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Ryozo on a Seikret edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Lala Barina & Scarlet Forest Reveal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw
Next trailer at TGS, September 26th: https://www.capcom-games.com/tgs/en-uk/

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>492841445
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The ballad of /mhg/

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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
Lance is the quintessential weapon for slaying dragons. Play lance.
I love huntresses
Nice move, but should really be 960×540 at most. Its kinda long and the firebreaths are gonna make the converter shit its pants anways. Its really low quality, but nice moves.
That life leech is so fucking retarded I hate it
gah damn im boutta nut
Kinda based.
Wow you did 500 total damage in this entire webm
dont be a degenerate
>health augment
lancegawd application DENIED
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To high res fancy capture anon, I need the nargacuga ones, please.
haha yeah, that's lance
ur a degenerate. I just want to hun sum mons
I don't think any of the regular autismo /mhg/ lancers use health augment
>Ryozo on a Seikret
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Wilds roster so far

>Lala Barina
>Rey Dau

>Purple poison bird
>Ice bug/crab monster

>White Fury (flagship?)

>Jungle apex
>3rd map Apex
>4th map Apex
>5th map Apex

>Final boss
>only need one hit for that with GS
Back of the bus, lancels
Final boss will be Lao Shan Kidney
blocking repeating attacks in rhythm with leaping thrust guard advances is one of the most orgasmic lane feelings
i love gs except in 5th gen where i hate it, why did they have to ruin it
i don't think i've ever seen a vocaroo not made by some cringelord
lol chill out man it was a joke about the general
So they're masochists/suishifish enthusiasts?
lol chill out i just called out a cringelord
it better feel good, because those 2.3 points of damage aren't accomplishing anything else.
They're all high mr and regularly play fatty and all the other endgame shit in the rooms
What's wrong with being cringe?
I don't use lance but what do you do against chip damage like that at some point? Is the meme here that you're supposed to be "honorable" and just sheathe every 40 seconds to heal?
just evade lance and never take chip damage :)
Literally everyone use health aug
are you blind? he's doing like 60 damage 3 times for each one of those
180 dps, while taking no damage
Just hit it til it dies and don't get hit what's the problem here?
Have quick sheathe 3 and take 4 seconds to pop a max pot. If you're playing well against fatty you should be sheathing regularly to run up to him when he gets away from you as it's safer in most circumstances and gives you more options than doing the dash attack.
>I don't use lance but what do you do against chip damage like that at some point?
the cat heals you
Not sure what I want to do in GU now. Progression seems super fragmented after finishing high rank
I haven't used health augment at all on Lance.
Before health augment (or if you're stubborn and autistic) you can use stuff like Recovery Speed 3, or Divine Blessing since it works on chip damage in World
In Rise you just stack more Guard by using Embolden, with Guard 5 and Embolden 2 nothing does any meaningful chip damage besides like a Risen Shagaru super laser
I hate clagger because it makes the game more difficult
There are things you can do to mitigate chip damage vs fatalis. For attacks like his vertical flamethrower or his charged fireball into aerial tackle, you can sheathe and then dive to avoid the attacks rather than shielding them and taking chip damage. Also you want to use guard 5/guard up and train yourself to regular guard his attacks rather than doing a power guard. Power guard seems safer but you'll take much more chip damage. You'll also want to guard some attacks so that it pushes you towards him rather than away, as having to shield his triple fireballs can quickly put you in danger status or kill you. If he's on the third phase and there's fire diarrhea all over the floor, nothing you can really do but pay attention to your health and pop an astera jerky if the red gets too high, or just heal.
GU is one of those cringe older "forced multiplayer" games where all the endgame hub quests are literally designed for 2 people minimum
so just cheat your damage 2x to make up for it
>just cheat
why are they like this?
I don't think the swaxe set is a crab but I have no idea what it COULD be. Sure there's the claws, but the entire set is all floppy skin. Both the armor and swaxe have iridescent blue on the inside of the skin too. I really hope it's a weird cephalopod.
GU is one of those cringe older "forced multiplayer" games where all the endgame hub quests are literally designed for 2 people minimum
so just get good enough that you count as 2x the players
it's perfectly valid though?
the game is LITERALLY designed for 2 players
multiplayer doesn't even exist anymore
the fuck are you meant to do, play it solo and take twice the time to do it? actual waste of time and effort
you can emulate having 2 players by doubling one players damage, it's that simple

not all cheating is bad you retarded brainlet
I don't know man if Wilds sucks I'll probably just join the majority and be a NOWgod forever
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lumu love
>Marshmallow tags in to fight Narwa
fine that was cool, but making me wait 40 ranks to do it was still pretty lame
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>no new weapons
>every existing weapon has a braindead counter, auto dodge or armor move that bypasses positioning based gameplay
>every existing weapon has an even more bloated moveset when each weapon is already drowning in redundant filler moves you'd never EVER use
>all assets remade from scratch even for shit no one cares about like basic armor sets and generic monsters like rathian
>maps are even bigger than world but all the interesting gameplay components (slinger tools, endemic life, uneven terrain etc) are spread out further so it just wastes more of your time when you travel from point A to point B
>increased focus on story and cutscenes, full voice acting for every character even though no one cares
>years of dev wasted on completely useless things like detailed village NPC AI routines that adapt to the season and time of day
>almost certainly will have a small, padded monster/map selection due to the above, w e already know they're wasting resources on filler shitmons like le farty monkey
>most notable new gameplay addition is......................auto aim mode, and a mount that does the things the mounts in Iceborne and Rise already did
What killed the hype?
Where's the lumu doko
He's waiting for you in the coral highlands, hop to it
>you are laying in bed and she slaps her THICC tail is pinning you down
>she's burning your pelvis but you can't move
What do?
How the fuck is she burning my pelvis? She's an ice monster
capcom is extremely retarded. all the new monsters have zero personality. compare that to the monsters from even the two previous games which i fucking hated. Atleast those monsters have personality, these shits look like repurposed devil may cry / resident evil assets.

This franchise is literally fucked and its up to someone with two brain cells to make a new franchise and give capcom the middle finger.
>you have 50 minutes
>you have 50 seconds
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im a gacha fag, and part of me wants to try lance to imitate radiant nearl, but idk, is there any holy glowing lances made? Least in souls games you could buff your weapon with various elements and make it glow, MH should adopt that

PC Rise lumu/lobby/room:
Pass: 7243
>every existing weapon has an even more bloated moveset when each weapon is already drowning in redundant filler moves you'd never EVER use

what did he mean by this

outside of basic combos what attacks do you even mean?
what did she mean by this?
Is fun
Not very horny
>This franchise is literally fucked and its up to someone with two brain cells to make a new franchise and give capcom the middle finger.
The problem with that is that literally no one knows how to make a good monhun knockoff. All of them are shit in one respect or another. Wild Hearts was the only one that had a real chance but videogame satan owns it and decided because it didn't sell 15m+ copies in a month they needed to can all future updates and kill it.
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>spent the whole evening getting rajang to lvl 102
>now have to go to my acting class and i feel like i wasted time
its over for me.
>acting class
post bussy
Just act like you didn't waste your time rofl
what happened to wild hearts really pisses me off. i thought it sucked at first but i was so hungry for monhun that i stuck with it and after a while it just clicked. the extending hammer was absolutely kino and the umbrella was a close second. i think they kinda fixed up their weapon/skill system after a while but it was too little too late. my only hope is that itll get a sequel.
just act like you're a good actor who prepared for the class? are you regarded?
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B8MCB2QTJjZa lumu 3/16
Should I watch this?
It's alright. Better than the live action movie at least, but you can tell it had like a $20 budget.
just look at rice and its wirebug skills
It's perfectly not valid though? Everything in GU can be done singleplayer including EX deviants and just because you are shit at the game doesn't excuse cheating as some accessibility option you retarded nigger>>492903721
Take it in the same way you would look at a b-movie and it should be fine.
>dude just take 20 minutes to clear something solo that should only take 10 as intended (by having 2 players)
>dude just stay shit at the game and not improve
how the fuck do i into world/rise greatsword from classic mh crit draw gs this shits impossible
dude they LITERALLY have twice the hp because they're DESIGNED to be fought by TWO PEOPLE
there is NO SINGLE PLAYER SCALING like there is in modern games

