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The best possible SCC semifinals edition

>Play online:

which one do you want to use? this one?
i'm more interested in the hikaru/alireza match tbhfam. something has changed with alireza now. he appears to care.
he could easily take the whole thing
it's on his home turf too
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And now, we wait
I think my usb desk fan is about to die. I have had it for several years but now it is implying it's done. VRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrVRRRRRRR power fluctuations. I CANNOT play chess without desk airflow so I will have to address this first thing tomorrow morning.
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checkmate, atheists
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god I love the invincible pawn chain
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Tania is back.
Peter is back.
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Forgot pic.
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Maybe Peter will play David Howell.
Pretty solid team for Hungary
I'll be rooting for them to do well
For me it's Divya Deshmukh (she cute).
she brown
I don't care, I'm not racist.
i wish i could reincarnate in the times of ruy lopez
i would fucking destroy the guy
i would berlin the shit out of his mind
There are billions of women on this planet who don't shit in the street goddammit have some self-respect.
>levy finished 2/9 with another loss
good, he should go back to his low effort recaps
550 elo
imagine having all of the resources levy has - money, connections to supergms, fame
and even with that cheat code enabled, you just aren't good enough to do anything
not only that, but in your real job, most people think of you as a "clickbait king" who's only capable of dramatizing fake news and screaming memes at children
grim grim grim
this hans-maggy match is the only thing i've been looking forward to in a while
why are chess players so averse to playing chess
Get out of your mom's basement before it is too late, you fat fuck
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I thought about this recently too. Dude is connected to so many super grandmasters, he could play anyone whenever he wants, he's rich and could get the best chess coaches in the world, dude is free to work 24/7 on chess with the absolute top pinnacle of the chess world.
And he still loses to random guys who work daily 8 hour jobs and play chess after hours.
I literally cannot understand this. Is this the lack of talent? Is there something wrong with his cognitive reasoning? Is he not motivated? What the fuck?
lack of drive prolly
"road to GM" is just another bullshit view count farm series, regardless if he actually gets anywhere or not
yeah, i guess it's just lack of talent after all. in my head he was a junior national champion or something like that, but looking at his bio now, he peaked around 2000 as a 12 year old and quit chess for 3 years. i think this was probably the first indication that he didn't have "it"
these days he's just a rich celebrity doing a meme for views. even if he did have what it takes deep down, i don't think he has the hunger of these other dudes
It's always fun listening to unrated players ponder why an IM is so horrible at chess. Zoomers complaining about e-celebs and clickbait adds another layer of irony.
The older you get the more you realize chess is just a game. You just don't care that much about it, especially when you're married, you're rich and you can spend your time anyway you want.
He is a jew all he cares about is money. He recently opened a patreon even though he probably makes 5k per day from youtube. So he has to service all his patreon kids with content that he can pretend is valuable as well as his courses etc. Even his road to gm is just another money making scheme to stay relevant but it's just funny because how humiliating it is
It's not very fun
My penis belongs inside Jovanka.
this is by far the least zoomer infested general in the entire board, let go of this weird delusion of yours
we had a poll last year and the most popular replies were 30+ and 25-30
Hes a lazy retarded faggot, there's nothing else to it
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Does getting fit really help you get better at chess?
>better body conditioning and health
I mean to some degree yes, should help pretty much anyone
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>let's say
no fag, let's not
Yes. Being /fit/, wealthy, and having a wife and kids will increase your elo faster than anything else
>and things of that nature
>having a wife and kids will increase your elo fast
you need to be autistically dedicated past a certain point
Is he going to get several hundred elo stronger at tactics, at his age? Seems unlikely, and GM coaching isn't going to help.
Maybe he'll cross 2400 some day, but 2500, I don't think so (short of Qiyu Zhou tactics)
I thought of a variant of chess where once per game players can peak at the evaluation bar. Only the player requesting it would see it. Would this work out in practice? I remember Magnus once said he would win every game if he could see the engine valuation one time per game. We can call it Niemann Chess Variant
>Research in humans has demonstrated that consistent aerobic exercise (e.g., 30 minutes every day) may induce improvements in certain cognitive functions, neuroplasticity and behavioral plasticity; some of these long-term effects may include increased neuron growth, increased neurological activity (e.g., c-Fos and BDNF signaling), improved stress coping, enhanced cognitive control of behavior, improved declarative, spatial, and working memory, and structural and functional improvements in brain structures and pathways associated with cognitive control and memory.

