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Previous: >>492819781

>In Season One

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

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>/tfd/ Thread Template
Only faggots use gregs
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You think we'll see a nerf to Bunny after you can't directly buy her anymore?

Not even a nerf to Bunny per se, just a nerf to Lightning Emission.
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Hailey is outrageous

How did this happen? Korean celebrities do NOT have this much MEAT
Gotta up those birthrates anon
I doubt it. At least not until S3. A lot of the content is designed around Bunny clearing everything. Imagine invasions without Bunny.
There's a reason why she looks American and is named Hailey.
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Outright nerfing the most popular and invested character would shut this game down.

The two alternative choices would be:

1. Content that do not favor the Bunny playstyle (somehow)
2. Better AOE weapons that DONT run out of ammo in 5 shots, so every character can AOE
>Outright nerfing the most popular and invested character would shut this game down.
funny because it's true now. the only players left are the ones playing bunny because non-bunny mains (which amounts to much more than bunny mains considering the number of descendants in game) already left knowing that there's no point in playing their characters.
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>cutscene with four players
>Better to play everything private ingame
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>1. Content that do not favor the Bunny playstyle (somehow)
I wish they have the balls to include an "electricity damage -86%" penalty in one of the invasions before they nerf it.
>imagine doing invasions without bunny
Pretty much any character with decent aoe can gold invasions easily. Been running invasions with Viessa and getting gold easily everyday.
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Unless the AOE weapons can shoot into rooms ahead of you without needing LOS, I don't see them helping anyone not playing bunny keep up with the other three people in the group who are playing Bunny.
And if it did, they would just invalidate every other weapon in existence the same way Bunny invalidates most of the other descendants.

Gosh, I hope we see it prior to the Thursday update.
Also, make the other dungeon nerf general rounds for the EL spammers.
Please, I just want to see the carnage it would wreak.
It's still something clearly designed with her in mind. Well, some of them are. I wouldn't put it paste devs to lazily play a maxed out Bunny on their mission testings and that's why they think a lot of this is fun for everyone else.
>Trying to farm red mods
>Electric transition 500 times no matter what content i'm doing
how about you transition your mouth onto my fucking cock bunny, fuck you
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Hailey isn't white, she's hispanic
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valby (froggy style)
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Well, yeah, they just have to make the AOE weapons insane.

Warframe also had major AOE nerfs in its history and then they just ended up adding more and more OP weapons anyway.

I hope TFD does the smart thing and bypass all those growing pains Warframe had and just give out a couple of insane AOE weapons so non-Bunnies can keep up.
I know the theme is a nun but I honestly dont really dig that top all that much...but the thighs more than make up for it I guess.
I usually ran my blue/yellow color scheme but I didn't like it that much on this outfit. Maybe going back to pool skin
>Give players the gun version of Bunny to compete with Bunny
Warframe players are so fucking stupid. I see why they're able to eat the same ol recycled slop.
The smart thing would've been nerfing her before launch (before people even have the ability to invest in to her). But they didn't, and people already left in droves (see steamcharts), and it would be astronomically hard to get these people to return. So yeah, it's just a matter of time before the remaining Bunny whales got bored because any new content is meaningless because they already have the best.
so whats your solution then
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I mean I think it works. When everyone can be OP when invested, people can choose what they want to play as, and that's also not counting all the QOL/Power your spoiler mode can provide in WF.

My personal take is that it's the grind and lack of F2P customization that drove a lot of the more casual players away, not because Bunny herself.
applying a line of sight restriction on bunny should be a start.
Ty for the Luna help in the last thread bros. New question; how do I Frost Walker? I get that there's flames and you gotta do something with them but I blatantly refuse to look at any youtube slop, and sussing it out on my own has been difficult because my team always seems to die so fucking fast.
>mfw got 2 red mods drops before 1 101 amp
god I do not want to do this 4 more times
>the grind
yes, and that problem is currently heavily downplayed because bunny exists. if she doesn't, everyone would complain and they would have nerfed the grind just like how they nerf a lot of things including outposts and the current invasion.
>f2p customization
that I agree
>break parts
>one person hordes the red flames that drop from broken parts to build instakill immunity
>everyone huddles around them when the instakill comes
>the boss does the orb-collection check instakill after 2:30 has passed on the timer
U R Welcome Lunasissy, now give me them buffs :^)
t. Kyledaddy
Is there a way to rewatch this scene in game? I was impressed by the detail they put into Bunny's crying face.
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>I think it works
I shouldn't have to explain this. What happens when the rabbit has the gun? No literally what happens when now Ultimate Bunny is now using the handheld version of her? This is the EXACT reason games like Warframe ended up being a pile of shit. Your concept of balance is why there's over 600 pages of "hotfixes"

Now do I have a master plan? No, not yet because it's way too early for overhauls. But you never give players a character like bunny during release. Also you never take advice from the playerbase because as you can tell they're just going to say "look at warframe" everytime
>Lepic creamed Valby and Bunny
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how'd they manage the most unflattering picture of Valby ever
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warframe won.
>when she steps on my dick
Gay. Bunny's face when looking up at everyone surpassed expectations from a videogame I didn't know I had.
>when the rabbit has the gun
they'll still only use one of them because it's redundant?
nothing to zap if your gun already kills everything, and nothing to shoot at if you already zap everything
now using something other than bunny would seem like a better idea, even if just for novelty
because then you need to use BOTH bunny and the gun to quickly clear the new, more difficult content.
Gimme Viessa, Gley or Sharen and I might get one
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The thing is all these issues feed into each other.

The grind is long so you use bunny...but you cant paint your default bunny so you just look at pic related for 30 hours and that gets boring.

It seems like Nexon did take notice and added Valby/Bunny skins in the free Battle Pass shop this season, but they really should have done that earlier instead of just the starting trio ones in pre season, and those were also pretty hard to buy until they adjusted the coins in the final 3 weeks but the damage was probably done by then.
>The grind is long so you use bunny
and like I said if Bunny didn't exist they'd have nerfed the grind instead. and then people will be using different descendants and so there would at least be some variety in the visuals.
Give me Hailey doing the double peace sign emote from the new battlepass instead.
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>new, more difficult content
well i have no way to refute or acknowledge that
just imagine doing the current invasion with two bunnies instead of one.
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if I could force them to make other characters then I would, but Bunny is most popular because this game can't balance
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This but also kneeling on the ground and with her tongue out.
Hot glueing bunny!
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I'm not saying Hailey is Korean
But the fact that a society that worships skinny korean women would end up makin all these thicc bitches in TFD is surprising
>a society that worships skinny korean women
actually there's quite a lot of thiccs if you look at the popular spots like bimilstory or loozy.
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>Korean dev
>nerfing grind
how new r u?
Yo ugot these views without the leg spasm and something more natural?
I swear every time I use world chat to find a group of ult bunnies speeding through a hard mission for hailey drops, they're always slow as shit.
just found 3 MR26 bunnies in world chat and it took them like 5:50 to clear asylum repeatedly.
meanwhile I've had 3:40 clears with random mr10 non ult characters when we were even missing a 4th
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because most bunny players are actual retards? and MR means fuck all
doesn't it take like 300 hours minimum to get mr26. I was hoping that was worth something
fuck u
how new are YOU? we got constant nerfs in this game already, the most egregious one being the outpost grind.
Theyve done a lot of nerfs to TFD
But I dont think they were ever going to nerf the game to the point that a Yunjin can farm as fast as a bunny pre-nerf
MHow do you deal with running out of MP as Viessa in combat? In particular vs Colossi?
Does she prioritize cool down or duration after you get range?
the best way I've found to deal with it is to just buy hailey instead
Yeah? and you can be a retard for 300hr in fact people manage it their entire lives sometimes.
Now if only the amp drop rate felt like 25% from outposts
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>one(1) 32% piece away

Amigos....I can taste it...the gun I been hearing about for two months.....
and then you get to grind it out 4 times after that, arent you excited?
There should be places around intercept areas that spawn MP drops, having a character that needs it and counting on the minions to drop shit feels bad.

