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Previous: >>492908047

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Beni Rabu!
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Melt Monday
Love Keisuke.
Love Gogh.
Simple as.
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Kama Love!
I love this little fellas.
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Melty love!
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Bros is it possible to get a Mr olympia body in 20 months?
Please don't say that, Aoko...
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mahoyo posting is hereby banned from /alter/a
Post cute Jaltys THIS INSTANT
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reminder that Romani and BigVinci wont be able to rest in piece if (you) dont give them designer grandchildren
It's Chewsday, innit?
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Permanently charmed by Kama GF...
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No I will commit the most forbidden act of all in the work place.
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FGO would be 10x better if they killed of Mash, Da Vinci, Goredolf, the purple haired woman with the glasses, and the rest of the Chaldean cast
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post your grailed servants
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>passing notes with Kama
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nice try hassan
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Yes Kama!
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thats okay because Romani would also approve of (you) helping continue his bro's bloodline
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>The Mahabharata: a Modern Retelling
Why would you bother with that bullshit?
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My love note for Kama...
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Feel free to add
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I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.
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Hey cock robin, or should i say penis robin
I don't read Sanskrit.
has Romani ever gave a shit about Olga? He seemed to brush off her mental illnessin the turas realta manga
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mandatory "WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BLOOD" nasu-check
Any other bros holding on to their SQ from the Servant Ascension update?
Got almost 500 sitting in my box.
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But she's dead
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fellow jp player here, added
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This is so dumb looking
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We need a new FGO villain like pic related who serves as a stand-in for people who criticize the extremely messy, overly complicated and irreconcilable structure of the Nasuverse and Nasu's narrative as a whole.
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I just realized she's not wearing any bottoms in this...
And based
Cute jalterinas!
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Dozo! Still have some slots open too.

