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Previous: >>492710303

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶If you clear OC III during the opening period, a new free quest will appear on the blank Earth.
▶Part 2: September 11.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed?
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support PU Summon:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 8 JST.
5*Berserker Arjuna Alter (limited)
4*Archer Aśvatthāman (permanent)
3*Archer William Tell (permanent)
●Sep 3 ~ Sep 10 JST.
5*Archer Arjuna (permanent)
4*Saber Lakshmibai (permanent)
3*Caster Asclepius (story locked)

>Archetype Inception BB Dubai PU Summon:
●Aug 28 ~ Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! C.I.E.L PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! Karna PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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Sex with Okita
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Okay but here's a question. Does Guda even remember Galahad's warning he received in Lostroom? Or did his sol getting whisked into CHALDEAS and then shunted back just erase his memories? Did he think it as all a weird dream or does he have no recollection? Would anything change, or would Guda do anything differently, if he could remember Galahad warning him that the game was rigged?
alter tourist
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The game was rigged from the start
Could be either
Most surely not
Whose servant is Galahad?
>all speculation pointed towards this being olga (still unconfirmed (somehow))
>in a roundabout way ended up being exactly like olga in how irrelevant and shafted she is
Once an event is finished does all the data pertaining to it just stay in the game, bloating it?
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Onichan can you take him?
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I haven't bothering with this event at all due to the crapton of timelocks. I have only few questions:
Are you enjoying the story? Do you think it's worth it?
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So far I find it ok, I'm interested enough in what is going to happen and if Nasu can pull something out with the amount of characters there is, but i'll only really form my opinion of it when it's all finished.
He's your native, take him back
The story is so far interesting to say the least. My only worry is Chaldea BB being ACTUALLY’d going by her likes line. I don’t care that much for BB Dubai, desu.
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I want a lizard gf so much
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How do I beat these superhard quests?
Just stall more
But Dehya oneshots my Merlin
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Yes, also called Marisbury.
I have to question the sanity of writing that episode if all it did was exist to mysterybox the audience... for six years or more.
Takeuchi has a blonde fetish
he has a mutilated fingers fetish
why do you refer to yourself in third person
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I'm pretty sure Takeuchi is on record saying that his ultimate fetish is white women in maid outfits speaking broken Japanese to him
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I will start both the event and the OC after the second part releases (the 11th).
Am I losing anything by doing that?
I don’t think so. If you play consistently that is.
You don't need his record on that to know that is the case.
Nut in Hakunon
I mean weren't we told from the beginning that even if we didn't do it, the LBs were gonna kill one another eventually? Seems like CHALDEAS just had Priestess expedite the process once and then just didn't bother after seeing that Chaldea would be efficient pawns at it lmao.
The plan was for Atlantis to rule over the other lostbelts in order to prevent that.
No other sentient opponent could've opposed super perfect Zeus
How do I properly loop with Space Ishtar and 2 Castoria?
You mean that was Kirsch's plan, right? CHALDEAS wanted the LBs gone.
I want Kirsch to come back and btfo Marisbury.
Even though Daybit was more convicted to destroy him
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She's just like me.
Does Xu Fu know her waifu is in love with horsecock?
>Get cucked by her own headcanon
She is literally fgog
kek at the end of the race
Even her tulpa version of Gucchan leaves her for a tulpa version of horseman
Should I grail 120 Gil or 100 Xu Fu or 100 Eresh?
Whichever one you rabu the most
Here's the big problem: we were explicitly told that the Alien God was supposed to come out from the Olympus LB's tree. That was the original plan. Kirsch tried to stop it by putting Atlas in the tree, but the Alien God outplayed him and summoned Murachanga so he could cut down Atlas, and then Beryl outplayed them both and got Morgan to burn down the tree so the Alien God couldn't complete manifestation, which is why U-Olga wanted to eat ORT. Except now we know that Olga coming out from the tree was a mistake. So what was the Alien God's plan? I don't think there's a real way to actually make sense out of every bit of information given without outright discarding entire scenes.
max Xu Fu skills first dumb whale
remember when the priestess appeared a lot in the first half of lb7 and then she just disappeared again because nasu decided they needed a whole filler arc between lb7 and the finale? and how the only reason the olga quest exists is that they have no idea of what to do with olga during oc but nasu didn't want her to just vanish again because she's central to the final chapter so it's a solution to a problem they themselves caused?
RIP kyomaf
> ※ゲームの最新情報の発表はございません。
The annual Kyomaf stream where they tend to announce GudaGuda stuff or Nip servant related Strengthenings. This year we're not getting much I guess.
I doubt anyone involved in its production expected part 2 to take 6 years to resolve because of all the various factors that have caused it to take so long.
How unfortunate.
Why would he? the animations are not canon to the game.
This doesn't affect you though?
We're in the middle of LB4 and OC3 why would we get GUDA
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/v/ doxxed Nasu
more shit comes from /v/ regarding Fate than here
I can't believe the BBschizo rules this general now
>Nasu has a wife
Takeuchi is a man.
>taking wikipedia as an undeniable source
But I like GudaGuda?
You won’t have to complain about me anymore once Nasu officially shits on GudaBB. Once that happens, I’m out.
Nasu is so kino
I can't believe Nasu is dead...
>has a wife
>still writes chuuni rape scenes
Yikes you think he grows up eventually
Welcome to fucking years ago when people learned his name from the original Mahoyo novel you fucking newfag. Let me guess you learned that Type-Moon runs a charity from Twitter and you jizzed in your panties to post this.
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>Nasu is funding alt-right organizations
Everything makes sense now.
is this real? >>492937892
Kama is a flop though, should have posted Melusine
People still theorized Nasu as a woman, what do you think?
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chat is this real?
How far behind is global in terms of story?
doesn’t have the trait
What was his name again?
Nasu is the wife and Kunihiro is just her husband that has a normal job
They are just about to get LB7 in December.
>Nasu was his actual name all along
Poor man is called eggplant...
Wait how the fuck did they supposedly doxxed nasu?
Enkidu? for me
I swear some of you don’t know what doxxing means.
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I have the strongest Melt ITT
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Through the website for the charity that they set up
Holy shit guys did you know that Banksy got doxxed? He's a British dude named Robin Gunningham? How amazing that we figured this mystery out. Go internet detectives!
None of you faggots know what doxxing is.
Notes collab when?
Grand Order 2... when...
Why u mad
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Goodnight fgog
Lostroom is like the single one which is 100%, indisputably canon, anon.
So basically we're up shit creek without a paddle in terms of the overall plot? It's just schizo gibberish until Nasu decides for certain what it was meant to be?
melt has lines for Hakuno
I never got over the fact that fucking mash killed zeus
Not true, Babylonia episode 0 is also canon. It revealed Daybit tried to shot Marisbury before it was revealed in LB7.
she is for Hakuno not (You)
Official list of most important media for the main story of FGO part 2, from most important to least important:
>Moonlight Lostroom New Year's special
>that dumb Melty Blood Backalley Nightmare meme manga
>Babylonia episode 0
>Case Files anime adaptation
>the Riyo manga
>the actual game's main story
didnt read
Nasu's charity foundation/tax evasion plot's purpose is to give free meals in schools to kids. Pretty straightforward and uncontroversial.
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>People like Gudaguda events because "Oh its literally just historical character, even if they're a bit silly its still the historical character"
>People have consistently grown more confused and irritated by other writers chapters because "OH its a lostbelt fake version of someone who doesn't exist" or "Its a servantverse version of a thing that doesn't exist in panhuman reality world" or "its the conceptualization of a building given life" or "Its the physical personalification of a famous wall from a french museum" or "Its an alter version of a what if fake version of an alternate history version of a hero" as heroic spirits in most chapters bear less and less resemblance to actual historical figures,and quickly just start becoming retarded OC's.
Looking back I can really see why GudaGuda event is consistently popular still.
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>that dumb Melty Blood Backalley Nightmare meme manga
What did you say about Sion's manga?
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Should I stop being autistic and just use all the valuable coins they gave in the new append skills instead of saving them?
It's not like they will pull a out of their asses a new use for coins in the future, right?
They will surely won't make the same mistake twice, right?
never use them
>grailing for gameplay
retarded alterfag please
>tfw there used to be a lot of cheap fanservice gacha games that used historical/myth figures/humanoid based from objects only for their name and basic description and I kept shitting on them because FGO (and Fate overall) was much more better than those kusoges
>H-Scenes at the bottom
Everyone and their mothers now about them, Tohsaka's anus didn't appear out of nowhere.
>It's not like they will pull a out of their asses a new use for coins in the future, right?
Remember how Olga was level 150 in LB7? Yeah.
So how many people inside the story know what the fuck is ACTUALLY going on? It's all just get more and more confusing
They all died years ago.
I love Daddy Tohsaka so much!!
Even if they do the Nips will give them so much hell over it again they'll walk it back to some degree.
There should still be more qol changes and possible refunds coming along if the apology letter is to be believed.
Much less need to worry about re-bricking yourself with that in mind.
Ya got me.
Unironically fucking true actually. You also have to count all the sprinkles over stuff like Traum that have to do with Bluebook.
Right now? Probably only Kirei and Mememan know the full picture. The rest are either dead or haven't appeared yet.
Aurora and Percival are so lucky
>So what was the Alien God's plan?
Gee I wonder what ritual needs 7 sacrifices to fill a vessel which can be used to birth a Beast?

