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Don't let the thread end up like him edition


We discuss Minecraft news, projects, build ideas, smps, mods, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!
Literally no one is reading this.
If you develop anything Minecraft related, keep us updated for feedback.

► 2. NEWS

>MCC endercup + chance to get a free cape for bedrock AND java:


>Fuck Microsoft, play cracked Minecraft with these launchers:

>Mods that you will need 100% of the time:
https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports (removes telemetry and chat reporting)
https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium (optimizes (replaces) render engine)
https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium (optimizes various game mechanics)

>Classic skin textures for offline nigger:

>New and improved Minecraft Wiki:

>Seed generator and biome/structure locator:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>Servers (Advertise them there, not here)

https://pastebin.com/n42iBCWu (embed)
https://pastebin.com/xigRFjcK (embed)
https://pastebin.com/YedwJKFU (embed)

Last thread >>491410125 (Cross-thread)
it's over...
Havent been here in months, are the retards that argued with me that the end platform is worse than blast chambers still here?
Wrong link
Correct last thread >>492354310
whoops, my bad, sorry
etho stream happening now, playing frogger
>the only farm you can ever build there
>has to be in that exact place
>griefs an important world landmark
>every time you or anyone else want to use it or otherwise go to the end you have to teleport into the guts of it and carefully swim out
>Play for the first time in a few months
>New launcher required
>Great thanks
>Go to login
>"We can't sign you into Xbox Live"
>Great thanks
Is there a way to force it to play offline or am I going to have to uninstall and find the last version that didn't need this shit
So you lost your account, or what? If you want to play without one, get an alternative launcher, like polymc.
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>sand duping
Nice try doc,

Etho timestamp 25:45
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If the Anon who really likes Shubble is still on this general, I'm going to be in a collab with her in the next couple days if you want I can ask her something for you (No hand in marriage sorry)
get feet pics
>collabing with someone who has collabed with several hermits
Getting your foot in the door I see ;D

Unfortunately the shubble poster was just false flagging as a cringy simp to try and derail hermitposting.
Just use PollyMC.
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What are actual differences between the two? I mean technical ones.
Just buy it again.
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Stop dying
fuck the warden mob... Why did they think it was okay to give him an armor/wall piercing long range attack that does 7 hearts in full maxed netherite? Does anyone actually like this?
So you can't just cheese the encounter when you trigger him, I mean you still can if you're not an idiot
I think the Warden is a pretty cool guy
He attacks with sound and doesn't fraid of anything
Lmao I just had this exact issue, the answer is prism launcher

Microsoft is a fucking joke, what happened to me is I accidentally signed into the wrong microsoft without a minecraft purchased, and then it LOCKED IT INTO MY LAUNCHER, and you cant log out or know what ur logged into.
Also if you uninstall and reinstall it breaks lmfao
gazillion dollar company btw
you mean the super innovative cheesing strat of shooting him 30 times with a bow from 50 blocks away? or just run away and wait out the despawn timer. Both equally fun choices, of course.
I can let the retarded health pool go and keep everything as it is, if there was some counterplay to that shitty wall hax beam attack. Let me craft a fucking amethyst sound wave deflecter shield or some shit, anything at all.
Pics of her butthole would be nice.
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>successful youtubers post new vids early in the day to catch as many people as possible
>gerg drops them the minute he finishes editing, even if it's already midnight
Maybe a stupid question, not sure how many of yall play Bedrock and would use something like this, but do any of you know how to set up some cloud save service for Bedrock PC and PE? Sometimes I just wanna hop on my main world in my bed on my phone.
such innovative and fun gameplay
i have a 2 player realm for that
Every good video begins with farm animal rape.
surface lapis
that was a pretty good video

new gerg kino
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>prism launcher
>using the tranny launcher
use PollyMC
prism is literally the worst option for this use a launcher without drm like poly or polly
pollymc is also made and owned by faggots, it's PolyMC that's the normal one, the one with one L
pollymc hasnt used any prism code in a year
Why do people advertise launchers in a thread where presumably people already own the game?
because mojangs launcher is ass
I guess it's something I have to try in order to understand.
Because people who want or need a launcher come to these threads and ask. Pay attention.
making this made me hate new terrain more
are any of these actuall worth buying other than the cat with big salmon
forgot link https://www.makeship.com/shop/mayhem-2024
also no one like gerg
i am the sole gerg purchaser
big if true
I'm surprised this guys is pushing merch already, his channel is not that big yet.
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craft to exile 2 or prominence 2?
wake up babe marketplace slop drop in 30 minutes
ask in modded minecraft general.
wtf is that haircut like man...that looks like shit
sloppabros we eating good
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>playing fagrock
miss me with that gay shit
wtf is this
He listened when I told him to fix his fucking aspect ratio!

>gerg merch
>26 days left
>zero video shilling
>zero twitter shilling
>not even a community post or description link
Pigbro you gotta step your shill game up.
what happened here
thread is playing on hardcore and it's dying
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Do you guys have any building projects you're doing right now? Do have any from the past that you're proud of?

I made a replica of Aleister Crowley's house a while back. While it's not super impressive it is rather faithful to the floor plans and it's the biggest project I've ever done.
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Real house.
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You should use tuff or deepslate.
Librarians are crazy OP.
Is that some new anarchy server?
My friend is going to install Alchemy for our Realm.
I feel like level 3 enchantments used to be a lot stronger. I feel like you need librarians now to get the stuff you want.
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man, there really is a lot of iron in the mountains
still, i would have preferred if it spawned properly underground
i don't want to delay getting fucking iron of all things until post elytra/shulker phase but now it's a necessity if you don't feel like dealing with villagers
iron in mountain biomes like this makes sense, similar to real life given how mountains are formed
>similar to real life
unironically when is mojank going to let gravity affect trees? it'd be kinda funny to cut a log off a tree and have the tree just fall on you and instakill you
Aah, the wonders of gravity on performance.
as long as you don't cut 10 trees at the same time somehow, which is impossible, the performance hit should be negligible
They need to do an update where they just work on performance (and fix glass).
I agree on the performance part, but what's wrong with glass?
>doc obsessing about the dallas cowboy cheerleaders for 20 minutes
boomer coomer
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The weird white frames on the outside. There are mods that fix it.
Connected glass looks too modern.
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never played any adventure maps what are the best ones
nah, it looks TOO GOOD
I see, then yeah, a glass texture fix would be nice.