That or you just get Hailey and destroy intercepts with a skill that takes no mp, with a buff that takes very little even zero if built right.
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Finally, my macro is working. Having to level up your character and weapon every time you use a donut is such bullshit
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Honestly I only went after it after randomly getting the 10% blue print
I probably wont go for dupes for a while since that blue print needs an actually good sharen (massive, wide open outpost)
EL is actually one of the few ult guns that work fine without upgrades.
Oh, granted, they've done wonders, particularly considering this is Nexon. But are you seriously saying that, against all the history of Korean-made games and Nexon's own history to boot, you genuinely expected them to reconsider their core grind-based gameplay loop?
>good sharen
eh not really, if its the 101 amp then really a sharen with 16 seconds can do all of them in the game. And thats honestly really easy to get with half maxed mods and a mediocre reactor, since all you want is duration up and not caring if it even matches her element.
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what kind of macro
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Hailey Enjoyers' theme.

*at doom's gate
speaking of macro, I have become too lazy to finish working on the Noise surge luna macro that reads the screen.
Yeah that's good to hear, but I'm just really eager to move on from Thunder Cage. I have used that damn thing for 100+ hours

It's the one next to the Command Relay mission that everyone farms in Fortress. It looked massive
It's called macrogamer. Download the setup (msi) https://www.itoady.com/ I just used the function of recording everything I was doing for 3 minutes and now put it on repeat
True, they've done far more than I certainly expected. The outpost change alone was a God send. To that end, I've got hope for further improvements should the need arise.
At the same time though, there will always be a meta. If not Bunny then who? As you said you'll never get Yujin clearing things as fast as Bunny or Valby could. Instead of nerfing Bunny they need to add alternate forms of grind. Sharen outpost runs are a perfect example; done correctly you can blaze through an outpost in under a minute, with a one minute timer. If they added some sort of ramping pity mechanic, like say every outpost cleared increased the base chance of getting an AMP by 25%, that'd make outpost farming much more consistent compared to dungeons.

Most importantly though, it wouldn't invalidate dungeons. You'd still have people who preferred the guaranteed 2x drop in a sub 5-minute run, while others would lean towards the outpost grind even if it meant having to clear 5 in a row for the guaranteed double drop. If they applied a similar-but-different approach that catered to different Descendant playstyles that would be the best. Have some kind of hold-out style defense mission where a well-built Kyle or Ajax alongside a Jayber and Yujin can really excel. Sure you could still bring Bunny along to those for help in some aoe clearing, but appropriate map design to encourage certain playstyles can make it so that more than one Bunny would be a detriment.

That would be the ideal. The grind isn't bad per se, just make more options that appeal to and encourage other Descendant playstyles beyond the usual "gotta go fast and aoe" meta that exists.
Why not doing Slumber Valley 250%?
>game crashed during cutscene
this is a first lol
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That outpost isn't bad. ~16s is enough duration to get all four with Sharen. Start on the north side then hit that console. Jump up and hit the one just above and behind you, then roll over to the one across from it on the same upper platform. Then hop down towards the final one on the bottom. Turn around and use your 1 on a random mook to get the stealth refresh from your passive and then line up a good shot on the outpost boss for another 1 before finishing them with some up-close headshots. TC works fine there, built for weakness at a minimum.
Newfag here, do elements stack? Like I got a gun with fire atk on it innately, if I put another element module on it does it do both fire and the other element?
If I could remove one thing from video gaming forever, it would be kamikaze enemies
This things provide nothing of value to life other than artificially inflating difficulty
I don't care about meta and will use my wife Ult Freyna for everything
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Honestly, I kind forgot about the fact that it had that many alternatives.

I just went back into the game to check 101 too and yeah, it's from a much smaller outpost. I'll probably do that one and Slumber Valley when I eventually get around to it, instead of the Fortress one I originally got the Code from
Well, if you need help I'd be happy to hit a few outposts with you. I've gotten pretty comfy doing the Sharen outpost grind loop.
>get 2 energy activators in a row
>still no 10% el bp drop
the drop rates are 100% real and not dynamic at all
gley rage white pubes?
I burned through 60 some amps a few days ago and only got 2 EL blueprints.
No only the module counts. Also module and gun don't appear to stack even if they are the same element, not sure about that though
that entire outpost feels fake as fuck too, nowhere else do the amps drop in such little amount for me (im doing the one at white night)
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I got my first non-quest Activator today after 140 hours
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bros is it worth replacing shock punch with mid air maneuvering?
You clearly wish you were Luna here
yes, melee is useless
Any grapple mod is better than melee
which one is better? ive got an unleveled mid air and long distance
Midair is for Bunny and Dungeon Run
Long is for Colossi
thx anon
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Anyone see this today?
Does this game have some retarded spyware built in, or in it's anticheat?
Yes, it lets the gooks know when you're gooning and to which coom skin.
Best place to farm Kuipers?
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You all have 24 hours to complete your invasion dailies, get a move on it Descendent
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Well, it's time for my daily invasions.
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Pic related, it's me doing invasions
>bunny sucking on my balls while doing invasions
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their ToS straight up says they can use their anti-cheat to record all websites you visit even when the game is closed
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Modifier makes the boss absolutely trivial. EL guns him down like a degenerate in the streets.
lel was about to say that's not a penalty that's a fucking boon
ngl bros I would totally go for some of the female vulguses
It's a literal freebie. Too all the solo play anxiety mentally ill carried shitters this is your chance to clear
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Freyna Invasion players are going to be absolutely devastated.
Who is using Freyna in Invasions? I assume you're just settling for silver/bronze if you are
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Is there a way to see how much damage I can do with mods equipped without having to level the character and buy the modules? I looked at the Character Builder in the OP and couldn't find anything like that. I want to see what's better when balancing skill power/skill power modifier to get the most damage of Hailey's skill 1 so I can swap between a mobbing build and a bossing build. I have the latter one almost complete but I need to work on a mobbing build.
actually the poison's kinda good for the totems.
but then again that's also the reason why the devs said blair was good.
>ass slapping
should've added it in the game as an emote
Why did they put the plates in a room so fucking big
remember ur antifreeze again descendants...
gold invasions aren't an issue for anyone with an aoe ability, and freyna have a persistent aoe
what a lot of people having trouble with is one-cycling the boss (bad/not properly built gun) or suvivability tanking the unavoidable hits (not using hp/def mods)
>boss has a white shield
>game kinda forgets to spawn a white plate, forcing a reset
>done with invasions
Farm your enduring legacy bwos...
I'm starting to hate the plate invasions more than I hate the drone invasions.
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>Started my ult farming today
>Only got 1 out of 4 ult bunny bp
>Patterns don't even drop on said outposts
I have officially ran out of liquid metal...
100% this.
Atleast with the drone, I can bop about the room and dodge out of AOEs while reading totems and looking for drones.
With the plates, I'm a sitting duck for when the boss throws his incendiary grenade.
That, and there's been 3 'your Nazeistra's Devotion sucks here lol' plate missions in a row and I got shit all else to pop bosses from an across-the-room range, so I have to sit there and eat rockets for longer.
If we don't get this but for Electric / General Rounds before they remove this feature, I'm going to be really disappointed.
All the farm spots suck ass this week...
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A Hailey part imbalance is more painful than a muscle imbalance, scientifically speaking.
Fortress Command Relay let you farm Hailey Reactor + Activator Material
>30 amps in today and still no el bp
nexon needs to be investigated again for the drop rates
That mission sucks ass though...
>download this game because I see a bunch of screenshots of ass and thighs
>the game is just warframe with worse movement
it literally takes 20 seconds?
Warframes spam jump autism unironically is the worst part of it.
Go back to warframe transfatty
dont forget they somehow made a grappling hook of all things feel unsatisfying to use
>grapple up to the platform to see the colors
>overshoot and fall down the chasm
every time
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What's the fastest infiltration for each Hailey part? I'm behind by 2 parts.
Why the fuck did the medic twink get the coolest outfit.
only he has time for drip
Sorry buddy but it would be a shame if you were having fun with your dual zorens... heh... so we're taking it away and now you will bullet jump like fucking frog ad vitam eternam.
Steve and Scott can suck my dick. Can't wait for soulframe to come out and flop hard so these faggots finally get humbled a little.
Steve here and I’m here to tell you that soulframe will be a success and I’ll have my ego stroked even more
Farming Hailey reactors at the Fortress Command Relay even though I have no earthly idea what it is I'm looking for.
Good stuff
The usual, colossus dmg and crit damage, either piercing light or afterglow.
What you're only killing the first elite, it still feels like shit running all the way back from the mission start point...
>no good reactor farms
good now I can farm my magister labs
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Even D listers can get gold
Just bring AOE and HP, lads
Enzo went back to the past to rape Valby as a child
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>b-but it's not fun!!! I spend all day crying on /vg/ but spending 4 minutes ingame is too haaaaaard! I'm totally not getting filtered it's easy I just choose not to do it you guyze!
Based Esiemo enjoyer.
isn't there a kino hailey farm
>read story
>Bunny, Viessa and Luna want to line up and ride Karel
Lucky bastard
I have 11 EAs collecting dust in the vault and no blueprints. Also running lab has a chance of giving me blueprints.
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Wish you could make 4 Catalysts at a time I don't have the time to check in every time one wraps up.
>"i would totally go for a race of women that are basically just humans but blue"
Which inversions are you guys using
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So what am I supposed to do with the 2nd one?
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invasions are literally going to make me quit this game, they are the most UNFUN fucking SLOG it's actually amazing someone signed off on this
Good, uninstall it already.
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>"i would totally go for a race of women that are basically just humans but blue"
AND over 7 feet tall, cant forget that one too anon
That's quite the slippery slope, I've seen it a few times and it almost always end with a huge futa cock
when you put it that way it IS based
Naturally it always ends that way, but in this case I wouldnt mind keeping it a bit vanilla.
Are there female vulguses? Pic?
Combine them

