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"Weekend" One edition

>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Global Gameplay Systems

>Black Ops 6 Stat Checker

>MWIII S5 Reloaded Blogpost



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>492716523
>13/15 reports has resulted in bans
This is the worst cheating ive ever seen in a COD game and i routinely go back to the OGs on PS3.
Is there a way to quickly copy over my in-game settings from Battlenet to the GamePass version of the game?
New operator?
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She's Jane Harrow's actress (Marshall's handler). She's constantly answering calls for some reason...
>never really played COD before
>but played a few FPS
>look at steam charts
>aside from the obvious, BO3 is at top
So I guess that's what I'd play if I want FPS activity (on console) until next month
Jane Harrow is the mole.
Jack Harlow you mean
Ace said in his stream today that, in one of the early builds he got to play, the tanto smg killed in two shots when equipped with the headshot barrel. The devs did acknowledge the smg was over performing. It remains to see how strong it still is during this 2nd weekend
Call of Duty should always save the preferences to /users/xxx/Documents/Call of Duty/players/options.4.cod23.cst
>game rated for adults has a voice chat watchdog that punishes you for swearing
Treyarch loves their overpowered SMGs I doubt it'll change much
It's ridiculous. They are free to advertise booze and drugs etc, yet text and voice chat censorship is number one priority.
They have to protect the people who don't play the game
First for controller+mouse supremacy
Look, if the dogshit people keep getting called dogshit by other players, then that might lead them to not playing the game. And if they don’t play the game, then they’re not going to buy cosmetics! We must protect the players and Activision’s profits!
holy fucking shit the squad spawns are horrendous how is no one talking about this shit. if some faggot is camping you're going to spawn next to him in the same fucking spot over and over and over till he moves or dies. what the fuck you wont spawn anywhere else and the other team isn't even trapping. I'll run all over the map, die wherever and still spawn at that one point cause a couple faggots are camping
They don't even allow profanity in loadout names anymore. Y'know, shit only YOU can see. As for the voice monitoring, good luck with that shit. They HAVE to know that a lot of motherfuckers play with speakers and open mic, so it'll no doubt pick up on in-game voicelines. Woods will constantly shit talk you if you're losing, and teammates will berate you for friendly fire, which is based as shit.
>The Year is 2012, The husk of Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have released a glorified campaign expansion and multiplayer patch sold as a full game, and the fanbase is abandoning ship for Battlefield 3
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with Black Ops II. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2017, the husk of Infinity Ward has hemorrhaged players due to negative reception over Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered being locked behind a bundle
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with Zombie Chronicles, providing Black Ops III with the definitive content experience. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2020. Despite everybody being stuck at home, the huak of Infinity Ward's new Multiplayer and Spec Ops have been abandoned in favor of "We Want the Fortnite Audiance!" Meanwhile Raven Software has struggled to complete the next game on time
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with a more traditional multiplayer and Zombies experience while overhauling the campaign to be a sequel to the original Black Ops. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2024. The husk of Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have released a glorified campaign expansion and multiplayer patch sold as a full game, and the fanbase is abandoning ship for... huh, this one sounds particularly familiar. Weird.
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with Black Ops 6. Proper multiplayer, proper campaign, and proper round based Zombies, all with a kino coat of 90s nostalgia. CoD is back baby.

But I'm sure the other studios will get it right next time.
This game is MW19 for actual retards. Why can't they just rerelease MW19 again with better maps? Why is there an assist for everything? This shit is like playing a racing game with the full assist mode where the AI car will drive and finish the race for you with full steering and brake assist. It auto sprints out a slide, it auto sprints backwards, it auto slides through cracks, it auto mantles. It auto aims for you like always.
>j-just turn off the assists
Why the fuck would I do that when other people can use it and put myself at a disadvantage for no reason.
The only good part of MW19 was the campaign.
That era was completely carried by warzone which wasn't even in the game.
MW19 sucked ass
Ground War and the campaign. Ground War verdansk was GOATed dont lie
MW19 has a great aesthetic, campaign. and soundtrack, and warzone 1 was infinitely better than slopzone 2.0, but Blops 6's mp shits all over it.
Neo-IW was way too focused on making a military simulator instead of an actual game that had decent replayability.
They clearly put the overwhelming majority of their effort into warzone.
You know what?
You're right. I'll concede that point.
Ground War was goated.
only cause of the maps and by extension the squad spawn system cause the maps sucked utter fucking ass. might be the worst maps in history, but it looks like BO6 is about to take that spot.
the strike maps are kinda dumb for these modes and Rewind is clearly just Liberty Falls.
CHUD isn't great, but the other two are pretty good.
IWtroll at it again I see
Guess we better be ready for a whole year of this seething.
Why are people shitting on the respawns? I'm not getting any fucking retarded "hey the enemy spawned right behind you" bullshit and you have to fight hard to force enemy respawn locations unlike MW3.
You don't want MW19 to actually come back. You want 2020 to come back.
That's cause you camp the whole game.
Because Cold War had perfect spawns and BO6 feels like a step backwards when it comes to spawns. CoD is literally getting worse with the new engine and nobody is calling them on that
COVID lockdowns were pretty comfy. I would spend a day or two doing actual school work and the rest of the week I would just be no-lifing CoD: Ghost.
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My life peaked in covid
Yeah, mainly because it’s already been 4 fucking years and time is just going by too quickly (it’s already nearly been SIX years since RDR2 WTF!). It was also just a great time for me. Normies didn’t know what the fuck to do with themselves meanwhile I was comfymaxxing, playing through Half Life and enjoying some Warzone on the side
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Same. I noticed a bald spot the other day and I haven't been able to enjoy anything every since. Even playing CoD, which is what I do when I just want to turn my brain off, doesn't help.
How do you people play this dogshit every year lmao. Bunch of battered wives
the game works perfectly fine, it's just your pc
Last CoD I bought was Cold War and I'm having second thoughts about BO6 already.
unironically correct
also blametruth is a faggot nigger
disliked, blocked, and reported for copyright
Because I'm not poor
As far as quality goes. this beta is the best CoD has played in years
Probably because we like the game. Feel free to leave now. Thanks.
>this beta is the best CoD has played in years
Thats said about every new cod except Vanguard kek
guys, why the fuck is every cod 6v6 now
why can't we have 10v10 or 12v12
Not that i disagree with him but can't he get sued for saying Bobby Kotick must be nailed to a cross, legally speaking? (on his previous video)
New spawn logic sucks they can't contain that amount of players without inconsistencies. Cold War 12v12 in Miami was fantastic.
>Because I'm not poor
lmao are you 15 mate
>As far as quality goes. this beta is the best CoD has played in years
You fucking losers yammer about this every single beta
why is spawning so difficult for these days
it can't be that hard
I don't think i will, faggot. I'm here to discuss how shit the game is
They rewrote the entire code for spawns in MW19 and nobody bothered to fix it not even Treyarch. The only reason why Cold War had functional spawns is because they used the same engine since Black Ops 1
Are you on welfare?
The spawns are literally fine
TreyGODs, I fucking KNEEL
The players move too fast
They are literally not
because the MWII engine fucking sucks
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I skipped this game
>MWZ more engaging than the old spec ops
Grim. Fuck these faggot devs and players
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I don't the the enemy team was playing the game....
MWZ is at least functional unlike MW19's spec ops
t. unlocked Zane's default skin
>that popular
It has to be at least half BP/level/camo grinders, right? People like this sorry ass mode?
Playing the BO6 beta on Xbox.
What button do I press show the entire map?
>MW19's spec ops
Jesus, I forgot about that, that was the open world stuff yeah? I was more on about the original MW2's spec ops and MW3's survival.
Yeah, but this is free on Gaypass
You know treyarch did mwz right
That faggot is insufferable
And what's this dude's job? Making YT videos about video games and how bad he is at them while blaming his age? Faggot.

t. 37 year old (non-bald) gamer who is a Movement King
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Fuck BO6
Reminder: Every time you post in this thread you are dealing with seriously mentally ill people.
no wonder codg loves it so much
This game actually is incredibly fun before sbmm kicks in and your bullets magically do one bullet less damage every second game
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>Wonder why I'm not at optimal schmovement
>Forgot to bind all stance/movement options to one key [C]
We're back in business, boys.
How was the zombies camo grind last year? I have the following week off for release, so I was thinking of going for the Zombies pinnacle camo and enjoying Hardcore for the next year
>How was the zombies camo grind last year?
I haven't played cod in many years and recently tried the beta for black ops 6. The grenade launcher is so dogshit and unsatisfying, why do they even include it at this point?
They've nerfed this shit like a decade ago already if not more
Pretty funny considering that it was borderline unusable in MWIII (the previous game) and in BO6 it actually works.
That is, unless the projectile hits your opponent directly, he explodes. That's what it did best in Cold War, does it have the same effect on bo6? Didn't try and didn't see anyone use it.
Its funny though
Imagine a side mode with 3rd person only view and a bullet time mechanic
>entire game is marketed as movement
>titanfall and even apex still has better and more complex movement
Holy fuck
me t. b. h.
>Thats said about every new cod except Vanguard kek
I don't care or claim to speak for what others have said.
I speak only for myself.
Of the CoD HQ era CoDs, the Blops 6 beta plays the best, easily.
It does have problems, and I'm not naive enough to think they will all he patched out by release, or even ever. But the upside in replayability is light years ahead of what Sledgehammer and IW have put out any time recently.
Obviously I don't reccomend spending $70 on it. Either use a gamepass loophole, use credit card points, find a sale, etc. It's still just a yearly CoD release.
>reloads are still longer than 1 s with fast mags ii
These fucking nu devs have never played cod in their lives
long reloads are great because they filter out gen z
Same reason the hostage mechanic is great
Youre the fucking gen z here tourist.
Reloading is their way to artificially slow down the game as removing the fagtical sprint would piss off 90% of the playerbase.
I just turned 34
Fortnite blows and so do (YOU)
>n-no You!
Wow you showed him m8
this but unironically
Hhmm. The initial camos this year are supposedly easier since it's just headshot, then you have a couple of actual challenges for unique camos.

