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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Combat UI update
Felix, Flandre and Shimanto Fate Sims
More games added to the arcade prize shop
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Pittsburgh ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbK3XDyYe1c
Daedalian Hymn added to war archives- Vittorio Veneto, Duca degli Abruzzi, Aquila, Torricelli, Maestrale, Libeccio permanent

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
Nagato META
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana
Mutsuki theme park kin
Whence the Dust Settles

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>492827962
New cunny L2D when?
This dorm thing has potential to revamp the public's interest in the game, but they need to do it properly.
Nowadays most modern gachas have a 3d gimmick of some sort, so just making a half assed set of 3d models won't cut it.
AL needs to add something that will turn heads, don't ask me what but it needs to be some special gimmick only we will have and people will be forced to look into our game to find.
They need 3D models of characters people give a shit about and not random nobody shitters.
well the models they show in chink streams are popular botes plus the obligatory chinks
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Aunt oath skin soon.
They need all botes and all skins
Sex with botes
732 unique scenes fully animated and voiced
Chen Hai is legit popular on CN, at least.
No, that won't make the cut. Nowadays there are characters from other gachas way more popular than our big hitters who get 3d models. It needs to be a gimmick, not a character. Something that you can only do in Azur Lane.
>732 unique scenes fully animated and voiced
Can't wait for this game's install size to be like 100+GB.
I disagree, this isn't to say the dorm isn't a welcome edition but it doesn't really address the main problem the game has which is its very subpar gameplay (and this by gacha standards of gameplay), not helped by the fact manjuu is just very slow in updating things of this degree, in other words it will probably be like tb sim, something neat but ultimately something that only lasts for a few weeks and doesn't really change anything
Artificial bug popularity, fake like everything elsw over there.
Ass slapping. We can already do it in a lot of L2D skins.
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Drowning in Scylla's bottomless love!
They need to update the game to make it a proper bullet hell. As is the gameplay is so bad everyone just autos. There needs to be some incentive to actually play.

Add stuff like map pickups. More active abilities. Fewer missions but make them longer. There's a lot they could try.
Also sticking to making 3d models of popular boats is the definition of a half assed set of 3d models. A recipe for failure. You can make it popular boats only, but it needs way more.
Nikke already capitalizes asses a lot though, we need to turn heads with something never seen before, not copying/upgrading slightly from other gachas
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the problem with Azur Lane is that you need to make a new game from the ground up, AL is too dated to make an interesting gaming experience. Could go the GFL2 route where they make a second game with new combat mechanics, with cold war era and beyond ships.

making it into a proper bullethell would drive away a lot of the current players and wouldn't really bring that many in
I don't understand how the jello nikke girls are popular. I think AL actually has better gameplay between the two as well.

I actually have a good idea. Let us set our phone so it seems like we're laying next to bed with our bote. So you can sleep next to them as they snooze.
It doesn't need to be a hardcore bullet hell. But the gameplay as is doesn't really reward you much vs auto.
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Game need 3D feets
whatever happened to random card game mode that they tested out a while ago and gave it this equipment out for
>Can't even spell teacher right
Good riddance to the cunt.
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A real time-honored /alg/ tradition
they said after the test they are reworking it but I think its fair to say by this point its probably dead, honestly if they just made it turn based it would have probably been far better recieved
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
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>collabing with a dead literal who franchise
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>we need to turn heads with something never seen before, not copying/upgrading slightly from other gachas
Boat pregnancy.
Then SKK will be too busy licking them to do any work.
Wasn't there also talk of some rougelike mode or something a while ago?
SKK does work? When does he even have time?
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Doesn't he know that bullets can't harm botes?
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I love my goth bote gf
We do have the same level of fan service as well. If we are talking about things (you) do with the girls wise.
the gun is for himself before he gets dragged into the ijn rape dungeon
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The recently released submarines are maddeningly erotic.
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What are your hopes for jp anni skins?
Essex Skin
Essex Oath
Essex META
Essex Retrofit
Imagine going for a swim in the pool and getting cornered by subs.
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Auntie party dress soon
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I just want this comfy skin
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I just hope they do an over-the-top l2d skin with a lot of interactions
As long as she puts her minecraft bed next to mine.
Botes that make me cum
Skins that make me cum
A fun sidestory event
>A fun sidestory event
It might be making an amusement park, so some bote is getting smooched at the top of the ferris wheel.
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Leave room for Plymouth's on the other side
>Auntie grooms SKK on Discord
Why was this never approved?
Because they hate Essex
I believe it.
How many botes would groom SKK on discord? I am thinking almost all of them.
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
they know
I am into botes, little or not.
SKK is into big tiddy bitches though
Why can they make godtier sol stories, but cant give a shit about the actual game story? Look at BA, people discuss the campaign
Here? Shit
Ulrich says that Slayer stays on while fucking
There are discussions the first week an event comes out
Did you choose to ignore all the people talking about the mini story?
I made Brennus my woman.
Good choice, Swordbearer
Maybe i never did the event. But when Jintsuu mentions what happened way back in the past back when akagi was a battlecruiser with amagi, what is it she is explaining? Is it how Amagi got so damaged she needed to stay sealed in a tree that had corruption in it?
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Lolisashi my beloved.
Yeah, Amagi is "sick" because her hull was damaged(due to an earthquake). and due to the treaty the Sakuras had to scuttle her. Nagato chose to put her to rest under the sacred sakura so she could look for a way to bring Amagi back in the future.
The Washington Naval Treaty getting used as some sort of defining historic moment in AL's lore is one of the most stupidest things imaginable.
It made sense before, now not so much since they chose to go this far from the historic perspective
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I've been in Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Wichita, Oklahoma, Baltimore, Washington, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Colorado, Nebraska, Alaska
Did this take place in an event or something? I know there was an event about Amagi and BB kaga but all I remember from that event is it was a battle match or something. That and Kaga arguing that people only like Amagi because of her quote "massive rack".
Crimson echoes, that was it,
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I love my auntwife
AL needs to get with the times and ditch static 2d skins. Dynamic should be the minimum for new releases. It's baffling to me how few good skins they actually put out a year.
Crimson Echoes, yes.
Just for reference, all Sakura Empire events have been in their own bubble until now.
uh oh