See you in a year and a half for your Fate/stay night reference.
Marisbury already said he isn't copying the Einzbern ritual and will find his own way to the Root. 7 just happens to be the most mystically significant number in human history. Although he did use their summoning ritual as inspiration to create his own unique summoning system.
he needed 7?
>Gee I wonder what ritual needs 7 sacrifices to fill a vessel which can be used to birth a Beast
But that ritual's function isn't to birth a beast. Only because of the 3rd grail war did it get contaminated by humanity's evil.
How would you all react if FGO' last boss is Angra Mainyu (True)?
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would that be clap? we've never seen AM
Technically? No. But this is Nasu we are talking about, he will find the way to shove a reference in there, he finds them irresistible.
That's still technically true, he's copying the Einzbern ritual to do something else. His goal is a 'clear future' for humanity, not the Root.
You say that as if it would be hard to reference past fate works if the last boss was AM.
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I rabu Meltryllis
>He shoves AM in a Sakura vessel
Yeah never mind, I hope we never see it.
Is that Bjergsen?
AM was never even Fate's last boss. Yeah it "exists" but it was just a backdrop. According to Nasu, Kirei and Gilgamesh were the final bosses. AM was more like the mage association and the church. They're "there" but they only in reference. None of them do anything in the end because it's not their story.
No one's saying AM was the final boss of FSN.
Didn't knew Bjergsen was a hack fraud.
Sooo we're not getting a lotto event or GUDA?
Come on, like 80% chance we see the Angra from FHA to go 'I love humans and by the way I'm pseudo-servant of Emiya Shirou please clap' before we fight, I dunno, Justeaze Einzbern (False) Heaven's Feel (True) or some stupid shit like that.
The only reason Kotomine's sticking around is because he wants to see something be born.
Why don't he go to a hospital then
Both that and episode 0 were written by Nasu.
Also unironically delivers with foreshadowing and building things over the years, unlike the rest of fgo.
I don't think he does.
He's using Astromancy (models of universe) not the Third.
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Baby caren is born.
main supports work better with append 5 maxed
Hoping to see more of the Hakunos as their own character this time around. Considering how they started off from more a blank space, I want to see if they have what it takes to be masterminds.
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Artoria Saber deserves one final buff to elevate herself to top and a chance to shine as a main character in a main story chapter.
As the mascot of the app, the franchise and TM, she deserves this amount of respect as pic related that I wish for.
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This is probably a post copied from reddit
>/fgog/ has long since stopped doing the Create Servant contest
>Boy's Love Create-a-Servant thread is barely active
What went wrong?
People stopped caring when TM stopped caring

Back then they at least did some semblance of research, nowadays they AI gen a design and toss a name to it
never stop being autistic
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I still can't believe this is a servant kek
also, nobody cares.
That's wrong though. Otherwise we'd have a ton of greeks with simple designs like Midas, Lycaon, Scylla, Arachne, Lamia etc.
Does anyone actually buy the "Marisbury won the first grail war 2004 and just asked for money"?
>delivers with foreshadowing
Yeah like Hdeyoshi from GG2 or a shitload of Shinsengumi.
Why not? You literally trade resurces for Grails so it works the other way too. I doubt it's powerful enough to pull any plot-related bs attributed to MB.
yeah, if you're a shipfag.
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If I wished for Melusine to be my onahole would the sehai be able to grant that wish?
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Can I have the sauce?
Olga isn't the alien god even though she *thought* she was, and her manifesting instead of it was a mistake.
>or GUDA?
Dumb retard
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News Doko?
>14mins late
Another app update?
yes and from my experience with stories like this the outcome won't be satisfying to anyone
Caenis' big meaty...
>yeah, if you're a shipfag.
Guda Guda has hetero ship tease, actual couples, fujobait, otomepandering, /u/ and waifupandering. It's onmipandering done right.
onii chan now we have officially owned this thread.
>the 2020 valentine had a 50%NP+NP damage+sure hit CE
>I skipped that event
Why can't these fuck be faster with adding old CEs to the shop
Waifupandering my ass, they nuked Kenshin and Ocunny by giving ammo to shiptrannies.
>sure hit
Ignore Invincibility is better tho, cause it ignores both dodges and invuls.
that's just your cuck mindset interpreting rivalry that way
Yes, but if the enemy has only dodge like this William Tell quest then the extra damage is nice to have.
Gameplay wise it's just a nitpick, but the fact that they only barely started to add the 2016 free CEs 8 years later is baffling
Kenshin is onmipandering, same as her rival.
She's waifupandering. The ship tease was tanked since Takasugi is mega for (you).