you can't just "git gud" enough to make up this 2x difference you fucking retard
if people actually fucking played multiplayer in this game in the current year, this would not be a problem, you could just play with 2 or more people as intended and clear hunts in a reasonable time frame
but no one fucking plays this multiplayer so you have to use alternate methods, the simplest of which is doubling your damage to emulate having a second player
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>you can't just "git gud" enough to make up this 2x difference you fucking retard
Let me give you a second braincell here
>but no one fucking plays this multiplayer so you have to use alternate methods
Many people play the multiplayer.
and if there was another player there it would have gone twice as fast, which is my entire point
I tried SA in World but I'm not having fun. Any other weapon recommendations?
sns, hammer
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This is for making me cart with your dumb bubbles!
You said you stopped playing the game you dumb attention whore
It depends on the weapon
Hammer is literally just walking with the stick and holding the charge button on the dongle, I forget if camera facing is on the smaller of the two grip buttons but if it is you could probably hunt a monster using exclusively the dangly bit
Greatsword can probably get away with it due to the crit draw play similarly
I recall longsword being fine
The c. bowguns with DPAD aiming are also pretty decent
Lance is the first bad example I can think of, as it requires tilt for thrusting upward
t. lazybones who didn't like real controller "posture"
Low rank or high rank-
Low rank... Hammer... Struggling against fucking Mizutsune....
You're not going to like this monster going forward
At all
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>15 years later now Monster Hunter is easier than Souls games...
No because when a monster is aggro'd to you and only you it is constantly shoving it's head towards you so you can get more flinches and knockdown, you just have to stop being shit at these games.
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Are you retarded? I said I dropped Drakengard 1 after the Wyrm killed me. I literally never said anything about Rise.
Are you mixing me with your boogeyman again, retard?

I'm not struggling. I just got negligent and my equipement is underlevelled.
Stop your projection.
a lot of those were cool though. as a gunlance enjoyer i was feasting in rise and im pretty sure i ended up using almost all of my kit at various points. idk about other weapons though, i heard greatsword got an entirely separate moveset but i never got around to trying it.
it can't be helped
You fucking nigger bitch literally said after killing magnamalo and getting hte cutscenes "WOOAH I SEE THE CREDITS I'M DONE WITH THE GAME ANOTHER CHECKMARK ON MY BACKLOCK"
Putain de tarlouse bougnoule de mes couilles va te pendre
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>carting vs Mizutsune on Low Rank with a >>>>>>Hammer
>has clearly also eaten dango
No, that is struggling
But that's completely alright. Go again on hunting the cunt and this time aim for the fucking head
What's a backlock?
Me no habla your former colonist language.
shoulder tackle is op and gives you huge iframes. but you can still play crit draw, in fact the velkhana set has a super set bonus with a unique mechanic that specifically benefits GS crit draw.

that being said being a chargechad is still fun and cool. it just requires a lot of knowledge of the monster's moveset so you can do amazing things like calmly charging your moves in the exact spot in the center of glavenus' two tail stabs.
Can the shield even guard anything? I'm not a big fan of how small both the sword and shield look. I'm also unfamiliar with the gameplay so what exactly do you do?
I'm not good with charging mechanics up mechanics. I've got good reaction speed but I'm shit at reading which attacks are coming and openings.
The only ranged weapon I would be willing to play is bow. The other two are lame.
I gave this a try in the training room. It seems kind of cool but I would need to try it versus a monster to get a feel for how it plays. Is it just poking and hopping?
mizu has a fucking glass jaw, that cunt is constantly falling over 20 times a hunt after getting tapped on the snout by literally anything
>Is it just poking and hopping?
if you're a brainlet, yes, but once you use it you'll realize it's more complex (it's still mostly poking and hopping, but knowing how and when is key)
weird post
DeS is basically the same logic as older gens giving you item tests or skill (armor) tests and DaS is a bit more finicky out of the box but can't keep up once you reach G in most contemporary MHs
DaS2+ isn't even worth discussing and BB/ER makes all the mistakes that Monster Hunter is making now, except earlier (trivialized healing if you ignore lifegems, incentivizing constant attack uptime instead of turns via said healing trivialization, excessive parryjank and NPCs 'playing around' it, open world emptiness, etc.)
i thought it was a rise thing but when i played gu this year it was he same lol
>Is it just poking and hopping?
Big part of it is parrying.
BB/ER don't have lifegems.
You have no idea what you're talking about. How embarrassing!
>Is it just poking and hopping?

lance is the ultimate in "fuck you monster, it's MY game, you don't get to play"
I said ignoring lifegems because I already mentioned DaS2 which introduced the same healing trivialization in a different form you absolutely black creature

Weakness: Head
>i'm not gotta talk about DaS2
>furthermore, to keep on with my line of not talking about DaS2, I'm going ot say that we'll ignore it, even further
yeah, I knew you'd get it eventually lil bro
You're a retard. How embarrassing, again!
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I hate monke
>jumping into an attack
skill issue
I randomly clicked on my controller and found out about the counter thrust. The weapon seems like it could be fun so I'll try it tomorrow.
So is that pressing RT at the right time or is it like CB where you have guard points.
That's Sunbreak though. On a related note is there some sort of Lance cabal? For a weapon that isn't very popular or picked in the polls there seems to be quite a few people shilling it.
>>The other two are lame.

i felt the same way until i tried HBG for a meme. its not a meme. its fucking cool actually.
oh boy...gettin flashbacks.
>player gets mount
>literally jumps into
femboy brains
>skill issue
I have a lot of those
After 100 hours of using the greatsword, i think its time to actually make an armor set with greatsword skills
Goodbye "Negate Stun", you were a valiant warrior in my journey
>That's Sunbreak though.
my bad
it's not as fun in world because of no silkbinds but it's still...ok i guess...
I'll keep in mind to avoid hunting with you
>On a related note is there some sort of Lance cabal? For a weapon that isn't very popular or picked in the polls there seems to be quite a few people shilling it.
Vocal minority effect in action
this guy has a video on why tackle is bad https://www.youtube.com/@naota909
and i cant watch speed kills to improve anymore because thats minmaxed spreadsheet slop ever since 5th gen
also, velk is only available very late into the dlc so its basically unusable for progression
idk man it just feels so shit to pilot now
>So is that pressing RT at the right time

you can do 3 pokes, and then do a counter poke to reset and do 3 more pokes
you can do a counter poke at any time, meaning you can just keep attacking, and counter when an attack is coming
this always lance to do constant, safe dps
i'd still watch some youtube guides on how to play the weapon though, so you know more than the bare basics

I think this is the end of the road for me, I've grown too old and slow for alatreon and therefore also fatalis
time to die
what a retarded post for the simple fact that MH is easier than souls games now.
it's radicool
Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer Play hammer play hammer play hammer
You are entitled to your opinion however I cannot see myself playing either of them.
What's the damage output like? I've seen that Risen Shagaru clip and even though World is a different game I don't want to be stuck in 45 minute hunts.
>watch guides
Yeah I will do. Does Lance have a lot of skill expression and what are the armour skills I need aside from the obvious guard up?
>MH is easier than souls games now.
you can oneshot elden ring bosses by buffstacking
it's way easier than mon hun
Lucy, my choco wife...
Whats that have to do with anything, you can 1 shot monsters in MH with a mod.
Why do 3-movetards keep shilling their braindead weapons all the time?
literally who

i mean the tackle can bait you. every GS player will tell you about the time he tackled through 6 zingore flips to try and land a TCS and whiffed it. it just comes down to knowing the monster moveset again.
post guild card
>I've seen that Risen Shagaru clip and even though World is a different game I don't want to be stuck in 45 minute hunts.
ok, there is a attack no one uses and it's a total meme, it's where you have your shield up and do a slow, shitty damage poke

>What's the damage output like?
when you use it properly, very good, most hunts shouldn't take you longer than 10 mins, which is normal

> Does Lance have a lot of skill expression and what are the armour skills I need aside from the obvious guard up?
just get guard, and guard up and you're set, you can then go all into offensive skills for more damage
>monster hunter released on and after August 1, 2009
>not braindead