Lolischizo won't like this one.
Im halfway through reading the current story, is it worth reading all of crimson echoes?
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Does it ever get brought up with any other faction? Like Sara and Lex being pissed at their sisters being abandoned for construction, or Nelson and Rodney wondering if they would exist if it never happened?
This treaty changed naval history, and it should not be regulated to some sob story for Akagi and Kaga.
There are a handful of references to Crimson Echoes that have been put in to the more recent stories, but they generally explain themselves. The only thing you would have really missed until now is that Windchimes = Amagi.
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Do we know when the next RN event will be? My lust for classy big titty botes and busty dutiful maids is unending.
Where the FUCK are the other Iowa class?
So crimson Echoes directly talks about the washington treaty? I thought Azur Lane hated doing real world historical tie ins now.
After the anson disaster, not for a while
Nah, the treaty became a focal point for amagi's plot and isn't brought up for anything else
I don't remember if it directly uses its name, but the treaty is mentioned by Nagato.
>I thought Azur Lane hated doing real world historical tie ins now.
Crimson Echoes was one of the first events, so that was back when the story was more history focused, and considering they have kept the Sakura plot more or less on the same path since they started it. So it would be hard to take out the historical start to it.
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These are my wives
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But the gist is sexy amagi nee san got fucked by an earthquake and has been stuck in tree sap since forever and akagi is going apeshit trying to bring her back. In the prcoess courrpting herself, amagi and all of Japan?
For the most part yes. ALL of the Sakura botes wanted to bring her back to be clear, Akagi is the only one doing absolute batshit things to attempt it.
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I thought it referred to that card game... which was conceptually flawed and not worth developing, imo. And I love roguelikes.
I don't think Amagi is literally sick because of a earthquake, her core was corrupt for some reason.
Meanwhile the other factions get to do nothing because SE just gets to not have to deal with other ships on their soil because Japan is still a locked country in AL for some reason. After this I want Americans on Jap soil please.
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Something for Ranger, please? And Brooklyn and Repulse. I don't think all three are realistic, but at least one...
Not really? All the botes are there ready to do something about it now since it is a problem. Keep in mind the build up to this event is the only point Akagi went unhinged.
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hopefully never
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The earthquake is what fatally wounded the real-life Amagi. I don't think the game's ever referred to an earthquake, just had her always coughing because of a chronic illness, because of some cube thing.