TL;DR physical exercise is literally an IQ booster.
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Farmireza vs Hans GOATman final
Total SHITlennial death
zoomers rise up
Having a girlfriend increases elo because you get happiness and general satisfaction gains, but having a wife and kids decreases elo because it takes up too much of your time and attention. Just look at Giri.
high T makes you blunder more, but also dominate opponents more when you dont blunder
This is why I run at least 20km per week. It won't magically make you a better player, but I'd you haven't maximized your health, physical fitness, sleep schedule and happiness, you won't perform at your best.
i just want to plunge my penis into a vagina connected to a fit hot body, pretty face and a brain having a high elo
you could try to seduce hou yifan I guess
I'm a GM
/chess/ what course are you making?
Isn't that basically the same thing as lichess studies?
it's lichess studies + spaced repetition
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it's against the rules to talk about pussy ITG because it will trigger some manletcels
Yes but you could win 5000$ if you make a course that the community likes!
>blitz on chess.com
>win piece
>immediately report subhuman for stalling/quitting game
>continue doing something else
You make any money from it?
I thought Qiyu Zhou was going to be some god tier tactical player I never heard of
What a scam. I'm not working for free.
how about cheating on my long term gf with my exagain?
She wrote me today out the blue and it's pretty clear she wants the D, I wonder if the stakes will make chess seem less important, keep in mind rating anxiety is by far my biggest weakness the less I care about chess the better I do and I'm close to my goal of 2000.scam as is
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I'm not making a single course. I'm listening to what other players have to say. And that's what no one did.
one day this joke template will stop being funny
It's not for free, if you make a course and the community votes it #1 you get 5000$ and a permanent royalty on your course! Even second place gets money!
e5 is objectively the best response to e4
And Nf6 is the best response to Nf3 after e4 and e5.
Objectively all mainline openings are drawn.
Practically c5 scores better at every level where it's meaningful to talk about openings instead of specific lines prepared for specific opponents. (Including the chesstempo 2700+ database)
The first game of the 72nd Oza title match is being played between Sota Fujii (the Oza title holder) and Takuya Nagase. The time control is 5 hours per player, and the match is a best of 5. Nagase won the pawn toss and will play sente in game one.
This year's match is a rematch of last year's, where Fujii beat Nagase 3-1 to win the title. Will history repeat itself, or can Nagase beat Fujii and reclaim the Oza title?
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Chink Quan keeps being one of the best players ever, he destroyed Sota AND Takuya a few weeks ago
Practically the c5 is not practical at any level where you're not preparing specific lines for specific opponents. There's just way too many sidelines to practically prepare for when playing randoms online.
On the other hand just playing e5 and Nf6 is much simpler and completely sound. In fact the main reason e5 scores worse for black in the Lichess database(2000+ no bullet) is because too many retards play a move other than Nf6 after Nf3, all of which reduce their score.
Based and chudpilled.
shogi poster and vrchat poster are my favorites
shogi sucks dick. i tried getting into it because i liked the board, but then realized the games are SO FUCKING SLOW. Fuck that.
only based if you also feel the same way about classical chass
i didn't mean the time. I meant that before action happens, you have to do like 50 moves because pieces are so fucking slow. I hate such slogs.
In chess it's move 2 and it can already be active and sharp as fuck
I wish there was a shogi general so I could spam it with scat porn every day
>In fact the main reason e5 scores worse for black in the Lichess database(2000+ no bullet) is because too many retards play a move other than Nf6 after Nf3

Lichess database, 2000+ no bullet:
e4 c5:
>White 47.9 / Drawn 5.9 / Black 46.2
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6:
>White 49.5 / Drawn 5.9 / Black 44.6

So playing e5 Nc6 reduces your winrate by 1.6%. I don't see how you can possibly argue Sicilian is impractical when it does so well in practice.
Shogi pieces aren't that slow. Most players blitz out the opening anyways, so you get to the exciting part of the game at about the same time you would in chess.
consider how you're on an imageboard that is 80% japanese content and still not a single person except for you wants to talk about shogi. It is that shitty of a game. Go to the lishogi forums and dont forget to dilate
good fitness, diet, and sleep will improve every aspect of your life, including chess
actually studying chess will improve your chess more though
i won the last game ,but im so embarrrassed, missing two different forced checks
Don't worry, confusing the terms "check" and "checkmate" is far more embarrassing.
not as embarrassing as getting b8ed
The check was forced, anon. Cope. Making your opponent move their king is the biggest power move in chess.
but being in check doesn't mean you have to move your king
What was the average elo when /chess/ did tournaments?
whatever elo stockfish is
fuck off with this shit already you no life piece of garbage
around 2000
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I don't like this new flavor of Stjepan. He's putting his face in his thumbnails. He's being very smug about winning games straight out of the opening because his prep autism paid off.
What will his face be when he plays the next worst game of his life?
Possibly something he was asked by his sponsor? I've wondered the same thing about his reactions to losses in the lichess training games (he went from being on the verge of crying on camera every time after resigning to being "nooo haha congrats to my opponent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" )
lichess daily today is fun.
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18 titled players have made this blunder on the 5th move
Lmao this is a beginner level e4e5 tactic. Those must be titled players who learned chess with the carocuck as kids.
The petrov loses by force
Anyone here got a coach?
I think about looking around on Fiverr and lichess.
Fujii won in 124 moves. The next game will be played on 9/18
In other news, the final qualifying game for the Osho league has finished. The full lineup for the tournament will be: Tatsuya Sugai (last year's winner), Yoshiharu Habu, Nagase, Seiya Kondo, Akihito Hirose, Yuki Sasaki, and Takuya Nishida.
don't look for fiverr. everyone who is a little competent there is expensive as fuck and there are many incompetent scammers and weakies, it's just not worth it. you can get a much cheaper titled master on lichess who actually knows how to coach
ChessViben (NM Nelson Lopez) is so pathetic.
>blunder two full pieces
>do subpar moves
>like every third, fourth move is a serious mistake, end up with 70% accuracy (your opponent has 77%)
>lose against a 900 because you were playing like an absolute retard
>check his profile and openly suggest he is cheating
>wow... 400 rated at bullet?! 653 puzzles?! i said he probably isn't cheating but... wow... man... it makes you wonder... i don't want to jump to conclusions but...
Why won't pro players just admit they played like fucking retards? what a fucking dumbass
btw this pic is so funny
this is why rapid is an unplayable joke of a mode. if opponent had less time, there would be 0 question whether he was cheating or not. give him 10 minutes and an 800 is indistinguishable from a 2000 in the vast majority of positions
but yes nelson is clearly low iq. very good chance his opponent did actually cheat though. i mean, why wouldn't you cheat in rapid? you have infinite time
anon, watch the game, his opponent was playing like a typical 900 and DEFINITELY WAS NOT cheating, it was a simple game that looked like two retards were playing drunk 2 minute blitz. I'm laughing at this video because Nelson is so pathetic he can't admit it and has to say stupid shit like HMMM INTERESTING INTERESTING. his opponent won because nelson was making fundamental mistakes and leaving shit hanging for free, in the endgame he didn't see the bishop is attacking his rook and blundered it in one move, and here he blundered a knight because he didn't see the pawn move. 70% and 77% accuracy, game full of mistakes from both sides, but the 900 guy simply saw more blunders from nelson than nelson saw the 900's blunders
the slurp was calling to them
nelson 100% did some stupid shit but the 900 didn't play like a 900. simple as
the 900 made like two positional "blunders" the entire game. and the pace of his moves just scream cheater to me
anyway i don't have a horse in this race other than to shit on rapid chess. enjoy your cheaters
>"Everybody can teach something!"
Totally untrue in general and even moreso for something like chess.
>i don't have a horse in this race other than to shit on rapid chess
that's perfectly fine lol, nobody cares about your opinion
shitting on rapid chess is some of the biggest cope I've seen here. nobody would call it a joke format unless they're bad at it
the ono zone.. lmaoo. i just keep repeating his name and looking at his s__0__y face and i just laugh uncontrollably. the ono zone lol. the name is so stupid and his face looks so feminine. his rating is pathetic, he (seemingly) puts so much effort into chess improvement and gets nowhere. he "coaches" and he has a child (yes, this dutch he-she has reproduced). HAHHAAHAHAHAHAH, it's all so funny to me. lmao..