>>492966447 (me)
I thought the runs where my favourite weapon was ass was the primary cancer here.
Turns out even when it's not, having 10- pounds of artillery flying at the position I gotta stand on while 50 creeps body block me and10 shield guys spawn to block my target and a cryo soldier spawns behind me to freeze me still makes this the worst mode. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without HP collector.

Darky invasions the worst.
Truthers are atleast interesting in their gimmick. I'd tentatively say that Truthers are the best because Immortals are too easy (but I'll probably change my opinion entirely once randos in my pugs start whapping random drones, solo only definitely)
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>once randos in my pugs
It was the plan all along: 1 week in private to make people learn the mechanics.
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Anon did you forget about her already?
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Well helloooo blueberry pussy
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There is zero incentive to queueing up with randos if you can already get gold yourself which is already piss easy. Maybe if you're into pain and suffering I guess.
Bratty engineer, I'll show you who's very weak
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first day of hailey farming. today was even my first time doing an invasion, did both yesterday and today's dailies. this is like 8~ hours
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which one of these do I finish to get the invasion shit?
Hanged man I think, I did that a bit ago and got the invasions after
Right, why would I want to play with people in a multiplayer game
Why do I see so many Bunny builds with focus on Singular? Isn't skill power modifier inefficient if you're already at 200%?
same reason you see so many crit bunnies. it's not ideal but there's nothing else to put on after a certain point
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This is where I'm at after getting gold on all invasions since the patch and doing enough magister runs to get uvalby from 1 to 40 once.
I'll try to farm for a Hailey reactor instead while leveling some blue tier weapons I forgot about to get some mastery exp.
I'll see where I'm at this week end and decide if it's worth grinding or not, there's no rush.
Started rolling for substats today on my Greg: which ones shoudl I go for? Firearm atk+Crit damage+what?
Is Maximize Skill not good? was thinking of putting it on there
The bride costume looks less sexy on the Descendants.
How about some hp and def modules? No? Keep crawling
it only takes 1 HP mod on bunny to easily never die in invasions. is this projection or something
size matters
I'm a healthy rabbit. The others, thought..
bro theyre like half the enemies...
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where do I go from here?
Yeah why would you? Are you gay? Want to do some frottage with some xbox Ajax players? Fucking piece of shit you know exactly why you wouldn't queue with randos.
replace your grapple mod with an actual good one
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got it
to be fair I almost made a tankier rabbit when I was first figuring out the invasion mechanics
yeah idk what else now, looks good to me
Playing solo in a cooperative game bores me. There are many better single-player games available
Only thing I can think about is putting a catalyst on the grapple mod so you get 5 more slots to upgrade front lines or throw something else in
Ajax players are all female (male) so yeah.
It's so comfortable to run with Increased HP, Stim Accelerant, Spear and Shield and Time Distribution.
think they will ever add more mobility mods other than grapples?
>get the valby black skin from the pass thing
>does not include the helmet
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This should be your base
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surely this has to be bait
I couldn't find any images of female Vulgus enemies on the internet
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do you even play the game
She rims her ass on lepics cock
As a bunny, I rarely encounter enemies that close.
how come I see so many haileys doing hard dungeons? if it's XP or gold there's no point in doing any dungeon outside of biolab but that's where I see all of them the most
>if it's XP or gold there's no point in doing any dungeon outside of biolab
well the others still give quite a bit, even if not the best per minute. maybe they also need the amps from the dungeons or just want to mix it up a bit. or yujin.
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Word around Albion is that you've got a fat cock. I've got a fat cock too! How about we rub our fat cocks together? Two fat cocks... some oil...
Bumblebee stop being gay and defeat the decepticons
I still don't have it lol
why do people use focus on singular and electric and not the specialist blue mods? you are giving up on skill power which you cant get elsewhere. fixing cooldown/duration on a bunny is easy enough
I finished 4 documentaries while farming for hailey today. only 2 more docs and I'll have her
anyone got any suggestions? doesn't have to be prof can be some YT essays or whatever
A documentary about how big Lepic’s cock is
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With this game and now this, why are gooks becoming so based? I thought they were more prude than Japan.

looks promising, thanks
This looks like gacha slop dogshit though
gooks have always been wild, what are you smoking. have you seen KMMO armors? and destiny child was a far lewder gacha than anything japan produced
The noodle tables have turned. Japan is now woke and cringe. I want to play that game too but apparently you will need some government ID bullshit for the full release.
>I thought they were more prude than Japan.
first korean game?
>generic turn based summoners war/fgo gameplay from 2014
I sleep... like shit for all the flak I'll give zzz and genchink at least they resemble actual games
>mihoyo nigger is brain damaged
Every time
>no argument
>every time
I'm literally shitting on the hoyo games and saying they barely resemble real games...
>finally got Cold-Blooded
>it was from a random Shelter run while farming Hailey
>stop being gay
>I could've picked literally any other examples but I specifically chose these 2 massively popular games from the same company and praised them as ''real games'' to show how much I dislike them and totally do not play them.
I did not know you could cancel the Executioners teleport smash with a grapple. What the fuck.
Good - you're getting stronger.
Eseimo, Jayber and Blair are my favorite characters. What are yours?
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Sepulcher > Magister's Lab
Bunny and Ajax
How the fuck do I hit colossus weak points playing on console?
So Valby is really an autistic child.
Damn that graphics quality..
>get bunny skin from supply coins
>is literally only the body and not the helmet
Cheap fuck devs couldn't throw you a bone and just include the whole thing
Anyways what's the graphic setting to get rid of hair shimmering, it's ugly as fuck and why I don't want to use default ult bunny helm
NTA but your AoE capabilities with Bunny's skill gets lower when shooting a gun because you are moving much slower.
Valby and Hailey
Bunny, Hailey, Viessa, Gley, Luna, Sharen, Freyna, Anais, Nell
Because it's the simplest way to loop 3 with high voltage and be done with it. You lose damage yeah, how much? Like 6k, so like 4% big deal. The polarities are the same, you can swap for blues when you have other sources of duration/cooldown.
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what the fuck
This is what happens when you suppress and outlaw porn.
?what's wrong?
Too weak for this shit
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we could've had teen hailey
it's ok bro, we're skipping this straight to cunny descendant, trust
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Yeah, we could have gotten someone way worse. Thankfully we got fertility goddess Hailey instead.
Top row, third is the best. Love under boobs.
If we don’t get the bottom rows design in a descendant I’m gonna bomb a building
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They killed Demonic Modification mod swapping to shill Hailey
The Xur equivalent better be good. I have a million Ultimate dupes I'd love to get rid of. All they have to do is let you dismantle excess blueprints for a currency you can use on a rotating shop of Ultimate parts/weapons like Xur and they're golden. It's super simple.
3rd from left top row should be Hailey's Ultimate skin.
Is fallen hope good with freyna? Should I build it?
They hopefully buff it when Ult Freyna drops in October. Might as well farm out copies now the bosses are pretty comfy to run.
I don't think I can finish the hailey rescue operation. Does this mean I'll miss out on her?
maybe something stupid, like one that finally enables iframe on dodge
I should have said invest, I already built 5 copies of it.
this game is dead

