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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the previous update (pre-Anniversary month). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous Thread
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It's time to pig out and get your Klara
Does Hilbert's sync move change type as well or only Techno Blast?
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>Eventual field unit with sprint EX role
>Its field gets shorten 3 turns less by its own sprint effect
It's only techno blast his sync is always bug. Only Alt Gloria and NC Serena get to change their sync type.
>Does Hilbert's sync move change type as well
haha what the shit
Nice Arc pairs.
It has been a while since I played Pokémon Masters properly, and I don't remember the last anniversary too well, is there going to be a part 2 or is that it?
this is it
just 3 reskins to shill ranked events
Holy kino
Okay then. Seems kinda lame, but it is what it is, I guess.
Question about Lance, or the Arc Pairs in general. Aren't they supposed to be Master Fairs 2.0? How the fuck is Lance so weak? Enemy is weak to Dragons, Double Dragon Debuff on Enemy, Max Offensive Stats, all defensive stats of enemy at -6, Red's Super Effective UP, and that Super Hyperbeam only deals like 30k, and the Sync Move doesn't do that much, despite being 6EX and EX-role'd.
I feel like Ash and even Champ Iris are better, even though Champ Iris takes longer to get going.

Is it safe to assume they're not worth it?
>Is it safe to assume they're not worth it?
most people will have them 1/5, they're just nice to have
steven is great even at 1/5 though, the other 2 need dupes for damage
Arc pairs at home
Has anyone hit 1 mil
>Super Hyperbeam only deals like 30k
>Is it safe to assume they're not worth it?
No you're just retarded somehow. And of course 5/5 > 3/5 > 1/5

Lance has very strong ST damage, Steven is the best support/tank, Cynthia powercrept every dps in the game
Cynthia + Steven can do UB clears that everyone else cannot even dream of doing
>Have a feeling in my bones
>Throw a meme impulse ten roll at Precure Steven
>Actually got him
Is he good at 1/5 or he needs 5/5? I've only 2 candies to spare and while I like him and it's not maxing him-tier like him,
>Is he good at 1/5
he is good at 1/5
But he kinda wants 4/5 to be the busted uber-support (4/5, not 3/5), for Atk/spatk debuffs
Cyrus is programmed with a lower crit rate and you can't convince me otherwise.
Naruhodo, after checking at Poma, I see what you mean.
Guess he's staying at 1/5, I can't afford that 4/5. Can't be helped.
of all the new units, he is the only one worth rolling for because Cynthia and Lance need candies to do damage
I've never seen a unit fail to crit more in my life.
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pokegirl game
>dropped 5k on the piggy tech scout to guarantee SS Hilbert because my bug teams are absolute shit
>Somehow got him in the 15 pulls
>Now have a free choice

Should I go with Alt Gloria or Jacq?
Alt Gloria

>SS Hilbert because my bug teams are absolute shit
Your upcoming Bug Arc suit?
Gloria A2 mogs in flying 1v3
I was thinking about the possibility of a bug arc suit but realistically it probably ends up being Arc Alder and in that case he'd probably synergize well with Hilbert anyway. Same region, same type, both special bug DPS.
but ALL arcs are already guaranteed to do -2 rebuffs, thats the thing of arc passives and Multi syncs
He will make SS Hilberts rebuffs redundant
>-2 rebuff from arc
>-1 rebuff from hilbert
Whats the issue? You know rebuff goes to -3 right?
We still don't know yet how frequently they plan to put out arc suits
They could do one as early as next month, or save it for December or even 5.5 anni
they have diminishing returns, -2 rebuff is x1.5 damage, -3 is only x1.6
Also Bug Arc may go to -3 like Lance does anyway
In light of promised co-op content soon and hopefully guilds I am inviting friend requests
I try to like everyone's photos most days but sorry if I forgo sometimes
>In light of promised co-op content soon
oh yeah they said that + some new way to experience story
Co-op raid bosses will save the game
Terastalized MEGA pokemon will save this game
Oh, you're back? Last time I saw you here was after being shafted by Red and saying that you'd delete your account before the server got nuked.
Yeah I was pretty pissed but generally my luck is good so I can't reallllllyyyy complain
>Pic related
>server nuked
Yeah RIP nobody knows if it was deleted by the owner or if discuck nuked it
>lance can solo all 14 LAs
Looks like Cynthia was the bait all along
>lance is good in LA
well thats something for him at least, LG-fags must 5/5 him now
Leave UBs and DC to Cynthia
And here comes the cope
Lance is at 13/14, there's still no Moltres clear.
So torn on the costume scout bros, should I go with the evil but sexy Bellelba or the heroic and cute Selene…
Do LAfags not feel embarassed at their own posts..?
>Cynthia and Lance posters arguing about who can just barely scrape through LA solos while having 5/5 20/20 EX role
>Meanwhile Steven has 14/14 clears, every single clear has been done at 1/5 with no EX role, most requiring no resets or good RNG
>He even has a fucking level 1 solo against Latios

We all know who really won the anni
Only the mentally ill care about LA that much, its just a little bonus if a unit can solo some of them
Its not relevant content
Steven has done all UBs, and most of them with a duo, and he also solos every LAs and will be core to the steel DC. That shows he's the best unit this Anni.
>Steven has done all UBs, and most of them with a duo
Arc Cynthia is a great carry, yes
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The LA solo doc still shows Lance at 13/14, are Lancefags genuinely retarded?
I have all 1/5 and they're staying like that unless I get lucky with dailies
I never cared about rankings unless there's a meaningful reward (like prestige gloria), so I'm chilling with 8 "rainbow" candies I'll never use I guess
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Chickentyan's zone animation eats up at least one more sync
Yeah, no wonder they tried to release her first as bait, generic AOE meme dps bound to be eclipsed like Archie and NC Red.
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>rolling for ass suits
Only support pairs are worth rolling for like Steven. Alder is dead on arrival just like Cynthia and Lance, their only existence is making whales feel superior
Whatever helps you cope, bro
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>Whatever helps you cope, bro
Do we have a DC cheat sheet?
Have a tech of the type and Classic Red with status spammer. That’s the cheat sheet
I dont get it, what exactly is Classic Red doing and why is he in most clears
He throws out super effective next and he’s support sprint for faster sync rotation on top of support sync buff
>support sync buff (2x)
>sprint ex (-3 sync)
>adrenaline from grid (-1 sync)
>SE next for all sync moves for the damage dealer (and +1 PUMN if needed)
>head start cookie (if needed)
>-1 quick action on first turn with potion all
Also his max move MP refresh effect guarantees a minimum of 3 sync countdown+SEUN uses, while taking almost zero time because max moves freeze the timer like syncs.
true, also forgot -1 sync from SE next
although it's a bit slow
>4 out of 9 stages are grass weak
>3 out of 9 stages are dragon weak
what the fuck is wrong with my rally today
at least it's common types with easy mode pairs
also means no cancer tyrantrum ace trainer, evasion sandstorm cynthia, the striaton triplets battles, anabel, evasion aoe trap and burn ss morty, late stage run killer roark, barry empoleon, 4th anni pidgeot and butterfree battle, kalos nc acerola, those are among the worst to overcome depending on the bonus roles and powerups, and i have yet to find that infamous penny haze battle, never rolled her since rally's debut
i am grateful everytime a crit buff 50 points power up for critical hits is available in the shops, simply the best cheese, 10K pts, not that much conpared to almost 12K, with a bunch of field sprinkled across the layout, and as usual my tech-support giving me the most of points plus strike-sprint interference team with lysandre/vnoland/rei raping most of sprint battles in a row without needing TMs until last battle where you can waste them
i hope this anni has added some extra new battles to the pool
Wow nice pig pull

Time to get dahlia
Am I crazy or is the new Lusamine actually really good for a freebie?

