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# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #9 - Chapter3A and 4 delayed to create a proper gameplay/story transition between the chapters. Chapter4 (for now) confirmed to be only for Burial since it's Chapter3A overflow and could release together.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>492740067
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Hussy thread
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We are currently dealing with a known /vg/ shotaphobe. Do not reply to shotaphobes under any circumstance. Endure his off-topic anti-andy posting and you'll find people who actually discuss the game occasionally while hanging around.

That is all.
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reposting because I worked hard on this.
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We are currently dealing with a known /vg/ troll. Do not reply to trolls under any circumstance. Endure his off-topic ERP and you'll find people who actually discuss the game occasionally while hanging around.

That is all.
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Lmaoing at the name of the editor
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I have been on /calg/ much less as promised but after that dev update dropped I had to poke my head back in. Always so sad to see her trauma put on full display so harshly like that. Of course we had talked about it so I knew what had happened, but I hate seeing the love of my life treated like that.
Rest assured, there was no manipulation involved when I made love to my wife Julia. No tears, no fear, only earnest love and excitement to start a family. After we finished, she curled up in my arms and told me how much of a relief it is to find someone whose love is honest and unconditional. I am so unbelievably happy to have married such a precious lovebug and to have a little one on the way.
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Feeling a little less angsty with this one
She deserved it for trying to steal Andrew btw
How do you bleed from this
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I don't think I want to do this jiggie
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Glad you're still here, you should stay more. I'm always happy to see more Julia, and it's great to know we'll see even more of her in the full Chapter
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>Graves being able to afford cellphones
idk about all of that but Ashley is cute
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We are currently dealing with a known /vg/ haggot. Do not reply to MILF enjoyers under any circumstance. Endure his off-topic anti-canon posting and you'll find people who actually discuss the OTP occasionally while hanging around.

That is all.
Have you ever trapped a squirrel? They know that they’re not supposed to be in there so they try everything they can to get out. That’s why they’re mouths are usually bleeding from trying to bite through steel. Nina is bleeding from desperately trying to escape the trap that Andy and Leyley put her in.
The eyeball demon is Nina, btw. Source: Nemlei is my aunt and she tolded me.
Yeah I feel like shit for doing it now.
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Kek, you’ve convinced me, from now on Andy only belongs to Ashley.
The most recent video from the devlog was pure kino. It's been hinted at that Andrew is a manipulative little shit multiple times: the "nightmares", the fact he literally knew where their parents were and didn't tell Ashley, the fact that he tricked Leyley with the promise, etc. It's even sort of visible with Ashley's frequent distrust of Andrew, such as with the bitch from 302 or their whore of a mother; if he were honest, even if it were only with Ashley, she could trust him. But he's a slippery weasel and lies as easily as he breathes, even using his feelings for one woman (Ashley) to win over another (Julia) by skipping over mentioning who he's actually talking about. Between this and the meme ending against the haggots, Nemlei is really coming down hard on people misreading her characters.
He’s literally me.
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Not back permanently. But when the update reveals playable Julia, well. How can I resist checking in?
>The eyeball demon is Nina
His name is ??? and he's perfect unlike some brother-stealing floozy
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>I'm s-sorry I only got halfway through reading the entire collected works of Edgar Allen Poe, I'll do better next time Andrew I swear!!
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So are we just making anchor posts for every flavor of calg faggot now?
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Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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>Have you ever trapped a squirrel?
No? Why would I?

Based and cute
Someone make an anti-hussy anchor they’re starting to get on my nerves.
>No? Why would I?
Because they are evil and must be eradicated
>Based and cute
Thanks lol
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>You didn't even read the Telltale Heart signifying the existential dread of keeping secrets and the strain they have on the human ethos...
No, the faggot is doing it to get people annoyed about them, because it bothers him and he’s trying to get the anchorposter to stop.
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>Because they are evil and must be eradicated
They are cute and fluffly.

>Thanks lol
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I hope it's a decently long playable segment with some optional scenes of her thinking about stuff. I want to wander around her room interacting with things
Chapter 3 will contain a sex scene between Julia and Andrew, but it will be purely dialogue as we will be playing as Ashley and listening in
>anchorchads making the imageboard trannies seethe
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>Ashley looked at this, felt nothing, and then started cracking jokes and smiling.

wow, what a little asshole.
>Built his entire personality around being a nuisance because his dogshit edits didn't get enough (You)'s the old-fashioned way
Just listening? Yeah right, Ashley would cum herself silly just from the smell of brothercock.
>giving him (You)s
Fair, sorry.
Even Andy didn't care about Nina, he cared about the fact that her dying could've ruined their lives
She was already thinking about smashing Nina's head in with a hammer before they even put her in the box.
>Has recurring horrific nightmares about her box, nearly strangles Ashley to death for bringing it up and it's the one thing he's stated to actually feel terrible about
>didn't care about Nina
It’s literally a thread tradition at this point, the anchor posting will continue and you will enjoy it.
What Andrew did to Nina is the one thing we're shown him feeling awful about. The others he could justify killing, Nina was totally undeserved
I'll concede I'm wrong, but I honestly don't recall him actually feeling guilty about Nina. When does that happen? At most I remember him being hysterical about the issues that come along with having a dead Nina in a box
During his nightmare in chapter 2 he sees the bodies of the people he's killed and shrugs them all off, justifying them, then Nina's box appears all around him and he basically goes "oh god oh no oh no oh no"
She deserved it.
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Don't put that ugly and stinky overalls loser in the OP!
In the nightmare, it doesn't seem to be "oh god oh no oh no oh no", but I'll concede that he does seem to feel /something/, which says a lot given that Andrew doesn't seem to care about many things/people.
An interesting note is that when they talk after finding her dead in the box, he eventually says "She-- it'll start rotting" and then Ashley begins using "it" to refer to Nina as well at least once.
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You are obligated to marry your sister, and then fuck her tits on your wedding night.
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we're going to hell
heart warming, this 42 year old poster still gets (You)s the old-fashioned way
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Thanks for the save, I was having trouble coming up with a non-seething reply to that.
I put together 90% of Ninas arms and legs, went to take a piss, and someone else connected them to the frame
Rookie mistake
Jiggies truly test my ability to cooperate with others. Pretty much anytime anyone touches anything, I want to bark orders at them
Pretty much anytime anyone touches anything I cum
Wherever. Inside, outside, preferably in my sister's fat watermelon jugs.
>this 42 year old poster still gets (You)s the old-fashioned way
wow amazing, I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Good job anons. I'll be sure to come up with some good jiggies for you when you get there :)
>Anon breathing down my neck and barking orders at me
>Anon calling me names every time I place a jiggie in the wrong spot
>Anon degrading me and calling me a useless, worthless piece of shit who will never complete a jigsaw without his help
>Anon sighing and glaring at me, but begrudingly helping me organize the pieces so we can finish the puzzle together
I made this post. Anon's attention is for me.
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HEY! FUCK OFF! Anon belongs to me, only me!!! I'll turn you into soup, you interloper!
Andrew is a fucking monster.
Ashley seems tame by comparison.
Ashley is a cute 3.14
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I can't believe Andrew said some passive aggressive things to Julia when she implied he fucks his sister!
With each passing day we veer closer to Decaype being canon
Might as well just do it. Why draw the line there?
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I am you and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go.
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I can't believe it was confirmed he doesn't care about Julia and only about how he can use her as an Ashley decoy for the things he wants to say and do to Ashley!
>preferably in my sister's fat watermelon jugs.
the amount of seed that should have gone in her womb... wasted...
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Eating their parents is one thing but slamming a phone!? Andrew is the biggest piece of shit on the planet!
Not wasted. Like Aztecs at their altars, my cum is a sacrifice to my sister's fat jiggly tits.
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One thing that's pretty weird to me. In the olive branches video Nemlei goes
But before that, she just wanted to talk with Andrew after everyone went to bed, explain the situation with Ashley and maybe also apologize like she did when she was tied up.
If she really wanted them dead, why didn't she call for the hitman after dinner? Why did she even want to talk with Andrew alone?
i mean shes awful but she still feels some guilt over selling her children, if i recall she even says sorry to ashley over the phone in chapter 1
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I hate hags and want haggots to die. I don't gotta explain shit.
>If she really wanted them dead, why didn't she call for the hitman after dinner?
Too risky. Andrew or worse Ashley might hear.