sounds like you're jealous that he found his grift and has a family. nothing's stopping you from doing the same anon, just use that envy as motivation :)
you write like a faggot
t. TheOnoZone
I wanted to get his free coaching and record how I ask difficult questions he would never know answers to, and how I BTFO him absolutely, but was too lazy to do it
maybe next week
anyway, soon i'll produce some fun shit for you guys
i would pay to watch this
>nothing's stopping you from doing the same anon, just use that envy as motivation :)
i have a sense of shame
I have a dream of being a strong anonymous chess player haunting bars and local parks.
I have this vision. I'm drinking at a bar, patrons laugh, drink, eat, play. I look at the games, liquid fire in my throat. Someone comes up and asks, wanna play?
I play super fast, clinical moves and BTFO the guy.
Then the next guy. The next guy. The next guy. Who's that monster, they think.
And I disappear. Everyone looks around, where is he, where was he? He was just there! Who the fuck was he, was he some master? What is his rating? Do you know him? No, he just came for a drink! They know that the strongest regular at a bar is nothing in comparison to me, a monster, a demon. Vivente rege, vivente rege, fucker.
i had something like that, i saw two old dudes playing chess and started watching. the game they asked if i play, and i absolutely fucking destroyed them both while blitzing out moves, they looked at me like i'm some grandmaster demon from hell, it was such a good feeling holy shit
>have sex after being involuntarily celibate for nearly a year
>feel sudden urge to switch from the italian to the evans
The cutoff for that is probably somewhere between CM and FM tbqh.
Levy cuckman already gave up on the road to gm
>have three decent tournaments
>have one bad tournament afterwards
>resign your dream because of it
This guy was never GM material.
Looking forward to it should be hilarious
You should act as oblivious as possible while you destory him
he's commentating in paris, so let's hope he sits down with /ourguy/ and gets a discount to gmhans.com
sors? proofs?
>this move looks much more powerful
>gives away the only hope of counterplay for his opponent to infiltrate while losing tempo
When Levy said he'll take a break I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that hung over me like a thick fog. It felt eerily similar to the moment in the first book when Harry and his friends lost 150 points, sending Gryffindor spiraling to the bottom of the standings. The weight of that loss was palpable, but deep down I knew Levy much like Harry had the heart of a champion. I could envision the day he'd rise again reclaiming his title as GM just as Gryffindor did when Harry helped them clinch the House Cup. I held onto that hope knowing that one day it would be a night to remember—a celebration of resilience and triumph, a testament to the magic that happens when you refuse to give up.
I laughed. I know somewhere out there someone actually wrote this unironically
I'm unsure if this was taken from a comment section or if anon asked chatgpt to write it or anon wrote it himself. In either case it's pretty good.
Congrats on getting your dick wet and growing a pair
I'm a student of Onozone and managed to go from 1200-2200 liblitz after a few months of coaching. I know you're doubting him because of his low rating but he's the real deal, I can highly recommend him.
so weird that he's a "professional" coach and his lichess elo isn't even 200 points above mine, plus it's straight up lower than non-coaches who post here
I remember Hikaru once said that he knows Levy will never be a GM because he plays against GMs with the expectation that he'll lose, grovelling for a draw from the start, playing passive. When Naroditsky was an IM he played against GMs the way he would play against other IMs, throwing everything he had at them, going for a win in every game even with Black.
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Why does a shitter coaching even bigger shitters get the thread's panties in such a bunch? He's not even trying to hide it.
he's nothing short of a boldfaced conman, he preys on people too new to chess and low rated to realise just how terrible he is
I would adopt him in any time control and still whenever I try to teach something to weaker players at my local club or casual firends I'm always unconfortable about it and tell them multiple times that I know nothing too and I could well be wrong, the idea that someone that much weaker than me thinks he can charge money to share his retardation and missconceptions really disgusts me
Some people here defend him everytime cause they have similar shitter ratings andthey like to think they have something to too but it's absurd, especially since you can get IMs for like 10$ an hour on the same fucking site
That appears to be around the park hustler peak, yes. More than enough to beat all beginners and most intermediates in blitz. Above 2200 is a small percentage of serious chess players and microscopic percentage of casual chess players.
lower rated teacher can be even better because he can still put himself in the beginner mindset and can explain things in a more approachable way. imagine if magnus was your coach, he'd blitz through the moves and only explain the things that don't seem obvious to him. being a good player, doesn't immediately make you a good teacher, they're different ball games. think of the teachers you had in school, very few of them had PhDs or a long professional career in their field, they were primarily trained as educators.
What does a chess coach even do. Why does a coach need to be high rated? You can be very high rated purely from tactical ability, which can't really be taught. You can be a god at the positional aspects of chess, which can be taught, and still be 1600 because you suck at tactics. A 13yo 2500 who demolishes you with combinations won't be a good coach.
Sure but at 1800 liblitz this guy is the equivalent of a junior high school student trying to teach.
Skills have nothing to do with your empathy and pedagogical skills. You aren't immediately a good pedagogue because you were recently at the place your student is now. Aman Hambleton, Daniel Naroditsky, Andras Toth are examples of a good pedagogical skill and they were better than all of us here when they were teenagers.
>Aman Hambleton, Daniel Naroditsky, Andras Toth are examples of a good pedagogical skill
and a junior high school student can still work as a tutor for grade schoolers, maybe even his peers if he has a knack for explaining things. what's your point?
> think of the teachers you had in school, very few of them had PhDs or a long professional career in their field,
1800lirapid is like a middle school drop out though, your logic would apply to some expert adult improver but that guy is just way too weak to teach anything
I can smell the sub2000 subhuman though the screen lmao, stop defending that faggot and git good
He's not, I got 1000 points because of him. You guys like pointing fingers but have any of you actually tried his coaching? If you haven't tried how can you say it's bad, he's not any random lichess player he's TheOnoZone.
no (you) for you, be more subtle next time,
there is a difference between "being capable of teaching someone a thing or two" and "being good enough at it that it's worth paying 50-60 euros per hour"
the junior high student could be the former but almost certainly not the latter...
i know a guy who was coached by my country's top coach as a junior and he didn't make it very far (he got to 2100 fide then quit chess because he couldn't gain anymore rating and his goal of GM seemed impossible). and then you have people like Eric Hansen who said he became GM by playing thousands of online blitz games on ICC as a teenager. chess ability is unpredictable. chess is the most brutal out of all the hobbies i partake in (including mathematics, programming, and weightlifting). in all my other hobbies, you can feel yourself improve but you can't with chess. sometimes after intense chess study periods, my rating even goes down. insane game. completely insane. no wonder so many people have gone mad playing this cursed board game.
>friend sent you a voucher for 1 month diamond on chesscum
>literally can't find a place to redeem this shit
This website is such a shithole.
Send a lichess message to TheOnoZone and trade that voucher in with him for a few coaching sessions
Anon it's literally fucking impossible to redeeeem that, i can't find it lmao. I looked through everything. I have to write to their support.
OK, but before you do that: send a message to TheOnoZone and ask for a free coaching session. Trust me.
Wow. They don't just have a redeem code page? That's wild.
They don't, lmao.
>he became GM by playing thousands of online blitz games