>Whats that have to do with anything, you can 1 shot monsters in MH with a mod.
elden ring is easy by design and doesn't need cheat mods to 1 shot bosses, because it's just something you can naturally do in the game

mon hun is harder, because you always have to fight something in the vanilla, unmodded game
I do
good. Play it and only it.
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There are two extremely important lance moves to learn in world new players easily miss if they just mess around in this training area. First, you can chain guard dashes and thrusts indefinitely at no stamina cost to move around quickly while also guarding yourself. Second, if you press evade during the counter-thrust animation, you enter power guard stance from which you can attack freely in any direction and you can do it in the middle of an attacking combo.
there is far less friction in the basic MH game now than there is in the basic fromsoft game now. DAMAGE is irrelevent. Everything you do in MH is 10x easier to pull off. what you're arguing is so retarded because we already know the MONSTERS have more HP than shit in souls have. comparative to player output.
The average retard will have a much easier time completing MH than they will with ER.
im surprised mhg doesnt seem to know michael, his coaching/theory videos got pretty popular when he made a video on asmongold and i think he has decent insight and uses his brain more than other players
that said, he took 20 mins to kill sunbreak royal ludroth with sns
so again i just dont know where to look for improvements, capcom completely inversed the weapons playstyle and entire identity from 4th gen and it feels nigh impossible trying to adjust
Room at 1/16, thanks for the hunts
>you enter power guard stance from which you can attack freely in any direction and you can do it in the middle of an attacking combo.
not to mention this also blocks multihits, and you can press y to leaping thrust out of it, instead of b to do a big stab
Just did, and this thread is bullying me sexually.
anon, jamescagewhite beat elden ring and the dlc, its not that hard
I'm not. Go away.
The only real answer here is to not slide since you cant dodge out of sliding. The atk happened after the slide was initiated, and trying to get over it cleary didnt work. You *might* have been able to stop the slide and dodge roll out of it if you have MLG reation time, but I doubt you do. Just dont slide.
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I don't think you understand what's coming.
Can any monster even touch Radahn? Let alone defeat him
Even MH's baked-in cheese (ex: clust ala) is just a silly gimmick by comparison to what you can do in FROM titles. And a lot of it requires multiple people.
bingsisters… i kneel…
>And a lot of it requires multiple people.
quotes from a shitter who has used cats more than 1 times.
From cheese is literally just a bow
What's up with this Lance talk lately? Is this still about that reddit popularity chart?
>he doesn't know /mhg/ Lance lore
it's simply the best weapon, no wonder people talk about it all the time
show me your solo hame runs buddy
I haven't even used a cat in MHGU so far (finishing HR 10*) while we're at it since it's not a special story cat
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me fighting the final boss in dogshit one
Cool. Am I meant to dodge through attacks or just guard counter them?
>you can chain guard dashes and thrusts indefinitely
Does this replace your normal hops against the monster then?
>you can do it in the middle of an attacking combo
Is that good? I would have thought the monster would have enough momentum to continue attacking and gut you if you don't let them finish their combo.
I have literally never used cats except for the forced quests in MH4 where I spent hours trying to figure out what the fuck this japanese fag game was asking me to do.
Being able to picture an apple in the mind's eye should be a prerequisite to playing video games
>Does this replace your normal hops
yeah, pretty much. Everything a hop does, a guard dash generally does batter.
iframe hopping is the ultimate dishonest endgame, but there's roughly 9000 hours of fun guard dash gameplay before that point.
Me fighting the final boss in monhun's easiest game ever
now use elden rings and wilds instead of cherry picking your examples
and a je suis monte to you too
but ringworm is too shit for me to play long enough to get to the final boss
>engaging monke with less than 200HP
you can do evade lancing memes in older games but it's better to just counter in world

>Does this replace your normal hops against the monster then?
your standard backhop is the a button
guard advancing is another beast entirely, to start off with do, a poke, y or b, then you have to fling the left stick in the direction you want to go while pressing RT iirc (i can't remember specifically i just muscle memory it), then you press y again to do a leaping thrust if you want
guard advancing has block frames the entire time so you can take no damage doing it

>you can do it in the middle of an attacking combo
you can poke twice, enter a power guard stance, get attacked by a 16 hit multihit attack, then counter thrust when you decide to smack the b button, then just keep poking them after
with a combination of guard advances, counters and power counters, monsters literally cannot do anything to you
mh isn't getting easier, it's just qol
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>tfw making a new Redman to prep for Wilds
>tfw He won.
>Does this replace your normal hops against the monster then?
You still use the backhops to reset your poking combo or to evade unblockable qttacks, but to move forward or sideways, you would more often want to use guard dash.
>then you have to fling the left stick in the direction you want to go
nigga just hold it
Ywnbr. You aren't even Shirou. You are more like Shinji.
i do that yeah, fling and hold
i said fling because you gotta be kinda snappy with the movement of it for it to work
>plays a big hunky dadchad in darksouls
>plays a sissy twink huntress in MH

>monster hunter players think holding a direction and pressing a button at the same time is a challenge
this is why Souls reigns supreme
>>monster hunter players think holding a direction and pressing a button at the same time is a challenge
it is trying to do a guard advance, you have to orient yourself first to go in the direction you want to go

you CAN pull these bastards off from neutral but in my experience they always go the wrong way, which is why a poke or something is necessary first so you can properly aim it
>you gotta be kinda snappy with the movement of it for it to work
no????? just fucking hold the stick in the direction you want to go and press the button
None of these words are in the bible
maybe my controller is broken...
Guard dash is literally lance's most important skill, and the class is hell without it. The only bad thing is it's 3 buttons, so hunters button mash through hunts and hate their life and quit before discovering it exists.
but sodomy is
Ah, that explains the result in >>492914401
Why no offensive guard for gunlance?
gunlance doesn't use the shield
Don't emote at me with your HIV mouth
Don't Charge Blade's guard points let it have as much defence as Lance whilst dealing more damage and looking cooler?
Yes and the QOL makes the game easier you dunce. putting iframes on everything, increasing hitboxes on weapons like mad, reducing the impact of choice by allowing you to restock and change weapons whenever you want. moving while healing, sprinting while healing, healing while healing, more angle control so you never miss your attacks, just reorient yourself whenever you want, iframes on the fucking bird call. theres so much dogshit QOL that is directly effecting the difficulty, immersion and impact of the game design. dumb ass
Sorry guys blast dash isn't immersive
>as much defence as Lance
lol nope
There is no law that says a fake can't surpass the original.
clever, I laughed a Lot
>gimmick feature on certain moves vs a dedicated button
>dealing more damage
highly debatable
>looking cooler
lance users don't care about needing to look cool, they just kill things
sorry couldn't hear you over me qoling this fatalis evil eye for free
Why isn't there any erp in the lumus?
>more defense
hahahaha no
>more offense
>he doesnt take PrEP
lol, lmao even
There literally is though lmao
no counters or good attacks from blocking and you'll probably be taking evade extender anyway so there's really no reason to block.
There was a great purge of undesirables some time prior (internal troonflict) which has led to the presently almost acceptable state of multi"player" in this general
You have to bring it up to the huntress then when they act all coy you have to get aggressive with it. Have you never been with a woman? You have to make them feel wanted. Hunters need yo be loved, huntress need to be wanted. Make her feel wanted and she'll love you.
That's not how that drug works, friendly neighborhood pharmaceuticals representative
Thanks for the advice anon. I'll try this out next lumu
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vote for which weapon you're going to use
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Flee, felyne, flee!
I love hunters!
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my wife
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imagine being the 4th guy in the room with the 3 other LBGsissies
CB's guard points are still noticeably weaker than lance and get you pushed back by a lot of shit unless you go all in on embolden
I love you too anon
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>play hammer
>dodge not far enough to dodge attacks reliably

>play greatsword
>can block but it drains stamina and blunts the weapon

>try sword and shield
>damage output feels lacking and range is miserable

>try dual blade
>drains stamina like crazy and range is bad

>try heavy bowgun
>feels like cheating

Am I doomed to be unhappy.
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>Play FU back in the day as my first MH game
>Always loved it but never finished it
>Pick the series back up at 4U, never finished FU
>Resurrect my 217hr save from 15 years ago in PPSSPP
>On last Village quests
>Get to Akantor, kill and finish Village after all these years
Feels crazy...