>Why did she even want to talk with Andrew alone?
To leverage her genuine, if slight, feelings of remorse to get him on side, and turn him against his sister. The literal next thing out of her mouth is "the Ashley situation was-." Laughable I know, but she doesn't know her kids nearly as well as she ought to, and considering she now knew Andrew knew about the insurance documents she was probably shitting herself and not thinking clearly.
>considering she now knew Andrew knew about the insurance documents she was probably shitting herself and not thinking clearly.
Ok, that's a pretty good explanation.
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Exactly! They should lock him up and throw away the key! He's a loose cannon!
If she's willing to sell her kids off knowing they'll be killed, I don't think there's any reason to trust her especially considering you and Ashley tied them up and planned to execute them.
You also just killed your sister right in front of her. Even if she's thankful, she'd just assume Andrew's too broken to ever recover.
To be fair Nemlei seems to be going around with a "to whom it may concern" mallet to make sure people aren't misinterpreting characters trying to extrapolate escape routes for good intentions.

The reality is that Mom wouldn't let them live. She would have called the company at some point to tell them about her kids being alive and have the problem solve itself. They are an inherent threat to the insurance scam and her new life. The basement events expediated it in the gag route, wherein you force Andrew to accept something he never would.
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>in school, people joked that Andrew and Ashley were incestuous
... how the hell did they get this reputation?
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I need more spam art.
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Who knows?
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>>Graves being able to afford cellphones
Dumb poor people will wait in line for the latest iPhone.
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I'm just too tired for it tonight. gn
Being clingy, physically touchy, and spending all of their time together at an age where siblings tend to avoid each other (according to the media, at least). Other kids also might have noticed that neither of them seemed interested in dating and/or the opposite sex.
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Gee I wonder why
Sweet dreams anon
How about the fact that Andrew's 2 years older and Ashley has no business hanging out in his classroom? High school me would've bullied the shit out of some fag's little sister, especially if there were any PDAs.
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>bullying kids
Do faggots really? When I was in highschool everyone was chill and they were past the phase of being cretins.
I call it bullying by today's standards, it would've just been teasing and name calling. Maybe I would've also thrown crumpled paper at Ashley.
I think that's at one of their desks at home.
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>/calg/ mindbroken by Menheradrew to the point of flanderization
Thanks for the awesome progress report Nem-chan and take your time.
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I think this latest devlog has proven that we were all wrong about the characters. Ashley could benefit from some brother cock correction, sure. But ANDREW is the one who needs sistussy correction to stop him from being such a fucking wreck. He needs to be domesticated and whipped into shape.
This has been known
Don't be a fag
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>inb4 Ashley's first year of yläkoulu
This is not new information. I'm sorry you unironically thought Andrew did nothing wrong and was a normal person.
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I never said he was or that I ever believed that, but I can see why it sounds that way. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm half asleep and need to go to bed before I embarrass myself any more.
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I want you so bad it's driving me mad
anon it's a 2d character with basically no personality
they are a penny a dozen
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She is my darling angel
beatles were so good
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I hate Julia likers.
England in general is exceptional when it comes to music. I adore them
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She's not worth hating when victory for sisterkind is certain.
It will break my heart if Andrew actually hit Ashley...
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There's no reason to hate Julia at all...
Ashley would deserve every Newton of force
Shut up N*na.
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Well, I don't hate her, I hate her fans! Actually no, I hate her too!
I just can't believe that. And if he did it, I think decay-only.
It depends on what leads up to the punch/slap, if she puts his hands on him again like back in room 302 then it's whatever. If he hits her just cuz she's annoying while he's in a bad mood it's gonna break my heart.
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He warned her...
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He already hits Ashley
That's just a bit of slapstick
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And yet he uses Nina's death to manipulate Julia. I don't think Andrew cared about Nina just because he had nightmares about the box. The box is where everything changed, where he changed and that change is what scares him

Andrew says this when he chokes his cute little sister.
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It's not a real hit if there are no bruises. Chokes don't count either.
Woah, woooaaah! Even with the asterisk that's not cool man! We use the term Boxcuck around here
>She jokes about finding a cute boy to treat her like a princess just to make Andrew jealous so he fucking belts her
I need more Jealousdrew
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>Ashley's possessiveness manifests itself as anger towards the hussies
>Andrew's possessiveness manifests itself as anger towards Ashley
Granted, this could be because she never had a boyfriend. Maybe Andrew would accidentally drive a car into the guy.
Leyley looks so rapeable in that pic
Andrew would never let her have a boyfriend. Not like Ashley would be interested anyway but I think Andrew might've taken care of that problem ages ago. Might be a schizo theory but I feel like the reason he never says she's cute or beautiful is that he wants her to stay insecure about herself so she'll always think she's isn't good enough for anyone but him. This of course backfires on him multiple times, especially with 302 lady. But I feel like this would be in character for Andrew, he is a manipulator as well
>but I feel like the reason he never says she's cute or beautiful is that he wants her to stay insecure about herself so she'll always think she's isn't good enough for anyone but him.
i can totally see this
Perhaps. It could be for other reasons (compensating to mask his incestous feelings like with the bed thing, doesn't want to be teased by her...etc).
I assume this is it. Andrew doesn't seem to be very Machiavellian when it comes to dealing with Ashley.
Kids always victimize the one who's different. Believe me, I know.
If you keep an eye open for the incest then you'll notice it's fucking everywhere in this game. But the key thing is, it's always Andrew lusting after Ashley.

>Andrew's hands keep wondering all over Ashley's body
>Andrew is always against any hint that Ashley might hook up with another guy
>Andrew makes Julia dress up like his sister
>Andrew sneaks into Ashley's bed at night using "nightmares" as an excuse
>Andrew is the one getting hot and bothered by the dream sequence

On some level, Ashley has to have realized this.
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>Hang on my little spider monkey
One job anon! ONE JOB!
Kidding, cute drawing
Andrew should only hit her ass
Cute monkshley
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>"I figured it would happen eventually..."
I hate women who don't have a spine.
If they act like slaves, they'll be treated like slaves.
i always say this but nobody listens.. Ashley literally says after that scene if you pick the option saying it wouldnt happen that she doesnt care if they fuck or not, she just needs him to be there always
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Ok Eren
>she doesnt care
Wrong, it says it doesn't matter, which is completely different. Ashley saying she doesn't care would be a reflection of her desires, but saying it doesn't matter is a reflection of her priorities.
ok thats true
He's right tho. Not Eren. What the fuck was the point of loving Mikasa all along but denying it for no reason and then crying after you've burned every bridge including those yet to be built?
I seriously hope Coffin doesn't end like Aot or MHA
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Yeah, keeping Andrew by her side is priority #1
#2 being HOT SIBLING SEX!!!!
Character assassination and retcons are a plague that infest almost every Japanese story.
Thankfully, this isn't a manga, so you can breath a sigh of relief.
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I know how shit manga is for this. But it seems especially bad as of late.
Because Isayama is a fucking idiot. That's why.
Eren literally never showed ANY romantic feelings towards Mikasa until randomly in season 4
Nah, they'll either kill each other or themselves before they cuck one another
Kek that looks wonderful! Thanks anon
Might be burnout? I dunno. Manga and anime are a lot more popular and over-saturated now.
Much like vidya we need a manga crash
What I don't understand is how Andrew at this point in his life still doesn't realize he has the hots for his little sister.