I wonder where they'll take the plot. It'd be nice for a Sakura plot to make sense for once.
>cuckshit spammer is back
it's all so tiresome
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The earthquake damaged her hull, so when she was cube'd the damaged hull was brought with her. That is why she is sick, the damage to her hull.
Even though the story took over 5 years to finally get to this point in real time, in game, the events of the story have not even gone to accumulate a full year.
It's only really been a few months since Divergent Chessboard.
He's here all day
>>492934729 (me)
To add onto this, Lexington has the same problem. Her hull is so fucked she has to stay in the tank to stay alive. The only solution for both of them is create a new body(hull) for them to inhabit. It is why the Type 2 didn't work for Lexington like it did for Yorktown and the others.
This event will probably be Amagi getting a new body (no longer sick), and then taking that knowledge and fixing Lexington.
So, I feel like we missed some parts. Is the first time we see akagi at the tree with the mask? Why was Kaga there and why did Kaga let herself be sacrificed?
crimson echos is worth a read in my opinion
Is the first time we see akagi at the tree with the mask?
>Why was Kaga there and why did Kaga let herself be sacrificed?
Kaga promised Amagi that she would look after Akagi. Kaga is there to stop Akagi from sacrificing herself to bring back Amagi, so Kaga takes Akagi's spot as the sacrifice to keep her promise to Amagi.
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Why did it say Kaga BB. Kaga is a carrier by now, or is it referencing crimson echoes?
Also that scene did make a bit sad, the shot of Kaga looking at akagi and seeing amagi. CRYYYYY
>Why did it say Kaga BB
EN fuck up, it doesn't say it in other languages
My other mom...
Seeing poor Kaga get tree roots and dying. Did Kaga give her her protective emblem to akagi so that she would be sacrificed?
>Did Kaga give her her protective emblem to akagi so that she would be sacrificed?
Yeah she swapped them without Akagi knowing.
Doesnt akagi say she already lost hers previously?
Also how come this whole chain of events is because none of the characters can let amagi go? Just let the beautiful fox waifu whos kind and sweet......actually bring her back please.
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breed sirens
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Al in all, Akagi is a retarded jobber who got her sister killed
This image caused wide spread seething through botechan.
Akagis only purpose in life is to be Es foot rest
iirc Amagi is pretty much the #2 to Nagato, and everyone likes her.
>Also how come this whole chain of events is because none of the characters can let amagi go?
It's actually more so now because Akagi didn't trust (you). Which is what Nagato tells her at the end.
Audacious, invincible.
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Essex Killed The Radio Star
E will identify with Akagi, and back her up when everyone else wants to punish her. She has to play the protagonist like in the anime, now that it's starting to intertwine.
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I thought Nagato just said to akagi that she's an idiot and she shouldve asked shkikan for help.
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Many such cases!
nah I have the script and half the scenes will be E giving Akagi massive amounts of rape correction, all the while she is holding her hand, without protection
Lin is my auntgf and told me everything
Pretty much. The only instance of bringing a bote back from "death" has been (you). Not counting the stuff with Hood. Think of it like Saratoga and Lexington. Saratoga decided to believe in (you), Akagi didn't. Opposite sides of the same coin.
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I like cute knight girls
This also makes me think in general with SE chracters, if Amagi can make sacred protection amulets for her sisters why not make a lot of them? That way Kaga wouldnt have to give akagi hers so that way she dies instead of her.
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I may be misremembering, but I think a sacrifice was required. So one of them had to "die"
Inb4 the new body will be an x-machinery
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Marco will be waking up soon.
Funniest part of the anime was Akagi getting yeeted.

And then the cutest part was E hugging Akagi after rescuing her.
>party skin l2d
What can they even give amagi to make it exciting, wedding dress? Bunny suit? Onsen?
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japs and their l r mixups will never not be cute
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Guam sex
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Finally got around to reading the story. Whole country's going to shit and Ibuki just randomly shows up in a kimono with a bunch of kids like this is going to help lol
So akagi wanted her to die with her? Did she want to bring amagi back or die then?
No, Akagi wanted to die for it. Akagi thought Kaga had protection so it would just be here. She wasn't aware Kaga had given it to her.
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The SE needed to be knocked down a peg. The just as planned bullshit that was going on in every other event was wearing even the Manjuu writers out.
What if Yamato shows up, but gets the Soyuz treatment? And more onsen/sauna skins when?
So Akagi didnt want her sister back she wanted to die to bring her back because akagi for some reason think shes a failure at life?
She is a failure at life
Japs Keikaku Doori doesnt even work. When the EU comes to fight them the EU usually wins. Magical sakura powers mean nothing when Americans just punch them.
This has this board’s energy
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military uniform
Who could it be?
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All the talk about Akagi "leading the Empire" do they mean militarily or politically? Or both? I've never been sure on exactly how much civilian authority kansen have, if any.
Slutty blonde bimbo
its one of those things that change when the plot needs it to change, sometimes they are under some civilian government, other times they are the government
I really fucking hope she wakes up this JP Anni or this December
I find it funny how people don't really respect Nagato because she is so indecisive. But she was pretty damn quick to scrap Kaga and Tosa without a single bit of hesitation in the Crimson Echoes flashback.
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Nobody beats sleeping, nobody
Here (you) go.
Nagato used to be more decisive back in the day
I spent the summer vacation at my aunt's place and she's now pregnant
how am I going to explain this to my mother?
Yamato is in charge anyway.
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I would consider trusting am elf but I will never trust the perfidious albion
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Buy things from your guild shop.
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You should watch yourself around the other two as well.
Introduce her to the dock worker and tell mom he knocked her up, she'll believe it without question.
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brest sexo
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bighead meeting in 30 minutes
I'll be there
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fuck off
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who else is coming?
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You mean mutsukihead
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*ignores you*
it's not even 30 minutes yet
found this on my old phone
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we all know xe's a seapag
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Lovely elfwife
she looks just like that elf from the fatass anime that is airing this season
when do we get our very own chocoelf?
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wifechorage raped me
weird headcanon
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post pics that make you diamonds
Which one should I max limit break from the following?
Laffey 2
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canon headcanon
laffey tsu imo
great tank that will carry you through the campaign
if you have other UR BBs vanguard is a priority as well
shinano can be raised with dupes eventually
the other 2 are not really worth doing while you have the others to raise
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Show me all your URs first.
bel! bel again!
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Militarily. In Violet Tempest, Blooming Lycoris, Akagi says:
>I am not qualified to be the leader of the Sakura Empire. Nobody understands that better than myself.
>But I AM the only person who can save our land and our people.
>Bismarck, you foolishly rejected this gift.
>But, I am not like you. I am not afraid to wield this great power.
>And with this power, I will continue to guide the Sakura Empire towards its true future, until this power can be passed over to righteous hands.
>To those ends, there is no sacrifice I will not make.
>Even if I am rejected, spurned, and burned at the stake... Not only by the Sakura Empire, but by the whole world...
>I... will transcend "God."
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You've got some weird fetishes bro
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Belfast love.
Speaking of that event, Amagi said Hermit was pretending to be Amagi, and Akagi was going to come for her mainframe.

