the game doesn't flop so easily
No it's a free to play mobile game
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>>>>>>You all are buying more Warner Brothers slop after how they fucked over Magic Awakened

At the very least I P R A Y you plan to refund
HM is trash, Merula is ugly.
I hope quiddi champs is pulled within the quarter
I woke up sick and I won't be able to go to work today, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...
You work from home you daft cunt. What do you mean "cant go in?" You waddle 4 steps to your computer chair in the same room as your bed.
Alice if you come back I will gift you the game
Why the fuck is Kalope here when he is an adult. Why isn’t Elliot here he loves Hogwarts.
Elliot's in Azkaban
why are you posting slop
Thats my goon cave
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I wish I could work from home, I would sleep most of the day.
WB Club Events in 50 minutes.
I think don't do house cup at standard difficulty the ai dont seem to be particularly good at their jobs. Maybe you need to level up a few times or something.
The same reason Astrid is there, but not the other herbologist
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Ron would
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There's people not having fun with Quidditch? I've been playing online for 2-hours now and it's fun as fuck, I'm going to assume story mode is a boring steam role and people are getting a bad impression from it or something
>2 hours
>Going past the refund period
>Knowing that the Snitch is kinda dumb, Quidditch Champions is taking action. In a new gameplay trailer, developer Unbroken Studios explains that fans of the book series will find rules they're familiar with, "though there are a few differences to encourage fun, balanced gameplay." The Snitch is now worth 30 points - enough to help trailing teams catch up or winning teams extend their lead, but not enough to win the game by itself. The game doesn't end with a Snitch catch, either - instead, teams are racing to 100 points.

Well I’m not buying this garbage now, it’s not even quidditch anymore
I think it's okay.
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If the gameplay remained similar to how it was during playtest stage, it'd pretty much play the same principle. You'll never EVER score if you met two good goalkeepers or at most it'd be a tight game so that +30 point will definitely be a tiebreaker.
I genuinely would not want to refund it, it's fun
Be honest with me guys, is the game really worth it or would it be better to wait for a sale with 75% off?
Buy a playstation and get playstation gamepass and then you get it free
Club Dance starting now.
which game, legacy or quidditch
Nice try Hiroki Totoki
They were too lazy to make the game real quidditch, by making the snitch super hard to catch, so no it’s not worth it. The developers only other game was some game they abandoned. I love Harry Potter and I love quidditch but this isn’t quidditch, it’s just another WB cash grab ruining the IP
Quidditch, Legacy is a good game
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Right now, the game feels worse than in the playtest. It has less customization and the 3v3 change is stupid. With that you have 2 chaser bots and one chaser waiting till the snitch apears to switch to seeker.
Ill was 12 minutes under the refund time so i wait till steam has an offer and the game got developed abit more. Just sad i am missing out of the Hagrid Papercraft mask. C’est la vie.

>Never thought I'd be one for marriage but hey,
Ahhh. I want to ask so many things but this is to private and not on topic (:

>Good times! Now if only Gloria would pop 'round lol.
She once pop in on aco for a day but was gone after this

No promise is not a no :P
Would be nice to see you over there too again But having you back is already a nice thing already ^^
>My fiance seems to enjoy that side of me at least
Did he read some of your storys?
>target opposing seeker
>bludger his skull
>team seeker gains the lead for the snitch grab
good shit
Always target the seeker. #1 Rule
Hey! Not cool!
like an actual sport? A good goalkeeper can have a shutout? Oh the horror.
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They really make you make a whole quidditch dynasty in the Weasley's backyard. Needs more hair and accessories, there's only like 4 kinds of glasses. So far I've got
>mamc Lucretia
>didn't even want to play im not even in the same house as you guys
>hlmc Eudaemonia
>hmmc and only one to semi-canonically (lol quidditchverse) play quidditch Audrey
>someone's little brother
>didn't even know there was three chasers in this game someone's older brother
I should be sleeping
Club Quiz starting now.
are there no huwite people in hogwarts?
Ugly characters, can’t have Fred and George on the same team, changing the fucking rules about the snitch, yeah this game fucking sucks
om nom nom
>playing wb games slop instead of quidditch world cup
Does Quiddi have clans or social clubs or whatever the equivalent would be?
Bloodlines got too weak so they had to import some real pureblooded wizard families. You understand.
Nope. Not yet at least.
just a heads up if anyone in the thread later is getting quidditch, greenman gaming has it a bit cheaper
Very ugly black wizarding family.
The new quidditch game is shit but still not as much as getting shit in the owlery
Strong blonde genes in that family
The main complaint I've seen from this is not being able to stay as one unit, do people really sperg that hard over wanting to be seeker only?
Lilies ready for harvesting on WB.