And yes, waifu pandering:
>Nobu (also otome in his fool form)
>Okita Alter

OkitaxNobu is also yuripandering fremenies, but the rest is pretty much waifu pandering only. Where you saying?
They skipped the Ox King CE that gives 3T Buster up. They're dipshits.
They're extra dipshits because this anni they added to the permanent gacha a Ox King-like CE but for Atk Up
Will I hit?
>perm gacha CE
Yeah, good luck.
That's why I said EXTRA dipshits.
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Little ORT for Monster Hunter
Luck is a skill
Kenshin getting only ship fanarts, barely any waifu pandering. Kenshin fans were killed.
Ocunny to this very day never get anything but that white day flop
>the final Cagliostro fight didn't have Salieri playing again
It could've even been a different song. But I wanted Sally piano again :(
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You should use the coins before you find yourself in a situation where there's only 1-2 years left before EoS, otherwise the coins won't have time to benefit you much.
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Refunds only from grail casting
Otherwise they'll just give you the option to switch append, not get the coins back to use them instead on 120
kek do we really go "Awaken, my Lip!" to her statue?
Percival's kit is so fucking stacked.
Why'd they gave the shitter costume? He looks like he just woke up from a nap. I'd rather the Polo shirt
Oh, like his normal outfit isn't retarded.
He's wearing stocking for armor.
It's like they just forgot to draw him below the waist.
Yeah, his regular design is fucking atrocious. I keep him at 1st ascension.
>Got to whine about muh fanwork since the game is pretty much unambiguous about Kenshin being for (You)
Again, that's just your cuck mentality peeking through.
Also start learning how to draw if you're that pressed, at least the shippers do something instead of being whiny retards about random strangers having the audacity to not pander to them.
Side note: Okuni has a lot of things that didn't help her, like being mostly irrelevant in the event she debuted and never doing much since. Blame Keikenchi for being disinterested in her as a character that cause most waifufags to not latch onto her, not the guy she was nice to only once.
Chances of getting summer Koyan?
next year for sure
50/50, it either happens or it doesn't happen.
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30 days to go
>Already fucked off after dealing with her and giving us the super secret tidbit about Kirsch
Maybe next year
will this OC unlock Beast too? OC2 unlocked Pretender iirc.
Part 2 OP !?
Evens rolly last 30 for np2 BB
Odds roll for Ciel
GudaBB love?
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I won.
Congrats vro
Pretender was unlocked by Water Olga.
Hopefully you kill yourself once they pass
Nah I'll keep posting even more Passionlips.
They obviously named it that way so when it comes time for a Notes collab they can do a plug of the charity by any character who can normally break the 4th.
Seems like the Fate zoomers finally found out that the QSH/El-Melloi artist is racist as fuck
A post copied from anywhere. Blame Lasagna for opening the door with Astro BB.
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>Enhanced to greatly increase the attack power of all allies (3 times, 3 turns)! &Added NP Increase! &Added Remove Weakened Status! &Added HP Recovery! &Added Anti-Purge Defense (1 turn) <Cannot be removed>! + Added the ability to select and change your own Noble Phantasm type (3 turns)!
>Increases own Noble Phantasm power (1 turn) & grants invincible pierce status (1 turn) & grants [Evil] trait special attack (1 turn) & grants damage reduction pierce status (1 turn) + Super powerful "Threat to Humanity" special attack on a single enemy <Effect increases with Overcharge> + Instant death effect on self, cannot cut> [Disadvantages]
Gimmicky shit
Story summary?
BB leaves Guda for Hakus.
BB Dubai is an AI from a different universe, she hijacked our summer adventure and she's now making a poll to see how to kill the remaining AIs, the candidates are the 7 Mooncancers and we have to defeat them and BB Dubai to go back at home.
Wasn't she born from their love?
Anyway, it's not the kind of story that interests me
Interesting but it seems like a big gag, I hope a secret unpredictable antagonist emerges
Too long to summarize, but ignore raikouschizo below your post.

It's an election for a mooncancer to decide how humanity will end.
(You) are stuck in this world which is an alternate world where humanity ended since AI took over, but wasn't pruned because it was accepted as a natural end.
BB Dubai is the villain, she's the BB of this world. It's not clear how or why she even is "BB", FGO BB comes in and gets thrown into space as she was trying to save (You). Becomes BB Cosmos.
Passionlip gets killed. Later on she returns as a "new" Lip without her original memories, almost like she was reset.
The villains are the Mooncancers who each wants to vote a way to destroy humanity + BB Dubai and her master female hakuno.
Kazuradrop and Jinako turn out to be allies. But Kazuradrop is sus.
City allies with BB Dubai but she seems brainwashed by Summer Jeanne.
Ciel allies with (You) because (You) created curry in the servantverse so she idolizes you.
The first Mooncancer you defeat is Koyanskaya who reveals she came there because "a friend" asked her and she reveals something to (You) about Kirschtaria she held secret for a while.
Just a random summary, its way better written than I'm putting it as.
Yes, and that’s why she’ll be going with them while Guda happily waves goodbye.
You lost raikouschizo, fuck off to irrelevance instead of making up shit
Pretty cool, thanks for the explanation
Kino, always been up there as one of my favorite Fate anime endings.
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Thoughts on Aslaug?
I'm a relatively new player and I need approximately 4 billion blue/red gems for my extra classes, do these lottos drop all of them? Will I be freed of my hell whenever that Morgan Lotto I hear so much finally comes?
Is her outfit a gag on the fishnet myth?
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They do yes.
I really like this ship
Wrong thread but yes
Maybe there is some hope left

its out
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Is this from the Salem manga?
Sexy onahole
For Aurora and Percival!

Interesting. I wonder.....
>shippers pair her with Hakunon regardless not being the original
They are desperate, also, not my BB
It is actually. There's a flashback to their mythical meeting.
> That exclamation mark
Kys, raikouschizo.
Polygamy exists and it seems like the kind of thing BB would love
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so Xufu and Mandy are my best friend servants?
Chaldea BB would never.
Summer BB's clothing and style screams the opposite
We are polygamous and probably bisexual too
I recommend going to BL, they’re more tuned with your personality.
BL is for lore autists, he's from /v/
>and probably bisexual too
Keep dreaming Riesbyfe
Should BL be trusted with lore though?
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Guda is bi
>Self-Modification (Affection) EX
BB can canonically become a man or a futa
If we have to be honest, you shouldn't trust anyone with lore, not even Nasu.
Is this official? Why is guda cuddling hans?
I find this dress incredibly more erotic than her gyaru version
also here's the full pic
Figured. Going by how they present themselves from an initial viewpoint, they seem like elitists huffing their own farts. In addition, they mock for (you) players.
just some retards trying to shitpost
Didnt they get caught having made up a ton of shit from the databooks and such like a year or so back?
Yeah apparently, most of Apoc interviews were apparently fake I guess
Thats going to be a thing pretty much anywhere online and even worse on some dumb lore forum
>Someone makes some shit up for clout
>Someone else reads it and now vehemently believes it because thats just human nature
>Now you have people repeating bullshit for years
Bonus points if it reinforces something someone wants to believe.
My favorite made up bullshit is Nasu hated lewd things and didnt want sex in FSN. Which is nonsense, Nasu didnt want to write it because he doesnt think hes good at it but even without the threat of sales to his head hes done plenty of weird shit over the years.