seasonal mechanics are unfun and boring literally no point of doing season content with the shitty bonus stats they give
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Only open this spoiler if you want a boost of testosterone.
nothing comes close to Ultimate Bunny default skin
Luna,freyna and vlaby would be alble to aoe spam too if the tick rate was the same as bunnies,valbys is really slow
Don’t open this! It turns you gay
I legit don't get how anybody plays this game without being motivated by gooning to the girls
the game isn't good enough to not be playing it cuz you're downbad
Bruh dis nigga downbad frfr no cap my skibidis
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is Hailey's model ripped anywhere? I want to mod her into other games, she is so fucking hot
The best girls are the colossus and I can't play as them.
She’s clogging the bathroom extra bad
So Dangerous Ambush is a BIS for any skill based Descendant? I dont see any reason not to use it.
yea considering consoles are keeping it alive I expect big drop off once space marine 2 drops,like most of the people i match up with are xbox tards who cant roll or dodge
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having a phat ass doesn't make you have bigger shits
>tfw she’s saluting me for having our 9th kid together
lmao at thinking that single player/3 player coop game will kill tfd (yeah it has a multiplayer but people will play it 2 weeks and quit just like space marine 1)
tfd might as well be singleplayer
Slop marines 2 might as well just be single player
My romantic life might as well just be single player
literally not true at all it has better class design and competitive pvp that tfd doesn't
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aren't her eyes dark green? Like >>492985552
This color platform shit is so obnoxious with disruptors spawning across the fucking room. You kill them and another one spawns.
I see people talking about space marines 2 and it's kinda funny. People would always talk TFD down because of Nexon but no one is even mentioning that space marines 2 is made by Saber interactive and their track record is like 90% shovelware tier.
Compared to Nexons 100% shovelware track record, thats pretty good.
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LepicGODS win again
When will Nexon replace Valby's running and standing animation with floating
Pretty sure you can still do invasions without doing her side q, but if you can't finish her side q then invasions won't be any easier until thursday I guess when they add coop to invasions. Otherwise have to farm parts from infiltrations or just buy her cause farming her is really grindy atm.
I’m still not sure I’ll dump catalysts and activator into a normie Hailey
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>brown eyes
You will. Activators are such a non-issue the only thing to stay your hand is leveling time
Is the invasion in a time window?
When I open the terminal, there is no icon like the ones I saw on youtube.
Good to know there is multiplayer coming, thanks!
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>better class design
>competitive pvp that tfd doesn't
Uhm it’s actually heckin better because my shitty pvp and heckin manly dudes (who I secretly wanna fuck) with big guns
talking shit about the game while posting in TFD general is so funny
this game is not a high pedestal
Neither is space marines 2
so ive been reactor farming for Hailey for some time now, these two are shit, right ? i need colossus damage probably and skill crit damage
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forgot the pic
no colossus damage on a reactor for your skill power bossing descendant is an auto-dismantle
Left is at least a placeholder until the colossi dmg. Contingent on you not having a purple with colossi+crit dmg
ye i will settle for a purple/gold roll on these, its not a huge difference stat wise
atleast you get some ion particles for energy activators out of this mission
Marrying to a single game is retarded, you know you can play both tfd and space marines right? matter of fact playing several games helps you enjoy them for longer specially good for games like this were the grind can be tiring, instead of eating all the content on a single week and critique there's nothing else to do
words cannot describe how much i hate the colossus enrage mechanic
You want a combination 2 of these Colossus > Crit Damage > Singular > Chill
There is a mentally ill tribalist in this general who cannot take any criticism and will tell you to go back to X game. Even if nobody is talking about that game. High chance of being underage and brown.
Mentally ill fag just spamming the thread for attention, I have no idea why you'd even compare these two games in the first place other than "LE NEW THING PLS REPLY TO MY BAIT"
catalysts are non issue
actiavtyors are still sparse for me
>I have no idea why you'd even compare these two games in the first place
Because he has nothing better to do. Just like the retards who spend their days posting steamcharts on /v/ and then go back to their tranny buddies on discord with a screencap and a link to the thread thinking they're le ebin trolle master 3000.
it's the opposite for me
probably because I always go all the way when I start catalyzing things
>catalysts are non issue
With a free EXP boosts they are now.
>20% for cata
>6% per acti
>need 1 acti and 8-16 catas per chara or wep
Got my ass carried to the last boss using normal bunny and 0 donuts '-'
Bet you liked being manhandled while playing bunny huh
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We Char's Ajax now.
I see the mushroom retard hasn't learned his lesson.
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What Cold-Blooded builds are people here running? I wanna do Blizzard spam.
>gimme all of your gold or I’ll rape Hailey
Her skill 3 consumes mp while u have it up, and her skill 4 consumes nothing, its just a cooldown skill. So duration and range are completely dead stats on hailey, avoid those.

for max dps in 1 rotation its the stats other anons said, colossus and skill crit dmg. but i'd save reactors with crit chance and cooldown too as usable. crit chance will let u use 1 crit chance skill mod less, since skill 3 gets u to 100%. and obviously cooldown would be good for intercepts that are longer than 1 skill rotation.
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they should let you reroll the weapon on these or something desu
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got an Afterglow reactor and im going to roll with it, not going to bother for a small damage boost with the Piercing Light one
yeah I'm coping hard with what they said in the patch notes about improving reactor farming
>get Greg's
>it fucking blows
Is this one of those "it gets good after 5 dupes bro!"
Nobody suggested otherwise.
There's literally not a single ultimate weapon that's okay to just run unupgraded.
it really needs the dupes yeah
but for general mobbing it isn't all that great either
They definitely put Hailey's components in the dungeons that give the shittiest AMPs on purpose.
Negress poster here. Concord just shutdown. I cant go back there. Please add Negress Descendants, Nexon please.
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What weapon does this?
Greg's Reversed Fate. But be warned until you get it fully LBed it's garbage.
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>fully LBed
Of course. Thanks.
Is honestly not that bad. Just play the game at least 18 hours a day and you should have it by next month.
>Anon thinks this is lost ark
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>>Trying to farm red mods
What is a good mission to farm for red mods?
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UValby bros I am one of you now
What elemental mods do you all go with for your weapons? I have 1 more slot and cant decide. I was thinking Chill because it can freeze.
Greg's isn't even that bad. When they buffed it into the stratosphere I was at 1/4 and I grinded it to 4/4 over the next 2 days just casually doing outposts
I leave it neutral to swap between them. If I cared to put in the time, I'd give it all the polarity slots for maxed blu elemods
I will be raping her too friend
Depends on the weapon and the enemy. I use Toxic most of the time.
>Finished Enduring Legacy
>Decide to split my attention between Afterglow Sword and Blue Beetle for my next goal
>The missions that drop amps with pieces for those guns also drop Hailey pieces
Feels pretty nice.
enduring legacy is the only one I think is really bad and it's like way worse
the ones you farm for missions like thunder cage are rough just for sanity reasons more than actual time
Hard bosses.
If it was lost ark your greg would have a chance to fail when trying to upgrade it
Finally TFDg. After 45 tries. I have uBunny.
Wish the red colors were a deeper shade and not metallic. The metallic red color looks good on the image icon but when you put it on in-game, it looks like salmon pink instead.
Same goes for all other colors there's no dark shades of green or others but there's like 10 different shades of white, grey, and gold.
I finished building UValby and yet I have absolutely no idea how you even build her or what she's for.
EL is quite ok. sure you get a bit more damage with upgrades but that's it unlike most make-or-break skills or debilitating penalties on other ult weapons.
Build for your puddle trail to kill mobs.
Get Supply Moisture module for fighting bosses.
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Does range even matter on Hailey? Keeping that one just in case as it's still the best piercing I got to drop so far.
>Hailey Sniper reactors are in rotation
Looks good. She doesn't really need the range but other than that it's a good reactor. Keep it until they decide to put in a reroll system. I think a high skill crit damage with the Colossus damage would be the dream reactor. If you run both modules that give skill chance+crit damage at the same time ( I forgot their names) you can get 100% crit when you use her skill so just dumped everything into crit damage afterwards.