I have no idea what's worth grabbing before/on G-rank entry. I still have to finish HR Guild. Is Akantor set (or at least a few pieces) worth getting or is it too much effort compared to early G-rank stuff I could get?
Longsword, lance, CB, swaxe, gunlance, HH, IG, bow
>Am I doomed to be unhappy
Autism does that to people, yeah
Where are all the pictures of strong, shirtless hunkters?
You don't like my weapon so I do genuinely hope you're doomed to be unhappy.
You haven't complimented my dick either.

I was told to avoid using it in Rise since it was my main in World.
>more than 15m on Zinogre
>capped no less
What if you...put on some evade extender
use whatever you want. I thought it was pretty fun
>You haven't complimented my dick either.
Well, lets see it.
use lance
>don't need to dodge
>can block and do damage by blocking
>has better damage than sns, range is good with high pokes
>only stam draining move is optional power guarding
>is an honest weapon
take the lance pill brother, be happy
I will play gunlance, but I enjoy the hammer aesthetic very much.
every single one of these can be fixed by skills except the complains about range and the hbg being gay
Where can I farm heterosexual+ decoration?
Hypothetically, how would you balance a skill that makes your weapon emit shockwaves
How much damage should it do?
Should it stack with your weapon hitting?
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Elder Dragon fgs.
Posting in /mhg/ significantly lowers the drop rate irreversibly.
>How much damage should it do?
x% of the main attacks damage
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Im sorry Im a shitter and keep carting, but I cant stop thinking about being taking by the hunters in the hunt, and its just really distracting and Im sorry, ok?
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Top 5 hardest hunts in the series. Go.
the best in slot blademaster set in high rank is *usually* narga weapon + cean S full set
i gemmed mine for AuL and speed sharpen alongside the S+1, the -20 def is nothing
this set is better than dark akantor because AuL is more valuable than RA+3 with hr (and g) narga weapons
i played gs in low rank with kushala full set but idk how to best build it in high rank sorry
in g rank for greatsword you have cean X, los X, lava X and rajang (golden shin), the last of which is most popular for time attacks mixed with makluva to get art of unsheathing, S+1, focus and item usage up (for might seed/pill)
you can also mix golden shin with ash lao parts to get damage recovery+1 instead of item usage up if you are so inclined
best greatsword in the game with S+1 is by far diablos, nothing else comes even close
i think people use a rath based gs for fatties though
good luck and happy hunting
Wait what, you can have a Lance shield on your walls? Why didn't I know of this sooner?
Would let bully me
There's a couple presets you can choose from, it'll change the appearance of the big pillar, stairs and fireplace, along with the set decorations on the walls, the ones you can't change
Ah I see, wonder if it's worth changing from my old wooder set for it
If you enjoy monster hunter sims edition it's nice. I don't remember if it replaces absolutely everything so you might lose your current setup
choco hunters?
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>/mhg/ only post mostly World and Rise screenshots

Why don't you all care more about the older, better MH games? Play those.
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*surpasses kino*
They're fighting games. Its all the same shit.
damn grandad you got me howling over here, SHEESH
we are too busy playing the games, sorry
It's just a skin for the walls and floor, so it keeps the layout the same. That said I think I prefer the wooden look still
If that's what you really want...
*opens GU*
they're not available on steam and piracy is stealing
>*pickaxe breaks*
>king shitmon rathalos charges at you three times in a row, spins in a circle 5 times in a row
>forgot to take a map, have no idea where you are
>forgot to paintball the monster, have no idea where they are
>bugnet breaks
>gets gangraped by genprey
>queen shitmon rathian charges at you three times in a row, spins in a circle 5 times in a row
>144p resolution
Because I played them over and over again for more than 15 years