Hell NA censored demiya over some retarded misinterpretation of an interview.
>Shaved his head to give him a prisoners haircut
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BB doesn't care for polygamy, actually. She just accepts it because trying to hog Hakuno all to herself isn't worth the effort.
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It's actually a recurring gag
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No, Melt. What are you doing? Don't melt me.
>Why is guda cuddling hans?
Why wouldn't you? He's a cute shota oji-san.
Kind of glad I don’t frequent there.
>>Kind of glad I don’t frequent there.
In fairness not like we dont have fags making things up here for them to get repeated by other retards.

Modreds nudes is still my favorite fake spoiler
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how do I buy quartz on iOS
I remember when some anon said that Mashu got stolen by Beryl in the end of Olympus several years ago. Tho with the advent of rayshift/whatever that site is used for FGO, fake news is not that difficult to refute.
haha guda is so gay
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beeg puppy
If you samefag both sides of an argument and get heated in it, aren't you basically telling yourself to go fuck yourself..?
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which Servants are the biggest patsluts? including males
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all kots and cunnys
Probably Kama
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Nasu just keeps winning, he doesn't even need to pay for commisions to fulfill his fetishes.
The better Miyu.
GudaBB status
When did Nasu start to use "Extrovert/Introvert • Active/Passive" in the Personality section of a character's profile?
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you just know Takenoko can get away with everything with all the Protea and Kazura he pumped out
Every once in a while I check out chinkshit power fantasy webnovels and with the rise of AI art these dudes just ape styles and often I see Jannu or Horta AI art used as the cover art. I wonder how Takeuchi feels about this kind of thing.
That he should train his own AI so that he can dodge even more work.
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angery about filthy AI probably
is it actually aped styles or that generic realistic artstyle 90% of all AI art is in?
Takeuchi would be improved if he just let an AI draw
The hands would look better under an AI
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This was on the front page of one of those scraper sites.
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ah so it is a TakeAI
the rib hair is funny, might be worth sneaking it in an actual design
Ogura Yui? Too busy for FGO apparently
Let nobody claim Takeuchi's art is soulless after seeing AI plagiarized Takeuchi
Unless she's pregnant or preparing for a big live event I can't believe that.
Becuase he can and you're a schizo
Ah I get it, the new cope is that the welfare isn't Kazuradrop despite the story making it plain and clear.
Got it.
Yeah and I'm sure the SSR will be super Passionlip or some other nonsense
I should really sort through my second archive and fuse all the dupes CE, reruns are confirmed dead unless it's some super grindfest event or with overpowered gacha servants anyway.
>Looks the same
Was Takeuchi a robot all along?
>reruns are confirmed
Not really, more survey reruns are in the way, plus they can rerun an event out of nowhere like that nerofest with the lottery bryn CE.
He's desperate after the constant BTFO's
She voices one of the main characters of HSR. Why would she bother with FGO after that besides doing some contractually obligated Lip lines? Looking at her wiki profile now damn, she hit it big with gacha roles. Shiroko is a fairly prominent role with alts in Blue Archive. Shifty is an important character in Nikke that always gets voiced lines due to being a bridge bunny. And those are just the gacha I recognize.
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>Trying to make sense of a schizophrenic episode
Just carry on with your day as usual and pay him no mind, the meds have to take effect soon.
>Dobnya's artist: I hope my character becomes a popular waifu character otaku fawn over and gets tons of fanart and doujinshi
>Sakurai: she'll be a married woman who goes on about her husband constantly and her popularity will dry up in two weeks because otaku aren't interested in taken women they have no hope or chance with to begin with. A woman who's off limits from the start and therefore has no chance of taking off even slightly
>Artist: o-oh
>Sakurai: (laughs)
Becuase she gets more money by voicing a national product like FGO than she does by phoning it for chink/gookslop.
That's literally what I said
>unless it's some super grindfest event or with overpowered gacha servants anyway.
I was talking about survey reruns and the random Xfest event rerun to fill time.
Ogura Yui is so cute. I want to marry her.
Is this AI? Looks like the art by one of the Takeuchi-style artists, this is Kousaki I think.
>arcade collab
>mats shitty pseudo-lottery summer
>>super grindfest event or with overpowered gacha
AI can do a million styles now, anti-AIkek.
>>mats shitty pseudo-lottery summer
grindfest, that's why it was voted
>>arcade collab
Draco is strong, a fantastic check against the 7 classes and doesn't get rerun in paid gachas
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Here, found it. It's not AI, the guy just stole the original art.
Nice detective work anon.
Turns out the "rib hair" were actual ribs
That's clearly AI
Why is Jalter gone, can't she just stay as a Berserker instead?
>8 week long event
You literally can't defend this.
No one can.
Only way to make it ok is if they pull a big fucking reward and a bunch of content. And even then is not even well deserved.
No 2x lotto event every year
No Halloween
Servants nobody asked for on PU
you rike?
It’s the time locks that are ridiculous. If it were weekly then I wouldn’t mind but 2 weeks? That’s stupid. Whoever thought of that should naked dogeza
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I just want a raid event
I try to be optimistic here
>No 2x lotto event every year
Maybe Christmas or whathever event in October or November?
We SHOULD get GG though, that's the only consistent thing, even last year when everyone were doomposting
>No Halloween
I concede.
>Servants nobody asked for on PU
I mean Eresh and City were asked. Xu Fu, too.
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I was interested in that HSR collab and I just follows random links and found a site that reacted to the announcement.
Holy shit /frog/ has nothing on these schizos. Like a fifth of the comments are just chinks or gooks spamming shit

