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Hooker Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your steam profile or friend code. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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stop inviting people that have no friends you are killing the game by over inflating FAGGOT count
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your team all groups at 3min to push one lane
and /dlg/ says you're bad
what do you do?
Even if every anon that posted got invited it would be a drop in a bucket compared to reddit fags and steamforum slavs inviting in droves
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When do we get to become candleGODS
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>THAT is your main.
What is your excuse?
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>he doesn't know the lore
Can someone tell me a good meta to go for batfucker ivy?
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>trying ever more schizo paradox builds over the last few days
>come up with the idea of using melee charge as the very first item to make paradox not as painful to lane
>it works really fucking well when testing in a bot match
Mayhaps I have another change to make to my main build.
Wait so Denying your turrets that were destroyed by the enemy gives souls with McGuinness? uh
i wish death on all my enemies unless they are playing ivy
if ivy is beating the shit out of me i would thank her for the privilege i love this bat
if you open the lore / background tab you're a faggot and need to go back to ow

I would play a refridgerator with a gun if it has pockets abilties
dear god why is dynamo so fucking broken

finally dodged his near hitscan speed knockup and 5 seconds later it was up again and just did half my hp

fucking retarded hero
No, I must parry for style
Somebody said Paradox is NOT a sniper or Spirit-based caster and is actually meant to be an agile brawler

I was enlightened
>shadowpool is already a thing
>TTV in name
>Absolute garbage
a tale as old as time
All I want is for my teammates to play the game, why do they just farm and be retarded faggots every time. Kill the enemies when they are at your walkers. Everyone wants to be the carry and nobody teamfights it's insanely autistic
how do I escape shadowpool bros
Do you have to post this in every thread?

Captcha: PPNS
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>pick moe and grill
>do no damage
wtf gabe
She excels in teamfights for sure. She's a low-health, high-damage hero who's at her strongest when she's pulling isolated targets into her team.
normalize calling lanes 1,2,3 and 4 :]
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>Hate shooters
>Hate MOBAs
Is this game for me?
just press 1
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Thanks based Anon.
give it up dotards, you lost lmao
>check a TTV out at random
>1 viewer other than me
it's kinda sad
I hate hero shooters and mobas but love this
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how you building pocket
>hitboxes are fine
>(Negative) * (Negative) = Positive
So that's the perfect game for you.
flash in, burst, run away like BITCH, literal AI guide on youtube that tells you how to
I don't play twinks
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>Seven does 1k damage at 5 minutes with bullets

Wow, what a weak hero at High MMR guys.
I want to play a western gunslinger like Mcree/Cassidy from overwatch. It's very satisfying depleting enemy HP with accurate, skill based, click and point shooting.
do you guys actually use right click?
How do I get to low mmr? I get Miracles and Dendis in every game and go 0-10 each time
>seven's ult is bad you just need to block line of sight
>if he is in the air it will go above most obstacles
>can't run out of it
>fuckhuge range
>get 100% lifesteal on it
sure, you can play around it, but you shouldn't have to, and he is strong even without that
It charges up bebop's m1 so there's no delay after firing
I killed comfy deadlock, bros. It was me. Once I got invited I invited 70 /v/cels from tf2 nights and did not think of the consequences until I saw inflated shitposting exactly three days later
code: 29109504

Alright, maybe hating both MOBAs and Shooters is the secret sauce to liking this specific game, I'll bite.
i'd absolutely rather have the freaks on this site playing the game than the redditoids spreading invites like syphilis
This is bait. I've been trying to get an invite for 3 days without success.
pocket gaming free wins all day
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Reminder that wall jumps cost no stam and are a free dodge if your not using them your bad and should kill yourself
lemme in
you mean the wall vaults or can you actually jump off walls?
im still trying to slide consistently
Once you get to 1750 MMR you gain +30% base bullet and spirit resist against Seven specifically. That's why he falls off.
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maybe that ult needs a bit tweaking still
they added wall jumping last thursday, you have to change your movement direction to opposite the wall before you jump
gun mostly but rush leech as 6300 item. if you hit a 3+ man ult you become unkillable with the life steal
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303127897 send it through.
Sliding is good too, as long as you use all your mobility options constantly you will stunt on noobs. Most things people complain about can be dodged but there's a lot of mobility-lets on this thread
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I just installed the game a couple of days ago and i'm getting mauled alive in my lane, any tips for newfags
Fun fact: Much like Team Fortress 2. Teamwork is an illusion. 5 people bulldozing a single player, is not teamwork.
just lost a 55 minute game as shiv with 28 deaths
oh youre somehow in every match of mine, weird
do you have any moba experience
focus on last hitting and not dying at first
prioritize soul orbs and last hits over harassing your opponent
especially if you are playing a character like paradox with a shitty gun
sliding usually gets you hit more since your path of movement is locked, but the infinite ammo makes you win out because reloading is a fucking death sentence in a duel
face away from the wall and press space while touching it to wall jump
you can't chain wall jumps but they don't count as your double jump
asking for another invite cheatertard?
>>seven voiceline is a protomen song reference
wtf what is it
Laning as Ivy makes me want to kill myself
>playing with one of the top 5 broken characters make me feel bad
there is hope for you
Not really, tho the store reminds me a little of the warframe mod system and is a bit easier than the rest of the game
Everyone I invite will become my friend :3
>deadlock peru got banned

kek. should have quit abandoning you peruvian jackass
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I really like the little power-ups you can find in the map in the creates and buddah statues. While not strong individually, I can see them being really powerful if you consistently farm them- easily being equal to an item after a few drops.

Is there any sort of high-end late game strategy with these? Or is this more of a just pick them up if you see them but don't go out of your way situation? I sometimes wonder if I've won a super late game with all item slots filled just because I took the time to pick up these upgrades as well.
Part of it is understanding a good opening item and ability to buy
From what I can tell, having a fuck off button so the enemies leave you alone and let you farm their creeps is the best opening pick. Something like Seven's eletricity ball
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bullying Haze
how do i get this much damage
improved burst
nah i'm just tryin to get one. does it already say i got sent an invite?
who should i play solo, /dlg/?
mcginnis wasn't that fun
Flat health is OP since so many items give you % based bonuses, Spirit drops are also very strong, mag and fire rate are meh though
Take flog first
Immediately speed boost to the lane if it's a 1v1
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my build for that match
but I suck at building so probably don't follow that
lol i had that guy in so many of my games , you just know he's going to get banned with a name like that (I hate peru too but still)
I always take mystic bullet since I'll be building spirit anyways
Is there a better pick?
mystic shot is pretty bad, if you look at the cooldown it's like 20dps. garbage
>flat +20 dps that scales as you increase spirit
It seems like a good pick if you're going for a primarily spirit build and want something efficient to buff your gun
Speaking of which, I think basic magazine's the most cost effective gun upgrade if you just need to throw some cash at your weapon while you focus on spirit or vitality
Mystic shot and quicksilver reload are main sources of early burst on kinetic carbine for paradox
Later on you want the weapon damage if you play that epic no scope sniper build
i think as the game gets more optmized you'll see people prioritize those boxes more, the two lanes in the middle actually have a massive amount of chests very close to the t1
i've started going out of my way to get the secret shop chests when i'm middle left and there's downtime
you can get like 120 hp if you pay attention, it's a pretty big deal but I wouldnt say game changing. It can help a few times throughout the game
Haze is great if you're trying to solo stomp
>puddle punch
>buy spirit strike first
Is this Viscous' best opening? I know you want to invest in other stuff later but having a poke for around 1/5 of an enemy's healthbar after the first item purchase is pretty good
I nab them when I'm rotating or jungling. They're permanent buffs so they're always worth grabbing if you're in the area anyway.
>Immediately speed boost to the lane
how is this beneficial
it's game ruining do not do it
>he needs to use his speedboost before it it's back off cooldown
technically it only ruins your game if you get killed in lane
if you can avoid dying until the cooldown is up then it's just pointless
no, because you're 550 hp and people who know the matchup won't sit around letting you fist them. especially after the range nerf.
50 mmr detected
i'm in the top 10% so you should respect you
You get to start the 1v1 with them being farther back in the lane
Don't do it unless it's a character you can bully at the start, like Vindicta
those sites are memes and not real mmr I doubt you get to top 10% without knowing it's good for ganking too
I'm actually really fucking dog shit at video games and I need a hero that has easy last hitting, huge damage baseline and infinite ways to just run away so I can pretend like I'm good at the game. Btw I took an internet IQ test and it said I'm 140 IQ because I guessed answers. But I believe it anyways.
It's funny to do on Bomb start Bebop by hiding in the veil
What's his best opener then? Splatter + mystic burst does more damage but you can't target it as easily
who the fuck are you ganking at the start of the match
70 games in, i usually am the "best" player on my team in farm and k/d but only have a win rate of 40%. I used to blame my braindead teammates for feeding too much for me to carry them, but i have to blame myself for not pressing my advantage with the farm i steal from them. How do solo players actually get a high win rate, it seems so hard to carry especially with the characters i play
you should just bully these faggots. honest to god I had someone tell the entire team at the start "please watch your language guys I'm streaming!" and I checked his stream out and it's literally like 10 scraper bots he thinks are his audience with 0 people ever saying a word. so naturally I spent the whole game rescue beaming him into the enemy team and pretending like it was a mistake.
If you're SIGNIFICANTLY better than your lane opponent, then push down and take the guardian so you can freely roam and gank. Help your weaker teammates get an early lead.
Unfortunately, farming is way more important long-term than winning lane so unless your teammates know to farm they'll be uncarryable.
you might be in the retard bracket if that slow ass 0 momentum wall jump is actually working as a 'dodge' for you. If someone pulls that shit in my game I'm going to have the easiest time landing 100% HS.
I'm saying you should only do it if you're Lash, you picked flog, and it's a 1v1
I haven't played all the characters yet so I don't know all the abilities off my head, but are there any other characters that can start the match with a lifesteal attack?
deserved paradog
>twitch tv handle in name
>Start talking over mic with dude
>Get his trust
>Start saying Nigger nigger nigger