EVERYONE else at his school realized it.
Big sister/little brother > everything else
Same age siblings will always reign supreme
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Andrew knows, he 100% knows.
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>What I don't understand is how Andrew at this point in his life still doesn't realize he has the hots for his little sister.
Isayama is a fucking hack that destroyed every character in those last 10 chapters. Eren never showed romantic interest in Mikasa and for him she was just his sibling the same way Armin was. Then there was the frustration he felt because Mikasa was stronger and more talented than him which kind of strained his relationship with her. Oh but then he is fucking obssessed with her out of nowhere in the last chapter. What a fucking joke.
Andrew fucking knows and he is actively trying to bury those thoughts deep inside his mind which is why he dated Julia in the first place. Funnily enough the only one who didn't know how down bad Andrew truly is, was Ashley lol
Isayama realized how much he wanted to fuck his own sister and projected it into the last chapter
Look at Ashley's expression: Peak yandere, chef's kiss. That is what the yandere stare should look like. I'm gonna use that half-lidded look as a template for drawing if I ever write anything with a yandere in it.
>she was just his sibling
Around these parts they may as well be dating
>the same way Armin was
You know Eren wanted to thrash his pretty bussy
Imagine the smell
That's because Ashley was too busy being down bad for Andrew to realize lol
However I am heavily biased as I can't count the number of nuts I busted to various scenarios generally centering around the idea of a cute, loving chubby (not fat but enough to make her curvy and huggable with thick thighs) big sister cuddling her little brother (me) then kissing him before it proceeds to a gentle blowjob/a nice thighjob/wholesome sex
What I meant is that Eren saw her a normal sibling, Mikasa was the one who wanted the cockren
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cringe and wrong
Yeah, well, I'm biased because I think it's cuter when they're the same age. They're exploring and finding new things together. The truest form of sibling bonding
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No, he knows he wants her. The problem is he also wants a normal life and wanting to plap your own sister isn't normal within societal norms.
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It's funny how Ashley is too pissed to notice that Andrew is staring at her lips while blushing. She's so fucking clueless
His stupid fucking hair is blocking his eyes!!
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Ashley after Andrew asks for her hand in marriage and impregnates her
>Andrew totally hates me... *sigh*
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But unkempt hair looks cooler and more emo
it looks like he has his hands on his hips and now I am imagining Carl
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>the first time Julia sees the BAC
What, blood alcohol content? Drunken wifebeaterdrew?
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Andrew filled my womb up with his cum with the sole purpose of making a baby with me because he loves me so much and wants me to bear his children so he can raise a family with me!?!
>He really hates me...
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I imagined Andrew doing this lol
This is Ashley after Andrew slaps her silly; just like Gorrister did to his wife in "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream".
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>Foxxy Love
What if....?
Total Hag Death
Total Hussy Death
A daring synthesis...
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How do you feel about the author of the story being blatantly biased in favor of Andrew and Ashley?
Hagfags and Hussyfags are basically 2nd class citizens.
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It's based and Nemlei is based. So I say it is very based.
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she wouldn't be terrified. she gets fucked by horses and niggers so she's used to it
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>T. Ashley
Renee and Julia fucking Andrew in front of Ashley
very based
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They going to eat Julia
I will use the black Mortal Blade to summon Renee back from hell
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>I'll make my own mom route! with blackjack and hookers!
Why are hagfags so soulless?
>Andrew goes away from Ashley for a few minutes to investigate the cultists
>"I miss Ashley."
This man is beyond saving.
He's already saved
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I thought he was stuck? He said so himself.
>you'll notice it's fucking everywhere in this game
Not really, there's nothing incestous until the vision which could be fake.
such brazen bait is unworthy of a (You)
Wat do??
Clean her ass with your tongue
why is her pussy so long
It's the underside of her shirt
its her gock
Ashley had a melty because Andrew might've fucked a woman before slitting her throat, he even tried to argue from the 'so what? she's not competition anymore' angle but she wouldn't have any of it. In fact she was so bothered by this that if you start Decay from her POV she's still thinking about it 1-2 weeks later. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Ashley wasn't seething that some floozy got her brother's v-card.
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How did Ashley never realize that Andrew had feelings for her? Just looking at Julia should make anyone realize that she's is a stand in for Ashley
Make him touch tips with his sister
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Ashley's kinda dumb
Beautiful, this is an Odyssean work of art, truly. This is what the generations too young to have witnessed the moon landing have been waiting for.
>>492975343 is for >>492975009
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Need shroomhag
old, crusty mushrooms are good for nothing but soup!
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Because she doesn't see inside Andrew's head like we do and there's plausible deniability for literally everything. Julia copied her style? That's because she's an unoriginal bitch. Andrew touched her ass? Big deal the night before she literally straddled him on the motel couch. Etc.
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Cute would suck
Ashley never saw a penis, she's only vaguely aware of how they're supposed to look and work.
bullshit she has the mind of the biggest slut in coffinverse
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She's probably watched porn her parents rented
This. Probably since she was like 10.
Keep being mad while I deep throat your mother shroom
I imagine she thought it was gross but still wanted to try it with Andrew
Keep being mad while I throw my piss jugs out your window
I remember thinking it was embarrassing to be naked like that with someone.
Same. Now I just think it's weird and gross.
Now I think it's hot as long as there's some choking and/or deepthroating.
That's fine I just hate being naked
Work out so you can be proud of your body.
I'm fine with my body. I just feel vulnerable so I prefer to say somewhat clothed
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This is sad, me no like :(
This is sad, me like :)
Cute drawing, now remove her limbs.
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Stumpley is for Burial only, sorry.
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God Ashley looks like such a crackwhore, I'm in love with her.
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>posting the ugly 3D whore that looks nothing like Ashley again
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This time it's justified Ashley looks like such a crackwhore in the latest devlog look at her she's perfect kissu kissu mwa
Andrew looks like a crackwhore everyday.
It looks just like her, what are you on about?
I'll be honest anon, I hate methley.
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Try to use tour braincells for a second
Fuck off
How is this Ashley in the slightest?
you guys think Andrew is hitting her? I dont wanna believe it
Add all of those things to Ashley and you’ll improve her
All of those things would make Ashley stop being Ashley but it's not like your tiny methbrain could even comprenhend it.
If you think that a few accessories completely change a person, I’d hate to be anywhere hear you, since you clearly only own one change of clothes.
>dude she's smoking weed that's totally Ashley!
You might as well post a random pajeet and call her Ashley too.
Every brother hits their sister, anon. It's just a lil sibling fun!! :)
Nah but seriously, my cousins used to just randomly beat the shit out of each other sometimes out of nowhere. It was kinda funny
But Ashley has none of those you retarded faggot
Stop trying to make her into your methwaifu you methhead faggot
>I’d hate to be anywhere near you,
You probably smell like dog piss and shame
>random pajeet
The coffin of poopdrew and shitley
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i know, right?
if they're gonna post 3D ashley they could at least post someone like Saruei
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Please stop fighting anons. You're all equally worthless
Silence, meth addict.
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>use tour braincells
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That's not Ashley
>Try to use tour braincells
Holy meth, this entire thread is full of brainless drug addicts
me on the right
This is why Nemlei hates us
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Either people on drugs or people who need drugs. Take your pick
>people who are big fans of a game about incest, cannibalism and hussy murder aren't the most sociologically stable people
I’m sane and stable.
How did I manage /8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8/887777777798888888888888888/-
to get the one cat that's needy for4 attention?
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sure you are
Thanks, but your image doesn’t seem to line up with your positive reinforcement.
Anon >>492989472 is right, it’s meth time.
I saw bullies in uni. It depends on how nigger-like the culture is in your country or specific region.
>bullies in uni
Wtf where do you live?
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Could also just be emotionally unavailable. I avoid letting people know I appreciate them all the time, lest they get the idea that I need them in my life.
Joke's on you, emotionally unavailable people are my favorite kind of people.
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I'm sane and stable but still severely mentally ill.
Ukraine. I got into uni at 17, I figure the others were of the same age since I didn't skip any grades. Hear you mooricans stay in school until you are at least 18. Maybe that was it.
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That's only if they're hot. And only because hot people are your favorite kind of people.
I'm not american tho
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Oh right, I forgot it's still yuro hours this early. My bad.
What illness?
Are you me?
damn you destroyed that anon with facts & logic
I don't think I care really. Just find most people annoying.
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>pic related followed by "Let's stay in after all..."
He saw her out the window, didn't he?
Pretty based
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Oh you.
I want to kiss Ashley
No, but I am in your walls.
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Then he fucked Julia 3 hours straight in a bed that was perfectly visible through the window.
but that picture is Ashley fingering Julia with a knife
Oh, I was confused with this one
Its a hotter image anyway
Do you think Ashley's eyes were wetter than her pussy when she saw Andrew fold Julia like origami?
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I'm quite glad that Julia art has gotten much kinder latelt
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Me too, anon.
link to full image?
im curious
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Sister NTR...
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Ashley your friends at the supermarket told me you have been distant for a while now
There is no NTR because Ashley didn't want to date Andrew, she just wanted him to stop wasting his time on hussies.
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Was looking at this image right when this got posted lmao
Me if I were a cute catboy
normies on twitter is hating on our game and incest again...
Good. fuck em
>you live in a timeline were the mom mod may legitimately release before chapter 3 drops
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Imagine if you looked like this.
>I don't want to date you!
>You better not date anyone else though!

