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Previous: >>492907230

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Lost and Adrift"

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
SEX and cuddling with Stelle
This one
Feixiao Guide
4pc Wind Valorous >= 4pc Grand Duke, 4pc Eagle is only for 0 cycle.
Duran > Izumo = Salsotto
Signature > Dr Ratio Sig > Swordplay S5 = Hertacone
Signature is ~15% better than Swordplay and ~5% better than Dr. Ratio's cone.
>Relic Stats
Chest: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Boots: Spd / ATK%
Orb: Wind% > ATK% by 2%, pick based on substats.
Rope: ATK%
>Stat Goals
133.4 SPD+, >80% CRIT Rate, >140% CRIT Damage
Prioritise high Crit Rate over CRIT DMG since her BiS team and her relics already give her a lot of CRIT Damage.
ATK Boots only when using Bronya+Hunt 7th teams.
>Team building, pick 1 from each role.
Harmony: Robin > Bronya > Sparkle = Ruan Mei > Asta/Hanya (NT: Sparkle -1 SPD, not 160)
SubDPS: Topaz > Moze >= Hunt 7th
Sustain: Aventurine > Lingsha > Gallagher (Multiplication)
>How important is Robin?
A lot, Feixiao constant FUAs abuse Robin mechanic of added DMG during concerto, Feixiao performance drops by ~30% when not using Robin as the harmony unit.
>How important is Topaz?
Not as much as Robin, you have Hunt 7th/Moze as your replacement options, Topaz advantage over the others depends on the enemy weakness, as big as 20% and as small as 5%.
You need at least E2 Moze for Feixiao, Moze E4/E6 buff his personal damage but not Feixiao's.
>How important is Aventurine?
Somewhat relevant, switching him for Lingsha is a ~10% team damage drop, cope sustainer is Gallagher which is a ~15% Dmg drop vs Aventurine.
>What about Bronya/Robin teams
Workable but only sustainless, SP Management is a bit of an issue, you can also use Bronya+Hunt 7th+Sustain if you want a sustain.
>Vertical Investment
E1=S1 in terms of damage increase, If you have Ratio's cone get E1 first.
E2 is a ~30% Damage boost over E1 and a ~50% over E0, E2 is a good Eidolon but far from a hard requeriment, roll E2 out of love, not meta.
>E1 Robin vs E1/S1 Feixiao
E1 Robin unless you have no LCs to pick from.

Feedback is welcomed.
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Xueyi a cute.
Invisible huh? I bet it was that pathetic loser Sparkle.
Rappa is perfect.
I'd like to damage Robin's idol career (by announcing her pregnancy).
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(You) owe the Borisin sex.
But the smell?
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Silver Wolf is the hottest character in the game.
for enkou
Please no
if hookGOD anon is still here then i just realized there is a way to have synergy with hook + yunli in one team
jiaoqiu can provide ultimate dmg vulnerability for yunli and burn for hook at the same time, but this requires you to pull for the NPC worm fox so understandable if you don't want to try it.
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I just got back from this quest from being too lazy to finish it the first time but now I'm fucking stuck here and it's repeating the same dialogue but quest is progressing nowhere. Anyone know how to keep the quest going at this point?
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>Firefly no longer on banner
>Time to edit out her weighted curios and blessings tehee
Firefly Universe bros...
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>You save your ticket for my rerun right? I need my C6
She wont mind.
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What's your least favorite team style and why?
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What's the replacement for Ruan Mei on DoT teams? I can't move her
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My wife is so cute
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Nah, I skipped you the first time, I'll skip you the second time, the third, and so on.
Dot. Literally brainless 0 gameplay push button on cooldown.
they didn't make them bad for firefly, they just made it so other characters can actually use them.
>Old, current on live server.
After characters following the Path of Destruction attack enemy targets that are currently Weakness Broken, trigger the Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Physical Break effects with a 80% ratio.
The effect can be triggered up to 1 time(s) every time the enemy target is Weakness Broken.
When characters consume or restore health, their Break Effect increases by 25%, lasting for 1 turn(s)

>New, will be updated with 2.5
Characters following the Paths of Destruction or Nihility increase their Break Effect by 25%.
After attacking enemy targets that are Weakness Broken, trigger the Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Physical Break effects with a 80% ratio.
The effect can be triggered up to 1.0 time(s) every time the enemy target is Weakness Broken.

Oh, kek, they just made it so its no longer excluisvely made for Firefly, wonder what else they edited.
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I feel like Firefly doesn't deserve to be T0. She's not as universal as the other T0 characters.
Feixiao is Borisian rape baby.
>f2p bait
what's with this stupid terms
if its F2P means it's valuable.
DU is a shill mode
you might not like the answer but the unit you seek is on banner right now
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Holy shit the verdict it's finally out!
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>hottest character
Nah, that's a tie between Silver Wolf, Fu Xuan, Hanya, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Pela, Sparkle, Himeko, and Kafka.
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>Needs a bare minimum of meta units on one side to carry his trash.
>um see? there's no powercreep!
What do you call this mental illness?
i can understand that people would hate her for that, the drug allegedly even make you unable to oppose her
but the fact that she drugs us already makes her more interesting than most characters
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She doesn't even deserve to be better than Boothill.
At least Brickhill does damage outside of Superbreak. LMFAO!
>3 of the responses mention SEA
<10% of the playerbase lives rent-free in so many people's heads
I was going to skip that huntbrick anyway. I don't need any other dps until 3.x.
They will literally never rerun Firefloozy
Nah, it's Acheron.
>looks like an ugly mutt with no tail
>is an ugly mutt with no tail
We know.
think it means bait FOR F2Ps rather than her being viable for F2Ps but serving as bait overall
More like 70% minimum
Why's FoFo always so tired?
FUCK goblet niggers
Hypercarry. Love me FUAs, love me Himeko Superbreak, Love me DoTs.
But hypercarry just doesn't do it for me.
super break is absurdly boring and has no nuance. it's cool that a playstyle exists that can elevate weaker characters but its just not interesting. DoT at least has a decent amount of nuance if you want to optimize it, there isn't anything to super break but build BE on all your units and match elements.
fofo reipu
Jiaoqiu or Robin? I have Acheron but I barely have any FuA DPS other than Ratio.
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I'll come back to post my Hoyolab version once it updates.
Ahh, I was too fixated on the Yunli, Clara double sex team to even consider that. A bit too late now though. The only experimentation I done was swapping the sides initially.
Unfortunately, I don't have him. I don't even have Yunli's cone, she's using Blue Sky.
Whatever Yunli is
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Constance soon
>Universal dps
Doesn't exist
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don't care, i'm rolling
at least i can skip rappa (hopefully)
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DoT. Damage over time is unfun and boring in every game its in.
Real. People need to stop encouraging characters that require crutches. Boycott Feixiao and Robin's ass next banner so they know we mean business.
Skip both and just hope that nihility Tingyun is actually a thing
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dunno, must be a 10 lords commission thing
For me, it’s Robin by a mile. What I constantly need is speed meming, not more useless Ack pandering for my already set KAFKA team.

Oh fuck I read the post too fast and thought it said favorite

Least favorite is break I guess
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It's been 3 months and /hsrg/ is STILL seething at Firefly
Super Break is so back-ended it's insufferable
She is pretty though anon.
post teams
Jiaoqiu helps Acheron a lot.
100% debuffs and passively gives her stacks.
If you dont use FuA at all just ignore Robin.
Tingyun will be a dps, the support is Sunday
No one cares about your Acheron
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When is the chink slop ending?
I need to play again to save for the Walmart's Elysia this game is going to get.
No seriously, why do people keep pulling stronger and stronger supports to carry their dogshit DPSs through Moc then turn around and pretend like they aren't participating in Powercreep?
I'll say brick team so I can score some updoots and cool points from the redditors here
Most people just ignore her now that her shilling is gone and she is exposed as super mid. You guys are the only ones who bring her up.
I thought that girl was Chinese as well
No tail>>>one tail>many tails.
The Ten Lords Commission is overworked. Xueyi doesn't have the eyebags because she's a robot but if she wasn't, she'd look like that too
Follow uppers. Having some “passive” attacks sounds glamorous but look at the team requirements, not to mention how uncreative FUA kits are. March 8th is the ONLY interesting one.
absolute dogshit taste
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>yunli boss
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If Firepags didn't constantly try to their best to keep Firefly relevant when she hasn't been since 2.3 ended, nobody would be talking about her outside of SB meta. But instead they're attention whores you revel in their waifu getting attention from lots of men, so they bait them out with the threadly OPS.
Bro your Jiaoqiu? Your Robin?
>but I barely have any FuA DPS
skip both unless you want an extra turn in pure fiction adn MoC
Tail won't let her sleep. Every time she tries, he begins to play around with her.
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>I don't even have Yunli's cone
you can have my spare hook friend
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It will be cool if her boss is like that storymode battle where you have to kill more shitters than her.
Yunli supports gun control
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Because I want to use characters I like so I pull supports to help me keep using them. It isn't my fault JY can use all supports effectively.
Oh boy. Imagine her countering every attack you throw at her.
>star rail devs
>making a new boss fight more than once a year
it'll be yanqing having a schizo "illusion" and its just argenti again
Went through all the Weighted Curios to see which ones changed.
>Cumulous Steak
Added Nihility as a viable path.
Removed HP fluctuation as a req. for BE% Buff
>Dreamdive Can
Stack limit is now 30 instead of 15.
>Delicious Marimo Candy
Added Quantum as a viable path.
>First Journey
Added Ice as a viable path.