We'll see, though. I keep hyping myself up to do camo grinds in this general every year since Blops4, but I never do it. I just get to max level, then play some Hardcore dom and tdm when im in the mood. I'm a casual cod player now, and I've mostly accepted it.
I never use the movement and have just under 2.0 K/D
I like how they made it optional. It's not like BO3 where if you didn't wall run you were fucked.
>30+ and on 4chan still
>they disabled all-chat at the end of matches
Will Cold War Outbreak come back? I'm a og zombies guy but loved outbreak
What would show you is gameplay footage of someone reloading a gun in any classic call of duty. Hang yourself self hating zoomer
>everyone makes reference to rape when taking a Human Shield
I feel like this exact reason will prevent this from appearing in any other COD.
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It's canon
Why are the operators one vitiligo tranny away from XDefiant?
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God I hope so I can play her on Crimson One and Park on Rogue...
Some people play controller in their left hand for movement and a few other binds, then mouse to look and shoot. Arguably requires more coordination,
>Rifles do nothing
>Shotguns do nothing
>Trophy systems can eat 45 nuclear warheads
This game is so fucking shit. Whats the point of having any of the fucking guns if one smg is better than everything else. Holy fucking shit I didn't think this series could get any worse
Once a clip goes viral its over, just like the emblem editor
You're here forever bub
I can actually see it happening, not that I personally am offended obviously. Just have personally done it myself, seen other people do it in my games, seen it happen on streams and seen CharlieIntel tweet a couple different videos of it happening.
All it will take is one pink-hair at Activision seeing it and it will never appear in any other COD.
is that even allowed in this game? I thought you had to pick either mouse and keyboard or controller
So if I got the operators dialogue right ig, Rogue are basically CIA defectors?
If people can make shit like recorders and dancemats work while playing the game, mixed inputs wouldn't be that difficult by comparison
Black Ops 6 has more detail than Cold Wa….ACK!!!

It sounds like some went rogue, and/or are niggers that were framed and are trying to prove thier innocence
Just give mainline call of duty to the chinese. Theyre already completely carrying cod with a 69% player share on cod mobile. 1% warzone mobile kek that dead fucking game.
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BO6 good, MW3 good, Cold War mid(bad streak system rewards everyone).
MW2019 bad(boring everything).
Vanguard mid, funny campaign and ok multiplayer.
Black ops 4 good and fun(Blackout is much better than Warzone)
You're 18?
Reminder that Klem won
90% correct
Vanguard was shit. That's the one thing everyone agrees on.
Blackout is better than Warzone 2, but Warzone 1 was Goated.
Park is a blacked poster now? oh how the mighty have fallen
mw2019 was the peak of the series
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I just like CoD cougars...
Not even the best nu-mw
Nah. Remember, CoD is government propaganda. They’re not going to make a government organisation the bad guys that our protags had to go rogue from. It’s likely going to be a ruse to draw out the mole
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Helen "Lily" Park
Salisbury, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
March 4, 1980
What was Park doing in Africa before hunting Perseus?
MW19 killed the series unironically
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China gave us something these devs refuse to
lmao keep buying the game every year you slop eating faggot
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for me it was Cold War Christmas
The fact they had to remaster maps from 13-17 year old games should clue you in.
Forced every CoD to use the same dogshit engine because Activision saw the shaky reloads and thought that it's only possible in the new engine with warzone success, it's basically over for CoD.
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Call of Duty: Future Warfare an unreleased CoD title by Neversoft has hit the web

She released AIDS into Africa
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That's reagan...
We need picrel though
always has been
you fuckers realize the park, mace, and rabbit poster are all the same faggot right?
>park, mace, and rabbit
Nah Parkschizo is a different person he posts that shitty zombies mommy pasta and ballbusting webms from his PC

Mace/rabbit is an xbox player, an iPhone poster so he couldn't open webms 2 years ago.
Beautiful and also milsim
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Black Ops: Great War
Great grandpa Adler goes on globetrotting adventures to sell American weapons to both sides of the Great War. He seems to merely be yet another opportunistic American war profiteer at first, but Adler's employers are secretly using the proceeds from the arms sales to advance the cause of Zionism. Needing to draw America into the war as the European powers were stuck in an impossible stalemate because schmoovement had not been invented yet, Adler is ordered to stage a false flag in Ambos-Nogales, a small town on the Arizona/Mexico border, being provided German uniforms by his employers which he hands out to the whitest Mexicans he could find before having them attack the town (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ambos_Nogales) in a shocking level where you fight buffalo soldiers of the US Army, with the option to yell old timey racial slurs at them. Unfortunately, the attack fails to sufficiently inflame tensions, so Adler has to deliver a fabricated telegram indicating Germany was planning to help Mexico retake the southwestern US, which finally gets the US to enter the war. You then spend the rest of the campaign in the trenches of Europe, fighting at Bellau Wood and other sites of the Spring and Hundred Day's Offensives that slowly reveal what your employers had been planning all along: the state of Israel. Adler has to choose between letting Woodrow Wilson sign the Treaty of Versailles (canon ending; leads to seasonal warzone story) or assassinating him to prevent the holocaust and WW2.
Black Ops games can only really exist in the post-WWII era because three letter agencies came into existence in the wake of the conflict. Yes, I know OSA was basically the CIA but that's really stretching it.
Honestly, it's underbaked, but I liked it.
Is that chink park?
He doesn't need to work for an agency. He just needs to do fucky spy shit.
>Lusitania sabotage mission
It’s based af. Put on some music, drive around and shoot endless waves of zombies
Reagan gave the order but he needed operators on the ground to do it. Enter Park
She's British and she doesn't have a high opinion of "good little American patriot"s. If anything she'd obey the UK government since they really wanted Rhodesia to fall.
>high alert is back in mp
Treyarch deserves death. So you want me to not use your new gay buttfuck mechanic and just shoot them off rip? Crutch ass perk
Believe it or not, intelligence was a thing in ww1
>cod players
>knowledge of history
pick one and only one
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Don't tell him the truth about Laos.
>>high alert is back in mp
Back as in a specialist perk and not something you can pick and add to any class.
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face off is ass jesus actual playlist of spawning directly in front of 3 people to instantly die
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BO3 zombies community is very low iq
>"Bring back real zombies" and "BO3 zombie community" on the same side
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Shadows Of Evil still doesn't look anything like zombies despite the abundance of BO3 apologists
>>entire game is marketed as movement
>>titanfall and even apex still has better
Titanfall is Apex with jet packs, both are clunky clumsy doo doo poopy.
Best fps movement, fluid and rich(AAA quality) is MW3, with BO6 in second place. Nothing else comes close. Infinite Warfare has better movement than Titan apex
My favorite are WAW/BO1 but I enjoy CW zombies, this is retarded
After they saw the success of Call of the Dead and Ascension and their easter eggs it was over. The 3 hit KO is the cherry on top.
Why did they decided to add a new mode and maps to the beta on a holiday?
One that their target audience usually spends moving into dorms not playing games?
Game is about to flop harder than black ops 4
Played BO6 beta it's fire. Ranked coming season 1 Fr
Ascension is a good classic map what are you on about
CodT isn't supposed to be anything serious just a tribute meme to the first zombiefag
As kino as it was, Mob opened the door to the convoluted main quests that everyone would just YT, and the lovecraftian bs seen in BO3 (don't know about BO4 didn't play it but the story is also retarded apparently)
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>mw2019 was the peak of the series
If you had said warzone it would have been even better bait
>put on flak jacket or trophy
>literally invincible if you sit on either camp spot as you beam everyone on the map
Literally what were they thinking
>filtered by Chud
such a thing, such a thing
You can have a good map and also have it be where the easter egg rot began.
How do people still find CoD deathmatch entertaining
only the treyarch games
Activision are losing their shit over black ops 6 beta having the lowest social media impressions of any beta and theyre not a fan of the gay kissing and humping videos
It's fun when leveling up and trying out new weapons but yeah its sorta ehh. I hope BO6 has shipping containers
>Source: Trust me Bro
I have never seen desperationposting this obvious and embarrassing.
It's just shitposting, right?
Nobody really cares that much about people enjoying a beta for a game simply because it wasn't made by infinity ward, RIGHT?
I don’t understand this 4000 dev meme. There’s no way 4000 developers were involved with this game. Are they including pajeet outsourcing for upcoming cosmetics or something? Maybe including support workers? It doesn’t make sense. And the 4 year dev time is a bit of a meme as well since we know devs were working on the Seasons for CW which lasted until late 2021 and then they were helping with MWII and III
>Some literal fucking who whore
ok nigga
there probably were, but you have to realize that the majority of work is outsourced now. That's why.
That's how games are made now.
It's the reason when you start up CoD now it lists like 10 companies.
No there are were not literally 4k devs. It's counting every person that was involved in the project whether it was building the engine to picking up the door dash deliveries from the lobby.
3fail has admitted themselves they had 4 years and spent the majority of those 4 years learning the engine. The teams that worked on WZ ranked and MWZ were small, The bulk of 3fails development studio has always been on BO6.
PS it's never the main studio working on the post launch content. That shit is handed off to Beenox, Raven, High Moon etc.
microsoft really got scammed when they bought activision huh
What does a cod competitor/clone need to be successful?
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Bf3 was a successful competitor, albeit only for a time...I can't think of any other game so far. So what did BF3 do right to begin with? We start here.
input based matchmaking
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She also handles horses...
Intelligence goes back waaaaaaaay further. The Colonist are famous for having a robust spy network during the Revolutionary War. That's why I specified three letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, FBI, ATF.
What about ximming
Why does it feel like I'm on a boat in this game? Why is my gun moving so much? THIS IS CANCER
Battlefields gunplay with CODs movement
Because you are a 100 lb woman in this game and the weight of the gun carries you instead of the other way around. Just look at yourself in the operator screen. A 100 lb skinny 5’7 woman.
>Just look at yourself in the operator screen. A 100 lb skinny 5’7 woman.
This whole movement animation not even syncing up to the first person camera view is really fucking obnoxious. No one is doing anything impressive it’s just the animations doing stuff on its own. When youre sliding sideways then lying down fucking sideways your actual view isnt even tilted like your model. Your screen is level at all times. The player isnt even synced up the the model, no wonder the desync and hit reg is so fucked.
Reminds me of that stupid fucking autolean whenever someone strafed in MWII where they just dodge bullets with their head even though on their screen their head isnt even tilting or moving like that. Kill all cod devs.
I was watching bo2 gameplay and it’s amazing how snappy everything is despite movement being much slower. In the quest for animation fidelity the gunplay has become too sluggish. The multiple layers of sprint doesn’t help either. All of which stems from mw19z I think the black ops 4 gunplay should be used as the basis for the omnidirectional system.
This game is just run around and shoot, is it good?
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End of an era
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The movement in advanced warfare and black ops 3 is unironically more impressive and advanced than this omnimovement bullshit. Fuck you can add Halo 5 to that list too.
I didnt play Infinite Warfare or Black Ops 4 so cant comment on those ones
It’s cool on paper but actually playing it in person feels bad. It could be a lot better with some changes.
It's bad because it just is okay.
Heres your cod operator bro (it’s the girl in the orange hood) https://x.com/finegalchas/status/1829343493916938491
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Zamn that's Westpoint?
Adler White Boy Winter is coming..
When i import my settings which are 6-6 0.75 0.75 the rest 1x it gives me 7-7 0.75 0.95 the rest zooms 1x. Is 7 the same as 6 from iii or is the game just broken. Same with the 0.95 zoom sens
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>China gave us something these devs refuse to
More milsim than anything from cod since MWII
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It's from the Chinese gacha game, Girls' Frontline
go to be boomer
see exactly my point, not that i dont like the designs of GFL i actually really like how they are named after guns and especially the beret chick from the series (wish we got a cel shaded operator tracer bundle for MW3) but its proves my point, i play gacha's so i know what im talking about there is specific things they do to try and get you to pay money