do they cry about their 3k Kurds replacing them too?
They probably did it because they didn’t have any other events done for the next 8 weeks they’re basically stalling I think
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>refuse Shithoyo
>refuse Blue Shitchive
The strongest comment section on appmediaFGO is full of schizo too.
>the absolutely retarded way Bart holds his phone in sprite and in combat
this might be the first time I've been remotely amused by him and it's probably not even intended
It's 8 weeks because that event is a mandatory condition for the story chapter.
You both need to clear LB7 and the event to take part in OC3, anniversary tourists won't be able to take part in OC3 so they need more time.
does friend point summon has Mori?
He's a limited servant so no.
He's a limited 3* so no. Blame Lasagna for coming up with such a dumb idea.
Go back imouto.
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Who's going to voice our Donald Duck lookalike?
Kazuradrop is so cute with that pose…hope she’s for (you) so it’ll disgust the tards at BL and western virtue warriors.
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This event is gonna last longer than Concord's servers. Akechi Mitsuhide ruled Japan for longer than Concord lived.
>multiple different ways to 6ce this incredibly easy 90++
It's better than nothing
Good, that'll teach snoy not to waste the money FGO puts into their pockets into bad videogames that no one asked for.
They should have already learned with FGO Arcade
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>it actually lasted only two weeks
jesus christs my sides are gone
arcade would've been good if it released on actual consoles
"Onore Arcade" was a good development overall. Lots of new content, a lot which made its way to the mobile game, including one of the best rated events ever. So event, costumes, alts, new servants, development of the Beast class and other exclusive eye-candy stuff or content we wish we could have had too, like bond 10 lines, servant palette swaps, or the costumes and servants that only they got to this day.
>arcade would've been good if it released on actual consoles
They release these shitty 3v3 games on consoles all the time. Gundam vs Gundam. FF Dissidia. They all fucking suck
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Unexpected weekly ticket
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FGO costume swap should have been a trend that never dies.
>MHXXA's shorter than Gogh on the lineup
its even funnier with the armour
I wanna pick her up
I will never forgive Square for what they did to Dissidia. 012 was perfect.
Flop servant
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Thanks, any new lancer is welcome (unless a 5* spook) because somehow I still haven't met the last level and bond level mission for the class.
Talking about Bond levels, the new MP CE once again not being Summer Mode is bothersome and it being "Caster class" is a spit in the face, in my opinion.
I cant believe they gave her a swimsuit just because Vitch was in OC3 for 5 minutes
I think teasing Vitchfags was funny at least
but I am petty
Morgan is a flop
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Is that all?
why didn't this sexy onahole get a swimsuit instead of Gareth
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Bolberkr Gramr is the coolest NP animation.
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Hack artist with no skill.
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bro, all saberfaces belong to Guda
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>no missing toes
BB loves Guda.
you are brown
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Based poster making raikouschizo seethe in anger and lose another braincell
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Why can't official artists just be allowed to adapt interludes all the time
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BB loves Hakuno(n)
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I’m not, but I wish.
Fate route, UBW route can go eat shit, Sakura needs to be saved.
I’m going with it until the end of the OC3, then everyone will get the answer.
>all these shippers forgetting that Diarmuid is Saber's soulmate
The people that hate BB really make it obvious that they never actually read CCC or even CCC event every single time
for me it's Artorialancer
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They are not missing anything
CCC is pure garbage
I will never listen to anyone here who says that an untranslated japanese thing is a masterpiece ever again
Rape Xufu
I like that beyond her pseudo-sado teasing persona is a maiden in love. Kinda like Kohaku but without the abuse.
I wonder if she was able to regrow them as she got powered up by ringing the bells. We only hear that she once lost them, but never anything about her still missing them in the present. At the very least she regrew them when she became Artoria Avalon, since her summer version has a full set.
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There you go.
dios mio... la takeuchi creatura
walking to the spread asshole in the sky
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nu uh
But I hate BB precisely because I played CCC and she was so obnoxious I dropped the game?
Using ai is not a skill.
OC3 please go
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I've been meaning to ask, what do you do while... time goes?
I browse 4chan and occasionally play video games.
Sometimes I fill my scuba tanks and sit at the bottom of my pool
Anxiously waiting for what’s going to happen to favorite GudaSaba while listening to docus or tcr
Play league and yugioh, sadly the meta for those two games is dogshit and FGO is in its dead weeks so I am left with nothing to do
Maybe I will go out to the bar
Yugioh is literally dying on the west and the whole horse fiasco just kinda left konami exposed.
yeah every game I play turned to shit this year
nta but I was wondering, would I be able to activate limter overload after discarding it for droplet?
Nope. You miss the timing.
Yes, also you can activate limiter first for the first effect, chain Droplet, sending Limiter and after both cards resolve, you can activate Limiter from your GY
how are we so dead rn bros, main story release is ongoing
scratch this I read the wrong card lmao
>2months event
At a snail's pace
>3* on rateup
>180 and still can't fucking get him
?????????? what the fuck is going on
Neat, so I can special summon speed warrior.
I haven't played a gacha game since like 2017.
Isn't the 3* servant rate up something puny like 5% while the 3* servant rate (so any 3* servant) is 40%?
Basically, the chance of getting a off banner 3* is 7 times higher compared to the chance of getting the rate up 3*.
Nasu hates FGO and is forced by Aniplex to continue
I do not like forced deployments.
I do not like forced "stall for 5 turns".
I do not like forced losses.
I do not like "surprise" NP Full Charge on Bar Breaks.
I especially do not like combinations of the above.
Their game design head is incompetent
Using this cope will never work.
forced losses are kino
Watch movies, listen to music, play other games, draw, write, etc.
you niggers literally write shit while the machine does all the work, this is like ordering a happy meal while you take all the credit for it
That's guy uses ai?
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Please let her be in OC5
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try to increase my red circuit production
awful looking bus bro
idk what that is but it looks like shit
I fucking hate Tamamo.
We know, Nasu.
This is new. What is this?
kek yes but i'm too lazy to fix it, if it works it works
Is the lv90++ summer event node good for bond farming?
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Yeah, look the chart.
bros...my login streak...
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I'm getting 3k bond on Ciel each run
It's pretty good
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Stink chink stealing attires again.
Guda’s wife.
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This really was a nice interlude
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck am im supposed to do between dead weeks in the middle of a ''current'' dead event
I want to utterly devastate okita's pussy until she vomits blood all over the place
>All those 9's
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Choose only one.
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Medbee, but Habenyan can design her a cute dress.
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For boggart
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I'd like BB if she was an evil, selfish bitch instead of Diet Coke Sakura.
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Nice low quality images
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wtf (you) are getting married?
That your orphan killing machine to fuel your grail war bro?
Onichan can you take them PLEASE
Only if you take your BBspic back.
I don't even know who that is.
Stop talking about yourself in third person
Be honest, /fgog/, some of you are there picking on imouto?
I don't go to /alter/ period.
M*rganfags are known /alter/fags and cancer
Maybe you should go back.
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Stalker Triobros!!!!
>Babylonia episode 0 is also canon.
it directly contradicts the fuyuki chapter
Fuyuki stuff was retconned even in the game
Fuyuki was retconned long before it came out within the game itself.
Banana oni. Ibaraki welfare any day now I still believe.
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Where's the retcon in the game? I either missed it or forgot it ever happeneded because it's been a literal decade.
Fuyuki says that Olga was in charge of experimenting on Mashu, but Camelot retcons it but having Da Vinci say it was Marisbury.
I was thinking of both mashu and romani saying Mashu fused with Galahad directly after the chaldea explosion but thanks
You could probably make a short list with Fuyuki retcons.
Even Cu Caster stuff was retconned.
That thing about Galahad having a previous master has to 100% be retconned at this point. Although some have taken to simply justifying the retcons by saying that Mashu and Romani were lying to Guda in Fuyuki.
That's not Oberon, its not Vortigern either, both of those are fake names. His real identity is the suicide impulse of a corrupt world that should have died long ago and wished to die. Oberon is merely an identity he took on because Morgan kept stopping him from incarnating and destroying the world, so he manifested as the king of liars in order to use intelligence to defeat Morgan's desire to protect the planet. If he has a real identity then perhaps "The Mors King".