wtf i thought fast chess made you worse??
i tried to look for it thinking you missed but i also can't find it kek
it CAN make you worse in slower time controls by making you blitz or bulletbrained
it doesn't inherently make you worse because at the end ot the day you're playing chess
Just get a Romanian or Brazilian GM to teach you for $20 a session
grandpa got addicted to xitter lol
can't we just have Wesley back
.....why is that a blunder
qd5 with a mate threat on f7 only way to defend is nh6 bxh6 castle and black is down a piece
vlad is undefeated
Oh that's obvious. I am dog shit
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What the fuck am I reading
Secret teachings of a forgotten time
The games and blunders of IM Levy Rozman
The truth
You didn't tell me Lasker was based. I knew about Fischer but not about Lasker.
Never had a discord, anyone wants nitro or whatever that is?
I will now read your book

Increased blood flow to the brain
Lasker wasn't a /pol/pilled racist afaik, this is just something that wouldn't be considered racist in ye olden days.
Please tell me how to play against the London without hating chess

I got curious and downloaded it on Libgen but it's missing the white race section
>Please tell me how to play against the London without hating chess
steinitz countergambit, mate. the ultimate destroyer of london players under 2000 chesscum.
1 f5
d4 f5 Bf4 and White literally keeps playing the London
I like d4 Nf6 then b6 if they play Nf3 or Bf4. This is a prelude to the Two Sirs but you're not obligated to fiachetto the second bishop. You can do some e6 c5 thing instead.
>reddit-conditioned tourist putting a disclaimer on his post so he doesn't get downvoted
I play this from the KID move order (g6 before b6). It gives white a chance to reconsider a c4 which may allow me to play some sort of grunfeld-like setup depending on the move order.
If white doesn't take me up on that offer, I proceed with the two sirs. As you said, b6 is a really flexible move.
Ok Nf6 and its not
Also this