Why is she like this? Is she also a copium addict?
She wants to monopolize his attention but doesn't actually care all that much about his desires or happiness until she gets some character development in the game.
I look like this.
i don't know why you think that art is not kind, nothing more wholesome than consensual cruelty enjoyed by both parties
that's like love being forged in fire
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Where's her meat?
I used to yell nigger in the hallway and would flush people's badges down the toilet (I went to a school that required student IDs)
I'd also just unlock people's lockers, but I didn't take any of their stuff; my goal was to be a nuisance, not a real problem.
Granted, I went to a school where people would bring drugs to school or get shot at football games, there were also a decent number of fights
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>used to yell nigger
You probably didn´t get in trouble because you are black yourself, anon
> I went to a school where people would bring drugs
Yep, black. Blackie anon
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Julia is an emotional drunk who gets really clingy and makes silly statements like telling you you're not allowed to be nice to anyone else except her
>nice to anyone else except her
soooo uhhhh
You're describing Ashley thougheversobeit
No, I'm white
I would just hide in crowds, plus I went to a school in the deep south it's not like people cared too much in the first place
Take your time, it's okay
No, Ashley is a fun drunk who becomes very risible and starts laughing at pretty much anything Andrew does
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blackie black black blackieeee cotton monkey
It's cute as long as she does it only when she drinks a lot, wouldn't wanna her be, you know, Ashley
Marry me.
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If you didn't draw any blood throughout the whole process - you didn't have the sex.
Julia is made for tying up and having rough sexo with long and gentle aftercare
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Oh no Leyley, look what you did! You apologize for that right now!
If Ashley starts sleeping with Andrew, then that's it. Andrew will never be able to leave her for as long as he lives.
They seem to be working on some of their issues with each other in the Burial route, so is it really bad if Andrew can never leave her? That'd be like saying "You get the best woman possible for you, but you two can't break up or divorce."
They're both terrible people, but in complementary ways that almost mitigate their issues and leave them to be tolerable, if a bit clingy and PDA heavy (which I'd argue is better than the current trend of people being in relationships with people they dislike)
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Gay and cringe. If you aren't uncertain whether you'll even wake up tomorrow - you didn't have the sex.
That's why you have the care after.
Are you stupid?
Sex is probably cool, but I just want to cuddle
You ever start masturbating and then realize that all you want is a hug, which turns you off and makes you feel worse than before you tried getting off?
Shit's suicide fuel, some forms of loneliness are just too much
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This fella gets it.
Your post reeks of brown-skinned reading comprehension.
Who's the guy with Mrs. Graves?
Your post reeks of leyley
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I have a bad habit of watching amateur porn without the intention of masturbating. I just like to watch two people be intimate and wonder what it must feel like to share a passionate, tender, and intimate moment with someone you love. I can't even fap to normal porn anymore because I start thinking about how nice it must feel and get hit with such a massive wave of loneliness that it kills my boner
I've listened to audio porn just to hear someone say that they love me and want me.
i like to think on some level Andrew is aware of this but in reality he's so in denial hes gonna get blindsided by all the crazy emotions hes gonna have and do something stupid
What if I don't want to
I fear that listening to those ASMR girlfriend videos will break something withing me
How the hell is that supposed to give my sister the child she deserves? My sister is not some common whore to be decorated in semen, like your mother, my sister is a goddess who deserves nothing but the best. She deserves to be a happy mother to our children.
lmfao @ this paki cunt
>inb4 he insists he's the one white man left in Britain
Don't lie to us, Rajesh
This song sounds like Ashley trying to reach Andrew through his layers of cope.
>can't impregnate your sister's tits
Weak seed.
>Anon failed sex ed
"Dumbarse" has to be the most soft insult I have ever seen in this board.
I guess it's true you can get arrested for even using the internet in Britain.
I don't want to sex Ed, I want to sex my sister.
I laughed, I admit defeat
I watch some Ashley rp ASMR
I haven't been the same since then
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The one where its from Andrews POV and she rp to calm you down after a nightmare? First and so far only rp ASMR I liked, slowly but surely the loneliness is getting worse bros...
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Will the Renee POV section include some action between these two?
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Yes that one...
I don't know how to cope
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Bitch looks so ashy she could start a fire by rubbing her ankles together.
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Just relaxing with this one.
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It does not matter if you want
The worst part about being late to a jiggie is finding a part to work on that no one else is
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Andy calls this a platonic sibling hug, but it doesn't feel like one... what do you call this?
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Leyley won't have worry about Andrew looking at hussies after giving him a taste of chocolate, especially if it’s of the incestuous flavor.
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combined my autisms
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Sanic! Andrew's arms are tan, right? RIGHT?
lol awesome.
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I don't even really like cats, but something about cat girls is so hot
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>Mr Graves explaining why Ashley is black to Anders.
10/10 I kneel
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You just know Ashley would be a sonicfag
raceplay shit is so repulsive
Now draw her with her socks off.
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Andrew canonically and biologically cannot get hard with the opposite gender unless it looks,smells,tastes,sounds and feels likes his sister, His sexuality can simply be defined as "sistersexual"
I know because Nemlei told me
>Andrew canonically and biologically cannot get hard with the opposite gender
That's true as well, he occasionally gives out free blowjobs to random dudes to "calm down after a lengthy and heated discussion with Ashley"