Pajeet street shitter
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No shit. At one point Halo was considered COD’s rival. He let it flop and ended up buying cod himself. What should have been a completely unnecessary investment. Now he’s stuck holding the hundred billion dollar bag and is forced to cater to non Xbox platforms because exclusivity is unsustainable. Nevermind gamepass stealing millions of genuine sales.
Literally copy paste black ops 2 and keep adding stuff and evolving it. More guns, perks, game modes, etc. you can even add some modern features like hostage taking and saving gun loadouts.
And most importantly make sure to plant its feet as an arcade shooter.
किराया मुफ़्त
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1PM-6PM play BO6 while most sweats are off the game;
7PM-1AM play MW3 while BO6 is flooded with young sweaties;
2AM-10AM sleep.
1PM-6PM play BO6

November's schedule looking good, we finna enjoy MW3 and BO6 to the maximum
Why do CoD fans hate the Battle Pass system? Do they really want to go back to map packs, or heaven forbid loot boxes?
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>BO6 turns off Aim-assist in close range
Not a problem, we've adapted our techniqe to stay far from pieces of cover, while STILL using said pieces of cover. We're so much smarter, so much better than others
Already exists
If you ever played cold war or mwiii youd know why. They gimp the release game which is barebones as fuck cause they hold back maps and modes for seasons to sprinkle throughout the year instead of just giving everything to you up front. It’s a literal scam
>16 maps
>but gatekeeping maps is okay
16 maps? Where? You mean 0?
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>nucod games release with 0 maps
Looks incredibly generic
all movement is on my left hand. jump on shoulder button, slide dive on the other. Reload/killstreaks on the dpad. All combat shit goes on the mouse.

The older ones did lock you out because you chose between "Controller" and "Mouse and Keyboard" but now all you chose is what you're aiming with so it just says "Mouse" and controller movement works. It's annoying to do finger yoga for backwards diagonal dives on keyboard
you think the BO2 sequel next year will slow everything down
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there's a free BO6 beta going on right now
and warzone
and mwIII
and mwII
and DMZ
and MWZ
>free BO6 beta
its not free thoughbeit
mwii is dead
It’s 4am
Hell no. The only thing it will share with bo2 is look (maybe not even that considering everything is mw aesthetic now) but it will functionally be the same exact thing we have now. And considering the current development troubles it’s probably going to be another MW3 “dlc game”
great another year of cronus and macrofags live pinging walling you the entire game cause fucking livepinging is in the fucking game for some reason
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Almost one year old post with no numbers and just vague statements. Already forgetting the damage control shills were doing at launch when mwiii didn't sell that well.

>campaign players putting in more time per player in mwiii
The campaign lasted like 3 hours and it was a complete flop. Whoever wrote those statements is clearly huffing some serious copium.
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theyre conceding that the game is going to just be a warzone weapon levelling simulator with all these fucking tiny maps
>/v/ and all the people who hate COD (or stopped playing after BLOPS 2) like MW19
>cod/g/ and all the other "COD heads" hate MW19
What's with the disconnect?
when you mean like what do you mean by that? cause no one liked 6v6 in that game.
>No my favorite eceleb and Twitter brownoids didn't like it so that means everyone didn't like
/codg/ seems determined to gaslight everyone into thinking no one liked MW19
and it was only carried by Warzone
well that's what happened so yeah. 6v6 already died before christmas lmao.
>no one liked MW19
>and it was only carried by Warzone
Normalfags like /v/ where sucking off the detailed graphics, plus nostalgia, having Price return, and the game's cover(key art) had a white man.
/codg/ doesn't really hate MW19(except klem, he does hate it). /codg/ is negative towards MW19 because the latest games are getting simple maps, they're easier on the eyes, so people don't want to deal with MW19's 100 windows and 100 doors per map.
>>and it was only carried by Warzone
Warzone is boring dogshit, Blackout was beautiful and entertaining
Speaking of MW19 why is it the only campaign that has multiple villain factions that hate each other? That was actually a pretty unique dynamic.
cause all the campaign leads quit after MW19. those guys also did the IW campaign.
Explains why MW22's campaign was pants on head retarded and disappointing
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>kill one to three people
>get shot from behind
amazing map design
This is why you get recon
>BOCW looks cleaner than BO6 using this fabled new engine
My PS4 BOCW looked and played better than BO6 demo on PC.
Why dont you just turn around?
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely when there's no one else around
so i shoot, kill, turn 180, repeat all through the game?
Yeah this game looks like blurry garbage on pc i cant tell if it’s bugged or what. I tried upping the render resolution to 150 and it was still blurry as shit
It's better than MW23, but not as nice as MW22 even though it has all the MW22 S1 bugs.
Cause activision fucking sucks LMFAO
no it’s much worse than both of those
This Cod hq bs is the worst thing to happen to cod
Well I'm sick of the beta.
I don't even care about the full release anymore.
filtered above
>kills replaced with eliminations because it’s “toxic” and everybody must have a trophy
Think of the children!
i don't like how much you flinch when you get hit.
>chad woah jack
good morning sar
So put on attachments which help with flinch lmao
My brother actually worked for Activision at the time in their European marketing department and one of the funniest things he told me back then was about BF3 and it was labelled as "not a threat" on internal emails, despite all the hype.