We do a little trolling
Mo, Geist, Abrams, Ivy
make sure you clip on his channel if you can and report his channel for hosting racists to see if you can get his gay little channel banned too.
You can absolutely boost to lane first
Shoot down creepwave behind the guardian ans throw the pulse grenade to clear the wave right away

Its a very risky play though, and if you die you will be massively behind

Super aggressive pushing is really hard to play against
How do you counter Kevin's ice path? Just had a game go to 50 minutes because we simply couldn't stop an incredibly fed Kevin from running laps around our team and gunning us down. Silence? Curse? Is it considered a movement ability?
literally just kill him
And yeah it only works on like paradox on 1v1 lane
Idk if theres any other hero who has ability to clear entire lane with no risk
just get in his face, his gun sucks ass and if he blows his beam CD to gang he can't really do diddly shit
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I am not good. I find the delay between hitting souls difficult due to bullet travel and some characters having delays in shooting like McGuiness.
>his gun sucks ass
low mmr take. you literally just go high velocity headshot booster basic mag close quarters and rush headhunter and proceed to do 1600 damage per mag on the extremely slow person you have trapped in your domes.
huh, that's an interesting idea
why do i always eat shit as moleman
>Idk if theres any other hero who has ability to clear entire lane with no risk
Ivy can kinda pull it off I guess. Her gun damage does suck baseline first couple of waves until you get monster rounds up. Kudzu is a thing though.
ya i usually win lane, but don't go for the guardian for some reason. maybe i should just splitpush harder but at least half my games have two teammates who go 0/12 or something
you buy healing items; he can't really kill anyone in one rotation unless he's fed in which case you're just kinda fucked because there are no counter items you can buy to stop him. Silence doesn't interrupt channels, although Curse does.
just lost lane for the first time in 70 matches
You need to get big before you're allowed to do anything as him
You don't really have to commit to splitpushing. Just shoving lanes while the enemy team is tied up in a fight can be really strong.

Playing a character who scales hard helps a lot, too. You can get early kills and snowball.
Viscous ball is far and away the best initiation ult in the game if you build spirit and are any good at using blink dagger. You can get like a 3 second stun on at least 2 or 3 people with triple the damage than an Abrams ult
good advice, learning that kelvin's beam can never be as good as his gun was the biggest eureka moment for him. you can get insane burst out of nades with the new rapid recharge plus improved burst
Just looking at them all, yeah I think Lash is the only one my idea works with. Maybe Mo since he's using a shotgun, so you want to start the encounter closer.
why every good game people have mobility like genji in overwatch
my spacebar is too loud considering a new keyboard just because of this game fml
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for me personally, its the goober's goo ball
I'm actually done queueing EU right before it closes. Always get shitty fucking stacked one sided games where auto lose retards who got stomped in 10 minutes in their previous game all spam queue to get their last match in. It's a literal coin flip.
how do you actually lane against good talon players? literally could not find a single spot where i wasn't getting fucked
Well, McGinnis doesn't technically have a delay from clicking into firing. Bebop does, the only delay is fire rate build up
How can I trick the matchmaking system to avoid pairing me with braindead 0/15 people? It's unfair when playing against a team that has enough conscience to not just W into the enemy tower.
I seriously wonder where those braindead people even come from because they can't even walk properly or react when shot by an enemy so it surprises me these roblox players have enough INT to ask for an invite and get the game
you are in very low elo
takes a long time to get going as mo, laning should be save but boring because of your strong heal but zero kill potential except against bots. the auto shotty is great at securing/denying too
once you get your ult you can look for ganks and as soon as you get burrow to 3 fun time starts

lmk if you want specifics, he's my most played hero in semi high mmr
Quick question. Did you happen to play as Ivy?
Abuse under bridge so his flight doesn't mean shit and just consider that every time he sees you he's probably going to try plink you with a log. Play close to cover and dodge into cover when you're exposed for more than a second. The amount of times I dodge these arrows over the course of a lane is actually insane. Just remember that these retards picked grey talon for an easy game. They're on auto pilot. Preempt and abuse the shit out of this fact.
All that changes at top MMR is that the retards afk in jungle for 15m and go 0-1 instead before losing.
>TrackELO: 1662 (Top 2%)
This is from tracklock, I know their elo tracking is fucked up but come on, I just want a fair match
There is no single tip that will help you lane against someone who is better than you other than hide better and buy early items that suck but will help you survive. You have to understand that playing against someone that is obviously better than you is about mitigating your negative value to the team.
>queue up for a bot match so I can learn a character
>play like a retard in lane, don't confirm my last hits cause bots don't steal them
>bot is playing super aggressive, kinda unusual but okay
>bot kills me twice but I just assume I'm playing like a moron and who cares it's a bot match
>our towers start falling
>huh weird I've never played a bot match where everyone sucks, wouldn't it be hilarious to lose to bots
>a bot rotates and ganks
>wait since when do bots do that
>wait since when do bots have names
>this isn't a bot game
>oh no I just ruined a game for 4 other people by playing like a retard
anyway somehow we managed to come back because there were bigger retards on the other team than myself but man did I feel terrible
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This is gonna sound crazy but top 2% is actually dog shit. It was the same in dota. Divine players regularly had glaring flaws in their gameplay despite being top 1%. You could only call yourself high MMR when you were on that leaderboard. I only got to Divine V before quitting for good.
after having mained kelvin for a couple days ive concluded there is zero(0) chance he doesnt get hard nerfed in the coming weeks. the amount of shenanigans kelvin can get up to is heinous
Any high skill ceiling game is going to have really fucking good players who have huge gaps in their gameplans, plus people who excel at exactly one aspect of the game but do it so well that it carries them close to the top.
Lots of people get to Celestial in Strive by just learning how to run really oppressive offensive, and they melt if you make them block once.
>80% slow on three people
this is totally balanced. I'm glad this ricochet bullshit exists. for the record, this shit was buffed because there was a perception that beam was 'weak' because it wasn't doing a whole lot of damage and it was hard to track and actually get to max slow. then it turned out the lag compensation for the beam just fucking sucked and they never bothered to undo the buffs based on this perception. crazy.
>install the game
>disable every single post processing shit and remove everything that negatively affects visual clarity
ahh time for a shooter game
I know its not high, its not a brag post. I just don't want to be paired with a glue eating team that clearly has no idea what its doing. They play like literal 5 years old dying to lane creeps or walk into towers while the enemy team is composed of people that at least know how to buy items, shoot enemy heroes or even try to flee when low health
Is there any stats site for item build of each hero with sort function?
deadlocktracker doesn't have it
I have bad news anon. Even if you're in top 100 MMR you still get auto fill retards who lack any macro sense at all. Sadly matchmaking is imperfect and some people are just going to be fucking stupid no matter how high you get.
Hi, Khanzy. Nice taste, Sakuya is indeed one of the top 2hus
>both Haze and Seven get unstoppable
someone explain how I'm supposed to deal with this, knockdown doesn't work anymore and silence does not work either
Based Ivy spammer
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>Ivy user
You didn't beat the game potato nigger
metal skin
just walk behind a wall lmao
post hours played
ahhh another 15+ death game where I win