At least that's what he says
The only reason he is attracted to Ashley is because she looks related to him, who is a man
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>Andrew is Andrewsexual
It all comes around
>lmfao @ this paki cunt
Coming from the literal monkey nigger who can't read a single sentence properly.
Imagine being such a naive retard that you'd assume mudslimes would assimilate and speak the bong language instead of communicating by chantning Allahu Akbar on different frequencing and raping kids at a specific pace.
t. epic malding bong
Sorry about that twat, he's obviously a seething muzzie cunt here illegally.
We don't claim the twat. Don't worry, Starmer will be out very soon and we'll hopefully have a proper right wing government to turf them out.
Immigrant communities in the Commonwealth learn English from Hollywood and American rap music since they pathologically resent their host nation. Nothing unnerves a Chinaman in Australia more than the accent of a fair dinkum Aussie bloke whose parents didn't raise him on the telly, it legit makes them feel unsafe
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Your time would be better spent fapping to Coffincest instead. If they broadcast it to the world then it's not love! Where's the intimacy when they show strangers!? WHORES!
Once you go Ashley you don't go back.
I sure hope you two are siblings with the way you're flirting!
Understood brother. Just a little bit of banter, eh?
Wish you the best and please hunt down pakis for me.

>I sure hope you two are siblings with the way you're flirting!
Maybe it's true!!
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I used to wish I was halved like Thiu until I remembered that I don't like my own face
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Average /calg/ poster for some reason:
>All I have to say habib... is that my sister has the nicest tits I've ever seen.
>Like it's not even close.
>I get rock hard every time and masturbate to it.
i would cut my left nut off to be half as rich as that douchebag
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Got a get rich quick scheme right here for ya: https://files.catbox.moe/wokiog.mp4

LMAO good meme
Dead game dead general. /calg/ wasting its time with work, school, and hussies like usual.
At least it's not monoeye so you get to stay, furry.
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ive been here since the beginning worm
Zoomer secondary.
You are a failed male who took mudslime dick and became a stranger in his own country. Seethe about it eternally.
Kinda goes without saying at this point that these cunts are enraged tarskins.
Apparently there's an Indian word f9r "sisterfucker" I don't remember it though
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I'm here. I'm just existing atm. Got nothing to say.
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I've been here since before the beginning, bichniga.
omnipresent-sama... forgive me
Fairskinned OGs from /v/ got largely phased out by third worlders from /vg/ post episode 2.
Turns out it's benchod. Pretty sure I found that out from a Coffin thread, too.
>Zoomer secondary.
t. npc boomer 0% rizz
*Beats you up*
*Porks your sister*
I win.
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I'm here too. What should we talk about?
Should we talk about how much we hate Julia?
Should we talk about how Ashley hates everyone besides Andrew?
Should we talk about how Andrew belongs to Ashley and Ashley only?
Should we talk about how Andrew and Ashley should have sex 8 million times, not only because Andrew is so horny, but also because their union should be an art that goes far beyond carnal desire, soul to soul connection so loving that /calg/ couldn't handle it?
That wasn't very cash money of you...
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I think she is the landlady.
It was something a solid bloke would do.
Both of them want to have sex with Andy
Not really.
Neighbour probably. Landlady wouldn't be filing a report, she'd be the one receiving it
You're just too daft a cunt to clock how things should work right and proper world.
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I want more Yandrew in episode 3. It's not fair for Ashley to always be jealous, we need to have a cute hot boy flirt with Ashley in front of Andrew. The most we have is that stupid guard. I know Ashley didn't have any friends (not really), but she's objectively attractive so surely some guys have had a thing for her.
t. Labour voter.
Anglosphere brotherhood. Divided by the ocean, united by our distaste for brown people.
t. calls it Fall becuz dat wen tree grass fall off tree.
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What the fuck is this convo? Talk about cute sisters.
Any conversation involving my cute sister unfailingly devolves to me lamenting over the fact that her tits aren't wrapped around my dick and her butthole isn't wrapped around my tongue.
t. Chips & Fish hater
Be the change you want to see. Claim your sister's womb!
His sister's womb already belongs to me.
I'll never understand the appeal of acting like an insufferable faggot on purpose.
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If I cant have mine, I'll take someone elses.
Does anyone have Nemlei's old deviantart? The one she made back in 2010
Hateanon you are going too far...
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That would be kino. Maybe that's why he smacked Ashley. She entertained the idea just to piss Andrew off
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Kiss kiss
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I still entertain the idea that Andrew didn't do that...
Punch kick
Hateanon, go even further beyond
Then who hit her? Would you rather Ashley be hit by someone else or by Andrew?
Ye fuck those things. Full English is the only dish worth a shite.
/calg/, I have been ugly crying for the last hour. I'm the guy who was getting drunk with his sister every week last summer but it doesn't feel like we're friends anymore. We used to talk everyday first thing in the morning, but this year we've barely seen each other and she is extremely unresponsive in chats. I feel like I've just been fucking annoying when trying to talk to her since I get seenzoned half the time, and sometimes she doesn't even open her inbox for 20+ hours. I had a really grinding conversation with her filled with 3 word answers from her and that just utterly broke me, I just started crying like a bitch. After half an hour of crying, I messaged her "Hey" and was about ready to scream at her and call her a whore for trying to take advantage of me the first time we got drunk together. But then she got scared by the Hey and replied asking if I'm about to cut her off for being weird, then my mood immediately changed and I told her "no never you're a chocolate chip cookie in my life". She said sorry for being so testy and off-putting and that she feels like she's been a bad friend, but I told her it's okay because she's got a lot of shit going on lately and I can't take any of that away from her. Do I have BPD?
I can see Renee hitting Ashley too
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>Renee hitting Ashley
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Hmm I'm not really sure. I just don't want Andrew to hurt Ashley like that. Perhaps no one necessarily hit her and it was an accident somehow. Perhaps Ashley hit herself. Perhaps it was some new character not revealed yet. I'm not saying you're wrong, in fact I probably am. I just don't want Andy to become like that.
No, you're just being romantic.
Including black pudding?
You sound too much like me and I fucking hate it. I need to get drunk and pretend I never read this.
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He was momma's boy back then. Andrew would let her hit Ashley so that he could comfort her later
Find a new, better sister.
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>Renee hitting Ashley
Bout damn time.
Pretty sure that's not included in the breakfast.
you have hot mess disorder brah
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You sound like a female.
You have AFD
Annoying Faggot Disorder.
I prescribe suicide.
This is the hetero version of homoanon
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Let's call him Maleley
Full English can have whatever the fuck you want in it, but black pudding is a requirement, monghole
True true.
Do you like black pudding.
t. Curious.
BPD is female-minded
raghead streetshitter your people ruined my fucking country.
I've never actually had it, sounds kind of gross, but I'm willing to try
She will be my gf.
I am NOT incestuous! I have relationships with hussies, and sex with my sister.
>every anon here is a female
Hello ladies.
Hello, lady.
Hello, floozy. If you step within one foot of my brother you will pay.
The only straight anon in this thread
Yes, I'm afraid you do have Brother Personality Disorder...this is a grave illness, with symptoms like having lots of unprotected sex with your sister.
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I mean he nearly choked her to death. A smack on the face would be a lot tamer
That could be plausible. Maybe when Renee was digging through the trash she joked about fucking Andrew causing her to slap the shit out of Ashley
Everyone has sex with your sister. She's a hussy~
You should try it someday. It won't hurt you!
You are cordially invited to kill yourself.