That, and the fact that they had MW2R in the works as far back as 2015/16
I was talking in terms of appearance.
Well this was a ballbuster...
Front sight post is not retained on the reinforced barrel when using the ACOG and/or holographic sights.
I'm more upset that the optics don't go on top of the carry handle
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They should be in the final game according to the mp trailer...
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People said this back in the 00s, you know? People used to hate DLC in comparison to 'expansion pack' type discs and they were seen as sub par replacements that were repackaging and reselling cut content.
Also every single other barrel type keeps the front sight up for those optics, except the reinforced barrel.
What a remarkable journey this has been. Gentleman's input choice, mouse and keyboard, has been completely and utterly made redundant.
Keyboards are for work, not video games. No write that email and setup that Teams meeting.
>Keyboards are for work
Very based, we agree. "Playing" with mouse and keyboard is soulless
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holy based
treyarch games are the easiest to do hard unlock all tools for. How stupid people are for buying that $400 wanderwaffle for a camo hackers will have for free, permanently.
All games are on the same engine now.
wrong, 6 has a customized version of 2019's.
So the entirety of the early beta, skyline crashed my shit.
Inbred retard tries to be technical.
They are using unified engine.
all the old ones ran quake engine but rebranded
i got cooked.
still, the game while kinda fun has horrendous map design. almost every capture point are too close to each other, some areas are too open and some too closed off. the only way to be getting kills in this game is to run laps around the map frantically.
>so i shoot, kill, turn 180, repeat all through the game?
literally yes? dumb fuck nigger
>the only way to be getting kills in this game is to run laps around the map frantically.
And that's a good thing!™
>loud as fuck gun giving away map position
>death skull popping up to alert enemy team
>people you killed respawning who know where they just died
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It’s a little weird that they picked 3 tiny range maps but maybe they want to keep the beta as small and barebones as possible
i guess that's why there's so much emphasis on the omnimovement and sprint toggle being default
>le epic orange “black ops” kino title and ui
>grey modern warslop aesthetic in game
>it’s in the 80s/90s with boring weapons
What a fucking waste
What a fucking waste
>What a fucking waste
But enough about your post already.
Call of Duty isn't a faggot military shooter anyway, all of that is irrelevant. What we want is more glowing cyborg skins and troon weeb e-kittens. That's the real CoD
Honestly I'm surprised CoD has become more anime before we even got an actual anime FPS.
it's over
goodbye /codg/
See you tomorrow!
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sounds like cope, the bullshit excuses people come up with for a game to aim for them in a game of competitive aiming makes controller players sound like the ultimate retards
i love how this game flip flops me between having people in my matches be sweatlords or lobotomized retards.
the game barely looks '90s, especially with all the gaudy paypiggy shit
Jenny... please come back!
It’s no wonder games are so shit now. Everything is just fucking outsourced to some pajeet team with little experience. And yet games continue to make massive profits. I dream of a huge gaming crash that ends up revitalising the industry but I know it’s never going to happen. It’s just going to get worse.
Yet all the 'pro' KBM players constantly cope about how they can't keep up and then go back to filling in Excel spreadsheets with since that's all they're good for now
You're middle of the range; be assured that without SBMM you'd just be getting your shit rocked by sweatlords.

Remember when everyone was sucking off XDefiant a few months ago because "no SBMM", "feels old school", which quickly turned into "BAWWWWWWW I'M GETTING MY SHIT ROCKED IN EVERY GAME BY BHOPPING MOVEMENT SWEATLORDS" after a few weeks

Until you're in the "I shit on anybody" bracket, you have no opinion
Actual competitive shooters (Counter Stike, Valorant, Overwatch) are dominated by PC chads. CoD is a skinshop dressed up as a shooter
CoD was always a console game
>Wallpaper engine
>without SBMM you'd just be getting your shit rocked by sweatlords
You sound horrible, like a spoiled brat with completely polarized and entitled opinions.
XDefiant has the exact same gripes as modern cod. Heroes and rapid movement except it had no content so it flopped.
wew lad
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>Yet all the 'pro' KBM players constantly cop-ACK!!
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well yeah, you as a human being dont have the reaction time to a programmed aim bot in game its been proven, the pro fps players have millisecond reaction times, aim assist is even quicker its almost instant you cant compete with it, im honestly shocked treyarch removed it from BO6 at close range because even they know its such a advantage they must have been getting their shit pushed in during QA with KBM vs controllers

well yeah CS doesnt have aim assist
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>refuse to implement input based matchmaking
>address nonexistent issue (rotational aim assist at point blank ranges where the target already takes up over half your screen)
This was already implemented in BOCW anyway and now all the twitter retards act like it's a big deal because it's not.
I tried a match in Pit and Gala. God damn, all the maps are bad. Someone give these niggas a course on architecture or something.
>refuse to implement input based matchmaking
This isn’t a dealbreaker and cod has way bigger problems that need to be fixed
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All the smart copetrolloids say they are fine with this 'nerf' because they know it won't affect them in any way + it will also help with shutting up those who keep calling for aim assist nerfs. The only consoloids who call this a literal genocide are shitters with two digit IQ who will suck even with real aimbots.

The biggest gaslighting episode in CoD history, even bigger than "Actually, SBMM is good for you!", is about to take place this following year. Anyone who dares bring up the unbalanced state of aim assist over MnK will be presented with this nothingburger of a 'nerf' over and over again.
Let me guess... The lack of skins in the store??
Or.. or... not enough CONTENT!! Yeah.. that surely must be it.
>t. Diamond III shitters
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>playing tranked
No (You) for you.
I find BO6 demo pretty much unplayable with kbm unless I sweat my balls of at least in the EU lobbies. EU lobbies are just like they were during BOCW: every match is like a CDL match, sweats, matchmaking puts me up against the same guys very often, lot of snipers etc.
Maybe US is easier because people have generally different mindset there (i.e. CoD is still more casual past time).
For some reason BO6 feels faster than MW3 but perhaps it's just because MW3 is more fluid.
Call of Duty: Future Warfare (NX1) got leaked.
It's because the servers have serious desync issues. It's the same story with every beta & launch week. If you see an enemy looking at you, you can safely assume they already emptied half a mag into you on their end.
It seems like that.
>try to perform a takedown twice
>both times they get stolen by teammates
What’s the fucking point in them, then? Either make my enemy immune to teammates during the animation (like BF4) or have the enemy die on the first lethal hit to them. They shouldn’t be walking away from a stab to the fucking neck just because the animation didn’t complete. This shit it so retarded. Why even sell takedowns when they can be stolen so easily?
what is that
God I fucking hate “content creators” and the kiddies that watch them so fucking match. Completely ruined every single MP game because within hours of a game launching, YouTube/TikTok etc is just flooded with shit about the meta and the most broken loadouts possible. Few people play the game for themselves anymore or plays with what they enjoy. They’re just slaves to the meta trying to get as much of an advantage as possible
A more "realistic" cod in space.
womp womp
>doing takedowns in a first person shooter
This isn't a first person take downer
nigcel thread
>mfw spamming the shush emote at the end of a round
this is epic
timmycel thread
uninstalled the game
uninstalled xbox game pass
not renewing the pass
I haven't played zombies since BO1.
How bad will BO6 zombies be for an oldfag like me?
How do you even spam emotes? Once I press the button it says I can't do it yet for a few seconds
I fucking wish. Aesthetic wise it looks like fucking BO4.
some emotes can be spammed without cooldowns just check each emote
If I buy BO6, I'm making a brand new account.
>millennialcucks thinking that BO6 was going to be reliving their youth but it is still gen alpha brainrot
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Realistically speaking, how many players will this game filter?
Then why are they in the game? The entire point is to style on your enemies. Completely redundant when little Tommy can just blast them away during the 2 year long animation
2-300 players
negative 298 players??
I'm having fun. You can easily blast away zoomers with shotguns and noob tubes when they try their schmovement autism
>t. millenialcuck
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These spawns are cooked bruh
le new twitter buzzword immediately adopted by the more retarded folks
realistically speaking the person in this clip would've lost the gun fight if the other guy didn't miss 70% of his shots
>le new twitter buzzword immediately adopted by the more retarded folks
It's tiktok gen alphoids
Let him cook.

Maybe don't do so much faggot movement next time. But then you will also lose. Oh well
Yes, that's what he said.
ok boomer
alphoids don't use twitter
The flags dont matter in dom any more cause the game is squad spawns again
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>changing social media landscape
charlie is a boomer that gets click via twitter and a useless website but no one uses that shit anymore. they want the tiktok audience
holy shit grim
>last day of the beta
>the brightness slider still doesnt work
just laugh at this point
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>hold for manual fire option
>doesn't fire semi-auto guns at their maximum firerate
arthritis bros we can't catch a break...
>black ops 6 was so bad it made nickmercs return to apex
He touches kids with his friend doc
How do you even report bugs in this piece of shit beta
remind me again why I should care about Nickmercs?
You don't need to, they already know
nickmercs is so bad at black ops 6 he returned to apex*
>cope-troller pedophile BR player returns to a BR
>Can you dance? Welcome to our team.
I think we can all agree that warzone was the worst thing to happen to CoD and fortnite was the worst thing to happen to shooters
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What are currently the best weapons in MWZ?
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depends on what you are doing, are you crowd control or do you just want to kill shit fast?

RGL crowd control, unironically MW2 guns do really well to kill zombies,. some aftermarket parts are shit
You mean that dude who was lobby shopping at CoD next? Lol
Holger556 with backsaw kit
Reclaimer 18
FR Avenger
Renetti with carbine kit

Use incendiary rounds and largest mags. Rest of your attachments don’t matter but people normally go for mobility.
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Sweatlord skin
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>7 servers on the east
>only 3 on the west
Billion dollar franchise
>huge central/south american playerbase
>no servers for them
Why do you consider the French sweats?
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When are we getting furry skins ?
>general already dead
that's the treyarch classic
I think they play like faggots and their language sounds stupid.
Oh god I forget this shit and hip hop rabbits were unironically a thing. What the fuck happened to CoD, man. I can’t wait for boomer suits to die out and stop thinking they HAVE to copy shit like Fortnite
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>already forgetting the sludgehammer special
>like the shotgun
>level 35 before you can pump it much faster
Kill me
got the refund
preordered the vault edition
preordered the regular edition
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>pump it much faster
I bet you would enjoy that
Got game pass
didn't have to pre-order shit

Treybros.. two months is enough time for them to fix spawns, r-right?
The overall reaction to the beta is positive, they're too busy counting the pre order money and they'll probably change jackshit until release, maybe a minor Jackal nerf and an even more minor shotgun buff and even that is coping on my part.
Just watch your back lmfao
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... around Marshall
I'll make that zesty faggot my bitch with TORO
Stonechads only beyond this post.
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CoDbros we are losing the culture war...
Alrighty, thank you anons.
We lost long ago. The average zoomoid playing through a black ops title doesn't even realize it's based on historical events that actually happened thanks to the absolute assraping public education got over the past decade of no crack babby left behind and common core, not to mention more recent attacks on the historical field in general. Back in CW there were zoomers openly wondering in voice chat if the Cold War actually happened or if it was just a fictional backdrop for that year's CoD.
wingsofredemption said bo6 sucks. its over for this game
>Back in CW there were zoomers openly wondering in voice chat if the Cold War actually happened or if it was just a fictional backdrop for that year's CoD
Holy shit
Do you see subways in Japan? Can you find Laos on a map outside of a CoD game? No?