Why does look less stupid in that than in her actual costume?
Friend sex
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No but that's enough time to make some pretty substantial gains. Do it for her.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and for the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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who is the father of her child?
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You da man!
Fine, I just hope the game doesn't go under before then
Stood up and placed a hand over my heart for this one.
another masterHakuno
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Are you going for Draco on NA too, bro?
wait a sec...
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Aesthetically pleasing
Nah, they just need an actual romance system with your favorite servant.
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I sent you a request too
also adding fellow jp players
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Do not lewd the purest boy
Cock is a very weird verb.
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Melty girlfriend
holy fucking based
Damn so low quality
>Nah, they just need an actual romance system with your favorite servant.
That's cringe and it adds nothing to the lore, the plot, or the theme of the story. Not every fucking game needs to have a persona or baldur gate 3 romance system.
That was a noun though.
Toto-sama (octopus form)
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still Monday in the only place that matters
>Not every fucking game needs to have a persona or baldur gate 3 romance system.
Yeah, FGO does though
No way...
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Not sure yet, have to choose between her and Bakin and they are very close
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Yes way.
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Time to get Iyo bros
No it doesn't. Outside of valentine fanservice, romance was never prominent. Besides, if you want to go down that path, you're stuck with Mash anyway.
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>No it doesn't.
It does
>Outside of valentine fanservice, romance was never prominent.
A romance system would fix that
>Besides, if you want to go down that path, you're stuck with Mash anyway.
No if we got a romance system
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my sis in law gave birth a couple weeks ago and today she woke up and came down to the living room with a small nearly see-through white tanktop, her dark fat nipples were tenting the shit out of it, you could see the veins on her cleavage and shit
may as well be top naked
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Holy milkers
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Nah, you're cringe.
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Melt is a very pretty young lady.
>new quest isn't unlocked
>I have to farm these shitty free quests for points
oh god no...that ap was for doors...
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Time for my Bedtime Coffee
Why is she so much prettier than the other Sakura clones?
Which Mahapuranas give the best bang for your buck on mythology?
FGO shouldn't have a romance system because they'd never actually put in the work to make it good. There would never be acknowledgement of it in the story or most events.
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That she is
i lost the game...
God I wish that lesbian looking fella was a woman
>because they'd never actually put in the work to make it good.
If that was reason enough FGO should have nothing at all
The stories told still can be, but trying to tie in things like player choices is clearly beyond them for the most part
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Bakin didn't quite grab me the way Rikyu did, though I like the design and color scheme he's got going. Draco is my next major target though, she's too cool.
She's pretty for a lot of different reasons for me.
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I don't know if I'd say that, but she has a 'delicate flower' vibe that the others don't.
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That sounds counterproductive bro...
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he's so cunty
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Melt's eyes is drawn differently from other Sakura's so she doesn't look like them past the hair color
Why would a man dress like this?
threesome with Nobukatsu
Maybe he should have charged money instead of herbs after all.
Considering major plot points haven't been addressed, can you say that?
Does this npc even have an np?
Yeah, an NP alright (read: no penis)
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it was fashionable at the time
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I wish I didn't have to maintain a sleep schedule. My natural waking time is 11 AM and trying to force that back to 6-7 AM is just a cycle of failure and depression and suffering. Fate go to bed.
I like the old voice.
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This girly man needs to lift.
That's what you think. Remember that unskippable choice right before Castoria sacrificed herself? Something big is going to happen based on which you picked.
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my wife is the coolest
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Naps during the day can help out with weirder sleep schedules if you can do them
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>muh romance
Faggots like you are why movies have to shoehorn a shitty romance subplot. Go read romance novels instead, you faggots. Here we are having cool battles and large scale plots regarding the world, universe and beyond and you basic bitches just want to see people fall in wuv.
Oral cumshot
About tree fiddy.
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Just force yourself to wake up early even if you only sleep 4 hours a day bro.
do Xu Fu asanagi
The plot already went to shit when the villain they'd been teasing for all of part 2 turned into clown meme Olga
At this point there's nothing left to salvage. Going the pandering route will at least give people something
>this assblasted
>no balls to reply directly
That's literal hell though and I breakdown after 3-4 days of that.
>Go read romance novels instead
Like most of Nasu's works?
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Post more Gudas
Good morning, bros.
Oral cumshot..? Yeah that fits
I want to have Kuro sex.
Only a retard can't understand that both is the genesis of a great story. Companionship and glory are the two of the most valued core aspects of human narrative. You also fail to understand that all of Nasu's works have been both love and action stories
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>but muh FSN
Romance was the weakest part of the VN and even in HF, it's less about the romance and more about 2 damaged people seeking solace in each other.
>2 damaged people seeking solace in each other.
So the romance yeah
Glad we can agree
And tsukihime...
And Fate Extra
And Fate Extra CCC
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Do yd smug Eric Bloodaxe
>still to afraid to reply directly
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>anon is too autistic to understand romance
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is this event really just rival tea shops with some srs bsns on the side?
honestly, I agree, Nasu's romance is always cringe and shitty
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>srs bsns
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You just described the romance man
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speak engrish you stupid loli
underage go home
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Jeanne Alter should have an ascension with glasses so she can satisfy (You)r taste in them.
>it's less about the romance and more about [THE ROMANCE]
I think, and that's rarely, but maybe that's serious business?
It think you need to start joining the retirement home, old man.
This is an absurd position, you either don't understand Shirou or you don't understand what "romance" means
Romance is not about two people licking each other wounds, bros...
She should have children. A woman’s “career” should be giving birth to a lot of kids.
>Romance is not about two people licking each other wounds, bros...
Alright bro, what is it about?
Isn't that bromance tho?
Anon is so autistic he thinks romance = sex and given the writing for the sex scenes it makes sense he'd think it was weak
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>the enemy actually created a rival teahouse
ah, this is gonna be a fun event i see.
no u kek
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I think I'm gonna misunderstand with my bro Xu Xu
when nasu himself repeatedly says the romance with saber makes no fucking sense and was really terrible, i don't think you can defend it. this is the same guy known for doubling down on his dumb shit and acting like it's basically flawless and that if people say it's bad they just don't get it.
The arc battle of ciel's true end in tsukihime is peak, but the ending itself is shit.
That said it's somewhat salvaged by Arc and Shiki's argument after the battle which as always proves she's best girl
I'm fairly sure it is a girl. That's why she doesn't like men.
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>translate himiko calling you "mirai-kun" (future boy)or "mirai-chan'(future girl) as "futaro" for some reason
>Translate lyo calling you "mirai-san" as just "future"

Why are they getting further away?
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It just hit me that we are literally never getting Summer Medea now. Bros...
>when nasu himself repeatedly says the romance with saber makes no fucking sense and was really terrible
I don't think he said this literally
>i don't think you can defend it.
Why not? Nasu's standards aren't mine, also FSN is 3 routes you know?
>this is the same guy known for doubling down on his dumb shit and acting like it's basically flawless and that if people say it's bad they just don't get it.
Again, artists can have different opinions over 2 decades about different works
They could have made Iyo say Mr. Futaro at least.
I wish Ishida would say this to me...
You can still get Milly
Or just Mr or Miss Future.
I know it would destroy the charm but I always can't get the thought of what Xu Xu would look like with massive tits, the type that'd put Lip to shame.