Chess is my greatest joy in life. I cannot understand what you mean by this. There is nothing better than playing chess and defeating strong opponents.
>Chess is my greatest joy in life
>you can't just love chess!
>you have to be grumpy and hate chess like me!
>stop liking chess so much on the /chess/ general!
Maybe you should try out on of the gacha games. This one's got a lot of butts. >>493156931
kek, did not expect to see a nikke recommendation here
i always get into trouble from opening to beginning of middle game and then other guy blunders and im saved
I am convinced Niemann is a fraud, He is a decent but average player, but he is not a genius. This game is about genius, and genius is not something that can be forced or bought or even worked hard for. Hans is sadly like many, many other players who have dedicated their lives to a game that does not particularly love them. It can make you spend each night in your room screaming at a god who does not hear you.
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>dark-squared bishop
>This game is about genius
>It can make you spend each night in your room screaming at a god who does not hear you.

based nietzsche
if ur good at something, it feels good to be good
was this a reddit or twitter post? i can't remember where i saw it lol
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>mate in 2 starts with you in check
being a shitter at chess doesn't feel too bad either desu
I'd lose to a lot of you but I never lose to anyone I know IRL. kind of a happy medium
he is literally number 16 in the world right now and plays semifinals in world speed chess championship tomorrow
This this so much this, just because i'm still 600 elo after playing two thousand games doesn't mean that i'm dumb!!! Everyone is special!!!
1700 liblitz! Now that's something really special
seethe less
you definitely needed to double post for that
>attack a queenshitter's queen
>he responds to it with a counterattack on my queen
>take his
>instead of taking mine back, he disconnects
are you actually serious lmao
holy shit these people are a riot
I have dropped 300 puzzle elo in 6 days
kek, I watched it and you're right. Not suspicious whatsoever, Lopez just played like a 1000 that game.
The first blunder was an understandable oversight since he apparently didn't feel the need to calculate at all, but just purely play on vibes.
And it was an extremely easy move to find, appealing from a 900 perspective, even without seeing the promotion possibility.
The second blunder was just inexcusable, nothing clever from his opponent at all, just complete negligence to look at his opponent's move.
>the 900 made like two positional "blunders" the entire game.
He got a terrible position and never played a single impressive move except e6, which was still not beyond a 1000 player in a 10 minute game.
He was actually still losing even after winning a piece!

>653 puzzles?? Man... it makes you wonder
Those 600 level puzzles probably include a lot of hanging pieces puzzles, which it turns out are exactly what it takes to beat an NM
that wasn't double posting, only >>493202740 was me. I assume you thought we were the same anon because we both used exclamation points.
Nice try, but even pattern recognition capabilities as prodigious as your own will go astray now and again.
nvm I spent a while doing tempo puzzles and now I'm gaining it all back
>White promoting to a rook at the end just to make a ladder mate humiliation ritual
That was one of the most pathetic things I've watched in a long time. Not only did he not just resign after hanging his 8th point of free material to a sub 1000 elo player, he STILL accused him of cheating despite not being able to find an ounce of justification for any such accusation. "UH uh idk man 500 bullet thats pretty low man idk chat what do you guys think huh chat I'll let you decide huh" fucking stumbling bumbling mental fucking retard
Reminds me of a naroditsky video i saw where he deliberately goes for an unsound bishop sac against a 1500 player (iirc) and then starts insinuating things when his opponent doesn't blunder all of the defense away in the next 5 moves. Then when he gets the desired outcome and ends up winning he just pretends nothing ever happened. These youtube chess celebs are all bitches and sore losers. Plenty of respectable titled players have lost to amateurs in simuls before. Imagine if every single one of them just threw a magnus-tier fit when that happened, "HOW DARE YOU BEAT ME THE GREAT SUPREME GRANDMASTER OF THE WORLD REEEEEEE CHECK THIS GUYS ASSHOLE NOW!". Apparently just being allowed to smurf unpunished with a fake rating against unsuspecting new players is not enough for them.

There's this one hikaru "speedrun" clip too, absolutely pathetic
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Nepo did this shit regularly in his banter blitzes
he played the Latvian gambit against a decent player and started insinuooting when he got a dead lost position for example
The Hikaru one is typical.
>how dare you treat my meme series with the respect it deserves
>you're supposed to be a beginner I will prance around and pick on for the amusement of my audience and you will not be informed this is happening ahead of time
>not even funny
Nearly all titled players who have done these kinds of smurf video series have behaved like assholes about it. Aman, in his instructional series, would say to never resign. In a different ladder climb series he would then humiliate all lower rated players who refused to resign. "I will make him resign! haha!". Assholes. They're all assholes.
>tfw my positional knowledge is dogshit I just know how to play my openings
It's so over.
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>calculate variation
>it's winning
>for some reason i play the second move in the variation I just calculated instead of the first
>am now losing
mother fucking hell
I think even magnus did this once
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is there anyone with more entertaining reactions to blundering?
There was that fat guy who fell from his chair after blundering against Petrosian.
Garry had plenty of good ones. This one below is a classic. (4:58 for the blunder, 9:18 he resigns and storms out of the room, kino moment too)