>hytale beta may come soon
minecraft bros...our response?
How do ponies wear pants?
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Hytale had a chance to dominate minecraft in like 2017 but it took them too long to come to market to be relevant
Also riotgames will force their shitty anticheat into it which will cause mass blue screens again like 6 months ago when they first added it to lol
Reminder that optifine half ass stole features from mcpatcher without implementing them properly including connected glass
they added a stat page that combines your stats across every version of bedrock youve played
>A Minecraft Movie | Teaser
Looks like the new jumanji, can be kinda entertaining.
man, it's not what I wanted, but it looks fun
is Live Action really that cheaper? I feel like there's a sizable audience you can bank on for a fully 3D animated movie, like the MC shorts but with a higher budget
So is the whole movie going to be unisex like Minecraft?
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they better HIM in
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4/10 edit, you could've done better
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ok fine maybe caves and cliffs was actually kinda cool
When you enter one of those massive caves you realize you can't go back to old generation anymore. Surface has its issues but underground is in completely different league.
nah old cavegen is still better
I rarely agree with you but yeah it looks like shit
I think doing live-action was a good idea, but this looks pretty terrible. Jack Black will probably be fun to watch but I can't stand the guy.

would be kino.
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oh yeah, it's crafting time
Old cave gen is atrocious. Infinite intersecting noodles. Caves were a total mess ever since mineshafts were introduced and they increased frequency of intersecting caves. New terrain generation makes them more manageable while being on much grander scale. They also became more varied in style. It's a huge improvement in all categories.
>Old cave gen is atrocious
is good
>Infinite intersecting noodles
yeah that's why I like them
>Caves were a total mess ever since mineshafts were introduced and they increased frequency of intersecting caves
a) mineshafts give you planks that let you continue your minecrafting
b) they never increased it, they just fixed it in b1.8 and when REDUCED it in r1.7
>New terrain generation makes them more manageable while being on much grander scale
good luck mining ores on your cave's ceiling lol
>They also became more varied in style
biome implementation is lame. dripstone caves, fancy caves with moss and normal caves, that's it
>It's a huge improvement in all categories.
deepslate fucking sucks
>open minecraft.net to get an article about today's new snapshot
>see https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/queercraft
>see https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/black-history-month
Notch selling the game off to micropenis was a terrible move.
>good luck mining ores on your cave's ceiling lol
y-you mean I have to CRAFT some kind of scaffolding in my minecraft game? perish the thought
it was the best move for notch
>ah yes, mining must require a stack of blocks that were originally added for builders
>this makes our game design perfect
you defeated your own argument, old TUNNEL generation needed blocks to reach things too. you admitted you lost, it's over
>is Live Action really that cheaper?
Probably not. The problem with doing all CGI is no matter how good they make it look, there there is a risk that some modder on YouTube would make a fan film that looks better (at least in terms of style, not necessarily in terms of detail). Getting a bunch of real known actors and doing an isekai story is one thing that no fan film could ever do.
>a literal scaffolding block
>go into mineshaft
>see wood on walls
>hmm this cave must have sucked because they needed blocks
...that were 8 blocks tall in worst case scenario?
>go into mineshaft
>see wood on walls
>chop wood
>continue mining
Why does he look so gay?
the hair looks like a wig
>he thinks the next major update won't be THE MOVIE UPDATE
>he thinks they aren't going to add shit like this to the game in THE MOVIE UPDATE
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I like them
Noodles are extremely tedious to explore because every minute or two you're met with 5 ways intersection, total chaos which is a pain to control. I spend more time lighting up and blocking off intersections than doing anything else.
>ores on ceiling
That's the good part. Minecraft is a 3D game. Now caves are also 3D instead of claustrophobic tunnels. If there are ores on ceiling, you can simply build up with dirt or some other block to reach them. Big caves make it so you can see more ores upon exploring the caves, branch mining isn't the only way anymore - this also makes up for deepslate being harder to mine (i agree that it's a horrible change butcaves being bigger does make up for it if you think rationally and look at results).
Old cramped tunnels still exist, they weren't removed, but they aren't everything there is to underground anymore, it's so much more varied now. It's also amazing that now there are caves big enough that you can fly inside.
>biome implementation is lame
Biomes were only a small part of what I meant.
>and normal caves
Wrong. There are SO MANY varieties of "normal caves". Old noodles, medium size caves (the most realistic ones which are also dominant ones), huge ones (these are magnificent when you enter them after longer time of going through normal caves). Sphere like open areas, tubes, diagonal crevices... there's so much to new underground. The really big caves can also have naturally forming stalactite/-gmite formations and i'm NOT talking about dripstone caves here. I'm talking about 12 blocks tall spikes made from smooth stone in a cave 30 blocks high.
Underground finally feels like something worth exploring. It's not just a source of diamonds, now it's also a place where you can find beautiful locations. Something that simply wasn't possible before.
>Noodles are extremely tedious to explore because every minute or two you're met with 5 ways intersection, total chaos which is a pain to control
you might have a topological cretinism
this goes against jebs design philosophy
also piglins turn into zombie piglins when in the overworld and i dont think warner brothers has the power to strong arm the biggest game in the world
>also piglins turn into zombie piglins when in the overworld
in Legends (lol) they have resistance throw nether reactors or whatever
I'm not sure if WB cares about this detail though
It's literally impossible to go mining and NOT have a stack of blocks on hand. There are blocks everywhere around you. Holy shit you're so stupid.