I could definitely see Andrew hitting Ashley, but given where we're at currently in Burial it would have to be a decay think unless she said something really fucking stupid.
Drunkanon and proto-Drunkanon should do a sister swap for a week
I'm not swapping my sister with anybody. I'm perfectly happy with my snugglebug shithead.
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I am not sharing.
>unless she said something really fucking stupid.
Ashley is fucking retarded. Like, genuinely a fucking idiot. Andrew solves all their problems (many of which caused by her), except when her retarded solution is blessed with sheer luck. She can't even cook because she's dumb and not as smart as Julia.
I suspect you have a bit of bias. Ashley is cute, her stupidity makes her even cuter, and I mean retarded by her standard not by your dogshit hussyfucking AIDS-riddled standard.
Ashley has AIDS since she's a crackho
I could see Andrew hitting her in Burial. Maybe she tries making an advance on him while he still hasn't accepted being a siscon yet and activates full Copedrew mode and smacks her away
I'm not saying it's not possible, but it seems really unlikely given the direction it's taking. Maybe on a side-path, but even being a copemaxxing faggot I can't see him spurning his sister by outright smacking her like that.
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Smoking is bad for you
I smoke cigars. My sister hates the smell and refuses to snuggle me unless I shower and brush my teeth, but sometimes a man just needs that inner-peace.
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Ashley is a virgin.
My dad and brother like to invite me to smoke with them but when I was a kid my dad did such a good job of installing a fear of narcotics in me that I never do
I know. She's perfect
She most likely got hit in a flashback. By the time burial happens they are already past the hate phase
Theres nothing to talk about, my sister is the cutest there is, no point in discussing the obvious
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When the smoking addiction finally makes Andrew impotent:
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You have BFD.
Based Faggot Disorder.
I prescribe sister creampie.
It's pretty hard to get addicted to cigars in my opinion, but that mostly comes down to use cases. Smoking a cigar is a half-hour to hour-long ordeal, it's something that isn't practical to do at work and therefore is something like a reward at the end of the day rather than something you do on your 15 minute break. My personal recommendation is to give it a shot, there's few pleasures in life greater than sitting on your porch at sunset and having a cigar. Preferably you do it alone though, it gives you time to think, kind of like meditation but for heterosexual men.
The only meditation men need is fucking a good cunt and eating meat.
Ashley seething because Andrew's boyhole was absolutely ravaged by Julia's footlong gock.
Like I said, a cigar is a good excuse to just sit and think. I used to not do a whole lot of thinking back in the day, but it's genuinely calming to just sit there and have nothing but your thoughts to keep you company, and the nicotine helps kind of steer it because cigars hit like a truck.
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Andrew is NOT a faggot unlike you!
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Its not gay anon, its a GIRL's cock. How can that be gay?
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i like drawing siblings
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Only homos like cocks. Eat pussy or go home.
sisters are cute.
Very cute
Why is she mad?
I guess the demon gave her other gifts.
That hussy needs to keep her mangy claws off of Andy!
>raghead streetshitter your people ruined my fucking country.
You did it yourself, failed male. Seethe about it as your country plunges into the sea of liquid shit that you let in with open arms, you grotesque teanigger.
Thank god I fucking left when I did.
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Even still, she loves you
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Don't desecrate Christ's image with that disgusting hussy!
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I thought you didn't like Christ?
>was about ready to scream at her and call her a whore for trying to take advantage of me the first time we got drunk together
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I never specified which church now did it?
Yes please elaborate/greentext this.
Mashallah akhi Andrew Al-Gharabeshi will blow himself up for 72 imoutoes in paradise.
Julia doesn't love anyone.
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This game has ruined our collective psyche
Julia is a being of pure love
Bitch she ain't even love herself.
Ashley understood that church wasn't in communion with God.
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Sorry I'm late. Here is the complete set of No-Good Noelle sprites for all characters. Enjoy!
In that way, we are more alike than different
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She's very based for that.
Thiu is so much fun to edit into random images
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I think we need to bring back slavery
I agree, if the slaves are little girls with nasty attitudes like you!
Would buy.
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Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger!
That jet-black hair and height doesn't seem aryan to me. Just saying.
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>I'm starting to get sad
Than go get professional help faggot.
Those two just needed to make out
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Aw, man... can't I just fuck my clone until I feel better? Therapy is expensive.
You. Cotton field. Now. Get picking!
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I wonder what petting ??? feels like. Does he feel like the static on a CRT screen? Is he super soft and fluffy? Maybe he's just incorporeal fog? Answer this burning lore question in Ch. 3, Nems, or I'm demanding a refund from Steam!
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I'm gonna pick your fucking brains out that's what I'm gonna do!
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ANDREW IS IT YOU? Are you trying to turn your little sister into a cotton picker AGAIN?
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I've just been reminded there are zooms in this thread who've never seen a CRT before. My day is ruined.
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Yeah, I loved putting him in this
They've seen plenty of CRTs in their shitty analog horror videos
I love that one. Makes me smile and want to go home to fuck myself.
Threadly reminder that there are youngsters ITT who didn't witness the fall of Rome, or the Revolutionary War, or the construction of the Great Wall of China. I can't believe I have to share a thread with you whippersnappers!
>not even antediluvian
>brags about his age

If you haven't fucked at least one angel hybrid you haven't even lived.
He is drawing them making out.
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Are Ashley and Andrew zoomers?
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I just want to hold a woman I love in my arms
They're millennials.
They're like 20 in 2007?
I believe technically Ashley is a millennial and Andrew can be a millennial or a very late gen-x depending on the exact date. But it's probably both millennials.
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>they're nearing their 40s now
>game set around the year 2000
>they are 20 and 22 respectively
Why would you ever suggest they are zoomers?

And they'd be in their 40s.
I thought it was set around the 90s?
Andrew and Ashley die young in a motorcycle accident.
maybe they will age like that guy in "the stand" who goes M O O N.
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>the year 2000
It's supposed to be vacuously the late 90's early 2000's
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Such a silly pose
pseudo-celestial hussies got a brother acting... unwise
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Those little spit strands inside of a screaming characters mouth always gets me horny.
But the choking caused bruises though…
What’s the original of this comic?
It was a baker on the left and a lumberjack on the right and both thought bubbles said "my boyfriend" instead of "myself". No idea what the artists name is though
She probably knows, she just didn't want to resort to that as a crutch if she didn't fully trust him. And obviously, if you went with the real ending, then it becomes what she decides to do. (and honestly, she probably knows and just genuinely doesn't actually give a fuck)
Milfshley and dilfdrew...
Coffin takes place in 1995, so Andrew is 51 and Ashley and Julia are both 49. Phillip and Renee would be approaching 70 if they hadn't been souped.