You can still swap the walls and floor after applying the preset. I personally prefer the fancy layout
Im going to bounce to this
sorry sister, im too used to the "QoL"
this unironically
Some geriatric is gonna take this post seriously
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Bounce to THIS
Oh yeah, it's been ages since I've changed anything in the room. The ladder is still made out of stone but I think I'll enjoy having a couple of Lances on the wall
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>king shitmon rathalos
i hate fighting rathalos and his subspecies but love fighting rathian and her subspecies
I don't think I have any piece of armor that improve it so far.
it takes me like 3 minutes to kill a rathian and 10 to kill a rathalos
i don't get it
Don't forget to place penguins
holy sovl, morlos could never appreciate this
one stays in the air and one doesn't
it's pretty simple
hunkter thighs <3
You killed a zinogre, you must at least have access to nargacuga?
when do i unlock qurious crafting in sunbreak, i want to remove all these fucking gunner skills off my armor
i only just started the endgame, i killed that afflicted arzuros but called it a night after that
Yeah. It's another quest.
Anyway, good night.
It takes a bit to be able to armor augment the highest rarity pieces
rathalos has been an awful fight in every single game and the series would be improved if they stop including him and switch to using a cool monster like zinogre for the mascot
he's cool in rise
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imagine if chameleos was chameleon sized
this. Disgusting how fun he is compared to earlier incarnations.
Same as Kushala.
Do I:
>go back and farm a high rank Volvidon set and upgrade to max level with hyper Volvidon mats
>keep my hyper Glav set, go from G1 to G2 so I can farm the G rank Volidon set
I would but there's no point. This place is unironically 80% people who started with 5th gen.
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>Absolutely hate Lavasioth
>Start playing MH1
>Slowly progress through the game
>This fucker appears
Man, I.. I hate piscine wyverns.
I threw a sonic bomb, he jumped out, hit him once, he jumped back in the sand immediately after finishing the sonic stun animation.
gen 1-2 los: unbearable on the ground because of charge spam, flying is good because its limited and grants a free golfswing/lv 3 charge
gen 1-2 ian: fair monster, lots of fireballs letting you play aggro but you still have to watch for her flip, tail and charge, doesnt charge nearly as much as los
one of the most engaging fights (especially love goldian in tower)
gen 3-4 los: untouchable flying tumor whos way overpowered in the air with his new hover ai, cant flash frenzied in 4U
gen 3-4 ian: same as gen 1-2 but they gave her flight, still good but overall a downgrade
5th gen raths: dear god kill me they dont stop fucking moving around, oh well at least i brought flash po- *tolerance kicks in*
cephalos ain't that bad, really. or at least, not bad compared to what's going to make you decide old-gen is never worth going back to
god forbid the game have any sovl
anything at all aside from the meat of the game to keep things fresh
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Good hunts
is the lumu still up?! I just got home!
why are you pretending rise and world have the same raths
If you break the wings they'll fly less in 5th gen. You can get two guaranted flight denials. Except if they just enraged, doesn't matter if wings are broken they'll just fireball into flight. Also silverlos completly ignores broken wings. U rike ?
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japanese choco lance huntresses ARE real
because he's never played the game (any of them) before
3/16 right now
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I love bazel
ctrl+f is your friend nonners
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Lance has this thing where it's a really simple weapon to play at a basic level, but that simplicity also puts people off because they think it's JUST "poke poke" and shield.
Nearly anyone who actually dives into the weapon and teally work with it sees what lays behind that snd the sheer depth of the weapon.
t. Someone who always felt lance was clunky and that kind of boring until not too long ago
do they not? i guess rise raths dont clagger
what a cute lil fella
>flying is good
nigger he literally spends minutes flying outside of the hunting zone where not even guns can hit him
they have completely different moves and ai in rise compared to world
they're actually fun to fight in rise, cunt bastards in world
I thought guard point was equivalent to +2 guard and shield charge was another +2. And that heavy shields started at the equivalent of guard 3.
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world tour gives you time to heal and sharpen, its well designed
i played vs world rathian and rise rathian today to compare actually, world played a lot more reasonably very similar to in gens 3-4 whereas the rise ian wouldnt stop triple charging off cooldown, in a game where they removed monsters having to turn. killed her in 6 mins but i got vietnam flashbacks to timing out on my first monoblos because he wouldnt stop long charging when i was close
The waiting is always the worst part. I'd rather get stunlocked and die than keep looking at the sand fish swimming, even worse when I fish him out only to have an opening of 3 seconds before he jumps back into the sand.
Kek, it has a certain charm.
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>Striker CB
>charge up red shield just fine
>go for SAED
>no sparks
>move finishes
>no phials used
so what is it's unlock gimmic? I know that for aerial that I need to land a jump attack on anything for red shield and to activate the phials
>its well designed
I never thought I'd see the day I'd meet someone retarded enough to defend oldgen Rath's flying, holy fuck
his hp is low enough to kill him in 1 sonic bomb rotation with rank appropriate gear, also you can snipe him in the sand with hammer and gs if you dont want to use precious sonic bombs (that will become very valuable later)
cephadrome took me about 3 mins in F1 with greatsword
I like world raths. Theyre fun hunts.
you could just leave the area and he'd be back on the ground most of the time when you came back
a shame really. Wish you could fight Old Gen Lavasioth. It's stupidly cute and fun to fight. Fighting Old Lavasioth and World Lavasioth is like night and day solely cause of World Lavasioth stealing Agnaktor's gimmick and making it worse
>Lavasioth goes underground
>after doing the flop attack, pops it's head out of the ground to look for you
fuck old Lavasioth is so fucking adorable
>hunter with THAT weapon joins the hunt
>you just KNOW you can depend on him
What weapon is it?
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how would you feel about hunting already wounded monsters?
instinctively, greatsword
opposite is lbg
if they didn't want to be hunted then why do they bleed? checkmate
I fucking hate fighting raging brachy....
>depending on another hunter
anon...your hunter license.
give it here.
Just R2+Circle
t. guy who somehow missed all the opening cutscenes
hame is canon
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bro your scarred garuga?
>elder melds a dozen immortal reactors
nothing personnel, hunter
not feral enough and also, he's barely wounded
i want to see more heavily wounded monsters using alternate fighting styles to compensate for said wounds
>not hunting together, but straight up depending on another hunter
Your hunting license.
Were you playing a gun or something? I've never seen Rise Rathian go on a heavy charge spree.
>mods shops 99 evil eyes
nothing personal, hunter
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>pain in the ass x10
>still the same pain in the ass
>pain in the ass and elitists ruin the reputation
>literally shut down and a pain in the ass
>doesn't give kill screens because it's meant for the wii
>doesn't give kill screens because it's meant for the 3D
>3DS emu hard
>3DS/switch emu is hard
>spin offs
>spin off v2
>spin off phone edition
>literally not even out yet with FOMO fighting with literal children and retards
because they're the easiest to make screenshots for
your bloodbath diablos?
Ayo can I have some of those before you meld
>>3DS emu hard
>>3DS/switch emu is hard
saw someone trying to trap an Apex Arzuros 2 days ago
used both traps too despite him walking all over the shock trap.
your demon king diablos with rank appropriate gear?
personally i mostly play solo, hame is still the canonically correct way to play the games desu
i was playing hammer both times, always in her face
its literally all she did aside from 1-2 flips, im not even exaggerating
it don't work directly downloading from the internet archive, a switch emu was shut down by Nintendo and the other runs like shit
>the other runs like shit
Ryujinx has always been the superior emulator
Yuzu stole code and was still worse
ryujinx works perfectly fine and is easy to set up
citra is also fine for DS games
>runs like shit
stop using your 2002 favela toaster and get a real computer
that's fine, you can catch each others backs, but don't DEPEND on them. you work in cooperation.
i used to depend on them when i first started out years ago because world doesnt have village and lets you get carried through everything
these days though, its always them relying on me after having solod freedom unite
ik the feeling honestly. and Rise as fed into my Messiah Complex way too hard. Now i physically can't play Rise solo anymore because nothing is more satisfying than the rush i get from someone thanking me for breaking them out of stun/sleep.
Apologies for the aggressive coercing of your hunter license.
So, we fucking in the lumu or what?
yeah, fucking your MOM LOL
my moms dead
is that....?
which weapon did she play?
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Good hunts! Room is 5/16.
wooden spoon
I know, who do you think fucked her to death RETARD LMAO
we lost a good one
I'm sorry anon
Choco? I love choco
anything cool from the pax west demo?
ff crossover confirmed
we're getting choco bos?
a lil' bit of story mode?
It would honestly make sense if the did do another crossover. They could probably recycle the current mounts skelly pretty easy.
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What kind of carves do they give? Im sorry, but if I need one to craft a weapon then Ima need one to craft a weapon.
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How do I get defender2 gear?
The same two monsters in the same desert
I dont remeber if it unlocks at story points or with hunter rank but just keep going.
I genuinely don't understand how you can be so bad at video games that you need to cheat in higher tier gear to kill those babby ass monsters. At that point just watch a cinematic let's play on youtube.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Monster Hunter 1 and Dos are the Dark Souls of Monster Hunter.
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NOWchads just cant stop winning!
>Dos is the Dark Souls 2 of Monster Hunter
So it's the best one then..
>still barely any monsters
>still missing weapons
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cumrex on you
>33 monsters
>only weapons missing are IG (lol), HH and SA
cry more bitch
feels like this was meant for you to heal, eat, buff and sharpen which hurt good players who didn't need the time and hurt unlucky players. I would have set it so he couldn't do this during enraged and after preforming it would have an internal cool down because the exhausted state didn't exist yet
based NOWshill
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Can't wait for the inevitable youtube "MONSTER HUNTER RETURNS TO FORM" videos showing some dipshit LS player spamming helmsplitters with an obvious fixed RNG seed mod. Fifth gen fucked so many of the weapons down to spamming one thing and it's going to get worse.
death to phoneposters
>freedom unite psp
>using save states instead of in game saves because its much faster
>gives me “memory stick not inserted screen” when i try to download event quests
can i still play on the fan servers when my game is like this
and you already know TeamDarkside will be the first motherfuckers on that shit.
sounds like you want deviants 2.0
me2 just don't increase the required sharpness except for extreme cases
>only weapons missing are literally the most important ones
kill yourself
Shut up and post the lumu
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why are risies so scared of mhnow? i am sure if they ask nicely they can get it ported to the switch, albeit with lower graphics so it can handle it
nobody cares about now its literally like 1 guy that posts about it nobody else cares
what does bingshit means?
it usually means rise or sunbreak
so the power fantasy anime moves? isnt GU the same?
any monster that you physically choose not to learn and rapes you as a result for not learning their moveset I.E Royal Ludroth according to an anon one day
>only weapons missing are literally the most important ones
the most bingshit irrelevant ones*
anything i dont like for example iceborne was bingshit
I refuse to believe anyone actually plays this.
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>join 30 minute time limit hunt 26 minutes in
>monster doesn't have the low health indicator
um yes but uh you see it's uh different because unlike rise that's on a portable nintendo console gu is also on a portable nintendo console and uh well um uh uh um er eh
B oring
I nsipid
N intendo
G arbage
>Aerial monster using its aerial advantage instead of standing on the ground letting the mean man bonk his head over and over
Yeah monsters used to be smarter.
>join a 50 minute hunt
>it's 40 minutes in
>I got this bro
>win at 49min
game on nintendo hardware
the "bing" is a reference to how Mario goes "bing bing wahoo!"
oh kek.. i thought it was the ridiculous movesets of the weapons.
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>was right on GU but for different reason
thanks bros
i thought so too until i saw an anon saying Raging Brachy, Alatreon, Violet Mizu, AT Velk and Fatalis was "dishonest bingshit trash"
People call that bingshit because it started when the series was stuck on the 3ds (generations)
it means i can't stop thinking about it
wilds is bingshit
World? more like MORLD lmao fuck you
I fucking love that. Was a killscreen too, right?
It means "I'm making it obvious that I'm shitposting"
acting class was gud