Why does it matter? Old generation you had to build up every 30 blocks because there was another intersection with two tunnels above you carpetbombing with creepers and skeletons if you don't plug them up.
Building up is trivial, little difference between 8 or 15 blocks. What's annoying is having to do it around every corner which was mandatory in old generation but now it's no longer an issue.
*created by nether reactors
not sure why I wrote throw
You have full cretinism.
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I now understand what was so off putting from the models, they look like this fucking steve.
>turning piglins into a mad max gang
never played legends but thats pretty cool
i wonder if theres a situation like pillagers going on right now since mojang confirmed the only reason pillagers were added to minecraft was crosspromotion with minecraft dungeons even though they were added 3 years before dungeons was announced
They will add this, part 1 of the update will be piglins not turning with the new drop from the pigling unturner (1 in 10) and then they will ad ghasts saddles dropped found in, you guessed it, buried treasures ( 1 in 80) and then you will be able to fuse them to make a pigling rider (peacefull, purely decorative, can only drum, it's redstone compativle tough!) And we'll have it ready for new years eve of 2027
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>so common you dont want to mine it because itll take up half your inventory
>so rare that even if you want to build out of it and mine every ore you find youll always need more
whats the deal with copper?
The worst addition to the game. I hate it. The worst part about it is that all the builders seem to love it for some reason and their builds look worse than before this trash was introduced.
>theMasterCaver spends 12 (TWELVE) hours a day caving in Minecraft 1.6
I kneel
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is there a bigger sign of laziness?
What is going on with your map?
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In today's episode of builds from reddit:
>Tall tower
the green dot is the map in an item frame
the white dot is my sister who took the map out of the item frame to make her own copy
What's with all the whining in the comments? Isn't this what we all expected from this? I guess that's just youtube comments trying to be funny as usual.
>since mojang confirmed the only reason pillagers were added to minecraft was crosspromotion with minecraft dungeons
>they added custom armor models
One HUGE step closer to custom entity models.
Also, It seems that you can make any item dyable now with data packs.
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Oh lord
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I think they're seriously going to do the storyline of those captainsparklez animations where the zombie pigmen try to invade the overworld (unless that already happened in the dozen spin off games I never played)
I see, but that's not what that says. You twisted jeb's words to make it sound bad.
no i didnt
i said they only made illagers to tie in with minecraft dungeons which is literally the truth. that book was also made a year before dungeons even released
how does he always fucking wins? these models look terrible.
Maybe they got their taste of power from the backlash on the sonic design, or maybe they just rightfully hate it and wanted to complain about it.
old sonic model sucked ass though.
I mean people have tried to do fan projects of other animated films. It's almost never up to par. I guess since a Minecraft animated movie will look like the Minecraft shorts but with higher production, there is a higher risk of fans making better things. But this isn't mojang or the marketing team making the movie, it's a movie studio.
>Goooooooood morning /mcg/!
Leaks were real
This will be Minecraft graphics in the year 2030.
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so... freaking... awesome
I would say ESG, but that's Microsoft's side. Mojang's side probably believes this. Is Agnes an industry plant to keep watch on Mojang?
is /mcg/ back?
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I feel like normalfags that are into minecraft are always the ones that like shaders that look like this
No animated minecraft style that keeps the blocky pixel look would look good as a feature-length theatrical family movie, imo.
that's my point. they changed it because the public backlash was so bad. These models also suck ass, maybe people feel they can influence the designs (they can't)
they're making the designs bad on purpose to generate public backlash so everyone appreciates it once they change all the designs
they did the same thing with the sonic movie, it's controlled backlash.
The models here are good, old sonic was just gross. And there's manufactured merch with the old sonic design.
these models are terrible though
/mcg/ is not back
busy watching hirmitcraft
>maybe people feel they can influence the designs (they can't)
sanic had paramount and sega.
minecraft has warner and microsoft, lol.
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this model is so fucking horrid, I know it's done so on purpose but still...
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I would have preferred a movie with these.
at this point even this would've been a better choice somehow
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mite b cool
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Why didn't they just make an entire movie like this:
What's the point of being this mad over a children's movie?
You're aware you are no longer Minecraft's target audience, right?
because it's made by WB not Mojang
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Do people really hate the CGI animals that bad? They look fine to me. If anything, I hate the backgrounds. The problem I have with the trailer is the nothing characters that look out of place and have no connection to what's going on.
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Cast him.
we were, but now we are not
and no, it's not a problem with "growing up", Notch's Minecraft was targeted for everyone
Now Minecrap is for children
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It's not even Minecraft. Just look at the terrain, trees or buildings. It's just vaguely "blocky" and the blocks aren't even a consistent size. It's completely retarded.
So when is the sex update
From a Bioshock fan, I would like to send my condolences, these films don't need to exist
>gerg was streaming and no one posted
fucking fake fans

don't blame me I just woke up
what's the deal with gerg
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Next year, didn't you watch the trailer dude?
>came from /v/craft
>invents redstone stuff
>rages about everything, especially reddit
see >>493140858
My mom just asked me why my gerg plushie has a slit in the bottom of it. What do I tell her?
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>the live action rumors were true
dude my audio is FUCKED.

The movie trailer looks bad, I was 99% sure the film was gonna suck before even seeing this. How the fuck do you adapt Minecraft in to a linear film, one of the most open ended expansive sandbox games of all time. Also fuck Jack Black, I hate fat people
Jack Black said once that he was super excited for this movie cuz it was super cool and fun but honestly
I think no one's opinions are more meaningless than Jack's.
You can cast him in a movie about paint drying and he'll tell the news it was the most fun experience he has ever lived
It was always a bad idea but they still had the open and really only route of just having Steve and Alex go fight the dragon. Would it have been good? I mean looking at all the fan content based around the idea it would've at least been a decent kids film. This, this shit they're doing with the pigs and real people in Minecraft, this is objectively a terrible idea and would've never amounted to more than a boring story if they put actual effort in.
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And somehow THIS will
lel so random xD
>Jack Black
I just can't stand how puerile he is. He looks and acts like an 8-year-old with a beard. It's all oversized t-shirts, overknee shorts, and bright colors. I guess that's Steve now.
It has been confirmed for years.
so what's the macguffin of the film
This will be Minecraft in 2013
Jack Black himself
He's going to offer his help to get them home and then after they beat the Ender Dragon will turn evil and become Herobrine and will need to be defeated to get the power to go home
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liking how the interior of the great library is coming together
It's clearly gonna be the blue cube the kid is holding. It probably lets you travel between dimensions or something and the piggers want it to invade the real world or something. Then we'll probably get a Pixels situation where creepers and shit invade New York and it'll be just as terrible.
This, basically.
notch won
so a plebbitor that is a redstoner?
lmao even
redstoners are worse than pvpniggers and that is something.
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Looks sick. I've only just started to appreciate how good stripped logs look. I used to avoid them because they were more expensive than planks. I'm stealing your book pixel art btw.
nvm, no actual models, huh.
so what will the items based off the movie in the marketplace be
a map? a mod?
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We need to go back.
jack blacks beard will 100% be a purchasable cosmetic
God that guy sucked, I'm glad I haven't actively watched minecraft videos in over a decade because I can't imagine how shit they must be now that we're years into the content farm era of youtube plus AI slop existing
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Like his original channel it was good until about the 100th basically identical video.
WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT NETHERITE UPGRADE TABLETS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA? Now I have to wander around this bastion that's impossible to navigate and find the hidden fucking chests for a chance to find this thing. I hate the nether.
>playing newer versions
take the redpill
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There's only one man who can save the minecraft movie
I like some of the new changes.
If I get that desperate I'll just cheat one in.
That your dad made it.
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How Diepunk
I kinda hope he comes back just to do an over the top reaction to the trailer. I know it's low hanging fruit and would be slop, but it would feel right with how many people suddenly remember he exists + every other old MC creator who isn't in jail of dead is doing the same.
That tango stream with scar, gem, etho, and doc where doc wouldn't stfu about reality TV and saying "fuck" sure was interesting.
It's the live action aspect that's cringe.
which? when?
Tf is this abomination. Looks like wario.
A better word maybe "voxely"
>doesn't know about ExplodingTNT
fucking zoomies
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>there MIGHT be merchandised of the horrific animals from the movie after it comes out.
I mean the wolf looks decent from an angle but I can't say the same for the rest of them.
decent bait
What a king. He even made his own jarmod which delags and fixes 1.6.4 massively. Hundreds and hundreds of bugs fixed. Even the worst potato does 100 fps in a jungle
I think the llama looks cute, I'd probably buy one
So everyone saw that literally the seer from legends is gonna appear in the movie?
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No because no one played Legends. It is worring to me that as they try to give Minecraft lore and story, they expand these elements no one gives a shit about. Like why is the main evil of the film Piglins? Why not the Ender Dragon, or even The Wither? Those are objectively more interesting evils than whatever the Piglins will end up serving.
Zoomers were literally his target audience
It's easier to give everyone a role vs masses of pigs than vs big boss.
>Why not the Ender Dragon, or even The Wither?
Because they are likely intending to do a trilogy, and the Ender Dragon is the final boss of the game and would naturally be the main villain at the end of said hypothetical trilogy. The Wither also isn't villain material. It's just a spooky skeleton.
everyone who played the game had done that hundreds of time in their life or at least aware of the idea if they aren't familiar with the title, I'm guessing the pig plot are more interesting idea when on the big screen.
>illagers made specifically for spin offs
>only one spin off used them as the main bads
Well yeah that makes sense, neither i have played legends and its a chore to pirate it...
>legends was so bad the studio making it was shut down 6 months after the game released
Why do big franchises keep trying to make games for niche markets and then watering the experience down no much neither casuals or hardcore gamers of that genre want to play
Is it just me or is grian mining actually good?
where does he even stream?
>x is actually good guys!
>using shaders etc.
every time
>ChatGPT created the artstyle
>ChatGPT created the movie plot
>Hyperrealistic 2048 x 2048 texture pack makes mobs look like complete ass and very uncanny
>Piglins not zombifying
>Jack Black in a blue shirt
>Using TNT as decoration blocks
>"""""""Diverse""""""" main cast
>Weird-ass crafting recipes
>Arrow in the llama scene comes down at a weird angle and somehow remains perfectly vertical
what have the kekstoners and pee-vee-peers done to you that made you detest them so much?
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very comfy builds
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bitch, moan and complain for mojank to fix what isn't broken, builderfags at least are silent with their copper but redstoners bitched loud with the new redstone change because they have to think now in order to get their redstone shit working again
as someone who doesn't understand redstone at all, this is the shittiest bait i've ever seen in these threads. they had to think before to get shit to work, they can't think to get shit to work now because it simply does not work with this change. it legitimately breaks things that can't be replicated