congrats fren
People that play Bunny because she's the most "efficient" have brainrot, they're not playing the game, they're on a hamster wheel.
Not him, but they die so quickly that I never even noticed this female one myself. If you play bunny, you'll notice them even less.
Ty. I was losing hope now I can farm for other shit. Also got a Kyle out of it.
Brehs, I forgot I'm so far ahead of the curve and have so much shit unlocked that I was confused when people were asking for help on hanged man. I would like to apologize for being so smug.
Cut Bunny's 3 damage in half, a literal 50% damage nerf. Add a defensive buff like massive defense up or passive dodge to her Sprint. That would put her in line with the next best AoE grineders while also leaning into a her speedster gimmick without gutting her/making her unplayable
>afterglow sword
>is not a sword
The problem with Bunny isn't that she does shittons of damage it's that she has the speed to reach her targets at Mach 5 but also somehow has infinite range. She should have one or the other but not both.
Bunny haters have no idea what balance is
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Yeah all the colors are kinda shit in-game compared to the menu. Pretty much the only way to get something decent is to just go with black and/or white.
Bunny hasn't any problems.
All the problems in low skill retarded Ajaxmains who can't play good as Ajax and refuse to use Bunny.p4jpp
>load up kupiper block mining
>Level 33 bunny
>Standing still and shooting a gun
>Have to revive him every five seconds
Haha, yeah, bunnyfags are fine, Ajax is the problem.
Tell you what, whenever you get over the fact that a nigger named Ajax fucked your mom in front of you, come back and make an actual argument.
I'm starting to enjoy the Invasions, nice change of pace from the usual. Content that forces you to change your build to accomodate a new challenge is something I always appreciate.
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I've gotten this one but for the afterglow this time, gonna keep farming and see if I can get a good one for each sniper
Afterglow is fine too, its just a small damage loss compared to the other sniper
>Hailey Sniper reactors are in rotation
I'm about to beat the campaign, where can you farm rotating reactors and how often is the rotation?
HM devourer if you can kill it fast is by far best way to get red mods
External component with the MP Recovery Out of Combat skill. Just hide behind cover for a few seconds and you'll recover the full meter
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How goes the grind, /tfd/?
I've been farming them at the Fortress Frozen valley. The one where you farm the particles for energy activators from (command relay). So far the best I've gotten is gold damage against Colossus with purple skill crit rate. Good luck anon
Lazily. This content is shit. S1 is shit.
Holy crap that's actually such a good area for good reactors to spawn in. That's like how we got Gley/Valby/Enzo reactors from the Echo Swap gold mission during the last one.
>You must stand in circle to break Boss's immunity barrier
>has chill effect to stun you and waste your time out of gold tier, while you're expected to stay in the circle and beat the clock
>doing all this while dumb mobs body block your attacks half the time
Do these devs even play their game?
Turn that autoaim off. Completely off. That shit is awful on console and makes Colossi fights way more difficult. You'll have a way better experience without it
Am I supposed to be able to reroll the color pads? The boss's shield was yellow but there were ZERO yellow buttons.
I had to slot in double HP and antifreeze just for that level. But the most annoying thing is how big the second stage of the level is. Huge waste of time.
Is defense just fucking useless against laser attacks? That magister lab boss kills me super quick
farm the mission that anon mentioned, its also the best way to get some stuff you need for the energy activators
I've had that happen to me. The bomb mobs are destroying the pad with the color you need.
You're better off slotting HP against him.
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>restart the mission
>get to the boss again
>boss's shield is yellow, but at least there's actually a yellow button this time
>go to it
>some of those goddamn energy shield enemies spawn and for a perfect fucking testudo for the boss
Okay, that kind of annoyed me.
Hello bros, started the game a few hours ago.
Picked the chad Ajax.
And I have a question, is the cosmetics (dye, skins, hairstyle etc) are all payed or can we get some by grinding?
Right now I unlocked the second map, should I rush the campaign first or should I try to unlock some of the characters?
Also I quite like the design of Gley (especially with the himecut) is she worth the grind?
I hate the ice bosses fucking clay pigeon disks so much.
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The Battle Pass has some free cosmetics options as rewards and in the free supply coin shop.
The "Ultimate" version of the characters also sport a different look and can be grinded for free
A number of in-game Achievements, stream rewards and other events also give some free colors.

Everything else is paypig only
I see thanks for the info anon.
Gonna play the game for a few days and see if I like it and if so I guess I'll spend a little bit for cosmetics, some of them are quite good.
Rushing through the campaign and unlocking hardmode let's you do everything else in the game 20 times as efficiently. If you're bored of story missions feel free to grind out something so you don't burn out, but consider that you're technically "wasting" your time. The exception to this is aquiring Bunny, doing her story quest, and grinding out Thunder Cage. These can be done only on normal and will pay dividends later
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>quarter side boob
gley my queen
Noted, thanks anon.
I had 3 bluepads spawn right next to each other while the boss was purple. I didn't know what to do.
how does this have skindentation?
where the fuck is the right thing to step on in the invasion? I tried every single one on the boss and none of them do shit
10% on Viessa Stabilizer is a fucking lie. I got 5 activator bp already
You're supposed to match the color to the boss's shield. You have to actively stand on the thing while you shoot at the shield and after enough damage you break its shield and you can damage it normally for a bit before its shield recharges.

in the long run... you will be happy you got those EAs friend. patience
thanks I guess im too weak after the shield is gone he takes very little damage so ill just keep skipping
I had a surplus so I decided to throw an activator into my Nazeistra's.
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Energy Activators have no reason to be 30h, should be 14 or 16 at best.
Whoa bunny cave it's useless now, it's over 1h to level up a weapon
Nah. You need 1 x 10 CC and they are not 10x to cook
Damn, Supernova components dont give you any HP pieces
>tfw actually had to be in the office today
it's ok i'm here and its time to get haileys reactor boys
They do
How's the game doing? I pretty much stopped paying attention after S1's first day. Only log in after work for the 4 dungeons and log out.
How long until next boss and Freyna?
I've already built my mains and guns. With a long streak of unlucky drops and zero progress I doubt on whether I'll see "the long run"

ok, just quit then? grinds not for you, its ok
New player here. I have been playing it casually for a while and I'm enjoying myself, but now that I reached the White-night gulch map things are getting tougher. I've followed some tips I saw online, like leveling up the HP modules and rifle reinforcement ones, but it's starting to take a while to kill all enemies and I'm dying way too easily. Is there anything I could do right now to improve my character, maybe a weapon I definitely should be using or something like that?

Are you still on Normal?
Are you using Thunder Cage?
Have you been going with higher guns? If you're using thunder cage, have you been feeding it every ten to fifteen levels? Throw on a blue electric mod for Gulch to tear through enemies easier
Thunder Cage and Bunny should carry you easily but yes, it does get harder from this point forward. You are supposed to level your stuff now.

Get two mods for your main gun

Action & Reaction
Rifling Reinforcement

Max those mods out. Make sure your gun is the highest level it can be. Readjust for purple and gold crit/atk stats
>all my favorite characters are gun focused
give me easy c descendant modules to farm over and over so I can start gambling for shot focus

Oh okay, now I feel a little silly because somehow I didn't notice I could craft that gun before. I'll remember to use Action and Reaction as well. That should be all for now, yeah?
He meant cerulean mods, as in asking for an easy to spam mission to get a lot of them.
You can farm bunny cave for various C modules, even though they're for guns they can still combine into Shot Focus. But keep in mind that the chances are abysmal. I only got mine a few days ago after what felt like 500+ combines
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Can't fathom farming Hailey parts from Infiltrations as the main way to get her. I started Season 1 with terrible gear so I lost 13 Hailey parts from bronze/silver/skips and I want to blow my brains out after making up the gap with Infil farming.
DEF is for physical attacks, for elemental its resists. it probably is, i dont know particularly about lasers. So the bottom line is, what everyone has been saying all along, stack hp primarily since it helps against all.

you can try it on a bunny with nazeistra, shoot a mob, and lower his def, your skill 3 wont do more dmg.
It’s two weeks, just keep at it
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I wanna die
What's the best place to feliably farm Thermal metallic coils and Cooling metallic foil
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rofl even
Is it possible to go even lower or does the timer keep going during death animations?
probably wouldve been lower if i didnt miss the first shot
i really wish excava wasnt shit
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oh shit the game is dead again
Everyone is playing Concord now.
I have bad news for you
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What are the odds that explosive propaganda gets fixed this week?
It's already been a month, surely they won't let languish broken for a second?
I want to like him but his skit feels so dogshit. Why have an entire skill dedicated just to trigger the bombs? Why not make them proximity based? His fourth feels extremely jank in combat. I only use it for traversal. Damage and range so low for a burst dps character. I can stack like 10 mines and still wont do shit to some elites and bosses. Meanwhile bunny can run in circles capping for millions per second.