>Excess Nutrition
>Dignity and Passion
>Lapispeakers' Flakes
>Parallel Universe Walkie-Talkie
>Most Raucous

New weighted curios:
>Hunt path curio, whenever they do DMG part of it will be converted into splash DMG
>Harmony curio that provides shields to all allies whenever they do anything
>Abundance curio that applies a Fire DoT based on the attacker ATK
>Preservation curio that generates a stack when the unit is attacked and when they do ult dmg they do extra damage
>Lighting/Wind curio that increases BE%
>Imaginary curio that increases ATK based on toughness damage

Alright so prediction for future units anyone?
We know that Rappa uses the Imaginary curio and the new Hunt + Wind/Lighting curios are for Moze and Feixiao, that leaves out

>Abundance that scales off ATK
This one is just Aventurine's right?
Probably Robin or Sunday's, too generic since the condition is just "whenever they target allies with their ult"

As for the edited Curios
The Break Effect steak got added the path of Nihility...Tingyun maybe?
>stop posting characters I don't like!
She is russian but in the same way Superman is "american". Ellie is an alien found in Russia.
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>oops gotta post my daily schizo post against these damnable firepags!
>playing 2.2 MSQ
>nothing but sunday not shutting the fuck up
>misha dead for no reason
>boothill and dan doing literally nothing but wasting time
fuck this quest, why is it so long?
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There is already a Yunli boss
based and true
Real. Pic goes hard.
Why don't you look up what powercreep actually is?
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You should use that for your own Hook or Clara.
Anything where I have to farm crit stats. So hyper carry and FUA. Farming crit stats just SUCKS.
Weren't ackfags crying about Kafka last AS lol
Hook sex
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Goodnight hsrg
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Boothill is the best part of that release so shut your fucking mouth.
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Introducing characters that implant weaknesses was unfair to Silver Wolf players
my hook is probably staying unbuilt forever and i don't have clara. i was planning on getting her but then they announced her direct powercreep so i used my selector on E1 himeko
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Just use fucking Sparkle bro. She makes crit farming less of a chore.
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Yeah, by personally dueling every gun user to the death then taking their sword(gun) if she's still alive.
They should refund all Silverwolf pulls due to how dirty they did our hecker egirl
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Is the top curio the new exodia? I wonder whats the condition to get it, Rubert's exodia curio is pretty fun when you manage to get it early.
Punklore characters are only good for sex.
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it is no longer time for a buzz...
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>Blade’s niece gets a boss before Blade
It’s not fair
Will they ever top the quantum hebe team? Doubtful
I'm glad they added more paths because it was pretty common to get offered a weighted curio and get absolutely nothing for your team.
Luocha, gallagher, and lingsha all scale off attack btw
>shes 3X my size
Pulling for SW was always a poor decision. Her usefulness was only because we had limkted characters. Her being good was always very limited.
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Fair enough, since Clara is standard, she might show up eventually.
>um actually I didn't pull the new DPS to clear I only pulled the new support to clear it doesn't count as powercreep!
Words of the mentally deranged
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it is incredibly frustrating since beyond it bricking SW it's just the laziest way to make a DPS stronger. look! they ignore one of the core mechanics of the game! (but not really, because of damage res, but retards fall for the bait anyway)
Silverwolf being too sexy was unfair to all the other character, they still can't match her
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And yet they still haven't released a better character
Don't point this out
I really like the idea of her, but I can't justify pulling her with my ratio already levelled and needing the other 3 units on her banner more.
I'll see you on your rerun granny feixiao...
Why did her clothes take itself off her body?
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Nice Viewer Count Star Fail. Almost as Piss Low as WuWa.. Lmfao
DON'T post anymore Silver Whore.
Are there any guides on how/when to increase your equilibrium level? I've been clearing out the space station and belobog slowly, doing all side missions etc, and all of a sudden I cant raise my equilibrium level because I need to do some mission that is apparently at the very end of the belobog main story and all my XP is getting converted to credits. Is this bad?
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i will now fall for your reverse psychology bait and post more silver wolf
I don't care if she's a god damn brick I WILL get her on her rerun (and her cone since newfags have no other choice)
Are you stupid? Theres tiers for every mode in the game.
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We don't have this kind of kino, and therefore the reason why genshin is always the superior game.
>Firefly is the most popular waifu and has the most art
>why are there so many Firefly OPs?
if you have to choose get her E1 before her sig, her sig doesn't even give as much EHR as tutorial at S1 but her E1 makes her ult rotation retarded, it basically fixes her main flaw aside from being ST
>Introducing characters that implant weaknesses
>firefly (becasuse silverwolf teach her how to implant fire weakness on enemies)
dramaqueen hours.
Yeah I was clearly talking about PF you dumb ass nigger
barbaradev is gone though
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>Are there any guides on how/when to increase your equilibrium level?
Yeah you just do the equilibrium as soon as possible because your rewards are gimped
>but muh story difficulty
If you can't deal with story battles it's Your fault for wasting the resources you got. And even then, they are going to release Casual mode anyways if you're that retarded.
Who the fuck is barber dev
Colorless breaking that Acheron and Feixiao do are the same thing as an implant in practice.
She isn't t0 for PF, so what are you bitching about? You're retarded.
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They should just release Silver Wolf (2) instead of new characters that will flop.
>barefeet out
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Now post the full
These two have no correlation, you're simply the nigger who thinks every OP should be Firefly
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Her E1 is a 2 turn ult rotation right? I think it can even reach 1 turn under some SP intensive conditions. That sounds pretty fun for Acheron.
acheron and feixiao's weakness ignore is also functionally identical to the non-SW implants since they don't change the boss's RES to the respective element. rappa is also likely to have some sort of implant or weakness ignore mechanic since break effect DPS basically require it to be functional. its understandable for the break DPS since imagine if firefly was literally unusable outside of fire weak context, but why does acheron need weakness ignore? its just to make the character look shinier at the expense of older units
Kek this dumb fucking Firepag doesn't even understand sarcasm. Learn how to extrapolate from context what T0 is referring to
Ult spam
>You will never go into Silver Wolf's room and lick all the gamer gunk off her controllers
Just fucking kill me now
>doesnt deserve to be T0
Who ever4 said she was T0 in every mode? You're making things up. You're retarded. The aids from rolling males rotted your brain.
To reduce the time it takes to get ready for sex.
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2 turns at E1S0, with tutorial it can be a 1 turn rotation but if you're a newfag then you don't have that i guess
E1 SW is the only eidolon i want since it would actually enable so many meme strategies for me and it would make my favorite character that much less of a brick. hopefully they rerun her when i can afford it
No, just finish the belobog story and then level up your equilibrium. The only reason you would want to delay leveling up equilibrium is if your team is underleveled or you have zero mats for the next bracket because each equilibrium level is a difficulty spike.
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>Who ever4 said she was T0 in every mode?
Literally no one you dumb bitch. You are literally inventing things to get mad about. Why don't you stop shaking with rage and scroll up the reply chain?
I remember I couldn't advance in the beta because I kept having to fap to Silver Wolf
too tall
I'm just going to say it. Boothill is more deserving of T0 than Acheron.
Can someone post their Himeko clear? Is she still as strong as FF?
Pink worm killed the game
how would we know? no one pulled him
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she's a little lanky there but i liked the swimsuit design
hsr outfits doko?
Firefly has been good in every piece of content since release, so what you're saying only made sense if you were referencing the one mode where he struggles (PF). Stop being retarded. She is T0 for MoC/AS for a reason. Data doesn't lie.