it would be like giving us concrete and terracotta stairs, slabs and walls then in an experimental build they just said "we're taking the walls and stairs away, but you still have c&t slabs"

we bitch, moan and complain about things way more than redstoners do. all we want is more blocks and in more forms that we never get, tuff is literally the biggest break we've had in fucking years after all the whining we've done and no one even asked for those
I see, then I guess yeah, fuck 'em.
Imagine someone actually managing to prove that is all true lmao. Would be the funniest minecraft-related shit to happen this year.
>we bitch, moan and complain about things way more than redstoners do. all we want is more blocks and in more forms that we never get, tuff is literally the biggest break we've had in fucking years after all the whining we've done and no one even asked for those
tuff was added to dilute block distribution on the deepslate layer, basically deep diorite and i don't think mojank wants to stress themselves into checking stonemasonry and woodcuttery to finally give the variance it's so badly needed alongside pattern chiseling like banners but for blocks, they probably want to let that shit for modders to deal with
>they can't think to get shit to work now because it simply does not work with this change. it legitimately breaks things that can't be replicated
are you for real? they got their fucking wireless redstone they bitched so much about and now the changes on the redstone power distribution is to force them into using calibrated sculks more often, hence the directional power distribution focus, they also kill some lag machines with it too. redstoners still sub-subhuman.
>that tiny momentary panic as he questioned whether he's allowed to say "fuck" or not
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>is kino in your way
fucking horrid
Please understand guys, they only had $150 million to work with.
Has there ever been a good video game movie?
Does this count as a movie?

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>even he calls it out

minecraftbros...it's over
We can at least confirm the film wasn't AI. CaptainSparkles in his reaction said he had a meeting years ago with a former director where he was asked what was the best way to attempt the movie. Already at this point they had the rough idea of putting real humans in Minecraft.
those animals look kinda AI generated still
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click every button except the 8 that are beside one of the corners
to be fair that's how they wanted it to look. it's not a case of low budget or lack of skill, it's just a lack of taste.
the budget could've been $500 million and it would still look like shit because money can't buy taste.
diamond pickaxe
iron axe
No, they don't. People created such designs before AI was a thing.
How can i make a jump pad for moving armour stands on ice? If i put a slime block and piston connected to a pressure plate, it pushes up all of the ice connected to it and breaks pressure plate.
But if i make it furnaces under the pressure plates, the armour stand cant slide onto the slime block.
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The American education system sent its best man
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I mean like this.
Except this is what i described as not working.
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>47 minutes of minecraft porn, and there is probably more
The bear was kinda hot ig
Remember to vote for the sex update during Minecon earth 2024
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Why is JoeHills like the way he is? Autism?
I think it's something more advanced.
can't believe we're gonna get connected buckets in the game, before we get connected minecarts
MultiMC, UltimMC, PolyMC, PollyMC, Prism, Legacy Launcher?

why so much ;c
discord drama
PollyMC is safest from it, worst people can say about it is "it's not my favorite launcher" while others have some serious issues.
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>worst people can say about it is "it's not my favorite launcher"
You can only play on cracked servers with pollymc even if you log in with a Microsoft account that owns minecraft
Oh. Fair point. I'm single player so it doesn't concern me but I accept it as a big flaw for others.
cool art
I use the third one from your list and it works fine for me.
Is Alex going to be in the movie but they haven't shown her yet? Or do they have no plans for her, or worse seriously think they can make additional films after this one?
Who wants candyyyy
I just jacked off to minecraft for the first time. anyway where can I get mods to add cute round butts and boobies to my block game?
There's a whole mod about these characters, may you find it on loverslab
>only for 1.12
why are Minecraft modders so gay about versions?
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This must be the Grand Line...
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this is why i will never play bugrock.