Thought so.
>Can you find Laos on a map outside of a CoD game
Nigga speak for yourself.
Anyone's who's read a bit about Vietnam knows how to locate Laos.
>Complaining about Zoomers not knowing history when Treyarch can't even get historical details right
>counting the pre order money
Doesn’t this game being “free” for Gamepass users completely cut into this? Still think it’s retarded that MS didn’t just pull this game from Sony. Do you know how many people play CoD religiously? They’d gladly buy an Xbox just to play the new one
The Unemployed Black Ops 6 Community Needs to Calm Down! https://youtu.be/Yao4DmcVJ44?si=Co9l8Lmjb1xqBpwh
very racist title
How much of Concord’s failure is attributed to its fugly as sun characters? Or is it mainly because it’s a paid hero shooter in an already overcrowded market with better F2P (or cheaper) alternatives? I ask the same about Law Breakers. It had really fucking ugly characters the devs were proud of creating, but the game was also paid. So I’m not sure how much fugly characters matter to cratering a games potential
Too few people know or care about gamepass, just check steam, xbox and ps store, the game is always first or second in the best seller tabs
People need to understand that their (valid) complaints about the current state of the franchise are never going to be adressed and will always just be background noise for Activision as long as zoomers, alphas and their parents keep buying the games and spending hundreds of dollars on microtransactions
CoD is probably more profitable now that it's ever been
>Sloplock gameplay
Instantly closed the tab
>keeps playing regardless
Would rather play vidya all day than slave away for Goldberg Inc. for pennies surrounded by sociopathic women and simps
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Its that time of year again where normies complain about some nebulous "muh skill based match making" bullshit because they are too retarded to just get better at the game.
>but muh movement
99.9% of gunfights are won by whoever aims better period. And movement has been in cod since cod 4 with shit like corner jumping, bunny hopping, and drop shotting. But people are too high off nostalgia of their childhood to remember it. Its all so tiring watching people have their gaming midlife crisis instead of just getting better.
>but muh casual gameplay
Yes it is a casual multiplayer shooter. If you want a game that has no people fighting back, play one of the many single player PvE shooters. Holy fuuuuck.

That beind said. The spawns are pretty shit. Some of the weapons need some serious tuning. And some bugs need to be squished before launch.
Is it just me or is Marshall an actually well designed black character? CoD usually fucks them up. Sims looked malnourished. Hutch looked too fat to be an operator.
The actor is just cute
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Yep. Can't wait for the kino battlepass skins
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The hero we didn't deserve
>when you prestige you can still use blueprints even at level 1
Paypigs won
I refuse to believe Treyarch made this game.
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Fuck off
bruh you just hold the crouch button to slide into dropshot now instead of sliding>slide cancel>hold crouch and pull back
This is is a game for 70 IQ folk
>cod 4 movement and current movement ever being comparable
How do you do fellow boomers
>See someone frames drop
Why do the first 3-4 games per session do this?
>its not 3arc's fault BO4 is terrible, it was Activision demanding a BR
>its not 3arc's fault BOCW is terrible, they had to save a failed SHG game
2024, with the longest dev cycle in the history f the series and no bailouts besides the VG Zombies mode which they obviously threw together in like 2 weeks
>it's not 3arc's fault because...uh...BECAUSE ITS JUST NOT, OKAY???
lol every time
>b-but they had to learn the engine...
SHG learned the engine well enough to have VG ready for release only 2 years after MW19 came out.. cope.
MWIII year 2 for me.
It's official, treyarch is washed....
The IW engine ruins everything. Once you let that garbage studio (and the other troon one) touch something it turns to shit
Vanguard is amazing though
Do you speak Japanese?
Why did they get rid of his shirt?
lmfao he's blaming the MW19 engine for supposedly somehow making spawns worse than they were in MW19
fucking 3arc ballthroater
Most likely an alt skin
MW19 had worse spawns though
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>mfw running makarov main
Pew pew, dud they nerf the fucking fire rate between Saturday and today?
MW19 had great spawns. If you wanted to farm niggers with a chopper gunner and spawncamped them till they quit.
Already bored of the pdw, give us the rapid fire tanto 22
4 years and they can't model a bush as anything other than a solid box
It's not "frames" but packet burst, retard.
Here's an educated American. Glad you found your way past Ohio on the map.
the number 1 complaint about mw19 for most of the games lifecycle was the shit map design compiled with the shit squad spawns. not saying bo6 is better at this. im just saying mw19 was shit at it too.
you were so right for the most part until you said
>MWIII year 2 for me
and just invalidated everything you said prior
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>MWIII year 2 for me
so theyre just gonna remake all the black ops and black ops 2 maps again for the seasons to save the game just like cold war huh
I loved the shit map design and shit squad spawns. Because I was also that nigger who was farming teams with chopper gunners and just blasting at spawn points for hours on end since there was nothing better to do during covid lockdowns than make people seethe.
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Deadlock closed beta mogging BO6 beta+MWIII+MWII+Warzone (free)+DMZ (free)+MWZ
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So..any reason BO6 will be bad outside the usual sbmm/warzone/meta/network reasons? So far my impression is that people hate it because they're old and busted now
>>when you prestige you can still use blueprints even at level 1
>Paypigs won
Oh no my artificial player-retention mechanic is ruined!!!
>milsimps throw an autism fit because they think X doesn't exist in era
>get presented evidence that X did in fact exist and was used
>switch to dev studio tribalism
>[autistic screeching intensifies]
Happens every year there is a BO game.
>pc game has more players than console monkey game on (secondary) pc platform
uhh ok, if deadlock fags are speedrunning the "annoying fanbase" competition they are getting up there
>deadlock fags are speedrunning the "annoying fanbase" competition
Wait till you run into the coomers who simp for some ugly bat. Worse than bronies and furries
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he sexy
>*lays the old and busted meat on the frogsissy's face*
What is your impression now?
Ok so go play your third-person MOBA shooter.
Everyone is
What's the point of setting a game in the past if you aren't gonna stick to it? Some can be believable as alternate history and prototyping but other times, it just comes across as lazy. Have you seen BO1's arsenal?
yeah figures
i cant hang with the alphas either, 28 is prime unc material but don't care games fun
just funny seeing a literal dive mindbreak people when no one cared about dolphin diving in black ops
>milsimps throw an autism fit because they think X doesn't exist in era
>get presented evidence X existed in time period
>switch to dev studio tribalism
>[autistic screeching intensifies]
Still haven't gotten a coherent response for this. And we stil haen't even touched on the fact that epic realism gaymurr faggots like you have dragged the historical field so far into the mud that people automatically assume you're covering for nazism just for saying the H-word. Sorry not sorry, racist milsimps.
>So far my impression is that people hate it because they're old and busted now
Once you get u sed to the game it isn't too bad. The biggest skillgap is appropriately using omnimovement slides. Once you've figured out how to use it well, the game is significantly easier. A couple of days ago, I was getting my shit slapped, these last 48 hours, I've been shitting on people more often than not.

>What's the point of setting a game in the past if you aren't gonna stick to it?
Need to make money from the skin buying zoomers. Just you awit for Cyber Michael Jackson
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This is the autistic faggot calling you "deranged" for saying "normies don't like history".