Eseimo needs a rework badly.
Valby looks like Sammy classic sonic fan.
Does Sammy get raped as much as valby?
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>make hailey do retarded damage to easy bosses
>real bosses have a fuckload of skill dmg resist
sneaky squinty gooks tricked me
Hailey stop clogging the toilet already!
Yeah she should sit on my face instead
Unrelated but apparently concord is already being shat down. lmao.
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We did it friends....we finally did it
Do it four more times
imagine the stink
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Am I going in the right direction?
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I like him because when I strap mines to someone and then kick them over, if they die it's like my kick exploded them. Or if they don't die, I detonate it and it's like one of those cheesy martial arts movies where they explode on impact.

Also, if you put exploding propaganda on, his mine disco dances, and if you jump prior to detonating arche explosion, you do a funny belly flop.
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I really wish the helmet was included.
>Heat Plasma Battery

Where to farm
Holy Jesus, look at that ass.
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How do you even get it?
Hagios, Old Mystery Dungeon. There is a room with water that spawns like 5 elites. All of them drop Plasma.
I can barely see it it’s blocked by his fuel canister
Rape finds a way
You need to put 2x cerulean in for magazine size, 4th skill inherits that stat from your gun and you can go from 4 shots to 8.
does hard or not make a difference
AWOOGA rape mode activated
I assume drop insight focus for that, and forma over the default rutile?
Imagine cornering her in an empty outpost with three of your /tfdg/ bros...
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Imagine cornering her and she braps you into the atmosphere
how did you remove the flaps? are there mods out?
If you plan on using it with hailey, i recommend one of the purple rounds per magazine modules as last slot. it will give u 5 shots on her skill 4, instead of 4. i swapped weak point expansion for special sight, otherwise i have the same setup, i think its yields higher damage per 5 shots but maybe im wrong.
Elites do not spawn in normal. It is this room. Boss at the end also drops.
I am building him with the hopes he gets updated soon. Can't decide between Cluster Bomb and Explosive Evade. I want him for mobbing.
We need a toilet clogging descendant
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you need 100% rounds per mag to achieve 8 shots for her 4, 2 purple mods on gun, one gold roll with 12% on your gun, and 9% from slayer set
What's reverse paizuri? The dude fucking the tits instead of the chick using her tits?
>2 purple mods on gun
oops i mean 2 mag mods on your gun
Finally got Ultimate Gley in the oven.
The code took me the longest. I got all the other pieces incidentally from farming other items, so I guess it was punishing me. In the end, it took me 91 runs with the loot breakdown as follows:
wave of light polymer syncytium 30
luna stabilizer 31
final masterpiece synthetic fiber 9
catalyst 20
gley code 1
Pretty much, usually from the exposed angle on that pic. Add a simultaneous rimjob if you wanna spice it up.
>Add a simultaneous rimjob if you wanna spice it up.
Faggot shit.
Chocolate shit
Gun is a leveling WIP but these will likely be my final mods for Piercing Light. With what I have on I get 7 shots. (79% increased magazine size without slayer set.) I will be replacing the toxic slot with other elements if I think it's necessary. Basically if you don't want to roll for 12% magazine size on the gun itself you'll want between 50% increased magazine size total for 6 shots, 75% for 7 shots, or 100% for 8 shots (with both magazine mods [79%], slayer set [9%], and a max gun roll [12%].)
im guessing this is not possible anymore? if so whats the best way to get them? i finally got all the uvalby parts
You get even more from doing a full run of the dungeon now.

But you should be getting plenty running Haven for Hailey chips anyways.
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Cool, but damn this place felt long, not that my bunny's well built or anything.
nice thanks anon
The elites are still there. They just removed the kuiper event. Stay in the room until you kill all 5.
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people who complain about the RNG for this shit and costing 14 USD doesnt play the game enough or are just a total noob who's only point of reference is warframe. jfc once you've played this game enough, you'll eventually have too much of this and never the parts of the ultimate weapon you're farming for.
You can call him Jayber because that's exactly where he belongs. I don't think I've saw even 1 person ever playing that character so I know he's shit
you're outdated. he's decent now after the fix on him.
i still see him from time to time, esiemo on the other hand though...
>chud please 23 hours a day
>RNG is not that bad! look at all my loot!
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is he difficult
>have valby
>have red mod
>still wipe
a-am I the shitter..
should be easy considering hailey is everywhere now
i dont have hailey
I am so fucking done with Mid Air Manuevering. its fucked me over in a boss fight for the LAST fucking time
Yeah he can be a real wall for new players but Hailey is everywhere now. Just keep retrying with randoms until you get few and they 1 shot him.
The reticle changes when you are ready to grapple. Is like it locks in. Pay attention and don't use it until then.
Every hard mode boss you can solo is easy unless you are a shitter, even obstructer is easy now
Frost walker and above is only when it gets actually hard
Am I crazy?

Is Sharen not really pretty? Like not even talking about SEX here, like her face is genuinely really attractive
Newbie here. I got bunny and Sharen, who was the bossing desc i was supposed to get?

Ult Gley/Ult Lepic lol
ult gley and hailey
Lepic or Gley,probably Hailey now as well.
Gley, Lepic and Hailee. But dont sweat about that right now.
You should try to:
1. Finish story and enter hard mode
2. Get Enzo along the way if you can
hailey is the best bossing right now
Sharen is attractive.
Yeah she is a white norwegian goddess.
why do retards bring underleveled descendants to a hard intercept? theyve cost me 2 clears now
I changed to long distance instead of mid air purely for bosses, I've also had way too many times I grappled the air instead of the weak point
I even changed the red circle grapple point to the xbox huge one and it still isn't reliable which how much they fucking move around
Thanks. I already finished the story and got my 4 copies of Thundercage and have Gold Rolls on Firearm Crit Damage/Crit Rate/Firearm Attack so im trying to decide the best things to do next.

I will probably consider Ult Bunny as well since even though im not interested in her shes too good to not have
>recommending Hailey to a newbie
He can't get her lol.
Hard mode -> ult bunny -> enzo -> enduring legacy should be your priority
all 4 are required at some point, bossing can be done by anyone solo with the right defensive mods and a tamer
You mean hard mode intercepts right? I was a bit put off after Hanged Man but i know you can solo a bunch of them. I just need to figure out how to get 7k resist
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Like for real, she is so pretty goddamn.
I hope they give her some cool Transcedant mod and make it easier for her to have some boss fight builds
Best face and best voice
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thanks to hailey, now so many shitters in gluttony
The face tattoos makes her exotic.
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can you change your name ingame?
You don't need 7k resist, a bunch of HP/DEF mods with whatever resistance you can is enough to beat all HM solo bosses
It might take you the entire 10 mins without the meme boss killers but it's doable and opens up more optimal ways to get parts
You can also just yolo public matches until you win but then you'll get carried without understanding what bosses actually do and just be another shitter on the list but it's an option
What is better elemental mod or weak point?
>Am I going in the right direction
>On-screen FPS counter
No you're not, I'm afraid you have brainrot.
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>Farm code breakers for 1 hour
>Only 1 dropped
I was bored picking flowers in genshin but even that looks more interesting now.
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This is with 1 gold crit damage roll. I don't think it will 2 shot with a colossus roll so if you going to solo bosses it might not be worth farming the perfect reactor.
is it just me or does Frost Walker have no adds? idk how the fuck to get more MP as Lepic if we don't down him in the first 10 secs
>check out of curiosity
>for a ripped game model with a simple pose and a plain base
She doesn't get talked about much because of her lack of good skins (prior to this update) and terrible gameplay. If people could play her more in situations where they wanted to, they'd talk about her mom. While we always can stare at her ass during outposts, the entire situation is a grueling task that nobody enjoys. We're forced to touch her.
>not farming environment contamination zone
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Lingerie Sharen for Halloween, BELIEVE IT
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Is it better now?
>can't tell the difference between AI and 20 mins in blender
You are fucking retarded
Also enjoy your vacation
what gun does hailee want again
god i hate that this skin hides her fat ass
i believe piercing light, and the ultimate scout rifle that will release on october 10
Oh senpai, you're not understanding me.
I'm not bothered by people with mental illness. I'm just pointing it out.