10 minutes into new world i find that. how is this shit so bad? i am gniunely concerned for when i will by my next playstasion as i don't know what to do with my java world
>the bermuda triangle in minecraft
uhhh those are clearly iron nuggets
>get lost in the nether
>most likely way back is across some perilous ledges
>have to leave my cat behind so he doesn't accidentally push me of the cliff or fall off himself while searching for a way back
>eventually get back to portal
>intend to go back for the cat now that I know the safest route back
>decide to take a break and quit playing for the day
>forget about the cat
>days and days go by
>finally remember the cat when i notice he isn't there
>trek all the way back and get him
>trek all the way back with the cat
>cat falls in the lava right near the the tunnel to the portal
RIP in peace cat.
Can someone explain these prisons/escape rooms and why the community around them is so serious?
Escape rooms are big bedrock puzzle maps that utilize very obscure mechanics and require you to meticulously use every item you can find in order to escape. I think they're "serious" because a couple of the big name youtubers that play them are serious. Kinda like FitMC makes 2b2t "serious".
Not as sure about prisons, think there's some dreamsmp bullshit about them, but I think they're just survival bases that are impossible to escape or enter (lots of obsidian, some weird game mechanics, etc.)
I really wish mojank would make pathfinding for all mobs just a bit better, or a whole lot better given how often shit like that happens.
Any tips on horse breeding? I usually breed a bunch of horses and start eliminating the undesirable ones.
Baby horses will on average be around the same stats as their parents. Sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse.
Have 2 horses and breed them, and check baby stats. If the stat you want is higher than one of the parents then replace that parent with the baby, let it grow up, and start over again.
Health is obviously easy to see, jump is simple to test by jumping over walls of increasing height, but without a datapack you'll have to run a small circuit and use a stopwatch or redstone to test for speed.
How do I get good at building
I might get that speedometer mod. Although I can just get a feel for it.
>no stream vod for the thing today and the stream vod from yesterday is gone now
Damn, gerg's thing with Shubble went THAT bad?
Is this the Minecraft YouTube equivalent of grifting?
>let's fix a problem that was solved 6 months ago when mud was added
um bros isnt it the florian triangle
90% of minecraft escape rooms are fake just like uhc challenges
no, it's the Bermuda Triangle, ya fucking weeb
RIP cat. Hope its soul can live on in its successor.
I didn't enjoy streaming, and I dont think I was very good at it either so I just wiped it clean and forget I tried it.

I keep seeing posts online about people saying the MC movie doesn't look THAT bad, are they contrarians or just shills?
Some people just have bad taste.
A lot of retards have innate counter reaction to heavy criticism.
If they really wanted to make it live action, they may as well have abandoned the blocky style in favor of recreating the atmosphere of the game in the film like Blister Cinema did in this short film:
It wasn't bad except the audio but imo it would go better if you just acted normal instead of trying to stay in rant mode for so long. Look at how different stream-Tango and video-Tango is.
I might be guilty of this. I like the llama and the retarded pink sheep. I like the whole ultra-HD texturepack meme they're doing with the visuals. I like that they're using live actors. That's what most people seem to be latching on to though. Yeah, they look like shit in those shots in the overworld, but they look a lot better when they're surrounded by actual props like the crafting table scene in the house. I hate all their outfits apart from Steve, especially that faggy pink jacket, but that's beside the point. The problem I have is that there seems to be nothing going on besides
>woah dude, we're in minecraft
>what dey helll is dat?
>Jack Black is, le Steve!?
>time to save the world from pigmen I guess
Not really a Minecraft movie, just a bunch of Minecraft references. It reminds me of PIxels or Ready Player One. If they're not going to give us fanservice with the visuals, they could at least give us fanservice with the story. Theoretically, the movie could have a decent plot that they're keeping out of the trailer. I know that's not going to happen, but it's a possibility.
the movie is making me want to play story mode tb h
the movie is making me want to stab myself in the lungs tb h
the movie made me want to play regular minecraft because all the other spinoff games are terrible tb h
The most I've seen are articles that microsoft probably bought, calling all critics manchildren who need to stop caring. Bold strategy to alienate everyone who stuck with the game all these years and care about it but whatever, they've picked their stance and I don't think they'll change anything.
At first it was a funny joke from e-celebs, but seeing the amount of people who were kids when that trash came out defend it is sad.
I didn’t realize they added gorillas to Minecraft
What the fuck, this is actually good. Keeps me at the edge of my seat.
>amogus returns
>etho and tango don't show up
but it never went anywhere?
Horse breeding is going well. I set up a simple redstone speedometer and while I'm not sure how accurate it is, it does give me a good general idea of how fast they are. My horses are already mog wild horses but I'm only halfway to where I need to be and this takes forever.
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What is this? Some kind of sex bed?
Is there any benefit to building a mob grinder above ground as opposed to underground? I'd rather not have mine above ground because it's an eyesore.
You get better rates if you build it underground (i think that still works) but you have to light up the underground

If you build it above ground you get worse rates but you can just stand in the sky so mobs only spawn in the farm and you don't need to light anything up
>see mogus vod
>thumbnail has no cyan sussy
I shan't partake
Easier spawnproofing and not having to dig.
If you consider mob grinder an eyesore you could build around it but it would be a big structure for sure.

Holy slop
Any actual good ones that look good and are good and stuff?
Now this... this is more like it.
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I heard you guys and gals and gays and attack helis like the new Minecraft movie trailer.

woops, wrong link.

Women don't look like this irl
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Me in 2024 still like

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Earth Wind Fire Water

wtf was the point of this video? do these retards think they're actually funny?
The point was raising awareness, and Mojang did take notice and remove it. And it's quite fun, why are you so upset at it?
Search your heart anon you know it to be true, Steve used a chicken to do the deed. And when it wasn't enough, trapped an Enderman (Steve didn't know about the legend of the Man-ender), and from that the unholy union came forth [spoiler[Herobrine[/spoiler].
Why do torch flowers not make light?
What's the man-ender?
Immediate disclaimer on your obvious joke video about the scary word doxing.
I hate modern internet users complete retardation about "doxing". A lot of people literally think googling stuff is a "crime".
Oh my god!!! did you just look up my public business records and see a listed address! did you just google my name! omggggg how dare you open whitepages!!!!

They should be getting upset about lack of data protection for privacy purposes, that all this information is listed publicly in the first place, but that would require some modicum of intelligence. And when it comes down to brass tax, doxing doesn't mean anything if your not some spastic sex weirdo, who would be ashamed about people knowing who you are.

I remember when people got really upset and demanded YouTube to ban SSSniperwolf for """"doxing""" JacksFilms when all that retarded e-whore did was google "jacksfilms website" and his business (and home) address was the second result
Post home address and bank acc #
Best block for walls here? Stone color is too cold, white terracotta too bright, light gray terracotta too dark.
Damn that is a hard one, it's a light grey with the slightest hint of brown. Too bad concrete doesn't actually look like concrete.
Maybe smooth stone?
What do you do in superflat, anon?
plan my build then switch back to a real world
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Thanks. If smooth stone was was connective I'd use it a lot more in general, otherwise each block having this border looks ugly in most cases. Think I'll bite the bullet and just use plain old good stone.
>why are you so upset at it
I'm not. It's just not that funny, but those guys think they're way funnier than they actually are.
damn, can't believe we got blockvomit irl now
Stone would look like concrete in the image if the lines were vertical.
The secret origin of Alex.