I saw a compilation on yt before with plenty of these reactions of his but couldn't find it now
is it trully a win if my opponent missed two of my blunders (950 elo fyi)
A win is a win, but you gotta be aware that you should get rid of these if you want to be able to beat better players.
It's because these people have nothing else going on in their lives besides chess. So when some nobody comes along and beats them, it's a personal attack.
>5+3 anon
>opponent loses in <20 moves with more than 5 minutes on the clock
>queue another
>same thing
>queue another
>same thing
what are the chances it was the same guy all 3 times?
Missing an opponent's blunder is itself a blunder.
People play even 30+20 like it's bullet on the lichess anon pool.
>Nearly all titled players who have done these kinds of smurf video series have behaved like assholes about it. Aman, in his instructional series, would say to never resign. In a different ladder climb series he would then humiliate all lower rated players who refused to resign. "I will make him resign! haha!". Assholes. They're all assholes.
never resign mentality has definitely gone too far. from what i've seen aman is typically reasonable about it. i have not seen this specific humiliation ritual speedrun you speak of, but i have seen aman troll titled players who refuse to resign against him. i think when you're a GM and your lower rated opponent wants to shuffle their king around instead of resigning, they do deserve the humiliation. if aman was unironically doing this shit to children-tier players i'd be kinda shocked
a lot of people play like that
I played an anon 10+0 game the other day where my opponent was dead lost and resigned with like 9:40 on the clock
>cry when someone smurfs you too
absolute state
kek this is SO hikaru
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Speaking of smurfing, I've been on a break so I made a 1200.com account to get back in shape without hurting my rating
It's so shocking to see how these people have 0 opening principles, I didn't expect 12-1500.com rapid to know much theory but at least "develop your pieces and castle" should be a given or so I thought
Every game I get a huge development advantage without even trying, if you are in that range or lower literally just google opening principles and stick to them, you will get free points by the hundreds
Final stretch of the women's SCC, boolet's about to start
there are huge gaps in skill on .com at that elo
on any given day I can play 3 games and I'll get someone around my level, someone who could never beat me, and someone I could never beat. it's fucking irritating
Haha, it's definitely weird. I'm 2000 chesscom and I lost a fair share of my games in 1200-1500 when I made a smurf account. Fucked up my self-confidence for some time, honestly.
>those collapses by Ju in time trouble
Polina's winning this
basically chessbrah habits
great - you've opened...how what ?
Lmao i used to see this shit pretty often below 1700 lichess. I call it the "super scared über coward pussiest of all pussies" pawn structure. One pawn pushed forward for each move black's irrationally terrified of.
This position cannot be reached by force with precise play by white btw. Move order matters a lot when it comes to crushing this type of play. I recommend playing around with SF16 a little just so you guys can see how easily the most common lichess DB moves can put black in a -2, -3, -4 situation in these Qf6 positions.
how did the 2 pawns on d disappear
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Why do normalfags play dumb shit like this? I just encountered this (1900 cc) and won in 20 moves. What's the point? Do they play it ironically or what?
chess is a game and games are supposed to be fun. chill out, kid. not everyone is trying to become the next carlsen/fischer/kasparov/<insert your fav player here>
This crazy sac is somehow sounder than the stafford surprisingly enough.
A better question is why are you a caro cuck?
Why not? It's a fun opening and I know everything about it at this point.
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crazy how well it scores, this is filtered for 2000 and up even if you remove bullet it's still 54%wr for white, better than most mainlines of traditional openings
carucucks really can't handle tactical positions for shit, nothing new
How do you play on two knights with qe2
Happens something, taking on f6 (knight takes knight) is not considered fighting for an advantage nowadays avoiding the tartakower, so stronger players usually go queen e2. You take knight, queen takes, then you maneuver Be6->Bd5 and develop normally, ez and intuitive and pretty cool lines desu, although I prefer the tartakower.
Thats the maneuver I go for as well. The problem I ran into last time was after be6 they went c4 and my opening book says to play g6 but after qe5 rg8 apparently black is fine if you eventually go bg5, snap the knight and then bg7 to hit the queen. I'll try to find the game but tldr is i played the line I was 'supposed' to and still ended up with what I think was practically a shit position even though the computer and my book says it's fine
What Hans' entrance music gonna be tomorrow?
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Magszychuds....it won't happen again will it?
>try out the new ICC
>first game
>get Black
>opponents plays 1.d4
Bad omen. I lost too. Back to dot cum.
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What's fun about playing a gambit that either wins or loses on the spot? You either win in a pre-prepared line, playing no new moves or you lose because your opponent didn't fall for your pre-prepared tricks. You either resign and play no new moves or you start the game in a losing position.
So where's the fun? Is it really just the dopamine rush of number go up?
>not excited you get to play 1f5
I love d4. I can just go nf6 and play grun-oh wait nvm it's a london again
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It is the principle of the matter. True chess artists love playing gambits. We will win through superior piece activity and exquisite chess intuition.

Also, I never use any book theory when playing my gambit repertoire. Every single move I make is derived purely from aesthetic principles.
900 elo
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I recommend the Steinitz Counter-gambit against the London. Try not to get too hung up on the semantics of “counter” when the London is by no means a gambit.

Essentially, after white plays Bf4, your next move is c5, attacking white’s center. This should spice things up and provide you with plenty of dynamic games against beginners who try to make their ineptitude by playing the London.

I will send you the link to a public lichess study on the opening

how does one study a study, just go through the lines and try to understand/memorise as much as possible?
2.Bf4 is not great vs Nf6. You can just go for a KID setup where white wasted time putting the bishop on f4 for no reason and you're a few tempi up.

Or you can just go for the immediate c5. The problem here is that in many Benonis the bishop does belong on f4 so it's not quite as good. On the other hand most players who choose to play the London even against Nf6(usually you'd only play it against d4 d5) have no clue what they're doing in the Benoni and might not even play d5.

Essentially yes. A high quality study will have solid descriptions of the themes and reasoning behind the moves.
Steinitz only works if you play d4 d5 which this guy doesn't. d4 Nf6 c5 just leads to a pretty crappy Benoni variation for black.
Nigger I know how to play chess my point was I don't get to do the grunfeld
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unironically how chess is supposed to be played
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Try harder to get your (you)

I believe David Bronstein is wonderful authority on this subject, and I will share his wisdom here

“It is no secret that any talented player must in his soul be an artist, and what could be dearer to his heart and soul than the victory of the subtle forces of reason over crude material strength! Probably everyone has his own reason for liking the King’s Gambit, but my love for it can be seen in precisely those terms.”