But none of what just happened involved Hermit or her mainframe, did it? I'm confused.
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she is my BELoved
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I know the best units are the DR units but it's taking quite a while to get the prints. I'm not going to use my level 1 copies.
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Laffey 2, then Vanguard, then Shinano.

If you have Hakuryuu at dev 30 or higher, then you can make a case for Shinano before Vanguard. If you have Eldridge retrofitted, maybe even Shinano before Laffey 2 but probably not. You'll (slowly) collect Shinano dupes anyway, and they can go toward limit breaking her.
Finish Kron
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Oath your laffey
What kind of kino she's have?
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I fucked up, I shouldn't have made Brennus my woman. She's a nympho.
Return her if you can't handle her, I'll find someone else that could keep up.
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This cutie is a nympho? hard to believe.
I see you fell for the usual trap. No refunds.
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From what I've heard, it's actually just a reference to the promise she made to Amagi.
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I want to Enter this Prise
Calm down belfast
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I think with how things are going there will definitely be an AL2.
I somewhat hope it's more on the strategy side of things.
Considering that it's the assfag game I'd say they're popular because of apes, also based idea btw I need to try that lucid dreaming shit meself.
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Literally pictures for SKK though
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Why is the cow (animal) so detailed but the cow (Kersaint) is not?
For Cow reasons.
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I willed it to be so.
The average height of a holstein cow is about 4'10", so Kersaint is a womanlet.
>Small but large
Perfect, all of my destroyers should be built like this.
>Kersaint is a womanlet.
In other words, she is perfect.
to short
Chans are dwarves by the way, not younger alts
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Every detail is going to her huge destroyer titties
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Sorry, not possessive enough!
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Lovely fox
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I asked for a super detailed cow and I got it.
Probably was on her "To kill" list, she killed the copy and was satisfied by it I suppose, I guess she was either tricked or believed that Xmagi would handle that anyways (Seems she picked on Tester instead)
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it was me
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I'm skeptical... on the main screen I prefer detailed 2D over lo-fi 3D, and the dorm isn't something I think should get much development effort. Project Identity-style cutscenes would not make me like the game any more.
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botes are so cool bros
God i want to see her getting destroyed by fat cow cock
For most players, a good BB fleet is more versatile than a CV fleet, because it can comfortably fight all types of armor just by changing 3 guns. So you need to finish your Vanguard for Alsace+Soyuz+Vanguard backlines.
kersaint would never
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fuck Plym
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Love mimori
Nothing can revive AL. Anyone that thing AL problem is gameplay and not FOMO is retard.
There won't be AL2. Why the fuck even you want it? It won't be generous like AL and it will reset your progress. Except if you're not playing AL anymore.
AL's gameplay is ass, it looks like ass, plays like ass and you have to pay for dorm space, you have to pay for academy space fuck, you even have to pay for space to keep your botes
it just feels like the game is trying to jew you at every angle
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Kek I was thinking of the same thing too.
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Good morning!!!
Shittiest forced meme in a good while
good morning
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what a cute boy (female)
It's literally a blue archive meme
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>Says this
>META version is a traitor of mankind by siding with the pro X Deus-X
Sure thing.
>any criticism must be from a shitposter
he doesn't even have any of the same talking points
uh huh sure
Ignore the paid shill
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I love my gamer wives
Criticism is for nothing if you’re not trying to pressure Manjuu for change.
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True sister. True.
I love BA too
then fuck off already you fucking nigger
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jack queen king ace
You dont play poker?
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What? The Queen of Spades?
I don't like seeing my cute tradwife dog getting hurt.
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This /trash/ retards are something else

First: Nothing can revive AL. Anyone that thing AL problem is gameplay and not FOMO is retard.