Legend has it that if you played a super rare mysterious disc, you will summon a Man-ender, the original inhabitants of the Aether dimension, the long lost ancestors of the Endermen before they delved too deep and lost their way through the aeons.

see https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fantasyheroes/images/b/b6/Alex_SSBU.png
I don't see random 1x1 meter squares of random ill-fitting material integrated into the building. You don't know what blockvomit is.
fine, you got me

I was just baiting.
Let's just never get rid of the endercup link at this point.
>think of Minecraft
>think blocks
>add massive blocks to overhang
Minecraft doesnt look like that. You could say artistic license but I have autistic license. Even older terrain didn't look like that. Maybe if they tried to recreate beta terrain or even the modern voxel terrain. I can't believe lego movie will be be more soulful.
She isn't bad on her own, but her line in the trailer was basically the stereotypical sassy black woman. The other characters didn't have better dialogue either. It might be a teaser, but that's just a sign for things to come.
>become Herobrine
Honestly, it will be the only redeeming factor of the movie if they go with the Herobrine angle. It will be faggy fanservice, it'll be stupid, but I would want that. Everything else I don't care and will not be spending my money on it
>I like the llama and the retarded pink sheep
I don't like how they look. However, I do at least see that they're trying to keep it like the game with the blocky models and wide eyes. Still doesnt mean I like the way the movie looks. I think it's a pretty bad 3/10 where 5/10 is a nothing burger and and 4/10 is a little bad..
That's just the visuals. We barely got anything in the writing, but nowadays I have very little faith in writing teams.
The warm color in that pic is because of the golden afternoon lighting. In neutral lighting it would look more grey and closer to stone than it does in that pic. Stone would still be a cooler color than that, though.

Maybe Smooth Sandstone?
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each of these maps is 1024x1024, this is probably going to take a while ;-;
I survived 100 days in /mcg/
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this in overworld or end?
brother, that 441 maps. you sure your pc is beefy enough to handle it?
overworld. my pc should be fine i think
your world will go into hundreds of gigs if you explore all that
its mostly explored already, just never mapped
nta but is 2500ish chunks really enough to bloat the file that much
How did you arrive at 2500? Maps are 1024x1024 so they're 64x64 chunks (4096 chunks per map) and there's 441 of them, that's 1,806,336 chunks
oh oops i think it's because i doubled the width instead of squaring it
in my defense i literally just woke up
Intel uhd graphics 630
Intel i5-8400 cpu
12gb ram
what servers can i play with these specs?
How important is max health for a horse? I already have one that can run in excess of 14 blocks a second and jump five blocks, but the max health for horses is 15 hearts and it only has 12. I kinda want it to be perfect.
You're gonna be healing i up the moment it loses 2 hearts anyway
>went on a minecraft binge yesterday
>ended by finding a zombie spawner and trying to build a railline back to my main base
>rail line was running into issues because I went too high and kept hitting the ocean
>start over today, mined at low depth and planned an ascent once I'm past the ocean
>find a big lake of lava in a giant gorge at -53
>oohhhh this will be scenic, start building a bridge over it
>skeleton shoots me off into the lake and I lose my fortune/efficiency/unbreaking diamond pick

I guess I'm not playing minecraft today
I think I'm gonna do one more breeding cycle and be done. I have diamond horse armor anyway.
>immediately wants to quit after dying/losing progress
it seems counter intuitive, but play hardcore.
i'm the exact same way, i would always feel super demotivated and stop playing after dying. i can't explain the psychology behind it, but dying in hardcore doesn't feel as bad dying in a normal world for people like us.
diamond is renewable, capture some zombie villagers
got any cool stories to share about that?
I spun up the game on a whim, not looking to invest a lot of time in world after world. I'll continue the world later but needed a break after that. But HC is a lot of fun

I still have 14 back at my base thankfully
Diamond inflation gets pretty crazy once you get Fortune pickaxe.
i still go crazy for a 4 vein even when i have a stack of diamond blocks at home
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Finally someone released Minecraft for TempleOS. Can't believe mojang was so lazy that they just waited until a modder did it
I did a whole breeding cycle and my best horse from last time is still the best. I guess I'm done.
could go kinda crazy as an in game painting
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which hermit is most likely to be outed as a pedophile?
Man just get a GPU. One cheap from a couple years back.
me if i were a hermit
I think playing on someone else's server might actually be less computationally expensive than playing singleplayer. What you should be worried about is your network speed and geographical location.
I just realized that donkeys have horse tails for some reason. Which is weird because camels have the right type of tail.
For how worthlessly useless new mobs are, each of them has more attention to detail than all old mobs combined. It's weird.
all of them
>2014 was ten years ago
Weren't hoses and donkeys taken directly from a mod?
I think they changed some details.
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>is Live Action really that cheaper?
If you want to check the ESG boxes to get the Blackrock money, you have to include diversity.
How are you going to include fat niggers and trannies in a pure CGI movie like Cars or Finding Nemo?
You can only have a stereotypical character that mimics that ethnicity by behavior rather than optics... NO WAIT... that would be unacceptable and racist and the opposite of what ESG wants!

So Life Action it is.
[x] a fat woman
[x] nigger
[x] guy with a bread dressed as a woman
thought i was on another general thread for a second and i wondered why i was seeing minecraft posted everywhere

i was like "huh, based" but thjen i realised it was the minecraft general where people talk mostly about minecraft :/
i remember wasting my allowance on castle miner z even though i had minecraft, just to play with my friend who bought it instead of minecraft for some reason, only for him to get minecraft a couple days later anyways
I'm not sure how I feel about trial chambers, they're fun and all, but they feel very gamey.
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Terry hated minecraft.

I feel like hybrid live-action animation is the most expensive and least cost effective way to do it, I mean you're spending a fuckton of money on the animation and another fuckton on big name actors. Apparently the budget for this movie is 300 million.
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Will the 1.22 update where they add all the movie shit also add a new body-positive skin model to go with the two we have now?
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Which way, Mineman?
I don't know if WB has it in them to hire compentant directors or managers.
i dont think that was a bad game considering price and whatever but i can imagine it would make someone want to play the 'real thing'
Eww, its all old school but you can tell its not old and it looks BAD
It's like Minecraft movie. Trying to replicate artistic style without understanding it.
a chubby player model would unironically kinda kick ass though and would go well with my bear skin
I just tried watching someone's reaction to the trailer, and it was very bizarre because they're a Legends player. They started saying stuff about all these characters which were appearently in the trailer and how this looked like it lined up with the lore and I was super confused because I had never heard any of this. Then it hit me, this film's script was finalized at the same time Legends was in development. I remember seeing they did a lot to promote Legends, like crossovers and promo material, only for it to die on impact. So a part of me thinks this movie will be based on the story of a game basically no one has played, which is why we saw so little og Minecraft stuff like zombies and skeletons, and instead most of the trailer's runtime is dedicated to the Piglins, because they're a big part of Legends. So this film not only looks like garbage and is directed at little children, but the story will probably make zero sense to the overwhelming majority of fans. I simply don't know who this movie is for.
Modern culture is cannibalism
Horse breeding has finished, donkey breeding has begun. Interestingly donkeys all spawn with the same speed and jump stats, which both suck so it looks like breeding is going to take longer. But I think a donkey will be more valuable than a horse.
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>they're a Legends player
>Eww, its all old school but you can tell its not old and it looks BAD
You just described all of TempleOS.
But it IS old
Not as old as it was designed to look.
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>xb is suing mumbo in bdubs court
I really liked the court stuff, shame there was only one case. Probably didn't help it took bdubs like a month to make his episode and didn't get crazy views because everyone had seen it.
One of the props in the house was a pair of winged hermes boots I recognized from Dungeons. I picked it up to play with my brother last week and I actually really liked it, but I've never played Diablo or any of those other games. You might be right though with the piglin invasion thing. Then again, having the nether invade the overworld is pretty low-hanging fruit. I think I've seen a dozen youtube animations with the same premise. Either way, it doesn't get Minecraft at all. I was hoping for something like the Lego movie where it's about imagination and creativity, not a Marvel movie with blocks and creepers.
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shut the fuck up cia niggermonkey