>400 special attack
>163 bp 3 gauge move
>50% move multiplier under sun and 30% from confusion
>built in dauntless
>40% chance of super effective on hit
>sets sun
>one button buffs that only needs +1 crit from a support
Released for new players in time for the Grass DC like BP Rose for Steel.
>Do we have a DC cheat sheet?
ncblue/Chase + Melony/NC Rosa + sync nuker
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How to defeat whales?
Roll on arcs + buy golden candy bundles
There's no normal weak...right?
I still refuse to believe the YouTube leak. Have we examined all possibilities yet?
QRD on this?
What the fuck do you mean youtube leak? Spill what you saw faggot
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Yo he’s BLACK coded
This is why people stop coming here, too many retards to deal with
Your NC Calem? Your Gladion? Your Easter May?
isnt the field based on a timer?
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sorry i got dahlia but I might get klara on the mix banner with the scout points if i dont get a leaf
i forgot to check, but how many scout points does the mix add if you pull all the dailies
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9 points per day if you do them all
usual 100 gems = 1 point
hat sc lillie with furfrou matron trim anytime
I thought so, just wanted to make sure
Thanks anon
Any recommandations on the current 15x banners?
Depends on what you don’t have, since the tech scout is stacked with great options. Striker is just ok
Feels weird going down the list of pokefairs I need and realizing that I have every single cute girl and I would need to pig for shit like Piers, Jacq, and Chase.

Lots of gaps in my seasonals and SCs though.
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No, the sprints always trash away your own field time.

This isn’t true
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Colonized by chad Florian
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Zap/Blue is still the best support?
All of the top supports will be powercrept when Misty finally gets her 6EX
You mean Marlene
>Zap/Blue is still the best support?
Now that the event rewards are all done what the fuck am I supposed to use all my stamina on??
skill feathers
Steven is useless in the only mode that matters
Red mogs Blue in DC
you are retarded, kys

SS Mina and SSA Cynthia are also > Blue in UBs
Think you're smart trying to insert that dead weight into this discussion?
>no atk debuffs
Theyre shit carried by OP strikers
Retard question: how do the multi roles work in Rally?
True, all three of them suck in Rally.
>blue is so shit he cant even get carried
he is truly washed LMAO
It gives 1.2x multiplier without EX role
Yeah he can't get carried because he's always the carry :)

1.2x multipler for every stage, going up to 1.7x if their EX role matches one of the stage roles

good filler if you get really bad luck (sprint + field for types that dont have any)
>Arc Steven + Rei + SS Cyrus team
>All roles covered included Multi.
>No MP needed
>Good gauge
>Perma sleep so you never get hit.
That's what im using for rally until EoS. I wont lose gems missing the rally anymore.
>striaton triplets battles
Actually had this one on 9th floor, but it was listed as grass because Cilan is the middle, but yeah overal it was pretty chill run
Is the paid gems one secretly has higher rate?
No, I’ve had to spark it
This anni was so good I spent 20€ for the first time since I started playing 4 years ago
Cheers to another great year of pokemas content
I will buy the streak bundle for lear for the first and last time. I now seriously dont think pomas is living past 6th anni. But they can prob make it an offline game as long as it's making 1m+
I'm pretty sure my grandchildren will be playing this that's why any unit that I buy now isn't exclusively mine, I'm merely looking after it for the next generation
>eurocuck enjoys eating shit
many such cases
>killed Pokemon Duel
>still keeping Pokemon Shuffle alive for some reason despite no more new updates
I wonder which route they are going to do for this game
>Pomas shutdowns
>lets you save your pairs somehow in the pokebank to get something in future games
u like it? (but this is never happening)
cynthia sisters...
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Arc suit Lusamine when ?
It should be
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should I buy the anniversary packs?
>>Perma sleep so you never get hit.
One more year until EoS
50/50 chance the bug suit is either her or Alder.
Bug one
over the internet ironic jokes don't work
>arc pairs are original pairs but better
>lusamine is a bug pair
>somehow this is a joke
NTA but Pheromosa isn't Lusamine's ace if that's what he means, they don't have a long meaningful bond like she would with her Clefable or Bewear
Man we desperately need a good bug unit, it's been nearly two years since SS Hilbert dropped and we still only have sidegrades at best.
She is totally a pokefair and a champion with a very iconic pair from cannon games.. oh wait...
Fucking retard.
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Anon is still stuck in august lol
Your SC Wally?
Assuming you mean Barry, I have him. I also have SC trainbros and even Variety Noland. They are all sidegrades at best. Bug is easily the weakest type in the game right now.
>SC Wally
>Bug is easily the weakest type in the game right now.
Just like mainline.
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Bug masterfair soon
Because the SC selects haven't launched yet
DeNA has made a really unsustainable model for their business. There's no reason to pull on anything below Master Fair. Any unit you miss can purchased relatively cheap and vast majority don't need dupes. They're going to start pumping out monthly MFs until they realize people no longer view them as the top dog and either pull for them sparingly or save for Arc Suits (and possible future Giratina/Terastal Suits). No spenders, outside of a select few with FOMO for favorites, have a reason to spend outside of anniversary time because why spend 100+ dollars chasing a single unit, when you can buy a 10k gem pack and the coin pack for 40 bucks and get 3+ in selectors? There's more patient (or poor) players than there are spenders and anyone with half a brain can recognize how easy it is to play around DeNA's monetization.
Yeah they really hollowed out the majority of the year by intensifying the rarity of the special occasion units they drop. People will just save gems and candies even harder than before.
2% limiteds are really just Select bait nowadays unfortunately, people skip them to save gems for MFs (and then now Arcs) and pick up the 2% units they skipped off the Selects, with much of the spending the rest of the year being from the EX bundles and whatever the whales bring in
Dang.... so Arc Cynthia really is the only anni pair who cant do all 14 LAs......
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I think they need to spice up banners
most players have been around for a while so 10/12% 5 stars is not as enticing when its only gen pools that ever show up and even then everyone has them at 5/5 so its just 5 star powerups with a fancy animation

If they threw a selection of older limiteds, or related limiteds (by that I mean like, in Ultra Chikcen's banner have umbreon and scizor chicken available) to entice people to roll then and there and not wait for a select
The game had to give her a 99% damage reduction in order to not let her win. That's some bullshit plot armor.
>wanted to pick up paulo on a select scout
>check them all
>he's not on any of them

why did dena fucking organize these as strike/tech/support, you have two more roles you added to the game you fucking idiots
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Steven won
new Cynthia destroyed new Lance in DC/UBs, so its good he at least Cresselia LA to console him.
new Steven destroyed*
Cynthia was just there for the ride, and by ride I mean riding Steven's fat cock like the useless slut she is
What the fuck is this? and why Iono, of all things, is so up?
It was unsustainable since Master Fairs and has only gotten worse since. Master Fairs was when they killed spotlights for good. People still actually rolled on them like May and Serena and whatnot. Gloria killed Pokefairs because it let nobodies in and Marnie and Raihan stomped on the already dead corpse. There were genuine criticisms about it for years and solutions but DeNA doesn't give a fuck. They just keep further inflating their economy with turds like Arc Fairs. Hubris is why the game deserves EOS.
They are releasing 3 spotlights this month though although I don't get why all Paldea characters are limited.
SS Nemona should've been a Pokefair instead of Master Fair like how some older trainers should've been general pool instead of Pokefair, but here we are. Who knows if this game will still be kicking for Gen 10 but I wouldn't be surprised if they raise the stakes again.
>MFs will now be held back (again) and turned into bait for Arc
>Arcs will just be preexisting units instead of anything actually new
dead game
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We clearly need a Pokefair Kofu and Pokefair Rock Rebuff Thyme, huge demand for these popular Paldeans.
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thanks I guess
Have you challenged the Blueberry League Champion Stadium?
>What the fuck is this?
The sovl of /pmg/
>and why Iono, of all things, is so up?
you need to go back to /vpol/
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Got into pokemon masters ex a month ago apparently ash is not coming back due licensing reasons
Likobros....we'll never get in.
Spotlights shouldn't exist to begin with and should be sub units on the new pokefairs.
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I wish there was a better way to get good sync and cookie builds
I was told to go into the LA solo google doc in the OP and copy them but why would I need fireproof on arc suit steven outside of soloing LAs
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Outfits look like Kanto birds but Arceus rings are for the Kanto starters
Who else is ready for Karen Arc Suit
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>thought this chart counted us too
>not a Butterfree in sight
What is the point of two threads now that we know PL was a LARP and that was the whole reason we came here
Does the vp thread still sperg out about him?
I'm like 95% sure it's going to be Arc Alder and Arc N in December with Arc Leon either for 5.5 Anni or made early but saved for further down the road
Real men don't use Arc sync pairs
Arc Lillie will be her battling with Lunala and Solgaleo at the same time and add the new multi sync with 3 rolls, so save your gems for that
Just ask in the thread
Surely I will get Arc Steven on a daily, surely I will get Arc Steven on a daily....
Is this a good build for 3/5 AS lance?
I forgot to set the cookie but CS2 I guess, like every dps
No because you want the always crit node. I use pic related but you need to uncap to 66 energy if you can
Yeah that looks good. Personally I don't bother with Insult to Injury because the damage increase is marginal for the grid cost. I'd cut that branch and pick up S Move PMUN2 & SMUN2 9 instead, since after you Sync with him you get 2 big attacks since he can hit both physical and special. It's especially good if you use the special boost on his Almighty Roar Hyper Beam.
thank you anons
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>head start
>reduce sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle
does it not count twice for megas anymore? one at the start and one after sync
specifically for arc suit steven if it matters
Thanks for sharing, I like how their glowing eyes match the types
it never did count twice
if it says the first time the user enters battle, it is a hard once
if it just says enters battle, then mega counts
It only counts if it's a mega passive like Wally's Head Start 2 when it Megas. Adrenaline 1 is the after sync countdown
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You're welcome. Love the Kantrio.
huh, could have sworn it worked like that
thanks I'll roll for adrenaline
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NTA but based
Can't wait for Lodge Red
/pmg/ will pull 5 stars today
Okay, bro. I'll believe you.
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I'm completely clueless for AS cynthia
is this good?
>decided to pull for Clair before the select goes away
>got a free palentines Mallow at the same time