This is just like Handmaid’s Tale being used as a GFL2 asset lol
Embrace thine oblivion
As shall she
>This retards
my bad - this retard*
>implying that was what the artist was thinking when he drew that
>arguing with /trash/ troon
That was a
>muh triads
>muh yakuza
thing thoughbeit
Xe is going all in huh.
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>my pornrotted brain cannot comprehend the fact that this sequence of cards is supposed to depict what any poker player knows as a royal flush to further add to the whole casino singer theme that Cheshire's skin has got going on.
>no, it can't be that, it has to be a reference to my cuck porn fantasies!!!!
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Can you just ignore xis bait?
That’s strange, when I saw discussions about the tattoos it was about how it is seen as a criminal thing in Asia
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Cute hebe
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I'm very happy with the South Dak class especially with Indiana finsihing it off strong, still wish they leaned a bit more into the native theme but overall great class and great style
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Janny saved xis friend once again but will not ban xim
Cheshire is in control of EVERYONE
she's not even a criminal type so why would she show up one day with tattoos?
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Can you stop give xim (you's) ?
That guy is an NTR artist so he's going to interpret it in the worse way to get off on his own fantasies.
If shit doesn’t get deleted, the next best thing is giving the appearance of pushback and opposition
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Same thing every day
Start with BA shitposting and contitiue with /trash/ shitposting

for AT LEAST a year now
Chances of Aegir getting an oath skin this anniversary?
lol when the skin came out there was such an outrage manjuu had to come out and damage control saying the tattoos were only temporary and brem gave it to her
Yes and the explanation I saw was that tats are seen as criminal in asian society
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>schizo: blue archive
uh huh sure
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What did Daisen mean by this?
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Nah, just specific tattoos like irezumi are associated with crime, yantra tattoos are common in Japan and nobody will bat an eye
The tribal tattoos baltimore has imply something else though lol.
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someone shitty drawing of minsk
Cute Minsk
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>i dig up a non-4chan comment on the matter of tattoos because fuck you
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essexification has started
Yep, that's why fantasy tats like the one z46 has doesn't draw much attention.
>believe in /trash/ troon words in the first place
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fucked oklahoma
Source: some random on danbooru
Even your guy admits random women in retail stores have tattoos lol
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nyoooo you don't get it there's a stigma against tattoos even though half the workforce has one...
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I'm all against trashtroons but what the dude depicts in that comment is exactly the narrative that led the west to be filled with trannies and feminists, so not a good argument
No i WILL get baited and i WILL reply to it and there is nothing you can do about it retard
post more husbando (female) botes
eh, it keeps the thread on the front page so do whatever.
Tattoos are for retarded subhumans.
>if we let women get tattoos they'll turn into feminists and men!!
But at what cost to the word of mouth on the game? When an outsider opens this thread to learn more about the game and banter, what do they see?
Tasteful and subtle tattoos like numbers or blood type are perfectly acceptable
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
I like the concentration camp tattoos the kikes have
Basically "robot"core
Knife-ears fleet
It's a stock 3d model
can we post bote milk instead of just suffering with his samefagging for the 12th time this night
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Nah I'm thinking more like these
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Welp, looks like the cuckposters have successfully derailed the thread and the conversation will continue on this trajectory for probably the rest of the thread.
See you next thread, I guess.
Holy sexo
>nyakhimov’s cherno alpha tier rigging
I will remind you that cherno alpha got killed by a sea gorilla
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It's not too late to turn things around, over half a thread left to go
i have a 力 (strength) tattoo on my leg which I use as a conversation starter with japs and none of them ever treated me like a criminal.
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Impossible, the internet told me japs are a hivemind who all hold the same opinions and act the same way!
the takeaway of this shitshow of half a thread is don’t let ntr live rent free in your head
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This Mutsu is literally Nagato
It's a really old game. That's why the hurdle is too high to play it now.
>Anyone that's not sucking manjuu's dick is shitposter!
You fag is really blind to reality, huh. It's hard for new player to pick up AL now and that's a fact.
Oh and it's really funny that you dismiss criticism like from Pedofag yesterday. His concern is legit. The last sexualized loli is Hatsuzuki. But because I don't care about loli, let's just ignore it, lmao.
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Chikuma skin this next event, please?
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Where the fuck did my pic go
is that a
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It's not entirely untrue though, japs do judge people based on the kind of tattoo they have, the tattoo jade has is innocuous, but the ones baltimore have obviously implies something else.
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Recharging with Nakhimov
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Gib missiles
>a loli
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Woah just like how we're generally okay with tattoos but judge skinheads with swastika tattoos? So you're trying to say japs are capable of pattern recognition as well? Incredible.
Would you drink it?
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yes I would drink Bels tea
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Winter clothing for mog
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would you
Inshallah now this is a muslimma I can bring to maghrib and show to my Imam!
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>*kills your Kaga*
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Teen shinano not chan
I always would kyiv.
>visible pussy
Yes for Kiev
With friends like these (you), russia really didn’t have to do anything lol
but they did and it’s their funeral
I did say that was winter clothing by her standard
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Would you drink it?
Sex on the rocks
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No I want a different flavour of sex on the rocks than that
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We call this a difficulty tweak!
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Tits too big
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Suzu my beloved
Shitty brain damaged bimbo
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Lovely intelligent maiden.
my cute and innocent 140+ IQ wife
So 5 new augments
Nope, will continue to samefag. Cope
Forgotten suicidal shitter
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Based mogchad, this shithole general might as well burn to the ground if they won't accept Mog
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That's just your last braincell being fried, pornbrain.
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Mogcel hates /alg/ and shits it up deliberately
Can't say I am surprised
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I find the mogposts entertaining and funny.
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The mogspammer is by far the worst thing that happened to this general.
Interesting how the trashposting stopped the moment the mogcel started posting
Oh shit you are right I'm noooticing.
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Wash your boats, they are very stinky
Cute rock
That's because they are the same tranny
>Will we ever have nice things here?
This is what hindy said
Sauce for this pls
It's ai slop
Aw, I wanted more
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Perfect childbearing body.
there's a whole set but it depicts the act of miscegenation
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What does he mean?
I want to cuddle with bel
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I have a fetish for long black hair.
Am I supposed to see a tat or something like that?
I am still waiting for his Chapayev set to be uploaded to kemono.party since I'm a poorfag...
Oh, that's nice I guess
>I have crisps
>When can I be as free as this? I don't want to go to damn classes anymore, I'm little more than a slave.
Strasbourg, Alvitr, Indomitable, and does Pittsburgh count?
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I have a fetish for women being nice to me, which bote should I ring?
Half right
Not getting any replies gets to him the most.
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The small hand is Little Mom
Squishing this angel
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>BM Babies
But only Ultimate-level Digimon (and Agumon) can enter Burst Mode
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That's the lamest falseflag i've ever seen, you didn't even try.
I want to sleep next to Marco
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Kys shitposting tranny
Woah harsh!
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You got 3/4 but you missed the purple shitter!
>That's the rebuttal
Based Kriegsmarine enjoyer
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Thank you for noticing.
yamato reveal when?
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>no Indomitable
Next year, you'll get Amagi and Ayanami 2 this year, pls understand
Running 14-4 a lot and not getting New Orleans is painful, but at least it's helping me gathering coins for the next event.
Brennus :D
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I already have her.
So you are pretending to like them?
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The whole event is full log references lol
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Weebs translate it
Augments for
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Ibuki's augment should upgrade the torpedo barrage skill
> The experience points gained when sortieing in normal waters and when sortieing in Operation Siren for the five ships "Shinano," "Amagi," "Akagi," "Nagato," and "Kasumi," which are required to clear some missions in the quest phase, will be increased.
You forgot Essex Augment
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Hoping my waifu Amagi comes back on thursday. God bless.
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Joffre a cute!