What did she mean by this?
>season 9
>leaves shulkers named "Cleo's Box" scattered all over the server
>meanwhile reddit flips out because she said shit in a livestream once
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>tfw didnt have the patience to try out this spawn and ended up going in creative mode and just scanning around the area
zoomer brainrot
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This is what minecraft looks like for people with different types of colorblindness
Something's going on with the wiki
That's not "the wiki".
That's a fucking scam bordering on malware which shouldn't be used by anyone with a brain.
That's why it gets rightfully trolled (i assume that's what you mean, I'm not gonna open the link and give those faggots views).
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Will Jellie 2.0 make it into the game?
The real Minecraft wiki is https://minecraft.wiki/
It moved earlier this year. The one you linked to is the old wiki that is no longer moderated.
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What's this texture pack?
Looks like shaders, not a texture pack.
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Whatever it is I want it. I found it in a video of this guy.
>God this is a cry for help, because when we were kids we wrote around in 6502 Assembly and stuff
It's funny, cause making a CPU in Minecraft (even with all the differences between redstone and real life circuits) is bound to teach you way more about how the machines work compared to just fumbling around with an instruction set somebody prepared for you.
The constellations are a mod.
Damn, colorblind people have seasons mods installed?
>on mc wiki
>amethyst geode page
>this is the official concept art for "underground crystals"
>mojang somehow turned this into the shitty fucking lean crystals we have now
you should see the deep dark concept art, makes me fucking livid
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Still amazes me that 99% of warden concept art is better than what we got, it was also tamer too considering the warden has screaming faces in its exposed rib cage
>can't take items out without breaking the entire thing
Why the hell can't I take shit out by right clicking with an empty hand? That would be so fucking useful. I wanted to use them to hold lapis for my enchanting table, seeds for my chicken farm, arrows for my archery range. They even have little patterns I could collect to tell what the pot is for. They're useless though since I'd have to put the whole thing back together and refill it each time. It's so obvious I just assumed it was a feature. Then again, they originally released these things with zero functionality at all even though people have been putting stuff in pots since the stone age.
I think it should've been a 1x1 swarm mob, like once you trigger the dark city dozen of little 'antibody' dudes would spawn and rush you down. The blind effect is lame and the navigating around them behaviour is weak
I hate the way geodes spawn. You'd think they'd spawn them first and let caves carve through them to create natural openings. You could have cool seeds with crystal caves and stuff. Instead, it's the other way around. They spawn after caves and look extremely out-of-place the way they jut out. They're all the same symmetrical sphere too, just with a random crack in it. It's just so lazy.
I dislike that there is no complete geode, every one has that hole in one side
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I can see why people like this game, this was pretty funny
Anyone recommend any CREATIVE Minecraft servers? I just want to build elaborately and see other people's builds. Building tools/worldedit stuff is also very good.
My base is getting too small but I've built up all my infrastructure around it. What do?
Build up/down
what is the last based minecraft version? I don't want troon blocks and troon music
I believe alpha version 0.004 should fit your arbitrary needs.

You want the "last based version", so you want it to be as updated as possible with the most stuff,
but you also don't want it to be too updated with new stuff, but I guess you base your enjoyment of a game entirely on the crux of one tranny they hired.