Although this also touches upon a different issue; although NA used the translation of Mors because it sounds cooler, considering the raw text seems to be closer to "Moss" and Nasu in Castoria's complete materials describes them as seaweed like creatures, they might honestly be "Moss". The issue with this is it isn't quite as cool.
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The character the schizo fears the most.
Raikouschizo lmao
What are the chance of Nasu retconning the entire plot so that Marisbury is actually the ultimate dindu and the Crypters are the true evil all along?
>Across 10 minutes, raikouschizo still keeps replying to himself in desperation since nobody cares about his coping
/fgog/ isn't a retirement home for living failures, go find an hospice
Turning him into a dindu is really high up, but turning the Crypters evil seem very unlikely especially now after the whole Kirschtaria's secret thing in this chapter.
0, Kirsch and Daybit are two of Nasu's favorites.
Daybit is just an infodump guy and Kirsch's hypeman, and Nasu let Kirsch died on SAKURAI chapter. It doesn't seem like both of them are part of Nasu's favorite though he favors Kirsch more
Daybit's a lot more than that, the end of OC2 with Abby seems to be setting up the Dark Star as something quite important and powerful. And Nasu still wrote all of Kirsch's scenes himself, instead of a situation like Pepe where Nasu created him but gave him to Minase, and compares him to Jesus.
It is Vortigern, at least conceptually. The concept of the dragon as a "hole in the world" and as Britain itself is consistent between Garden of Avalon and LB6.

>The king must have known... He must have known that Vortigern was Britain itself. Vortigern
was the Vile King that appeared as the island's will and avatar. The ruler of a small tribe who
drank the blood of a dragon and had long since lost his humanity. Despite the king's immense
magical energy and his Holy Sword that could scorch the land, his enemy was all of Britain
itself given form.

He's not Vortigern the man, but he is Vortigern as the avatar of Britain, fulfilling the same role as he did in PHH.
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So you're saying Foreigner OC is on the table? Cause sure as fuck it's not Divine Comedy related.
The Foreigner card did show up in the OC trailer, and Abby still has a subplot to be resolved, so I think it's likely.
But he actually is a dindu. In the sense that he's just making what he perceives to be a righteous sacrifices to keep the humanity of his age from ending. He's the only one who seemingly has a solution to the fact that the Human Order has reached a dead end with this human history. The only disagreement that Chaldea will have with him is the fact that to do this he's committed atrocities and is going to commit universal alien genocide for the same end. Chaldea has been following in his steps the entire time during the LB business if you think about it, committing genocide for what they believe is a righteous purpose, but as we know that is the wrong answer. And it's probably even one of the reasons why the Human Order is having Galahad put us through what I assume will end up being a crash course on Kant.
Am I missing something here? The doujin literally doubles down on Aurora being a fucking mistake. Chaldea!Melu even saw through the whole thing with utter contempt and gave a grand total of zero fuck to the fanfic Aurora while the Fanfic!Melu knew that she was just being retarded the whole time and never even loved her
Yes its just raikouschizo pushing his daily spam, so you're just missing that he's a nutcase that can't be reasoned with.
Pigs like him just deserve to be gutted.
He doesn't care about what this or canon itself actually says, anon, he's just here to shitpost with whatever he can get his hands on.
Grand Pedo...
all crypter is retarded in their own ways why are they the evil ones?
so what's your cope on original melu not giving a single fuck on the bitch she's supposed to love so much? not even a thought of jealousy or what-if contemplation from her part?
No Pilgrimage Festival today, right?
also he/s from /alter/fag too.
There's still the "remember LB4?"/"congrats on clearing LB4" campaign so I doubt
You don't actually believe 99% of the words you're trying to come up in your head and stuttering.
There's 3 more recollection quests, I guess that the last two will be the same as the 2022 campaign (Arjuna vs Karna and the final fight vs Pepe, Ash and the tree) so today's should be either the 3-healt bar Ash fight or the Limbo+Arjuna one.
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Stop replying to him retards
it took you one and half an hour to formulate this kind of response? you're getting sloppy
>/fgog/still coping
I'd says he won this time
/alter/ ^
yay 9 teapot, 10 sq, silver and golden apple.
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>OC3 strategy support campaign
Douman and Altjuna fight today
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News Doko?
>30 sq total
So we got 10 today so that means we're probably going to have 2 more sets of these missions to fill the weeks of nothing
we REALLY need some real buff removal resist options
lucky Benifags...
oh you can use CS thank god
It works on my dick. I don't care
LMAO fucking shitter newfaggot
buff removal vs mr oneshots debuffed opponents is BS
7 days until real shit happen
can't wait for the mandatory cooking episode
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>nooo I have to use my brain
try the alter version and stay there, shitter
All our money is being spent on stupidly expensive offices, feeding poor kids in chiba prefecture, and unfunny anime shorts...
>a fanfic version of Melusine has "sex" ( females can't have sex ) with a fanfic version of Aurora in a doujinshi
>"Guda doesn't"
>in a doujinshi
Is this the peak of mental illness? Gudao has more sex with canon Melusine in doujinshi than you'll ever do in your entire life raikouschizo lmao
Let's hope on Friday then...
Player name Enough. Login already and stop your kek post.
Stop replying to bait you fucking retarded nigger
>another "please play oc pls pls" campaign
lol, lmao
Has the concept of Dead Apostles come up in FGO at all?
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I shamelessly copied a appmedia strat and got lucky with cards
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Please don't tell me tomorrow is Super Godjuna, I don't want to do that again
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GudaBB status?
That art is a new low for you
It's funny that this animal is talking about fanbase perception when the only place that keep shipping the garbage lesbian ship is just a single /vg/ general
At least hoyocucks have twitter and tiktok supporting their delusions while this one faggot keep working alone to push his.
I don't recall anyone mentioning it
Easy clear
Why are retards still replying to Georgie's projections? Did you forget who's his waifu? The biggest cuckbait next to Mashu; Raikou.
Raita didn't draw some weird lesbian yuri thing with her anon
Stop believing that shitposters are genuine or in good faith in their shitposting. All they need is an angle to shitpost with, they don't care if it's correct or if anyone believes it. In fact they know it's bullshit but they spam the same angle of shitposting every day hoping it catches on especially by those that don't know any better; it's been that way even back in the old FSN shitposting days on /a/. Make up a false narrative, run with it, understand that 80% of people never actually play the game and don't care if it's true so they'll also help you spread it.
Here and there but only in passing. Like when Holmes compares the creatures life cycle in Tunguska(I think) to DAs. There is a literal Dinos DA in LB7 also.
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I ended up thinking again about MHXXA's dubai tourism infodump quest and that off hand comment about "because of alcohol being forbidden, there's no stigma about adult men enjoying sweets" feels so retarded.
I'm pretty sure I saw this stupid idea of sweets not being fit for men only in anime.
When does OC3 start?
So the original humanity died out around 2300 after the last great humanity vs AI war, they were given the choice to upload themselves to the cloud or be destroyed.
But humanity finally died out around 2999 according to the timeline
Which humanity died out on 2999, the new humanity (AI)? But we know AI are still around in the current age, BB thawed out a lot of them around the year 3000. Also how could AI have died out when they perfected theoretical immortality by living in digital space? Also humanity has basically reached extreme longevity as early as 2050.
Also why did humans (AI) woken up our of cryo sleep in 3000 all agree and desire to be killed anyway? When they heard about the end of humanity competition they basically don't seem to give a shit. They were frozen back around 2400 supposedly. Also what humanity are they even killing at this point for the final boss competition? The few remaining AI?
You don't have the complete picture so obviously it sounds weird.
is she farting? hot
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im assuming im guaranteed np2 ciel in the next 2 10 pulls I do right?
>chinkshill crying
Genshit new nation flopped to another Sakura face LMAO
Her fanarts increased
Hakuno gets a boost in fan arts
Hakunon x BB is still the only thing Nips sees, they can't see guda x BB which is sad I g
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Unfortunately, with BB Cosmos’ likes line, I’m starting to feel a little bit uneasy in regards to GudaBB, desu. Especially, now that you mention it not getting that much fan art, it’s sad.
Pity gets reset after you roll each copy.
So if you find Ciel at the 329th pull, the thing gets reset and the 330th isn't guaranteed anymore.
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so what dos the bottom right number mean exactly then? not like it matters since I finally got np2+ on the next pull
It means 20 summons (= 1 multi and 9 singles) till the guaranteed copy, now that you got her (congrats btw) it will start again at 330.
gratz bro
is time to 120 her
tl;dr as soon as you get ANY copy, it will be 330 until you see another guarantee
there's no way to take advantage of it
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thats the plan, though i'll probably dump all my XP I've stocked up and wait for next half AP hands event or lotto
It's true. Arab men loves sweets to an absurd degree.
>with BB Cosmos’ likes line
I'm all in for guda BB, so what did she said?
That's fine, I'm talking about the japanese not the arabs
It’s ambiguous but to be honest, I have an ominous feeling it’s about the Hakus, desu.
>All versions of me like the same thing. This shared core is our definition of love.
Just fit in your Xu Fu (the good one)
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You mean to say gameplay could expand by giving more niches to different Servants instead of just LOOOOOOPING?
On a technical level, yeah, supposedly all BB existed in away will always be created by Sakura directly or indirectly, but its interesting to see it was brought up. I would say its not enough to dismiss Guda BB tho. Sure nasuverse cares more about results than the process in the grand scheme of things, but the audience loves the process more than the result
There's plenty of characters with buff removal resistance, but most of them are on self or for a single ally.
Fucked up how there's only 4 characters with a team wide buff removal res
>Beni enma
>Arcueid (only for Good aligned)
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Expectations for DuBBai 3rd ascension?
It's a Velber.
Not BB
Tanned and wearing burqa
Passionlip in BB dubai dress
Supah BB
That sounds cool and all but it makes no sense.
a) BBeast
b) Violet, Kazura or Passionlip pretending
c) BBride
d) Some other pretender from Servantverse/Extraverse/etc
Honestly BB Dubai in a bikini.