will post bussy later
im literally about to kill myself please delete this
I'm new here but I think it comes from bing bing wahoo that is related to Mario.
mario if he real
monster hunter dos is the most fun i had with this franchise since world released on the ps4
So im a piece of shit? just because i like world im a piece of shit? woooow i see how it is
When I was fighting Amatsu in Sunbreak and Mario showed up and said "BING BING WAHOO!!" and punched him right in the face I stood up and clapped
remember what they took from us
lmk wheen theres enough people in the lumu to get a kabuki train goin
pretty much yeah
Uhhh guys I found this flying blue shell on my spiritbird path and when I used it the monster took 40k damage
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People actually play this garbage? What are the numbers?
kek, the palicos in world are so expressive
Early Kush and Luna days
>do striker CB training to try and understand the weapon
>only 1 hunter art
they really did that
more people play it than are currently playing every other monster hunter game combined
the phone market is huge
ugh my stomach hurts man i have to take a big fat steaming world to feel better
emptying all the World from your balls isn't going to make your stomach feel better, have you tried taking a Rise?
Indians with phones are the single worst thing to ever happen to the game of chess.
*unzips hbg*
no believe me i feel much better now that i dropped that 5 pound world in the toilet but the bad thing is it wont flush now
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>join hunt literally 1 minute in
>host carts before I have control of my character
>instantly withdraws
gg was me
What's the point of wire bugs in rise if hitboxes are utterly shit?
I can't count the times I wirebugged over the monster, trying to dodge an attack, just to be hit anyways because making hitboxes fit the models is an enormous task for capcom.
stop wirebugging over, start wirebugging away
also they're good for instantly getting up from knockdowns, escaping from certainly chain attacks and of course, for your silkbind moves
the hitboxes are fine unless you're a double bugger
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Fresh grid.
why is tcs doing 105 and the hammer big bang final hit doing <100 dmg? (on dog's head)
meanwhile the LS is doing like 180?? dmg or something on it's headsplitter+followup
KO and guard skills vs pure damage
bingsword is perfectly balanced and fair, don't questions it sweaty :^)
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Just saw this. Here's the full hi res Narga.
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>they really added hbg
Now we have to play it
Not Monster Hunter
>Game gives you wirebugs
>~no don't use wirebugs anon
I'm not only talking about wirebugs; good timing with jumping attacks will also punish me even when the character model is far over the monster.

Hitboxes are shit.
SILENCE, boomers.
No I was telling you to stop playing like an IG cart rider because that's why those volumes are there
i suspect pc is ahead of console now
man i just took a huge GU lagicrus moveset in the toilet just now it was all greasy and like a dark orange/reddish brown
at least it didnt clog but damn that did not feel satisfying or good like a nice and fiborus World Tigrex Hitboxes
The game allows me to jump like a ninja, I will jump like a ninja. There is no better feeling than hitting a monster's head from above and knocking him out.

Capcom should just fix the hitboxes.
I'll never understand this, because there isn't a single decent mobile game to play.
Have another Narga that will be part of the next cinegrid.
your gambling sim chinkware?
it's mostly gacha, also inflated by all the shit installed by default like candy crush on some android phones
bloon's are great mobile games with BTD 6 being the best one that puts other to shame. There's only like 2 items you can't get without paying, everything else expects you to play
we hate women here
if I ever saw a woman irl I would punch her in the face, just ask my mom
There isn't even any good ones right now, that's the saddest part.
>right now
You are terminally ill if any of these have ever been "good" to you
I love huntresses
>right now,
people aren't playing real games on phones
it's just millions of kids playing garbage like subway surfers or the elderly playing candy crush
cuz she want fucc, duh
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in the lumu RIGHT NOW
Where on earth did I say that? I said that nothing on the market right at this time is good.
the mere concept that a "game" of the sort could ever be "good" has marked you out as irredeemable
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Your instructions are simple.
Hunt the monster.
stop cheating chinaman
now get it in 3u
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>mobile games are ba-
wtf I love iphone now
try a proper one
i don't play bad games, no thanks
I love SoS because every hunter saved is a hunter who didn't beat the game. Damning their souls is a rush like no other
how do you know how the failed quest sounds like?
how do you not know how to speak english in the current year bitch
Come Wilds, should we allow Longsword users in the lumu?
ESL website
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only interesting part is seeing magnamalo and aknosom with regualr not dogshit icons
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jho killed the capturepeco
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What did they mean by this?
blorange is the future and also the past
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Ok, it wasn't that bad but I feel like in this game you need prior knowledge to finish it some missions. If I didn't know he sleeps in area 3, where there are cats+apceros there that WILL gank the shit out of you, I wouldn't have made it. I pre-exterminated them all before fighting him and it was easy as shit.
Thanks for the hunts, what a productive day
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I love huntresses
there actually are a good amount of decent mobile games to play but they're not the ones making money
Wilds was named to erase Wild Hearts off of the search engines.
didn't the Guild Monster Hunter Movie actually have Congalala going toe to toe with a FUCKING DEVILJHO?
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Just got to MR100
I'm still using Uragaan for my Lance set, and Narga for my Hammer and GL sets.

I want to farm up something new before I take on the final 3 (RBrach, Alat, Fatty), any suggestions?
hunt preparation is 70% of the work not-portable gen 1 and 2
mold or rice?
>block narga's enrageing roar
>axe cut bc striker
>immediately go for AED
>his first move is a tail slam
>carts me
what bullshit is this
3 teo
2 brachy
You ever see how serious mobile gamers play? They line up like five different games and speedrun the daily content, like 10 minutes per game max. And they keep coming back!
Not all hunters are equal, sadly you're a shitter scrub but that's alright.
>serious mobile gamers
this ruined my day
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forum is this real
>Actually play the game? No!
>feed me fast, I wanna consume quickly to move in, forget this gay ass expectations that games can take time
Just quit.
>switch to adept hammer
>Narga completely shifts behavior
>spamming tail slams and 360's
>every side jump has the extra ponce
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people that only cares for graphics are subhumans. of all the reasons not to play rise i hear people saying that its the "graphics" they're no better than the top netflix movies 2024 crew
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God I wish I was that zinogre plush...
cool drawing anon
There are a surprising amount of monkey people that only play games with good graphics, only watch anime with very animated fight scenes, and only like art that is photorealistic. They literally cannot fathom enjoying something if it doesn't make their eyes tingle
remember! When Nargacuga goes into its "prowler stance" into it's combos it will do 1 of 2 things
>Wingarm Slash + Sidehop + Wingarm Slash + Sidehop + Leap attack, then taunt
>Wingarm Slash + Sidehop + Wingarm Slash + DELAY, then Sidehop + Wingarm Slash + Sidehop + Leap attack, then taunt
also if it does a normal Sidehop + Wingarm slash, It will almost ALWAYS follow up with a 270 degree spin TWICE!
Good luck fellow hunter!
I didn't draw it...I saved it from another anon here ages ago...gomen...
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How much of this will change and how much of it will stay the same in Wilds?
I wish they actually sold these physically
Mizu, Goss, Blos, Malz, Tigger, even Rakna looks neat
It's going to flip around
why are people like this?
Mainline balancing and portable balancing don't seem to be the same as this wasn't the tier list for world. World had heavy bowgun on top, lance was lower, switchaxe was lower, etc. The wilds tier list will likely look like world
Bow might edge out LBG
LS is going to go back up with the monsters being punching bags for counter/offset
Ham is staying in the middle since it both lost elecourage and gained non retarded raw gameplay, which levels out
GL is bumping up to near the middle
HH will likely stay low as it has the LS circles problem
Why do people like to see pretty things, I wonder...
A bunch of reasons but ultimately their enjoyment of things boil down to 1 or 2 things. Whereas you might enjoy monster hunter for the gameplay, the worldbuilding, the skill system, the monsters, the characters, the music, the goofiness, etc they enjoy it because it looked pretty in the game they started with.
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>World AT
>Just the Alpha set with more color saturation and meta skills
>SB Risen
>Whole new armorset and skills
Also, is the Nami Gamma set any good? Evade Window, Extender, and Free Element are pretty tempting.
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>open monhun folder to preemptively attach an image to my post
>eyes feast upon a sea of slutty huntresses and sexy wyverians
>forget what I was going to ask
This is why you guys need to organize your image files.
yeah aint no problem with liking to see pretty things but shitting on something cuz it aint """pretty"""" for your taste is pretty moronic...
sluttier please
no need to tell us about your porn addiction anon.
Wow, it's almost like the next game in the series iterated and improved upon the last one
>Also, is the Nami Gamma set any good?
Never really used it beyond the EE3 piece while I didn't have decos, Element Acceleration isn't that good from what I remember
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80% of my folder is shit I downloaded from here. It's your guys' fault, really.
Why is it called Wilds
oh no no no
Is the Squire Set good? The skills seem pretty nice for the Lance and it has 100 defence which is higher than anything else I got so far.
im a different breed. but im up to hook up with you and have sex with you want. you seem to be a cute lilttle guy
didnt want to flex on him :( he seems cute..
graduated from law school bakc in 2018
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Not cute, little, or gay, sorry.
ill turn you gay