kino, pure kino
play ivy or pocket or dynamo and press the invincibility button
is new patch scheduled or just random?
Trench NEVER ends
seven is literally unbeatable, haze you need to exploit her mistakes and predict where she will flank from. if she plays perfect there's not much you can do

seven is just cancer, he wins even if you do cancel his ult it does too much damage on the first few ticks imo
I play an honest support build.
I think like 200 hours or something.
>just walk behind the wall
>Seven casts his ult mid air above your weakened patron, so the moment you try to leave base to defend you die

im having a tough time coming up with keybinds that dont suck like the default ones
who the fuck uses z as a keybind for anything?
You're supposed to spend 3000 on knockdown to cancel his ult.
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>Ivy spammer
>922 SPM
So this is the cream of the crop in Deadlock
Paradox's voice is so nice. Is that accent Irish?
You can boosts it's speed retard.
1/one/uno single dash and you are out of her ultimate. Or just use metal skin and melt her tiny hp pool with half a mag because she is 100% dependant on lifesteal to survive
You mean the one trick pony that becomes free farm for three minutes after pressing 4? Literally just walk away
Nope, paradox.
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>seven is literally uncounterab- ACK
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infernus my beloved
Honestly I'm that used to MMOs and DOTA that using Z actually feels natural. The only thing I switched was using front thumb button for melee and back thumb button for parry. It feels pretty nice.
There's only so much farm on the map and my healing build is fully online with not many souls. I'm just fixated on keeping people on my team alive and playing for objectives rather than grinding it out.
wow you turned off his ult by the time people were in cover anyway and he did 5000 damage and applied mystic vulnerability ticks and healbane to the entire enemy team, great job retard
how do you do it? I generally end up losing and people flame me
>who the fuck uses z as a keybind for anything?
most games where you're juggling a lot of active abilities
The point is that it doesn't continue denying so much area in a fight and you can actually move around and kill shit.
i have parry on thumb button too
never used z for anything in dota because its just awful to use
never used z instead i had shift alt and ctrl modifiers for the better hotkeys in active spam games
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>MMR is a meme and doesn't matter in a alpha
>Bro MMR is everything and you can't speak on anything unless your high MMR

Which one is it? What is truly high MMR? I starting to think its all cope on both ends.
lmao at the faggot having a melty
the first one
I'm just having fun with the broken stuff until they balance everything to perfect 50% and every match feels like a boring league of legends game.
Still mad with they killing half of the fun in TF2 weapons years after release because Valve wanted to make it a competitive game.
RIP deadringer
Something something your low mmr chuddie somthing somthing high mmr sevens are gods somthing somthing source: my ass
uh oh MMR melty
100% balanced and sweaty games are unfun
I enjoy these actually. It's a pity that's most of my wins and meanwhile my losses are literally just retards afking in jungle while we lose in 15 minutes.
i've invited like three anons, i'm just lazy
send me your code if you still haven't gotten one
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>enemy team's carry is a pocket
>i am our team's carry
>little does he know i play pocket
>catching him teleporting to his cloak every single time
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It'd be nice if steam would show me that like 20 people on my friendslist already have the game so that I didn't have to beg for invites in these threads.
I just want to play my turret spammer McNuggets build where I spam an entire lane with 6+ turrets and people just die trying to chase me
This game will eventually suck when the top brass eventually min-max everysingle character and viable build into youtube guides and the game becomes for try harders only at all skill levels like dota, lol, rocket league and stuff
just gotta die in a good spot
the key is to
>continually trend balance towards 50/50 in all things
>WHILE ALSO periodically introducing madman classic icefrog mechanics and disrupting balanced mechanics that had gone unchanged for a year or more
I die everywhere
I only get solo lanes. I always win them, but idk what to do in a not solo lane
so real
>check tracklock
>my mmr is 1500
>ignore enemies
>pop green and orange bubbles
Even if they take my turret it works 63% of the times for me
Something something that website is worthless somthing somthing your retarded for caring
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I'm not even that bad, I'm just not good enough to carry.
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leave solo lane to me
why? I wish my mmr was under 2000 again. Every match feels like shit because everyone is sweating as hard as they can
>spectate some matches
>see some vindictas doing good but when they are flying they move at a decent speed
>no movement speed items
>meanwhile when i try her she moves slow as fuck as if her dumptruck of an ass was pulling her back to the ground
who has good gun
grug want gun shoot
what's average mmr
Only 1500+ TrackELO players may post below this line.

>0/12/1 at 9 minute mark
haven't played enough matches i guess for the website to show my name
1700 or so
Only 2500+ TrackELO players may post below this line.

1500 if your not retarded
you have 5 seconds to explain why you cant surrender when the soul lead is 40k+ at 20 minutes
>if you are ranked TOP 5% OF ALL THE PLAYER BASE you are actually average
why are all competitive players so fucking retarded?
nothing else going on their life
Only 500+ TrackELO players may post below this line
if you want the game to end faster sell your items and run down a lane like a man
I would love to do this but valve literally bans just for pausing so there's no way i'd retain my ability to play
literally just close the game
Only 500- TrackELO players may post below this line.

moba players are severely autistic and have to justify their sunk cost
he died a marytr
they all do
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raped my lane and got a 10 min echo shard
enjoy it while it lasts its 100% getting nerfed next patch
Is this game harder to learn than dota?
This game looks really fun but Dota's learning curve was painful and I don't care much to repeat it
nah, the vast majority of any moba's learning curve is learning every single character in the roster and how dangerous they are. Right now the roster is small.
it's easier to learn because there are only 20 heroes instead of 200
everyone is still learning the game and most people can't think for themselfs so without guides spoonfeeding them they just act like retards and use builds made by retards and play liek retards so its a retard fest that even a retard like you can enjoy

for now
>RIP Dead ringer
people really over exaggerate the dead ringer nerf. It's just damage drop off, it's still the exact same gun at close range, which is where is basically most useful.
Diamond back sure as hell didn't get nerfed though.
Cheaters are climbing the rank ladder and end up playing against other cheaters in super high mmr matches since there is no proper anti cheat in use so they don't get banned, just very high in the ranking. Normal people matches can be fun because everyone plays like a monkey
IMO the worst and uncalled one was the Amby nerf. Valve just really hate the spy for some reaosn
double bomb after hook?
why seems fine
really sick of these FAGGOT air heroes
oh i want to clear waves? jump into the air
oh an enemy is close by and could hurt me? jump into the air!
oh i want to put pressure on an enemy that isn't pushing me? believe it or not, jump into the fucking air!
who cares if it won't save you late game? early game all you have to do is jump into the fucking air whenever you want (the cooldown may as well be nonexistent!) and win your lane against any hero that has close range attacks. very cool, if you love nothing more than taking dicks in your ass.
notice how i didn't say which hero i'm referring to. that's because, in valve's infinite wisdom, they decided to give TWO characters this faggot gimmick, so you're twice as likely to have to deal with it. what joy.
good thing they move really, really, really
really slow in the air
I don't think I have ever lost a lane to Vindicta
doesn't matter because gun fall-off for close range vs. no gun fall off for long range means close range heroes can't do anything to a faggot sitting in the air over guardian early game
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>Top rated build guide for Seven
>Says to use Mystic Resonance on ultimate
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>7 seconds of disarm
>skills has infinite scaling everytime it hits a hero
>combo 1 shot 90% of the rooster for very little money
anyway the discord tranny already said they are looking into it so it's most likely getting nerfed
>double bomb after hook?
double bomb whenever you get a chance. the main benefit of early echo is building up more stacks on your bomb
I'm really hoping future heroes move away from the "wipe enemy team with their ultimates" gimmick because with both Seven and Haze/Dynamo being near identical it's a little annoying. Every team fight is just trying to bait out their predictable super ultimates and team wipe the whole team. I don't think they're that bad but if every character gets an ult like that it's going to be really boring going forward.
would they nerf the item or the scaling?
what is Mystic Resonance?
This is probably the best time to play before the game gets solved in 2 months.
>both are in the current top 3 worst heroes of the game with abysmall win rates
Yeah, they are really broken, just not in the way you are thinking
I've played for 10 hours and nobody has taken the midboss even once
if you are an autistic furry with an annoying voice you are muted
and they both just received nerfs.
idk he didn't say
mmr difference
and they should nerf them again because for some reason people still are trying to play them on my team and just feed the whole fucking game
Sex with paradox
unironically skill issue
>she puts your body in stasis as you orgasm
they got the big teamwipe ults in the game first for balancing. none of the unreleased heroes so far have big wombo combo ults.
sex with viscous
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>tfw you see banana
>Viscous morphs his body into big ass and big booty slime girl
he is not a monkey, why people keep calling him that?
what is the most unfun hero/build to play against? today I feel like making people lifes miserable because mine is fucking ruined
haze is op
why doesnt every gun build go for headshot based items? they seems pretty great for basically any gun build assuming you can aim at all, and help a ton with creeps since they are free headshots all the time
Cause he looks like a monke or wolverine doing an Elvis impression
>says as he is playing in the braindead mmr
a single hero cant make the enemy not have fun, it's usually some retard on your team that baits you while they farm jungle and then proceed to suck and throw anyway that makes the game unfun