I can already imagine her complaining about how hard they are to lug around everywhere...
Not the same.
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Away with you, despicable creature
Maybe it’s globo-homo appeasement?
What if Iyo called (you) Mr. Futa?
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Mr. Futa? Me.
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oh, cookies!
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I don't see why it won't happen, real life events wouldn't stop a new version of a character being made
Sorry male master but putting on a dress doesn't actually make you a futa
It won't be the same without that iconic seductive milf voice
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No VA=No servant
I hate zerokeks so much.
>arc mad.png
Uh, bro...
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It has nothing to do with zero, you dumb shoujo brain.
I can fix Her
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>enter kitchen at 3am
>see this
What to do?
Damn Iyo wants (You)r dick pretty badly, huh
>keep brewing fangs
>get nothing but chains
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Is tea good for you?
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Tell her age screwed her taste, seriously cream?
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With tremendous amounts of anabolic steroids yeah
I doubt they'd go to the trouble of recasting her unless something FSN related gets a new anime.
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I honestly don't know why I shortened the name down to just "Arc", I guess I was feeling pretty lazy that day
The story sucks though
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Realistically, here's what's going to happen and you're probably not going to like it.
At some point they're probably going to get greedy and re-adapt the fate route. At that point they will need a new Medea. She will either be recast or Nonaka Ai, the medea lily VA, will be told to adjust her voice to sound older.
Until then, you're Shit outta luck.
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Don't uoh at the cute spirit kid
If they redo fate route and hire Ai Nonaka they'd just retrofit Medea Lily into it
Lily would make no sense story-wise you big baka
Imagine FSN but they're all the lily version
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She just really wants to beat Himiko, Please Understand
It wouldn't but Nasu is exactly the kind of guy with the autism to make it try and shoehorn it in anyway
Well, I guess today's my lucky day then. 10/10, thank you very much.

Of course, this now begs the question of 'how big and how thicc can it go before the AI breaks' but there's no need to go that far.

This alone is already incredible. Saving it for posterity.
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>cast call the kid “they”
I ought to nuke satan while he’s cooped up in that pyramid in Antarctica over this shit. This is getting fucking annoying.
>lyo literally explains this is the land of the dead, where lost souls go
>Then they wonder who this kid is, but the kid feels like he has to go someone to meet someone important, the kid is wearing tattered clothes
What do characters never seem to put two and two together in stories?
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I'm drinking milk tea
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it entirely depends on the artist, there's a ppoint where it will stop the size and on other it just goes, "ok"
I'd be perfectly fine with a new Fate adaptation as long as Nasu doesn't go full retard trying to rewrite a bunch of shit and Last Episode gets a disproportionate amount of the budget. It's not like the franchise hasn't had VAs recast before for reasons including the prior VA's passing. If anything, I think an EmiGohan S2 is the most likely thing to lead to a recast. The only way I see Fate getting another anime is if Takeuchi puts his foot down, but so far he seems satisfied by having Nasu put on a wig.
only the highest quality from alberto-kun!
Cute boho.
I have some teabags, I guess I'll brew some as well.
>Nonaka Ai, the medea lily VA, will be told to adjust her voice to sound older.
She can't do it. She can only do that squeaky voice.
Damn bratty grandpa....
>okita alter is called okita-chan by the others
>translate it as little okita
Thinking about cute feet
>thought it is nice to know
Why does nobody question the floating hand?
I don't know but I don't want to say no to my mom.
The what now? You’re seeing things dude
How powerful is Sen No Rikyu lorewise? How much I like a character depends on how strong there power level is
how much do you like gilgamesh
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The map + event map OST are really cool...
Stronger than Morgan
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This node was just an economics class
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You’re used to it since you live in Chaldea.
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She's the strongest, since when she uses her NP, her enemies are guaranteed to get served!
haha holy fuck why is rikyu's voice so sexy
>how much do you like gilgamesh
He's my favorite because he's the strongest and he's really cocky and charismatic
My servants can beat hands, they're not a threat.
Ok that was funny
sleepy gogh is unexpectedly cute.