You’re right, my apologies. Still, I think this is a reasonable London antidote for players at the beginner-intermediate stages who face a disproportionate number of London Systems and are getting tired of those themes.
I'm just under 2200 lirapid and I see a london several times a week
I don't think there's any Elo where the London just stops. In d4 d5 positions it is a perfectly respectable opening(actual opening, not just premoving the London setup) and can also be a great way to move order people into good QGD variations.
By 2200 lirapid you shouldn't see that many London premovers anymore so abusing it is much harder because the players actually understand the opening they're playing.
Nf6 g6 crushes the London in practice and even moreso the jobova London. Oh no there's an h pawn trundling down the board, what ever will I do?
Hello, can anyone here recommend a good resource for the ideas in the French Defense? I'm particularly looking for something that gives solid recommendations in the Exchange variation and explains the goals black may have when breaking the symmetry.
I found a book in my old things called Play the French by Jon Watson but it's basically just a collection of chess engine strings with little elaboration on what either player is trying to accomplish.
d4 d5 Bf4 Nf6 g6? I really don't like the position for black after c4. It's like the grunfeld but there's no white knight on c3 so it's just bad.
I'm at 1644 lichess blitz and almost never see the London, people actually seem to know mainline QGD decently to like move 8 or so.

When I played the French a lot, I went over Paul Rubinstein’s games to get ideas about potential setups as black against the Exchange French
No. D4 nf6 bf4 g6. Only do d5 if you see nc3
But that relies on "London premovers" who play Bf4 even if they don't see d5. At 2200 anyone who plays Bf4 into Nf6 should really know what they're doing and knows the variation pretty well and therefore won't try to play it like a normal London. Otherwise they'd just play c4 or Nf3 and go into some other Indian defence.

I turned it on for a few minutes before work and watched Hou Yifan blunder a rook.
Advanced and gambit d4 (and e5 if they're cocksure enough to take it)
How attractive do you have to be to be a successful chess streamer?
guy: as long as people don't feel legitimately disgusted by looking at you, any degree of it should be fine
push comes to shove you can just pull a rey enigma
girl: probably want to be at least 6/10. you can still get attention lower on the scale than that but you'll get less
kinda like for guys though you could just go the vtuber route for this
Rosen is popular so you're probably fine
They're not premoving, it's some kind of prep with an early h pawn typically. I just assumed there was a trendy course or video or something
If the Averbakh is Bg5 and the semi-Averbakh is Bd3 I guess Bf4 is the semi-semi Averbakh. And all 3 have the same theme of launching your g and h pawns at the opponent quite early.
>not everyone is trying to become the next carlsen/fischer/kasparov/<insert your fav player here>
Thanks for reminding me that I will never be Botvinnik, asshole. My whole day is ruined.
>It is no secret that any talented player must in his soul be an autist
Truer words have never been said.
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> Spent 4 months learning chess
> Still below 1000 Elo

I don't get it. I do my best to learn chess principles, reading beginner books, play consistently, doing puzzles, watching various opening videos, play at IRL clubs and tournaments. Nothing has worked.
how many games in total?
you unironically might be doing too much
when I broke through 1000, all I did was:
>learn fundamentals
>consistent play
>3 puzzles a day (and for a while not even that because I didn't start doing puzzles right away)
>1 opening video for white, 1 for e4 black, and 1 for d4 black
that was it
Focus 100% on not hanging pieces and taking the opponent's hanging pieces. Keep track of whether any of your or opponent's pieces are unprotected. And don't play forcing moves just because you can.
You have to learn simple chess before you can start playing complicated plans. I know you think you already do this but I can almost guarantee that at 1000 you don't.
Look at what your opponent is threatening and then defend it. If there is a way to defend it while developing a piece or putting pawns in the centre do it. If there are no concrete threats just develop. Do not start attacking before you've fully developed. GMs and engines sometimes pull this off but you are not a GM or an engine, you're 1000. Develop your pieces to squares where they're defended by pawns. This is extremely important. Even if you blunder you're at worst losing a pawn and not an entire piece.
Do not make random bishop attacks or knight jumps that look kinda scary but can easily be defended. Seriously, just don't do it. Don't threaten that juicy fork on f2 or f7 unless you have an actual concrete and theoretically sound justification. In fact, even if you do have that it's still better not to do it at your level, just play normally. Don't put your bishop on c4 or c5 if it can easily be kicked by your opponent playing d4 or d5.
Yes, it's a nice diagonal that pins the f pawn after castling but that's no reason to let your opponent put a pawn in the centre with tempo.
Play rapid instead of blitz or bullet. At the start of every move go through every single piece on the board(both yours and your opponents) and ask yourself "can this be captured". If you have the time you can look for more complicated tactics but even just doing a simple count(number of attackers vs number of defenders) is more than enough. This should take at most 20 seconds per move, way less as pieces get traded or as tension is resolved. This is a way better use of your time than coming up with some 7 move attacking sequence that gets refuted because a move you thought was forcing actually isn't.
Just not hanging pieces in 1 move and developing safely should get you to 1500.
>4 months
>not 1000 elo yet
That's normal brah chill out. It took me a year to break 1000 and another to break 1400. It takes a long time to be good at chess
>fuck up winning position, now you're super lost
>want to resign but fuck it let's keep playing
>he makes an inaccuracy giving your rook activity
>give him decision overload and make the situation as messy as possible, pawns here, pawns there, rook here
>activate inner carlsen and play masterful endgame with no inaccuracies
>losing eval bar becomes draw 0.0 eval bar
>sacrifice your rook for pawns getting closer, trousers, one pawn here, another pawn there
>fucking win
A minimum of 5 games a day, minus the days I'd attend IRL events or took a break. I've probably played no less than 500 games.