Blessed by the pig god.
skip mighty command and go down the earthquake side to get haymaker. Then use the saved points to get the sync power ups. If you dont have Roxanne to trap for you then replace defense crush with sand tomb status change.
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thank you
>pick Poppy from selector
>spooked by her from mixed scout
her SS Propulsion 9 is a very good tile, I've used it a lot
Poppy's 2/5 is pretty nice so it could be worse.
It just bums me out because I was debating between her and two other pairs that I could have picked up.
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Finally got her, now to see how many I get on the way to spark before feeding candies
Normally I wouldn't be so greedy with them but I have a Royal Duty to 5/5 Lear night one and my luck with Blue was crazy
>"finally got her"
>banner released 3 days ago
>limited pulls per day
shut up fag
Sorry to hear you got cancer, hope you'll get rid of her and get well soon.
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Not sure why you're mad about my wording but okay
that's out of character for Blue
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I don’t see eos anytime soon since there’s still a lot of popular characters left, they haven’t gotten into the long awaited content like raids and secret bases, and a new mainline game is coming soon. The only way they could ruin the game’s revival is by doing absolutely nothing to change the gameplay and character choices
>special co-op
Wait a minute, when did this shit start? HOW MANY DAYS DID I MISS?
Yesterday, so you should be fine.
you missed 4 coins but that's it
You actually missed 3 days
I also didn't notice until yesterday, so I missed a day
no idea why there isn't an exclamation mark or something, the fucking events tab is cluttered with garbage events that are already finished anyway
Bricked accounts
Let me guess... D***f***?
No other person comes to mind in terms of being very impulsive on getting units.
Interesting to see you're back at supporting the game.
I missed yesrerday too I'm so pissed. The exclamation marks are so poorly used. At least mix scout gave me Rika so I can cope a bit.
I got bored enough to finally touch the skill gear, and found this
>Red will always be regular move damage increase
>Pink will always be Sync damage increase
>Blue will always be damage reduction
>Green has mostly passives tied to a specific status condition or status interference
>Purple has mostly passives tied to a specific weather/terrain/zone
>White has mostly passives tied to a specific move type
>Yellow does everything (making it the most random)
So I guess the best plan for making those is
1.aim for best possible stat increases from 1* yellow feathers and pin them once you're happy with them
2.go for red feathers and try land some good universal passives like Crit dmg increase, eventually lock those as well
3. keep using yellow feathers to reset activation condition themes to make sure it always fits your team
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the fact that you can only use one pin makes the entire thing a nightmare that isn't worth touching. If you could lock in all the slots it would be fine.
there is someone on this planet who enjoys building gears in PoMas
yeah, 1 pin unlocking every lock for single piece would make sense, but DENA is DENA after all. That's why I decided to just make single as universal as possible set. It should take 'only' 18 pins, haha...
This will definitely come in handy, thanks
Oh, turns out you can't really lock your base stats. That makes things a bit harder, kek.
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>do single YOLO pull and got Stevenbro
fuck yeah seaking! anyways, I have a few questions for you /pmg/:
>my current cynthia team is/was Raihan/Flygon | Arc Cynthia/Chomp | Ingo/Excadrill, now that I have steven who shod fill the third spot?
>which BP pairs would help the decadent state of my account? I can get 1 5* and 4 4*s
>which of my current pairs I should actually undust and upgrade
thanks in advance bros!
>>my current cynthia team is/was Raihan/Flygon | Arc Cynthia/Chomp | Ingo/Excadrill, now that I have steven who shod fill the third spot?
Fall Roxanne
SC Adaman
NC Silver (really good actually)
even SST Red is good there
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It was a planned pull and I have 33k saved up thank you very much, Obsession-kun<3<
Impulsive would be candying her already
Gotta save for Lear and Arc Fair Red month
if you're willing to paypig the best thing would be getting SC Adaman in a few days when the select scout happens.
>you can't lock stats
yeah I can see why nobody bothers with this shit
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Is Lear actually masterfair quality or is it just a pokefair with a masterfair passive slapped on?
the latter
then again - Nate, Bianca, Geeta are all masterfairs and he isnt worse
I made a semi-lewd photo for my profile and I noticed it's been reset back to empty.

Didn't realize DeNA actually monitors this stuff.
People can report your profile yeah
The only MFs better than him are cheren and the Anni MFs so he's good for a MF. There's no PF better than him either
>The only MFs better than him are cheren and the Anni MFs
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>new Cynthia destroyed new Lance in UBs
No kidding
Lancebros what is this..
Another day
Another instance of a male hard carrying cynthia's useless ass
I will say Nate’s value has gone up with Arc Lance coming out. Actually candied him up to 3/5 now and he hits like a truck thanks to Lance.
Why is a standard MF like NC Red so much better than Cynthia and comes with 400 scout points only?
I thought she was supposed to be the new dps meta or something...
>2 different Cynthias
>4 Cynthias total (for now)
>carrying 3 (three) different "top-tier" pokeboy Masterfairs on 3 teams
Arceus went too far, this Garchomp is way too strong