Ah, makes sense. Good to know.
Please do Erice or Illya next.
Uh, kino?
You must like Broly.
>You must like Broly.
He's alright. He's not charismatic enough. I'm more of a Gogetachad
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>sleepy gogh is unexpectedly cute.
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God that's hot, even better when you realize she's still 132 cm tall.
You speak like you're a child. It's a strange vibe. I feel as if you're eagerly awaiting your 15th birthday.
Why did he say this if he is a man
What's everyone doing until the final node opens? The current event nodes suck.
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Stop posting Ai SLOP
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>ermmm, supply and demand
Now go watch Spice & Wolf and then read World End Economica. After that, go read Friedman and then Keynes. No need to thank me.
It's /alter/, some people here are mentally stuck at 12.
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Just getting the CEs from the shop
>Slut hip slit
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Keep posting AI kino
Men as in humans because the translators are retards
Keynesian economics has been a disaster...
you're in a general for a cartoon game
>You speak like you're a child. It's a strange vibe. I feel as if you're eagerly awaiting your 15th birthday.
I was shitposting, bro, I wasn't actually serious there.
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Holy shit, she just can't catch a break.
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Yes but nothing in particular really stood out. Sure, it's got buzz words, but nobody really uses them seriously. I suppose it was the nonchalance with which he used them that gave me that vibe.
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We're all Keynesians now. Keynesian economics wasn't that much of a departure from neoclassical economics. His goal was ultimately the same as the economists of old: to save capitalism.
This is the last thing a married man sees before being reverse-raped by an /alter/sister
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>search her
>Only roles I recognize her for are Strike witches and Geminar
that was an underwhelming search
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MLB 3* CE on meta supports please
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That’s literally an old man’s voice Bro
Thanks Albert
Who is this slut
MichiKING servant when?
What the shit? It's extremely grating.
Even my late grandmother had a more youthful voice in her 80s.
He just claimed that he was a beast himself anon.
Just like Gudao.
>referring to Shusha as they
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Her design is so good holy shit, chink games could never
Who is this son
>nah you know what? Go kill him
What the fuck was his problem?
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Are any of the Rikyufags even "typical" old man enjoyers with grailed Moriarty and Li and co, or are they all just edgy heterosexuals
Looks like shit
I have grailed Li, both versions.
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For me? It's C.
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It's really sensual, especially with her looking right at you.
Tickles at my heart and makes me nervous in a flirtatious way.
Not gonna lie bros, Iyo being this pathetic and self deprecating is making me like her a lot. It might be early in saying this, but so far my enjoyment of this Gudaguda is way higher than whatever last year's mess was trying to be. Iyo and Rikyu are cute and it's nice to see Nobu interact again.
I have to grail Iyo now.
>Just like Gudao.
On bed maybe
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ummm no, you look like shit you big baka!
Cute surprised face
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This Rikyuu fella is kinda sus. I bet she's gonna betray us at some point because Guda seems to get deceived by old men pretty often.
I wish more women looked like this. Unfortunately real life is not kind.
Servant sucking my dick? Good event!
It'll be over something pretty stupid as well, like making the ultimate tea that only the grail can make.
Cute shocked face
Rikyuu is not edgy, she's very shibui and peak aesthete.
Historians agree that Toyotomi might have had psychology brain problems.
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every time l look at her I see barrel man because of what ever that thing in the front is
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Girl failures are endearing
>"you must not do anything to rikyu, he is like a father to me"
>*steps out*
>*steps back in*
>"actually just kill him lol"
uh why?
Why are shrine maiden babes so weak to futurechad cock?
did you get your Iyo to 80 yet?
Historians agree that Toyotomi might have had psychology brain problems.
While he stepped out I showed him Rikyu doesn’t have teatime Oberon on Normal support
That's what we call a chimp out, aka a nigga moment
bro, the va is just doing a granny voice
>lel spooky ghost design
Yes, and it's sexy.

t. Arai Satomi fan
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Rikyu's artist draws some pretty cool stuff
/alter/ is a granny appreciator general
This event rocks.
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I like europa, I guess, and Helena is cool. Maybe I don't like grandma characters. What's it to you.
I'm supposed to get a smooch with that.
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It's so over...
He didn't need him anymore. Can't you read?
>did you get your Iyo to 80 yet?
I don't have her yet because I'm not using apples
Seems suspicious, doesn't it? Like a plot point that might be explained later, perhaps.
lore-wise it's the same hyper-rationality that nobu also has but on steroids which is why hideyoshi was able to keep up with her in conversations but it also made their actions seem inhumane and devoid of human heart
Autism got it
Oh it all makes sense now
That would explain a lot
Fuck tea
Something tells me Ishida is a crossdressing girl.
What is that something.
I get like 500fp a day...
>...Men truly are beasts, hmmm.
Bro, your bot...?
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Kukochihiko has really good animations and a good voice actor! I can't wait until he's released on the part 2 rate up!
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>I get like 500fp a day...
You are rich...
Unless I'm unaware, I've tired using another account but fuck that, too much effort going between accounts.
I see....
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What would an FSN accurate buff look like?
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Saber getting chocked by Guda
There's a reason his nickname was monkey
Nobu is so cool
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This is 6CE as well.
Why do you need anything else?
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>Saber getting chocked by Guda
good one
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Who would be a pseudo for Kuzuki though?
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>men are beasts
Are you sure about that?
At least two of them.
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I wanna see Okita Alter try to say that with a straight face.
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nama seksu.
Lolibabas(male) can't be this cute!
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Will you be rolling for Abby, now that you know she'll get buffed soon?
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Based beyond belief
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Can’t believe we have to beat up Jilly
>half of my friends list has koma
What the hell? Was she a sleeper hit?
It's payback time!
There's a .webm version of that image. What a soulful servant, by the way.
I've had her since her first rate up, back when we were all calling her NP kino
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>oberon bond misuse
Thanks, saved to my heart drive.
She is your wife.
I already have her but I'll be rolling for NP2+ to 120 her.
I'm not Boggart, though?
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Castoria doesn't consent
Wtf I'm a lion furry and have a barbed cock now?
Isn't it salt on watermelon?
A Mashn't event is a good event.
The moral of the event is hideyoshi is a sociopath who fucked over everyone he met more or less
I gave the nice old man the cups he asked for, I hope his back pain is relieved!
Nice, however the back pain is eternal.
Oldman love!
he hated koreans
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Nooo, you got the wrong old man!
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>he puts salt on a watermelon
Definitely wouldn't look like that, because even FSNfags seem to forget she doesn't naturally come summoned with Avalon, nor does Arthur. So that would actually be one of the least lore accurate buffs you could give her.