i spent 30 mins in a game for seven to just farm and then when he shows up for the game deciding teamfight he just does it on the low ground in front of the walker and does fucking nothing

literal animal
headshot items have internal cooldowns and can only proc every 7 seconds, the DPS works out to be lower than other items especially if you're hitting headshots semi-consistently.
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Take her, I can't keep her anymore
Amby performs worse than stock at literally every single range or damage threshold. But sure, the retard who can't even remember the name of the gun they're posting about is in the right.
Full ult CD Grey Talon build. Completely uninteractive because he shits out owls crossmap every 20 seconds(sometimes two with Refresher) while farming or chunking enemies with arrows from a mile away.
Can I play turret mcnugget in 2000+ elo and win? It sounds fun being able to spam turrets nonstop but it also feels like throwing building her like that
i couldnt make a turret focused miku work at all even at 1500 elo, they just die too easily and you cant really build tank into them meaningfully that i found
>Amby performs worse than stock at literally every single range or damage threshold
I literally don't care, it was just pure fun times headshoting snipers and making them seethe. It's not about being the best weapon, it's about having fun playing the game. Now the weapon is "balanced" and barely usable for anything
At high elo miku turns into a wall bot. She really needs buffs to things that aren't wall.
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I'm in elo hell. Stomp every game but have 1-2 leavers or some dude 0/13 game after game after game. I'm tired boss.
didn't they say they were reworking the system or is it already out
I have yet to lost a game with ivy
You're the only constant in your games, cat webm shitposter.
>added a new layer of RNG on the weapon that the whole point was removing the RNG in favor of skill
Truly a genius move by the single dude that still works on tf2 and have a hateboner against spy for some reason
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when is icefaggot adding him to deadlock
I have yet to play with a Ivy that ults on me or even uses her tether on me
why would they add him?
because he has a quarry to settle
Lash is already in the game.
The tether is for ivy
If you ever get tethered you should feel eternally grateful for the opportunity to heal ivy
Ok, fine, that's on me for thinking of the wrong weapon, I just think of Spy nerfs and that's the first that comes to mind. As for the actual Dead ringer, the only difference now is that it can't be spammed as freely, you actually have to think.
But if you can actually land headshots, then amby is in fact, better than stock in most situations, letting you two shot light classes where at minimum you need 3 for stock. Stock is just more consistent over all
nah if its going to be like that she can fuck off
Again, it's not about being stronger or not. It's about removing what made the weapon/accessory fun
Weird way to say it's complete garbage but ok
uhhh catposter, your 6 stack posse of gamer friends?
But the Amby still functions the same as it ever did? Only now you're not an insanely weaker Sniper at long range. They didn't change a single thing about what made it fun
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>fed enemy 12+ kills before 9 minutes
>lose at 12 minutes
nigger tier game.
Can I watch my replays?
uglycoal's influence on ivy art is a plague
your fault for not switching lanes and helping him out
Ok, what's some of the best items for McGinnis. I know Escalating magazine for sure, but what else?
paizuri with paradox, thighjob with paradox, missionary sex while holding hands with paradox, starting a family with paradox
We were still in laning phase. If I left, I'd just lose my lane.
the best build for magnig is to play a good hero or be a wallbot for your competent teammates
how the fuck do i play against grey talon with shiv? I got absolutely destroyed by a guy that didnt do nothing more than harass me with the multishot. asdfasdf
Stock still kills faster without having to land headshots, retard.
restorative shot, always hug behind walls, if you hit two daggers go in perhaps
have to keep moving laterally and prepare to dash if you hear him charging his arrow
Grey Talon and Vindicta are too similar, they should remove the soul bonus from her ult and make it into a passive like alchemist, then combine her flight and ult into one ability. Give her extra time flying but reduce time from the pool for each execution shot she performs. Also let her crow see people through walls that she hit.
>hold down trigger
>if you're actually good at aiming, 2 shots are faster than 3 even with 20% less firerate
if he knows how to use traps to prevent you from using the cover you need you are fucked, so nothing.
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it's over
i hope they add neutral items in to the game
which character takes buildings the quickest

I don't want to do epic skillshots or parkour or farm for 40 minutes I just want to be a little rat bitch who pushes and then fucks off
ambush him, you are an assassin not the blue braindead shrek
any gun character like mcdonalds, haze, michael jackson
Ivy, Wraith, Haze, McGinnis
paradox has a damage amp effect on her one that affects towers
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game is too reliant on teamwork, im bored already

all that matters is if your team is the one defending your side of the map, the team that baits each other to get some shitty jungle camps is the one that loses every time
it's not really useful to take buildings after you get the first walker because they dont permanently push like barracks in dota 2, so you will only be slightly annoying. But, the shotguns are the highest building damagers by far. So I would say pocket.
new high mmr tier list drop
>b-but Seven has 99%+ win rate and 100% pick rate at 500 MMR
I liked the shitshow of my calibration matches more than I enjoy the dead fucking obvious switch to 'this is your bracket now'. It was like playing in old school lobbies.
Now there's just the valve drudgery of winning 52.5% of your next 800 matches to get out of the vanilla bracket.
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>play bebop
>enemy buys reactive armor
yeah nice random list you made retard
How on earth are you fonts all comic sans?
you mean debuff remover

I had some absolute baboon keep double bombing me and I just kept purging it. Nice 6300 gold item completely ruined by a 3k gold one lol
early alpha
>ambush him
In a lane 1v1? ambush implies to stop farming while you wait the opportunity, are you nuts?
it...doesn't work on my machine
well there ARE places you can hide like the walled off bunker below bridge, but a good talon is just going to perma trap whatever you like to use so ggg
if you every member of your team buys a 3k item, he spends 6k to cost your team 18k

if they dont buy it, he just double bombs them and it still works
wraith is fucking sex you just get quicksilver, some extra charges, max 1 asap, get some speed boots and get carpet and you can rat crazy fast and farm any camp you want to
alright what the fuck do shrines do? do they upgrade creeps when destroyed? are they just there to be annoying?
well im playing mole so he isnt going to be able to cast it on anyone but me im just going to stun him if he walks up to my team and i can block hooks too
no mega creeps
just shields before you can hit the patron

It looks like the give a single flex slot on the first destroyed and that's it. Annoying.
just a waste of time to delay the game even further

way too much garbage in the base and way too many buildings. remove lane guardians, put the walkers in between the current walker and lane guardian position. game is now 10x better

maybe put the guardians throughout the base and remove shrines
Why doesn't Infernus build Tesla bullet ricochet? Seems like it goes together pretty well.
i love ame so much its unreal
>no spider-man ripoff that lets me swing through the street
fuck deadlock.
Patience brother... patience.
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Fox girl hero when?
i hope wrecker has a wrecking ball thing, but i bet viscous is the only one like that... unlucky
As long as she's racist like avery
So you think when they start locking designs in and polishing up the visuals and animations that Yamato will actually use her sword for melee? Also, is it weird that she's the only hero in the current roster that has a slightly higher melee damage than the rest?
kys furfag
you do know you can play his kit in the sandbox right now right
they even put it on the wiki already https://deadlocked.wiki/Wrecker
kys fur tranny
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tracklock says i'm 1400s but i only get matched with top dogs that the site claims are top 50. almost like it's fucking wrong or something
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I never stopped hated on western VTubers ever since they bent the knee to trannies during the Hogwarts Legacy debacle.
I was so disappointed when she didnt really use her sword at all. She should have melee removed and have her third ability be like a 3 second CD sword sweep
no i didnt know that, but im also not gay so i wont play single player games ever
Perhaps there will be more heroes focused on solo play.
Curious how all these new players over the last week are all deadlock gods being held back by shitters from defeating the enemy team (also shitters)
stay gone faggot
well that sounds like the least fun hero ever, having to use an ability on creeps before you can fight...
not much longer for marvel rivals beta release
I'm not, I win 4/5 games and am always top 1 or 2 nw, kills, damage, and obj damage.