Also its hilarious how SST Red + 2 Arcs is stronger than his actual Electric teams
>the redcope begins
>come one year later
>come with a unit that needs 500 pity and 5/5 dupes to actually work no matter how much you'll try to downplay on this detail
>still does the same performance of teams that have pairs older than one year and only need 3/5 dupes
>she does nothing without steven who managed to have duo clears with nerfed units like mega rayquaza steven but they tend to forget this too
cynthia was bait this year (too), not as much as nemona if she even counts as such
>Also its hilarious how SST Red + 2 Arcs is stronger than his actual Electric teams
not stronger but more versatil.
None of those teams can beat argenta without removing her rain except for rats + blue
Its good that Kanto and especially red were powercrept by champions of non-Kanto regions
Healthy meta, unironically
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>None of those teams can beat argenta without removing her rain except for rats + blue
pokeboys games once again proven
>Arceus went too far, this Garchomp is way too strong
As expected of eternal pokegirl meta. Fitting that her Garchomp is also a girl
wtf doesn't even need oc donut steel weather and zones
Ashbros .. we got retconned + powercrept + never rerun or EX role + replaced by Liko pedobait
what would he have? lapras?
Ah so we can do it with rat + Blue + dragon rat you sure showed him
>dragon rat
Holy schizo batman!
Ashbro, you gotta let him go.
>anon knows about the gen 10 pikaclone
shut it down
OK now that's better
Getting a crush on Morgan...
Lance still has no Master Fair unit
>But Arc-
Its another kind of pair
>Lance still has no Master Fair unit
and now he never will
Oh no the horror, instead of getting the previous best kind of unit he got the even newer and better best kind of unit
kek honestly these baiters just out themselves as high school dropouts with the dumb shit they come up with
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Why not more units? Specially for a character that been on so many games
He's at 5 dude
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One Dragonite is left. Maybe a terastal one.
Blue is at 8, Steven at 7, Lillie at 6 or 7 etc
And many, many more units than that have fewer than he does
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7-th anni leak
I know it's because they'll sell a Paradox Pokemon with it later but why the FUCK does Nemona not have either circle or sun extension?
Because she was just a lazily thrown together annibait unit to attempt to drain your gems before the arc shit.
Nemona can't into good alts until maybe Strike Meowscarada or legendaries.
That Sun will most likely synergyze with the rest of past paradox anyway, or will end being a beta test for better paradox.
Lance and Mega Charizard Y.
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Heard the kids like Charizard with Fire Shift Hyper Beam that burns everything, AURRRAGGHHH!!
Saving from now
Always imagine Florian's theme being Conquest of Paradise, Pokémon's CONQUISDADOR (the strongest in 3 regions).
>In Round 2 of the Japanese version of Pokémon Stadium 2, Lance's Feraligatr and Tyranitar both hold Quick Claws, despite the Item Clause being in effect in battles with him.
He's so fucking BRAZEN
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>other masterfair trios know to split roles to make a functional team
>meanwhile aether family is strike, strike, and strike
They split in their ex roles. Sprint, support, and tech. Showing their bond as family and difference as individuals
it would be kino ngl
a functional silvally
New content on reset
Cynthia is responsible for the $2.1mil drop this anni compared to last year's. Hopefully they learn from this mistake and stop trying to shill the bitch.
their next big moneymaker is either NY Cynthia or Mix Cynthia
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can save you some time and sum up what will come on reset
>hurr durr guys did you know the arc suits can do all the extreme battles hurrr are you impressed durrr
Next Mix?
Field+Strike Aerodactyl with AOE Buddy Hyper Beam and Rock or Flying shift with Dynamax.
>the arc suits can do all the extreme battles
actually the best one team for all 5 EBs is probably NC Blue + NC Leaf + Arc Cynthia
They cover the most gimmicks + Cynthia as the best damage dealer (and extra weather)

Arc Steven has no status and no way to heal status, so he might be worse than NC blue here
Johto protags with different starters.
Redownloaded the game after I fucked up my old account and couldn't recover it.
Who is best to reroll for? Cynthia or Nemona?
No way, that's 1 region per year, EOS would come first, they'll switch to champions and popular trainers after KANTOOOOOO starters tribute.
Unless you really love Nemona you reroll until you get Cynthia and Steven.
100% Nemona
She trivializes every content, make sure to save for Malva banner too.
1/5 Cynthia is utter shit so might as well aim to focus on Steven only if you're on a new account.
For your own good, quit the game and don't look back. It went further downhill and will continue to do so. Even one of the producers abandoned it.
>Who is best to reroll for? Cynthia or Nemona?
Cynthia >>> Nemona
try to get Cynthia + Steven if you can - literally the 2 strongest units in the game
Ignore this retard >493194104 Game had tons of QoL and content improvements
Wow, both Psyduck and Drowzee eggmons have great kits on all their roles.
Best ones are Tech Drowzee Aggravation Confusion and Troublemaker Hypnosis and Strike Golduck with CS2, followed by Strike Drowzee CS1 + SDE1 and Tech Golduck to cheese some Uxie, rest is general supports but without bullshit like self buffs only.
Hypnofags are eating good.
That you're glossing over the setbacks is pathetic, why are you so desperate to have more people play this dogshit app
>tfw retards try to advice to get 2 arc fairs forgetting to tell anon they need dupes and only eat yellow candies for that
by the time he'll farm enough candies to make cynthia viable the game won't exist or that pair will be powercrept by 3/5 masterfairs
at least the most exclusive arc suit class support will always be useful with a basic kit
1/5 + 1/5 units team won't perform better than 3 general pool teams with proper synergy
1/5 Arc Cynthia stomps 99% of content, you seem like a low skill retard

Besides his reroll alternative for dps is SS Nemona, who is mid even at 3/5
Volotrannies trying to groom newfags into investing in mediocre pairs is nothing new.
All of those are more popular
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It doesn't have that long anyways
I think like how this game has been supporting the rest of DeNA the TCG game will replace it in that aspect and this game will be placed in a status quo limbo in terms of quality for another 5 years.
They updated it so android is 1+ million now Probably around 4 million between the two based on how close the japanese tracker was compared to last year.
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how's this build for lance?
oh yeah I also meant to ask, how important is that Always Crit node
I already get 3 crit stacks from the trainer move
Is there any lucky skill that can increase the chance for C.Blue’s Glory of Leadership to refresh?
The crit helps since you only have an 80% chance for sync to crit with maxed crit. Helps more for the damage challenge so you dont have to reset over and over.
anyone gotten the scans for the famitsu special for this game yet?
Another Cynthia/Steven team with 10 UB clears hit the towers
Factually wrong and misleading.
Else new level of coping from a shitronatard, since all the so called hardest fights they try to shill her for have her at 5/5 for Dust Kicker.
>>493217258 as wanted to demonstrate here where she gets carried by the usual pokeboys in a 2M1F team >>493216729
That Metagross is also 5/5 like Garchomp looking at the passives although at best 4/5 is enough for offensive debuffs and normally you'd get a proper team for UBs using the key gimmicks for a smooth fight.
All Arc suits actually managed to require 5/5 for their peak performance and only 1/5 Steven still functions as omnisupport save for the special offense side for the units in this game.
A new account could never afford two 5/5 arc suits, extremely hardly even both at 3/5, that's the shit gimmick the anni has brought that they won't mention.
Is this a decent rally run?
For a beginner run, yeah. Once you got more EX roles unlocked you can easily get 10k each week.
Dont forget the cake coin from the shop and the coop battle
Regular Cynthia also has dust kicker and she can't do these battles retard
>but about [completely different unit and kit]
It's the same unit thoughever?
How are arc cynthia/steve compared to ash and red w/pikachu? I stopped playing around that time and I remember them destroying pretty much everything.
>all the SC units I want are in banner B and I have everyone except Brycen from A

god dammit.
yeah, my average is like 8k so that's good
only got 10k once
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>electric weak extreme battle

A real tough one
Eh? Was yesterday's the last one?
I got it it's 500 of the first tier of codex books
Oh it's there now, weird.
>Another day of wasting 100 stamina on literally nothing for the sake of dailies and saving the rest for the future events
Great, fucking design, dena. Amazing even.
It's fucking stupid. At least rerun a villain arc event so I can dump stamina into tickets. I don't get why they thought only rerunning the story was a good idea. I could have probably had enough stamina for them. Or drop the character event reruns now so instead of all together so I can distribute stamina better.
aaaaand all the EBs are timegated
I don't remember this extreme battle at all. Is this a rerun? Why the fuck does he do so much damage while my guys do nothing to him? I probably could steamroll him with the usual broken units but I really don't want to. There's no fun or gratification in that.
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ANOTHA ONE! Leaf love!
Shut up stupid faggot. You said her only usefulness is dust kicker but now you say it's her whole kit. Just make up your mind retard
garbage pokegirl
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All five of them are new. They just made a random assortment of gimmicks instead of making arc specific ones where they could have completely gated people from being able to complete them without the new units.
Dust Kicker is what enables her whole kit without needing external sand, and is behind 5/5, do you have room temperature IQ or something comparing Arc Suits to their OG alts? Standard Cynthia can't even provide half of what an Arc version does.
she's like a human shaped shit stain on the whole kanto region everytime her sync pair intro with her mindscape appears in a multi
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No you.
Without using broken units you need to apply status and debuff their Sp. Def to get anywhere with this one
I gave up on trying to do it with F2P units. Extreme battles are so much worse designed now. They used to at least be doable without the shill pairs. Difficult but fair and it felt good to clear. I remember there was some Sinnoh one and Dawn, Bertha and Aaron pulled through hard. Now they come with all kinds of bullshit like constantly lowering your accuracy or having a billion stupid gimmicks and weak to types where the entire roster is limited like fairy.
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That anon is clearly the guideshitter seething that he wasted time and money pissing and shitting on a book and was retarded enough to post it to the internet kek
The psychotic hatred for Leaf remains, seared into his mind like a psychic branding
SC Steven is the braindead choice for this Select Scout right?
I'd say it's a choice between Steven and Adaman
Other than these ones they are designed around what a unit does. The more complex the units kit becomes the more restrictions get added for a fight. This one is just a simple paralyze and debuff fight with zero unit restrictions so they can expect you to have literally at least one fucking unit that is decent damage since it's not even region locked.
>Another Cynthia/Steven team with 10 UB clears hit the towers
wait what, with BT leon ? HOW? he is a shitter compared to the top pairs