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I hope that by some miracle, Dunk’s augment makes her broken
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She only has one barrage skill that has at 50% trigger chance, it will be a miracle if it even reaches 70% given that she's a purple bote with no retrofit.
Dunk is waaaay prettier than Strasbourg
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Yes, and Kiev needs a swimsuit
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Fondling my large breasted dog
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Why are DDs like this?
That’s not Azuma
>how to identify a White Man on the internet
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Human Love
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That dog isn't even that big
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Why they aren't like this you mean
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She is next
Kiev, Kyiv, same difference.
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Excellent news then fellow human enjoyer. We could possibly get a collab with Atelier again thanks to this. Ahoge sexo.
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what did you do
marry her
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>Nagato goes Meta
>Grows up
>Somehow gets flatter
This can't be encouraging for her.
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>TFW Roma feels the need to do some conquering.
wtf is a snowcow
im not a mutt
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Burger here. Never heard of the term. Quick search says something about fat women with somewhat attractive faces in Alaska and the Upper Midwest.
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>Draw a bote
>Make her the headliner of her event
>But don't give her a sexy skin till two years later
>Skin she got makes her look like a dork
Why does Manjuu do this?
i'm going to assume it's some /trash/ terminology so anyone using it is a shitposter that deserves death via public stoning
He's /trash/posting, it's just a variant of "snowbunny" that they use to refer to coalburners due to the western theme.
it really was bad even by censorship year standards
why do you piss and shit your pants over every single non lewd skin
can't you enjoy anything else you porn addict
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Should have not put her in the same event as the best non german sub of WW2, because I plenty support her being the real protagonist of the event and she actually deserved way more
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why do you have to defend objectively trash skins
can't you have some taste you shit eater
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Roma was such a letdown
>objectively trash
you're not a fucking expert
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At this point my entire body is rightful roman land
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It was not bad, but it feels like it's from 2 years earlier
Delaying content for pastas seems like a trend for manjuu, which is why I believe that's exactly what happened with that whole event
Her swimsuit is peak though
man operation siren and meta showdown almost make me drop the game i was trying to get this done consistent but is so boring i dont see the point anymore
Impero was brilliant though.
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>but is so boring i dont see the point anymore
Don’t do more than 25k points
Alternate between the same two level 6 maps
Allergic to opinions huh?
i am when you try to assert an OPINION as FACT
I keep trying to lock my bedroom door but she keeps phasing into my room with her schizo sister and take turns raping me
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Just hit auto search and go do something else.
>meta showdown
Follow the other anon's suggestion if you're not going to use that bote anyway
Mark my beloved
That post was before >492993927 though
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is this made of skins which are not and will never be in the game?
Weird science with Leo!
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>Allergic to opinions
no your opinion is just horseshit and its not sincere
you dont have an honest opinion about anything
your 'opinion' is whatever you think you can use to get some cheap engagement out of some mongolian throat singers on the mongolian throat singing bbs
There's one local pastabro that gets reeeally pissy if you don't like or say anything despective about pastas in any capacity, other factionfags will just simply ignore it.
Why am I so attracted to her, bros?
When did he say he was a pastafag, nathanbro?
>Just hit auto search and go do something else.
I have to click "Let's go" after every cleared map anyway
is my strategic search broken?
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You're dense. So she's going to make you understand exactly what you two are going to be doing on the bed, pomf.
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This kills the bl*e
>is my strategic search broken?
no it's just shit like that, use ALAS if you want a proper auto search that does everything for you without constantly needing to be checked every 2 minutes to press continue
SKK looks like this too.
For the exploration stage, strategic auto search only works when you buy the 5k oil logger.
So allergic to opinions, got it.
heterosexuality does that to mf
A bote you shan't ever be.
>strategic auto search only works when you buy the 5k oil logger.
I did
how can Vanguard compete!?
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She cant do anything to me since I said no
I, SKK, love pinks.
top 3 biggest VAs we got?
i say
hitomi nabatame
rie kugimiya
mamiko noto