I want to play against better people. I'm bored of being 2k ahead in lane by 3 minutes~ all the time
ame is unironically different
unironically kill yourself
I mean at least right now, there is a pretty severe difference between people who are bad and people who fundamentally don't understand what the game is and go 0/12 and you see a lot of those people. On the other end though, a lot of people think themselves gods for beating up on people who still think this game is Overwatch
ive been playing for a month and the games gotten way worse after the embargo lift, I am pretty sure every retard zoomer watched an "epic farming to carry" guide or something because all they do is afk farm while the team dies
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My goddd shiv is so satisfying and fun it almost makes me forget how awful his landing is
I don't get shiv. I did a shit ton of damage but nobody dies. His kit seems weird with the close range plus tank ability but then he has the bleed knives which you just wanna chuck in from outside the fight.

What do you do? Warp stone? Majestic leap?
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I know it's one of you...
>getting flamed by a 0/7/1 Wraith
his dagger build feels really fuckin bad now, I think you gotta go full tank build and utility on it instead
Surely at some point they will make an option for a map to be on the left side, right? How is no Dotard complaining about this?
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Abrams is for faggots.
>A bunch of faggots pretending to be anime girls supports a group of people pretending to be another gender
How did you not expect that?
>2 games in a row where a teammate leaves in the first 5 minutes
>public faces of a Japanese corporation avoid controversy
can't really blame them desu
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Reminder that this is /dlg/ drawfag and main audience for Deadlock
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Yes. Faggots like me.
BLM and ACAB are cringe but free palestine is based
don't care as long as the drawings are good
>one gay person likes the thing you like
>you are now gay
nice logic, retard
Free Palestine? I'll take it!
wtf i just drew this in this morning
spectating games because my wrist hurts from playing to much, I've noticed some people have their mouse just completely rigid while they move. I'm guessing that's just people playing with a controller? Is that even viable?
I don't think there is any native compatibility with controller, if anything it's 'eck users
Dagger is mostly cosmetic until raging. Basically I build around his gun and his 2, and poke fight until rage is max before diving OR by flanking people. Point blank, right click > 2 > right click > melee will kill most squishy characters outright and put heavier ones in the range to be one-shot by your ultimate
Restorative Shot and Headshot Booster make laneing bearable early on; besides that build up to Headhunter and cool down reduction + spirit for your 2. And farm a lot for money and to build up rage before a fight breaks our. Very strong
no, they are just bad
I just finished a match where my lanemate walked looking at the floor 70% of the match he 0/21/3 and disconnectedwe still won somehow
>pulled off a wall jump double puddle punch dash double jump juke
the goo will not be got
game needs a 500g heal reduction item

healing is just way too fucking gay right now. dynamo can heal him and his teammate with no way to stop it
>game running fine
>crashes after someone kills me
>game's a stuttering mess now
>other matches too
>server CPU use spiking up to "600%"
Is it just me? Did my copy get busted somehow, or is this game-wide?
a hacker killed you
when does the alpha end again?
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qrd on retard mistakes to avoid before i ruin matches in 6 hours when matchmacking opens
t. first time playing today and just testing heroes in sandbox right now
Oh yeah and I know this sounds like ass because every shiv's dream is to chain together ults and wipe a team, but don't be afraid to use your ultimate on someone healthy if you're out of position to magnet to someone important and nuke them with the aforementioned combo
200 spirit damage is enough to trigger burst and there's 0 chance your movement will be fudged since you're on rails to their face when you press the button
Don't just hold onto it forever and suffer from too-good-to-use syndrome
both anti heal items are already very cheap at 1250 souls
No, because anti heal items are percentage based to make them scale. If you spend 500g for a flat healing reduction amount it becomes entirely useless past 5 minutes.
Very simple tips to get you through lane phase alive
but that's based and good THOUGH?
why are you like this?
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Were you the Krill or Yamato in that match?
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nah i ain't gonna stand for this shit
learn the map so you don't waste lots of time wandering between lanes
Except for the fact that their Japanese and Indonesian talents played the game and just blocked those who hated on them for it.
The western management told their talents not to play specifically to stand in unity with trannies.
One of them even outright admitted they're doing it because "We gotta support the cause".
Play bot matches.
Go fist yourself
who cares, cute art
guinness 4 seems a bit underwhelming compared to just shooting stuff, what are you supposed to use it for apart from wiping creep clumps in the base?
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Can we get an Abrams version of this?
Too much ESL retards now for the game to be enjoyable.
>Neck and neck 40+ minute game
>Enemy team still alive
>Let's take mid!!
>Surprise pikachu face when team gets wiped
>lose game

It was fun while it lasted
dynamo can't do shit while he's healing so that's your window to do something.
engage them, farm your troopers, throw some projectiles at them while they can't fire back, etc.
>buy debuff remover
>he now doesn't do anything
shiv is literally vindicta but good
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>consistently no longer the worst performing player in my teams
be the change
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>Implying games can't be for people of all ideologies
>Bring an artist's unrelated bio into this even though they don't put any of it into their artworks
>The implication of you going out of you way to find every Deadlock artist on Twitter until you find one with such a bio so you can shitpost about it on 4chan
You know, for a group of people who claim to hate it when politics get inserted into gaming, you sure do love inserting politics into gaming.
Is there a time in the game where you know longer get souls simply from last hitting and the entire soul worth is the orb? I swear sometimes I shoot a creep and it looks like my bank doesn't go up until the orb pops.
Good luck leaning an art fag that is not leaning to this. At best they just hide their opinions
10 minutes
That explains everything.
What does it feel like to cum inside Ivy?
Such is the folly of the terminally online
try fucking your wall
>Surely THIS moba will be different than all of the others!
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We just hate it when your politics get inserted into everything. Right wing politics in games is based. For the Alliance
>japanese girl is a samurai
>native american guy uses a bow
Damn this is race casting. Perhaps Valve is based?
Holy shit you're a faggot. Please go back to r*ddit.
just stop ruining every single thing you touch and we are gucci
If you get your powerlevel revealed the consequences are on you faggot. Also, being a cringe nigger faggot is terminal.
There is a reason why companies likes to use your group like a weapon
>absolutely stomping the enemy
>my team refuses to do urn or boss so they just eventually ru ninto their base and die
>networth is even now
shit game
>no u
I have already over 500 hours in this game, and Im a trans woman.
we know
Take a break it's not even out
Based, fuck tourists.
Does anyone know exactly how the urn rewards work? I think I get more souls for delivering when we're behind than when we're ahead but that's not based on hard figures or anything.
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>met my first raging retard in a match
I feel like I've been initiated
>delivery urn
>team gets paid
It's that simple. The reward scale with time and the one who delivered gets a fee skill point
your team gets an even split of the advertised money and then there's deniable souls the deliverer gets