the carry must be insane
another Anabel Duo, but with 3/5 Cynthia instead of 5/5
He debuffs Speed and various stats, applies status and can accelerate sync countdown or give max protect.
>debuffs Speed
>applies status
>give max protect.
True, I guess all those are helpful
what's the best lucky skill for Arc Steven?
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>what's the best lucky skill for Arc Steven?
Adrenaline 1
either adrenaline 1 or his exclusive LS
>How are arc cynthia/steve compared to ash and red w/pikachu?
The rats are still top-tier, but Cynthia and Steven are on another level from everything
This speaks for itself, they put UBs on farm - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1unwNqwt18yroGqlEpdcnvYBhpn7KdX-ZCD53vqiufzg/edit?gid=1190611733#gid=1190611733

Steven is better/bulkier than NC Blue (lacks status, but has endures), while Cynthia alone does nearly ~2 top dps levels worth of damage (and brings weather), which is what makes all these insane UB clears possible.
You just slap something decent/helpful of any type into 3-rd slot and thats good enough
Based Steven carries
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Its Cynthias game, bros
Based rats carry
Its official - Cynthia is the character with the strongest overall pairs in terms of gameplay. Arc alt lets her pass Reds pairs
As it should be really
Cynthia+Steven+F.Roxane finished the battle full life I do not get your screenshots with dead pairs
>Arc alt lets her pass Reds pairs
Not SST Red sweetie, he's still the best
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who do I candy?
>wait what, with BT leon ? HOW?
His utility/anti-gimmick is actually pretty good. Since Arc Cynthia handles the damage needed, it works out
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>I hate the way she treats us, but I like the ways she looks
Lass Generic when?
what move level?
>Not SST Red sweetie, he's still the best
He's more of a utility unit. That's why his team with cynthia has 0 deaths in al UBs
Steven-sama I kneel.
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He really belongs to her
from 1/5 to 3/5
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Easy Alola clear
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based desu
I got Pal victor recently.

but i 2/5'd my chase. he's been stuck there since. he does have his EXR
>b-but cynthia
I don't own Chase yet but I am very satisfied with my Pal Vic with full grid, has those nice crit, speed, offensive and defensive buffs with regen, debuffs + status buddy move and triple endurance, very comfy durable and reusable rally unit and stadium carry, can run some different builds depending on needs and is also a rare typing with a solid kit for masters.
And just like Chase he can easily match the skill gears using Main Character skill theme. Chase on his side has Sprint and Circle as pros for the Kanto common dps.
>who do I candy?
Chase is way better
Victor is a rally meme
Mixed omni buffer and debuffer > another sprint and mostly special support, Chase wants the rats the mosta Victor is wanted for carrying any roster pair.
Beside Sprint Chase only has slower buffs, Staggering and Mind Games, Victor has confusion, accuracy debuffs opposite to team evasion buffs, faster bulk, 3+ stat buffs per turn depending on build.
rally is more enjoyable than UB sweaty content though
+ Chase is also a staple in DC (paralysis + speed buffs + sprint role)
No it isn't I fucking hate it
Maybe you hate it because you don't have good rally pairs like Victor
Fuck Victor hope his ugly ass never spooks me on mix
Waste of a boy Valentine unit
Funny how support with a tech EX is functionally a useless role but ends up being a godsend in rally for the multipliers.
Support + strike is even worse because you don't even get bulk from the role
I think nc blue is the only unit to really benefit thanks to aoe rebuff
And 5/5 Penny
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>hating the most soulful pair of the year
Wow. So brave.
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Oh, looks like someone has played the Anni 2024 Lillie event and got mad at Victor's harem, it all comes together.
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The Alpha Male in his natural enviroment.
>in the corner with the other reject seasonal
>anon doesn't know what a corner looks like
>anon is a pedantic dumbass
>he's in a literal cuck corner
>anon calling others dumbass while forcing a corner joke because he can't think of a fitting joke
>anon is a literal faggot
Every palentine girl has Victor's cummy in their tummy.
We can go higher
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Victor is a chad?
>DO NOT repost/use/edit
Has anyone tried 3D printing Pokémon Masters Models? I'd like to have a go, they have a 'Warhammer' shop by me so I'd like to paint something like that.
>art of Victor and Marnie
Rare but blessed
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>Whore Myth
>Whore Judgment
She can already do 5.3M
What's the rotation? I want to go for top 1k but I really don't have it in me at this point. Hell I haven't even done this weeks rally yet.
So Alder is gonna be bug, who will be Dark? Iris?
Iris/Hydreigon, yes.
Just hit my PB. This was even without a TM refresh

The top 1-2 on the ranked event have already broken 6M, they just dont post anything
We'll see it on leaderboard when the normal ground 3v3 comes around
>What's the rotation?
Basically copy this and have good gears
I have Arc Steven at 1/5 and 3 yellow candies. Do I? I would feel so naked afterwards with not a single yellow candy left, autism is why I was keeping them in the first place. It's all so scary.
Hold onto them.
SC Irida rerunning in a select scout soon?
Only one I'm kind of sad I missed this year, she's dressed like a whore though so maybe that's for the best.
>SC Irida rerunning in a select scout soon?
this week, she is in the other SC select
he is fine at 1/5. At the very least wait for steel UB and see if you can clear it without the candy
1/5 Steven is complete overkill for everything except stupid challenges like 2v3ing UBs, don't bother unless you like posting ultra-restricted clears.
How do you know that, you can't see their score ingame and since they didn't post there's no way to know
top 1 has 16,4M, that would require 6M or more with Cynthia
also 1 of them said in discord he got ~5,95M days ago
plus if I got 5.3M even without a TM refresh then 6M+ is obviously very possible
>I have Arc Steven at 1/5 and 3 yellow candies. Do I?
He is quite good at 1/5, but not really busted until the 4/5 node that lowers Atk/SpAtk

Damage dealers need 3/5 more than supports though, so hold on
i can't find my pokeymans
Did you check under the tray
>can't stay out of page 10
Just eos already, fucking kusoge.
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Are any of the extreme battles bullshit or are they all just going to be easy gems?
Rats can do them all
Is the B select scout tonight or tomorrow?
Tonight, in 3 hours
Bellelba or SC Chicken?
Depends, are you into onee-sans or underage girls?
>not immediately picking the sexy evil woman with zero hesitation
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which one is the better team? or for that matter, who from this >>493095856 list should be in the third slot?
Since you dont have any decent ground types you are probably better off just using anyone that can use trap until you pull Courtney or Bertha.
Castform will have WTZ extension 5
Which chatelaine should I 3/5?
Arc Suit Giovanni & Mewtwo
I love her too much not to get her.
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Finally corrected my sin of skipping SC Chicken
>an entire role cake in the shop today