Talk about obsessed.
does any version matter when you're the troon
I don't want trans rights flags and lgbt stone block variants in world generation, you're right. Enjoy listening to your sissy hypno while your inventory gets filled up with andesite and diorite much like you fill your rectum with silicon dicks. Seethe, cope, dilate
>everything I don't like is tranny
Talk about fragile masculinity
what server do you guys play on?
1.15. whatever the latest patch of it is
gerg, where's the video about beta being "bad"?
troon tunes were added in 1.16, but instead of 1.15 you better off installing an older patch like 1.12, 1.8, beta 1.7, release 1.7, 1.6 and/or whatever the fuck suits your playstyle
It's true. 1.21 allows you to ride minecarts through nether portals.
>added 15 new paintings by kristoffer zetterstrand
>added a market gardener
yeah, it's 1.21
if you don't like the new music just get the resource pack that replaces it with more c418 songs
I love Mr. Finnegan he attacked the microphone
this I can agree with
Who are the "modern" Zisteau and Etho of CTM maps? Ie anyone after they stopped doing Complete the Monument maps.
I want to watch someone is not just competent, but someone who stomps CTM map and turns it into their bitch
It's Etho
That is all on twitch now.
Also play yourself, bitch.
>>added a market gardener
soidier must leave this gen immediately
I... am Steve.
No...you are not.
Yup. C4Music is a good one.
He's not just Steve. He's a hero, Brian.
Having jack black as steve is one thing, but at the very least you'd think they'd at least make him work on the beard and hair a bit.
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Any suggestions on a base design? I need to redo mine.
giant clock tower
without the l
gant clock tower
i hope you explode
Do bees die or get hurt by touching water?
He could've at least shave his beard for a goatee. Steve either has no facial hair, or a goatee.
zero competency but it is modern videos of people doing vechs ctm
>He could've at least shave his beard for a goatee
and cut his hair a bit shorter, steve's hair isn't really long at all
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What materials would you guys recommend for replicating something like this?
How do pots work? You just break them when you need stuff right?
Does anyone else hate marring the landscape? If I cut down a tree, I replant it. If I need to mine a large amount of stone or something, I make sure to dig down into a hole so you can't see it from the surface, etc
I do the same, when grabbing tons of dirt I have to terraform the land after so it doesnt look like a fuckin wasteland
I think swords breaks them into shards/bricks while anything else breaks them into pots.
>this theme plays after the pink sheep bleats
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Is there any reason why we can't get sideways slabs?
That time is long gone
>dude weed lmao
Can you imagine the amount of bureaucracy they'd have to go through to add vertical slabs?
I hate this shitty meme reddit has come up with. What fucking "bureaucracy"? Why do they think they know so well what goes on at Mojang? It's known that game studios under Microsoft have a lot of freedom, and the inexistence of the verstical slab is jeb's choice.
How is it a meme when they release every year what a competent modder could produce in a week? Of course there's bureaucracy at Mojang. Some of it is necessary, most of it likely isn't. I don't think that's the reason vertical slabs aren't in the game, but the amount of debate, playtesting, code rewriting, etc. if they were introduced would be astronomical
they said years ago that the reason they wouldn't add vertical slabs is because it would """limit""" player creativity (????)
i just assume it's another instance of the game being held back by bedrock, or more specifically pocket edition
Vertical slabs would be great, but I see the argument against them. Limitations can be a big sense of creativity. It would make UI more awkward, require massive code refactoring, and would also just drastically affects the overall game design.
Minecraft playtesting is outsourced to the community with snapshots. And no, all that stuff wouldn't be "astronomical" for the vertical slab. They don't release a lot of stuff because they don't need to, they aren't being forced, like I said, theybhave freedom, and they don't want to churn out unpolished low quality content.
> Minecraft playtesting is outsourced to the community with snapshots.
True, but I'm betting they still do pre-snapshot playtesting.
> And no, all that stuff wouldn't be "astronomical" for the vertical slab.
So many aspects of the game would be heavily impacted by the introduction of vertical slabs. Lighting and UI being major one, block collisions, redstone, and just overall game design philosophy. It's obviously not impossible given how many mods do it, but it would absolutely be the biggest change to vanilla minecraft in many years.
> they don't want to churn out unpolished low quality content.
Well that's debatable...
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This is how it looks like to stand on a drained seabed.
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minecraft is for old unemployed trannies now
Sandstone and brick/granite. Consider smooth/polished variants.
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This is my new base so far. Any critiques? Anything you would change?
>Etho will never enderpearlhump me
why even live
Have you seen the recent april fools updates, aka when they're completely unrestricted in what they can add? You can't exactly call them "lazy" when they somehow manage to make joke updates that add more than several official ones combined (and often use them as teasers for upcoming features)
Minecraft isn't a small indie game made by a random /v/irgin anymore, it's a multibillion dollar franchise owned by one of the largest corporations
And M$ will absolutely want to make sure it stays as broad and profitable as possible, even if it means making retarded decisions for the sake of their moneymaking glorified mobile port (see: bundles being in limbo for three years, removal of fireflies)
Not hard to believe that adding vertical slabs would somehow break Bugrock that already likes to make you fall through the floor or randomly receive fatal fall damage on flat ground
How would you change it? I'm not so sure about the oak log highlight I have.
The striped log highlight looks kinda weird I feel like it should just be stone or just regular logs, also how come you have no windows?
It's still a work in progress. I'm just trying to get some opinions before I put on the finishing touches.

I'll post more updates later.
tear it all down and start again
And do what? The current footprint is about as big as I can go without doing a ton of terraforming to move all my farms around and I need the base to be functional, so I don't want any wasted space.
Looks like a good foundation to build off of.
I would definitely break up the horizontal oak logs. I would add two or three vertical columns, probably stone brick to match the corners.
I would also make something that sticks out towards the lake. Maybe a balcony on the second floor, a covered porch on the ground floor, some sort of utility room attached there, or a grand entrance. Just something to make it not so flat. I do see that you did add depth, and that does a lot, but it looks like you only added 1 block of depth, I would add something with at least 3 or 4 blocks of depth.
redpill me on using silk touch on your main pick
is the convenience of not having to worry about breaking your ender chest, but needing to re-mine all your ores really worth the trade off
For me there's something satisfying about piling up all my ores in a big tower and then using a Fortune 3 pickaxe on them to count everything I got afterward
>you will never fuck lady agnes
Why live?
Because cobble stone and cobble deepslate are shit
>cobble deepslate
even ignoring the fact that all variations of deepslate blocks are crafted from cobbled deepslate, this is the worst opinion I've ever heard
cobbled deepslate is the best block in the game
Fuck off toycat I'm not buying your map
I hope you accidentally press Q with your silk touch pickaxe in front of a cactus
>Microsoft plant
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why does nobody talk about hypixel skyblock? i played it a while ago and it seemed like you would just end up waiting around and it got boring so i stopped playing. im seeing some content now about it that actually sorta kinda looks like an mmo if you squint your eyes hard enough. has anyone itt every played it? how is it?
>grind to make your numbers go up so you can grind some more
runescape has been a thing for how many years now? it's clearly an effective gameplay loop
god just fucking take me back

how the fuck is it so long ago

i miss the old days
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umm, basd?/
She used to be cute, but now she got older, and more stressed. Doesn't look the same now.
Still would though.
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Updated, I think it looks a lot better. It's got a weird Mc mansion thing going on where the back isn't nearly as decorated, but I'm okay with that.
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You forgot something.
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Here's another angle.
ill suck your dick for a schematica file of that
You mean a world download? Why?
Sorry I can't read, it's late. I don't want to draw anything, but I can take more pictures if you'd like.
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Gem loves Etho
because Mojang are fucking hacks and have no clue how to design a FUCKING SANDBOX GAME
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Rear view.
You need a schematic for a wood box?
Post your base nerd.
I welcome the RETVRN of our glorious ocean draining Overlord. How goes the work? Will you start the building part now?
Does wearing a piece of non gold armor with gold trim make piglins non aggressive? If not it should.
>rebinds drop item to P
your move now
This will be Steve in 2024.
It doesn't but should- lets gold still have its niche as armor for early game nether, but also give trims an objective use for endgame armor. Mojank will never allow though because of "game philosophy"
What's the monthly rent for this house? Looking to rent it out for about a dozen villager refugees that have lost their homes and families in a pillager raid.
That road actually leads to a village I built. I accidentally built it the perfect distance away, it's close enough that the villagers will restock their trades while I'm at my base but far enough that they don't fuck with my stuff.
I there any reason to chose the specialized protection enchantments over the regular one?
They really should remove that feature.
Show inside. You did decorate the interior, right anon?
Looks great anon!
If you think you'll be taking damage of that specific type. But they really aren't very useful.
talk about a coincidence, but anyways it's good to hear you made a nice refugee camp for the villagers displaced by the palesti-uhhhh, I mean pillagers
trims having functions outside of vanity would be dogshit
why? isn't the fact that they're only used for looks now kind of dogshit?
nah, the moment they get given passives everyone would look the fucking same which would be antithetical to the creativity and self expression rooted deep within the game
and if gold trim made piglins like you then gold armour would go back to being useless

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