special mention to shimacunny's VA
That's weird.
Maybe control your settings, I think that there's a "reduce TB interactions during OS" options.
Maybe it's that.
Aoi Yuuki
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Yui Ishikawa
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Enjoy plapping this bunny.
Monky toes
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Oh shit, my wife!
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The groping will continue.
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I NEED more Noto Veneto voice, the QO OVA was a good appetizer but I desperately need more
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Gets a better grip to go fast.
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Cute E

But the tables shall be turned! How do you like it?!
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Always a good day when she takes initiative.
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God I hope she's the same "META" faction as my wife. It sucks to see her be the only Smoldering Core.
Not fucking her. Not fucking any of my botes. Got a job to do. Simple as.
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She has hints of blue and red in her hair. Very lovely spooky fox.
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Part of (You)r job is to have sex with them, and for them to have sex with (You). Get to work.
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Smugmii is kinda hot.

But fucking botes IS your job. Do you know what will happen if those warachines don't get dicked on occasion?
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How about Dorkmi?
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It is a fragile ecosystem. I keep them all thinking they will get dicked while retaining my oil supplies. Keeps them all in line. Unfortunately some outliers like Akagi, go off the deep end and cause trouble. Sad, but many such cases. Heavy lies the crown.
Kinda cute.
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skk asking for rape correction begging for it
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You will dick the botes, skk.
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Back to smug.
Well earned.
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Granny just asking to be mounted.
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Old women on this base are EXTREMELY sexual.
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Lovely foxes
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Offer Pittsburgh and the fox botes as rape sacrifices for the Siren
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I would volunteer myself for this sacrifice
See, this is why they can't use you...
The METAfication process requires a heavy dose of rape induced corruption.
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Yeah, you probably need to turn the reduced guidance option on.
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Haha, oh no. Not the rape correction! How awful! Please don't rape correct me beautiful botes that I adore, haha.
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Now we're talking!
just like in my doujins...
Sisters good news! Skk is a suitable sacrifice!
any hopes for the new augs? i just pray that dunk will get a debuff and ibuki will gain more damage, like 10s barrage
I love it when SKK puts some token resistance
Foch's mischievous look is pure sex
ohi is generally good with drawing sexo eyes
it's time
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Twelve nakadashi. To start.
Foch is* pure sex
An honest opinion I have is that we need more botes with "messier" or "fluffier" hair, I feel we haven't been tetting a lot of those lately
Sex-eyed teenage auntwife brat.
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Truly. Too bad she's a who.
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>tfw no foch tomboy gf
In a perfect world girls like that would exist...but this is not a perfect world...