> but but muh FuA bricks
High cost teams don't count. only whales use FuA or REALLY dumb copers like you.
Distracted gaming sex with Silver Wolf
Weakness ignore and implant is for new players who don't have something of every element leveled or eidolons to brute force. It's why sword march works the way she does.
Exactly, the smelly boots are important
Way to say you severely lack media literacy but ok you do you I guess
Ok thank you :)
it's still bait though. acheron being able to ignore weakness is not going to help her brute force 40% lightning res. tons of people with only acheron as their main DPS got bricked on this AS rotation because of that. it's just bait for retards who will see it as a super strong mechanic without understanding the game.
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The puppet trio isn't in floor 12 so I didn't use her there.
I did use her on floor 11 though for something retarded because it was funny to me
How long till the Feixiao anime?
>so angry he can't even type straight
>can't even use "media literacy" correctly
Yikes I guess all the Firefly SEAniggers have woken up. No wonder the English here has taken a nosedive
this is why you roll enablers to hardcarry your DPC bricks.
Just change the banner already so I can whale.
Anon, every single other character released is better then SW.
Please stop baiting so much, you're making HuoHuo confused.
I accept your concession.
I accept your pag
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I have 360 rolls saved up as of right now and I'm still considering on skipping the next two patches even though I like their designs. Sunday might be the first dude I will roll for.
I did. I love the fucker.
Dall-E, generate an autistic and sociopathic scientist who dresses in traditional Chinese attires and who plays the banjo.
>Sunday might be the first dude I will roll for.
I feel this. Though I do use Gallagher.
Sunday shockingly was a highlight for me for all of Penacony.
Of course the SEApag cock obsessed NEET is too blinded by his repressed sexuality to analyze works with the appropriate media literacy
I'll probably get him on his reroll if the competition isn't too tough, but he wasn't worth getting for me at the time
Are you going to tell the story of Charmony Dove now?
Why? Sunday had zero appeal and was just annoying. What could you have possibly liked about him?
Yep, I'm thinking its kino.
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Please just google what media literacy means
he cute
I love Acheron btw
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Why are they wasting their money making an anime for Feixiao. She is just a filler character. Either way, it won't be good as the Firefly anime.
He was right, and he wants to fuck his sister. Those make him the most based Male in the game.
not a sundayfag but his genuine earnest autism of wanting to make life better for people without understanding the best way to do it. he has a lot of potential to have a good growth/redemption arc but hoyo will probably fuck it up.

also charmony dove lmao
It's just going to be more Space China wank. Have you noticed it's like the third time they made an animated short from that planet?
My plan is just going to grab Moze and saved until Sunday. I liked him a lot in Penacony.
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Showing Herta my big diamond!
Her game now
Shut up and worship the glorious chink general gweilo
He looks like a male Flugel from No Game No Life. That is enough reason for me to roll for him.
No one cares about your Acheron you mentally ill freak
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I love this new speed orb, I dont even care about shit like broken keel anymore, double hackerspace and speed planar is going on a majority of my supports
I regret rolling for Firefly Lawrence
List of characters with an animated short
The chink privilege is real
Everyone cares about your Misha you well adjusted individual
>EN channel uploaded JP
Absolute fucking retards
i mean i think a big part of gacha games is collecting characters people like
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SARRR YOU WILL REDEEM THE 10% critical damage YOU BLOODY BASTERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>space chinks in chinese game get special treatment
She's also a general for space china despite being fillerslop. You know they'll shill her no matter what.
Holy shit way to miss the point you media illiterate pariah. You'd think all that isolation would make you more capable of self reflection and media literacy but alas the point has gotten over your head.
>So dead we forgot about PVs this week
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Being a retard and getting baited is what drives most people to stop being retarded though
JY also got an anime
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Yeah, I'm not averse to using male characters if I get them. I threw a single roll on DHIL and threw a 10 roll on Boothill even. But Sunday is the one I'm going to guarantee.
I want to live in the Infinite Tsukuyomi and fuck as much lolis as I want. So I agree with his method of saving humanity. Also his EN VA defended Kirbopher and risked his career. I think it will be funny if it makes some twitter bitch seethe.
I want Feixiao to rape me
I might grab Boothill on a rerun.
well, I guess I have to roll for her now
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am i the only one who thought the previous general looked like a yugioh card?
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Japanese is the canon language now.
I don't think children should wear G-strings...
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EN dub is getting EOS dummy
my FUARKING general
Probably, but you were pretty on point. They do.
>no Eng Feixiao on stream
>now this
Engchuds keep losing... there's clearly something going down on that side lately
>Shartrail team retardedly uploaded the JP PV on the english channel
Apollousa is the bow
Groomer Alert
I found him to be very ugly.

He was wrong though.

I guess, it was just such an elementary school take he had that it was frustraiting beyond belief. Two seconds of actual critical thought to his plan reveals that its a bad idea. I dont care that he was in a cult, Robin was too and she wasn't retarded about it.

I dont know wjat that is but I presume it is something ugly.
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>gotten over your head.
I will not! And I'm honestly thinking about using this Lightning Damage Kalpagni orb for Kafka since it has atk% subs and speed!
that was a fate ass trailer but ehh im a sucker for fate shit
>EN channel uploaded the canon dub
looks like dawei is serious with the hecking OG routes.
I want to fuck Clara
i just realized that it's actually a perfect cycle of FOMO powercreep. bait idiots into thinking acheron is an uncreepable T0 DPS because she can ignore mechanics, and then make a rotation that she sucks in. now all the newcuties who got baited will rageswipe the new shiny FOMO DPS since they now realize they need something new. rinse and repeat
Should I roll for feixiao or robin e1?
A "Bow" could also mean a person as in a person who respondent's the goddess bow or might
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>it's real
Hilarious. Just kill off the entire EN side already.
Uuuuuh, guys, I think that Feixiao may need therapy.
No hype for Chinkslop?
Eh, it's okay, pretty much what it says on the tin.
2.7 should have been in 2.6. Its so dumb.
I mean, this is cool and all but why not let her turn into a borisin at this point.
Not that her 'condition' will actually mean anything besides a vague excuse for her to be a boss.
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Well shit, time to save for 3.0 banners then
That hoyo boycott is sure going swimmingly!
I'm fairly sure that this is not the first time, tho.
E1 Robin
Sunday could be a harmony that summons two note faux-enemies on the enemy side of the field (to the very left and right). They do nothing but provide big buffs when attacked, especially if they are attacked simultaneously. Making him the perfect Erudition support.

Sunday could be harmony that buffs enemies, causes them to advance forward and makes them take empty turns aka ruan's re-break, maybe even causing enemy actions to apply buffs rather than dealing damage. Making him the perfect DoT support.

Sunday could be a harmony that specializes on summons and advances forward any summons on the field while buffing their damage and other effects, coming with note summons of his own that give buffs to the team, making him the perfect summoner support.

Which one is he? Which one should he be?
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EN voice acting is cancer. I tried a new playthrough with it and Kafka sounds like some xanny addicted whore and SW sounds like they picked up a random nobody off the street and told her to try her best in doing a female cartoony voice. Jesus Christ who the fuck plays with this shit.
>EN VA too busy going to Pro Palestine rallies to voice act for promotional content
EN deserves it.
too early for EU too late night for NA

if he is harmony im rolling
Is EN getting deleted or some shit?
Wtf happened to the dub?
>have to build a DPS for every element because of resistance bullshit
It's so over for me
Kafka and Jingliu in the dub are so bad.
They aaaaalways stretch out their wooooords in a shitty attempt to sound seductive.
Rather hear the CN audio over this shit.
>more ENdub seething
Oh joy, a rerun.
Blade support
Interesting line from the description

"Those with no tail, no life, and nine-fated deaths are without any choice but to push forward."

it's the natural order of any game with elemental systems.
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boring nothingburguer trailer
that's what happens when you hire an e-celeb to voice Jingliu
I'm rolling
And it seems they're not even going to do that since the boss version we fight is just a Hoolay shadow taking her form.
Why does the random torn cloth as clothes look better than her actual outfit?
Honestly hard to say until they release a more definite summoning mechanic desu and the leaks we have now are too vague to not only guess his kit but also to how he fits a new meta that hasn't even released yet
Only good EN voices are:
Jing Yuan