A lore accurate buff would be
>Runs out of energy and has to sleep for 12 hours whenever she uses her NP
>If you need her to use her NP a second time you must cum inside of her
Jeanne Alter Santa Lily
It's been a long day anon, you can rest here.
Please take a seat, and enjoy a cup of tea.
If Rikyu is such a good servant, how come she hasn't gotten a costume in JP?
Yeah, pretty sure it's meant to be salt. Imma check the JP script later if I'm not lazy.
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I don't wanna do this node :(
I don't even know if NA ever fixed Oberon's melon quote after three years
They don't give a shit about accuracy
Just like how archer Arjuna got a costume, right?
how do you do this
Her NP gain sucks ass. With Nero Bride, Skadi, and Summer Skadi buffs, she's only refunding around 50-60% NP against 3 enemies. Dunno why anyone would waste SQ on someone so bad gameplaywise
Same and it still is kino
She says sugar in the script but I've never heard of that from Japs.
Some people have soul.
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I'm sorry Jilly... but this node drops all 3 tea leaves. It has to be done.
Also, nice to see that regular old Skadi still works, now I don't feel so bad about not getting her summer ver.
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>level 80
>unleveled skills
>assassin enemies with high HP
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Put this bad boy on your fruits. Very popular in asia. Sweet and sour and hint of saltiness. It is as they say, umami.
>Lv. 80
I want to plunge my cock inside of Jack's childish ANUS.
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I'm not putting bad boys on my fruit, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I think I like the inferior queen more...
The game gives you Ranmaru for free, who is basically budget arts looper with Castoria.
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anon was being a dishonest rat and omitted the entire context. The whole point is that you DON'T do that.
10 levels isn't going to give her more NP gain, especially when she's already hitting the mobs for overkill damage. Moreover she's actually doing MORE damage here than she would normally at level 90, because of the event damage bonus
Is this like Summer Kama where I miss the best lines if I'm nice to her?
My castoria is Bond 15
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>1000 attack and 5% more quick boost will totally make gifference guys, I swear
And here comes the quickkeks with their cope.
>Anti-Mashfags triggered
That's one way effective way to get (You)'s here
what is an Anti-Mashfag
A normal person
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Don't worry Mashfags, you'll get your event soon
umm new goho laugh... eheHEHE EHEHE!!!
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we love mash here
A normal person?
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I like Mash though. Look at her cheering for you, so cute.
yes anon it's one of the standards
>eat food
>breath air
>hate mash

If you don't check all of these boxes you're simply abnormal.
I'd rather not, I've just eaten breakfast
Why do her eyes look so weird?
what happened to drinking water
Normal people drink tea now Rikyu told me so
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We love Mash here!
Rikyu too strong...
She becomes the quick equivalent of Summer Ibuki and Arjunta Alter in the entirely hypothetical chance we get a Meta defining Quick Support
We'll get a new meta caster next new year or anni since JP just came out with a caster bond buff CE. Good chance of it being quick.
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do same but with Miyamoto Musashi
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Should I put this or the Medusa CE on my supports?
t-two command seals?
By saying yes, I'm guessing you mean the Iyo CE, right?
Maybe. Maybe not.
This Ishida guy seems kind of autistic. I like it.
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I love seeing my two favorite servants in action.
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...in bed
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>Enjoy Elden Ring so much you make knock off Blaidd
>Give him his own sprite and animations
>Don't bother to make him summonable

There are times I understand the hearts of evil men.
Gudaguda in particular seems to have a thing for giving bosses complete movesets and just never releasing them
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It's just a Makai Kishi, bro
you JUAST know that okitas the initiating slut., she's got a stick up her ass 90% of the time but you just fucking know the second you leave her alone she's the one who's the degenerate and nobbus just along for the ride.

whats with all the straight laced types being super sluts behind the scense? raikos like that too. she's so shadow prefect and mother figure in the public scene but normal or summer as soon as she's alone with (you) you know she's poopping that titty out for her baby boy (oir girl) to suckle.
Okita's normally such a critic and calling out nobs for being wacky but as soon as the lights go out you know she's gotta be a schlickin it to the edge anbd back.
Post feet
Post feet
for fuck's sake albert
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io'm not drunk enoguh for that. kill yourself footfag.>>492962617
funny cuz you post like you got feet for brains and stinks as much
Post feet please
Yep. Red chest shows up after like 3-4 nodes.

>why do we have the welfare already
Lasengle decided to be merciful on a whim. Discord is not lying no.

The evil Moon Dubai BB shot her out into space and she just magic'd herself a spacesuit on the way back.