It wouldn't let me join.
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Before i returned it was this.
The HL Hufflepuff Team.
Those people are clearly Japanese
NE Club Events in 58 minutes.
Why are there so many black people in the game now?
Woke game
Why are you playing in gobbledygook?
>snitch too hard to catch
Calm down lil bro you aint harry
no i mean they made the game shit by making it easy to catch the snitch, i worded that wrong, I wanted to say that the game devs were lazy by not making the snitch super hard to catch and having the same rules as the book, fuck this 30 point bullshit. Quidditch has been around since the 11th century, why would you fuck up the rules for some shitty blacked port
Is this card any good?
Oh well im glad i got him them NE servers are way nicer to me then WB, what Echos does he go well with?
All of them, he duplicates Nifflers, Snitches, Chinese Fireballs and Timeturners.
Those are the best picks but he duplicates everything but Dark cards.
I use him in my Suitcase Locomotor Twins deck, I copy Snitch, Locomotor and Suitcase.
It's more a matter of cards, Dumbles lets you have double the snitches/statues/suitcase in one use, or shoot two snowballs/expelliarmus/whizbang etc at once, so if that sounds better than using another companion then shove him in.
>suitcase Locomotor Twins deck
I keep hearing of how OP the suitcase is, is there a suitcase deck in the Rentry link?
Does it work on summons from Luna? Could i get double thestrals?
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Arigathank you anon-kun
Suitcase niggers or Headless Hunt faggots, which is worse
Well this is rather depressing
You ofc. Good luck with whatever you're dealing with.
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Is this how people get groomed in this game?
Lonely people
Club Dance starting now.
>Smug hermonie loli
Shes not a loli bro...shes a child here...
Club Quiz starting now.
You have all failed your apparition tests
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Thank ye Mega.

>Prelude to Christmas feels like a 5.5 stars song, I actually prefer it over the 5 star version.
Hmm, gotta try that one then; I don't especially like the 5* version of that song.
>First Encounter is a 7.
No thank you.

You *almost* became cringe but dodged it by a hair's breadth. Based.

Whereabouts are you reading these?

Hehehe. Look at them all in their matching outfits... ready the harpoons.

Picrel (Alice's).

Mhm. I'm gonna be picking up Space Marine for sure (I played the demo at Fan Expo and it was a lot of fun)... I think I will pick up QC as well but given what Flo said with >>493007204 I think I will wait for a sale, or at least until 5v5 is added (assuming that will be a thing in future).

Mm; the limited customization was one of my issues with it back in the playtest too. I hope they add more options later down the line.

I was having that problem too for a while and then it just decided to let me in? I dunno. Thanks for the lilies!

Good to know; thank you.


Quite so. Save up 10 mana; drop Dumbledore; immediately drop 10 mana worth of stuff you want to duplicate.

Good question; I have no idea actually. My guess would be no but I really don't know. Try it and report back!