Prove me wrong
Actual implant is much more valuable, tho, because someone else can take advantage of it (see Galla/FF).
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Melissa Fahn has been voice acting for longer than you've probably been alive
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I care about your Acheron beautiful being
They didn't even have to bait them with her damage, the technique was enough for a lot of people and then they just released du lmao
EN VAs get the rope lmao
FF implant is still bait but less so since break DPS would be genuinely dogshit if you couldn't even attempt to use them off-element. it's annoying but understandable that they have it and they're still generally worse off element anyway.
>He was wrong though.
My GOAT was never wrong, fuck working. Madara from Naruto and Takuto Maruki from Persona 5 Royal all have similar goals and ends to Sunday and they're all based.
>zzz trailer: literally porn
>star rail trailer: low quality chinese anime
and honestly, that's a good thing
Not being too subtle, are we.
Why bother giving a character some form of illness if they never deliver on anything. It's already cheap drama, at least make something of it.
>summons two note faux-enemies on the enemy side of the field
Doesn't work unless they increase enemy wave sizes or add additional slots meant solely for this.
The Sampo trash can trial suffer from a lack of this, the extra trashcans can't get summoned if the deer fills up all 5 slots.
still not rolling the shit rat
If you don't like en kafka you're esl, there's no other explanation
English Argenti WAS good until they replaced him, likely due to starting drama on xitter or something like the typical English dub shitter.
Now the dude sounds like Markiplier.
Maybe they should give the porn trailers to us then with how ZZZ is flopping
That would imply that Tingyun would have to be born tailless and would have died before, no? Though, maybe that could be the reason why she's takes such great care of that single tail and why Yukong's has an eye on her.
the better insult was fate knock off.
That's because you're gay.
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Jing Yuans English voice is the best of them all so I play in the version my husbands voice is the best. I also really like Blades English voice too.
the most sad and pathetic part of subfags is that they dont even know japanese. the voicelines are just random noises to them. might as well be reading a book.
Why is it that I enjoyed the Wukong China slop, but I find the Mihoyo China slop so painful? Like the stuff with the Wukong story and animations just are so much more fun despite also talking in riddles and being annoyingly chinese?
Jade's trailer was soft S&M porn
English dub shitter melty, even Korean and Chinese mog you.
>want to roll for Feixia because I have no wind damage dealers
>don't have Topaz or Robin
What do?
Damn, you'd think the bitch would have quit if she's still this bad.
>seething over EN again
is it SEA hours already?
This is the elementary school take on things.
they're rerunning robin with her for a reason bro
But that's the reason why they can get porn trailers, sorry bro
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Man...I just want to go to the Yaoqing. They are the only ones that really feel like space jihadists
No one "seethes" over the English dub, much like how no one has a "phobia" of trannies.
speak for yourself, faggot
I hope I get ridiculously lucky then because I don't have anywhere near enough for both
The Yaoqing is the worst ship, it's been colonised by the IPC, Sushang notes how everything in the Yaoqing doesn't have the traditional Xianzhou style anymore since the IPC took over a while ago, unlike the Luofu which is still pretty classical/old style.
Nta but I only have enough jades to roll for one of them, so unless feixiao comes early I guess I'm fucked
Skip Feixiao then and save for 3.x shilled DPS
better grab your credit card gweilo because topaz is rerunning in the second half
I think each of the ships have different kinda specialties. JY has the ambasador ship, Feixaio has the war ship, old man has the crafting ship, there is a vacation ship as well. Or maybe they switch up every few hundred years or so.
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i feel the same i should like it because the main antagonists to the chinks sounds like the Scourge from warcraft 3 but the only ones we have seen in game are cultists and wolf fuckers so its just been lackluster. I did like Jingliu's entrance into the story and her backstory with the Quintet but it goes fucking nowhere.
Saving for Space Greece and Fate collab is so easy with the fucking dogshit patches Hoyo is dropping
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>talk to HuoHuo on train
>hear https://files.catbox.moe/e3o648.webm
>get boner
Thanks HuoHuo.
Which one is the prostitution ship
decent writing and likable characters goes a long way
because monkeyslop is true chinawank, xianzhou sloppa is fantasy china.
I WILL run Feixiao with Moze + March and there's NOTHING /hsrg/ can do about it!!!!!
vacation ship anon
And thats bad because? I dont hate the Luofu Aesthetic but the Yaoqing being not only the most radical ship as well as the only one thatwe know of that doesnt follow the same aesthetic just makes it the best ship twice over
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I've been playing for like 10 years and haven't spend a cent on it. Not starting any time soon.
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This but I don't give a fuck about space greece or the fate collab
Boner vanishes.
Why do you people keep saying gweilo
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So, who is stronger?
Feixiao or Jingliu?
Every FUA that is not a filthy IPC rat is welcome to me.
And I don't have a single wind element leveled or build yet either so that's great, got plenty of the wind set since I farmed the ice one a lot before.
We're all chinks here laowai.
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Well despite her longevity in the business, she is not very FAHN to listen to
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my dick
You forgot the vore ship
Feixiao is pretty sex but I don’t like her Ult animation and I’ve got Blade as my wind DPS so my savings just gonna keep on a growing.
Monkeyslop is fantasy china. It's also just beating up animal people and all the politics is in the background rather than the forefront.
Nah, you are just a retard. Her cadence is awful.
Chinese people don't say gweilo
11 SU coins. Let's see if I get anything usable for Feixiao or Firefly/Lingsha
algaea looks so generic
just give me screwllum already
On the other hand if you summon the trashcans first the deer can't summon it's trees and the fight becomes easier kek
this shit sounds cool too bad we never see this shit
I'm skipping Feixiao for Robin and Topaz. Would M7 or Clara be better as a FUA DPS? Am not using Ratio.
I did. This ship and Jinglui's ship are both dead aren't they? I think there are two more that dont have a sort of spot either.
>gets erectile dysfunction from listening to a different dub too long
I'm sorry to hear that.
Whoa someone called me beautiful… doushio…
>You are
Ok pagbro
Just give up at this point and run some other playstyle
so does this mean that the short anime will also be in jp as well?
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i think this is just one hunting ship and not a world ship. no innocents were harmed! In fact, they should be greatful for the opportunity to join the winning side!
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I really like her performance
>The Yaoqing is the worst ship, it's been colonised by the IPC,
Sounds like we're gonna get some Taiwan Kino.
Skip topaz and use feixiao robin m7
I personally use Clara and Yunli as fua dpses, 1 for each team.
Clara works fine, just put Lynx with her to give Clara more aggro.
Nah I don't want to really
Wukong is chink folklore before it got censored to become non threatening to the ccp. It's on a whole different level than cultivation and wuxia slop.

Communism can only destroy not create.
Why is the new Feixiao trailer using the JP dub on the EN Youtube channel?
No, Topaz is sexy.

I'll consider Clara then, thank you.

>I think that Feixiao may need therapy
>Half-breed rape baby
>Former sex slave
>Has wolf AIDS
No shit she does.
Does this imply that Feixiao got docked?
they ruined her ult after they made it so it's always 6 stack
it now feels generic as shit
them shifting the power away from the ult also contributes
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Do we still only have one character from Algaea datamined? How do we go to a new place and only get one character from there to pull for?
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For real though, why isnt there an en dub of this trailer? Dont tell me Feixiao's VA is getting fired as well
Are you trying to unlock ending 5? The green fox bitch story has 2 endings, click on it and final reward or something like that.
Genshin took the VA away
3.0 will be all flops, spend now or you'll be saving until the fate collab or 4.0!!
all the EN VA's are acting like fucking children so i wouldn't be surprised
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I like her Welch (star ocean) and Rika (digimon tamers).
Huffing Feixiao boot
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Ongoing EN VA strike
Game voicelines probably got recorded ages ago before the promo material and the strike got in the way of recording new shit, if the strike isn't resolved by 2.6 expect new characters voices to be in JP by default until the strike gets resolved.
So... what happened?
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Firefly rabu
>too busy having a strike and worrying about dune coons and kikes fighting like they've been for 300 years
English VAs are cucks.
Sex without firefly
Feixiao, March, and Robin will work? I have the limited homo shielder.
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Robin is a closet exhibitionist.
angry firefly is so hot
Ongoing strike to have regulations / better deals with AI voices and contracts, it's nothing drama related.
Because of the voice actor strike most likely, they didn't have time to line up a new agency that won't insist on charging more for mediocre youtube fandub-tier voice "acting."
It's also probably a low priority in the budget since nobody uses ENG VA anyway.
>rolling on the f*te collab
Couldn't be me!
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>not rolling on a collab
I hope we'll reach the point where even the patch livestreams are just gonna be restreamed from the JP channel kek
Fate collab can only be good if we get a playable rin, if not I'm skipping it.
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I just hope we dont get another Argenti case. I like her EN voice
I never finished any ending I just stopped halfway through the training and forgot about the quest for almost two weeks and now I have no idea where to proceed. It's just repeating dialogue and not progressing shit.
But who does Feixiao's (EN) VA voice there?
Your social realism?
I know nobody cares but
Lmao all the comments in the Spanish twitter account are celebrating that the Myriad Celestia is dubbed in JP.
based spics
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That's hot
>450 (saved, f2p) pulls
>pull robin
>pull fox
>pull robin e1
>pull robin s1 if i have enough left
>make sure to have enough left for aventurine soon
Are Spanish uploads of trailers really in English?
That's dire if so.
While I like some of the english VA's, they really should just go the british theater actor route. They don't have strikes like that and are all around better in general. Yes britbong voices but rhey also might be cheaper too.
wheres her bush
Yeah, English is the default language for all overseas countries, so France, Germany, Portugal, etc all accounts also post English dub by default.
You can just toggle the subtitles just fine in the JP channel so it doesn't matter.
>browns and ESLs are the only ones who have a problem with the EN dub
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Dead game, we need Elysia to save us
Does it say something about helping March train?
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Don't fucking point that out...
More like, no region except American wants to hear twitter trannies voicing their characters.
>Ongoing EN VA strike
any proof?
i heard that the company that dubs HSR aren't apart of the group that's striking
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Huh barely anyone is talking about Feixiao even with her PV released. Isn't she supposed to be a 3cool5u and super charismatic character? Why is it like the results are reversed? Is it because most chink characters are such charisma black holes? They couldn't even make a convincingly charismatic character.
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>tfw one of my favorite singers turned out to be a not-so closet exhibitionist and has a music video where she dances butt ass naked in the woods under a different name.
Patches are dead
Game is dead
Fanbase is dying
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I don't play in EN because I understand English and usually they say some dumb shit and I don't want to understand it
more like they are the only ones who care about it
muhammad thinks if he plays the game in english instead of his shitskin language people will believe he is white
It's a general strike so no recording shall be done even for companies that are not targeted directly.
Topaz VA said something along those lines, nobody is recording in America except scabs I guess.
Something about having sufficient preparations already and finding victory. I have no idea if I'm supposed to meet Skott because I'm just following the quest marker which is where the dummy is.