being behind makes you move faster but doesnt give more souls
*an autistic man
you're getting shit on but you have a point
people who post twitter screenshots to bait replies are the lowest form of life
Advertised where?
They used to have labels for the base reward over it, i think it scales +1k? souls every spawn and starts at like 3500 divided among the team that captures+25% bonus and 1 AP for the deliverer
It can do work very early on for securing kills but yeah mid-to-lategame it's really an afterthought because spirit gin is an utter meme and the DPS is pitiful when you're focussing gun damage.
i guess all moba retards fall for all kinds of bait, in games and out
the urn tells you the soul amount literally on it
Not me my MMR on 4chan is 4000+
You forgot
>They buy debuff remover and you suddenly become dead weight
Does Vindicta actually have less damage dropoff than other heroes, or are people coping? Where is this number displayed?
What if they took the mechanic from MNC where killing a jungle camp makes the jungle creeps run down a lane to fight for you?
It doesn't
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I'm not great, but I am stuck in elo hell. Who should I play to climb out? Thought Mo&Krill would help since I take over the game, but when you're 4v6 from leavers or have a guy or two training their chatgpt on it, it doesn't help.
Maybe if my wall had a hispanic gremlin voice.
Actually i have been against both sides for years now.
Deadlock does not have anything political, and you're saying this when i'm the one pushing back against the guy trying to shove politics into gaming.
The guy is trying to bring political discourse into this thread.
How many games have you thrown by going to mid, attempting boss while 4 of the enemy are dead, not being able to kill it, getting ulted by Seven, losing the Rejuvenator, and then getting death pushed right after?
0, but I voted for Joe Biden not sure if that matters
Not that Anon but unironically yes.
none but i watched a seven arrive late to the midboss steal, jump over the pit and ult literally nothing as they already left in so called high mmr
I hope he was embarrassed
Might I humbly advice hiding the match ID
>i was just pretending to be retarded
really not funny dude
help me
This literally happened to me today verbatim
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shit forgot that too but really come on
>Deadlock does not have anything political
these braindead apes think that putting black people in a video game is a political statement
you aren't going to win an argument with them because they are retarded
really no reason to care at all about a bad match, if you see two or three of your teammates going 1/8 or some shit, just stay safe, and let lanes die so you can go the next game
that's not a bad match if it ends in like 20 mins. the bad matches are when it's even but miserable to play cause your team is throwing a winnable game in every way possible eg not doing urn, skipping boss, never grouping
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If your lane phase doesn't look like this you deserved the L
everyone ITT should start playing fighting games
strive and SF6 are both pretty accessible
being unable to blame your teammates when you lose will do wonders for your mental
now when my teammates are feeding the worst that happens is i get kind of annoyed while i continue focusing on improving my rotation, movement, ganking, and farming, because losing isn't a big deal if you learn something from the match
also helps that unlike league of shitters this game isn't decided by the lane phase
Your SPM is decent, it can be improved like 1000+, but I feel like in certain games you seemed throwing the game.
Also your last hits are very bad. It seems like you have severe tunnel vision midgame judging from match duration, LH and SPM numbers. Did you focus too much on ganking and roaming rather than laning? You must not leave a lane unattended, ever.
How to change region I wanna play
they should add # of times parried to the lane stats.
>not forgoing last hits to get denies exclusively
denies only give half souls during laning phase so this will mean you at best keep pace with your opponent and almost certainly fall behind
Thanks for the honest feedback. Usually win my lane, gank, get walkers, and try to push. My teammates are usually all tunnelled into one lane and still lose a 4v2 tho.
That means they do too.
you are gonna end up behind you opponent and every other player in the match
Furgods own Valve.
>I literally haven't won a single game
whyd u get less denies are you bad also are you really bragging about winning lane vs what is essentially a melee hero as the closest thing to a zoner that exists
try not to laugh challenge impossible
>the closest thing to a zoner that exists
Nah that has to be Miku
>This was posted during American hours
>People laughing at him and calling him a night

>Same pic posted during EU hours
>People defending him and calling him based
Europeans being cucks once again lmao
maybe i wasn't clear: even if you are perfect at denying it can't give you more souls than your opponent
It isn't about coming out ahead it's about sabotage you dummy.
sabotaging your own fucking team lmao
>last 10 games haven't lost lane by souls,kills or my tower falling before opponents
>I'm going 4W6L
I'm pretty average as a player, so I can't seem to bridge the gap to be able to carry
Gimping a high value hero vs farming as a low value support.
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Deadlock needs a hero that looks exactly like lamb!
And also trans characters!
We already got one fur bait (Ivy) and one bara monster man (Abrams) and for the more normie we have the succubus/mostly humanoid devil woman (Haze) as well.

It's unlikely we'll get more for a while. While Dota 2 is a furchad paradise I honestly almost felt like it was getting to be too much. I'm hoping for less black women characters in the future but oh well.
Ivy is not a furry you retard.
Not this
one of then
ivy is trans
pocket is non binary
I just love the feeling of getting better and better at a game. God the start of any new fotm (potentially next big thing territory) multiplayer game is so good.
pocket is trans (male to nonbinary)
who's a good vindicta to watch? i wanna learn her
it's Valve, they only had 2 duds and those were VERY apparent from the start
It's so funny seeing people say goo ball is one of the worst ults in the game. It's by far one of the best. It's more reliable than abrams ult at cancelling enemy channeled ults.
Why was the anchor deleted
hag pubes
yeah and those were kinda low effort and low cost desu.
white pubes scare janny
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But I do play fighting games...
>playing soive
you should already have good mental then sorry anon if you haven't figured it out by now you might be unfixable

i'm not going to recommend +R to someone who's never played a fighting game
Just tell them to play Kekken. It has a way lower barrier of entry.
I hope Valve understands that they can't keep this "hype" alive for much longer, if closed alpha/beta continues, in a year everyone will forget about this game
Also, no cosmetics on launch = dead on arrival game
kekken is literally a party masher until like red ranks
i think getting cheesed by fake gimmicks when you don't even know what frame data is probably doesn't teach good mental
Because that's what happened with Dota, right?
They don't want "hype" for a fucking playtest.
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You forgot to mention the best fighter in the market
awful post, please don't post ever again
You do understand that right now market is full of MOBAs and if you can't keep the attention of the player, you will lose him, right?
Times are different old man
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>kekken is literally a party masher until like red ranks
stop pretending like you play fighting games, you tourist, embarassing
man for some reason i just love playing tanky dudes who can eat squishies alive in deadlock, just feels so powerful in this game
>the market is full of MOBAs
the market for MOBAs hasn't changed in 11 years buddy
For a reason, no one asked for another MOBA
the moba market is dota or lol for the last 12 years anon
smite 2
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it's literally one of the design goals, why do you think tekken is the only non-MK fighting game that people who don't play fighting games play?
the whole string system is made so that people who don't know what's going on can just mash buttons and cool stuff will happen
red ranks was an exaggeration but definitely below yellow ranks is just people abusing knowledge checks
uh huh
I feel like Venomancer when I play Infernus... even if I deal most damage in the game I feel useless, what is THE lategame item you are supposed to buy so you deal actual damage, not "useless damage"?
this game has a lot of flaws too, they keep swapping shit around because they dont know how to balance it

when the meta develops this game WILL become mega cancer, it already is sometimes
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you retard, people still smash in purple and blue
I feel like I have a duty to throw the match whenever the game puts me in position to carry 5 feeding shitter teammates. Just doing my part to help MMR sort the playerbase accordingly.
but they mash with intention instead of doing it because they have no idea what's going on
>90 hours total in a 7 year old fighting game
that's not even enough time to learn a single character
alright how do i sustain during the lane as geist
restorative shot seems pretty bad and life drain has a 40s cooldown so thats not realistic
bomb the creeps and heal at shop?
there's a creep that heals you for 50 every 5 seconds nigga
strive's multiplayer stopped working for like 5 months so i switched to jive but jive kind of sucks so i bought kekken
the online experience in 7 is terrible though so i went back to strive when it started working again
You would've used abare if you actually played fighting games. But nonetheless, try watching the replays at those levels, there are still people instinctively spam shit whenever they are put at a disadvantaged
Same as every other hero, don't be in position to be harassed and focus on last hitting. You have free heals from the healing minion. You only need healing items against bastard long range poke laners, or if you suck hard.
that's why you don't go bomb early because the more damage it does the more sustain you need, grab early game gun items like headshot booster and rush mystic shot for harass while maxing life drain with infuser then go into bomb stuff
this is why i don't go to tekgen, you guys are insane
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>tfw you'll never be good at Deadlock because you can't aim
The game has a built-in aim trainer.
>lose solo lane
>opponent trash talks
>lose game but still chance to win
>they mess up
>take aegis and bum rush their base
>about to win
>pause right before we end
>trash talk my opponent and send him to a fit of rage
>threatens to get me banned despite him starting the trash talking
>unpause and win
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So how do you guys think the whole community hero concept thing will work? If someone's character gets chosen will the devs contact the person who made them? Is it decided by a vote?
there is a community hero thing?
More melee and close ranged characters will fix this.
Have the devs said that they're actually interested in taking community concepts?
If not I assume the forum is just a containment zone because people are going to make and post those things whether there's a dedicated space for them or not. Probably the devs will mine it for ideas but taking whole concepts is a legal minefield unless they actually contact the proposer.
it really wont because you need to farm creeps in lane
The soul confirm mechanic.
nice larp
some person might be unlucky to have to read all of the ideas, then they take interesting parts of them and throw them into the brainstorm pit