Bestiality is illegal.
Where is the new place to farm Descendant EXP and Firearm EXP?
ill wait for the new gun then
magister lab for desc xp, block kuiper spec op for weapon xp
does anybody want Frostwalkers components he drops?
Nope. If you use Power you use Slayer Set. If you are Gley you use Annihilation. If you aren't either you run generic +HP Components.

>Frozen Heart
>Sonic Hungry

god damn there are so many fucking useless sets
I really like her bp hair, honestly my favorite cosmetic from this one
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I went with creative explosion for mobbing.
It lowers damage, but the buff is basically cold bloodedness so you can reach cd cap plus it doubles the range and halves the cooldown. Even though it saps your landmine count, they'll start coming off cooldown faster than you can whammy the button.
Also, 10s cooldown million damage front flip flops are too funny.

...But yeah, explosive evade is probably better, you won't run out of mana instantly.

She'd be cuter if she were darker.
We need a proper brown girl.
meant for >>493059461

It's the only CD drop component set, I've seen people use it for that
Also it works with Valby's water for some reason, so you could theoretically use it to max out her crit build
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Sharen swimsuit...plesae
man hard mode bossfights in pubs are so much funner after youve actually beaten it
>Is just some lace over her current robo-body
because my etsy shop sells these printed for more money while paying a merchant subscription to 3D modeling group that makes these
Nah, we need her in the flesh.

The Nun outfit has the flaps, we need Sharen's bare, brown ass out in the open in a skin
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>people bitching about how hard Ult Valby is to get
>"well I cant beat Hard Mode Executioner yet"
>Still no attacking compulsion mod for my jayber after an entire month
i'm not gonna make it...how can my luck be so fucking shitty
It was more of a why when it seems plain even for oxo. painted or garage kits?
unless they changed something some autist did the math a while back and gley is slightly stronger with slayer dps wise
it depends. I have 400 hrs played and definitely hit dry periods on catalyst blueprints but the new dungeons pretty much nullify that. the amps are easy as hell to farm for now and work in tandem with powerlvling
what's the deal with everyone suddenly waiting by boss doors? I swear this wasn't a thing 2 weeks ago but now it's "rude" to not wait 30 seconds by the boss door for a blair to show up when I could have just solo'd the boss in 3 seconds instead
after the room where all the elites spawn you can just hop out and restart the dungeon unless you want the xp/amp
I think there's still the "people not get teleported" bug and hailey parts are dropped from the boss (not endgame reward), so they could be missing out on that.
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when are you finding time to open the AMPs? i struggle to get the motivation for boss fights since I have every ult I want and my favorite weapons at +4
not him but I find amps insanely easy to open when you can solo everything in 3 seconds
im still going through my normal mode amps I have stocked up. stunning beauty has like 21/37 left lol. theres no rush really and you're spamming magisters lab for the amps. executioner dies really quickly to your gley/lepic
damn I swear that guy would save a lot of time by playing with others, his clear times are awful. even when accounting for the extra time it takes to find a party he's still like 20% slower than me
i should have bought a maid or school outfit...
>every doing Infiltration for Hailey while I'm secretly using them to get amps for Ult Ajax
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garage kits, I paint my own for fun and relaxation
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>Sharen swimsuit
>those eyes
did you thin your paints
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help me brother
uvalby was definetly the easiest to get for me, took me like 6 holurs, and the 32% piece i got first try, but u.viessa, jesus i think it was like 2 weeks on and on, the highest percentage was 10% fuck
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>detonator stuck behind wall
>20th time today
I hate gooks.
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hey, we had to all start somewhere. Fuck eyes
what was the fucking point in adding non-ultimates into the fucking game at launch
there is zero reason to play non-ultimates
retarded ass devs
This event and Invasions are such a fucking godsend in terms of gold gain. No longer I have to do mind-numbing farms, I'll just do my daily 4 mission quota and swim in free money.
Sharen, Hailey and hime cut Gley are by far best looking girls in the game
I'm starting to think it's better to just not lock anything and keep rolling...
Yeah I fucking hated valby farm and could barely do it 10min a day but invasion is quick and Hailey shards are an extra so I don't mind that. That's around 6mil gold if you have gold boost in about 10-20 minutes.
what was the fucking point in adding ultimate shotguns into the fucking game at launch
there is zero reason to play non-commons
retarded ass devs
>grind hailey reactor
>finish mission
>all the bunnies just stand there
someone go restart the fucking mission...
Is this game good enough for casual play? As in, log in a couple of times a week and that's it?
I swear there's a ton of decisions in this game that boil down to "we are copying warframe but we don't understand why"

take for example the recent announcement to alternate males and females for new characters. that works in warframe when the audience isn't just gooners and actually likes "cool" and powerful characters. meanwhile here it's retarded because any time they release coomer content their game immediately shoots up to the #1 sellilng game on steam for that week. nobody's fucking buying jayber or jayber skins yet that's the type of shit they spend half of their development time on. I desperately want to buy bunny or gley or hailey swimsuits but instead they're trying their hardest to make sure I never want to swipe
No, you'll end up just crying about why you can't do any of the new content.
I bought lepic's guyver skin...and I'm really considering the medic's jin roh outfit even if I don't play him.
As long as you don't want literally everything or the very rarest things, yeah probably.

You can probably get most of the guns and girls, but note that a couple of hours a couple of times a week might only be enough to get you one(1) 6% drop, if you're not unlucky (you could always get lucky too I guess). Not much requires a 6% drop, but some things do.
nothing wrong with that, I'm just annoyed they know exactly what makes them the most money, we know what makes them the most money, yet they don't want to focus on coomer shit. for fucks sake this game doesn't even have jiggle physics even though nexon's other unreal engine 5 game does...
Than it's not a game for me, got it. I don't have much time to play anymore.

DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!
I haven't done a single invasion, don't make me start now.
does it say what the upcoming invasion types are. because fuck the drone patterns still filters me 50% of the time
>memorize and give patterns stupid names like horns, cowboy hat, magnet, pillar, fork etc
>clear gunk until you see first symbol
>horns on 2nd position for example
>quickly go over every drone and if you don't see horns dupe on same spot, it's your ticket
>if there is dupe on the same position, clear gunk, find another symbol, do the same
>repeat if needed (I never do it and RNG haven't fucked me yet)
It's easy.
honestly on paper the mechanics seem fine, but in practice I fail like 90% of drone shots especially in boss rooms and I just can't figure out why. have zero issue getting to the boss but once in his room I just can't solve the drones
I feel like wasting more time to check the drones after only revealing one since most of the time there are dupes. I usually just open 2 symbols and find the drone after.
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Don't talk to me descendant.
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This should be illegal
So I'm guessing the gimmick behind Molten Fortress is that it enrages and then you gotta create a circle of beams using the towers to remove it's enrage. But it's constantly shelling the towers so you need to split them up between each person and rotate them all facing the same direction (right or left, as long as all are the same).
Is this accurate?
No all Towers should be 3 o' clock. The Fireballs can overheat and reset the towers so shoot them.
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All of the Descendants are really pretty. Korean games usually have a problem of making female characters look like plastic clones of each other but TFD somehow managed to make them all look at minimum vaguely human, even the Guide.
>use support drone 0/1
Uh what is that?
>Another Invasion another Nazeistra Nerf
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Well, time for my daily invasions.
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New invasions descendants.
is it pillar day?..
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>still no gley, hailey, and sharen old-hag swimsuit outfits
Going to splurge the day those get released.
The drones where you try to have them refill your ammo and it tells you it doesn't have that ammo type.
What should be illegal? The colossus who gley and lepic have been farming in seconds for couple months now? Yeah yeah I get it Hailey does kill it faster but nobody cares about pyromaniac.