They are actually generous for once
Is there any real benefit in going above 1/5 on Steven? I guess Haymaker?
You either leave him at 1/5 or you go 4/5 for the attack debuffs.
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Some people would call me a fool for this. I say that a few dollars is absolutely nothing in order to make my collection of grown women complete once more.
I have 41 cake tickets
Finally... electric DC...
Remember when Electric was a mid type?
I wish they wouldn't have put all the units I wanted in the same banner. I have everything except Brycenman in the other one. But B had 5 units I wanted to pull for.
>900k with just Ash and no sync spam bullshit
This extreme battle is over tuned even for extreme battle standards. What the fuck am I even supposed to do? Yeah cool just have them all spam 4 bar moves for free while lowering your special defense faster than you can buff it what the fuck? DeNA has fucking lost it.
I really want to paypig for the SC banner but I know I need to stock up 15k paid gems to guarantee a face candy
It isn't like they'll rerun the ghost type in another HSE any time soon...right?
>none of my dark types can cut it in this Lusamine battle even if with NC Serena's dark type rebuff (don't have other options)
>somehow rats and NC Blue do it
Seems like you should just get field pairs from mixed scout when you hit pity.
I love SSR Cynthia's zettai ryouiki bros... one of the best and SOULful outfits.
Any rebuff works which Blue brings.
>still cant invite red to my lodge
fuck this gay shit, I have no more will left to keep doing it, grinding 3 friend levels/day is shit. SHIT
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He'll come eventually sis
Be strong!

>His dark team doesn't have brycenman

There's no reason to have Brycenman if you have Zinnia and Akari
NC Calem / NC Marnie / NC Serena
Calem is 2/5 but Marnie and Serena are both 3/5
Works fine on my machine
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For only 3k gems you could get the best SC unit.
When I say Liko you say KINO!

SC Zinnia came in CLUTCH for the HSE do recommend
Steven looks like that???
Arc Cynthia losing yet another rank in the DC chart
Ash top scores are ~3-3.2M mostly, kinda low desu .. I thought he would do better than this
I thought the SC banners were separated into male and female but no
That was my first guess as well, but then they'd be split 7/12 instead of the more even 9/10
I used the Kalos NC with Karen so she can debuff the enemy's spatk which is another requirement.
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Cynthia gaming
Casual shitter pls no bully

Are these extreme battles only for the most whale of whales? I'm a casual shitter but even with my most powerful dark team (akari+champ marnie) I can't even get them to half health
This is way harder than anything I've done in this game
>Ash top scores are ~3-3.2M mostly, kinda low desu .. I thought he would do better than this
Ash sync is kinda mid compared to the top ones, even with 2 rebuffs
They are kinda hard (far from the hardest though), but you also need to know their gimmicks and counter that, that is priority above all

Challenge Alola’s Top-Tier Team
Dark: SS Lusamine and Anni Lillie
Ground: SS Gladion

Need a rebuff unit to remove No Negative Status Change: Defense ×3 & Sp. Def ×3 on all enemies
(if Lusamine syncs then she removes negative status, so you must reapply it after her sync .. or kill her presync)
debuff the enemy's Sp. Atk.
have 0 or above Sp. Def. on your team to avoid Sp. Def. debuff multipliers

you want something that puts Negative Status Change on enemies - rebuff is best
Check area details before playing the stages.
You'll be able beat the Alola stage by adding a rebuff user to that team (so NC Blue, SC Lyra, NC Cheren, Adaman, the new Arc suits, and so on)

Challenge Alola’s Top-Tier Team
Start: 05-09-2024 06:00:00
End: 19-09-2024 06:00:00
Weakness: Dark Ground

Watch out for these!
Focus 1: Special Moves
Focus 2: Sp. Def Down
NPC Middle 1-1: 170200 HP (Sygna Suit Lusamine - Necrozma Dusk Mane)
2760 Attack
80 Defense
2760 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
66 Speed
Move 1: Prismatic Laser (Unlimited)
Move 2: Hyper Voice (Unlimited)
Move 3: Prismatic Laser (Unlimited)
Move 4: Heat Wave (Unlimited)
Move 5: X Sp. Atk All (Uses 1)
Move 6: Dire Hit All + (Uses 2)
Sync Move: Loving Light That Burns the Sky
Passive 1: Resilience
Passive 2: Lessen Poison 10
Passive 3: No Negative Status Change: Defense ×3 & Sp. Def ×3
Passive 4: Friend Care 9
Passive 5: Entry Freebie
Passive 6: Quick Tempo
Passive 7: Catalyst
Passive 8: Brainteaser
Passive 9: Smarty-Pants
Passive 10: Steady Resolve 3
Passive 11: S-Move: Team Remove Negative Status Change 9
Passive 12: Team Pinpoint Entry 2
Passive 13: P-Move/S-Move on Opp: Sp. Def 2 9
Ultra Necrozma
2760 Attack
80 Defense
2760 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
66 Speed
Move 1: Prismatic Laser (Unlimited)
Move 2: Hyper Voice (Unlimited)
Move 3: Prismatic Laser (Unlimited)
Move 4: Heat Wave (Unlimited)
Move 5: X Sp. Atk All (Uses 1)
Move 6: Dire Hit All + (Uses 2)
Passive 1: Lessen Poison 10
Passive 2: No Negative Status Change: Defense ×3 & Sp. Def ×3
Passive 3: Friend Care 9
Passive 4: Move Gauge Refresh 9
Passive 5: Quick Tempo
Passive 6: Catalyst
Passive 7: Brainteaser
Passive 8: Smarty-Pants
Passive 9: Steady Resolve 3
Passive 10: S-Move: Team Remove Negative Status Change 9
Passive 11: Team Precision Strike 9
Passive 12: P-Move/S-Move on Opp: Sp. Def 2 9
Passive 13: Hit: Team Sp. Atk 9
Focus on these!
Focus 1: Dark Type Rebuff
Focus 2: Sp. Atk Down
NPC Right 2-1: 66600 HP (Sygna Suit Gladion - Magearna)
2415 Attack
80 Defense
2415 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
200 Speed
Move 1: X Sp. Atk All (Uses 1)
Move 2: Fleur Cannon (Unlimited)
Move 3: Steel Beam (Unlimited)
Move 4: Fleur Cannon (Unlimited)
Move 5: Giga Impact (Unlimited)

Passive 1: Resilience
Passive 2: Lessen Poison 10
Passive 3: No Negative Status Change: Defense ×3 & Sp. Def ×3
Passive 4: Friend Care 9
Passive 5: Twofer 9
Passive 6: Brainteaser
Passive 7: Steady Resolve 3
Passive 8: Standfast 9
Passive 9: Ramp Up 1
Passive 10: Team Mind Games 9
Focus on these!
Focus 1: Dark Type Rebuff
Focus 2: Sp. Atk Down
NPC Left 3-1: 111000 HP (Lillie (Anniversary 2021) - Lunala)
2415 Attack
80 Defense
2415 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
200 Speed
Move 1: Blizzard (Unlimited)
Move 2: Moongeist Beam (Unlimited)
Move 3: X Sp. Atk All (Uses 1)
Move 4: Moongeist Beam (Unlimited)
Move 5: Blizzard (Unlimited)