i deleted cuz i didnt want to flex.. you sem a cute guy and friendly.
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Post your main weapon and favorite flagship so I can decide what to think of you.
evidently not near me then lmao
I haven't seen a single other person out and about while hunting and I gave it a good couple months.
>general is so dead groomers have the run of the place
fuck it time for bed then
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Lance and Nargacuga. wish we could make out....
>Raging brachy
annoying fight but it was mostly just because hes absolutely gigantic and the arenas are kind of small
imo best end-game fight in world. Amazingly good hitboxes.
>violet mizu
My lance friend seemed to hate this one but I didn't really mind it much on bow
>AT Velk
spicy fight
actual dishonest bingshit trash because of those hitboxes, fight is cool but it feels like a dropped ball after alatreon
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Just a reminder how cringe and pathetic worlos are
>discord screenshot
that's all i need to know
gas all worlos
LMAO, do worlos really?
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I exclusively tangle with womanfolk and failed males. As you are neither, I'll have to respectively decline.
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As if they need to lmao
I know people who quit playing World/Rise to go play this shit and abandon the hunting group we made
>pc players
>both are room ERPers
>Jun is a minor
>Spookie trying to groom him using cringe language like "tenderizing" in his flirting so it's relatable or something
Jun came out with it recently but I guess you can excuse him for being a retarded kid, spookie on the other hand... Yikes
only makes me want you more. but lets be done wirh this or the general gonna become an ERP chatroom
This is really sad
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>lets be done wirh this or the general gonna become an ERP chatroom
I can agree on that. It's been a pleasure.
whats a worlo?
playing rise for the first time
>hammer, cb and gunlance feel ass without armor skills compared to their world counterparts who feel good even without armor skills
>SA and LS are allowed to bulldoze every content without needing skills
holy shit this is 3rd portable 2, even the start of kamura's theme is literally yakumo's theme too
you nigga expect me to fucking care? what is this, normalfag sloppa general?
I don't care
Ask again and you're in for a worlo hurt.
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this is how soul looks like
I care
this is what ESL looks like
whats a worlo friend?
Oh no no no lancebros
What possible hammer skills could you (not) be using that alter its innate properties in such a way that the gameplay differs enough to matter?
Focus 3? EE1? Slugger/food? Stamina skills?
MHW's shrug simulator was fucking obnoxious, you don't even get into wrap and conditional territory until very late in Sunbreak conversely
what? you never wanted to pick a skinny guy whos smaller than you and make him into your woman and by that cucking his whole bloodline + father and subverting his natural role?
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>Deliver 3 Herbivore eggs
>Last egg, 10 minutes remaining
>Emulator crashes
Is this sovl?
I dunno what you're talking about. LS is miserable without quick sheathe, and CB without Focus and Capacity Boost is painful.
No because I don't have questions about my own masculinity that require me to degrade others in order to feel secure
I just hunt monsters
room status?
>LS are allowed to bulldoze every content without needing skills
But the strong part of LS in this game is the parry/counter spam which needs quick sheathe, since you sheathe in less than a second.
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I thought /mhg/ being full of discord groomers was a meme, is this fucking real?
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Monster Hunter?
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I like Rise
>groomer pushing pharmaceuticals for bald sadfats
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I hate Rise
I like the verticality
Not a fan of nerfing the sprint speed to shill palamutes tho, why are hunters in kamura/elgado so fucking slow
blackveil might be the shittiest fight i've ever done and i had to deal with retarded GQ garuga bullshit from 4U
just chugged so many potions that I had to go back to camp twice. worthless shitmon garbage
Low center of gravity which is why they have so much momentum on wiredash
>why are hunters in kamura/elgado so fucking slow
They're all fat because the only thing they eat is dango
it's pretty decent and you can slot some extra useful skills in
>an obvious fixed RNG seed mod
jealous schizo cope fantasy
nobody tell him
I think you mean "verified omnipresent PC world footage mod (cheat)"
I want to build a nice GS build before I fight Alatreon and Fatalis, and I got a choice between frostcraft builds and non frostcraft ones (master's touch).

Which one would you guys recommend I go for? Do they play significantly differently or do the frostcraft builds still TCS spam as much as they can land? Are they equally good?
Worlos are eternal frauds. There's no coming back from this.
frostcraft is better in every way
Based, I need to get to World MR faster
Just made this one
PC room lumu
Nah, you're just ass.
I'm literally a generational talent, maybe even the greatest SA player this century will see. Not even remotely joking. This general is nothing compared to me.
I'm gonna need to see some proofs.
what rock you been living under retard
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Bro, your Effluvia Resistance?
wow a couple people cheated (and did so by editing monster behavior. they're still incredibly good at their weapons) so literally all top players are frauds! like I said, jealous cope.
but you're a bottom player
you're not going to get better no matter how much you slobber on pcheats
>they're still incredibly good at their weapons
wew lad what a thing to bother to type out
Seems like you can't decide between them being an awful minority not worth talking about or claiming they did nothing wrong.
About as hard a decision as the average speedruntranny picking out their gender huh LOL
why does this hardcore classic honest slow burn gamer thread cheat so much
Does it involve crit draw spam like old monster hunter or is it still TCS focused?
It's literally all world-first players
not to be confused with first world players, who wouldn't touch the game or its cheat codes with a 5m french pole
That has nothing to do with your retarded take that hammer, cb, and gl feel bad without skills
I'm certain I make more money when I play monster hunter while at my real job than even the most famous monster hunter speedrunners per time spent
no one tell him
You did NOT beat the game
which do i play?
What weapons can use frost craft and compete with rawtalis weapons?
I'm too lazy to switch loadouts every quest, so I just make one raw set for each weapon.
Yeah GS of course, but what else?
I've even seen some bow FC sets
I'm playing Rise at the moment, I'd recommend you play World
morld it is
I'm playing World at the moment, I'd recommend you play Rise
4/16 !
play MH, NOW!
>mh fans are so autistic that instead of giving away all the old paid shit for free they make you grind for it
that's based
I'd unironically grind for it if they just release frontier again. Game looks fun as shit even with all it's AoE bullshit
If I find out any of you guys have secretly been girls this whole time I'm going to be very upset and blacklists will be updated
I am going to have sex with the last mon you hunted
/mhg/ is 80% women, monster hunter is basically the opposite of The Sims which is a man game
*blacklists you*
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That's something I would probably do
t. worlo
if you play as a huntress, you're a girl irl
>twitter image
You need to go back.
valid and wholesome
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it's fucking over...
somebody should make now playable fully offline for free
who cares
i played world, and i killed scarred yian garuga in guiding lands in under 10 minutes with gs. im a big boy
we're all proud of you
do any white north americans play this?
Real hunters are out there playing this game and they don't post in ERP forums like this
all the bonk weapons and some autistic animu stuff like ls and db for lulz