They really hate Nazeitra's don't they? Half the invasions have penalized it so far.
Oh lol that's a free Inversion exp one
>double pillar
When will Gley be updated to Hailey's body model to better show her being a mother?
these devs gotta be taking the piss at this point

daddy nexon is milking me dry...
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Remember to bring your valby and rape her afterwards as reward for a job well done.
I've been dismantling rare weapons, should I have done something else with them?
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Fuck the Fortress Map. There are 5 fucking drones and 6 pillars
Fuck this game
gimme jiggle physics nexon please...
Forgot pic
>mfw I get raped daily
I didn't believe in the drone bug but three times now I've had the correct composition and still got blown up by the drone.
Just buy her, it's only 20 dollars..
Just rape her, it's only 0 dollars..
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Thank you valby, gonna rape you good tongith.
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What is the second best Reactor sub stat for Hailey? I tested 30% Crit Dmg can outdamaged many other sub stats, also, 2.5k Collosus dmg sounds like pathetic number.
keep them for mastery level
Tip for Valby to do the Pillar fast?
Retard anon... colossus dmg adds that number BEFORE modifiers, her best reactor is most likely skill crit damage and collosus
-crit damage
-colossus damage
-chill damage
-maybe skill cooldown
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make bubble bullet/plap plap do 0% skill modifier damage, hold gun, use skill at tumors
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skill issue
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>9 minutes? that's really generous surely you don't need that much
>enter it
>second section has nine pillars and five drones
>final section has even more
Hailey can’t help but clog another toilet
I'll never get tired of staring at uBunny's bubble butt. The way her leotard rides up her crack proves the modelers have a divinely inspired touch.
>no global

Do not post this without a global announcement thank you

its trash in its current state
non-globals are not human
why 0%?
I don’t know how to break this to you but they removed bunny and added ‘buhney’ a 400 pound woman with blue hair
6% gley is somehow easier to get than 10% viessa
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Hailey's ass is unironically too fat
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Hailey's dick is unironically too fat
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Hailey's ass is unironically exactly the right size.
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If you use a color on a skin, is that color locked to THAT skin or to the character and you can keep using it on other skins?
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>another day with an imbalance
back to the mines I go
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summer part 2 when
skin only, gweilo
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Taiwan is an independent country
>luckshitted all ult valby parts in an hour and doing the 3% drops
yep, its a good night
had the same except for her code which took me a whole day I ended up not even liking playing Valby
You forgot to add that it's NUMBAH WAN
I liked base valbers so im pretty happy to get her upgrade desu
I am pro...
I don't think a good marksman could have tits like her. they would prevent and block her from aiming well.
Nun skin should have had a boob window or something, it's a crime her big rig haulers are being obscured.
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Any other ult weapons worth investing at least an energy activator into next? Right now I'm thinking secret garden, blue beetle, and one of the two snipers.
Your going good man. That PAWG will be yours soon.
>6m damage
afterglow is pretty gud
Afterglow: Great Sniper overall
Piercing Light: Great statstick for Hailey
Clairvoyance: Seem to be good for Viessa
I didn't realize Hailey parts were actually coded as drops and not a mission reward. Does Consumable modifier raise their drop rate then?
Clairvoyance is shit, if you wanna go for skill boost weapon for Viessa then secrey garden is your weapon.
>Clairvoyance: Seem to be good for Viessa
better wait for the new hailey weapon, could also be good for her.
What new Hailey weapon?
new ice scout rifle
the new scout rifle coming in october. they heavily advertised that weapon as chill-boosting.
though it doesn't really help if you go Absolute Zero or Hypothermia.
I mean yeah for hypothermia and absolute zero you go with just your best dps weapon, but for cold blood builds it's a really good weapon
Mmmmphff H-Hailey…get your ass off my face I can’t breathe
Nice. I hope it isn't ugly.
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Not being able to color weapons triggers my color theory autism.
christ it's so fucking ugly
christ it’s so fucking beautiful
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that's quite slow, were you jacking off in between sections?
i did
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browsing /tfdg/
I was jacking off to him jacking off
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Hailey can already OHKO most bosses what the fuck is a trans mod going to do?
Turn her trans
Who's the cameraman?
It’s camerawoman buddy and it’s valby who I’m fondling while she works the camera
I would like some big hailey cock.
I would like to clog Hailey’s toilet
Really love scout rifles shame there isn't a single good Ultimate one
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>decide to try the game
>get to the first special operation and decide to give it a go on my level 12 ajax
>2 high level bunnies join
>Walk out level 27
what the fuck
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goodnight /tfdg/
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That's why she's the GOAT
ill plap you as you sleep
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I'm gonna do this again as her and then move onto the story again I guess
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Farming Hailey parts with a Consumable component isn't a bad way to farm code breakers
Show lasagna you can trust me I work for microsoft
Is this a fomo skin ?
did the geller field collapse or something?
>trying to break the parts off a gravewalker
Am I supposed to be able to get above it for the helmet and sensors or what
It'll probably be removed when S1 ends like the maid and school stuff did for the conclusion of the pre-season. You still have like 92 days at least to get it
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I quit the game after 117 hours, now il check to see if is worth coming back. did they:
>Relax with the grind ? not looking forward to spend a week+ to unlock a character not even counting building it up
>Relax with the paid only skins ?
>Give us a non paid option to toggle helmet on / off or uncover the character's face ?
>Relax with the amount of Crystallization Catalyst needed to fully built a character ?
>is is still bad if we fully polarize the character / weapon ? cus it limits the build flexibility
>is there any plans on giving us tradable premium currency ?
Season 2 will have trans skins only
Just got supply firearm enhancer on my first ultra vault using my freshly baked Enzo. Is this a good thing? If so guess my RNG is over for the rest of the session...
A transparent outfit would be great.
Transparent skin with a fully modeled vagina
The amorphous stuff is void relics
I get it now
what would sex with Guide feels like
No, stay away from the game.
Id like to try out this game. But Id like to ask a question first: How long is the daily grind for this game (daily tasks, quests, etc)?
Like cumming 5 times at once
How to farm Hailey aside from Invasion Dungeons? Just spam Magister Lab in Kingston?
Just go back to trannyframe and never come back
>game improvements are le bad
>trannies are le good
Just pick your favourite female descendant and jerk off. You'll like it.
>Post is entirely about good changes for the game
>Anon instantly thinks about transgenders
Are you OK there little bud, is there anything you are hiding and wanna tell us ?
>zero mention
imagine being this level of rent free that you want less qol to own le competition, genuine retard
having the perfect reactor bar one wrong substat or weapon is a special kind of pain
theyll probably add ways to change mountings (which should just be equipped desu) and stats in the future I bet, until then get your grind on
>hey guise is this game like my tranny game yet?
No, none of the things you want are in the game now fuck off.
Aright keep that up until the game drops bellow 30k concurrent players little bro surely Tencent wont shut it down the way they always do with their other failed projects
>still no mention of trannies by anyone except you
Holy rent free
>little bro
Public lynchings should come back
explain why those things anon said are bad for the game
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Apparently that sheet shows the best places to farm for her parts. I haven't tried myself, I just do my daily 4 gold invasions for now, I'll farm when I get close.
cause trannies
TFD is Nexonslop, which is Korean owned.
Warframe is DEslop, which is owned by Tencent and mostly played by chinks.
Nexon most likely has deals with Tencent since it's very common to have to go through them if you want to publish things in China, but they aren't owned by them.
I know they all look yellow but they are not the same country, just like the retard who has been calling people gweilo on this general since the game came out.
Anyway I agree with the other Anon, except I don't even care about trannies. When I see the original post and the ESL favela babble I just want you to fuck off, I don't care where but just stay away.
nta and the original anons esl posting aside the changes would be for the better regardless of you disliking his post. this retarded tribalism of "de did it (or any other game) so we can't do it" is absolutely brain-damaged.
I need a valby build, I have supply moisture.

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