Stop noticing things!!!!
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true bro hate when they nerfed my boy patches
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Chinks love chink characters
Gaijin prefer non chinks
Simple as
This VA stuff is pretty curious actually. Compared to weekly mangakas and animation jobs being widely know as shit and unregulated wether you go west or east, I don’t ever hear much about Japanese and Chinese VA’s having issues outside of fan harassments.
same is happening with Mavuika in genshin. no one gives a fuck
I only know this character because of the thread, but does Genshin have a Elysia? I know ZZZ seemed to introduce one there but I think she's "dead".
it doesn't
>only Americans can't read and listen at the same time
But HSR made the most money of the mihoyo games this month while hi3 is barely making 1 mil.
I'm a burger, and English is the only language I speak, and yeah, Kafka is kind of a mix of sometimes sounding sleepy or tired, sometimes sounding like she's trying too hard to be seductive, and sometimes sounding ok. It's inconsistent. Silver Wolf always sounds like she's speaking through her nose. Guinaifen has a lisp or something. I think those are the main ones that bother me. Oh yeah, early game Himeko sounded terrible, but the VA seems like she's adjusted her performance a bit in later dialogue lines in later patches of the game, and she sounds alright now. Makes me wonder if she just didn't know who she was voicing before the game released, and now that she knows who her character is, she's adjusted to suit the character a little better. Or maybe a better voice director or something (if they even have a voice director). Jingliu never really bothered me, but I don't have her, so it's been a while since I've heard her voice. All the other characters I can think of sound fine or even pretty good to me. Well, Aventurine sounds VERY gay, but I wouldn't say he really sounds bad, but I've heard he doesn't sound gay at all in the other languages.
It's pretty telling that the best chink in HSR isn't even an actual chink
Depends on what you mean by "Elysia". If you mean a heavily shilled character that gets the huge bulk of marketing then yes, we have Firefly. If you mean pink crystal Jesus then no, not yet unless March turns out to be one
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Can you please use some other language so I don't have to understand your posts
its funny how no one cares about feixiao besides metafags
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i can't believe retards fell for this elysia "leak"
>literal trannies
>constantly replaced
>often missing in ads and trailers
Muricans just have low standards, sasuga burger land
No games have an elysia, pinkfags are eternally coping.
So is the state of the game? Powercreep the hyped dps after a few months and repeat?
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This is feixiao EN VA, say something about her!
Now where is this semen demon from?
that's a man
>pet friendly
Shill the latest DPS for a few patches then make them unfavorable for the next ones, yes
First Gacha?
New Ellie merch, bros
the absolute state of ENbabs lmao
>ugly negro
English is so embarrassing.
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shena from counter side
No one cares about your dead pink dyke
I honestly think none of that matters if the voice is fine and I had no problem with her English voice.
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>don't need no robot's robot fake pussy
>and queer
Where are all the normal women? Did chad swoop them all up already?
People are still actively using Clara, Herta, Himeko, Topaz and Kafka thoever.
Do not ask questions. Roll for character and get excited to roll for new character.
Roll for supports
anon, VAfags are obsessed with what the VA for a character looks like for some reason
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Oh, even worse, she's an ugly negro AND a faggot.
who is the best and worst smelling girl in HSR?
This but unironically
Nice ENVA cope.
Endub is a waste of mbs after all.
Best: Himeko
Worst: Lynx
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ummm, ENsisters I dont feel so good...
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What will be the plot of the soon to be teased but none existent HSR anime?
>he's replying to himself
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Normie woman goes to college for psychology or business administration, meets Brad, gets married and maybe works a job in HR or as an executive assistant.

Artsy fartsy woman goes to liberal arts college, learns men are rapists and becomes demifaggot queersexual to fit in, but still blows Tyler for roles to get her acting career started
Women spend their entire lives seeking validation from others and right now being LGBBQT+ is the "in" thing so they're all "bi" and "queer" now.
Best: Kafka or Himeko
Worst: Feixiao or Huohuo.
I usually play games in EN dub (even though I usually watch anime in JP dub), but at least for Genshin I swapped to JP because Paimon's EN voice was too grating for me to listen through her constant yapping. The JP Paimon is also kind of annoying to listen to though. I don't really like either one. I dropped Genshin again though after playing 5.0 for a couple of days and remembering I don't like the game, so it doesn't really matter.
I remember her she was casted as the new Yoruichi in latest bleach anime, because only niggers should voice the dark skin characters, then she was replaced by the old voice actress after like one chapter.
Propagation arc where we propagate ze bugs one load at a time
best: himeko, bronya rand, ruan mei, kafka, robin
worst: hook, yunli, silverwolf, seele, maybe acheron.
Kafka would look good in a wedding dress
I'm sorry english VAs are part of the rainbow.
Why would I fucking care about space chinker characters? All of them are fucking flawless mary sue shit and not just because of their powerlevel. Wukong fucking slaughters divinities but I still like him better than all the space chinkers simply because his character isn't just about how glorious he is.
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Himemo.cutting pizza
Game-based anime is not a thing that tends to work out well, so, like, who would care.
And the rainbow is god's creation... based
I take back what I said
Seele clearly smells the worst. She lives in a dumpster.
That's the thing, tho, Paimon is portrayed adequately for what her character is, the problem is that being overly chatty and fuckin annoying fairy is her baseline.
I don't play en but with the strike and all will the voices in-game be fine?
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CN dub > JP dub >>>>>>>> EN dub
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>Did a 10 pull for fun
>Got JQ
I believe it was already stated that the star rail and ZZZ studios are not part of the strike
Will Tingyun, Herta, and Ely expy save the game?
They will get Argenti'd and the whole patch will have no EN voiceacting
No, fuck off
what were they thinking?
>This general is trying to convince me that I'm brown for prefering JP dub over literal brownoid trannies voicing my favorite characters
>On top of trying to shoehorn tranny propaganda with prounouns and other trannoid idiocy
Yeah neck yourselves together with your DEI hires.
If that's the case I wonder what happened to fei voice actor? but then again it doesn't really matter since I don't use en voices
> He didn't even pretend to build pity on Spark Plug's banner
I know what you are
I would've loved CN VAs if not from the fact that most if not all CN VAs are spiteful pieces of shit who want to erase JP VAs from their games for petty reasons
part of me wants to switch to JP for better voice acting but another part just wants to be lazy and have the text read to me in a language I understand
>hurr shurr ching churr
Chinese is one of the ugliest languages.
whats an expy?
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>really like Argenti
>skipped him on all banners because I'm a waifufag
I am retarded and poor
What you use to raise your level.
>robin cone when the event cone exists
I seriously hope you aren't rolling for a minor upgrade
Where’s my Acheron merch…
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I think I'd play this game in english 50 times over before CN
EN has mostly okay or even great voices
In CN everyone sounds the same and the language is just ugly
I dunno what the term means literally, but they're referring to alternate versions if these characters
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CN Sigga is very underrated and best of all, confirms he's not supposed to sound like a faggot.
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i don't like the sigga but only in the ENdub he sounds like a faggot
he sounds pretty gay in JP as well, two steps away from otome voice
Mihomo chinkslop is boring shit where all the characters are uninteresting, the villains are treated like filler mobs with no personality, and the chink characters are in no real danger because we know they'd never have the balls to make whatever opposes space china actually threaten space china.
Meanwhile Wukong is actual Wuxia kino that feels like a cool adventure with crazy enemies and fun mythos.
Well his Eng VA has stated that he voices Sigga like a "sassy bitch"
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the quality of delivery isn't going to change the fact that Chinese is an ugly ass language. JP dub is the only way
Clara sex. Sex with Clara. Clara intercourse.
Chinese sounds like shit
>he sounds pretty gay in JP as well,
Nah. More like a annoying game show host
She was good Lynette
So playing dub is ok if it's not english? Hmm yes interesting.
It helps that Wukong himself is an actual underdog character and not just a bunch of CHINA STRONK: the character like all space china characters except the ghost trio (one of them isn't even a chink)
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Playing dubbed is always okay if you like it
JP dub is unironically the worst dub
Wukong is not an underdog character. He's one of the most overpowered characters in JttW. Unless you meant that you only control an aspect of him in the game, but even then it was all planned by him anyways.
I enjoyed the CN dub in HI3 with Kiana yelling "Weh!!!" at me whenever I groped her.
Imagine not listening to things in your native language whenever the opportunity is present.
based and same
except for yakuza games
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Byuff Ryosmontis
Which is not the case in hsr for me
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>CN dub
i'd rather play with voices muted
its JP or nothing
Chinese just sounds super weird when its played serious, especially with girls. I don't remember ever hating shit like kung fu hustle but the second I hear a video game with a CN dub I'm scrambling to turn that shit off