Passive 1: Resilience
Passive 2: Lessen Poison 10
Passive 3: No Negative Status Change: Defense ×3 & Sp. Def ×3
Passive 4: Friend Care 9
Passive 5: Twofer 9
Passive 6: Brainteaser
Passive 7: Steady Resolve 3
Passive 8: Pinpoint Entry 2
Passive 9: Team Mind Games 9
Focus on these!
Focus 1: Dark Type Rebuff
Focus 2: Sp. Atk Down
>dark: SS Lusamine and Anni Lillie
Am I just retarded then? SS Lusamien is Psychic and Anni Lillie is ghost, I would never think to bring them to a stage weak to dark?
Those arent the units to bring dummy those are the units you're fighting against.
you dont need rebuff, just use pokegirl meta
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>Ex doesn't even change colors
AHAHAHAHAHA can't this anniversary go any lower?
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Who do I bring then?
Post your units
>changing perfection
next you gonna say lillie and lunala's ex look good
>bored, check out clear teams for Anabel's EB
>Gladion, Penny, SS Wally team showed up on the list
>Turns out it's all about buffing Gladion's B-move to infinity and beyond (2 rebuffs, SEUP, 8-10x SPUP)
Finally cleared the fight with it, but holy shit, was it restart hell. You have to make sure you get at least 1 TM refresh (2 if Penny's passive fucks up first quad move),make sure Wally's BM won't miss, make sure Gladion doesn't die to first sync and sync just in time with 3rd sync move on Penny before she dies do Axel. The AoE ~200k nuke is almost worth it though.
No but after ultimate battles got added they became infinitely more cancerous. They used to all be at least doable without limited units.
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Another win for rats
? Just use Arc Cynthia
God damn, I just realized I haven't used any of my goddamn roll or daily tickets for cakes. I've already got roughly 3-4 of each type already. Could probably cake like 20 sync pairs if I cash those in.
? Just use 3rd and 4th anni units instead of being scammed
>? Just use Arc Cynthia
every day since she came (out)
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Why and what are you even hoarding for? Spenser's pokefair?
You can freely cake 20+ units by now, today they even gave you a free cake with the event exchange.
Don't get me wrong, I too want at least a slow monthly batch of old, regardless of stars, genpool, freebies , lodge, costumes and seasonals to have their ex roles unlocked by you know what do about it, sending feedbcaks like I do.
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I will never roll for gay blue
Cumming in side that stupid hat and forcing Zinnia to wear it!
>Just use Ack Suits
Oh yeah, I was supposed to wait for today to EX her
What could they have given Lance to make him more appealing.
a big cock
He is just missing Dragon teammates for more synergy and role compression. Given how he only uses 2-bar attack moves he can afford side DPS much easily but needs a proper Support with Dragon Zone beside Lucas or alternatively stick to Arc Steven and/or Lucas with NY Clair, V Lance, SShittya, EXR SS Leon, EXR Anni Raihan. Think of how Irida and NC Red rely on each other even if Lance has that buddy move and debuffs plus staggering on his side cutting down sync turns.
Already has one, best model bulge to be honest. Now only needs a shirtless or tight shirt or suit alt.
Could also think of Argenta + Lucas teammates for Giga Impact spam or NC Rosa + Lucas for the buddy move or NC Nate + Arc Steven or Argenta physical focus, maybe there will be a Dragon Field or Tech + Support with AOE Dragon dps setting terrain everytime it syncs like Adaman or the Variety Eevees do.
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This honestly isn’t a bad team for him, but you have to give up first sync to Nate for the big damage dragon zone sync later
This does well enough, Champion theme Skill Gear is also easy to roll and can rely on either Status passives or zone passives here.
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Ultra Chicken is so fun, alola rock rebuffer when?
The fuck is that top tier challenge? First one was a piece of cake but today's one is such a shill battle
>What could they have given Lance to make him more appealing.
Lance is pretty good

its just that Arc Cynthia makes all other dps look lacking in comparison
They either lack her full compression kit or the very high damage/BP/stats
Skill issue.
Either extended range/sync or striker cake
There is a good chance we get Arc Kukui, which will make Alola the king of rock types
bot post
Honestly I’d roll for that, but I have no faith in pomas to do anything fun with Alola
Buff your team Sp.Def, Rebuffs are adviced but Lusamine removes them on sync so use them properly. Interferences still count as negative changes so trapping, confusion, flinches etc work but also need to be timed for the nuke, else the always forgotten Restrain effect.
I'm thinking of getting Acerola/Tapu Bulu and Dahlia. Is this a bad idea?
Nope, they’re both good
>didnt already have her
Fake fan
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Just gonna impulse pull on stuff from now, no point in saving any more
Just gonna save from now, no point in impulsing pull on stuff any more
Just gonna get into credit card debt, no point in not rolling for every unit
How come steel and ice are the most based types in pokemas
I'm not doing it on purpose, I just didn't really give enough of a shit. Been able to do all the content without them anyway.
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We can all agree Hau is better than Red
ngl Steel was pretty ass but this anni really gave that type a glow up.
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Fucking whale holy shit
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I wish
Just gonna impulse pull on stuff from now, EoS next year anyway
That's the general's zinniafag, did you expect him to have her at 1/5?
>circlejerk shit
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I forgot to do do daily co-op yesterday
Bricked forever, might as well uninstall.
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>Our strongest conviction is to maintain the game's operation for as long as possible, even if just for one more second
1 paid gem = 1 second EoS is delayed
>t. Ahab
!!! she did it
Usual NC Blue win
>breaks 6M even when playing DC on ultra hard mode with the slow af animations and sand chip
I think there are more than 86400 paid gems bought each day so it's fine. EoS never.
>top 2 is Kinnoh
>you should roll for scam arc cynthia because uuuh
>*checks note*
>because she's good on-type or something, chud
Dahlia and Cynthia SEXO
when are we getting a NC Nate master fair rerun?
This but NC L-word
They would have to release NC Liko first before they can rerun her, bro.
Your daily scout?
How many attacks did you skip with paralysis?
I wonder who the next neo champion will be
If we are even getting any more now that arc suits are the new hotness
>How many attacks did you skip with paralysis?
At least 1, might have been 2
had ~1 second left when pressing B-move after 6-th sync, but thats enough to make it
Expected but still impressive. I got ~5.2M (4/5) and ended up sore from tapping Sing on cooldown lol
Hopefully it's Brendan and May.
They'd just need to do Hoenn, Sinnoh, Alola, and maybe Paldea to be done with Neo champions
Well, no worries that they'll get Shillnoh done, at least.
Sinnoh will have 2 sets of NCs
If they did original and sequel Unova they'll probably do Hisui too
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Lodge for next month?
I can't see any other choice for him honestly
Mr.Mime to match his mute clown personality or Voltorb for the bland design.
I don't understand how you guys are sequencing these. They just keep cutting inbetween and sandstorm nukes the timer.
>four straight months of fair exclusive lodge pairs
I hope not. It would be nice to have a few months of free characters getting in while the fairs who aren't in the monthly scout filter in before more limited characters get added to the lodge.
Is SC Chicken worth 3k? Does she have a good amount of LA solos?
She can do all 14
Espeon would be nice.
>get sparks
>haha it's another spotlight dupe
Fuck you, Takeuchi
>get sparks
>4/5 seasonal dupe
This happens way too often with the mix
That's why I just leave everyone at 1/5
Don't forget to claim your special exchange for today, you get 20 cake roll vouchers which amounts to a whole cake roll!
>Fuck you, Takeuchi
That doesn't really roll off the tongue does it
Is Chase, Piers, or Hau worth 5k?
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>Tina and Paulo serve no purpose in the scene and exist purely to have a super zoomed in shot of Tina's legs
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Damn, useless dupe
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Don’t know what the gimmick was for this one, but probably the easiest so far
At very least Lance was added to the shitty monthly banner. I still think that's a terrible banner and it's only fair if they shove Kabu, Iono, Rika and Volo in there.
Woah mix banner already gives Arc Suits?
>Shitcor rerun doesn't even give 5* PUs
I forgot to do daily co-op through days 2-5.
The gimmick is pretty much if you don't kill by sync your team gets disintegrated
Red lost to Lear
Just set up for his Arc Suit arc
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Got my Leaf. :)
they all need 3/5 to be good
>Steven is bait for red
checks out
>I don't understand how you guys are sequencing these
>Red lost to Lear
lmao even
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That’s all an Arc can do huh?
Is Marnie's gimmick just having attack based multipliers?
Double or triple Cynthia team is always kino
btw that same team also did 1 or 2 previous EBEs
>mix scouted by Lance while daily pulling for his arc suit