Kind of, it's a little too big too

>whats today's story
The mastermind is some kind of ultra rules autist who used to be the emperor's advisor, his minions are a wolfman who was the evildarknesscorruption god Serizawa was trying to use for his "retcon Japan so I'm in charge" plan and the wishy-washy traitor guy who constantly betrays people and then apologises for it that Serizawa kicked out from Hell. (You) run into the tea girl/old man and realise you're in Japanese Limbo and that only his NP tea can keep people from getting corrupted and shit, so (you) open a teashop because his NP recharges from capitalism. This confuses the shit out of the mastermind but eventually he adapts and opens his own tea shop. You end up in a teashop competition. Then he tries to assassinate (you) and friends with Wolfman God's resentment curse magic that traps you in a nightmare, but (you) make a contract with Iyo and Nobbu and Okita are based retards that get off on resentment so they just wake up on their own. Throughout all this Iyo is constantly crying from being useless compared to actual GUDAGUDA characters
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...looks like I'm going to have a huge surplus of red tea leaves by the end of the event. I only really need the fangs.
What were they thinking making Medea an enemy I have to KILL?
Not even the most egregious typo in that chapter
I need claws of chaos real bad rn, but am loaded with fangs. I'd gladly trade you if FGO had such a system

Little in-joke about Medea getting shit on by a fucking Berserker at magic I guess?
Same...this is so inefficient.
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I think some of you should just write fanfics at this point
Aside from the smut stories, there isn't a single food Fate fanfic. It's a shame. The setting has a lot of potential for a good story.
I mean Medea's VA just passed away, it's kinda fucked up to make players kill her
Fate/Zero is a fanfic.
Yeah well, that's the level of grace I expected from Lasengle. Be glad they didn't give her one of Albert's funny "creative interpretations" like "lonely old hag" or something as her farming fodder name I guess.

I mean what were they going to do? Replace her with a giant mechanical boar?
Hola amigos
They should have made it like in the pre-anni Hunting Quests, so that when she shows up in the 3rd turn, she's immediately hit with instant death and drops her stuff.
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>T-takeuchi is a hack
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I posted about it earlier. you can convert 1 type of tea powder to another at a 4:1 ratio. in the end its about 25% less efficient to do this, but if all you want is claws then its probably worthit for you personallly.

stage 1 boxes all take 60 tea powders (various types collectively ) for 6k points, stage 1 is 75 for 7500, stage 3 is 90 for 9000. so which tea you go for doesn't much matter. they're all the same points.
Event lasts 3 weeks so you can be as inefficient as you want and you'll still clear the shop fine even if you're farming at 75% efficiency.
Hola pendejo
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Peasant girl
That right there?

True beauty.
Alter's never been a peasant, thoughbeit?
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>Became the Shielder Demi-Servant for Galahad and with his approval obtained ownership of the most powerful defensive Noble Phantasm in the entire franchise
>Blocked Rhongomyniad: The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World from the Lion King
>Blocked Ars Almadel Salomonis from Beast I - Goetia who used the power of Grand Caster King Solomon
>Defeated Beast IV - Primate Murder Cath Palug without so much as a single blow
>Blocked Zveri・Krestnyy Khod from Lostbelt King Thunderous Emperor Ivan the Terrible
>Blocked Loptr Laegjarn: Shine Brighter than the Sun, Flaming Sword from the Fiery King of Giants Surtr
>Survived Kirschtaria Wodime's Grand Order/Anima Animusphere in Atlantis
>Became the owner of the Atlas Institute's Black Barrel and used it to kill the True Mechanical Greek Goddesses Demeter and Aphrodite
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and blocked the World Discipline Keraunos: I, Star-Cleaving Thunderbolt of the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus
>Killed the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus using the Black Barrel
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and defeated the Divine Spirit Golden Caenis with only the help of an extremely weakened Sherlock
>Earned the Faerie Knight title of Tam Lin Galahad from Aesc the Savior and defeated the Calamity of Norwich
>Called upon Gawain and Lancelot and stood as their equal as a Knight of the Round Table when she defeated the Calamity of the Beast - Demon Hound Barghest
>Killed the Calamity of the Curse - Enshrined Deity Cernunnos and shattered his Core using the Black Barrel
>Survived and awakened from the Garden of Lost Will and defeated the Insect of the Abyss - Oberon with the help of Caster Artoria

Is there something our little Mashu can't do?
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This guy is a bit kinky.
You forgot

>Soloed (formerly) UNRIVALLED
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This will be part 3's Mash replacement.
Develop a personality
Rikyu NP looks like SHIT. Koma is the only asc worth using
Be a wingman and let master smash his servants in peace
Major improvement.
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That's something that she can do, she simply doesn't want to.
But enough about Hollow Ataraxia
Be universally loved
You can still technically get fangs on other bronze recipes.
That never happens
I need seeds so it's absurdly efficient for me.
I like the stuff Fallacies does.
This year for sure bro, along with 4* Serizawa and 3* Maxwell.
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what if i raped Ishida
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the best event of the year.
What events did we even have this year?
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Why is she so smug?
This damn bratty empress, she looks like she needs correcting.
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>The game music played during the Noble Phantasm animation for 4 (SR) Iyo will change after clearing Main Quest "Digression" of this event
I didn't really hear any background music during her NP though.
In time, you will look back on it and realise it is also the best event of next year too. A time will come when you realise that GUDAGUDA is the most serious and down to earth narrative you'll experience for a long, long while.