Both, together... they pair very strongly. Suitcase Locomotors with Snitch for mana gen (and feeding suitcase more), passively charging HH so that as soon as you drop a companion or summons to deal with their Suitcase Loco spam it (and you) get nuked instantly.
Thank you for the events, Mega.
>Wizards and witches celebrate christmas and St. Mungo
Whale outfit already?
sparkle on tristain
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I’m not the one who posted the picture, but I got insanely lucky on getting it. I spent 1000 orange gems (plus the free tickets from daily sign in and frog puzzle) and it popped out of the first box.
Anon, Faolan IS a whale, and a massive one at that. He even had the turbo exclusive whale frame and everything.
You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth, yeah
Give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it
damn, this is a tricky choice, leaning to the common cards though because fuck are those a pain to build
Shame the quidditch game ain't free. I'd be setting up lobbies in here to get some games together.
Just watch it instead.
>Dobby's first words are Harry Potter
I know what they mean but without xcontext it sounds like baby Dobby said them
Twitch streamer Flyrish has exposed how casual Quidditch Champions is and how even on multiplayer you can win 42 games in a row where opponents don’t even score more than 20 points
Why would you ever play a game with such a gay mechanic?
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We need more games where you can make actual cute witches.
Alice wears glasses.
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May I get an invite to the NetEase club?

I mad a backup in case the transfer doesn't happen.
Hmm. I think it is fine. A almost alltime winning Snitch is not fun.
Also the longest canonical quidditch match was 3 month long. I dont want to play that long.

Ich kann gerne noch mehr "Kauderwelsch" für dich sprechen, wenn du möchtest. Ich hab da kein Problem mit. :P

Yes. A nice character editor with a lot of customizations is one of the most fun for me in games. It can take hours till i jumo into the game.
u know it bby
its free on playstation.
shut the fuck up about the playstation already nobody owns a playstation
On PS4? Without needing PS+?
>Not gaming on a PS5, the superior gaming console.
No games.
Maximum cope
>not painloaf
You had one job!
Is she French?
This is a French general
Mon dieu, c'est vrai!
Calling the quaffle can do damage to players its hitting as it flys to you. Just got the most satisfying elim from it doming a player in the back as it went to me.
The time zones are so much easier now, I just change tha AM to a PM and voila
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Good job, bros. We're not going with this ship alone.
Sir, this is more of a Hyenas general.
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this is sad
any cute characters in the quidditch game? i won't spend 30 dollars on a game with ugly characters
>no underwear
i forgot...
The server closure would have been the perfect opportunity to finally leave yet I'm investing myself again.
Just play casually, it’s refreshing.
>post Hogwarts outfit
thank god
Woe be upon you for this slander.
AK yourself
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Downloading Quidditch now. Ivy cute.
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Cute! Nice to see another sheet from you... I like the outfits and how much variety you've got there. No die tho pls.


Well, could've seen that one coming. It wasn't the worst game ever but just aggressively mediocre while being $40 in a genre with a lot of good and well-established f2p titles; there just wasn't *anything* going for it...

She lives!

Sebastian, but he looks better in HL. It's hard to make cute characters in QC...

Good, good. I don't know who you are but you're not allowed to leave; you're here forever.
Would have been nice to name the students on our team. Like every other form of harry potter game with custom characters..
oh no no no
Damn, imagine how the code monkeys who've been stuck working on it since day 1 feels
Is that Quiddi thread on /v/ yours, Fil?
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I think someone in the reviews said it best, it feels like a mobile game they ported. It's a game with just quidditch but they don't even get quidditch right.
All natural baby
I don't think any of my mcs are allowed to say it
No it's pretty similar to world cup
RIP game over
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Did they make it so you can make white characters yet?
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I should figure out how to actually write in cursive.
Pago witch?
The whale expresses emotions I understand but have no words for.
I am still waiting..........................................................................................................
Me on the top left.
no they are saying its literally the opposite of that game, sorry.
apparently daniel says a curse word in the french translation of the game
"its really fucking cold here, don't you think? or maybe i just passed through a ghost."
It might have been a curse word in the Middle Ages or something but "Sacrément" while functionally similar to "fucking" is absolutely not a curse word and actually quite pompous.
i think it is in quebecois? i read that it doesn't literally mean "fucking" but it's close
"Sacrément" can be seen as a blasphemy so it's avoided by the most pious but the most similar word to "Fucking" would be "Putain"
"Il fait putain de froid ici" or "Putain, il fait froid ici"
sacrement is similar in magnitude to bloody
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>thunderbrew and mandrakes
jesus fucking christ i wiped out like 12 goblins with one potion and 3 mandrakes
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I guess that was lucky.
I have 159 gems left.
It's the power of the thunder.
They are saying it's pretty similar except the snitch is just a bonus rather than an extended taunt kill after you got a 180+ point lead like it was in world cup. They is me I'm they/them now
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It's out.
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Found this for you.
The fuck is this? Are they just throwing all the CN shit at us before shutting us down?
Those are NE only.
forgive him, hes autistic.
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pic very rel
¿have you tried not being a hater????????
So am I.
Oh the unFROGivables, I remember now.
Your patronus is an old witch?
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My WB account is a lot luckier, and bacon-y.
you are doing the same thing I am doing lol
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I don't know how the account transfer is going to work and I wanted something from the wheel.
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It's a bird, but an old witch is fine too
Do broom stats affect multiplayer or are they Singleplayer only?
They only matter for the forbidden forest, open world and quidditch class.
Just two more...
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whoring out abby for ventus!