I fucking hate you Lance
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shotabros do I waste my last paypig gems on Bug Barry?
Not unless you don't have SS Hilbert or the SC trainbros.
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we need another 10 or 20 more energy extensions for grids. There is no reason to 5/5 almost any unit to get for example Vigilance when I can't barely barely anything else
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>USUM protags
will always be cringe
even as alola fan i'll never pull on those abominations
Is it worth picking SC Selene from selects now that we have Solgaleo Lillie? I have arc Steven and am planning on getting SS Lear
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fake alolafriend
I was of the same mindset but DeNA actually managed to make Ultra Chicken look cute
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*steals Cynthia's thunder*
>gems that we have 0 proof to be distributed and merch that isn't even from masters
>1+ million
more like barely 1 since it got updated from 900k.
For some reason I had expected the extreme battle event to be a bit more difficult
why are legendaries so mistreated in this game?
Most of them are wasted on welfares, shitty random special costumes and dead on arrival underwhelming pairs. Isn't The Pokemon Company super obsessed with brand consistency? Dena has done irreversible damage to the franchise
>still no pullable Mewtwo
DeNA is crazy
Because this game is about the trainers
>Dena has done irreversible damage to the franchise
Kusomas will be forgotten by TPC as soon as EoS hits
The only things that will remain are the few droplets of merch they gave away
Red is a fucking jobber and fraud, can't stop losing as soon as he leaves Kanto, fucking clown.
>pulled him on a daily 1 multi away from spark
he really wants me to go through it all
hopefully steven will come in a daily too
These extreme battles are not region/type locked like the previous ones so you just use the rats for everything and you're good to go.
Mistreated how? They're borderline worshipped. Constantly legendary wank.
saved for arc giovanni and mewtwo x
>just use the rats for everything
Well, that would require me to have the rats first
Is 1/5 SC Barry good? I've just always used SS Hilbert with Lusamine for bug.
>Is 1/5 SC Barry good?
he's ok but you would want to use another bug with him. Him and hilbert would be great together
Do you have the recent NC Blue?
He alone is more than enough to solve these EBs, rest can be extra debuffers or immunity mons and on-type dps.
The main gimmicks of these UBs are rebuffs and stats control, technically rebuffs only because they last until the end of the battle beside Lusamine clearing them on sync, the other option is taking advantage of timed interferences for damage, going through Resilience stalling.
How do you make supports better than NC Blue and Steven without just powercreeping them by doing all the things they currently do but also sets zone?
Give them a 0 gauge move that can miss without animation and sprint ex role
zone + sprint role (or just Adrenaline 3 on grid)
>dead multi on ASS banner
This shit should be forbidden
make them all females
Afroman is gone bro
Now that the dust has settled, rank the regions in terms of gameplay strength

For me, it's
Top Tier



Kinda shit rn
something like that

I'm not sure about Hoenn, its kinda carried by Arc Steven >> SS Steven / SC Zinnia / F. Roxanne > rest
I guess seasonals Liza, Tate, Lisia, Wallace are ok too
>SC Zinnia
Is she really that good?
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nobody has her so the two people who rolled for her always lie about how useful she is (she isn't)
I can feel this will be a Hoenn year
Best in Dark 3v1 DC
good nuker
AoE rebuff
enemy buffs haze + block

bad non-sync dps though
>Best in Dark 3v1 DC
That would be Serena

Your turn
Cringe video title
What costume units are worth picking up?
Irida, Adaman, Zinnia, maybe Steven
Hoenn is garbage outside of arc and ss steven and maybe a few mid tier seasonals
ss brendan is the only other support, and he's not particularly good and all 3 master fairs are outdated as fuck and have 0 or negative synergy. The only currently released hoenn circle unit also cant be used with the master fairs since its a special sun unit unless you want solar beam dps
Their only fair unit in 2 years was fucking greta lmao
>14k - 300 gems from UB left for this month
It's snover for me
lear bros... i need 6k for a pity dont kill me
Hoenn still has
SS Wally (irreplaceable in top tier fairy teams, one of the best types)
SS May (Strongest pure ST fire type)
SC Steven (situational but irreplaceable at what he does)
Then SS Brendan is still a great ramping/special enabling support, Fall Roxanne is one of Arc Cynthia's best partners, NY Wallace only just being a little worse than Mix Blue, etc make them a pretty decent region. Definitely wouldn't put Galar or Johto above them at least
Just you wait for NC May and Brendan.
I really wish SS Brendan was better. He’s spooked me way too many times and invested in him fully since I have him 5/5 and he’s still so mediocre and frail. He barely even works with Arc Lance and Lucas.
The best I can use him for is 3 crits in one turn, double headstart, adreline and Sprint or double headstart, adrenaline, Sprint and double potion refresh.
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Yeah I run him with this, but maybe it might help him to get potion tiles since I don’t need the sharp entry with Lance and Lucas
Brendan is the support I use the most.
>Arc Lance and Lucas
Yeah I can see you suck at building teams. You have to pair him with units with head start for fast sync nukes. Like why are you even pairing him with Lance who already lowers the special defense by -6. Such a waste
>Like why are you even pairing him with Lance who already lowers the special defense by -6.
Because I wanted to try a full dragon team with Lance's passive but other dragon supports are even worse. It's not like opponents don't raise their own sp.def. I only tried using them for a full special dragon team but it's obviously shit because of Brendan who can't even provide anything useful outside of sp.def drops. It led me to candy my NC Nate so I run him and Lance together now for better results.
Sorry. Only SST Rat is required. The other one van easily be replaced by SS Hau.
Why cant i romance lear in the lodge yet...
t. Baby "Rachel" 5
today is the last day for arc suit pairs right?
how much of an improvement is 3/5 steven over 1/5 steven?
I got him 1/5 but I need 100 more scout points for a pity
Last day for the Super Sparring Damage Challenge Event, the banners last until the first week of October.
>how much of an improvement is 3/5 steven over 1/5 steven?
his biggest grid node is at 4/5, not 3/5
its 1/5 or 4/5
thanks, I'll keep daily pulling
no point going for pity right now since I won't get 4/5
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>check last gallery additions
>pisana is STILL drawing pokeboys with tits
it's fucking over...
How much does paralysis slow the Pokemon?
I can still delude myself for some of the sfw pics
But yeah it's truly over in general, especially for the spicier stuff
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Are variety Sawyer and Rachel good or are they as bad as the rocket admins?
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Easy peezy lemon squeezy
Irida Irritating not even needed
They're worse than the variety admins
It's weird all the previous Variety kits have been above average but for these 2 it's like they forgot Varieties are limited pool pairs
They realized that they are giving one away for free and their value is just being support/sprint with flinch.
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UB down, thanks Morty
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You did skip Lance to pull for Lear right?
Master fairs are an outdated concept and are not longer worth rolling on
I skipped Cynthia and will skip Lear again, if Hoopa was a shit design that turnermon cheese mascot is even worse looking.
Sawyer & Rachel > Tina >>> Supervillain Collector > Lear & Paulo
They clearly are mix and match members for the Arc rebuff units together with other forms of limited banners tho.
Lance is gonna get powercrept within the year
screencap your post for when the dragon MFs get their perfect dragon support instead, /pmg/ isn't known for having good takes after all
Which damage challenge units are the best at 3/5?
Can finally kick Lance out of the lodge and go back to leveling Rika to 1000.
For what type and mode (3v1 or 3v3, special parameters event or standard)?
I mean the reward rivals
I guess Blue for sync countdown and easy sync and damage multipliers, followed by Marnie's debuffs and coverage and Wally's utility.
he is mid
Tech > Sprint
>Hilbert heals for 8k every time you miss
>enemy spams aoe accuracy debuffs

I had to fucking restart just because Hilbert refused to fucking die. I assumed that N was going to be the biggest threat so I burned everything to get him down fast.
I am taking the night one pledge
Full spark, candy, and cake saved
Love Lear!
>extreme battle tips
>use rain
>use sun

Full paid banner until getting him or nothing!
Use rats, simple as.
Accurate, synced with bird and one shot with thunderbolt once again.
I don't even feel guilty anymore about it. It's not like they're designed in a way that there's any other way to clear but dumb cheese.
>have this specific master fair or die
>or just use Red
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Keeping the Alola UB streak going
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>had to change my Cynthia because she kept getting paralized and couldn't clear
I kneel Alolagods
They clearly want you to use Nemona and Mina for this fight but it was way easier just using Ash and NC Blue. I dont even have Red I just use my 1/5 C. Elesa.
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does this mean Paldea will never get Neo champions?
It's still possible, Blue (and Red) got NCs while being considered champions in their home region
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

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