It is summer after all
>making sense
When are we getting Beast Aŋra Mainiiu?
The beast of Fuyuki born by Sakura returning to the grail?
>another fucking Sakura
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>It's Actually BBuddha
But the thing is that the BB in Chaldea IS NOT the one from CCC, as a copy she is 1:1 with her predecessor but in the end of the day she’s not the original. So I don’t understand why Nasu writes such a thing.
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Lip just said she acts like a future BB
BB with the classic black clothing but with a cooler drawing style.
Similar to Super Nobu from the first Ascension
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BB will be erased, So it will be a new BB with a different personality
Some kind of Superform
Its going to be a completely random form and have nothing to do with the story chapter
Maybe they are elements shared by all BBs like the look, probably it's just a background element
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Took a bit to get the grails I needed to finish but it’s done.
It makes perfect sense. The reason there's still a moon in the sky is because we're not on the moon. It's a double fake out and we're actually on some kind of Velber built replica. Humanity is actually still alive, and BB Dubai's plan isn't to give humanity a proper end, but an attempt to crowdsource a way to eliminate humanity. BB Dubai is actually Velber 04 or some shit.
Altera would've had story presence of we were fighting a Velber.
Preparing for Velber's arrival is the overarching plot of the Extella series.
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We're not actually going to be fighting one, because as soon as the plot twist drops and BB transforms info her final form, Kazura is going to pop up and eat her and become the triple twist final boss.
Surely Nasu wouldn't recycle the plot of CCC that blatantly
>surely the man who recycles the same plots and characters over and over won’t recycle a plot again
oc4 when
Is that why he named 2 of his protagonists the same thing and gave them the same superpower?
It's the second OC set in a futuristic city full of AI and Sakuras so...
Nasu is actually going to call attention to the fact that it's the same twist by having our BB pop out of Kazura, because she took countermeasures after last time.
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subverting expectations is kino
Something extremely retarded.
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Soon /fgog/ soon
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anal queen of chaldea
Well duh.
If she loses her virginity she wouldn't be a holy maiden anymore.
GudaBB love?
Poly Route: Unlocked
They said on anniversary stream this year still. Which prompted Nobu to kinda ask 'Is it a december 29 kinda deal or this year soonish', which they maintained this year still. So you can pretty much expect a 29 of december thing.
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>those meat handles on her waist and belly...
They literally never talked about OC4 during anniversary
They aren't saying what she loves is Hakuno

Literally all she's saying is "what I like hasn't changed"
nta but the poster he was replying to, how would you interpret that Likes line? While she doesn’t say their name, you can infer by certain words.
Which considering the BB saying it, that's (You).
Was it on the Summer stream then? I wonder now if I'm misremembering something or working an assumption from when they revealed part 2 would end next year.
tourist here how is it going for the dps and meta characters I left the game back in 2018
Man, I can't wait for the "remember Part1&Part2?" campaigns that will start in 2025 (monotone)
Quick became shit, Arts and Busters are equally broken
so nothing changed back then quick was neglected anyway
Quick in 2018 became the strongest card type for 2 years, what are you saying?
Did you drop it at January?
desu I'd say Buster is on a ticking clock cause your Supports will eventually hit Bond 15 while Arts keeps getting more and more options that let you work with just Support Castoria
While it's true, Buster just got Ciel which enables a different type of farming that is somehow still very good.
The problem if anything is that it uses the same damage dealers.
exactly I left right after the new year banner
Then I guess that not a lot changed for you, aside for now that the whole "meta" is farming in 3 turns without using Kaleido.
Arts servants can do full refunds with the NP alone thanks to the new supports, while Busters abuse of cooldown reductions skills.
Also Nasu 3 years ago released his new (male) darling with a skillset that makes him the most useful support in short fights bar pretty much none.
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>Everyone ignores his shitposts about BB with the altered reddit translation
>Back to shitpost about Melusine
There ought to be a limit to being pathetic

Video where Andersen lays down all the deep lore in OC3 and how the world and humanity was destroyed. It's interesting but it's hard to say how much of it matters yet.