Audrey is 28 and probably has kids of her own, the twins are 25 and are probably in prison, and Alice is 23 and probably also in prison.
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>Julia [is] 49
And our babies have just reached their 20's
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>Why would you ever suggest they are zoomers?
Because the current year is 2000 silly!
Complete and total death to Juliafags.
Complete and total victory to Coffincest.
>Coffin takes place in 1995
Source: anus d'tu
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Consider: sistoes in mouth
Love the intensity of her expression! Really unique way you've drawn the ear too. I like it.
Just pick a year you like at this point. Seems like what most people do.
Nemlei said "late 90's/early 2000's", so my compromise year is 2000 as it was both in the 2000's and the 20th century.
I'm cool with 2000, personally.
Woke up today feeling 800 years old. eugh
Hello Mr Graves
You should indulge your passions a lot then and keep sharing with us what you come up with.
2004 was 20 years ago
I remember listening to "good" rap music and being terrified of H5N1 by alarmists.
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Just woke up from a dream where one of the calg discord members was giving me a rimjob. Yes he was one of the guys. No I'm not gay.
neko's back you guys!
DM me and stop avoiding me you faggot or the ship will sail
Why does every artist draw Andrew's sweater with this massive collar when Ashley's wearing it? It should just be enough to show her choker and a bit of her sternum area.
Because its cute and characteristic
it's cute, that's why
No you fucking didn't.
If they go to the same college are they studying the same thing?
Julia studies electrical engineering.
Andrew studies literature.
Julia wants to become a journo, to expose the hidden agenda of sisterkind.
Julia's studying on how to suck dick.
Not Andrews btw
Can't believe a lot of people just realized that Andrew was manipulating Julia in this progress report when in every fucking scene they had together, he's been manipulating her.
Some people are just slow and some people didn't play the game
Um, anon? They had one scene together before this and Andrew spent the whole time covering for his psycho sister and then changing the subject.
Some are still in denial and think that Andrew was showing "love" to Julia and blame Ashley for "influencing" Andrew to the way he is currently since childhood.
Wow! An obsessive sibling! It just sounds like the famous game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley™!
They had like, three scenes together.
Andrew's nightmare with a flashback, the teenager flashback and the current progress report.
In their defense, a good chunk of those people probably don't think about the game much after playing it. They just come for the "funny incest meme game", maybe end up liking it a bit, then move on.
At least with Ashley, it goes both ways. I've talked about this plenty, but they feed into one another's demons and drive those darker interest. Ashley sees Andrew for what he is and plays into it, and Andrew becomes more of that part of himself driving Ashley to instigate it further.
Imagine Andy but he bunny
Imagine leyley but she bunny
I thought you mean the games already out, there's even a preteen flashback where he tries to get Nina and Julia to become Leyley's friends to make her less dependent on him. As for the teen years flashback, Andrew just accepted a girl throwing herself at him. Wow such a manipulator.
and then they fuck!
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you called?
>Wow such a manipulator.
Yeah, using her dead best friend as a way to get her to stop complaining about how he's always ditching her for Ashley is not manipulation at all. I mean we all do that from time to time.
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Just imagine bros...
>she wants [what every woman wants out of their man]
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Like bunnies and have more bunnies
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>the wedding ring
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I haven’t seen this one before, did you just make this edit?
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Yeah, it's an old one.
Aww, I want to feed her a carrot.
Imagine the sex...
Uhhh... I think they made too much...
Andrew's pullout game is terrible
To be fair Ashley probably leg-locked him everytime
They must empty out an entire ice cream shop when they come by
Oh look the freak woke up.
If Ashley were my sister I'd have trouble pulling out too
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I am not a freak!!
I forgot about this one as well, there’s way more edits than I thought.
Yes you are!
Ugly overalls!
The 6 daughters of the Graves clan will make overalls stylish again >>493114615
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I want to sex all those children
you guys are so fucking weird
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Andy tummy
I’ll come back to bed if you’ll gently cuddle up next to me.
Subconcious desire to signify the sheer size difference between the little gremlin and the pretty boy towering over her like a colossus.
>Andrew, my suspeciously cartoonish nephson, stop bullying your sister!
>She started it!
>Ashley, how many times have I told you: in this household we don't scream racial slurs! We scream them outside, preferably at hordes of them to incite a stampede that tramples a few.
>*sniff* sorry daduncle
>That's okay dear. Let's go get some ice cream and talk about my favorite Austrian painter.
>You mean the guys with the boomerangs?
>Haha, sure.
Andrew used her best friend's death as an excuse for always ditching her and to drop the contract of Ashley. Andrew wouldn't have dated the hussy as a shield when she mentioned the rumors. He gaslight and victim blamed the floozy when she was in a state of vulnerability and crying, saying stuff that he was saying to Ashley in his mind and shut her mouth so she couldn't ruin his fantasy of fucking his sister wife and once again, drop the conversation about of his one true love.
>as a way to get her to stop complaining about how he's always ditching her for Ashley
Is that how you looked at it? Hmm to me it seemed like he was trying to wave away Ashley's clingy behavior and bullying of Julia by pointing at her sad past, kinda like what ashleystans do all day on twitter.
Holy fuck autocorrect.
I meant conversation.
Imagine the terrible latenight sitcom you could make out of this.
Who's the better cuddler?
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I wonder how many cringe situation this game has spawned irl
That too. I forgot he was justifying Ashley in that scene.
But such are the hardships one must face to achieve divinity, for it is within the crucible of adversity that one's faith is tested, and her followers unwavering devotion to the cause would miraculously snatch victory for nemlei from the abyssal jaws of the trannies

Don't want to know. Couldn't even read that post.
Not enough
I've told this story before. Basically, one day we were hanging out and somehow the conversation led to me admitting to being a virgin. She looked like she couldn't believe it and kept telling me "you look like you fuck!" She said about an hour later that we should go to the bar, so we went and got shitfaced. While we were at the bar, she was getting more touchy than usual:
>licking the tears off my face (I was crying euphorically after telling her she's my best friend)
>grinding on me
>sticking my fingers down her throat
Eventually she started asking "Why aren't you molesting me?" over and over, and then eventually after that she broke down crying and started saying she's sorry. Then she told me exactly this:
>"I tried to take advantage of you. I got you drunk so I could suck your dick. I wanted to pop your cherry"
Last year you guys were calling her the obsessed one.
It’s not looking good for your parents (they’re going to be soup)
>licking the tears off my face
I don't know why that makes me laugh.
Julia says Ashley should get some independence and right after that Andrew brings up Nina and says he's just worried about something like that happening to her. He's clearly just trying to end the conversation regarding Ashley as soon as possible
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>cuddle my sister prior to discovering the game
>still cuddle her now
>no inclination to escalate
Does the game need a "don't try this at home, kids" disclaimer?
You are mentally ill
Sisterless behavior
I think you both have BPD. You two NEED to have sex. You're gonna cum so hard that you'll piss blood
I would let oneesan do this to me
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Cute edit! He needs a ring in his finger and cock
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How can one woman be this based?
Have these btw https://files.catbox.moe/3shndj.rar
I can tell from the way you type that your a femanon with a disgusting overweight brother
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Thanks bestie
ToT Thank you!! This artist always comes with something new
I love the filename kek. They are like little easter eggs, so cute
Love shota belly, simple as
You're welcome, sis -3-
I like to think that img of the kid on the couch is Andy whenever he gets home from school
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Is he is not being teased by the teacher he is by his sister.
>Andy, your cock is too distracting. Go to the nurse and rub one out so you can focus
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She could also be the "meet me after class" type

Lmao I like to imagine he's used to this
That soft tummy is so cute
Julia reminds me of that blind chick that gets drawn on twitter constantly getting abused..