He's almost the opposite of an underdog. What the fuck are you talking about lmao
>new fei pv
>open /hsrg/
>dub wars
>no one cares about her
what went so fucking wrong..
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We need more female HSR characters with big lips
Export character. Exported from another game. Like from honkai impact to star rail or vice versa.
Yeah imagine watching the Ring with an EN dub instead of a JP one.
That was sarcasm btw. You are trash and should kill yourself.
i dont have event cone i started on ff patch :3
Being stuck in space china for 2 patches
Pretty much. I'd care more about the space chinks if their "le war against the Abundance" wasn't just literal onesided slaughter of anything that worships Yaoshi. Literally what's even the point? All the enemies against space china feel like a jokes that just exist to show how STRONK space china is, nothing feels like it matters so I can't give a shit about this filler sideplot. And yes, it's pretty ironic one of the most likeable spess chink characters is just a white woman larping for her youtube channel.
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I'm not enough of a weeb to care about the dub. I play on mute anyway.
Chasca would look so much better without the retarded hat
Wukong is planetary level threat at minimum lil bro. Nigga could leap halfway across the country in one bound and literally lifted 2 heaven mountains on his shoulder.
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my girlfriend is so cute
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>OP monke is more likeable and entertaining to follow and play as then gigawanked Mihomo space chinks
Is Hoyo just shit at writing characters from their country?
I switched to CN in that because of Senti, but they have some other nice ones, like Susannah.
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Firefly love!
Fuck I have to pull her now
this looks official, where is this from?
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What did she mean by this?
Abundance side is just as agressive back anon. Even the IPC has had to deal with abundance fuckers since Yaoshi is a gamble on how they help. Either it is fine or they end up in a torturous existence begging for death like those fish people Yaoshi fucked over.
She shouldn't look as uncanny as she does, she's just kinda off.
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You know exactly what they mean.
This shit looks even worse than the original
>Export character. Exported from another game
thats what i always thought it meant, yet whenever i use it like this someone tells me im wrong.
thanks for clarifying.
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Is Feixaio supposed to be suffering from a curse turning her into a werewolf or something.
She's clearly a borisin rape baby
I like Feixiaos design in a vaccum, but isnt she a borderline Jingliu copy paste?
>Both legendary Xianzhou figures
>Master warriors
>Primary blue and white color schemes
>Tragic backstory
>Edgy, dangerous powers that can cause them to lose control
They haven't even fully explored Jingliu yet and they're already recycling alot of her elements into another space china character instead of trying to create a new unique character
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Mmmmm... Nyo..
Everything about the Abundance is "tell don't show". I do not give a shit about paragraphs of sidenotes talking about "le Abundance bad", either show them being an actual threat and not jobbing or have an actual interesting antagonist that's an Abundance worshipper.
Yeah, the main reason I play games with English dubs, even if they're terrible, is because I just immerse better that way, but Yakuza games feel wrong in anything but Japanese. I guess because that was the only option for most of them, and I got used to the voices. For something like Dynasty Warriors though, I always liked the cheesy, bad voice acting for the older games, and it sucks now when characters are saying stuff in the middle of a battle, and there either aren't any subtitles so I don't know what they're saying or I'm too preoccupied fighting stuff to be able to read the subtitles for whatever's going on at the moment.
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She suffers from "Moon Rage". I think we all know what that means.
So is Jiaoqiu worth it in the end?
kek, i thought something seemed familiar
More worth than Lingsha
He's pretty good
They have had interesting antagonists such as Dan Shu. We will find more out about abundence when we get our abundence path. Until then we just have lore books and not China jihad as well as Herta notes.
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Btw, ms sparkle JP dub > all
'Cause losing my sight, losing my mind wish somebody would tell me i'm fine
Hoyo's storytelling in general is tell, not show. It's kind of why Hoyo's stories are shit. You're told a character is super awesome without seeing why, or that a threat is super bad without seeing why, or someone is doing something important without seeing why. It's why the only thing Hoyo actually does decently in is comedic writing.
He seems pretty good to me
One of the reasons I kinda like Jingliu is that her writing is down to Earth once you look past the quintet slop. All the glory and big name propaganda is a thing of the past and she's just murderhobo now.

I'll never like Xianzhou because every character is so self-important.
As good as Pela
Nah. Jingliu is a kind of an antipaladin, and Feixiao a berserker, not even the same archetype.
Her name is Hanabi
Like I said elsewhere, modern Chinese media, especially ones under scrutiny by the CCP, are highly regulated to remove and problematic concepts and that results in bland and "safe" writing.
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I bought an account to start hsr after the fate collab announcement and the password was set to pag plus some numbers
don't worry saar jingliu will REDEEM herself by killing hoolay in front of the tourney spectators

please look forward to it
Bad takes are just /hsrg/ culture
It's a gacha, that's how it works and you kind of sign up for that with this type of game. I mean, most gachas tell their story via little png's slightly bouncing up and down.
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Xianzhou slop truly is some of the most uninspired content in the game
Post your Feixiaos. Mine is looking like shit
>trailer is in japanese
someone summarize, im not stooping myself so low
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Finally, accessible tooltips for my smoothbrain person. Awesome.
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they are trying so hard to sell feixiao and she's still less appealing than lingsha
>Dan Shu was the first Abundance worshipper that had an actual fleshed out character and understandable motivations
>gets put in an optional sidequest and dies after 1 mini-boss fight
>her entire reason for hating the Xianzhou gets rewritten to "she hated the Hunt" next chink patch instead of acknowledging she was treated like shit by space china her entire life
I'll never forgive Mihomo. We'll probably never get another sympathetic Abundance follower who isn't on space china's side again after her.
I did not mind it so much the first time go. Here it's clearly just padding and filler. Nothing happened and shit got left unresolved to be wrapped up in the next patch. None of the characters are worth rolling for either.
I uh... I don't know why feixiao is called "the merlin's claw" and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

Is merlin a person in this game? A ship or some other object? Has this been answered and I wasn't paying attention? Is it a common term and I never knew thanks to the fictional wizard?
>Wukong himself is an actual underdog character

Reminder this is the kind of moron complaining about "space china writing"
ummm something something china fantasy war something something
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I FOMO pull, I pretend I liked character all along, I convince other hsrg to pull too
And yet it seems like it's only mihoyo that pumps out this safe slop. Arknights, PGR, etc don't really face the same issue. I'm struggling to see why it's only mihoyo that is facing this scrutiny.
Well yeah the first time was at least a proper expedition.
It's just that I watched the latest Myriad Celestia Trailer and couldn't help but feel utterly unexcited despite the nice visuals.
Who did you get on your starter account
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It will have to do, I don't think that I can get much else in a week.
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New Voice of the Galaxy
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Dan Shu deserved so much more it's a shame how they dumped her like that when she was one of the best parts of space china
Mihoyo is a cultural export. Chang with his kusoge that doesn't even make $2 million a month is not on the CCP's radar.
I'm starting to believe at this point Mihomo is just shit at writing chinawank since all the fillerslop mainstory in space china is just boring shit with no substance.
It's just a chuuni ass title since she's also a general like JY
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no need to state the obvious, you pathetic friendless loser
I dont hate the current xianzhou story that much but the quintet resolution was absolutely fucking dogshit in the first year.
Goddamn what the FUCK were they smoking

Arknight's story is even worse
XIanzhou's problem is that every character essential's boils down to
>I am from this place
>This is my job/status
>Look how important my job/status is
>Solve problem with related skills
>Glory to Xianzhou
That's more or less it. Same problem I had with Liyue in Genshin. And it's strangely only in Xianzhou here. Look at Penacony and Belobog. Penacony talks about the characters' stories, motives, agendas. Belobog is about the struggles of the people and Cocolia plotting. What status they have at best is to give them resources as antagonists in the prologue.
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Too morally ambiguous for /hsrg/ to understand
To be *completely* fair, if your only exposure to Wukong is Black Myth, then yes he is an underdog character. He's basically a generic souls slop protagonist. Yes he ends up killing all the Gods and shit in the end, but he's very much an underdog there.
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Dan Zhu
who the fuck is easy mode for? the game is already super easy
>casual mode
still can't believe people too dumb for a two button game exist
We all know what's going to happen is that Yanqing will btfo Hoolay so hard that he starts hallucinating him as Jingliu.
Pic is how our dynamic with Sunday will be once he joins the express.
I don't want to feed into any popular jokes
scroll through random users support units and look at their builds
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>hoyo said in the latest famitsu interview that you want to make characters more likeable by doing the POV switches more
>new story leaks have nothing about TB
>we barely did anything in 2.4
>TB gets dragged around and forced to do things with no sense of agency
I guess it's already over, huh?
TB won't always be in the spotlight or the main character anymore.
We're getting sidelined to just a supporting character while other characters do cool shit and be the heroes of the story.
We're gonna stumble around and get deceived and manipulated by other characters while the plot unfolds and resolves by other characters, AGAIN.
We'll probably appear at the end and deal the killing blow to the big baddie but 90% of the work will be done by other characters
I'd rather they added hard mode honestly
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was stellaron hunter sunday a lie?
For the same people that needed Aventurine's story fight nerfed. Nipping it in the bud now for the Hoolay fight coming up.
Nothing makes your character more popular then cute interactions with the MC, I don't get it. You don't have to go full Firefly but look at how much fan art Ellen Joe is getting. This shit isn't hard
Sorry i made it all up, i hope we can still get along though
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I always try to bring "fun" characters to story and definitely had some trouble in some Story mode fights until i switched characters. Even Argenti in Yunli's story was kicking my meme team's ass until I switched.