im sad I couldnt get it
nice green moustache
i swear this said 14 days or something close to that yesterday plenty of time to get MA now
They extended the season out on the WB side up to when the servers shut down. It still says 14 days on the NE side.
Don't count on it.
The best thing about being a rapist at Hogwarts is, as a minor, you can't go to jail if caught
Damn I wanted to play awakened because of all the cute wtchs Ig ill go back to legacy or buy quidditch
Play it on PC, these servers aren't shutting down.
if they don't transfer accounts before the mega gacha is over I am quitting. I need to paypig.
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I think the game is substantially improved from the beta.
>3v3 is a better experience than 5v5
>everyone has to play a bit of chaser, makes sense cause it's the main role
>seeker no longer a 2/3 but snitch is only active sometimes
>visuals are cleaner, rings are clear and well-defined
>customization options more quidditch and hogwarts themed, less hideous streetwear
>added more light skin tones
>removed superhuge fatties
>monetization appears to be toned back
>XP rates are no longer insanely low
>monetization appears to be toned back
You can't buy anything tho
this is a extremely cute ivy. i hope they add her to QC
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What position does Robyn actually play? Her combat abilities with bludgers are those of a Beater but in the game she is a chaser and the story they say she is scoring goals
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Pack up your codes, we're moving to Asia!
but how are we itoddlers going to play on mobile?
Man, she scored a goal with a bludger, lol.
That don't even make sense.
The story also treats her as a beater sometimes too, her practices always seem to involve bludgers. Maybe they swap her back and forth.
I read it as her being such a quidditch nut that she can mutlirole and switch, but she plays chaser in actual matches and just takes the bludgers along for duels and Forbidden Forest expeditions
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Has anyone done it yet? I'm scared....
I tested it out, and it does nothing for right now. It disconnects you like it's trying to do something but doesn't do anything.
Yeah just saw in the reddit thread the same. Guess it's not quite launched yet.
ministay of magic?
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Yeah heard about the Zouwu server being made specifically for us.
>tfw already spent a bunch of money on ashwinder
o no
Ya just couldn't keep it in your pants, could ya?
Stop getting worried based on assumptions. We'll see how things work when we get actual announcements.
True, let's wait a little.
Doing things logically and not exaggerating everything beyond reasonable proportion is boring and no fun.
Dude weed
There are so many things I want to buy right now and I can't. I don't care how long it will take for them to fully implement the feature, just give us an official announcement so that I can spend in peace.
Same…I wonder if we can transfer accounts
that's a ravenclaw alright
Dylan is one the most normal ravenclaws that I know
That says a lot about ravenclaw.
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I appreciate the kind words
You're welcome, Dylan.
now kiss
Silence, fujo.
Goodnight hypogigis
>person I'm trying to ignore messages me again
You're doing the opposite of ignoring
Why are you answering them?
I'm not
Good night cute anon.
finished order of the Phoenix.
Then just text them that or block them. Stop being two-faced.
We need to add THESE to the movie night list.
How many pages you read until now?
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I thought this was about me but I sent my message two minutes after it was posted.
Well all the 5 books added up, on HBP now
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Why did jk make him gay…
It wouldn’t be anything if jk didn’t retcon Dumbledore as gay but the implications here are well..
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That's cool and all, but did it really help him learn anything?
Yeah how to suck a mean wizard cock
It wasn't a retcon it's that he didn't have sex with any men in the books which is the minimum requirement for society to accept a character is gay. Even then they can make up silly excuses.
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This is how it feels to do club activities with you all
We're just like her frfr except she doesn't want to kill herself, gets a job, marries a man and has kids etc etc
A little too real there sis
How do I get the summer update on cracked Hogwarts Legacy?
You can get it crazy cheap on this keysite https://store.steampowered.com/app/990080/Hogwarts_Legacy/
Thanks but I already own the game and just want the improved performance of the crack. Also I want the region-locked cosmetic items.
Check cs.rin.ru
>region-locked cosmetic items
What are you talking about?
Thanks. If I don't get it to work on the cracked version, do you think I can just use my save file from the cracked version on the steam version? If that works then at least I'll keep the region-locked cosmetics, despite still having to suffer Denuvo. Or do you think my save file will only work with the cracked version?