RIP me bro. I've done that and then some, but the highest I've gotten is 800 Elo.

Thanks for the advice anons, much appreciated.

I've always heard you're shit at chess if you don't break 1000 after a couple of months, good to know there's folks out there who were in the same boat as I am now.
based endgamechad
what time control are you playing? if you're playing 15+10, people are usually better
10+0 is the "anything goes" pool. btw don't bother playing blitz and bullet at 800 unless you're losing all your games on time
I suck dick too but I'm a little better, I can play you and tell you what's wrong if you wanna
Or just post your nickname, Ill look up the games
Have they said who will be commenting on the matches tomorrow? I have a feeling Danny will insert himself into it.
Yeah it's gonna be me and Nepo
Omg no way! I can't believe you post here!
keep turning the conversation towards diet and exercise
Hess is best speed chess commentator. I don't like Naroditsky.
who cares? it's going on mute anyway
hess is the most consistent and solid. naroditsky has the highest peaks, but he has a problem with his tone and general excitement level getting to a point of grating/annoying
Some commenters are cool (Polgar and Howell, for instance), so having them unleash their calculation and engine analysis is enjoyable. Some are horrific and here's hoping they don't bring the usual suspects in.
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why is the design of everything nowadays so soft and childish? Are they worried about mascots intimidating their audience? jfc
same reason people play shit like the englund gambit. Low rated moron watches chesstuber click-bait video showing all the tricks people can fall into. Said low rated shitter, instead of learning opening principles, studying classic games, etc. wants to farm easy wins by playing for tricks.
Motherfucker... lost again.
Anon, chess is a kid's game...
Nice bait
>set up a piece trade
>opponent is down on time
>insists on a 40 second think instead of a braindead trade
>moves the piece elsewhere to complicate the position further
this happens way too often
I do this
I will rather lose on time than slurp my way towards a draw.
Englund is a reasonable response to having to face d4. It's not about playing for tricks, it's denying a d4 shitter his comfy safe d4 game.
>retard tries to englund me
Welcome to the center game kid. Now my queens in the middle of the board and your ass is grass
In exchange for a horrible position if white knows what he's doing. If you're a reasonable rating white does know as englund players are very common.
>reasonable response
>+1 on move 2
I'm overjoyed when I see this stupid gambit, and I relish every minute of wrecking it. By all means though keep playing it, englundfag. More free elo for me ;)
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Number one: Since you didn't mention it, i think i can safely assume you're lacking in a fundamental part of learning to play good chess: study of master games.
Study of master games is very important. You NEED to expose yourself to examples of what actual good play looks like. If you do this constantly, slowly and slowly you will unconsciously assimilate these ideas and your chess play will improve naturally.
Get yourself a PDF or a copy of the book in pic related and play through one or two games a day. Since the text explains the reasoning behind every single individual move that is played, this is a particularly beginner-friendly collection of games that you can learn from. As i side note i also recommend Ben Finegold's lectures which you can find on youtube, they are pretty good for this purpose as well.

Number two: Be aware of your weaknesses. Ask yourself: what is the main reason (or reasons) for most losses in my games? Once you can tell what that reason is with certainty, focus especially on fixing it, either by employing some specific training (e.g. suck at king and pawn endings? Do some focused study on that) or by making changes to the thought processes you use when playing (e.g. always lose to tricky knight moves? Consciously consider every enemy knight move possibility until it becomes automatic, etc. It's the simple stuff like this that gets you when you're just starting. As you get better this will extend to some deeper ideas such as being careful with square weaknesses, pawn breaks and the like.). Remember: every single game you play contains lessons to be learned. If you know yourself and know your own game, you will be aware of what needs to be done to improve your play.
Training methods for playing better in time scrambles?
Play first person shooters to get better at clicking


Englund chads keep on winning
That was only a grind because your rook and pawn technique is abysmal, I saw 3 missed wins without even calculating
At first, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Levy was just peddling empty promises, spinning tales of improvement to rake in views and subscribers. It felt like he was selling us a dream, all while riding the wave of our hopes and aspirations, and I found myself skeptical of his motives. But everything changed when I witnessed his journey after a setback in his quest for his GM nomination. Instead of wallowing in disappointment, he took his own advice to heart—analyzing his games, embracing the grind, and sharing his struggles and triumphs with us in real-time. Seeing him genuinely commit to self-improvement made me realize he wasn’t just a charismatic figure; he was the real deal. I became a fan, not just of his Youtube channel, but of the authenticity he brought to the chess community.
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>realize im gonna lose a pawn
>spaz and sack the exchange to save the pawn
>engine hates it
fuck why am i such a retard
why would you go -2 to prevent yourself from going -1
Just make a rook lift or some other preparatory attacking move. Since he'll have to spend a tempo capturing the pawn, you can just treat it as a gambit.
I salute englund chuds for taking the bishop when londoncucks premove bf4. Other than than its garbage especially in the mainline
The e5 d6 Englund is based, the early queen out yt pajeet attempted trickery is cringe
simple as
Parts of this paragraph are very familiar. Is this an adaptation of some other famous quote or passage in a book? Especially this sentence:
> It felt like he was selling us a dream, all while riding the wave of our hopes and aspirations, and I found myself skeptical of his motives
I swear I have read that before somewhere
that anon's been AI levyposting I think

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