versatile enough to let you enjoy both playstyles
>north americans
What should I draw for practice tonight /mhg/?
a white tomboy BARIOTHgf sitting on anon
Oboro's bingo machine
good job cutie
Are you the huntress or the hunter
Draw a gore with his wings on his shoulders
Twitter is down why do you think I'm even here
gaismagorm is such a dogshit fight, just like every other 5th gen big monster slop, cant they just make a normal monster instead?
Im dogshit but ill see if i can hit these 2 tonight
will keep this in mind
Stop being Brazilian
both people in the picture are huntresses(male)
Not for long. She will transition :3
5th gen abortions need to go
I'm trying rly hard man
Two greasy autistic ERPing discord groomers is not what I would apply the meme (male) tag to, isn't that supposed to be a trap thing?
I'm missing the part where Monster Hunter is referenced
>Spookie 2020/09/21
>Tendie rising you.
seems pretty clear cut to me, interference cannot be run
Word on the street is that huntresses in zinogre armour smell nice
Dogs do not smell nice
there are dozens of us
Word on the street is that zinogres in huntress armor smell nice
Electric ones with stiff nips do
Futa? Hot
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How do I fight Zorah Magdaros again?
You get his rocks off.
No, I mean a third time after finishing Low Rank
Nevermind, I found an event quest
It shows up sometimes after quests or you can fight AT Zorah which is harder.
you hunt until he rolls around or you AT him using the meme skills
Needs a good spanking.
you didnt play the game
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How do you know how much damage you make?
cheat tools
german detected
I hope my wife Shiina comes back
Oh. Then fuck both of these cheating bitches.
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The game counts it, it's just a matter of reading memory
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Of course it does, but it doesn't say for a reason.
Rise players...
i want safigiva weapons but im too weak to do shit
what equipment should i have?
Game always calculates it and I believe there was a time the game showed off the top dmg dealer if it was overwhelmingly in one player's favor
Of course this caused a lot of hostility and Capcom made it so the end screen no longer shows it
It's why on some occasions you get no mention at all even though you are sure that you went hard on the monster
my no cap shoutout has always been useful
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Ruiner Nergigante weapon preferably
Maybe Shara....?
Or Rajang?
Or Raging Brachydios?
I think Yian Garuga has some really nice boots too?
MR 70 unlocks Brute Tigrex, Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos
Their armor could be good here too
Do not post pictures of my dog on /vg/.
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>Ruiner Nergigante
i haven't fought one of them yet
would i have them unlocked?
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He unlocks at MR99 :))
Lance seems to have kept the damage numbers from Sunbreak in the demo for all of its returning moves and the new things do comparable enough damage to match
But it'll depend on what happens to every other weapon, the skill system, and how autistic speedrunners decide to be
Raging Brachy weapons are really good but that monster is too hard for you and won't drop reactors anyway
uhhhh ur melding tickets sis?
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If you are at MR70 at the least, you should have access to crafting Gold Rathian's gear, and usually the weapon has high enough attack
But yeah.... Top 3 weapon choices would be
>Ruiner Nergigante
>Raging Brachydios
>Gold Rathian
And you're out of luck if your weapon does not have a Rathian tree

Shara weapon is probably the one next in some cases?
What weapon are you using?
lumu dokO
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make it
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Most people are sleeping or wage slaving or just starting the day and getting ready to wageslave
Purease understand
i only play mh using charge blade
Just make a nami LBG and shoot him
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OK, then that only reinforces my point because I played the campaign with Charge Blade too
Shara is next in line, and MAYBE Ebony Odagaron CB for the elderseal
Chop chop, get to farming and crafting
how does AT Velkhana compare to Alatreon and Fatalis in terms of difficulty?
harder than ala, easier than fatty
ala is fair
fatty feels a little forced
AT velk is a cheap bitch
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what is a shara
It's the final (credits) boss with the freaky cunt eyes depicted here >>492962821
ah yeah, i killed him already
okay so i guess i'l just grind him then raging brachy?
Best mons to practice for each weapon?
Rathalos, Rathian.
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If you think you can farm Raging Brachydios right now with no issues, that should be THE priority
If you're having trouble, then consider farming Shara as a stepping stone
Frost fang gear will help you beat R brachy, I would suggest getting at least the helmet or arms along with the weapon
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Are you still hyped for her?
I enjoy playing Hunting Horn in Rise.
Charge Blade? Raging Brachy? Not a chance.
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I've been trying to play MHGU with a couple of friends using Ryujinx, but we keep getting disconnected because of pic related constantly keeps fucking up the fps. Anyone know a fix for this?
Why did I open this link after reading it
I didn't think it was going to be actual
Emulation is theft, buy the game and play on Nintendo Switch.
I'm never pressing a link ever again itt
have you tried adding a mp3 to those addresses?
Are you talking about the steady desynch with the uhh cache thing enabled or the random microstutters
Use Yuzu dumb fag
Well not really the numbers vary a lot.
>Are you talking about the steady desynch with the uhh cache thing enabled
I think so yeah, it desynchs us during a hunt and drops the hub.
so who is right?
this guy >>492964436
its just plug & play
...at 30fps with dips
I thought the point of striker CB is having 3 hunter arts
there are 3 different audio options to choose from, try each one, and also there's a check box for PPTC that should be enabled in system
you can also try toggling vsync or removing the 60fps and seeing if that happens
the unmap of audio thing seems to happen across a lot of emulation cases but tying it into networking performance issues is not something I have ever read
by desync I meant that the running audio would immediately have noticeable skips, so instead what I think you're experiencing the stutters but they coincide with network probelms
30fps is a complete non-issue, the only reason you think its bad is because youre a dumbass who upgrades his fps and hz as per the long nose tribes requests.
the best fps is the one you are used to. ocarina of time runs at 20 and it looks flawless, the high fps patches completely ruin it and induce nausea
there is no visual difference between my 60 fps world/rise/4U and 30 fps FU/p3rd
furthermore, dips are only a thing on the 3DS
this, it's a kino cinematic fps
your eyes do adapt to fps and MH is pretty solid in terms of between frames but someone who is normally playing 60+ is definitely going to be thrown off by solid 30 if playing other stuff too
>*turns on Nintendo Switch*
Nintencucks are on another realm of mentally ill desu
Can someone help me make an element set in sunbreak?
Whats the skill priority? What armor parts? Do you qurio you wepon in more element?
I'm currently wearing 3 pieces of primo and 2 pieces of risen Teo with a blast weapon.
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I'll try that yeah, thanks anon. I started thinking this unmapping issue was tied to the network issue cuz of a comment on an old github thread but you're probably right and it's just 2 different things.
you should also make sure you have a firewall exception for ryujinx, run as admin, and all that stuff
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>You can switch your House keeper cat out for the local whore

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is this b8
>You can switch your House keeper cat out
>For the local whore
What do you think the cat is?
but the headwhiskress or whatever is an option
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Gonna have the sex any day now, bros

Too small
Why is Aisha such a dweeb
Is she a victim of aspect raidou or is she just fat?
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why are they like this?
Do you all have vsync turned on?
she's right though
>Have all my gear updated for high rank
>Still have to fight Pink Rathian
This is gonna suck tomorrow
The nes ran at 60 fps lmao
Its 2024, everything should run at 60 fps minimum, consoles and pc both
... literally cinematic, movies run at 24 fps and if they were faster it would look like complete ass
not a single soul on the entire planet thought 30 fps was bad until 60 became the new standard (which is honestly worse, because its much harder to keep stable which is the only actual important part regarding fps)
i switch A LOT between world, sunbreak and the psp games
i honest to god do not notice a difference in the fps, and i run 5th gen at 144 not 60 (hand-me-down monitor before you complain)
good slave! now go buy the latest graphics card for 2k so you can run "realistic" AAA slop thats still going to microstutter, but you will try to ignore it instead of acknowledging how much money you wasted on videogame tits
Why is Moga Sweetheart such a dweeb
is this real
this doesn't really apply to blast (meme status that does so little you might as well just consider it a raw build) but
get element exploit
get crit element
get wex and crit eye
slot in element attack and the relevant elder blessing (you have decos for these now from doing the risens in case you haven't noticed)
these can all be decorations so the actual armor you wear will be for skills you can't get in decos. Primordial Malzeno's and amatsu's are pretty simple boosts you don't really have to change how you play for. Use the armor set search tool in the OP to find a good combination for the charms you have and any weapon specific skills.
Without doing any research at all because I don't want to look at it, the main name isn't super unique
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I think the kids call it "thicc" nowadays, but you tell me
monster hunter women are naturally chunky
New thread
you're not going to beat the allegations with your forced meme, worloid
we have safi's receipts
we have an actual /mhg/ troon goon groom room participant's logs in this very thread
you are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the present, and the wrong side of the future
How many Shiinas do you think play Monster Hunter Rise
this triGODS won
Are there skills to look for in the gacha roll?
Like I rolled buildup boost on my blast set.
a good number considering it's a wapanese name
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Good hunts.
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it was fun to play with /mhg/ again after such a long time, thanks for hunting friend
If I join a 2 monster hunt with one weapon equipped, switch to a different weapon to kill the first monster, then switch to a third weapon to kill the second monster, under which weapon does the hunt get counted for my guild card?
Can never go wrong hunting with friends!

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