I wonder if already having Felix Felicis unlocked will bug me out of the associated quest. Does it have its own quest with cutscenes and stuff? I hope it's not like the demiguise bug people had that locked them out of Moon's quest line.

Sorry for so many questions.
You know how there's some gear that you could only unlock by watching Twitch streams? There were also ones locked to ordering it on Amazon UK/Australia or something like that. They're pretty ugly, unlike the Twitch ones, but it'd bother the completionist in me not to have them. I unlocked all the ones available in my region legitimately.
I had a stress dream where I did such a bad job teaching in front of a giant auditorium of ten year olds that Professor Mcgonagal was disappointed in me and fired me. Good times.
Does vaguely ring a bell. Used to be able to just download them or tweak a file or something.
I hope I don't have to restart and can keep my save file
Shouldn't need to
I meant in QuiddiChamps.

MA account transfer is here.
Wait and see chads stay winning. I will continue to wait and see until they actually announce it and invite us over though cuz like he says it might not be ready yet.
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Should I progress the extra account I made, just in case we could transfer AND keep rewards from starting over…
You are so cooked.
May as well until the official announcement. From the looks of it though, your current account gets completely replaced by the one you import.
Can you create a new character on Thunderbird or another server of the cluster? You might be able to keep your existing character and create a dummy one. Also, it might be worth waiting to see if they create a concentration camp for laowais new server for us.
A merger of accounts would be a dream.
Aieeeeeeee i shouldn't have spent on ashwinder!
Are we sticking to Ashwinder though
You can create a new one on Thunderbird with a new NE account, there are a lot of starting rewards you can save up. I guess that is the question though, when he said certain data might be lost did that mean our currency? jewels, keys, gold? If everything get's overwritten what happens to say Eoin's mythic outfit that he doesn't have on his WB account.
I know anything social won't be moved over, I figured that was a given.
See >>493072803
That >>493072803 was there Aug 26 when I made a new character, in chink.
and the ping is terrible.
Rout stop ignoring me.
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Time is running out Joutou. What would you be willing to do for more Sip pics, before it's too late?
Do not try to transfer until NE is done with the transfer systems and announces it.
Or you might lose your account.
This seems evil
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Story this year was very weak, but that ending was spicy at least
Also Cass/Daniel stonks are skyrocketing
>Also Cass/Daniel stonks are skyrocketing
No they aren't.
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Sorry friend, this is standard enemies to lovers fuel, especially what she says after
You, these new NOTME gang aren't so bad...
What the fuck is that?
Grawp transitioned
The memes are true it really will fix your hairline
Cass/Ivy Cass/Daniel Ivy/Daniel
Cass is getting into a white haired gremlin sandwich if anything
>tfw someone can actually full combo the six star
Fucking black magic right there
Wrong universe again, Emps
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>MC just fucking decks Viggo
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it's weird how people keep trying to become wizard emperor and how it never fucking works.
Wizards wont abide someone they can't get rid of after a few angry letters to the paper
It’s weird how so many people are complacent with having a desk job when they have the ability to become extremely powerful beings simply by practicing magic more. It’s like, nah no thanks I don’t want to be able to read minds or turn into an animal, that’s just too much work and I gotta get a pint down at the pub with my friends.
Bitch, have you read what the whole animagus ritual is like? Shit's beyond tedious, even beyond the part were you need to keep a leaf stuck in your tongue for a month straight, and all it gets is you the power to turn into a cat, or a bug, or something
Its always innate. Some just don't have that dog in them.
Why do you want a dog in you?
There's a wolf inside me.
That's weird, the medically recommended amounts of wolves inside people is 0.
He's just a glorified graffiti prankster right now, how is he expecting to rule by might?
>needs more than just my two thumbs
I'm not doing that.
uhh magic is might?
>saves dozens of sick people in the hospital, and says NOTME have changed and will no longer terrorism/magic shows
>unmasks himself, and reveals his name the moment some fag tries to say Masked People are sketchy
I'd vote for him!
Might and magic are two very different things.
They're not just called Heroes of Magic, are they?
that's the motto of the Ministry.
I am narrating that by the way.
i was going to post some degenerate shit about daniel and elliot, but im too tired
please imagine that i posted a fujo fic here
I refuse.
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Daniel’s husband
Well they are wrong. It is no wonder the ministry is so incompetent.
To be fair, the ministry is self-selecting for idiots.
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Please gimmegimmegimmegimme!
This is so wrong. Daniel should be way shorter than Elliot.
Daniel looks like a girl so I jokes on you.
WB Club Events in 42 minutes.
I can't believe Elliot saved his future motherinlaw