A META that is just an amalgamation of an entire faction would be cool.
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me on the right
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That's not an issue
is she fertile already?
I'm going to impregnate her anyway
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Posting sexual whos now.
whomst this
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It is a tragedy how forgotten these two are.
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Best mom in the game.
marital loving breeding?
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What's crazy is how many skins this one has gotten, despite me expecting her to be a who.
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deflowering Taihou-chan under Taihou's supervision
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Who is the worst?
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So many...
how much can skk even coom holy shit it's a fucking industrial pipe volumes of coom
My lovely wife and daughter!
do you sometimes pityfuck your whos?
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Ideally, Ibuki's should get simultaneous reload for her 2 torpedo mounts.
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which one was first?
Yeah that's me and my personal trainer.
>t. essex META
Erina Makina from Phase Connect
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this is the new
hebegato fucking ruined by lolimafia
left looks more grim so it's better
right is too pale for my taste
also have more veneto
Ok, saving it then, that Halo in the background had me worried if it was BA character
Holy shit they ruined it
Absolutely improved*
Average reaction to eugenbutt
way better
Now her face looks too young for that body
Not out of pity.
These are patchnotes, her official art has not been changed
wait for the release
>skk just walks around the base, uses random botes until they're unconscious and leaves them where he took them
Which one are the new one? left or right?
I always expect the worst
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These things happen.
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i will not ring nagato meta if they change her edgy teen artwork
Attractive botes don't need pity to get dick, they just need to remind me that they exist.
Bros im stuck on 14-2. Only managed to clear it once thanks to the avenger bombers inflicting flooding on all the constantly respawning BB's.
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Thankfully I can't forget Z16. Way too erotic.
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Yes I use Felix scultz as a living oral cocksleeve. How did you know?
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my wife...
when did anchorage get handlebars?
I wish Kraut destroyer and submarine names weren't so hard to remember.
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Party dress this anni
The way they refuse to capitalize on such a big name by not giving one of the two characters she voices any content is the biggest waste of a good VA by manjuu in this game
I use her as a set of holes for me to put my dick in.
I don't care if they wanted to lolify her some, but that face doesn't really look like her, IMO. I liked the grimmer look on the original one.
Same thing happened with Inazuma's cruise pass skin.
Twitter reveal was different from what it ended up being and they didn't mention a thing about it.
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The in-game ended up being the "old" one.
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Those are pretty mild changes compared to this. These Nagato changes are like the original Tosa vs what we got.
where are the thousands of Essex chibis looking at her
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I don't care about metashitters, doesn't affect me
>but the banner was super cute and it was funny
Drakengard 3 collab please.
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>Drakengard 3 collab please.
Fuck off
Impero conquered me
Surprised you aren't saying the same thing to that Date A Live poster.
calm down sperg
>that sexoneto
>those trips
veneto oath skin confirmed
>they just need to remind me that they exist.
imagine the bote competition for skk attention
imagine the collateral damage
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I can't decide if bare legs or legs in stockings are sexier
Looks so much better.
Reminds me of this post from years ago.
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>clever use of loli
Stockings if with garterbelts
When will I be free from farming coins.
When you'll be free from fleet tech
Atleast everyone loves Date A live. Cope.
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Remember to fucking destroy every SX poster.
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>wastes good wine on their expensive dress
>by acting like a retard and pouring it on themselves
Why are chink bugs like this?
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Genshin collab soon, i feel it in my Gnosis.
is she a decent healer bote? She passively gives 2% of her max hp every 10 seconds to 3 botes apparently.
It'd just be the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Bote Edition. I think TB would be Mr. Rogers.
I want a skin where Yorktown is shoving her crotch in my face like Shinano does in her swimsuit.
A few years ago you would've been right. Not so much these days.

the sx died in the first 2 seconds.
izumo aug bumped her from tn to t0
how good will the ibuki aug be?
She's killing that poor bird with the stench of her feet.
First you have to get her drunk.
>i feel it in my Gnosis.
I think you're thinking of a Xenosaga collab then.
i hope we get the one on the left.

The one on the right is just normal nagato
best single target healer in the game, obsoleting ryuhou
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its so god damn boring being stuck in 14-2 and clearing out opsci sectors for materials.

Im glad I have the mtn dew in these trying times.
>every 10 seconds
every 20, she heals on true airstrike, not airstrike barrage.
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I think the average mihoyo fan would have a meltdown based on the kashino skin incident
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the average mihoyo fan is too busy either playing gaishit or touching kids to care about an AL collab
We got the Sara skin from the same anniversary art as her party dress, so it most likely exists.
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Watching arctic hare documentaries with my slavic wife
what ayys? what war with sirens?
botes only exist to be fucked by skk
the entirety of azur lane happens in a pocket dimension where it's just skk, botes and collabs summoned through the sheer power of skkock
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sex with my edgy goth aunt
The difference is that Saratoga is the face of CN and more relevant in the story than Venetto, she was always guaranteed a party dress
pretty much any of our lewd skins would be too much for them
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uooooh plap plap plap

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