Perhaps it's because it's associated with dysgenic retards like him who would be cannon fodder in any of the conflicts he goons over?
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I'm not American
Fuck off back to your general
>he wasn't on /codg/ for the fictional country of laos/spoiler]
>autistic faggot gets called out
>unable to respond to criticism in way that makes him look good
>slinks away to seethe
>will probably come back 6 hours later when opponent is gone to get the last word and claim victory
>still a vain mental cripple
Many such cases! Sad!
>current fucking year
>he still thinks BO1 gun selection wasn't done on purpose
Skullcrush every milsim wannabe.
kek he got you shook
What is this cope? How the hell was that intentional?
>Doesn’t this game being “free” for Gamepass users completely cut into this?
Nah, it gets more people buying micros which is like 90% of these kinds of games revenue now
It's not cope, it's truth. Devs themselves specifically said they added anachronistic guns to make the gameplay more interesting. If you want to attract the average cod4/mw2 players, it'd suck a bit to only have people running around with m16s/ak47s with a bunch of relics like the M14. Money talks, no shit.
>It's been five years and people are still seething over MILSIMs
>it'd suck a bit to only have people running around with m16s/ak47s with a bunch of relics like the M14.
>Historical illiterate Zoomer unironically believes these are the only guns that existed in the 60s
>Historical illiterate Zoomer unironically believes these are the only guns that existed in the 60s
I'm not, and I dont. But please explain how you'd have done better.
Literally look at any other Vietnam shooter on the market and copy their weapon selections
>Rising Storm 2, Vietcong, Military Conflict Vietnam, Prairie Fire
been away for a few days.
Are IWfanboys still seething?
By this logic Battlefield 1 should have sold horribly because no one would want to play a game where the majority of the weapons are bolt action rifles
yes i like this deridick map where theres a wall with huge visible steel rods and barb wire and you can just freely run on it max speed no damage
I'm pretty sure >50% of players are just straight up hacking in the beta since all current hacks work on it
i sure hope klem got concord digitally lmao
He's been awfully quiet ever since the beta dropped. The lack of a riot shield must be getting to him
>still seething about a two year old post
I don't know what you're on about but you seem just as mentally ill
What the fuck are you talking about? Why is the thread for the most normie franchise imaginable full of schizos?
Is all of /vg/ like this?
I've been waiting years for a direct response to any of my points. All I've seen consistently are fail attempts at distraction and deflection, usually extending into straight up topic switching. The only thing he has managed to do is shit evidence all over the archive that he is WRONG WRONG WRONG and is to COWARDLY to admit it.
>Devs themselves specifically said they added anachronistic guns to make the gameplay more interesting
They said this under the context that "Black ops soldiers would have access to classified tech and stuff still in development"
Go dig up the old as fuck EGM interview you butchered to make this point and read it again. Shit Vonderhaar in it is specifically answering the question of "so not much variety in the 60s is there?"
>guy who goes well akshully about mass shooter loadouts is sane
>guy who points out chudjak is acting like chudjak is LE SCHIZO
I thought you faggots were all about calling a spade a spade, or is that just for people you don't like?
You must be new here
>providing evidence is seething
Comes to show you aren't interested in honest intellectual debate. You just want victims that can't fight back by your rules, because you're too weak, stupid, and lazy to win a real fight.
Treyarch... you did this
>milsimps... you did this
California has a law on the books now b&ing "promoting gun culture to minors" and video game companies are getting sued left and right for enabling mass shooters to train with guns thanks to those clowns run amok. If you want someone to blame for ruining muh vidya gayyyyymmmmesss and history that's them.
>Schizo gets mad that people dared to criticize the billionaire dollar gaming franchise for being lazy and starts seething that everyone he disagrees with is this one weirdo from two years ago (which is probably likely him false flagging)
I legitimately do not know what you're talking about, you seem to think I'm some guy who you've been debating for years about autistic shit, I'm not
I just come here when I want to talk about cod because /v/ never does and every time most of the general is just schizos rambling and people being all tribal and calling each other transvestites when all the games are the fucking same anyway
Can't you weirdos just talk about video games?
Video games r srs bsns
can we sink california into the fucking ocean already
Just because you refuse to view the evidence doesn't mean it stops existing.
CoD will finally be killed then good
There's been so many games in which the story boils down to California sucking its not even funny anymore
I unironically want california laws to go worldwide so the ebin gaymurrs jacking it to persecution fanwank will finally get exactly what they've been wishing for. This will finally clean up the gaymng community which was long overdue.
Again, not the guy you were arguing with, if he even exists outside your troubled mind
You might as well be him. Why are you so invested in defending him, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???????
>put on the wallhack perk
>50% of the time spawn right behind (<10 ft) 2 enemies for free kills
the spawn system is such a fucking joke
everyone laugh at this retard who fucked up the spoiler!!!!!!
>he sill doesn't know the truth about laos
Reminder this is just adhoc shit pseudos spread and the actual reason is more nuanced.
Treyarch betrayed its loyal fanbase by choosing the devil's option, that is, the Modern Warfare engine. It's over. "Black Ops" are a thing of the past. It's never going back. Warzone was the harbinger of the Apocalypse. Everything that set Treyarch apart is gone.
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Dont give a shit about your epic codg meme only you think is funny
At least Im not a retard who can't spoiler.
So basically it boils down to public relations, which shooting up schools is a net negative for. Now say that louder, again, for the autistic screechers in the back who still think PR is a conspiracy theory or something like that.
You're still new, wrong, poor, and stupid.
Can't stop won't stop get bent!
lololololololololol look at this old man cope.
Always knew he just used the sbmm shit to hide how trash he was.

Omnimovement is just constantly exposing all these fucks for the fakes they are.
No it comes down to copyright law and not wanting to get cucked by Colt because they only let you use their name if the good guys fire the guns but bad guys absolutely can't. Or for KRISS at the last second to come in saying they actually do have issues using their name even if their social media team swears every year its totally cool.
It's 2024. No one gives a shit about PR. No one will fucking remember your PR blunder 20 seconds after it happens.
Is it true that the new movement has basically eliminated camping?
I accept your concession
>It's 2024. No one gives a shit about PR. No one will fucking remember your PR blunder 20 seconds after it happens.
If you're so sure, niggerspam under all accounts under your real name, especially the ones connected to your employer. Do it.

PROTIP: You won't because you know deep down I'm right and you're a retarded autist who doesn't have a job lolololololololololol
BO3 zombies wouldnt exist without him, no mods, no zombies chronicles. none of the kino of the original maps, its the best zombies experience and he made it happen
You're picking on a typo because you can't refute the main point, that you weren't here back when CW was the year's title. In fact, you conSNEEDed first since your post picking on a title came long before any of the respnses.
Not letting you declare victory because it's factually untrue. Even physics itself (time) thinks YOU'RE WRONG. What now?
He doesn't care. He's the anti-old zombies schizo obsessed with thrashing anything related to zombies, probably couldn't go higher than round 5 on Origins so we need to hold his hand like a retard and give him watered down slop like Firebase Z so he can feel like he's playing Warshit
BO3 maps are dogshit everyone is playing Kino Der Toten in PS4
this has to be a bot
>BO3 zombies wouldnt exist without him
i wish he never was brought on because bo3 ruined zombies
>old zombies
zoom zoom
nta newfag
Someone’s living in your head rent free.
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lol, I`m making the beta a better place
A bot wouldn't spew real facts. There are more people playing Kino despite it being a paid map for 30$
Employee socials aren’t company PR you retarded dumb fuck.
Hey remember when there was that huge fucking rape scandal at Activision? Notice how no one gives a shit about it anymore?
PR matters fuck all. Case in point the walking disaster that is Trump still has 50/50 odds at the White House.
a bot copies what other people write you probably are all bots
Yes. Everything before CW is old zombies. Whether it's the storyline, the score system, the crews, it doesn't matter. Origins is closer in time to Nacht than it is to Terminus. Time flies.
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It's his year
it's from today btw >>493035665
he just needs to go sleep
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Based. Marshall>Sims
Nah it's the schizo spawns
god i fucking love treyarch for letting me shoot trailer trash wife beater niggers!
Give me a fucking curb stomp execution and I will fucking nut every time.
Because I said it before and it's still true. You want me to dust off my PS4?

oof Origins the map where you need 10 tutorials, 4 for each staff and 4 for each upgrade just to get basic stuff. I mean it's good the pack a punch wasn't as complex as Mob of The Dead but jesus that entire map is just one giant setup. The Giant, if you will, hehe.
We get it you're a sodomite with a twisted fetish, no need to post his face 40 times a day.
Yes they are especially when they get #cancelled (hashtag intentional) on twatter, or x or whatever the fuck it's called now. If PR didn't matter, why would they rightfully fire you for making the corp look bad? You don't have to actually niggerspam to get fired since people have been fired for far, far less.

In fact, pre-emptive social media background checks are the norm nowadays. if what employees did off the clock didn't matter, why would they invest time and money in this?
I suggest you get a real job first before describing other peoples' lived experiences for them.
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>so many model references to the 1911
>nothing actually pointing to it being a usable weapon in BO6
if it's not a post-launch weapon I'm going to be pissed
My dad told me some retard at his work got fired on the spot for making a jew joke about how copper wire was invented. This was the engineering office of an aerospace defense contractor in the literal boomers' heyday btw before shit went turbo-woke, so the neet retard you're arguing against is dead fucking wrong, as usual.
You can blame Treyarch they locked Adler behind the 100$ version so now I'm fangirling over Marshall
Adler and Park will be in the battlepass with the campaign skins anyway
Generally it's not advisable to seriously argue about anything on 4chan unless it's for 'fun' or fun because in most cases you are against some genuine twitter brainwashed retards anyway.
>2 or 3 retards leave
>have to stay in the game getting spawn raped 6 v 3 the entire game cause if you leave you lose all xp
yeah fuck this treyarch trash
/codg/ is the most normal /v/ general since it's such a normie franchise that you'll find people that have a real job above mcwagie tier here.
I don't know if you have seen but some of these people are quite far from being normal, especially the brainwashed paypigs.
Yes, but there's still more normal people here than the map painting simulator gens for example.
Why do fujos love COD so much?
Soap and Ghost be manly and shit
This argument is so fucking retarded. Anti-2A fucks have tried suing manufactures and been shot down repeatedly. It's called the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Court routinely finds there is no standing to hold a manufacturing company accountable for what some rando does with their product. They have fucking immunity over this very issue.
So any argument that using these company names is responsible for a school shooter like the retards in Uvalde are trying is just a waste of cash. The Courts have already sided with gun makers on the issue. A video game using their names isn't going to suddenly change the law.
Its not PR. Its money and copyright. You know the two things that actually matter and that can fuck you over.
Never mind AB 2571 is about the sell and advertisement of guns to minors. CoD is rated M for mature a rating attached to it by the ESRB. Like there is no fucking case here for any PR executive to even worry over
just found out that marshall loves jewish women
it's over
But your corp still gets in the press along with "ENABLES MASS SHOOTERS!!!!1" which can effect sales, especially among suburban soccermoms who do pay attention to that news and are ultimately the ones paying for their little shits' microtransactions.

Another analogy: Imagine OJ Simpson trying to rules lawyer people into liking him by saying "b-b-but I w-wasn't f-f-foun g-gguilty..." You think that's going to make people like him? Hell, people were shitting on him until and past the day he died.
Why is he announcing this like it's some serious emotional struggle he's grappling with
You know what else costs a shitton of money? Paying for lawyers to respond to lolsuits from anti-gun groups and other ambulance chasers, especially when they drag the california state government (which already has it out for gun owners) in to really raise the stakes. And beyond the cost of the lawfare, there's the PR side as well, which also includes lost sales.