That's a 10/10 seme.
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Maria had me play through this absolutely delightful game recently, which inspired me to make some art. Anyone guess what game based on the pic?
Some say there's 2 wolves inside you
Huh? I didn't make that post
>Over the top poses
Either Ace Attorney but that artstyle reminds me of Phantom Detective
Advance Wars? Ghost Trick? Idk
Maria didn’t expect so many cultured people, yup, it’s Ghost Trick! What a fun game :D
She's definitely evil
Anyone emulating Hogwarts Legacy? I'd ask /emugen/ but I really don't want to deal with those unhelpful schizos. I keep getting texture errors and random hang ups when I try to play it, v1.0.2
Why wouldn't you just play the official PC release?
Because I'm not paying with D*nuvo cucked games, and the repack is nearly a 80 GB download.
Club Dance starting now.
You're just salty that Elliot won the Danielbowl
>I really don't want to deal with those unhelpful schizos
You're getting less help here loool
Reddit is only good for one thing and that's piracy. Try there.
We are staying on Ashwinder right? like everyone is going to transfer to Ashwinder right? I don't wanna go thru the process of starting again for the 3rd time. Ashwinder is nice...
I think we’re staying thunderbird/ashwinder unless the only option for the transfer is on a new annexed server or something.
Yeah I know I'm staying on Ashwinder, even if I lose the progress I've made there. Better than losing the 1 year+ of progress I made on my WB account.
Ok sounds good, Ive only spent 100 so if i gotta cut my losses I will cause you guys are all so fucking awesome and i would rather lose 100 then lose my online friends..
I can’t believe we fucking did it
I knew Eva would convince them :’(
Club Quiz starting now.
>ends the story with a photo of his criminal family
Nah, definitely evil
So when are you going to eat that Cass photo?
My printer is out of ink atm, im not joking otherwise I would
Most people receive more flowers in their funerals than their entire lifetime, because "regret" is a stronger emotion than "appreciation". This obsession of mine would never start if sip never left.
She is now a moon in the sky, only her reflection on water is reachable. Soon I will become a star that accompanies her.
NetEase did an official announcement?
Sigh, Joutou, please don’t kill yourself.
NE Club Events in 58 minutes.
NetEase MADE an official announcement?
I’m Kang
What the fuck is HIS problem?
He wasn't satisfied with just one twink boy toy
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BARBIE was sucking and fucking in the forest at 3AM. I landed right on top of them to slap a frog so I didn't get the chance to take a better screenshot. It's a new guy by the way.
Thank you for hosting, Mega.
Don't slap frogs. That's rude.
Viggo outright said he was going to rape Cassandra. That was his real prize
Them releasing 6v6 at the end of 2024 will be useless since QC will be dead by then. 3v3 w/ bots sucks
QC will be the Concord of the HP franchise