I'm sorry. Knowledge is a burden.
What, do you mean dinofootie with coach Kotomine isn't a serious narrative?!
The pseudo-summers (Scramble, Sea Monster Crisis) are in contention. I can't remember what the next not!summer is however.
It still bugs me why didn’t they use fairy knights themes for their NPs.
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>陸劫輪廻 ~宵闇翳る月御珠~
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my pov when I have just said something based and you don't a good comeback
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let her cook
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my pov when I replied "dicklet"
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Y-you little bitch!
Hush. Let the uninitiated learn who the STRONGEST Servant at Chaldea is the hard way.

Didn't count Scramble and the Karna summer because they're reruns, but desu I like this event firmly better than Sea Monster Crisis. Not to say Sea Monster Crisis is terrible compared to, say, any FGO event about idorus or figurines, but against my better judgement somehow GUDAGUDA has a more charismatic band of cute retards
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bros, why do japanese feudal warlords make my dick so hard
Cute CE
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I don't like this picture because the her left eye signals where the right eye should be but it's not drawn behind the hair.
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I want to pet Iyo's head and tell her she isn't a total failure (she is).
Kino has arrived.
she doesn't have a chest that big
she does when she stacks more curses
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She does have pretty big ones.
>tfw no failwife
Why live...
Why are all women of her time pitsluts?
dead on arrival
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blue archive clone
Ventilation since air conditioner hasn't been invented yet
The main artist left to make this game.
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Goodnight bros.
>Studio Alaya
It's your fault for summoning too many Extras.
Now she will send the cunny to drag you back to Earth.
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Did some one call?
>alaya is bitter because shes an old hag while most of the beasts that the master of chalea summons are cunnys
If they released bitter hag alaya i would np6
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nah. too busy having douman bust my bussy
A footjob from koyanskaya would fix me as a person.
About time she answered my prayers
You're late but I will accept my cunny as payment now
Is the new Kukochinoko wolfman related to Woodwose?
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Now that everyone got Rikyu, who's your next target?
Yeah he's an A-ray too
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Summer Bao
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Kukochihiko got mud...
Bob is keking me
Shit, those are all good.
Thanks for sharing them anon.
is that a fae thing ?
i hard skipped that lostbelt
fuck the british
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Umm, have you heard of knocking before entering?
agents of the planet, arcueid is one too
4 days until login bonus and i will get Rikyu :D
Uhh, all /alter/bros already have np5 gogg minimum
all /alter/bros already have np6 bond 15 10/10/10/10/10/10 2k/2k max pawed 120 gogh all cards cc'd
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big balls
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I love when Nobu/ Okita drops their goofy acts and go mass murder mode
Now that you mention, it's quite an amazing waste of time and resources.
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I am done asking. Add me now
Was in Japan a few months ago, honestly yeah I forgive the pitsluts because fuck that country is hot in summer
not as hot as states
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Only Okita drops the goofy act to go mass murder mode. Nobu mass murders while still goofy.
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I skipped, bro.
>who's your next target?

>"Shishou, why the fuck are you making coffee at 3 AM?"
Can you provide some proof that it's you? You could be pulling a cruel prank on him
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sent, kiara in all
Woodwose got wood…
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I am me
My Gogh will be NP6 soon, trust the plan.
Whose wood is this?
Dude the event was made 2 years ago
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Already bros
Finishing my husbando Bakin I guess
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>wake up
>see this
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Stay back, creep!!
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>"hehe thanks for the milk!"
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I failed to get Rikyu
Your loss
Stop that
Sorry, no solicitors.
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So this is it... Grand Order.
How do I know this is you and not a random dude postiing a random FC? Also I think we are friends anyway, I will check in a minute.
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Huyan and the elf. With enough luck I will collect all of this year's Quick friends. Also some older servants I still don't have and a couple NP levels on others.
How much sq?
Here's a cautionary tale:
I hit pity three times in a row rolling for homos (Dantes, Amakusa and Gil).
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fake homo
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180 for Galatea and NP2 Keisuke
Sent, Run in all
Wtf do you want me to do anyway?
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Your mom
No, because I know that someone would
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Sad Iyo... I hope she will do something epic in this event cheer up.
Screenshot your summer Kiara with uhhh idk, Semiramis CE?
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Fine, here you go
Are people really suspicious of just a FC being posted? Posting support has become cringe so thats why I didnt post mine.
Uhhh, that's Mash?
File deleted.
Poster girl Nobu cute! CUTE!!
The AI does legible Japanese now...
why do we tolerate AIfags?
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You know why
Ai has come so far but it still has some problems(like that hair strand coming out of her arm pit.)
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>Implying you have a choice in the matter
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I don't see Semiramis CE. Regarding your question - sometimes people post random FCs. Rarely but still. Also may as well be reddit.
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What are you gonna do?
You arent a real janny you cant do shit.
Sit down, clown.
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Here is your proof, fucking kys cuck. You prove to me you are worth a (you)
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Why does Iyo call us Future instead of Futuro? I checked JP and she said Mirai-san. I don't remember what Himiko called us, Mirai-kun? Is it Albert's way to distinguish those?
organize discord raids
They have never had consistency, it's not a word in their dictionary
I just assumed Iyo is dumb.
She call you Mirai san when you form a contract, read today's part, fucking baboon
>I don't remember what Himiko called us, Mirai-kun?
depends on whether you're male of female master
Fair point, I should've hunted those down.
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You don't need to try so hard Iyo, I get it.
I am still reading and I am not a baboon.
So they use different honorifics after all?
Read faster, you had 6 hours
I've just started to read today's section dude, be patient.
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>"We must apologise for Iyo. I have trained her wrong on purpose, as a joke"
Himiko, probably
Don't ask questions. Just buy the jpeg and get excited for the next jpeg.
>So they use different honorifics after all?
yeah, I think girl master is Mirai-chan
No, I mean Iyo and Himiko, as in -san and -chan/-kun? That's why Future/Futuro?
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The strongest servant
Iyo uses Mirai-san
Himiko uses Mirai-kun for male masters and Mirai-chan for female masters.
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You're gonna summon him, right?