Have you forgotten WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY? Or is "no man is an island" only for people you don't like?
seconding this
I had to go through 3 background checks for my job
when you apply for a visa they also ask for your socials now
employers and governments will absolutely monitor that shit to avoid onboarding some psycho
Video games are about as good as teaching proper gun use as porn is for teaching you how to be in a loving and committed relationship
>only muh law matters
>people don't have emotions or preferences, and are totally un-reactive to advertising
>public relations is a conspiracy theory
>employers and governments will absolutely monitor that shit to avoid onboarding some psycho
Welp I guess that explains why /codg/ is perpetually unemployed lmao
And porn certainly has a stellar reputation, doesn't it?
The 1911 should be in every fucking CoD game. It is quite literally THE handgun. I’m tired of Glocks being pushed in modern games. They’re ugly and lack SOVL
The average zoomoid probably doesn't even know what a 1911 is. They probably aren't even aware that 1911 is also a year.
Porn has been completely normalised among zoomers. They’ve all grown up with instant access to it in their pockets. Social media is flooded with OF whores spamming every popular post. I’m pretty sure zoomers see porn/“sex work” in a much more positive light than they do guns
The maymay that violent video games promote IRL violence is old as fuck. I mean they used it against doom ffs.
New schizo dropped
>you now remember Jack Thompson
>if I call him a schizo, I win!
What does "schizo" even mean anymore? Maybe it once meant some legitimately mentally ill fucktard who hears oices, but now it's little more than "person I don't like!!!!" because I'm too stupid to argue against him with FACTS and LOGIC.
>zoomers don't know who this is
Is he a streamer?
>tout muh movement the whole time
>it's got the clunkiest movement of all the cod titles, including MWII
these are the people that made blackops 3?
you are so fucking mad
I didn't like MW3 that much until I tried BO6. Now I can appreciate MW3's smoothness of all things.
>Get uppity over people wanting the multi billionaire studios to make accurately modeled and period appropriate guns in their Cold War shooters
>Start sperging out about how doing so would some how be promoting mass shooters when really it's because their too cheap to pay for licencing fees
>Start calling everyone that disagrees with you a Chud
>"No why are you calling me a schizo?"
>>493059421 #
Oh no he was here during Cold War and wouldn't stop seething over "MILSIMS" and people calling out all the historical inaccuracies in the game
I’d argue that’s a good thing
So when are you going to address the whole lost sales due to bad PR bit? You know, the whole FREE MARKET thing you fags fawn over where people are not compelled to buy things they don't like?
>company fanboy wars
>clearly forced as fuck
it's all so tiresome
>autist keeps slinking away when confronted with points he can't answer
>always comes back a few hours later to try to get the last word in
>turns out people with real life experience posted in the meantime to confirm he's wrong
>still trying it because lolnosocialcognition
It must be so tiresome to be autistic. Bud, people would respect you more if you had the integrity to admit you're wrong and you were beat. Ever thought of that?
>Retard unironically thinks people give a shit about Le video games violence soccer moms
stonesisters....??? our response???????
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>w-what do you mean people think differently than I do??????
A hallmark symptom of autism is a lack of a theory of mind. Pic related. You would probably fail the test and so would most of /codg/.
Maybe it's just anecdotal experience, but every autist I've ever known irl has always had -extreme- issues with being able to admit they were wrong about something/admit when they've fucked up/go through any other sort of self-accountability "out loud", even when it's something where it's -painfully- obvious to everyone involved/onlooking that the autist was wrong/in-the-wrong.
I'm convinced it's just an integral part of "having autism" and it's why nowadays I avoid even considering becoming friends with people if I know they're on the spectrum.
Sally will fuck Anne scissor style
Sally will look in Anne's box because I will shout from where the "camera" is to let her know that that's where it got moved to :)
That's called arrogance (another notorious autism flaw) combined with deficiencies in social cognition. Further muddying the waters are the incorrectly, and especially self-, diagnosis cases which are pretty much petty sociopaths that want an excuse to force their faggot antics on other people and escape accountability more or less YUO CAN'T GIB ME DUH-TENTION, I'M WETAWDED!!!!!. Multiple generations of kids can name at least one faggot they had the misfortune of attending school who regularly did this shit.

Remember: at one point autism was considered a form of psychopathy for very good reasons.
Who's your favorite black ops operator?
Yeah that's great except when's the last time you've seen anyone seriously complaining about "violence in video games".
Imagine being this butthurt someone dared to criticize the multiple billionaire dollar videogame company
What's the make and model of the Trump shooters AR without looking it up. Oh that's right no one fucking cares except the local PD and autistic /pol/tards
It's onyl autist who think anyone gives a fuck whether a shooter used a Colt or a Knights AR15. Shit media cant even get the fucking caliber of a bullet right half the time.
What PR disaster are we avoiding exactly if no ones fucking reporting anything with accuracy?

None of these suits are getting passed merit stage and all of them are susceptible to counterclaims. If you aren't making money off your lawyer you need a better lawyer.

Find me the PR campaign against Sig Sauer for Pulse and I'll give a fuck about public relations.
>If you're upset over me accusing you of being a schizo then that must mean your the schizo
>slinks back hours later to claim victory
Going to ignore your rigged question and post news stories actually relevent to CoD:
PS: It's on all outlets at all levels, from local to national.
>What PR disaster are we avoiding exactly if no ones fucking reporting anything with accuracy?
What about the part it's done with an ASSAULT WEAPON and the average person thinks any detailed knowledge of this is a threat marker, thus making your hyper-autistic hairsplitting a vulnerability that can be used against you? Social warfare is the new meta. Get with the times, old man!
How does that change the fact you accused someone of being a two year old schizo that probably doesn't even post here anymore and got mad when he claimed he wasn't him
>You responded to me late so that means my post about fucking spiders is based
Did Anne call out to Sally that she was moving the ball?
Park but I want her without the faggy outfit
Article from May with no updates. Gonna spoil this verdict for you. Case gets tossed for lack of merit and the lawyers are revealed to just be taking advantage of the families grief. You’ll never hear about this again.
There’s no standing for this case to even begin making the argument they are advertising in the news. Hell it’s bucking up against settle law by going after manufactures who are literally immune from this exact type of lawsuit.
Just read the article. The tie to Meta is because the kid played a phone game and Activision is named because he bought MW2019.
This case is proof positive why the CA law does fuck all. People do not give a shit what is in a game.
But please do explain to me how this is back breaking from a PR standpoint and Microsoft is two weeks from bankruptcy having to pay out these families and making no money because of the nation wide boycott happening with #CoDKillsKids.

Holy shit you discord troons are retarded.
>even with gung ho after each sniper shot you're stuck in mud for a second
god this game fucking sucks ass. imagine having less movement than cod 4
OMG an assault weapon!?!?!? So scary!!!! What do I need to boycott to avoid that scary word from showing up in my news feed.
Throwing out buzzwords is probably even less effective than whatever 5d chess game you think anti2A fucks play.

These groups are as retarded as you. No one is worried over them boycotting and as long as the DoD keeps paying government contracts for arms no one gives a fuck about some hashtag or school shooting.
It's still in the press associating activision and CoD with enabling mass shooting. People can still form opinions without a verdict, especially if it's an extension of a decades old meme about games that have been repeated over and over again. And guess what your precious republican party leans into to excuse why they want it to be legal to give psychos, schizos, and edgy autistic children assault rifles?
>no one gives a fuck about some hashtag or school shooting.
Meanwhile the democatic party (representing ~50% of the country) is making this a core part of their platform...
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Call Of Duty?
Call of Duty: Culture Wars
Why didn't they just reuse Sims?
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You didn't hear?
I should realized sooner
Operators are Concord-tier shit. Another Shitarch blunder
Sims is beta as fuck, ashy skin, mediocre face. Throw that jigaboo out of the game
Sims is the most forgettable mf ever
Not as bad as the fraud Adler though
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Adler is the best character in COD right now
I still hate how Treyarch had to shoehorn in the BLOPS cast for CW when they were the weakest part of the campaign and completely unnecessary.
They had to shoehorn Woods in BO6 too
>Sledgehammer's only good contribution to COD will now be associated with Treyarch
Sledgehammer wanted a Vietnam game from what I heard. It's why they have one strangely polished Vietnam mission in Cold War with so many assets that were reused again for Firebase Z
Speaking of Sledgehammer will Activision allow them to make Advanced Warfare 2? It's pretty obvious they desperately want to make a sequel for it
No he was carried by Bell and accomplished nothing of note himself, got mind controlled by his own like a bitch (thus the projextion on Bell) and behaves like a pussy when you ask him about his scar, not even Park did that
>The most of David we'll get is probably just a throwaway line from Woods
It's a kill or be killed world and Adler did what a survivor should do. Leave no commie alive even the brainwashed ones.
how has treyarch not addressed this packet burst bs
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I wonder if Call of Duty will ever go back to soldiers actually looking like regular soldiers and guns being real guns again.
never and that's a good thing!
Adler is a commie agent that got deprogrammed by Chadson but soon we'll realize he should've been eliminated as he goes rogue and is caught dealing with Saddam Hussein against the interests of the United States and their allies.
So was Hudson always a mole or did he get nabbed during the middle of Panama?
Mole but he redeemed himself by sacrificing himself for David, unlike that wannabe Alain Delon TRAITOR worshipped as a hero by faggots itt who sneakily stabs you in the back for doing his job
We've got a job to do ;)
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BO6's ending straight from the leaks oh no no no
>Be part of Communist terrorist organization/conspiracy that was going to nuke all of Western Europe
>Noo why did Alder kill the guy who had implanted memories of drinking beer with him
Adler raising Bell's son after killing him
Speaking of kids why is David Mason rarely ever mentioned outside of BLOPS 2?
Here's your israeli looking German, /codg/
only important because of his father
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what's his end goal gonna be in BO6?
Subversive where he's the good guy this time around and Maxis is evil
I just hope they kill Grey x Maxis, cringey ship endorsed by real life lesbians in twitter
>I just hope they kill Grey x Maxis, cringey ship endorsed by real life lesbians in twitter
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my ancestor
Adler but not in the paypig outfit
>endorsed by real life lesbians in twitter
i have 7 IRL friends that play cod regularly or at least used to. they all hate the black ops 6 beta. this shit might actually flop and they knew that so they dumped it on game pass to save face
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Park and Bell get married and live happily ever after. After saving the world together, they realized they could depend on each other and their shared experiences blossomed into affection, and then love. They finally found happiness after all their trials and tribulations, in each other.