It hurts me to see her talk, to see hear interact with Andy. I don't know if I can stomach her getting hurt.
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its so exhausting
Cute and funny tummy
Sure is.
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Can you IMAGINE how thickly that sweater must be stained with Andrew's scent, cheap detergent, and cigarette smoke
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We all know what you did to that family of five
in 99. Don´t deny it
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I have been unable to get out of bed lately
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I have no idea what you're talking about but even if I did I can assure you they all deserved it. Especially that little whore!
Do western people actually call their siblings 'sis' or 'bro'? It seems like calling another sibling by title is only done in the Orient
Someone put Julia in this machine.
The machine in question:
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Just stand up dumbass.
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But dreams of cuddles are so comfy
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Me neither, let’s cuddle!
do we have a nsfw thread somewhere?
My sister calls me bro-bro as a term of affection every now and then, but 90% of the time she just calls me by my name. Meanwhile I never use "sis" at all. I'd probably invent and use a nickname from time to time if her name wasn't already short.
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Her "unfunny gift mug" mug is hilarious and I wouldactually buy it
While exceptions probably exist, people use it to refer to their siblings when talking to others, but not with each other. Cringe and fake step porn abuses it because if the actors didn't emphasize the invented relation, it wouldn't have anything else with which to distinguish it from regular porn from the viewer's perspective. Don't take it as representative of the way actual families talk.
My cousin and I call each other sis/bro and we've fucked before idfk anon we don't do it all the time but it's a cute pet name
My sisters call each other sis, they always called me by name growing up and I don't even use names with them.
I made no claim of knowing what cousins refer to each other as, although I'm confident that at least in the anglosphere, they don't refer to each other as bro & sis either. At least not anymore than they'd call a random stranger as their "bro".
Though in a world with hundreds of millions of English speakers, plenty of exceptions are going to exist.
Not yet
There was one on /aco/ before the purge
lmao, that sounds like something she would actually say
>My cousin and I call each other sis/bro and we've fucked before
It’s story time anon
she needs to be put in both of these
Did you lick her feet?
>Start playing Jack-in-the-Castle
>Encounter this rabbit
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So excited I forgot the image.
I see that we’ve finally convinced you to play jack in a castle
NTA you're on about but I also realised that the character we play as is male too.
AWOOGA, makes the Knight ending a fujo dream.
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>draw a female character
>call it male
Fujoshi are just lesbians in denial.
Change my mind.
>a fujo dream
Wait a second, you’re a woman? Ewww that’s disgusting.
Both are cute
Three cute males in a room, uwu I wonder what could happen?

Apparently so.

That's how traps are made, anon-kun.

No I'm a faggot, it's just common fujo baiting to have cute boys loving one another. Fujo's are kind of based in that way, massively more based than yuriniggers.
I legitimately thought Marion was a girl at first
I bet they like to play tag and hop around
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The Casket of Andrew and Ashley
Nemlei has quite the affinity for cute little boys. I’m silently betting that after ch4 is completed in early 2027, she’ll commence work on a shota game next.
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I want to sex all of them
I bet they really do!
Andrew you’re glasses are crooked.
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This but them sexing nemlei (picrel)
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>Marion feeds Bunnie his semen
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My word, Bunnie even thanks him for it!
Ngl I would dress like Bunnie for my oneesan
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Bunnie x Sylv is canon, apparently.
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Anon, how much gay sex art did you commission of these characters?
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Stop spamming every fucking image of you actually playing a game for once.
None, but I just might.
The amazon would be wild
Godspeed, brother
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Very based
Paying artist is the best
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>woman who is stronger than me
It's all I want in life is women who tower over me be it amazons, big sisters and mothers
Very VERY based
I also them with uniforms
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Same, uniforms are sexy on a woman's curvy body. I like to imagine an /SS/ officer sweaty and blushing as she stares at cute bois 7u7
God I wish that was me
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>/SS/ officer sweaty and blushing as she stares at cute bois 7u7
ToT So based lmao
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I like to imagine a 8 foot tall curvy and strong warrior woman who comes home from work and de-stressed by spending time with her shotahusband. Watching movies, cuddling, bathing and making love~
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Well said
Where does lying on the couch while your sister lies on top of you land on the tier list?
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I wish every woman looked like this so I would be carried to bed after the wedding and amazon pressed
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This world needs shorter men
Like me :) I'm 4 foot 8
I'm going to kidnap you.
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Oh no, please don't do that. It would be SOOOOO horrible to be reverse raped by you~

AAAAA you are perfect
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Yeah, or well, around that height.
>You are perfect
You too -3-
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>Yeah, or well, around that height.
The important thing is that you are comfortable with it!
I mean, yeah. Hight isn't important to me. I'll just shotamax if anything :)
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That's great to hear.
I wonder how many hussies were after you.
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Not many, never was interested in hussies anyway. I like cute femcels more, they're more honest.
Like you, mwah~ Found these for you too, enjoy honey~
Well that's great to hear. Hussies have rabies.
You are cuter everyday

Yooo look at those shota hips)) Kek thank you I love you and your links
I give up on love
please dont
please do
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Thank you, I knew you'd like them. The Collector is someone you would and if we ever meet, I'll cosplay as any cute boi you'd like even if it's a stripper outfit 7u7
Have one last package for today until I find more https://files.catbox.moe/d2kqgu.rar
there is a literal love story forming in this thread as we speak, how can you possibly give up on love?
Good. We can be loveless together.
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I really like The Collector. Thanks for introducing him to me. It's nice seeing shotas in western cartoons.

Uoooh stripper outfits I would love that

Thank you for that file! I really love the one where that girl is grabbing his belly. That could be us.
>until I find more
Don't worry too much for them. You don't have to always find images everytime we talk, but if you want to share them then I always accept them!
I want all outcest copers to leave this board immediately.
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>That could be us.
I wish it would be. I would nuzzle into your chest, pits and pepper you with kisses -3- I'd even wear a collar for you
Romantic bestie best bestie.
Human pet, huh? Interesting. I like it!
Not really, I just think maybe something like a choker would be hot but it would look better on you. I mainly just want to be a good boi for you~ and if that means wearing cat/bunny ears and tail then I would do it happily
Yes. But only if it’s by a few years. Give me that older sister domination and potential woman on man rape.
Oh a choker! Yes I have one somewhere. I used to take it everywhere I go lol
Ngl choker for men sounds really nice
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>Yes I have one somewhere
LMAO you really are the Ashley of this relationship kek. I wouldn't even be surprised if you had big boobs, because it is known that a woman's love is stored in her chest and the size dictates her love.
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Using them to bully or tease is the best feelin gin the world.
There needs to be more doujins with a female that teases and dominates instead of turning summisive.
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>That's it Oneesan, no more teasing! Time to milky! SLURP SUCC SUCC
KEK this image
>Shota monkey OC has a older sister
The artist is so based for creating her. I hole we get to see her mom too.
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So true. Chim needs to cuddle his mommy and I need to cuddle my mommy (you) and breed her.
Welp. Thanks for chatting with me but I'm going to bed now. Have a nice night, honey I love you~ xoxo

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