I can easily see newer people genuinely struggling if they invested in the wrong characters
I took am one of the 20 people who bothered to do that side quest. It was actually great with some comedy and the pay off of meeting Dan Shu and getting to hear her side. I remember my disappointment when out fight against her happens and we can't talk to her or even acknowledge our meeting. At least I don't remember if anything special happens.
My real problem with space china is that there is nothing about space china that makes me care about them. They barely need our help, we don't get to do anything genuinely important for them so nothing feels personal, and we barely have relations with any of them aside from the Ghost hunters and maybe Yanqing and Yunli. I cannot for the life of me give a shit about space china as a whole.
Do we post Sparkle because she's a loser? Or is Sparkle a loser because we post her?
How did Aventurine do it then? All he did was act like a rapechad, then he never spoke to us again (save that time he also tried to kill you)
Could be. The disastrous part two plot in HI ended up being basically a complete waste of time with hours of wordslop for what amounts to a much smaller in scope no stakes rehash of a certain plot point that they already did before, even.
>They started with yunli yanquing and chink march 7
>She bombed with that slutty desing
>Feixiao is just a flop, mihoyo put Kafka black swan and robin alongside her.
Dawei making a dogeza for hsr soon.
>I took am one of the 20 people who bothered to do that side quest

Actually, almost everyone did that quest because it randomly interrupted the main quest if you were on day 1.

Then they changed it to a "proper" side quest in an update.
Sparkle is a sex symbol not a loser
How long from this part of the quest until I can get to the event part?
Not really
Chinese company. The whole story of Danshu is a thinly veiled criticism of China.
Fuck Hoyo for making Lingsha, the only good looking female character from 2.4-2.6 absolute dogshit gameplay wise.
Males have swag, you don't need to be sold on them. You just say "he's my sigga he's cool" and you roll
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>Even Argenti in Yunli's story
Wait he appeared in that too? Is he the most affordable filler boss the dev team can use or something?
Is that other Foxian Yukong?
For them it is, apparently. At least shippers will be happy with watching everyone around them have meaningful relationships.
I like the kid that she was being nice to had the same problem as her and got treated like shit the same way. It's probably the one time I actually felt something in space china. Dan Shu got done dirty after her sidequest, it should've been in the mainstory.
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they don’t want tb to be like ash in pokemon where the mc gets new heroines every patch because they pulled all their shilling card for firefly. So no more tb being the main chad getting all the girls (or boys). It’s actually over.
Doubtful, Yukong was a pilot
That part was enough to make him popular. Time will tell on how long he will keep it since storyline wise he's an acquaintance at best.
How did JingLiu do it then? She never even met the MC and is decently popular.
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Forgot pic
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Women and trannies are loud in the internet. Even his banner in the monthly gacha revenue was still largely overshadowed by Acheron's last week banner
Still quite a while to go. You're like halfway through.
And yet most of them flop. Only the think males sold well.
You have about a mission and half to go through I think but it's mostly filler with a few fights.
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>How did Aventurine do it then?
He simply beat the odds. Aventurine appeals to fujos, yumes, and shipfags alike and a truly successful character can break those barriers by doing barely anything but exist.
damn it. thanks
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he got a whole patch dedicated to him though
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I love my pink fox.
I'm in the ministry in that I liked the Quintet story. I liked Jingliu's character quest. It was interesting. I think a lot of people got hung up on the idea of what they wanted it to be, and their expectations of what it actually was betrayed what it actually was. This was during the launch hype window so people got wrapped up into digging up whatever information they could about the subject instead of just experiencing it.

I take more issue with the writing in Penacony, than how the Quintet was resolved.

Some immortals tried to do things they shouldn't have and the friends that were now have to deal with the consequences. They may be immortal but time is not fixed. And we still don't know what happened to Jingliu or Luocha.
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Calm down
only if you play as stelle. isn't he shorter than caelus? what can he rape?
yes because they can put him anywhere, it’s not like they can summon gepard or kafka to appear at random places
I wasn't around for her banner but wasn't she just god tier? Fei is the first kingpin of a damage type that feels totally unneeded.
Aventurine is fully engineered to pander on every single crowd but yurifags and waifufags
Elysia without hair
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Is this what you want?
I'll never understand why his sidequest was absolute dogshit even compared to the Quintet. Isn't he supposed be an expy of an important Honkek character?
Gameplay-wise, yeah.
But Firefly is the most universal dps in the game along with Boothill because she has weakness implant.
I don't hate Quintet as much as others but the fact is that a lot of fronts it as arguably the most important event in Luofu. JY, Dan, and Blade were the most hyped characters but none of it mattered. The conflict did not address or incorporate their history as well is it could have been, so it remains a prop that gets referenced and only that. It doesn't help that players have little reason to care about a group that disbanded years ago. Now we're only told about the tragic end or whatever.

Jingliu, Blade, and Dan are more interesting alone or with their own groups than in each other's presence.
I had no expectations and I feel like it was just mid at best. It's main issue is it strong-arming itself into the main story while actually not contributing to it.
setting the bar real high huh
blade’s ‘three must pay’ has the same nonsensical non-resolution as firefly’s ‘three deaths’

i think the next time hoyo sets up anything in ‘threes’, you can just safely assume it’s actually a nothingburger
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This Luofu NPC is considerably hotter than the characters they've introduced this patch...
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No, his BP outfit though would be very nice.
You know even if they had put pink fox in a traditional somewhat girly robe it STILL would have been an improvement over what we got. At least he would have looked unique. Literally npc the 5 star.
Merlin is a type of a bird, anon
lol no she’s actually one of the most weakness-reliant characters in the game. no img weak significantly slows her damage output, no fire weakness also does that to a slightly lesser extent since you are forced to slowly singletarget implant on multitarget phase 2s
>the next time hoyo sets up anything in ‘threes’, you can just safely assume it’s actually a nothingburger
Triple rerunbros... It's over
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No idea what the context of this image is but here you go
>Genshin impact
>Honkai star rail
>Zenless zone zero

OH NO! Wait... there's still... Honkai: impact third.... wait shit nooooooooooooooooo!
Bro, your GGZ?
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Her having self cleanse and self heal on top of being tanky saved my ass few times. Also in SU if you grab "heals get blasted on allies" blessing you don't even need other healer anymore
Expecting a gacha game to have good story is asinine. let's be real.
Her performance significantly drops against anyone without Imaginary weak
It's alright anon, they haven't released 5 games yet so we're safe.
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Goodnight dros, I hope you had a restful Labor Day. And if you had to work today, remember it doesn't have to be this way.
Bro your "fly me to the moon", your "ggz"?
Her performance significantly drops the moment there isn't a weak enemy to be quickly broken on the first wave. If HMC can't ult on the first turn, her damage plummets.
Luochas Quest was so fucking bad. Absolute dogshit.
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Speaking of bird nicknames, when the fuck was Qingque's "Little Sparrow". Felt like that came out of nowhere during the March event and I don't ever recall her getting called that before.
We're still yet to witness Luocha's true side bwos..
i thought it was funny...
because everyone switched from err rope to be rope

just change back to an err rope with ~20%+ be substats and you don’t really lose out on much
Balde was not wrong. Three indeed did pay a price. I think this is where a lot of people ended up feeling disappointed with how things resolved. We went in expecting revenge kino, but instead Blade just impales Dan to unlock Dan's dragon powers and then proceeds to fuck off.

Hoyo writing by and large is terrible. Lots of obvious rewrites that make for an inconsistent experience.
Are they still around? The joke was that they have 3 gachas running at the same time, only to realize they have 4... which is call impact THIRD.
>has brain cells
you can only pick one
It was, even if it was a bit overdone. I think they wanted to play with the idea of him being an expy while keeping the mystery of his actual character.
Also her name is Blue Sparrow in chinese and is also a mahjong pun as the clacking of tiles is said to sound like a sparrow's twitter
I think that's what "Qingque" means in chinese. Also it's Blue Sparrow
>I think this is where a lot of people ended up feeling disappointed with how things resolved
Worst part is that this became Blade's whole character. Without the SH, he's fucked.
At this point they should give away another character. Like that brick Lingsha.
It's almost like you get weakness implant for a reason
I'd prefer a free HERTA 5*
but then my Lingsha teams won't have sovl
Ggz is still around and still being updated, I'm not sure about Fly me to the moon.
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Naruhodo. You learn something new every day.
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I understand what they were going for. Welt obviously expects the worst from Luocha and March jumps to inane conclusions. But the conclusions were so far-fetched that it missed the mark and made me feel like I was.playing a game made for little.babies.