no way they are lifting entire full kit ideas, just no way
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The official Discord and forum has sections dedicated for the community to pitch their own hero ideas.
Here's just one of them. One of the more recent ideas that gained fast popularity.
Well the forum has and entire section dedicated to community heroes and the Discord fan art section has a hero concept tag.
If they didn't plan on making any community characters a thing then i don't understand why they'd let people pitch character ideas.
it's a containment zone so whenever some retard starts spouting their idea they can be told there is an outlet for them on the forums.
Honestly i doubt that.
>If they didn't plan on making any community characters a thing then i don't understand why they'd let people pitch character ideas.
Because people are going to do that anyway and it makes sense to create a dedicated space for it instead of having them spill it all over the place.
then you are the exact kind of retard to fall for it.
It's true, all the ideas are retarded
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Now that's just pessimism.
All it'd do is encourage people to make their own characters, and the devs would only want to encourage that if they want community characters.
Maybe I'll be Pocket
I saved this image earlier tonight. So cute and beautiful.
I recently fixed my gaming posture and switched from anchoring my elbow on my armrest to floating it and resting my forearm on my table instead, elbows at 90 degrees and shoulders relaxed. All of the sudden I can aim now.
I'm already Pocket
what about Lady Geist
lady geist fucks young boys to drain their life essence
I'm already Pocket.
I'm already Pocket.
You ruined the bit pervert.
niggers, man.
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pipe down lil nigga
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Gib new Yamato design
when she ults it should play a loud YOOOOOOOOO sound
*gong resonates*
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>team fucks up lategame, gives away all base guardians
>ivy feeds constantly
>ignore enemies in our base and just rat the enemy purple lane
>dome over weakened patron while they're scrambling to get inside
>futakuchi hair throwing kunai
pretty neat
>kelvin fucks you over by trapping you and the entire enemy team repositions around you
Fucking hilarious. Anyone playing coldtard should kill themselves.
The duality of kelvin players
he NEEDS it
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What happened to all of Kevin's blood?
I'm just gonna press 4. I want 500 HP back right now. Who cares what happens.
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>lane against Viscous as Geist
for me, its tbagging people who you know will start typing to you
rushing the enemy patron with the ice dome is one of the funnier ways to cheese out a close game
a vampire took it
I know what this is from.
>6k damage in 37 minutes

Was this an afk?
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>Eastern europe wakes up
>instant influx of cheaters
No, genuinely just a shitty Vindicta player who Infernus/Kelvin/Mo kept jumping early
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This is a new type of shitter I've encountered. Farms all game, does nothing but farm, doesn't splitpush, doesn't gank, just farms and does nothing with the souls. A true griefer.
more souls will surely solve this problem
It ain't much but it's an honest living.
he's got a decent number of kills but that lack of assists is definitely a red flag
What is playstyle of Lash supposed to be? Hit & run?

which build nigga are you?
hit & run until you can fully dedicate into a dive so harass + initiator/ganker
Asshole initiator and ganker. He's not great in a sustained fight - use him to open up opportunities and sling vulnerable enemies back to your friends for easy kills
Are shields/damage resists must have?
they don't stay on eu?
why would they
Eastern Europe is just better than NA
>rpg knight
You always go a ratio of 3:2:2 (3 in the color of your choice) for 90% of characters unless you're a shitter.
>Had a shit game
>Decide to play one more "real" game before I can call it a day
>Get into lane and start trying really hard to harass and last hit so I can get an advantage
>Enemy lane partner always feels like they have an advantage over me
>End up killing me with a sliver of health in an exchange
>Get frustrated and try to ambush them
>Dying again, giving them an even bigger lead
>Remain on the backfoot for the rest of the match
>Feed with a shit k/d before other team slowly steamrolls and wins
>Had a shit game
doesn't matter if they have cheats
The way to avoid this is just to lick your wounds and quit after you've had a bad game. If you go into a game still feeling shitty after a loss, it definitely affects your decisionmaking.
You are lucky that you didn't play with me.
I would report you for griefing
>no double input protection
shaking my head
I died 3 times in a row to haze and still won the game. Yep I'm thinking skill issue
when I feed in lane I just fuck off and go farm
>not only they nerfed Paradox into unplayable state but her kinetic is also bugged
Fortunately it happened only in Sandbox but still.
>geist deletes her own spirit shield
I dunno but maybe they should change that interaction
No, fuck G*ist.
People are coping. Open shop and hover over weapon tab in the lower left of the screen. She has standard damage falloff, but what she does better than most is bullet velocity.
I may have found a bug? Bonus head shot weapon damage from Headshot Booster and Headhunter scales with your fall-off range which makes sense, but they don't benefit from the increased fall-off range from Sharpshooter.
>they don't benefit from the increased fall-off range from Sharpshooter.
Sharpshooter is bugged, Vindicta gets fucked as always
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at the elo im at, you can tell who is going to win from hero selection
when my team takes a T2 or T3 and decides to just chill around for another thirty seconds for no reason and then die, I just lose all will to even try in the game. Assuming I even win that game, it was obviously just due to dumb luck.
Dead game
Dead thread
You had wraith though, and she's completely broken
yeah honestly they made the same mistake of dota 2 of making the obvious and FUN way to play the game the WRONG way to play

having to farm and wait for a huge networth lead and the mid boss to respawn is just so boring. And the urn is the worst culprit. Literally forcing the player who wants to win the most to disarm themselves and let themselves get ganked while their retard team does random shit.

It's just a very very badly designed objective and winning system
Not really, she's an effective duelist and a decent assassin but can't CC for shit outside of her ult (almost everyone has CC on their ult)
If the average player had more than 2 neurons to rub together they'd be able to properly judge Roshan and urn timings instead of jerking off when they have momentum.
Wow, Abrams fucking sucks when you don't have a team that communicates
>looks like someone is in lane
>go in
>suddenly I'm fucking alone
I literally have no friends
We know, Ivy...
How do you mitigate how fucking slow Geist is

I've tried boots and warpstone and I just want to kms getting to every fight
what EU hours that shit was posted at 8 am retard
Only early game. Late game abrams can take on an entire team by himself.
NA matchmaking closed
Ivy is objectively the discord troon magnet character
melee viscous is so useless lmao. Spectating what I can only assume is a high elo viscous who is incredibly good at movement and aiming and even after landing like 4 puddle punches in a row, it just does absolutely nothing for the team.
this game is fucked, doesn't matter if you win lane and gain 10k advantage over everyone. if your team chain feeds you lose no matter what.
>Dead Ga-ACK!
Underlords has a bigger all time peak and look at it now. This game has two more weeks left to live at best.
>anon discovers mobas and competitive team games
It's going to overtake Underlords in like a week. Hits a new peak every weekend.
that is the key to making people play
losing is never your own fault like it is in 1v1
there's a difference between growing interest and falling off after release
aren't you just a ray of sunshine
Just double-checked it and I think you're right. Seems like it's worth reporting on the forums.
Damn, now I wish I actually tested the bonus headshot damage that Sharpshooter used to have. It'd be quite funny if that also had the same bug and no one noticed because so few people bought it.
Underlords was a legitimate success that Valve fumbled because they treated it like a mini-game rather than a full game. Look at Teamfight Tactics' gigantic success because Riot kept pouring more money into it.
>game 1 is super close but we get a leaver on the team and barely lose after 40 minutes
>game 2 is close for a while but then we get a leaver and everyone instantly leaves
>game 3 is not close at all and the 0/4 guy leaves when his tower dies
>game 4 I'm a solo player against a 6 stack with ridiculously wide skill variance so there's one guy with 9k networth and another guy with 40k networth
Classic moba experience.
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>Game 1 someone on my team has 60k souls with zero game impact
>Game 2 someone on my team has 60k souls with zero game impact
>Game 3 someone on my team leaves
Did some retarded streamer tell his audience of children to farm 24/7 and never contribute anything? Why are these shitters sucking all of the souls out of the map and then using their items to shoot creeps?
he's just clinkz from dota
i blame the hippies
How come I never had any issues with roadhog hooks, but with bebop I can't hook shit...
>brap blast
its literally just dedicated moba players finding out the game is dota instead of overwatch and now flocking over. They think they can become l33t hypercarries when that's just not how this game works.
people really think they can outfarm being down 0-4 on walkers and having 1 flex slot while the enemy has 3
Can i build refresher on Warden or is it really fucking retarded
Something just clicked in my games.
Suddenly it's no longer about people feeding down orange lane past the 10 minute mark.
Well I'm also guilty about not wanting to do urn or push out waves even when I know it's the best play. It's not fun though, and that's bad game design to make the fun thing different than the winning thing.
They're trying to actually win the game. Of course, when the team feeds and dies one by one there's nothing they can do after that.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
they think they're trying to win the game but dont understand they need to hit lane creeps when their team is dying, not jungle creeps

i've noticed this shit way too much , retards cutting waves instead of just taking a fight where we outnumber them they go and farm jungle while we are stuck in base and could wipe them with their help
counterpoint: the team shouldn't be dying
you get nothing from winning a fight if your lanes aren't pushed
Why Valve is always behind trends?
Artifact is dead because they were too late to cash-in in card game genre
And now they are doing same with Deadlock
Who the fuck asked for this?
I didn't ask for it but I like it
Can someone explain me why Debuff Remover is the way to go against Bebop?
you press it and his bombs are completely removed.
Bombs are debuffs.
Oh I see, that makes sense then,
yeah man, the enemy team just doesn't exist. They surely won't take advantage of the fact that they are 1 man up by playing more aggressive and initiating with ultimates that are dedicated to initiating.
there are a lot of ways to dive in this game and towers are a joke

there is simply no way to avoid dying without giving up 3x as much farm. and that's also boring, just show up to your team. if you are farming like a retard on wraith and refuse to just come and ult someone every once and a while I'm there's a high chance you just suck ass and I really don't care that much
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oh how i wish for a shot of vindicta flying about with bebop on the ground grappling straight for her ghostly feet