Some say they retired to a nice quiet home in the countryside to get away from the violence, others say they stayed in MI6 together as a dynamic duo agent team into old age. Some speculate they sold their life stories to Hollywood and the entertainment industry to create several multi-billion dollar franchises. No one knows for sure, due to the nature of being spies, but one can be sure that whatever they are doing, they're happy together.
The nigger in the starting screen feels really unnatural for some reason
And why did they turn OG Marshall from the campaign who actually looks manly into a zesty faggot in mp? Fucking cringe man
He's literally the same actor/face with a beard
IN MW19/MWIII when you slide you can strafe while you slide and control where you go by strafing and aiming. In BO6 when you slide you're fucking stuck going in one straight direction and you cant strafe. This shit is actually going backwards.
What the fuck is this mines map hahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahaa hahahahahahahahahah
Mp version looks 20 years younger tho
More of a faceoff map than the camping spot/sniper nest that is Gala
God this omni movement looks so fucking shit. I can't actually believe this is their pitch. Bo3 has fucking JETPACKS and wall running, if they had brought that back this would have actually been interesting. What a dry fart.
Fire everyone who worked on Black Ops 6
Fire everyone who worked on Modern Warfare II
There, I just saved Call of Duty for you Phil Spencer
it's not bad to play really
it looks worse to watch, kinda like cricket or baseball
you might wonder on a glance why anyone would bother
go play it and it's usually fun

With that said I can't play for longer than 30 minutes at a time because of smg stim spam already dominating the game
>CDL pros are playing cold war customs instead of the black ops 6 beta
Someone MUST call Treyarch tomorrow and remind them the first thing we learn in COD4 is switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading
This turd will be remembered for two things, broken mechanics and AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA
i thought my game was bugged, takes fucking 3 seconds to pull out a pistol
So I'm I the only person in this general that likes Black Ops 6?
kek probably
I'm still enjoying and do this

I got a 5 year old joining my pc lobby yesterday whose name was just "Brody"
first words from this tiny voice are
>did anyone else ever get kicked from a party for telling their friend to kill themselves?
betting we see that kid shitting up this board in 2 years lmao
I like it too though I'm desperate for the full game with prestige grind and more gamemodes/maps
nah, I like it.
there's already shit I hate but I can't deny they at least got it to be fun
how come when i use my xbox controller i cant hit anything but i plug in the DS4 and it's like I have perma aimbot? I thought Cod was microsoft now
I know /codg/ is full of retards but just stop and think for a moment. Please.
One level away from FINALLY unlocking the fucking compensator on a gun because they're retards
im sorry was it common knowledge that playstation controllers have built in aimbot thats missing on xbox controllers or something?
Tell me when you find it pls, I'm planning to ditch my ps4 for the SeX
People think higher fps = smoother gameplay but this is not true. 30-45 fps is actually the real sweet spot because it helps you to see the individual movement in better fashion.
I'm getting better with locked 45 fps, much easier to see where the enemies are sliding etc.
Try it. There is a reason why original Doom was outputting max. 35 fps back in the day.
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oh no hes actually serious
This but unironically. Choppy movement is more noticable to the eye. It's even worse if you got 144 fps + motion blur, good luck noticing an omni god jumping
just get a pc and plug your ds4 in bro. buying an xbox might be the most retarded thing you can do
I'm testing actually this. 45 fps seems to be the spot for me.
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>Wake up
>Blade Two vampire is out
Heeeell yeaaaaahhhhh
It's past midnight there... you are messed up. How was the jail btw?
54 degree fov / 45 fps cap is the optimal setup.
Idk shit about gaming pc where do I start
broke faggot doesnt have BO6 beta LMFAO
Where is your Concord disk
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We wuz night creatures n shieeettt
>bought new games you'll never play
The gun audio sounds like it belongs to those free chinese online shooters from the 2000s. Maybe MW19 has just spoiled me but it legit sounds terrible and cheap.
Audio mix is horrible. Worse than Sledgehammer, really. Sounds like everything is underwater etc.
Is there any substantial difference between Battle.net and Steam versions of this game? By all means there shouldn't be any but you never know.
I'm making a new account for BO6. My current account is so old and every single match is full of Scump wannabies.
steam is 20 gigs smaller. no other difference
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>broke faggot doesnt have BO6 beta
Finished beta, back to shitting(!) on jump-sliders
>>bought new games you'll never play
I can't stop raping people on call of duty(2.79KD) it's too good
Rare BO3 W in these trying times
how is everyone getting hitmarkers and you don't die
That's strange but I can take the hit. Need to investigate my options later on.
this >>493013295
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>how is everyone getting hitmarkers and you don't die
I've got an armored body :)))
>Finished beta
More like the beta finished you lmao
Imagine crawling on the ground and saying you are raping them
>Imagine crawling on the ground
That's advanced snaking. Very high IQ technique, leaves movement kings gaping, with extra booty pains ;)
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What is your plan for BO6 then? LMGs and ...?
If the maps are like this it's pretty hard to camp most of the time.
just remove the fucking shield from the back and all problems are solved
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>54 degree fov / 45 fps cap is the optimal setup.
Sounds based. I wanna see less of the map, and more of the character models. Lower FOV is good for you.
just remove it from the game entirely*
And it looks like treyarch is doing just that
This clip is 30 fps but you can clearly see the movement of the enemies.
If it was 60 fps it would be all blur.
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>What is your plan for BO6 then?
Same as MW3, highest damage guns, full auto with suppressor. Nothing else matters
And if it was higher FOV, I wouldn't see enemies at all. It would be ants on my screen. I like to stay far and full auto, lower FOV is good
Kek bo6 will filter Klem so hard
there is a reason why he is already back on mw3 lmao
BOCW had nice LMGs even after all the nerfs but especially during S1.
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
i leave the game and let his carpal tunnel settle in
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Just do this
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>why are you still playing BO4? Why not play the newer COD?
>they suck
>will you play BO6 when it comes out?
>no no ill stay on 4
>what do you like the most about multiplayer?
>no I mean multiplayer
>no no I mean 6v6 mp
How do you end up like this. How do you end up playing the same cod 6 years in a row to the point you can't even answer what you like most about the only thing you play. This is scary
You can't because BO6 has so shitty maps and spawns.
>No disbanding lobbies
>funny emblems
these 3 unironically make the experience worth it
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Bullying the HVT, Diddy style
>can go back to any past black ops game
>goes to fucking bo4
what causes this?
>SBMM in a game with less than 10k players

BO3 is glitched
BO2 and BO1 are hacked
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>copetroller inputs
No, HunterTV. You are the retard.
>plugged in a controller just for fun
>got a frenzy with a sniper
there's literally no need to use kbm in this day and age
Look how blurry 60 fps feels. This clip is the perfect example of what I'm talking about.
>just for fun
Yeah, right. You are a pussy.
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>pegging introduced as game mechanic
>portnova nowhere to be found
Mouse and keyboard is a gentleman's choice, don't expect the ordinary riff-raff to understand anything about it.
ego problems. you are playing with an inferior input
Textbook schizophrenia
I hope you get the help you need son, anon
Season 1 hype
>Lube up, tovarisch
>can't even see people's pings on the scoreboard
>can't even see the kills deaths without scrolling to each person
what the fuck is this shit, more bs to try and hide the sbmm? no one will believe me when I say i have 80 ping
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Yeah pretty much. There is a reason why cod tracker doesn't work with stats any longer too.
>ego problems
Says the baby who can't aim for himself
Hey I'm honest with myself unlike you who got triggered at the sight of the superior input
>plug in trackball and footpedals
>turn on cheats
superior input :)
they need to boycott cod man, it worked for fucking starbucks and mcdonalds it can work for call of fucking duty. cant allow this shit to continue
boycott it yourself nigga i want to dry hump players and shit
boycott it yourself nigga i want to camp and piss people off
i be droppin a nucular bomb on ya ass white boy
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So trve!
This is what I mean. It takes a while to get used to this of course but I can clearly see the exact moment the practice target is in the center of the screen.
If I was playing with 60+ fps it would all be just blur.
turn off motion blur you stupid faggot
Who are you replying to?
This is 5 FPS
nigcel thread
im not a nigger i just love marshall how could love be wrong
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This is the only Marshal I love
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
You are in the old thread
This is the
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
NEW THREAD >>493099890
Make a thread and use that Portnova image. Ok, thanks bye.
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I turned it off though
That would remind people of a better game than BO6 though

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