I think that sums of.Hoyo's writing: good ideas, bad execution.
She's already a soulless lizard, can't get any worse.
it’s the same as firefly’s in that it cops out via technicality, making the resolution feel extremely lame and disappointing
I'd rather get more free rolls. I don't need free characters that will just be benched forever, it's like they're not giving me anything. I got the free Ratio and used him like 3 times after nearly fully building him and then permabenched him
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nice head
Yeah there's a lot about Penacony that did not work for me—that included.

Maybe if the writing team were less autistic and just stuck to their original ideas we wouldn't end up with weird conclusions that don't feel natural. Sparkles entire character as a red herring felt so forced. And as much as I hate to concede as much, the (You) pandering with Firefly got to be too much. The game show was really dumb.

We had some minor moments and I try not to let the bad overshadow the good, but shit is wildly inconsistent.
Well I guess it's fine to save 15 seconds on my autoplay
trannies hate male characters. see: /hsrg/
No way normalfags are getting filtered by story fights. I refuse to believe they're that dumb.
Weakness implant won't save you if there are no mobs to be broken turn 1.
Nah, all the trans/non-binary streamers I know that play star rail play caelus. And that's both trans male and trnas female streamers.
I'll superbreak her hymen.
Would you rather have
>E6S5 Seele, E6S5 Jing Yuan and E6S5 SW
>25 pulls
>Will we win?(with the difficulty lowered) yeah, for sure!
This is basically how I see the average paying player.
Thats literally the only reason to pull retard. Why would you brick your account on shit characters that you just like to look at
only trannies rolling for males, you retarded homotroon
Sparkle the stupid sexy loser
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I don't think we're getting a new wife in space greece...
Probably the triple E6S5. If it was the equivalent in average pull then definitely that but 25 pulls is a pittance.
t. f2p (true)
>ack with 4 stars keeps up with her plus topaz and robin
is she even for metafags?
Looks good, nice to see my feedback was useful. I just have a few very minor nitpicks
>E1 Robin unless you have no LCs to pick from.
The second part confuses me greatly. Is the no LCs meant for Robin? Since the sentence's subject is Robin, you could add a her to refer back to it. And is no LCs meant to be you don't have event cone? If so, maybe better to mention that. Or is it for Feixiao? And if so, what counts as no LC? Did you mean going S1 if you are using Hertacone? Or is Hertacone enough? Maybe it's me, but I just don't get that second part of the sentence
>Dr Ratio Sig
>Dr. Ratio's cone
>Ratio's cone
It just kinda bothers me that every time you mention the cone, you call it something differently. It is just pure autism, but going for just Ratio's cone does save 5 characters.
Yeah I'm really nitpicking now
>roll E2 out of love, not meta.
I don't mind this being here, but I wanted to mention that this is a subjective statement. The rest of the guide is just objective facts, and lets the reader make the judgement. Someone might decide that they do want a 30% boost for meta reasons, which your guide kinda implies they shouldn't do. Like I said, I'm not bothered by it and I kinda like the personal touch, but just to make you at least aware of so you can decide if you want the guide to be fully objective or not. Yeah this is just a small guide posted in a stupid thread on this stupid site, don't know why I'm taking it this seriously.
You can just give me E6S5 Jing Yuan and I'd be happy no matter the 1.0 debuffs he has. As much as I love him and have the money to max him out, I just can't justify the cost on any character.
>the (You) pandering with Firefly got to be too much. The game show was really dumb.
They really should have spent that time on Robin and Boothill, for fuck's sakes.
The three E6S5s
the e6 characters, mostly to dank on others
>ack with 4 stars keeps up with her plus topaz and robin
against overworld mobs?
25 pulls. e6s5 characters are lame, I'm fine with my e1s1 lionman, I maybe would consider getting e2 some day but that's it
45 pulls would change your mind or nah?
ack needs e2s1 with more support cones to keep up with her lol
don't care about any of these characters but i'd take their cones
>only actual want one of the three available choices
I'll just take the pulls. I'm good at saving.
25 pulls cuz those three are unplayable and do nothing.
I like how the gay fox’s videos generated more responses than feixiaos
Is boundless choreo S5 better than GNSW S1 for my E0 Acheron? I use her with pela (E5) and Gui (E2) so I'll usually have def shred when she ults
No the actual in game screen time for her was fine, you need more moments of levity in the game or else everything feels way too stiff. Penacony already had that as a problem since every scene felt like it was establishing something crucial or complicated and it flowed through too many characters already. Actually getting a break from that was very much appreciated, but I do agree more characters could've had those moments, and frankly Boothill was completely expendable and could've just been established after the main story, he felt more like an excuse to reveal Yomi's deal with the galaxy hunters than anything surrounding the actual guy.
E6S5, at least those cones are useful
tempting, but I think I'd still prefer the 3 e6 characters just for the fun of it. maybe if I got many more pulls I would consider letting them go, but with each e6r5 being usually like 1k pulls on average...
Kinda pathetic that feixiaofags don't dare compare her to Firefly.
the s5 cones alone are already worth more than 45 pulls, are you crazy?
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People were already drawing epic shounen art of Feixiao and the vibe of the trailer was just that.

Jiaoqiu's trailer leaned into some more wacky imagery and implications that at the time were fresh for him.
Yes, Boundless Choreo is better. If you use Sweat Shines lightcone on Pela it'll be pretty much 100% uptime on the def shred
thats someone son
No. What they should have done was cut out the Sigger's part out in 2.1 completely since it amounted to nothing in the end. Robin and Boothill got enough screentime in 2.2 and nothing more could have been done to improve their character because Robin's "MUH CHARMONY DOVE" and Boothill being a "YEEHAW I'M A GALAXY RANGER" who was just there for Acheron weren't exactly deep character studies.

2.1 should have been dedicated to fleshing out the story since being the middle part means it's the most important to reach to the conclusion. It shouldn't have been fucking wasted on the Sigger and the decision to do so was only further reinforced as a bad decision when him going to Dreamflux Reef didn't even appear as a plotpoint in 2.2.
>not only does 2.5 only have two (2) events
>but one of them is literally just reruns of previous puzzles
Defend this. Unironically defend this. The devs literally couldn't even be bothered to give us a real event. Not even new types of puzzles. Defend this.
why are you still obsessing with firefly? are you a seapoor?
>4 hours thread
That's normally the case cause the first couple chapters in mobage tend to suck, but Belobog was actually pretty good
yeah I have sweat shines (I think S2 or 3?) on pela
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Yes. And?
I was thinking about Penacony the other day.

I think on a vacuum the three chapters were well written but awfully connected.

First one was a whodunnit and laying a mistery, only for the first 20 minutes of the next chapter just making it irrelevant.

Second patch was a politics/thriller. But the first 20 minutes of the next patch invalidated all the scheeming, consequences and agenda of everyone involved on the Argenti suicide.

Then the final patch was just your power of friendship and reality vs fiction, like it felt nice at first glance but it doesn't leave you with much, the philosophy of being in a dream is barely acknowledged in the first two chapters.

Its all just so fucking disjointed, Kengan Omega levels of writing.
new recycle
>shit covered ESL
They need to milk ZZZ and Natlan
Once the honeymoon phase for ZZZ ends that game will be dry as a desert and bleed players like mad
Genshin will be the priority for them until their cash cow comes out around December
And then finally we’ll get the spotlight again for the 2nd anni
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>super "technologically" advanced space chinks
>use fucking medieval weapons
>"Well ackshually they just look like medieval weapons but in reality they're super sci-fi and-"
>Look in Feixiao trailer
>Normal fucking bow and arrow
God space china sucks so much
nah fuck off
Dan backstory doesn't make any sense. Was he born inside the prison? All his childhood? Who taught him how to read and stuff? What about his culture if he spent all that time in the prison?

Why did they set him free? Did they gave him any money? Gave him a ship? Why is he being searched by the ipc (Dropped plot point now I guess). 1.0 made him look more like a fugitive than an exiled
Regardless of sigga's story quality, it served almost fucking nothing to the watchmaker plotline.
>pagfly thread
real thread when
not really. there were a few good clockie quests about people in showbiz and their dreams, penacony is the perfect setting to explore the topic. i was surprised that they never really wrote something like that for robin

idk about boothill, i feel like he should have been a trailblaze continuance character whenever we get one with the ipc and oswaldo, there’s obviously a story with him but there’s no room for it in 2.x
I think 2.2 just makes 2.1 look bad because it didn't matter at all. I was really curious about what was beyond death in the dream and how being killed by Nihility affect someone.

Of course in typical Hoyo fashion, nothing fucking matters ever and nobody ever dies, changes or suffers in the long term. Aventurine just walks into a fucking blackhole of eternal mind rape and brushes it off.
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The stupid part about the quintet story is about the revenge, which makes everything fall apart.
Blade and Jingliu can accept that Bailu is not Baiheng and treat her like a different person.
Meanwhile Dan Heng went through the same reincarnation but they keep treating him like Dan Feng.
>all my XP is getting converted to credits
That should only happen if you are max level. You're still getting the TB xp, you are just capped. Once you do raise your level, it suddenly jumps up like 3 levels because of the stored xp. But delaying it is still bad, due to losing out on getting better drops from the same power.

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