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>We're playing 5v6 since someone on our team is farming
>Better push out to the enemy walker on one single lane that's flanked by two fully pushed enemy lanes
>6 loses in the row
When will that MM pity kick in?
Paradox and Elsie Bray should make out.
>has to make up the worst possible scenario to fight in
yeah otherwise you would have to admit that your strategy is retarded lmao
at 45% WR game starts forcing you back to 50/50
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>Win lane early
>Let the creeps get to my tower and zone the fuck out of the enemy laner while lasthitting
>as soon as the creeps return to the enemy tower, dude immediately holds LMB clearing the wave, and allowing it to reset next to my tower again
>he repeats this until the laning phase is over, just letting me zone him away from the wave, preventing him from farming

Is there something in the water wherever this guy lives?
>wins lane early
>doesnt push guardian

How does it feel to be 1k mmr
Bro, I'm playing Vindicta I don't wanna leave the lane early, I just want some lasthits...
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>character associated with that kind of people
i now hate your character.
Free my jiggla.
heard they like breathing oxygen too
it's always funny how these people shove their mental illness anywhere they can instead of just their avatar or bio
i know, good advice!
don't let retards ruin things for you or you'll have nothing left in this day and age.
Nobody asked for it but it's actually good, so heh
They overbuffed Haze
>Caring about what mentally ill people do and talk
It's a mental illness of its own
Ivy is nice :)
Goddamn I love being carried
I am addicted to being a net negative to my team yet winning anyway
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Haze didn't need any buffs. Only retarded streamers were crying that she needed to be better because they clicked the enemy and didn't immediately win.
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Vindicta ability rework soon (I am delusional)
yep, it's peak moba experience
I kinda doubt she'll stay the way she is since she's just shittier grey talon
literal unironic skill issue
Vindicta is still called Hornet in the game files, a character from Neon Prime that was supposed to have glidiing and very strong gun damage from the air, with a charged skillshot.
They gave most of that kit to Talon and left her to hang
How do we have such a small hero roster and there are already 2 with Katarina ult?
or you know maybe modern mice are double clicking junk
who's katarina?
Probably some LOLshit
The league hero that presses R to deal aoe damage in a circle around her.
why are lolbabs in this thread

fuck off faggots
>be viscous
>follow my team's kelvin around
>he domes four guys in
>I just roll around in a circle constantly knocking them up and doing ludicrous damage
insanely fun
Steve Ligma Jobs said something along the lines of 'customers don't know what they want until you show it to them' which applies to Deadlock perfectly, nobody asked for it but it's really really good.
pretty sure we had abilities like that in games since the 90s
I doubt LoL invented it
there is a 100% chance that the pros of this game will be from league and not from dota since league is mostly based on skill shots and not just some 2000 hour knowledge check of how many millimeters an enemy heroes kill range is depending on their farm
vindicta is so fucking fun wtf
league is much more popular than dota sorry you had to heard about it only now
>League is more popular than Dota
... In South East Asia
if it's so great then go play it
I don't even play league. I just know it's an example of boring hero design when you press a button and watch your hero fart out damage while you spectate for multiple seconds.
Is it possible to set up custom matches, so 6v6 with all friends?
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league has the single hottest female in vidya i must admit
i did for 10k hours
and in eu..and korea..and japan...and china...
dota is only popular in russia and i have no clue what retarded americans play, i guess it's still just cod and madden since league is dead there too
>"Vindicta is bad"
>only has one objectively bad skill (crow)
She's actually pretty good in a vacuum she just suffers from characters that dick her being strong and popular
league is not more popular in eu
>1 second queue time
holy based
Does he know?
>hurrr where rank
>hurrr where cosmetics
>hurrr where new game modes
>hurrr where balance patch

you live service niggers are the reason soulful games with good gameplay do not exist anymore
lol, everyone moved on 10 years ago except slavs
I hate this current patch. Every single game is decided by which team has the fed Haze ultbot. They buffed her way too fucking hard.
haze is the most balanced char i constantly see people cry that she's too weak or too strong
The zoomers begging for this have never known anything else. Concepts like unlocking skins through gameplay or enjoying winning a match without seeing a "you ranked up" screen are alien to them
build bullet resist retard
>he doesn't fuck haze with metal dick
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>>hurrr where cosmetics
Who the fuck wants cosmetics in game like this ?
reading the forum doesn't require an account anymore

thank god overwatch and LoL exists to vaccuum up these losers

i hope when the game releases they just fucking ignore it and balance it once a year like dota
Bro Seven is such a noob stomper lmao he sucks ass just anvil him or leave his ult LMAOOO how are noobs crying about him
just warp stone away nigga
stop noticing things
No Metal Foreskin?
7 is a gun carry, not an ult bot, you low mmr shitter
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aaand i was right about this one
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I'M NOT LOW MMR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RESPECT ME
about troons not even playing the games? yeah big surprise
literally does nothing
literally lasts less than the ult
you literally need metal skin AND warp stone
I'm talking about the [DEMOGRAPHIC] that laughs at people feeding to Seven's ult, yet complain about themselves feeding to Haze's ult.
bro your dash jump
she warp stoned after me
>can't kill haze in 4 seconds while she's crawling around at a snail's pace
is there an epic source cheat code that makes the game not shit itself if you alt tab
borderless fullscreen
post dlt
Seven has a 64% win rate at top MMR.
"spirit is underpowered"

t. can't aim
he does not
b-but he's totally balanced because knockdown
>still have to get close enough during ult and wait out the 2 second timer and fucking die while he gets free aoe damage for no effort
I find it hilarious that Valve devs have been sharing a discord with these people for 5 months and their job necessitates they read this shit
what's the official discord, i googled for one and it was just a fanmade one with no yoshi in it
there's a one-time link to join it in game, at least there used to be
that shit usually makes the game feel randomly laggy but i'll try it
91% pickrate
19% sneedrate
100% feedrate
59% winrate is balanced
no one plays ulti seven at high mmr
>This is gonna sound crazy but top 2% is actually dog shit. It was the same in dota. Divine players regularly had glaring flaws in their gameplay despite being top 1%. You could only call yourself high MMR when you were on that leaderboard. I only got to Divine V before quitting for good.
Ayy, random ancient 4 trashcans might be viewed as a chaos monkeys by high divines/immortals, but at least it's a level where people actively attempt to play something that does resemble a game of dota. In your average 3k pub people make no attempts to play the damn game, and at that level not rushing aghs as a first item on farm stealing WD might as well be considered a grief. You play quite different at these lower levels.
t. ex ancient 4 trashcan
MMR system is fucked and if you are indeed at lower elo you can get a lot of new players, for example ex OW babies that know how to aim and use their abilities but have no idea about any of the moba macro shit. Just observe and probably assume that your team will run into shit like retards and so will the enemy and just pick some ricing farm shit that will let you to outmacro everyone by the virtue of not suiciding into a dumb shit and keeping up your farm. It's Seven or Haze, you just move around map farming and pushing lanes, use brains to buy slowing hex to dagger kill pubstomping lash/vindic/talon (or silence for pocket) and eventually press ult to win.
I buy metal skin every time, but my teammates don't and they just stand in her ult on repeat
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>when the """pro"""" build doesnt include superior stamina
having orbs stolen is pure ragefuel
i've submitted a bunch of kits and have seen at least two abilities possibly influencing a hero ability and a new item so far. will they take a hero idea verbatim? no, but they will definitely look at the ability kits for inspiration
>kali boomerang but ult, generic leap, generic nade, abram's shoulder charge with bonuses

don't like it, very uninspired
geist's gun is insane and she rapes viscous in the matchup, learn to aim
>Ivy stunned Seven out of his ult

Who wins anons, a giant ass lightbulb who almost got executed in prison because he became edgy and lived or 2 tons of stone latina ass
this game needs matchmaking pronouns so they can get my pronouns right in-game
>for example ex OW babies that know how to aim and use their abilities but have no idea about any of the moba macro shit
They exist in top featured matches too sadly. They were just better at aiming than the other OW babies.

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