You're all gonna try...right?
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You want me, don't you?
I want Ishida.
Abby Sex?
Do not sex the barely pubescent child
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I'm sure it should be "competitor" instead of "competition" here
>I'm sure it should be [synonym of X] instead of [X] here
I want Shusha
If you don't give her what she wants, she will eventually take it by force. Anon, do you want to be raped?
Yes, that's my fetish.
Why is Nobu called Nobbu in this event?
Is Ishida a girl or a boy? I can't tell
lol no
I want her with her hair down more. My goodness.
It's a ghost from centuries ago
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You don't like 2B?
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Iyo is extremely cute.
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None can repel cute of this magnitude!
So far? No, she is annoying and useless
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Nobu is extremely based in this event.
Nobu just wants to wage war but the narrative of GUDAGUDA just won't let her do it with dignity
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Girlfailures are cute though...
Always has been
That Castoria looks either traumatised or about to snap her neck
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Loopslave Iyo is cute!
Iyo accidentally confessing that Himiko has a crush on (You)!
Fotm, we will all be back to our old arts loopers after the event till Valentine
Iyo has a bigger crush on (You) than Himiko desu
They are not synonyms.
Competition is an alternative choice of product or service. Let's say if you are selling tea, then your competition is the people or organization who sells other soft drinks, but never the tea.
Competitor is the other people or organization selling tea here, they provide the exact same product and service as you.
In marketing competitions are dealt way more than competitors btw.
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My future powers tell me a threesome is near
I been bringing Sieg, he can take a break now that Iyo is here
Noooooo, you have to use the same arts looper you have been using before, until the end of times
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Iyo also enjoys having (You)r mana fill her up.
It's no longer dragon riding time...

I have a new ride now!
This is my Fate/Grand Order.
esl lol
>She's FOTM
>No one cares about her
>She has no art
This is why AI will win, btw.
Wrong, this is why this game will die
Iyo does check a lot of boxes for me. If she didn't get introduced so late I might have grailed her. Maybe still will one day
EoS next week, Chang?
Not next week, mayhaps next year
Why don't you just die, /alter/?
40 posts/hour is not dead?
Too lively for me.
I can't fuck this.
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what a blessed thing to wake up to
I choose sleep
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I caused this
Hideyoshi is a bit of a cunt.
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I'm not particularly aware of the fine details for moon history, but I assume this Hideyoshi in the event is the actual Toyotomi Hideyoshi?
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Iyo gives me girl-failure vibes like Eresh does
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i will play dumb to her innocent attempts at seduction until she gets tired and pins me down with her mighty B loli strength and stuffs her underaged pussy with my fat dick
Don't tell me what to do.
>Himiko is stronger, more famous, more successful and isn't plagued by her past failures
>But at the same time, Himiko is too much of a shy introvert while Iyo is quite upfront about her feelings and desire to steal Guda away from her
Truly a hard situation
>POV: the last thing you see after you denied sex to Nurse (she injected you with something weird)
>she will eventually take it by force.
What the hell are that bastard Dantes and the useless kohai doing if they were to allow that?
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That's Kama you retard
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>spend all my 150 quartz and 25 tickets from the last few weeks to get NP1 Rikyu
>get cocky, buy a big pack
>get four Keisukes and a Wu
>buy another big pack
>get NOTHING, not a single gold servant
>get login bonus 30 quartz the next day, nothing
>buy another big pack
>get the last Keisuke, nothing else
Guess she's gonna stay NP1.
Yes? That's what I do when I want something in this game.
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arr rook same
who is this in response to
Because they are nice enough to generate art with my fetishes. All I want is big oppai lolis, and they'll happily give it to me.
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The running theme of GUDAGUDA, when it tries to be a serious story, seems to be that everyone was a cunt but is remembered as honorabu due to a combination of rose-tinted glasses and even the biggest scumbags not wanting Okita to cry.

If only to avoid getting beaten down by her.

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