I do think Nasu has a good quality as a science fiction writer, but it falls apart a bit whenever he adds space and aliens into the mix. If he's just doing down to earth sci Fi talking about a world where humanity was destroyed by the invention of AI, no silly elements, and everything went to shit because of a simple AI that was just created to take orders and wait on tables at a fast food place, it feels like there's some interesting elements. Like he really did think out both the most outlandish positive and negatives in a realistic world where AI becomes dominant, and why it basically will eventually lead to the destruction of humanity.
>2299 humanity wages war against AI
>2300 90% of humanity is wiped out in one year
How do you fuck up that badly?
In what way? Are you fluent in JPN?
Open Twitter or the social site of your preference for one minute and you will understand how human society can collapse in such a short amount of time.
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This year's winner.
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city sex
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Chinese city.
Holy fuck
Even her original bond CE is about (You) unlike Melushit
Clearly better than the cuckdragon as the aggressive girl
>Reddit TL: All versions of me like the same thing. This shared core is our definition of love.
>Real TL: No matter what me I become, what I like will not change. This way of being itself is our love.
Using the verb なる in the first part indicates a transformation, so it's not "all versions of me" as in any BB, it's about the transformations of (you)r BB, like from normal BB to summer BB and now cosmos BB (and probably dubai too)
Then comes this retarded thing about a core, that mixed with the versions of the first part makes it seem like all BBs are connected to some main BB or some shit, when in fact it just talks about her way of living, what someone has as a basis for their way of acting. That she has her love as the basis of what she does is something that we've known from the start.
And the "our" from our love is clearly meant to be "the love of all the versions of BB I can become" and not her love with anyone else
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How good is BB Dubai I already have summer BB I am aware of her kit being that her NP can switch from AOE to a self buff but how good she is from being potential farmer ?
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She's a weird Mooncancer support hybrid, kinda like Gogh is to Foreigners. Her damage by herself is not that great but double DuBBai and BBhotep seem to hit for better numbers.
Is this team good enough for the evade archer LB4 node?
Well the tl is from comuncoutinho. You gotta take it up with them. They’re from BL too. I don’t know where they base their tl from.
Not particularly impressive all in all. Like most "neutral" classes, you want NP2 or NP3 to farm consistently damage wise.
>self buff
it's an aoe buff
What? It's going pretty good so far, Okita Alter only purpose was to clear the Caster Rider 300k HP waves and Oberon helped with that
Merlin has its buff activation chance reduced from 100% to 80% when Oberon is in the team.
I see thanks for the heads up, Merlin was front row because he had nowhere to go, the first wave was only Oberon and Okita anyway
is there a niche for debuffing and buff removal now?
>20k atk
holy fuck
It depends on the fight.
"Total" debuff immunity is more rare nowdays, usually they just block stun and charm while def down, card res down, atk down, etc. are usable and the same goes for Burn/Poison/Curse, though enemy servants keep their Debuff Res passives so sometimes the debuff fails.
Jalter reaches 21k atk
Oh right, I remember I hated that battle.
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Apple user was there a server outage today that none of us could make a quartz purchase?
Archer Arjuna should be in C
Always was
Fairly relevant for both farming and most boss fights that don't flippantly ban them entirely
>buff removal
Depends entirely on the fight and how loudly it wants to scream "fuck you"
Even notorious bosses like Cernunnos or Camazotz could apply borderless buffs that you really want gone
I just wasted a teapot on a doors runs, I'm bricked
What happens if i accidentally mo?
it's fate grand over for me
They should add more nodes to bleached earth, the Vritra stage got old.
you got old
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AI can easily fool boomers so it doesn't seem strange.
This is something Taylor Swift would do though.
The kid on the bottom left is some eldritch horror without a face
He's just like me
Bro look in the middle. It's so morphed.
That dude's ribcage is fusing with someone else's head, jesus.
Every time I see how stupid humans are I realize how often I overestimate them, no wonder why pajeets are still making millions scamming people on the phone
I can't wait for the next five years desu (in a watching a train about to crash into my house and kill everyone I know and love way)
Just let Part 2 finish first.
Not FGO's End of Service, just the End of Story.
we're not quite at the level of creating a BB yet, are e
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the sexiest
What the fuck are you talking about you retard?, i only play FGO
Punch Morgan in the face day
There is no real reward for doing the rt7 quests right?
I already did that shit years ago and I don't care about doing them again for no reason.
There's 100 prisms, that's about it.
Nips bitched about it already, I kind of hope that they'll add something later (read: tickets and/or quartz) given that they'll last for the whole fucking month.
>2 days old thread
/alter/ really killed this shithole
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A subpar summer and stupidass timelocks didn't helped either
Obviously, other games only have one thread
And to think that we are in the middle of an oc
yugioh has 4 threads
This is what /fgog/ normally is like you know.
Kill yourself
Let me guess, your next line is " We should merge". And to that I say, fuck you.
Your thread wouldn't even be alive if melucuck spammer isn't baiting and samefagging, you realize that right?
I'd rather have the thread archived DESU
A new thread can just be made again when the 2nd part releases.
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The only reason Nasu started making VNs is because of Takashi Takeuchi who bullied Nasu into making Tsukihime with him.

I forget the link to the some of Nasu's translated interviews, but Nasu used to be just content with writing stories for friends and family.

It was Takeuchi's nagging that got Nasu to enter the doujin/ indie scene with him.

Nasu mentiond how he had 3 other stories he wrote before Tsukihime that weren't published: Magical Girl's Night, Kara no Kyoukai, and some third one called Ice Flower or White Flower iirc. Apparently it was about a knight.

Nasu is insecure as fuck and Takeuchi had to push him to publish KnK, Tsukihime and Fate. Takeuchi also wanted Nasu to turn Mahoyo into a VN and Tsukihime Remake.
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Who the fuck cares???
I do not care in the slightiest, his worthless posts keep getting deleted anyways
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>Forced to use trashu, np sealed Eresh and BB without her 3rd skill against a 2 bar enemy
>All three come with a stack of guts to make bringing an usable team forward take longer
It's like they intentionally try to make story quests as boring and obnoxious as possible.
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Someone found Ozzy's sarcophagus, go get your catalyst for the incoming HGW /fgog/.
Nah, he's a jobber.
But bro your immersion????
>guy felt so cucked he's adamant to shitpost her for over a month
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i am in love with a dragon
Percival calm down
She loves Aurora
Melu as a gyaru...
same way raikou loves shuten
>Mafia makes a bigger fuss about getting city than BB
Why is this man so gross?
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*Why is this man so Based?
Are you lost, twitter tranny tourist?
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So Kazuradrop or Muryan?
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We should merge! UH!?
He's so cringe nowadays
Honestly thought she was out of the running for good after Kama got the anti-AE button and then Muryan showed up, got a CG and then disappeared into the npc box
Romulus is based as fuck for this.
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small update:
dont' samefag, retard
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