I get the feeling this may be the final year for MA as well, even for Netease
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>Chinese made Lee Jordan look like this

What did they mean by this
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she is such an icon, I hope she transfers.
He says they have been at Hogwarts for the entire year for the tournament (I thought it was only a few weeks?) and he probably got tired of blowing his load in Violent and Zach
Club Dance starting now.
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>tfw McG made us fight a dragon, nundu erumpents, a thunderbird and finally a half giant to win the tourney
I was wrong to doubt her after how plain the first two stages of the tournament were, she truly is Dumbledore's successor...
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I don't see what's the problem
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Thank you for hosting!

It's happening. Thank you (relatively) based NetEase for saving us from doom at the hands of WB.

I'll wait until an official announcement to make sure all the bugs are sorted out, but very nice to have confirmation that we will not in fact be abandoned after all.

I did nothing. You're welcome.
You may leave my fee at the dead drop.

Oooh yeah... some of these might make for good movie night material.

I think the term is "based"?

An cephalopod posted this video.

I was going to make this joke but you beat me to it... I gotta play HoMM again some time; I remember having fun with it but not much about the game itself.

I 'm not familiar with the game, but that's a lovely art style! Really nice work!

What a harlot. A slattern, even.

Mmm we'll see... I'll pick it up if they add 5v5/6v6 and the playerbase is still alive; I'm not that interested in 3v3 though.
wait wait wait, you think these two are having sex?
It's BARBIE, she's a known sloot...
Now Cassandra has four twins in her harem
Club Quiz starting now.
Don’t PRAISE he, she’s a smutsiga jävla slampa
i love eva's wall of text posts
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No no, we want HIGH body counts.
Japs do NOT like DanCass
simp lmao
Yuck, who does? Everyone knows that Daniel is exclusively for Elliot
>bully x victim is bad, groomer x victim is better!
Leaders are not groomers, you faggot weaklings just don't know the difference.
>Does Daniel Page tend to be attracted to people who poison him...?
I mean his entire Sith Lord grooming arc should have made that incredibly obvious?
Daniel x Elliot is real? Holy shit!
Disgusting, you piggy little sex fiend
We should kill Daniel Page, he's obviously evil
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Elliot has been nothing but generous to Daniel, aside from the end goal of fucking him in the ass
But that’s the most generous part
What is penis in the ass if not a gift?
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Thank you for hosting.

Transfer codes got disable temporarily because something on one of the two sides is causing accounts to get bugged so I'd wait before getting too excited.

She did transfer. I saw her the other day in the open world.
sex? I thought we was talkin mass graves.
Chemzee is a DanCass shipper.
>Cass is cucking Ivy and Daniel away from is
why is kenji a catboy?
Foxboy, and she's like Nagini and cursed to eventually stay a mindless fox forever
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me on the left
I feel empty inside
I'm unhappy that you're continuing to play MA.
I am so happy that /omg/ lost. Not that they don't lose everyday from just existing.
I feel very peppy after learning they really are going to do transfers
do you actually care, or do you just want something to be unhappy about?
new bread
a pain in the ass?
I'm happy transfers are going to be a thing.
I hope they don't expect me to transfer
I think gacha games are bad.
i think mega is cute
shut the fuck up
I pretend to be a slut to cover my insecurities
Haven't made an account yet. Still hodling
>Game dies just as the story finally starts to get interesting
Why did you say the same thing twice?
I pretend to be insecure to cover up my sluttiness.
Just transfer your account, bro
common puff tactic
not even a puff bro

that's exactly what a stealth puff would say
Now that everybody's gone, I can confess to why I pretend to be a carrot sometimes...

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